Thursday, January 15, 2009

battlefield progress

Heavy fighting was reported from Chilawatte as 59 Division engaged the LTTE yesterday. 7 soldiers were killed and another 70 injured in the fighting. LTTE is concentrating its forces to the east of the Mulaitivu Lagoon. The strategy will be to travel from the west of the lagoon to the east.

Heavy fighting was also reported south of Iranamadu, at Ampakamam north in the last few days as Task Force 3 under Brigadier Liyanage headed into LTTE areas. 10 LTTE cadres were confirmed killed in the attack while some Charles Anthony, Imran Pandian, Malathi unit cadres have started abandoning their posts and escaping the LTTE along with their civilian captives.

While some LTTE teams in Mulaitivu still engage in the failed bund/trench defense system to stop an army, which became outdated in World War I, LTTE units east of Kilinochchi, who learnt their lesson the hard war from the 57 and the 58, have started deploying small teams for hit and run operations, particularly at Vattakachchi.

Troops advancing on Vishvamadu and about 7km away from their target while resistance in the general area north of Paranthan has gradually diminished as troops reach Chundikulam (Sundikulam).


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peter ponnaya said...

Kuttu brotherrr,

Apitha ithin pukama thama

ho ho

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Pundaie LTTE hardcore. Pundanga Duall Core etc. but Our guys giving them shit kicking attack...

Peter said...


Apthath ithin Pukama thama

GrrRRR gr ge giya giya ...

Sithsala said...

dropping leaflets with current situation map, possible access routes, IDP management locations, telephone numbers, and whatever other info should be done everyday.

just load some leaflets in MI24/35 during their sorties and ask the gunners/someone to drop them while en-route and back.

every air sortie - attack/transport - can do this.

DoDo said...

Menon's visit has been a big blow to LTTE. So far nothing about a CFA and Tamilmut is crying.



Hon.VP said...

Ado Mahen,
Ado Peter,

Koo mage geani (my wipe)

mata last ekata eka parak deepan bung (last fuck eka)

aiyo matah ithin magema pukama thama

Sinhabahu said...

Ananda USA Said

One of the intriguing questions about the progress of the war is, WHERE IS DIV 53 & WHAT IS IT DOING?


Mate saw in a sunday paper that part of the 53 is redeployed at mankulam on a supporting role where it could support any division on the mankulam Mulathive axis and mankulam iranamadu a good move to strengthen the offensive capability of the TF's moving in to the mulative jungle

Ares said...

From TamilNut.vp

India should stop war, instruct Colombo to talk to Tigers - BJP Tamil Nadu

well i think they should try out something different for a change. Instead of asking India to ask us to stop the war why not ask LTTE to lay down their arms and talk to us.

Why also us talk to them???

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Hi TS:

" am not an aviation expert, and even from the limited knowledge I have abt air-warfare, it is difficult to say whether these are parachute retarded munitions or whether simply fall behind as the jet is moving faster than mach 1."

I think they are... drop and forget..kinda...stuff...

The Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) is a guidance kit that converts existing unguided gravity bombs, or "dumb bombs", into all-weather "smart" munitions. JDAM equipped bombs are guided to their target by an integrated inertial guidance system coupled with a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver for enhanced accuracy, giving them a published range of up to 15 nautical miles (28 km) from the release point. The program's approach was in contrast to earlier laser-guided bomb and imaging infrared technology, both of which can be hindered by adverse ground conditions; however, laser designators are now being fitted to some JDAMS as well, because of their suitability for attack

if you need more info then'll find plenty...

Colomblogs said...

Collapse comments for IE/Safari?

Sri Lankikaya said...


do agree, replayed several times. on the one that the fellows stop and run away you can still see the tractor after the explosion. Nonetheless the explosion would damagae the rest of the gun and render it useless. though the barrel itself may not be severely damagaed

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

if you have a flight simm, then you can try dropping one of those JDAM your self and get a feel for it. I did it its pretty cool..

Sri Lankikaya said...

Saman aiya ayubowan

cheers for the valuable input

nemesis, are you around brother, would you mind adding on

Peter said...

Latest pictures from battle field

LTTE hardcore in action

Puran Appu said...

DoDo, duzz, nisal or anyone,


Did anyone of you heard that military spokesman saying Entire Kilinochchi District been liberated by now?

DoDo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DoDo said...


Did anyone of you heard that military spokesman saying Entire Kilinochchi District been liberated by now?

So you heard it too?

Believe it or not, they broke this news on Sirasa (news preview)! :))

I thought I didn't hear it right, but I guess its true then:))

velluprabhakaran said...

vesapillai's description-

Photo- looks like a massive black pig
height- 4.5 ft
Fluency in Sinhalese/English- cannot speak. can only kill. disability- unable to negotiate or live peacefully.

Anonymous said...

didnt hear the spokesman himself but "Siyatha" radio broke this news couple of hours ago.

Ramanadanpuram was the last township of Kili district

Puran Appu said...


I too heard it machan. I just wanted to get it confirmed. So it's true. :))

Just check the District border in s' map.

Can you imagine?

If Udaya Nanayakkara says "we have liberated", it means that forward elements are few kilometers ahead of the said area.

Puran Appu said...


Get ready to get a shock when and update it's maps.

DoDo said...


I think the eastern Kilinochchi boundaries are Ramanathanpuram and Puliyampokkanai.

So they must have captured Puliyampokkanai, even though there was no official report yet....

DoDo said...

Sri Lankan state bus operates in Kilinochchi after 20 years

Colombo (PTI): A Sri Lanka state transport bus ferried a group of passengers, for first time in last 20 years, from the captured defacto LTTE capital of Kilinochchi.

The Hindu

Congrats all around!

Puran Appu said...


Yes machan. It looks like that. WoW

I think they are not worried about releasing official reports. What they want is to finish it off as soon as possible.

There was a talk in the evening that A35 is been cut off from North of Mulla and Mulla is to fall soon. Don't know for how far it's true.

DoDo said...


There was a talk in the evening that A35 is been cut off from North of Mulla and Mulla is to fall soon. Don't know for how far it's true.

This was written in a DBS Jeyraj article in trancurrents.

Can't really trust that guy machan...used to be good, but not anymore.

Puran Appu said...



Thanks Mate.

perein said...

Count down started :)

DoDo said... says Army close to cutting off A35 (there's a typo in A34)

Unknown said...

I think the pottu story is a fake one, what benefit would he have by handing himself over.
SL gov can't treat him well even if we wanted to, because India wants him hanged.. and SL courts ordered the same.
So the tiger intel leader may not be that stupid to expect, him to be the karuna Amman for north.
And in gota's interview he made it specifically clear that the leaders would be hanged definitely though the lives of the junior ranks will be spared.
so if we had him caught, gota would be careful with his word or may have to eat his own words.
If he really handed himself over the tiger intel leader may not had brains at all, which i doubt.

BTW this guys needs to be a dangerous fella to let go.

Puran Appu said...


Yes Bro.

Hopefully February 4th will be the big day.

Lets see how it goes. :))

thambapanni said...


I think as some one already said, Mahen has some serious involvement with SLA Intelligence. And my belief is using this pseudonym to give out the facts, covered in a load of bull shit so that no one guesses which side he is really in. As Vajira pointed out, I also think many of the actual 'facts' in his posts, after you filter out the rubbish has some real value.
As Defencewire already said, he might have to close shop soon because I think his identity is about to be jeopardized if he goes along like this. So in that sense, , what mahen is doing could well be the only way that we will get the real facts in a few days time.. Sometimes the way he puts things is so funny anyway, however he looks a so authentic Peelamist otherwise.
Thats my observation anyway.

Puran Appu said...

Darth Plagueis,

Ya. it's very unlikely.

Even though he is caught, no one will know and the information wont come out.

ඔස්කා said...

Guys.. Pottu drama is a Mahen's dream.. Dont waste time on it. He needs some "Breaking News" to keep his readers tuned in.. :D

DoDo said...

Unlike the media in other countries, Sri Lankan media (or some elements of it) are far from patriotic.

These cocktail circuit worshipers will sell their mothers if the price is right:))

MOD has no other option but to keep out the sensitive news out from the media at this crucial time. Why invite trouble when you are doing well:)

Unknown said...

thambapanni ,

Yep, I feel the same about Mahen. If i remember right once he said that the "diaspora is holding funds because of the fact that pottu defected".
that reveals a hidden agenda behind that post. even if a problem of holding funds dose not exist this guy tries to create one.
But the last one on Mech infantry brigade is kind of too silly for a military intel agent. may be they wanted to show some sloppyness purposely.

Asithri said...

Hullo Hullo Tamil disease-pora

Any decapitation strikes from the “tamil liberators” as promised?


ha ha ha ...this is now beginning to sound like an outrageous comedy show!

:)) :)) :))

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

Not good...really not good...

Just got off the phone with Colombo...

Still the info. is coming, but the couple of "cluster strike" sorties from SLAF in east Killinocchi and Mulativu (in the south if I recall right) have been bulls-eye hits!

Dead bodies of LTTE whorebitches/bastards are now coming in tractor-loads I am told.

No, not good...not good at all for the great "tamil liberators"...

:(( :(( :((

OaO Asithri

lankaputhra said...

please update the blog...
This is the last days of the might have few days or weeks left for :)

Asithri said...


[Folks, VP is said to be using body doubles.]

A good one!

How could a black, oily, ugly, fat & sick whale find a body-double that easily???


OaO Asithri

SenGin said...


see below link for LTTP mechanized division action in puthukudirippu... ...dont know how they developed such a amazing unit...

I think LTTP counter strike is imminent. SLDF should be vigilant...

Asithri said...


[The game is almost over. It would be a shame if they were to surrender and deny our boys their legitimate sport]

True mate. What a pity it would be! Imagine it all finishing and the last recruits of the SLA returning home without having popped a LTTE whorebitch/bastard? How bad a feeling that can be!

Perhaps we can loan some of those boyz to the Hindians to quell “militant dissent” in TamilNadu (translated: Tamil Nation)???


OaO Asithri

Asithri said...


Good one mate!!!

Keep 'em coming...makes my day!!!

:)) :)) :))

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

Gotabaya Rajapakse:

["Sirasa kiyana khelmalata"]...


This was the most memorable part of his interview to me!

:)) :)) :))

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

An OaOA award winning post by Ninja:

[Mahen is in great danger!! Saradieyl has proved in very short time he is much better clown than Mahen.. ha ha]

:)) :)) :))

btw, where did that RW-arselicker undercover LTTE whorebitch go to?

Went to look for katukambi for his half-finished house and in the process got katukambi up his arse and now in Colombo GH?


OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

[katukambi up his arse]

Well, not really a joke...

NVA used to do that to traitors during the Vietnam war...Mmmmm...wonder if there is an applicability to be had here (i.e. from the victors of that war) least vis-à-vis LTTE terrorist moles we capture in Colombo???

Just a humble, pious thought...

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...


[Dear TamilNet Editor
Yours Sincerely
PS: Can I please have a refund?]


[Dear Tamil people,

It's the million dollar question isn't it? Do we struggle in the future? Well, I belive we should struggle a lot more because struggling is what we do. We will struggle and wiggle a bit too. We should then jiggle and struggle. Then continue struggling while wiggling and jiggling.

I hope I answered the important question of the Tamil national question. Cheers Raja-lingam]

Wow! Wow indeed!!!

Mates, you guys make me go into hysterical laughter...yes, this is too much!!!

:)) :)) :))


OaO Asithri

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Re: Fatpig

I still think that he is in SL. Logically speaking, he will stay as long as he has some hope of a relief - be it retaliation or cease fire. Right now in his point of view, his hardcore folks can at least hold for some time, whereas there are many countries trying to force SL to stop war. If he has any hope Fatpig will remain in SL, since living abroad is not that easy for him. He will try to flee on the day he finds all his sinister plans getting washed away.

Re: Where is FatPig?

I think he's in Mula. Following are my reasons.

- Exceptional retaliation power at Chilawatte
- Use of AA guns
- Pussycats pay little attention for the remaining regions other than Mula. Always ready to withdraw.
- Mula is on shore, easy to run away.
- Mula is a hard place to capture
- Can't trust ppl at this last moment so risky to stay in Wishvamadu etc

Re: 53rd

I think that a portion of it has been relocated at Ampakamam [aka Ambagama]. It is wise as that is the widest front and the harshest terrain [jungle]. Also it is the likeliest location for retaliation.

Re: Is 53rd the most formidable division?

How many of you think that it is still valid to call 53rd as the most formidable offensive unit? It was coined long before Wanni operation. Right now 57, 58, 59 are beefed up heavily. They have proven in the battle front that they are capable of decimating any kind of a force. So I think those three are the most formidable. Among them after a close contest 57, 59, 58 would be my guess for the order.

Re: DW Silence

DW as you're silent due to pressure from your unseen military lords, shall I suggest a post on the strength of each division and how they can be rated. Hey man, get a single or two, don't allow maiden overs.

Re: MI24 amid AA fire

I do not think that MI24 should be risked too much. If shot, other than the life loss and damage, we will give them a very high psy-edge. They need such oxygen right now to make the diaspora bigwigs to release the mutti kasi which would otherwise be used for building the network of Cafe de Eelam.

Re: Chilawatte

Not an easy task. As the stretch gets narrower it will turn out to be another K-M-N. We need to be strategic here. I think 593 should not push forward too much.

Re: From Chundikulam to Challai

I think 55th should not make a move immediately. Such moves may be very costly. Also we need some guard for Jaffna P'sula.

Re: 593 Crossing of A35

Seems possible. Not only DBSJ reported, but anyway 593 were touch close.

Re: Cutting off Mula

Crossing A35 is not enough. Someone has to cut Mula-Chundi rd too. In another words, capturing Challai is the way to cut off Mula.

Re: Challai

Either 593 or 58th should take Challai. It will be tough. We should use 55th for a tease and send the actual force from other direction. 55th going along is very dangerous.

Capture of Challai will make the pussycat region broken to two. I was waiting to see this.

Re: India

Wins Academy awards for best drama called "Cease fire and Safe Passage, oh my Arse" directed by Mr S S Mennon.

The tamil copy of this drama is called "Hunger Strike, oh My Health" in which the main actor abandons fast unto death since it may kill him due to bad health. So WTF? Wasn't that all he wanted? I mean, to die. This is like someone committing suicide does not jump into ocean scared of getting flu.

Asithri, shouldn't some OaOA Award be granted to ThiruMavalan?

Sam Perera said...

Sujeeva K,

"Re: Where is FatPig?

I think he's in Mula. Following are my reasons."

I have the same thoughts as you have. The negative sides I saw is that Mula will be surrounded soon from the north soon and it is too close to the front.

"Re: 53rd

I think that a portion of it has been relocated at Ampakamam [aka Ambagama]."

I talked to VIR guy in 53rd and 53rd is positioned in the general neighborhood of Ampakamam-Mankulam.

"Re: Is 53rd the most formidable division?"

53rd was trained and equipped for open terrain warfare with fast mobility (note mechanized infantry). However, as a fact those two divisions have the most experienced soldiers coming from 54th division. We all saw how fast they went to Chundikulam. Which division is the best today? I guess they all are, since we are winning the war together with a coordinated effort.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Northern War Front 17 th January 2009

LTTE finietho...Adios...Amie..Go

Asithri said...


[Asithri, shouldn't some OaOA Award be granted to ThiruMavalan?]

Yes mate.

This anti-Sinhela racist bastard get the "OaO Award for Performing Charades"...!!!


OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

PTI news...

LTTE using Tamils as 'human shields

[Accusing the LTTE of using Tamils as "human shields" in the ongoing war with Lankan army, AIADMK Chief Jayalalithaa on Saturday demanded that the Tamils caught in the crossfire should be allowed to go to safer places. "If they (LTTE) allow the Tamils to go to a safer place, then there will not be any civilian loss," she said here, when asked on the Sri Lankan Tamils issue]

All in all, this old cow (once a hottie I am told; was before my time, what a pity! lol) has come to her senses and has done much to portray the LTTE terrorists for what they are!

:)) :)) :))

OaO Asithri

Anonymous said...

VP's AC rat hole

2 sucide boats captures by 59

Asithri said...

Govt. tightens screws on NGOs, INGOS

[Saturday, January 17,2009
COLOMBO: Plans are in place for a programme to regularise and monitor the disbursement of funds to Non Government Organisations (NGOs) in an effort to make their contribution to Sri Lanka’s development more vibrant and systematic, a senior official of the Plan Implementation Ministry said Friday. Ministry Secretary Dhara S Wijayatilake warned NGOs which did not cooperate would be reported to the Defence and Social Services Ministries and the NGO Secretariat with the possibility of visas of foreigners attached to these organisations being cancelled.]

Not fcuking rocket science! Should have been done long ago!

For a fact...

hundreds of our ranvirus died trying to overcome "earth bunds" that were constructed by the LTTE whorebitches using the large number of heavy earth-moving equipment that were taken to the Wanni by Norwegian, UNO and other western INGO organizations during the RW ponnaya's "ceasefire agreement"...!

Yes GOSL, it is high time this was done!

OaO Asithri

Anonymous said...

# Muthaiyankattukulam village captured - 8 km to A35 (I don't know from where??)

# 19 bodies found - Muthaiyankattukulam

# 8 bodies found - Iranamadu

# 18 bodies at Vavunia hospital

# 2 km to Vishvamadu

# 3 km to Pudukuduiruppu

# Ramanadanpuram liberated

# Iranamadu tank fully captured

# K'chi district liberated

So peelaam is sooo close now...

Asithri said...

When I say katukambi in his arse!


I mean.... Mage puka redenna patan gaththa!!


Mata tamileelam supporters erapu katukambiya thama thiyenawa!!

They really gave me the katukambi treatment here in NYC!!!Imaging this humble OaO Asithri still with a 9" piece of katukambi in my arse!


That is why my arse is on fire always!!!

Ayyo ammo danawa, redenawa!

Truely LMSSAO!!!

Budu ammo....

OaO Asithri

TropicalStorm said...


Thanks for the clarification.

Someone familiar with the technology confirms that these are chute retarded munitions and not simple gravity (dumb) bombs.
Said to be costly too.

THe second bombs drop appears to coincide with the jet kicking into after-burner and goes into a climb.

Some guys get to play with all the cool stuff.

TropicalStorm said...


The NGOs came under the microscope when someone from abroad wanted action in that area. In fact we demanded expulsion of those who cannot justify their stay. No less.

You see, if you have any good ideas, write to Gotabhaya at the email address given on the web site. They rarely respond, but action is seen within days. That's something unusual in SL govt bureaucracy, but shows exactly how serious the present SLG is abt this issue. These guys ain't fckn' around bro'. For once we have brains and balls in the same package, and it is action time.

Asithri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Asithri said...

ha ha ha Fake OaOA aka Saradiyel aka Pansilu...

I wondered where your went to…umbey ammata-hukka...LMSSAO!!!

Still trying to get your half-done whore house up uh in Malabay? What a fucking depressed UNP arse-licking peasant!!! LMSSAO!!!
Anywa, I see while I was away, some patriots took your Kahuttha out in the blog uh!!! LMSSAO!!!

So, Ponnaya, who are you planning to put into "use" in that whore-house you are building? Of course your Amma for sure I know, but how about your wife and daughter?

I am sure LTTE cells in Colombo will give you dasa-paraya "good business" given your RW UNP/LTTE connections!!!

Thodgey ammagey pukkai, katai, kunu-huththei mama arinnam para UNP RW=LTTE wesigey putha – that is when I am next in Colombo – so be patient till then!!!

Maru wachana neyda puuk-kollo???


OaO Asithri

Asithri said...


[Asithri, The NGOs came under the microscope when someone from abroad wanted action in that area. In fact we demanded expulsion of those who cannot justify their stay. No less]

I am fully aware of this bro. This is why some RW/TNA/LTTE motherfuckers hate us Sinhela expats even more than they hate the actual Ranaviru brothers in the war front!

[These guys ain't fckn' around bro'. For once we have brains and balls in the same package, and it is action time.]

No joke brother. Yes, this is why all this bloody agitation (i.e. “naadagam natum”) from the RW/LTTE supporting whore-bitches/bastards in this blog!

OaO Asithri

Nisal said...

[[Puran Appu said...


Now it's less than 400 km2. :)

Poor Peelam.]]

wow. 2% of original utopia.

Anonymous said...

/LTTE using Tamils as 'human shields': Jayalalithaa

Chennai (PTI): Accusing the LTTE of using Tamils as "human shields" in the ongoing war with Lankan army, AIADMK Chief Jayalalithaa on Saturday demanded that the Tamils caught in the crossfire should be allowed to go to safer places.

"If they (LTTE) allow the Tamils to go to a safer place, then there will not be any civilian loss," she said here, when asked on the Sri Lankan Tamils issue.

"As far as the Indian government is concerned, the LTTE is a banned organisation. LTTE will not solve the ethnic crisis," she said.

Jayalalithaa said the AIADMK's stand was that Tamils living in the island nation should be given rights on par with the Sinhalese./

Jayalalitha just need go one step forward - find out what right tamils do not have and sinhalese have in SL.. Then tamil cause sloved.. and tamilnadu can show they do have politicians who are not jokers as well..

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

TropicalStorm, Asithri and guys are doing a amazing job here.

Thank you Brothers !

We must speake the language that terrorist understand.

Sam Perera said...


Dude, you make us proud.

Asithri said...


Ane Pakayo, thoge kata witharai.


Grow up you liitle 10 year old goo bario!


Wwithout fighting with patriots like puftha bufoon. Wesige putho, you are only a showing off MF, who has no patriotism at all.


You are trying to fcuk with humble asithri without knowing my position with SLDF, you MF.

If you ever come to SL, I will show you my position in SL.

Truelly LMSSAO!

Always fcuking to fake patriots!

OaO Asithri.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Tamil Sex Movies - Exclusive Tamil Sex Photos And Sexy Tamil Girls!

please welcome to Ltte sex site and enjoy

and Thank you for funding Tamil fucking tiger Mooment

please come again, again keep visiting...

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

our tiger national leader staying in a very fucking deep bunker...if you think I am lying then click the link on below....

Human shielded LTTE Under Ground Safe House Found in Dharmapuram Wanni Operation 17 th January 2009

Vehelupillia Peebarakaran night park

Jambudipa said...

Why there is so much hatred in this blog all of a sudden?

heylo, Astri, buddy i feel you should calm down a somewhat. no likes a nuisance.

Asithri said...

Now, where is OaO NODARUWA gone!

I must have humbled him and scared him, bariya may be shitting all over NYC now!


He can't come to SL again!! with a ripped rectum and dripping urine all over, can he?


He tried fcuk with this really humble really and truely master OaO Asithri!!! and got his arse exploaded with a claymore mine.

Come back to papa, goo bariya!


OaO Asithri

Jambudipa said...

karuna entered Maligawa. makes you want to puke but in spirt of buddhiam and forgiveness et al, i feel we need to forgive Tamil sons of eastern soil desipite their past mistakes.

Jambudipa said...

heylo astri,

i thought i asked you to calm down. why arent you shutting up?

Anonymous said...


Add fake Asithri to sithsala's list. It will reduce filth by 50%. Anyway fake asithri's only job is attacking asithri using borrowed vocabulary.

@ Mahen's evolution

LTTE supporter - said all.. beginning
diasspora clown - said we
SLA mole - said LTTE supporters
SLA mole - said we

who is he?? Mahen has become the most interesting character...

onecountry said...

Lets leave the profanity out. Lots of people read this blog and do not tarnish the image of srilanka and our defence forces.

Sam Perera said...

OaO Asithri

Asithri, is this you????


onecountry said...

Looks like there are multiple asithris here.

Jambudipa said...


i feel the quality of discussion in this blog has deteriorated. there seems to be so much personal dirty laudry aired which we really have no interest of hearing. fake login or no fake login, decorum of the blog must be maintined at all times. its the responsibity of everyone that it does so for the sake of sustaining quality dialogue and harmonous atmosphere.

Asithri said...


Mate, it is not hatred but meeting fire with fire.

There are three or four bastards here thinking that they can get away with foul words and scare off others they don't like.

I am just making them think twice and also encouraging others to fight back with menace.

So be patient for a while and ignore fire works, it may go away paving the way for healthy discussions.


Jambudipa said...


yes, we need to combat LTTE propaganda in a way that we do not turn ourselves into anoter version of Ltte. if we do, then we lost the plot. somewhere in buddhism it says i think its futile to fight hatred with hatred. so figthing fire with fire does not get us anywhere. think about it. we only shout sometimes when its needed not all the time.

Asithri said...


I stop right now!

However, if other bastards come out again with hatred, I will be squarly there to meet those.

Carry on, bro!


Anonymous said...


/i feel the quality of discussion in this blog has deteriorated. there seems to be so much personal dirty laudry aired which we really have no interest of hearing./

Yep, majority needs constructive discussion but unfortunately there are some elements their only objective is what you exactly said - destroy the blog.

They come with multiple IDs and start attacking on personal basis etc. Only solution is sithsala's list.

Jambudipa said...


we the sinhalese ever had a weakness its the lack of control with their emotions. there has patterns of this spread throught history. we are a very tolerant people, but the enemy knew how to press our buttons and get us to make mistakes in fits of rage. i see Astri and people who try to conrol the blog against these hostile elements also victims of this. as a community we have all the tools needed to control our minds but rarely use them effectively. there is a job to be done. it has to be done sans emotional attachement. only logic and reaon must prvail.

ReallyCold..... said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Asithri said...


// only logic and reaon must prvail.//

Huh Huh ha!

In this blog!!!

If what you say is trur? any tamil, any UNP or any other should be able to discuss things freely, free from harre!

Is it the case here?

No, any bastard who praise SLDF, any bastard praise GLSL, any bastard condemn LTTE is the best patriot in the world.

You see, my point, bro!

House is itself wrong! then what about others.

Do you really think, we have freedome of speech even in an annoymous blog like this?

Answer mate, this discussion is much better than BS defence fcuk.

Bhairav said...

[Why you all are scared to say anything against this goo bariya, asithri?]

We get valued added services for our bucks from this newly promoted da commander in chief of Lankan patriotic club.

Jambudipa said...

If what you say is trur? any tamil, any UNP or any other should be able to discuss things freely, free from harre!

buddy astri,

i think youll find the benefits of free expression are known by everyone by now. typically people who are aginst it are those who have some truth to hide. find me a Tamil blog where you can have free expression and you know what im on abot.

Sam Perera said...


You are the best writer on the Lankaweb.

What are you doing here?


OaO kandy

Jambudipa said...

Rasiah Illanthiriyan , LTTE military spokesman has been taken into custody yesterday by the LTTE while he was attempting to escape into government controlled area.

good grief! the child molester aka kilnochi bob trying to flee.

Sam Perera said...

Relax folks,

Above is the fake Asithri. He come auto collapsed in my view.

Asithri said...


You are being taken for a ride...this is a fake "Asithri" you are arguing with...

My Blog ID is: 04088197982256468403

This is a RW/LTTE whorebitch...a wesa-puutha of a wesa-gani from Sri Lanka...that is why he is hiding under my he has no backbone to come on his own...he was also here earlier as "saradiyel" and "pansilu" and the bitch got creamed from your truly here and other patriots here.

So mate, give up arguing with the wesa-puutha and leave the bitch to me.


OaO Asithri

p.s. This ponnaya-motherfucker just appeared on the scene...any doubts about my ID can be verified from my old posts such as from December 18, 2008 at:

One thing this RW/LTTE wesa-ponnaya cannot imitate is the blog ID...and yes, eventhough he may post even historically, he cannot get an old date stamp do not be fooled.

However, I am kind of flattered that he is imitating this OaO Asithri! Wow! This proves this OaO Asithri has rubbed salt in the RW/LTTE wesa-ponnayas' wounds!!!


Asithri said...

Fake Asithri

[Do you really think, we have freedome of speech even in an annoymous blog like this?]

ha ha ha...terrorist supporter wants "freedom of speech"...!!!

Listen wesa-puutha...not freedom of speech, but you will soon get "white van" treatment ...saw my earlier post???


OaO Asithri

p.s. how is your she up for a game of "raw lime fruit" with this humble OaOA? She must, becos the last time we played it, she loved it!!! LMSSAO!!! Truly LMSSAO!!! Hooooo!!!

Asithri said...


[Asithri, You are the best writer on the Lankaweb]

Kandy, although I have written in Lankaweb in the past, no I do not credit for what I think you are referring, I always post using "OaO Asithri" and even in AsianTribune I used "Scorpion aka OaO Asithri" ...

No, I don't need to take any other name, or others' handles, unlike RW/LTTE back-boneless she-male motherfuckers do!!!

:)) :)) :))

OaO Asithri

Sam Perera said...


You have a great future as a Sri Lankan young writer. I feel that you have been misguided by some people on DefenceWire. Most of them now know who you are.

People will never pay attention to your articles in the future when they read how you behave here.

You are making a fool of yourself and you are the child soldier here on this blog drafted by Sinhalese elders.

Asithri said...


[We get valued added services for our bucks...]

Look who is talking about getting value for money!

Yes, a LTTE coolie boy from Jaffna (who incidentally is still trying to figure out the Weighted Average) after pumping motherload of money into a fake struggle that has gone bust now is talking about value of money!!!

Wow! The type of moronic creep that comes into this blog never fails to amaze me (makes my sport more fun though! :-))


OaO Asithri

Asithri said...


I hope you said what you said after reading my posts (and not that she-male "fake Asithri's" posts)...

If your comment was referring to posts from me (blog ID 04088197982256468403) then I would say to you that what your opinion of me does not impact me.

Some patriots here know me from almost 4 years ago and they know who I am and what I do for a living so, I am not worried about your rather condescending, ignorant comment.

OaO Asithri

Rover said...

Heh! Heh! Asithri,

Yes man, there was also a rumor that VP once tried to make a wax model of himself, but ended up shooting the artist (the guy who made the model), saying that "WTF, I am not that ugly and fat!".

Also heared that people who are really fat and ugly are all going jogging to make sure that they don't resemble VP in any way... fearing that they will be used as a body double!


Asithri said...


Good one mate!

:)) :)) :))

OaO Asithri

Anonymous said...



ID of original Asithri

ID of fake Asithri

If you add fake one to sithsala's list it will come already collapsed and you can read only if you want and can avoid confusion if any.

Re. Original Asithri and his ~!@#$%&* language

I think he argue on web with tigers for long time and have seen tigers come pretending our side and play the trick.. so whenever he smell any thing suspicious he fire all his MBRLs.. unfortunately his targets some times may be mistaken..

Re. Fake Asithri

I don't have evidence but its highly likely he could be pansilu. Ironically, one who oppose real Asithri's language and style now use same to counter him.

So Asithri's fans.. can just add fake to the list or else can read fake one's comments assuming real Asithri is attacking the fake..


/we the sinhalese ever had a weakness its the lack of control with their emotions./

True. We need to fix it. Should start from schools.

/only logic and reaon must prvail./

True. (Exception may be monkeys.. logic is some thing they don't know.. or we don't understand monkey logic.. whenever SLA advance... peelaam is closer..?? for them..)

Asithri said...


This "fake Asithri" (the RW/LTTE she-male whorebitch) is trying to engage some of you in seemingly rationalistic discussions blaming yours truly OaO Asithri I see...

However, my advice to you is first ask the whorebitch "why are you hiding under another's handle?"...

That will show the wesa-puutha what a ponnaya he is!

And thereby, such attempted bogus-rationalistic discussions should end up in "an open and shut case" ....


OaO Asithri

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

this is to 18408253066939784688

you asking freedom...from us? why not that your fat GroundHog, who lives 60KM underground.

if you feel real dizzy, then watch this too...Link to Freedom Fighting Movie

Asithri said...


[this is to 18408253066939784688]

:)) :)) :))

OaO Asithri

Revolutionary said...


SLA soldiers stripping a dead LTTE women cadres body and ridiculing it. And before you guys say it's propaganda, look at the video. the language, the uniform etc. And also the SLA's track record... proven rapes.. proven graves... stripping dead bodies of LTTE cadres naked and parading them on the streets...

This video actually saddens me... more because I know that these guys will never be brought to justice…

Asithri said...

OK patriots...I would love to stay and castrate RW/LTTE ponna-whores (like "fake Asithri" ID 18408253066939784688)...

but it is Saturday night in my neck of the woods and time to go party now...I am in a high-celebration mood over the fine achievements of our bravehearts!

Cheers and take care...catch you later..

OaO Asithri

Unknown said...

Let me suggest a name change for DW .

The slowest and the most accurate defense news and analysis (missing) on the web

Asithri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Asithri said...


"Tamil Aspirations" at their best:

These pics deeply sadden me...however, I am now overjoyed because I know the whore-bitches who did these acts are now being brought to "justice"…!!!

OaO Asithri

DoDo said...

K’nochci fully liberated

The Kilinochchi district has been liberated by the troops after they finally captured the last village of Kilinochchi, Ramanathanpuram yesterday (17), defence spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said.
The Kilinochchi district consists of four main villages Dharmapuram, Vishwamadu, Mulsamude and Ramanathanpuram. The defence spokesman said that after capturing Ramanathanpuram troops have liberated the district of Kilinochchi

ඔස්කා said...

This is the video link

Its a battle ground man..

Anonymous said...

if the A35 north of mula was cut off..its great news...

mula will automatically fall. unlike in kili the terras will be surrounded from all sides..

target paractice time!!!

ReallyCold..... said...



SLA soldiers stripping a dead LTTE women cadres body and ridiculing it. And before you guys say it's propaganda, look at the video. the language, the uniform etc. And also the SLA's track record... proven rapes.. proven graves... stripping dead bodies of LTTE cadres naked and parading them on the streets...

This video actually saddens me... more because I know that these guys will never be brought to justice…]

Can you show me where exactly the video is. The link you showed had an image and it is very inconclusive.

Remember, there is old military and the new and super improved.

The old folks have been found guilty of criminal activities on few occasions and some were even punished.

Unlike the Tamilnet readership, some of the people here are quite open minded and they like to see some solid evidence before making any comments.

I hope you got things better than this.

ReallyCold..... said...


Let me guess. You write against our boys, your writings makes sense. Therefore you must be an LTTE agent.

Sorry, if this sounds weird, that is how most 'patriots' think here.

[ yes, we need to combat LTTE propaganda in a way that we do not turn ourselves into anoter version of Ltte. if we do, then we lost the plot. somewhere in buddhism it says i think its futile to fight hatred with hatred. so figthing fire with fire does not get us anywhere. think about it. we only shout sometimes when its needed not all the time.]

ReallyCold..... said...

@මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Do you admit such video exist and it is true that SL soldiers are abusing dead LTTE female?

Do you call yourself a patriot?

[ Revolutionary , and that's why we told you to keep your young girls at home, not in the LTTE bunkers holding AK-47

Tamils are educated, but no knowledge...]

Anonymous said...

tamils are educated.. not the eeezam tamils

ReallyCold..... said...


Finally a Sinhalese with some wisdom. I am just trying to see where to place you.

Hmm, you are from either RW/UNP or LTTE camp. Since my foolish mind can't quite figure out, you must be RW/LTTE.... that's right.

" ninja,

we the sinhalese ever had a weakness its the lack of control with their emotions. there has patterns of this spread throught history. we are a very tolerant people, but the enemy knew how to press our buttons and get us to make mistakes in fits of rage. i see Astri and people who try to conrol the blog against these hostile elements also victims of this. as a community we have all the tools needed to control our minds but rarely use them effectively. there is a job to be done. it has to be done sans emotional attachement. only logic and reaon must prvail."

ReallyCold..... said...


Educated Tamils who provided backbone to LTTE are not smart.

If you watch the movie 'no more tears sister', you will understand.

Their mistakes have created a Tamil society in Sri Lanka without backbone and their progresses have been pushed back at least 50 years into the history.

The educated Sinhalese who call themselves patriots on this forum aren't smart either.

The best example is the famous Peradeniya graduate.

ReallyCold..... said...


I finally saw the video. The video raises more questions. The clear accent has a Tamil mix. I wonder this has been created with mixing images to discredit forces.

MIA said...

I was following a discussion in a defence blog between a layman and recent self-styled defence story teller.

The blogger with a fancy name said the battle for Elephant Pass is fought 14km to 25 km apart. This statement is technically nonsense. Every inch was battled. But this statement has a hint of truth. Army made five failed attempts to reach the old Elephant Pass garrison. Hundreds of troopers died without capturing the target. However when the area about 20km from the National Front was captured by other divisions, the area from the National Front and Elephant Pass fell easily.

If the topbrass had the wisdom of this layman blogger, hundreds of lives could have been saved. Unfortunately, in Sri Lanka there are only Yesmen and Naysayers not to mention "Tigers". There is no review of failures and if a journalist highlights it the messenger is shot.

Who takes responsibility for all the soldiers died thanks to bad military strategy?

People are intoxicated by victory and have forgotten the hundreds who died needlessly in attempts to capture Elephant Pass which fell to the LTTE in a pitch battle in 2000.

Volumes were written about the Mechanized Infantry. They said the MI will spearhead the march to Elephant Pass. They were obsessed with the difficult terrain too much that they disregarded the importance of other strategies. Did the MI spearhead the capture of Elephant Pass? Unfortunately no. It is better not even to mention the MI now.

It's not the terrain but the area further away from the FDL that mattered most. The more or less eventless march to Elephant Pass was spearheaded by a Division operating on the mainland as foretold by the blogger. The MI had an inauspicious start when the top brass was reminded where the threat loomed. Yet they missed the vital signs.

Those newborn defence story tellers and the top brass at the establishment were too pigheaded that they didn't even have the wisdom of a layman.

I'm no way saluting this blogger who also writes third grade nonsense and indecent garb to say the least. But if there is a panel of independent review of military plans in this country, the planners of many failed missions will have to answer to the people. It is a task for a future government. But by the time the culprits may be higher position or even abroad.

Just some food for thought. Failures are the pillars of success, unfortunately not in this country.

ReallyCold..... said...


[SLA soldiers stripping a dead LTTE women cadres body and ridiculing it.]

Stripping - It is possible dragging has stripped some clothes apart.

Ridiculing - yes, however that language has a Tamil accent. It is possible it has been dubbed.

[And also the SLA's track record... proven rapes.. proven graves... stripping dead bodies of LTTE cadres naked and parading them on the streets...]

Not relevant arguments for the current SLDF.

[This video actually saddens me... more because I know that these guys will never be brought to justice…]

I want you to share the responsibility as well, if it is true.

KB said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KB said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Asithri said...


//Re. Original Asithri and his ~!@#$%&* language

I think he argue on web with tigers for long time and have seen tigers come pretending our side and play the trick.. so whenever he smell any thing suspicious he fire all his MBRLs.. unfortunately his targets some times may be mistaken.. //

You are still trying to white wash this sorry arse, foul mouthed, MF by any standard, goo bariya, isn't it the truth?

//Argue on the web with tigers//

There are no tigers on the web but LTTE supporters, what is wrong with that? We already know they have supporters. We should listen to them very carefully to understand their future strategies etc. Why we have to attack them with filth?

//have seen tigers come pretending our side and play the trick.. //

So, what is wrong with that? what you are trying to protect? Most of all, do you honostly believe Asithri can protect us from them.

If you are naive to think that you will be the number one fool in the blog.

Saradiyel said...

Really Cold,

You didn't answer my yesterday reply to your question! read below.

// Saradiyel said...
Really cold,

//How do you write the word 'Water Backet' in Sinhalese ?//

huh huh ha

Water backet! or bucket!!

Well you want me to say "WALDIYA" OR "BALDIYA"?

Bro, you are doing a good job but what is the point discussing things with empty buckets.

I will discuss things with Wijayapala, rana or with you but really I don't have anything to say right now because SLDF is doing everthing correctly and smoothly. That is more than enough.

Other thing is, I come to this blog once a while for 05 minutes, my time is very precious to me.

January 17, 2009 8:30 AM//

Pansilu said...

Heh, Why people drag my name into others nonsense.

I do not see any difference between Asithri or fake Asithri.

They both are too filthy characters for my liking.

I only study other valuable bloggers. With the above two nothing to study.

Observer said...

MIA the armchair defence analyst,

you have started your disinformation campaign in this blog again.

Have you ever visited an area in North ? I think Sarath Fonseka knows the terrain better than you. do you agree ?

However I agree with a partial sentence you typed.. That is "Failures are the pillars of success". That is why we are beating the hell out of LTTE terrorists these days.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KB said...

Four prominent journalists have fled Sri Lanka

The four journalists are the political columnist of Lankadeepa newspaper Upul Joseph Fernando, Lankadeepa defence columnist, Rathnapala Gamage, Sunday Times defence columnist Iqbal Athas, and Anuruddha Lokuhappuarachchi, Reuters photojournalist.

Vultures are leaving the LTTE carcass. No more meat left on the bones.


Ra said...

MIA might ask that someone held responsible for killing 1000's of terrorists.

Moda gona...

Ra said...

Let me say something about this controversial video. There is no proof its army.

No body responsible for videoing the scene has come out.

There is no proof that women were tigers.

No proof it is not dubbed in sinhala.

No proof of location or dead peoples identity.

Nothing serious there other than naked bodies... no fucking scenes.

So my tiger lovers, shut up or ship out!

Ra said...

Let me say something about this controversial video. There is no proof its army.

No body responsible for videoing the scene has come out.

There is no proof that women were tigers.

No proof it is not dubbed in sinhala.

No proof of location or dead peoples identity.

Nothing serious there other than naked bodies... no fucking scenes.

So my tiger lovers, shut up or ship out!

Sri Lankan said...









Rover said...


Mongala is trying to disparage our Gota to Obama and Hillary, it seems.

Mongala's antics

Why does Mongala try so hard, as a politician, to fail? What kind of a joker is he to accuse Gota of attacking Sirasa, when there is an on going investigation and a UNPer has been arrested? I don't understand. What I worry mostly is the work of people like Mongs will undermine the war effort against the terrorists.

Our politicians have to learn a lot from people like Gota, about performing, focus and discipline. When the stupid politicians can't do this, they disparage the performers. Pathetic!

Sri Lankan said...



Sri Lankan said...


Sri Lankan said...



මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...


it's our country we rule and we do whatever the fuck we want, if you don't like it get the fuck out...RIGHT NOW...

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

United States congratulates Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

The best Sri Lankan President Ever..

The best of the Best...

We salute you !!! Sir.

Sri Lankan said...

You fucking bastered Moratu Saman... because of ppl like you only we have terrorism and rapes and killings.... there is no difference in the races or religions and all should be able to practice their beliefs freely but when there is a conflict the majoirity opiion will prevail but not unduly

Gayansphotography said...

Oh we go again....

velluprabhakaran said...

[Their mistakes have created a Tamil society in Sri Lanka without backbone and their progresses have been pushed back at least 50 years into the history.]

50 years is not enough. we should push them back to over a 1,000 years. that's why gota & sarath has to be around for some time to decide on the size of SL defense forces & plan for the future.

(300,000 - 500,000? etc).

soon SLDF will be a BRAND NAME that can be marketed. it's aleady getting recognition internationally as the BEST ANTI TERRORIST FORCE IN THE WORLD.

that's a hell of a title.

we must capitalise on that & start training other countries that are fighting terror (for a fee).

must make our DEFENSE FORCES PROFITABLE & SEE TO IT THAT THEY WON'T BE A BURDEN ON THE ECONOMY. (at least to a certain extent). no defense force in the world is kept for making profit. national security is above economics & cannot be compromised.

we can branch out to weapons, armoured vehicle, ship & fast boat manufacture. we can be a kind of israel in this area.

that's the only way forward.

making ourselves weaker after the war will only rekindle the dieasspora & terrorist activities & is completely out of the question. no negotiations whatsoever.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

"You fucking bastered Moratu Saman... because of "

Ammata Hukapann Kariya...Ponna Wesige Putha....

Thoge Ammage Naakie Hutha Esthirikaa Karala Huakanawa Dooo..

Rover said...


" The blogger with a fancy name said the battle for Elephant Pass is fought 14km to 25 km apart. This statement is technically nonsense. Every inch was battled. But this statement has a hint of truth. Army made five failed attempts to reach the old Elephant Pass garrison. Hundreds of troopers died without capturing the target. However when the area about 20km from the National Front was captured by other divisions, the area from the National Front and Elephant Pass fell easily."

Three points:

1. Wars can't be fought without battle field losses. When LTTE was given a free lease under RWs regime to get destructive area weapons, this is especially true.

2. The specific instance you talk about facilitated the other units to overcome the terrorists by committing LTTE specialized units and assets to the static EP front. When the battle planners saw thinning of the LTTE carder in he static front (through redeployment to the fight with 58 and 57), they had to perturb the FDL to force the LTTE to recall those units back to the FDL.

3. So you can't really say that the win in EP was due to other units alone.

Remember in WWII, the western front was about to fall, when Russia entered the war in earnest. This made Germany to re-allocate a significant portion of its battle units to the Eastern front. Ultimately this allowed both fronts to fall, resulting in allied victory. Think of the EP situation as something like this.

Moreover, on the Easstern front, the Russians lost 10 million men and axis lost 5 million.

"If the topbrass had the wisdom of this layman blogger, hundreds of lives could have been saved. Unfortunately, in Sri Lanka there are only Yesmen and Naysayers not to mention "Tigers". There is no review of failures and if a journalist highlights it the messenger is shot."

Sorry, if the battle planners thought like the layman blogger, we will still be pussy footing with tigers instead of getting anything done. I have no problem anyone criticizing anything, but there is no need to criticize, with the intention of disparaging people who have given leadership to the war. There are many other shortcomings in the SLDFs that needs constructive criticism, but I don't agree with you that the war was poorly fought.

"Who takes responsibility for all the soldiers died thanks to bad military strategy?"

I don't think there was bad military strategy involved.

"People are intoxicated by victory and have forgotten the hundreds who died needlessly in attempts to capture Elephant Pass which fell to the LTTE in a pitch battle in 2000."

Heh! Heh! wow!

"Volumes were written about the Mechanized Infantry. They said the MI will spearhead the march to Elephant Pass. They were obsessed with the difficult terrain too much that they disregarded the importance of other strategies. Did the MI spearhead the capture of Elephant Pass? Unfortunately no. It is better not even to mention the MI now."

Read my above comment, as to what MI did. They also discouraged LTTE from having any plans to take Jafna. Which if happened would have been unbearable to SLDFs.

"It's not the terrain but the area further away from the FDL that mattered most. The more or less eventless march to Elephant Pass was spearheaded by a Division operating on the mainland as foretold by the blogger. The MI had an inauspicious start when the top brass was reminded where the threat loomed. Yet they missed the vital signs."

You keep going on about the same thing. Let me put this in other words. LTTE is really the entity that is low on man-power reserves. What would VP think if he has to assign a limited number of cadres to multiple fronts? EP is a crucial front, the gateway to Jafna (for LTTE) and gateway to Vanni (for SLDFs), and hence we had to have one of our best units protecting, and forcing enemy reserves to this front. This definitely made the battle easier for the other units.

"Those newborn defence story tellers and the top brass at the establishment were too pigheaded that they didn't even have the wisdom of a layman."

If you have no idea what-so-ever on military strategy and war, you would say this.

"Just some food for thought. Failures are the pillars of success, unfortunately not in this country."

Indeed. But we don't want to have only strings of failures, in the hope that there will be pillars of success when it doesn't matter anymore! This was is all about timing! We don't want to fight a war with LTTE when the LTTE had been deproscribed by the west and India.....right now was the best time for it. And our battle planners did what they had to do.

velluprabhakaran said...


that's the name of the game. not only here but everywhere else in the world. east, west, north & south.

don like it?

ok. then F off & live as a refugee.

Sri Lankan said...

Moratu Saman "Ammata Hukapann Kariya...Ponna Wesige Putha....

Thoge Ammage Naakie Hutha Esthirikaa Karala Huakanawa Dooo.."

Thoge ammata balla dala Hukawala thamai yako tho eliyata awe... eka hinda ballek wage buranna epa sakkili balu patiya..... thoge ammata balla hukkaadid ballata thami ridune thoge ammage welichcha hoththt hinda prbha karan ge wessi thama thoge amma

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

"because of ppl like you only we have terrorism and rapes and killings.... "

Umbala wage Ponnaa Hukkanno Hinda thamai - few year ago Ltte Kotie Kolabata aweella umbalage pukata hukala hukkala geyee...

Now go with RW/LTTE and bend over infront of your leader VP...

Sri Lankan said...

Guyd dont foget that if now we start shouting unnecerssarily it wont look nice.....

Even the Malays and Burgers will turn if us as Sri Lankan Singhalas cant show the world that we are a peace loving country with freedom for all and diversity is prevailing and this is not a war against Tamils or a minority.... this is a war against terror...

We should not try to abuse power and surpress the rights of other minorities or even religions.... this is a Singhala, Tamil, Malay Burger country with Budhism, Hindu, Christianity as the all important religions..... not one but all are our countries religions.....

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

"Thoge ammata balla dala Hukawala thamai yako tho eliyata awe... eka hinda ballek wage buranna epa sakkili balu patiya..... thoge ammata balla "

Thoge Ammata Hukala Thiyanney Burweak...Eka thamai Karrie Awae Pol-Kiri wage....


Sri Lankan said...

Moratu Saman....

GUys Moratu Saman is actually an LTTE activist trying to seperate the country by causing an extremist idea...

Your mother gave birth after being F***d by a dog in front o VP so dont act like one ;)

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

"Even the Malays and Burgers will turn if us as Sri Lankan Singhalas cant show the world that we are a peace loving country with freedom for all and diversity is prevailing and this is not a war against Tamils or a minority.... this is a war against terror..."

Plla Hukkanno yanna...wesege putha...Amatha Hukkapu Karri Balla...

Peace fuck...

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

"GUys Moratu Saman is actually an LTTE activist trying to seperate the country by causing an extremist idea"

Now whay calling Guys...come one direct...ado...

I am Sinhala...doo...ahapan Onna Deayak Sinhalean...


Sri Lankan said...

Moratu Saman.... your from the slums of Killinochchi who had a difficult child hood so wont want to maintain a low dialog with animals as though Animals bark and are crossed with Donkeys like your we should take pitty on ppl like you :)

THoge wallige pagagena moda Buruwek wage adanna epa naki balla.... thoge amma tho hinda balu danayak deela ....

Eh singhala aththda moda sakkiliya....

Guys Moda Saman is trying to create undue seperation between the communities in Sri Lanka..... lets not listen to him barking...

He is excatly what Mahinda Rajapakse and Lasantha Wicrakamatunga was trying to Banish out of the country.... Idiot...

Sri Lankan said...

Guys we can clearly see how bad he is in English as well as he cant even make a sensible sentence.... also we can clearly see the signs of a defensive person when we talk about sensitive things... he he...

Dear Uneducated Prick... we take pitty on you... he he... keep on writing the things that happened to you saying it happened to someone else he he.... we are not loosing anything by you typing things so go ahead :) find some comfort in it :)

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

"Dear Uneducated Prick... we take pitty on you... he he... keep on writing the things that happened to you saying it happened to someone else he he.... we are not loosing anything by you typing things so go ahead :) find some comfort in it "

you educated mother fucker started all these mess with CAPS ON...

I think your are educated...however no knowladge....

yes my english is bad...cause it is my second lanuage......

I don't know melowa deyak sinhala nam Oona deayak...

Sri Lankan said...

Well I see there is no one apart from a donkey whose legs are all over her masters keyboard when the master tied him to the chair and went am gonna go do something a lil productive :) Oh by the way..... there is a bag of Punnakku left behind by the LTTE in Killi... we might want to send that bag to him ;)

NOLTTE=Peace said...

We need a Battle Progress Map soon.

It should be a daily or every 12 hour update from now onwards. No point updating it every 4 days.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

"Guys Moda Saman is trying to create undue seperation between the communities in Sri Lanka..... lets not listen to him barking..."

I wish I can slap you over TCP/IP protocols...

I wrote so much but I am not going to write your name....

because I love my country....

Rover said...

After taking a deep breath, let me elaborate a little bit more (btw, I am not the blogger with a fancy name MIA talks about, but I got a little pipped reading his harangue). Clausewitz talks about the idea of mass.

LTTE has always been an organization that depended on mass (human wave type attacks) and a terrible force multiplier (suicide bombers).

Mass was used effectively by the Russians (who were poorly trained and equipped) against the Germans. USA, in WWII used the smaller and poorly armored M4 Sherman tanks as swarming tanks to neutralize the German Tiger and medium Panzer tanks. Both Russians and the Americans were able to do this because Russians had a large man-power reserve, and the Americans a economic reserve.

Ok, what does the LTTE have. Compared to us, they have a meager man-power reserve. But they only used mass effectively if they only attacked one front (or one army camp at a time). Battle planners realized this. 55 and 53 hence effectively took out human wave operations of the LTTE oout of the equation by forcing the assignment of cadres to the NKM FDL. This was vital for us for our rapid progress.

Puran Appu said...

2 Dvoras, Water Jets and 7 boats recovered from a sophisticated LTTE boat manufacturing plant at Pudukudiyiruppu.


Rover said...

Sinhala or Tamil, think of what you would feel if the girls in the video were someone close to you....guys, give up that needless argument, not worth it. Scum will always be that, where ever they are. We will never know, by your argument, if the LTTE doctored it or it is a genuine video... so give up.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Sri Lankan:

I am so used to that kind of wording..and fight all the time in real life...

I don't know about you...however no hard feelings...

life is too fucking time to hold Grudge for forever

Moratu Saman

Anonymous said...


What is JNW? Seems like SLA now walking in LTTE military heart.. K'chi was just a showcase to outside world.. Their real strength was in Mullathiv, Tharavikulam, Vaishwamadu, Pudukuduiruoou, Daramapuruam areas (A35 axis)

Anonymous said...


Moshe Dyan said...

Rover said...


" The blogger with a fancy name said the battle for Elephant Pass is fought 14km to 25 km apart. This statement is technically nonsense. Every inch was battled. But this statement has a hint of truth. Army made five failed attempts to reach the old Elephant Pass garrison. Hundreds of troopers died without capturing the target. However when the area about 20km from the National Front was captured by other divisions, the area from the National Front and Elephant Pass fell easily."

what shit is this? i have collapsed this momma mia's comments (bcos i thought he was that wesa-pala toilet cleaner's avatar) and saw this from rover. looks like its me he is referring to from the 14-25km thing.

hi there MIA the pig MF, keep me out of your crap.

anyway i stand by my assertion. the REAL war in the EPS sector was fought 14-25km apart. this has been already proven correct. if MIA is the pig he says, "nonsense" of a person who do not know the range of the beechcraft means "truth". if you don't agree with me, FINE. its your opinion. everyone has an arsehole and an opinion.

anyhow, the last 3 sentenses are factually correct AFAIK. i said that long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Two LTTE Suspects Escape From A’Pura Prison-Prison Official

Three persons including two LTTE suspects escape from Anuradhapura prison in morning, police conducting search operation-prison official-JNW

Anonymous said...

Army 59 Div captures LTTE camp and a boat manufacturing factory- South of Puthukkudiyiruppu

Moshe Dyan said...


that is a brilliant suggestion. LTTE leaders, especially second tier leaders will go southwards. poor bastards! they have nowhere to go.

and ppl know very little or nothing about them.

i'm sure MoD is aware of it but no harm alerting them.

can you write to MoD??? i will write anyway. no harm writing to them.

Anonymous said...


actually they were caught.. see lanakadeepa

Rover said...


The quote that you cite was MIAs and not mine!

I was arguing a point with him...

Had to say this to avoid confusion.

Sithsala said...

[Collapse comments for IE/Safari?]

CollapseComments does not work in IE/Safari. Only in FireFox. You can run FireFox alongside other browsers.

Can one of you guys reply to single if he miss this. i.e. When I'm not around.

P.S: I did answered you before, you must have missed it.

Moshe Dyan said...


yes mate i know. i have NOTHING against you!! only thing is i can't see MIA's comments (& i don't want to see) thanks to comments collapse.

did i sound as that??? very very sorry if i did.

i was ONLY referring to MIA who is an avatar of another prominant UNDERCOVER LTTE supporter.

Moshe Dyan said...


yes mate i know. i have NOTHING against you!! only thing is i can't see MIA's comments (& i don't want to see) thanks to comments collapse.

did i sound as that??? very very sorry if i did.

i was ONLY referring to MIA who is an avatar of another prominant UNDERCOVER LTTE supporter.

DoDo said...

Next orbat map would be REALLY interesting!


Rover said...

Thanks Moshe,

No need to apologize long as I am sure that you know what exactly went on, I am fine.

Puran Appu said...


K'chi was just a showcase to outside world

It's becoz, as we all know Kilinochchi was their Administrative Capital and Mullativu, their Military capital.

Looks like Mullativu town will fall within the week. A35 is been cut offed by a forward fighting unit North to the lagoon. Heard that still we have to cut off 2 more supply routes to Paralyze Mullativu town. Wondering what they are.. Any Idea?

Also, all Divisions are to speed up their operations. Looks like they've got additional troops.

Coming week is to be a great week.

Moshe Dyan said...


puthukuduiruppu is also some sort of a "capital".

this is like how SL's capital changed.


tiger capital...

trinco (imaginery)-jaffna-mula-jaffna-kili-mula-kili-mula/puthu-chennai!!!

DoDo said...


Heard that still we have to cut off 2 more supply routes to Paralyze Mullativu town. Wondering what they are.. Any Idea?

Machan, notice in this map there is a B-grade road to Mullativu from Chundikulam, and some smaller roads from A35 lead in to this B-grade road.

So perhaps this B-grade route and its access points form A35 has to be cut of to completely isolate Mullative...

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


Let me - a layman - answer few issues in your reply. You can of course find my mistakes and I humbly accept that I may always be wrong. But the ideas which you posted are controversial at best.

Army made five failed attempts to reach the old Elephant Pass garrison. Hundreds of troopers died without capturing the target. However when the area about 20km from the National Front was captured by other divisions, the area from the National Front and Elephant Pass fell easily.

This terrain is very much open, and there are only few shades available for cover. As I've heard from front, the pussycats have configured every such cover jolly well into their big guns [maybe during piss talks]. So if we start offensive they can retaliate and expect most of SLDF to gather at few known coordinates. So next barrage of rockets will only take on such places. This is said to be the prime reason why the stretch was untenable. This hard truth is learned by experience OK?

You're right that operation from down saved the loss there. Note that many k/b warriors like myself wanted EPS to fall in the manner it did, w/o risking lives from K-M-N line. But SLDF had to learn this truth by trying, so you can't complain for it.

If the topbrass had the wisdom of this layman blogger, hundreds of lives could have been saved. Unfortunately, in Sri Lanka there are only Yesmen and Naysayers not to mention "Tigers". There is no review of failures and if a journalist highlights it the messenger is shot.

Until recent times I agree they did no study of the failures. But come on, when you see SF talking you get a very good idea that his success was mainly thanks to the lessons learnt during the miss-managed Ratwatte era. So what's more?

I agree that debacle of K-M-N was a flop in our side, but tell me why you concluded that we never learned there? Apart from K-M-N I can't remember any major failures [known to layman level] in the front. Certainly attacks like Anuradhapura was our failures, but see they recovered at Vavunia. What's more MIA? Key of the success today is learning from mistakes and cutting edge research. Appreciate if you prove me wrong.

Who takes responsibility for all the soldiers died thanks to bad military strategy?

Nobody. Never had there been anyone who did. Also it is next to impossible to single out an individual after the failure.

You cannot fight a war with the liability for getting subjected for your failures. A war is indeed always a failure either in your end or in the other end. We can't bear the life loss but a war is about killing ppl, at most rudimentary scale.

BTW you're keeping me surprised as you talk about the failures of war and who's taking its responsibility. Majority of ppl believe that we are winning the war and soon it will be over in the battle front. K-M-N is such a minute event in the full context of this phase. So, you stay obligated for an explanation on these specific failures of current war that you mention.

People are intoxicated by victory and have forgotten the hundreds who died needlessly in attempts to capture Elephant Pass which fell to the LTTE in a pitch battle in 2000.

Hmmmm, I'd make it 1000s. Yes MIA, I felt so down that day. One of my old office mates lost his best friend still MIA. We were trying hard to recover that day. I still feel hurt noticing that there is no 54th division.

But I equally feel hurt for poor school children, orphans [even housed in orphanages] getting one meal per day, just because they are deployed to die in few days [and dying in the end] in order to save fat arses "withdrawing". And this makes me consider every individual who lament those fat arses as animals, likes of Mahen/Peter, who are so fond of "tactical withdrawal".

Yeah the war is very bad. And that is why we need to beat the proactive elements and stop the loss of life. Come on, we are just doing that. If you are feeling sad for loss of life, pls support this operation and hope that anyone else will not interfere and save the criminals. Kill the criminals to save the innocent. This is the most peace loving act ever.

I agree some ppl are jubilant and rampant in a way. But that is human nature. We all waited long for this day. Can't stop a ceremonial Sun rising on the day of victory.

Volumes were written about the Mechanized Infantry. They said the MI will spearhead the march to Elephant Pass. They were obsessed with the difficult terrain too much that they disregarded the importance of other strategies. Did the MI spearhead the capture of Elephant Pass? Unfortunately no. It is better not even to mention the MI now.

If what I heard about the terrain and gun calibrations is true, well, it is fair that we had to learn it the hard way.

However, after few failures of K-M-N they stopped. Then when pussycats pulled most of EPS force to Kili, they started again. Come on, it looked very right. But maybe Kili/Para got too late than predicted or something of that type. Pussycats redeployed the force at EPS and killed many in K-M-N. These are mistakes but humanly possible in any war.

If you had a chance to read one or two past comments by myself few months ago, I have been virtually pleading not to move down from K-M-N until we capture Paranthan. Everyone knew this. But now I realize that just waiting at K-M-N would have cost a big loss to 58th. In a war every front has to be active, otherwise the ones who are active will feel the blunt of the enemy.

It's not the terrain but the area further away from the FDL that mattered most. The more or less eventless march to Elephant Pass was spearheaded by a Division operating on the mainland as foretold by the blogger. The MI had an inauspicious start when the top brass was reminded where the threat loomed. Yet they missed the vital signs.

Your point is not very clear.

Well there was Chundikulam RD, and SLDF is still not possessing the powers of US marines to be deployed from sea. If you talk about lack of harvest in Kili, yes indeed I agree with you. I think we should have killed more there. But EPS with 0 harvest would even be great considering terrain, our debacles and unstoppable exit routes. Let's be realistic OK?

Those newborn defence story tellers and the top brass at the establishment were too pigheaded that they didn't even have the wisdom of a layman.

Leave the SLDF leadership alone. We're all human and we all have limited gray matter in skull. Anywhere this kind of things happen. I doubt whether there is any war which can be regarded as ideal. But this war is a success story referred by top notch military chiefs all over the world. I suppose you can refer this as one war with minimal waste and mistakes. On that regard I fully disagree with your point.

I'm no way saluting this blogger who also writes third grade nonsense and indecent garb to say the least. But if there is a panel of independent review of military plans in this country, the planners of many failed missions will have to answer to the people. It is a task for a future government. But by the time the culprits may be higher position or even abroad.

I believe you refer to Ratwatte era as no such major losses happened in GR/SF time. However I have never heard that any country in the world punished the generals who lost his fortresses. Win and loss of battles combine for the overall victory.

Just some food for thought. Failures are the pillars of success, unfortunately not in this country.

Failures are the pillars of success, indeed. And there is no better example than current SLDF, that is how I feel.

Puran Appu said...


trinco (imaginery)-jaffna-mula-jaffna-kili-mula-kili-mula/puthu- chennai!!!

Good one...

I think India already peed in their pants now.

Moshe Dyan said...

phew! so MIA credits me!! couldn't resist reading it.

sorry mia!!


"third grade nonsense and indecent garb"

may i ask when i wrote those????

few facts there; must admit. but the incidents were investigated promptly.

mechanised infantry thing is a good point. i agree that it failed to live up to it's reputation.

Unknown said...

Guys.. can somebody inform that UNs message to LTTP is cant be seing properly.y dont they just check it after lookslike they have copied from acrobat..

Puran Appu said...


B-grade road to Mullativu from Chundikulam

I spotted it.

But "and some smaller roads ??? There are few.

Dont know whether the LTTE have prepared a supply route which is not in the map.

Next orbat map will be really interesting as you said.

TF 2 took off like nothing. Since TF3 and 57 linked up again, it'll speed up things.

Cant Imagine a Sri Lanka without war. This shit started even before i was born.

Anonymous said...

/can somebody inform that UNs message to LTTP is cant be seing properly/

Ha Ha UN's appeal.. what a joke!! I think the real message UN gave to LTTE by phone... "hey buddy.. we never thought SLA would fcuk you like this.. very sorry.."

Pansilu said...

Bolaw Kollani,

Ke nogaha hitapiyaw, Thawa dawas thunakin api Puththikudiyirippu wala.

Rest will be academic! They want to die for eelam, we will kill them for eelam!

Give a rest to key boards. boyz will do it, 04th of Feb is the "magul dawasa" day of celebration.

Nikan kullappu wenna nethuwa hitapanla.

Demallunta awasana padamath ugannala iwara wenakan.

Ape weerodara SLA kollanta:

Jaya wewa!
Jaya wewa!!
Jaya wewa!!!!

Moshe Dyan said...


"hey buddy.. we never thought SLA would fcuk you like this.. very sorry.."

wouldn't the UN be happy if it had more members!! more projects, more jobs, more money, more fatcats.

Anonymous said...

/Next orbat map will be really interesting/

Indeed.. I don't think they have to update it more than 3 times.. February map will be same as what I saw in atlas book in school.. no peelaam.. ha ha


It seems LTTE last strategy would be to fire all around from heavy guns covering to civilians while tamilnut team staying with cameras to report civilian casulaties... SLA is deploying 8 divisions/TFs. Hope SLA is ready..

Puran Appu said...

Demallunta awasana padamath ugannala iwara wenakan.


It should be "Kotinta". Not 'demallunta'.

All tamils are not LTTE. There are so many Tamil and Tamil-Sinhala mixed officers and soldiers in the 3 forces and in Police.

We should not repeat this mistake again.

Anonymous said...

/Dr Ramadoss Friday personally checked Thirumavalavan's blood pressure /

Where's Peter? go and measure blood pressure.

/Ramdoss also pointed out that he had requested Thirumavalavan to use the words "indefinite hunger strike" instead of sitting on a "fast unto death"./

Ha Ha That's how jokers do fast unto death..

Anonymous said...

/Demallunta awasana padamath ugannala iwara wenakan./

This highly supports the argument that Pansilu (aka ... if true) is an LTTE /anti-SL element.

GSL is fighting against LTTE and not against tamils - every one knows this except TN jokers and pro-LTTE media such as BBC.

Puran Appu said...


Yes Brother.

If not for the Civilians, it should have been over by now.

Biggest obstacle now for SLA is not the LTTE, but the Civilians.

Pansilu said...


Fcuk your self you MF!


you are correct, sorry, macho.

It is a careless mistake, hat is off for you, my brother.

Pansilu said...

Ninja huththo,

Don't try too much to show off your f*******g patriotism, cos
it will only bring you down.

Pansilu said...

Puran is one of great patriots here in the blog but Ninja is proving THAT he is a "THIRIWANA FUCK"


Pansilu said...

Ninja Huththa,

What you said:

//This highly supports the argument that Pansilu (aka ... if true) is an LTTE /anti-SL element.//

I had some respect for you MF,

you lost it MF, from here after you are f*****ng malathi whores only.

Ra said...

පුන්සි ලකා! කට වහන් පල කැරියා...

අසනි said...


You indeed are a real patriot! I support you!

We need you up in FDL!

boyrocky said...


Any idea whether the foreign TAF pilots could be?

අසනි said...

Thirumavalavan is on hunger strike. I wish all peelamists would follow him!

It would make our life easier.

Saman said...


Umba dannawada Prabha panna kiyala. SF pili aragena ewage thamai kiyala.

Dan mokada karanne?

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

It seems that DW's suspicion of mercenary pilots can be true. Lots of foreign professionals have worked for Pussycats under NGO cover

Colomblogs said...

Thanks mate.

Filtering and proper handling of IDP will be the most crucial process next. Some of my thoughts:
- As some one mentioned, prepare a Realtiem accessible DataBase (using Open DB for COst effectiveness) with address, Picture, FingerPrint and importantly family tree (with ID numbers). So when we can cross check the infromation real-time anywhere in the country.

- In the phase-II use this as a model and register all Sri Lankans in the same DB. So no discrimination and will directly reduce the crimes at least a samller %.

- Prepare a pack of cards (I am keep rpeating this idea from many posts), with the pictures of all the LTTE leaders still in large. And distribute it with all the three-wheel drivers, shopkeepers and hotels Islandwide.

- Use "Billa"

boyrocky said...

Saman bro,

dont believe what SF guy says. he is just an attention seeker. he doesnt seems to have any info and predicts like an typical SL astrologer.

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