Saturday, January 19, 2008

No Mercy for the Civilian, Sinhala or Tamil...!!!

With dead bodies of civilians being discovered everyday, the number of massacred civilians in Thanamalvila and Hambantota could be as many as 30, unofficial and unverified sources indicated to DefenceWire. The victims are mostly Chena Cultivators from Thanamalvila. These massacres have been conducted, possibly by 3 12-man/woman teams, probably from Jeyanthan Regiment brought through Peraru jungle in Trincomalee. The present Jeyanthan regiment comprises mostly of Eastern fighters who did not disband with Karuna in 2004. They are now commanded by Northern fighters.

Sources indicate that a group of around 100-200 Tigers are sent in a rotating system to Ampara from Mullaithivu, via Tincomalee. Around 25 cadres remain in Peraru at any given time to facilitate the rotation. Living off buried food dumps, these groups then cross the Trinco-Habarana route at night and travel to Ampara in small batches. The Navy's Special Boat Squadron attacked and killed a few of these cadres inside Peraru jungle recently. But the overall failure of the STF leadership to flush them out is causing concerns as the Tigers start hitting soft targets in the deep south. Small numbers of intelligence and pistol gang members are also being rotated as part of the plan.

Sleeper agents moving in Thanganagar, Paththa number (number 10), upto Thiriyaya in Trincomalee went underground following a few 'pickups' by Naval and SLA intelligence backed by Karuna Group. Civilians had complained that suspicious men had been turning up, summoning local NGOs at Kovil festivals etc, asking them for various assistance.

Meanwhile Tigers are planning to shut down schools in Mulaithivu and Kilinochchi on charges of deliberate targeting of school children by the SLAF. This has caused some concern in the defence establishment who have information of possible targeting of school children in the south. The Tigers are facing pressure from parents in Mulaithivu and Kilinochchi as corpses of forcibly recruited children start turning up in these two districts at a rate of a body a day. These children are unfortunate victims of the Tiger military machine. They have become canon-fodder as Charles Anthony, Malathi and other regiments attempt to resist the advancing Mobility Corridor of the Army in the Mannar, Vavuniya and Weli Oya fronts. This is the actual plight of Tamil children in these areas, which has very little to do with SLAF target bombings.


perein said...

"overall failure of the STF leadership to flush them out is causing concerns"
Why do you think the reason/s for this failure?
What can any one do to over come this issue please?

admin said...

u sir are reporting false news based on prejudices and racism towards tamils.


perein said...

Well said mate...

Vigilante said...

This scum boss was booted out of LNP some time ago..

LKDOOD said...

there is more fighting on the net than in the ground

LNP-best place to fight

i can't stop laughing

Unknown said...

DW as a whole is a wrong propaganda against Tamils, they are to target Tamils living in overseas and demoralize them, actually in doing so, they are shooting on their own foot, when their claim news was proved wrong and asked by these "perein" and they never publish that again.

If we add up simply all the figures they been claiming as killed during the time they started to "liberate" East and now, there shouldn't be a single Tamil youth living in Sri lanka.

SLA thought they won the East, and now they see its all fabricated lies. More to follow in few weeks, keep a good eye on TamilNet.

Keep it up, the Tamils like me reads this forum when we want a crack joke of the day!

LKDOOD said...

A series of requests in form of questions and answers were discussed.

The following are a sample of suggestions that were discussed:

* Ban the Government of Sri Lanka from the Commonwealth

* UK Government to facilitate seamless supplies of essentials and medical supplies to the war affected North and East of Sri Lanka which is predominantly Tamil area.

* UN resolution sponsored by the UK condemning the abrogation of the CFA by the GOSL

* Europe wide arms embargo

* How best can the UK Government work closely with the Royal Norwegian Government to revive the peace process

* Importance of LTTE de-proscription


Moshe Dyan said...

Thanks DW for this insightful analyses.

This DW article justifies my previous claim,

"But the overall failure of the STF leadership to flush them out is causing concerns as the Tigers start hitting soft targets in the deep south."

The plight of tamil children as reported here is correct based on the following inferences.

1. did you notice the number of LTTE surendees reduced to almost ZERo? does this mean no more LTTE cadres willing to surrender? No. It means they are handled by the LTTE

2. more than 110 civilians from Jaffna have voluntarily remanded themselves to evade being targeted by the LTTE, etc. this shows the increasoing ruthlessness of the fighters to cut down dissent.

3. it is only too clear by SLAF, etc. attacks that Vanni people are now certain that the LTTE cannot defend itself against the advancing troops. the only way LTTE has to control them is by killing them as defection would cost them DEARLY!!

4. many vanni civilians had provided information to the DPU, etc. even the big tiger supporter dbsjeyaraj admitted this. How else can the LTTE stop these informants pther than by killing them?

5. there is a limit to brainwashing. beyond this point no effort will convince the people that the SLA will not kill all the LTTE; they firsthand witnessed how many LTTE leaders were killed with EXTREME EASE by the security forces. Are they so dumb to still beleive that LTTE can fend itself?

ram abd boss, you CANT take in the reality; but you know that all what DW said was true. That is why you try to convince us (we are not at all convinced as you failed to produce any evidence in support of your claims) otherwise.

TropicalStorm said...

Some of these tamil racists still believe that the outside world is blind to what tamil extremism is. From excruiciating repression in the Vanni, it extends across the world to the same people filing thousands of 'discrimination' lawsuits against Australian govt and companies IN Australia.

The war is against this phenomenon, and nothing else.

Srilankan said...

Boss does not need SLanka.He has his new country and a passport of that country makes him a citizen of that country not SLanka.SLanka has nothing to do with him.

Srilankan said...

Tropicalstorm..this waste array of discrimination law suits (which people know will be taken seriously)has a purpose.It is to put Australian govt on the "defensive" so that they will give in to the one request that has the least to do with them..EELAM.

Srilankan said...

sorry ..vast array

admin said...

You called me racist? May I know why?
Is it because I claim my homeland back?

Is it because I criticize elements of the Sinhalese propaganda machinery?

Is it because I have a different opinion than the rest?

To me it seems like you are the true racists. Yes, I have kept an eye on this blog forum.

I've seen everything from suggestions about raping tamil girls in public and to carpet bombing all the tamils and remove the from the face of the earth.

Let me straight it up again,
LTTE = Tamils,
Tamils = LTTE.

Without the existence of tamils there would be no LTTE.
Without the existence of LTTE there would be no tamils left alive.

IC will open their eyes and see through the mask. A fairytale is the base of your mindset. The sinhalese mindset cannot be changed. 30 years gone, 5 different governments elected, 0 political solution offered to the tamil cause.

We see no other choice but to resurrect the ancient tamil kingdom and claim back the land of our predecessors.

Au revoir....

chamal said...

Oh damn boss, the same crappy post here too? What an unpleasant surprise to see you posting (and wasting space) back here again, and after you said 'bye' and left, too.

Srilankan said...

One reason why i am here.The existance of extreme tamil racism among their own people.Even as an uneducated man i see it this way..The tsunami happened.All the money that was collected to help those poor people in the north was used to buy arms instead of help them.What kind of human being(a demon in this case) will spend that money to buy arms instead of help them.?What kind of demon will forceibly kidnap young tamil girls and boys place them in the care of "tger bulls(-for sex education no doubt) and seek the assistance of an australian to indoctrinate them as suicide bombers.What kind of stupid idiot does not know that as a supposed leader of a people you have to sacrifice your own pride for the batterment of your own people.I can understand if this is done to kids of your enemy..but for godsake your own people men?

Jambudipa said...

The incompetence of the STF was evident during the recent "Nithayai Jaya" (unfortunate name) operations to destroy LTTE in Ampara and adjoining areas. Although they claimed over 20 LTTE camps were "overrun" not a single LTTE was killed or captured. The LTTE as usual withdrew now have re-commenced attacks after regrouping. This is a far cry from the early days when STF was trained by ex-SAS mercenaries particularly the "Keanie-Meanie" group. During the 80's the LTTE demanded STF be withdrawn from the East as part of their negotiations because STF were was a ruthlessly efficient organisation at that stage.

There are widespread human rights abuses wherever STF is in charge. Law enforcement groups tend to violate human rights in the absence of competent leadership. Nimal Lewke was the commander of STF till recently. I think he was involved with Rugby more than his main priority. Not only the STF and Police in General need a complete overhaul requiring major changes in the chain of command.

As a culture we are very lenient and forgiving of incompetent and corrupt running the establishment. Until our work ethos change to one of zero-tolerance to criminals and bribe takers in our own ranks, its going to be much harder to beat the terrorism cancer.

Srilankan said...

iF this no pain no gain BS**t is the response why doesn't all those 100's of thousands of LTTE diasphora send their kids to join in the fight at this stage of the war? is it that blood in their veins is "superior" to the poor tamil kids in the wanni?.One obvious fact is that those overseas pastures that looked so inviting and green in the past is not so anymore..there are dirty weeds growing in them now.

Moshe Dyan said...

hi Boss ALL your arguments are complte bulls-hit.

"You called me racist? May I know why?" you call yourself a racist by demanding a RACIST-homeland; we never claim a sinhala only homeland; if you don't believe me just read the adjoining sentence by none other than you
"Is it because I claim my TAMIL homeland back?"

"Is it because I criticize elements of the Sinhalese propaganda machinery?

Is it because I have a different opinion than the rest?" of course not; opinions do not by themselves make you a racist

To me it seems like you are the true racists. Yes, I have kept an eye on this blog forum.

we never claim a sinhala only homeland

"I've seen everything from suggestions about raping tamil girls in public and to carpet bombing all the tamils and remove the from the face of the earth.

Let me straight it up again,
LTTE = Tamils,
Tamils = LTTE.

Without the existence of tamils there would be no LTTE.
Without the existence of LTTE there would be no tamils left alive."

then how come 70+ million Tamils live in Tamil nadu with no one to kill/rape them? Is it because of the LTTE? Why SL tamils leave SL and TN tamils stay? becaus there is no LTTE in TN as much as in SL

IC will open their eyes and see through the mask. A fairytale is the base of your mindset. The sinhalese mindset cannot be changed. 30 years gone, 5 different governments elected, 0 political solution offered to the tamil cause.

many political solutions given but the bloody LTTE accepted none; if they accept people will expect them to deliver or get out which they cannot do

"We see no other choice but to resurrect the ancient tamil kingdom and claim back the land of our predecessors."
to complete you sentence....IN TAMIL NADU

Unknown said...

Hey Moshe,

You don't make any sense too, don't bring the TN 70+ million people here, Tamil Nadu is an independent state with all their rights in India, don't come and talk about India here, talk about your Sorry Lanka ...

North and East are the home of the Tamils, and if you had given a Independent State level rights to them or at least a municipal level rights, Sri Lanka would have been so much better, don't forget the root cause of the problem, just by your ignorance and stupidity, doesn’t make it yours.

What is up with changing the National Flag to represent only Sinhala, changing the country name from "Ceylon" to Sinhala only name, and what is up with stealing Tamils lands by calling it colonization, and making Singala only langue law?

and why you have to takeaway the educations from Tamils in so called "Standardization"... don't divert the problem by saying "Terrorism" think about the root cause that brings terror to this country.

Sinhalese has to be fair to their minorities, if they were, we all would have been much better… if you still think the problem is LTTE and terrorism, only God can help this country.

Moshe Dyan said...


Your allegations are complete crap.

How can you talk about Tamils without dragging Tamil Nadu into the equation? All tamil artwork, songs, films,etc. etc. etc. are from TN. the recent white pigion concert had ALL artists from TN no one from TE.

I however, agree with you that there were unfortunate incidents againt the tamils, sinhalese and muslims committed by each other.

But your assertion that had the majority been kind to the tamils there would be no problems. How about MALAYSIA; you know how they treat tamils; I have many tamil friends who had come back from Malaysia to SL (and elsewhere); the SL majority has been TOO GOOD to its minorities. There are NO problems in Malaysia; all attepmts to create trouble are handled BLOODY VIOLENTLY as you know.

So your argument does not hold true.

Srilankan said...

Moshe..just one question..most parties fighting with the LTTE joined the Fx Hon D.Devananda..why not Vp?..did he think he can get additional previlleges not given to other tamil parties or was this guy reading from stalin's book too much?.Regardless of what has happened in the past by now we would have had a few years of peace.

jiffy said...

hey defwire (or any others), what is meant by a "mobility corridor"?


Vigilante said...


Sunday Leader newspaper claims that SLA withdrew from Mullikulam after LTTE counter attack. Any truth in this?

chamal said...

"changing the National Flag to represent only Sinhala"
What???? The naional flag represents all communities. Why do you think the orange and green stripes are there for? Decorational purposes? If you're not sure please go and learn about the subject before writing stuff here.

However national flag, national language, country's name....none of these seem to be big enough reasons to start a war. What discrimination are you talking about? Tamils (and all minor communities) are treated equally by law. There is no discrimination in the way that the black people are treated in western countries.

I'm not saying that Tamils don't have difficulties. They do.... but nothing big enough to start a war.

LKDOOD said...


Director General of the Media Centre for National Security (MCNS), Lakshman Hulugalle

Troops have advanced four km from the Mannar battle front and 20 km ahead of Omanthai, Vavuniya.


any truth in this ?

onceinawhile said...


What is up with changing the National Flag to represent only Sinhala, changing the country name from "Ceylon" to Sinhala only name, and what is up with stealing Tamils lands by calling it colonization, and making Singala only langue law?

This is in addition to Chamal's point about the national flag.
Can u kindly enlighten us which part of the word "Sri Lanka" is sinhala only?

I guess you though its the part "Sri". Well I am a sinhalese and according to the sinhala I know it means things like "respect, esteem, wisdom, light, wealth and fortune".

This shows your level of ignorance as to the true causes of this war. No wonder stupids like you get brainwashed by a bunch of maniacs because you dont have the intellectual capacity to verify something on your own instead of just believing what you are told by some idiot.

It's not nice when people talk about things they don't know. So please dont do so in the future.

LKDOOD said...

guys !

my question:
why is the president taking risk by visiting remote parts of the country ?

Anonymous said...

Hey RAM,
Homeland of tamils is tamilnadu and not any other part of the world.
Like in canada, malaysia, singapore, south africa and middle east, tamils were migrated to Sri Lanka as well from TN and because of the kind hearted Singhalese, they were able to settle down in different parts of the SL. Since the north and east are the most close part of the island, tamil concentration is high. It is very natural and if you see borders of other countries, you can find enough example to support that.

you will hardly find any difference between TN tamils and SL tamils in terms of habits and culture and
It is not a rocket science to understand that SL never ever been a traditional home land of tamils.

Sri lanks is the only country given a place for minority in the national flag.
You should understand, this is the country with 75% of Sinhalese with only 10% Tamils. I do not think that your brain is so poor to understand that, it is natural to be language and the country name to be followed Sinhalese interest.

staderdization only affected some tamils elite in jaffna and Sinhala elite in colombo and total percentage can be less than 5% of total population.
But it has given a change to all unprivileged students including Tamil students in vanni, mannar, mulativ, baticalo, trinco, nuwara eliya etc.. also to enter to national universities.
two decades back, I had to work very very hard to get in to the university, when Tamils were got selected 50-75 less cutoff marks than mine from some unprivileged areas.
Poor students of all communities were benefited because of the standardization.

(i) Up to 55% of the available places in each course of study will be allocated to the 25 administrative districts in proportion to the total population, that is, on the ratio of the population of the district concerned to the total population of the country.

(ii) A special allocation up to 5% of the available places in each course of study will be allocated to the under-mentioned 16 educationally disadvantaged districts in proportion to the population, that is, on the ratio of the population of each such district to the total population of the 16 districts;

1. Nuwara Eliya 9. Batticaloa
2. Hambantota 10. Ampara
3. Jaffna 11. Puttalam
4. Kilinochchi 12. Anuradhapura
5. Mannar 13. Polonnaruwa
6. Mullaitivu 14. Badulla
7. Vavuniya 15. Monaragala
8. Trincomalee 16. Ratnapura

RAM 90% of above are Tamil dominated districts. !! how racial Sinhalese are!!!!
Discrimination is just a foul cry and never been proven.
hey mate RAM .. clear your brain from filthy Tamil racisms

Defencewire said...

A Mobility Corridor is a military term indicating a military advance. The MC created by Task Force I through vavuniya, mannar and weli oya has as many as 12 or more Avenues of Approaches, another military term, indicating sub thrusts in the MC. Think of it like a large Octpus. The animal as a whole would be the MC while its tentacles would be the AAs.

No withdrawal like that. When there's a counter thrust endangering troops, there is a pullback. A withdrawal means a return to base. The objective is not to capture ground, in any case. It is to maximize enemy casualties by minimizing own.

Yes, the advances are true. These are the Avenues of Approaches that we have mentioned in the article before this.

LKDOOD said...

thank you Defencewire for the update

LKDOOD said...

Two more held in Tamil Nadu for 'assisting' LTTE


LKDOOD said...

Defence Authorities prevent Hilton Balloon Festival


LKDOOD said...

Mahinda interview on NDTV 24x7’s Walk the Talk(Video)


Clauzewitz said...

the propaganda campaign that atrted on Kanakapuram bombings could be a defensive propaganda campaign to justify a future LTTE attack on Southern school students. I do not know the credibility of Tamil Net's report but if it is true then the Air Force is responsible for creating a context that helps the LTTE to take more innocent civillian lives.

Unknown said...


Saying that tamilnadu is the home of tamil is racist. Everyone to Sri Lanka are immigrants. Fernadopule are descendants of dutch allied kanada invaders of Sri Lanka. Yet nobody chases them away. After all one is a minister today. Ranil and JRW are after all desecendants of tamils from tamilnadu. Yet they led one of the main parties in Sri Lanka.

Its ridiculous to say that a bengali prince married to a tamil princess as well as his decendants and fellow followers who married tamils are foreigners. Its ludicorous to say that tamilnadu which borders Sri Lanka had no exchange of people over the centuries.

Unknown said...


Sri lanks is the only country given a place for minority in the national flag.

This is also rubbish. In India the green represents the muslims. In Singapore although muslims make up 10% of the population, the cresent moon was added to the Flag. There is no symbolism for the chinese of the moon. They could have added the dragon which holds greats significance but they did not. Sri Lankan flag is significantly covered by the lion.

Unknown said...


you will hardly find any difference between TN tamils and SL tamils in terms of habits and culture

This is ignorance and rubbish. If people can find differences between the tamils who stay in deiffrent parts of lanka, then why can't there be differences between tamils in Sri Lanka in general and from those in India.

Unknown said...


You should understand, this is the country with 75% of Sinhalese with only 10% Tamils. I do not think that your brain is so poor to understand that, it is natural to be language and the country name to be followed Sinhalese interest.

Singapore is 75% chinese. Malays are only 10% of the population. Yet the national anthem and language is Malay. The currency notes of Singapore bear the face of the first president of Singapore who was a Malay. The present president is tamil.

Sri Lankan tamils never wanted a Tamil Eelam. They with the leeverage with the British before independce requested for it. However the ways things turned out led to this. All that you said was accepted unhappily by the tamils till the burning of the Jaffna libary and 1983. Even today many still want to be part of Sri Lanka.

Sri Lankas problem has been inept idiots on all sides who run the country and represent the tamils. Even today its the same. They have no solution for the problems and continue to heavily corrupted. Do you really think that Sri Lanka's problems will be solved by defeating the LTTE.

Srilankan said...

Well if the LTTE is defeated then we can start to put our own house in order.Sadly it wont work the other way round because the mass murder of innocent people needs to be stopped first and the innocent northern people of SLanka needs to be saved from slavery.

Srilankan said...

when i mean putting our own house in order.. i mean..the name and shame game.
Do you know if there is a law against treason in SLanka..i am not sure..

Moshe Dyan said...


Tamil Nadu is the only tamil homeland; there is nothing racist about it. If at all it is racist, then the name "Tamil Nadu" must be changed as that is the only racist part. Similarly TAMIL Elam is also racist.

(of course SINHALA Elam is also racist)

Are there any Sinahala homelands? NO. Why? Because the Sinhalese are CAPABLE of living in any multiracial society and a considerable number of Tamils also can and they do not want a race based country or homeland.

Only a handful of countries have minority symbols in their flags and srilanka is definetely one of them. Just look at the union jack, the US, canadian, australian, russian, etc. flags they don't represent minorities!!!

Look at the SLAF Migs or Kfirs; they too have all three couloured symbols!

Both tamils and sinhalese have similar rights to live in srilanka, etc. IF AND ONLY IF they abide by the law.

Almost all democratic countries have ONE (1) national language and that is the language of the majority.

In Malaysia there were more SL Tamils than Sinhala until recently; but thanks to their confrontational approach (common to all tamils in malaysia and the malays do not give a damn about tamil internal divisions), today there are more sinhalese in malaysia than SL tamils; can you believe it?

As far as tamil is concerned there is no notable difference between TN tamil and SL tamil; both dance to the same music; both can talk to each other in TAMIL.

As ranil, JRJ integrated well to the society no sinhalese gives a damn about their race; we vote for them and we don't care about their race. In fact we don't care about anybody's race. if a tamil bombs us we kill him; same case if it was a sinhalese. we treat both terrorists same.

Why can't you?

Even in canada you may notice that the sinhalese integrate very well into the canadian society but tamils are VERY slow in doing so.

You must accept the fact that there are no racial homelands anymore. Learn to live in a multi-racial society.

srilankans will soon start living in vanni and there is nothing anyone can do to stop that.

if you still want a tamil monethnic state, then tamil nadu provides you with everything as long as other indians generally dislike to live in TN.

to convince us that tamil nadu is not the tamil homeland, first change its name to CHENNAI NADU!!!!

Unknown said...

Moshe Dyan as usual you reflect your ignorance again. First of all tamilnadu is a name of a state in india. Karantaka means the same. Kanada Nadu. Bengal and Punjab are the same.It is only a change from Madras(An English name because they could not pronounce Chennai). If you logic is such then Sri Lanka should be called Sri Colombo. Nadu does not defer in meaning to Pradesh. The tamils who ask for a seperate state do so because the feel Sri Lanka has become a sinhala eelam.

There are more Sri Lankan tamils in Malaysia and Singapore then Sinhalese. However they live happily with each other. Sri Lankans do very well in Malaysia. The first Navy commander of Malaysia was a Sri Lankan till they wanted the top post in the country replaced by Malays.

In Singapore Sri Lankans do very well. There are names in both countries like ceylon road, Handy (A famous Burgher)road etc etc.

Unknown said...

Almost all democratic countries have ONE (1) national language and that is the language of the majority.

I just pointed out that Singapore the majority are chinese and the national language is Malay.

Look here, there is a fine art of managing a multi ethnic society. Unfortunately there are no Sri Lankan leader at the moment capable of doing it.

In Singapore pre independence, most chinese were not conversant in English, the Sri Lankans were controlling the government service and spoke good English. Today most government departments are run by the chinese.

Singapore nearly went to a pro chinese policy. This caused the economy to tail spin for nearly ten years. Today there is a pro talent based foreigner policy. It wants to be just like the States. All talented people are welcome. Brahmins who left India because of caste discrimination came to Singapore and flourished. Chinese from Malaysia and Indonesia came and flourished.

Singapore got her independence nearly 20 years after Sri Lanka. Yet her progress has been phenomenal. In Singapore everything gets planned 20-30 years ahead of time.

Has the MR given any direction on his future plans after the war. How come he fights a war with no solution for the problems in the country. When they told Marie Antionette that the french people were starving. She told them to feed them the cakes. Ignorance is Bliss.

LKDOOD said...

Military attack kills 17 in Sri Lanka's north


Srilankan said...

"The tamils who ask for a seperate state do so because the feel Sri Lanka has become a sinhala eelam."..navindran do you think the tamils felt this way soon after the time of independence when they wanted to create something tantamount to a seperate state at that time 60 years ago?..i dont agree with you.This thaamil eelam has been brewing overseas for nearly 50 yrs!.The innocent tamils living in SLanka got caught to it.As i said before MR Sangaree is someone who can edify us in this context because his party among others had a lot to do with VP's rise to "fame and Fortune".Well start with the murder of that innocent man MR Alfred Duriappa..and ask Mr Sangaree some embarrassing questions.

As for Hon pres i think he has to solve a cumulative list of errors made by other leaders in the past.Lets give him till the next election and see what happens.

Srilankan said...

i have many reasons for supporting this military offensive
the murder of Mr Duriappa-why because he was a kind gentle man who loved his own people.

Moshe Dyan said...


it is your ignorance that is overwhelming. There are more than 200 countries apart from singapore with only one (1) national language which is the language of its majority.

tamil nadu is not a coincident. Tamil nadu means the tamil nation in TAMIL!!!!

are there any major TAMIL literature work, movies, songs,etc. produced in the island of SL? NO.

they are all produced in TN.

just look at the so called 'tamil homelands' in SL. They are so close to tamil nadu and that explains a lot. (BTW tamil nadu is situated towards the North-East of srilanaka); what a co-incident!!

there will never be any tamil homeland in srilanka. just look at the tamil emmigration rate. Do you think it will reduce after the present military operations? NO. it will increase as many like you will find that your 'liberators' are all massacred.

This is the simple truth.

But i'm glad that there are many tamils who think differently from you. call them traitors or whatever you will; they aren't going to change. they are srilankan as much as any other srilankan.

TheTruth said...


You have brought up some really good points about the conflict in Sl and the relationship between tamils and sinhalese.

I will write a a more comprehensive reply later but you should consider coming along to Slcricket forum to have a proper discussion as this is a defence blog.

LKDOOD said...

APRC proposes implementation of 13th amendment


Moshe Dyan said...

Dear Navindran, scum boss and others who are after tamil elam.

This is not a dhana, thanam or alms giving; stop begging from us your tamil homeland.


Please understand and go to the tamileelam blog; we won't get you there.

For god's sake stop BEGGING from us your tamil homeland.

Srilankan said... interesting..wonder why now after 30 yrs?

Renegade! said...

srilankan- you cheeky fellow!! :) hehe

Srilankan said...

renegade..:):)mark my words bro..this village for IDPs in non liberated area has a really sinister motive which will become clear in future.i just cant figureout what it is.

jiffy said...

moshe dyan..i think we pay too much attention to these idiots. they will recreate sri lankan history and cite the latest book by some tuppahi living overseas or working for the center for policy alternatives in colombo. the greatest enemy is not the ltte..its from these seemingly benign intellectual wannabes who are hell bent on making every sinhala guilty about being sinhala or 'afraid' to say anything because it wil be seen as 'politically incorrect'. in a way the tigers are stupid...they fight for what they believe in putting their lives on the line. the real enemies are the ones who want to destroy all heritage, culture and sense of communal pride.

jiffy said...

thanks defencewire. many of the technical matters go over my head unfortunately, but seeing as we are at war now...and as a sri lankan..i have an interest in the suffering and brutality of this unreal war. all war is a waste..but as a community we can stoop only so low. enough is enough. if our govt says yes, then so be it. we will not be taken hostage by the unreasonable demands of a minority (nor lectured to by foreigners)

Unknown said...

Guys if you think I am pro tiger, so be it. I can be the least bothered when you refuse to accept the facts.

Both communities need to mature and respect each other. Its the very racism that fuels the extremist on both sides.

You want to believe things which you do not see but hear, yet you do not want to hear about the things you can see. Can anyone say that i have put across a false fact, then i will apologise.

Singapore owns Prima, the World Trade Centre, pagging network etc. Go to the Sri Lankan High Commission website for Singapore, they provdily advertise it.

Sri Lanka is so much more bountiful and beatiful and yet Singaporeans are richer. Many Sri Lankans including sinhalese and tamils come to Singapore and become citizens.

If you do not learn from the mistake of others then you have to learn them from your own.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...


Here is just a thought. It is true that in Singapore majority is Chinese and official language is Malay.

However, Chinese have their main land as China and similarly Tamils have a Tamilnadu. For Sinhalese, we have only our beloved Sri Lanka. (This dose not mean Tamils have no rights in Sri Lanka)

To me your logic only works if Tamilnadu become Sinhalanadu and 85% of the population there is Sinhala. Then your logic with Singapore perfectly can apply to Sri Lanka.

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