Sri Lanka Army's 58 and 57 Divisions, spearheaded by a few platoons of Commandos from the 2nd Commando Regiment took complete control of the largest Sea Tiger base in the Western Coast at the coastal village of Veduthalthivu in Mannar on Wednesday Morning without any serious confrontations inside the village.
Troops managed to recovered LTTE arms, ammunition and vehicles in the operation. A large bunker-line erected from the coast inland had also been abandoned. Search operations continued into Wednesday night to secure the village and the environs of trappings and mines.
The majority of the Tigers defending a well fortified south Veduthalthivu started withdrawing in batches early this week as the ground became untenable. Many had escaped via boats along the shallow coastal waters as parts of the A-32 road was already taken further north of the Sea Tiger base by troops from the 57 Division. Commandos managed to box in and kill around two dozen of the retreating Tigers in a ambush along the A-32.
Navy Dvora FACs can not operate safely in shallow waters and instead, Inshore Patrol Vessels with less fire-power are deployed. Since the Tigers escaped northwards only Mi-24 helicopter gunships were capable of pursuing the boats. These attacks, SLAF claims, neutralized two escaping boats.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
LTTE withdraws from Veduthalthivu
Posted by
12:35 AM
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where do you suppose these retreating boats came ashore?
....It was suspected that Pulidevan had been ‘turned’ by Sri Lankan Intelligence when he made several trips to Colombo during the peace process discussions. Subsequently Pulidevan was exonerated of all charges and has been restored to grace.
Pulidevan made a public appearance on July 14 in Kilinochchi when he participated at a LTTE function...
D.B.S. Jeyaraj Column
very interesting stuff
D.S.B. Jeyaraj's stupidity,
"The claim that 1-4 base derived its name due to the existence of 14 related camps is a figment of fertile imagination. Moreover, it would be a monumental mistake to presume that Velupillai Prabhakaran would be awaiting advancing soldiers at Nithihaikulam, where he stayed in the 80s of the last century, when his abode was codenamed 1-4.
The Indian epic Ramayana chronicles an incident where Sita Devi, the consort of Lord Rama, entreats her husband that she too be allowed to accompany him into the wilderness as decreed by his father Dasaratha.
When she is asked to stay in the capital city Ayodhya, Sita Devi replies that to her Ayodhya is where Rama is. This saying has gone down famously and is often quoted.”
Well, DSB is apparently going bananas afte the fall of V. He is some how hooked to a 1-4 base as SLA's ultimate goal and even goes to the extent that SLA thinks that Fat Pig will be there to the end. He even compares some Rama-Sita episodes with Mad Velu.
I have a few words for DSBJ.
Number 1: Stop comparing terrorist pond scum like Velu with a much revered epic hero Rama. This is a pathetic and subliminal attempt by DSBJ to equate a mass killer psychopathic terrorist to the epic hero Rama. This blasphemy should be ceased immediately.
Number 2: It got to be arising from DSBJ’s half fried brain, after seeing LTTE loosing many battles contrary to your biased beliefs, that SLA is assuming that Mad Velu will remain in one camp called 1-4 base for us to capture him easily. DSBJ either is a moron or his brain cells are deteriorating too fast to comprehend normal human intelligence. May be it is the time for DSBJ to seek professional medical help to minimize the effects of a deteriorating brain.
updates to
" of the A-32 road was already taken further north of the Sea Tiger base by troops from the 57 Division."
That's good to hear. Nobody else has reported this (participation of 57).
Naval bases dotted around Mannar and Pesalai with inshore crafts now should be moved further north and based from 'Vidduthavelu'. This is a natural bay offering good protection from sea borne attacks unlike Pesalai. A base here will also mean the effective area for patrolling between here and Poonaryn gets much less.
The next sea tiger base Iluppaikkadavai lies ten km north to Vidattalthivu. 58 advancing 5-6 miles from south and 57 operating six miles to the East it will be just a matter of days before it falls.
And 57 is advancing at three miles South of Tunukkai. Some major battles would be expected there. Uyilankulam lies another three miles away. Then Vellankulam (10 km north of Iluppaikkadavai) on the coast would be extremely vulnerable.
Kilinochchi and Jaffna lagoon is just 20 miles away from Uyilankulam while Poonerin is just 22 miles away. No large civilian concentrations in between (mostly jungle terrain). Our Special Forces, Deep Penetration Units and Commandos are going to have a field day. Remember there are just 6 more miles to Uyilankulam from where 57 is at present. I expect some qualitative changes of the way the war is being carried on (some comments made by Special Force at LNP should be noted).
Earlier, I ridiculed a comment made by Moshe suggesting a blockade of logistic movements between East and West. But I have to confess that he was partially correct. The error in his case was the position. He was suggesting A9 or the area east of A9. But more towards West along the Palampiddi- Tunukkai line such a scenario is most likely (at least to me). If successful it would cripple LTTE Sea going ability on the East coast much sooner than expected and arms from Indian trawlers would be a thing in the past. If our Navy is capable of blocking the Mulathivu sea LTTE will be doomed to fail sooner rather than later.
This would be the Rosy picture I can draw considering the motion of a one player. But the other player LTTE is down but not out yet. One should not underestimate their capabilities (should not overestimate either). They will counter attack (they have no choice). When? Where? How? Will they successful? I am biased. So my gut feeling says that they are going to fail. But eelamists might think otherwise.
My two cents. You guys may agree with me or may not. Either way constructive input would be welcomed.
DBSJ is trying to take the gloss off the iminent capture of the base complex.
the point here is that the base complex is strategicaly important to the ltte and the downfall is imminent. the importance to the ltte remains whether VP is hiding there or not. DBSJ tries to imply that the base in not important anymore, a load of crap.
this is another of BDSJ's lame efforts to downplay the importance. this is a guy to whom every ltte fart is brilliant and SLA manouvres and gains are ordinary.
DBSJ says,
"LTTE Supremo moves from place to place each day and avoids sleeping at the same place on successive nights".
we have heard this. how far is it true?
come to think of it,
1. there is limited space and VERY limited hiding places available
2. going from place to place EVERYDAY actually increases the risk of interception!!!
3. there can't be many 40 feet deep dungeons on SO MANY locations.
4. ALL hiding places should have a LARGE LTTE guard not only to protect the fat pig from SLDFs but also from angry civilians. this type of movement will surely attract the attention of SLDFs.
so my bet is vezapillai is hiding in a HANDFUL of CLOSE (close to each other) locations. i'm not surprised if the manhole of the mulativ hospital is one hiding place!
V-tivu is strategically not important for LTTE but they lost yet another stronghold to SLA. How far LTTE can backtrack?
I would say LTTE has become victims of their own success which is about Wanni terrain. SLA has learned the art of jungle fighting.
Congratulations on the success at Veduthalathivu.
Following up on the little discourse in the last thread that we had about the revival of LTTE under an Obama adminstration:
Basically the problem with the LTTE (and also their supporters) is that they expect everyone around them to change without changing themselves. This is very evident in the replies that I saw for my initial query.
Initially, the world unashamedly tolerated LTTE's suicide and terrorist antics, however LTTE was able to make a point and publicize their cause. But they never evolved beyond that barbaric mentality.
Now people are saying that LTTE would be able to benefit under an Obama administration without dramatically changing. This is just wishful thinking of people who have funded and cheered on these barbarians for over 30 years and can't tolerate the fact that LTTE is being systematically irradiated by the SLDFs.
It is hilarious to note that, without putting pressure on the LTTE to change, LTTE supporting diaspora are sitting on their hunches waiting for a US-SL split to occur (because Iran gave SL some money), that would be beneficial to the LTTE. While they are waiting, the LTTE is fund raising for their final war (read terrorist activities) from terrorist diaspora.
It is a misconception that LTTE came for peace talks right after 9/11 to avoid merely being prosecuted as a terrorist group. The general trend is that they came for peace talks whenever they were weak and went back to war as soon as they thought they were again strong enough to trouble SLDFs. This is again proved by the LTTE going back to war and more importantly to terrorist activities.
"I would say LTTE has become victims of their own success which is about Wanni terrain. SLA has learned the art of jungle fighting."
Yes, again shows that the LTTE does not really change (relying on ceaseless waves ect. that provide multi-barrel fodder), but the SLDFs have, hence the success.
Some of you may not agree with me, but I think CFA also had a useful function.
Without really thinking, it demarcated an area for the LTTE to defend. Loosing that area (not holding on to that area), seems like reversals, especially in the eyes of the IC and the LTTE supporting diaspora.
Bhairav is that you??? or a imposter
so you've given up, good for you mate seeing the obvious after so long.
what you say is correct except that 'vidutaltivu is not strategicaly important..if Vidu is not neither is mullativu or killinochchi.. don't be absurd
DBSJ's statement that two of vezapilla's hiding places were hit is a major statement for MI, one may be a chance but two....
the last line of this moron's article says reveals who he is... does he take the SLDF's for kids...who the hell does he think he is, ars*****
If I was MI (Army or SLAF), I would explore the basement of the Elders Home that was opened by Mathiahuththi in December. You always find roaches in holes, especially when you fumigate with strong PESTICIDES that are harmful to humans.
According to general SF troops are at 3 km south of Iluppaikkadavai. This front is moving unbelievably fast.
If they keep up the same phase they will reach Jaffna within five days (a joke).
"basement of the Elders Home"
that's a clever pick! i remember vathani opening it. vezapillai was a notable absentee. that was the first & last "elders' home" LTTE opened! it came at the HIGHT of attacks targeting VP! TN gave it WIDE publicity to keep the bombers away from the "elders' home"!!
that is DEFINETELY a good starting point for the hunt.
DBSJ is NOT a defence analyst; he never was. (i consider a DA if he/she has atleast a diploma in defence/military/strategic studies which is not difficult to obtain)
he was just the BBC(??) correspondant.
the tragedy of DAs (and those who try to do their jobs) is that their "predictions" don't get reviewed. you can review DW and DN for analysis and insight. they have held true.
i lost faith in DBSJ in 2006 when SLAF bombed LTTE in retaliation to bombing SF, he said tigers didn't have their air batteries ready and that's how jets escaped and immediately thereafter they had those ready!! what crap?
he may be good at reporting social issues, a bit of politics (as long as he doesn't IMPOSE his federal CRAP) and little bit of PAST military events. but his analyses are always skewed towards HIS CHOICE OF WINNERS. BRAMAN and HARIHARAN are 2 more guys marginally better then DBSJ.
i have some regard for LTTE's balakumaran. he may not fall into my catogorisation of DAs but his analyses strongly underlie LTTE's fears and targets.
but i have to agree that DBSJ imparts a lot of facts for the less informed which is a good thing. if he stops guessing and imposing his choice of winners/gainers, i may like him a bit better.
but i have to agree that DBSJ imparts a lot of facts for the less informed which is a good thing. if he stops guessing and imposing his choice of winners/gainers, i may like him a bit better.
100% true..
Pieces of History mixed with some Speculations..
A dangerous Mix..
[Bhairav is that you??? or a imposter
so you've given up, good for you mate seeing the obvious after so long.]
You are prematurely jumped in your government bandwagon. SLA needs another 100k men to successfully clear the Wanni mainland and defend its secured areas, which is impossible given the bottled up Lankan economy. If the lankan economy can support this war for another 12 months, you should be happy.
VP has all his eggs in Wanni, so it will be interesting to see about his next move which can be make or break for him.
[but i have to agree that DBSJ imparts a lot of facts for the less informed which is a good thing.]
One of my classmates used to work with DBSJ for "Senthamarai" Tamil newspaper in Toronto,Canada, who said that if you give few facts, he will write best NY times bestseller fiction with that facts. He speculated most of the events which were bread and butter for action hungry folks in Canada, so he did good in newspaper business before he touched the wrong buttons that were anti-LTTE views. He was beaten by some folks in Toronto, then he quit his newspaper and found refuge in SL.
I dont think Another 100k Soldiers will be needed.
But Agree with you on that Next 12 Monthes will be the Most decisive.Coz With the current momentum in Mannar Front.even if the Welioya & EP fronts stay stagnent, Those two fronts will absorb a considerable ltte manpower to hold the offensives.The continuous withdrawals will not be good to keep the morals of the remaining carders also.
if the current trend in the Mannar & western A9 side continues even at a lower pace for 12 monthes, ltte will face much more problems than the Government. When people see the gains & Forward march of the forces...
Actually they will be more than Happy to face the economic hardships,coz they know its the TIME !!!
i rest my case
/*If the lankan economy can support this war for another 12 months, you should be happy.
Does the govt look as if there is going to economically collapse in 12 months? Let alone 12 months, how is LTTE going to feed/look after people they have made homeless from Veduvilutivu and all other towns for next 3 months? Bear in mind rains are coming. Its a quagmire for LTTE. In one hand it cannot let go civilians which offers them cover and cannon fodder. In the other hand, they must provide them shelter, food and medicine for thousands or they will revolt.
Fall of Viduthavelu means small scale smuggling of diesel, ammo and explosives is going to be much harder and will soon dry out. The east coast is no longer safe. Worse of all, the sea LTTE has been decimated. Its over mate.
Puthiam shows LTTE attending many public functions with drama and sing songs. Does this picture right to you? its almost like we play the violin although Ezemlaz is on fire. The new peace dove wants to show everything is 'normal' to people like you. Did you see their faces? These are all dead men walking. Give your final salute, they wont be there for long.
Its a quagmire for LTTE. In one hand it cannot let go civilians which offers them cover and cannon fodder. In the other hand, they must provide them shelter, food and medicine for thousands or they will revolt.
But Its the GOSL which has to feed & give Medical supplies, Docters,Nurses & Everything to those people also. With the defeats in the Frontlines & as ltte is yet to allow civillians to move freely at their vill,More would be comming to Kili & Tamilnet will Happily carry Pictures of them as propaganda...
You are correct its the Sinhala govt that feed these people. However, the logistics of keeping that many people cornered without access to shelter and other necessities will be a nightmare for them. The flood gates will soon open leaving them exposed. Many LTTE village guards will use the opportunity to give up and flee.
They could use the situation to highlight HR issues, but who believes them anymore? The govt can turn around and say allow them to flee to govt area. What is LTTE going to do?
"V-tivu is strategically not important for LTTE but they lost yet another stronghold to SLA. How far LTTE can backtrack? "
do you actually believe that V. wasn't strategically important to LTTE???
what is this(tamil) ?
SLAF raids LTTE gathering - north of Vidattaltivu
ranil ,
within next months everything strategically not important for LTTE .because they cannot sustained there military machine in front of Mighty Sri Lankan Forces.they can't face any more against advancing's clearly visible.
Its great to here that our soldiers are doing well... but the fact still remains that we dont really know how many have died or got seriously injured. Hope not many... actually hope not at all!
SLAF raids LTTE gathering - north of Vidattaltivu.
seems the full might of SLA and SLAF is brought on the fleeing tigers. the newly acquired UAV's seem to be the 'eyes' for the 'continouos air surveillance' mentioned on
a couple of patriots on the blog have been harping on the matter of increased CAS using MI24's - there prayers and cries seem to have been answered - the birds are being used heavily these days.
I think that if SLA commandos or one of brave anti LTTE tamils manage to kill Prabhakaran or Pottu then the war is over.
LTTE unlike Al Qaeda is very centralized organisation. All orders flow from Prabhakaran and so without him there is no more LTTE and you can expect them to just lay down their arms and blend with civilians just like the majority did in East.
Some hardcore cadres main try to fight on but it's impossible without leadership and supplies
Capture of Vidathalthivu is really a big victory. There is a nice lake near the LTTE unloading zone. Hope the troops get to enjoy a good swim there.
if srilankan army(DPU units) or SL airforce kill prabakaran what will happened to the money they collected from diaspora? some may(specially who lived abroad) flew away from the organisation with these monies.
[do you actually believe that V. wasn't strategically important to LTTE???]
According to this defence analyst(Link -Why V-tivu is not strategically important for LTTE), who says that V-tivu is not that important given its shallow water which prevents any heavy boats comings in and moreover so many better sea bases can be found between V-tivu and Poneriyan.
He did not want to mention the names of sea bases which exist between v-tivu and Poneriyan for security reasons. As it looks, LTTE has at least half dozen sea bases between V-tivu and Poneriyan.
Sri Lanka gets tough on UN, aid visas
1)Why Sampur is not strategically important for LTTE?
2)Why Vakarai is not strategically important for LTTE?
3)Why Thoppigala is not strategically important for LTTE?
5)Why the whole Eastern province is not strategically important for LTTE?
6)Why V-tivu is not strategically important for LTTE?
Why the Northern Province is not strategically important for LTTE?
Court stops UK from returning Tamil to Sri Lanka
Looking at Google Earth, there are at least 8 coastal areas from which LTTE smugglers (lets stop calling them Sea Tigers) could operate from between V-tivu and Pooneryn, of which Kiranchi seems to be the largest.
A lot of the area around K'nochi/Pooneryn has been updated in Google Earth with better resolution images. Interesting to see the better quality of houses in and around V-tivu, indicating that the people are well off from aiding and abetting LTTE smuggling.
Gov't looking for additional sources of income should ask these people to explain their wealth and seize property after proper legal procedures are followed. Legally, GOSL would have to ban the LTTE and classify them as a terrorist organization in order to seize property under the PTA.
all bases are gone..hehe
sinhals army took over all the bases...hehe
war is won...hehe
from the information i hear tigers...*censored information*
keyboard heroes having a party ?
why don't you all key board heroes join the sinhalas army ?
lot of strategic experts here
sinhals army is just winning easily
come from abroad & join the sinhalas army
fly the MI24's, Mig's, Kfir's like you fly it on the blog
experience the real thing...
very busy morning in the shop... i'm very happy because no white vans following me.....
Gov't looking for additional sources of income should ask these people to explain their wealth and seize property after proper legal procedures are followed.
tamils wealth will be stolen
government steal sinhalas & tamils wealth to make them self rich
if you say or do something you 'disappear'
after sometime bodies are found...
[fly the MI24's, Mig's, Kfir's like you fly it on the blog]
Assithiri once flew "PrettyKfir", ask him about his past experience.
The resources in the NE of Sri Lanka is huge. It's the duty and responsibility of our leaders to make sure all Sri Lankans have the access to own them and enjoy, without hindrance.
As Bairav highlighted, there are indeed about six bases that LTTE can use for smuggling ops.
Smuggling mainly occurs in this region from India and Mannar/Puttlam area of Sri Lanka. For Indian smuggling operations, Veduthalthivu may not be that important, but for operations initiating from SL, Vedu. will be very important (when you consider the risk that is correlated to distance traveled, especially given the speed of the smuggler crafts, is taken into consideration).
Vedu. is also rather unique in another aspect. It is pretty much the only LTTE operational base which has a perennial (and hence also a deeper) river in the N-W seaboard of Sri Lanka. This has allowed the LTTE to have the operational base almost 1km inland.
Given that SLAF has penetrability to all surface locations in Sri Lanka, no LTTE base is safe from SLAF raids. But Ved. due to its inland location makes it virtually impossible for SLN to have access to it, even using crafts that are operational in shallower water. This, I believe is very important for smugglers who are not ready to die for the tigers.
Another unique feature of Ved. is that it has a network of rivers, which opens up countless possibilities for smuggler/terrorist operations. Other rivers North of Ved. do not have this luxury as well.
So the assertion that Ved. is not strategically important is ludicrous.
Moreover, Mannar is safer than it ever was from LTTE sea borne operations.
STF said...
Kuttu go and make kottu for stupid brother sharp and your loosing uncle Praba.
The reality is we are killing LTTE and anyone anything to do with LTTE.
If you want to check the reality KUTTU you can go to srilanka and do your ltte big key board talks to see how far you can go like a man or just shut up like a mouse & clean pumps in a petrol station to feed your uncle praba 's childern.
One day your tangatches won't be haveing any tamil(LTTE) men left to get married the rate your men get killed by our Army.
July 17, 2008 11:29 PM-DN
stop fu***** your brother
STF you tamil killer
"check the reality KUTTU you can go to srilanka and do your ltte big key board talks to see how far you can go like a man or just shut up like a mouse"
truth comes out....
July 17, 2008 11:50 PM-DN
white van operative has come out to the open
"clean pumps in a petrol station"
July 17, 2008 11:29 PM-DN
tamils work hard for a honest days pay
i have no shame that i worked in many jobs years ago to pay the bills
we will be always grateful for all the nations that provided us shelter from the vile rulers of the oppressive regime
Army in Vedithalativu * pictures *
i have no shame that i worked as a male prostitute years ago to pay the bills
we will be always grateful for Sri Lankan nation that provided us shelter from the vile terrorists of LTTE.
ha! ha!
NOLTTE=Peace & FAKE kuttu are a nice couple
stop ba**ing each other....
please get a room....this is a family blog
pardon my usage of the f*** word. But I was really fu**ed by senior LTTE members in the past. How do I delete my post above?
pardon my language, I was sexually abused by junior LTTE cadre.
Dear Bhairav,
"According to this defence analyst(Link -Why V-tivu is not strategically important for LTTE), who says that V-tivu is not that important given its shallow water which prevents any heavy boats comings in and moreover so many better sea bases can be found between V-tivu and Poneriyan."
In a previous article, A. Vannian argued that advancing to Pallamadu would be costly for the SLA, yet as we can see it was not costly for the govt. He then made some contradictory arguments, saying that the supply lines to the western coast will not be severed as a result of V'tivu capture, but then saying that the SLA has gotten better at jungle fighting (meaning that the 57th Division will advance in the interior to block the supply lines). Vanniyan argued that the SLA is heading into a Jayasikurui situation, but then said that the LTTE is getting spread along a wide 120-mile front and cannot counterattack.
Sri Lankan military claims that waters north of V'tivu are shallow, not deep.
He! He! Someone is getting back his own medicine! He! He!
I assume that you are a Sinhalese who knows Tamil (or a Tamil guy using a Sinhalese handle).
Anyway, thanks for giving us the gist of what Vanniyan said. It would be good, if we could have translations of more of those articles, it gives us a glimpse of the strategies/thought processes of hardcore LTTE elements. And this is useful age old adage that one must know your devil to counter it.
As you point out, his statements seems to be oxymoronic, and it is good to see that there are people who read closely to pick those contradictions.
"He! He! Someone is getting back his own medicine! He! He!"
Yep. It's getting funnier. The bitch is being bitched.
Hemantha mate,
My brother is here and he couldn't help him self seeing the He! He! getting Hoo Hooed! :-)
So he has convened himself to my account for few postings in order to have some fun, according to him- 'monkeys are fun too'!
I doubt these "analysts" are folks with any substance cos we all know how ltte depend on it's propaganda arms to keep the money flowing in.
most probably these analysts are just there to shore up falling ltte morale and image and downplay sldf gains.
the question was whether you believe in your view that V. wasn't Strategically important to ltte and not what wanna be "analysts" view of things :)
well from SLN's point of things...V. is gonna be Verry important.
Shallow waters is a problem that can be fixed easily and creating a channel that's deep enough for bigger boats is no biggie... ltte already have dredges to do that...
"according to him- 'monkeys are fun too'!"
Agree 100%.
yaaaaaaaa!!! kuttu is back. time for some "gon Jokes!!"
"monkeys are fun too"
Sure, I agree with you.
I was merely interesting in knowing how the LTTE "strategists" keep the LTTE supporting rodgerers in line through their columns. Sometimes these strategists drop interesting information that reveal their thought process (like the ones Wijeyapala had picked up) inadvertently.
Do you want to keep your blog respectable?
Then delete the posts by some such as kuttu with impunity!
It has transpired that some of the LTTE leaders are only wearing salt (not KCN, but NaCl or CaCl2) filled capsules around their necks. This is after an LTTE medic had told them that in the event of a air raid, the if a KCN capsule is damaged, it could find its way into the body through a cut in the body. So only the foot soldiers are now wearing the real KCN.
Actually, this may explain (I am not sure about this), how TC died without any apparent external injuries during the air raid.
thought TC died of internal injuries from what might be a FAE type explosion... But the Cn story is interesting and quite valid... had my chemistry lessons way back in 96 but i'm assuming KCn and heat doesn't go very well... So maybe there's a chance that you can accidentally inhale the bloody thing at high temps if it didn't find it's way to your body through an open wound
Colombo closes in on victory in Sri Lanka's long civil war
It is HCN which has the low boiling point (around 15 degs C), KCN is thermally quite stable (like NaCl) , and has a boiling point of nearly 2000 C. So suicide/terrorist dudes would turn into cinders well before KCN evaporates.
It is said that people who die of cyanide poisoning initially become rather red in complexion.
I can't remember if TC was red in his death. But he may well have died of internal injuries. However it would be ironic if he died of accidental cyanide poisoning. By the way things are progressing, we will find out soon, I guess!?
defence news: hundreds of ppl evicted from their homes in slave island. although demolishing illegal houses is the right thing to do, i feel very sad about them. where will they sleep tonight? especially children?
the houses they were living were horrible and they would have suffered from mosquito borne diseases. but they need housing.
i also sympathise on police officers and UDA officers who are onlt doing their jobs.
my thoughts are with them. may God bless them and protect them all.
according to sources LTTE has recently received new supplies
the nature of the supplies are not clear
it is also learned that more supplies are inbound
navy must do more to stop these supplies from getting to the destination
ditto mate. this is really sad. first they made a huge blunder by evicting tamil lodgers and now this.
they never learn do they.
When dealing with people you just can't simply go on by the book... the book is there to serve people end of the day...not to cause them anymore hardships. At least they should've been given early notice and also with a decent solution.
all the guys interested in the v'thiv camp should somehow watch the 'Vanni Meheyum' done by the rupavahini today(friday,18th july,2008).
the GOSL has given them orders to move away before three or four days. they have even set up some temporary houses somewhere else. then after some time they will be given flats.(i hope thats true)
im not trying to justify the government but we cant always blame the gov. did you see how unstable those houses were??they were about 4 feet away from the railway track. GOSL is in a rush because of the SAARC.
theupdate on
has detailed and interesting map.
news is that troops 'dominating southern Tunnukkai' and a significant move is to see 56 div into the fray in Vedamakilam
"I assume that you are a Sinhalese who knows Tamil (or a Tamil guy using a Sinhalese handle)."
I am a Sinhalese who can read some Tamil.
"It would be good, if we could have translations of more of those articles, it gives us a glimpse of the strategies/thought processes of hardcore LTTE elements. And this is useful age old adage that one must know your devil to counter it."
There are some Sinhalese (particularly some "Asses" out there in DN and DW) who believe that the best way to counter the LTTE is through total ignorance of the Tamils and mindless "patriotism."
Here I'll repost what I had put in DN regd Vanniyan's original article:
- The author, "A. Vannian from London" described the deployment of various SLA divisions in Northern Province, down to the brigade level for some of them. His basic argument is that the SLA will not win and is getting into a Jayasikurui sort of situation (although he contradicted himself later as shown below).
- Capturing Vidattaltivu will not be a great victory. The LTTE has other coastal positions such as Vellankulam. In any case the SLA has not taken control over the interior supply routes, namely through Panankamam.
- An advance up the NW coast will be very dangerous for the SLA because it is open space.
- An amphibious attack against Pooneryn will be a disaster for the Sri Lankan forces.
- However, LTTE has some problems. LTTE is stretched across a 120 mile front in the south and cannot counterattack like in Jayasikurui or Ranaghosha. Also, SLA has become better at jungle-fighting than the LTTE because of American assistance.
- Unfortunately, A. Vannian does not say more about the LTTE. He does demonstrate a good knowledge of the SLA's deployment as well as Wanni geography.
Fellas, I love my SLA brothers but, this SLA brother in photo has a the look of someone who hasnt got enough sleep.
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