Friday, August 1, 2008

Vellankulam about to fall

Former Tiger held areas south of Mankulam
The Sri Lanka Army, finally set foot in the district of Kilinochchi last evening as part of a fully mobilized operational army after over a decade. Although Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol (LRRP) teams have gone well beyond Kilinochchi, a massive mobilization of troops such as this has never entered Kilinochchi in over a decade.

The 58 Division, facing stiff resistance from Tigers at Vellankulam, effectively surrounded the village to cut off the enemy from three directions, in preparation for further operations to come. It was during this course of action that they entered Kilinochchi District by crossing the Vellankulam-Tunukkai road to the east of Vellankulam.

Tigers, taken by surprise at Illuppakadavai, have dug large trenches around Vellankulam in advance to prevent faster mobilization of armour. 58 troops, spearheaded by specially trained bunker-buster teams from 2 Commando, will take the upper-hand soon as the Tigers are unable to resist the Army's small group, armour, artillery and MI-24 attacks launched day and night, field commanders said.

If the LTTE loses Vellankulam, it will expose the grounds of tactical importance (GTI) of Tunukai, Mallavi and Mankulam, thus exposing the A-9 and eventually Kilinochchi. If they lose Vellankulam, the last bastion remaining for the LTTE in the west coast would be Nachchikuda in Pooneryn.

Moving further north to Nachchikuda is not an option for the Tigers as the 53 and 55 could get mobilized at any time. In other words, the loss of Vellankulam, Tunukai, Mantai and Mankulam in that order would expose Kilinochchi and subsequently Pooneryn, thus reducing the Tigers to mere insurgents within a matter of few months unless Prabhakaran comes up with a series of daring attacks, which is unlikely at this point.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update DW.

perein said...

Commooooo boys and girls. Few miles to go. We can kill the terror out of our mother Lanka together.
May the Noble Triple Gem bless you all.

Bhairav said...

Vanniyan in his article said whoever holds into Vellankulam will have upper hand in Wanni operation, then later on switched his tone into banks of Pali river will define the outcome of Eelam war IV. Tomorrow he will say his arse will define the final outcome.

Orion said...

Its so cool to hear that our lionhearts are doing a great job inspite of the naysayers, economic and political 'traitors' etc etc...
Go guys.. you can...

thiru said...

there will be a tremendous attack on the Sri lankan forces in the coming weeks and months, from what i hear this attack is the most planned and devastating one in eelam war4, till this point we still dont know where it will originate from and where it will take place, that information is only with the ltte top brass. However, one thing for certain is that this is going to be a do or die attack, so for all you premature ejaculaters of lighting fireworks as if the war is done, wait and see.

Sanath said...

peelam bootlickers waiting for an attack....poor shit eaters ... LTTE can only attack civilian busses and mosques and temples only. SEE THE LAST COUNTER ATTACK where over 100 charly antony sarong briagade goons were freed from thier miserable lives under VP.

Colomblogs said...

Thiru said "...attack is the most planned and devastating one in eelam war4.."

Excellent Thiru..!That is what boyz expecting from the Mavil Aru. SLDF ground commanders getting complaints from the boyz about lack of sport from LTTE and boring operations. They have trained for much harder try and see it..

There will be more battles to come.. in some LTTE may get upper hand. But SLDF will win this war.

In this Do or Die attack, you will "die" even before "do".

And no need to number the wars as "eelam war3, 4" now. This will be the last one..!

LTTE's one move will open-up space for 10 moves for us. And only if you've a slightest idea of the things coming to you from here ):

Colomblogs said...

Well said Bhairav!..

Colomblogs said...

SLA and carry a news about 02 LTTE female Lt. Col killed. Do you have any further info on this?

One of the main reasons I hate LTTE is killing females and kids. They picked innocent, then brainwashed send to front and suicdes.

Otherside LTTE bus bombs mostly kills females and kids. They are the most weekest and softest of the man kind.

Barbarians...! Must trash their testicles..

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

Well, at this stage we can safely say the LTTE, even if it does mount a counterattck of sorts, will not try in Jaffna as feared before?
Because now that SLA is so near its heart such an attempt can see SLA ovetake a defenceless Kili or Mtivu in a wink.Any counteroffensive would prob originate in Wanni, and like Jsikurui, go on to Jaffna if successful. If it fails in Wanni, it is goodbye LTTE. Then again if it succeeds in Wanni I expect Jaffna to fall unlike last time. Either way I expect SLA to retain dominant territorial control of the East.
Till Kilinochi and M'Tivu falls I would be more circumspect in celebrating LTTEs extinction as many are doing here.

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

I was just thinking, would a wily man like Karuna give his best assistance to SLA in wiping out LTTE from Wanni?
While he would have given his 100% in the East for obvious reasons, I doubt he would make himself redundant by doing so in North, esp in view of his recent bitter UK episode.He may even coverty mislead SLA into blunders to keep his relevance( and hence survival/royal treatment from GoSL)intact?
* I am presuming he is giving a ' running commentary' for SLA planners as the maneuvers between SLA and LTTE are happening in real time.

Colomblogs said...

I'm not a defence expert. But I think LTTE might try using 50-100 groups. Probably 10 man teams with specific tasks for maximum damage. They may try this in several weak defences of SLDF simultaneosuly with maximum fire power.Not neccesarrily in current battle fields.

In that way only they can keep the terriotory by limited resources and delay the SLDF advance.

We must try the same strategy to weeken them and then use a final full-force thrust.

Colomblogs said...

Only you are stupid enough to beleive that SLA planning based on Karuna.

And you said "fall of Mtivu and Killi will finish the LTTE" That is so stupid..even Kuttu can understnad that..

Earlier I read some good posts from you. When downfall started, your tiger skin is more visible.

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

why do you fellows have all have such a predictable inferiority complex?

Sam Perera said...

thaka thiru,

there will be a tremendous attack on the Sri lankan forces in the coming weeks and months, from what i hear this attack is the most planned and devastating one in eelam war4, till this point we still dont know where it will originate from and where it will take place, that information is only with the ltte top brass. However, one thing for certain is that this is going to be a do or die attack, so for all you premature ejaculaters of lighting fireworks as if the war is done, wait and see."

Can you please provide us more information about the do-or-die attack after talking to LTTE top brass? So you know that it will be the most planned also. I guess, the LTTE top brass told you about the planning process also. Tll you what, I will give you Rs. 0.50 equivalent of the currency of your choice for the information, it is that valuable.

thiru said...

ltte counter attack SF at Vavunikulam area, 30 SLA killed and 60 injured, many bodies are recovered along with military vehicles and ammunition

Strategic Thinking said...

thiru, we will believe it when we see it... !

hemantha said...

This is what you said around three months back.
"More seriously, Karuna defected to GoSL for nearly 4 years now--so I am sure MI has by now milked him dry as to LTTE tactics/thinking/strenghts and weaknesses/intelligence machinery/moles/communications/international operations/decision making process etc etc.That the LTTE has taken countermeasures is also a given.
Hence my statement that he is expendable.So if he is of use to GoSL, it will be mainly Political and not military.

May 17, 2008 9:49 PM"

And this is what you are saying now.

"While he would have given his 100% in the East for obvious reasons, I doubt he would make himself redundant by doing so in North, esp in view of his recent bitter UK episode.He may even coverty mislead SLA into blunders to keep his relevance( and hence survival/royal treatment from GoSL)intact?
* I am presuming he is giving a ' running commentary' for SLA planners as the maneuvers between SLA and LTTE are happening in real time.

August 1, 2008 10:12 PM"

Quite funny.

සිසිර කුමාර said...

"LTTE is planning the biggest attack in history"

"Wait and see...."

"We get inside info from Ltte..."

"Operation red butt is underway..."

These are the most common words said by terror supporting diasspora and has no real value.

Arguments based on these claims are useless and waste of our time.

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

Hemantha, thanks for pointing out apparent contradictions in my statements.That you went to the trouble of sifting through tons of posts to come up with that deserves a thanks.

It has to be seen in context. I still believe he is expendable because he would have given the lions share of intelligence on
"theLTTE tactics/thinking/strenghts and weaknesses/intelligence machinery/moles/communications/international operations/decision making process etc etc "

...and he was expendable(UK episode), does not mean the SLA wont use his expertise even with diminishing returns when he is available now and costs a lot too.This is esp true when the SLA is entering what it itself is claiming as the final stage of the war and the chances of an LTTE counterattck high.
Todays statement means he may hold back what he knows to prevent even further redundancy.

GroundZeroLanka said...

Thiru said "hat information is only with the ltte top brass"

Haha..."LTTE Top Brass"? you mean "LTTE Top Slipper"... to have "brass" you need to be part of an national army...not a bunch of children and grade five sakillies with AK's

Raptor said...


Its bout bloody time your'll made your 'devastating attack' otherwise you might be launching your attacks from Tamil Nadu, not Killinochchi.

I say bring it on b*tch, bring it on.

hemantha said...

"Hemantha, thanks for pointing out apparent contradictions in my statements.That you went to the trouble of sifting through tons of posts to come up with that deserves a thanks."

You are wrong again. It took me just two minutes.

So then you thought MI milked him dry. And now suddenely you have learnt that he has held some information back and with those inf he can mislead SLA. The logic is a bit absurd. Don't you think so?

I always thought (and said) you are a smart tiger. But recently you are acting desperate (no wonder LTTE is in a desperate situation too). It reflects in your comments.

hemantha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LKDOOD said...

it a counter attack

when you really need to make a call you can't get through



please update if you can

LKDOOD said...

thiru like kuttu is expecting a 'tremendous attack' which can never happen


there will be counter attacks but 'ceaseless' waves are highly unlikely to happen

hemantha said...

"it a counter attack"

Don't know. I was wondering loudly. I shouldn't have done that. Will remove my comment.

Rover said...

"a massive mobilization of troops such as this has never entered Kilinochchi in over a decade."

Brothers in arms, keep going, we'll do what is needed to support you.

Remembered a song by Dire Straits, which is pretty much exactly how I feel....

"These mist covered mountains
Are a home now for me
But my home is the lowlands
And always will be
Some day youll return to
Your valleys and your farms
And youll no longer burn
To be brothers in arms

Through these fields of destruction
Baptisms of fire
Ive watched all your suffering
As the battles raged higher
And though they did hurt me so bad
In the fear and alarm
You did not desert me
My brothers in arms"

Bhairav said...

According to

[Heavy clashes erupts in Wanni, troops encounter stiff resistance from terrorists

Heavy clashes have flared up in the South of Tunukkai and South of Mallavi areas since this morning (August 1), said the defence sources in the Vavuniya - Mannar battlefront.

According to the sources, troops of 57 division continuing their advance towards the strategically vital Tunukkai town and Mallavi town have come under stiff resistance from LTTE terrorists struggling to hold their strongholds. Terrorists have lobbed hundreds of mortars in order to slowdown the advancing soldiers. However, troops have effectively overpowered the terror attack and taken the situation under control, the sources added.

According to the available information, several soldiers have been killed and others suffered wounds due to the enemy mortar fire. The terrorists too have suffered serious damages. The battle is still on, the latest reports said.

More information will follow..

I believe SLA severely beaten around Vellankulam.

Colomblogs said...

LKDOOD said...
Who is this?

LKDOOD said...

oh..forgot about him

thanks single

Colomblogs said...

I think this report is on Thunukkai..not Vellankulam. Still report it first than Tamilnet, even though news is not favour for them.

There will be battles.. in some LTTE may get upper hand...Nobody expects LTTE to be blind, deaf and disabled. There will be counter attcks, bus bombs...

But the point is they dont have capacity to win the war! You will see and read more news sooner!

LKDOOD said...

Blogger Bhairav said...

I believe SLA severely beaten around Vellankulam.

August 2, 2008 1:03 AM

you can't beat SLA 'severely' by killing a few personal

tanks are rolling into Vellankulam

LTTE is toast

fall of Mallavi & Tunukkai is imminent

LKDOOD said...

LTTE don't have tanks, attack air craft, UAV's

odds are against the LTTE

red birds will not save them


Rover said...

TF1 and 58 div had to make a dash upto Vellankulam to secure the flank of TF2. I am very relieved that we got to Vellankulam without a problem.

Now, the defensive divisions need to consolidate our positions before we go on to take Pooneryn/Kili.

BTW, Vellankulam is ideal for us to have a Navy base. But need to do a bit of work before actually doing this.

Colomblogs said...

Decesive factor of this phase depend on the succeffulness of decapitation attacks.

Rather than just focusing on fronts, more small groups must deploy on targetting junior to high level of LTTE limit thier movements..more isolation from fronts..

As I posted earlier, they seems try in small batches.. we must attack with small units with superior fire power from different sides.

Group to Group targets...

Gringo said...

[there will be a tremendous attack on the Sri lankan forces ]

hoooo ..... hoooo.... hoooo...

Tell me Ranjani.... when in the history since 1983... THAT THREAT was not threre?

We are not stupid, Ranjani.

Wipe off those tears, squeeze the little red bird and hit the shack...

What will come our way is peace, harmony and prosperity... once the LTTE is totally wiped out...

The signs are already there.

All Sri Lankans bow their heads to the valiant soldiers who laid down their live to the country.

They will never be forgotten and their loved ones will get the BEST the little paradise can offer.

Ranger said...

Why are you wasting your time here like me ?


> Associated Degree

> Bachelor's Degree

> Master's Degree

> Doctorate Degree

Ranger said...

praba is underground

attack from air


Ranger said...




Ranger said...

Why are you wasting your time here like me ?


> Associated Degree

> Bachelor's Degree

> Master's Degree

> Doctorate Degree

thiru said...

raptor, the ltte will not rush any major operation, they will pick the time and place to do it, when they do ur defence will crumble just like in jeyasukiriya. lkdood, yes the ltte doesn't have supersonics, UAV's or alot of tanks but do have one thing you modhayas don't and that's a military genius such as prabhakaran, you have a former employee of a gas station in the states running ur side. lkdood and other modhayas keep wetting ur beds, the time is near for you modhayas to feel the wrath of the tigers.

Ranger said...



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LKDOOD said...

another animal has entered the site

Gringo said...

[ military genius such as prabhakaran....]

Hoooo.... Hoooo.... Ranjani!

Another good one for the road... from a weeping LTTE coolie!

Cannot see how Velu trained the LTTE pigs to run to Killi... all the way from the East, right?

The movie I'm going to watch in the weekend is:


LKDOOD said...



good one mate


GoldenEagle said...


"I expect Jaffna to fall unlike last time"
Are you on crack? Muhamalai is only narrow strip of land. Any attempt by the LTTE will be met with destruction. The SLAF and MBRLs will grill them.

If they try an amphibious landing, those fiber glass hulls of their boats will be finding their way into the seabed after being easily pierced by 20mm, 23mm and 30mm guns.
"I was just thinking, would a wily man like Karuna give his best assistance to SLA in wiping out LTTE from Wanni?
It seems to me that you have a hard time accepting that the SLA commanders came up with strategies to successfully counter LTTE's strategies and tactics. SLA commanders are in high demand in military universities all over the world, especially Commander SF.

Did you think that the SLA to brass sat on their butts for 4 years of the ceasefire? The ceasefire gave us the time frame to get our act together.

You seem to be saying everything to avoid the inevitable bitter realisation that the so called "Sinhala Modaya" commanders and officers in the SLA developed brand new strategies neutralise the LTTE strategies. Thats why you come up with the laughable "Karuna behind SLA strategy successes" arguement.

Ranger said...

feeling depressed ?

watch this

hemantha said...

Wanni Operation - Sri Lanka War Situation Report 01/08/2008

click here

Bhairav said...

Smart is just desperate to make some bucks by clicking his ads as Google pays 30 cents US for every click of its ads. I better tell Google for his spams, yes, Smart, you will be taken from their partner lists :)

Bhairav said...


If you do not stop your spamming, I certainly take this to Google.

Malin said...


will you stop this spam. this is not an advertising blog.

GoldenEagle said...

If we do manage to destroy the LTTE in the coming months, I am praying this government won't paint this victory as a "Duttugemunnu vs Elara 2.0" victory.

Cause that will further alienate the Tamils and undermine the unity of our country.

Jambudipa said...

Oi Smartt, piss off without spamming this site.

Ranger said...

Heavy clashes erupts in Wanni, troops encounter stiff resistance from terrorists

Heavy clashes have flared up in the South of Tunukkai and South of Mallavi areas since this morning (August 1), said the defence sources in the Vavuniya - Mannar battlefront.

According to the sources, troops of 57 division continuing their advance towards the strategically vital Tunukkai town and Mallavi town have come under stiff resistance from LTTE terrorists struggling to hold their strongholds. Terrorists have lobbed hundreds of mortars in order to slowdown the advancing soldiers. However, troops have effectively overpowered the terror attack and taken the situation under control, the sources added.

According to the available information, several soldiers have been killed and others suffered wounds due to the enemy mortar fire. The terrorists too have suffered serious damages. The battle is still on, the latest reports said.

More information will follow..





Ranger said...


Ranger said...


Moshe Dyan said...

thanks DW for the update.

i recon VP will attack sometime soon.

that is the only way he thinks he can escape. we should be ready. if he takes on the SLDFs he will be blown to pieces so he will try soft targets.

yes. but winning the war itself will hurt MOST tamils enormously. they are still cnvinced that only by war they can get TE (if at all). when LTTE fails, they will feel failed. i expect a very large scale mass migration from SL immediately following the war.

HOWEVER vanni tamils will be happy for some time as happened in jaffna asfter riviresa. but soon diaspora will influence tham as well.

i'm not justifying their thinking. i'm only stating the reality. MOST tamils wanted and still want TE. they don't want a lesser political solution.

the govt should not trumpet on war victory bcos that can only hurt more. but there are some things you got to do without trying to please everyone. tamils have been misled by their popular politicians from 1924-2008 and by the LTTE.


Jambudipa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TigerKiller said...


Please remove this smartt . please block him . he is spammin on this site

Jambudipa said...

MOST tamils wanted and still want TE. they don't want a lesser political solution.

This is why the conscience of Sinhalese and Muslims must be clear they had no choice other than military option. Anandasagaree or one or two Tamils screaming is not enough. There never were any critical mass from Tamils themselves for a political solution within a single unified country. They put all theirs eggs on the Vezha-Pillaiz's crumbling violent basket. They reap what
they sow.

Their belief in Vezha-Pillaiz were due to several factors.

1 - Highly effective LTTE propaganda and weak govt response countering. Tamilizh themselves begin to fall for LTTE propaganda that was designed to deceive others.
2 - Tamilizh majority complex. 60 million Tamilizh against measly 12 million Sinhalese, how can they win? It will be just a walk over considering the Sinhalese are laid back, weak, corrupt and incomptenet, unlike us Jaffna Tamilizh who are very 'industrious'.
3 - The Tamilizh do not have their own country. There are more Tamilizh, but they don't have their own nation. As per point 2, the Sinhalese are just a walk over. TN will eventually free themselves from India so pan Tamil nation can be formed out of NE of the island.

After LTTE is gone, points 2 and 3 will have to be tackled. Although if there is a mass migration of Tamilizh happens after the defeat of LTTE, then these problems will fade away too.

GoldenEagle said...

Moshe and Panhinda,

Initially most Tamils thought that TE was the only solution. But by now, most realised they under estimated the resolve of Lanka to keep it from splitting.

Deep down in their heart of hearts they know that TE won't be formed. They are also painfully aware of the price Tamils have paid demographically with this 25 year long war. All because of that blood thirsty maniac.

The greatest fear of Tamils now is that if the war were to end with the LTTE's defeat, then things will be back to the way it was in the ore 1983 period.

Thats why we must make sure we rebuild the NE economically after the war and give the Tamils regional power to run it according to their culture, customs and language.**THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT LANKA WILL SPLIT**. Just like the 50 states of the USA run things there way, but they never face the fear of splitting.

Bhairav said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bhairav said...

[Thats why we must make sure we rebuild the NE economically after the war and give the Tamils regional power to run it according to their culture, customs and language.**THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT LANKA WILL SPLIT**. Just like the 50 states of the USA run things there way, but they never face the fear of splitting.]
Good talk buddy! What will you do for Sinhalizing the Tamil coastal villages in East? LTTE made you to think like a liberal, but you guys will disappear in the face of chauvinist Buddhist Monks who always interferes in Lankan politics- it goes back to many centuries.

If Tamils do not get their satisfactory solutions when LTTE is around, they will never get any decent solutions later on as sellouts Karuna, ASangari,DD will sell Tamils for their few houses and ho's.

TropicalStorm said...

I believe thiru, when he says the LTTE will launch a do-or-die. They will, and 'die' it will be, more probably than 'do'. But the psychotic barbarian hiding in the toilet pit will not give a damn. we've seen the behavior before and we will see it again. In fact for Velu, even all Tamils dying in a withering war will only work to re-inforce the victimology the racist doctrine is built upon. The question here is not whether it will happen, but when and where.

Sri lanka should be more on guard because as our troops get deeper into enemy terrain, cutting off logistics becomes a problem with fatal outcomes. The LTTE has the capacity to do that.

No military should ever make the mistake of taking on the guy who has nothing to lose, with nonchalance. The LTTE is losing everything it has worked for over 30 years, and they WILL throw everything they have into this fight.

SLA needs to work hard on its 'decapitation' strategy, since to be successful, the LTTE is going to need motivated and skilled field commanders. These guys, like the Lt.Colonels that are being bagged, need to be a top priority.

Do believe thiru. The guy knows what he's talking about, at least on this issue.

silentknight said...

i hope our guys have the MBRL's at the ready,plus on call hinds for straffing runs......
if and when this counter attack happens.
personally , i think this time round, they will go for small teams with maximum fire thinking--suicide teams....their objective im guessing will be to move the fdl's back.even for a small while......ltte cannot be expected to try a ceaseless waves type attack....they WILL be anihilated if they try that.....but still, a chemical attack is one that remains to be seen,.....maybe an air burst round filled with chems or a similier air deployed crude bomb for maximum impact.

TropicalStorm said...

A very likely scenario would be a multiple divertionary strikes on number of fronts while a commando style raid with overwhelming force focusses on acquiring and holding a couple of MBRLs at least for a couple of hours.

That would be a disaster quite within the LTTE's capabilities.

SLA needs to udnerstand the vulnerability of its high fire power assets that are being taken into enemy terrain and make sure they are capably defended.

It is imperative to have a mechanism to spike these weapons and destroy them in a worst case scenario such as above.

TropicalStorm said...

This assinine spammer should be kicked out.

Moshe Dyan said...


good points as usual.

however, i tend to agree with panhinda's number 2 than allowing regional power. SL's remaining tamils are less intent on seperation THAN the diaspora. the diaspora is rich and VERY VERY powerful than local tamils. MOST local tamils have their relatives in the diaspora and this is another way to influence the innocents.

this struggle between local tamils and diaspora tamils over moderation and extremism therefore ends up with the latter winning it.

the tamil naional struggle in SL is older than independant SL (it started in 1924). if we allow regional autonomy that is considered as a stepping stone to TE following the KOSOVO precedence.

lets assume that we gave them regional autonomy of some sort where they can run most of their affairs by themselves. then what? the powerful tamil diaspora, tamil politicians (can we forcefully retire the TNA or the likes of ACTC, ITAK, TULF, LTTE? no) and TN will force it to follow seperation through the ppl. if the regional administration is not complying, ppl will elect a more extremist party. this process will continue until seperation.

instead what we should do is to frustrate the TE program in SL by making it impossible and impractical. if the north is multiethnic, the TE program collapses COMPLETELY.

however, the struggle will continue in tamil nadu and malaysia to different degrees.

kaatikuddupaan said...

i think that after LTTE is militarily defeated, all the people who are hard core members and who try to blend in with civilians should be targeted by death squads of victimised tamils.

Also more tamils need to be in the police and army e.t.c so that we can have a truly mixed sinhala and tamil sri lanka

GoldenEagle said...


"Good talk buddy! What will you do for Sinhalizing the Tamil coastal villages in East? LTTE made you to think like a liberal, but you guys will disappear in the face of chauvinist Buddhist Monks who always interferes in Lankan politics- it goes back to many centuries.

If Tamils do not get their satisfactory solutions when LTTE is around, they will never get any decent solutions later on as sellouts Karuna, ASangari,DD will sell Tamils for their few houses and ho's"

First of all the LTTE did not make me think as a liberal. I have always been a moderate, who is Anti-LTTE which is why I fully support MR and co.

I am able to see the racist aspects of both Tamil and Sinhala societies. Not many have this kind of balanced view.

I fully undertand that the Tamils can't go back empty handed after 30 years of warfare. That would be simply too devastating. Thats why I say that we must start the economic development of the NE on the express-lane, after the war is over. Creating jobs, starting schools and rebuilding infrastructure are the top priorities.

The Tamils must forget the Tamil Eelam dream, it is over. Looking at it in the long term, devolving the power based on the regional provinces is the just solution.

After the war is over, there will most likely be a clash within the Sinhala society about how to proceed. The old school conservatives are dwindling is number and the moderates are increasing. So as far as I am concerned there has been no better time for a political solution after the war is over.

BTW, MR is no fool, all that I have said above MR already knows. He is a high calibre pragmatist, who is clever and smarter than many people think. If there is one leader who is capable of getting a political solution by manuveuring the differing political pieces around if the war ends, it him.

GoldenEagle said...

Moshe Dyan

I respect your views, but what you say won't happen. I guarantee it.

First of all, if the regional Tamil dominated governments start to move towards seperation and act upon it, there will be war again, and the Tamils are in no position to start and carry out another multi decade war. The Tamils don't have the numbers to carry out another war. Already their population has peaked, who are they going to use to fight with? middle aged people? Oh, and don't expect the diaspora offspring to come to carry this second war. Even VP is supposed have called them a "lost generation".

Second of all and the MOST IMPORTANT factor is that all the major geopitical forces are dead set against the creation of a Tamil Eelam. The only and sole reason reason Kosovo is a success story is because the geopolitcal forces were against Serbia. Think of it like this, if TE is created India will lose TN. India will never ever allow it. What is bad for India is bad for the U.S.A.

Jambudipa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Moshe Dyan said...


agree with you 100% on what got to be done.

i know the first suggstion is kind of bad, but it MUST be done.

unfortunately the likes of kaati are the minority among tamils, ESPECIALLY among the rich and the powerful.

Moshe Dyan said...


mate, value your comments. i can agree with you and make some of my friends here happy. but the truth is further away.

"if the regional Tamil dominated governments start to move towards seperation and act upon it, there will be war again"

no. it won't be war as there won't be two warring parties. you can't declare war on something like the EPRLF in 1989. it will be PEOPLE (very heavily backed by RICH seperatist elements who can EASILY out-do SL's financial strength) in the north that will DEMAND this from their regioinal rulers.

" all the major geopolitical forces are dead set against the creation of a Tamil Eelam"

no again. there are many that support it. a community's right to self-determination is recognised by the UN. no country will want to stop this and be seen as the "bad" guy.

russia and china (2 UN permanant members) disagreed to kosovo. even france had reservations. but it went ahead.

if we try to stop seperation after creating a somewhat autonomous region (which is against "a community's right to self-determination as recognised by the UN", a R2P situation arises.

we cannot fight them.

now we can say LTTE is a terror group; they kill tamils; we have humanitarian operations, etc.
but NONE of these will be valid then.

Elara® said...

Racist homophobic GoSL! We will unleash our WMD's on you! Just you wait!

B#1 said...


WMD : weapon of mass destruction

nuclear and chemical and biological weapons

LOL :)

Anonymous said...

hey elaraya,
your LTTE is unleashing WMD, every day in bunkers.
that is why SF use long black head scarf, so that nose also can be closed to avoid smell comming from SH**&FARTs of runnig ltters

Moshe Dyan said...


Whores Molls & Doxies!!!!

they create mass destruction on themselves by INVITATION!!

Elara® said...

b#1 and andare,

Your ultra-homophobic Special Forces will get their just desserts very soon! Like Eelam, the day of reckoning for the SF is just around the corner. We at TamilNet eagerly await the opportunity to publish it on our totally credible site. Hitapang!

Anonymous said...

Now SLDF has to change the tactics to get rid of casualities from ARTI & Motar.
Reson is , LTTE is now concentrated in to small area and they can move their 130mm motar and Arti to attack any front of SLDF with very short notice.
It is like a DDOS attack in the computer networks.
LTTE can direct their indirect fire to a one destination from different ARTI locations.
But SLDF is streching more and more, that capability can reduce conciderably.

There is only one quick solution for over come LTTE ARTI & Motar and SLDF alredy knows about it.
But I do not know, wether they will have a urgency and will to execute the plan.

kaatikuddupaan said...

Well if SLA supports people like me with money and guns instead of Boosa and 4th floor.

LTTE would have been gone a long time ago.

Did you know that prior to the attempted invasion of Jaffna in August 2006,

a huge jail was built in Visuvamadu near Puthukudirupu to house 1/3 of the Jaffna tamils as punishment for aiding the SLA

Prabhakaran was so sure of the sucess of that mission that he ordered the LTTE casualties to be put in Jaffna teaching hospital !

Mohammed Zubair said...

Tamilnut has relegated the "30 SLA Killed" to second place. The headline is now about some obscure opinion poll in Thamiz Nazu. If there is any truth on the figures, then that article would be kept in top place and they would publish pictures soon after. We have been watching Tamilnut for a while and have learned to predict their behaiviour.

Elara, the day you unleash your "WMDs", that will be the end of you, no superpower or India would allow terrorists to use and possess WMDs, it sets a dangerous precedent. PS, Elara was a good and just king. You don't deserve to even be his official arse washer, so stop calling yourself that name.

Elara® said...


Of course I was a just king. I was also a very smart king, proven when I executed my only son and heir for running over a calf with his chariot. That made things much easier for Dutugemunu because he just had to send me down to Maveerarland and kick my fellow invading Eelamistanis back to Tamil Nadu. Now, 2200 years later, our loyal diASSpora is still crying foul over it and using that to justify their demand for Tamil Eelam! Smart, wasn't I?

Anyway, I have to go now and say my Eelam prayers. Cheers.

Sam Perera said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sam Perera said...

andare, mosey , and mohammed,

elara sounds like the author of, the official site of LTTE.


Gayansphotography said...

Wellankualm captured......... well done

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

Can somebody tell what the guy in green beret is carrying in waist pouch??
Looks like either old-style rifle ammo(? sniper) or rifle-grenades.
Also looks like some bigshot is around cos' one guy with M16 is seen(usu bodyguard types)as well as a lady with sidearms.The cadres also look stouter and confident than usual, so could be an ' elite' group?

Anonymous said...

SLA has officialy confirmed that Vellankiulam has been captured by our forces!!!!!
Great!! great!! great!!
Now lets march to K'nochci.

Anonymous said...

Oops!! Thoughtful Guy got the news first!!
Anyway great victory and a great landmark in this war aginst tamil pussies!!!!

Unknown said...

Virus alert,

That's great news! What is your source? Did they show it on TV just now?

Mohammed Zubair said...

Sam Perera, sorry now I got the joke about Elara, lol! I should have realised it was him with the "R" trademark sign. I thought he was another arrogant LTTE pig like Shyam / Kuttu / Thiru and whoever other pigs I have forgotten. Bit short on my sense of humour today, weather is dreary and the boys are not doing too well in Galle. Capture of Vellankulam should ligthen things up a bit.

Unknown said...

Please stop ridiculing Elara. It is against the the Wishes of Gamini Abhaya

wijayapala said...


"To win the war, you have to win the hearts and minds of Tamils first, then winning the war militarily possible."

What should SLA do to win the hearts and minds of Tamils living in the Vanni under LTTE control?

"Life is normal as always in Kilinochi with usual CD opening ceremonies and carnivals-"

And don't forget the 1000s of IDPs struggling without amenities. "Normal Life" in Vanni.

Anonymous said...

They didn't show on on tv yet but ada derana has confirmed the news by sms.
At first I thought of calling them 'tiger pussies' but the tiger is a creature with pride.These LTTE buggers are running all over the place shitting in their own pants now a days.

Mohammed Zubair said...

Official confirmation of the fall of Vellankulam:

Gayansphotography said...

Virus alert said...

Oops!! Thoughtful Guy got the news first!!
Anyway great victory and a great

:-) yeah..... who ever got the news first...its still a great piece of news....


Hi Guys
According to Tamilnut
Mallaavi is the fourth largest town in LTTE controlled Vanni.

I think getting to Malavi is not walk in the park.
If it's the 4th largest town fall of that would be very significant

Hope SAL will get it soon

wijayapala said...


"Any counteroffensive would prob originate in Wanni"

Where else would it originate???

"Then again if it succeeds in Wanni I expect Jaffna to fall unlike last time."

When the LTTE attempted to take Jaffna in 2000-1, the SLA was more or less a beaten army with extremely low morale, totally panicked leadership, and disrupted supply lines. The Tigers had entered Thenmaradchi through Pooneryn and basically split the SLA's presence in 2: the front line troops (55, 53, and remnants of 54 Division) at Elutumadduval and rear-echelon troops (51 & 52 Division) in Valigamam. Tigers had brought artillery to shell Palaly airfield and KKS harbor. Nearly everyone predicted that the Tigers would triumph.

If the LTTE did not win back then with everything in its favor, why would it win today?????

"Till Kilinochi and M'Tivu falls I would be more circumspect in celebrating LTTEs extinction as many are doing here."

I agree that some of us have a problem with premature gloating. For me the redline is Pooneryn- if the SLA can take Pooneryn by New Year (Western not SL!), then it is game over for the LTTE. The LTTE counterattack will probably take place later this year when the SLA is overstretched. We should pay attention to whether the govt. begins using police and SLN to man the defense lines.

Mohammed Zubair said...

Tamilnut has published a few pics of the Malavi front. The "cadres" pictures seem to be in hardcore "elite" brainwashed kind. They captured a jeep, not an APC. Also the arms seized seem to be significant. These pics will give the diasspora wet dreams for a few nights.

Unknown said...

Tamilnet has posted pictures on the Mallavi battle.

Analysis time people..

You can see the vehilce they captured was a jeep. Definitely not an APC. They seem to be overjoyed with the capture of it, putting up a tiger flag over it. A little embarassing isn't it?

They terrorists there are wearing some head gear. Are they from some LTTE elite formation? The vertical striped uniforms seem to suggest so.

The caputured arms seems sizeable? Is it? That mortar launcher, what calibre is it? what's that other RPG looking weapon with bipods?

What's in the green bags?

What's with the mamotties?

Mohammed Zubair said...


Contents of green bag = pig fodder.

Head gear = goni bags.

Uniform = Buy 1 get 1 free garment factory rejects bought on the Fort World market.

Captured arms are probably recaptured arms that we captured from them a while ago.

Unknown said...

May be the quality of the foot soldier has increased as DW suggested. But I am getting the impression that the quality of the field officers need to improve.

As Tamilnet said did we have air support and MBRL support? Was it three pronged. If this is the case seems like a bad defeat for us. If we are not able to succeed with this kind of support we really need to take a close look at ourselves before making a daring move forwards.

And was it an offensive or was it an counter attack by the LTTE?

wijayapala said...


"but winning the war itself will hurt MOST tamils enormously. they are still cnvinced that only by war they can get TE (if at all). when LTTE fails, they will feel failed. i expect a very large scale mass migration from SL immediately following the war."

I think you have interacted with too many diaspora Tamils (maybe even some Colombo Tamils) who are not very well plugged into the mindset of most Tamils who live in SL. The fact is that these Tamils want peace above everything else and will back whichever side that will end the war the soonest. They are sick of war and have no intention of risking their lives for the Fat Bunker God.

The diaspora Tamils are rich but you grossly overestimate their influence over Sri Lankan Tamils. The diaspora Tamils can only influence SL through the LTTE. Once the LTTE goes, all the fantasies of the diaspora will evaporate like a large fart. The very shallow unity of the diaspora will follow.

I think you should reread your history. Tamil nationalism (i.e. the identity of N-E as a separate/distinct "Tamil nation") did not begin in 1924 but in 1956 as a result of Sinhala-Only.

"lets assume that we gave them regional autonomy of some sort where they can run most of their affairs by themselves. then what? the powerful tamil diaspora, tamil politicians (can we forcefully retire the TNA or the likes of ACTC, ITAK, TULF, LTTE? no) and TN will force it to follow seperation through the ppl."

Like too many Sinhalas, you are a bit paranoid, Moshe, seeing a separatist/terrorist behind every Tamil. The truth is that the Tamils will not be able to create a separate state without an armed force to challenge the Sri Lankan state. That has been the driving theory of the LTTE from its inception in the 1970s. No level of politicians' rhetoric or diaspora $$ will change this.

Shipping Sinhalese to Tamil areas is a wonderful idea from a Modaya perspective but it will only reinforce the LTTE's argument that the Sinhalese are out to destroy the Tamils. Fears of Sinhala displacement of the Tamils has been THE driving force of Eastern/Batticaloa Tamil nationalism (very very different from the Jaffna Tamil motivation).

londonistan said...


When the counter attack comes, the size of the force will have to be at least 1,500 strong to build up momentum to reverse some of the gains.

Col. Hariharan has said the Army should co-ordinate the multiple front- strategy to better effect. The LTTE cannot stage a counter attack on such a scale on all four fronts, they may feign but they cannot. MI should keep their ears to the ground even more keenly in the days, weeks and months to come for reports of buildups/manoeuvrings (including ops like the black tiger rehersal that was atacked by SLAF).

When they do attack however, our response at the other three fronts must be so overwhelming that the LTTE attack will need to be curtailed to reinforce their more vulnerable defences.

Unknown said...

They seem to have recovered only 3 SLA bodies. The figures seem to be correct. Also by looking at the captured weapons this seems consistent.

wijayapala said...


"After the war is over, there will most likely be a clash within the Sinhala society about how to proceed. The old school conservatives are dwindling is number and the moderates are increasing. So as far as I am concerned there has been no better time for a political solution after the war is over."

I agree that there will be a clash between the paranoid and non-paranoid elements in Sinhala society and that a post-LTTE situation will be best for a political solution, but I disagree that the paranoid types are disappearing. The paranoid types have simply cloaked themselves in very thin "liberal" garb as bhairav pointed out, but their anti-Tamil racism is very easy to expose (like when they talk about crowding out Tamils in Tamil areas).

Even a few paranoid Sinhalese can be very dangerous because of their clueless nature and thick heads. There weren't that many racist Sinhalese in 1983 but look how much damage they caused. It only took a few Modayas to bring 30 years of war and misery to Sri Lanka.

Unknown said...


i anwsered your ques. on DN, hope it helps.

TropicalStorm said...


Looks like the LTTE 'elite commandos' yet again beat-up a group of chena farmers and took their mamoties.

Losing Pooneryn will definitely be a very decisive turning point, in fact a complete end of the road for the LTTE. Complete sea-denial will lead to a collapse of the military apparatus and the guns aimed at holding civillians hostage will become gradually impotent. As economic pressure builds up and people start to move-out the exodus will precipitate the internal collapse no terror driven organization can stop.

The events leading upto now already has established the incontrovertible idea that a seperate state is not ever going to be a reality.

SAARC and the Indian response is a very important mile-stone SL has successfully passed. Even if SAARC does not ever accomplish anything else, the most important geo-poli thing for SL seems to have been achieved during this international event.

TropicalStorm said...

read geo-political goal..instead of 'geo-poli thing'..

TropicalStorm said...


You read Sri Lankan society completely wrong. Ours is a society that has seen the raw end and has weathered it successfully. They've learnt their lesson.

There'll never be another anti-minority attack of the scale of 1983.

You cannot ralistically expect the govt or the political process to move seamlessly in the immediate aftermath of a huge military effort. It is going to have a 'winding down' period and that is when the crazies will become active. As common sense prevails over extremism, our people will make the right decisions and this time they already see the big picture.

So please, stop spreading panic.

Kithul said...


re: your response to STD
"Earlier I read some good posts from you. When downfall started, your tiger skin is more visible"

well said mate and agree 100%

STD pretends to be non Sri Lankan and one who is interested in the conflict (myfoot) and describes himself/herself as 'yellow skin'.

the intimate knowledge of terrain and past SLA operations and ltte counterattacks (most which are not published abroad) exposes the 'tiger skin beneth the sheep skin'

TropicalStorm said...

The LTTE will very likely resort to multiple-diversionary attacks while a concerted effort is conducted to capture heavy weapons from the SLA.

SLA must pay very determined attention to 'force protection' and have contingency plans to prevent any assets such as MBRLs from falling into LTTE paws.

සිසිර කුමාර said...

wijeyapala said

[Shipping Sinhalese to Tamil areas is a wonderful idea from a Modaya perspective but it will only reinforce the LTTE's argument that the Sinhalese are out to destroy the Tamils. Fears of Sinhala displacement of the Tamils has been THE driving force of Eastern/Batticaloa Tamil nationalism (very very different from the Jaffna Tamil motivation).]

Tamil racists are paranoid of this. They have ethnic cleansed these areas sometime back. And they want to keep it that way. How can you justify your argument without showing your true colors?

TropicalStorm said...

Very interesting map;

TropicalStorm said...


Your ant-sinhala sentiment shows tantalizingly like my neighbor's wife's thong. There it is and then it is gone, to be seen delightfully, yet again soon.

Sinhalese colonization was a necessity at a time the SL govt lacked the ability to bring any area under its control swiftly. Those days are over.

If your comments have any validity, there should be severe bloodshed between tamils and muslims in the EP. Soon the muslims will outnumber the tamils in the EP as they have already done overall in Sri Lanka.

And there will not be any reprisals against anyone who wishes to live in any part of the nation because we will take such people down, and hard.

Ogre said...

Finally ! ! ! LTTE counter offensive thawarted, heavy LTTE casualities

The point stands...LTTE can not launch any counter offensive as long as they have to fight multiple fronts and at the same time at Important locations.

No place is less important. The next few days will show you some real good action...courty of SLA and SLN.

Hoora! blood makes the grass grow...

Sun Tzu's disciple said...


1.Thats just a typo! I meant LTTE will try to retake Wanni first, not Jaffna.

2."in 2000-1, the SLA was more or less a beaten army with extremely low morale, totally panicked leadership, and disrupted supply line"
All these were NOT there a few hours before the Tigers launched their counteroffensive.
1 hour before that , some bloggers here may have even castigated me saying
" the SLA is more or less a winning army with extremely high morale, totally confident leadership, and well kept supply lines " :))

same goes for ur other arguments.

3.Now what makes me they can take Jaffna?
a)Condition: only if Wanni falls so that SLA is in disarray and dispirited.
b)They had EP complex to contend with in 2000 wasting their time and resources. They are well inside Jaffna now.If they can outflank and outlast EP then, they can repeat now.
c)They have reportedly dozens of longrange artillery now, so better fire-support( eg Muhamalai I)than last time.
d)Most important, they have more no. of cadres( common sense--as they would have recruited during 4 years of CFA + many youths come of fighting age during those peaceful years, even after Karuna factored-in).Even though SLA numbers also increased, those familiar with military tactics know that increases in numbers of weaker party has much more effect overall than the larger party.

OTOH I would have given credence to arguments in SLAs favor which mentioned MBRLs,SLAF and LTTE supplies.

grow up.

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

...and these are just my thoughts,and my thoughts not going to alter the war in any way--so knee-jerk 'patriots' need not go ballistic:)

perein said...

Sun Tzu's disciple-
Thank you for sharing your view...

Have you noticed the amount of money Indian Busineses started to invest in Sri Lanka?
Do you think simply those businesses would sit and wait while their capital wont get the return?
Capital Retuns = No / less terror + Business establishment.

Sun Tzu's disciple said...


sorry I am not familiar with ur line of argument. I am just presuming no govt will come to aid of SLA or LTTE directly (except may be for evacuation).
I could be wrong.

Mohammed Zubair said...


I have come to the conclusion that you are talking out of your arse. You are making things up as you go along.

My view isn't a knee jerk reaction from a patriot gone ballistic, it is a considered view.

perein said...

No worries, and thank you for answering.
As you have noticed, there are lot of other factors to consider too.
LTTE has survived because of other factors, but now those other factors gone or taken away (or taking away).
Game is all most over.!!!

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

sorry mine was a general statement not specifically directed at you.

But I'm surprised a Muslim would use this sentence on something which his own troops carried?

"Contents of green bag = PIG fodder."

සිසිර කුමාර said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wijayapala said...


“There'll never be another anti-minority attack of the scale of 1983.”

Then perhaps we can look forward to a lot of small anti-minority attacks: Bindunuwewa 2000, Mawanella 2001, Trincomalee 2006…

“Your ant-sinhala sentiment shows tantalizingly like my neighbor's wife's thong.”

So says the person who uses the term “sakkiliya” to describe Tamils.

“Sinhalese colonization was a necessity at a time the SL govt lacked the ability to bring any area under its control swiftly.”

This “necessity” drove the eastern Tamils into the LTTE’s paws, where they remained until the Karuna rebellion.

“If your comments have any validity, there should be severe bloodshed between tamils and muslims in the EP. Soon the muslims will outnumber the tamils in the EP as they have already done overall in Sri Lanka.”

There has been a lot of Muslim-Tamil bloodshed and it will probably continue, just as Sinhala-Muslim violence will probably increase as the Muslims replace the Tamils as the dominant minority.

GoldenEagle said...


"no. it won't be war as there won't be two warring parties. you can't declare war on something like the EPRLF in 1989. it will be PEOPLE (very heavily backed by RICH seperatist elements who can EASILY out-do SL's financial strength) in the north that will DEMAND this from their regioinal rulers."
Of course you don't declare war upfront. We just bring in troops and station them there, like Indian troops in Kashmir and Pakistani troops in Baluchistan. If they start attacking the troops, then its on.
"russia and china (2 UN permanant members) disagreed to kosovo. even france had reservations. but it went ahead."
The geopolitical balance at the time were massively in favor of the West. At that time the West had so much leverage over the rest of the world. Remember this was not long after the cold war ended.

Today we are living in a historic time where the center of gravity of the world is shifting(quickly) to the East after 500 years. This is because of Asia's economic rise. Already many the West are talking about China and India.

Just look at Sri Lanka and our war. 10 years ago we were highly dependant on the aid(economy and military) from the West and it was hard for us got get advanced weapons systems from the West. We always got an earful from them when it came to human rights.

Today we get most our our aid(economy and military) from China and other non Western countries. The EU has much less leverage on us than it did 10 years ago and this trend is going to increase as Asia continues its economic rise.
"if we try to stop seperation after creating a somewhat autonomous region (which is against "a community's right to self-determination as recognised by the UN", a R2P situation arises.

we cannot fight them"
We don't have to fight them, just station troops there if the currents of seperation arises in those communities. If they attack the troops we can crush their fledgling insurgency while protecting the civilians.

Amavi said...

An animal which senses its defeat (just about to be killed) rolls on its back and uses all its strength + all four limbs + teeth on its final suicide attack.

So, yes in the coming months we will see a stiff resistance from the LTTE. But this cannot be held for a long period of time. The carders will lose morale (also if their supply is drained from combined navy + army defense in the west coast; north of Mannar) in time. If this stage can be handled accurately we will see waves of civilians, carders handing over to the army.

PS: As for all others who are dreaming about "tactical-retreats"... have a nice dream, there are some more goodies on the way.

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