Tuesday, August 26, 2008

TAF misses again, so does SLDF

The LTTE, a little while ago attempted to attack the Jetliner troop transport ferry in Trincomalee today. Two gravity bombs were dropped near a Navy Billet injuring a few Naval ratings.

One of the two bombs had exploded. The 'Tiger Air Force' planes had come from the direction of the sea, flying very low, Naval sources indicated. The Jetliner transports large numbers of troops from Trincomalee and back on some nights.

Anti-aircraft guns from the town and China bay had engaged the planes unsuccessfully in pitch dark but had managed to force them away. The Tiger pilots seem to have found it difficult to locate their target.


Gayansphotography said...

so much for our Air-Defences..... :-((

chamal said...

Yes, so much about our air defences. After all that boasting and daring them to get one plane airborne without being shot down, they still can come to the most important naval base in the country and return without any harm. What's the use of an air defence system that is there only to scare away the enemy without actually being bale to shoot it down?

From tamilnet:
"(SLAF) Kfir bombers were seen over Ki'linochchi during the reported air attack in Trincomalee"

If this is true, why weren't the Kfirs diverted to attack the Zlins? I mean, two or three hits from the 30mm cannon is enough to bring the damn thing down, you don't need missiles for that.

perein said...

This has happened not too late in the night... Surely lot of people were wake when this happened. Why cannot deployed troops can tell us to closest few miles?

Main thing is we are still not closer to LTTE Air units intel.

perein said...

Do n't think we need to get those LTTE planes while on air.
Still think we should find the landing / Airbone point.

LKDOOD said...

"2 light aircraft belonging to the LTTE Air Wing dropped more than 3 bombs on Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) base in Trincomalee at 9PM. The area residents reporting there are gun fire from ground to air. LTTE aircraft had flown back towards vanni and landed with out any incidents. Neither MOD/Nor LTTE has released any info on it yet. According to security sources a while ago. Reports indicated that the ‘Jetliner’ transport vessel appeared to be the target, but the target had not been hit. Military spokesman Brig. Udaya Nanayakkara said forces had fired at the aircraft, but it had eluded them"


DW update when you can

perein said...

One thing for sure we should not get distrubted too much towards Air units.
May be LTTE is trying that to attack some where else via land?
thoughts guys...

Malin said...

DEFENCEWIRE can you change the heading to "TAF misses again, So does SLDF"

:) because its missed chance by us to drop those planes.. :(

LKDOOD said...

this could be a diversion tactic !

chamal said...


"Do n't think we need to get those LTTE planes while on air.
Still think we should find the landing / Airbone point."

I agree with you, but that doesn't mean that when they come to our doorstep we should let them go back saying "we'll get you on the ground". Our air defences should be able to take them down.

123456 said...

This could be a trail for an another try..

Keep watching, take the target next time..

Wicky said...

Navy, AirForce watchout for LTTE ships transporting arms...this could be a tactic to divert attention...

Anonymous said...

there is a big problem here!
1st one is that these tin cans got away yet again. we do have helicopters that have night vision.

the 2nd is where these came from.
"The 'Tiger Air Force' planes had come from the direction of the sea, flying very low, Naval sources indicated."

if these tin cans came from the sea my guess is that they are not the old planes. this must be a sea plane because with the position that our forces are in they cant even think about lifting a plane off the ground. they could have easily done this with the sea planes and as defence says they flew very low, hence the radars could not detect them. the AA guns are useless if you are flying at the height of a coconut tree.
the important thing now is not to look at the things that happened but to check out the aftermath scenario. our kfir's and mig's can easily scout the sea for any unwanted ships or seaplanes.(do they have night vision?)

but as someone said this could be a diversion tactic. they might be planing another air attack on colombo or somewhere cos the jets are searching for them in the north.
but a full scale counter attack is highly unlikely

LKDOOD said...

Virus alert

"but as someone said this could be a diversion tactic. they might be planing another air attack on colombo or somewhere"

August 26, 2008 11:04 PM

this is what i think also

Renegade! said...

So uch for our "superior Air-defence"' coverage with AAA,SAM and Figher jets..MY ASS!!.MOst probably the SLAF pilots would have been watching some Porno flicks during this attack..lolz

Renegade! said...


appreciate your reply to my questions which,of course was filled with sarcasm and dint fully answer what i wanted to know,thanks anyways..

LankaSugath said...

If these buggers are not yet finish with our daily air supply to Vanni for years, how how these hide and seek foxes can weak our strentgh by dropping "few gravity bombs"?

Don't worry my brothers, let them play few more times, ...before they finaly land on our runaway of dead for the last time.

LKDOOD said...


Residents in Trincomalee, contacted by telephone, said they heard anti-aircraft guns for about 15 minutes.

They also saw smoke from the naval facility area, but it was not immediately clear what caused it.

Unknown said...

If you are there please check your mail.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

- I think now the falling tigers are now prevented from engaging targets in the south.

- They can in a snap get air borne and attack a very near and important target such as Trinco.

- We need the following units.
1. A dedicated unit observing happenings that opens windows to Puka Abaran et. al to flee the country. It should also have powers to requisition necessary resources to pursue and destroy such attempts.
2. Sufficient number of attack air craft that has minimal scramble time and are as much superior as possible with the first requirement intact. They should be stationed as nearer to the conflict areas so that they can intercept falling tiger craft engaging targets of more northern origin
3. Few zlins to regularly run sorties to give practise to current AA units.

Renegade! said...



Unknown said...

Is it possible that they smuggled in another air craft with this manouvere as someone suggested?

Unknown said...

We need a real bad look at our air to air defence.

A review and an audit.

Lankapura said...

virus alert, interesting thought. What is the possibility that they are now using some sea-plane and not the Zlins? Giving publicity photos with the Zlins and using something else could be a good tactic.

LKDOOD said...

lankadeepa says

4 bombs were dropped

1 in the sea

1 did not explode

WipeLTTE said...

What we need right now I agree a dedicated team to keep a eye prevent pig Praba from escaping to Norway, Australia, Eriteria or South Africa. We need to have a agreement with Indians to be able to persue and capture praba in the India territory waters if we get the news that he is escaping. Our government should have the necessary paperwork and ready to shoot down prabas plane or wesel in Indian Airspace and waters.

I hope our defense guys are ready for this! MUST be very well prepared.

Thambapanniya said...

as much as SLAF do magnificent work this is unacceptable

This is like a mosquito bite there is no serious damage but still its irritating

Despite all lambesting these primitive technology of ltte fact is this is allowed to have this and it is diversionary and divert our resources which could be used in battle front this need takin care of!!

kaatikuddupaan said...

In wanni at nights you can hear several small planes constantly in the air and ending at dawn.

The "vandu" beechcraft has a distinct low sound but the other planes are much louder and always end their flights over mullathivu/iranamadu jungle areas.

The way I heard LTTE disguises the run way is to use fake trees to cover the runway, only to remove them for the plane to land and take off.

this is only hearsay but came from a credible source.

sldf said...

Hey kaatikuddupaan are you a ex tiger? If you are what made you to leave the LTTE?

sldf said...

Trinco and Weli Oya area have to be protected by a multi layered defensive systems. Anti aircraft fire alone will not do the work. As defencewire said LTTE missed the target and so does our Airforce/Navy gunners.

Trinco/Weli Oya and Polonaruwa and Minnariya are not areas well covered like Colombo and suburbs. Another attack on these locations can be expected if the right measures are not taken.

Unknown said...


I always said (in my previous posts) that MiG-29’s were a waste of money. The only half-decent justification that I’ve seen so far is the fact that our current fleet of MiG’s are coming to end of their lifespan and we need to replace them. Since we are replacing MiG’s, it’s better to replace them with MiGs!

Even when we get a fully operational fleet of MiG’s, they will be stationed at KAB and will be unable to stop terrorists from carrying out quick bombing runs.

The ONLY way we can stop this nuisance is to improve the capability of our detection systems.

If it costs too much to build a radar net that covers most of SL air space, then is it not possible to have SMALL radar stations dotted around the place so that it becomes nearly impossible for terrorists to create a flight path to avoid them?

I’m pretty sure that you can build a radar net around strategic locations that gives more than 5 minutes notice. We must at least have these radar stations in strategic locations such as KAB, AAB, Trinco, Palaly etc.

Also, if their intel is good about our radar systems, then why not have a few mobile radar stations and move them around? If this is the case, then they would have to have VERY good intel if they are to avoid them.

SLAF has improved vastly over the past couple of years but frankly this situation is embarrassing. The air force chief needs to come up with something soon!

onecountry said...

How many times have they bombed us so far? Is this the 5th time? Isnt it amazing that we cannot get these two zlins??

SL RealEstate said...

2nd attack by LTTE air wing:Unconfirmed Reports
[Tuesday, 2008-08-26 20:29:28]
2nd attack by LTTE air wing. As per unconfirmed reports, there is one LTTE flight popped up on Trinco air around 12:15 AM Wednesday Morning and dropped only one bomb. No reports on damages. Tamilnewsworld couldn’t verify the authenticity of the report


Bhairav said...

I believe you guys need S300 AA missiles. Since Iran is your blood brothers,you can get one or two from them. Russia shipped some of its S300s secretly to Iran few weeks back. Mind you, Georgia shot down two Russian fighter jets in the latest conflict with S200 missiles. LOL!

Bhairav said...

What it tells from this attack that LTTE hierarchy is still well intact regardless of whatever the havoc SLA inflicted in the Wanni fronts. They are still not panicked from whatever govern propaganda outlets say that only 11km is to reach to Kilinochi.

Bhairav said...

The game is On, the score will start from 0-0.

Moshe Dyan said...


believe it or not i swear i had this strange feeling that bloody tigers would do a TAF stunt on the night of august 26th

almost typed it in DN and deleted it YESYETRDAY without posting 'cos i thought i would looked like an idiot to say such a thing when it looked SO impossible.

but the 'imaginery' target was KAB not trinco anyway.

Achi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Moshe Dyan said...

what we need is to dislodge the LTTE (and its infrastructure) from the mulaitivu area. this will take care of TAF.

wasting ANYMORE money on air defence systems, MiG-29s, radars, etc., etc. is pointless.

given the time taken for SLAF pilots to board jets, other preparations no matter how short, time it takes to travel to trinco, etc. , detect TAF crap takes enough time for TAF crap to complete their VERY SHORT mission.

had this happened 4 days earlier, it MAY have had SOME impact on the election as well.

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...


Any chance u can find whether this latest hit&run is by a Zlins or a “vandu” beach craft?

“In wanni at nights you can hear several small planes constantly in the air and ending at dawn”

Could it be UAV crafts from SLA ? or TAF doing training?

Achi said...

We need missile defence system.This crappy air defence system , just blindly shoots everywhere.We are still vunerable to suicide attack.Every time we escaped bcz they wanted aircrafts back.My mind says suicide attack will come very soon.we have to accept we failed many times to shoot down those aircrafts and have to find the ways to overcome the challenge.

Nihara said...


LTTE knows that their days are numbered. And they doing everything & using everything in their power before they abandon their so called ‘eelam land’
As they know for sure, soon all the ammo’s & their aircrafts will be under our defence forces control

NOLTTE=Peace said...

Check this out


See the number of Arti shells there.

CASC said...

These planes don't carry a payload that can do any thing destructive. Therefore, these types of attacks have only psychological benefits. As Moshe and others have indicated, there is no cost benefit in investing in expenseive air defence systems. Before the end of this year, SLA will reach Pooneryan and seal off the western coastline cutting the LTTE from their logistics network in Tamil Nadu.

Aus said...

The casualty figures published in media is incorrect. But I'm not going to say the exact figure right now as it may be useful to tigers. The bomb has fallen near a troops quarters.

GroundZeroLanka said...

There exists a high degree of possibility that the TAF has been training for aerial suicide bomb runs.

Imagine the TAF attacking the Jetliner with nearly 1000 packed soldiers in mid-sea? It would be a collossal loss.

Then next attack will be along these lines.

We must remain vigiliant.


mboi said...

it is absolutely unacceptable that sri lanka has only one runway that can accommodate jet aircraft. instead of wasting millions of dollars on mig-29 how about expanding the runway and facilities at hingurakgoda (which is very close to trinco)? you dont need jets to take these takaran planes down. a simple turbo prop with machine guns will do.

mahinda wanted a second air port at hmabanthota, another mihin air type blunder, they started work before completeing the environmental assessment. now work has been put on hold due to damaging the bundala national park and local fishing.

IntelAttack said...

"The game is On, the score will start from 0-0."

Dear Bhairav,

ha ha! Is this a joke?

If it's not, can u pls explain how it goes back to 0-0? :D

admin said...

Army heading for LTTE’s HSZs - The Bottom Line- 2008/08/27

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

I don't think these Kurumbatee Machine(Tin Can Plane) can do Al-Kida type aerial suicide mission.

If they want to do something like that, then they will have to hijack one from Colombo Airport, its always good to keep eyes and ears on every thing.

Don't under estimate LTTE Dravidayans - unless its Dead or a picture.

my 2cents worth

Observer said...


This concluded tin-can maneuver by tigers is the Operation Red Bird .

In fact the first bomb dropped was Red Bird 1 and second one was Red Bird 2 :D


Could somebody please post a new map of the Pee-Lam underwear ?

Ruslan said...

if we want to utilize Mig29s in a convenient way, they should operate either from Anuradhapura Base or some where from Central area. by the time our pilots get ready for the Jet Ops. Zlins may disappeared from the scene.

Aus said...

Ruslan said...
if we want to utilize Mig29s in a convenient way, they should operate either from Anuradhapura Base or some where from Central area.

It's not possible simply because of security concerns. We don't want tigers to have pot-shots at our MIG's when ever they want to. So better keep it in Katunayaka and try to fight these tin-cans with AA guns for now.

Unknown said...

Nihara, the attack shows that alot of propaganda by the SLFP is failing. The Air Chief came out last week to say that the air defences were up to mark. I guess at the end of the day like Forsenka, he has to say, we can elminate the main threats but there will these on off instance here and there.

The Military chiefs should not need to comment on the progress of the battlefront. It seems they bear the slack when things screw up while high flying politicians take all the credit when they are sucessful.

If the LTTE is in a panic state, it would have used the aircraft in the wanni region for a suicide mission. It goes to show that they have the resources and are using them wisely. A suicide ZLIN can be created with a rigged plane and one pilot enoguh to cause destruction. The kamikazes usually had fuel for a one way trip only.

I am disappointed that the GOSL has not condemed Russian recongnition of the serperatist in Gerogia. It leads to an unhealthy precedence.

Defencewire, its a good cover photo that you have used.

Unknown said...

Yesterday the oppostion starlwart won a by election resoundingly. The canidate he defeated from the ruiling party was an Indian Muslim. However he potrays himself as a Malay. I was suprised to read this comment. However I wish Sri Lankans will also think like this and bring political change. Doing it know will save lives and finish the LTTE once and for all.

``With the changes he brings, even if I cannot enjoy it, in the long run, I know my children will,'' said Amir Abdullah, a 34-year-old Indian Muslim surveyor from Penang, the northern state where the by-election took place. ``There is only one race -- the Malaysian race.''


Unknown said...

Despite all the negativity about Mig 29's I feel we should get a few.

Consider this scenario..

The falling Tigers fly a number of air craft on a suicide mission to the south simultaneously.

Let's say 5 zlins are coming. Do we have the capacity to engage them effectively (either shoot them down or chase them away)?

I think a few mig 29's in the air will be the most effective strategy for this.

Anyway this buying of Mig 29's is like constipation. It's coming, coming, but no it has not come..

MrBrown said...

Finally I lost all ladies in LNP when I tried to screw them. I could screw only Kankun aunty...now only old dirty Berty and Granpa Lalith are there. I cant screw them..:-( pls ladies come to LNP...;-)

Apino Dannachess said...

Hi All,

I'm new here and not an expert. But here is my 2 cents anyway.

Why is everybody talking about Mig29s? Most of the time the best solution is the simplest of them all. Like somebody else suggested, why don't SLAF consider a turboprop: eg.Embraer EMB 312 Tucano: some specs as follows:
* Engine: Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-25C of 750 shp
* Maximum speed: 448 km/h
* Cruise speed: 319 km/h
* Top altitude: 9,144 m
* Maximum range: 2,055 km
* Maximum takeoff weight: 3,175 kg
* Weapons: 4 underwing pylons, 12.7 mm machine guns, rockets and bombs may be carried.

This type of a tubor prop can easily do the job, while it can take off from any air field in SL. It should be able to do cartwheels around this Toy Air Force buzzards. For the cost of Mog 29, you may be able to buy few of these. same can be said about the maintenance cost too. Any views from the experts?
Apino Dannachess

Unknown said...

Apino, All,
I still hold my opinion.

In the scenario I presented it is neccessary to scramble our aircraft ASAP and rendezvou with them as soon as possible to keep them as far away from intented targets as possible.

I guess (yep.. I am guessing here) the Mig 29 can take out targets from much further that what we posses now. In fact I believe this is one of the important objectives of fighter jet design these days? No dog fights, kill from far away..

by the way Apino, where are you from?

mboi said...

identical to taf situation. columbian air force tucano shoots down a drug smuggling plane flying close to tree tops in the amazon.


Unknown said...

What's the casualty figures in this attack?

Apino Dannachess said...

Hi Tambala.
Fully agree with your point of view, yes I believe these new generation migs with fire control system upgrades and avionic suits upgrades can engage targets way before the targets comes in visual range. But such high tech weapons don't come cheap. Then it will take time to train pilots, maintenance crews and to put support infrastructure in place. May be that's why like somebody else said...mig 29's taking time to arrive in SL. Tucano's can be equally effective ( I'm guessing here too) although they are low tech stuff. SLAF should be able to place few Tucanos each in strategic locations to cover TAF's suspected points of origins...and they are shrinking by day. This way they can cut short the response times. If placed properly, they should be able to peruse TAF buzzards before they reach their targets ( say colombo) or to cut them off before they return to roost. By the way Tucano's can be upgraded with night flying capabilities. That's verified fact. Guessing further I believe such an squadron can be made operational fast given that they are very similar to the trainers being used in SL as far as flight characteristics are concerned (input from a Pilot is most welcome). Since its very clear that SLAF radar coverage is inadequate, what SLAF need is an aircraft that can peruse these bugs once they make their presence known: i.e. after they drop bombs of course.Like some long dead general said, its not the weapon that matters, its how you use it. Easier said than done. We need some input from Ex-SLAF flyer.
As for Me, I'm Argentinean (Land Blubber).Gracia's.
Adios Amigos.
PS. Mboi, thanks for elaborating my point.

Srilankan said...

Many thanks for your comment.Lets give the army a few more months and see what happens.

Apino Dannachess said...

All, question: according to Govt news, SLAF radar detected the approaching Toy Air Force crafts and alerted the Navy to fire. If that's the case the Trinco citizens would have heard the AA's going off first before the bombs went off. Was it the case or is it the reverse? Can somebody shed light on this? Or is this spin-doctoring by the respective parties?

Apino Dannachess said...

From a different angle, once an Ex-SLAF/RCAF flyer told me that when firing at approaching enemy air-crafts, it should be done in a grid arrangement, sector by sector without every Tom, Dick & Harry ( Ironically last two names reminds me of some SALF commanders)opening up and taking pot shots at the nigh sky. This is to avoid hitting your own crafts perusing the enemy crafts. I guess this is how one of the SLAF bell 214's (?) came down during a chase attempt in the foregone TAF attack. Such action needs coordination between ground spotters/ radar stations and the SLAF flight operations. Unfortunately coordination seems to be in short supply these days, at least in responding to TAF. Any ideas?

LKDOOD said...

lankadeepa.lk says 4 sailors killed

LKDOOD said...

lankadeepa says 1 dingi boat also exploded & killed 1

LKDOOD said...


the roof collapsed & cause injuries

Unknown said...

"Nihara, the attack shows that alot of propaganda by the SLFP is failing. The Air Chief came out last week to say that the air defences were up to mark. I guess at the end of the day like Forsenka, he has to say, we can elminate the main threats but there will these on off instance here and there.

The Military chiefs should not need to comment on the progress of the battlefront. It seems they bear the slack when things screw up while high flying politicians take all the credit when they are sucessful."

You should think that we all cannot talk about any military successes IF GOSL didn’t decide to go for war against LTTE from the Mavil aru case….
That was a political decision; therefore politicians (Mahinda) have the right to talk about this war. And since Mahinda is the chief of the defenses, def. officials have to report him the situ report.

Moshe Dyan said...

from MCNS,

"Air Force Pounds LTTE bunker line in KILINOCHCHI
27 Aug 2008 - 12:31
KILINOCHCHI: Air Force pounded a LTTE bunker line located 2km East of NACHCHCIKUDA, KILINOCHCHI around 9.30am this morning (27). This Air strike was carried out using Air Force Fighter Jets."

jets bombing nachchikuda within 12 hours of terror attack.

stupid tiger supporters, now who is the boss?

Ruslan said...

Apparently MIG29SMs due on this November. i agree with Thambala.. this is what LNPs MIG29C has to say about SMs that we get.....

The SLAF will soon be receiving 4 x RAC MiG-29SM multi-role combat aircraft and 1 MiG-29UBS towards the end of this year. Two aircraft will be delivered some where in November and the remaining 3 by the end of the year.

Pictures of these aircraft have already been revealed to this forum by Mr.Nightfox78 in his personal page.

The MiG-29SMs on order will each be equipped with a Phazotron Topaz-MP (N-019MP) Multi-Mode Fire Control Radar. The unit can track a Cessna sized target from about 150km and engage it at 85km. It has the capability to track 10 and fire at 2 simultaneously. It also has advanced air-to-surface modes that include Doppler Beam Sharpening (DBS), Synthetic Aperture Scanning (with a 5x5 m resolution) and Moving Target Detection (MTI). It can track and target a truck sized target from 25km and a motorboat at 120km. It can simultaneously engage 2 ground targets at once. It has a new mission computer in the MVK-04, which is substantially more powerful than the Ts100.02-02 digital computer found on the MiG-29A.

The aircrafts original OEPS-29 IR Search and Track (IRST) sensor as found on the MiG-29A is replaced with an Improved version of the KOLS-29 IR/Laser-Ranger. The nominal IR tracking range has been increased from 18km to 25km in the rear-hemisphere with a range resolution of 3 m. The new unit has far superior search limits in the azimuth and elevation. It is able to search, detect and track targets against their thermal radiation at all altitudes, in the lookup and lookdown modes, day and night and in a jamming environment as well as provide air or ground target ranging by means of a laser range-finder. In upgrading and integrating the optical electronic fire control & navigation systems, a new data display system is used in the MFD-54 multifunction colour display complex, with an additional weapons store management display unit in the centre console. Flight navigation and radio-communication is also added to the multifunctional computer, along with the GPS receiver and additional radio-stations. The aircraft also feature a new wide angle HUD.

Most importantly, the MiG-29SM avionics are linked though a MIL STD 1553B data bus.

The armaments suite selected will include Vympel R-73E IR-guided AA missiles, R-27ER1 and R-27ET1 medium range IR/R-guided missiles, as well as several KAB-500L, KAB-500Kr laser/TV guided bombs. It would appear the SLAF has acquired several manportable ground-based LDR-3 laser target designators from Pakistan's Al technique Corp to guide these munitions to their targets.

MrBrown said...

ruslan yakko

Nightfox reavelad what? Yakko go and google gor mig29 pictures..You will get all those. I did not want to write on his page. then he may leave the forum.. Sounds like there are so much stupid guys around these forums.. certainly no ladies :-)

LKDOOD said...



how are you ?

MrBrown said...

I am fine..are u my former buddy?..was banned? i am recruiting new guys for LNP..specially ladies.:-)

Unknown said...

Mig-29SM s apparently packed a lot more punch than older models Mig-29 plus ground attack capabilities.

Although I’m not a expert in these areas I still have a few considerations as per our problem of tackling TAF.

[The unit can track a Cessna sized target from about 150km and engage it at 85km.]

Yes it will. But a Cessna or Zlin flying at very low altitudes will reduce the detection range a lot as radar reception will be poor with ground clutter. So the pilots will have to get much closer than this.

Though IR tracking can become very useful especially at night, I wonder how well it can pick a Zlin (which don’t have a jet engine - thus no hot exhausts that can be easily picked up by IR tracker) at long range.

Unless we’re in full alert to scramble and reach there on time, tigers will still have the capability of launching short range disruptive (psycho) ops. However flying to Colombo can become very hard if not nearly impossible(?)

Guys, any thoughts?

[The armaments suite selected will include Vympel R-73E IR-guided AA missiles, R-27ER1 and R-27ET1 medium range IR/R-guided missiles]

But hey… I hope with these toys we wont have to worry even tigers managed to smuggle a Mig-21. :)

Unknown said...

And one thing is obvious. We have to rely more on SAMs than AAA guns no matter we’ve got Mig-29 or not.

MrBrown said...

U must be tired now and not much fun here. why dont u come to LNP

SL RealEstate said...

LTTE still intact - TAMIL MP

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) has confided to a Tamil National Alliance (TNA) MP that though they were losing some of the land areas earlier held by them following the ongoing battle, their senior battle hardened men and bulk of the weapons were intact.


Unknown said...

"However flying to Colombo can become very hard if not nearly impossible(?)"

My thoughts exactly. Also this should keep at areas upto Kandy quite safe?

N said...


Is it proper to call a couple of tin cans belonging to LTTE terrorists an Air Force? It's of my opinion that this gives a big boost & publicity to LTTE propaganda. Don't get me wrong, I am not criticizing you but pointing out a fact which you may have overlooked.

Ruslan said...


I doubt they'll (TAF) try to reach south areas of the island. guess it'll suicidal for them. that's why they hovering around northern theater.

N said...

LTTE is using straight road stretches to take off & land their tin cans. Iranamadu is being mostly used to diversify attention so that they could use roads unnoticed. If the government get satellite services they can easily spot their activities.

Moshe Dyan said...


One IDP was killed and three more injured in a claymore attack carried out by the Deep Penetration Unit of the Sri Lanka military today, 27 August, morning.

The attack took place in Puththuvedduvan on the Thunukakai-Kokkavil road at 10.00am toady.

LKDOOD said...

Blogger MrBrown said...

I am fine..are u my former buddy?..was banned? i am recruiting new guys for LNP..specially ladies.:-)

August 27, 2008 5:33 PM


old friend

Asanka's friend

remember ?

LKDOOD said...

Blogger Moshe Dyan said...


looks like an attack on innocents in the south is coming

LKDOOD said...


air force attacks iranamaduwa air strip(few times)

lets hope we hit something


LKDOOD said...


2 claymore(25 Kg each) found in Madu area

LKDOOD said...

Blogger suren said...

LTTE still intact - TAMIL MP

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) has confided to a Tamil National Alliance (TNA) MP that though they were losing some of the land areas earlier held by them following the ongoing battle, their senior battle hardened men and bulk of the weapons were intact.


August 27, 2008 6:10 PM

lets see how long tigers can defend Malavi, Manakulum, Iranamadu, Killinochi from the army onslaught

Achi said...

MR Brown u can screw that Thivya and Gaja aunty:)Anyway looks like u were banned from LNP.

SL RealEstate said...

There is an injured sailor's picture on TamilNewsWorld.com

ravana said...

k guys.very little time left

why they use yesterday?
**1- last three days airforce carried out trrainig session for the latest aquired UAV's in china bay area.altogether 4 UAVs participae to this.some how they knew this.since the sound and env.are same they thoght this is the best day
**2- Jet liner scheduled to leave from trinco at 2 am morning, at the time (9.10pm)almost more than 1000 loaded.altogether it is more than 7000kg.may be the wheight because of the ...i dont want to tell that..

what happend?.
**at around 9.12pm vavunia agani radar shows the tiny dot..even the boys at camp show this but before anything happned AA starts to shoot.
**staraight way electricity cut down.meantime the LTTE planes change the gears and get high atti. to prevent from the AA attacks.actualy the turn is unbelivable because it is not easy to get this type of turn at the night.they must be very well trained.

LTTe plane search for almost 2 minutes wherer the jet liner is then drop one bomb to 4 stair building.this is probably to get more light to search.but failed and just drop all three bombs and flew.

at 9.35 two planes aired from
the minneriya, but that time ltte plane 17km away from the pin point.

this means these plane are modified and ready to carry 100kg bombs now.one bomb is 25kg.the fast ran out worried AMI because latest Mig29 have nothing to this kind of attackes.

due to the first bomb attack 3 soldiers died.12 injured.
big guys guess may be there will be a underwater attck & chargers underway.when this thing going on one guy missed and lately found his body.altogether now its 4

Sithsala said...


'Api noDanna chess'

apino's a$$ might be in Argentina ;)

Achi said...
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Achi said...

Ravana I think we were too late to take off F7s.This should be done in less than 5mins.For that we need to keep pilots and 2 aircrafts stand by 24*7.And we need missiles atleast SAMs.

Gringo said...

[Catholic commission in Vanni highlights IPDs plight- News Item]

He he he...

Not surprising at all... when this stink emanate from the statue-thief led LTTE coolies disguised in holy robes... putting their sinister interests before the 'plight' of the Sri Lankan NATION!

I remember statue-thief asking for his own 'separate' state, in Madu, asking SLDF to leave the area!

Not for long... folks... not for long!

Delmar said...

Hi Sala Salang,

He he he, Good work in cracking my name after all...I have used this for some time in other places without any body guessing what it was.
The reason I'm using that is to reflect the fact I'm not really qualified to comment on these highly specialized topics. That's all mate. No offense to Tambala..:)

Well as for my ass...it use to be on top of the seats of fighters like F16.....hence not qualified to comment on Migs
Cheers Mate

mulathiev TARZEN said...

mr BROWN..!!

I WAS BAN 3 yeas a go on for no reason! can i come back to lnp,on another name??

mulathiev TARZEN said...

..it is bloody ashamed on us!! this tin cans come and go as they wish!!

one who plan this is a genius!!
air vice-mallee should resign!

i mean, if we had employed some kollo with catapults,mite succeed hitting the tin cans..no?

hemantha said...

"Those air raids, albeit ineffectual, may have boosted Prabhakaran's ego and made the Eelam lobby cock-a-hoop. But, as we argued immediately after the first LTTE air attack, Prabhakaran blundered by unveiling his new capability prematurely without reserving it for the final stage of war. For, it prompted the State to acquire air defence systems to counter the threat in time for the battle for Kilinochchi."

Editorial-The Island

click here

hemantha said...

News - Sri Lanka War Situation Report 27/08/2008
click here

Rana Bimen - Sri Lanka War Situation Report 26/08/2008
click here

hemantha said...
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TropicalStorm said...

These knee-jerk reaction air strikes need to be reviewed for real value. If these are being done to convey a message to teh LTTe leadership, then they are meaningless, since they already read the writing on the wall.

SLAF should refrain from wasting ordnance in these quixotic ventures and instead concentrate on doing what matters most.

Moshe Dyan said...

TN crap has finally reported the DPU attack. it had targeted LTTE transport of cadres TOWARDS the tunnukkai area according to sources.

there were NO IDP movements in the area yesterday; they had long left!!

lankaguardian has published some photos. thay had received them from "Vanni", so they say. one thing is clear - the RUNWAY is in all the photos!! they BADLY want us to believe that they take-off/land planes from a DEDICATED runway!!!

LKDOOD said...

lankaguardian LTTE airplane pictures:

did any pro LTTE media post it also ?

pictures are not that clear

Unknown said...

Ruwani, I meant the miltary officials need not report the progress or give interviews to the press. Its obivious that they have to report through their respective chiefs to the president who is the cheif of the defence force.

Unknown said...

Lkdood, the bottom set of pics seem to be from a flight sim. the larger pic doesn't appear to be an LTTE zlin, look it has external fuel tanks and rocket pods, but no bombs along the fuselage. Seems someone has pulled one over on Lankaguardian if you ask me :)

(P.S. you missed the link :)

Lanka guardian .org

hemantha said...
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hemantha said...
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hemantha said...
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hemantha said...
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Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Shyam: thanks for the http://www.pathivu.com/?p=3190 link.

Few things I noticed on those pics:

1) All the LTTE kamikaze pilots have a same mustache like the “Fatty Bumba”

a) They like bristles tickle their mouth when they kiss each other before enter each others back door(seniors get the first chance).

b) Fatty Bumba like the bristles tickle his ars@ when pilots kiss fatty bumbas ars@ before going for the suicide mission.

c) They want to have bristles around the mouth so that make them look like a tiger (animal ofcoz)

2) Have a look @ the size of the Fatty Bumba’s ars@!

a) That’s where they stick the Takaran Planes when not in use (bomb his ars@)

b) He got a clamo bomb up in his ars@ to use if he get caught

c) He is just a fat ars@ lazy dumb fcuk

3) LTTE have ran out of Tsunami Funds.

a) One of the LTTE kamikaze pilot is not wearing any foot wear (not even a BATA). Either he left his BATA slippers behind when he ran after Takaran plain crashed or he was just taking a shit in the beach when Fatty Bumba call him

b) Still use old chairs “Wal Putu”. Must have got from a Temple they bombed.

d) Fatty Bumba’s toilet can be seen on one of the pic and covered by Coconut leaf “Pol Athu” and must be a “open pit”( Wala Kakussiya) Fingers cross one day he will fell into that and SLAF to drop a bomb on top of that! Now that would be funny! Ha ha ha

3) Fatty Bumba sitting with open legs

a) he likes to show his down stairs bristles!

b) he wanted to SLA to come and scr@w him!

c) He got small balls and a d#ck or he don’t have any as I can not see any lump on his “Dolpy” ( and none of the kamikaze pilots have either)

A Joke:

Question: What happened if the bomb go off accidentally when a LTTE suicide case taking a shit?

Answer: Shit will hit the fan! Ha ha ha

hemantha said...

"These knee-jerk reaction air strikes need to be reviewed for real value."

What air strikes are you referring to?

admin said...

Sri Lanka advances on rebel base- Christian Science Monitor- 2008/08/27


This happened after Air Force chief's interview pulished in the MOD web site

Sithsala said...



Apino Dannachess said...

Hi Jack, you are correct. The Tincan pic published in Lanka guardian cannot be a Zlin. In addition to what you mentioned, I observed the following:
a) It appears a Tandem seater, where as the Zlin has a side by side seating arrangement.
b) Hence you don't see the middle divider strut in the canopy that you would see in Zlin.
c) Also the fuselage looks narrow than a Zlin, for the same reason
d) I could also see an engine exhaust just behind the prop, whereas a Zlins don't have such.
But, all our comments are based on the fact the TOY AIR FORCE has only Zlins. What if they have other types? Any idea?
being avid SIM flyer ( he he he) I too agree that the bottom pics looks SIM screen shots. Any Saranapala worth his salt would know that Zlins can take off from small stretches of roads...so may be they want SLAF to waste more bombs on the so called Iranamadu runway.Cheer Mate

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

Re photos:

1.VP looks much healthier than recent past photos--he's slimmer& looks preppier and at ease.

2.Zlin--why are people even discussing the fidelity of the photo--when you can see a range of medium height hills in the background.There is none in the wanni!

Pundeyeelam said...

Soldiers suffer from food poisoning

Soldiers suffer from food poisoning at Senanigama army camp :: At least 202 soldiers of the Senanigama army camp in Dehiattakandiya have been admitted to hospital with suspected food poisoning

san said...

Fake photos http://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2008/08/27_08_08_taf_01.jpg if you look clearly this photos with prabakaran it's a photoshoped image.
check the cap of prabakarn clearly visible prabakarn's image dubbed with ltte airwing image

san said...
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MrBrown said...
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MrBrown said...

[[assasinrajive said...
mr BROWN..!!

I WAS BAN 3 yeas a go on for no reason! can i come back to lnp,on another name??

August 28, 2008 12:39 AM
sorry for banning you..there were some mista´kes happened when several people had admin power. u can join with any other name. U better bring ur wife and sister. we r running out of ladies..i promise I will not screw ur wife--but not sure about ursister..:.-)

Unknown said...

Where are these picutres from srilankanguardian.org? I can't find them..

Could someone please oblige in showing exactly where these pics are?

MrBrown said...

[[ach said...
MR Brown u can screw that Thivya and Gaja aunty:)Anyway looks like u were banned from LNP.
Thanls for ur advice..U must come to LNP and advice me whom to screw. Gaja might be too old.. i am looking forward to screw Thivya.. she must be really hot..
I screwed GG and Kankun so far..

admin said...

The Sri Lankan Solution- The Wall Street Journal- 2008/08/28

LKDOOD said...

Blogger thambala said...

Where are these picutres from srilankanguardian.org? I can't find them..

Could someone please oblige in showing exactly where these pics are?

August 28, 2008 3:01 PM


it was on the home page

looks like they have removed it & put a other picture

NOLTTE=Peace said...

Sri Lanka Guardian may has realised that they have been duped by their so called "Vanni Resources"

PHANTOM-X said...

even Prabhakaran can take wing and escape...!!! we must take steps to prevent such things before it's too late...!!!

we musn't let that f.....g b.....d get away...!!! we must up our defences without delay...!!!

at this stage, diversion acts to prevent such an escape is possible...

Achi said...
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