Thursday, January 15, 2009

battlefield progress

Heavy fighting was reported from Chilawatte as 59 Division engaged the LTTE yesterday. 7 soldiers were killed and another 70 injured in the fighting. LTTE is concentrating its forces to the east of the Mulaitivu Lagoon. The strategy will be to travel from the west of the lagoon to the east.

Heavy fighting was also reported south of Iranamadu, at Ampakamam north in the last few days as Task Force 3 under Brigadier Liyanage headed into LTTE areas. 10 LTTE cadres were confirmed killed in the attack while some Charles Anthony, Imran Pandian, Malathi unit cadres have started abandoning their posts and escaping the LTTE along with their civilian captives.

While some LTTE teams in Mulaitivu still engage in the failed bund/trench defense system to stop an army, which became outdated in World War I, LTTE units east of Kilinochchi, who learnt their lesson the hard war from the 57 and the 58, have started deploying small teams for hit and run operations, particularly at Vattakachchi.

Troops advancing on Vishvamadu and about 7km away from their target while resistance in the general area north of Paranthan has gradually diminished as troops reach Chundikulam (Sundikulam).


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Observer said...

phew ! you are alive :-)

Thanks DW for the update !!

Defencewire said...

sorry for the silence

DoDo said...

See, I told you he's GR


CriMeWatCh said...


any comments about pottu Mr DW?

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

DW welcome back.

KillerT said...

Thank god u came back.Some thought u were dead.Some thought u were Lasntha........

Thanks for the update anyway.But I think the guys expected more after silence for 6 days.Please update regularly.
Thank you

Sanjon said...


Please dont play this game....many developments happen in Warfrant na...

Weher is your detailed info? its just like another extract script of early day tamilnut.....

Whats happen to you? We need to know the true pictures...dont be so genralistic...

don't wait for another 2300 comments on this article......

At least tell somthing about humanitarian crisis, tactical withdrawals & surenders etc.....

Puran Appu said...

Oh Dear DefenceWire,

Thanks a lot.

Thank God. You are alive.

KillerT said...

So how was your Indonesia tour?

DoDo said...

While some LTTE teams in Mulaitivu still engage in the failed bund/trench defense system to stop an army, which became outdated in World War I, LTTE units east of Kilinochchi, who learnt their lesson the hard war from the 57 and the 58, have started deploying small teams for hit and run operations, particularly at Vattakachchi.

They are slowly transforming from conventional warfare in to guerrilla warfare.

We will probably see more guerrilla tactics as Peelam shrinks

Unknown said...

nice to have you back ..

Puran Appu said...


Forget this whole pottu amman.

It's crap.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What happens when LTTDumbPussies forget to tactically withdraw?

Forgot to tactically withdraw

Anonymous said...

DW good to know that you're alive :)

B#1 said...

DW, Thanks. R U OK?

Bhairav said...

DW aunty is just fresh off from her 10 days honeymoon with the former warlord, Karuna.

Moshe Dyan said...

thank you DW.

this war is far from over. but we are getting there.

"So how was your Indonesia tour?"

very productive, i must tell you. we managed to meet all relevant authorities and get their support. indonesia will not be a safe haven or a transit point for terrrorist. a number of treaties were signed about information excahange between the two countries, maritime surveillence, disaster management....

SL and RI have become closer now bcos of the expansion of the economic zones of both countries. SLN will play a key role in managing it.

we also discussed the possibility of pirate activities as happening off the horn of africa.

LRRU said...

Thanks DefenceWire for Your comeback,

Didi You guys listen to Gota's speech Yesterday.

Mann!!! He was so brave, strait & to the point

If we had few peoplelike him in this coutry this would be a Great Country

Sam Perera said...

We prayed for you DefenceWire.

Unknown said...

Defencewire can you confirm if the following article is true or not?-

While withdrawing from Kilinochchi, 227 injured LTTE cadres shot and killed by Bahnu on the orders of Prabakaran

Anonymous said...

dude LRRU!!

i still have goosebumps!!

Anonymous said...

for a moment when GR was on full steam.. the interviewer dude was like "oh shit.."

Sam Perera said...


"started deploying small teams for hit and run operations, particularly at Vattakachchi."

I hope that we are better at hit and runs from Vakare days to take on the terrorists?

ReallyCold..... said...

Yippi! DW is back and wow, what an update. U ROck.

Wait a minute.

What am I excited about?

HM said...

Vanitha Scholarship Fund

Dear patriots,

The above fund gives you the oppertunity of sponsoring a child of a fallen/disabled solidier. Stipulated monthly amount is under US$10 (Rs.750-1000 depending on the age of the child), but you could deposit more if you want. The duration of the scholorship can be decided by you.

Process is very transparent. Sevavanitha will give you the child's details, you verify the details yourself and then start contributing monthly. Your contribution will go directly into the child's account with no involvement of 3rd parties.

Please email me at, and I will send you the Application form along with a detailed description.

So far 28 DW readers have contacted me and started helping children of our heros. A big thank you to you all!!!

Hareendra Maithripala

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Thanks DefenceWire, no matter update or no update, we love you

HM said...

Army Seva Vanitha Scholarship Fund

Dear patriots,

The above fund gives you the oppertunity of sponsoring a child of a fallen/disabled solidier. Stipulated monthly amount is under US$10 (Rs.750-1000 depending on the age of the child), but you could deposit more if you want. The duration of the scholorship can be decided by you.

Process is very transparent. Sevavanitha will give you the child's details, you verify the details yourself and then start contributing monthly. Your contribution will go directly into the child's account with no involvement of 3rd parties.

Please email me at and I will send you the Application form along with a detailed description.

So far 28 DW readers have contacted me and started helping children of our heros. A big thank you to you all!!!

Hareendra Maithripala

ReallyCold..... said...

Dear Hareendra

Any update on prosthetic limbs that soldiers are needed?

Would you tell us the cost per limb and how one arrange to have them made for soldiers.

Sincere thanks for those who contributed.

Rana said...

Good to see you back, safe and sound, sir.

Thanks for the update.

Could you please confirm that nobody important has deffected yet to our side?

Sanjon said...

Really cold,

Can you help to build Gymnasium for disable solders in one of SF camp in colombo city limits? I can give you the contacts and all information, once you reveal all details. becose it is very sensitive location.

I know all people will talk and do things at this moment ...since all things are goiing well...after sometime..people will forget everything ..(hope DW also will reduce their readers.)

Not only i informed before they also strugeling with sanitary facilities, wheelchairs...

ALso i would like to advise, please guys( all expats and all lankan living in SL) visit them at those ranaviru sevena and talk with them..definitely everyone has atleast one colegue injured or disable...just make them happy give them some sweets/ or will feel them they are not alone and alway they have somepeople to takecare of them....

DoDo said...

GR underlined a very important fact in his speech yesterday. We are kept constantly bombarded by negative news by pro-LTTE cronies.

On one end, some ponnaya called Dr. Harsha De Silva screams that SL economy is heading towards doom. Another whore called Tisaranee Gunasekara wakes up everyday screaming militant buddhists are killing her! Then you have the male prostitutes like Poikya Sooothy, Jehan Perera and that thief called Sunanda all predicting doom in this country. Add Sirasa, UNP and Sunday Leader and we have a band of doomsday prophets that constantly preach us that war is unwinnable and that we are a bunch of loosers that need to cow down to Fat Pig.

GR was dead on when he said we are being bombarded by negative news from pro-LTTE cronies!

Hats off to GR for taking on these bastards head on!

We salute you sir!

Ra said...

Hareendra and others,

Do you remember කැපක‍ර මාපිය ක‍්රමය (Kapakaru maapiya kramaya)?

Why not give us a chance to support a specific family or a kid? I dont trust these funds!

I made a donation two weeks ago to Api Wenuwen Api fund... No acknowledgment so far... :-(

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

DW, can you shed some light on few developments which I mention below.

- Ogre said that he suspects that hardcore pussycats are coming in the form of civilians into liberated regions.

- You mentioned that pussycats are gonna move into hit and run mode. With diminishing land under their ctrl and closely guarded jungles, this means pussycats use existing civilian rescue protocols and spread. In fact spread all over the country, which is very dangerous

- Given that there are 150k civilians to be rescued; 5k pussycats surely can get through whatever scanning is arranged.

- And they will have no limits to "hit and run". Not only in in wanni or east but anywhere. Also they will have no limits in hiding in jungles. What this means is that the whole of 20mil SL population will be equally polluted with 5k hardcore terrorists and entire 65k sq km is vulnerable. DW this is a threat like never before.

W/o revealing sensitive info can you cover this topic, especially how we can avoid/face the issue.

Everyone, the lack of harvest and rushing too much has left us all on an active volcano. I still think we should have taken years to annihilate pussycats. We had to finish it fully, harvest most and stamp the perception that this bull shit will never happen in the remaining lot; for them to forget it emotionally and move into normal politics. Also another year of siege would have left diaspora in tatters.

I strongly believe that we rushed too much.

Hiranthe said...

Welcome back DW.

Thanks for the Food. We were without food for a while...but not "farting" like Thirumavalavan of TN.

CriMeWatCh said...

Helow blog/ers

Am confused regarding pottu matter now

please correct me

Defencewire said...

Thank you for your concern. Appreciate it. The way things are going, we might have to close shop very soon. And NO, I am not Lasantha!

HM said...

Hi Really cold,

Its not prosthetic limbs but socket gel liners (which are worn inside the prosthetic leg). We have revised our target after talking to the relevent authorities. We are aiming at providing;

1. Defibrillator with built in Cardiac Monitor & Recorder - Stationary.
2. Defibrillator - Portable.
3. Blood Warmer(s).
4. Socket Gel Liners - 1,000.

1,2,3 are for the Army hospital and 4 is for Ranaviru Sevana. We are still collecting quotations for 1,2 and 3 from differnt suppliers. We'll update the website after we receive the quotes. Please visit for more details

Defencewire said...

The most pressing thing in the battlefield right now is the movement of civilians. This is the only obstacle to progress. close to 200,000 civilians are held forcibly by the tigers. this is preventing a full scale onslaught on the LTTE from all directions. No Poddu or Prabha has been hit so far. No defections either. But these things are all on their way.

Anonymous said...

Hey DW

You did a great job. Please tell us about Pottu and/or other defections?

Sanjon said...

last mile,

thoose things are there. apart from those all individual forces like army, navy, airforce, special forces, police, they also have their individual welfare schemes..if you are interested i can give you some contacts..but bearin mind those should not go to the wrong bit scared becose lttp moles can penitrate the SLDF like that way.....

i think even you do welfare on general fund like sewa vanitha, ranaviru might get some acknowlegement.

if you do donation to any specific brigade or command, that time you will get acknoledgement from brigade commander at least. Thats the general practise in SLDF...

Ananda-USA said...


Brother, you have asked many good questions, and suggested many good solutions. Here are my responses.

[if and when Tamil Nadu become the first separate state in India (as you are predicting), it is my view, that would wipe out the Sinhalese race from the planet or voluntarily dissolve in to Dravidian culture.]

The birth of an independent Tamil Nadu will not necessarily wipe out our Sinhala culture, if we anticipate and prepare for that eventuality. Over two millenia, we have confronted numerically superior Chola, Pandya and Kerela kingdoms in South India, and held them at bay with varying success. The common thread binding together our successes has been the unification of the country under a strong leader, and military strength in the defense of it. This was true of the periods of Dutugamunu, Vijayabhahu and Maha Parakramabhahu of old, and Mahinda Rajapakse in our own time, to mention but only a few such leaders. Their efforts laid the basis for periods of decades to centuries of peace in a unified nation.

[While acknowledging that it is compulsory to have a strong defense apparatus in the short run (say next 50 years) until we fully stabilize our country that strong defense apparatus alone would not guarantee our existence in a long run. I am of the view we must be smarter than stronger.

As this question would be ours as well as India’s, I would encourage in discussing the full package – including constitutional safeguards, apparatus in the economic and social spheres and more importantly defense/security in a regional setting.]

I agree, but let me address one aspect of this. The strategy our kings used in our historical past, of allying ourselves with the Pandyas against the Cholas, with the Pallavas against the Pandyas, Kotte allying itself with the Portuguese against the competing Sinhala kingdoms, of then using the Dutch to get rid of the expansionist exploitative Portuguese, using the English to get rid of the Dutch who refused to handover the Portuguese posessions and settled in, until the English swallowed Sri Lanka in its entirety in 1815. In each case when external allies were sought, they never left, and continued to pit one Lankan power against the other with the hope of capturing all in the end. In the few cases when Sri Lanka ejected the foreigners using indigenous resources (Dutugamunu and Parakramabhau I), they unified the country as a whole and set the stage for an extended period of peace and tranquility in the country as one unified nation.

Our most recent history has followed the same pattern. India intervened in Sri Lanka, after initiating separatism in Sri Lanka because Tamil Nadu's Greater Dravidian Nation agenda fitted in nicely with the Central Govt's agenda of preventing Sri Lanka from moving away from it's sphere of influence towards a free-market economy and the capitalist West. Instead of the "big brother" that was supposed to help us, we again faced the threat of partition of our country into two states. On the contrary, when our own indigenous government, led by the Rajapakse's, girded its collective loins and waged this war of liberation, we are again moving towards unifying the country. This, again fits the historical pattern of indigenous patriotic forces are the unifying forces, whereas external forces, allies or not, are the disruptive forces. My point, again is, WE MUST RELY ON OURSELVES primarily rather than on foreign allies, if we want to survive in the long term!

[In short the use of force has been attempted throughout our history and failed as a long term solution.]

Therefore, these historical lessons refute your contention above, that "the use of force has been attempted throughout our history and failed as a long term solution", first in that indigenous patriotic forces succeeded in unifying the entire country, and second, when they did succeed the unity of the country was maintained much longer than when we relied on external forces. In other words, we did not have to yield poundd of the flesh our country to our erstwhile allies.

[Therefore, we know that alone did not yield results. }

I agree with the statement that reliance on force alone, given Sri Lanka's size, will not work by itself. We need allies, but WE HAVE TO CHOOSE THE ALLIES CAREFULLY.

First, while we must assist in preserving the unity of India by helping defend its southern border, so that the Central Govt of India can retain its control over Tamil Nadu and elsewhere. However, we must prepare for the eventuality that party in power at the Center in India, which changes every few years in ways beyond our control, may not continue a policy conducive to Sri Lanka's integrity. We cannot rely on that particular process of horse-trading for our survival. Therefore, Sri Lanka must inoculate itself against any diseases originating in India.

We must, therefore, rely on our own military strength, organizing our entire society, military forces, and economic priorities as the primary/core bulwark against both internal and external enemies.

This must include eliminating the facts on the ground that form the basis for separatist claims: that some parts of Sri Lanka have overwhelming concentration of one particular ethnic group. We must introduce and market the idea that all of Sri Lanka belongs to all of its people, and therefore, ethnic integration by demographic homogenization of the population everywhere in the country should be a national goal. When this process is completed, there will remain only one Sri Lankan identity, and one ethnic mix of people everywhere in the country. Who can then point to a separate part of the country and demand a separate mono-ethnic state on the basis of ethnic purity?

Second, we must establish strong alliances from ALL OVER THE WORLD, both military and economic, in addition to India. India must never be allowed to control a preponderant share of Sri Lanka's economy, certainly not more than 10%, nor should we depend on India for military equipment. We should largely develop our own, and acquire others from many different global sources. We should carefully monitor Indian investments in, and control of, different segments of our economy. Our allies should be from all over the world, with no one ally having a preponderant economic stake in Sri Lanka. We should continue to be careful about allowing foreign countries establish permanent military bases in Sri Lanka. Instead, Sri Lanka should use the funds provided by other countries to establish our own military bases, and in return provide military base services to friendly nations with total sovereignty and control over the bases. We should do so, only as long as they are not at war with each other, while keeping India's security concerns uppermost in our mind. But we should never let Indian security concerns compromise the security concerns of Sri Lanka. SECURITY SHOULD BEGIN AT HOME!

[Proposed 4,000,000 National Guard:
Should they carry arms?
Should we wait until they become adults? Can they be young people, before prejudice (a social construct) rooted in their minds?
Can we have interdependent economic/trade frameworks such that corporative existence is more fruitful and forceful than prejudice and accumulated hurt.]

Different parts of the National Guard would be trained for different roles. Normally, everyone would be trained to use arms and fight or serve in some other capacity (doctors, nurses, technicians, engineers, communications specialists, intelligence personnel, store keepers, rescue workers etc), but normally would not carry arms in their civiliam lives. They would be civilians when not called to duty, trained every year, or every other year, in rotation, but ready to report to duty stations at an hours notice. Each person would be integrated into National Guard units that would be closely linked to regular SLDA units, and would be trained in joint operations to support the regular units. During most of the year, they would not carry arms, which would be retained in National Guard barracks.

Yes, they can begin training as National Guard cadets in the last 2 years of school, but would not be called to duty, until they are adults.

National Integration programs would be introduced to eliminate racial, religious, and linguistic bias in every school to eliminate prejudicial attitudes from taking root in their formative years. No more Jaffna Tamils who have never sat in a classroom with Sinhala children, and no more Ruhunu Sinhalese who have never shared a thosai with a Jaffna Tamil and visited their homes. No more demonization of the unknown! I know, from my happy memories of my Tamil neighbors, childhood playmates, school friends, and colleagues that this is the way to proceed. It is difficult to demonize a person when you have looked deeply into his or her eyes.

THe SLDF and the National Guard should ultimately (when current security concerns and suspicions abate) be open to Tamils as well, with close monitoring to see that the various units do not degenerate back into units of predominantly of one ethnicity. Here again, the SLDF and the National Guard should reflect the ethnic composition of the country as a whole.

Since all Sri Lankans must live in this blessed country together, let us make sure that a sound basis is laid for it.

HM said...


You will NOT deposit your money to a fund. You will directly deposit your money to the recipient's account. You will also get the family's details giving you a chance to visit them, talk to them and help them in any way you want.

Please write to me on if you have furhter questions and like to receive the application form.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


The most pressing thing in the battlefield right now is the movement of civilians. This is the only obstacle to progress. close to 200,000 civilians are held forcibly by the tigers. this is preventing a full scale onslaught on the LTTE from all directions.

My Q is whether this will ever be. They can leave few cannon fodder for onslaught and "tactically dissolve" among fleeing civilians I am thinking how we can avoid this.

Note that weapons are not at all important right now. If needed they can always get access to weapons by means of underworld and smugglers.

How can we filter hardcore pussycats from civilians and conduct a full scale onslaught as you said? How can we be sure that we filtered them [as they might leave some of hardcore with cannon fodder but "smuggle" the rest through civilian rescue protocols]?

Ra said...

Sanjon and Hareendra,

Thank you for your responses!

Sam Perera said...


We can use the same goni billa method we used in JVP time or IPKF time.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

"How can we filter hardcore pussycats from civilians and conduct a full scale onslaught as you said? How can we be sure that we filtered them [as they might leave some of hardcore with cannon fodder but "smuggle" the rest through civilian rescue protocols]?"

Dear Sujeewa Kokawala, man thats $1000000000 question, I am no where near to give this an answer, but If I were Sarth Fonseka, then worst come to worst I would blast the whole fricking place including LTTEpivilians.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Was Flight 93 Shot Down Over Pennsylvania? If So, US Army did that to protect their country.

so can we do the same damn thing in Mullathive to protect our country?.

Rana said...

I agree with Sam,

We should not kill innocent or forced civilians with an intention. If it happens by mistake no one can help.

Karuna knows all top leaders, there will be some other senior guys to spill the beans. Goni billa can be very productive tool in next few months.

ReallyCold..... said...


Thanks for your efforts to help. Right now bunch of us are trying to get some prosthetics. I have offered my help for them on that matter. Please send your work about Gym, we will see what we can do. My email rathu samba (one word) at gmail.
Ananda here is very good at helping veterans as well and hope he get to read your request as well.

Please do come and share with your stories. Some of us like to hear the real side of the war as well.

" Can you help to build Gymnasium for disable solders in one of SF camp in colombo city limits? I can give you the contacts and all information, once you reveal all details. becose it is very sensitive location."

rupert said...

Mr's Navindran and Mahen

When a Sinha regiment soldier was captured in Muhamalai you guys promised murunga and kurumba. As is customary in your community and LTTE raping of men by other men.

But when the SLA captured three LTTE in Chundikulam they were treated humanely. Even kurumba was given to quench their thirst. What a difference.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


We can use the same goni billa method we used in JVP time or IPKF time.

No macho we can't. If we do that that alone will discourage them fleeing. Two scenarios are diff.

We can try many methods though, but any such method can be easily breached. Even for the Goni billa, I don't think all pussycats know one another. And I don't think we can get many pussycat leaders to agree to betray their team members.

NOLTTE=Peace said...

If the CID could obtain a warrant and check the private Mobile Phone records (network analysis) of PWP Ranil W's and his Chief of Security (or the other goons around him i.e. goons like Gonawala Sunil who was Ranil's best pal in the 90s), CID would uncover who killed Lasantha W.

His killing is a set-up where Ranil has invited Lasantha for a meeting on a specific time.

The time has been communicated to the killers.

ReallyCold..... said...


Would you do a story about how we rehabilitate fallen war heroes?

I am afraid with too much battle related news and all the victory talks are creating single minded people.

Your media has been so powerful on people like cigarette or alcohol since some of them feel board when you don't show up.

Please inject some of the war realities outside the battle zone for us.

Bhairav said...

[Would you do a story about how we rehabilitate fallen war heroes?]


Ganja and kassipu are good options.


Sri Lankikaya said...


your line "...The way things are going, we might have to close shop very soon..."

you mean the battle will be over soon, so no more reportng

Bhairav said...

[your line "...The way things are going, we might have to close shop very soon..."]

That means no more "ganja" for you addicts.

NOLTTE=Peace said...

LTTE mf*rs would not allow us to close the shop soon!

They would want until the last Tamil is eliminated to carry on with this war, one way or the other.

So, treat this as one major phase only.

There would be many more phases to come, once this phase is over.

DoDo said... has uploaded the clip on air strike on two LTTE arty guns, towed by two tractors

C. Coin said...

thanks for the update.. happy to see you back :)

NOLTTE=Peace said... should update the Battle Progress Map!

At the rate of things happening now, more regular updates required.

Moshe Dyan said...

tamilnet is fast becoming a comedy.

look at their news items; one contradicts the other!!

SLA forcibly uproots civilians from occupied Vadamaraadchi East
[TamilNet, Thursday, 15 January 2009, 03:23 GMT]

ok; lets say such a tragedy is happening in vadamarachchi est. then how on earth????

"SLA blocks kites on Vadamaraadchi skies
[TamilNet, Thursday, 15 January 2009, 02:07 GMT]
Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers in several villages of Vadamaraadchi have been confiscating kites flown by recreation enthusiasts in recent days.

The Sri Lankan soldiers did not provide any reason for blocking the kites, but said they were simply following the orders from the top. The SLA was confiscating kites fearing that these could be deployed to take aerial photographs of their installations, the sport enthusiasts in Vadamaraadchi said.

The SLA had not blocked the sport in the past years.

Hundreds of people in Vadamaraadchi in Jaffna use to fly kites during this period."

this means ppl in vadamarachchi are SO FREE and HAPPY that they enjoy sport!!!

now toiletnet editor, which news item is true????

only dumb toilet sakkili tamil elam idiots in the die-arse-pora are so dumb to believe toiletnet now!!!

they too will soon go to the real


Rover said...

DW, thanks for the update mate. Don't stop, just say the truth when possible and avoid commenting on sensitive stuff, that should be good for most, given the misinformation that exists elsewhere. See, I have always been telling that you guys are officers and gentlemen (not with the tigers though)!

LTTE seems to have realized the folly of using earth bunds to keep off our troops too late! I have always said that eathbunds are great kill zones to harvest terrorists away from the civilian population.

Anyway, they will keep using the earth bunds to prevent civilians from escaping, the only way LTTE can lengthen the conflict.

The battlefield commanders who did not take part in planning and attacking civilians still have a chance to wash their hands off the stinking quagmire that VP and Potta are in. Hope they surrender, with their cadre, without contributing to the holding of the civilians as a shield, which is a war crime.

Restriction of the terrorists to a smaller area will prevent the effective utilization of small teams (both LTTE and SLA) for offensive operations.

If both sides start using small teams, both sides will have to cut down on the use of arti, so as to avoid friendly fire. However, we can arrange for a kill zone between long rangers and our FDL using arti, if planned well.

Meanwhile, SLA should strive to reduce further the area controlled by the tigers, which will prevent LTTE small team use further.

Our intelligence, for which civilian contribution is immense, will prevent LTTE hardcore elements re-organizing. Something similar to what you see in the East.

The escaping of the LTTE's terrorists (especially the Akbar regiment) from M-NK front was not good. I think there is so much more than what is officially told :(

Gota did a good job in his interview. More than the hard swipe he took at Sirasa, the one that caught my attention most was when he said he will bring Gnanakone to justice. This will need a fair bit of work on our part, but will not be wasted as it will bring other LTTE financiers/strategists to justice.

Bhairav said...

LTTE still has about 14,000+ of cadres and 25,000+ auxiliary forces according to latest Wanni reports.

The war is not over yet!

Puran Appu said...

Sujeewa Kokawala

I get your point.

Even though our forces clear all the LTTE held areas, still there will be hit and run attacks. We cant stop it. It’ll be there for sometime. That’s why Gen. Fonseka said that he needs more forces.
The point is that, when we take control of all the areas under LTTE, they can’t conduct any Conventional war. The biggest thing that they can do is to carry out a claymore attack of a suicide attack or some thing similar to this. But, No artillery fire, No mortar fire, No TAF, No Sea Tigers.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman

It’s true. Most of the forcibly recruited carders will re-join their families and hardcore carders as well. Intelligence units will have to play a major role. And the leadership needs to be eliminated. When the areas are being developed things will change. Physiological war will begin after this war is over to change their mindset.

Like in ancient times, we cannot kill the entire population. Hope you heard about the Zero Cilvilian casualty policy of our forces. Thats why we didnt had international presure. If not, this war would not reach this stage, where we are in now.

I strongly believe, Gota would have added this part to his comments yesterday. “That the Military is sacrificing the lives of Sinhala soldiers for the freedom of the innocent Tamils who are a part of us and who are suffering from the LTTE”

This would have had a big Physiological impact.

Bhairav said...

Tamils are looking for a day of jackal.

Here is the list.

4.Karunanidhi ( scumbag TN CM )
9 AS

NOLTTE=Peace said...

[LTTE still has about 14,000+ of cadres and 25,000+ auxiliary forces according to latest Wanni reports.]

-Puka Thamai according to latest MI records!

Rover said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nisal said...

[[Bhairav said...

LTTE still has about 14,000+ of cadres and 25,000+ auxiliary forces according to latest Wanni reports.

The war is not over yet!]]

Also, they have 6 tin cans and 0.5 air strips.

Nisal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nisal said...

And they have 5% of peelam.

Sri Lankikaya said...


have you seen the latest cartoon doing the e mail rounds

VP says "අනේ මහින්ද අයියේ මීට පස්සේ අපි
ටැප් එකක් වත් වහනනෙ නෑ.
මාවිල් ආරු වහලා අපි ඉල්ලගෙන

for those who don't understand - prabha says "Mahinda sir we will never even close a tap hereafter, we closed mavil aru and got the treatment/

Anonymous said...

guys check this out

the issue of 150000+ IDP's displaced are exaggerated.(DW seems to think otherwise)

do u remember the Vakerai Human shield situation.

it was told that 50000+ was displaced. but after it was liberated and a census was done there were only 14000.

i think that its the same situation with wanni too.

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

“The most pressing thing in the battlefield right now is the movement of civilians. This is the only obstacle to progress. close to 200,000 civilians are held forcibly by the tigers. this is preventing a full scale onslaught on the LTTE from all directions. No Poddu or Prabha has been hit so far. No defections either. But these things are all on their way.”

DW, thanks for the up-dates!

Boys, to catch terrorists among civilians we don’t need “goni billas”. Hardcore terrorists will have enough marks in their hands, fingers, arms elbow using fire arms and SLDF knows how to catch them.

Catching young and new terrorists may be bit hard but again I don’t think it is a big problem. May be just put a life size card board cut out of SunGot in front of them and catch the few bending down with pants down to the ankle! : ))

Movement of civilians just make it difficult to fire Arti and MBRL that’s all!

No Poddu or Prabha has been hit so far! Meeharak mahen proves that he is the real deal!

DW is not LW! Then who? I think he is MR himself!

Just take it easy boys, long way to go! May be not! : ))

Catch u all tomorrow!

Rover said...


Bro, I think maintaining a huge strike force in anticipation to counter the treat from if/when TN becomes an independent state is going to be a folly.

For now, we should have a defense force that is large enough to prevent our internal travails. And when the conflict diminishes, we should strive to increase the quality rather than the quantity of our forces.

Aiming to boost quality will make us concentrate more on R&D, and collaborate with other powerful nations, which will start considering us as partners at a higher level (not merely as a servicing nation).

Just a thought....

Hiranthe said...

Mahen's blog says "India exerting severe pressure on GoSL"

Beautiful!! Here come the saviour of Velu Boy.

Now it is time for SL to transfer some of it's pressure to India, the Architect of the Terrorism in SL.

Now GOSL should use this opportunity to tell India to tell their "Boys" nurtured and trained by Indira Ghandhi, to release the innocent civilians it is keeping under it's jack boot.

Let’s see how serious India and TN politicians on our Tamil brothers and sisters who are trapped there.

Do not get the Devil to make us work for him. Let’s make the Devil work for us.

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Bhairav said...
LTTE still has about 14,000+ of cadres and 25,000+ auxiliary forces according to latest Wanni reports.

The war is not over yet!
Yeh, we have Nobel Prize winners in our side! Ha ha ha

Bhairav said...


Assithir is heart broken now that you have stolen da prized jackpot, Rana's daughter. Some sources say that he is admitted at NY Kennedy hospital for his deteriorating mental conditions,and soon to be shipped to Angoda,SL.

It is so sad to see one patriot's rise comes from another patriot's fall - maybe resident scholar,RC, can explain one or two about this new phenomena.


Rover said...

To counter any threat through LTTE hit-and run teams (especially in the cleared areas), I think we should start concentrating more an more on a rapid deployment force. This could be a lightly armored highly mobile mechanized/infantry unit that works together with dedicated helicopter gunships.

Unknown said...

hey defencewire is this true???


the article:

While withdrawing from Kilinochchi, 227 injured LTTE cadres shot and killed by Bahnu on the orders of Prabakaran
Thu, 2009-01-15 07:55
By Ruwan Weerakoon from Colombo

Colombo, 15 January, ( When fleeing from Kilinochchi, on the orders of Prabakaran, the leader of the LTTE, Bahnu one of the commanders shot and killed 227 wounded LTTE cadres who were languishing in the old Kilinochchi hospital.

According Sri Lankan Army sources, Krishnan one of the three LTTE cadres who were arrested told that as the Sri Lankan troops belonging to Brigade 58 Division was menacingly advancing into Kilinochchi and those 227 LTTE cadres were admitted in the hospital, because of the injuries they sustained and there was no way of moving them to a safe place.

This difficult situation was brought to the notice of Prabakaran for his instruction.

LTTE leader ordered Bahnu to shoot and kill all of them.

Accordingly all those 227 LTTE cadres who were in the hospital were lined up, shot and killed by Bahnu, Krishnan said.

Sri Lankan Army sources told that troops belonging to Army’s Brigade 58 Division arrested alive three LTTE cadres, between Vaddakathci and Dharmapuram area, located in the East of Kilinochchi, around 10.30 pm on 11th of this month.

At that time when the Army captured those three LTTE cadres, each of them were wearing necklace with cyanide capsules around their neck and were armed with T56 rifles, pistols and also had with them hand held radio sets . No sooner those hardcore carders were apprehended, they tried to bite their cyanide capsules, but soldiers were able to overpower them from biting those deadly cyanide, subdued, arrested and took them under custody.

According to the Defence sources, names of those three LTTE cadres are Yasodaram, Kishnan and Alex.

LTTE cadre Ysodaram, a senior member of LTTE and was from Imran Pandian Brigade. He was earlier attached to the LTTE Leader Prabakaran’s personal security division. He revealed, when questioned, that he was earlier involved in the surveillance works and information gatherings exclusively to the ears of Prabhakaran.

He added that due to security concerns, Prabakaran continues to keep on changing places of his stay and no one will be able to know where he will be at the next moment. He said that Prabakaran’s movement was always shrouded in secrecy.

He said Prabakaran dispatched him to the battle front because there was a dearth of trained cadres in the organization. He said at the moment according to his information Prabakran hides himself between Puthukuirrupu and Vishvamadu . He added that LTTE cadres guard this high security zone and civilians are prohibited to enter.

Krishanna is the second cader who was captured alive by the army. He said that before he arrived to Dharmapuram, he was in the Kilinochochi. He admitted that a large number of LTTE cadres died and wounded in the battle. He said prior to his departure, he told the Sri Lankan Army officers that he was in the Kilinochchi old hospital and LTTE left behind 227 wounded LTTE cadres, when they withdrew from Kilinochchii.

He said as the army was advancing into Kilinochchi, Prabakaran ordered Bahnu to kill all those 227 wounded cadres languishing in the hospital. Accordingly Bahnu shot and killed all of them before fleeing from Kilinochchi.

- Asian Tribune -

were all the 227 LTTE bodies buried just before the army entered Kilinochchi? because i cannot recall any such incident taking place according to the news videos ever since the capture of Kilinochchi

C. Coin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
C. Coin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lanka Weeps said...

Hello armchair warriors,

I hope you have read the Editorial in last Sunday's Leader, Lasantha W. writing from the grave. It's a wake-up call from an insider (someone close enough to call Mahinda R. by his first name and "oya") into where we are heading.

On another matter, the army has captured the fourth runway operated by the LTTE. This runway was 2000 meters long, about 20 meters wide, with small hangars and other buildings, and did not show any damage at the time of capture. How did the Air Force miss such a big target? Were they flying too high (for fear of being shot down) or flying too fast? If they were too fast, they are flying the wrong aircraft, which are suitable more for air-to-air combat than for bombing. Most of these aircraft were the result of the infamous MIG deal that Gota is accused of. The Air Force goes out on bombing raids day after day, often killing civilians (that is, missing military targets by a wide margin) but fail to spot the runway. Haven't they heard of Google Earth? Or are they a bunch of clowns?


C. Coin said...

GR was referring a guy from sirasa giving an interview to CNN. the guy has accused govt of carrying out the attack on sirasa with a claymore. who is this guy ? do you have a link to this news item? GR said this guy has links to terras. tks.

Rover said...


"LTTE still has about 14,000+ of cadres and 25,000+ auxiliary forces according to latest Wanni reports.

The war is not over yet!"

25,000 is just cannon fodder I am afraid. The 14,000 will be SF fodder, that is if they want to fight.

Vajira said...


[Also, they have 6 tin cans and 0.5 air strips.]

LTTE only have 3x Zlin 143L aircrafts and 1x Pilatus-pc7 aircraft.
Although they had a fleet of 5 Zlins, one was destroyed in a chance air raid in 2007. Another was shot down by SLAF last year in the skies over Puthukudiruppu.

Rover said...

C. Coin,

"who is this guy ?"

That Gnanakone guy. I refer to him in my earlier post.

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Lanka Weeps said...
Hello armchair warriors,

I hope you have read the Editorial in last Sunday's Leader, Lasantha W. writing from the grave. It's a wake-up call from an insider (someone close enough to call Mahinda R. by his first name and "oya") into where we are heading.

Hello Lanka Weeps, “oya”ge puka sududa?

I don’t know where u guys are jumping out from? From Mango trees or from Coconut trees? Ha ha ha


Bhairav said...

[Another was shot down by SLAF last year in the skies over Puthukudiruppu.]


Which epic novel you read? Do not say that author of that novel is "Nachikuda Mahen".

Puran Appu said...

Vajira Bro,

What is the latest situ?

B#1 said...

"How did the Air Force miss such a big target? "

Since SLAF knew that those are their assets in near future.

Lanka Weeps said...

Hello armchair warriors,

I hope you have read the Editorial in last Sunday's Leader, Lasantha W. writing from the grave. It's a wake-up call from an insider (someone close enough to call Mahinda R. by his first name and "oya") into where we are heading.

On another matter, the army has captured the fourth runway operated by the LTTE. This runway was 2000 meters long, about 20 meters wide, with small hangars and other buildings, and did not show any damage at the time of capture. How did the Air Force miss such a big target? Were they flying too high (for fear of being shot down) or flying too fast? If they were too fast, they are flying the wrong aircraft, which are suitable more for air-to-air combat than for bombing. Most of these aircraft were the result of the infamous MIG deal that Gota is accused of. The Air Force goes out on bombing raids day after day, often killing civilians (that is, missing military targets by a wide margin) but fail to spot the runway. Haven't they heard of Google Earth? Or are they a bunch of clowns?


Sam Perera said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
perein said...

Kaluth Wella.... Kettuth wella... Habbai Lassana wella wage....

It's very good to hear from you mate. We all were truly worried.
Most of us understand the extra miles you do, to keep this blog ticking.

As for the "Shop Closer", Can you please make sure there will be an announcement before the closer.

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...

Thank god! You are alive!

DavidW said...

Lanka Weeps & Bhairav,

This sinhalayas never going to understand LTTE.

There you are;

"Heavy casualties to the SLA. At least 27 SLA soldiers have been killed and more than 200 wounded in the fighting today"

War is not over yet.

Rover said...


That air strip was either not bombed or the LTTE repaired the bomb scars.

We never got the Migs that were considered. Only the media-jokers had a bit of fun and misguided the gullibles.

No significant number of civilians were killed in the three year war after Gota took over. Compare this to civilian casualties in the current campaign in Gaza.

perein said... ha not updated the map still.
Forces are doing an excelent job while Webmaster is a sleep.

Anonymous said...


try the map

Nisal said...

Lanka Weeps,

Me Lanka Weeps kiyana ekata uththara nodunnama miniha hithanne miniha hari wada karaya kiyala.

LW Malli, balanna google earth eke oya hangers ehemath penenawada kiyala? Penawanam mallitama thibbane ariforce ekata call karala kiyanna.

Google earth ekena baluwama penne thara dapu air strip eka witharayi. hangers thibbe kale athule, eewage wahala udath kala wawala air force ekata penne nathiwenna. Oya owa hariyata danne naththnam youtube eka search karala balanna, video athi, balanna mama kiwwe boruda kiyala.

danna deyak gana katha karanna.

ohe mata uththara denna mahansi ganna ona na, mahansi unath mata penenneth na, mokada mama sithsalage collapse comments walata maliwath danatama add karala iwara nisa. bye.

Vajira said...


Sinhayo Hukai, Koti Marai!

hurting bad eh??

Ananda-USA said...

Rover said..


Bro, I think maintaining a huge strike force in anticipation to counter the treat from if/when TN becomes an independent state is going to be a folly.

For now, we should have a defense force that is large enough to prevent our internal travails. And when the conflict diminishes, we should strive to increase the quality rather than the quantity of our forces.

Aiming to boost quality will make us concentrate more on R&D, and collaborate with other powerful nations, which will start considering us as partners at a higher level (not merely as a servicing nation).

Just a thought....]

I am not advocating quantity at the expense of quality; both should be maintained; no such trade off is necessary.

With regard to internal low-tech enemies, we don't want to repeat the mistakes of the US Army in Iraq. Disregarding US Army the US Army Commander, Gen. Sinseki's recommendations, Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld who believed precisely what you advocate, sent a high-quality small army (150,000 men) into Iraq. They won the conventional war hands-down, but largely lost the subsequent low-tech guerilla war. Over 1 million Iraqis (independent British estimate) and over 4,000 US soldiers paid the price with their lives. Many boots are needed on the ground to fight a low-tech insurgency, unlike a conventional war.

Gen. Sarath Fonseka himself recently said that 300,000 soldiers are needed to hold down and stabilize the Wanni in the post-war period. I posted that article at this blog.

Finally, a 500,000 man SLDF (without getting into the details of its composition and distribution between the SLA, SLAF and SLN) is about right to fend off external enemies as well in the later years, given that India has 1.3 million men under arms and can't deploy them all in one theater given its defence needs on all other fronts confronting Pakistan, Bangladesh, China and other internal insurgencies.

Tamil Nadu will be our primary threat in the future, and we may need an even larger force, if it comes to that.

It is not a question only of actually fighting such a war, but of discouraging the enemy from even starting one.

DETERRRENCE, it is all about DETERRENCE, as exemplified by Switzerland in preventing Hitler from marching through Switzerland to attack France in WW-II.

I have written at length at this blog about many small countries that have used a "Peoples Defense Force" approach mobilizing the entire nation, as I advocate for Sri Lanka, to deter even the largest of enemies. It is usually too late to do that after the need for such a force becomes obvious.

Prevention is much better than a cure.

Pottu said...

Nice one mate.
English version ekkth print karamuda :)

Adoo Bhairav,

You should be able to pick up the English version soon.

Would you like to pick up a copy? Prior to that do you want to know the Title in English?

velluprabhakaran said...

[Lasantha seemed to have had a dislike for Sinhala Buddhists and never failed to refer to them in a denigrating manner.]

from an article by lankaweb.

I agree 100%

Vajira said...

Puran Appu,

Things are moving along fine machan.The war will be over very soon.
LTTE are crippled with defections, conflicts and lack of resources. Only 20% of cadres are under VP's control. There is no central leadership any longer.
There wont even be a sizable post war guerrilla resurgence either as our think tank has addressed that problem deeply.

අසනි said...

Sri Lanka doesn't weep men! Its you coolies weep!

Crimewatch soon going to be jobless...

velluprabhakaran said...


how about the news that vesapillai is holed up with 3,000 of his hardcore cadres? rumour?

Puran Appu said...


Thanks Bro.

ReallyCold..... said...

@Lanka Weeps

Can you see the hangers painted in green from the Air?

Pottu said...

my maths are bad...
20% of the max of 5000 = 1000 ....

Aiiyooo anee VP paww..
Andawannee murugaaaaaaaaaa

Anonymous said...

Why is fight against terrorism winning?

Ananda-USA said...

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

[I still think we should have taken years to annihilate pussycats.]

I don't agree. If we lost time, political developments may make that impossible.

For example, if the UPA Govt backed by Sonia in the background, is replaced by a BJP Govt in India, who can say what India's attitude would be? What if the BJP needed TN LTTE supporter votes to eject the UPA from power, and Sri Lanka is the pawn that is sacrificed in that horse-trade?

MR, GR and SF had to coordinate and manage both the military and the political fronts, and strike while the iron was hot!

I am glad the GOSL is pursuing the war as fast as possible, not giving the LTTE any breathing room, and foreign countries any opportunity to interfere!

Anonymous said...

/Crimewatch said...

Lanka Weeps & Bhairav,

This sinhalayas never going to understand LTTE... War is not over yet./

What? what happened? Did they achieve peelaam?? he he duka thama thambi..

Anonymous said...

/Bhairav said...

Tamils are looking for a day of jackal.

Here is the list.

4.Karunanidhi ( scumbag TN CM )
9 AS/

GENOCIDE people GENOCIDE... booaahhhaaahhaa.....

Moshe Dyan said...

now karunanidhi has also become a traitor for the LTTE.

that's way we said, your karuna is nidi (sleeping) but our karuna is awake!!!

Anonymous said...

/Lanka Weeps said...

Hello armchair warriors,

I hope you have read the Editorial in last Sunday's Leader, Lasantha W. writing from the grave. It's a wake-up call from an insider (someone close enough to call Mahinda R. by his first name and "oya") into where we are heading.

On another matter, the army has captured the fourth runway operated by the LTTE. This runway was 2000 meters long, about 20 meters wide, with small hangars and other buildings, and did not show any damage at the time of capture. How did the Air Force miss such a big target? Were they flying too high (for fear of being shot down) or flying too fast? If they were too fast, they are flying the wrong aircraft, which are suitable more for air-to-air combat than for bombing. Most of these aircraft were the result of the infamous MIG deal that Gota is accused of. The Air Force goes out on bombing raids day after day, often killing civilians (that is, missing military targets by a wide margin) but fail to spot the runway. Haven't they heard of Google Earth? Or are they a bunch of clowns?


Moo nan sure ekatama kumaroden passe kiyavala thiyenne sunday leader ekai tamilnut ekai itharamai..


velluprabhakaran said...

rupavahini just messed up the aerial bombing film of LTTE artilery guns by showing 2 KFIR's attacking it. yesterday they showed two MI 17 attack helicopters attacking the same guns. (same scene).

to make matters worse, after they showed two KFIR's being loaded with bombs & taking off from a runway they cut the scene to show two MIG 27's in mid air.

then they showed the tractor being attacked. which is right?

Anonymous said...

/Bhairav said...

LTTE still has about 14,000+ of cadres and 25,000+ auxiliary forces according to latest Wanni reports./

Who did the counting? Peter??

Anonymous said...

from preparation to execution of an air strike

LTTPussies ripped to shreds

Warning: LTTDumb ass might want to skip this one.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


Hit and run by a handful is one thing. Hit and run by an organized 3000 cadres is another. Macho 100 suicide terrorists can destroy anything if taken by surprise.

Key here is, the war should have prolonged to stamp their inability in their mind. This soda bothale victory would not do that. I wanna see hardcore pussycats either dead or converted into a political stream under on SL. Only war can do that. But what I see is that instead of Wanni they are gonna be hiding all over the country after war is ended.

Simply speaking I wanted this war to continue at least for few years for it never to be again.

Imagine the risk of SF retiring, GR relieved, MR ending terms. Everything will not be there for ever.

We simply need to kill as many as possible out of the hardcore, but how? That is the bill dollar Q indeed.

They are gonna tactically withdraw into govt ctrled areas

KillerT said...

Nice one Ninja.Counting must have been done by Peeeter's father.Peter can only count upto 1.paw ahinsakaya....

C. Coin said...

I saw rupawahini messing up the video big time last night. it was like a south indian movie. gon harak!. arties were attacked by the jets. footage taken from UAVs. idiots at rupawahini has taken a small voice cut from MI24 ride and looped it in the UAV footage. you could hear the same thing over and over again. they must be thinking all SL are idiots like themselves.. this the mentality that hinders the development of SL.

velluprabhakaran said...

[SF retiring, GR relieved, MR ending terms.]

they should be somehow brought to parliament & given the proper positions so that they can serve sri lanka for at least the next ten years. they have proved their credentials beyond doubt.

mahinda should have the constitution changed so that he can compete for a third term.

the people can elect him back if they want him.

Rana said...

Who is this new RW ponna hencha Lanka Weeps!

Mate, leave politics behind to save our mother land from this malignent cancer forever. You can play politics later, if you want.

However, RW has no political future in SL, ask him to try tamil naadu, even you can go there with him.

velluprabhakaran said...


ur right. they messed up big time. it was like a repeating groove of an old LP record.

Anonymous said...

velluprabhakaran, C. Coin

If arty guns were destroyed by jets I don't think it can be shown in that way.. with an announcer inside jet.. If arty guns were destroyed that's it. Who needs technically correct report which is beyond our understanding and boring? May be SLRC messed up.. but whatever they wanna show about war they have to show soon.. so I think may be they gave some fun time for our people.. ya.. like in a hindi movie..

C. Coin said...

ninja, the footage was from a UAV. not from the jets. anyway.. anyways not a big deal.

velluprabhakaran said...


yea, anyway cannot blame them for at least trying to give us some entertainment. but they should be careful & be consistent in future.

yea, no big deal.

Rana said...

Heh Counterfeit Coin,

don't worry mate, Ninja is used to "TAPALENAWA NITHARAMA". Show some mercy on him, bro.

Push said...

@ Vellu,

then they showed the tractor being attacked. which is right?

We don't have to bother whether it's by Hook or Crook as long as the job has done in a correct way.

velluprabhakaran said...

I am a die hard SLAF fan. so it bugged me. matter closed now.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Two worrying news updates:

India already requested for Praba's extradition - Menon

A ceasefire needed in Sri Lanka - British PM

Hanas said...

Indian Development nothing to worry. It is another hoodwink for Terrorist Nadu.

British prime minister words are not to be taken seriously. Just ignore it. I think he is so jealous that they miserably failed in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Unknown said...

This DW chap is a joker. LTTE small team tactics is a figment of his imagination, he has always improvised and continues to improvise. I don't think he is well connected either.

Sorry Bhairav, the war IS over!

Rana said...


India has requested, it is up to us either to agree or not.

Britsh PM is trying hard to be politically correct without any jurisdiction.

don't worry mate, we need only two more weeks for the final killing blow.

velluprabhakaran said...

what others want & what they get will always be 2 different things.

it's all about what sarath & SL wants. that's the secret of mahinda's winning strategy.

mahinda will find a way out.

Puran Appu said...

Sujeewa Kokawala,

I see your point.

But there is nothing that we can do. No point of dragging the war. We should not give time for the LTTE to get their selves organized, and allow foreign unseen forces to interfere. The worlds eyes are on Israel. This is the time to speed up and finish it off.

There were hundreds of suicide carders sent to Colombo, in the past 3 years. What happened to them? If they can’t do anything big now, how can they do after loosing all their bases?
If this War continues for another 3 Years, It will be worse. What if the LTTE kills Gota? SF? MR? Anyway LTTE be recruiting forcibly to keep their strength, and other million $ thing is that, all unseen forces will come behind Sri Lanka to paralyze the government. This is the last chance and War should be over as soon as possible.

What ever said and done, Hats off for Gota and SF.

The Military knows well about the point what you are highlighting. Can you remember, when the current government started the offensive, what people said?? Most of them said that Colombo will be into pieces. What happen until now??? Who though that LTTE will be at their knees like this at that time? If the LTTE can do something big, they would have done by now.

This whole suicide story is done in special camps. Brain washing. After the LTTE loose all the areas, they cant have training camps, unless they have it in India. India is worried about the LTTE than us now.

Best thing is to leave it up to Gota and SF. They know what they are doing. Whole world said that the LTTE cannot be defeated. But until now they proved their capability of doing it. If they did what they have done until now, I think what is to be done is nothing for them.

Hanas said...

Yes Mahinda knows how to deal all these things.

He is underrated. Even Prabaharan Miscalculated about him.

Guys I pray the war will be finished before end of February and The fat pig Praba to be caught and produced before our people and liberation to tamil people.

Colomblogs said...

Bhairav said...
"DW aunty is just fresh off from her 10 days honeymoon with the former warlord, Karuna..."

And you were fucking eagrly waiting for the retrun becasue you getting no news through the TamilNut.


Rana said...

Puran macho,

Your brain cells are working fine, bro.

take my salute for well said, mate.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Lanka Weed;

What made you think that runway was not bombed? Did Sunday Leaker verify this?

Almost all runways are pockmarked with craters. Suggests me that recent tincan operations were conducted using smaller and lesser detectable ones like what we found around Paranthan. I suppose they have so many such. In fact like Premadasa made clock towers NGOs have made runways.

Puran Appu said...

>>>Regarding this MI 24 attack and rupavahini messing it up>>>

Just watch it and enjoy guys....

Think positively as Gota said. ;-)

Colomblogs said...

Bhariv said "..LTTE still has about 14,000+ of cadres and 25,000+ auxiliary forces ...The war is not over yet!"

So now LTTE is 60 SQKM. So every KM captured by SLA means annihilation of nearly 800 carders. Nice !

SLA with 8 fronts and each front need to advance only 200m may be to get this.

And if they all escape and goign to jungle...40,000 hiding in jugle is no more than having a meetting in hyde-park.

Since Bhairav is between jobs, either your are depressed or go insane.

It is sad that there is no one to accept "Mahavir" body these days. Can you ask 5 of these 40,000 forces or one of your Dispoara to come to Colombo and do the final honors. Alreay 42 was buried by SLA.

Sithsala said...

[duzz said...
for a moment when GR was on full steam.. the interviewer dude was like "oh shit.."]

Yea, he (sanjeewa/whoever) didn't see it coming and was dumbfounded.

velluprabhakaran said...

looks like bhairav has gone from investment banking to toilet cleaning. like peter.

lehmann brothers > careclean.

Unknown said...

Good war isn't it?
I think you have childhood problems, throwing only shit & nothing logical..Only see other opinion holders as LTTE...Ane gono..

FYI: One of the largest Garment Factories at Katunayake EPZ was closed on Tuesday which had 3000 odd direct staff :-)
surely a Work of a traitor , isnt it Asthiri... LTTE may have asked them to close.. :-)
Maersk has closed Logistics ops, Most of the BOI factories are out of blood..
Largest garments (BOI) MAS, Brandix in the same boat...

Come to SL my dear .. We are eating , drinking , bathing, etc the war...

velluprabhakaran said...

doomsday belongs to LTTE. we're fine thanks.

Vajira said...


VP has a sizable Black Tiger contingent in his security. Although whether they will be able to halt the military advance is a different story.
Reports of a cadre base of 3000 is nonsense. He is reported to have only 700 cadres the most. With rapid defections taking place his elite security will have to face the music very soon.

C. Coin said...

before this war, lttp "laid off" thousands of innocent lives. hows that..

Hanas said...


Thank for showing reality. But still we are fine. Think about Ltte. They are worse than us.

We only lost some business (that also according to you. Are you the pimpiya to world greatest ponnaya Ranil Wickramasinghe) But Ltte lost their capital and their so called peelam.

Nu we are very happy now. So no problem. Only these ponnayas are not happy

Puran Appu said...



DoDo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DoDo said...


I just heard the news too!

OMG!IS IT TRUE????????????????

Anonymous said...

whats up?

DoDo said...


an airstrike (I think)

I thought it was just a rumor. Let's see if someone confirms it....

Sanjon said...

tharmapuram falls to 58 division...

Unknown said...

Nice update looks like you need to keep the story spinning till the elections are near. Once mahindha renews his term then it will be martial law. Why did he taken over the media ministry and take out two rivals when he is WINNING the War. Guess what so that his tructed lackey defencewire, defencenet and ellanforce can spew rubbish.

Looks like retrenchments in the gulf in going to go into full swing soon. I mean no more dispora money. How long can you keep this shennigans alive. Looks like they are trying to hold the 114 rupee level.

Lets see for how long it will hold. Heard UK prime minister wants a ceasefire. Good that mahindha will not agree. The tea industry has collapsed, soon it will be the textile, not say its being doing so well too.

Sri Lanka '08 tourist arrivals down 11.2 pct yr/yr

Ofcourse I am just imagining the horrible things that are going to happen in Sri Lanka soon. Everything is fine as long as we read the propaganda from defencewire, defencenet and your brother ellanforce.

Moshe Dyan do you really think you can prevent weapon smuggling from Indonesia. Gota must have gone there for another round of commissions. I mean home prices are still expected to drop 20% in the US. Where do you think he will be getting money.

Unknown said...

A good qoute from another blog in the web. Sadly I keep myself informed on much of the ongoings and do not live off defencewire. Somebody's comment on George Bush:

"there were zero subsequent attacks on the US"

The same could be said during the Clinton administration after the 1993 attack.

"and two terrorist sponsoring regimes were democratized,"

Um, you do know that Saddam and Iraq had zero to do with Al Qaeda and the Taliban, right? In fact, Saddam had explicit orders NOT to get involved with either of those organizations.

Then again, Reagan had the Contras who were in no way terrorists, right?

As far as the democratization thing, if you call having to nullify two elections to get the results you want democracy, that pretty much says everything.

And Afghanistan can hardly be called a democracy. It's a barely functioning nation with our troops confined to either remote outposts who come under daily attacks or who act as guards in the few major cities. You might want to read this:

for how badly W has mismanaged and mangled reconstruction in Afghanistan (not to mention the billions of tax dollars which have simply gone *poof* in Iraq).

"And it's been shown repeatedly that Bush didn't lie to get the war going"

Of course he lied. Report after report shows the facts, the real facts on the ground, were twisted, manipulated and outright ignored. That's why this administration outed an undercover CIA agent because they didn't like the fact that a fabricated document with fabricated events was shown to be, um, fabricated.

But hey, Cheney still insists we know where all those WMDs are so we should be able to go to those exact spots and find them, right? Right?

As far as the torture thing, yeah, sleep deprivation is borderline. Instead, we sent the folks to our buddies in Syria to be tortured, thus absolving us of any responsibility for what takes place. For reference:

"what you call 'botched' history will call tremendously successful"

Put down the kool-aid and step away. History has shown time and again that when the U.S. tries to spread democracy, either through support or through force, it always comes back to bite us. Vietnam, Iran and Nicaragua to name just three.

Further, if you call creating something bordering on a depression as tremendously successful, I'd hate to see what you call failure.

The Bush presidency is a failure and this is only from what information has been made public. It makes me wonder what occurred that never saw the light of day. What a tragedy for the USA.

Unknown said...

For Defencewire

"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum."
-- Noam Chomsky (1928- ) Institute Professor Emeritus of Linguistics

justavisitor said...





15 JANUARY 2009

Politics party .com Bases this Exclusive LTTE Analysis
from the Secret Inputs from the Highest Placed Persons in the
Sri Lanka Government-Army-Intelligence Agencies,
Tamilnadu Government-Police-Forests Dept & DMK Systems.
Politics party .com Prediction ALWAYS COMES TRUE

Politics party .com had Predicted ONE YEAR AGO

that the Sri Lanka Army would end the Existence of the LTTE Chief

Prabhakaran in Sri Lanka by Capturing-Killing-Exiling him

in a Military Offensive against the LTTE in 2009.

Politics party .com Prediction is spot on.


President Mahinda Rajapakse’s Sri Lanka Army intensified its offensive against the LTTE Terrorists by a historic high of capturing the Symbolic Headcity of the LTTE namely Kilinochchi on 2 January 2009.

Anytime Now, the Sri Lanka Army is about to Capture the LTTE Stronghold of Mullaitivu.

The courageous Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapakse is now a HUGE HERO across Sri Lanka for the successful Military Offensive against the LTTE.


LTTE Chief Prabhakaran is on the Run, fleeing from certain Death at the hands of the Sri Lanka Army.

Politics party .com Predicts that Prabhakaran will be killed within a few WEEKS if he continues to be holed up in the Underground Bunker in the Sri Lanka Jungle.


Prabhakaran had motivated the LTTE Youngsters to die by biting a Cyanide Capsule, to avoid capture and interrogation.

The LTTE youngsters committed suicide to avoid capture by Sri Lanka Security Forces in every live encounter.

Thousands of Young Tamils thus died for Prabhakaran.


Coward Prabhakaran does not want to commit suicide.

Prabhakaran wants to live.

Prabhakaran has no intention of Biting the Cyanide Capsule and dying.

Prabhakaran wants to live life forever.


The Sri Lanka Army is NOW on the verge of picking up Prabhakaran.

Prabhakaran will either be killed by the Sri Lanka Army or captured alive.

Thereafter Prabhakaran will be tortured in the Sri Lanka Jail and humiliated in public.

Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapakse will thereafter, after satiating the Sinhalese Thirst for Revenge against the LTTE for killing hundreds of innocent Sinhalese , get rid of Prabhakaran.


Sri Lanka will finally hand over Prabhakaran to India by allowing the CBI to Fly Prabhakaran in Chains to the Tihar Jail in New Delhi.


Prabhakaran will be interrogated by the CBI to identify the Political Bosses in India who connived with him to assassinate Rajiv.

The Former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated by Prabhakaran’s LTTE Suicide Squad, in May 1991 at Siriperumbadur in Tamilnadu, using a Woman LTTE Terrorist as the Human Bomb.

Some Very Big Names in India’s Politics will be named by Prabhakaran during the CBI Torture.

The Big Political bosses who conspired with Prabhakaran and the LTTE to assassinate Rajiv Gandhi will be arrested, prosecuted and Hanged till Death.

Prabhakaran will also be Hanged till Death along with some of India’s Political Bosses for assassinating Rajiv Gandhi.


Prabhakaran is now surrounded by the Sri Lanka Army.

Prabhakaran is shifting from One Underground Bunker to another in the Sri Lanka Jungle to avoid capture by the Sri Lanka Army.

Coward Prabhakaran will not Bite the Cyanide but will FLEE.

Prabhakaran has crafted a Secret Escape Route to FLEE from the Sri Lanka Jungle, take a Boat Ride through the Bay of Bengal, to Save to his Life.


Sources Told Politics party .com:

“Prabhakaran has arrived at a SECRET DEAL with Tamilnadu Chief Minister M.Karunanidhi.

Prabhakaran will escape the Sri Lanka Army-Navy and FLEE to the Tamilnadu Coast.

Prabhakaran will be received by Karunanidhi’s Son Stalin who is a Minister in the Tamilnadu Cabinet.

Stalin will escort Prabhakaran to a Hide-Out in the Tamilnadu Jungle.

A Special Hide-Out in the form of a Five-Star Facility Resort has been readied to host Prabhakaran.

The Exact Location of the Resort is being kept a Secret.

Karunanidhi, Stalin and None Else know the Location of the Proposed Prabhakaran Hide-Out.”


Sources Told Politics party .com:

“Karunanidhi will deny the existence of Prabhakaran in Tamilnadu.”

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will say, “We Trust Karunanidhi” and do nothing until the Lok Sabha Elections are over.

The “SECRET DEAL” Game-Plan is that Prabhakaran will thus SECRETLY LIVE in Tamilnadu, in FIVE-STAR Comfort, without being prosecuted in the Rajiv Gandhi Assassination Case.”


If the BJP led NDA comes to power the Scenario will Change.

Prime Minister L.K.Advani will be Loyal to India’s Strategic Interests.

Advani will impose President’s Rule in Tamilnadu, Dismiss the DMK Government and get Security Forces to Arrest Karunanidhi, Stalin and Prabhakaran.

Prabhakaran will be put in the Tihar Jail, Interrogated, Prosecuted and Hanged Till Death.

Advani will also get the Political Bosses who conspired with the LTTE to assassinate Rajiv Gandhi to “Hang Till Death”!


Politics party .com Predicts that the much speculated India-Pakistan War over the Pakistan Terrorists Issue is less likely to happen before the Lok Sabha Elections.

Politics party .com Predicts that the Obama Americans will not allow the India-Pakistan War.

Politics party .com Predicts that:

The India- Tamilnadu DMK Government War is sure to happen Very Soon to take possession of the LTTE Chief and Rajiv Gandhi’s Assassin Prabhakaran and all his Protectors in Tamilnadu.

(Send Comments to OR SMS to 9958976000)

Nisal said...

According to tamilnut, darmapura is the capitol after the fall of kili. No it is another usless ghost town.

So, what is the next capital?

Nisal said...

Thank you navindran for your very informative report on SL economy.

BTW, what is the status you your new job? i mean the head of central bank of tamil peelam?

Nisal said...

Puran, moko me?

Anonymous said...


DoDo said...

From LNP ( Note this might well be nothing but a rumor)

Joined: Jul 2006
Posts: 494
Member Profile
LK Information 15 Jan 2009 08:33:59 GMT Report for Abuse
Guys, Rasiah, Soosai, Swarnam and Nadesan roasted. Bhanu injured. VP still at large.

Anonymous said...


u made my day!!!

Anonymous said...


rebel said...


First I thought "Sihinayak Pata Patin" as I read your comment on how to secure this island in the future. But you have made a good point there in your list of recommendations. which is to give armed training for the total population and recall them for duty when there is a need. This approach is used in Singapore as it geographically situated in between two big nations Indonesia and Malaysia. By this method, we could reduce the cost for maintaining a large permanent standing army and also can give the message to TN that "Beware ! we are strong and united !!, do not try to invade us". This is how our security was taken care in the history as well by calling all the citizens to the battle ground when required.
Just remember the words of Saddam Huzain who told "All of our citizens have been trained to fight for their country, so don't think that overcoming our troops means you are safe". Now his words are clear because US troops could capture the country but they cant hold it much longer since all the Iraqi's are trained militants, all they need is a good leadership and the right moment.

DoDo said...


I don't think this air strike is true. How can they all be at the same place?

Wish somebody can confirm it soon.

BT, Chevan Daniel was the one who GR spoke about yesterday (talking to CNN)?

Guns&Roses said...

jeeze man i still cannot access LNP
getting a pge full of garbage letters instead

Puran Appu said...




DoDo said...


Your're killing me man :))))))))

kiyapan kiyapan??

Bloggy Boy said...




Guys it's last 10 overs of the match :)

C. Coin said...

lets hope the rumors are true.. but these rumors could be smokescreens for a possible escape too.

Nisal said...

[[Puran Appu said...





But, according to Navindrans report, our economy will collapse in 1 week.

Anonymous said...

seems like it was chevaan

and lets wait and see what say about the air attack in the next few hours.

Anonymous said...

okay... i live in kurunegala.. i just saw some heli what seemed like 2 Huey choppers and 1 armored Bell 212 VVIP carries goin northwards..

Vajira said...

53rd Div. relocated to western Mullativu front as of today.

Nisal said...

[[duzz said...

okay... i live in kurunegala.. i just saw some heli what seemed like 2 Huey choppers and 1 armored Bell 212 VVIP carries goin northwards..]]

I think those choppers are going to bring LTTE leaders in east to north, b'coz they have an urgent meeting with pottu.

remember god old days? lol.

duzz, be careful when publishing those information.

Nisal said...

Vajira bro,

any info on those rumors?

Anonymous said...

Vajira machan...

I KNEW IT!!!! the 53 is being redeployed.. YAY!! i hope they will be the messiahs of MUla

Puran Appu said...

Nisal said...

any info on those rumors?


LTTE is just a pappadama. Nothing Inside.

Unknown said...

C Coin
As i've posted earlier.. MR, SF are the gretest ever war heros.
and vanishing LTTE is a must...
For people to live in SL, it's not the only achievement we need.
Ranil don't have voice and even UNP guys do not like Ranil and being a non-UNP I extremely do not like politics/ personality of Ranil. (HUNAS : I don't know whther he is a Ponnaya as I haven't slept with him eventhough you do; anyway I don't sleep with nueti's-ponnayas or Guys)

Unknown said...

Nothin confirmd yet, elect. warfare units intently listening to LTTE comms, hang on guyz, this cud b it!

Anonymous said...

yeah nisal... safety first but What the hell.. im soo on a roll today LOL

Puran Appu said...

Mariyakade said...
Nothin confirmd yet

YES Bro. Nothing yet.

It will. In 2 weeks or may be in less than 2 weeks.

Nisal said...


mokada eka paratama mara fit ekak awe?

Unknown said...

I tink DW chap is da only 1 who doesnt know dat da war iz over. If he haz nuttin 2 say, then just sez DW goin offline and letz blogger go to other forum than keepin dem here.

Must be a SLN-HQ desk clerk, peon or tea boy.

DN guy haz credibility.

Puran Appu said...


We will get some really good news really soon.


Cheers.. Got to go guys. Have a great time.

Unknown said...

LTTE small team tactics magey puka.

Ane huke DW.

Kisi labbak danne nath num kata waha gena hitapun yako.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

LTAF (Tigers airforce) and all LTAF planes & helicopters have stratgically & tactically withdrew form their 5th airport in Iranamadu.

Anonymous said...

mariya machan.. dont be a hater now..

DW was with us from the beginning and his track record speaks for himslef


do u know that the peon is the best person hear some gossip in a office?

is DW IS a peon.. even better!!

Lalith Kuruwita said...


When are you going to publish your next report?

Nisal said...

I can't understand Mariyakade's and Puran's comments.

Anyway, let's wait and see.



Admin said...

Chevaan Danirl's interview with CNN

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Leftinent Cournal Tharu Pathuru wei.

Rover said...


"I am not advocating quantity at the expense of quality; both should be maintained; no such trade off is necessary."

As soon as the war is over, Sri Lanka should concentrate fully on rebuilding her economy. The money that will be available should be invested into R&D. This will need a lot of money, especially if we are to produce high tech military devices at some point. So my point is the need to aim for sustained quality asap.

"With regard to internal low-tech enemies, we don't want to repeat the mistakes of the US Army in Iraq. Disregarding US Army the US Army Commander, Gen. Sinseki's recommendations, Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld who believed precisely what you advocate, sent a high-quality small army (150,000 men) into Iraq. They won the conventional war hands-down, but largely lost the subsequent low-tech guerilla war. Over 1 million Iraqis (independent British estimate) and over 4,000 US soldiers paid the price with their lives. Many boots are needed on the ground to fight a low-tech insurgency, unlike a conventional war."

Yes, for internal low-tech enemy, we do not need to have a sophisticated military. I was mostly talking about dealing the the threat that would arise from TN in the future.

"Gen. Sarath Fonseka himself recently said that 300,000 soldiers are needed to hold down and stabilize the Wanni in the post-war period. I posted that article at this blog."

This is fine. If the general feels he needs that many, he should be given that.

"Finally, a 500,000 man SLDF (without getting into the details of its composition and distribution between the SLA, SLAF and SLN) is about right to fend off external enemies as well in the later years, given that India has 1.3 million men under arms and can't deploy them all in one theater given its defence needs on all other fronts confronting Pakistan, Bangladesh, China and other internal insurgencies."

It will be very hard to intimidate TN, IF eventually TN becomes a threat, using even a 500,000 army. TN with its huge man power reserve will have an army that could overwhelm us 1:10 or more.

So, with an invasive TN, we will have to depend so much on quality, together with powerful frieneds who collaborate with us militarily (hopefully together with the Aryan Indians).

We will probably never invade another nation. So we will just have to make sure nobody invades us. Having a quality military, with a lot of high quality special forces, together with a advanced military whould deter any invader.

"Tamil Nadu will be our primary threat in the future, and we may need an even larger force, if it comes to that."

Hard to concieve that TN will become a threat in the near future (at least for the next 50 years). First, they will have to separate from greater India, even this fight is not really on as yet, so it will take a long time.

"DETERRRENCE, it is all about DETERRENCE, as exemplified by Switzerland in preventing Hitler from marching through Switzerland to attack France in WW-II."

I can't remember exactly, but Hitler said something like "we will take the procupine on our way back - after defeating France" in Germany's WWII campaign. However, Germany got bogged down in France, and Switzerland was never attacked. With the high mountain passes, the topography of Switzerland also deterred Germany. Germany also needed Switzerland to deal in gold with the rest of the world. During WWI through the political concept of "Geistige Landesverteidigung" which means spiritual national defense, the Swiss people resisted the concept of Nazism. So it is not entirely correct to say that Germans didn't invade Switzerland becuase it had a larger army.

"Prevention is much better than a cure."

Yep, but we need to take the temporal factors into consideration, and given that we have a small economy, we need to concetrate on developing it rapidly and also build up our defence after closely looking analyzing the specific threats that face our country. Otherwise, we may end up with a cumbersome poor quality defence force that feeds off the people and also control the people at some point (like Burma).

Nisal said...

Thirumavalavan launches fast-unto-death, demands India to stop war


India is going to loose a headache and SL is going to loose a joker.

Rover said...


I wasn't disagreeing with you, but trying to clarify some of the valid issues you raised.

frackster said...

DN has credibility !!!!! my foot !!
of cos you can have credibillity when you post the same thing as what is found on for that all you need is to be able to twist the words.....

i do admit lately DW has also not been so forth comming with inside info but its not the exact bloody thing as

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