At least 07 persons including 04 police personnel were injured in a Suicide Bomb blast inside a house in Modara this morning,police said.
Team of police men visited the house early morning after they received credible intelligence on the suspect,who believed to be the main distributor of weapons and explosive of the LTTE for their covert operations in Colombo.
Before visited the suspect's house police able to found haul of explosive nearby undisclosed location and subsequently it led to the investigations in to the three story house,which still being built.
The suspect,whom police visited to arrest declined to open the door in second level of the building and exploded a bomb and killed himself according to senior police officials.
03 civilians were also injured in the incident are being treated at Colombo National Hospital,with 04 police personnel.
03 suicide jackets ,06 claymore mines,04 hand grenades and haul of C4 Plastic High explosives are among the explosive found near by place hours before the explosion,police sources said.
The intelligence regarding the finding of explosive and arrest of a senior LTTE cadre-Who provide the information both on explosives and the person who blew him self up this morning- last evening was based on information provide by 02 sex workers in Modara area.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Bomb explosion in Colombo-07 injured :Credible intelligence avert LTTE plans
Posted by
Defence Reporter
9:01 AM
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Well well, our "Innocent Tamil Civillian" aka "GPS Sami" who was abducted by a "white van" seems to be spilling loads of beans...
wonder what those traitor's at Sirasa have to say now?
Welldone SLDF...!!!
If that same white van was used no one get injured.
Surely we need to re-think Police procedures when approaching LTTE suspects. There is high chance fucker blows up killing everyone around before even coming close. Have we considered covert monitoring from distance with a sniper perhaps? [ example here] Study footage already available of suicide bombers, body language experts, psychologists etc to draw up a mechanism for reliably detecting a bomber from a distance. There's small window for the sniper to plant a hollow-point right in the head when reaching for the switch. Why aren't we thinking about these things? Lets be a bit more smart when fighting these scum. C'mon!!
Puffy, i do not think it was the trader and it someone else who gave the information including the sex workers. Good to be pro active then reactive.
You mean to say that such a high profile LTTE operative will not be of any use to the SLDF at all?
I doubt it mate... C'mon, we just arrested GPS Sami...
Lets just wait and see what other fish we will be able to catch, or will it be "exploding fish" ;-)
Now expect to find a string of murdered sex workers. Why in the world would they expose their sources? Now not only will the sex workers go into hiding and keep their mouths shut next time but also the next would-be suicide bomber will likely keep his pants on.
"was based on information provide by 02 sex workers in Modara area."
Thank you partirots in the world oldest profession.
Hope our judges too cooperate and give enough time to police before releasing arrested LTTE suspects from custody.
Defencewire, I believe the The intelligence regarding the finding of explosive and arrest of a senior LTTE cadre is not the guy arrested yesterday. Please enlighten puffy.
DefenceWire... Thanks for the article..
"was based on information provide by 02 sex workers in Modara area."
But why do we publish this kind of information?
It's not good for their security...
Sex workers are a good source of information I think. They would do anything for a little bit of money.And they have access to any place.
You seems to be worried about sex going in to hide :)
Aha, even the hard core LTTE'rs cant resist the basic pleasures of life!
I heartily agree with you. I just cannot understand why that is revealed. Maybe because being sex workers, thier life is not that important!!
That really is a stupid thing to do. I dont know why such basic things are overlooked.
Explosion in Modara(video)
sex workers, eh? wankers now go for the real thing...that's a grownup thing to do. must've heard 'bout me doing such things by the time I was twelve...
Or is it just that two ex-suicide bomber recruits doing a higher skilled job instead? Now that seems more possible. After all, these people have no other skills to make them employable.
This also proves that Sri Lanka is an equal opportunity employer..and there's opportunity for growth for the right candidate..
Now that's a great way to provide gainful employment to the rest of malathi brigade (whatever...those p_ssy brigades) once we take over the wanni.
Whew...I'm glad I'm such a nice and reasonable chap.
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Getting info from sex workers is not a new thing. This happens in reality for hundreds of years (like in movies) and both SLA and LTTE know this very well. Question is who are those sex workers? As far as that reamins unknown nothing will happen. No one start killing these sex workers. Don't worry any one.
Unfortunately, the identity of the sex worker was revealed. She is tamil-indu akka. As she is also under arrest still I don't think any risk for lives of sex workers. One good thing about sex workers is you will not get discriminated due to your ethnicity; sinhala or tamil, SLA or LTTE same service.
All India News says that Prabhakaran has gangrened leg that could be amputated
who revealed indu akka's name?.Thankgod she is under arrest also..hopefully will save her life.
Heylo DefWire,
What is the standard issue weapon for Snipers? Also which regiment are they from?
Our sniper teams also developed like the SF, out of individual enterprise by a few individuals.
The first snipers were trained as a result of work done by a certain engineer who joined the SLA in early 1980's, became a sapper and trained demolition squads to operate behind enemy lines. This guy had a liking for guns and the guys he sent behind the lines could easily be multi-tasked. So that led to the birth of the sniper business...
"What is the standard issue weapon for Snipers? Also which regiment are they from?"
I have seen our people carrying the dragunov... A lot of militaries allow their snipers to chose a weapon that they prefer, but I don't know if our limited resources allow that.
The gangrened leg by now must be of such importance to the monkey kingdom, since it obviously makes the decisions right now.
Considering the fact that even as Pottu and the 'alive by default' soosai are directing operations while not being able to get close to the big ape, obviously it must be the fat ass sonny monkey who takes care of poppa. But the decision to take out the leg or not will have to co-incide with a permanent leadership hand-over, since a surgery of such magnitude would keep the patient immobile and thus extensively vulnerable. So the leg makes the decisions right now.
Given the fact that all decisions these berserk apes take are to blow things up, any motivated by a gangrened leg cannot be that much different to any taken by the gangrened minds of the tamil terrorists.
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