Former military spokesman and former Deputy Speaker of Parliament Major General Sarath Munasinghe has passed away in the Asiri Surgical hospital in Colombo after a brief illness a short while ago. He was 59.
A battle hardened infantryman, Major General Munasinghe also served as a career Intelligence Officer and one time held the Deputy Director position at the Military Intelligence. Old boy of Maliyadeva College in Kurunegala, he became the first military spokesman of the defence ministry and did a commendable contribution to the war against the LTTE.
He was in the LTTE hit-list for a long time as he commanded the platoon which killed Charles Antony alias Seelan in early 80s in Jaffna.
In 2000 he entered Parliament and held the Deputy Speaker position for a brief period. Major General Sarath Munasinghe has published a book titled "A soldiers version"after he retired from the service in early 2000.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Major General Sarath Munasinghe has passed away
Posted by
Defence Reporter
9:36 AM
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A Speaker and a Deputy Speaker!
where can we purchase this book?
It seems this is not a good time for MPs.
Sarath Munasinghe and Prasad Samarasinghe are top two names when it comes to military sporksman, for me. But if he didn't come to politics he will be respected more than this, I guess. May he attain nibbana.
I guess it would be a good idea for article on LTTE's peace offer.
Before starting this GSL should appoint a committee consisting of SLA/SLN commanders/ officers, finance experts, HR activititists, other experts and ask a report on at least the previous peace process.
Can you tell us who was the commanding officer when LTTE attacked EPS first time in 1991.?
Was General Munasinghe served as the Commanding officer of EPS prior to 2000 debacle?
Dear Tangara,
In 1991 it was major Sanath Karunaratne,now Major General and OOC ,Anuradhapura was able to sucessfully defeat the LTTE thrust when they sieged the camp for 27 days.LTTE admits that 525 cadres were lost that battale.
Major General Sarath Munasinghe also commanded the EPS,before it fallen to LTTE in 2000.He was moved out before that attack.
condolence to the family
Aruna and Sarath dying at such a young age. People should look after their health in old age. Particularly ex sportsmen and military men who continue their habbits like drinks and fodd without the excerise that burns them off.
very good point about taking care of your health
Anura Bandaranaike taken to parliament today
US donates anti-terrorism equipment to SL Police :
US State Department is to donate $220,000 worth of Anti-Terrorism equipment to the Sri Lanka National Police. The purpose of the equipment is to sustain and enhance the critical capabilities of the security forces of Sri Lanka in their efforts to fight terrorism, the US Embassy said.
Twenty20 like `three-minute Maggie noodles': Ranatunga
Kumar Rupasinghe is pretty quiet these days. As long as he gets his one Million Dollars a month he is happy.No more carrying coffins and running in the colombo town.He never came for those D.S Senanayake Base ball team`s Funeral. Why? Coz he doesnt get dollers. Simple as that. In fact President has phoned him to find out whether he is going?
Now the commorade Bahu, (Wickramabahu karunaratne)
This buggers mother will be ashame of him if she knows what is he upto. Having had free education from Sri Lanka and got a Phd in mathematics to support Ltte terrorist to scrw his mother land. We know what he went and said in England.
Who is going to beleive his bull shit. He has collected some socialist movements names from several countries and published an artical trying to attack Sri Lankan government and stop the war in support of Terrorist to reorganise.
He must have been paid handsomely by LTTE bosses in the UK.
He should have been in university teaching students what he learnt. All these crocadile taers for tamil ltte brothers. He doesnt utter a word or condemn when people from other part of the sri lanka died from Ltte bombs and claymore mines.
What is this double standard?
Is this bugger genuine.
No not at all. Working for dollers. Bugger would not hesitate to sell his mother for his survival.
He is fail acadamic in everyones book.Mtserable, Angry with our society.
NSSP is his party. Derived from word nasspaththiya
Bless Sri Lanka. May he born in Aweechi maha Narakadiya.
Hand grenade found in a school bus:
A hand grenade was found by the Kahawatta Police, in a school bus parked near the Gankanda Central College Palmadulla, Ratnapura today. The bus and the driver were arrested by the Police.
Your question has been answered by the man with the best knowledge about the 1st EPZ attack, Mr. Defence Reporter! Consider yourself lucky.
people like Kumar Rupasinghe makes me SICK!! Just that!! Sick!!
Everybody like money. But man, being treacherous to your own motherland?? I can't understand this no matter what!
They will rot in hell.
There are many who sell their motherland for Dollars and Pounds. They certainly twist the facts to get the Dollars and Pounds. The list is very long,
- Wickramabahu
- Kumar
- Mano Ganeshan
- BBC Sandeshaya bunch
- Some of the Sirasa goons
- Some of the Sunday leader goons
- Victor Ivan
- There are about another 2 - 3 hundred of them leading various NGO shackles to get Dollars and Pounds
The real peace-loving people spit on their mother's graves.
And their mothers call them "Avajathaka Balla, oka mage puthek newei".
Swamy concerned about LTTE camps in Kerala
Thank you for answering my question..
Man arrested in Canada for aiding Tamil tigers
Very interesting!
"S State Dept. donates $220,000 worth anti-terrorism equipment to police
The United States Department of State's Bureau of Diplomatic Security, Office of Antiterrorism Assistance will donate approximately $220,000 worth of equipment to the Sri Lanka National Police (SLNP) in a brief ceremony Tuesday, March 18, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. at the American Embassy. "
Looks like the US State Dept has realised that they made a serious error in their HR report.
This is kind of "Visiting the Relatives for New Year".. you bring gifts to forget past differences :-)
Good gentleman gesture from US State Dept.
We have seen many people write about the 1-EPZ attack, but only a few actually know it personally. Maj. gen Karunaratne, then Major, was one officer no-one talks about. If not for him EPZ would have fallen in 1991.defence reporter, having worked with Gen Karunaratne would know what I'm referring to.
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