Senior cadres from Jeyam and below have all abandoned the area. Large trenches, trappings and small groups of Tigers still remain. Troops have cutoff the main supply routes to Madhu but some possible escape routes still remain through the Madhu Sanctuary jungle.
The Army says it will not be enticed to change its pace and make a sudden dash to capture the Church. They will not risk the lives of its troops unnecessarily. However, field commanders told DefenceWire that the church will probably be captured, for the second time since 1999, by the Sinhala and Tamil New Year celebrations begin.
The last 'Colonel' to remain in Madhu was Jeyam, who is the pioneer of the LTTE's 'Deep Penetration Forces'. A former loyal of slain LTTE leader Gopalaswamy Mahendrarajah alias Mahattaya, Jeyam was apprehended and tortured by the LTTE in 1994 and was found innocent of all charges.
He was then released on condition that he performed an exceptional military feat (at least from LTTE's standpoint), which he did by giving birth to the LTTE's 'Deep Penetration Unit'. Although this unit is less sophisticated than the Special Forces' LRRP, it has taken part in many attacks like the one on the Anuradhapura Airbase. The Jeyanthan Regiment units inside Yala, Peraru and Weli Oya are also from this unit.
Over 600 soldiers injured and over 90 killed in Sri Lanka clashes
Thanks DW,can they take the big guns via the jungle root?i heard from one of my mates that tigers are ploting for a major strike disguise as a budhist monk or a group of monks,a possible suicide strike,did such news reach you.
Thank you for the latest update.
As for the below, there should be a way these kind of news get distributed to those LTTE low level terrorists. That will bring down their moral while those big guns getting away for few extra days.
How would Gov / forces handle those events?
"Senior cadres from Jeyam and below have all abandoned the area. Large trenches, trappings and small groups of Tigers still remain. "
"Senior cadres from Jeyam and below have all abandoned the area. Large trenches, trappings and small groups of Tigers still remain."
So falling of Madhu seems to be imminent, it is a bit frustrating to note that the tiger leaders have escaped again, but it must be impossible to seal off such a large perimeter through rugged terrain.
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So should we expect the usual tactical withdrawal? OR some thing different? like destroying church before withdrawal or attack just after SLA enters to church...?
Looks like all the Sinhalese are heading for Church.
What happened to Buddha? Have you given up on him?
Looks like all the Sinhalese are heading for Church.
What happened to Buddha? Have you given up on him?
Do you have functioning brain?
Does the army have a counter strategy to get these LTTE "deep penetration units"? Probably "non-invasive" HUMINT strategies are the best bet. The strategies to make the civilians of the afflicted area "feel good", like dumping of thousands of troops are not that effective in hinting down these units, I feel.
"Looks like all the Sinhalese are heading for Church.
What happened to Buddha? Have you given up on him?"
Simply sad. Yet these morons keep coming to Defencewire/defencenet.
Sam, don't mind peter too much. He is only a testosterone loaded teenager.
Rover, it hard to counter these LTTE units. There number is small. And they're always mobile and move at night. We must educate civilians and deploy small counter teams to track these units, cut off know exsit routes.
Yes, the villagers should be a part of the humint.
But do you know how large these LTTE units are. It is said that there are about 30 cadres in Yala, but they must be moving about in smaller teams, or they will be more apparent. But they must keep in touch of each other (both to facilitate attack and defence and also to get supplies) through radio or sat-phones or even regular phones. So HUMINT coupled with electronic eavesdropping (breaking code and monitoring communication) should be done to track these units.
"We must educate civilians" -- Quote of the Week
great done!!!
Are the UAVs or the Beachcraft being used to hunt down the LTTE DPUs? Is this possible if the general area of occupation is known?
They still have some cart roads to remove the arti.
Why do you want such disguises when VIPs don't listen to their trained security detail?
What rebellion is allowed in LTTE? They will be shot to death. Its a bunch of young uneducated starving Tamil youth sent to their death for an imaginary homeland. What more can you expect?
Brazil??? Well OK.
This is nothing new. If they know they can't face the Army, they take flight. When they think they are again capable, they confront. Classic guerrilla tactics and these guys think of nation-building.
Do you know Sri Lanka? Its not India by the way.
The reason why I asked you that is because we have a considerably large Christian population since 500AD in this country. The Sri Lanka Army, Sinhala maybe, has a VERY high regard for the Church. Believe me!
Sinhala Buddhists are friends of Christians having sheltered the Catholic church in Kandy, including the now canonized Rev. Joseph Vaaz, when Dutch protestants were crucifying them in maritime provinces.
The LTTE DPU's are not a threat but a harassment. They don't kill military or political leadership. My opinion is that if they didn't strike in Hambantota, we would probably not even have notice them. Army LRRP is a different kettle of fish having killed Shankar, Ramanan to Charles.
Very smart my friend. Our job is done!
in support of your argument I would like to say that IOs be appointed in each of these areas. They will soon get to the bottom of this. Leave the civilian relation only to the Police, this will continue for another decade.
The beechcraft is operational. it has got other issues to deal with though and aren't of use in tracking down small guerrilla units. Its like looking for a needle in a haystack.
The beechcarfts were busy after ground troops heard aircraft flying over LTTE areas at night and a lit runway in Iranamadu. It seems that Tiger planes have gotten away. By the way, these are NOT MiG 21s by any stretch of the imagination!
Thank you DW, updated map gives us the clear picture of the 57 div operations.
Do we have Sat phone Tracking Systems like in Israel and Columbia, where they hunt them (Terrorists and Drug dealers) down using this tracking systems.
Def'wire..... watcha meam ltte planes hav gotten away ? Where ?
Iranamadu Airstrip which one ? North or small south ? Talk to me bro.!
BTW, why can SLA Tear Gas the fools with CX gas from Mahdu ?
No idea of satellite tracking.
We do not know from which airstrip the planes took off. But they did. The planes are still around somewhere in the jungle, where ever they dragged it to and hid.
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