Two electricity transformers were destroyed last night at Madolkele Kandy within 5kms of each other. The attack comes in the wake of increasing LTTE activities in the central province.
A 60kgs pack of C4 explosives, suicide jackets and a van was recovered from Digana recently. The findings signify Prabhakaran's pledge to his supporters that the outcomes of Eelam War IV would be decided by explosives.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Transformers blasted
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8:03 AM
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transformers are too valuable to be left alone. may be civil defence force personnel can be deployed to save them.
can we have a loud alarm the goes off when anyone approaches a transformer?
Then alarm will sound 100 times a day.
Best thing would be nearby civilians should be vigilannt. May be we can locate some CDF members too covering transformers.
Thanka DW for the response on preveious article. TN reported this incedent at that time. (So I was confused when DW said TN was silent.) As TN reported that guy was wearing LTTE uniform. (some one asked about this.)
[Lankaweb,April 17]Sri Lanka Army Commander Lt. General Sarath Fonseka said , “the North will be liberated from the terrorists this year and civilian life established.” Speaking at this New Year feast.
---SF seem to have pushed the deadline further.
same doubts here.It is enough to say any guy who voluntarily infiltrated into Tiger areas is a daring soldier; I feel embellishments tend to lower the credibility.
OK. is it possible to encase the transformer in a net cage ?? and the alarm fixed to this.
JVP didn't use explosives; they drained out the oil then after sometime it exploded. LTTE uses explosives.
so the new deadline is the FINANCIAL YEAR 2008/09 END~~~
This year means the year ending with the "new" year that dawned on 13 april 2008. the deadline is 13 april 2009 to be precise.
terrorists do these things at night so neighbours cannot be keeping an eye on it at that time.
at least it will help save civilians, call authorities.
No need to split hairs here:)
SF has already put himself in a difficult position by past predictions,some ridiculous;so no need to double guess him here:)
Ranil 'faggot' in my opinion is responsible, directly or indirectly, for causing the greatest damage to LTTE in its history, as well as creating conditions for making SLDF at its greatest potential.
Deadly Damage to LTTE:
--Karunas revolt prob wouldnt have occurred if not for CFA
--IC net, led to EU proscription crippling money & arms
--these in turn led to loss of East
SLDF strength:
--Brought Beechcrafts,radars, aircrafts,more MBRLS/Bombs/Armoured FVs/artillery etc etc during CFA
--CFA gave ample time for SLDF to master these while LTTE struggled to outlive EU & North American raids.
--Negative growing economy of Sri Lanka grew by leaps and bounds to its present position.
So love him or hate him, the truth remains he caused more damage to LTTE than most predecessors did.
Bloody cowards... when was the last time the LTTE came for a direct face-to-face fight with our boyz?
All I can say is;
"Transformers dont hit back!" ;-)
So SF extended the deadline again... who cares? certainly not any of the patriots of this country! But I'm sure the UNP will pick this up and use it for about 2-3 weeks... poor fellas!
We have complete faith in SF!
Btw Garrett, I left you a comment on the previous thread.
Please see further clarification of this in the last post.
"transformers don't hit back"
Now that's something wehavn't heard in 30 years since Bruce Lee's Enter the Dragon!
Moshe Dyan,
how stupid can you be? think of something proper man..
'A 60kgs pack of C4 explosives, suicide jackets and a van was recovered from Digana recently. The findings signify Prabhakaran's pledge to his supporters that the outcomes of Eelam War IV would be decided by explosives.
Sri Lankans must thank their stars that, being a relatively smaller country and the availability of enough manpower, they can plan and able to search risk-prone areas systematically for explosives.
Now imagine... can a country like USA, China or Saudi Arabia can do that.
We must actively team up with our CDF and uncover not only the explosives... the yellow parasites as well...
I'm sure that Mahinda Chinthana will go hand in hand with Realistic Chinthana... in order to face the present day challenges facing the proud Sri Lankan nation.
The Army commander was talking to the soldiers (for the New Year). This is what the good commander actually said.
"The whole nation value the sacrifices made by SL Army to liberate the Eastern province in the last year.
In this year, our aim should be to liberate the North and free the people living there"
(Go and see the video if you guys don't believe me).
As usual, media bent the story a little bit.
Asian Tribune
“the North will be liberated from the terrorists this year and civilian life established.”
"Army Chief says North will be liberated from terrorists this year"
So followings are the comments made by you guys.
"SF seem to have pushed the deadline further."
"This year means the year ending with the "new" year that dawned on 13 april 2008. the deadline is 13 april 2009 to be precise."
"No need to split hairs here:)
SF has already put himself in a difficult position by past predictions,some ridiculous;so no need to double guess him here:)"
One can really see the one feather growing in to seven crows. Who is being ridiculous here?
Similar thing happened last year. The Army Chief was giving a speech at a gathering of some soldiers+commanders. He asked their help to finish the LTTE by this August. So later, that became a deadline.
Good point mate !!
Guys, Surveillance cameras should be used to monitor the transformers. I know the cameras are expensive. So what you could do is to have 10% real cameras and 90% fake (mock) cameras for starters. This creates doubt in the minds of the terrorists. When they are unsure, they start making mistakes. This should be done to the rest of the city as well. Many mock cameras, and a few real ones. But make sure only the a very few people know where the real ones are. The real ones could be periodically rotated, so that tigers never know the real ones are. Sorry for babbling, in haste.
Please don't mock people like that, if you don't have anything useful to say, just shut up.
good point you got there about SF.
i hate to talk about deadlines; wars cannot be managed as projects.
BUT the scary reality is that things need to be speed-up constructively. No rushing into territory; no rushing through plans; no other forms of 'hadissi'.
only an increase in the killing rate by actively seeking more opportunities to KILL.
time is against us. a general election is just 18 months away; political agitations will start before that. peoples' support for the war is slowly reducing. SLDF's morale won't be the same for more than another 18 months. the longer the war takes, the more are the chances for the LTTE to force a stalemate; they have more chances to attack; more chances to regroup, recuit, ..........
else politics got to be taken out of the war like other countries. to do that political parties arselickking the LTTE should be banned like the TULF in 1979.
that means the UNP should be banned from further arselickking the LTTE and if they are addicted to the taste like excreta maggots and cannot give-up, they should be banned altogether.
tigers should NEVER be given any breathing space. sorry for the third repeat.
destroying the LTTE is like killing someone by drowning him. you must hold his head underwater UNTIL DEATH. any let up, you are history.
i'm really worried about history repeating itself AGAIN in another 18 months. the world recession, rise in oil/food prices, local economic mismanagement, reduction in foreign aid......... are going to make things even harder for us.
please take note of these looming dangers BEFORE THEY HIT US.
Moshe Dayan,
But let’s not become too desperate. Let’s hope the good commander would be able to keep the balance (achieving the goal with minimum casualties). He is the one to know when to proceed and when to dig in. After all he is the person who has all the facts. We are the blinds who are trying to figure out an elephant. (One says the elephant is like a stump and another says it’s like a hose.)
"We are the blinds who are trying to figure out an elephant."
i also agree that the good commander knows when to "go over the ropes" and when to defend!
should not rock the boat too much with "kadi kulappuwa". but great to have a little increase in the killing rate without risking anything.
e.g. by more SLAF attacks
Yeah... I think Bruce Lee's statement just sums it up for the LTTE!
- Blasting transformers
- Blasting bridges
- Blasting civillian buses
- Blasting buses carrying wounded soldiers
- Blasting sports events
the list just goes on and on and on...
what a bunch of jokers!
I have a feeling that the LTTE's next target will also be something that "can't hit back", and something that will hurt us so badly!
I just owe it big time to those intel guys for the many break through they have had recently... while some of us blame them for certain lapses, they are working 24/7 to make life smooth for us!
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