Thursday, February 12, 2009

The plight of the Human Rights Community

There is mass speculation regarding the number of civilians trapped inside LTTE areas. Human Rights groups who make a living out of such situations have claimed that 250-000 (MSF) to 300,000 (AI Report) civilians are trapped in these areas. How these organizations arrived at these figures is a mystery, or is it?

A careful observation of these agencies' information extraction process reveals that there is much to be desired in terms of their methodology for getting at the 'truth'. This is because the exact number of civilians trapped in those areas is not known even by the military. There has not been a census conducted in those areas in two decades. The Army's best guesstimates puts the number around 100,000 civilians at the most.

So how do these organizations gather their information?

When it comes to the collection of information from 'the other side', there has been a practice by these organizations, even diplomatic missions, of hiring or networking either directly or indirectly with Tamil nationals residing both in Colombo and in the Districts. This is based on the idea that they have better access and therefore better information about the Tamils in the said area.

The issue of natural bias is often overlooked as a result of high expectation for professionalism from the said officers. These networks are maintained by a 'local operation' meaning a small office/s maintained in Sri Lanka by a group of expatriates and their local employees. The major sources of these organizations are as follows:

  • Political affairs officers of embassies/High Commissions who rely on Tamil journalists from mainly the print media (Thinakkural etc)
  • Tamil nationals attached to NGOs/INGOs/UN agencies both at the head quarters and district level (ICRC, SLRC, Local 'Civil Society' and Human Rights Groups)
  • Tamil nationals attached to various Ministries (Ministry of Rehabilitation etc)
  • Expatriate staff of NGOs/INGOs/UN who meet randomly at Colombo's favourite watering holes (These expatriate officers disseminate information gathered through local staff)
  • Local officers/district staff obtain information through their own networks of Tamil journalists/Grama Niladhari etc. Some may have an opportunity to interview returning civilians.
  • Sinhala journalists who get tidbits from friends in the Military
There is however a serious problem with this methodology, particularly in the current context.

1. The area of contention has shrunk. One can cover the area under LTTE control with one's thumb on a map of Sri Lanka.
2. No rebel 'administration' exist, hence there cannot be accurate estimates even if they tried
3. Civilian and civil administration, interaction and communication systems within the area and connection to the outside world has ceased and replaced primarily by an LTTE Military communication system, which is naturally biased.
4. Returning civilians may have an 'idea' of the numbers displaced but it is by far inaccurate and limited to their immediate experience/individual networks/capacity.
5. Quality and capacity of the information gatherers and their methods are highly questionable. Many local journalists are part-time regional reporters and are untrained. Members of the networks providing ad hoc information are not trained professionals.
6. No scientific surveys are possible. Access to the areas under LTTE control, even the No FIRE ZONE is denied by the Tigers (though access to government IDP centers are allowed).

The repercussions of this failed systems of reporting on humanitarian conditions in the Vanni are numerous. These include:

1. 'Naming and shaming' the government based on inaccurate information backfires on the agencies themselves and their networks
2. Wide-spread animosity and antagonism towards functioning and sometimes useful civil society groups
3. Credibility and standards of practice of international humanitarian agencies get eroded
4. Defaming of Sri Lanka- defaming of a democratically elected government or its people supporting a military solution is sometimes tantamount to defaming the entire nation, particularly in the west
5. Based on the 'established credibility' of these agencies and their reports, international media continues to defame our nation and its right to defend itself
6. These falsifications strengthen the separatist ideology of the Diaspora pro-LTTE groups resulting in taxation of Tamils living in the west, self-immolation by misled individuals, diplomatic stand-offs (Indian Central Govt-Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka) and finally;
7. Strengthening the hand of Tamil ultra nationalists hell-bent on eternal perpetuation of hatred and subsequently a 'Round-2' of the fight.
8. Undue external interference in the conflict- The reports issued by these agencies put undue pressure on the state actor whereas it is the non-state actor that is holding the civilians against their will. In fact, thousands of Tamils attempting to reach government controlled areas at south Puthukudirippu were fired at (some killed) and subsequently driven out to Mathalang, general area north of Puthukudirippu recently.

It is therefore only natural for these agencies to now take stock of their methodologies, particularly in Sri Lanka. We would strongly urge them to do so and go as far as saying that we would even offer our services in reaching out for the truth.

dA & DW


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Puran Appu said...

Thanks DW.

Keep them flowing.

Anonymous said...

indeed puran.

keep em flowing.. thanks DW

ReallyCold..... said...

Very good report.

The interview of CNN regarding journalist killing in Sri Lanka revealed that journalists are annoyed that they have no access to the area. The interviewer (I will find and post the link again) said the danger of that is now journalists are using 2nd to 3rd hand information to write their report.

Aid agencies have always had a bias towards Tamils. The are exploiting the situation to come up numbers out of their heads to magnify the issue and make government to pay for their restrictions.

The bottom line is the Tamil people trapped in this area have become the 'Free Hooker' for everyone.

Their aches and pains are the vehicle for personal gain. The voice for them has never been humanitarian rather political.

Puran Appu said...


Is this 100,000, including or excluding who already fled??

Anonymous said...


pretty sure its including them too macho.

ReallyCold..... said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReallyCold..... said...

Here is CNN Report on Sri Lankan Government killings of journalists.

Bob Dietz says the reporting are 'motive' than 'accurate' when a government is controlling the media.

The journalists and aid agencies have actually started a war against 90% of the peaceful people in Sri Lanka siding with a small vocal minority.

ReallyCold..... said...

Analysis: Sri Lanka's media faces growing pressure

[Sanjana Hattotuwa, editor of a citizen journalism Web site and a senior researcher at the Center for Policy Alternatives, said the government "through inaction or through complicity" has allowed for an environment where violence against journalists can grow with impunity.]

People like Sanjana Hattotuwa are the very unpatriotic journalists in this country. When I started writing to his site, I was banned for questioning him saying I am from the government. When I write on pro-government sites, I am being chased away calling an NGO.

I have no sympathy for journalists since we have people like Sanjana Hattotuwa. He calls GR a dictator. SH is a dictator himself. His website groundviews is a perfect example of manipulated journalism for personal gain. This is how NGO journalists fool the international community to live on the foriegn money to lead a lavish lifestyle.

Sanjana Hattotuwa is a National Traitor or a Taliban Journalist.

MathaMathica said...

The British High Commissioner was accompanied by his Deputy Program Manager Sweta Velpillay and Political and Press Officer Niruban Muttiah ..

ReallyCold..... said...

Rumor, the new King.

Once I went through a RIF at work place and there were no information given for two weeks period. During that time, most people gathered around and shared their rumors. Some of the rumors went into the media as facts.

Journalism is based in integrity and principles and it is not a science. People with bad morals have become journalists.

The duty of the journalist is to report without a bias. However, one has to be a super human not to get involved with the story.

If the society is driven by rumor and if there are people willing to voice their opinion, that person become the rumor king.

velluprabhakaran said...

i wouldn't be surprised if a new census makes muslims more populous than tamils in north & east.

when u ad muslims + sinhala

tamils will be nowhere.

ReallyCold..... said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sanercomic said...

Japanese houses normally have a hollow space between the wooden walls.
When tearing down the walls, he found that there was a lizard stuck there because a nail from outside hammered into one of its feet.
He sees this, feels pity, and at the same time curious, as when he checked the nail, it was nailed 10 years ago when the house was first built.

What happened?

The lizard has survived in such position for 10 years!!!
In a dark wall partition for 10 years without moving
It is impossible and mind-boggling.

Then, he wondered how this lizard survived for 10 years!
Without moving a single step--since its foot was nailed!

So, he stopped his work and observed the lizard, what it has been doing, and what and how it has been eating.
Later, not knowing from where it came, appears another lizard, with food in its mouth.

He was stunned and touched deeply.

For the lizard that was stuck by nail, another lizard has been feeding it for the past 10 years...

It has been doing that untiringly for 10 long years, without giving up hope on its partner.

Imagine what a small creature can do that a creature blessed with a brilliant mind can't.

Please never abandon your loved ones,Never Say YOU ARE Busy When They Really Need You ..

You May Have The Entire World At Your Feet.....
But, You Might Be The Only World To Them....

A moment of negligence might break the very heart which loves you through all odds..

Before you say something, just remember...
It takes a moment to Break, but an entire life to make...

To Live,Use Heart
To Survive ,Use Brains.

Work to make Mother Lanka a better place

Charles Anthony said...

Thanks DW
good one.

the question these so called international agencies should ask is how can 300,000 people live in such a small area. out of the 150 squre kilometers they control now after taking in to account the jungle areas and the areas in which the civilions could not live there is very limited area available for civilion settlements.

hemantha said...

You were always correct about the Indian news editors of AP. Few less knowledgeable here did not believe you. And some tried to ridicule you too.
This is a part of apology letter AP (Associated Press) sent to SF.

" Mr. Amarasinghe, who you graciously allowed to take part in the media facility to the north, quickly filed the photos along with brief captions explaining what was in each picture to our photo desk in New Delhi from Anuradhapura air base as we waited for the plane to take us back to Colombo. The photo editors in New Delhi, on their own initiative, added a second sentence to the caption carrying the claim that more than 300 civilians have been wounded and scores killed in the fighting. They did not put the Army denial in there. That appears to be a violation of AP’s reporting standards, which require us to present both sides to any story. In addition, that sentence did not bear any relation to the scenes depicted in the photos. "

Peter said...

Dear All

These days we are running a set-firing yourself campaign worldwide. Those who have mentally disorders, or family problem are invited to participate this event and get the great opportunity to be a world famous Donkey.

Rules and regulation will be commenced once you confirmed your participation. The fee for the setting fire is 100,000$ and provide a Life time insurance to your Family by “Peelam Insurance”. (deposited your money in Peelam Bank-This is a Adverticement)

We found shortage to set human Bomb in Sri Lanka and now we are going to use existing resources worldwide to showcase the Set-firing show.

This is another Innovative way to approach the target of fundraising. M.I.A and all other fund collectors will come and collect the money.

ReallyCold..... said...

Why Some Sinhalese have become national traitors and bias towards a Tamil cause?

I once met a very successful Sinhalese Buddhist businessman. He was so successful and was the point man of one of our presidents. Later on he became the head of a national captor of an international organization and usually that position is reserved to high class Tamils or Sinhalese Christians (basically people with money and political power).

The president of this organization has immediate access to world leaders. Basically, if you visit Washington DC, you can have the dinner with Obama at no time.

When he had the ability to do good for Sri Lankan people, he choose to help out Tamils the most in the East and the North. He did very little (Comparing the Sinhalese are 70% of the population). His bias towards Tamils were so obvious and even made one of the Tamil lady in the committee so unhappy about it and asked him to help Sinhalese as well.

There is nothing wrong with helping Tamils or Muslims. I feel like the help should be distributed proportionately. His story made me wonder why he behaved that way.

The only answer that I come up with is that the power of networking has significant effects. He did frequent wine and dine with financially influenced Tamil community in Colombo and naturally wanted to cater for their wishes - perfect case of a sold out.

Lot of Sinhalese are frustrated why the international media and aid agencies since they have no favorable biased on them.

The answer to that question is, very little Sinhalese are wine and dine with them. Sinhalese are not naturally motivated to promote a cause.

Until recently, very little Sinhalese have created a strong opinion about the crisis in Sri Lanka. Most Tamils are well rehearsed on it and was not hesitant on airing them when the opportunity was given.

It took me some time to figure out how not to get boxed myself in when someone yells 'Discrimination', and 'oppression'.

It is therefore important for us to kill this Tamil dream of a homeland both militarily and otherwise.

Most people in Sri Lanka aren't political without a secret motive. Their wishes shouldn't be steamrolled with selfish wishes of a few.

People in the country should have ONLY ONE DREAM.

Peter said... can help us

These days we are running a set-firing yourself campaign worldwide. Those who have mentally disorders, or family problem are invited to participate this event and get the great opportunity to be a world famous Donkey.

Rules and regulation will be commenced once you confirmed your participation. The fee for the setting fire is 100,000$ and provide a Life time insurance to your Family by “Peelam Insurance”. (deposited your money in Peelam Bank-This is a Adverticement)

We found shortage to set human Bomb in Sri Lanka and now we are going to use existing resources worldwide to showcase the Set-firing show.

This is another Innovative way to approach the target of fundraising. M.I.A and all other fund collectors will come and collect the money.

Anonymous said...

It is not rocket science that these so called agancies used methods. Anyone can undrstand that they can't get the exact numbers. ANyway thanks for DW to stating it explicitely. Its not hard to understand any one that the weakneses of their methods to get info. Its not their methods which makes their reporting bad its their intention. Its said blood is thcker than water. When tigers are in trouble these so called agencies forget rationality.

Anonymous said...

/Bodies of two Tamil youths burnt beyond recognition were recovered from../ -tamilnut

burnt beyond recognition.. but recognized as tamils.. hik hik.. no wonder monkeys are so smart..

NOLTTE=Peace said...


Thanks for the kudos!

We will move on exposing these hypocrites!

Puran Appu said...

duzz said...


pretty sure its including them too macho.

That's great. Thanks Mate.

Anonymous said...

DW what about this?

/The head count according to thermal imaging of VERY powerful foreign government`s have indicated there are only 125,000 odd civilians left in Wanni. There is enough food, and facilities, if LTTE does not rob them./ -ST@LNP

NOLTTE=Peace said...


Can't agree more!

Anonymous said...


that was earlier(before the exodus started)

even today there was a lot of refugees reaching gov controlled areas. (saman's report confirms)

i think the numbers are close to 70000 now

Anonymous said...


Ya, say, 125,000 - 35,000 = 90,000 at most.

Anonymous said...

58 and TF2 joined..!

Anonymous said...

VP is also now a refugee??? hik hik Anyway, Thanks for the luxury vehicles diASSpora here

Thanks for the printing machine diASSpora here

Thanks for the bomb factory diASSpora. We can make bombs and sell to you - another way to die other than setting fire.. here

NOLTTE=Peace said...


Ravi Nessman himself has written to the Minister apologising for false captions. It is very unlikely of him after thrashing Sri Lanka for many years on behalf of LTTE. Someone may has pressured him to do so.

He blames photo editors in Delhi. Then Google the following,
Ravi Nessman 300

You will find what he himslef has written in the first place. Has he forgotten about them when apologising about Photo Comments?

Now again Google the term

Ravi Nessman Lanka

You will find scores of articles he has written about Sri Lanka, and how much hatred and utter lies about Sri Lanka that he has packed into those.

Even though he has been Bureau Head, he has taken personal interest to write Anti-Sri Lankan Pro-LTTE articles in big time.

He is the head of all the Photo Editors and Writers of AP South Asian Bureau. But he has resort to writing -mainly anti-Sri Lankan articles.

I have read many AP articles directly originated from NY that bi-passe the South Asian Bureau headed by Nessman. Those articles are highly balanced compared to this as&hole's writings.

Perhaps Ravi Nessman alone has done a bigger damage to Sri Lanka compared to LTTE c&ck s&ckers of BBC combined. I say it because AP is a Wire Service, and every major broadcaster picks their stories thinking they are the truth.

How can Nessman tell that Delhi based Editors have added captions and trying to make them a escape goat when,
1. He is the Head of the Bureau
2. He himself has written the same thing many times before?

..and the funny thing is, he thinks that adding a small phrase like "Army denies the incident" or "Sri Lankan Security Forces were not available to comment" makes it a balanced article, when he has written hundred phrases blaming the Security Forces.

This coward is a liability to AP.

rathnayake said...

hei guys..

today video has been uploaded. several people were shot by LTTE.

where is this Tamil have a good message..check the following link.

This is a link

Ananda-USA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ananda-USA said...

Opps...I thought war is over now, at least, that's what most pro-govern folks are saying here. Any minute VP will be captured, chalai is gone, then walk in the park for SL etcetera.

Now DW writes HR article. You once again underestimate the resilient Wanni people who according to government propaganda are just over 100k but it is well over 350k. On the face of constant bombings by SLA, many civilians will join LTTE. In fact, LTTE faced the brink of defeat as conventional force but the daily killings of Tamil civilians changed the course of war in favor of LTTE. So far SLA killed 1500+ Tamils in Wanni in last 2 months alone and wounded another few thousands.

Keep on writing rubbish you modayas.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Religion/Philosophy/Science lovers;

I have lots of ideas to share, but I would refrain from stepping down this line. Primarily because a handful of us would be distracting 1000s who eagerly come here to see defence related stuff.

If anybody creates a different forum on the matter I'd like to contribute. I may definitely stand on a diff view point to many of you [and hence may need a helmet]

On the other hand, what about moving the debate to my own blog.

I already have two related posts. If interested pls have a look. But if you have comments, pls leave them there. Do not bring the debate about my posts here.

If this debate heats up, surely I will be posting more in similar topics. I happened to think that nobody likes these topics.

Pls visit:
Life, if any
Beyond the Rock

Will be waiting to welcome you there.

Regarding Q-physics/chaos theory/emergence, there was a related debate in sci-am which I participated. It was a more than 100 comments list. Posting here the article. Do not forget to visit the comments which is richer.

Sacred Science: Using Faith to Explain Anomalies in Physics

KSF said...

Enough already with the genocide talk
by John Thompson
President - The Mackenzie Institute in Toronto

Published in The Island 12/2/2009

The accusations of genocide in Sri Lanka are getting annoying… and not in the usual ways. Anybody who takes the charge seriously betrays a highly annoying ignorance about the state of affairs between Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

Genocide is not happening in Sri Lanka. Plenty of other nasty things are; but genocide is not one of them.

The LTTE and its supporters in the international Tamil Diaspora they dominate would like us to slap the label of ‘genocide’ onto the Sri Lankan government. Ignore this campaign.

Forget the ‘black hat’ vs. ‘white hat’ morality play. In fact, forget this when looking at any civil war in any country. Where human beings are involved, nothing is ever simple.

It seems that everyone knows that in Sri Lanka, some 75% or so of the population are Sinhalese and therefore mostly Buddhist; some 15% are Tamil and mostly Hindu; and the rest are Muslim, Burghers, Malays, etc. But things still aren’t that simple.

The Tamils alone have numerous cleavages based on the antiquity of their community in Sri Lanka, their caste, the main local occupation; etc, etc. Moreover, in many rural communities, telling these Dravidian people apart is impossible, especially as intermarriage and all the other little human connections come into play.

Yet the LTTE claims to represent all Tamils on the Island; and murdered tens of thousands of them to underscore the point. They’ve killed Tamils from rival insurgent movements, from federalist parties, schoolteachers who wouldn’t let them recruit children from their classrooms, people who wouldn’t pay extorted ‘war taxes’, and many more.

When engaged in ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ (a favorite LTTE activity a few years back), it was hard to segregate Sinhalese from Tamils from Muslims when walloping machetes into panicked villagers in the middle of the night. Grenades tossed in crowded cellars aren’t discriminating either. Truck bombs rammed into an office tower and time bombs on crowded buses also couldn’t differentiate between Sinhalese and Tamils.

Many observers who pay close attention to the 35 year history of the LTTE believe that the Tigers have killed more Tamils than the government. It’s also true that the government has killed more Sinhalese than the Tamil Tigers ever managed: In the past 40 years two uprisings by Maoist Sinhalese were suppressed with extreme ruthlessness and tens of thousands died. Sri Lanka has been far more discriminating in fighting the Tamil Tigers.

The Sri Lankan government is certainly guilty of human rights abuses, and the current government’s behaviour can be very troubling. Yet genocide is one crime that they cannot be accused of; no matter how shrill the wailing from Tiger’s propaganda outlets.

Lately, those outlets have been shrill indeed. After 25 years of guerrilla warfare and 35 years of terrorism, the Tigers are finally being crushed. Whole regions of the country have been quiet for months, the Tiger air force has vanished, their artillery has been captured, and their founder and leader has apparently deserted his remaining forces.

But like Hitler or Saddam Hussein; Vellupillai Prabhakaran is not above sacrificing anybody his followers can compel into service. As the last guerrilla forces retreated into their final sanctuary, they dragged in every Tamil civilian they could find as a human shield.

Now, the Tigers are screaming that genocide is being perpetrated on their human shields… Well, this could be easily solved by laying down their arms and surrendering; but instead they seem determined to fight to the death.

The Tigers under siege are screaming for food and medical aid to be sent to their hostages. The Sri Lankan Army doesn’t share this misplaced compassion.

The Tigers are screaming for a cease-fire. Every ceasefire that occurred in the past 25 years was used as an opportunity to re-arm and re-fit, before the Tigers ended it with a new offensive. The Sri Lankan government can be forgiven for preferring surrender to a cease-fire.

Wars are terrible things, and it is best that they be ended – not be prolonged. The Sri Lankan Civil War, after over 70,000 dead and 25 years of ruin and expense, is finally coming to an end. Let it end.

Canada should retract its call for a ceasefire in Sri Lanka, and instead call on the Tigers to surrender. As for those people busy pressing the ‘genocide’ button; leave it alone. It won’t work if it keeps being misused.

(John C Thompson is the President of The Mackenzie Institute in Toronto Canada. The Institute, cited by several major Canadian newspapers as one of Canada’s leading research organizations, prides itself on its objective and independent forays into some of the most contentious issues of the day.

Its work often becomes a catalyst for informed debate and major change. He Directs its research into issues relating to domestic and international political instability and organized violence (e.g. terrorism, warfare, organized crime, conflict, causes of instability, political extremism, etc.) Former Intelligence Officer of the Canadian Army, Thompson was awarded the Canadian Forces Decoration in 1989. He left the service as a Captain. John is a member of Civitas, the Queen’s York Rangers Regimental Council, the Royal Canadian Military Institute – and its pistol club, Fair Vote Canada, the International Counter-Terrorism Officers Association)

NOLTTE=Peace said...

What an enlightened gentleman! He has clearly understood a spade as a spade, and spoken out when others crawl and hide.

Wars are terrible things, and it is best that they be ended – not be prolonged. The Sri Lankan Civil War, after over 70,000 dead and 25 years of ruin and expense, is finally coming to an end. Let it end.

We peace loving Sri Lankans whole heartedly thank you for speaking out.

NOLTTE=Peace said...

When we were weeping without anyone to protect us Paul Harris stood for us.

He spoke the truth when great dark forces shut everyone's mouth. This great person has spoken out again. Soon, he will be with us.

"I believe the enormously talented Tamil community of Sri Lanka is fully able to produce leaders of integrity and ability once one man is removed from the scene. I refer, of course, to Velupillai Prabhakaran, one of the most vicious terrorists the world has ever produced. Let us not forget, the LTTE is a one man band representing the views and aspirations of its brutal leader. The LTTE has never offered any sort of a future for the majority of Tamils.

We need to take every measure to protect him!

Thank you (Sir) Paul Harris for coming back to us!

Anonymous said...

Prabhakaran planning forced suicide by 200 women to
mislead world - Wimal

As a last resort, LTTE leader Vellupillai Prabhakaran is planning to force about 200 women, detained by him, to commit self immolation in order to mislead the world into believing that their "suicide" was due to atrocities commited by the military. The LTTE leader, in a bid to regain international recognition, will resort to this ruse, National Freedom Front President Wimal Weerawansa said yesterday at a press conference in Colombo.

He said Prabhakaran knowing well that he is on his last legs wants to show the world that Tamil women are sacrificing their lives for the cause of Tamil welfare.

Some United Nations affiliated institutions are planning to pressure the Government by asking it to stop the war to clear the civilians from the conflict zone.

"Their motive is clear. They are not concerned about the fate of the civilians. They only need breathing space. We urge the Government while protecting the civilians at the same time not to stop the war", he said.

Weerawansa also said that the Government should take steps to ban the Tamil National Alliance that acts as the puppet of the LTTE and shed crocodile tears on behalf of Tamil people.

He said that TNA acting as the so called guardians of the Tamil people never questioned the LTTE when they used a suicide bomber, fired on and killed innocent civilians.

Pottu said...

Paul Harris should be granted the Honorary citizenship in Sri Lanka, if it is not already granted.

beat said...

I just past what Antidote posted in DN.
Question is wether Prof. SJ is a humble intelect or not - to me he is not.

Antidote said...

Very, very interesting...Following is a series of correspondence Don Mahindapala had with Prof Sisira Jayasuriya.
Note how evasive this so called intellectual becomes when asked a direct question that is relevant to some of the claims he is making. Sisira knows that if he answered the question truthfully that would be the end of his career as an LTTE propagandist.

From: Mahindapala Don

Sent: Mon 09/02/2009 1:18 PM

To: Sisira Jayasuriya

Subject: RE: Interview

Dear Prof. Jayasuriya,

I am a journalist from Sri Lanka. I note that you have given several interviews to Australian media on Sri Lankan affairs.

I would thank you to grant me an interview to explore the latestdevelopments.

I am a free-lance writer to Sri Lankan newspapers and websites.

Your cooperation will be much appreciated.


H. L. D. Mahindapala


From: Sisira Jayasuriya []

Sent: 09 February 2009 13:35

To: Mahindapala Don

Subject: RE: Interview

dear Mr Mahindapala,

This is a surprise but not altogether! I am familiar with your credentials as a truly independent 'free-lance journalist' having read you and listned to you in the past and I have some idea of your journalistic history as well.

In the circumstances I must decline your very gracious offer to interview me
with thanks.


Sisira Jayasuriya

Professor of Economics

Department of Economics and Finance

La Trobe University

Melbourne, VIC., 3086, Australia

Ph: +61394791719

Fax: +61394791653

From: Mahindapala Don

Sent: Mon 09/02/2009 3:33 PM

To: Sisira Jayasuriya

Subject: RE: Interview

Dear Prof,

Thanks for the prompt reply.

I regret to note that you have not given a valid reason for declining my offer to interview you.

I suppose, if I was a Tamil I would claim this to be another discrimination by a Sinhalese who gives interviews to white journalists but not to a coloured journalist!.


Your assistance will be appreciated.




From: Sisira Jayasuriya []

Sent: 09 February 2009 17:18

To: Mahindapala Don

Subject: RE: Interview

Dear Mr Mahindapala,

Regarding the question you pose, all I can say is that - not being exactly a spring chicken - if you have not manged to answer that question after all these years, I am afraid I am not able to help you. I must have dreamt, for example, that all sinhalese public servants had to pass an examination in Tamil proficiency....

I am afraid I do discriminate; not on ethnic or religious grounds but on other grounds. I have enormous respect for many Sinhalese journalists; Lasantha W of course springs to mind. I recall some who were murdered during an earlier period because they maintained integriity, impartiality and a committment to truth and refused to bow down before terrorists, whether, Tamil or Sinhalese. I am sure you have written and writing at length and campaigning hard to defend the freedom of the press and the right of journalists to cover contentious issues freely and fearlessly and to bring the culprits to justice in the case of recent murders of journalists. Your time, I feel, is better spent defending the rights of journalists in sri lanka and ensuring that their killers are put behind bars You are far too distinguished a journalist - I am sure, of the same calibre as Lasantha in terms of bravery and integrity, the absolute refusal to bow down before the powefrul - for a humble academic like me to be graced with an interview. I am honoured - at Least I should feel honoured I guess – but my humility prevents me from accepting such high honour and distracting you from the noble task of defending democracy, freedom and the rights and lives of journalists under threat in sri lanka..



From: Mahindapala Don

Sent: Mon 09/02/2009 7:30 PM

To: Sisira Jayasuriya

Subject: RE: Interview

Dear Prof,

Leaving the irrelevancies out, may I get back to the simple question I asked: WHAT IS THE DISCRIMINATION FACED BY THE TAMILS SINCE 1956 WHICH THE

Journalists do not ask questions because they don't have their own answers. Nor are journalists "spring chicken", as you state, not to know the answers. They ask questions to find new answers or new perspectives to the old questions. Besides, the point of asking questions is to get answers other than the answers that journalists have. Readers are interested in all shades of opinions and answers. If, for instance, Prof. SJ goes on air and says as a Sinhalese he knows the discrimination faced by the Tamils since 1956 I would immediately assume that you are the kind of person that I must interview to know more about discrimination -- at least more than what I know.

Also, I want to know your answers since you posed as the authority on the subject. So my answers are irrelevant. It is your answers that are important to my interview.

I am also at a loss to know the point you are making about Sinhalese having to sit for an examination in Tamil proficiency. Are you saying, therefore, that there was no discrimination against the Tamils because all public servants from every community had to learn the language of the other communities? So where is the discrimination? Can you kindly state how this fits into your accusation that there was discrimination against the Tamils since 1956?

May I also mention that the best of journalist interview personalities from heads of state to pimps and prostitutes. Journalists do not bestow any glory or humility to the interviewees. It's just another routine job in trying to get to the bottom of issues. Besides, seasoned journalists also know when someone is trying to dodge the issues with evasive answers.

Please note, that I am always ready to learn new things. I would like to learn from an academic holding a professorial chair about the discrimination that the Tamils had experienced since 1956 because my Tamils friends who came out of post-56 era have denied facing discrimination that impeded their progress. As opposed to my experience I am sure you have enough evidence to back up your case. As an academic I trust you would not want to bring disrepute to your University by making wild accusation on any given subject. So please share your exclusive knowledge with me and I will thank you for that.

Yours sincerely,



From: Sisira Jayasuriya []
Sent: 09 February 2009 22:34
To: Mahindapala Don
Subject: RE: Interview

Dear Mr Mahindapala,

I know there are journalists and journalists. You would be at a loss to know whta was wrrong about sinhalese having to be proficient in tamil - the point is Tamils had to pass exams to show proficiency in sinhala but not the other way around. and, you can do your very 'scholarly journalist act' and ask what is the evidence there was discrimination after 1956; of course the fact thae sinhala was made the 'only official language' in 1956 does not rank as discriminatory in your book. When we give very different meanings to identical words discussion is meaningless. this closes this correspondence on my part.



From: Mahindapala Don
Sent: 10 February 2009 12:50
To: 'Sisira Jayasuriya'
Subject:* RE: Interview

Dear Prof,

You reveal your total inability to comprehend the known facts (or is it ignorance?) when you wrote: "the point is Tamils had to pass exams to show proficiency in sinhala but not the other way around."

Error 1: All public servants – Sinhalese, Burghers and Tamils – had to learn the languages of the public. Burghers had to learn both Sinhala and Tamil and Sinhalese had to learn Tamil and Tamils had to learn Sinhalese. The logic is simple: If you are a public servant you should know the language of the public. I will give you evidence. Please ring Dr. Donald Weerasiri (now a retired GP in Burwood) who was a government doctor in Sri Lanka before he came to Australia. He had to pass his exam in Tamil because he was practicing in a multi-cultural society where he had to serve Muslim and Tamil patients. Please ring Dr. G. G.Anderson (another retired ENT specialist) who had to learn both Tamil and Sinhalese to be in government service. So what is wrong in asking Tamil doctors to learn Sinhala when they had to serve mostly in Sinhala areas? They are public servants and by definition they should learn the language of the public as the migrated Tamils do in Germany, Norway, etc. The alternative was for the public to learn Tamil or English. Is that what you wanted? Why should only the Tamils object to learn Sinhala? The private sector did not impose this regulation. It was only in the public sector. Besides, to this day the main branches of the government and the private sector are run in English. So where is your argument for discrimination?

All public servants were treated alike and it was their duty to learn the language of the public. Only those with a colonial mentality would argue that public must learn the language of the bureaucracy.

Error 2: Is England administered in French? Is France governed in Russian? Is Australia ruled in Greek though it has a large Greek population? There are nearly 152 communities in Australia. Which of their languages (including the Aboriginals) have even the status of an official language let alone national language? Why do you have to wear blinkers when you look at Sri Lanka? Do you know that Tamil is not treated as a national language in India where Hindi is the official language? India, after all, the original homeland of Tamils. Unlike the Sinhalese who severed its links with India the Tamils are still linked to Tamil Nadu, culturally, linguistically, politically and even religiously. In Sri Lanka Tamil language has a place higher than in India. So where is the discrimination?

Error 3: All public servants who did not want to learn and function in either language were given the rights to (1) retire with full pension and (2) free tuition on government time to learn the language. What more justice can there be in relation to the language issue confined only to the public servants?. My Tamil wife was a public servant and she made full use of the government time and government paid tutors to learn Sinhala and function effectively in the government service. Where is the discrimination? Are you getting the message?

Error 4: Sinhala only was introduced to overthrow English not Tamil. Besides, the Tamil language was also given its due place when Bandaranaike introduced the Special Languages Provision in 1958. So where is the discrimination? The Tamils were prepared to function in English – a language not even known to the majority of the Tamils – but not in Sinhala and Tamil. When the British left in 1948 only 6% of the population knew English. Do you think the 96% should have been treated as second class citizens and ruled in an alien language? Are you getting the message?

Error 5: This is not a question of giving different meanings to identical words, as you claim. This is an instance of you deliberately distorting the known facts and realities to propagate your political myths.

It is up to you to reply and prove your case. Obviously, you will not reply because you do not have the arguments to prove your myths.

Our peoples have suffered enough because so-called intellectuals like you appear in public to promote your image by propagating myths without fronting up for scrutiny. My humble requests to you is to stick to the facts and please don’t bring disrepute to your University which, I am sure, will take a dim view of your fictions.

Take care – particularly of your faculties.



PS: I reserve the right to go public and deal with your interview and your refusal to be interviewed on your interview.

KSF said...

Really Cold,

You should reveal the name of that said high profile sinhala BUSINESSMAN. In this blog no need to hide the names of those traitors of the motherland. Everyone should know who is the betrayers. It's a very important fact of or future. Some people hidden their agenda and stay in the society as good people.

One good example is : KARU JAYASURIYA. (I mention his name not because he is UNP. His PS /one time/ exposed to me who is this man and what he had done to influence his business selling the country.) So we known some who openly talk against the motherland. But there are people who in masked double face who try to put Sri Lanka in a hell.

I think it's our duty to expose the names of these popular and unpopular traitors. Here after please dont hide the names of traitors. No one there is to take you to court. Why should we to afraid?

If we are real patriots we should even ready to sacrifice what ever for the benefit of motherland.

I think sacrifice life for motherland is not the best thing. Because when real patriots die traitors will get a safe heaven. Real patriots should alive, if you really love the motherland. There is more ways we could help to raise lanka high in the world.

soorapappa...සූරපප්පා said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ConspiracyTheory said...

We should be happy we have a government with back bone now.

Sri Lanka rejects British envoy: foreign minister
2 hours ago

COLOMBO (AFP) — Sri Lanka on Thursday rejected the appointment of former defence minister Des Browne as a special envoy to the island, accusing London of interfering in its internal affairs.

Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama said the government in the former British colony saw Browne's appointment as a unilateral move by London and decided not to accept him.

"It is tantamount to an intrusion into Sri Lanka's internal affairs and is disrespectful to the country's statehood," the minister told AFP, warning "there could be major repercussions" for relations with Britain.

He dubbed Britain's move "extremely unhelpful" but did not specify if any measures would be taken in retaliation.

"There is no further discussions with London on the matter," Bogollagama said, after the British Foreign Office has said talks were ongoing to resolve the dispute.

Earlier in London, Prime Minister Gordon Brown's office said Browne, who left office last October, would work with all sides.

"In this new role, Des Browne will focus on the immediate humanitarian situation in northern Sri Lanka and the government of Sri Lanka's work to set out a political solution to bring about a lasting end to the conflict.

"As special envoy, he will work closely with the Sri Lankan government, leaders from all communities in Sri Lanka, international agencies and the wider international community," it said in a statement.

The statement, also issued by the British High Commission in Colombo, quoted Browne as saying he was "looking forward to contributing to Britain's efforts to improve the serious humanitarian situation and liaising with all parties."

Sri Lanka has resisted calls for a "no-fire period", amid claims from relief agencies that a "humanitarian catastrophe" was unfolding in the island's war zone, where tens of thousands of civilians are trapped.

Downing Street had no comment on Sri Lanka's rejection of Browne.

Senior Sri Lankan government officials said here that London had not consulted with Colombo before making the appointment.

The appointment came two days after nationalists protested outside the British High Commission here, demanding that international officials keep out of Sri Lanka's internal affairs.

Hardline nationalists accuse Western governments, aid agencies and humanitarian organisations as well as international media of supporting Tamil Tiger guerrillas, who are cornered in a small area in the north of the island.

Colomblogs said...

So far I never believe this Genoisde. But after watching this one...I truly believe there is a Genocide..

Veeran/Peter/Bhariva/Upul : probably you may have seen these tragic act upon civilians by SLDF..

But see:

Colomblogs said...

I can understand this..

- Sole Representative of tamils shooting at Tamils...

- Genocidical SLDF treating Tamils...

Even a small kid who have a brain slightly biger than Dispora can see this...

Nooooooooooo...Dispora also look at these things..but they cant see it...

You can tell thousand lies to us and world. But only your heart knows the truth...When it is time got out of this worlds, then you Dispora will feel the pain..

Curse on you...your families and kids...

They will never ever live in peace and happy..

NOLTTE=Peace said...

If British government has not consulted the Sri Lankan government first and has appointed a Special Envoy to Sri Lanka, they will own him!

Britain should think that we are not a colony of them anymore!

When LTTE was killing 70,000 or more in Sri Lanka, no British Envoy was appointed. LTTE is free to roam and collect funds in UK. UK gave safe haven to Anton Balasingham and many LTTE terrorists. Now a Special Envoy - what for when LTTE is getting beaten??

Good move GOSL! Ask UK to 'play by the rules!'

ReallyCold..... said...

@(Ex.SunGod)Mofckr V.Prabhakaran

I wouldn't call this person a traitor. The benchmark for a traitor is Ranil Wickramasinghe. Not only he worked for the Tamil National cause (by agreeing autonomy for LTTE), he weakened our millitary so that we have no choice but to accept his views.

Someone sold this person the idea that Tamils are the most affected in this country and they need the most help from foriegn donations. He had forgotten his Sinhalese roots (happen to most people when they get the power and the money).

Remember after the Tsunami how Eelamists argued Tamils have been affected the most and they deserves the biggest chunk of donations?

1% of Muslims in this country got affected and Tamils did a Swiss cheese brain on them.

The Eelamists are the most shameless and lack of integrity people you will ever find.

They dragged Tamil children to create human fire crackers. They will even prostitute their mothers to get the land they want.

Expect them to sacrifice LTTE now and dump them like a used condom. Then they will sing the same song without terrorism. It will be like one of the Alien movie. No matter how hard you try to kill the Alien it will come back over and over again until it is completely gone to the dust.

We danced for their tune during last 30 decades and we need to make them dance for our tune next 50 decades.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...

@ Really Cold, NOLTTE=Peace,

Buddhism is a completed project

Agree but that was more than 2500 years ago, then it was a clean mirror for followers to see and understand reality of life and after. Then this mirror was re-polished three times due to rusting with time. Today we have the same mirror but we cannot see clearly due to wear and tear after couple of thousand years, it is indeed very rusty now.

It is so rusty now; even leading Buddhist monks some times do not agree each other on certain things.

That is why we need to use other tools like science to understand the true nature of Dhamma.

Anonymous said...

/Sri Lanka rejects British envoy: foreign minister/

British still think SL is their colony. (Did RW visited UK recently?) They should have appointed Mrs. Adela Balasingham as envoy. puh.

ReallyCold..... said...

While we are at Paul Harris


ReallyCold..... said...

@Harry Potter

You call that the mirror. It is actually a stereogram. If you know how to look at it, you see the lamp.


My point is that when we say the dhamma is the rusty mirror that we can't see, it is a statement made assuming we are right. So you have shifted the frame of reference to yourself and then we judge dhamma with our personal bias.

What if the frame of reference is dhamma and it is right. If you look yourself with respect to that, do you see you (we) are the problem?

[Today we have the same mirror but we cannot see clearly due to wear and tear after couple of thousand years, it is indeed very rusty now.]

Be careful when you judge something. We may be judging from ignorance than wisdom.

[That is why we need to use other tools like science to understand the true nature of Dhamma. ]

You can touch your nose directly or going around the head. This is going around the head. Direct path to understand dhamma is through self realization. Drop out of the school and enter a monastery.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


This Karu Jayasuriya fellow is using his position and credentials to be in the lime light and gain cheap publicity by shedding crocodile tears on Tamil cause.

He is seems to be fellow who will sell his own mother for few dollars.

Anonymous said...

@ Buddhism VS quantum science

I don't understand buddhism. I don't understand quantum science. I try to understand buddhism. I don't try to understand quantum science. I believe buddhism. I don't believe quantum science.

But for majority of our patriots the converse is true. Don't understand neither, don't believe buddhism but believe sudda's science and believe buddhism when sudda's science supports it.

ReallyCold..... said...

One actually gain access to the international lavish circles by being crusader of the Tamil cause. Jayalath Jayardana did it well. It is quite evident LTTE folks have established a very good international network for wine and dine.

It used to be cool for speaking for Tamil rights, not anymore with the big ban.

My position: We all have problems and our own reasons to start a personal war. If you give a gun to my Aunt, she will carve out Kurivita from Sri Lanka as her Eelam.

ReallyCold..... said...


Scince is no longer Suddha's. It is Sinhalayas science as well. Science is a world heritage now.

If you combine Science and Buddhism, you will have the happiness in this life and lives after this :)

Repeat with me three times: Sudda is our friend now.

-----flat world view. Perhaps I should start a blog with that name.

Unknown said...

There is a nice book called 'world is flat'

Nisal said...

Too many gifts from diaspora. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Well ...I have seen my brother is reading it and talk about it but i cant digest it . Only thing Im interested in is to make LTTE FLAT.

Nisal said...

[[Ananda-USA said...

Peter said...

"Is there a single Sinhala person that does not want to flee to the West?"

Yes. Me! I am been in the West for a long time. Now, I am planning to go back to Sri Lanka!]]

Me too.

Anonymous said...


You didn't get me. Does 'sudda's book' means all books belong to suddas.

@ Ceylon defence

It is too early to fire at that blog. But it is highly likely it is another Mahen and in fact smarter than Mahen. Hope war will be over before he starts changing tracks.

Lahiru said...

a timely analysis. thanks :)

Rana said...

@ rathusamba

You got a mail!

Anonymous said...

!! Please Stop The War. Please Stop Killing Civilians !!

Anonymous said...

My guess is this new safe zone was not as per the desire of SLA rather they didn't have other options.

Sending civilians to coast with LTTE is not the best move. LTTE may attack SLN now with sea human shield.

Anonymous said...

Any one following "civilan's" links could tell us are they same as his same every day sentence?

Nisal said...

!! Please Stop The War. Please Stop Killing Civilians !!

!! Please let civilians to go where they want !!

gladiator said...


SLA needs LTTE heavy artilary to be isolated .. when they try to drag them in to new safe songs... KABOOOM...

gladiator said...

safe Zones ..I mean not songs

Pottu said...

Sisira Jayasooriya is in Idiot. Because, you have a Ph. D. You should not think as all knower.

Again, SOME times, Ph. D does not need as hard work as to pass A/L.

I am Sinhala, and I had to pass tamil in order to complete certain requirements.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...

@ Really cold,

A better one!

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...

Very very timely post by DW.

No doubt in my mind that you are doing a great service to our Motherland.

Appreciate your service.

Keep it up.


MayilRavana මයිල් රාවන said...

As I have indicated earlier there is a appeal specifically targetting the Sri Lankan diaspora for the Bushfire Appeal in Victoria, Australia.

The organisations conducting the appeal will be a collaboration between the Sri Lankan High Commission, Canberra, Rotary Club of Bendigo Sandhurst and Lions Club of Dandenong.

There will be a special dedication in this appeal to the Women Soldiers who lost their lives tending to IDP's even while the Bushfires were raging.

More information to follow....

MathaMathica said...

Harry Potter, NOLTTE, ninja & others who dare ..

Check :

Good base for a fruitful discussion..

[ Anatta, No-Self or No-Soul: human beings, and all of existence, is without a soul or self.]

Buddhism does not deny the existence of a self. Ex. Aththahi Aththa No Natho … - Dhammepada.
But Buddhism denies a self which exists by itself separate, independent of the rest.

[Right livelihood means that one should abstain from any profession that brings harm to others, such as
weaponry, …]

TRUE, but this lead to the annihilation of the Buddhist civilisation at the mercy of invading armies from the 7th century onward.

[vipassana, through techniques like observation of the breath and bodily sensations…]

FALSE, this is Samatha. Vipassana is analysis. Alternative Smatha & Vipassana forms an upward spiral.

[Nirvana means ‘extinction’ and he likened the death of an arhant to the extinction of a flame when the fuel (karma) runs out.]

FALSE. Nirvana is obtained by eradication of Kaama Thanha, Bhava Thanha & Vibhava Thanha.

Karmic load attached to a person may be compared to the person makes on the universe. All interaction with the universe is memorised by the universe and all actions (mental/physical) are stored and conserved by the universe. It is the Thanha (attachment) which keep one linked to one’s Karma.

When one overcomes Kaama, Bhava & Vibhava Thanhas, one is free from this suffering universe, it is called Nirvana.

It is possible that at the death of an Arahath, his past Karma is owned by the universe since the owner no more claim them. While the path to Nirvana is well documented, the Nirvana itself can not be described because it is UNBORN, ABSOLUTE and not subject to conditions – equivalent of Nirguna Brahman of later Hinduism.

MathaMathica said...

Suddas are a funny lot. They take whatever is good from all over the world and Suddaize it.

And later they destroy the original source to affirm that they are second to none.

Funny fellows !

Rover said...

DW, there you go....well done, thanks for the article.

Ouch! Prof. Sisira Jayasuriya seems to have got what he had been asking for from good old Mahindapala!

Antidote said...

Civilian, I am posting this again for your benefit.

The saviours or liberators, by definition, make every possible attempt to save their lot. They NEVER put their people in harms way, let alone intentionally hurting them. But what do the Tigers do to those they purport to protect? They kill them!

Manoharan Mahendran said, residents of Vishwamadu village begged to be allowed to cross into government territory last week, but the separatist Tigers blocked their path and fired indiscriminately. "People were helpless," 53-year-old Mahendran told The Associated Press on Wednesday in a rare firsthand account, recalling the panicked exodus.

"When we tried to escape with civilians, LTTE fired at me. I got shot in my leg," Sister Louise, a Catholic nun who tried to steer civilians away from the fighting, said on Thursday - Al Jazeera, 12 Feb 2009.

Tigers don’t want civilians to leave because they (Tigers) are now cornered and think that the only way they could save their skin is by having these people around them. They really don’t give rat’s ….. about the well being of the civilians. That fact is crystal clear to everyone except to those who are brainwashed to such an extent that logical thoughts escape them.


The only thing you can do now to achieve your noble objective is to help the Government to eradicate this Tiger menace so they (Tigers) can no longer destroy the lives of the innocent. Try it, you will see great dividends - unless of course you are one of those “brainwashed beyond redemption” Tiger supporters.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...



Moshe Dyan said...

good analysis DW, thanks.

total number of ppl in LTTE areas = 118,000
number crossed over = 32,000
number left = 86,000
LTTE terrorists and civilian militia = 10,000 (guess)
mahaveer sakkiliyas = 23,000
if each mahaveer family had 2 idiots = 46,000
if half of them had died = 23,000

TF the number of to-be-killed ppl left = 10,000 + 23,000 = 33,000

TF remaining number of civlians = 86,000 - 33,000 = 53,000

just get this 53,000 and we are as good as finished!!!!

Moshe Dyan said...

is vajira around??

i hope he is ok.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Thanks DefenceWire, it is a very good one.

Too many gifts from diaspora. Thank you.

from Diaspora Gift-1

from Diaspora Gift-2

Ela kiri macho...kiyala wadak naa.

I wish If I those machine, I can stat a new shop in panchiekawatta..

alright diaspora we need more money and your hunny if you want more blood.

Thanks Dudes.

Welcome to Eelaam

Unknown said...

Yup UN officers and Red Cross people in the line of fire also are getting their news from tamil scources. With this article its now accepted that Sri Lanka has realised its completely being exposed on its genocidical war on the people of eelam.

Is Defence Analyst part of Military Inteligence or is he from a village missing an idiot. I really pity the Sri Lankans because now your only news source is from people like this.

I like this article for its a reflection that Sri Lanka is collapsing on all fronts. The number of comments are reducing, is it because more and more of these bloggers are being retrenched.

No Job, No PC, No internet. How sad. Most european racist are going to come out in full force and I do not have to teach the Sri Lankans whats going to happen to your people overseas. I mean white guys harrasing you, calling you pakis and asking you to get out of their country.

By the way in Saudi Arabia, the children spit on foreigners. Often if some security is around they will scold the kids. However it does not stop there. I cannot imagine how the maids are being treated there. Yet you shameless fellows live off their remittance. In Saudi, Sri Lanka is known as the land of the maids.

ReallyCold oh yah in similar light will you say Aid agencies have always had a bias towards Sri Lankan maids in the middle east. Thats why they inflate the abuse, rape and torture. I can understand your thinking, after all your goverment has always been blind to their suffering. It needs their money. In the comming months the abuse is going to drastically rise as the middle east is reeling from the finacial crisis. Guess who will be their punching bag to vent their frustrations.

Anonymous said...


Time to take the tablet.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

now we have enough

Heavy Guns
Printing Presses
Lathe Machines, Millings, CNC etc..
Heavy Earth digging Equipment
Bigass Boats and Submarines.
Lots of metel on sea bead (and thats wealth too)

on top of that lots of good looking ltte thangacheeis comming to our area...Wa..ala..

Arrinna Epaa...machoo...

How can we thank all these coughfing diasporas...

entire world have econo or whatever bad time, but not us..Thank GOD.

Ade Diaspora Tamil Please can we have another eelamm round...? Please...

take it easy.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


You are really bankrupt now! What happened to your Hilary Clinton, Tamils for Obama, BJP and declaration of independence?

Either you cook up something really quick to “lift the down falling masses”, I mean a different type of a brazier, for eelam or try something else in Singapore.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Adiee Ennaadiee Raakkaammaa plllake naerapoo...Nearaenjan Kulan goodann diee..

Diaspora go out in the cold and singing...

Moshe Dyan said...

OMG! how many machines and factories.

probably PUKA-UDA-KASIPPU (puthukuduirippu) has been LTTE's capital!!!

Ananda-USA said...

India shifts stand on LTTE surrender? AGAIN?

Where are those advocates of trusting India? Hellooo.....

They should have NEGOTIATED with the Mumbai Terrorists also...don't you think?

Oh, I forgot...these are India's Boys. Mumbai terorists were Pakistan's Boys.

India shifts stand on Sri Lanka
A Correspondent in Delhi | February 12, 2009 19:48 IST

India has mended its stand on Sri Lanka [Images], no longer insisting that the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam should lay down arms as a pre-condition for talks with the government in Colombo for a political settlement.

Instead of asking the LTTE [Images] to lay down the arms, India now wants it to at least agree in principle to lay down the arms as that can pave the way for negotiations with the Sri Lankan government.

The subtle change in India's stand was reflected in President Pratibha Patil's address to Parliament in New Delhi [Images] on Thursday when she said both the sides can return to the negotiating table if simultaneously the government of Sri Lanka suspends its military operations and the LTTE declares its willingness to lay down arms.

The Dravida Munnetra Kazagam and other political parties have been protesting at what they see as the government of India taking the side of the Sri Lankan government in asking the LTTE to first lay down the arms before any negotiations.

Notwithstanding the government changing this stand, two Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazagam Members of Parliament -- Krishnan and Ravindran -- interrupted the President's address to protest at India not pressurising the Lankan government to stop the massacre of the Tamils in the island nation, as they say that just expressing concern over the plight of the civilian Tamils was not enough.

The Tamil Nadu parties have been demanding that the government of India should intervene to put in check the Sri Lankan government's killing the innocent Tamils. They advocate that India should even intervene militarily if the killings of Tamils does not stop.

On Friday, the MDMK supremo Vaiko is staging a day's fast in Delhi at Jantar Mantar, to highlight the plight of the Tamils suffering at the ends of the Sri Lankan government and demand India's effective intervention.

The fast will be joined by over 1,000 MDMK officials and cadres arriving in New Delhi from Tamil Nadu to join their leader in expressing solidarity towards the Sri Lankan Tamils.

Ananda-USA said...

Peter said...

"Is there a single Sinhala person that does not want to flee to the West?"

Yes. Me! I am been in the West for a long time. Now, I am planning to go back to Sri Lanka!

hemantha said...

"Prabhakaran is capable of any crime against the people in his clutches. For a man sending his loyal cadres on suicidal missions killing any number of civilians in a desperate bid to open an escape route is child's play."
-Editorial (The Island)

click here.

Nisal said...

Earlier, BBC continuously cried about civilians. But now, since it is clear that LTTP is attacking civilians, there is no single word about SL in BBC.

Can somebody post the link to Al-Jazeera video on Catholic nun's story?

KB said...

Fat boy has lost all his vehicles:


He is riding on the back of a LTTE goon donkey now.


kavee said...


Who is dA?

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...

@ kavee,

it is defence analyst!

ReallyCold..... said...

@Konappu Bandara, that was an excellent piece of video with investigative reporting.

NOLTTE=Peace said...

DA is Defence Analyst

CASC said...


Very nice article about the role of international NGOs.

Many International and local NGOs that receive foreign funding are wittingly or unwittingly instruments of major foreign powers whose interests are not the same as the majority of Sri Lankans.

The so-called Velvet revolutions and Tulip revolutions that spontaneously happened all over Central and Eastern Europe and in the former Soviet states were carried out by INGOS in the guise of building civic society and democratic institutions. Their funding sources were western governments.

Take for example, two institutions in North America. The International Republican Institute and National Democratic Institute
are chartered by the U.S. government, receive all their funding from the U.S. Government, and pretend that they are NGOs that are supposedly helping other countries in democracy and governance.

This is what the NDI's website says

"The National Democratic Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to support and strengthen democratic institutions worldwide by promoting citizen participation, openness and accountability in government."

Sri Lanka is lucky to have a head of state like President Rajapakse
who can't be bought off by anyone whether it is the western interests or the Indian establishment. He understands their game completely.

ReallyCold..... said...


[But for majority of our patriots the converse is true. Don't understand neither, don't believe buddhism but believe sudda's science and believe buddhism when sudda's science supports it.]

OK, I get it second time, yes I misunderstood.

Once I lived in a City and a Sinhalese girl had married to a white guy. That white guys however more Sinhalese than the girl. So he made our people appreciate our own culture. Since he liked Parippu, it became our national food again.

So the lesson from the story is, if anyone wants to promote our own culture, hire a white guy as the spokes person.

We shouldn't try to justify Buddhism through science. In fact, science can be influenced using Buddhism. When scientists are using meditation, we shouldn't feel good about it. We should actually feel bad about scientists being ignorant for such a long time.

Karu said...

@ Navindran

Give up it. The genocide that your are praying for will not happen because sri lankanans are civilised than this barbaric LTTP. BTW, does the definition of genocide include the killing of one's own race? Then of course your claim is true, because LTTE is doing that. Barbaric guys, aren't you ashamed to hear that your LTTE has shot a 74 year old nun who was trying to help innocent civilians?

Nisal said...

On July 1, 2008 1:38 PM, Navindran said "Sri Lankan economy will go bankrupt if this war goes on beyond the year". (In response to

Wow. 2008 is over. Our Navindran seeya's predictions are WRONG!

If you want to read more interesting stories from Navindran seeya, goto and search comments for "Navindran".

ReallyCold..... said...

@Pottu said...

[ Sisira Jayasooriya is in Idiot. Because, you have a Ph. D. You should not think as all knower.

Again, SOME times, Ph. D does not need as hard work as to pass A/L.

I am Sinhala, and I had to pass tamil in order to complete certain requirements.]

First, Dr. Jayasuriya is not an idiot. He was asked for the interview and none of us were not. I call him a sold out. He think he is another white guy and talked like one without any loyalty to Sri Lanka. Lot of 'successful' that I know speak like that. They want to show that they are not part of our land.

The comparison you have with PhD and A/L's are not fair for Dr. Mervyn de Silva. It is very hard to get a PhD.

Sinhaleyus said...

Not too sure if this was mentioned b4 but this retarded professor needs a solid goat shag.
He took his sorry self overseas soon after a bachelors, the shitty channel invites him for interviews - he knows only the CRAP a fkd up INGO fed him..

I trust at least one Aussie reader in here (and enuf SL students at Latrobe/ melb uni) knows the poofter? pls do the needful..

youtube -

CASC said...

Kudos to Bogollagama.

During the Queen's visit to India on the 50th anniversary of Independence Prime Minister Vajpayee (he was infuriated about a comment she made about Kashmir) said Britain was a third rate world power. I guess that does not prevent Britain from interfering in the internal affairs of a former colony.

7:30 AM

Sri Lanka rejects British special envoy

COLOMBO (AFP) — Sri Lanka on Thursday rejected the appointment of former defence minister Des Browne as a special envoy to the island, accusing London of interfering in its internal affairs.

Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama said the government in the former British colony saw Browne's appointment as a unilateral move by London and decided not to accept him.

"It is tantamount to an intrusion into Sri Lanka's internal affairs and is disrespectful to the country's statehood," the minister told AFP, warning "there could be major repercussions" for relations with Britain.

He dubbed Britain's move "extremely unhelpful" but did not specify if any measures would be taken in retaliation.

"There is no further discussions with London on the matter," Bogollagama said, after the British Foreign Office has said talks were ongoing to resolve the dispute.

Earlier in London, Prime Minister Gordon Brown's office said Browne, who left office last October, would work with all sides.

"In this new role, Des Browne will focus on the immediate humanitarian situation in northern Sri Lanka and the government of Sri Lanka's work to set out a political solution to bring about a lasting end to the conflict.

"As special envoy, he will work closely with the Sri Lankan government, leaders from all communities in Sri Lanka, international agencies and the wider international community," it said in a statement.

The statement, also issued by the British High Commission in Colombo, quoted Browne as saying he was "looking forward to contributing to Britain's efforts to improve the serious humanitarian situation and liaising with all parties."

Sri Lanka has resisted calls for a "no-fire period", amid claims from relief agencies that a "humanitarian catastrophe" was unfolding in the island's war zone, where tens of thousands of civilians are trapped.

Downing Street had no comment on Sri Lanka's rejection of Browne.

Senior Sri Lankan government officials said here that London had not consulted with Colombo before making the appointment.

The appointment came two days after nationalists protested outside the British High Commission here, demanding that international officials keep out of Sri Lanka's internal affairs.

Posted by media at 7:20 AM 0 comments

Pottu said...

Another Person that should be removed from the Sri Lankan system is Jayadeva Yuangoda. He can enjoy his freedom of expression as a Sri Lankan. but, he should not enjoy that while earning a salary from the Sri Lankan govt. Such people should be removed.

IF the LAW book is thrown at them, there will be so many faults in them that make them unsuitable be in the govt/semigovt service

Sivanesan said...

Dear Sinhala Brothers,

As you know I support the war on LTTE, but did it ever occur to you that we are heading for an empty space after the war. There is no political solution.

Why can't the government work on a political solution at the same speed of military operations?

This war will start again if no political solution is given. What is there for moderate Tamils like us? Should we get pushed to militancy again?

You are saving Tamils from LTTE terror, you should make the victories permanant by giving us an acceptable political solution.

If all your heads are put together, I'm sure you can make good suggestions to the government.

A political solution is needed before the war ends, not after. If we have a good solution, it can be implemented soon after the war.

The whole world has agreed that the solution should be based on the federal model which has been very successful in other countries.

Anonymous said...



/Sri Lankan economy will go bankrupt if this war goes on beyond the year/

/I like this article for its a reflection that Sri Lanka is collapsing on all fronts. The number of comments are reducing, is it because more and more of these bloggers are being retrenched.

No Job, No PC, No internet. How sad./

So all fronts must include economy as well. Hikz I think he is out of money to by his medicine.

NOLTTE=Peace said...


You sound like a sensible person.

Lets talk about the 'Political Solution'.

Before we go into finding a solution, can you please clearly describe and define the problem.

Take as much time as you may need.

Anonymous said...


If you have a problem we need to talk. We first need to understand what's your problem. If we don't know that then you need to tell us that. Then we can discuss about a solution and suggest your solution too.

If Sri Lankans have a problem Sri Lankans should talk and find a solution. Not sinhalese giving solutions to tamils problems or do as world says.

පීත්තල handiye Chutiya said...

thanks for the Update DW.

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...

We Run,

Out of enormous compassion I am writing your next mythical devastating counter attack report,

"We all waiting devastating counter attack was happened in UNKNOWN LOCATION in Mulathiev.

1500 SLA died.
10,000 deserted.

Recovered two MBRL's and large number of ammunitions.

59 Decimated. TF4 fumigated.
58 Demoralized.
57 already under Pressure.

55 & 53 still licking the Muhamalai wounds.

Who is going to stand in finally capturing remaining 5% ?"

I hope I didn't disappoint you.

NOLTTE=Peace said...

Pittala Handiy Chootiyo,

What did you do until LTTE barbarians exploding three-wheel bombs there??

CriMeWatCh said...

Any comments on this?

Sam Perera said...


We have to add a few more fantasy facts for soon to be full divisions also.

62-TF II
64-TF IV
65-TF V
66-TF VI

Please help these suckers to create fantasy stories for these new divisions also.

ReallyCold..... said...


Read my lips: No FEDERAL in Sri Lanka.
Right now, it is very realistic for you to ask whatever you want in another country like Canada or India.

[ This war will start again if no political solution is given. What is there for moderate Tamils like us? Should we get pushed to militancy again?]

How about you guys fighting with LTTE and chase them away?

Since there was no support from the diaspora to defeat LTTE, government will clean them up for everyone at the expense of your future demands.

If I can tell you in the sweatiest way possible without hurting your emotions ....

Dude, learn to live like Muslims.

ReallyCold..... said...


If you have a girl friend or a wife, please don't ask this question from a Tamil guy who wants autonomy.

"We first need to understand what's your problem."

Let me run to higher ground first before the flood gate of emotions open up.

Sam Perera said...


"As you know I support the war on LTTE"

We will provide you a highly personalized solution for you in Boossa since you supported LTTE in this war. Meanwhile, we will do all we can to help peaceful Sri Lankans who suffered from brutal war against Sri Lanka by LTTE.

Nisal said...

Sivanesan brother,

Nice to see moderate Tamils are shifting from LTTE.

There were number of opportunities for political solution in the past. As I can remember, CBK once agreed to give entire North and East to VP for 5 years! Ranil was ready to give a federal solution. LTTE rejected all those opportunities and wanted nothing less than a separate state as Shylock in The Merchant of Venice. You guys failed to pressure LTTE for a political solution.

Anyway, if Tamils really have a problem, the government should give a reasonable solution. Before that can you please explain the exact problems you Tamils have? If your issues are reasonable, I would also like join you to pressure the government for a political solution for Tamils.

NOLTTE=Peace said...

Hey Crime Watch..!

After a long time you old fella!

How is crime these days?

Does Prabha keep you occupied by toasting Tamil civilians who wants to sniff some freedom?

DefenceAnalyst said...

I found this

CASC said...


Below is the link to David Milliband's, British Foreign Secretary, Blog.

David Milliband's Blog

Please tell him very politely that there is no crisis in Sri Lanka and that Britain should keep out of Sri Lanka. The Sri Lanka government has told the UK Govt that their special envoy is not welcome in Sri Lanka.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


It is too late now to ask for a political solution from SLG. Sri Lankan Tamil people almost destroyed their own mother land with more than 25 years of totally unnecessary armed struggle.

They ruined our economy, took our progress back by 25 years, killed more than 70,000 of our country men, now at the verge of defeat and total annihilation of LTTE, you can come shamelessly and ask for a political solution.

Only solution you will get is equal rights and freedom to live anywhere you want. If you are not happy with that there are many other options available to you.

kavee said...

Guys, write to the british parlimentatrian Neil Gerrad who is showing a bit sympathy towards LTTE

Karu said...

@ Sivanesan and others

I think we have to be more open. I am sure there are many problems that the sri lankan are facing today. Most are common to all,some are specific to communities. I believe most problems would fade away if the county prosper. I do not believe in a federal solution, as it will create many problems than solutions. Only solution will be to give equal opportunities for all. Remember, as it is we lack opportunities too. But if the country prosper we will have more opportunities to share.

Unknown said...

නිසල් - நிசல் - Nisal said...
[[Ananda-USA said...

Peter said...

"Is there a single Sinhala person that does not want to flee to the West?"

Yes. Me! I am been in the West for a long time. Now, I am planning to go back to Sri Lanka!]]

Me too.

February 13, 2009 4:13 AM


Unknown said...

LTTE started posting @ ;)

Hanas said...

Puran, Duzz, Ninja

Think about this. Regarding new safe zone and 55 division inactivity after fall of Chalai ( I think it is purposefully done that 55 is not doing anything)

There is strong possibility that 55 division is already in the safe zone.
Now the other division will start to capture and clear other areas as there are no civilians.

velluprabhakaran said...

tamil solution = eternal sinhala problem.

tamils crave to invade & grab sinhala land for 2,600 years.

sinhala solution = eternal tamil problem.

sinhala defeated tamil seperatists continuously for 2,500 years. we'll never allow eelam.

sinhala solution = tamil problem.

obviously the two thinking is completely opposite. like black & white.

so they'll never meet. the losers will now come as LTTE haters overnight & try to create a grey area.(federal state).

later inch by inch they might try to shift this area to black. (eelam). no way.

over 50 thousand sinhala army & civilians died defending the unitary atate. the cost is supposed to be 2 trillion $ for 30 years. that's a mighty price to give up.

so tamils will have to learn to live like the other communities without demanding the ridiculous. or go extinct. choose.

that's the final solution.

boyrocky said...


55 is not inside the new safe zone.
55 has not given orders to march ahead from chalai yet except to perform active defence.

boyrocky said...

what i meant was 55 is not bogged down or something as many people say. All the divisions work according to a single grand plan and according to that 55 has not been given orders yet to move ahead.

Hanas said...

Thanks Rocky,

I thought they are in the new safe zone and expecting LTTE to move their artilleries there.

Hanas said...

I also thought they are helping evacuate civilians too

DefenceAnalyst said...

Zone for Safety

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment at Britain appoints new envoy to Sri Lanka

Tamils in Tamil Nadu claim to have compassion for Sri Lanka Tamils because of "placental relations." How is it that your "placental relations" don't generate any compassion for the Dalit Tamils of your own state? Why is it that the communal rabble-rouser Ramadoss wanted a "Vanniyar-only" state for his caste? Why is it that Dalits can't get admission to Hindu temples, to colleges, or to public water in your wonderful state brimming with compassion and tolerance? Why is it that the non-Tamil people of Aryan descent in North India are demonized by Tamils of Tamil Nadu? Finally, why do Sri Lankan Tamils who come to Tamil Nadu, return complaining that Indian Tamils discriminate against them as low-caste? I say you are suffering from a terminal case of HYPOCRISY! Stop preaching to Sri Lanka; We have no such discrimination in Sri Lanka;We are far ahead of you.

Unknown said...

super strategy from SLA I think .

Let the LTTE de-mine the costal stretch they mined so heavily . he he .

I am told the forward elements of TF4 and 59 are already in PTK . Any one ?

kavee said...

New safety zone declared seems to be a master plan by SF

boyrocky said...

Hanas macho,

people discuss abt reason behind declaring a safe zone. many said it is because ltte was herding people towards the coast, some say its because red cross is deliberately relocating make shift hospitals away from the previous safe zone hoping that SLA will shell those places, some also say that it is because 55 and 59 is bogged down in the coastal area.
but the real reason is not any of those. MI has received reliable info abt VP through undisclosed foreign intel. and according to that VP is still in vanni and was known that he was building a well fortified bunker complex within the safe zone inside the dense puthu jungles. the complex is said to be 70% complete already. GOSL's this new safe zone move will make this effort redundant. VP will now have to come out of this and relocate himself in the coast. the reason fr the coast to be the new safe zone is that the visibility from above is high. of course the biggest threat now is VP escaping via sea. hope SLN is on red alert for obvious reasons.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

velluprabhakaran said...
"tamil solution = eternal sinhala problem.

tamils crave to invade & grab sinhala land for 2,600 years.

sinhala solution = eternal tamil problem.

sinhala defeated tamil seperatists continuously for 2,500 years. we'll never allow eelam.

sinhala solution = tamil problem.

obviously the two thinking is completely opposite. like black & white.

so they'll never meet. the losers will now come as LTTE haters overnight & try to create a grey area.(federal state).

later inch by inch they might try to shift this area to black. (eelam). no way. "

Weldone velluprabhakaran machang

Hanas said...

Well Said Rocky.

What a counter ttack. What may VP is teeling now?

Any One

If I VP I will say O Shit

velluprabhakaran said...

[[["As you know I support the war on LTTE"]]]

where the fuck were u in the last 30 years?

ha ha ha!

kavee said...

[according to that VP is still in vanni and was known that he was building a well fortified bunker complex within the safe zone inside the dense puthu jungles]

VP said to be flushed by Tsunami, then was amputated, what more i cannot remember. One thing for sure, they don't have material, time or energy to build a bunker complex now, rather each and every carder is now trying to save individual asses.

Until VP is declared captured he will stay illusive, here or abroad.

Whatever it is, the regime, era, peelam or dream is over for him and the Diaspora once and for all.

boyrocky said...

and guys,
so far whatever SF@LNP has told is not true. so dont be mislead that pottu and Soosai has defected or anything like that. you have seen that soosai was there in that luxury house when SLAF bombed the place so he was never in GOSL custody. SF@LNP has also said that VP has escaped which is also not true.

At this moment nothing like that has happened. so dont be fooled by him.

boyrocky said...


i didnt say the carders are building the bunker complex. always remember there are 100,000 odd civilians in the area who can be either forced or more than willing to do manual labour.

when it comes to lack of material in possession of ltte, i would say never under-estimate the ltte. under-estimating them was the biggest mistake we did for past 30 yrs.

Anonymous said...

Hey fake defence analyst

Why are you in my collapse list?

boyrocky said...

kavee macho,

VP didnt get flushed away during the tsunami. he was never in mula close to the sea. he was always around darmapuram and visuvamadu and water didnt come upto that level.

Hanas said...

Yes Kavee I think Rocky is right. If Praba is not there the war is finished.

Now this war is not for ealam. It is for the survival of VP

VP should be in PTK. Bottomline defence column also confirm this.

Puran Appu said...

kavee said...
New safety zone declared seems to be a master plan by SF

It is macho.

Unknown said...

I think this sumarises propaganda and its outlets like Defencewire, defencenet versus people who actually tell the truth. In LBO (I guess they are going to get killed soon) say that truth which is that tea prices have collapsed.

The other article a pakistani government mouthpiece it parrots the government media propaganda. Hence from today onwards LBO is a LTTE lover and I will hear some goons here cheering like when lasantha got killed.

Sri Lanka tea prices tumble

S Lanka tea earnings hit record high

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...

Dear Sivanesan,

You seems like a good person.

I am with you on this to find out a political solution if we need one. So Let's discuss this matter. Before we move on I would like to get clarified on this,

"What is there for moderate Tamils like us? Should we get pushed to militancy again?"

What is NOT there for moderate Tamils like you? Could you mind elaborating on your comment?

"You are saving Tamils from LTTE terror"

Appreciate your observation. Yes we are.

"The whole world has agreed that the solution should be based on the federal model which has been very successful in other countries."

The "Whole world" doesn't mean anything, doesn't it? So forget about the whole world and will concentrate on OUR problem if we have any. Even if whole world is agreed, we don't then as Sri Lankans don't give a damn. Isn't it?

Puran Appu said...


Think about this. Regarding new safe zone and 55 division inactivity after fall of Chalai (I think it is purposefully done that 55 is not doing anything)

You are on track Bro.

Now the other division will start to capture and clear other areas as there are no civilians.

Still civilians are there in the Old Safe Zone. It’ll be interesting to see the reaction towards, civilians moving to the new safe zone and what LTTE s’ reaction will be. We will have to wait and see.

Puran Appu said...

Only Praba knows where he is guys.

It's no point thinking about where he is. No one will know where he is. Not even MR, SF or GR.

It doesnt matter if he is there or not. Even if he is there, can consider him as dead.

Nisal said...


DefenceAnalyst ( is none other than the fake "Genocide ™". Go to the following page to read his previous comments.

Anonymous said...

((There is strong possibility that 55 division is already in the safe zone.
Now the other division will start to capture and clear other areas as there are no civilians.))

the only reason the 55th is not advancing is because of there is not flanking support from the 58th div from across the lagoon. if they do, they become vulnerable to attacks if suicide ltters manage to infiltrate their rear by crossing the lagoon like in the PTK scenario a week back.

This is what caused the downfall of jayasikuru (advancing on a narrow patch of land without keeping a broad front)

Hanas said...

Puran I agree to the point. But Think about this also. Why LTTE still fighting. It is only for VP. Otherwise they would be dissolved lot earlier. So VP is inside.

But your point is right. Even if he there consider him as dead.

Any new developments after the announcement of new zone. Have our forces entered in to PTK?

Hanas said...

Great Duzz,

Good thinking. So This time SF is in high alert. Good to see. We should not give an inch to LTTE

Anonymous said...

nad the 58 brigade that is coming southwards cannot provide the 55th with flanking support from across the lagoon without crossing the safe zone.

but the other 58th brigades+TF4+TF2+59th have gotten mobile from the last two days.. expect more good news soon

velluprabhakaran said...

the only tamil problem i see is indian govt refusing to let shit nadu break away.

the only solution i see is the tamils in nadu fighting for eelam & getting it in south india.

sri lanka's got nothing to do with it. wrong address. so stop barking up the wrong tree & F off.

ha ha ha!

kavee said...

@Nනිසල් - நிசல் - Nisal

humm, too much of brains can harm at times. you should have considered the cause, before trying to show-off, if you know what i am referring to.

Ananda-USA said...

My Comments on Rediff: India Abroad India shifts stand on Sri Lanka

Comment #1

How is India handling separatist movements within India? Are you negotiating, or sending the army in? I didn't see negotiations with the sikhs taking over the Golden Temple in Srinagar nor with the terrorists in Jammu & Kashmir. Well, I'll tell you: Every separatist movement that has been successfully contained in India, has been suppressed militarily. It is the duty and right of sovereign India to maintain its integrity, and to take military action to protect the lives of its people, but yet Indians have a different standard for Sri Lanka. Why is the same principle not being applied consistently to all cases? What are your principles; do you have any, any at all on this issue? Or does it depend only on whose ox is being gored, and that small neighbors can be bullied at will?

Comment #2

Tamils in Tamil Nadu claim to have compassion for Sri Lanka Tamils because of "placental relations." How is it that your "placental relations" don't generate any compassion for the Dalit Tamils of your own state? Why is it that the communal rabble-rouser Ramadoss wanted a "Vanniyar-only" state for his caste? Why is it that Dalits can't get admission to Hindu temples, to colleges, or to public water in your wonderful state brimming with compassion and tolerance? Why is it that the non-Tamil people of Aryan descent in North India are demonized by Tamils of Tamil Nadu? Finally, why do Sri Lankan Tamils who come to Tamil Nadu, return complaining that Indian Tamils discriminate against them as low-caste? I say you are suffering from a terminal case of HYPOCRISY! Stop preaching to Sri Lanka; We have no such discrimination in Sri Lanka;We are far ahead of you.

Comment #3

"Self-determination for Tamils of Sri Lanka you say? Hey, then let us grant "self determination" for the Moslems of Jammu & Kashmir, the Sikhs of Khalistan, the Assamese, the people of Nagaland, the Vanniyar caste of Tamil Nadu, and let us throw in the Naxalites in over 5 states within India. Let us be generous, and have an independent Tamil Nadu as well. Why not revive the Princely states of pre-British India, for good measure? Why only just little Sri Lanka that can be bullied at will?

Nisal said...

[[kavee said...

@Nනිසල් - நிசல் - Nisal

humm, too much of brains can harm at times. you should have considered the cause, before trying to show-off, if you know what i am referring to.

February 13, 2009 11:03 AM]]

I think you are referring to Genocide ™. He was already in my collapse comments list as well as Ninja's.

[[Ninja said...

Hey fake defence analyst

Why are you in my collapse list?

February 13, 2009 10:22 AM]]

After mahen's indecent, lot of peelamists trying to do the same thing for us. (eg. cj.) I'm sure, he is one of them.

Anonymous said...

/It’ll be interesting to see the reaction towards, civilians moving to the new safe zone and what LTTE s’ reaction will be./

I think he point is LTTE can't any more chase away civilians from SLA. Earlier LTTE chased away civilians to east as SLA closing safe zone and civilians start crossing. Now they have to throw civilians in to the sea or chase away to west to the hands of SLA. And SLA can move eastwards as earlier safe zone is no more. Interesting move by SLA.

Anonymous said...

@ Fake defenceanalyst

Actually its hard to say about one when he blogs for few days. Genocide original one was in our side and he was doing great. I put fake genocide in to the list initially to avoid the confusion to me. Anyway, if he is not smart enough to go through this obvious tiny thing, he can forget about being another Mahen.

Guys, be watchful about ceylondefence guy.

Dinesh De Alwis said...

STF Gun Down Two Tiger Terrorists at Lahugala

kavee said...


if follow the posts by 14161049906907631346 (whom you say fake), i believe he had done a marvelous job chasing out the LTTE Genocide guy. I am not sure who is real and who is fake, but my above statement is valid since i have checked a while ago.

kavee said...


Can you point me to the real defenceanalyst then?

Anonymous said...


May be. I didn't check now. It was hard for me to say they were in which side. I think I added the guy who came later. May be I was wrong. Anyway, he is fcked up now, paandarma..

Anonymous said...


Real defenceanalyst is from DW team. He hardly posted/ commented though. We had a fake defencewire as well.

Puran Appu said...


No such info Bro. Things looks like realy calm for the moment around PTK. It is unbelievably calm. I am wondering whether, is it the calm before the storm?

Looks like our guys are upto something.

duzz said...

expect more good news soon

So lets see. Our guys will come up with something again, that will go to the books.

kavee said...

@Ninja, Nisal,

there is a post on defenceanalyst by the guy, which hinted that he is the fake genocide, and my observation on chasing the LTTE genocide is correct.

he says "good work.. if the poupose is served, faking is good at times.

Although not like to do it, I have to remove your comment..."

Nisal said...

Kavee, Ninja,

Before reading his new blog, it is important to check whether he is a peelamist or a patriot since few buggers are trying to fool us. I don't have time to go through his previous comments now. But one can read them and decide his side. If he is a patriot, we can read his blog without any hesitation, otherwise we can avid his blog.

On the other hand, we are not sure about ceylondefence since we do not know anything about the author.

kavee said...

@Ninja, Nisal,

:) read and decide, first article is straight and to the point.

Anonymous said...

denfense analyst seems authentic..

he made some contribution to this DW update as well..

at the end of the article u can see both DW/DA signatures

kavee said...

[On the other hand, we are not sure about ceylondefence since we do not know anything about the author.]

you will not know about the author anyway, but the articles are a mirror of his intentions. fake or not, i don't care anymore, changed to the simple plan, read and decide :)

Anonymous said...

හෙට කව්ද චන්දෙ දාන්න යන්නේ?

AAA ABS CDO said...

Duzz / Puran,

Things have become way too calm as of lately. Hope the 58 heads south and help cut off PTK. As you guys said, hopefully there is something in the works.

Anonymous said...


Same problem here. No time to find and read all the comments again.


You may be right. May be both genocides were from our side. Lets wait and see.


We were talking about a fake defence analyst.

# Faking is fun and hard. This guy messed up in the very beginning.

Anonymous said...

PTK calm..? why? no 'resistance'? Can it be a trick?

AAA ABS CDO said...


I agree, most moderate tamils (which I presume you are) are against the LTTE. I am curious to hear what type of a solution you have in mind?

My two cents is that if the LTTE is wiped out and the militancy is crushed, any bias against tamils would also decline significantly. Also, from an institutional standpoint, I don't see that many policies that would put an average tamil at a disadvantage. I would also point out that where ever you live, it is in your best interest to learn the language that the majority speaks - be it in the US/UK/Canada or Germany.

Widana said...

Navindran Ponnamaster, what is Obama doing about freezing the assets of 'Tamil Foundation'?

I thought he was best friends with Vaiko's daughter who lives on the same street?? :-D

By the way, Sri Lankan economy is on the brink of collapse :-DDDD

AAA ABS CDO said...


Why don't you come out of youe bat cave and see the state of the global economy. In the U.S., GDP in contracting, in the middle east, infrastructure projects have come to a halt, in UK and Europe, banks are failing left and right. That's the world we live in. I guess since you are a frog in a well, you wouldn't know it.

Sri Lanka should see a nice bounce when the Army clears up the remaining pockets of the LTTE and roasts that Vezapillai's ass in a skewer. :-)

CriMeWatCh said...

Disability is no barrier

A gymnasium was opened in Kurunagala today for disabled soldiers with the assistance of MAS Holdings Pvt. Ltd. Picture shows a disabled soldier showing his skills.


Madhawa said...

Tamilnet is using old pics to propaganda works. Check exif data of tamilnet pics.

Check this out.

Puran Appu said...

Ninja Bro,

What I think is that, what ever said and done, it’s really damn hard to forward towards PTK from one front (Currently from the South towards North). This happened in the recent past as well.

It makes life easy to forward at least from 2 fronts, to bring down a Strong hold effectively. Especially since PTK is the last strong hold, all LTTE s’ assets will be deployed and it’s going to be the last major battle and the biggest battle ever. No place to withdraw and all leaders will come to fight along with their so called hardcore carders. They will fight untill they are killed.

Currently 58, 57, TF 2,3 & 4 have reached the boundaries of the Old safe Zone, there is nothing they can do but to wait for the civilians to come out to take the remaining area. Currently it’s not happening like expected and we can’t use our superior fire power against the LTTE. Basically 58, 57, TF 2,3 & 4 is just sitting by the Safe Zone. If the Civilians move to the new safe zone, you guys know what will happen better than me.

The biggest issue I have is whether the LTTE will allow the Civilians to move to the new safe Zone???? LTTE knows well that they are gone if they do so.

kavee said...

British Mumbo Jumbo rejected: Des Brownes appointment draws sharp criticism - Sri Lanka is not a British colony

"Sri Lankan leadership reminded that British Prime Minister should be told that Sri Lanka is no more the colony of Britian for him to dictates to the country from 10 Downing Street." -

Rana said...

Puran Appu,

Macho, I thought LTTP is chasing civilians away from old no fire zone to coastal area!

What is going on?

Are they bringing them back into old no fire zone?

In short, have they started playing chess with Srath Fonseka?

Sivanesan said...

Dear Friends,

See I have dropped the term Sinhala.

First of all thank you very much for the answers. It shows as majority Tamils, majority Sinhalas are craving for a long term solution.

Almost everyone wants to know the problems faced by Tamils. Let me elaborate. Please do not use offensive language because I use my own name here as a sign of honesty. You can call me anything but if you call bad things I will get hurt and hope you all know what hurt is. Lets talk and discuss.

1. In 1956 the Sinhala Only Act was introduced completely discriminating Tamils.

2. Following that in 1956 and 1958 there were anti Tamil riots. No one was punished.

3. In 1958 Mr SWRD Bandaranayake (a great statesman) identified the problem and drafted a federal solution using his exceptional intellectual ability and exceptional foresight. But the Sangha and extremists managed to stop it.

4. In 1965 the Federal Party and other Tamil parties worked with the UNP government. But the government slowly tried to impose their own authority in Tamil majority areas and as a result the alliance collapsed.

5. In 1972 standardization was implemented and this discriminated Tamils beyond belief. Northern province offers little opportunities and education is everything. You take it away from Tamils and they will not have any livelihood left.

6. In 1977 JRJ came to power with violence. From 77 to 82 every year there were violence. They burnt the Library, attacked Tamils, banned all Tamil politicians from the North & East.

7. 1983 July riots (Black July) was done by the government. Sinhala people had nothing to do with that. I understand that most rioters were Sinhala. They shouted "Who is Tamil". Most Sinhala people were shocked and did everything they could to help Tamil people. But the government did nothing. No one was punished. A very small number of thugs could ransack hundreds of thousands of Tamil people without any problem.

8. The army did so many bad things especially at the start of the war. Not even an apology came.

9. There was a seperate Tamil Kingdom in Jaffna extending to parts of Wanni and parts of the East. Of course it is not as old as Anurathapura, Polonnarawa but it was there when the Europeans arrived. The Jaffna Kingdom never attacked the Kottai Sinhala Kingdom. They lived peacefully side by side. This is the solution that worked. Sinhala people were in Jaffna and Tamil people were in Kottai.

10. From 1948 onwards governments colonised the North & East deliberately changing the ethnic composition. There are enough land in Sinhala areas. Let people come, don't bring them forcefully.

11. We have no problem with Sinhala majority in Sinhala areas. Similarly let Tamils run the Tamil majority areas in one country. Isn't it fair?

12. If Tamils are given a governance responsibility they will feel they are part of Sri Lanka and they will work very hard like in Singapore.

13. If reasonable devolution is given allowing Tamils the right to make laws, manage lands, administer policing in their areas they will always be tied to Sri Lanka. If any seperatists try to attack Sri Lanka, we will stop them because we have to keep our areas safe from criminals. Sri Lanka will be completely safe and headache free.

14. Apart from Kadir no Tamil was given such very high office. A federal solution will create a permanant place for Tamil leaders. They will feel partners in one country.

15. If a federal solution is given the Tamil diaspora will not have any demands. They will invest in Sri Lanka. They have a lot of money. Their number is 1 million and their investments are enough to help Sri Lanka. It is better than foreign investors. Sri Lankans investing in Sri Lanka. How good is that?

16. The whole world has agreed that a federal solution will work. After that no one can start another terrorist war.

Rana said...


way to go! MR and GR knows how to hadle things with old masters. UK is nothing to us now!

tharakasp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Puran Appu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kavee said...


[In short, have they started playing chess with Srath Fonseka?]

Good humor. Well, indeed LTTE seems to be in a loosing game of chess with SF/GR. The new safezone appeared to be the most strategical location for SLDF in many ways. LTTE will never want to be isolated this island like stretch of trap.

Reed this

Puran Appu said...

Rana Bro,

LTTE is digging their own grave if they chase away the civilians from the Old safe Zone isn’t it?

If the civilians move to the New No Fire Zone, it'll be lovely. Our guys can just whack the pussies.

perein said...

Sri Lankan in Philippines kidnap


Rana said...


You are singing the same old song again, mate, no offence meant but you should have asked for it prior to 1983 July.

You all gave in to murderous LTTE bastards after 1983 thinking LTTE will give you a separate state. You all gave money and supported blood thirsty Pukeharan to get your eelam for you.

Now at the verge of loosing everything you invested on LTTE, you are coming with different colour to f**k us again.

No way mate, this the time we will f**k you all.

No more specials for Tamils! If you want to live us live like anybody else but don’t dare to ask for federal or self governing etc crap, not any more.

Don’t like it, go to Canada and join the Diaspora and that is your destiny.

Paul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

GOVT stratergy is wrong of handling IDPs. We should not put all the IDPs in camps, if IDPs have relatives in south.
IDPs, who wants to live with relatives, whouls be encorage to do so, after carefully screning and issuing special ID cards with hidden RFID for interim period, untill they are settled down in their native vilages.

There are lots of gains out of that for the GOVT.
1. Maintaining IDP cost is very less
2. Seperate counciling is not required
3. They will witness the peacefull ethnic integration in the south.

They will take the peaceful life again back to their villages.

Tamil diaspora remmitance will directly help contry and the economy, because families are with their relatives, they will not depend on GOVT rations.

Untill, the IDP families are included to the whitelist, they should be strictly adviced to be apprear in the local police station regularly for some age groups.

I believe, it the fastest, safest, economical way to handle IDP.

MAHAVIR sakkiliyas, who can not integrate to the mass, should be allowd to go to TOILETNADU or CANADA-NADU.

Paul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rana said...

No more negotiations, no more cease fires, all LLTP MF and their helpers have to be eliminated.

I am sure MR, GR, SF knows that! We will not settle for anything less.

Tamils should learn the lesson for the last time.

Not in Sri Lanka, try somewhere else, if you dare!!!!!

kavee said...

58 Div troops inflict damages to enemy; 2 LTTE bodies uncovered - North of A-35

Lalith Kuruwita said...

{{{Sri Lanka rejects Britain's special envoy as intrusive and disrespectful
[February 13 2009]

Sri Lanka has rejected British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's appointment of Des Browne, the former UK defence minister, as a special envoy here, as a unilateral move, intrusive and disrespectful to the country.

What a SLGO you are !!!

If UK fart before MR, our previous SLGO shut up.

This government is so straight forward that they straight away rejected.

To develop our country we need people like MR/GR/SF.

Rana said...

Puran appu, kavee,

මචන්ලට බොහොම ස්තුතියි, ඔයලා තමයි මගෙ හොන්ඩම මිත්ත්‍රයො

මට මෙක ටිකක් අමරුයි, මොකඩ වයසයිඅනෙ

එ උනත් ටික ඩවසකින් ඩෙන්නම් වෙඩෑ මචො!!

velluprabhakaran said...

sivanesan talks only about 83 riots but not about the 13 soldiers who were land mined or the sinhala & muslims who were genocided in jaffna.

let's start from that first.

btw tamil problems are confined to shit nadu. as can be seen by the way vaiko & company plays the LTTE asses as & when they like.

this is not a sri lankan war but a proxy war by tamils from nadu & dieasspora. sivanesan could be vaiko the clown prince for all we know.

ha ha ha!

kavee said...

Disopora teens

If these Diaspora teens can save on condoms, I am sure they can feed a whole Tamil refugee camp in north for a month.

kavee said...

[Sri Lanka rejects Britain's special envoy as intrusive and disrespectful]

I am sure our diplomatic guys out there has 101 reasons not to praise government's bold statement against the British envoy, just like worrying over GR's statements against international media.

Wake-up guys, Sri Lanka now have a Spine, which we didn't have for many decades. Way to go...

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