Saturday, November 24, 2007

Military and Political Diversions

A Group of LTTE cadres disguised as fishermen launched a diversionary attack on the Pesalai Police Station last morning (23). The Navy was not deceived by the diversion and successfully defended Mannar Island. Top Navy Officers confirmed to DefenceWire that the LTTE had attempted to seize a Navy Water Jet through the diversionary tactic. Government sources claimed 17 LTTE were killed, although the confrontation was not that fierce. No harm was caused to own troops. DefenceWire believes the attack was not a tactic but part of a much larger strategic objective of the Tigers in the area.

Meanwhile the Presidential Office has issued a statement objecting to the suspension of Pakistan from the Commonwealth of Nations yesterday. This statement was issued after a select committee of the Commonwealth took a unanimous decision to suspend Pakistan from the Commonwealth. Sri Lanka was also part of this group. Diplomatic sources indicated that Sri Lanka's statement in support of Pakistan had come when neighboring India was also working towards the suspension of Pakistan from SAARC at a forthcoming meeting of delegates.


Unknown said...

"DefenceWire believes the attack was not a tactic but part of a much larger strategic objective of the Tigers in the area."

DW are you at liberty to expand on this? What was this objective of theirs?

And why would they want a waterjet? To use in further attacks / infilitration attempts?

But if they had succeeded then wouldn't the SLN be on alert hence forth knowing that the tigers had one of their craft?


Unknown said...

one more thing, could this diversion have been to facilitate a shipment(s) coming in from South India, thus keeping the Navy busy while the snuck in whatever it was they were bringing?

Unknown said...

Sri Lanka should give whatever support it could to Pakistan as she was a friend indeed when SL was in need her support. When SUN GOAT was trying to take Jaffna It was she who gave us much needed military hardware. She continues to support us in many ways.

tangara said...

An arms shipment under the cover of this attack is the most logical thing the LTTE would have hoped for with this attack..

NOLTTE=Peace said...
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NOLTTE=Peace said...


It would be really logical of you to put together write up on LTTE's strategy of getting closer to their objectives through proxies (secondaries). This is a kind of networking in old ways. In the world history, India, Greece, and also in SL, many kings have been killed through this strategy.

This is one of the most successful methods they have deployed throughout in every front brining in colossal losses to GOSL.

It works like this. I am your enemy, you will not entertain me or my partners direct. But I know one of your trusted friends, and I find a friend of your trusted friend and get one of my agents closer to your trusted friend through his/her friend. Now my Agent is your trusted friend's trusted friend. Now your trusted friend introduces my Agent to you as a trusted friend. My Agent becomes your trusted friend. Suddenly, you are boomed!!!

I can bring in lot of examples, killing of Kadiragamar, recent attack on AAB, killing of President Premadasa are bold examples.

This is the same strategy that they use to get closer to Foreign Embassies, Government Offices, reputed INGOs, Foreign Politicians etc etc.

However, none has done a research per say and reveal this well used strategy by LTTE. This is a good deed if you could do this and unmask them. It falls inline with the rhythm of this forum too.

LTTE may be right now working on similar lines to get President, Gota, and the Commanders of the Forces. And they should be warned!

Anonymous said...

Guys think about this....
One news... Army has taken custody of five Tamil youth and next day their bodies were recovered near to the camp.
One girl near to a navy camp, killed and dump in to a well near to the camp.....
When a group of navy personal, pass through a one church, grenade was thrown injuring civilians...

When Air Force, bomb well identified tiger locations, civilians in tsunami camps get injured or killed.....

This is exactly the same game played in the south. There are well connected incidents to discredit the SLDF or the government.
I strongly believe, LTTE Intel units are working very well in tandem with some elements in the south to create chaos every ware.

SLDF should be very careful to release who ever taken to custody to their relative or parents. Otherwise there is high possibility to kill them and dump near to a Army camp.

There is a high possibility, that LTTE is using ARTI/CLEMO to harm civilians, while SLAF bomb LTTE targets.

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