At least 09 were killed and more than 40 were injured when a suicide bomber came in motor cycle triggered a blast in front of the police station at Vauniya a short while ago.
The bomber exploded near at the gate of the Vauniya police station when the policemen and women came out to daily duties,a senior official said.
Monday, June 16, 2008
9 killed and 40 injured in Suicide blast in Vauniya
Posted by
Defence Reporter
7:49 AM
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so the barbarians have struck as expected. again a civilian target. police is also considered a civilian target.
this is in response to the alleged SLAF attacks on "civilians".
why does the LTTE "respond" this way?
bcos it knows by killing civilians it can stop the government carryout SLAF attacks altogether!
on june 6th and before LTTE (under whatever synonims of excreta) carried out many attacks on civilians claiming that they were in "retaliation" to "DPU attacks". unfortunately the govt. fell for it. now tigers know HOW TO STOP THE "DPU" and the SLAF.
it should be remembered that the biggest weapon of any terrorist group is terror. LTTE is using this weapon VERY EFFECTIVELY to GET EVERYTHING IT WANTS. this didn't happen in 2006 and early 2007 when the govt. retaliated (or re-retaliated). at that time the govt.'s OFFICIAL POLICY WAS RETALIATION.
mark my word, LTTE will EXPLOIT this "civilian casualties" concession to intimidate the govt. and get EVERYTHING THEY NEED unless we RETALIATE HARDER. that is the only language they understand.
tigers know very well that they cannot win a tit-for-tat "contest". they don't have the numbers, endurance, stockpiles, etc.
This week is is the Poson week..
So more Attacks could be done in order to make people feel unsafe...
The recent developments in India with findings of explosives & of boats that was discovered some time ago,may be an indication of preparing an ground movement from the northern side most probably dressed in police or army uniforms (SLDF uniform items has been discovered in many places but we are yet to see an ltte attack in those outfit)as the center of attention is more on the southern boundry of jaffna..
moshy, explain to me how the police sons of whores are civilians, do they not carry t56's, do they not impose curfews and shoot at people, do they not arrest civilians that are tamil?
thiru the cluless moron,
Before you open your mouth whereever you live, ask the government in your area if police is a civil or military. I am very glad that we have lots of moronic buffons like you in LTTE these days who have no idea of how the governance around the world takes place. Take this two cents and buy a dozen of clues before you visit this blog next time.
sam, you imbreed, i don't care for the government's opinion on what a policeman is, a policeman does carry a gun with the authority to use it so they are not the same as civilians, Sam, i know it hurts to see more fellow modhayas sent to hell but don't worry this is just the begginin, when the going gets tough there's always an araq bottle waiting for you sam.
thiru the cluless moron,
Buy a few clues before you talk about "araq." What you care is irrelevant as far as how the governance around the world happens. After all you are a true buffoon from LTTE whose rightful place is 6 ft under. Therefore how a terrorist like you think really doesn’t matter. Buy a few clues instead of drugs next time.
the police by definition is a civilian establishment.
according to the police act/ordinance they can carry weapons, impose curfews, make arrests, use reasonable force as required, etc., etc.
when there is a tamill armed struggle what's the point in arresting russians (unless they are connected)?
moshy, when there's an armed struggle then i can ask what's the point of killing russians.
Thiru the cluless moron, may be I shouldn't say this give the nature of your mental disorder,
Not only you are starved of brain and intellect, you most certainly have been starved of worldly pleasures also. Just like many other LTTE stooges here, you to need some serious help and you need it quick too. I suggest you to take Vitamins B,C,D and Fish Oil until you get treated at mental hospital. You should take care of the worldly pleasure deprivation disorder ASAP. Unfortunately for you, I can't think of any other alternative than doing something with a pig, perhaps Velu himeself.
we don't kill russians when there is a TAMILL armed struggle.
similarly when there is a cancer you have to kill all cancer cells PLUS those that are affected (though not yet developed into cancer cells). many have equated the LTTE to a cancer. so the punishment should also be identical. in fact cancer treatment if more torturous than the cancer itself!! but there is no other way.
during cancer treatment patients lose hair/fingernails and lose their "beauty", BUT the treatment MUST CONTINUE. otherwise the patient dies!!
Terrorists are Terrorists..
No point in talking how things happend in a Civilized way..
Just remembered that these are the same people who fired at the Indian Air borne pharachutes while they were up,making them drop dead..
That is not even going through the massacres of that 600 East Policemen & etc..
No point in talking the WAYS & LAWS to them...
Terrorists are Just Terrorists..
moshy, you have just summed up how feel as well
Well Said Moshe, specially i like to read your posts which describe about this cancer treatments. Keep it up.
In fact, SLankan police are rogue ones and responsible for many crimes against humanity than army since they actively run brothels in East, Gestapo activities, abduction, and HR violations.
We can not verify which are good and bad apples. As long as you carry rifles, the chances of getting killed in any civil war country are high.
Sam..stop whining!
I think these forums are infected with grumpy old men like Sam,Ranil5, and child molester Pakka_Lanka.
await more.
the other example is the story about the dying man who dies by drowning.
if you want to kill someone by drowning, you have the WITHSTAND ALOT of struggles from him YET you should put all your efforts in keeping his head under water. you will be amazed how much strength he has. but shouldn't give up. if you give up it may be your end!!!
the LTTE is dying. we should SOMEHOW keep up the pressure. but it will cause alot of destruction before breathing the last.
[This week is is the Poson week.. ]
Su madam,
You better celebrate Poson one week early and stay indoor when the poson week starts :)
Sam, like i said this is the beggining of the end for the modhayas occupying our land, this is going to be the mother of all battles and island wide like promised. You will find out abt the will of the ltte and the tamil people, you think that the people in vanni cant wait to escape, then you got another thing coming, you modhayas are gonna feel a the pain of a real war.
MI says LTTE has new weapons that dissolves and evaporate after LTTE cadre getting killed making him a civilian.
The only thing that does not dissolve and disappear is Combat boots, so the LTTE leaders have instructed all its cadres to wear Bata slippers, which will make them innocent civilians.
These dissolving and disappearing weapons are T56 assault riffles and AK 47 assault riffles. Further more MI suspects these are just regular guns sprayed with some kind of a magic spray made by DUREX.
Also unconfirmed reports say it's a new Camera Devoloped by Canadian tamil students. When you take a picture of a Dead LTTE cadre,this newly developed camera ignores firearms making the picture look like a innocent civilian dead.
Due to this new LTTE weapon we kill only civilians not LTTE cadres.
thiru the wise tamil said...
Sam, like i said this is the beggining of the end for the modhayas occupying our land, this is going to be the mother of all battles and island wide like promised.
Look at the past 10 posts in DN or DW. There is always one person (thiru, bahirav, pacco...etc) saying this is the winning moments for ltte. Asking us to wait and see.
All we can see is a suicide attack. So these born intelligent tamils are blowing themselves up just to show what?
Lets say you kill N number of people by a suicide attack. What is the minimum size of N for you to win an eeleam? 10 ? 100 ? 1000 ?
[like i said this is the beggining of the end for the modhayas occupying our land, this is going to be the mother of all battles and island wide like promised.]
I appreciate your feelings. But don't you think this is too late?? You should have think like this before the Mavilaru attack begin. You should have save thousands of carders, Top LTTE Profiles and also you should have protect the Capital city of Ealam.
In vain.
Thiru says,
[like i said this is the beggining of the end for the modhayas occupying our land]
Thiru is referring to the LTTE Modayas who occupies Sri Lankan Territory...!!!
He is Wakingup !!! & beginning to understand the reality.
With respect to the dead policemen, it is my opinion that they are legitimate military targets in this civil war. Although they are classified as a civilian security apparatus in mature democracies, in the less mature ones they are used for quasi-military purposes to great effect. Same goes for Sri Lanka, where the police has been widely used to execute suspects, as well as take active part in the war( eg.STF). I would only leave out the Makal padai & Home Guards out of target list.
Hopefully both LTTE & GoSL will stick to military targets in the future.
*Now what is this thing about Russians ,somebody??
Sun tzu says,
[With respect to the dead policemen, it is my opinion that they are legitimate military targets in this civil war....
Hopefully both LTTE & GoSL will stick to military targets in the future.]
So from your heart you know that this is wrong...
"So from your heart you know that this is wrong"
I respect all dead people su.Though they have just become statistics, each one of those 12 have a wife/husband/kids/parents/inlaws/relatives and friends who will be forever bereaved .Nobody can fill in that gap.Same goes for the LTTE fighters.I think this respect has gone out of Sri Lankan society that is why each side is cheering here like ghouls and the war dragging on.Now I await the barbs.
Sun Tzu,
If you read the thread you would hv understand how Russians came..
[when there is a tamil armed struggle what's the point in arresting russians (unless they are connected)?]
Just to say When the Tamil personnal are the majority of the Armed Terrorists, the people who will be arrested by Police will also be Tamil.
Just replace the Russians by citizens of any Legitimate country & Understand.. (Not Peelaam)
Sad reality
If SLAF attacked
Civilian houses - > ltte base
Fishermen board - LTTE boards
Tamil school -> ltte Training camp
Tamil y youth in Colombo - > suicide bomber
Victim of DPU attack - LTTE Leader
when Ltte attack
Navy -> unarmed Soldier
Police -> civilian
Thitu , Since police used for war against Tamil civilians you should consider them as civilian. there is nothing wrong call them as civilian because they run when ltte on the field and they will come back and attack Tamil civilian.
True.Those who not have suffered the pains will not feel the True pains.From a week or so others will forget these... But Only the people who suffered & their Loved ones will carry the pains forever...
from both sides the youth who are laying their lives are the ones who has to be put in places to Build the Country...
The Reasons For Seperatism is not something acceptable for the Majority of Sri lankans & This is Actually going in circles....
"from both sides the youth who are laying their lives are the ones who has to be put in places to Build the Country..."
Truly said.
[Su madam]
Anyway Nice to see you using good language & tring to express your ideas by thoughts rather than mere words..
Nice Article in Asian tribune>
Sri Lanka Crossing Swords: New Prescription for Old Ailment
Has many interesting points.
defensewire, any news on the LRRP ops, and the leader that is killed? :)
tamilnet has yet to post about it.
This is the newest low point in LankaENews. They have a post titled "Security forces put people's lives at risk for their safety." We should let the people decide on this kind of extreme negative posts against our forces. One thing I know for sure is that it is not those news reporters who risk their lives to save ours. I sincerely hope that social cancers like LEN will die of internal hemorrhage soon. Such despicable elements deserve no place in my country other than the unmarked graves reserved for traitors.
Bless Sri Lanka!!
[They have a post titled "Security forces put people's lives at risk for their safety." We should let the people decide on this kind of extreme negative posts against our forces.]
Sam Perera,
if one of SLDF personnels rapes your daughter, then you will say it's acceptable for them to rape my daughter since they are saviors of our country.
It seems that somebody from LTTE is raping you every day to have your brain fried like this. You need lots of help. Please go to a lunatic asylum immediately.
LOL ha ha ha......
well said SAM...
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