Saturday, July 19, 2008

Illuppakadavai captured

Mannar Map - Click to enlarge
Troops from the 58 Division (Task Force 1), spearheaded by Commandos today reached the Sea Tiger camp at Illuppakadavai. A heavy firefight ensued today for nearly two hours. Tigers received a severe beating and survivors took tail. Exact number of casualties is unavailable.

The next targets lying in the 58s path are Vellankulam (7km), Nochchikudah (7km), Pallikuda and Pooneryn (20kms). The objective will be the latter, while the three former locations also have some significant sea Tiger Activity.

As Vellankulam ends, the Kilinochchi District begins. Thevampiddi Church to where the Our Lady of Madhu statue was removed to is also situated in Vellankulam. Thevampiddi is a small coastal village on the A-32. The 58 advance towards Vellankulam will happen simultaneously to the 57 advance towards Tunukkai and Mallavi on the eastern flank.

Sea Tigers have been at the receiving end lately, with cadres being killed and assets destroyed on a regular basis. The latest and most serious damage comes from an attack on the Sea Tiger base at Chalai in the Northeastern Coast.

A group of fighter jets from the number 10 fighter Squadron carried-out a precision strike upon detection by UAV of a flotilla of Sea Tiger boats setting out to sea from Chalai last week. As the flotilla exited Chalai, jet bombers dropped their lethal cargo. The UAV saw a massive explosion .

One large boat was observed doing a semi-somersault before disintegrating as the impact from the bombs hit the water. Later, fishermen from the area confirmed that three large LTTE vessels of the type captured some time back were completely destroyed and sunk in the sea. All three vessels were large vessels probably manufactured for specification to the Sea Tigers in a Southeast Asian country.


Raptor said...

Where are all the LTTE supporters claiming they will strike back? Bhairav still farting mate and not shitting. Ah I forgot your stuck in Canada watching LTTE propoganda films about winning the final war.

Its ok, we will let all you LTTE supporters enjoy your wet dreams for the time being.

Eelam is around the corner, believe in your Anna

serendib said...

Excellent. This front is moving north..:-)

serendib said...

[A group of fighter jets from the number 10 fighter Squadron carried-out a precision strike upon detection by UAV of a flotilla of Sea Tiger boats setting out to sea from Chalai last week.]

Wow, DW is breaking this now eh?

londonistan said...

The progress is encouraging but 20km is still a long way to go, guys.

I hope people at the ministry have/will be able to persuade the isralis to sell us some armed/payload delivery UAVs.

Defencewire said...


Nothing goes on this site unless individually verified. The verification of damages was made by MI units a day or two ago who interviewed fishermen from Mulaitivu. Once that came, we got ready to release it.

Colomblogs said...

In previous thread what "Ogre" said can't be easliy ignored. Corret me if I am worng, but Isreal's reaction to the "Yom Kipperm war" also based upon same strategy of dividing the enemy line

On the brighter side, if LTTE use all hard-core resources in these two fronts(Malavi and Mulathiv lagoon), and SLDF can sucess with all its resources in the same fronts, will it be the deciding factor? Or if SLDF make a major thurst from jaffna (not as previous attempts!)as the thrid battle-front, will LTTE able battle in three major-fronts?

LKDOOD said...

Great news DW

thanks for the update

Liberating these areas will have a major impact on the LTTE

Kutu where did you go ?


serendib said...


[Nothing goes on this site unless individually verified.]


BTW, where did you get the map?
Lager map shows boaders of Thamil Eelam & Sri Lanka in it.

Defencewire said...


Yes. That was deliberate. Look where that map is now.

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

The accompanying map is excellent for reference.

If the SLA maintains the same tempo it can be expected to reach Kilinochi/Mullaitivu by monsoons.
If SFs latest fig of 5ooo ltte fighters is correct then they have no hope for a counterattck.
Lets wait and watch. SF/GR and VP will come out of this war as either a hero, or a zero.Cannot be midway.I guess we will know the verdict by end-2008?

LKDOOD said...

LTTE to attack during SAARC


kuttu said...

dude said

Kutu where did you go ?


July 19, 2008 10:23 PM


stupid sinhalas

keep partying.....

years ago sinhalas army controlled more area than they have now

sinhalas lost the battles

this is good juice for some kids here who don't know history

DW/DN can do some history articles to explain the kids here what happened some years ago

more areas captured=more trouble for sinhalas

problem with sinhalas is that they have memory loss problems....hehe

can anybody remember east ?

its getting hot.....hehe

President Mahinde best president in the world like Mugabe

are they brothers ?

Zimbabwe government to introduce 100 billion dollar bank note


Sri lanka is the next Zimbabwe

kuttu said...

Ogre said...

stop and consider:

LTTE giving ground to Sri lanka army offensives along the coast line.

LTTE is doing this with very smart intenstions.

LTTE is holding back about 2000 heavily trained cadre to mount two significant attacks against SLA.

SLA is over-extending itself along the western coast line. for each mile you need at least 200 more soldires on the ground and another 10 times to support them (rations/supplies/weapons)

LTTE is gathering the first half the 2000 cadres about 1000 of them in Malavi waiting to attack.

the objective is decapitation attacks by hitting the 30 mile flank along the western coast in the middle and cut it in to two

then move cadres in north of pallikuda downsouth with heavy weapons and outflank them from the sea

the goal of this is to deprive the strike battalion of supplies and then hit them hard on the head.

the other force 1000 is getting positioned along the south mulativu lagoon. they are in the process of infiltrating along the lagoon next to Mulativu jungles. thier goal is to hold the walioya front in check while the battle on the west coast is ongoing.

LTTE does not anticipate any further attacks on national front as civilians are now trained to man the motor locations and reload, they are already aimed as set positions all the way 5 miles in to EP (ltte had broken each sector down to 5x5 meter section and has positioned motors on each).

I agree we should establish blocking positions before we head north, it is up to the generals to decide.

remember the goal is to KILL them not to get land
and i hope that should be only reason.
the sarrc is a big distraction for sri lanka. and I believe LTTE will try to attack SLA during 7-31 8-3 period

SLA better prepare, strong advice against moving north.
LTTE never gave land willingly, and when they did like in operation ranagosa - they did to spread the units of SLA

remember the numbers again.

July 19, 2008 9:26 PM

kuttu said...


good post

these blogs need good posts not BS posts by blood drinking worms

sldf said...


This is great news. I never thought 58 will capture Illuppakadavai so soon. Good to hear that 58 is moving fast. However, it also important we secure our defenses and not thin out the security forces defenses in the Manaar sector. Inducting Navy`s elite SBS units and Naval troops to strengthen the defenses in the Mannar coastal theater is a wise move.

How far is 57 from Tunukkai and Uyilankulam? There will be heavy fighting in Tunukkai.

Destroyed boats are LTTE Muraj boats?

perein said...

Thank you for the well timed update.
Let's hope you can keep up with the commentry while brave hearts are moving ahead.

LKDOOD said...

Minister Keheliya Rambukwella targeted ?

Tamil bank employee arrested in Kandy

"...He had videoed the entire house of Mr. Keheliya Rambukwella"


LKDOOD said...

great work by the police

Ranger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ranger said...

The significance of the Vidattaltivu victory

* Gains in Weli Oya also as troops make headway further north
* A commission of Inquiry may probe killing of Indian fishermen
* Tightest ever security since NAM summit as tense Lanka prepares for SAARC

By Iqbal Athas

There was a great sense of elation in the security establishment, quite justifiably, over the Army's re-capture last Wednesday of the coastal village of Vidattaltivu in the Mannar sector.

It was the location of a major Sea Tiger base. Its importance grew after Security Forces launched an offensive in this sector since July 2 last year. After losing the coastal areas of Silavathurai (south of Mannar) in October 2007, for Tiger guerrillas Vidattaltivu became a landing point for military and medical supplies. This was across the Gulf of Mannar from "safe houses" in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu.
The once busy One Four Base of the LTTE in the jungles north of Weli Oya. Guerrilla leader Velupillai Prabhakaran was known to have lived here before and during the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) presence in Sri Lanka.

There is also a lesser-known fact in Wednesday's Army success that adds to the elation. Whilst troops re-gained control of the areas around the base, their colleagues continued their advance further northeastwards seizing more territory. Yesterday, troops re-captured the coastal village of Iluppaikaddavai located further northwards. They were positioned outside the town area last night. This gives greater depth and protection to Vidattaltivu. The troops are were now some five kilometers away from Thunnukai.

The final moments before the fall of Vidattaltivu were without any confrontation. Two soldiers, however, were injured after they stepped on "Battas" or improvised mines. Air Force Mi-24 helicopter gunships fired at fleeing guerrillas. The original aim of the offensives in the Mannar sector, since July last year, was to gain control of areas in and around the Madhu Church, sacred to Catholics. Mid way, a second aim to re-capture the Sea Tiger base was included. Two columns of troops advanced northwards, one from west of the Giant's tank and another from the east. In April, troops re-gained control of the church area. Thereafter, during their advance, the two columns merged and headed for Vidattaltivu.

The success there, no doubt, is a credit for the Security Forces personnel who laid down their lives, were wounded and those who fought against all odds. It has been a practice for the guerrillas, more often than not, to offer stiff resistance and back out when they come under heavy military pressure. The aim in such circumstances is to inflict damage to troops whilst they dismantle and remove most of their infrastructure except immovable items.

This happened when the Army launched "Operation Riviresa" (Sun Rays) in October 1985 to regain control of the Jaffna peninsula. Whist offering resistance to troops, the LTTE moved a sizeable volume of its armoury and other assets across the Kilali lagoon to the Wanni. There have been some exceptions, too. One was when "Operation Jaya Sikurui" (Victory Assured) was launched in May 1997 to regain control of the land mass between Nochchimodai (Vavuniya) and Kilinochchi.

This was to link the Jaffna peninsula with Vavuniya, both sectors under Government control. The guerrillas assumed a conventional posture to resist the troop advance. This offensive became the costliest for the military both in terms of human and material losses.

"Operation Jaya Sikurui" was called off in late 1999 on the orders of then President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga. Similarly, Army's onslaught at Vidattaltivu prompted the guerrillas to shift base from there before the final assault came.. According to intelligence sources, they had moved to Nachchikuda, where another major Sea Tiger base had functioned for many years. However, that will not make things easy for the guerrillas. From their earlier base at Vidattaltivu, it was a straight run smuggling military and medical supplies across the Gulf of Mannar. This was using fishing trawlers. The shallow seas there have restricted the movement of Naval craft in the Gulf of Mannar.
Fighting in the Mannar sector has prompted some civilians to flee the area for safety. Here is a scene from Mallawai where a family is moving their belongings in a tractor.

A longer course across the sea and continued naval patrols will entail more problems in using their base at Nachchikuda. Making it difficult for the LTTE to smuggle in logistics supplies is not the only gain from the Army's success at Vidattaltivu. In extending their control of the coastline northwards from Mannar until that village, the troops have effectively placed a barrier against the outflow of refugees to Tamil Nadu.

At present more than 120,000 Sri Lankan refugees are housed in camps and cared for by the Government of India. Almost the entirety of them had crossed the Gulf of Mannar, some paying large sums of money to boat operators. Successive governments have also accused the LTTE of promoting or even arranging for an exodus of refugees to Tamil Nadu to exacerbate Indian Government's concerns.

As the troops, continue their advance in the Mannar sector, what their next aim here is not clear. Even if its known, media reportage would only constitute advance information to the enemy - which is one among a few taboos in this new century that has ushered in a communications revolution that has impacted immensely on how wars are fought.

However, Defence Spokesman Keheliya Rambukwella told Thursday's news briefing that the next aim of the troops would be to re-capture Kilinochchi, now the heartland of the LTTE. For reasons that are now too obvious, the pros and cons of such a move cannot be examined. So are the analytical aspects arising out of them.

The second thrust of the Army, north of the Weli Oya sector, continues. Troops advance into the jungles ahead of them, before the LTTE's main fortifications, weeks ago led to their seizing the once renowned 1-4 base. This is a camp complex where LTTE leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran, was known to be hiding before and during the period when Indian Peace Keeping Troops (IPKF) were in Sri Lanka. Thereafter, it had been abandoned. Troops also captured the "Michael Base." The guerrillas had weeks earlier abandoned this base after blasting some of the buildings there. Army sources say guerrilla intelligence cadres who were scouting around the area occasionally used the 1-4 base. At the time the troops seized the base, they found fresh evidence of a group of some eight to twelve cadres having cooked meals there.
If the re-capture of Vidattaltivu and its domination by the Security Forces would lower if not prevent altogether the exodus of refugees, an irritant in Sri Lanka-India relations, there are other issues at sea that are causing equal if not more concern in New Delhi. The latest is the killing, allegedly by the Sri Lanka Navy, of two South Indian fishermen from the coastal town of Nagapattnam and the wounding of another on July 11. The incident is said to have taken place on the Indian waters off Point Calimere (the Indian coast across Point Pedro). The move has triggered off pressure from the Tamil Nadu state Government on the Central Government in New Delhi.

So much so, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who is scheduled to arrive in Colombo next month for the summit meeting of leaders of the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) in Colombo, is to raise the issue with President Mahinda Rajapaksa during bi-lateral talks with him. Mr. Singh's Congress Party Government is facing a trust vote in Parliament on Tuesday raising an element of uncertainty on his visit if the motion is lost.

The Sri Lanka Government has strongly denied allegations that the Navy was involved in any shooting incident. The Foreign Ministry in Colombo issued a detailed statement. The move appeared to underscore the seriousness of the situation.

Here are edited excerpts from the statement commenting on Indian media reports:

"When reports of this nature are received, a rigorous procedure is instituted by Naval Headquarters in Colombo, in keeping with the firm resolve of the Government of Sri Lanka to deal in a humanitarian manner with fishermen apprehended in Sri Lankan waters. The procedure includes Naval Headquarters ascertaining from the Area Commands as to whether any vessels of the Navy were involved in operation in the area of the alleged incident, as per the reported date and time. The preliminary findings in this case are that there were no Naval units operating on the Sri Lanka side of the International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL) in the area off Point Calimere on 11th July.

"However, there was an incident that same night at 21.10 hours at a completely different location, namely approximately 8 NM (nautical miles) East of Point Pedro when two Sri Lanka Navy fast attack craft deployed on a routine patrol detected on their radar, a boat moving in a suspicious manner at high speed of around 34 knots.

"The night vision cameras of the Navy vessels further discerned the suspicious craft as having the configuration of an LTTE low profile boat. The video pictures of the suspicious boat as recorded by the cameras are available with the Sri Lanka Navy, which it is willing to share with the Indian Naval authorities, along with other relevant information. When the suspect boat failed to respond to warning to halt, the Naval craft were constrained (sic) to open fire.

"It was not possible for the Navy vessels to assess the outcome of the action taken by them and accordingly the possibility of the suspect boat having continued on its northerly course cannot be ruled out. The attached map (Annex 1) (Note: This was not released by the Foreign Ministry to the media) provides the maritime location of the action taken by the Sri Lanka Navy vessels at 21.10 hours on 11th July. It is clear that the incident took place well within the Sri Lankan territorial waters and around the sensitive area of Point Pedro, from where the LTTE Sea Tiger wing has frequently engaged in terrorist activities, including attacking cargo and passenger vessels operating to and from the Jaffna peninsula."
The contents of the official statement were formally conveyed to Indian authorities through diplomatic channels. In addition, Sri Lanka's High Commissioner in New Delhi, Romesh Jayasinghe, also met Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherji this week to explain the Government's position.

Despite Sri Lanka Government's repeated assertions, the same sources in New Delhi said, the Indian Government has raised issue with Sri Lanka at the highest levels. As a result, President Mahinda Rajapaksa has agreed to appoint a Commission of Inquiry in Colombo to probe Indian allegations. This is besides the Government's own investigations that are already under way. There was, however, no official confirmation so far in Colombo. Senior Government officials contacted by The Sunday Times declined comment. The modalities of the proposed commission including its terms of reference, composition and mandate are yet to be determined, the same sources said.

Amidst this controversy, other issues have also cropped up. The Sri Lanka Navy said one of its patrols had apprehended an Indian national whilst returning to Tamil Nadu by boat from Tiger guerrilla-dominated Wanni. He was apprehended and handed over to the Indian High Commission.

It is in this backdrop that Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherji , among others, are scheduled to visit Colombo for the SAARC summit. This week, two high ranking officials of the Indain's Prime Minister's Special Security Group (SSG) were in Colombo to further examine security conditions in the city and the immediate suburbs. Heightening Indian concerns are fears of any possible attacks by Tiger guerrillas.

The Sri Lankan Government has shared the same concerns. So much so enhanced security measures have been taken weeks in advance of the summit. The same consideration has led to using the Parliamentary Complex at Kotte-Sri Jayawardenapura as the retreat for the heads of State and Government. There, they will take part in a lunch on August 3 that is being restricted to the leaders, their Foreign Ministers and the Secretary General of the SAARC numbering only a maximum of 25.
SAARC events will begin on July 27 with a meeting of officials. On July 31 and August 1, the meeting at Foreign Ministers level will be held at the BMICH. A dinner hosted by Foreign Minister Rohita Bogollagama will take place at the same venue on the night of July 31. The summit level meeting will be held on August 2 and 3. An event for wives of the visiting dignitaries is to be held at the Mount Lavinia Hotel.

The Government is expected to declare August 2 a public holiday on account of SAARC.
All heads of State or Government arriving at the Bandaranaike International Airport will be flown by helicopter to their respective hotels. Foreign Ministers and Foreign Secretaries will be escorted into the City by road for which one segment of the Colombo-Katunayake dual carriageway will be closed.
Contrary to media reports, there will be no large Indian military contingent from India. The maximum number of security personnel to cover Premier Singh as well as Foreign Minister Mukherji and their entourages will not exceed 125, according to official sources. Besides a helicopter for use by Premier Singh and his entourage, India is also providing another VIP transport helicopter at Sri Lanka Government's request for use by visiting dignitaries.

The case of two Indian Navy vessels remaining berthed outside the Colombo harbour is also still under consideration, according to same sources. "We have to respond to some procedural matters raised by Indian authorities," a defence source declared. During the period, India is also to deploy Naval vessels on its side of the IMBL in the Palk Straits.

Since the Non Aligned Summit Conference in Colombo in 1976, this is the first time security considerations have become a nightmare for the defence and security establishment. From now until the summit is over, there will be many a nervous moment. And more than the visiting dignitaries, it is the Sri Lankan public who will be forced to bear the pressures imposed by the need for even stricter security. Under military pressure, the threats posed by guerrillas, particularly outside the theatre of conflict, remain high.

Ranger said...

Fall of Vedithalthivu

* Troops push further northwards as Tigers prepare for showdown in Thunukkai

By Ranga Jayasuriya

Few in military circles believed that the Tiger cadres would give up Vedithalthivu, the main sea Tiger base in the north western coast without a fight. Not long ago that a senior -most commander in the military acknowledged that a swift assault on the sea Tiger base would cost 200 troops and an equal number of Tiger combatants. Therefore, the military strategy was to encircle the Sea Tiger camp, cut off the supply routes and forces the defending cadres to vacate the camp.
By Thursday, that strategy appeared to have worked out. The reports from the Mannar front revealed that the Tiger cadres were deserting the Sea Tiger Base. But, the pull out appeared to have been pre-organized. According to senior military sources citing intelligence reports, the sea Tigers had moved boats to Pooneryn. A boat was found abandoned in the deserted sea Tiger base, which functioned as the main launching pad of the sea Tigers in the north western coast.
True to its strategic importance, the Vedithalthivu Sea Tiger Base was heavily fortified. A trench was built from 2 km south of Vedithalthivu on the coast to Paramarayankulam, which is located 10km east of Vedithalthivu. That trench line functioned as the primary defence of the sea Tiger base. This defence line had been fortified with eight feet high sand dunes and the vicinity of the camp and its access routes had been heavily mined with anti personnel mines and booby traps.


Inside the trench line aka primary defence line, the secondary defence line was located. Bunkers had been built in close proximity to each other and battle hardened Tiger cadres of the Charles Anthony Brigade had been assigned to front line duties.
Vedithalthivu had been under the control of the LTTE since the departure of the Indian Peace Keeping Force in 1990. In 1999, the security forces engaged in operation Ranagosa and attempted to seize control of the sea Tiger base, but in vain.
The military operation to capture the Vedithalthivu base gathered momentum after the clearing of the Rice Bowl area of the size of 152 km2. With the capture of the Rice Bowl area, the security forces succeeded cutting off the supply routes to the Vedithalthivu sea Tiger base. On June 30, the two military divisions - 57 and 58 Divisions- who are inching into the Tiger hinterland of the Wanni linked up in Pallaimadu, west of Vedithalthivu.
Early this month, 10 Gajaba Regiment and 12 Gajaba Regiment attached to the 581 Brigade began to advance further northwards from 12th mile post on the A 32 Pooneryn Sangupiddy- Mannar road. The two battalions were supported by the fifth armoured corps.
On the southern flank, troops of 6 and 8 Gemunu Watch pushed further northwards. From the eastern direction, two other battalions - 9 GW and 12 GW- advanced towards the sea Tiger base. Second commando regiment was deployed in small teams to engage in reconnaissance duties, ambushes and sabotage attacks on the enemy logistics. Some military officials told this writer that the Tigers appeared to have believed that the defences in
the Vedithalthivu base were impregnable for the moment. Yet, on July 3, three small groups of four -man commando teams shattered the perceived impregnability of the camp. This swift assault during which four commandos lost lives had been a turn around in the battle for Vedithalthivu. The capture of about 200 meters of the southern perimeter defence of the camp killing at least 28 cadres- according to figures provided by the Army- had been the prelude to a series of daring small group operations which were to dominate the Mannar front during the last two weeks.
For the first two weeks of this month, commandos operating in small teams had been carrying out surprise attacks on selected strategic locations in the LTTE defence line. Small groups of commandos approached the camp in every direction, mainly conducting reconnaissance missions on the LTTE build- up in the area.
One such group, code named the Alpha team attacked a group of Tiger cadres killing seven. Five bodies of the slain Tiger cadres were retrieved by the commandos. Two other teams, each consisting of eight commandos approached the Tiger base from the direction of Paramarayankulam tank and Uvilanundiya Aru.
Both teams reached their assault positions by Tuesday. Based on information provided by the commandos, the army bombarded the identified LTTE positions using multi barrel rocket launchers and artillery guns. By Tuesday noon, the LTTE began to pull out from the camp.
Based on information provided by the Delta team which was engaged in reconnaissance operations, the army bombarded a team of about 150 Tiger cadres who were on a hasty withdrawal from the camp.The Tiger contingent came under ground and air attack as they were moving through a Teak jungle located in Thaddampiddi.
By Wednesday, troops monitored the Tigers pulling out. Water tanks which supplied water to the main sea Tiger base were blown up in the morning. Commandos ambushed two Lorries which were heading to the Tiger camp, apparently to transport military hardware from the besieged camp.
By Wednesday noon, the troops were in control of the Vedithalthivu town and the sea Tiger base.
As troops closed in on the sea Tiger base, Tigers moved their boats to Pooneryn.


The MI 24 attack helicopters were called in to target the sea Tiger boats. Fighter jets of the Sri Lanka Air Force also conducted several sorties against another sea Tiger camp located in Vallaipadu, north of Vedithalthivu
The only casualty in the military mission was Lance Cpl Kumara of the Delta team of the 2 commando regiment. He was caught in a booby trap as he stormed an LTTE bunker. On Thursday, Army Headquarters announced the capture of the Vedithalthivu sea Tiger base.
Vedithalthivu, located 20 km from Mannar is the main sea Tiger base in the North Western coast, which also functioned as a smuggling hub for arms and ammunition from Tamil Nadu and earlier from the ships anchored in the Arabian Sea.
Last month, sea Tigers staged a surprise attack on a naval outpost in Mannar. Sea Tiger boats were launched from Vedithalthivu.
By the end of last week, troops were advancing towards Illupakadawai. The air force carried out several raids in LTTE positions in the area.
Further northwards, the 57the Division of the army is pushing towards Thunukkai. Thunukkai, which is also the entrance to the Tiger- stronghold of Mallavi, would like to be the next flash point in the Wanni front.

Raptor said...


Yes a while ago, after jayasikuru we controlled large parts of the Vanni. and then we lost it all upto the now FDL and Muhamalai and the previous ones at Omanthai.

But times have changed mate, seriously changed. We were fighting with an army of around 90,000 active and BATTLE ready soldiers at the begining of Jayasikuru. The we lost around 2000 dead/injured. Others were left behing to defend. Simple manpower shortage. Plus the air force didnt have enough active bombers. When EPS fell we have tow airworthy Kfirs.

Now we have 7 divisions advancing on the Wanni, two more, arguably the most battle hardened and best trained, along muhamalia/nargakovil. Plus we have much better air support, and huge huge indirect fire support in the form of arty/mortars/MBRL.

The SLA is a totally different beast now. Compare this with the LTTE. In all honesty, man power is down, atleast to some extent, as is ammunition stocks. So you have got weaker, and we have go stronger exponentially.

Remember what happened in 2006? The LTTE launched diversionary attacks on Muttur while launching a major offensive to capture Jaffna. What happened? You got thrashed by sheer fire power. The same this likely to happen now. Even if you break throught the lines of one divions in the Wanni now, there is another division positioned immediatly to its rear, we have a tiered division system. yes you will kill soldiers, but you will lose the last experienced cadres.

Its a matter of when, not if. But we will see, we will see what your Anna has in store.

Eventually the LTTE will be ground out, and become a non entity militarily. Yes you will still be around setting off claymores on civillian buses etc, but no more Mullaitivu, Kili or EPS. Only hit and run by a small group of cadres.

That will be the reality. It should have dawned on you by now that, there is no way your getting Eelam. And we will crush you militarily.

All this was has done is, reduce the tamil population and living standards. When EVERY other tamil party wanted to give up a seperate state and compromise on limited autonomy, only the LTTE kept saying no. One mans ego and greed for power condemned the innocent people he claims to represent, and the rest of the country to years of suffering. Thats all he as done.

Your no closer to your seperate state, and never will be. 30 years and it still hasnt got into your THICK heads. This is why your still killing your own people.

I am all for autonomy for both the north and east, NO SEPERATE states. and no way should the LTTE be thought of as the SOLE representitives of the tamil people. That would be condemning them and the rest of the country to more years of suffering.

The bottom line is, your days are numbered. Face the facts.

tangara said...

Great stuff..Thank you DW for the info..

GroundZeroLanka said...



GroundZeroLanka said...



GroundZeroLanka said...



hemantha said...

Well said, Raptor. Very well said.

An interview with Gen. SF

click here.

Ogre said...

DO not get over confident by the fact that LTTE is putting soft core cadre and letting army capture so called hard points

as I said before LTTE is planning a new offensive and they are are preparing models and running simulations

We must hold the main roads and junctions leading to purported attack sites, there is a vast area in vanni where there are so called jungle bases like mulativu jungles.

The time is to be cautious than getting over extended and suffering the consequences

Listen before it is too late

we will soon see raiding parties of LTTE terrorists.

remember Jayasikiru! Everything was all, well until LTTE waited and began decapitation strikes,

yes there are not many factors that contributed to the attacks back then (we were holding a small strech of land and East was a furtile ground for recruitment-there were practically 1000's of people training for the war in the east at that time) instead LTTE has quite a lot of people training in the north
they have a huge arsenel of equipment and the problem they had was the inability to field quality cadre to stand and fight.

they only need a chump victory here and there before it can be done

and I strongly believe there will be diversionary attacks as well as with main thrust (raid) centered on the soft points of SLA fronts.

army commanders take note because i hate to say I told you SO

hemantha said...

I think I partially agree with Ogre's comments even though his wavelength is little bit absurd (specially when warning the commanders). Past is for learning the lessons but not for being hysterical about.

I think LTTE lost their greatest weapon during this eelam var 4 which gave them many wins during the past thirty years. That is the "element of surprise". That was the major winning factor for them during the battles at Oddusuddan, Kilinochchi Paranthan, Mulathive, punerin etc etc. Now SL armed forces keep better vigilance in front of their front lines through deployment of many small teams. There is only one front LTTE can be succesful in this regard. That is the national front (Eluthmuduwil). But it has no chance of winning there.

LKDOOD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LKDOOD said...

Nadesan - Sunday Leader Email interview

Q: The government has vowed to capture Wanni and finish the war by mid next year. The LTTE also keeps saying that they are fighting a defensive war. Is that alone not an admission that the government's military campaign has succeeded and the LTTE's offensive capability has been destroyed?

A: This is a very erroneous assessment that does not take into account our mode of operation and our grand strategy. Unfolding events will clearly illustrate this.

Full interview


chamal said...

That was quick. I didn't think Illuppakadavai will be taken so soon. Excellent work from the 58th div. and 2nd commando.

Good to see our LTTE supporting friends here are still keeping their hopes up. Great optimists. Never look at the bad side. Search and search until you see a small victory and brag about it ignoring the ton of defeats.


"...fishermen from the area confirmed that three large LTTE vessels of the type captured some time back were completely destroyed..."

Are you saying the boats were captured from the fishermen? This is not clear. Were they trying to smuggle something out of (or into) the country? It's obvious that their objective was something big and SLAF knew about it and intended to stop it. I mean, Kfirs and Migs don't fly around the sea looking for trawlers to drop their bombs on.

Jambudipa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eranga said...
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NOLTTE=Peace said...

What is the best way to kick the b*lls of this over Smartt guy?

Is that the same monkey in disguise trying to sabotage this blog?

Kithul said...

Tropical S

You make a very good good point in your post at slaf blog, viz

"The fall of the Vidattaltivu base is a crucial blow to the LTTE's smuggling activities as it limits logistics to a narrow strip of approx 30 miles coastline, which does not provide many paved roadways from the beaches to transport any heavy articles such as arms and ammunition."

emphasis on the lack of roads for transportation - a severe blow to smuggling acroos the straits.

so based on this with Illupaikadavai also gone and troops closing on attimoddai and tunnukkai mallavi would be a fatal blow indeed in terms of logistics.

Kithul said...


going back to a previous thread on you see the increase in recent SLAF attacks on ltte gatherings as countering such atacks by not allowing regroupings/gatherings. is this usual military strat?

Kithul said...


your map is titled Thamil Eelam????

Moshe Dyan said...


DW states,
"The 58 advance towards Vellankulam will happen simultaneously to the 57 advance towards Tunukkai and Mallavi on the eastern flank."

this was a concern i repeatedly queried. this is the way to go.

the ease capture of illippakadavai also concerns me. if we don't harvest them now, it will be VERY difficult to do so later. especially when tigers take refuge behind human shields.

Moshe Dyan said...


indeed. SLAF is a big deterrent for tigers to regroup in large enough numbers to be visible.

the new UAVs (actually replacements for the UAVs SLAF lost last october) are amazing.

had we protected them then, these benefits would have come 7 months before!!!

Moshe Dyan said...


agree with you.

i feel that this like the tsunami! the sea "withdraws" only to throw back VIOLENTLY!

but i recon SF knows this too well. he has made the correct assessment of the LTTE although he is somewhat "boasting" about his men. their morale must be kept high at all times.

according to TN some of your concerns are already addressed but in the jaffna peninsula. many juncs have increased security, some roads have been closed down altogether and SLA is on VERY HIGH alert in jaffna for the black july week.

tigers persistant attempts to get to jaffna is MORE than symbolic. jaffna has more hiding places for them bcos their favourite hiding place is behind civilians. plus it gives them more money, more cadres (most mahaveers from jaffna), etc.

Unknown said...

Are you saying the boats were captured from the fishermen?

NO it means the type of ltte Boat that was captured by defence forces...As I remember 50~60feet long.
The type which was on display at a recent Exhibition in BMICH...

Anonymous said...

even a baby can cut and paste a article from a news us the link is enough and you dont have to put advertisements on this blog none is interested in them.i hope you help us to keep this blog in a decent way!!!!
DW should delete these ad's or should take some actions against them.
Isn't it strange that the Indians are silent about the comments made by the SLA chiefs after capturing V'thivu??? our people say that this will limit the smuggling of arms and drugs to the north. Isn't that a direct accuse to India??

tangara said...


Why it is the biggest LTTE base?

Can you please comment on this?

Moshe Dyan said...

following on from shan's post, did a little bit of research on SLAF attacks this year. where attacks were repeated on one target, it was counted as one.


month SLAF raids
1 13
2 10
3 14
4 15
5 16
6 22
7 9 (till 12 july)



1 2
2 1
3 3
4 2
5 2
6 5
7 2 (till 12 July)



1 1
2 2
3 3
4 1
5 9
6 9
7 6 (till 12 july)

(attacks MORE of defensive nature were excluded. e.g. raids on the jaffna FDLs were excluded)

A FANTASTIC INCREASE!! however attacking LTTE bases away from currently operational areas is also important.

Anonymous said...

noltte=peace, here's your wish of a pdf. to all the Patriots who want the GOSL to win this war. go on and spread the message between your friends. this may be a bit supportive to the GOSL but still we should keep MR safely at least till the war is over

save SL atleast for now!!.pdf

Peter said...

A32 is the new A9, also known as the 'highway of death'.

LTTE waited 'till Lankan forces reached Kilinochchi from north and Murugandy from south, before cutting the A9 like a snake. How Banda and Silva abandoned the A9 in a number of days is now history.

As A9 defined Eelam War III, A32 will define Eelam War IV.

Throughout the past 25 years Lankan forces have been able to capture each and every major town in the Tamil homeland, including Mulaiteevu and Kilinochchi. Their challenge has always been holding on to territory. Kilinochchi was occupied for almost 2 years. Likewise, Mallavi and Thukai may also fall to Lankan forces and remain occupied for a number of years.

Lankan offensives have durations of at least a year, e.g. Op Jayasukiru and Op Ranajagosa. LTTE offensives on the otherhand are about a week long, e.g. Op UC1 and Op UC2.

How the Lankan forces are able to respond to a fresh Tamil offensive, which would be at a time and place of the Tamils' choosing will be the only true indicator of if things really are 'different' this time around.

Anonymous said...

6 LTTE boats destroyed while 2 has been damaged. this was a joint operation by the SLAF and the SLN.
the attack took place around 3km south of Nachchikudha which is situated to the north of Illuppukadawai.
Ada derana

tangara said...

I am pretty sure a counter offensive by the LTTE is around the corner.

Moshe Dyan said...


this time LTTE will run out of cadres at the rate we kill them. there will be no one to fight.

if you remember, jayasikurui gains were reversed by unceasing waves. this required hell of a lot of cadres. now they can't find such a big number of cadres!!

don't use the word tamil in place of the LTTE. tamils don't come down to fight for the LTTE!!

NOLTTE=Peace said...

Thanks Virus Alert for creating the PDF.

Someone gave me a tip about how to create PDF from Divaina.

1. First copy to MS Word
2. Then adjust the font size
3. Print as PDF

It would avoid clearly printing the page as advised.

Gringo said...


[don't use the word tamil in place of the LTTE. tamils don't come down to fight for the LTTE!!]

Well observed and recommended, but can we expect the truth and honesty from parroting coolies of Looting Tamil Terrorists Everywhere?

kuttu said...

Moshe Dyan said...

this time LTTE will run out of cadres at the rate we kill them. there will be no one to fight.

if you remember, jayasikurui gains were reversed by unceasing waves. this required hell of a lot of cadres. now they can't find such a big number of cadres!!

don't use the word tamil in place of the LTTE. tamils don't come down to fight for the LTTE!!

July 20, 2008 6:37 PM

Moooooooo sheeeeeeee

'unceasing waves' are gone

they are history

all tigers are dead


sinhalas can just come & take tamil land

nobody will fight....hehe

sinhalas keep drinking juice....

kuttu said...

even sinhalas government don't want to finish this war

this war is AIR for them

without the war the government will be gone

Colomblogs said...

In basics, LTTE need to do something and fast to keep the morale and get away from continuing losses.

Question is their ability to do so..!

May be simultaneous suicide attacks, tragetting of UAV/Aircrafts and other military assets, High-profile VVIP....may be target a regional center during the SAARC(kandy...). But scale of "unceasing waves" or attack on several fronts is unlikely (though should not ignored).

But, none of these LTTE tricks are new anymore. They may be temporarily holdback the advance. It may not need to be hysterical..but same time not to under-estmaite thy enemy!

LKDOOD said...

LTTE's biggest base is in Mulative not in Illuppakadavai

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

I read this memoir of 1983 by a conscientious Sinhalese with sadness(
At this time, I wrote a regular column in the “old” Sunday Times. The editor, Rita Sebastian (first woman to head a national newspaper), rang me and stipulated that I must on no account refer to recent events in anything I wrote. It was soon obvious that the media had decided to go along with the Government and black out the horror story as far as possible.

At home, we wondered whether J.R.(President J.R. Jayewardene) had been killed otherwise, why was there no word from him or from any Govt. spokesman in the face of such a national calamity and the complete breakdown of law and order? Then, on the Thursday, July 28, J.R., Athulathmudali and Premadasa at last appeared on television. What did they have to say? Our President said something to the effect that the Sinhalese had been provoked by the killing of 13 soldiers in the North; Athulathmudali said he was shocked at the sight of something he had hoped never to see again – food queues! Whatever Premadasa may have said later, at that time the words he uttered were: “Kavuda duk vinday? Duppath ahinsika thamunansela netha?” (“Who\has suffered? You poor, innocent people, is it not?”) We lost all respect for our Sinhala leaders that day.

Just when I thought Sinhalese leaders have learnt to be more inclusive I found this interview(Dailytimes)where Sarath Fonseka is saying:
“The Sinhala nation (majority Sinhalese community) has to sacrifice if you want to protect the country and survive,” the commander said.

“If a minority is ruling the majority that is a dangerous situation and it is a problem. That is unrealistic. This country will be ruled by the Sinhalese community which is the majority representing 74 percent of the population.”

Looks like the expectation of total military defeat of Tamil insurgents very soon has brought out the hidden racist agendas of not only bloggers but leaders too.

LKDOOD said...

Dead(so far this year)

5,060 LTTE

447 SLA


Peter said...

"this time LTTE will run out of cadres at the rate we kill them. there will be no one to fight."

The rate is one that is spewed out by the Sri Lankan military apparatus. LTTE's own figures are of 821 casualties in the first four months. This is no different to the numbers LTTE, by own admission, lost in first four months of 1997 and 1998. Take the above not as an absolute but as a relative.

"if you remember, jayasikurui gains were reversed by unceasing waves. this required hell of a lot of cadres. now they can't find such a big number of cadres!!"

Op UC1 was capture of Mulaiteevu, months after losing a large number of cadres in Jaffna. Lankan occupation of Jaffna also deprived the LTTE of its largest source of recruits.

Op UC2 was capture of Kilinochchi, in March 98, after what was the most 'critical' year for the Tamils, by the LTTE's own admission. At that time, Mulaiteevu was the only population centre under LTTE administration.

Op UC3 was launched after almost a year of Op Ranagosa which took control of Madhu, which was at the time touted by the military as a measure to starve the LTTE of potential recruits from the interally displaced people.

Every successful LTTE operation has come on the back of 'testing times' and large loss of cadres.

" don't use the word tamil in place of the LTTE. tamils don't come down to fight for the LTTE!!"

Point taken! Funded by Americans and fought by Russians. All the thousands killed 25 years to the month were Chinese. The 22, 000 plus killed fighting Lankan forces were British.

kuttu said...

kids here have no idea about history

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

The strength of Fonsekas present broadbased creeping FDL small-team advance is known to all of us by now--it feeds on the lack of manpower by LTTE. It has achieved tremendous success.

But that is also its Achilles heel--the lack of concentrated force.If the LTTE strikes on a particular front in strength ,it would collapse much more easily than those of previuos wars.The front being mobile the SLA would not have proper prepared positions as also being prone to strikes from the rear.Also the much vaunted MBRLs and Kfirs cant save the day as the front is wide &fluid( it will work in Jaffna though--as in 2006).If the LTTE routs one front adequately they may outflank the next one.If two or more fronts are routed the remaining ones may just collapse with a litte help--given the past histories of SLA morale and discipline( very high when winning, few losses and goes to nadir).
Of course the LTTE will have to get the manpower.

Defencewire said...

Confusion about the boats destroyed?

Well, In LTTE jargon, these are called 'Muraj' 30+ foot boats manufactured somewhere in Indonesia or Malaysia.


I think you have a good point. Military defeat or crippling of LTTE does not give justify a rise in Sinhala nationalism. I am not sure whether the Commander's words demonstrate such racism. But I am quiote aware, given the fact that the majority of the Tamils live in 'Sinhala areas', this racism is not internalized by the Sinhalese, although the LTTE has nudged it on through attacks on Dalada Maligawa, Anuradhapura Bo-Tree, etc etc. LTTE's own actions have cemented some of these sentiments. Its an emotionally charged issue for both sides, but I do not see the Sinhalese as racists hell-bent on the destruction of the Tamils. I do not see the government in that light either because government's are after power, not really racism. But I do see and feel as a Sinhalese that through its aspirations and actions, the LTTE seems very much an anti-Sinhala force. I think many Sinhelse see it that way and LTTE must blame itself for this. The LTTE perhaps wishes the Sinhalese to turn against the Tamils, which has not happened at a mass scale since 1983 (even that is questionable) for its own benefit. But I really don't think that another 1983 will happen again, no matter what some racist elements in the Tamil and Sinhala community may say or do.

Defencewire said...

Enough talk. Its time to show what LTTE can do! Do you agree?

wijayapala said...


"you are right in a way as this guy, Vanniyan, failed to give credit to SLA."

Be that as it may, Vanniyan is still a much better writer than many of the bloggers and Sinhala medium "analysts" who write on the war. That is interesting- Sinhalese analysis tends to be better when they write in English, but Tamil analysis is better in Tamil. I wonder whether that means anything.

Vanniyan seems to be either connected with LTTE or he reads everything they write, because his writing style is very LTTE-ish: surprisingly lucid and straightforward, no flowery language or space wasted on propaganda. The LTTE's official propaganda, which is generally short is garbage (much like the bulk of pro-LTTE Tamil media) but their longer analyses tend to be well-written, although carefully edited.

"Tamils' fate is in the hands of God."

I am an Buddhist and have different thoughts about existence of god or soul, but I respect Tamils' faith in God/Kadavul which goes back thousands of years. I hope to show by my writing that there are Sinhalese who are pro-Tamil while being anti-LTTE at the same time and who believe in peaceful coexistence. I still believe that the Tamils' situation will begin to improve only when the LTTE is destroyed, but that will take a long time.

We Sinhalese will also have to face the post-LTTE situation where there will be thousands of young veterans with combat experience who will probably be out of a job since the govt. is incompetent with economic matters. Some of us have thought about this but the "patriots" believe that everything will be peaches and cream once the LTTE leaves the scene.

I have to give you credit for having a more open mind than other pro-Tamileelam types out there.

LKDOOD said...


good question for peter

why are they holding back ??

army will be in Tunukkai & Malavi soon

Kithul said...


ther is ample your point "the LTTE seems very much an anti-Sinhala force" in this post itself. where most ltte supporters harp on daying 'Sinhalas', you would see most others try very hard to draw a distincion between 'Tamils' and 'Terrorists'

chamal said...


"If the LTTE strikes on a particular front in strength ,it would collapse much more easily than those of previuos wars."

But such an attack on the part of the LTTE would mean that some other section of their defences will be left more vulnerable (because of the lack of properly trained personnel, they have no option but to remove personnel from one front to strengthen another) To gain something, they have to give up something else.

"The front being mobile the SLA would not have proper prepared positions as also being prone to strikes from the rear."

Doesn't this mean that LTTE is unable to launch a wave type attack on army defenses? I remember that sometime ago, Defencewire (or maybe Defencenet) reported that LTTE counter-attacks to regain lost territory were unsuccessful and were beaten back because they could not find any defensive positions to target and capture. Even if they are able to beat back the army, they would be pretty much unprepared against an immediate counter attack. They have to follow the same tactic as the army, to spread their forces around the area in small groups. Otherwise they have to charge onwards without stopping (until they can establish some defences), as whenever they stop a counter attack might come, and a counter attack will probably mean a big defeat.

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

I am only commenting on SF and certain bloggers here, not on the Sinhalese in general( I have no way of knowing, do I?).

SF in the commander of Srilankan Army, not Sinhalese Army.Does the US army chief say blacks must be ruled by Whites who constitute 74%of the population? Does any army chief say anything like that anywhere? His statement is definitely racist.One racist statement by a leader is more damaging than that by a million followers.
(*PS--also I am not aware at what time in modern Lankas history minorities ruled the majority,or aired such a wish, or even came close to it.He just seemed to be stoking ethnic fires)

Kithul said...


apolgise for the typo

meant to say

ther is ample to prove your point...

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

"To gain something, they have to give up something else."

Of course the LTTE is willing.Been there done that.
Also if one front is getting collapsed the others wont go forward and risk being outflanked--they will divert their resources to reinforce the beleaguered front.

"Doesn't this mean that LTTE is unable to launch a wave type attack on army defenses?"
Yes, instead of a narrow front assault this time it will have to be more broadbased.For a force with higher morale and higher independent decision-making capacity subunits like LTTE this may work out even better--with lesser casualties.The LTTE where possible tries a " Chase-away strategy" with minimum casualties to itself(and SLA by default).

"Otherwise they have to charge onwards without stopping (until they can establish some defences), as whenever they stop a counter attack might come, and a counter attack will probably mean a big defeat."

That is exactly what they did before, and what they WILL likely do again--because being a small force momentum is their only advantage.Dont count on counterattacks from a routed force(LTTE or SLA:)

Gringo said...

If the LTTE and Tamil separtists believe in brutal terror to 'maintain' their 'identity'... there's no way they can avoid extremism from the Sinhala people...

The people of Sri Lanka don't care for their ethnic identity. They only want a better life.
Agendas of self appointed 'sole reps' will be defeated by the Sri Lankans... by hook or crook.

Bhairav said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bhairav said...

[“The Sinhala nation (majority Sinhalese community) has to sacrifice if you want to protect the country and survive,” the commander said.

“If a minority is ruling the majority that is a dangerous situation and it is a problem. That is unrealistic. This country will be ruled by the Sinhalese community which is the majority representing 74 percent of the population.” ]

You can correlate this comments to some of the hatred speaks by local Hutus leaders who referred minorities,Tutsis, as cockroaches and they should be put away- in turn- Hutus did what its preaches said.

Please someone tell this SF what his job duties are !

SF acts like 3-tier rouge politician, no wonder, why he needs $500k+ Benz for his city roaming.

July 20, 2008 9:36 PM

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

If the SLA and Sinhala supremacists believe in brutal terror to 'maintain' their 'identity'... there's no way they can avoid extremism from the Tamil people...

The people of Tamil eelam don't care for their ethnic identity. They only want a better life.
But agendas of self appointed 'sole rulers' will be defeated by the Tamil nationalists... by hook or crook.

sounds very similar right?

chamal said...


"Yes, instead of a narrow front assault this time it will have to be more broadbased."

But where is the manpower needed to do such a thing? Even for guerilla type attacks you need poeple. SLA has no problems of deploying more units to a front if required. The situation is very different from the late 90's, where the army had to spread their troops over large defence lines. They can move their troops to one front from the other fronts. Still more are being recruited. LTTE is not in a position to attack several fronts right now. If they do attack, it must be on a single front, otherwise they are asking for it. SLA can safely commit more resources and personnel to that front, knowing that the other fronts are not threatened directly. LTTE is facing a better trained professional army with very high morale, whereas they are now down to inexperienced and unwilling fighters with very little training. For even a hope of success, LTTE will need to outnumber SLA by a very large amount (which is not likely to happen now).

"For a force with higher morale and higher independent decision-making capacity subunits like LTTE this may work out even better--with lesser casualties."

I don't follow you here. How can LTTE have higher morale than SLA now, after all those defeats? I'm also not sure about their higher independent decision making ability, since the loss of some of their best commanders. We have seen nothing of the sort in the recent past from them. Also the lesser casualties - SL forces have the advantage of (some) better weapons, air support, and better training and would obviously inflict more casualties to the enemy than they suffer (whether guerrilla attacks or otherwise) In the past, LTTE has suffered more casualties than SLA - even in the instances where they were victorious.

Bhairav said...

[Kalaignar M. Karunanidhi, chief minister of the Tamil Nadu state of India, cautioned the Indian Government on Saturday that his state wouldn't hesitate to seek the retrieval of Kachchatheevu from Sri Lanka if the rights of the Tamil Nadu fishermen are not safeguarded. The timing and intensity of the demand leads to wide-ranging speculations among observers.

After inaugurating a state wide, day-long fast by the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK), the state's ruling party, he called upon New Delhi to take up the issue of Sri Lanka Navy's attacks on Indian fishermen, at the SAARC summit to be held in Colombo in August. A delegation of DMK's Members of Parliament is expected to call on the Indian Prime Minister on Sunday, seeking his immediate intervention in the fishermen's issue, according to news reports from Chennai.

The active stand on Kachchatheevu taken by Kalaignar at this juncture, which is in striking contrast to his detachment and baffling silence over the genocide of Eezham Tamils, has raised questions whether his demand is a tactic to deviate the attention of the people of Tamil Nadu from looking at him as a question mark.

Analysts largely see the ongoing war in Sri Lanka against Eezham Tamils as India's proxy war, abetted by Indian arms, training, naval patrolling, intelligence-sharing, logistical support and encouragement.

In such a background, the grievances of the Tamil Nadu fishermen could have easily been sorted out, had the Indian government really wanted them to be resolved, say analysts.

It is doubtful whether the Indian government, guilty of the proxy war, really wants the free movement of Tamil Nadu fishermen in the seas between Sri Lanka and India, when it is paranoid about spontaneous collaboration of Tamil brethren on either side of the Indo - Sri Lankan waters.

The token fast for the fishermen's rights by DMK, a partner of the Congress establishment of Delhi, is therefore perceived as a smokescreen to bail out the Centre as well as the state government from the wrath of the resenting masses of Tamil Nadu, especially when the elections are around the corner.

Some observers come out with a different speculation. The Congress government faces a serious political crisis at the moment, leading to anticipations of its collapse at any time. Assessments of observers are negative in indications for the coming back of Congress to power in the forthcoming elections. In Tamil Nadu politics, possibilities are seen for the emergence of a powerful third front, other than the DMK and the AIDMK.

Whether Kalaignar's current move has anything to do with manoeuvring political equations in Tamil Nadu and India, is the question of analysts, who are familiar with the modus operandi of the veteran chief of DMK. ]

Can somebody,please, put this scumbag, Karunanidhi, into sleep? LTTE made number of blunders in the past, why leave out these obvious scumbags like Karunanidhi and Jeyalalitha?

Tamilnadu ghetto worshiped Tamil actors like Rajani,Vijay and few others should be put into sleep, then TN will wake up. When the Tamilnadu cinema runs in full swing, these slave Tamilans will do anything to fill the theaters.

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

Your point 1: True, I did say they will have to get manpower in a preceding post.But remember they somehow pulled out some in Jayasikuruis end.
Only point I want to make here is--I dont agree they need to outnumber SLA to succeed.It is not an absolute necessity for military success anywhere.And all the LTTEs past successes were with inferior numbers.

Morale:Again its a controversial area and subjective. I am basing on past LTTE performances at extremes of privation.In late 1999 the LTTEs condition appeared much more hopeless than now--only 12 kms separated their northern and southern lines at some points! Like I said B4, SLA morale seem highly unstable to me (peak today, quick to nadir after few losses).
Decisions: I am basing on reports of LTTE taking decisions on the ground rather than being fine-tuned from top for every minor op( ie more like ur SFs/Commandos etc).A top-down army crumbles if the command-chain is broken(the way it did in 1999 to SLA).
Casualties : I dont have solid figs. here just using common sense.Both sides hides true figures:)

Bhairav said...

[you seem to have a severe lack of respect with people whose views dont match your own (same with Sinhalese " patriots" here). .
Thats the reason LTTE is an outcast now . And Sri Lanka in list of failed states & kicked out of UNHRC.]

If you put Indian Tamils and Sinhalese together in one table, I would prefer talking to S'lese. So you make your decision.

I worked in many clients for my consulting projects in US, I met # of Indians over there, most are arse kissers, sneakiest and you call it. They lack leadership qualities, sportiveness and many more, for that they compensate with their sneaky attitude and ass kissing.

In general I respect any individual regardless of their origin and race, but when it comes to Indians, I do not feel the same interests as I talk with others.

Ranger said...


Bhairav said...


Stop flooding the blog!


Sun Tzu's disciple said...


that is called racist thinking--like it or not(even if from same ' race' ).The same thing you are accusing Sinhalese here.

Peter said...

"Enough talk. Its time to show what LTTE can do! Do you agree?"

LTTE launches offensives at a time and a place of its choosing. It keeps the enemy at every front guessing each minute.

Between Pooneryan, 1993, and Mulaiteevu, 1996, there was a 3year gap, including 100 days of ceasefire and the lose of Jaffna.

Between Mulaiteevu and Kilinochchi the gap was more than 18months.

We have had Eelam War IV for 2years; of that only 7 months have been official.

As I had said earlier, the Lankan forces' reaction to a fresh Tamil offensive would be the litmus test of how 'different' the battle really is, this time around.

What Fonseka says now is not very different to the words of Ratwatta during his heydays. Likewise, those of you with access to newspaper archives, especially The Island, would know that the 'propaganda war' is also recycled to a large extent.

perein said...

SmartT -
Can you please stop posting adverts on this site.

MathaMathica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kuttu said...

SLAF, SLN attack Naachchikkudaa, 8 civilians wounded

TamilNet, Sunday, 20 July 2008, 15:14 GMT]
Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) Kfir fighters, helicopter gunships and Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) gunboats jointly attacked a coastal village, Naachchikkudaa, 17 km north of Iluppaikkadavai Sunday evening causing injuries to 8 civilians, according to initial reports from the area. Fishing huts, residences along the coast stretch and at least 13 fishing boats were damaged in the attack.

Five of the eight wounded civilians were identified as P. Sivakamy, Chiththiravel, Thamilini, Packyaraj and Yogarajah.

The joint attack by the SLN and the SLAF targeted Anpu-puram civilian settlement in Naachchikkudaa between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m., causing civilians to flee the areas during the time of the attack.

MathaMathica said...

The Singhala nation (majority Sinhalese community) has to sacrifice if you want to protect the country and survive,'

Here, Singhal nation is a good example of erroneous translation of Singhala Jathiya, Jathiya means community not Nation as shrewdly spotlighted by the above reporting.

There is nothing extraordinary in what SF might have said, whether one likes it or not, the Singhala community who forms more than 75% of the population will always be proportionally affected by the well-being or the-ill being of the Sri Lankan Nation.

Jathiya in Singhala has multiple meanings: Community, Birth, Nation, Quality etc etc …

To avoid ambiguity which is always exploited by the divisive forces, we must coin a new Singhala word to translate the idea conveyed by this most pivotal western political concept expressed by the word Nation.

perein said...

Ello Ello Ghannawa Keyyane meewata thamai...
Here we go...

IntelAttack said...


Enough talk.. Just enjoy the offensives. ;-)

Colomblogs said...

I am not agree with SF comments (if he said that, and can you send the original link?). But if someone tried to kill you with a suicider, can you be a saint to the killers and people who support that?

Totally agree with the comments on Indian tamils. Sri Lanka tamils are 1000 times better than them. Highly intelect.

Peter : so you are telling that LTTE will counter after 18 months? for another 25 years? If so when the Kids in North could go to a proper school? when youths can go to a cinema or play crciket? and when girls can happily marry than be a sucider. Dont blame others.. Tamil nation is destrying by LTTE.

kuttu said...

lets see if DW reports the counter attacks

counter attacks are definitely coming...

i posted yesterday about operation 'Red Bird'

it is underway...

Unknown said...

I love this great mans and what he said, "[“The Sinhala nation (majority Sinhalese community) has to sacrifice if you want to protect the country and survive,” the commander said.

“If a minority is ruling the majority that is a dangerous situation and it is a problem. That is unrealistic. This country will be ruled by the Sinhalese community which is the majority representing 74 percent of the population.” ]

This is very true. Simple and Honest and straight forward. Any country majority woudl agree. If a minority is ruling a majority, there is definetly somethign wrong about that. Sri Lanka is a land for any ethnicity but one must not forget, Sri Lankans are majority Sinhalese and it has been there homeland and it IS there only homeland from history to the future!

ha ha ha he he he ho ho hooooo

General Fonsekas quote will be in history books one day and in a movie of what he said!

kuttu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kuttu said...

SL said...
I love this great mans and what he said, "[“The Sinhala nation (majority Sinhalese community) has to sacrifice if you want to protect the country and survive,” the commander said.


the truth comes out

SL is a Homo


Gringo said...


[The people of Tamil eelam don't care for their ethnic identity. They only want a better life.
But agendas of self appointed 'sole rulers' will be defeated by the Tamil nationalists... by hook or crook.

Alarm bells are ringing... time to wake up from a long daydream!

Open both eyes and see which side is winning... and how much the TASSL community has shrunk.... A remarkable drop. And you keep living in denial.

The medicine to cure that identity crisis has been found. Once the land in the NE is totally Sri Lanakanized... (just like the south and the west)... folks like you will really... really wake up.

But I agree... you guys tried but dangerously miscalculated the Sri Lankans' will.

Terrorism here and there did not... or do not seem to get anyone Tamil or other anywhere.

It's time you changed your teacher.

Peter said...

To answer the question by 'Single', LTTE will strike at a place and time of its choosing. It may be in 24 hours or 24 months. It may be in Jaffna or Kandy. The tough part for the Sri Lankan military is the guessing game.

And don't worry about Tamil kids in Vanni; they are more than capable of making bats and balls.

Several Tamils have died since the LTTE started military operations in the 80s; however, the question is would those Tamils be alive today if the LTTE had simply vanished in 1984? Tamils' right to life became a question-mark as soon as the Sinhala regimes began reacting violently to peaceful protest: that was way back in 1958.

Tamils were being systematically slaughtered in the so called 'ethnic riots' of the decades preceding open warfare. On average 2,000 Tamil civilians and 1,000 Tamil combatants have died per year since 1983. Compare that to the number of Tamils killed in a single week of 1983.

Had it not been for the LTTE, situation of the Tamils would have been even worse than those faced by the Africans in Sudan. International sympathy, or ICC tribunals for that matter, are not enough to save lives. Concrete action, i.e an eye for an eye, by the LTTE is the only reason why the Sinhala regime is reluctant to launch mass scale genocide.

Even recently, the Sinhala leaders appeal to their people to remain calm, because if they were to turn violent the LTTE will end up winning. Thus, the reason for lack of riots is LTTE, rather than the Sinhala hoodlums having gone through any process of enlightenment.

Peter said...

Fonseka's comments in Daily News is what we Tamils refer to as the 'Mahavamsa mindset': the perception that somehow the entire island is a 'holy gift' to the Sinhala people.

For those who haven't had a chance to read the papers, the commander of the Lankan army said: 'This country will be ruled by the Sinhalese community.'

Democracy as intepreted by Fonseka and a sizable portion of Sri Lankans, including many commentators here, is also known as 'tyranny of the majority'.

Bhairav said...

[For those who haven't had a chance to read the papers, the commander of the Lankan army said: 'This country will be ruled by the Sinhalese community.']

When someone like the caliber of SF tells the mainstream population what it supposed to be, he has simply become military commander of failed state, otherwise these comments would make the big stir or talking point in national level in any civilized country.

If you look his past macho talks, he would easily become dumbest ass of all generals in SL. Tamils should forgive SF for only one reason that he is pure dumb.

Colomblogs said...

Peter : yes you guyz make the boys in Wanni capable of more than bats and balls, teenage Suiciders! What an honor to the tamil nation..!

You may be living in Canada with your kids going to nice schools while you are funding to make other peoples kids to be suiciders...

Carry on...

from 1979, LTTE is keep provking the Sinahla extremists, to create another '83 and get more tamils killed. More the tamils get killed, better the LTTE. Is this what you would like to see...?sacrfice any number of inncoent tamil lives for Thambbi's and your benefits?

You are the biggest traitors of Tamil people.

Colomblogs said...

Bahirav: As I said earlier, if someone tried to kill a person with a suicider, can you expect him to be a saint to the killers and people who support that?

Forget about Thambi, if a Sinhalese sucider tried to kill you, will you love entire sinhalese nation after that?

Be relastic!

What goes around comes around...!

Bhairav said...


When will Tigers react? It's very dangerous to let the SLA play its game in our own half all the time, and they will eventually score the winning goal.

Bhairav said...

[Bahirav: As I said earlier, if someone tried to kill a person with a suicider, can you expect him to be a saint to the killers and people who support that?

Forget about Thambi, if a Sinhalese sucider tried to kill you, will you love entire sinhalese nation after that?]

I'm tired of answering same questions over and over. These are results of your past and Tamils never started any killing-it's you guys put us on fire,tires,sea(Kumuthini boat)etc.

Peter said...

So far 356 Tamils have engaged in operations where death was almost a certainty.

How many unarmed Tamils were murdered by the Sinhalese in this week of 1983?

When people's way of life is threatened, they fight back. As stated in my previous post, Tamils have been murderedd by Sinhalese since 1958. Once upon a time TULF were the 'terrorists' whose supporters had to be killed. Since 1983, it has been the LTTE. Hence, it's ludicrous to suggest that Tamils could have saved their lives by resisting from armed warfare.

At least Tamils are dieing fighting in their homes. What are the Sinhala youths doing in Muhamalai, etc., at least 200km from their places of birth?

LKDOOD said...

Illuppaikkadavai under army control * Pictures *


hemantha said...

Sarath Fonseka interview.

kuttu said...

Ogre said...

I am not celebrating, but as a person who had witnessed carnage on battle front and mistakes that were repeated, I cant not stay silent any longer...

ask this...why is not LTTE using motors and artillery anymore?

they have quite a bit last time i checked...and need to ask MI to see how much they have.

the question is why is LTTE allowing SLA to move forward so easily

SLA fires artillery LTTE moves away reply..this is so much like 1995...and early jayasikuri and and ranagosa...

something does not smell good...on the other hand our generals have already anticipated these issues and are having people on the ground...

we got our own men and women out there watching...

kuttu said...

Ogre said...
Dear Defense net

I am not celebrating, but as a person who had witnessed carnage on battle front and mistakes that were repeated, I cant not stay silent any longer...



sinhala & not happy ?

why ? oh..why ?

join the party....

sinhala army is going full speed...

traveling 12 KM in 3 days

now thats a super army

join the fun with the kids time....hehe

war will be over this month...hehe

sinhala robocop army

kuttu said...

hemantha said...
Sarath Fonseka interview.

July 21, 2008 2:56 AM

1000000000000000000000000 tigers dead

war is time.....hehe

kuttu said...


enjoy the pictures...hehe

Gringo said...

[When will Tigers react? It's very dangerous to let the SLA play its game in our own half all the time, and they will eventually score the winning goal.]

Reacting as a formidable force means chasing away the invaders within a reasonable time. Two years have passed... but no real response to stop the march.

Bus /train-bombing ain't any fighting but a desperate attempt to get innocent TASSLs killed.

Drop it man... it's all over.

How the hell a terrorist gang who have taken civilian hostages is going dictate terms to a government which is not only equipped with an air force, navy and a deadly army... but also openly boasting they are daily killing the LTTE terrorists by the dozens?

Which country can tell SL NOT TO KILL THE TERRORFISTS?

Do you really think, if the LTTE could expel or kill the 'invaders' they would abandon their strongholds in the East and the North?

It's all over.. there's no point in wasting more time talking.... If you are an LTTE supporter... please hurry up... and stop a bullet, preferably today.

à·ƒිà·ƒිර කුමාර said...


Do you stand for a Tamil Eelam, a separate country?

Jaya2008 said...


Rover said...

One of the things that has made the LTTE loose is the length of the active FDL.

Army has enough resources to have a long FDL, and LTTE don't. So it is advantageous for the Army if it stretches the active FDL if this action does not pose a significant threat to itself.

In this sense, it seems ok for the Army to move up to Vellankulam before consolidating their positions. Getting to Vellankulam, while also stretching the active FDL, will also put pressure on Palavaryankaddu/Kiranchi (to the North) and Uliyankullam/Mallavi/Tunukkai (East).

Given that the Army division that moves up along A32 will only have one flank (to the East) to defend, I think this is fine. But SLN will have to be active defending the Western flank by avoiding amphibious assaults by the sea tiger units.

Unknown said...

something i posted on DN, would like you guys input too..

the shrub/open area above mannar could see the employment of mobile AAA by the tigers in ground support role, specially against AFV/APC..

It would be highly effective if the armored column is caught in a "bottleneck" or advancing/flanking armor in open terrain and 14.5mm API or the 23mm HE-I/API-T would go right through the side or even the frontal amour of our Type-92s/BTRs or BMPs easily killing or wounding the crew or infantry squad inside,

This could be something to keep in mind, because of the high velocity & RPM of AAMG/AA cannons and its effect on armor, if a direct line of sight presents it's could be a shoot and scoot scenario, for the tigers…and they wont let an opportunity like that go to waste…

Since we are gaining ground fast, the need for consolidation is important in order to secure or supply lines.

just a thought.. your views please

à·ƒිà·ƒිර කුමාර said...


Is it possible to locate/track these mobile AAA real time via UAVs ?

Unknown said...

How many unarmed Tamils were murdered by the Sinhalese in this week of 1983?
You keep on saying ~1000 of ltte carders(Who are mislead tamil youth) souls are to stop the Mass Scale Killings & you are trying Hard to show as if Millions Were Massacred as it was in Ruwanda.
But truth is What ever the number you will come up with...
How many Unarmed sri lankans have died in this conflict?
Is the tamil eelam the solution?
I am surprised at you not seeing the simmilarities in the ltte with killing of innocent farmers & even infants by hacking to death..
So give your answer to the question you ask..
(But I dont think you would tell how many tamils were killed in 1983, you would just skip it..)
But the root cause lies in the DREAMS made for the Political advantages by leaders of both Tamil & Sinhala communities. They did their politics thinking only about the Votes & not for a NATIONAL cause.

Unknown said...

well said SU :)

Rover said...

"How many unarmed Tamils were murdered by the Sinhalese in this week of 1983?"

Let me ask you a couple of questions.

How many unarmed people were killed when Hiroshima and Nagasaki was bombed by the US?

How many unarmed people were killed when Nazi Germany invaded France?

How many unarmed people were killed when Attila attacked the Roman empire?

Do any of these ethnicities hate each other to the extent that they send their women and children to war, attack defenseless civilians, and cripple the economy of their very own country?

Enter LTTE - they have manged to propagate the hatred of 83 to fight for their cause. Sinhala people have evolved, they cannot be incited even after attacking the Temple of the Tooth, and numerous other irresponsible mass murders.

So LTTE has lost in this sense as well. It remains the barbaric entity it ever was, but Sinhala masses have evolved.

So Peter you keep living in your 83, while the rest of the world moves on. LTTE will be remembered for its barbarism and for this same reason, crushed by the civilized world.

Moshe Dyan said...


"How many unarmed Tamils were murdered by the Sinhalese in this week of 1983?"

how many unarmed sri lankans were murdered by the LTTE?

at least 50 times more than the 1983 riots and continuing!!! when the 'solution' kills more than the problem, these idiots should understand that it is NOT the solution.

Unknown said...

100% with Rover.
very well said... The majority has evolved and have moved on and progressed where certain groups are still living the past and dying for it ruining the future of many in the process... the eezam supporting tamils and other should wake up to reality

Unknown said...

defencenet updated :)
more harvesting...13 to be precise :)

tangara said...

Rover and Moshe,

Well said mates..

Unknown said...

Q: Does that mean that Security Forces have passed the difficult part of the war?

A: The LTTE capability wise has got depleted to a larger extent. Areas will start collapsing at one stage, now their strength is getting depleted and they have started to leave their vehicles behind. Last one week we recovered three LTTE vehicles. I don’t think the Army had ever recovered LTTE vehicles in the past

Unknown said...

Q: The Military had not touched the A-9 road during these military operations. Is there any specific reason for this?

A: We have to go on the A-9 road, then we’ll be leaving all the jungles to the LTTE. I don’t believe in sitting on the roads and leaving the jungles to the LTTE. It is better to have jungles for us and get the LTTE to sit on the roads. Once we have jungles we can go wherever we like at a stage. When we go towards the North you can see we are getting close to the A-9 road. If we continue the same frontage at some stage we will go almost upto A-9.

Unknown said...

Q: Foreign Media reported quoting you that the war will continue for at least another ten years. What is the story behind this?

A: All what I said was that the LTTE can continue as an insurgent as long as they get the support of Tamil chauvinists, extremists and the Tamil Diaspora. For example the terror organisation like Hisbullah can maintain their activities with a handful number of members like underworld gangs.

They can do terror acts once they get explosives and weapons. What I am saying is that such terror activities can exist. But we can win the war after destroying the military capabilities.

We can take the LTTE controlled areas under the Government control. But it will take a quite a long period to get rid of insurgents. That will be applied to any country in the world. To solve that kind of a situations we need to have a political solution. the President has already discussed these issues.

Unknown said...

Q: You have stated that the LTTE capability to fight as a conventional Army has been destroyed. On what basis are you making this statement ?

A: We have deprived them of their military capabilities to a great extent. During the last two years they have not attacked us using conventional methods. The LTTE too cannot defend their areas sticking to conventional methods. That is why they are withdrawing from some areas. Not only they have lost conventional military capabilities they have lost guerrilla warfare capabilities too.

They are fearing even the jungles. When we are moving inside jungles they used to create open areas clearing the jungles using bulldozers. They cannot boast of their guerrilla capabilities they had earlier.

The only tactics they can use to take the civilians as a shield to continue their fight against the military. If the civilian population is not there in the Wanni they would have had to flee from the area by this time. They are using these civilian population to get information from which direction the military is advancing and to lay mines, build bunkers, set trappings against the military.

Unknown said...

A selected assortment from Sarath Fonseka...

Unknown said...

How many were killed in the 83 commotion?

Do you know?

And any idea of how many persons / families of Tamils were given refuge saving them from rioting mobs?

Kithul said...

rover and moshe

very well done mates, very well said..

kuttu said...



15 injured

with, DN, DW not reporting sinhala army numbers

some keyboard heroes believe that sinhala army is like robocop

elitist sinhalas love the war

poor sinhala families suffer because of the war

kuttu said...

with the sinhala economy doing great more pain is expected for civilians

bankruptcy is not far away....

kuttu said...

....did i here August 12 ?

get into the bunker....

hell is going to get loose...hehe

Unknown said...

From the way you are asking me the question I feel you have thought I am asking the Question....
Infact the question was asked by Peter twice in this thread as to say !!!
So I am asking him (peter)to comeup with the figure he is Knowing.
Coz he also says ~1000 tamil Youth dies for ltte.
So I am asking basically Isnt this lateral figure is higher than the initial one?
Just as moshe said,
When the Solution they are Holding onto is costlier than the problems, some thing has gone Wrong.

Gringo said...

[with, DN, DW not reporting sinhala army numbers

They'll definietly do that... when LTTE admits the areas from which they have withdrawn.

Gringo said...

[bankruptcy is not far away....]

We cannot go bankrupt... if we own the full country and a good number of LTTE dogs have become rich fertilizer for the soil.

We have come 30+ years pretty confidently... so no worries for the future....

perein said...

bankruptcy is not far away.... ...
yeaaa.. right... We have a world economist present here....
if there is any chance for that, foreign companies would not have invested any at all this year. Earlier issued Bonds are some living proof.

kuttu said...


wait & see what will happen to the economy

kuttu said...

2 civilians shot dead in two separate incidents in Jaffna

LKDOOD said...

Indian Govt to go ahead with Sethusamudram project


perein said...


wait & see what will happen to the economy"

If you know bit about any economy, should talk about upcoming recessions in Canada / UK / America / possible spread in Europe.... Then think about possible revenue get affected towards LTTE.
The outcome would be.... will wait and see as you mentioned :)

Kithul said...


your map has a mythical place called in the boxed area. would you mind deleting

kuttu said...

5000/- annual tax for the mobile users in srilanka from next year ...

5% tax for the gold



very good news

more good news on the way

stock market is also crashing.....

kuttu said...

Shan said...

your map has a mythical place called in the boxed area. would you mind deleting

July 21, 2008 9:19 PM


maybe DW is a tiger ?


Map is from tamilnet

you are too stupid to know that

kuttu said...

rajapaksa best president ever

more good news coming....

kuttu said...

LKDOOD said...
Indian Govt to go ahead with Sethusamudram project



more good news....

today is good news day

Ranger said...

sakkili demalu marapalla


Ranger said...

we need more white vans

expat Sri Lankans must invest more in Sri lanka

Kutto, shyam & demalu

we will find you soon

white vans are coming for you

Ranger said...



Ranger said...

SAARC leaders to take a common position on the scourge of terrorism, developing together- Dr. Palitha Kohona

Dr. Palith Kohona, Sri Lanka’s Foreign Secretary, when speaking to Asian Tribune said that Government of Sri Lanka is making all the required arrangements to make the 15th SAARC Summit a success. He pointed out that SAARC leaders when they meet, they intend to formulate common positions on the climate changes, energy crisis, developing together, and on the subject of elimination of poverty. He also emphasized, "Leaders will also explore further ways of cooperating to eliminate this scourge of terrorism that has affected all the countries of South Asia.Dr. Palith Kohona: "We intend to discuss about climate changes, the energy crises, developing together, elimination of poverty. We will also explore further ways of cooperating to eliminate this scourge of terrorism that has affected all the countries of South Asia."Dr. Palith Kohona: "We intend to discuss about climate changes, the energy crises, developing together, elimination of poverty. We will also explore further ways of cooperating to eliminate this scourge of terrorism that has affected all the countries of South Asia."

The SAARC conference is scheduled to take place from 27 July to 01 August and the 15th Summit from 2nd to 3rd August in Colombo. Leaders of all the eight member countries are expected to participate in the Summit. Dr, Palitha Kohona also said that Security arrangements are in place and said that the security of the summit is essentially a Sri Lanka’s responsibility.

When ‘Asian Tribune’ asked about Katchativu and about South Indian leaders’ allegations about Sri Lanka Navy, he pointed out that Katchativu is an integral part of Sri Lanka and it is better that less talked about it. Indian Government has recognized Katchativu as a territory coming under Sri Lanka way back in 1974 and there is no need to talk about it any further said Dr. Palitha Kohona.

Sri Lanka’s Foreign Secretary categorically denied that Sri Lanka Navy had no hands in the death of those two Indian fishermen. He added, “We have in the past situations, where LTTE had actually murdered South Indian fishermen in order to put the blame on the Sri Lankan Navy. We had conducted a preliminary investigation regarding this issue and according to our investigation, Sri Lanka Navy had no hand in the killing of those two fishermen. “

Given below the excerpts of the interview Asian Tribune had with Dr. Palitha Kohona, Secretary to Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

Asian Tribune : Tell us about the latest developments regarding the forthcoming 15th SAARC Summit to be held in Colombo, Sri Lanka?

Dr. Palitha Kohona: SAARC Conference arrangements are going ahead pretty well, as planned. Security arrangements are in place. From the 27th to 28th will be the SAARC officials meeting, followed by the Standing Committee meting from 29 to 30th July. As Foreign Secretary, I will be chairing that meeting. From 31st July to 1st August will be the Ministerial level meeting. Sri Lanka’s Foreign Minister will be preside and finally from 2nd to 3rd August – the Summit, where the leaders of the eight SAARC member countries will meet and deliberate

Asian Tribune: Regarding the Security arrangements for the Summit?

Dr. Palitha Kohona: The security of the summit is essentially a Sri Lankan responsibility and we are confident that the security will be in place.

Asian Tribune : Why is that such a strong security measures are in place for this summit? What is the fear connected with the Summit?

Dr. Palitha Kohona: The question of fear does not arise. It is our responsibility to ensure that security at the highest level is provided for the visiting delegations. It is the normal practice. If you have a conference in anywhere in the world, the security at the highest level would be provided.

Asian Tribune: Is there any threat by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam or by any other terrorists organizations from any of the participating countries in the conference?

Dr. Palitha Kohona: There is no special threat from anywhere. We will take all the precautionary measures to ensure that there is no security risk.

Asian Tribune: I wish to draw your attention that while Sri Lanka is making arrangements to hold the SAARC conference, there is a new issue gradually brewing up in South India about the Tamil Nadu fishermen and Katchativu. What is your comment about that?

Dr. Palitha Kohona: What I am going to say is not my comment, but this is the position of the Government of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Navy had no hands in the death of those two fishermen. And we have in the past situations, where LTTE had actually murdered South Indian fishermen in order to put the blame on the Sri Lankan Navy. We had conducted a preliminary investigation and according to our investigation, Sri Lanka Navy had no hand in the killing of those two fishermen.

Asian Tribune: At this point of time, M. Karunanidhi, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu - a state in South India said that now is the right time to get back the Katchativu from the island nation. Your comment?

Dr. Palitha Kohona: The two issues had nothing to do with each other.

Asian Tribune: Is there any remote chance of Katchativu being given to India due to its pressure and threat?

Dr. Palitha Kohona: Katchativu has been recognized by the Indian Government way back in 1974, as it belongs to Sri Lanka. I don’t think there should be any further discussion on this matter.

Asian Tribune : You have not made your comment on Karunanidhi’s statement that Katchativu was gifted to Sri Lanka?

Dr. Palitha Kohona: Sorry we don’t deal with the Chief Ministers directly.

Asian Tribune: Tell us about the arrangements of the SAARC conference?

Dr. Palitha Kohona: Arrangements for SAARC are going ahead well and we expect to have a very successful SAARC conference.

Asian Tribune: Is there any major resolutions put forward by the Sri Lanka Government?

Dr. Palitha Kohona: No there are no resolutions.

Asian Tribune: Any proposals?

Dr. Palitha Kohona: No there are no resolutions or proposals as such, but the leaders of the eight member countries will sit together and formulates common positions.

Asian Tribune: What are those that are envisaged in this summit?

Dr. Palitha Kohona: We intend to discuss about climate changes, the energy crises, developing together, elimination of poverty. We will also explore further ways of cooperating to eliminate this scourge of terrorism that has affected all the countries of South Asia.

Peter said...

Most of you seem to be keen to point out that thousands of Tamils have died since 1983. On my previous post I said that on average 2,000 Tamil civilians and 1,000 Tamil combatants have died every year since 1983. That's a total of 48,000 civilians and 24,000 combatants over the past 24 years. Admittedly, the numbers are high and not wished for.

However, the question I had put forward in my previous post is that how many of the 72,000 would still be alive had the LTTE vanished at the beginning of 1984?

The mass slaughter of Tamils began in 1958 and gained momentum through time. Make an attempt to read statements made by the then president and ministers during and in the immediate aftermath of Black July; it is quite obvious that the Sinhalese had no intention of ending the so called 'ethnic riots'.

Given that the Sinhalese were able to slaughter such a large number of Tamil men, women and children in just a week, one could only shiver at thoughts of what July 1995 or July 2000 could have been, had it not been for the LTTE.

In the aftermath of Black July, as is now, Tamils had nothing much to lose. 'Things can only get better,' is the mentality that has kept the Tamils struggling against all odds.

It was the same principle on which the allies fought against Hitler. If one was to look up casualty numbers from WW2, the number of allied soldiers killed in battle far outnumbers the number of people killed by Hitler's regime. But the French, English and Russians, to mention a few, had to decide between sacrifice for a better future, and life under German occupation.

Likewise, Tamils have had to choose between sacrifice for a better future and life under Sri Lankan occupation. And I believe that the Tamils have made the right choice. The fact that Sinahlaese have been unwilling to orchestrate another 'ethnic riot', since the empowerment on the LTTE is a testament to what the organisation has achieved; regardless of how questionable some of its tactics may have been.

Colomblogs said...

Can you pl. open you own blog and cut and paste whatever you want.

My beleive is this is not a place to carry forward hate..

People here from both side of the spectrum dicuss things in civilized manner.

Colomblogs said...

As one said earlier, Sinhalese evolved. If you not evolve, you will be extinct..!

Keep stuck in will be beter for you!ooops sorry..! your life in west is anyway better than your neighbours here in North..

So pl continue support them for "better life" of kids not going to school and die in Fields.

kuttu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kuttu said...

LTTE announces unilateral ceasefire during SAARC summit

26th July to 04 August

"At the same time if the occupying Sinhala forces, disrespecting our goodwill gesture of our people and our nation, carry out any offensives, our movement will be forced to take defensive actions."

Peter said...


The real test of the degree of Sinhalese 'evolution' is their willingness to accept Tamils' inherent right to self determination.

For as long as the Sinhalese continue to believe that the Tamils can not take care o of their own business, i.e. determine their own political, economic and cultural future, the question about Sinhalese 'evolution' would continue to linger.

Sinhalese reluctance to share power is proof enough that ill intentions are still abound.

Gringo said...

[LTTE announces unilateral ceasefire during SAARC summit

Want to buy some time to re-group and re-arm, eh... and then kill en masse?

This the best time for us to harvest another batch of willing LTTE pigs... 15 to 50 years ripe......

Sure we gotta eb discreet...

LKDOOD said...

what will the government do ?

Gringo said...


[what will the government do ?


GOSL (and Sri Lankans) have learned enough lessons to take these veiled agendas of a terrorist outfit, seriously.

Instead await GOSL dismissal of this desperate move a band of terrorists.

Colomblogs said...

Kuttu : Ceasefire this the "Red Bird"?

Peter : What kind of a right you expect? How it should be different than Southern village (with poor people) and Colombo where majority may be Tamils living without any problems, running where is the discrimination?

If you've not ever speak to or live with Sinhala people,.let me tell you this,. Normal Sinhalese not hate tamils..rather they prefer tamils to other minorities. But they hate LTTE and know the difference between Tamil and LTTE.

There are Sinhala, Muslim and Tamil extremesits. To me % tamil extremists are higher. And that is why you you dont want to solve this.

So boldy tell us what is the solution you propose in balck and white..?
(if your answer is need to tell us, you will not get it..!)

Regd the Ceasefire.. govt has no options but to agree Ceasefire (nice trick by LTTE though not a surprise as expectd by political and diplomatic comunities in last few weeks). Break for SLDF to refresh before next move...

kuttu said...

as you can see "operation red bird" is underway

kuttu said...

Single said...
Kuttu : Ceasefire this the "Red Bird"?


enjoy the view

kuttu said...

LKDOOD said...
what will the government do ?


break the ceasefire & continue the war

Suranimala said...

Koti peter.
Can you just tell me when will that red bird will be launched ?I think they are trying to launched it since 2 years:)
What do you think?:))

Suranimala said...

Koti Peter but why are you not talking about the Sinhalese chased by the ltte from Jaffna?why all are talking just about the Tamils. I am not telling that it was correct . but you don't you like to mention about Sinhalese and Muslims who lived in Jaffna ?

Suranimala said...

Operation red bird =LTTE announces unilateral ceasefire during SAARC summit. This may be the one mention by the koti peter.

Jambudipa said...

There are no such things as a 'unilateral ceasefire'. Ceasefires are always agreed by both parties meeting certain conditions. 'Unilateral Ceasefire' is a Jaffna Tamil con just like others such as 'Sole Representatives', 'State Terrorism' and 'Paramilitary' and so on.

Let them have a ceasefire. It will make things easier for us. Govt should only recognize ceasefires that have conditions attached such as acceptance of Indian backed 13th amendment to the constitution.

wijayapala said...

Dear peter, kuttu, & bhairav,

Like many other Sinhalese I deplore Gen. Fonseka's remarks to the Daily News; what he views as the goal of fighting the LTTE is clearly different from mine. I am against the idea of Sinhalese "ruling over" the Tamils, whatever that means, just as I would oppose the idea of Tamils ruling over the Sinhalese. If there was no LTTE, then Fonseka and I would be on opposite sides.

However, the fact remains that there is an LTTE which is explicitly and violently against the idea of a diverse, multicultural and united Sri Lanka. Until that LTTE is destroyed, people like me will be on the same side as Fonseka.

"However, the question I had put forward in my previous post is that how many of the 72,000 would still be alive had the LTTE vanished at the beginning of 1984?"

The answer is ridiculously simple: nearly all of those 72,000 Tamils would be alive today if the LTTE had vanished at the beginning of 1984. That is why the sooner the LTTE leaves the scene, the sooner that the Tamils will be able to reconstruct their societies.

"The mass slaughter of Tamils began in 1958 and gained momentum through time."

The fact that there were no riots between 1958 and 1977 debunks your "momentum" theory. Things deteriorated between 1977 and 1983 after Tamil politics turned towards violence separatism (Vaddukkoddai Resolution).

"Make an attempt to read statements made by the then president and ministers during and in the immediate aftermath of Black July; it is quite obvious that the Sinhalese had no intention of ending the so called 'ethnic riots'."

You failed to mention that it was the LTTE which had triggered the 1983 riots. The fact that the LTTE encourages and supports anti-Tamil violence is sufficient to argue that the LTTE is destroying the Tamil people.

I agree that the 1983 riots were linked with the Sri Lankan President and Cabinet, but it is not true that the Sinhalese as a people supported the violence. If they did, there would be no Tamils in Sri Lanka today.

"Given that the Sinhalese were able to slaughter such a large number of Tamil men, women and children in just a week, one could only shiver at thoughts of what July 1995 or July 2000 could have been, had it not been for the LTTE."

If there was no LTTE then there would be no SLA occupying Jaffna or other parts of the N-E. The LTTE has dismally failed to protect ordinary Tamils from getting killed or brutalized as a result of this war. This has been a proven fact over the last 25 years.

"Likewise, Tamils have had to choose between sacrifice for a better future and life under Sri Lankan occupation."

The reality is that Tamils who live in Sri Lanka are not pro-LTTE and for the most part do not want to waste their lives to achieve a "Tiger Eelam" for the entertainment of diaspora Tamils. For the most part they live peacefully in government areas, whether Colombo or Eastern Province.

"The fact that Sinahlaese have been unwilling to orchestrate another 'ethnic riot', since the empowerment on the LTTE is a testament to what the organisation has achieved; regardless of how questionable some of its tactics may have been."

On the contrary, there was an anti-Tamil riot in Trincomalee in April 2006. Please reread your history, Peter, and come back when you are informed enough to have a proper discussion about Sri Lanka and Tamils.

tikira said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tikira said...

Suranimala lokka ayubowan!

tikira said...

Machang Wijepala....aparade umbe mahansiya......mun ekke owa katha kerela wadak naha.......

tikira said...

Operation red bird under way...
whats that?
woody wood pecker?


koombiya said...

ceasefire = tiger say: " I will eat grass for this period"

this is just a cover up. so that they can claim "we didn't do it, we are innocent tamizh "

They may be trying to carry a big attack somewhere,AAB type or suicide in colombo to embarace the GOV.

LKDOOD said...

Navy destroys one LTTE boat, damages 2 in a sea battle - Pulmoddai

LKDOOD said...


Army, Navy, Air force should just carry on doing what they have being doing

Moshe Dyan said...

there has never been any ceasefires in the war; there will never be. what were called ceasefires were surrenders. in 2002 GOSL surrendered to the LTTE thanks to ranill ponnaya and now LTTE has surrendered to the GOSL when vezapillai's arese on fire.

SLDFs have beaten tigers to a ceasefire (surrender), a temporary one. we are doing something right! this means we should continue operations BECAUSE THEY ARE HUMANITARIAN OPERATIONS.

lose the grip on the tiger's tail, you are history. the only good LTTEer is a dead LTTEer.

SL bishops tried a ceasefire for last christmas and i did my bit to disrupt that. what we need is not plaster solutions, we need concrete solutions. if tigers are ready to at least decommission weapons AND observe a ceasefire, i'm for it.

this 'ceasefire' is not even worth mentioning. it is total crapp.

Suranimala said...

Ayubowan tikira malaya .:)

Peter said...

In reply to an earlier post by wijayapala

“Like many other Sinhalese I deplore Gen. Fonseka's remarks to the Daily News; what he views as the goal of fighting the LTTE is clearly different from mine.”

I would argue here that the view of the commander of the army has a tad more weight than that of yours. If Tamils were to feel 'Sri Lankan' they would also have to look to Fonseka as the ultimate guardian of their physical security. The same Fonseka who claims: 'The Sinhalese community will rule this country.'


“I am against the idea of Sinhalese "ruling over" the Tamils, whatever that means, just as I would oppose the idea of Tamils ruling over the Sinhalese.”

Which makes a two-states solution ideal as neither would rule over the other; either as a minority based dictatorship or as a 'tyranny of the majority' form of democracy.


“However, the fact remains that there is an LTTE which is explicitly and violently against the idea of a diverse, multicultural and united Sri Lanka. Until that LTTE is destroyed, people like me will be on the same side as Fonseka.”

LTTE did not come into existence as soon as the island was freed of the British. LTTE is a product of 30 years of Sinhala rule. The Thimpu principles, which the LTTE wants recognised, are for the protection of the Tamil people. If 'diverse, multicultural and united Sri Lanka' means what we had for the first 30years after independence, I.e. Sinhala Only, Standardisation, 'ethnic riots', etc., we as Tamils are better off without it.


“nearly all of those 72,000 Tamils would be alive today if the LTTE had vanished at the beginning of 1984.”

I think you are in Lala land with that opinion. The Sinhalese who had made a habit of slaughtering Tamils en mass since 1958 would have had a sudden strike of enlightenment?


“That is why the sooner the LTTE leaves the scene, the sooner that the Tamils will be able to reconstruct their societies.”

How many spare tyres to you have?


“The fact that there were no riots between 1958 and 1977 debunks your "momentum" theory.”

The fact is, more Tamils were killed in each successive round of 'ethnic riots'; this I call gaining of momentum.


“Things deteriorated between 1977 and 1983 after Tamil politics turned towards violence separatism (Vaddukkoddai Resolution).”

Perhaps you should make an effort to read the Vaddukoddai Resolution. In fact, the resolution was used as the TULF's election manifesto. TULF won 18 of the seats up for taking in the NE, based on the resolution that read: “This convention resolves that restoration and reconstitution of the Free, Sovereign, Secular, Socialist State of TAMIL EELAM, based on the right of self determination inherent to every nation, has become inevitable in order to safeguard the very existence of the Tamil Nation in this Country.”

In any other half-civilised state the election results of 1977 would be accepted as the Tamil people's wish for self determination.


“You failed to mention that it was the LTTE which had triggered the 1983 riots. The fact that the LTTE encourages and supports anti-Tamil violence is sufficient to argue that the LTTE is destroying the Tamil people.”

LTTE attacked a military vehicle, killing 13 soldiers. Only a Sinhalese would be able to justify the mass slaughter of 3,000 unarmed men, women and children; the displacement of quarter of a million people; and the destruction of billions of dollars worth of property, as a 'normal' reaction to the killing of 13 soldiers.


“I agree that the 1983 riots were linked with the Sri Lankan President and Cabinet, but it is not true that the Sinhalese as a people supported the violence. If they did, there would be no Tamils in Sri Lanka today.”

The president and cabinet are the people foremost responsible for the welfare of the citizens of any state. The fact that the president of the time and his ministers fuelled Black July means that Tamils can not trust the leadership of a centralised system of governance to represent their welfare. And if it wasn't for the Indians, there would not be any Tamils left on the island.


“If there was no LTTE then there would be no SLA occupying Jaffna or other parts of the N-E. The LTTE has dismally failed to protect ordinary Tamils from getting killed or brutalized as a result of this war. This has been a proven fact over the last 25 years.”

When was the LTTE formed? When did Sri Lanka Army establish a base in Elephant Pass? When did the Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) establish a base in Karainagar? Read your own military history first.


“The reality is that Tamils who live in Sri Lanka are not pro-LTTE and for the most part do not want to waste their lives to achieve a "Tiger Eelam" for the entertainment of diaspora Tamils. For the most part they live peacefully in government areas, whether Colombo or Eastern Province.”

I am a Tamil, and while I may be residing outside the Tamil Homeland, I still have siblings in the homeland. Are you attempting to tell me that you know the aspirations of my siblings and my community more than I do? What do you call the results of the 1977 elections?


“On the contrary, there was an anti-Tamil riot in Trincomalee in April 2006.”
Point taken; there was an anti-Tamil riot in Trincomalee on April 2006. Try reading the reasons Rajapaksa gave on his 12 April 2006 statement to the Sinhalese people. From the words of your president, it is obvious why the death count was stopped at 19.

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