Tuesday, September 16, 2008

More evidence of mercenaries flying TAF planes

Intelligence agencies in Sri Lanka are examining what they consider are international mercenaries fighting for the LTTE, particularly with regard to the "Tiger Air Force" or TAF.

We have discussed this issue in early September this year following our own investigations into the Trincomalee attack (Click here for article). These suspicions first arose during an investigation on the bombing where an F7B Pilot had locked its radar on a Zlin, only to lose it in a second.

The Pilot claimed the Zlin pilot went into a dangerous dive as soon as his radar tried to lock the plane. He claimed at the time that the dive and subsequent evasion tactics were 'unusually good' for a rookie pilot and instead resembled more the tactics of a seasoned fighter pilot.

The second clue comes more recently during the attack on the Vavuniya Air Force base where one pilot's performance stood up against the rest. This pilot, having observed the AA batteries in operation, pretended to retreat towards Mulaitivu then half way there, suddenly turned back and bombed the base. One of these bombs landed close to Special Forces CO Brigadier Nirmal Dharmaratne's official quarters but failed to explode.

This pilot's accuracy was comparatively much better than that of the other pilot who was subsequently chased and shot down by the F-7. This has given rise to considerable suspicions that one of the two planes that carryout the bombings is piloted by a foreign mercenary. He/they would act as instructors, guiding the Tiger pilot to the target. It is a case of leading by example.

The Tigers weren't the first to use foreign pilots in actual combat missions over Sri Lankan airspace. Pilots from the former USSR flew MIG27 jets in military operations against the Tigers many years ago, before SLAF pilots were on par with them.

A famous such operations was the bombing of the Navatkuli Bridge when the Army started retreating towards Jaffna Town. SLAF pilots followed close behind but the Russians took the lead in the bombing run and helped the SLA delay Oyatha Alaikal from reaching Jaffna in a hurry.

Experts who spoke to us confirmed that many mercenaries, having retired from leading armed forces of the world, would take such risks in consideration for large payments. Until the recent downing of the Zlin , SLAF did not pose much of a threat to such pilots. Even if they did, the evidence presented earlier indicates that they have escaped unhurt on both 'close calls' while the unskilled Tiger pilot/s perished.


nishanthe said...

I dont think these 'evidence' are sufficient enough to guess the mercenary involvement. But I also think, what I think is not important here ;)

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

Not to say it is impossible,
but the premise is built on rather shaky ground.

Premise 1:Evasive maneuver in prev chase--consisted of a steep dive which would have blinded the F7 radar by ground clutter; it is a very basic but effective maneuver.

Premise 2:Accuracy of TAF pilot --what about most of the bombs which landed away from target?

LTTE has a very good record of optimum use & expertise of weaponry.Its expert use of captured artillery, tank, APC; gunboats etc are examples.
* Now I'm waiting for the usual suspects to crawl out of the woodwork;)

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

* You say Russians flew SLAF missions.
My understanding from various sources was that it was Latvians(mercenary), Ukrainians(semi-official) and Pakistanis( official)..?

Defencewire said...

There's actually a bit more info which, unfortunately we cannot share (please don't send emails asking what it is because we just cannot share that information).


serendib said...

Well, there may be some truth in this.

But.. why we always thinnk that foreign guys are better than locals?
I think well trained diehard LTTE terrorist might in action here.

Or may be guy from a INGO is flying for LTTE. Watch out!

Defencewire said...

Actually, there are many Russians in Latvia and Ukraine etc that you think. Over 60% of Latvians are Russians.

chamal said...


"LTTE has a very good record of optimum use & expertise of weaponry.Its expert use of captured artillery, tank, APC; gunboats etc are examples."

Yeah, but an aircraft is different from a tank or artillery gun. You can train with them without any problem. With an aircraft you need a lot of practice and you have to know it well, which is not something you can do with limited training flights for short periods of time, with the danger of getting blown out of the sky any minute.


Heard something about a gas attack at Akkarayankulam. Can you verify?

Nishanthe said...

Actually, there are many Russians in Latvia and Ukraine etc that you think. Over 60% of Latvians are Russians.

Actually Russians are less than 30% of Latvian population..
Source : http://bp2.blogger.com/_ngczZkrw340/Rnzn_ZIXIdI/AAAAAAAAAWU/gn0aQ0orjjo/s1600-h/latvia+residents+by+nationality.jpg

Nishanthe said...

Nice article about Mercenary Pilot who offered Hind gunship for hire..

Sithsala said...

Interview with a Sri Lankan mercenary in Iraq

Bhairav said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bhairav said...


These rookies are already became the rookies of the year by participating in numerous warm-up and pre-season games- thanks to 4 years of honeymoon they enjoyed through CFA. If the LTTE bombers are jet propelled, then you can argue that mercenaries have hand on it, but Zlins.

If you can't fuck good with your sophisticated wives(Kfir,Migs), that does not mean Tigers can't fuck good with their village oriented wives who often require good initiation from their hubbies.

Unknown said...

About the Akkarayankulam battles..

How come you 60 LTTE dead but defence.lk and army.lk only 18?

I am looking for an explanation...

thiru said...

what some of you stupid modhayas fail to understand in this air tiger issue is that although it is new to you and you may be wondering how "newly" trained pilots may achieve these successes, the tigers have been planning an air wing since the late eighties and have been sending cadres outside to get pilot training and even fighter training since the early nineties. So what defencewire is failing to understand is that these are not rookie pilots but instead have been training for these type of missions for over ten years.

Kithul said...

here comes STD crawling out of the woodwork, always crawls out whnever there is a new post to pinpoint errors and defende the masters.

you pretend to be several at the same time, a 'yellow skin', impartial, a military expert, a naval expert and now a combat pilot. oh how much i envy you knowing so much.

now comes the icing LTTE has a very good record of optimum use & expertise of weaponry.Its expert use of captured artillery, tank, APC; gunboats etc are examples

yes the artillery has been put to good use but tanks and APC's - has anyone heard - i mean other than the diaspora whose fed these incessantly.

I hate to repeat but one should not try to be an expert of things one doesn't know - DW said 'Pilots from the former USSR' read again 'former USSR - FYI Latvia and Ukraine were two of the republics that constituted the former USSR.

Kithul said...


he link doesn't work

Unknown said...

training over 10 years...

what bullshit..
do those supposedly pilots look like they are old enough to have that kind of training?

Cow Manure of the most useless type.

Again a real progidy with a IQ so high trying teach some modayas.

Modakamata beheth ne kiyanne owata thama :)

Unknown said...

Hi shan..

Kithul said...

hello thambala

let those guys take another look at the photos of the so called pilots, trained for 10 years my foot.only the ltte traisn children for things children are not supposed to, no foreign country will

Unknown said...

Just some musings...

Saw Velunupolle PukaAbaran on TV a few minutes ago delivering one of his scary speeches with the dream eelam map in the background.

Man that map is close to having about 50% of the Island!

These buggers tried to chew off more than they could bite. Engille tharamata idimenna kiyanne okata thama.

thiru said...

Thambala and shan u dumb fuks, some of those guys are 28-32, they would have been sent out when they were 18 and some of them may not be the pilots, there are ground and maintenance crews as well who those may be, and there is a good chance that the ltte wont actually release the pics of the real pilots as they may have to go outside for more training, i understand that this may be a little too complex for ur modhaya minds, but it's ok that's the way we want it to be.

Sun Tzu's disciple said...


now that you have thrown in some actual arguments I'll humour you just once:

"yes the artillery has been put to good use but tanks and APC's - has anyone heard - i mean other than the diaspora whose fed these incessantly."
Its on record that the initial Mullaitivu garrison attack was spearheaded by captured tanks and APCs. Video footage of LTTE running and firing tanks are there in youtube in Unceasing Waves series.

"DW said 'Pilots from the former USSR' read again 'former USSR - FYI Latvia and Ukraine were two of the republics that constituted the former USSR."

DW followed up above quote by mentioning Russians by name,and not Latvia or Ukraine--and Russia is also part of former USSR right?

Bhairav said...

[How come you 60 LTTE dead but defence.lk and army.lk only 18?

I am looking for an explanation...]

DW's answer would be that SF's fart alone killed few dozen Tigers.


DW mate, do not be mad at me, you are by far better analyst than many folks around here, but when it comes to reporting you always play with emotions. We need truth, nothin else but Truth :)

If you can't confirm the casualty figure, just say so-do not speculate the figures.

Nishanthe said...

yes the artillery has been put to good use but tanks and APC's - has anyone heard - i mean other than the diaspora whose fed these incessantly.

I heard once a Dvora was destroyed near Mulativu shore using an MBT by LTTE...

Nishanthe said...

In war..truth is the first casualty

Bhairav said...

[In war..truth is the first casualty]


Especially everyone thinks that DW is the more reliable news sources available online with his casualty figures come with 10% marginal error which is acceptable given that as you say the truth is the first casualty. If you inflate the figure by plus/minus 50%, something is wrong with the DW. May be it is safe to say that DW's wife is updating this site lately while DW/SF is away with some assignment. LOL!

Apino Dannachess said...


While I don’t know whether there is sufficient evidence to speculate that foreign nationals are flying Toy Air Force Zlins, here is a thought.

If that’s the case, these mercenary pilots must be moving in and out of Vanni under our very noses in the guise of Foreign Aid workers, possible even helped by these Foreign Funded organization.

Does SLDF keep tabs on these foreign nationals? Are they all accounted for?

May be its not too late to verify the credentials of these foreign nationals attached to various multilateral “Do Gooder” orgs. I’m sure; we have the ways and means to do so. Ex. Using Interpol, we may be able to check the backgrounds of these foreign nationals. It’s no secret that Uncle Sam and its various counter-terror/ military apparatus had helped SLDF in the recent past: why get their help to verify whether there are any ex-military pilots among the pool of foreign aid workers in Sri Lanka. Just a thought.

Something else comes to mind. It was reported that during the recent attack on Vavunia Base, the SLDF radio monitoring teams had observed communications between the pilots of the two Zlins. If one of them was a foreign national, I’m sure our guys must be smart enough to identify the foreign accent.

DW, you seem to be holding some details back. Any comments o n the above?

Others are most welcome to dissect the above hypothesis.


Bhairav said...

Lets learn some arithmetic here.

defence.lk reports 18 LTTE casualties while DW is with 60.

Usually 50% marginal error is applied to defence.lk's figures.

So, 18*0.5= 9 LTTE casualties by adjusted figure.

In DW's case, he is usually with the 10% marginal error, that means:

Since DW's figure is very inflated, we can not apply 10% marginal error to his figure of 60, instead of that I take 9 from defence.lk as actual figure( readjusted by common-sense folks), then apply the 10% to 9, which is going to be 8.1 = 8 LTTE casualties.

Then apply this 8 actual figure to inflated DW's figure of 60 to find out the marginal error.

8/60= 0.13 which gives us whopping 86% marginal error on DW's figure here.

Nishanthe said...

May be DW has a good reason..
I don't think he will spoil his reputation (Yes..he has a reputation, no doubt abt that) just for mere 60 LTTEers. I think when it matters about defense analysis DW is my favorite, but when it comes to reporting, DW is still my favorite but I have few reservations. We should admit that defence.lk or tamilnet cant be as free as a blogger (Except patriotism and conscience) when reporting.

à·ƒිà·ƒිර කුමාර said...

I don't understand the advantage of knowing the origin of TAF pilots. Could anyone explain?

Are we trying to come up with an explanation to why we haven't been able to shoot these tin cans down?

123456789 said...

each time after TAF in action, some AC room based self appointed defense analyses talk about not installing"IGLA MISSILE". Actually can they be used against Zlin?

IntelAttack said...


Wow! How good are you, for maths!

Don't you think you should do some math classes to VP as well? He might be in need of them right now!

Unknown said...

Interesting Indeed. Well we'll just have to wait and see.

Bhairav said...

[Don't you think you should do some math classes to VP as well? He might be in need of them right now!]


Any dumb arse can be successful CEO of any corporate world as long as he is able to manage all the rats in one umbrella.

IntelAttack said...

dumb arse CEO = VP ?
corporate = LTTE ?

Defencewire said...

About the 60 casualties

defence.lk's delays in catching up or owning up to the truth are well documented. The same goes to tamilnet. Tamilnet is a bit more creative and 'expert' at constructing the truth while defence.lk lacks all finesse. One example is the 100 charles anthony KIA with 30+ bodies recovered at Vavuniya by 57. defence.lk took 4 days to give the correct figures. We gave it on the first day.

We do this because we have a VERY close connection to the people on the ground, not in command centers, army HQ colombo, journalists etc. As a result we have NEVER got the figures wrong. What you would or wuld not want to believe is entirely upto you. It is not our business to convince you. We report the exact details. If we don't know, we say we don't.

Thiru said...

"there is a good chance that the ltte wont actually release the pics of the real pilots..."

This is really the point isn't it? LTTE is lying about whose flying these planes. But WHY??? Why doesn't it show the pilots with their eyes blotted out? How will anyone recognize them that way? Why show ground crew with their eyes blotted out when you can actually show th real pilots?

Defencewire said...


it does and it doesn't. It doesn't because whoever it is we have to shoot them down. It does because this a global trend where expertise gets transferred through 'consultants' and unaware and unprepared party could be at a comparative disadvantage. We need to have some sense who they are and what 'transferring' of knowledge takes place and in what areas. proaction is better than reaction.

IntelAttack said...

All these terror supporters know about 60 elite tiger KIA. They're just trying to fill all over the place with comments saying that it's false.

Why trying to compare defence.lk, DW and DN KIA / WIA figures when you have your smart-ass pro TamilNut?

Dumb-ass terrorists! :D

à·ƒිà·ƒිර කුමාර said...

Thanks DW!

I never thought about it on a global scale. :-)

Rover said...

STD is right in his assertion that there is no solid evidence to back the claim that mercenaries are flying TAF planes.

But we know that all the evidence is not presented here.

So folks, why would DW put out a half baked story?

This is probably because, it wants to send the mercenaries that we are onto their tails. Why do this? Several possibilities:
1. To increase the intelligence on this particular subject (when more people are aware of the problem, the chances of gathering information is increased).
2. It knows who the people responsible are, but there is really no way of catching them. Then the best option is to scare them away, which would effectively solve the problem. In effect, giving them an easy way out.
3. Deterrence for new mercenaries.

Another thing to remember is that these mercenaries necessarily don't need to be white or black, they could be brown. Unfortunately there are some Sri Lankans (foreign born and endemic) who would sell the country for a few bucks. So Apino, they may not have an accent.

Rover said...

When even the most senior leaders of the LTTE are double crossed from within the organization itself, the mercenaries are quite unsafe, doing what they are doing now. Better run for it, while you still can.

Rover said...

The TAF planes are surely retrofitted with RWRs (radar warning receivers). RWRs would detect any electromagnetic radiation that hits it. So as soon as SLAF pilots gets a lock, the TAF pilot would sense it. Then he would take evasive action.

And yes, to do a nose dive close to the ground (and at night) is a skill of a very experienced pilot.

thiru said...

defencewire, about why they wouldn't show the real identity, ur missing my point. The point is that all the pilots are of tamil origin and not any russian or any other origin, they were all sent out for training and the reason why their identity is not revealed is obvious-they might have to go bak to receive more training and might be citizens of that country, with their idntity revealed they would not be able to go bak and get more training whenever neccessary.

Anonymous said...

//..these are not rookie pilots but instead have been training for these type of missions for over ten years.
..The point is that all the pilots are of tamil origin and not any russian or any other origin, they were all sent out for training
.. i understand that this may be a little too complex for ur modhaya minds..//

Man, he is realy inteligent and knows every thing about TAF. WOW. Should be some high ranked TAF official.

Anonymous said...

SLA find 44 sea tiger boats and 50 destroyed sea tiger boats in Nachchikuda ???

Vigilante said...


Nice work brothers.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Heroes of the Day 16 th September 2008 Watch

[ponna - Kotta] LTTE Failed again

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Vatican applauds President Mahinda Rajapaksa for liberating the Madhu Shrine 16/09/2008 Watch

LTTE failed big time by this one...for sure.

Moshe Dyan said...


there are other SMALL reasons why TAF ALSO uses mercinaries.

1. a stunt pilot once told me that it is easy to BECOME a pilot, but to maintain the skill level requires CONSTANT practice. the amount of "PRACTICE" TAF guys get is next to nothing now! so that means they either practice elsewhere or get outsiders or both.

2. TAF works with EXTREME irregularity. there is NO REASON why TAF didn't operate for a long time from april 2007 to october 2007 and again from october 2007 to may 2008. IF they have a DEDICATED AVAILABLE troup of pilots, there were MANY instances they could have used TAF crap. this VERY LENGTHY intervals suggest that they has scarcity of one or many resources needed tp fly TAF crap. it can't be planes bcos trasporting planes is NOT easy now; it can't be fuel as it is VERY EASY to get; it can't be runways cos a ZLIN can take off/land on dirt tracks/tarred roads; it can't be DESPERATION bcos there were many more instances of LTTE desperation (e.g. an attack b4 the election would have affected the outcome; had JCP won as promised he MAY dismantle TMVP checkpoints/bunkers in polannaruwa which is a MASSIVE MASSIVE help of the tigers AWAITING for a chance to creep into the eastern jungles); it can't be weather as dry weather was prevlant in vanni for most part (the lul from october 2007 to may 2008 may have been SLIGHTLY affected by weather). so it CAN be pilots.

3. all TAF operations were at night and either before moon rise or after moon set (one occasion when moon was up but cloudy). night stunts require more skills and most importantly the need to maintain those skills. flying 1,000 hours in 2003 has little relevance to 2008.

4. TAF resources are EXTREMELY valuable for tigers NOT BCOS they are expensive but bcos they are IMPOSSIBLE to replace. tigers habe ENOUGH money. so they need safe hands to pilot their VERY important assets. a plane would be the FASTEST escape method for tiger big-wigs also IN CASE OF AN EMMERGENCY. so there is no way they had put their VITAL planes in danger. this means skilled pilots FROM WHEREVER!!

5. many small time operators in the air trasport business have gone bankrupt following the dip in the TRAVEL industry following 9/11, rising fuel costs, higher cost structure of small timers, etc. thousands of pilots were laid off around the world. although they WERE not stunt pilots, they could EASILY pilot a ZLIN and they have opportunities to horne their skills in their countries (without being shot down!!). getting them is both cheaper and effective for tigers.

GY said...

its an interesting piece of news but why is this important?..

Anonymous said...

Wanni operation: 57D advanced 7km within 48 hrs. 50 LTE (CA) dead. 70 LTTE (CA) injured. 6 km to K'chi. 4 km to Mankulam. 2 km to A9. 59D close to Nayaru. (Sep16) see here .


58 captured/ destroyed 100 boats and a communication tower. Two LTTE leaders dead. Sep15. see here .


Gas attack - Swarnavahini report Sep 16.


58D at 20 feet hieght trench Sep 12.

Puran Appu said...


DailyMirror reports that, there had been a some sort of a chemical attack by th LTTE @ Akkarayankulam and Vannivilankulam and that atleast 16 soldiers are been hospitalized. Is this true?

Defencewire said...

So finally Rupavahini caught up. About time.

Anonymous said...

DM report on 'gas attack'.

TropicalStorm said...

Abt the numbers game, the problem is that we've never been able to trot out any captured or injured LTTE cadres in significant numbers throughout this episode now spanning almost 2 years.

Are there any survivors, surrendees at all?

CASC said...

DW's theory that some foreign mercerneries are involved is entirely plausible.

There was a case in India, going back about 12 years ago, where a group of foreign merceneries were caught air dropping arms in Purulia, West Bengal. It involved a group of ethnic Russians from Latvia, an ex-SAS serviceman from Britain and a Danish Citizen. All except the Dane were caught. Eventually they were released because of diplomatic pressure from Russia and UK.

Purulia arms drop case

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

I recently red the book “Inside an Elusive Mind : Praba” to try to understand actually what’s in his mind. But unfortunately I could not get fcuking clue from this book.

So, I decided to fly to Wanni and get a one-on-one with VP. Remembering my father collected his 1st Class train passes for 3 years (from 1983 to 1986) which issued by Ceylon Electricity Board so he can get plain tickets for the young family to fly from Koggala to Jaffna to see our brothers on other side I rang my father. And he said Yes, thanks to fcuking JR and fcuking VP I still have those tickets which we never get to use.

I landed on Iranamadu Air Port and 4 guys from “Imran Pade Unit” checked me out and after promising 4 x Sponsor letters to get them to Australia they took me to VP.

Considering all the shit going around VP still looked well and fat and eating very well. He had a “Suicide Case” massaging his legs and sent 2 x Black Tigers to kill a “Wild Bore” for lunch.

So, DN and DW readers get the exclusive peak at VP’s twisted mind. Bit long and so comes in 2 parts. This is part 1 and I tried my best to make it interesting!


I first spoke to VP’s wife and my 1st question was the romance they had when they were young. And she said “romance?? What romance ??? I was on a “fast-unto-death” and was on Saline drips fighting for my life when Fatty took me to the jungle! I was hallucinating and I couldn’t figure out whether Fatty was trying to give me mouth-to-mouth to save me or was trying to have sex! Fatty was lucky I was hallucinating; other wise no way Fatty make love to me! I always fancied Amman (later Pottu Amman)! But it’s ok! I no Jealous!!!!

Mahathaya and Amman story:

Main reason VP got pissed off with Mahathaya was he had 257 Tamil friends in his FaceBook page and VP only had 5! So, he got Mahathaya into the jungle and asked:

VP: So, u don’t care about my command any more?
M: No, I do care. I’ll do any thing u want me to.

VP thought for a second and said : OK, get ur Left leg up and stand on ur Right leg only and stand still for 5 mints.

Mahathaya did it with easy and VP got more pissed-off and said:

VP: Oh, u think ur tough guy ha? Get the other (right) leg up too!
M: what??? If I take both legs up, on what I am going to stand?? On my D#ck? U dumb c@nt!!!

VP got so pissed off and he starts shooting @ M’s right leg and missed and hit Amman on his left eye! ha ha ha I know it is fcuking funny! Don’t ask me how he managed to did that! ha ha ha

Watching Amman getting shot in the eye, Balraj could not stop laughing and he said “look at him… ha ha …… POTTA Amman!!”

Hearing this, Anton Balasingham who always looking for a way to impress VP said “ Balraj, u r racists! Don’t use Sinhala word. Make it Tamil, so how about we call him “POTTU Amman”??? So, Amman to Potta Amman to Pottu Amman!!!

Adele Balasingham, who was a lesbian (some says she was a Nurse and nothing wrong being a Nurse anyway) making out with few underage LTTE girls heard this and said “yes..yeeesss……ooohhh yeeesssss”

And all this time VP was taking pot shots @ Mhathaya’s one leg and another miss bullet hit Thamil Chelvem on the hip! And Chelava said “ Ohhh… u dumb c@nt... Now I have to walk with a stick for rest of my life”. And VP said “ ohhh… u think u r a fcuking genius ha ?? so if u r so good how come a Barber himself got such a bad hair cut?” Chelva just smiled!!!

Karuna, on a side watching all these comical events unfolding nod his head and muted to himself “I don’t know what the fcuk I’m doing with this retarded bunch! I’ll just wait for my Swiss and Norway trip”

Finally Mahathaya had enough with this sh#t and on the tradition of “Fernando of Moratuwa” ( AKA Puran Appu) he said “If we had 10 c@nts like u , then I won’t have to shoot my self to get killed” and took the gun off VP and shot himself! Sad but the saddest part is VP killed Mahathaya’s all 257 Tamil FaceBook friends and dump bodies in a mass grave. Now that is s a fact!

To be continued….


P.S. bandar: pls don’t try replying to this! Go back to watching Wiggles and Hi-5

Part 2 is about Premadasa Killing, Chandrika Story and Why pissed off with Mahinda. Hope u guys enjoyed Part 1.

Apino Dannachess said...

Hi Rover, good to see you back here. Yes, can agree with your point about the accent.

I was about to ask how the Zlins could detect a radar lock. Well you answered that mate.


Sam Perera said...


I am not really sure of the legal ramifications of a chemical attacks. However, this will further bring down the image of LTTE around the world if we get the message out in right time to the right place. No country in their sane mind would be able to take the side of the LTTE. This is going to be another Rajiv Gandhi episode for LTTE and their supporters. Many foreign governments will come down even harder on LTTE and it will bring things to the point of no return. Now, all these are dependent on how efficient we are in getting the message out.

Let’s put us in Velu’s boots to see the instances we would use chemical weapons.

If I am the same Mad Velu who killed Rajiv Gandhi in that “regrettable event,” I would commit further crimes against humanity since I don’t give a damn about how others think or I live in a fantasy world where nothing can go wrong. I will commit another crime to maintain my Thalaivar status among my blood thirsty followers.

If I am a sane version of Velu, I will be fully aware of the consequences of using chemical weapons and how I will be further cornered in the international arena. I will be aware that such isolation comes at a risk of cutting my funds further. Therefore, I will use chemical weapons only as the last resort to save me from total annihilation.
In reality, Velu is somewhere in between above two extremes.

Probably, LTTE is feeling that their end is near and wanting to use every dirty trick in their bag to delay the process. Now that they have used the chemical weapons, it is upon us to get this act of crime to the international eyes hoping they will ban LTTE and keep the mouths shut until our forces finish LTTE off.

hiru said...

"SLAF fighter jets launched successive air strikes at key LTTE locations in Kilinochchi and Mullaittivu including a 'high profile' LTTE hideout located in the Vattakachchi area, Wednesday (Sep 17) at around 6.35a.m"

source defence.lk

any further inof on this?

Nihara said...

Amma Gahai/Gahawi


NOLTTE=Peace said...

Amma Gahai/Gahawi,

It is 'Hicarious' man.. very 'hicarious'.. :-))

How did Pottu h*karious to Mathivathini and made her second son?

It is missing!

Sam Perera said...

what happened to that AssRajiv guy? Did he vanish with the attack on the hightech center?

NOLTTE=Peace said...

Perhaps Norwegian People's Aid has provided the Mercenaries too!

Anyway, what I gathered from the story is, LTTE pilots have been listening (or someone who listens has informed them on real time) the communication between the F-7 fighter pilot and the Command Center saying radar is locked (asking permission to engage), in which event the Slin has made a nose-dive and escaped.

Unless someone inform the Slin pilot, it would be nearly impossible for the Slin pilot to know that an F-7 is locked on to him and on his tail.

The Airforce should look into encrypting communications between the fighter planes and the Command Center.

Unknown said...


Could it be possible that the Zlin had a radar warning reciver?? Yep the SLAF should use encripted com traffic.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...


"Anyway, what I gathered from the story is, LTTE pilots have been listening (or someone who listens has informed them on real time) the communication between the F-7 fighter pilot and the Command Center saying radar is locked (asking permission to engage), in which event the Slin has made a nose-dive and escaped.

Unless someone inform the Slin pilot, it would be nearly impossible for the Slin pilot to know that an F-7 is locked on to him and on his tail.


you are 98% correct, other 2% is zlin suckers can see F-7 is right about to blow them apart, so they took the right action.

yes they say they dive, to where ?
how come our guys can't follow them, yes its very dark, so why don't we use thermal imaging..

ever problem is a somebody’s opportunity


"The Airforce should look into encrypting communications between the fighter planes and the Command Center."

encrypting is not the answer, what if we have a mole in SLAF he can pass the decrypt key, or even with a computer cluster can replay the communication, or even session hijack....list go on and on....

I have a solotion, but I am not going to type here, let the pros take care of it...

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Gathering information is one thing and leaking information out is another thing.

Unknown said...

[Unless someone inform the Slin pilot, it would be nearly impossible for the Slin pilot to know that an F-7 is locked on to him and on his tail. ]

actually there are warning systems that can be bought relatively easy to warn a pilot of a radar lock so don't think it's the radio communication between the F7 and the colombo op center that gave it away...
besides i'm sure the communications between pilots and HQ is encrypted anyways

Unknown said...



lol :D

and talking about unskilled LTTE'S pilots, and accecepting Russians and Indian's mercenaries working for Sri Lankan air force... what are you trying to say here you fool?

Unknown said...


since we've asked civilians, NGO's and all non-ltte folks to vacate operational areas how about some good ol incendiaries???

and for mercenaries...the difference is that LTTE needs foreigners fly propeller driven basic aircrafts while SLAF was using foreigners to fly and train on jet bombers.. :) :)

Unknown said...

That training for 10 years argument has hit a muck of twisted logic...

So all this time the diaspora have been celebrating looking at maintenance crews.. :)

Unknown said...

[So all this time the diaspora have been celebrating looking at maintenance crews.. :)]

LOL...probably the buggers who wash the planes before photoshoots :) :)

Unknown said...




(it's a different matter whether we get these or not, but the important thing is to do it)

Unknown said...


"LOL...probably the buggers who wash the planes before photoshoots :) :)"


Unknown said...

Lets rest the case and accept defeat now.

What modayas we are


Unknown said...




(it's a different matter whether we get these or not, but the important thing is to do it)

Moshe Dyan said...

SLAF has carried out a raid on a tiger hide out at 6:35 am today. good work. but i recon these types of attacks should be COMPLIMENTED by another round of attacks ON THE SAME SPOT about 15-20 minutes later.

"So all this time the diaspora have been celebrating looking at maintenance crews.."


Unknown said...


Will defence.lk catch up as you say on this incident?

How about the arms shown by Tamilnet et al.?

Regarding SLA casualties? Do you still standby your claims that only 8 SLA killed. Could you verify your comments about these photos (i.e. that the LTTE is displaying their own weapons)


IntelAttack said...


I think there's no need to panic about DWs' or DNs' credibility now.

All this time almost all the myths about LTTE and its capability has been debunked by SLDF.

The casualty amount of LTTE elite units has been confirmed in recent 'Rupavahini Wanni Operation' video with concrete evidence. I think you haven't seen it.

We've got dozens of credible / confirmed info about the battles from DW since the start of this blog. So I think a sudden 'credibility question' is unwanted and not so sound!

Anonymous said...

In the begening of these two blogs when tamiznut said xx SLA killed every one asked "is that true?". Now we hardly see such questions except from newbies to blog. Other now know very well how good is LTTE propaganda (how bad is ours) and how were they fooled by LTTE (and hence UNP/SL/ML..) propaganda. And now no one asks that verification question any more as with time now they know who is lieng and who is not.

Unknown said...

If you say that there are sources I have not seen and read I will check them out soon and see. This could be the case as I have not been following the war news "vigourously" for a week or two.

The question about credibility is not sudden on my part even though I have not questioned publicly on this blog about the credibility of items appearing on DW, I have always been skeptical and verified and cross referencece with many sources (sometimes with my personal contacts). And most if not all times DW seemed to be accurate.

Before going further, I will check out the sources you have pointed first.

MrBrown said...

[[[ Defencewire said...
About the 60 casualties

defence.lk's delays in catching up or owning up to the truth are well documented. The same goes to tamilnet. Tamilnet is a bit more creative and 'expert' at constructing the truth while defence.lk lacks all finesse. One example is the 100 charles anthony KIA with 30+ bodies recovered at Vavuniya by 57. defence.lk took 4 days to give the correct figures. We gave it on the first day.

We do this because we have a VERY close connection to the people on the ground, not in command centers, army HQ colombo, journalists etc. As a result we have NEVER got the figures wrong. What you would or wuld not want to believe is entirely upto you. It is not our business to convince you. We report the exact details. If we don't know, we say we don't.
it is well documented punnakku by ur creative mind. sinhalese are very naive they are ready to beleive anything..defence.lk is all out for propaganda media of SLDF and gov and they are really doing good job.
Actually if some thing happen in the war front the commander incharge for that Brigade or platoon try to bring this news out atleast for his publicity. so this news will be subsequently reached the army head since he claims the responsibilty for the winning of war. There is no way these news are delayed by anyforces in the battle front. Obviously this news will reach HQ very qucikly. can u tell me what is the point the commander will keep the actual casualty with him where as they are looking for fame and publicity...ultimately some promotion.. YOur arugument is just based on ur creative mind. U may be another officer sitting in the AC room in colombo.
well when LTTE published the arms in Tamilnet , u asked them to lick ur black arse.. when they were able to capture 4 dead bodies why dont u think that they can capture some weapons... what i can assume from ur writing now is, U are all out looking for defence.lk editorial post.. nothing else..:-(
if u want I can give u editorial post in lankanewspapers.com.:-)

IntelAttack said...


It was no offense mate! Just tried to shed some light here. I respect your decent reply!

Check the comment from DW confirming it.

defencewire said
So finally Rupavahini caught up. About time.
September 17, 2008 7:17 AM

video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOUTN6lK7Nk

CriMeWatCh said...

Kaavalan said...


Fantastic ..

CriMeWatCh said...

Bhairav said...

[How come you 60 LTTE dead but defence.lk and army.lk only 18?

Error in counting or uneducated...
Its 81



Malin said...


In war information may be hard to come by sometimes. Since mostly defence.lk and Tamilnut always publish bias to their cause which is correct as propaganda plays major role in war.

But most of us here including those who support LTTE come to DN and DW because we want to know the truth. but that doesn’t mean what DN or DW gives could be 100% correct. Because they them self’s have to rely on different sources.

So refer to the information DW have given before judge yourself if he is telling the truth. If not then don’t believe. Simple as that.

Problem with LTTE coolies is they know what DW give is usually correct and they try their best to distort the truth

B#1 said...


If any outsider read the comments made by pro-LTTE & anti-LTTE bloggers (not only this site), they can see that anti-LTTErs are blaming SLDF & officers whenever there is a mistake done by them. (they have a brain to think)

But they (outsider) never ever can see pro-LTTErs are blaming LTTE or Tamilnet, and getting the 'Kuppai' as it is. Why?
Because the LTTE is giving the NEWS what pro-LTTErs need but not what really was happening.

So, both LTTE & diaspora are always being happy (only for short period).

Unknown said...
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IntelAttack said...


The fact is that you don't know a thing about this war, how the propaganda machine works, how defence ministry and these blogs get info and publish them. (Maybe it's because you don't have any idea about it or you don't want to know ;) )

There are 100s of incidents that don't show up in defence.lk (and as well as in these blogs) for various reasons.

Of course defence.lk will not publish any of their losses for the same reason why Taminnet isn't publishing their own.

If your point is 'Why defence did not publish 50 KIA incident?', the answer is 'It is the inability of the GoSL to counter the LTTE propaganda and weak news reporting compared to LTTEs'

There are enough examples of such things in past and present too.

If GoSLs' propaganda worked brilliantly on par with SLDF victories in past 2 years, we could have achieved more.

Yes, we know that it's very hard (maybe impossible) to convince that 60 Elite tigers KIA even if we show you the bodies. It is not our problem, but yours.

One last thing;
If you strongly believe this news is false and inaccurate, why the hell you still visit, read and comment here?

What you can easily do is just read your pro TN and other related sites and be Happy every after!!!

Because Tigers are still very much alive and kicking without any problem for last 2 years. ;)

Unknown said...


DOnt bother to answer to this buffalo..just ignore him.


IntelAttack said...

Okey! fake defencewire. ;)

IntelAttack said...

A must read: http://www.defence.lk/new.asp?fname=20080917_05

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Boys, Thank u and appreciate the feedback! Part 2 is ready and will post as time permitted.

Unknown said...
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PHANTOM-X said...

MR Brown said...

what i can assume from ur writing now is, U are all out looking for defence.lk editorial post.. nothing else..:-(
if u want I can give u editorial post in lankanewspapers.com.:-)

What a joker...!!!

Mr. Broooooooown...anunta hora hora kiyana eka thamai niyama hora...Thats how your mind works...I can see that you are dying to get an editorial post in Tamilnut...

ane huke nanna nane...

ha ha ha...

Unknown said...
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Widana said...


me mage anthima posting eka honde?
thamun nansela mata hondatama akey puriya. mama ranil ta duka penna gihilla anthimata mama ponnaya wuna.

mage puka kola patai. eka wenuwen rata jathiya pawa denna mama lasthiy.

eth puka nil pata ponnayoth innawa, merviya wage. yudde iwara wunahama untath thamun nansela akey puriy kiyala mama hithanawa. ehema nowunoth lankawata merviyagema pihitai.

ithin ayubowan blog mawuni garu!!

kappetipola said...

LTTE is tactically withdrawn in Kilinochchi. !!!

Observer said...

Today's The bottom line defence column appear to be a copy of Defencewire and Long Ranger's blog.

Have a look at this.

This Ruwan Weerakoon fellow is engaged in a pathetic un-ethical practice of copying from others and not giving the due credit to the original authors like DW and LR.

Somebody here pointed out that this person was a correspondent to AP or AFP. I have not seen a favorable news article in AP or AFP for a long time. So while being an intellectual property thief this one is tarnishing the image of the country as well.

Sun Tzu's disciple said...


He has snitched some para's from ET Baileys latest article as well:)

mulathiev TARZEN said...


merviyaa saranaai!

AMMAAAPAAAAAAAAA!..ath-thada habaata??

mulathiev TARZEN said...


..mung ta "rain less lightning" gahana oonaa mee kiyana boruuu walataaaaaa!

kappetipola said...

Prabakaran's final speach :


Unknown said...

to noltte=peace
and other assholes who said

"It is 'Hicarious' man.. very 'hicarious'.. :-))

How did Pottu h*karious to Mathivathini and made her second son?

It is missing!"


its no secret how they made the baby boy.

as you all know its exactlly the way while Basil was holding the lamp (not to forget this happened in their native village) inorder to help his brother Gothabaya to find the hole in Mrs.Shiranthi Rajapakse's hairy honeypot and once started to penatrate it like the SLDF DPU guys do.

and what a majic.add to the Rajapakse Dynasty's long list, the Honarable Presidents Son was born.

I hope this makes every thing clear to you guys and i thought i should lend you a helping hand to stop you all pulling your hair.

now its time for you all to do your valuable contribution and back to defence related debates.Coz DW cannot carry on without your support as you all know.

many thanks.

Malin said...


Can you make it little funnier next time.. but at least u tried. Anyway make sure next one is better.. Keep them coming


Kithul said...


rupavahini has caught up with the info. This Rupavahini Clip mentions the death of around 50 ltte cadres.

Puppet Mask said...

BATTICALOA: PUBLIC OUTRAGE and tension is fast rising in THIHATIVU, KALAVANCHIKUDI in the east, following the LTTE’s brutal cold-blooded murder of a female Assistant Engineer serving Ministry of Nation Building Wednesday (17) morning at about 7.15 a.m.

Ms. LOKESHWARAN PREMALATHA (29), a mother of a five month-old baby and actively engaged in the eastern development programme, “Negenahira Navodaya” (Resurrection of the East), was about to leave for her office when the two LTTE pistol men on a motorbike stormed her house and gunned her down at close range as her kid looked on.

The twenty-nine year old Assistant Engineer, a native from the area has been quite popular among the public since she has been highly enthusiastic about the development of the area where newly resettled easterners are living in peace. As the news spread, many furious civilians and next of kin of the fallen lady Engineer began flocking to her house, prompting the Police to provide special security to the area.

The KALAVANCHIKUDI Police are conducting investigations to trace the Tiger pistol men responsible for the gruesome murder.

Apino Dannachess said...


With dwindling Black tiger carders, and repeated defeats at the hand of the SLDF, FATCAT had put together a team of specialists for the next Black Tiger Operation in deep south.

Checked the following link for the photo which was inadvertently leaked to the web. It was taken just before the departure of this Elite Team.


Moshe Dyan said...

LTTE barbarians are trying to stop eastern development from a long time. these trouble makers need a white van ride.

TMVP should rise up to the VIGILANTE role AGAIN.

otherwise it is very easy to disrupt all the good work that is being carried out.

Kithul said...


it's now a politics and struggle for power/leadership. The best guy in the east to control the lppe pigs is Karuna. current CM should be be the politician K to be the vigilante head

Moshe Dyan said...


agree. i hope GOSL understands the DIRE URGENCY of it.

lack of development thanks to politicians from tamil racist parties in the N-E CONTINUOUSLY was one BIG reason for the unrest that was used by LTTE.

STILL they (TNA) don't gove a damn about development.

there are only a VERY FEW bold enough ppl (also with the enthusiasm) to do the work. they should be protected AT ALL COST.

Widana said...

aaah sorry eh..
mage akey pumaruwa thawama honda wela nehe..

Unknown said...
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Bhairav said...

[I always enjoy ur post eventhough U challenge me. Btw I enjoy fucking with village girls and neigbour's wives...mostly my colleague's wives.. not my own :-)]

It's good thing that you haven't done any adultery except helping the needy ones likes the wives of your colleagues etc.LOL!

Why can't you start a wife pool just like car pool? These pools will help your short-term needs.

Anonymous said...

SLA captured 1.5 km area of the LTTE bunker line in Karambakulam. 25 LTTE cadres and 4 soldiers kia.

-Ada Derana-

Moshe Dyan said...

SLAF has carried out 2 more air raids.

however all air raids are crammed into daytime and tiger have almost 12 hours at night to do their business without being attacked by SLAF.

we have the night strike capability but nothing happens. i'm sure tigers have scheduled all their meeings, etc. for night time. they on the other hand carry out their little raids at night!! one that they are VERY active at night!!

Infinity said...

Karambakulam Tank Bund Falls; Forty Tigers Killed in the Fight & northeast Akkarayanakulam

Colomblogs said...

It is time to airdrop thousands of "LTTE CARD DECK" to Wanni. Which is simillar to the one dropped by Pentagon during Gulf War-II.

In addition to what in the cards, we must add a price tage for each pig (e.g : Rs. 10M for the Fat-Boobamba...too much?). And should even include all low-mid level leaders too.

When the ship is about to sunk, rats will run for the self-defence just carrying Greediness, betrayal and mistrust.

There are people inside LTTE worrying about their future after this phase of war. They need money and safe living. So exchange what they need for the pigs. Nothing personal it is buiness!

e.g : it was a rumour that somawansa Amarasinghe leaked the whereabouts of Wijeweera and others in exchange of his safe passage to UK. Theory extends, as that is the reason they supported Janaka Perera who was incharge of the Wijeweera's torture and death. Janaka Perera got a reference from Somawansa for this job as a "token of gratitude".


Colomblogs said...

So foe LTTE : they have to attend meetings/operations in the night (these days almost everynight due to the bloddy work by racist Sri Lankan Army), then during the day have to fight for life.

So basically, if they have to work day and night contineously for unknown number of days with the fear of death, stress and the par below facilities. In addition you have to hear about the losses all the time. Which is further de-motivating.

How far any normal man/woman can tolerate this kind of working environment without an error?

So give some additional factors to worry...e.g fear of betrayal!

Defencewire said...


What do you want me to say? When the guys who did the operation say their men observed 60 dead or dying LTTE Charles Anthony and Imran Pandian and they have captured some of their bodies, what else i there to wait for? A journalist to video it and upload it on youtube? I don't need that but perhaps you do. But that's not my problem is it? I get the news accurate and fast. The others may catchup if they so wish. Not up to me. I'm doing my job to the best of my ability.

Kithul said...

karambankulam tank bund falls - army.lk

Troops steps up offensives in all fronts defence.lk

these are some of the headlines. So with the breaching of the nachchikuda akkrayankulam trenches/bunds at several points troops are now moving on hitting hard.

if you look at the map on army.lk it shows troops far ahead of the trench line that was.

Moshe - another clash point is very close to the A9 just over kokavil

Kithul said...


I don't think that's what thambala actualy meant.

he did speak about credibility but to me that sounds like wanting to protect your credibility than question.

I do agree with your point with others catching up - Rupavahini did. but nothing else anywhere was thambala's concern, certainly not doubting.

Thamabala - any comments

lankanews said...

Probe finds LTTE had recently directed "CS gas" on some troops in the wanni. The gas is used mostly in anti-hijacker or hostage operations.
-ARMY-Daily Mirror

Unknown said...

DW - u do a great job and have a lot more credibility compared to other sites . Even when u get the information inaccurate (which is to be expected - fog of war) u correct it . which has given u a lot of credibility in my eyes .

Infinity said...

CS gas is one type of tear gas.

Army.lk: Army Well Geared to Face Any Gas Attacks

PHANTOM-X said...




chamal said...

I don't get it. CS is a non-lethal gas, right?

IntelAttack said...


The Army while reiterating its capacity to challenge any such threats in the future has already distributed gas masks among the troops fighting in the Wanni.
It is also pertinent to note here that use of any chemical or gas in the warfare goes against UN stipulated Conventions and worldwide accepted norms, the Army said.

IntelAttack said...

CS gas is the common name for 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile (also called o-Chlorobenzylidene Malononitrile) (chemical formula: C10H5ClN2), a substance that is used as a riot control agent and is generally accepted as being non-lethal.


chamal said...


Exactly. It's non-toxic and non lethal (Although it can cause some discomfort). Not something you can use to kill but maybe to disable the enemy or make them reatreat. But here, several soldiers have suffered breathing difficulties.

IntelAttack said...

Maybe they are using it to slow down SLA while getting away from UN conventions since its not lethal.

What if we send them some CS gas units too? I'm sure we have a good stock for riot controlling purposes.

Unknown said...


I've taken a look here . The Rupavahini report was made on the 16th. Also Swaranwahini on 16th. Defencewire reported same on 15th.

Indeed Saman is saying about 50 Charles Anthony perished!

I did not see any other news source mention these figures. i.e. ~50 LTTE Charles Anthony cadres killed. Only three sources! 1. Defencewire 2. Rupavhini reporting "from Location" 3. Swarnawahini news

I guess I have to throw in the towel and accept defeat. Hey but I am smiling :).

No offence taken. Appreciate your replies.

Thanks for the links. And no, I was actually doubting the credibility of DW with the publishing of this particular report.

I have to say my confidence in defencewire has reached new heights with this incident! You being honest in this public service got the credit you highly dserve. I hope there are no hard feelings... as you say I would like to see video clips of all these battles and incidents taking place whereas you don't need to. Looking from my angle I think I am justified in questioning about the validity of the report as no other source has come close to your report. I think Defencewire came out of it with flying colours and I think now I can rest at ease knowing that Defencewire is there to give me accurate news of how our brave hearts are doing. I am now quite confident that you are in contact with those at the very front.

This also raises the question "wtf is defence.lk doing". And to top it off army.lk has not reported the figures correctly. Are they being sloppy or is it due to some other reason?

Let me take this opportunity to pay Defencewire a glowing tribute for the great work done (and we expect a lot more in the coming months ;) )

P.S However I would still like to hear about the weapons shown by Tamilnet et al.? There are quite a number of Guns and Rifles there. You have any updates about SLA casualties in that battle?

P.S. You have forgotton to delete one post by one of your imposters.

David Blacker said...

Actually, SL was using mercenaries way back in the '80s and '90s. The first were the ex-RAF pilots from Keeni Meeni Services who flew Hueys against the Tigers. One of them even wrote a book about it.

So far (given the evidence), I can see no reason to think that these TAF pilots are foreign mercenaries. The success rate of the TAF has been terrible, though it has improved from horrible at the beginning, leading me to believe that they're improving with experience and have had no combat experience outside SL.

I would take the F-7 pilot's comment that the Ziln's dive was an experienced tactic. The SLAF has zero experience in air-to-air combat, so any tactic by a slow-flying prop aircraft will look good.

I would agree with Thiru here: "although it is new to you and you may be wondering how "newly" trained pilots may achieve these successes, the tigers have been planning an air wing since the late eighties and have been sending cadres outside to get pilot training and even fighter training since the early nineties. "

It is not impossible that Tigers were sent overseas with the diaspora and got pilot training or even served in foreign air forces. At least one SL Tamil served in the French Foreign Legion in the '80s. It's also possible that a few genuine diaspora Tamils from Europe or North America who have flight experience have volunteered to fly for the TAF.

When DW is ready to reveal the "additional evidence" he has, we can discuss it properly. But what's the point of an article based on vague speculation?

David Blacker said...

Sorry that should read "I would take the F-7 pilot's comment that the Ziln's dive was an experienced tactic with a pinch of salt."

Corey said...

My God!!!!!!!!!!!
Enough is enough! Let's leave this blog for discussion, and not for hurling insults at each other. It is understandable that the LTTe supporters are going through disbelief and denial... Pro-SL govt supporters, be compassionate, please.... The more the LTTE people vent, the easier the healing process (once the war is over) will be.
Metta (Compassion).. Buddha preached it, and the Bhagavad Gita says a lot about it.
Love to ALL,

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