Sources confirmed to us today that the casualties to the Army in Saturday's attack to dismantle the Akkarayan LTTE bund and trenchline was well over 100. Army deaths were 30 while LTTE deaths were monitored to be around 38 with 70 LTTE cadres injured. Total injuries to the Army was around 80. The Tigers used CS gas again on Saturday in the eastern flank.
In the meantime, the Nachchikuda Sea Tiger base is being gradually withdrawn by the Tigers. Small groups have started withdrawing along with equipment via the sea. Some land routes are also being exploited by the Tigers. The Army is unable to cut-off all escape routes by land due to obvious reasons. The LTTE withdrawal is towards Pooneryn.
Fighting in the Jaffna Peninsula has also taken a dramatic turn. Army discovered that Tigers were quietly abandoning their FDL to reinforce depleting units in Kilinochchi. This situation is being exploited to the maximum by SLA small attack teams.
A very successful operation was launched last week at Kilali. Five 8-man teams from the 53 Division entered the LTTE's 1st Forward Defence Line at Kilali last Tuesday night. They found a large stretch of the FDL completely abandoned. This is completely normal as the Tigers withdraw at night and reinforce the FDL again in the morning. But on that particular day, things were unusually quiet in the LTTE FDL. The troops engaged the 2nd FDL with RPGs and LMGs to get the Tigers to fight. But LTTE cadres were nowhere to be found.
Instead of withdrawing, the 5 8-man teams remained in the FDL. By 15th morning, a few scouts were observe closer to the 2nd FDL and by the same evening, Army radio intercepts heard Theepan and Lawrence talking to their fighters in code. The Tigers were planning an attack to annihilate the 8-man Teams.
By 15th evening, the fight was on and the attackers were coming in waves towards the LTTE FDL now occupied by troops. The five 8-man teams, 3 of whom were in the trench and two others on the flanks, engaged the Tigers cutting them down as they appeared. Soldiers counted 20 Tigers killed and suspect that over 80 were injured.
Five soldiers sacrificed their lived in the operation. The dead and the injured LTTE cadres were dragged away by the Tigers who were in full retreat. 6 bodies left behind were seized by the Army. The Tigers had underestimated the determination and patience of the SLA platoon.
This attack perhaps exemplifies the morale and determination of the troops. Though young in years, the officers and men currently serving in the front lines are mastering the game. These no doubt are ominous signs for the LTTE.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Casualties to both sides as fighting shifts gears
Posted by
6:56 PM
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Thanks DW for the update.
welcome to Vanni.. ?
path is difficult . but victory is assured !!
man your posts are as juicy to read as a Tom clancy or Dale brown novel..keep em coming..its all too good to be true..LETS HOPE IT IS..
Thanks DW,
Good posting as usual.
DW are we using the recently acquired Fuel Air Bombs(FAB)'s on large scale?.and can all our current aircraft types carry these bombs?what is the nominal payload package of these FAB's? and were they procured from israel?..thanks
...greatingsss weewaaa!
merviya saranaai!
danduwam pohitaai!
umbalaa Asaranaii!
nice work! nice to see DW all ways manage to keep ltte`s casualty figures higher than sl-army`s! ..ammaapa commendable!
all are truth! nothing is fabricated!..must had worked in "lake house"before!
and the rest of the punnakku hungry foreign cartels are true son of sri lanka, all ways after free meals how old, expired,melamine, sinyde, dose`t matter!...!
no one of KDA kitchen analysis are talking about kilinochchi-express now!..wonder why?
I wonder how on earth you can report exact number of injured in LTTE side.. ??
Your mom is already digging and showing her back naked.
Behind her so many others digging the rat holes.
Can you count the number of diggers who are looking at your mom?
LTTE launched poisonous gas attacks at Akkarayankulam: Soldiers died and many injured –Prayathna condemns click
Typical Tamil politics:
Twists and turns continue to mark the Tamil Nadu litical scene. To the relief of Congress leadership, a DMK senior has clarified that the 14-day period set at the all-party meeting in Chennai on Oct 14 for action by Delhi vis-à-vis war zone of Sri Lanka is NOT A DEADLINE even as AIADMK supremo Jayalalithaa has dared DMK patriarch Muthavel Karunanidhi to 'quit' over SL-Tamil row.
Now they are scared that they'll get kicked out of the parliament, and have nowhere to go.... Major crap and fatal blunders....
Another DMK senior was quoted in the local media as saying that the party has no intention to bring down the Manmohan Singh government. 'It's not our intention to pull out of the UPA. We did not pass the resolution (at the all - party meet) with that intention. We are not doing anything to help or save the LTTE. We only want to help the orphaned Tamils', the functionary said.
This soft pedaling in a manner of speaking, or U-turn as the DMK critics like to describe, has given ammunition to the AIADMK supremo to target her betenoire.
J Jayalalithaa has dared Karunanidhi to resign as TN Chief Minister if he really cares about the Tamils of Sri Lanka. 'If Karunanidhi really cares about the Tamils he should ask his MLAs to resign. Will he resign as chief minister? Will he have the guts to dissolve the state government', she said, according to TN media reports.
Troops capture LTTE stronghold
Army penetrates Tiger defences south of Kilinochchi
By Kurulu Kariyakarawana
After days of continuous fighting the troops yesterday captured the strategic Vannerikkulam area located South-West of the LTTE administrative capital of Kilinochchi, striking a heavy blow to the retreating Tiger cadres, the Media Centre for National Security said.
According to military sources the troops of the 58 Division led by Brigadier Shavendra Silva took complete control of the area which was formerly a well fortified LTTE stronghold.
The MCNS said the troops completely cleared a 10-kilometre stretch of the earth bund from Pandiveddikulam area west to Akkarayankulam, as the army captured the remaining stretch of the area by yesterday afternoon.
The clearing of the remaining kilometer of the Vannerikkulam Tank covered the whole length of the Akkarayankulam - Nachchikuda Road.
Simultaneous confrontations in the North-East of Vannerikkulam deprived the LTTE of Adampanmoddai area also where the intermittent fighting is still on, the MCNS reported.
Meanwhile the Army’s 57 Division troops cut through the LTTE-built earth bund in Akkarayankulam, the Tigers last major defence in the South of Kilinochchi built up, the Defence Ministry said. After overcoming the earth bund troops dominated about a 3-km stretch on the earth bund and captured 19 heavily fortified LTTE bunkers during an offensive that began on Saturday morning.
Troops launched the offensive around 5.45 a.m. with two main thrusts attacking the west and the east of the Akkarayankulam tank.
Army infantrymen moving from the west of the tank scored a major success against the Tigers with the capture of a 2 km stretch on the earth bund and 19 bunkers.
Meanwhile, troops moving from the east of Akkarayankulam tank had to slowdown their advance at the initial stages as the LTTE launched poisonous gas attacks at them.
However, troops withstood the chemical attack and beat the terrorists, dominating about 1 km stretch on the LTTE earth bund.
There were no clear casualty figures available. At present, troops were moving in to the LTTE hiding areas in the north of Akkarayankulam tank.
Meanwhile, Task Force I troops deployed on the left flank of the 57 Division, moved further into the Nachchikuda LTTE stronghold.
Troops had daylong clashes in the Nachchikudha, Vannerikulam and Manniyakkulam areas and claimed heavy damages to the Tigers.
Nachchikuda is the last major foothold of the Tigers on the northwestern coast that gave the vital life line for supplies that come across the Palk Straits.
All Diaspora Pls Read this:
Tamil Nadu and the LTTE
( ):
//Allow us to speak. We are not terrorists. What is happening in Sri Lanka is genocide: These were the voices of the thousands of Eezham Tamil demonstrators who braved defying a government ban and gathered in Paris on Sunday.//-tamilnut
They came to SL as refugees from tamiznadu and I guess this is what happened in Jaffna in 70s against SL police. French now understand what's happening in SL. They went to France as refugees and now they teach French what is terrorism. freedom of expression and how to rule France.
When the suicide bomber is without his suicide kit he is not a terrorist??? A terrorist and one who stand for and support that terrorist are both same when they go to hell after death.
Guys did you notice BBC article called "Rebel defences Breached" (something similar) was few hours ago has re edited to "S Lanka admits heavy troop loss"
Is this the level of BBC editng its onw article its justifies that DN has listed BBC in pro-LTTE category.. LOL
["Casualties to both sides as fighting shifts gears"
So long as LTTE is around... there will be casualties among Sri Lankans. That's the cold hard fact.
It's better to pay the price NOW than living on borrowed time next to this monster and have a slow, painful death.
Excellent progress has been achieved so far under the great leadership of president Rajapakse.
proving to all concerned that there was not better time in the history to wipe out the LTTE terrorists...
The future looks extremely bright for us... despite these hiccups.
Addikkum... addikkum... addikkum...
We proved it in flying colors in the East. Who wants to waste time with those who say we cannot do it in the North?
//Is this the level of BBC editng its onw article its justifies that DN has listed BBC in pro-LTTE category.. LOL//
I think it is importent to list BBC as pro-LTTE. If you know some media is pro-LTTE then the way you make conclusions based on the info given by that media will not be same as if you know the media is 'unbiased' or 'pro-SL'.
Some people probably due to hundreds of years of british rule and the obediance they had to british still worship BBC. Some outside veiwers might think BBC as neutral source. But it is clear BBC is pro-LTTE, anti-SL, anti-sinhala and anti-buddhist. Thus it is importent to list it as pro-LTTE so no one get misled.
Elama Kiri! Ohoma yung, ohoma yung.
Ado Mr Brown Kakka, tho hithanne ooru batto paththu karama api bayawei kiyala dha! Patta vesige putha.
Look at the last bit of the video of the MPs playing with the baby, they aren't putting on a show, they genuinely care.
DW Thank you Sir - for News.
I know at this point its very hard to avoid Casualties...unless we use big Kaboom.
more troops...
more firepower...
end of Ltte
Wanni battlefront reinforced with more troops. Wanni Operation 20 th October 2008 Watch
DW - good one and thanks
Pottu your last one is a beauty mate.
Ninja, good one, keep going bro.
Once this is over our boys can teach whole world how to fight conventional battles as well as guerrilla warfares.
They can be instructors to many foriegn armies. It can also be good foriegn exchange earner.
May tripple gems protect them!
Do not shit here with filthy words man, and don't bother to reply b'cause I will not respond!
This is what I found on today article by B.Raman in Lanka Guardian.
"Is one seeing a mini version of Stalingrad in the battle for Kilinochchi, the current headqurters of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)? It is difficult to say on the basis of the scanty information available from the battle front. From even this scanty information, two things are clear: Firstly, the Sri Lankan Army, which senses victory against the LTTE, has been doing well, but not as well as it claims to be. Secondly, the LTTE has been doing badly, but not as badly as projected to be by the disinformation machine of the Sri Lankan Army . The LTTE has shown that there is still a lot of fight left in it---- and a lot of intelligence and innovative thinking."
I wonder what will be the DW's reaction to this?
B. Raman always want to gloryfy LTTE to show the whole world that IPKF did a good job during their stay here.
However, what he says is partly true, I think!
Any reactions from readers?
Presence of ex-RAW bigwig with
Tiger links disturbs State intelligence Many an eyebrow has been raised in political and defence circles by the presence of a former RAW bigwig S. Chandrasekeran alias Chandran considered an LTTE sympathizer, in Colombo.
Troops of the 59th Division have taken control of another LTTE terrorist camp located in the Mullaitivu forest.
Good article bro, thanks.
59 is doing their part very well. It is very important to hold that line until Kili fronts are done to prevent tigers exodus to southern parts.
Dear freedomfighter,
"We are not chauvinists. Neither are we lovers of violence enchanted with war. We do not regard the Sinhala people as our opponents or as our enemies. We recognise the Sinhala nation. We accord a place of dignity for the culture and heritage of the Sinhala people. We have no desire to interfere in any way with the national life of the Sinhala people or with their freedom and independence. We, the Tamil people, desire to live in our own historic homeland as an independent nation, in peace, in freedom and with dignity."
- V Pirabaharan
None of us here have a problem recognizing a separate and exclusive Tamil homeland, as long as it's not in the island of Lanka which you share with other people. I would support you if you want to establish a separate Tamil state in Antarctica and will not object strenuously if you suicide-bomb the penguin inhabitants.
If premadasa "gon thadiya" did not sent IPKF back and denied the life line for LTTE.
If Ranil "ponnaya" did not signed the CFA and gave another life line to regroup and rearm the LTTE.
This war would have much easier today. We should not commit thse mistakes again. What ever the problem we encounter from this moment, we must see that LTTE will not raise their head again.
Teritory gain so far should not be lost, instead should secured beyond possible infilteration.
Kill as many tigers as possible while we can and destroy their military assets as much as possible.
Gen. SF's promised to the nation that he will not leave this problem to the next army commander should be applauded.
India should be handled carefully until war is over.
MR and his cabinet show enough courage and determination to handle things for a favourable out come.
LRRP and DPU activities should increas to get more int while damaging the LTTE leadership. We need to hammer LTTE from all sides until they are weakened beyond self recovery again.
Well said Wije!
Had VP really said those words, as it is? I don't believe him because he does not show those sentiments even to tamil people in SL not to mention sinhalese.
The problem with Sinhalese is the you mhavamsa mentality which will never change. Thata why even your General speaks of Sri Lanka
belonging to Sinhalese. People forget that it LTTE who had the upper hand before the Last peace process and tamils in TN were not
much intrested in sri lanka that time. so Inida who saved Sihalese State from defeat and prevented LTTE marching in to Jaffna.
In the Sinhala language, the words for nation, race and people are practically synonymous, and a multiethnic or multicommunal nation or state is incomprehensible to the popular mind. The emphasis on Sri Lanka as the land of the Sinhala Buddhists carried an emotional popular appeal, compared with which the concept of a multiethnic polity was a meaningless abstraction
-Sinhala Historian K. M. de Silva
Rana well said...
"If premadasa "gon thadiya" did not sent IPKF back and denied the life line for LTTE.
If Ranil "ponnaya" did not signed the CFA and gave another life line to regroup and rearm the LTTE.
This war would have much easier today. We should not commit thse mistakes again. What ever the problem we encounter from this moment, we must see that LTTE will not raise their head again.
Teritory gain so far should not be lost, instead should secured beyond possible infilteration.
Kill as many tigers as possible while we can and destroy their military assets as much as possible.
Gen. SF's promised to the nation that he will not leave this problem to the next army commander should be applauded.
India should be handled carefully until war is over.
MR and his cabinet show enough courage and determination to handle things for a favourable out come.
LRRP and DPU activities should increas to get more int while damaging the LTTE leadership. We need to hammer LTTE from all sides until they are weakened beyond self recovery again.
forget the India and kick da LTTE ass
Don't talk about past to gloryfy LTTE. Try and talk about present situ.
Your so called leader is totally responsible for present predicament of LTTE and on coming anhilation.
He is also responsible for continuous suffering of tamil people.
Except few tamil naadu politicos, Indian govt and genaral mass know very well about colour of the tiger strips.
Wrong cause, wrong intensions, wrong actions lead LTTE to its demise.
Think about that before you criticise sinhalese bro.
Moratu Saman,
Thanks bro!
Nice to hear from you again mate. Do it leisurely and try to enjoy. After all this is a good way to kill the time while learning about present situ in SL.
The past is not much different from present, sinhalese still continuing their genocide aginst tamils.
The anhilation you talk about is the anhilation of tamils. Thats what happening. How silly to say forget the past ? has the criminals who commited the genocides of 56, 77 83
has been punished ? What Sri Lanka
has done to poor tamils people to
show that they should forget the past ?. IF SL is not commiting Gencide let UN HR monitor commin ? let free media go to North ?
Rana and Wijayapala
Do you really beleive this freddom fighter is capable of understanding what you write? Do you find any logical relevence of his replies to what you write?
rana, roger that matie!
FF, read carefully!
"The past is not much different from present, sinhalese still continuing their genocide aginst tamils."
What happend in 83 and other times is not genocide. If you want to live in the past you will not have future!
"The anhilation you talk about is the anhilation of tamils."
This tamil diapor's propaganda. After 83 last 25 years no sinhalese uprising against tamils bou SLDF offensives against LTTE.
"What Sri Lanka
has done to poor tamils people to
show that they should forget the past ?"
LTTE not letting us to do anything, we are busy protecting SL civilians from murderours gang.
Ant tamil, muslim or any other can live peacefully any where in the country. That is our aim. We do not give any part exclusively to anybody.
Isn't that good enough for tamils?
IF SL is not commiting Gencide let UN HR monitor commin ? let free media go to North ?
UN and HR biased thay are not giving balance account on what LTTE does.
Soma media interfering with battle plans and also demoralising our brave boys.
I thing you are intelligent enough to understand my replies, mate.
The TN nattamis are asking for a cash donation, if you get the drift.
A few like k'nidhi's daughter who is a hardcore racist is genuine in her anemosity towards Sri Lanka.
The others can and will be bought.
I totally agree Ninja,
However, I am enjoying rubbing salt to the injury man. Pro LTTE supporters are badly hurt. Let us enjoy hurting more on those people still support tigers.
You are a man of many sides, and are a source of continuous surprises.
I like your thinking, even if not in complete agreement all the time.
1. isn't the country with majority englishmen, england?
2. isn't the country with majority russians, russia?
3. isn't the country with majority japanese, japan?
4. isn't the country with majority malays, malaysia?
5. isn't the country with majority french, france?
6. isn't the country with majority germans, germany?
7. isn't the country with majority chinghelams, elam?
8. isn't the 'country' with majority tamils, tamil nadu?
please don't learn GEOGRAPHY from vezapillai. he was never good at it.
I salute Defence Column and True Srilankan for the immensely valuble service they do to this blog by posting interesting links.
Thanks, mates, keep it up!
getting back to defence matter.
IF no mig-kafir/f-7 attacks take place today, that is a FIVE (5) day curfew.
by september the run rate of air raids reached around 100%. 5 days in october means almost 16% of the month LOST for the SLAF (considering mainly jets). this is a HUGE loss given the CRITICAL stage of war.
i'm getting worried now. why don't we use jets to bulldoze LTTE positions around kili?
now civilians have MOSTLY vacated kili. not even food convoys can reach kili directly now as there is no need.
we must get our act together without unnecessarily risking life and limb of soldiers. that will distance the situ around kili FURTHER from a 'stalingrad' type situ.
SLAF jet attacks MUST recommence soon.
Seems like the game is for to exagarate losses to put Sri Lanka in the pity of the international community while defencenet and defencewire to play the propoganda to the crowds. Well too bad just like Karunanidhi tries to divert attention from his power cuts fallout. Sri Lankan intelligence is trying a dual approach to cover the inadequacies of Mahindha mama and the impending economic chaos in Sri Lanka.
Looks like defencenet has now come clean to admit this. This is how you are exposed and made to looks like fools. Its sad whether tamilnet or any sources Sri Lankans can never get the truth.
"Meanwhile there is still no confirmation on whether Cheliyan was killed in the LRRP attack last week. What is confirmed is that a senior LTTE leader was killed along with two other cadres. No precise intel has been gathered on the identity of the senior leader so far."
I think the absence of air sorties is due to Indian pressure. When our team is in India, SLDF do not want to disrupt talks with mistakes in accuracy and accidental civilian deaths.
However, they are using MI 24 as far as I know. Which is more effective than hitting selective targets with bombs and missiles.
Other factor may be SLDF is not giving out much details about everything thay are doing. In a way it can be a good tactic, don't you think?
It looks like Karunaindhi has put himself into a quadmaigre which both the ADMK and BJP will exploit in the comming general election. I guess its the end game there for the DMK.
Pakistan will probabily get an IMF bailout and will soon as January start itself being involved in a proxy war with the US. Sri Lanka like Pakistan is going to come empty hands from most countries except Iran. Both the financial crises and its ensuring turmoil has not started to set into Asia. There is a time lag and gues if you understand the nature of trade etc, there will be no further explanation.
The Beauty of the Oil market is that when the Dow inches up a 4 percents it jumps 10% and declines at a slower rate. Hence it will take some time.
Looks like Mahindha is the LTTE best friend. He says no EU checking US$150 million is nothing. I guess after Minh air and all the debacles its nothing.
Anywhere its the people you elect whom you deserve. I guess Gota your boss is going to promise slurpees. The common advertisments for them is they cause brain freeze.
Sadly defending the lankan rupee is costing Sri Lanka a Mig package every few months. Once the reserves run out and Sri Lanka becomes Pakistan part 2, lets see how far the war will drag. I guess people who need to move money out of lanka are doing so at the goverment subsidised rate. Guess who needs to move their money out.
The LTTE needs to thank Mahindha for proscuting its money operations in the US and Europe. It looks like they pre empted the crises and moved their money to safer markets.
No wonder their maintaing silence on their propaganda outlets. Just like those who are making money now.
Moshe boy said that I had revealed the pro LTTE stance. Well do you think colin powell supports obama only because he is black. I guess he is loses his opportunity to try for president the next time round. However Mccain and Pailin just do a wonderful job like Mahindha.
I mentioned this in the blog many times before. A leader might look strong at the start and at the end often they cause the most pain. You can add the once praised and revered superstar of the stock markets and economy Alan Greenspan to the list. A republican once called him the greatest fed chairman. Best part is Greenspan is a Jew and he is smart enough to leave before the boat sinks.
DMK: Act in haste and repent at leisure!!!! Enjoy!!!!
DMK's resignation drama may backfire:
I think you have gone crazy by thinking all sort of things that may save LTTE from present predicament.
Well, My advise to you is keep away from SL news and defence matters for days.
I may suggests to you visit few porno sites instead. Once you have clear mind again, you always can come bach here to get upset again!!
very likely.
but we also need the jets in action. battles in kili need them.
Yes Corey,
There lot of signs that Karunanidhi shit will hit the fan.
If it does tamila naadu support for LTTE is doomed til March/April elections.
Nothing is going in the correct direction for LTTE.
Parayaharan seems to have lost all marbles at the same time.
1. "Well do you think colin powell supports obama only because he is black?"
2. "Best part is Greenspan is a Jew and he is smart enough to leave before the boat sinks."
fantastic RACE CENTRED thinking (as always) mate!
keep it up.
you will get TAMIL (TAMIL, TAMIL, TAMIL, TAMIL) elam one day. it goes with your thinking.
BTW thanks for the hidden compliment.
sampai jumpa!
After I posted the casulities in the previous post, there is nothing to new that GOSL admits 30 soldiers killed.
Hello DW,
Can you tell us that how still ltte escaping from nachikudda sea? As you are more familiar that locality, do you think ltte is still able to run their sea operation pooneryn area when it is cut off in a32 road?
I think you have got special boat unit to tackle that kinda situation NOW with the production of 200 boats in Trinco.
Anyway, I respect your time to spend for us.
It will be nice if the new Arrow boats can be launched mid sea as and when required. This is 'Gallactic BattleStar' inspired mothership arrangement with child vessels deployed when enemy flotilla is detected.
The mothership can be stationed off the coast of Poonaryn. If not, the outlying islands can be a poor substitute.
Apa Kabar Moshe...Salamat Pagi Bro
So looks like either you live in the same country as I am or you have been here.
Sampai Ketamu Lagi
While all ministers including tamils like devananda and Karuna supports the govt and condemns Tamil Naadu DMK stint. One of present GOSL ministers (up country politico Chandrasekeran) is applauding Karunanidhi for his stand and trying to stage protest rallys in up country.
I think GOSL should throw this basterd out of his portfolio.
This bugger is a traitor and should be striped off from ministrial perks.
The JHU dumbos got the wrong Chandrasekaran I feel. This was Chandrasekara's statement last Sunday.
Indian origin leaders strongly condemn Tamil Nadu's fundamentalists
Ramalingam Chandrasekaran MP: "Persons like Nedumaran shoud know that ours is a sovereign state and interfering in our internal affairs is contrary to international norms and concepts. They should also know that over 55 percent of the Tamils are living outside the North and East amidst the Sinhala majority. Will they support independence movements in Kashmir, Nagaland, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh? The plantation people are people of Indian origin and they came from India. These Tamil Nadu politicians should express more concern over our problems. Over 28,000 people of Indian origin are languishing in refugees camps in Tamil Nadu. They are stateless and no Tamil Nadu politician took any interest to resolve their statelessness. We have submitted a motion in parliament for bestowing Sri Lankan citizenship rights on them and bringing them back here.
If they get 'Tamil Eelam' homeland which is the homeland for the other Tamils living outside North and East? It is not unlikely that Sinhala hardliners will tell them to pack up and go to 'Eelam'."
salamat pagi pak!
yes; i was there for a couple of years.
Hei Apinodannachess,
I have came across that word salamat in Philippines bro. Last year I went to Philippines twice for consultancy work and was staying in Linden Suites in Manila. also visited Legaspy, Leyete to evaluate their geo thermal power stations. I also went to Bacman, Macban and Tiwi power stations.
Nice place, almost like SL with all our fruits and vegies. Even I found "GOTUKOLA" and "KANG KUNG" when I was there.
So that is where you are right now?
This from sri lanka news papers....
"Government minister and Upcountry People's Front leader Periyasami Chandrasekaran says he supports the campaign by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi for the rights of northern Tamils whose lives are in danger due to the war offensive. Writing a..."
This is what I reffered:
The above stmtn must be by another Chandrasekaran then.
you probably know this already. gotukola is world famous which comes in brain/penis/digestive organs, etc, etc. related matters.
nice to see they use our word!
but apino is not from TP.
Hi apino,
Long time no see mate. How are you?
Hi Rana and Panhinda,
There are two chandrasekaran in parliment. One is upcountry minister who supports the karunathi move. Otherone is from JVP. He is also tamil by Name.
Ramalingam Chandrasekaran is a JVP mp.
V4V and Hemantha,
Thanks for your info, mates!
Philipino's not using the word "GOTUKOLA" and they are not eating it too. They think it is a kind of weed. But they eat "Kang Kung" and called it with the same name.
I gave a recipe for "GOTUKOLA Sambola" to
few local ladies who were with us to try.
Please don't use filthy language when describing past leaders of SL, especially those who have thrown out the invader and had been assasinated by the enemy.
It is just as bad as calling General Janaka Perera names.
Such attitude is fodder for the likes of FF who is just a MF.
If you want to make political comments use Asian Tribune.
"Ponnaya" on the other hand is fair game as he has not been a true leader and has continued to betray SL for political gain.
Nevertheless, by being tempted to make such comments you only encourage LTTE moles to add fuel to the fire (e.g. Lassana Atha).
I appreciate your concerns mate. However, I left SL about 18 years ago because of "Premadasa" and his interference with engineers in SL. He is always a "Gon Thadiya" to me. However, it is not personal any more. What he did with VP to get rid of IPKF is "MEE HARAK" act don't you agree.
Our boys are dying today because of that.
If IPKF had another year or two they could have taken care of VP saving us fortune and thousand of lives.
I usually do not use bad or filthy words to attack people but Ranil and Preme is special to me.
Sorry, If I caused any concerns to you, bro.
Moshe and Rana,
GOTUKOLA has been researched for 30 years or more now. It was initially investigated for its effect on the stomach and blood vessels and joints; more recently it has been investigated for effect on stress.
It is sold in the West as GOTUKOLA. Not as "Indian Pennywort" as some Europeans prefer to call it.
We would all agree that it is clearly a Sinhala Name. The reason for posting this information is to acknowledge that scientists from around the World have preferred to call this cure-all, its original Sinhala name. Something to be proud of.
We have not seen the end of discoveries attached to Gotu Kola. There are many other Ayurvedic treatments in SL which have not been subject to proper scientific study yet. It must be kept in mind that Ravana after all was credited with many of the Ayurvedic discoveries.
Sinhalas have much to be proud of and it is fine if we continue to be modestly self-aware.
This is something that envious MF's like FF has no recourse to. He can only exist in a living hell of hate and envy here and now. One suspects that there is a lot of self-hate there.
Damn good idea bro.
To get to the stage of having mother ships SLN will have to up the ante in terms of its know-how in ship building. I have heard that SLG is attempting to move in that direction.
As a small country SLG and SLDF needs to innovate and develop engineering principles unique to its situation. The mother ship ideas sounds brilliant but I don't of the practicality of it.
Would any engineers be able to comment.
Selamat Datang (the only other phrase I can recall is tandas!- the only place fit for Navindran)
Good retort to Navidran (Race Centred Thinking).
Every time we acknowledge someone like Navindran as Tamil we must laugh inside and reflect that he calls himself a name our forefathers used to insult foreigners whom they considered to be enemies. The fact that Navidran's forefathers preferred to call themselves Tamil (Damilla- enemy of Dhamma) is his problem. The fact that they linked it with the race theory of Caldwell (Aryan vs. Dravidian) is a huge problem for Navindran. This is because if he acknowledged that "Dravidian" and "Tamil" were just invented figments then his whole imaginary World comes crashing down. So, "race" (there is only one race- the Human Race) is an important concept for someone like him who requires it to maintain a false-self. He would be devastated if he was ever forced to look inwards.
Thanks for your update on "GOTUKOLA" bro. We have nice bed of gotukola in my back garden. Ony problem is it goes to sort of hybernation during the winter and usful in mid summer to end of autumn.
When I was in Fiji Islands, we used to eat "KANG KUNG" and "MUKUNUANNA" too but we didn't see any gotukola in Fiji. But "KOS", "DELL" and "POL" are plenty in FIji and Samoa islands.
wow! impressed with your knowledge, mate.
the problem of RACE-CENTRED thinking has unfortunately affected MOST (almost ALL) tamil politicians including ananda sangari (TAMIL united liberation front).
sadly, even ppl like p chadrasekaran (upcountry peoples front), mano ganesan (western peoples front) have also adapted to the RACE-CENTRED thinking.
what is more unfortunate is tamil ppl have been misled pretty badly and they have little choice.
as you say IF they have the courage (they don't) to do a "self-assessment", they will be ashamed of their petty thinking. so they found a "
so it is the sinhalese, muslims, indians, pakistanis, british, americans, malini parthasarathy, norwegians, etc., etc. are at fault for everything they suffer NOT vezapillai.
good that they (sympathisers of tamil elam) don't see the enemy within.
Thanks DefenceColumn,
'Militarily, Colombo is at an advantage'
Hooo Hooo Hooo, Heee Hee Heee
(Mahinda Ayye, Make Hindi compulsory now. Pleeaase :D - Ha Ha Ha- see what Navindran will do with that)
Look at some of the Indian comments on this article- especially their responses to "Tamilians" (Thank you Navindran etal for making our mopping up operations much easier after the end of this War):
"Any indian if supporting Tamil Elem, is like pakistani tring to separate J&K from india. Moraly we should not support Tamil Elem. There should not be different idology for our land and other's."
"by Perdesi on Oct 21, 2008 01:28 AM Permalink | Hide replies
The problem here is Tamil Arogance. Sinhalies are in Majority there and Tamilians should abide the law of the land. They started demending a seperate state and land for themselves. If you do same thing in any country, you will be crushed. I do not support any north Indian to support a sepeartist movement in any country. Moreover, LTTE is a terrorist organization who killed one of the Indian PM (Rajeev Gandhi and they must be punished for that.
I saw couple of fanatic Tamilians that why I made a point of Hindi. You tamilians disobey the federal governments stand on language. You do not want to mingle with others who are non Tamil speaking and when your A$$ is on fry then you are trying to get sympathy from rest of the India.
You will never get a support until you mingle with the rest of the country."
"by abbas adis on Oct 21, 2008 01:47 AM Permalink u know the history of tamil in lanka?..when u born ? in 1990s?.."
"Re: To the answers to my post.
by SethuMadhavan on Oct 21, 2008 02:11 AM Permalink
Tamils are not arrogant...they are aginst anything that alters their way of living/culture. We normaly associate ourself with our culture/language sometimes religious (hindu) beliefs . Every human being has right to practice their belief and sentiments in this modern soceity! Tamils are not against Hindi or buddhism...they are against any Hindi-thrust or Sinhala-thrust on them. Tamils are living all over the world and they never had any problem except srinlanka. Read, recent interviews (if you don't know past history about ceylon) by srilankan high officals, they have openly expressed their chavnism against Tamils. Tamil in ceylon wanted to have a decent life with rights par with sinhalee....they don't even want seperate land! They dont want to get killed, molested & terrorized by buddisht/sinhala chavinists.
They want long lasting peace without loosing their birth right. In mordern times, only Srilanka has constitution based on race! Per UN, srilank has the worst ratings in humanrights related issues.
UK had/having several parlimantary sessions discussing about the current Tamil-crisis....It is really hurting to see India is not even bothered.
Remember, We (Indians) created LTTE & the concept called Tamil-Ealam!"
"by Perdesi on Oct 21, 2008 02:35 AM Permalink
Thanks for your logical argument. When you said they do not want a seprate Tamil land in Sri Lanka then why they are fighting for Elam? As per my Tamil knowledge, Elam means a state. I am not from Tamil Nadu or South, I am from UP but know little bit Tamil also.
I appriciate the way Tamilains are trying to keep the culture alive, but hate to say that they are not cooprerative people et. all. I have not seen them mingling with others and that causes lot of friction. Why North Indians do not oppose any Telgu guyes, because they mingle with people from other parts of India. They try to speak the common language Hindi with others who understand Hindi. Tamilains are arrogant... and they say either you talk in English or Tamil only then there will be any communication else not. To get a support of society you need a proper communication.
The country is made up of one border, one language and one culture. In India only Tamilnadu is a state which distances itself from a National Language. They openly accept englsih which is a symbol of slavery but they do not want to accept Hindi. What a Joke."
Thanks for the update
It would be great if you post some article on how Jaffna is properly manage by Maj Gen GA Chandrasiri.
because it clearly shows how we manage civilian matters and civil administration and its best example of our army's excellence
Sound like tera use CS gas lot now.. are we also using any to counter attack?
No worries.
Gotu Kola is becoming a wildfire health kick in the West. Some natural health companies are marketing "Goto Kola" Capsules or liquid!
can you explain on "thermo baric weapons"? have they use in previous occassions?
I am just wondering what else these dogs will use against us?
Ok so VP's Bitch is back again
Hey Bitch,this is the extermination of Eelam, I read in a note here that 90% of tamils were against the LTTE, poor looser, go back to your Tamil homeland called "Tamil Nadu" and this is Sri Lanka where Sinhalese,Malays,Burghers and a "Majority" of Tamils love to live in, unfortunately a few rats like you cant see reality, too bad man, go get VP to stick it up once more, I think it will help with that urge you have.
this f'ing gotukola analysis is getting a bit too far, is certainly not the SLA's staple diet
Kilinochchi: The Specter of Stalingrad - International Terrorism Monitor---Paper No. 458
by B. Raman
Just read this paper, looks like Pro LTTE loving raman and me (also of same status)thinks along the same line. Shameful that RAW is contemplating so many lies. After all they say that the blogs are intleigence outpost. Now they say this. All are lies except what you read in defencewire and defencenet.However slowly the world seems to get in with more and more liars and the elements of truth are getting smaller and smaller. The harder they try in the language they use and way like chelian is killed with no confirmation goes to show who is really desperate now.
Honestly I thought stalingrad for kilinochi and why the LTTE was going thus far as being quiet as the intellengnce blog once mentioned. Well as they say the tiger crouches before pounching. However i would not go thus far. All situations are different and trying to relate one to another is far fetched. However .....
George Orwell once said that in times of universal decit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
Dear Navindran,
What is your vision for Lanka? Does it include armed LTTE? If not, how do you propose LTTE will end terrorism? What will the political solution look like and how long will the process take?
Sama sama pak....
You surprise me bro. I have been hear for 3 + years now and life is good here. If you ever return just let me know. May be we can go to Bats/ Hard Rock and have a beer or two .....and something else too bro.LOL
Hati Hati
Dear Bro Rana,
The Word Salamat in Philippines means "Thank you".
But the Selamat in Malay Archipelago means something like Good, Welcome etc...when you say Salamat means Good Morning.
Nope, I'm not in Philippines now, but I have tried widely in Philippines covering all most all Islands....yes wonderful place. But I never tried GotuKola coz....I was trying all other exotic stuff ....if you get the drift mate::::)
For about 2 years I was in and out of that place. Now I live in its neighborhood and mobile.
If you go to Phils again Try Borakai ( Beach) and Mindoro.....fantastic.
Cheers Mate
i remember hardrock (cafe? isn't it?).
& the chicks & their MASSIVE arses!!
TC mate.
(salamat) sore (or was it malaam?) now.
Hi Cousin V4V,
Yeah mate....took a breake from this blog....but I was enjoying all the post all along......
Me, not too bad....but will feel better if I can get you and others man....I mean dead.....just kidding bro.
How about you.....? Blogging along I guess.....from your recent post I'm confirmed you are a decent guy.
But in this fight there is no decency....there is only dead and living.
As always my wish is that it will be over soon, so that we can go about repairing damages on both sides. I long for the day when when our northern cousins can experience a normal life. So decimating the Terrorist is not the end of it. We have a long way to go. While our choice of roads may differ, I think the destination is the same.
Having said that I will do my best to screw the Terrorist Ass Licking DieAssPora....and you may try your best to screw us Sri Lankans.
Wishing you luck
Dear Moshe,
Yes its hardrock cafe....mmmm I like Dem too man.....just had one last weekend man. Its good that they like Hairy Sri Lankans.....
Its now Salamat Sore here
Likewise Bro.
This reply is to Navindran - the asshole who does not know what the fuck he is talking about
[ It looks like Karunaindhi has put himself into a quadmaigre which both the ADMK and BJP will exploit in the comming general election. I guess its the end game there for the DMK.]
Excellent guess - give you two cents for that
[Pakistan will probabily get an IMF bailout and will soon as January start itself being involved in a proxy war with the US.]
You meant proxy war for US right ? If you didn't, you dont know shit about what "proxy war" means or fuck about what you're talking LOL
Hint - If US doesn't want Pakis to have the money, IMF aint gonna give em money, got it? So again the conclusion is you either don't know what the fuck you are talking here or you are copay-pasting something we already know.
[ do Sri Lanka like Pakistan is going to come empty hands from most countries except Iran. ]
Asshole, unlike Paks, we did not go begging for money from no one, not even from Iran. Basically we stopped borrowing from countries more than a year ago, we just issue bonds lol. But ;) WB voluntarily offered $ 900 million for development work in SL fore the coming years, do you know why ? (whispering now) Rajapakse Inc bought the WB country directors hubby as a consultant for SEC LOL so in SL, donors are coming behind the govt to cover their sins now LOL I love Rajapakse brothers.
[ Both the financial crises and its ensuring turmoil has not started to set into Asia. There is a time lag and gues if you understand the nature of trade etc, there will be no further explanation.]
You fucking moron, its not the nature of trade its the nature of the products that we deal with that 's delaying the impact. If its the trade, it should be on the trading terms LOL asshole, American economy is driven by consumer spending, when there's no cash/credit they stop buying, when they stop buying, they start wearing their clothes longer, eat home made "rice & curry" and use the same car for few extra( sometimes months :D )etc thats how we Asians get effected - I got other work to do than explaining a moron about how SP will effect Asia !! Now stop talking about what you don't know and go back to your cashier job
[The Beauty of the Oil market is that when the Dow inches up a 4 percents it jumps 10% and declines at a slower rate. Hence it will take some time.]
You stupid fucking tiger moron, it works the other way !! Dow moves on Oil and its not the other way as you have tried to explain here LOL Can you belive this asshole ?
Oil price do not depend on "Dow basis points" you idiot, stop talking about things you do not know, you are such a fucking waste of blog space !! Do you even know from which market/s we buy oil ?
For the others here with brains, there have always been a historical relationship between Dow and certain commodities such as Oil and Gold etc (even Copper). Trends have been identified between these commodities and the Dow Jones industrial avrage since these are internationally-traded commodities that have been trading for a long period of time - so they offer a good historical data base for calculations. Dow Jones being the industrial index ( unlike the broader Standard & Poor’s 500 stock index ) gets directly affected by the commodity prices because its more dependent on industrial commodities. Of course Gold does not have much of an industrial use or relationship but it has a quasi-monetary value that follows the industrial supply-demand mechanism in the better times.
[Looks like Mahindha is the LTTE best friend. He says no EU checking US$150 million is nothing. I guess after Minh air and all the debacles its nothing.]
I bet your best friends are fucking you in the ass 24/7 -- thats why you came up with that stupid idea, that's all i got to say.
[Anywhere its the people you elect whom you deserve. I guess Gota your boss is going to promise slurpees. The common advertisments for them is they cause brain freeze.]
Moron - dont you get it ? We elected them to fuck you'll up lol that's all we wanted and thats exactly what they are doing, in style.
We did not expect them to manage the economy but they are doing it pretty well - we consider that a bonus which we did not even expect lol
Not bad for a ?
[Sadly defending the lankan rupee is costing Sri Lanka]
We are not defending it you asshole, we stopped defending it long time ago when CBK was fucking-the-show. Just go and have a look at the forex rates for the past one month and see how we have manged - tell me fucker, who is crying in SL, importers or exporters ? ( answer will tell us the capacity of your brain - not talking about its volume in liters now )
[a Mig package every few months.]
Its part of the plan to fuck you'll up lol
[Once the reserves run out and Sri Lanka becomes Pakistan part 2,]
You assholes have been waiting for our reserves to dry out for more than two years now LOL Lets see who's "reserves" & "resources" will dry out first, ours or yours ;)
[lets see how far the war will drag.]
:D Give us a clue great "Navindran" lol
[I guess people who need to move money out of lanka are doing so at the goverment subsidised rate. Guess who needs to move their money out]
You need to explain that in detail cos that does not mean anything at all, but it does not mean that other things that you have crapped make sense lol Comparatively talking here
[The LTTE needs to thank Mahindha for proscuting its money operations in the US and Europe. It looks like they pre empted the crises and moved their money to safer markets.]
LOL asshole, their hard earned money( go to to understand how hard they earn their money lol) got freezed before LTTE even got to move their fat asses. They had nothing to move to "other markets" you asshole - they only moved their "cheap labouor" from EU to Canada and Canada to EU LOL
Don't crap in this blog, you fuckers are bankrupt now. You dont even have enough money to charter a takaran plane for sun-goat's escape !!
[No wonder their maintaing silence on their propaganda outlets. Just like those who are making money now.]
what ? LOL
[Moshe boy said that I had revealed the pro LTTE stance. Well do you think colin powell supports obama only because he is black. I guess he is loses his opportunity to try for president the next time round. However Mccain and Pailin just do a wonderful job like Mahindha.]
No no you asshole, Colin decided to endorse him because Obama is Tamil - you didnt know that ? The-great-know-it-all-Navindran didnt know that ? LOL Get the fuck outta here you asshole you are no match for us "sinhala racists".
[I mentioned this in the blog many times before]
You mean you wasted lot of internet space, right ? Agree
[A leader might look strong at the start and at the end often they cause the most pain.]
True, Take Sun-goat, he's become the biggest liablity and the biggest pain in the ass for you fuckers.
[You can add the once praised and revered superstar of the stock markets and economy Alan Greenspan to the list. A republican once called him the greatest fed chairman. Best part is Greenspan is a Jew and he is smart enough to leave before the boat sinks.]
Yeah, take Taleivar, again, look what a fucking idiot he has been for all these years ? At first you thought he's the savior and now you think he's the moron who didn't take what Raniil offered on a silver platter.
I thought "Rum Jungle" was better ;)
B RAMAN's proper name is BRA-MAN. his analyses are as stupid as his name.
BTW please feel free to use the term suigenocide in blogs to describe the LTTE whenever they claim genocide.
derives from suicide + genocide.
karuna-nidi will become a farce and probably lose the election. then LPPE will send a suicide case to greet him.
he must be the biggest shitter in the pants these days. 'oka me dawas wala wasikiliyaka wenna one padinchiya'
MR/GR are giving the finger to every a$$hole that gets in the way.
way to go!!!
Cheers Rana
Victory against LTTE delayed by concern over civilains: Rajapaksa
India steps in, sends relief supplies to Lankan Tamils
well guys it ia almost 9.00PM here and I am about to hev me dinner after stiff three doubbles of JW.
Shan putha,
You may stepping on GOTUKOLA every day but for us who are thousand s of miles away from SL GOTUKOLA is a rare comodity.
lkdood your link is excellent bro,
last time parippu drop at least this time thay give it to redcross.
India is the sore sore finger in my right hand and it is also the middle finger.
Good night guys keep it up for next 09 hours.
good night every body.
Dear Rana,
He he he...thats interesting.....about the origins of "Apinodannachess".
I merely use it to reflect the fact that I'm alien to matters of defense.
cheers Rana
Oom Namo Namo Namah!
This means even the gods want the LTTE wiped out!!!
DMK join the fight to defeat the LTTE dictatorship that brings terrible misery to the Tamil people and all Sri Lankans!
Mate... I hope you can keep one tone related to subjects.
You have picked up about "Mariyakade's" swearing with out picking others.
I'm not a fan of swearing either.. however not a definite fan of double standard.
Oom shanthi oom shaanthiiii!
MK! Though shalt not espouse voilent terrorism! It is gods will!
Rajapaksa opposes ceasefire with LTTE
‘LTTE may lose legitimacy and land’
Josy Joseph
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 03:59
But violence will continue, say sources in the intelligence establishment
NEW DELHI: Even if the Sri Lankan military overruns the rebel capital of Kilinochchi, it would only “disperse the (LTTE) problem” and wouldn’t be the end of a quarter-century-old civil war in the island nation, believe Indian security establishment.
According to sources involved in assessing and analysing Sri Lanka’s civil war, a military takeover of Kilinochchi would only disperse the LTTE into smaller guerrilla groups. The immediate result could be a wave of suicide attacks in major cities like Colombo, and on high-value targets, they fear. A senior intelligence source says, Sri Lanka will “enter a more turbulent period.”
However, another senior source in the security establishment says, once LTTE is denied territorial dominance, it will change tactics and resort to more suicide attacks and other such acts. This is visible in the eastern province, which the LTTE lost after the Karuna faction split from them in 2004. Political assassinations and other acts of violence by LTTE continues in the eastern province, despite the TMVP (Thamil Makkal Viduthalai Puligal) — the political party led by Karuna, a former senior LTTE member — coming to power there.
A step up in targeted attacks, or suicide attacks would only further complicate the situation. “The military offensive definitely robs LTTE of some legitimacy, but that doesn’t end the violence,” says an analyst within the security establishment.
Indian security establishment also do not completely buy into the claims of Sri Lanka defence ministry that they are just a couple of kilometers away from Kilinochchi. They believe that the Sri Lankan forces are facing resistance and may not overrun the rebel capital so easily.
Sources also say there has been no increase in the number of refugees flowing into Tamil Nadu despite the onslaught of violence in recent months. The number of those returning to Sri Lanka from the refugee camps in Tamil Nadu has also not dropped, say sources. “LTTE wouldn’t let the civilians leave the island,” says one source, pointing that the civilian presence provides them a shield as well as the semblance of being a legitimate representative of Tamil people.
are my worst fears confirmed?
I said...
"IF no mig-kafir/f-7 attacks take place today, that is a FIVE (5) day curfew."
lankaguardian quoting a pro-LTTE newspaper says india is considering a "no-fly-zone" in vanni.
if there is any pressure from crap india to the way we do OUR war, we should immediately seek other help as much as we can.
the timing of all this bullshit is such shit. one one hand the fall of sakkilinochchi and poonaryn is imminenent, on the other the rainy season is starting.
LTTE terrorists have not stopped war or targeting civilians. fcuk mother india. if we can't, we should get the help of those who can.
I doubt if the lack of SLAF activity has anything to do with India.
It has been pissing down with rain here over the last few days. On Sunday when I was driving you could barely make out the car a few metres in front of you, and it hasn't improved much. Once the weather clears I'm sure the air strikes will resume.
LTTE sakkiliyas are clutching at straws if they think India will enforce any such no-fly zones here.
Lanka says Mukherjee can clarify humanitarian position himself
I saw few military vehicles bogged down in mud. 4WD enthusiasts use a number of techniques for driving in muddy conditions. These are;
1 - Tyre chains for traction. This really works. Use bar pattern instead of the diamond pattern generally used in winter conditions. The bar pattern will bite into the mud and give a lot of traction. Chains are a simple but effective concept. These can be made by the military themselves for their vehicles.
2 - Reduce the tyre pressure. Reducing pressure gives a lot of traction.
3 - Turn the steering wheel left and right from the centre turning front wheels bite into mud searching for traction.
4 - Use tyres with large gaps in the tread pattern so that tyres clean itself of mud.
Every little help to keep the momentum up counts. Military drivers must be at least have some awareness of these techniques during this period.
Please visit who live in London (UK)
It is a historical tragedy that the proud Tamil people have no state of their own. We gratefully take extended hand of support to our people who are struggling to setup an independent state for the Tamil people.
- Nadesan writes to Tamil Nadu (LTTE PS)
I personally regret Tamil people not having a state of their own. However I shall bitterly oppose any attempts to make this my problem.
Last update on LTTE PS was 15 Oct. Have they pulled the plug I wonder! hmm. LTTE PS is hosted in a Nowegian server
traceroute :
1 ( 2.007 ms 1.163 ms 1.114 ms
.. ( 24.412 ms ( 24.422 ms
12 ( 36.701 ms 36.567 ms 36.614 ms
13 ( 125.362 ms 123.627 ms 123.734 ms
14 ( 124.296 ms 123.797 ms 123.576 ms
15 ( 124.207 ms 123.795 ms 124.749 ms
that is a definite reason.
a bit relieved now.
anyway the no-fly-zone crap comes from uthayan - a pro-LTTE newspaper quoted by LG which is very unlikely to happen.
SL air space belongs to SL only.
wow! the is hosted on a server at Moran Hotels, Dublin, Ireland
Their contact info to write an angry letter if anyone wishes;
Red Cow Complex, Naas Road, Dublin 22
T: +353 (0)1 459 3650 | F: +353 (0)1 459 1588 |
1 <1 ms <1 ms 4 ms . []
7 * 177 ms 31 ms []
8 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms []
9 49 ms 10 ms 202 ms
10 18 ms 9 ms 9 ms []
11 10 ms 9 ms 11 ms []
12 11 ms 16 ms 14 ms []
Three important developments bros,
1. DMK resignation blunder surely heading for a norse dip. Sure to skin the LTTE/TNA/Nadu cat for good.
2. GoSL finally found cash and guts to show the finger to EU on another HR inspection/reporting for consideration of GSP+
3. DMK pressure seems to have somewhat galvanising the otherwise devided southern politic.
4. Sri Lanka appears to have found her hardened resolve which this nation did not have for a long long time
Obviously, credit must go to the valient armed forces who are fighting hard, but a clean war.
No rush folks. time is back on our side and ball on theirs.
Keep up good work DW
Three important developments bros,
1. DMK resignation blunder surely heading for a norse dip. Sure to skin the LTTE/TNA/Nadu cat for good.
2. GoSL finally found cash and guts to show the finger to EU on another HR inspection/reporting for consideration of GSP+
3. DMK pressure seems to have somewhat galvanising the otherwise devided southern politic.
4. Sri Lanka appears to have found her hardened resolve which this nation did not have for a long long time
Obviously, credit must go to the valient armed forces who are fighting hard, but a clean war.
No rush folks. time is back on our side and ball on theirs.
Keep up good work DW
Saman we are not out of the wood yet, nothing is certain. But what ever problems we face we should only stop (if we have to) after taking killi poonaryn and EP.
Stoping before that would be equal to a LTTE victory. Though our SLA has done more than what i ever expected them to do, from where we are now we must achieve that target.
If we do the at least then the next future gernation will have chance of putting end to this war...
from six silent men
January 1, 2008 by lrrp
In 1759 Major Robert Rogers commanded s small unit of scouts and raiders in what was then Britain’s American colonies, fighting against French and Native American Indians.
These are Major Robert Rogers standing orders issued to his Rangers. Some of the language and details are dated, but these orders are still very relevant and guide our every action in the field.
The standing orders for this unit represent a blueprint for the tactical operations of special forces even now.
1). Don’t forget anything.
Have your musket clean as a whistle, hatched scoured, sixty rounds powder and ball, and be ready to march at a minute’s warning.
2). When you’re on the march, act the way you would if you was sneaking up on a deer. See the enemy first.
3). Tell the truth about what you see and what you do. There is an army depending on us for correct information. You can lay all you please when you tell other folks about the Rangers, but don’t ever lie to a Ranger or an officer.
4). Never take a chance you don’t have to.
5). When you’re on the march we march single file, far enough apart so one shot can’t go through two men.
6). If we strike swamps, or soft ground, we spread out abreast, so it’s hard to track us.
7). When we march, we keep moving till dark, so as to give the enemy the least possible chance at us.
When we camp, half the party stays awake while the other half sleeps.
8). If we take prisoners, we keep them separate till we have time to examine them, so they can’t cook up a story between them.
9). Never march home the same way. Take a different route so you won’t be ambushed.
10). No matter whether we travel in big parties or little ones, each party has to keep a scout twenty yards on each flank and twenty yards to the rear, so the main body can’t be surprised and wiped out.
11). Every night you’ll be told where to meet if surrounded by a superior force.
12). Don’t sit down to eat without posting sentries.
13). Don’t sleep beyond dawn. Dawn’s when the French and Indians attack.
14). Don’t cross a river by a regular ford.
15). If somebody’s trailing you, make a circle, come back onto your tracks, and ambush the folks that aim to ambush you.
16). Don’t stand up when the enemy’s coming against you. Kneel down, lie down, and hide behind a tree.
17). Let the enemy come till he’s almost close enough to touch. Then let him have it and jump out and finish him with your hatchet.
India hasn’t demanded halting war against LTTE: Rajapaksa
Usually lease the servers to requsters. Rackspace has some data centers on Hays (UK) too.
Therefore if can get correct links between LTTE and (in court of law) could push Rackspace to dump that
site under the UK terror low.
Guys Defence Ministry should let poeple visit Tamilnut. Because banning site make people think government is hiding stuff from the public.
Furthermore anyone with some IT Knolegde know how to use proxy sites to bypass.
There's actually some concern after LTTE failed to declare the loss of Chelian. This could mean one of two things.
1. He was not inside the cab ambushed by CR
2. He is dead but LTTE is hiding the fact
Scenario #2 is quite unlike the Tigers, especially when faced with the loss of a high profile fighter. However, it cannot be completely ruled out due to fear of losing morale in its ranks. The Tigers have also not rejected the claim.
The incident in question did take place. The cab arrived as intelligence had indicated. Two side chargers, each weighting 20kg each was detonated killing two outriders. Monitored communication indicated a third inside the cab was also killed.
There is no way CR unit could've checked who was killed. Unlike someone said some time ago, LRRP units don't stand next to the road to shoot people passing along the road in the head. Immediately after an attack of this nature the safety of the unit becomes paramount. LRRP considers the mission as the number one priority, then the unit, the regiment, the army and the country come in that order because that is what it comes down to, deep inside hostile territory.
But the unit reported a direct hit and monitored communications indicated the occupant was also killed. Intelligence had given CR instructions that the specific target traveling in the cab as Chelian. So it is reasonably assumed that Chelian was killed. Unless the Tigers claim otherwise or intelligence proves it any further, this is where the matter will stand.
its possible but really not worthwhile since they can easily switch to another domain provider in jamaica for example.
as a principle we should be against suppressing any kind of media. we have to allow them to say what they want and intelligently rebuke them if its misleading.
whats important here is why moran hotels? who are they? maybe they are a money laundering operation for ltte. we know they have links in ireland with vesza daughter and wife studying there. all money is apparently handled by vezha's wife side of the family. since gosl dont have a presence there and ltte is not yet banned in ireland, its quite possible some of their finances are tied up in hotels such as this.
Point taken.
Sri Lanka needs to go for replacing petrol with sugar cane ethanol as soon as possible.
Our annual fuel bill is $2 billion. This is tough for a small developing country like Lanka. If we can reduce or eliminate this cost, we can continue the war to eradicate the LTTE without further financial constraints. We can carry out war for a longer span of time because we have more money at hand.
All we need to do is plant sugar cane in 65,000 hectares. This will produce enough ethanol to replace petrol in Lanka per year, every year.
So in other words, 65,000 hectares is the only thing that stands between lanka and fuel independance.
If Sri Lanka is going for sugar cane ethanol, we must to get the Brazil involved.
They are the masters of sugar cane ethanol. They will help us plant the right varieties of sugar canes in the right type of soils to produce more ethanol per hectare.
If we do this right, we could be able to produce 780 million litres of ethanol per year from 65,000 hectares instead of the projected 370 million litres per year. Imagine that!!
Thanks DW,
These peelam gon thadi has a narrow minded shit only.Bro great.
Thundering typhoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Goldeneagle,
I am thinking whether it will be possible to make eelamish-ethanol.
Maybe we should try after all eelamists are objects for scientific research.
Perhaps place a few eelamists on a KRD, fix a piston onto the upcoming smoke and see if it causes any chemical reaction that would generate power.
P = e + KRD
What do you call a female clown?
Army advances will not end war
Hi Tata,
How are you? Sorry I am not trying to be funny here though I have to admit I was not serious on this one.
But it's ok to have some fun at the expense of eelamists.
what is this(tamil) ?
Panhinda, Perein
Isn't tamilnet seems to be hosted in Slough, UK. And seems to be the ISP. A reverse lookup on IP does give, and no idea where comes in.
Google map locations (probably of the locations where the gateways of the hosting company are)
Protigers are threatening (to kill?) Subramaniam Swamy. Find the link below:
'Vivek from Canada on Oct 21, 2008 3:46:20 GMT
It’s time to send the Indian foreign policy-advisor on a long-leave.'
Anti-terrorist exhibition in UK highlights Tiger atrocities
Thanks for your advise mate. If somebody want to say something useful while mixing it with colourfull+ language, I don't mind it.
However, in this case only nothing useful to read but only trash of the lowest level!
Good morning Guys, is reporting some sort of a rift bewen LTTE battle commanders. They seems to be accusing each other for their failures and lack of coordination.
As I said couple of days ago "confusion amoung cadres" is ver good for SLDF!
The other thing is has updated map1 and map2 of situ. Map1 does not show TF1 crossing A32. Why?
Cyber map clearly shows crossing A32 while orbat map is not.
May be MOD people are not updating these maps accurately.
Any thoughts?
Rana, the orbat maps state that they are showing the situation on October 15. I think the advances have been made after that date.
14 dead in bomb blast in northeast India:
Bad news for the LTTE. India can hardly demonstrate to its many terrorist separatists that, yes, terrorism do work, if you use enough bombs and terrorism, then you will be rewarded with a separate state.
War heroes have succeeded in taking control of the Gajabapura artillery camp which was taken over by the LTTE in 1999:
Thanks mate, two good links! Well done!
Our brave brothers are kicking not only Ltte ass, NGO ass too...
MR did a grate job, now Tamilnadu can STFU...ya baby.
අපේ සිංහල කොල්ලන්ට ජය වේවා!
කිලිනොච්චියේ සිංහ ධජය නංවන දිනය ළඟයි
මොරටු සමන්
ෂ්රී ලංකා
Perein and Panhinda,
I have not taken a close interest in Internet security for a few years but am aware that IP spoofing has been around for more than a decade. Add to this things like URL proxying, it would not be hard to hide your whereabouts.
With regard to the IP address in Ireland, it makes me wonder if it is now possible to have a dynamic IP assigned to a domain (This would make the Tiger fronts more mobile thus difficult to track down). I must start catching up on all this stuff again.
BTW, I can assure you that SLDF have some of the best IT minds around assisting them.
It would be an idea to develop a secure site for a few Defencewire bloggers who want to share more sensitive information and assist in the future Intelligence War against the enemies of Lanka and I would imagine there would be enough bloggers with the know how to create such a system.
Moratu Saman,
I like your signature. I might consider something like it.
sithsala, mailravana,
The server is in Slough, England but the domain belongs to a company in Ireland. This is typical of 'managed solutions' that hosting providers now offer to medium-to-large enterprises. This is where they lease a computer on a rack to the customer in their data centre. The customer has a dedicated machine including OS configuration. They have full control including the domain address and apps hosted within. Have a look at for their hosting packages.
What a fantastic and accurate article by Thomas Johnpulle in Lanka Guardian!
I salute him for his knowledge and vission!
LTTE attack two merchant ships carrying essential supplies to civilians - Jaffna
I agree about John Pulle's article.
I have also been following Sebastian Rasalingam's articles for a while.
These guys are the sort of proud and honest Tamils we can respect and have a brotherhood with. No patriotic sinhala could refuse to extend a hand of friendship and brotherhood to these guys who are not elitist but merely want the best for their poorer cousins, much like many of us do.
Rasalingam in particular appears to believe in the common heritage of "Tamil" and "Sinhala" which I find refreshing. I think is that nearest point of that common heritage is to be found in the ancient Pandyas amongst whom were Panduvasudeva and Pandukabhaya. I rekon Paranavithana was on to the uncovering of this history before he retired. We don't seem to have heard any further about this prehistorical Panyan connection centred at Anuradhapura since the 1970's.
It is time to put aside race-based thinking and pull together a magnificient "Mandala" of modern Lanka. I really think the MR is the man to do it. Despite what you may think of Preme, MR is like an improved version of Premadasa; one on steroids!
Come on Mahinda Ayya!
rana & mailravana,
agree with you on john pullei and rasalingam.
simply great men who have to fcuking courage to stand up. but john pullei may be a colombo chetti, not quite tamil just for a fact.
but that is bullshit. what matters is what they say not their fcuking race.
"LTTE attack two merchant ships carrying essential supplies to civilians - Jaffna"
what's happening with this news?
do you have any upgrades on this?
BS! these ships are carrying stuff MAINLY for 40k-50k soldiers in jaffna.
we have a VERY dangerous situation now.
just look at the strategic implications. india was trying to intervene to provide humanitarian supplies, etc. now they are MORE reasons to do so. they don't come alone. they come with a compulsion to stop the military operations.
"Moratu Saman,
I like your signature. I might consider something like it."
Thanks Brother!
"It would be an idea to develop a secure site for a few Defencewire bloggers who want to share more sensitive information and assist in the future Intelligence War against the enemies of Lanka and I would imagine there would be enough bloggers with the know how to create such a system.
Yes! You can use VPN - it's pretty secure, but when we are on a network we have no clue about other node (person etc) then how are we going to trust, we are living in a crazy edge...
We must use digital finger prints and that's lots of work, but that’s how US-mill does things, otherwise you can't protect state secret.
අපේ සිංහල කොල්ලන්ට ජය වේවා!
කිලිනොච්චියේ සිංහ ධජය නංවන දිනය ළඟයි
මොරටු සමන්
ෂ්රී ලංකා
Moratu Saman,
I agree about VPN and digital signatures.
PGP provides opportunity for military-grade encryption. However, it is best to know the person you communicate with personally and exchange public-keys. The next best thing is to exchange public-keys and to publish the digital signatures of these keys.
It would also be important find ways of protecting the IP of origin through spoofing. I would also go so far as to use MAC addresses which cannot be traced through purchase orders.
These are some of my ideas.
so How's the "Race" going?
was it enough supprises waiting for you there?
does it takes 3 days to cross 3km?
we all know whom you are trying to fool.
How about you start planning for a backward race, i am sure you will do better there, maybe like 30km per hour?
Best wishes!
Agree 150% on vission those two gents are shown.
Specially Johnpulle is advocating to tamils to shed eelam and federalism both. Live any where you want peacefully with the rest. That is my vission too.
Coming into India factor:
I am 100% sure Indians will not force SL to stop military action against LTTE. They will ask GOSL to help them without providing ammunitions to tamil naadu politicos.
That is understandable. Today also there is bomb blast in India which killed 14 and injured many. With Jammu-Kashmir problem at hand, they don't want LTTE to succeed.
I ndia would like to see that military operations conclude ASAP with achieving the target.
However, with monsoon going like hell, most of heavy assets may bogged down limiting the battle to light infantry. That will delay our progress.
SLA should think hard and come up with new strategies. Try and advance through Nagarkovil, Muhamalei and Kilali is a good option though bit risky without silencing Poonaryn guns.
Other way is stepping up LRRP and DPU attacks.
Hey Kaavaa!!
P** off looser!!
your so called 'peelam's days are numbered!!
One ship's hull gone, the other slight damage perhaps. These are ships on lease so cost is minimised. This has no other implications other than cost involved replacing another ship and the salvage operation. The on board sailors have done a pretty good job considering 2 boats out of 3 were captured or destroyed. I estimate things coming back to normal 2-4 weeks tops.
Also SLAF cannot do much with poor ground visibilty from the air due to heavy rain.
The other danger is LTTE sending small units through unguarded holes to inflic maximum damage form behind close to FDL with heavy rain.
I think you all know about monsoon in SL. It rains cats and dogs some times for hours which will cut down visibility and noise completely.
Moshe Dyan,
we have a VERY dangerous situation now.
just look at the strategic implications. india was trying to intervene to provide humanitarian supplies, etc. now they are MORE reasons to do so. they don't come alone. they come with a compulsion to stop the military operations.
I see it differently. I think India desperately wanted to show that they are responding to TN's call. It is like what Malberi unit (in CBK time) or JVP did during CBK time. They cool down the public, because when there is a crisis, public think that since Malberies are there, we don't need to worry. The Melberi do shout very loud and government is also listening to them, but at the end nothing is really happening.. Public also get tired of keep on looking at it, forget it later..
In this case also, the same thing is happening. I am not surprise if India take another one or two steps forward either.. India has very little options here. To me sending food is a wise move. However that does not mean that they are threatening us..
This is the first time I am hearing about India pressuring to stop the operations?? Can you give some reference for that ???
Agree mate, look at my posting to Moshe on the same issue.
I have gone to few Indian web sites and blogs, I have seen majority of Indians are angry with TN politicos.
I was scared last couple of weeks K'nidhi's stint will gather momentum but now ther are all signs that it is going to backfire. If it goes like that, what they have done is more harmful to LTTE than we envisaged!!!
history & rana,
in order to carryout humanitarian work, operations should have to stop.
it is a byproduct of the socalled "humanitarian" concerns. the same thing happened in 1987. india dropped lentils, rice, etc. in june and by july forced SL to stop operations.
In 1987 they violated our air space by sending mirajs and evironmwnt they created was more aggressive than today.
Today they are going to handover supplies to redcross and red cross has not said (at leat yest) they can't operate with out ceasefire.
That is the difference, having said that, there is a chance though minimal it can get tougher than that.
"having said that, there is a chance though minimal it can get tougher than that."
this is what i'm considering, mate.
the rest is not worth discussing.
I have infiltrated a discussion board. My identity is not known. Will keep you posted and hopefully entertained.
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