Wednesday, October 29, 2008

TAF bombing update

It is now confirmed that two low flying Zlin 143 light aircrafts that bombed Thaladi camp last night had been proceeding towards the President's House at Fort when they were diverted by heavy Anti-Aircraft gunfire.

The two planes, one of which had emptied its cargo in Mannar, had flown closer to the Colombo harbour and attempted to enter the air space directly above Pettah. Their direction, informed sources claimed, was towards the President's House.

This area is highly fortified with AA batteries placed on all high rise buildings, including the Hilton Hotel, World Trade Center Towers and the Bank of Ceylon building. Heavy concentrated AA gunfire directed towards the noise of the oncoming planes may have effectively averted an attempted LTTE 'decapitation strike' on the President.

We have also obtained information that indicates that the Sri Lanka Air Force had made no response whatsoever to pursue the aircraft sighting bad weather conditions. In fact, most F7 Pilots return home after 5pm. Bad weather was also cited for discontinuing jet bomber attacks on Tiger positions in the north.

It had taken the two planes 20 minutes to reach Colombo from Mannar. Throughout this 20 minute flight, the two planes had been popping up and down on the radar screen. This is ample time for the SLAF to have readied an appropriate response.


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Unknown said...

Canadian LTTE front sends death threats to Jayalalitha

Over here....

V4Victory said...

Based on bbc report:
The minister said that security precautions had been taken as the power station had been classified as a key strategic point.

“The power station had a contingent of about two thousand Army personal and anti aircraft guns were in place"said Minister Senaviratna.

2000 army personal to guard this power station!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think Seneviratna doesnt know how to count. If he does, it is really pathetic and I will shame on me by having MR as enemy. really.

Peter said...


I know I am on the opposite side, but I can't believe some of the stuff I am reading in the papers today.

If it is true that all the pilots went home at 5pm, the air force chief has to resign or be forced out.

Of course, no one can work 24hours a days for 7 days a week, but has he not heard of shift working?

Do your ambulance, fire and police services all shut at 5pm as well?

Isn't the country's air force part of the emergency services as well?

I am ashamed that the Tamils are fighting against such incompetent fools. Put your air force chief on the shop front at Foodcity.

V4Victory said...

Ok guys,

Dont be upset. Officially valiant soldiers captured Nachchikuda today.

So be happy. ok?

Ra said...

Moda Peter,

Your thought to be intelligent but moda tamil gang still fight the incompetent forces of Sri Lanka. For how long? 30 years? LOL

Moda Peter's clan wants our chiefs to be removed from their positions one way or the other.

perein said...

kumudini silva-
Easier every one to point out when things goes wrong !!
Let's stick to gether during the bad time as well as good time shall we?

kappetipola said...

Constantin Demiris .
you are right machan .

Rana - thanks for letting me knw abt my username . u knw I dnt give a f* how its write in English.

Machan I was reading DW since last year but very often publish posts here and we (friend of team) reading all the defence news and just finding out who is misleading and who is giving true info. U knw sometimes publishing true info is support Terrorist.

I want keep repeat abt resigning of SLAF commander . just want let u guys . Air Force wont just carry out air attack it has to approve by president to air force pilot . so if you r saying SLAF commander to resign .MR also has some sort of responsibility even GR also victim of failure . so macho this is not the thing. I saw post abt saying how many times LTTE failed but no body resigned.

Anybody resigned in US after 9/11 ??? it’s a joke man Praba will LAO.

Ok I will point out what I knw to prepare for these unidentified air crafts (they are not Zlins ! its upgrade version.) . we need to have mobile air protect unit it should be active around 24 hour day . and no more AA guns . when AA guns active even bats cant fly ! its well known secret . but its good to keep ground to air missile system for un-identified (not identified attacks ! ) air planes.

kappetipola said...

2000 !!! for kalanithissa bloody hell ! as i knw kalanithissa is backup right so what abt Randenigala,Victoria . is there anything to protect those places.

Kithul said...

monitor vanni airspace/ground/sea closely

Why can't they inform SLAF as soon as this tin can take off

monitoring nor informing SLAF has not been the issue. The ZLINS have been detected.

As DW says from the time the ZLINS took off they had been popping up on radar. Other articles speak of 58 div hearing the sounds and informing and also the SLN monitoring. There is also talk of irnamadu being attacked to prvent the ZLINS landing etc.

the issue here is 'appropriate action' not being taken.

but I tend to agree with Perein when he says Let's stick to gether during the bad time as well as good time shall we?

SLDF's have transformed to forces to be reckoned with by learing and adapting, we are all sure the right thing will be done and possibly would have been done. as SF- always end only time will tell...

san said...

Interceptors’ missile ‘lock on’ failure jolts SLAF

Tuesday’s failure to shoot down a single LTTE aircraft despite timely detection by radar has jolted the SLAF into investigating its limitations amidst evidence that the enemy has acquired a capability to neutralise the threat of a heat seeking missile attack.

An authoritative source said that Chinese F7s launched from Katunayake air base had failed to zero-in-on the enemy aircraft. "Their (F7s) missile systems failed to ‘lock on with the enemy aircraft," the source said. This would necessitate an overall review of the SLAF’s strategy, the source said. The military asserted that the LTTE could try to exploit the situation.

The initial detection had been made north-east of Mannar at 10.18 p.m. by 2D radar installed by the Government of India at the SLAF base at Vavuniya.

Thaladdi had come under attack within minutes after the detection, the source said.

Both the Indian radar and a Chinese 3D radar station located in the Western Province had detected the enemy aircraft but interceptors failed to carry out a successful missile strike. 2D radar provides direction and the distance of a target whereas the Chinese radar provides even the altitude of a target.

Last September, a heat seeking missile fired by an interceptor brought down one of the two LTTE aircraft returning to their base after attacking Vavuniya air base. Although the LTTE denied the SLAF claim, a senior military official pointed out that the LTTE had deployed only one aircraft to carry out Tuesday’s operation. Each previous raid directed at military and economic targets had involved two aircraft, the official said. "May be they are now left with one aircraft," he speculated. But the possibility of their having additional aircraft couldn’t be ruled out, he said.

The SLAF said that after dropping two bombs on Thaladdi base, the aircraft had veered westwards towards the sea and flew southwards before moving back towards land at a point near estuary of the Kelani River. The SLAF said that the aircraft had taken almost the same route back to its base in the Vanni. Under anti-aircraft fire, the LTTE plane had dropped two bombs over the Kelanitissa power facility.

The damage caused to two power stations, combined cycle power plant and diesel powered Fiat GT 7 installed within the Kelanitissa complex would cause a severe deficit in the country’s electricity demand.

Although Power Minister John Seneviratne and his Deputy Mahindananda Aluthgamage played down the issue, The Island learns that the GT 7 had been severely damaged. After inspecting the damaged facility, Seneviratne said that it would take about six months restore GT 7.

Addressing a hurriedly arranged press conference at Kelanitissa, the minister expressed confidence that the CEB would be able to meet any shortfall of supply through other means. Kelanitssa workers told The Island that both stations had been switched off pending investigations. They said that the GT 7 generated 110 mega watts while the combined cycle power plant generated 165 mega watts. Altogether, they generated 275 mega watts out of 530 mega watts produced by Kelanitissa facility.

They said the severe damage caused to the combined cycle power plant would deny the country the capacity to generate 55 mega watts almost free of charge. Of this particular plant, 110 mega watts were generated by using naphtha and 55 mega watts produced as a byproduct, they said. "This would be heavy burden on the taxpayer," a senior employee told The Island.

The SLAF is responsible for a series of highly successful air strikes against the LTTE since August 2006. The LTTE fighting capability has been greatly reduced to SLAF action directed against a range of targets.

V4Victory said...


I think Minister must be wrong. 10-15 soldiers might be stationed at the time. If they dont know about military matter, they should keep mouth shut in that subject.

Ltte intentionaly attacked Mannar first and after 90 minutes later they attacked Colombo. I am not sure they wanted to show their strength or they expected something else.

සිසිර කුමාර said...

Karunanidi to increase SL foreign reserves


Peter said...

UN used USD to buy food in SL to send to Vanni.

TN will use INR to buy food in India and send to Vanni.

Whose lose?

B#1 said...

Brother Peter,

Sinhalese don't have proper knowledge about Tamil Ealam. They know only whats happening in Colombo watching Rupawahini & ITN. So they should update with what's going on in Ealam.

Earlier I heard that in Ealam they had Supreme Court and Police. Also they operate Banks and they were to introduce Ealam Currency too. But for long time I didn't heard any development in Ealam.

Peter please let us know, have they introduce Credit Card too??? :)

At present situation how can we Identify Elam Police and Elam Fighters separately??

mulathiev TARZEN said...


jaathika weeraya
jaathika ponnaya
jaraaa paksha rakapyaw!
jaaathika moodaya
gontaabaya rakapiyaww!

..violation of air space is nothing to be ashamed of, but flying without on board lights switched!! hoo hooo kakkaa kotee!

after next raid, u weerayoo also say the same thing,so don`t bother issuing press-release!!..b`cos we always can read the previous press-release and satisfied..!aioo, amoo!

Unknown said...

To those who want to keep the current air chief:

As I said just after AAB attack (you are welcomed to go and search those posts if you want…), don’t let your sentiments cloud your judgement. We have to ruthless if we are to win this war against the most ruthless terror outfit in the world.

I am not one of those people who moan at every little mistake that our forces make. However, making the same mistake nine times is inexcusable!

• No point is arguing about what technology SLAF has or should have. Some of this information is classified and people can’t discuss it in a blog like this. The bottom line is that tigers used their tin cans for the first time in March 2007 and since then we’ve poured billions of rupees into SLAF. It was air chief’s job to make sure we get the right equipment for that money. Therefore, if we lack equipment to tackle the problem or if we have sub-standard equipment, then whose fault is that?
• If F-7 can’t obtain a radar lock in bad weather, why the hell did we buy them? SLAF chief should’ve known about SL weather, after all he’s lived here all his life.
• Those who say that it takes time to get airborne…don’t bullshit. So, according to you guys, we will never be able to intercept anything because it takes more than 40 minutes for SLAF to get airborne and that is plenty of time for tigers to escape. This again is air chief’s fault. He has to put in place mechanisms so that SLAF can get airborne quickly.
• Those who say that SLAF needs permission from GR to intercept something….don’t bullshit! If this indeed is the case, then again it’s air chief’s fault as SLAF is severely hindered in that case. So, air chief should’ve thought about it and together with GR, shoud’ve changed the procedure.
• Constantin Demiris – I’m not an expert in military matters but don’t be so rigid mate. Look at what’s happened to SLA since SF introduced promotions on merit.
To those who say that nobody resigned from LTTE…this is just comical! How the f*** do you compare a terrorist outfit run by a megalomaniac to a democratically elected government of a soverign country that is accountable to the public? Get real….

I agree with Constantin Demiris that one of the problems with our country is that everyone is an expert. However, this is not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is that some of us are arrogant f***s who are not willing to listen to reason or think logically.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...


"Moratu Saman,

probably they have some tamils very close to Katunayaka air force base with a cell phone to inform if fighter jets take off. Then leadership in Wanni goes to the rat hole because it takes at least half and 20-30 to cover distance between Katu and Mulative.

Other moles may not necessarily be tamils, we already know there were many sinhala defence officers who sold their mother for right price."

Yes Sir; good thinking, they indeed do use cell phone to inform about our fighters.

Katunayaka and Ea-kala air force bases are not far away from Rad-dolluwa flats and Ea-kala Niwasapura, I personally know lots of tamilians already living in them, but I don’t know who gave them permissions.

I hope DOM guys reading our posts and taking right action.

mulathiev TARZEN said...

so missile did not locked on to zlin,..!! so why din`t f-17 pilot try on board gun on zlin.or why did`t he follow the zlin so he can see where it lands..?..

meewa..paw kathaa!..buddhist cheats buddhist?..buddhist lying to fellow buddhist!! paw wadaa!

saadhu! saadhu, saaadhoooo!

Prodigy said...

Looking at the Island article I think LTTE acquired IR jammer (Infra Red). Jamers used to prevent lock the target.
Basically Fighter Jet have to detect the IR (Heat) from the LTTE Air Craft lock the target. Then pilot could release the missile to the target.
If that is the case Air Force have serious problem since all the current Air-to-Air missiles useless. Maybe even F-7's. Even MANPADS useless. F-7 could not use cannon since it's flying altitude. Only way is dive and fire which is very dangerous. Definitely first few shots not going to hit and people / house or what ever in the ground get it.

Guys please don't ask to send MI-24 or other helicopter to hunt LTTE plane at night. That's not possible (Could be if you are lucky). All the Air Force helicopters do not have radars. They have only night flying capability, that's mean fly or attack to known location. Also easy hit friendly fire.

To my knowledge this could be counter by Laser or Radar guided systems and that's mean more and more money. I think best would be use MI to find the location and bomb. These air crafts could be anywhere since they do not need proper runway. I don't think they their runways, they are just decoys.

Moshe Dyan said...


true DW, MOD, etc. says we detected TAF crap from take-off. but where is evidence?

if they knew the take-off position, that would have led to a series of attacks, isn't it?

SLN, 58 had noticed, but by the time they notify the authorities it would have been very late.

imagine the situ. zlings comes up on radar. F-7s launched. F-7 pilot is in contact with ground control who knows where EXACTLY is the zling at any time (until landed or reduce altitude). (forget about complex detection systems in the plane) he can get close to the vicinity within minutes. when this happens the F-7 detention systems have come close enough to lock the target.

similarly, IF radar had detected zlings over colombo and IF there were communication between the radar centre and gunners of AA batteries (leaving automatic ones aside) why did they shoot all over the place?

what seems to have happened is irratic detection (not continuous). there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE to say that the vavuniya radar had detected them. zlings travelled more than an hour (more than 250km). IF the detection from vavuniya triggered a response, by the time of more than one hour, F-7s would have engaged them.

but my biggest worry is none of these. IF we have monitoring sys. of vanni, we can detect the PREPARATION for a air sortie.

as i said b4 IEDs have to be fixed JUST B4 take-off. this takes time and involves activities. they have to trasport planes b4 that.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Also some stone worshipping (licking lingam) Kotiyas are coming as sick then they admit near hospitals - Daytime sick night time fighter.

go figure

B#1 said...

How if Defencewire add a Poll on Air Chief's subject (if he should continue his duty?).

Then we can vote YES or NO.

Moshe Dyan said...


yes mate. i'm very happy as my prayers have been aswered. but i hope slaf will resume REGULAR raids.

thoeritically tonight also TAF should attack going by the "upper hand"/subjugation theory. good if they do and good if SLAF remains prepared.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

you are 100% correct – I think someone drop the ball.

Or we Knew it and play KaboNila game (Kathie, bothi, Nidagathi)

Unknown said...

Is there anything such as "IR" jammers?

I thought there were only flare like mechanisms..

Unknown said...

Moshe check mail..

Moshe Dyan said...

MOD, stop giving oxygen to terrorists.

also make hospitals, medical facilities in vanni inaccessible to terrorists.

terrorists may target power stations again. their love for electricity trasnformers and power stations is now established.

V4Victory said...


yes, you can have IR jammer. here the explanation

The Military IR Jammer is the top of the line in infrared missile protection. It sends out a short laser burst at the incoming missile, disabling its sensor 'eye' and causing it to wander off target. Recent developments in this technology have improved its reliability, and very few missiles make it through its 'screen'.

MrBrown said...

'' Defencewire said...
what a load of BS! Such radar jammers would cost more than the entire Zlin 143 fleet. ''

What a crap... You called urself a defence analyst.. bushit man bulshit.. Can you tell me how much a zlin cost..? and do u think LTTE cant not afford to buy Mig27? or SAM17 missile? Mind you..they are financialy ready to buy.. problem You cant buy certain thing illegaly..simply they are not available.. without knowthing fucking fact..u say they cant buy such jamming system since its cost more than entire zlin cost.. my foot..dont call urself again as Defence analyst.

Prodigy said...

Of cause there are lots of jammers. Even there are laser and radar jammers.

san said...

there are lot of tamil guys working at kataunayake airport giving mobile signals to someone when our fighter jets airborn.i personally saw this at duty free area of the departure lounge.they do this freely there are no any military intelligence on this regard

N said...


Well said mate. as you mentioned it seems that some are unable to analyze the facts logically.

Raves said...


Your furstrations and anger are well merited. But without knowing the limitations one cannot point fingers at others.

Visit LNP's threads espcially Nightfox's threads to know MORE of the operendii of the SLAF. DW or any other blogs I have come across ARE NOT SLAF experts. Even Shay mentioned this before. While you vent your frustrations away, it brings no dividends to you or anyone else. Pose your questions in the above threads I mentioned and you will get your answers. What DW said of pilots leaving work at 5 was a total lie cos the Island mentions of the F7s being up. And the last interception occurred when the planes were up in just 8 minutes which is exceptional even to USAF standards.

The other things is why SLAF cant improvise: Its easy for ground forces like the Navy or SLA to improvise using local techies. But for the SLAF where they operate in the sky is a HUGE 3D space. For the Navy and SLA its 2D. For such huge spaace, just a plane with wings will not do. You need high end technology to perform and especially at dark. Take the SLAF's home made UAV for example. Its a remote plane and the SLAF has done good. But the tricky part is the electro optics. This is what's holding it back. Now take the Navy's arrow boats. Its just a boat! you dont need electro optics for that. We make Dvroas but where do the elctro optics come from? Do you think we produce it our own? Hope you get my drift.

Here's that thread again. None of this blog are experts to your questions. Be productive. Pointing fingers at

Anonymous said...

If they use Jammers the one option is wire guided missile systems I beleive they are bit expensive but are effective, specially they will be against slow moving tin cans

MrBrown said...

''DW or any other blogs I have come across ARE NOT SLAF experts.''
To be precise, they are not expert in anything..just bulshitting here.

Raves said...


Pointing fingers at other without knowing the full story, even before the dust settles in unfair on the men in uniform. I am sure they too need to bring this menace down as much as we do. Every time those things fly, is a black mark on their uniform.

Foxtrott said...

"Those friggin SLAF pilots should hang their heads down in shame and disgust!!.and the SLAF ass=hole should pack his bags and go home and retire and continue playing golf(which is the only thing he is good at)..puhhleeeeze"!!!

The commander doesnt play golf............but some who are aspiring to be the commander do play Golf .......or at least have started to as to get in to the Colombo's social alite!!!!why?

Corey said...
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Corey said...

Now, this is from a tamil in the north (not those big-mouthed, curious louts who visit this blog believing they are actually 'fighting'):

"A 'hartal' called by the LTTE and its pro-LTTE elements to disrupt normalcy in the Vavuniya town today (Oct 30) proved fail since shops, banks, schools and public transportation remained functioning smoothly, reported our Vavuniya special correspondent.

Alleged operatives of a pro-LTTE political front had distributed leaflets urging Tamil traders to cease business functions while many others were said, notified discreetly to keep away from daily activities to cause a stand still in Vavuniya. The 'hartal' resulted in an utter failure as many sections discarded the pro-LTTE attempt continuing their day-to-day activities as usual.

"We have enough food stocks and even we witness tons of food and essential items sent to the affected in the non-liberated area. I don't think a real reason for a 'hartal' except a gimmick by the pro-LTTE politicos", a trader was quoted as saying with our correspondent.

"A hartal for the release of the thousands stranded by LTTE would be more realistic", he was further cited saying."

Foxtrott said...

Constantin Demiris

Very well said...........I Agree a 100%.................Dont forget friends .........1st week of November 2007........we were all imperessed by the the SLAF heroics .....just a week and a half after the Anuradhpura debacle......

Phew I sound like McCain........

Corey said...
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Corey said...
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san said...

this video and air attack news 3 months old now.


Corey said...

Where are those so called "human rights activists'" now? No matter how big these ltte jackasses talk of themselves, their inner animal can easily be seen through their actions.

"A gang of pro-LTTE hill country Tamils –apparently inspired by Minister P. Chandrasekeran's Tiger antics in Parliament –
"celebrated" Deepavali by intimidating and molesting young Sinhala women at Namukula on the night of Monday, October 27.

The victims were in a CTB bus that had stalled due to an engine failure in Namunukula Town while on its way to Miyanakandura with a load of about 33 passengers the majority of whom were young women, according to the bus conductor R.M. Janaka.

The incident had occurred when some of the male passengers went out looking for a vehicle to cover the remaining distance of 13 kilometres to their destination. They were beaten up and the women were molested by the thugs

Passara Police are now on the hunt for the assailants".

Corey said...
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Corey said...

Youre right. That was an old video.
My mistake.

Foxtrott said...


Its not only the Commander has to be at least the top 3 .........that includes ....DOPS and Chief of Staff...........

The best Opperational Commander of the SLAF .....AM Jayalath Weerakkody would have been a great team leader at par with the currant Army and Navy Commanders....unfortunatly he had a weekness on his personal life ...and had to leave abruptly....The presant guy is a good sole but seem to be a bit too soft.......His late Brother .......GC Shirantha Goonethilake would have been an assett to the SLAF had he survived the missile crisis in the mid 90s..........

Corey said...

Those who are really suffering in the North from terrorism are finally standing up braving these cowards' threats:

"Vavuniya People Defy LTTE Protest & Keep Everything Functional":

Yeah, I know what will be said by the cowards infiltrating this blog now: " these are oooooold pictures".

Tee Hee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peter said...


I read similar story on a Tamil website.

It said that government call for shut-down to denounce Tuesday night's air raid had been ignored by the people. It had posted pics of Colombo.

Funny world!

Gringo said...

[13 blasts tear through northeast India, killing 61

Cool... cool... brothers!

Let's take a break for one minute to celebrate how the terrorists screw mighty Injuns... the creators of LTTE terrorists.

We should not get mad at our own. Pick up the pieces, get up, sharpen the swords and go fight.

We shouldn't behave like that monkey who threw a handful of peanuts into the water, in order to search for a single lost peanut.

The ultra-patient vultures are praying 24/7 for our divisions only.

We have done exceptionally well...fighting an AWARD WINNING terrorist organization.

A commendable effort by any

Peter said...

Assam: Sounds like Sinhalese' (Orissa People's) long lost cousins.

MrBrown said...


''The incident had occurred when some of the male passengers went out looking for a vehicle to cover the remaining distance of 13 kilometres to their destination. They were beaten up and the women were molested by the thugs''
Let them enjoy. When arab guys are molesting our woman why not these people. let them enjoy..:-(

Corey said...

Threats, threats, and more threats: that's all what these spineless cowards have left in them :

Jayalalithaa permitted to move court with regard to threat letter

Tee Hee!!!!!

Corey said...

mr. brown,

I know from you rearlier posts, that you have a dirty mind, but, if in your mind, molesting is a form of enjoyment, it just confirms of the animal that is hidden below you people who talk like saints fighting for god.

I can only pity you. Good luck with your life. Hope, for your sake, you won't get to "enjoy" ....

Infinity said...

Troops Establish Their Writ over Entire Nachchikuda-Army Hqrs

Sinhalaya said...

Nachchikuddhha captured – Rupawahini

Peter said...

Days of hooting over Nachchikuda village shows something.

Gringo said...

[Days of hooting over Nachchikuda village shows something.]

Don't forget the three cheers for the awasome 'dimensions' of New Peezahm!

Kithul said...

anyone has a link to a good map of sri lanka

N said...

Constantin Demiris,
You have gone into detail to explain how a thing cannot be done. Please just think twice before you talk; ‘if a certain part cannot be manufactured locally or if we don’t have that advanced technology’, we should give up projects as you consider it is an impossibility, right?. Well, what would a smart person do? Just because you find a bend on the road you should not turn back and go home. Usually these are symptoms of a negativist. For ex. if this happened to the SLN you’d come up with the theories that the ocean is too big and it is not 3d but it's 2D etc,. etc …… . Please be noted that this excuse oriented, negative thinking process actually paralyzes the development in any field.

smelly cat said...

Hey guys,I've been following your comments for some time now, and must say they are quite thought provoking.At present I'm fighting an almost lone battle at defending the good name of mother Lanka against the vicious misinformation campaign of the tiger propaganda apparatus.We are heavily outnumbered.Needless to say it's tough fighting from within the tiger den.Could use some help.(I go by a different name there,you'll guess who it is because I'll be the only anti LTTE commentator)

Corey said...

Darn Bush and his oil. Cant wait for Obama:

Exxon Mobil breaks another earnings record
Oil giant posts biggest U.S. quarterly profit ever; breaks own record ($14 billion for third qtr)!

Unknown said...

Thundering typhoooooons,

I was reading this blog and laughing to myself about the electronic war fair done on this blog by some people.Some are suggesting about traffic radar jamming systems.What a joke.And some paint which can absorb radar rays.

Read the below link on wikipedia to have little fair knowledge about aircraft radar jammers.

And if you think you want more type AIRCRART RADAR JAMMING on Google/Yahoo/firefox, will get so many till next tin can attack.

lttp can buy some sort of radar jammers,they have enough money earned with drug/human trafficking/prostitution/arms smuggling etc etc.

But in the air its a differant story.They could use radar jammers but ground radars had the detection.These missiles are heat seeking missiles.These radar jammers some of you idiots talking about are active forward detection type.The distance of these are??????????.But F-7's, if at all, were airborne coming behind the tin cans.If you are talking about 360 degree coverage in air,you must have Airbone Early Warning systems (Aewac's) aircraft.

If you talk about paint.Many airforces in the world would go for that.Stealth not the paint.its all about avoidind radar re reflection back to the originator and avoid heat signature from your aircraft engine.Its far ahead for our intelligent die ass poras=lttp.
Some of these technologies you cannot buy at all.Especially when somebody not from legitimate forces,they will start suspecting.

Guys my conclusion is F-7 were not airborne,atleast on time. Now they say their F-7 couldn,t lock on these tin cans.This is basically to blame SLAF themself that day.What went wrong,they know it very well.
Talking about moles in the AF.Yes they work for lttp money.SLAF still couldn,t get rid off them from their valuable bases.

thiru said...

another sad example of the singhala regime's brutality was shown today with air strikes and indiscriminate shelling towards killinochi and puthikudirrupu where a 15 yearl old boy and girl was killed....this airstrike today was claimed to be on a training camp however it has targeted civilians again as the SLAF has proven time and time again about it's incompetency and disregard for civilian life....the tigers are being patient and not attacking singhalese civilians in revenge but are instead targetting economic targets and military bases...however if these disturbing trends continue the war will be brought to colombo in a manner that has never been witnessed before and the singhalese public will feel war according to an informed source.

Corey said...

Hi Smelly Cat:

Is it worth 'fighting' against these maniacs in a blog? I hope you are pointing out facts, and not being a 'nuisance' creator like assrajiv (aka gonta) in that site.
I'd say, let them enjoy their sick beliefs and 'victories' and allow them to rave and rant on how great they are, in that blog. Hopefully that'll help somewhat to reduce their inferiority complexes.

This is what I said to assrajiv:

"Gontabaya Bro,

What are you doing in this blog? Don't you have enough sense to even see that this is an anti-terrorist blog? Don't you terrorist supporters have blogs on your own? Or, aren't you welcome there as well?

You are showing your true colors - meddling where you clearly dont belong, causing unnecessary rumpus intentionally, and then having the audacity now to ask whether it is illegal to block you from this blog and mewing about being a minority!

Aren't these very similar to the foundations of how your imagined 'discrimination' and the 'eelam cause' grew on?

You are very, very, foolosh, brother, so stay away, without insulting decent Tamils the world over.

We have blocked several Sinhalese terror-supporters like Lasantha W etc. We don't discriminate peace lovers, be them Tamils, Muslims or Sinhalese. We discriminate terrorists.

Go get a life".

(the same can be said for people like mr.brown, peter etc)

Smelly cat, I am interested to know what you think.

Corey said...

This is war - and it is against a bipolar maniac's terrorist group.

These 'disturbing trends' will go on. Tell your informed source to bring the suicide belts to Colombo. We are not afraid.

thiru said...

corey and gringo, nothing like a bunch of modhayas who talk bravado in a blog and go into hiding in real might be easy for you to say bring the war to colombo, i wonder if any of you dumb fuks have ever spoke to any of the mothers of the victims of the central bank bombing or were u still sucking on your mom's left titty when that happened...the point is that any normal person on both sides want the war to end and be able to live normal lives, we tamils want a normal life where we don't have to worry abt. daily airstrikes and indiscriminate shelling but the problem is that the incompetant government of MR and GR don't care about nuthing except the money they make while they stay in power....this futile plan of theirs will be defeated by the determination of the tamils in one way or another....if you two pansies who probably are too young to remember any of the past events think war is a game then get ready for a rude awakening.

Unknown said...


You are not talking about something new.No you have taken it to the other part of the country from long time.This is not new.You asked for it.We don,t want to do that.Whenever you ltte fuckers blast trains/buses/meetings those civilians killed are whet??????
You pathetic loosers/killers.

Everywhere you can see differances withing the rases/civilizations in the world.
As i always say your complexicity brought all these things to this country.I don,t believe all tamils are supporting lttp.If you can take away ltte gun barrals pointed towards them,you can see the differance.
Don,t try to tell us all those Tamils civilians are willingly staying back in Vanni.Talk to your heart and mind,see what you have done to your community??

Its not done by us.Its done by yourselves only.

With your threat,i feel we wiil see/hear another bomb blast in somewhere in the country killing civilians.
You murderers............

Guys somebody interested about heat seeking missile for basic info,read this link.

Gringo said...

he he he

Thiru... nothing but empty rhethoric and insults... Heard that for 30 years...

Great to see your pain growing. Because... as and when we liberate the Tamil Speaking Sri Lankans from the grips of the LTTE... the piece of sand callled 'peezahm' firmly stuck in your ars*hole would actually become bigger... increasing your pain-in-the-ars*.

Use your middle finger or ask for help from your mom.

Corey said...

" corey and gringo, nothing like a bunch of modhayas who talk bravado in a blog and go into hiding in real life...."

thiru.. speak the above for yourself and the other ltte maniacs in this blog. Why are you not in the war front if you care so much for your psychopathic sun god? arent you the one who's talking bravado and yet in hiding in a nice cozy place? face reality you dumb ass - that's something you brainwashed idiots dont have the guts to do.

Your big talks of retalitation dont scare us. Do us a favor: Bring on the suc=icide belts to Colombo... and blow yourselves up!

thiru said...

corey, gringo, ur stupidity levels crack me up man...u guys have no idea wat the situation is....cozy place-do you know where i've been and what i do?-u have no idea...corey, u little portugese imbreed, don't worry the fireworks will start in colombo and we'll see what you have to say after that...i do feel sorry for the singhalas who are against this war and who are going to have to pay the price for this sinistical government's ideology....however the little shits such as urselves are just waste to even the modhaya kind...saman k u want to talk about civilian deaths-the news published outside doesn't take into effect even half the tamil deaths in the north and east at the hands of your so called defence forces and ur all mighty source is wikepedia-again showing the boundaries of the modhaya mind...U boys keep prematurely ejaculating on ur forces' minor victory of villages-have any of u talked to any of the soldiers holding thunnakai and mallavi recently, the reason the ltte left those places is for the monsoon rains, the floods in those areas reach 7-10 feet every year, i wonder how many of ur "bravehearts" knew that before they prematurely ejaculated while walking in there after the ltte modhayas think that ur weapons are going to win you this war-this war is protracted and is long drawn out and that is exactly what the ltte wants, mark my words ur economy will crumble in the near future and with the political change set to happen in india and the U.S and the bubbling civil war in pakistan there won't be anyone for you to leech of anymore....this was well thought out by Prabhakaran before this stage of the war so the bodybags returning are going to continue to rise to a point where the GOSL can't deny it anymore....this operation will be broken by prabhakaran, the dedicated ltte fighters, commanders and intelligent and wealthy diaspora!

Gringo said...

Thiru is a good benchmark.

Upgrading' of LTTE coolies to the next level is now confirmed. They are now 'talking' in their sleep as well.

As we must be doing something right....and next upgrade should be to make them 'sleep-walking' .

The mission statement 'Kill more... achieve more...'... is indeed working like magic.

Corey said...
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Corey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Corey said...

rave and rant man (or is it woman)? your post is too long (and boring) to read. Anyway.. hope writing these posts wil help to ease the pain of that inferiority complex within you brainwashed maniacs. so, keep going.. rave and rant till you feel happy and victorious.

For those who said the capture of Nachchikuda by the SL Army was just a fake to counter the air attack, these pictures will speak those thousand words:

peter... assrajiv (gonta).. etc enjoyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I put this wikipedia link to prove something about SLAF failure.You fucking highly intelligent ponnaya cannot understand that even.You inteligent ponnayas read only politics/seperatism/terrorism/killing only.

Yes your die ass pora is rich.Doing drug smuggelling/human tafficking/arms smuggling/prostitution etc.Yes you have money to spend for killing.
You think SLDF don,t know during rainy season most of the vanni will be flooded?????? Yes i forgot you intelligent ponnayas/Hanumans only know all.

Blistering barnacles!!!!!!!!

This shows you complexicity.Will see this time how vazapillay escape?????

Every dog has its time.

The sin you tamils have done you will pay for another seven generations wherever you live.You cannot escape from that.I can promise you,you tamil die ass poras spending money for a dream which never come true.

Corey said...

Take a look: Massive ltte rally held to counter the effects of the anti-ltte rally at the Hague:

Tee hee!!!!!!!

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Thiru call others modaya etc...but look at him...he is stone cock (Kotta in tamil) worshiping demalaa...

Thiru Kiyapn baaldiya...

Malin said...


You are saying there will be more fireworks in colombo.. the fact is we all expect it to be. As long as elam is vanishing from the face of this earth we will endure what ever fireworks you can pull up.

i am wondering weather it would be possible to buy any land from up north after this war ends.. ;)

Rajaratasurfer said...

DavidB & Renegade are on the money here folks, Any Air Force is only good as the training they recieve.
But, dont blame our pilots guys, cuz, they take orders.There are many players in this crucial offensive baby !! think I'm making this up ? Check the Number of former pro ltte RAW assholes in Colombo these days.

2.ltte get all the intel they want from bribes to poor SLAF personal.You cant stop that man.

3.Indian radar...if it's broke we need Indian help fixing those INDRA II radars.That's why they didnt want us geeting the PLA 3D radars.Normally, new Radar always can get a hit even in rain but, these crap, we were given...they suck.Zlins, they easy to land and hide specially up north.ltte just dont have one strip but, many road to land these tincans.

4.Our Poor AF personal are not upto par due to lack of training.Remember the friendly fire on the Bell 212 near Anu ?
These poor dudes need to be educated man.2 weeks ago they SLAF personal aboard the Jetliner I believe shot at the Beechcraft,Which was monitering the ship.Even though it was at abt.8000ft. I can tell a Beech from a ZLin ? It's all abt educating these poor guys !

Anyhow,Indians are Pushing this to prolonge which I hope,MR better get this darn offensive on the move.Dont stop dammit !

Good Post DF..keep up the good work !

Rana said...

Constantin Demiris,

Ok bro, it is not easy to shoot down a small plane which fly at very low altitudes - point taken.

Air Force has many experts and if we want expert opinion we should visit this and that site - point taken

As much as money allocation asked by the AF was not provided - point taken

Now, listen carefuly, I will not repeat this again (allo allo).

SLAF had almost two years to come up with a fool proof method to shoot this flying banana. It is not difficult to develop a strategy, if you have so many experts. The amount of money we have spent already on AA batteries,
2D, 3D radras and air crafts should have been directed to a proper solution by your experts.

That is what public will expect from highly paid experts.

We don't want excuses one after the other 7-9 times over two years.

We are ready to forget this blunder, we will not ask any body to resign, agree!

But SLAF must get their act together evan now and devlop a fool proof strategy which is practical technically and economically. Then implement it without further delay.

Rana said...

As I see this is what happened:

LTTE air craft came from wanni, radar detected it within minutes, it bombed army MBRLs, then went straight to the sea, at the sea it came to very low level so we lost it from the radar. It came to south and enter into Kelani river, still low flying and radar is still blind. Kelanitiss power station is by the left bank of kelani river. They bombed power plant, came towards harbour and went down again to the almost sea level and went back untill it pass Mannar and then turn to Wanni.

from SLAF side there are conflicting stories.

1. pilots went home by 5.00PM

2. F-7 took off but couldn't lock its radar to fire.

Only one of the above is true, which one?

I believe 2nd one is true. In a dark night low flying small plane over sea cannot be detected easily with a radar.

However, one good thing from this is we need to concentrate on this route and survelance must be tightend around LTTE area and sea.

Mohammed Zubair said...


Did LTTE vacate from Thoppigala due to monsoon rains?

Moshe Dyan said...

moratu saman;
"Thiru Kiyapn baaldiya..."

thirumoron: vaalthiya!

Moshe Dyan said...

tn shows a suicide bomber killed in the SLAF attack yesterday.

burn marks are visible suggesting we have again used the appropriate weapon like last month in kili.

well done SLAF. want another one today.

Saman said...


India is getting what they deserve from ULFA (26 mil asking for a seperate state in Asam). Last week communal riots killed 57 people. This is called "Dhitta damma whdaneeya Karma".

A series of apparently synchronized explosions tore through four towns in the troubled state of Assam in northeastern India on Thursday, killing at least 67 people and leaving more than 210 wounded, according to witnesses and police.

India must realise - NO country would/should be splited along mono ethnic lines.

Rana said...

Amma G/G,

and other cricket lovers:

India 613/7 and Aussies 50/0 at close of 2nd day play, third test.

Last test between SLA and LTTE:

SLA batsmen scoring sixs and boundaries at will while tiger bowlings in disarray all over the field.
Disgruntled spectator called Pottu send a paper plane full of shit to the playing field and ran away to hide in his rat hole.

Match referee, India went away to adjucate series of sixes scored by assam team.

SL umpire, MR is going to see match referee for a discussion while tiger umpire VP is hiding under ground below the pavilion.

SL team chief security officer not available for comments lately and team manager sppressing the score for some reason not known to us.

Anonymous said...

/The Air Force claimed that its jets attacked a secret location used to train LTTE black tigers run by Pottu Amman in Putukudirippu this morning./

In other words; SLAF got info about a tree which was used by black tigers tree climbing training, gorund used by black tigers for doing exersice and hut used by black tigers to sleep were totaly estroyed. Obviously there were no black tigers or pottu amman when we attacked.

Our air force is not only a joke but also an insult to SLA and SLN who fight a war 24/7 in the rain in the night.

My sugestion is to seperate SLAF into 3 main units. Unit 1 work 8.00am-4.00pm, unit 2 4.00pm 1200 and unit 3, 1200 to 8.00 am with rotation. In this way we can have 24/7 air force. Then atleast there will be pilots to take off immediately when tuk tuk is detected. This is how many of the garment factories operate in SL. Also, SLAF can appoint one of the best HR manager from top top garment factory as high ranked HR officer. In this way SLAF will perform at least in the level of SL garment girls.

It also impertent to continue air raids daily; now India has given the 'approval'. Otherwise pilots become lazy. And atleast by chance SLAF will kill few tigers. If they can maintain atleast 10% success rate after 10 raids we can assume 1 tiger is dead. I hope no civilian casualties.

Corey said...

For those who said the capture of Nachchikuda by the SL Army was just a fake to counter the air attack, these pictures will speak those thousand words:

peter... assrajiv (gonta).. etc enjoyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!

Saman said...


Good commentry mate.

While we rejoice or depress about battle field events, slowly but surely LTTE rats having a party while the cats are away, as I pointed out couple of days ago. Good summary can be found,

DW, keep posting on East as well folks, so that blogers get in to action.

Moshe Dyan said...


GR doesn't get involved at all in the interception procedure. not even the AF chief!!!

i think the problem with ALL TAF episodes were (almost 18 flights) is that we do not have detection. what i mean by detection is not something like a tsunami warning. it is the ability to know at any given time the location and direction of the target (when flying!).

once that is there, even a primitive method would work.


TAF in air 0:00:00
initial detection 0:01:00
inform interceptors 0:02:00
time waste till 0:17:00
interceptor takes-off 0:17:00
int. flies 0:19:00
radar monitoring tells
pilot to go to a certain
cordinate near TAF plane 0:20:00
int. goes 300km 0:29:00

by this time TAF is MAX 38km away from the target cordinates

int. pursuits target 0:31:00

target locked or otherwise engaged.

but the problem is that we couldn't locate the zlings right throughout. we only knew they were flying and roughly moving in a certain direction based on radar signals from time to time.

according to the daily mirror map, one zling had passed within 25km from KAB unengaged; not even attempted!!!!

this is a fcuking dangerous situ; i knw. but this SEEMS to be the reality.

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

G’Day boys and G’Day clowns and monkeys!

Thiru: did u enjoy the monkey? Seems like ur doing the monkey 3 times a day now ha???

Intelligent Tamil Peter:” I am ashamed that the Tamils are fighting against such incompetent fools.”

OOOpppsss…. Intelligent Tamils took 30 years figure that ha?? Ha ha ha Whay don’t u Intelligent Tamil go start a fight with a race of ur own caliber? How about declare war on monkey race??? Oooopppssss…. U won’t fight with brothers ha???

Mr.Brown Hole, how is ur brown hole these days? Enough penetration by DPU??? Ha ha ha

“u say they cant buy such jamming system since its cost more than entire zlin cost..”

Mr.Brown Hole, why don’t u tell us how much this jamming system will cost? I did Google it and I couldn’t found it. And I don’t know what type of a jamming system LTTE terrorists are looking for. I can jam my system up in ur Brown Hole anytime u like!

V4Vaporized : “Hi Amma Gahai, Be ready there will be another surprise on the way.”

Last time u surprised me with that u have no “puke-mile” left and I gave u a big surprise from the behind! Now u want more surprises???? ok… I’ll ask a friend or two of mine to come with me next time.

B#1 “Peter please let us know, have they introduce Credit Card too??? :)

B# , FYI.. The first credit card by Weellam issued to Mr. Ian Smith of Wanni and Peter helped him to withdraw money and use his share to bang a transvestite!

B#1” At present situation how can we Identify Elam Police and Elam Fighters separately??”

Very easy to spot the difference mate,

How to Identify Elam Police: Pee in the pants

How to Identify Elam Fighters: Sh#t in the pants

Rana: Good one! Aussies in trouble ha? I am laughing!!!

thiru said...

moshe, u seem jubilated with the death of an innocent tamil, we will see how jubilante with the deaths of singhalese in ur areas!

Saman said...


Tnx for the link mate.

Can someone tell me how LTTE withdraw efficiently without a trace. Sure, killed and injoured are being draged. Sure, as they retreat they are mining the reach. It somewhat frustrates me. All the photos show that our soldirs are walking to deserted (not even many domestic animals or live stock) villages and towns. How do they do that?

In other parts of the world where pictures of similar conflicts are published one can see a different outlook.

Jambudipa said...

Just before the ZLins flew into Trincomalee HSZ, they reportedly pulled up a high-G manoeuvre climbing up in a steep angle before dropping the bombs. They needed to gain elevation to avoid AA after approaching at low altitude. The SLAF reported it as an "amazing" manoeuvre never seen before. Although the SLAF appears to know squat, this is one of the most Basic fighter Maneuvering (BFM) available for an AEROBAT CAPABLE ZLIN. Zlin is an Aerobatic aircraft!! BFM trained IFR pilots also aware of other defensive manoeuvres to break from missile locks.

LTTE beats these Sandhurst trained "experts" all the time with common sense available to even a beggar on the street. The F7 pilot waits for a missile lock and when fails, never attempt to line up the cannons and shoot. The SLAF has become too dependent on "fire and forget" and don't have the skill or the confidence to engage without the assistance of a machine. They really ought to go back to basics.

Onboard radar obviously helps at night. However, there is no reason why a non-radar capable IFR aircraft cannot coordinate with ground base radar for mid-air interception. Even if the radar can only get an occasional blip, the likely location can be calculated given direction and speed.

One economical way to counter this is with highly manoeuvrable machines that can take off from an improvised airfield at short notice. These prop-driven aircraft could co-ordinate with ground radar and supersonic interceptors to engage the Zlin. Cheap aerobatic aircraft kits can be bought even online. These multi-fuel aircraft can be run on ordinary diesel, operating costs are low and don't need expensive infrastructure to maintain. Get a few Zlins to bring down their Zlins. They can be deployed for air recon missions stationed near FDLs when not defending skies.

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Saman:” All the photos show that our soldirs are walking to deserted (not even many domestic animals or live stock) villages and towns.”

Machan, This town is a small and kind of an isolated town. I don’t know what is the population on this town and most probably 5000 all up??

The war is full scale and public must moved out of the town very early.

So, that leave us LTTE fools, domestic animals ex. Dogs and live stock ex Cows. Explaining this is very easy. Dogs and Cows are intelligent unlike LTTE fools and they left the town as soon as they heard the first MBRL sound.

Those leave us with LTTE fools, LTTE fools who wear boots moved out of the town early with heavy equipments and leaving LTTE fools who wear Bata slippers to get killed. SLDF can not show the Bata fools because of TN fool!

“In other parts of the world where pictures of similar conflicts are published one can see a different outlook”

Saman, not picking on ya mate, but r u talking about the stuff u seen on Hollywood movies? If u like please click this link about Chechnya war and tell me whether u can see much different!

My bro use to live in Russia and he used to send me lot of stuff about this war. He said once Russian army drop leaflets asking all the civilians to move out and surround the capital city (not the whole Chechnya! Don’t jump the gun fools) with MBRL and fired for days! Not hours! But days!

Imagine if SLA had 200+ MBRL’s! We could have Vaporized LTTE fcukers by now!

Hope I have answered ur questions.

Saman said...


Good analysis bro. Now I accept you part Jew :). They seem to have brains.

When 9/11 happened, entire tall building industry community of the world debated how to prevent such consequences. I have attended at least three such conferences. Let me share something with you. What we found out was this,

1. The building's foot print becomes smaller and smaler because of prime realestate.
2. Wing spans of flights and the aviation fuel they carry increases dramatically.
3. Fourtifying a building to withstand that is very costly, unwarrented and our future cities would look like from 16th century.
4. The structural engineering and
architecture community was adament that we must never give in to such fears.

The end conclusion was to invest on technologies to detect and stop them on ground (before they fly).

There are some parellels in what we are discussing here. I am of the strong view, as mentioned before in this blog, we must counter them on ground. Your analysis also suggests and pointing towards the same conclusion. What is says is, we are such a small country - air attacks within it - can not be efficiently couteract.

In fact, through our passion, we are blinded that we are talking about technologies which are developed for and uses between contries. We have not realised as yet we are the only country which has this threat at the moment. Extremely small land mass one part of the country attacks the other part which needs only 20-30 min.

I feel we must invest on technologies and combative stratergies to counract before they fly.

a)SLA,SLAF (preferably under a new chief) must put a special task force to identify, locate and destroy mission before they fly next. We must not budge to India or any pressure on this matter. SHORT TERM GOAL

b) Good boarder protection (our boarders are very porous). I would not be surprised these flights originate from TN very soon. TN politc is blackmailed by LTTE and the Ealam ideology. LONG TERM GOAL

b) Our harbours'/ports' coutom procedures must be socond to none. In fact all our ports and harbours must be high security zones with best of the cutting edge technologies. These x-ray and survialance technologies are becoming relatively cheep. LONG TERM.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Saman said...

Amma G/G,

Thanks mate. Make sense

By the way we had a good laugh at home reagarding your creative name "Amma Gahai/Gahuwai".

I was taking about, not only these photos, but vedio footages and photos every where. But you have a point (I like you humer in explaing - LTTE with boots...and Bata slipers etc. good one).

The reason I asked was one of my white colleagues asked - how come all LTTE propaganda photos and vedio footages are full of prople and our ones are not. Also, I read somewhere they are talking about this Black-Hole (not VP's ass) where Heavy Guns, LTTE - dead and living and normal people disappear to.

Infinity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rana said...


about our forces:

An Army grunt sitting in a foxhole, eating rice and curry and wearing 50lbs of gear after having marched 12 miles, says: "This sucks."

A Navy seaman sitting on his 5' X 2' bunk, in a closet-sized room smelling of oil and rolling from the waves, which he shares with 6 other men, after not having seen the sky for 30 days says: "this really sucks".

A soldier from TF 1 doing push-ups in the mud during a downpour, after an 18 mile march with 60 lbs of gear, says: "I love the way this sucks, hoooreh!"

A soldier from TF 2
crawling through a leech-infested swamp, eating nothing but bugs and tree bark for 6 days, sneaking around armed terrorists, says: "I wish this could suck some more!"

An Air Force pilot sitting in a cool cockpit chair inside F-7, holding a flight control, says: "radar not locking? this sucks!"

A key board fighter sitting comfortably at his home, see a bad news about the on going war and says "this sucks"

Infinity said...

Defence Column, Daily News

"However, the F-7 interceptors which were airborne from Katunayake could not take the target due to technical reasons. According to experts the LTTE aircraft had arrived towards Colombo covering engines with armour plates so that the heat seeking missile system could not lock the target."

Nachchikuda regained

Rana said...


Heat seeking missiles go for the exhaust where the temp is highest, not necessarily to the engine block itself.

If Zling engines were covered with steel armour plates, it cannot carry much weight (bombs).

Moshe Dyan said...


thanks bro.

"Now I accept you part J :). They seem to have brains."

lol! but contrary to popular belief, they actually rank lower in math skills! koreans, i think are the best. einstein was an exception!!!!! lol!

jubilant? far from it. if casualties were in the hundreds, then yes.

Infinity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Infinity said...

Rana, I just citing the article. If correct then SLAF may require better missiles, if available.

Rana said...


Pilots need lot of training to perform dog fights in the air. As David has pointed out our pilots do not have much dog fight training. We need to hire good pilots.

On the other hand surface to air missiles which first guided by the radar and then switch on to heat seeking can do the job.

However, these are costly toys and some countries may refuse to give it to SL at the moment even for money.

Rana said...

This is for Kappetipola, who was kind enough to change his name after all.

Thanks bro!

The Navy and the Air Force decided to have a canoe race on the Bayray in Colombo. Both teams practiced hard and long to reach their peak performance before the race.
On the big day, the Navy won by a mile.
Afterwards, the Air Force team became very discouraged and depressed. The officers of the Air Force team decided that the reason for the crushing defeat had to be found. An "Action Team," made up of senior officers was formed to investigate and recommend appropriate action.
Their conclusion was that the Navy had 8 seamen rowing and 1 officer steering, while the Air Force had 1 airman rowing and 8 officers and NCOs steering.
So the senior officers of the Air Force team hired a consulting company and paid them incredible amounts of money. They advised that too many people were steering the boat and not enough people were rowing.
To prevent losing to the Navy again next year, the Air Force Chief of Staff made historic and sweeping changes: the rowing team's organizational structure was totally realigned to 4 steering officers, 3 area steering superintendents and 1 assistant superintendent steering NCO. They also implemented a new performance system that would give the airman rowing the boat greater incentive to work harder. It was called the "Rowing Team Quality Air Force Program," with meetings, dinners, and a three-day pass for the rower. "We must give the rower empowerment and enrichment through this quality program."
The next year the Navy won by 2 miles. Humiliated, the Air Force leadership gave a letter of reprimand to the rower for poor performance, initiated a $4 billion program for development of a new joint-service canoe, blamed the loss on a design defect in the paddles and issued leather rowing jackets to the beleaguered steering officers in the hopes they would stay for next year's race.

Anonymous said...

/However, the F-7 interceptors which were airborne from Katunayake could not take the target due to technical reasons. According to experts the LTTE aircraft had arrived towards Colombo covering engines with armour plates so that the heat seeking missile system could not lock the target.

To release the missile the missile system has to lock the target. However, the target has not been locked due to the fact the Tiger aircraft had reportedly covered its engines with heavy armour plates.

It is also believed that it was due to these heavy armour plates the Tiger aircraft had taken more than one hour to reach towards Colombo and return to either Iranamadu or Mullaitivu after dropping two bombs into the Kelanitissa power station./

click here

If true; this confirms last time F7 downed one zlin.

1. So radars can't detect it as they fly too low.

2. AA guns can't hit them as they fly too law.

3. F7 can't hit them as it can't lock it.

=> Now TAF can fly twoway 'freely' unless TAF pilot has 'bad karma'.

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Saman, it is my pleasure!

About the black-hole thing (yes, not VP’s ars@ : )) When u do something for around 30 years then u tend to get very good at it! If ur not then ur fcuking useless!!

Moving heavy equipment and running and hiding what LTTE terrorist does best. They occasionally come out and fire too! We never managed to locate this black-hole due to lack of intelligent and lack of penetration to terrorist’s strong holds. But with eastern boys are on our side once we find VP’s ars@ eastern boys will find the hidden heavy equipments for us!

TropicalStorm said...

In an aircraft, it is the exhaust which typically gets targetted by heat seeking missiles. Hiding teh exhaust is a very difficult thing and for many years combat aircraft manufacturers failed to find effective ways to accomplish this.
However, the recent US built fighters have acheived this to some extent, as in the stealth systems, in which the exhaust is tucked into the airframe, and shielded by design. Thus is presents a very small radar and heat signature.

The SLAF didn't get a 'lock on' because they were nowhere near the Zlins. The 'technical' excuse is pure BS. Bad thinking, poor leadership and lack of foresight.
All these characteristics are apparent in the fact that they try to cover their failures by demanding more and more expensive equipment.

It is time to wave good-bye to a couple of poor decision makers in the SLAF.

Unknown said...

Important intelligence please read.

Just yesterday I learnt of some information I’d like to share with DW readers and see what you think. I’m also rather hoping that by posting this information here, the right sources may read it and check its credibility.

This of course could be only a conspiracy theory, I don’t know. All I can say is the story has a Pakistani connection.

Apparently America is worried about an emerging Asia, and in particular South Asia. They are worried about many recent developments and the spread of Chinese economic strength in the region. There’s talk to the effect that; if Sri Lanka is attracting the Chinese, then it’s worth having a plan. Apparently they also have several economic and other reasons to develop and peruse a long term strategy to gather vital intelligence in all areas throughout the sub-continent, but with a special interest in Sri Lanka. Why Sri Lanka? You have to figure that out yourself…

US sentiment is not good in Asia, with most Asians disliking the Americans [Burning flags in India and all that]. The US wants to counter this, but how. Let’s start countering this where they don’t burn flags and effigies of us, and where the people and more tolerant of us.

The story is that a plan has been devised [to be implemented in Sri Lanka] where the Americans will target the roots of the Sri Lankan economy, in a not too long term plan, [because they don’t have heaps of time] by getting into education and picking out the bright ones at college level to be scholar-shipped off to the US for 4 years and be groomed to return as intelligence operatives working in strategic areas of the local economy. Why? - I guess they’ve being creative…but the answer to why, will surely be a long term one.

What say you?

Jambudipa said...


The SLAF didn't get a 'lock on' because they were nowhere near the Zlins.

Or they missed the 30 degree cone of target zone.

The PL-8 is the PLA’s first AAM with all-aspect attack capability. Unlike the older generation AAMs such as PL-2 and PL-5, the PL-8 does not require the pilot to steer his plane to aim the enemy plane to fire the missile. Instead, the missile can be fired immediately after the enemy plane enters a 30 degree cone of target zone. Later variants of the PL-8 is said to be able to use in conjunction with the helmet-mounted sight (HMS) to improve the performance.

PL-8 Short-Range Air-to-Air Missile

Anonymous said...

/The 'technical' excuse is pure BS. Bad thinking, poor leadership and lack of foresight. All these characteristics are apparent in the fact that they try to cover their failures by demanding more and more expensive equipment./


This is the problem with high ech related subjects. When you see a doctor whatever he says you do. SImilarly MR/etc are not expert in air force tech stuff.

I was also thinking how good should be our proud SLAF to findout within 24 hrs how LTTP has upgraded thier tincans while same people couldn't locate them. They did say camaras in harbor has recorded them though.

People should be too bad to demand expensive stuff from tax payers money without fixing their own faults. I am not sure what exactly going on in SLAF but for sure some thing is wrong with them.

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Freetrade ... it is not clear enough to me!

If SLn’s are more tolerant to USA then why they have to “target the roots of the Sri Lankan economy “???

I would rather say USA is working closely with IND and SL to counteract Chinese growth. May be that’s what USA put few LTTE terrorists fools behind the bars who were trying to buy SAM missiles.

Ofcoz, USA will have bugs in SL system and I rather like to see USA bugs in SL system than IND or Chinese bugs!

Ruslan said...

If IR Guided Missiles don't work, why don't they get Radar Guided Missiles! without giving Lame excuses!!!

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

I think this high tech zlin is BS story. We don't have to worry high-tech ltte gadgets – all we have to do was fly right back to wanni area and watch where zlin going to land, and use a big time Kaboom.

You can’t miss them because at some point they must land. SLAF knew what’s going on but simply let TAF play the game, I have strong feeling something is behind this.

Radar jammer is also another BS, with today’s state of the art technology you can’t hide almost nothing, never mind radar; last time poor farmers informed about TAF attack (flying tractor). What our guys did, simply nothing.

Why SLAF pilots got a go home by 5:00 while SLA guys hammering mosquitoes?.

Ruslan said...

Or Guys Guys u still believing this 5.00pm story!..for gods sake it's bloody military.. no one goes home.. there has to be standby pilots in case!!.

Jambudipa said...

The SLAF first said it was a "special anti radar paint" on the Zlin. Now they say it was armor plating around the engine preventing missile lock.

The problem for them these days people are well informed thank to the Internet. Even doctors cannot bullshit to their patients anymore because anyone can search online databases matching symptoms against likely medical conditions.

The real experts from other airforces no doubt must be laughing at this level of aptitude of SLAF. They like others have to adjust to globalisation and face new world. The days you could bullshit your way out is now gone.

OneSpirit said...

Try adding a "n" to the SLAF Chief of Staff's last name and you will get a true picture of what's going on in the SLAF and why asking for RG's resignation is not a very good idea - politically.

Anonymous said...


As I understand the main issue is TAF fly very low. So even MIG29 will not solve the problem. Any jet might fly right above the TAF but without detecting it.

My solution is SLAF should buy same zlins or better type which can fly just above the trees. In this way if 10-15 SLAF zlins take off from different locations you can first locate them. Next talanted pilot can down the oponent.

Rana said...

Ninja and others,

Think carefully:

LTTE tin can after kelanithiss bombing turned to sea ant went passing Mannar. He should have taken a course atleast 01 km away from coast line to make sure he is safe.

F-7 take off from Katunayaka and head towards Mulative straight.

Now you draw both trajectories you will find ZLIN will not be 30 degree cone of F-7 until last few minutes (say 10 minutes cover from viduthaltive to mulathive some where about 40-50km).

Within that 10 minutes F-7 got only about 03 minutes maximum to lock its radar. As soon he got Zlin in his radar it was landing already.

Carefull look at the over lapping area of two trajectories. It ia about 10km distance or for Zlin it is 03 minutes.

In my opinion if F-7 went towards Mannar instead of Mulative, there was a great chance of locking his misile.

What do you all think?

B#1 said...


Good idea, but ground based air defence system will find difficulties to identify the enemy craft and it will leads to more friendly fire.

The solution is SLAF should attack tiger positions at least 5 times a day (& night) and should speed up the offensive in North.

kavee said...

It is a quite easy to ask the head to resign when something goes wrong, just like amputate without treating a simple wound on the leg. We have a quite long history of quickly finding somebody to blame when things go wrong, and even quicker to forget what they have done so far. When two three panes hit US, they didn’t ask bush to leave, or defense sectary or USAF head to leave, but gave fullest support to overcome the misery. Being in the aviation industry for a while, I know how easy for a light aircraft to travel undetected (intermittently detected) to the world’s most sophisticated radars, which happened quite few times around the globe in past few decades. When it comes to terrorists, whom has only one mission, destruction, this becomes even easier job, without any sophisticated equipment onboard other than a simple GPS.

It is easy for a ground observer to detect and (see continuously) a low flying aircraft but a hard target for an airborne fighter jet (simple physics). What we require are interceptors, whether light aircrafts or MI24 Attack helicopters to chase and gun down. As part of the air defense system, stationary missile launchers (heat seeking and IR target tracing) positioned on strategic locations can help immensely. But gunning down an aircraft in an urban area is not an option, since the debris can cause severe civilian casualties.

What best suited for dealing with TAF is good old dog fight, which is by chasing and gunning down from behind.

Thanks to the AA barrels and defense mechanism, they could not achieve the ultimate target. A war is two parties fighting each other. Both groups wins and looses one thing or the other, while the most beaten party becomes the losers. If we think SLAF, SLA and SLN should win everything and every encounter, then we should test our brains for defectiveness.

Jambudipa said...


You have a point there. The F7 went straight towards their landing point in Mullativu. If the Zlins were intercepted in the central region over the A9 for example, the F7 will totally miss the 30 degree cone because it would be positioned at right angles against the Zlin. There was a good chance zero in within the cone if the Zlins were tailed from Colombo. The problem however the air was being sprayed with AA. The last thing you want is getting knocked down by friendly fire.

Rana said...

Further to the above,

Why we have to fly from Katu wasting precious time. Is ther any problem to keep two suitable air crafts armed with air to air missiles and 13mm machine guns full tak ready 24/7?

All aviation experts, Please post reasons, if cannot be done.

- Gini said...

APPU desperately wants to tear a new body cavity for the MeeHaraka who came up with Colombo's Air Defence plan.

Not only is the South's self-inflicted damage giving Velu more bang for his buck... whilst Velu has a quiet chuckle, we have to spend money, time and energy repairing broken roof tiles, shattered windows, dents in cars, etc...

Anonymous said...

Rana, B#1

AA fire is needed to protect our positions. So we can't send our birds closer to AA gun range.

It is said SLAF send 5 F7s. I don't think all of them went to mulathiva. Some how they missed.

As I see the problem is hight. So if we use 10-20 zlins moving around suspected regeion I think it is possible to locate TAF. You can take off them from any tar road and search for TAF in between. Atleast they can tell F7 pilots if we can't attack them using zlins.

MR asked us to do military research. (wow) So I am doing now and I gave my result. lol

Bhairav said...

Where did DW aunty get the 5'clock story? She may have gathered it from her corner-store chit-chatters.

When a country is on the brink of total civil war, it allows its airmen go home early as 5 pm. aha..what a nice story! Most countries regardless of good time or bad time always follow the 24/7 schedule to protect its strategic resources and national security. Whether it is a nuclear installation or just power plant, there will be always 24/7 security guard, but Lankan airmen will be given permission to go home with 5 pm since the tiring workload they face during the day which includes one hour either half of their lunch break as cigarette break, 2 hour lunch and 2 hour chit-chat, good 75% burn out ratio, oh man what an advantage of being a government employee.

Whoever cries for Air Chief's head as DW is right as airmen won't be on the duty after 5 pm, the AC should go, no arguments are here but you know DW is nothing but an idiot. Thanks for your laugh DW, you are a truly great one!

Saman said...


Read article on "President calls for local military research" ( Good strategic move, along the lines some blogers advocating.

There seems couple of "almost scientists" here who may fit the bill. Moshe, rana and ninja must apply ;)

Rana said...


thanks for flattering compliment give,

I am not a military or air space surveylance expert by any means.

Moshe and Ninja has better knowledge than me.

Only thing I tried do is think logically about the problem.

However, I wrote about civilian think tanks used by Israel defence to solve strategic problems. They get university lecturerars and professors and ask them to brain storm over certain problems and come up with various solutions and as group they analyse and select the one.

We should do the same.

Apino Dannachess said...

Hi All Patriots,

Serial blasts tear through Assam state, India ......wonder what Karunanidi & Vaiko's reponse to this will be?

Will they condemn this?

If they do so can we call them hypocrites?

And I'm keen to get the opinion of our DieAssPora brothers....

I mean is it a terrorist act or a is it a legitimate means of achieving minority rights?

V4V, any comments bro?

Cheers All

R U C? said...

Hi DW,

I have few concerns over the nature of the sensitivity of information released to internet by DW, as an example, following is an extract of recently published article in DW,

“AA batteries placed on all high rise buildings, including the Hilton Hotel, World Trade Center Towers and the Bank of Ceylon building”

I am not sure that the above information needs to be in public domain, upon knowing, LTTE could destroy those AA batteries before launching an Air strike. I am sure those should be heavily guarded, however, we can not underestimate the LTTE planning power and Capabilities, which they have amply displaced in the last 25 years by setting up well planned mega calamities.

Over to you for Ponder.

Apino Dannachess said...

Bro Rana,

I agree with your suggestion on getting fresh expertise (preferably of non-military background) to brainstorm over some of the problems of SLDF. In fact I directly wrote to DW on this months back.


Well said mate, I really like the last bit of your writeup.

Its one thing for DieAssPora to go ga ga about little stunts of their minions, but we patriots should not cry over them.

A good week end to all

B#1 said...


I think at this situation India should ask help from Sri Lanka. At lease the advices, so then we can teach them how to introduce a WVS (White Van System).

N said...

The best option is to hire a satellite service, then there won’t be any problems to identify the exact take off, lading locations and all other relevant info of the tincans.

Mahawansaya said...

There is a silver line here. Now SLAF cheif is under personal vendata to do better. He will pull miracles soon.
Same was the case with Gen. Fonseka when he was badly bombed. Wedikapu Ura Bayanakai ....

SLAF taken out Thamil Selvam with precision strikes. There is power in SLAF.

It has done well not to chase TAF. What they did was to monitor return path.

B#1 said...


SLAF might already know the landing positions. But what I think is the Zlins might travel more 500m-1000m after landing and put inside the underground hangers.

Saman said...


I am with you on this. One aspect is, and always has been, that we never banked on local knowledge. Always, looked experts from outside and many a times being screwed or inappropriate technology was given. Also, that made us a Nation of dependants. As you know well, a hangover being a colony. The crust of MRs speach is a detour from that. He is not the only leader who said that but no one to date had a fully integrated effort. Lets hope MR is serious - not just "bola talk".

This article calls for Roshan Gunathilaka to be accountable - as we all discussed here.

One reason for Sri Lanka to be a politically infected society (street sweeper upto President are political appointments - bit exagerated to get the point home). Just take this for example, 200,000IDPs - their medical welbeing is left to be told to the world by TN/LTTE/NGO henchmen. But, the association of medical practitioners of SL or doctors who work in these areas were never force to report (a statement) or called for accountability in that regard. Government agents and other public sector workers are the same. I mean they are paid by tax payers money to serve LTTE. If they stop being answerable to the GoSL through the proper channels (because LTTE presure or what ever) then pressure could have been applied throgh legitimate organizational means (get the normal process in such cases take it's course). We could not/did not.

We have allowed LTTE to take root over the last 30 years and now paying a big time. As you said, if think tanks have been established (instead politicians) then stratergies could have been developed and put in place. It's too late for now, but if peace returns country must think completely differently. Remember, war can not get rid of non-combatant negative elements of LTTE especially those on government services and chekroles. Strategies must be put in place for them not to rot the system underneath. Big task ahead bro. War may be winnable but that aspect need real leadership in foresight. Lot talk about political solusion, crushing LTTE I have not heard any institution working on proper and comprehensive administrative mechanisms which would enable us to sustain the hard earned win. One thing is sure. The current struture suked even during best of the times and no hope in hell to sustain for future SL. That is where local knowhow/strategies are mandatory. Lets hope we will not turn to corrupt India for advice on that.

Rana said...

Apino, Thanks bro,

I have developed some rules and guide lines for SLAF pilots to be efficient in the future, as requested by Hon. MR.

Follow each rule and guide line to the letter:

1. Every takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatory.
2. If you push the stick forward, the houses get bigger. If you pull the stick back, they get smaller. That is, unless you keep pulling the stick all the way back, then they get bigger again.
3. Flying isn't dangerous. Crashing is what's dangerous.
4. It's always better to be down here wishing you were up there than up there wishing you were down here.
5. The ONLY time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.
6. The propeller is just a big fan in front of the plane used to keep the pilot cool. When it stops, you can actually watch the pilot start sweating.
7. When in doubt, hold on to your altitude. No one has ever collided with the sky.
8. A 'good' landing is one from which you can walk away. A 'great' landing is one after which they can use the plane again and don’t worry about the bad landing.
9. Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make all of them yourself.
10. You know you've landed with the wheels up if it takes full power to taxi to the ramp.
11. The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival. Large angle of arrival, small probability of survival and vice versa.
12. Stay out of clouds. The silver lining everyone keeps talking about might be another airplane going in the opposite direction. Reliable sources also report that mountains have been known to hide out in clouds.
13. Always try to keep the number of landings you make equal to the number of take offs you've made.
14. There are three simple rules for making a smooth landing. Unfortunately no one knows what they are.
15. You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck.
16. Helicopters can't fly; they're just so ugly the earth repels them.
17. If all you can see out of the window is ground that's going round and round, things are not at all as they should be.
18. In the ongoing battle between objects made of aluminium going hundreds of miles per hour and the ground going zero miles per hour, the ground has yet to lose.
19. Good judgment comes from experience. Unfortunately, the experience usually comes from bad judgment.
20. Keep looking around. There's always something you've missed.
21. Remember, gravity is not just a good idea. It's the law. And it's not subject to repeal.
22. The three most useless things to a pilot are the altitude above you, runway behind you, and a tenth of a second ago.

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Rana mate, ummm umm umm "I have developed some rules and guide lines for SLAF pilots "

Shouldn't it be "I have found some rules and guide lines for SLAF pilots"

Anyway, have fun catch u all next week!

Be safe and if u spot a f#@king flying broom shoot the f#@king thing down!

Unknown said...

Rana .

Do you have too much time in your hand or what is the matter . These kids are putting their lives on the line for you and me . You should be ashamed of your self for the stupid way you are carrying on . The thing to do is to find out exactly happened and fix the issue not to go on around like a drunk bawling .

Rana said...

Amma G/G,

yes bro, I found, just a slip!

Ali, sorry bro, whole day I can't be serious, and the other thing is someone else might need some entertainment too.

If you don't like it, I will stop it from now on, sir!

peter said...



kollanee! ubalata assassinrajive ge pihitai

kollanee! ubalata fonceka#hikpula ge pihitai

kollanee! ubalata ammapaa! ge pihitai

mata nam ithin magema pihitai

mona karannada ithin

pouma thama!!

Rana said...

This is also for Ali,

Yesterday, I was pissed-off with SLAF, today little better, so I thought bit of ridiculing them will do the trick! bro!!

Ruslan said...


Mate i guess we missed those Zlins due to poor range of the F7s. if we launch F7s we need to cue them straight after the Zlins. only after doing that we can get a lock on Zlins. we could do that easily if we got a powerful ground based 3D radar system. thing is we don't have those. what we could do is launch an aircraft which got superior than F7 and got a good Radar (Long Range) in it. in MIG 29 The range is longer. and it's got Look down shoot down capability (even among ground clutter) previously planned MIG 29SM got super duper IRST which can track exact targets like pesky Zlins. i think if we should got our hands with those mighty MIGs then we get a chance of shooting them down without wasting more time.. my .50 Cents..

Kasunsiri said...

If the plane has emptied its cargo why did it still fly to presidents house ? Only reason I can think is to crash it for a suicide attack .
If its flight path is confirmed as said i cannot think of another reason why LTTE would risk the aircraft.
Also i see a lot of theories being thrown at their entry , no of planes involved , who are the pilots , and the successfully exit . No real facts . Are we lost on this one ?

peter said...



kollanee! ubalata assassinrajive ge pihitai

kollanee! ubalata fonceka#hikpula ge pihitai

kollanee! ubalata ammapaa! ge pihitai

mata nam ithin magema pihitai

mona karannada ithin

pouma thama!!

Dumindak said...

Why Air force is a failure???
one thing came to my mind is
Air force commanders are more of from show-off community in colombo. These guys dont have fighting spirit.

Unknown said...

I totally agree with you ali.
as ali said they should find out what went wrong and make them correct.We are outsiders from battle front.As i earlier said we don,t know what went wrong or as some one in same blog said this could be a tactic from SLAF. I feel they have done it deliberately with some purpose in mind.

We can punch the key board and shoot the things down. But in actual war they have to face,they have to plan.Military planners they have different views about the things happeninga and they do.

I have seen how we are impatient about this incident.This is a war with a formidable opponent.
I am wondering past few weeks we were talking about Nachchikadah. Guys now its in our hand.Caravan is moving as planned slowly but steadily.
Some people were blaming gov propeganda about Killi capturing.You guys don't you see they also doing psycho war fare.Now lttp has no idea what and where SLA/SLN and SLAF hit.

Ali you are 100% correct.All SLDF boys and girls are sacrifying for us and country.
So wait and see.May be this is a trap.Now they know TN cannot save them and India is not supporting them.
My challange for die ass poras and lttp let Tamil civilians to decide and see where they will move.Take the gun barral out from them.See what will happen.If vazapillay has that much power/stratgies to stop SLDF do it.He doesn't have any regards to any civilians.He is now thinking only about his survival.

Thundering typhooooooon

Bhairav said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bhairav said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bhairav said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Infinity said...

Updated maps. A lot of territory taken last week.

Map of Western situation as at October 30
Map of Eastern situation as at October 30

Rana said...

hi Gotymbara,

hellow mate wellcome to the family,

I see lot of new comers around after this latest SLAF blunder!

I wonder whether SLAF junior officers were asked officially to do everything to protect somebody by posting here with positive note about SLAF.

Where were you boys earlier?

I don't mind to do anything that helps to beat tigers, but white washing SLAF failures, just forget about it, bro,

we will be watching and we are not dumb or deaf!

It is always better to organise your house properly before accusing others.

This is for all new comers including Ali.

Unknown said...

I am not a new comer to this blog neither working for SLAF.I wish I could.I was not that lucky.I have only military experience as a school cadet in my school platoon for 5 years.I got a chance to join ARMY in intake 18, but my mum spoiled my chance.Infact i was in this blog as saman and then change to saman k.Reason i change my user ID there is another saman here.So i gave him a chance.
For me i am proud to be among few srilankans who got a chance work with Airbus A380 super jumbos also.If you ask me I am working with these latest state of art technology flying beauties for last 20 odd years some wherelse in the world.
I am not white washing SLAF.I told what i felt about this incident.Only thing i don,t buy this radar detection excuse given by SLAF.
I cannot reviel all the things i feel about whole senario happened that day.That's what i said this could be a trap as well.
This what i feel,we are impatient here including me.
Bro,if you read all blog you could see my posting though my id is different.

Blistering Banacles,

This is a war.We have our feelings.Let the experts to do their job.No heart feelings bro.


Rana said...


My daily pilgrimage to and and GOSL media centre keep me informed about all these progresses but lately some what lesser.

any way Thanks bro!

Rana said...

sudenly all new born monkeys initiated from SLAF have vanixhed into thin air.

SLAF has to be investigated thoroughly from a to z for corruption and taking bribes from LTTE to pass vital defence info to LTTE.

MrBrown said...

Hmmm DW hasnt got the NAchikuda captured news.? May be he ignored that since its a fake one to change the attention of TAF attack:-)

Infinity said...

Rana, you write "My daily pilgrimage to and and GOSL media centre keep me informed about all these progresses but lately some what lesser."

What do you mean? The advances has been greatest in recent days with the fall of Nachchikuda, Jeyapuram, and Akkarayankulam tank bund.

Infinity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Infinity said...

MrBrown, some pictures from Nachchikuda for your enjoyment:

Unknown said...

Geez rana ..

you are funny . All I am saying is we are not risking out life like they are so cut them some slack dude .

Unknown said...

About all new born monkeys intiated by SLAF.

Now you decide how correct you are???And you don't appriciate what our boys have done for last few weeks during heavy rain.

I have seen many people like you.I don't see any reason why SLAF ask junior officers' to come here and post something to white wash their mistakes.They will make their mistakes correct.They have done auwful lot a cheer.This time something happened or done purposely by them for some reasons.They are learning from the mistakes.And dof fights need lot of experience.

I think you still don't want to believe all of your towns/villages captured by SLDF's.

Moshe Dyan said...


yes, SLAF has changed the war upside down. great work.

but there are a lot of avenues for improvement. the motto of SLAF goes "lets protect lankan skies".

this is a high standard requirement going FAR beyond minimising damage caused by TAF crap. according to this requirement, TAF planes shouldn't be in the air.

we appraciate the great work by SLAF, only things is we need them to rise up to the occassion and defend lankan skies.

TamilskillTamils said...

Hi guys

My idea is simple we must buy a Zlin then modify it as similar to LTTE and try to find whether our radars can detect and also F7 and reaches them. It bit silly but we can atleast try out..

Unknown said...

Nachchikuda liberated.

Rana said...


Machan, our advances are great, army is doing just fine, I love them all for hard work.

infact army is the only thing that keep in this blog so far, SLAF sucs man,

i am too sleepy right now and my wife says I am drunk, just to honour my wife I say good bye to all friends, see you all tomorrow morning.

lankaputhra said...

Times of India
Congress can never forgive Rajiv's killers: TNCC chief

30 Oct 2008, 1732 hrs IST, PT
RAMANATHAPURAM: Hardening its stand against LTTE supporters, the Tamil Nadu unit of Congress on Thursday said the party will not forgive the Sri
Lankan militant outfit for its role in the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi and asserted the Centre would take action against the forces that create problem to India's

"The Centre will take action against any person or organisation that caused problem to India. We are the first to raise the voice against the forces that created problem to the country's unity," Tamil Nadu Congress Committee (TNCC) President K V Thangabalu told reporters.

AIADMK leader Jayalalithaa raised her voice against such forces only later, Thangabalu said in an apparent reference to her stand against extending any support to LTTE, which is facing an all-out offensive from the Sri Lankan Army in the north of the island.

MDMK General Secretary Vaiko and film directors Seeman and Ameer were arrested recently for their pro-LTTE speeches after the state Congress leaders demanded action against those supporting the LTTE, Thangabalu claimed.

The Congress leader said the Centre would not interfere in the battle between Sri Lankan forces and LTTE. "We cannot stop the war that is going on in Sri Lanka."

He, however, said the UPA Government was taking all steps to protect innocent Sri Lankan Tamils caught in the conflict and was interested in implementing Rajiv-Jayawardene Accord.

On charges that India was extending military aid to Sri Lanka, he said radars had been given to the island government only to protect its territory and not to use them against the Tamils. "It was not possible to use a monitoring equipment to attack the Tamils," he said.

Peter said...

Army: SLFP > UNP

Navy: SLFP ≤ UNP

Air Force: SLFP < UNP

Air Force is there to create trouble for SLFP gov during budget time by asking for costly items.

B#1 said...

Yes, Soosai's hideout in Jayanthi Nagar was attacked.

SLAF this time will try to do something extra. Good Job :)

Infinity said...

Something that should be done is banning the TNA. It openly supports a terrorist organization in a state of war with the government. What other nation allow a party to advocate and incite violence against the government? True, various nations allow some parties that advocate independence for various regions. But only if they do so through peaceful and democratic means.

Just look at India. If Sri Lanka has the same sedition laws as India, then TNA would long ago have been prohibited.

Pottu said...

I told these suckers not to hit Colombo... Now they hitting me...
Please listen it's not me...

Kuttu.. Shyam and my love son Peter...

Please save me... Come and dig my rat hole...

Ask your mom to start first... that will help me to get higher productivity.

Unknown said...


SLAF is to trouble lttp.Now i think you guys have asked for the trouble.

Thundering typhoooon

Now onwards see what will happen.

Peter said...

"Several sources in the North and East reported to the government over the last two weeks that Soosai, the long time leader of the Sea Tiger Wing of the LTTE, had been killed in the fighting in the Paranthan-Vettilaikerni sector, where the Tigers have been furiously trying to dislodge the army"

"The LTTE still hasn’t publicly admitted the loss of Soosai, which leaves a slight trace of doubt over his fate. But many in the armed forces are now certain that Soosai is indeed dead."

V4Victory said...


Dont worry. Soosai is still functioning sea tiger special commander. When I talked to my relatives last Wednesday, we happened to talk about him as well. He participated in a school function in Mullitivu the day before.

Apino Dannachess said...

dear Patriots ....Shay,Rana, Moshe, Rover, AG/G, Saman, et al.

I see you guys are really worked up/ frustrated after the recent Toy Air Force stunt.....

So, here is something to cool you down......

The DieAssPora version of the Twinkle Twinkle Little star....

Cheers all and good weekend to you

Corey said...

For all those ltte goons living in a delusional state (borne out of that massive inferiority complex):
- who said that the Nachchikuda capture was a tactic to divert the news from the air attack:

These pics will speak those thousand words that won't go through your thick skulls:

peter, mr. brown, assrajiv (gonta)... enjoyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!

v4v: show this also to your sun goat, Pissuballai Prabhakaran!!!!

You guys want some lithium? I have some samples

Tee Hee!!!!!!!!!!

V4Victory said...


This shows interior road, actually lanes. Unless A32 road has been captured, you cant say you captured Nachchikuda.

Nachikuda town is still fortified with ltte. Only 1km part of A32 road lies between SLA and LTTE. If Nachchikuda captured, there is no pint talking capturing Pooneryn. You will have direct root to jaffna.

What you see here actually one part of nachchikuda which was captured by SLA two weeks earlier.

Malin said...


Dont think so.. maybe its wishful thinking by you. Throughout this war if army said it captured an area they did it. as far as i can remember LTTE never could show that army was lying when they said thay captured a town.

They were surrounding that area for months why wait so long SLA could have told this, long time ago. They waited till they did it.

If you are so sure you can maybe come up with some pic for us. But as it stands now SLA have some pics which even you cant deny.

V4Victory said...


your argument is right. Why SLA should wait such a long time to claim this?

This is because some area captured by SLA later within days are exchanged by both side manytimes. SLA was expecting that LTTE would try drive them out. In case that happened, SLA wouldnt need to say that SLA lost because it had nt said it took something.

This is the logic. LTTE also use this approach because both of them knows their weakness and strength.

You might remeber that MADHU news relaesed after 2 days. For nachchikuda, SLA need to show something to hide the impact of tother thing. LTTE also does the samething by sending their tiny planes to Colombo to show the world we are still comptent.

peter said...

Army: SLFP > UNP

Navy: SLFP ≤ UNP

Air Force: SLFP < UNP

Air Force is there to create trouble for SLFP gov during budget time by asking for costly items.

Infinity said...

To V4Victory, "This is because some area captured by SLA later within days are exchanged by both side manytimes." What areas? What source? Your relatives again? Maybe if you are thinking about small areas like trenchlines. Regarding bigger areas, then unfortunately for your cause, the LTTE has been in steady retreat for this entire war. Oh, if you missed it:

Map of Western situation as at October 30
Map of Eastern situation as at October 30

Unknown said...

I think I have already mentioned what needs to be done about these terrorist activities.

You fellows all the time say I am a Racist when I say these things and ignore my warnings. Until your i-pod sized brains begin to fathom my anti-terror measures enjoy the TAF bombings.

Hopefully, one of them will fall on your kith and kin. At least that will stop you fellows from calling me a racist and implement what I have said we need to do to these terrorists.

Unknown said...

I think I have already mentioned what needs to be done about these terrorist activities.

You fellows all the time say I am a Racist when I say these things and ignore my warnings. Until your i-pod sized brains begin to fathom my anti-terror measures enjoy the TAF bombings.

Hopefully, one of them will fall on your kith and kin. At least that will stop you fellows from calling me a racist and implement what I have said we need to do to these terrorists.

Kasunsiri said...

If the plane was flying towards the Presidents house after unloading its Cargo it can be only for the reason of a suicide attack . If the flight path is identified correctly as indicated by De fence Wire why else would LTTE risk an unarmed Air Craft ? .
Also we still are not sure where it landed or how it went back . who is flying or , who many they have , where and how they store it. Why is all this such a mystery still ?

Unknown said...

[The main prob is that the SLAF pilots have zero experience in air-to-air combat. It takes many years of training to be competent, and long hours of constant exercises and actual combat to be good at it.]


For the SLAF to be competent in air-to-air combat I suggest the following:

* Capture some eelamists (live bait is good).
* Send two planes to the air.
* Drop an eelamist from one of the Planes.
* The airmen in the other plane can take aim at the falling eelamist's palms (this is why I said live bait is good).
* Shoot down the falling eelamist.

hemantha said...

LTTE monkeys,
Here goes Nachchikuda. Video.

click here

Bhairav said...

Ruwani..someone suggested here earlier that govern should consider the local expertise for ongoing military effort, and you certainly deserve a spot in the round table of those local pool.

Not so long ago you cracked one that whoever carries gas cylinders in Gall road could be nuclear threats from the Eelamists. Now another gem is from you.

Gringo said...


No...No... No... This is not true!

Acccording to our, sinhala troops are bogged down in Thoppigala.

Peter said...

Wow! what a mega-base the army has captured.

All those gunboats, arti guns, ammunitions and bodies of dead cadres scattered around; patriots won't need Viagra tonight.

Must have been such a tough fight.

hemantha said...

your holy monkeyness,
Do you have any large bases? Is Pooneryn a large base? If you kindly answer then we do not need to have the same conversation after two weeks, When the Pooneryn is taken.

Corey said...

sour grapes? or can't bear to look?

P.S.: want some lithium?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

/Wow! what a mega-base the army has captured./

Wow! WTF LTTP has done with all the money diaspora clowns send? I thought peelaam is developed like singapore with free food from sorry state, free medicine from terrorist state and all the diaspora money. Only constructions we see are rat holes and cemetries wow wow wow!

mulathiev TARZEN said...

...jathika weeraya
roshan goothilaka!
...jaathika ponnayaa
....vijaathika modaya

anee i-thing thopi roth-tha-ta mee thung saranee saranaai!

mung thung denaa waa hondata rakabalaa ganillaa! jaathika wasthu thunak!
this ponna piribakoran should not fly his toys with on boars lights off, that was violation of international flying cords! he can fly and violate our air space any time he likes, but should not violate the rules of interior and exterior lighting regulations!

adoo ponna pribhoo, anith paara waren koo "light" nemaagena, api "touch" gahala thoge "tin-cans" walata wedithiyanawoo!

anika, eka paara eka thanakata bombaa daapanko yakoo, hamathanatama daanne umbata pissuda?

Rana said...


good morning patriots and monkies!

bro, if you read my post correctly, you will find lately less info coming from them. I didn't say less progress, mate.

mulathiev TARZEN said...

dan mata issellaam banina ekaa ponnayaa!,,be my guest!

mulathiev TARZEN said...

mahinda;;;mallee mokada tin-can
aawaada?, giyaada!?
gonta;..."aiyee aawata wadiya
hondata gihinne!"
mahinda..."aruge ammata $%^*£"da,
huth$%&*$-putha, u budida
gonta....."cow-the"? pottuamman da?
mahidaya.."naa yakoo araa roshaan
goothilaka, ookawa as
koraala dapiya"!
gonta..."mama try ekaka dunna, ethakota uu kiyanawaa, mata ekapaarak ass wennalu uu daha paarak uss wennamlu"! be continude...!

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