The 58 Division now advancing north following the fall of Kilinochchi is 2kms away from Elephant Pass. In most probability, EPS will fall by tomorrow. Already LTTE has started withdrawing to Chalai by sea. The Mech Infantry has not even been deployed yet.
Meanwhile heavy fighting was reported this evening at Chilawatte in the general area Mullayaweli in Mulaitivu. 29 Charles Anthony cadres were killed and another 28 injured in the fighting. 14 soldiers were allso injured. No deaths to own troops.
Friday, January 2, 2009
EPS to fall very soon
Posted by
9:22 PM
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1 – 200 of 330 Newer› Newest»yaaaa bayby yaaaaa.we are UNSTOPPABLE...
This is historical
3 great victories in the first 3 days of the year of VICTORY..
Thank you DW,you are doing a great service.we all appreciate it.
Well done SLA and the rulers
This is what we call panna panna gahanawa kiyala. Elo elo gahapung, elo elo gahapung, ithuru karanne apaa.
DefenceWire seems to be in a good mood to publish one news after the other. We are also in a good mood to comment also. Keep it going our brave soldiers!
AWESOME STUFF!!!.KEEP IT ROLLING...thanks for the updates DW..
If LTTE has started withdrawing to Chalai by sea, surely Navy could have a busy night too?
Do you think this would be the final stage of the final battle?
"DefenceWire seems to be in a good mood to publish one news after the other"
i agree mate
ela kiri ohoma yung.
tnx DW you're doing a great service!
"If LTTE has started withdrawing to Chalai by sea, surely Navy could have a busy night too?"
This is really embarrassing since we often call ourselves patriots:
"Hareendra Maithriapala said...
Firstly I would like to thank the 2 persons who donated to the fund.
The noise is cheap. Let's make it productive.
How about a little challenge?
Donate $1 for every blog you create here during next three months?
Who wants to take it up?
Man I only wish i was in SL now,to join in the celebrations!!!...just cant contain my excitement that the major part of the war might be over now and true peace will descend on a united Lanka that has all races,religions and castes living peacefully...:)
what happen to peelam?
no capitol, no land, is that still a country?
never was, never will be, deal with it
Thanks for the updates DW
you rock!
During last phase, it is possible LTTE will crumble and implode like domino.
I hope there should be a way to attack retrieving fighters and disorganize them.
Always remember the Trojan Horse story.
VP: killinochchi will not fall
is that the same killinochchi between iranamadu and paranthan?
wheres chalai?.not showing on the battlemaps? it in mulllaitivu??
tactical withdrawal from iranamadu
tactical withdrawal from paranthan
tactical withdrawal from killi
and now the elephant pass
LTTPussies are experts at withdrawals it seems but nothing else
may the triple gem bless our heros in SLA, SLN, SLAF, STF, SDF and Police.
brave hearts, no words to express our gratitude to you.
keep going until all the LTTP crushed
all sri lankans, lets celebrate and lets give our full support to our brave troops.
all patriots, we got a job to do. its our responsibility to do something abt those colombo based MFuckers- ranil, jayalath, TNA, managala, and the rest
Thanks DW for this Great Service
wow !!!
I can imagine SLA morale and LTTE depression. What a start of new year !
HINT: next time doing a tactical withdrawal, choose a place SLA do not wish to come to
do a tactical withdrawal to tamilnadu
LTTP modayas
"DefenceWire seems to be in a good mood to publish one news after the other"
i agree mate
Yes.. 31st left overs need emptying :) ...
Keep those coming DW :)
Internal rifts within LTTP as well as Die Ass Poras are eminent. Fall of LTTP is sooner than we thought.
Congrats SL Forces...
Btw, If anyone Watchs To Watch
Sri Lanka Rupavahini Live:
LTTE's collapsing like a pack of cards?
So we have finally reached that famed "tipping point" perhaps.
Are we witnessing the Total System Collapse....????
If EPS falls,will muhamlai and nagarkovil go down as quickly??
News is on yahoo.
Click it and keep it alive.
ReallyCold said...
This is really embarrassing since we often call ourselves patriots:
"Hareendra Maithriapala said...
Firstly I would like to thank the 2 persons who donated to the fund.
The noise is cheap. Let's make it productive.
How about a little challenge?
Donate $1 for every blog you create here during next three months?
Who wants to take it up?
I agree mate..
Brave SL defence forces we salute you!
what made all pussy cats run away to mulativu?
a house wife throwing left overs out saying
here kitty kitty kitty
Where are Wijayapala Master and Pansilu Master today with a barrage of cooked history and political talks? Where are the numerous LTTE terrorists like shyam, puli, upul, navindran, assinrajive etc today. Very puzzling indeed.
The way the things are going at the moment... i dont think that SLDF will need much more time. Very soon leaders inside LTTE will start fighting for their own safety and will turn up against the leadership. Then the civilians will be able to come under SLA and without civilians under the LTTE,they don't have anything to defend or fight for... only the top 2 or 3 leaders will try to fight for the remaining land, the lower level leaders does not have a big dream about a separate state. most of them have to fight because they just have to fight, or else their families will be under a constant threat from the LTTE. soon the families will leave the LTTE held areas and so will most of the LTTE lower level cadres.
I hope that with the fall of elephant pass, the northern area will also come under our control within 4-5 days maximum. Then it will only be a small stretch of land that the LTTE will be left to fight with. That will be able to conquer easily as we know that SLA is known as one of the best forces against guerilla warfare in jungle areas.
Mulaitivu district will now come under siege from all around ( with the fall of muhamalai and kilali in the coming days) and if the SLN and SLAF can give support for the ground troops, it will be less than a month away( im talking about maximum time length).
Hope our valiant troops capture that Praba pig alive... but its just icing on the cake... or rather extra icing on the cake...
@Sam Perera
maybe all of these LTTP supporters gone shopping for cyanide pills
Mahen's Blog Last head lines
1. LTTE Withdraws from Killinochchi
02 January 09
2. Iranamadu Withdrawal
01 January 09
3. LTTE Vacates from Paranthan
31 December 08
4. Tactical Withdrawals and Tactical Maneuvers
30 Dec 08
Hell of a week!!
Looks like all the LTTE top has gone to India now and are under the patronage of Karunanidhi.
That's why the Old Dog is not making any noise now.
Dear patriots,
Yesterday I appealed to you asking for support for the Ranaviru Fund project which was set up for the purpose of providing rehabilation aid for the ex-servicemen.
Firstly I would like to thank the 2 persons who donated to the fund.
Secondly, I got the impression that some of you are afraid to donate, because of suspicions of your money being misused. I fully understand your concerns.
Here is a great oppertuniy for those who would like to show their gratitude to our solidiers but want to be ABSOLUTELY sure that 100% of their donation reach the target.
I kindly request you to sponsor a child of a fallen/disabled soldier. Please email me on I will email you back the application form. You can fill the application form with your details and the details of the child that you like to sponsor and submit the application to Army Sevavanitha unit. Sevavanitha will then provide you with the details (name, address, bank account details) of the child. Then you can directly get in touch with the family and verify the details yourself. After you are satisfied with your own verifications you can deposit the funds monthly.
The stipulated amount is just Rs. 750-1000 monthly (depending on the age of the child). But you are most welcome to deposit more.
I will also provide you a lengthy description of the entire procedure.
Thank you,
Hareendra Maithripala
Thanks DW for quick updates.
Seems like we have REAL terra's here (upto now I thought only under 15 peelam boys and asylum guys were here commenting on behalf of LTTE). As I remember, just after bomb explosion today, someone was asking about news regarding some other terras entered into HQ. Now look at the news item in
A guy was arrested as a suspect of being with the suicide carder. Hmmm... maybe the guy asked about that news is a REAL terra, looking for what happened to the other guy.
Bottom line: Be careful with sensible info.
"maybe all of these LTTP supporters gone shopping for cyanide pills
reallycold... still here..wonder why? thing these LTTE buggers are known for is,surprise... so as everyone is expecting them to hit the TF1, or 57th or 59th, what are the chances of them attacking some place different....??? I m thinking TF3 in the Olumadu area is one such place where no one is seriously expecting a counter attack..... if they can hit the TF3 and hit them hard and may be capture a part of the A9 in a place such as Kokavil then with the A9 cut off the 57th and the TF1 will be finding movement a bit hard.. and then this will give an opportunity for the terras in EP to come down and attack the TF1 while the terras dislodged from paranthan and kili to counterattack the 57th.
What do u guys think??
I have quoted above a post in a seperate thread by a fellow patriot as I know that some of you may have missed his post in the other thread. I beg of ALL patriots in this blogs that should number hundreds to contribute to it. The contributions can be as little as 1000Rs a month to look after a fallen heroe's child and therefore I suggest you all patriots to forego a dinner out or some non-essential item in your budgets and contrubute to this worthy cause. I already am a regular donor to Ranaviru Sevana but decided to nevetheless take part in this worthy cause too. Please patriots I am sure you all can contribute to this cause if you make a very small sacrifise.
plz drop a mail to the fellow patriot on and he'd cordinate you and hook you up with Army Sevavanitha unit that will let you sponsor a fallen hero's child.
Many thanks,
It is our sincere hope this bloody war will be over soon and there will be an environment where all the Sri Lankans-Singhalese and Tamils and Muslims can live in peace and harmony in a united Sri Lanka.
People have suffered a lot during past 30 years
We shall not forget all of the sacrifices made by our soldiers, victims of LTTE atrocities, those who displaced from areas which controlled by LTTE temporarily.
We hope that this will be the end of megalomaniac Paryakaran’s (so called Sun Goat) time.
If captured alive, he should be brought to a tribunal for his crimes against humanity. He killed many Tamils who had opposing views. All those elite Tamils who support Eelam should understand the futility of an utopian and monolithic society that they have dreamed of.
Sinhalese should also understand the root causes of Tamil chauvinism and should be prepared to offer a decent devolution pack for the Tamil minority with in unitary Sri Lanka.
Salute to our brave soldiers
K'chi pics
/Already LTTE has started withdrawing to Chalai by sea./
No 'welcome' from SLN??
Thank you DW, This is great stuff
Thanks DW for constant updates!
SLDF is simply unstoppable!
We must remember this hero on the day we conquer 'Alimankada'
When Tamilnut showed photos of SLA KIA, Eelam fans went overdrive, but its all according to the old Sinhala adage, the "the lamp burns brightest before it burns out".
Or as Moshe put it, the reaction of a crowd when a boundary or sixer is hit but 100 runs to score off 10 balls and 1 wicket in hand.
I must thank all patriots for keeping with the SLDF during the good times and the bad.
Long Live our Nation!
Horey ! go SL go!
Tamil Eelam health service head office... Hik Hik Heee
People living in utopia are entitled to their opinion on how the LTTE lost control of the entire western seaboard, Poonery, A9, Paranthan, and now Kili [another testicle withdrawal?? :-)]. But the reality is that the SLA beat the crap out of the LTTE and pushed them into an area between Mullaitivu and east of the A9.
Looks like EP might fall with the next day or two. Without EP, the LTTE cannot hold the Muhamalai defence line. No way Jose. This would also mean that the army's 53 and 55 divisions will now join the party. So, lets be realistic for a second. Can the LTTE manage to hold off all 8 of the army's offensive divisions who will be pounding the area between the A35 to the north, A9 to the west, the A34 to the south and the eastern seaboard to the east? No way!
It's not over until the fat lady sings, but looks like game over the LTTE as a conventional fighting force, and along with it the use of heavy guns, etc. Those who are still living in dream, start praying for your goonies in Tamil Nadu. They are your only hope.
For Peter, et al, who still dream of a separatist nation, wake up buddy. It is time to live under one roof - Sri Lanka!
Kotiyage balakotu dan penwanawa:
Sri Lanka flag raised in Canadian Sky!. I want to be in SL now. Hiri Gadu (Goose bumps)pepanawa!
sorry for reposting .... but I just wanted some clarification from the ones who are more knowledgeable than me on this... thing these LTTE buggers are known for is,surprise... so as everyone is expecting them to hit the TF1, or 57th or 59th, what are the chances of them attacking some place different....??? I m thinking TF3 in the Olumadu area is one such place where no one is seriously expecting a counter attack..... if they can hit the TF3 and hit them hard and may be capture a part of the A9 in a place such as Kokavil then with the A9 cut off the 57th and the TF1 will be finding movement a bit hard.. and then this will give an opportunity for the terras in EP to come down and attack the TF1 while the terras dislodged from paranthan and kili to counterattack the 57th.
What do u guys think??
Hi Everone!
It's been nice to comment with you singalayas all these days. But now i guess it's over for us. So good bye Singalayas.
For those who like Oldies
Mahen said...
" Hi Everone!
It's been nice to comment with you singalayas all these days. But now i guess it's over for us. So good bye Singalayas."
Please don't leave, we need your help to rebuild.
/Mahen said...
Hi Everone!
It's been nice to comment with you singalayas all these days. But now i guess it's over for us. So good bye Singalayas./
59 should brace for the punch. They come down on full force towards the 59 I would think.
Hopefully they will be OK.
I got an idea on how to treat vesapillai after his capture.
force feed the fucker sugar syrup, deprive him of his insulin & sit him on an anthill.
LTTE's collapsing like a pack of cards?
So we have finally reached that famed "tipping point" perhaps.
Are we witnessing the Total System Collapse....????
the dieasspora divisions are already apparent.
soon the LTTP will split into more pieces than a wedding cake. after that it's.....
paaaaartyyyyyy tiiiiimeeeeee!
Another short update @
Ado Thushan.
Kohomada yagirala gihilla arthul ekak demma nam, to celebrate :D?
I think SLAF should bomb chandikulam area and take out any bridges so that LTTE cannot use that route.
although we may not know the details, chances are that SLA multi barrels wreaked havoc on muhamalai & nagarkovil.
does the army spare elephant pass cos they want to use the camp complex again?
Bravo to Mr presedent, Defence sectary,sir sarath fonseka, and heads of airforce and navy.
thank you.
[Hi Everone!
It's been nice to comment with you singalayas all these days. But now i guess it's over for us. So good bye Singalayas.
No way! The 'goodbye' will be on our terms on our protocol, because we RULE the ground, the sea... ands the waters... and Tamil terrorist and their foreign coolies must pay a price... BECAUSE WE PAID A PRICE TOO...
So wait for the goobbye... in all proud Sri Lankan style.
Until each and evry terrorist sakkiliya is sought out and killed in cold-blood or chased out of this little paradise... proud Sri Lankans won't rest.
This is no threat... no empty rhetoric of a bunch of cowards on the run.... This is on your plate NOW... TO SEE AND EAT.... served by the guardians of the country... the proud SLDF... a bunch of poor... village... chena boys.
Wow.... wow.
This is great victory. Dalada samidu pihitai apage seblunta!!!!!
Hello Hello Bloggers.....
A great N'Year to y'all!
Looks like the N'Year's gonna be one heck of a ride!
I can hear Amaradeva and group singing Rathnadeepa in the background. Today, every word in the song have started resonating my mind. I hope that the army will reestablish 54th division EP once again and bring back surviving heroes.
Its true SLA should not under estimate LTTE. But any kind of counter offensive will be a big gamble for LTTE. Truth LTTE tried many such counter offensives only to crushed by SLA. Besides, right now they are busy with 'withdrawing'. I hope 59 will soon take Oddusudan and Mullathiv while TFs take A34 and air strips.
FYI: Chalai is between Elephant Pass and Mullativu. The evac route is likely via the INLAND waterway that essentially negates any SLN interception. Now, it does not mean the SL forces cannot do anything about it.
There are several strategies to follow. Your forces can deploy certain units on interdiction and other missions. Obviously, I cannot write about them here. DW has in the recent past deleted several posts of mine, which in retrospect was reasonable, as I was unintentionally telegraphing SLA moves, as confirmed by the Welioya front, etc.
I wish the SLA, SLN and SLAF the best of luck in the oncoming ops. I would like to reiterate that mobility and surprise are your best assets as indeed confirmed by recent success. I would also like to reiterate that preserving the lives of your men in uniform is the best guarantee of success in the short, medium and long term.
Happy New Year!
National Flag Hoisted by Major General Jagath Dias in Kilinochchi. 2 nd January 2008
Raising the Lion Flag, that was emotional !!!
Lest we forget the true heroes of our soil who sacrificed life and limb for our freedom!
So EPS will be next. Our guys sure have an old score to settle there......
To EPS with vengeance it will be.
BTW, Velu was overheard over radio blasting Bhanu and ordering the injured cadres to be shot, so that they will not be taken POW.
Must be in a very cheery mood, our Velu...Geni penala giya, palace lost, Kingdom gone...duka thamai ranjiniiii......
"ReallyCold said...
During last phase, it is possible LTTE will crumble and implode like domino.
I hope there should be a way to attack retrieving fighters and disorganize them.
Always remember the Trojan Horse story."
There is a significant different between the Trojan Horse the LTTE's very reluctant "withdrawals." The difference between the old and new SL Forces is also clear with the nature of strategy, tactics and actual quality of training, availability of materiel, etc.
I have emphasised the survival of SLA units as being in the interest of short, medium and long term strategies. That was done not to undermine the SLA, but to emphasise its value. If victory and minimal casualties are to be the norm, battles must be fought at the time and choosing of the SLA, not of the GOSL.
All SLA personnel are valuable assets in the short, medium and long term. (Vehicles, guns, planes, etc. can be replaced, and even improved upon with relative ease, good soldiers are not). In the long term these same SLA units have to dominate the jungles. The more experienced the soldiers, the better off they will be when chasing the LTTE all over the Wanni and else where, in places you cannot imagine until the military option for political means is no longer available.
So have no fear, as long as your government and political parties do no interfere too much with the military, it will seek out and destroy the LTTE.
5 km to Mullathiv
2 km to EPS
3 km to Iranamadu air strip
58 heading Murusamodei too
57 heading Vaddakachchi too
LTTE kangaroo courts, ‘Police’ Headquarters, ‘Eelam’ banks, luxurious LTTE peace secretariat complex operated from KILINOCHCHI, their de-facto capital of ‘Eelam’ lying on the KANDY-JAFFNA (A-9) Main Supply Route (MSR).
Some media pundits, anti Army writers and columnists, both here and abroad, some of who have been hired or purchased by terrorists continued their mud-slinging and demoralizing propaganda campaigns against the Army Commander Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka, Secretary Defence Gotabaya Rajapaksa and heroic members of the Army, Navy and the Air Force. Some English and Tamil newspapers took the lead in this direction and compiled exaggerated stories and insulting battle-field news reports. Some went to the extent of comparing the siege of STALINGRAD to the siege of KILINOCHCHI and painted a gloomy picture, predicting the capture KILINOCHCHI would never materialize or be possible as declared by Army chiefs and government authorities. Some of those reports caused furore at different political levels both here and abroad.
"So have no fear, as long as your government and political parties do no interfere too much with the military, it will seek out and destroy the LTTE."
Why are you referring GOSL to be "your government" in third person? Are you not a citizen of Sri Lanka? Just curious.
For you entertainment, the reaction of the dieasspora:
Sri Lanka: Troops enter rebel headquarters
[ AP ] - [ Jan 02, 2009 6:13:04 GMT ]
Sri Lankan soldiers fought their way into the Tamil Tiger rebel capital Friday for the first time in a decade, military officials said, following months of fierce battles on the outskirts that left scores dead. Troops entered the northern town of Kilinochchi from two sides, senior military officials told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity in line with government rules. The level of fighting inside the town remained unclear. The military had predicted Thursday that soldiers would seize the town within two days. [ full story ]
- Sri Lanka troops take perimeter of Tiger political HQ: military - AFP
- Sri Lanka troops 'enter rebel HQ' - BBC
Comments [ 14 ]:
Bass from Australia on Jan 02, 2009 7:25:04 GMT
The military seems to be good at predicting future events. I hope they saw their demise as well.
deepanigamage from Sri Lanka on Jan 02, 2009 9:07:20 GMT
Where have heroes gone now?? Our dream has come true.
Ilangko from USA on Jan 02, 2009 12:37:18 GMT
It seems as if Killinochi has already fallen. The South is in a triumphant mood and the airforce is firing at will on refugees. Colombo Tamils now have to register with the police. A dark day for us, but the fight must go on or do we just give in to oppression?
NativeVedda from United Kingdom on Jan 02, 2009 13:06:11 GMT
Is it another LTTE's strategic withdrawal? If so LTTE supporters need not to worry. If not SLA needs to worry. A LTTE supporter told me that there is no significance of Killinochi for LTTE therefore LTTE doesn't need to hold on to it and at the same time according to him the Sri Lankan government attached too much importance to Killinochi. Meikandan whats your comment? Suneth, Rajiv, Banda in the future you might see a moderate VP. If Sri Lanka does not deal with real issues you will see a Tamil Hamas emerging out of last 30 years of destruction. It won't be like LTTE.
Thamil Citizen from United Kingdom on Jan 02, 2009 13:15:33 GMT
We knew sooner or later they will limp and get there half dead. However, the whole saga is just beginning. It is time to increase the orders for the number of body bags for the Moron Army.
Suneth from United Kingdom on Jan 02, 2009 15:02:25 GMT
I was waiting till an end of this war to discuss with you guys how we can help to win the Tamil rights (obviously not a separate state). But you idiots still challenge. If you want we can give more until the remaining evaporated by white van as I said earlier…..
Kalainagar from United Kingdom on Jan 02, 2009 15:06:22 GMT
Heeear we go payback time boys and girls pull your socks up. let not a single moran to escape alive.let the sinhala capital have the smell of their own blood after all what they've done to our beloved female cadres. Long live Tamil heroes! Long live Tamil Eelam! Long Live VP!
karikalan1 from United Kingdom on Jan 02, 2009 15:13:32 GMT
LTTE have let the war to drag on too long and they are facing the unfortunate(at leat for the Tamils) defeat staring at their faces.
srihan from Malaysia on Jan 02, 2009 15:44:16 GMT
Euphoria 1996..Surely LTTE cannot withstand concentrated and full swing assult by air and land by SLA. LTTE already prepare for this few months ago that why the killinochchi is virtually ghost town, they just want to delay the fall for some reasons.... let see whether history repeat it self in the near future.War is deceptive.
Thamilichi from Canada on Jan 02, 2009 16:29:05 GMT
Finally Elite Sinhala dogs have managed to trespass Tamils' administrative town. It took them 2 years to march from Mannar to Killinochchi. It will only take 2 weeks for LTTE to chase these invaders away because it is our homeland. They are occupying these towns and claiming as victory, but they don't know that these are just one way traffic and there is no exit. The great Sinhala emporer and his fellow idiots will soon realize this but will be too late.
Kiritharan from USA on Jan 02, 2009 17:13:14 GMT
Control of Kilinochchi has changed hands before. So did Paranthan Elephant Pass, Mullaitheevu and Jaffna. I still like the apparant strategy employed by Tigers. That is to minimize the LTTE casualties and maximize SLA casualties while SLA focuses on capturing land. Ultimately, it will be a cake-walk for LTTE to reclaim the land from a weakened and smaller army supported by handouts from other countries that are already hurting economically. I still wish there is another way to solve this chauvinistic and Mahavamsa problem supported by delusional disorder of Aryan/Dravidian myth instead of watching young Sinhalese soldiers from poor families being sacrificed. But apparently not.
Thanabal from Sweden on Jan 02, 2009 17:30:45 GMT
I have been telling the Tamil fighters ( specially when Thamilchelvan was making statements after statements) to keep their word low and do more. It seems VP has to eat his own crow pie as he has told Capturing Killi is a day dream. I can't tell how a military campaign has to be run and I know the LTTE is still keeping the bulk of the forces and assessts intact for another " good day". How ever they should have pay attention to keep the PARANTHAN intact. Fall of paranthan may seal the fate of E.pass too as supply lines to the Northern front is limited but still sustainable. LTTE most likely withdraw from Impenetrable Muhamallai and let the Army walk and would be more advisable than defend it
masi from Canada on Jan 02, 2009 17:34:46 GMT
So, Sinhalese Budhist racist now you are so happy to achieve your aim of making this country livable for only Sinhalese Budhist. You have 3000 plus sq. kilometers of vacant land and now happy to settle your Sinhalese Budhist people in the name high security zone, economic zone, Budhist holy area, Budhist archeological area and so on . Where are those non Budhist people, are you also celebrating this victory with Sinhalese Budhist. Please keep in mind; you are the next easy target. You can recall how Tamil was happy when Sri Lanka got so called “independence”. Tamils, please do not loose your self, these are only a temporary set backs. This is the time we should unite and strengthen our leadership. As long as we are fighting for a genuine course, we are not going to loose and god with us. “DHARMAM EPPOTHUM VELLUM”. GOD WILL BE WITH US ALWAYS.
ganga from Canada on Jan 02, 2009 17:56:52 GMT
Tamil Nadu please feel free to step in anytime and help Eelam brothers instead of talking through your god damn mouths!
What is Navy's plan to cut the supplies and retreating LTTE cadres units to and from Chalai by sea. Have the Navy and SLAF already taken action on this?
To celebrate the great victory by our brave army chaps over terrorist barbarians I have come with a new drink recipe. I have named it ‘Lanka Patriot’ Martini. Here it is:
- Three measures of Beefeaters’ gin
- One measure of V.S.O.A. Arrack
- Half a measure of dry vermouth
Add the above to a cocktail shaker and shake very well until ice-cold. Then strain and serve "up" (without ice) in a chilled cocktail glass, and garnish with twist of lemon. The twist of lemon is a strip of the peel, twisted to express volatile oils onto the surface of the drink.
Please note that this drink is exclusively for patriots. Traitors and Terrorist supporters are prohibited from trying out this drink
"Sam Perera said...
Why are you referring GOSL to be "your government" in third person? Are you not a citizen of Sri Lanka? Just curious."
I am not a Sri Lankan citizen, but know your country intimately. You can find me at Lanka Academic, where some of your compatriots love to attack me for providing a set of consitutional guide lines!
Would you mind telling me from what country you are?
What great news you are giving to us.
wonderful,Blistering barnacles,Thundering typhoons.
Great and thanks,
Mahen, Don't leave.We have no anger or revangeful mind with you misguided missiles.Come with us and join with us to develop our beautiful SL.To do that I have a humble request for you and other tamil bros.Atleast now onwards tell as many tamils as you can to stop funding this maniac's terrorist organization to destroy the country and particularly your own race.
Guys, read the articles on guardian posted by Raman and hariharan.
Mission acomplished!!!!!!!
Raman who said so.We know still long way to go.You are trying to say about what's happening in Iraq and Afganistan to US troops.You are an idiot i feel.In Iraq and afganistan US troops having a different roll.They invaded foriegn countries.They are forieng invaders with the dirty political mind.Same for you forces were in SL those days.I was in my school in hill country,being sinhalese we didn't like your forceful presence in my country.And all your soldiers were fighting for unwanted cause.No moral.SLDF in that regards have a genuin cause to fight for.Keep our country as one country.
And you lt col who were in SL during peace accord with egg shampoo eating indian army,couldn't achieve the intended dirty political target . Indira Gandi's stuborn indianisation the region.Though she knew Sri Lanka is not a threat by any means,decided to destabilise SL by creating this manic so called tamil liberating terror organization with the help of RAW agents.You are one of them i feel the way expect with next election will have a new gov and they will press upon SL gov for so called Tamil rights.What rights you fuckers are talking.And you guys are already planning to topple Manmohan"s gov?????????????????
BBS the terrorist supporting service.
This testing time for not only ltte, for terrorist supporters like you.Just now one Dr bernard spoke about political solution.What political solution you MF's are talking about.This country has equal rights for every one as Srilankan.Not more than that.No race/place in SL get any extra rights as you mf's say.Only same rights for everyone.That is it.Remember you are not our colonial masters any more.You have done enough damages to this country. Atleast stop supporting terrorists who are destroying this beautiful world.
I was at TLA a long time ago and lost my interest after these defence blogs came to life. I can't tell you my handle there but I have posted things in parallel to you. However, I never was on the opposite side of you. Yes indeed, you are very well versed with Sri Lankan matters as I remember. Nevertheless, I am extremely curios to know you nationality, perhaps Indian?
Task Force I
* Adampan on May 9
* Mullikkandal, Minnaniranchan and Marattikannaddi situated north of Adampan on June 24.
* Mannar ‘Rice Bowl’, an area extending over 120 Square kilometres on June 29 thereby bringing Alankulama, Andankulama, Alakaddiveli, Parappakandal, Parappukadatan, Papamoddai, Odupallam, Neduvarampu, Kannaputtukulama and Vannakulama under government control.
* On June 30 TF I links up with 57 Division southwest of Periyamadu creating the largest ever battlefront on the western flank in the entire Eelam war.
* Strategically located Sea Tiger base at Vidathalthivu on the northwestern coast on July 16
* Illuppaikkadavai on July 20.
* Vellankulam on August 2.
* Mulankavil and Pallavarayankaddu on August 12.
* Maniyankulama on October 16.
* Vannerikkulam on October 20.
* Nochchimodai on October 28
* Jeyapuram on October 29.
* Nachchikuda on October 29
* Kiranchi on November 10
* Devil’s Point and Vallaipadu on November 13
* Pooneryn regained on November 15
*Paranthan regained on January 1, 2009
57 Division
* Madhu church complex on April 24
* Palampiddi on May 16
* Mundumurippu on May 23
* Periyamadhu on June 15
* Naddankandal on July 11
* Kalvilan on August 13
* Thunukkai and Uilankulam on August 22
* Mallavi on September 2
* 29 October troops dominate Akkarayankulam tank bund
* Overrun Akkarayankulam built-up in Kilinochchi on November 5
* Kokavil on December 1
*Terumurikandy junction regained on Dec 10
*Iranamadu junction liberated on January 01, 2009
*Kilinochchi on January 2
* Mankulam on November 17
* Olumadu on November 25
59 Division
* Munagam base, the main logistic link between LTTE strongholds in Wanni and LTTE cadres in the east, across the Mullaittivu jungle on May 30.
* Michael base on July 4.
* Sugandan base on July 27.
* Jeevan base on August 16
* On August 21 troops advance along West of the Nayaru lagoon
* On October 23 troops dominate Gajabapura
* On November 11 troops dominate part of Kumulamunai village
* On November 29 troops reach Otiyamalai
* Alampil on December 4
*Mulliyawalai on Dec 26
* Navvi on July 11
* Puliyankulam on December 4
* Kanakarayankulam on December 5
SCENARIOS: Is Sri Lanka's quarter-century war near its end?
Fri Jan 2, 2009 10:21am EST
(Reuters) - Sri Lanka's military on Friday said it had seized Kilinochchi, which the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) had claimed as capital of the nation they want to create for Sri Lankan Tamils.
With that, the military has struck a strategic and symbolic blow that shows it has made the most battlefield progress at any time since the war began in 1983. That has analysts asking if the ground war could soon be over.
Here are some scenarios of what could happen next:
With Kilinochchi in government hands, the Tigers now control a wedge-shaped piece of land in the northeast corner of the island and a heavily defended strip on the neck of the Jaffna Peninsula that soldiers can hit from both sides now. The only major town the Tigers still control is the Mullaittivu port in the east. Troops are heading toward there on all fronts to the west and south, trying to push the LTTE toward the ocean. Another unit of near division strength -- Task Force Five -- is soon to deploy, the military has said.
With the LTTE losing ground and the military riding high, President Mahinda Rajapaksa has plenty of political support. That has prompted allies to call for an early parliamentary election to consolidate power and sidestep criticism of his government's handling of the $32 billion economy leveled by the main opposition United National Party. Dates are already set for polls for two provincial councils in February, which many political observers say will be a chance for Rajapaksa to test the waters and shore up support before a national election. Some were expecting Kilinochchi's fall to be the trigger for an early national poll, but advisers have said that is but one of many factors that figure in Rajapaksa's political calculations.
As predicted, both the Colombo Stock Exchange and the sliding rupee currency got a boost from Kilinochchi's capture. It remains to be seen how long that will last since both tend to move on their own fundamentals and have recorded some impressive performances in the course of the 25-year war. In December, Standard & Poor's Ratings Services cut Sri Lanka's sovereign rating by one level to B, five notches below investment grade, on declining foreign exchange reserves and a high fiscal deficit. Most analysts say a sovereign default is unlikely. That said, the IMF has warned that Sri Lanka's impressive economic growth could slow if it doesn't cut spending, stop taking expensive foreign loans and spend its foreign exchange to support the rupee. It has eased up its support for the rupee to conserve cash.
Not really, especially with popularity for his war effort so strong. Rajapaksa's mainly rural power base has been largely shielded from economic woes through his populist budgets and development projects. Rajapaksa is also counting on a flood of post-war reconstruction money to come in after fighting ends.
Tiger leader Vellupillai Prabhakaran in his annual speech in November said the government was living in a "dreamland" if it thought it would win. But most analysts say the Tigers are on the defensive and losing strength. The diplomatic currency on which the Tigers had long traded -- that they are defending a minority -- suffered in December when Human Rights Watch accused them of mistreating and forcibly recruiting the Tamils they say they represent. Many analysts say Prabhakaran may order bombings or air raids in Colombo, but will not be able to reverse military gains as spectacularly as he did in the 1980s and 1990s. The military and analysts expect the Tigers to increasingly go underground as they lose turf, changing back into the guerrilla group they started as and away from the conventional force they have become. In a possible sign of things to come, a suspected rebel suicide bomber killed three airmen in Colombo hours after Kilinochchi fell.
Sri Lanka's giant neighbor has always loomed large in the war. Despite a lot of noise from ethnic Tamil politicians in southern India with decades of links to the LTTE, Rajapaksa and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh have agreed Tamil political grievances must be addressed while the Tigers should be dealt with militarily. And since Islamist gunmen assaulted Mumbai last month, analysts say Singh is unlikely to give any quarter to a group his own government lists as a terrorist outfit despite renewed pressure for a ceasefire from Indian Tamil politicians.
(Writing by Bryson Hull; Editing by Alex Richardson)
People need to be careful for Suicide bombers. LTTE is going to be furious and will start on a IRA type bombing spree in Colombo and other major cities.
SLNavy needs to keep a around the clock surveillance in order to capture fleeing Prabakaran. Letting Prabakaran flee is only going to cause problems in the long run when a wimpy politician like Runil W. comes to power. SLA with current force power needs to hunt down almost every LTTE member and exterminate them. Letting them run into the jungle will make them regroup with domestic and foreign agents. They will come back and bite up behind the back.
We need to learn our lesson of exterminating extremist when they are small rag tag guerrilla force before they become like current LTTE. For extremist groups we need to implement doctrine of shoot first then ask questions later. Our government should learn how LTTE had their complicated weapons and procurements network spanning the globe. Understand foreign agents, governments and NGOs who supported LTTE.
Some scholars should write books and papers on how a rag tag guerrilla group from tugs become to present LTTE.
Our general public should always be resentful of politicians trying to play racist or homophobic fears.
Tnx Dw.Has Mulative been captured ?Times of India is reporting something like that..
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Looks like it's the end of LTTE.Feel sorry for the psycho old man..
Listen to the enemy's friend.. B.Raman
/The turning point in Sri Lanka will come the day the Tamils realise that Prabhakaran has become a liability for their cause and get rid of him. If there is to be real peace in Sri Lanka, the end of Prabhakaran has to be brought about by the Tamils themselves and not by the Sinhalese army./
Sri Lankan government has come a long way to learn to communicate LTTE victories tied to the global anti Terrorism mission. MR should get a hefty bonus from Prez. Bush.
"Whatever the words or language used to describe it, this is truly an incomparable victory. What our heroic troops have achieved is not only the capture of the great fortress of the LTTE, but a major victory in the world's battle against terrorism. The entire world must today appreciate the outstanding success of the Sri Lankan troops.," the President said.
Good Morning Mates,
I can't wait till we bag EP and clear neck of Jaffna p'sula.
I want 55 and 53 as soon as possible to pursue fleeing tigers.
SLDF should be extra vigillant on counter attacks b'cause LTTP is failing on conventional actions, therefore they may try something extraordinary in next few weeks.
Tightening the screws without giving any loop holes is the name of the game now on.
I think we will have total military victory within 05 weeks.
"The fall of Kilinochchi has sent the LTTE's spin doctors masquerading as journalists and defence experts running in search of fig leaves to cover their nudity. One of them recently concocted a cock-and-bull theory that the LTTE had so far used only new recruits to battle the advancing army and the best cadres would be deployed later. Can anything be more absurd than this? Are we to gather that Prabhakaran was so naïve as to vow to defend Kilinochchi against the army on several fronts with the help of a bunch of greenhorns alone? Why weren't those 'brave Tigers' used to fight tooth and nail to defend their 'capital' at least after their boss had undertaken to prevent its fall at any cost."
Editorial-The Island
click here.
Col Hariharan is more sensible than that dumb ass. As you can see here he is having a go at Raman too.
"Given this tight tactical situation, the LTTE's fierce defence of Kilinochchi has to be put in perspective; it is neither Stalingrad nor El Alamein. Such rhetoric might sound impressive, but the reality in Kilinochchi is totally different. This is an internal war between the State and insurgents fought in a very small area unlike the world war operations fought in urban setting or a battle of manoeuvres in the desert. Such a comparison would also be ignoring the progress of war on other fronts while looking at the Kilinochchi battle. Even if one grants superhuman capabilities to the LTTE, it is so precariously perched in Kilinochchi as it has to survive the battle of the day, every day."
Col. Hariharan
click here.
Where are Wijayapala Master and Pansilu Master today? Cooking history is somewhat entertaining. We need fake political pundits to make this defence blog vibrant. Have they vanished together with petty LTTE stooges like shyam, upul etc?
the EPS battle is proceeding as discussed. in fact SLA is moving along A-35!!
SLA had attacked murasumoaddai and surrounds yesterday which is in the are south-east of EPS. these are the areas that supported fire power,etc. to tigers fighting SLA north of EPS.
as i said the REAL battle in the N-M-K sector is fought 14-25 km apart.
now we have reached that 14-25km from N-M-K area, victory is certain. further attacks are needed in the area south and south east of EPS before moving in.
"Don't even come to see my face" - Prabha told leaders of killi. Rivira sunday version is already out. Enjoy!
Hooooo..... hoooo.... hoooo...
SLDF winning Kilinochchi was a 'day dream' according to the fat Tamil terrorist PIG (said just a few weeks ago) who sacrificed his best pigs to defend it.
But alas... as soon as the town is fallen... some 'analysts' are rushing in to downplay the victory and talk about a guerilla warfare by the LTTE!!!
When did they stop guerilla ware in the ;past 25 years???
What an insult these reports to their readers to .
talk through a crystal ball?
Now that we know what 'works' well when dealing with Tamil terrorists...
just apply the same 'kill more - achieve more' principle, with MORE VIGOR... and the peace will arrive on auto-pilot.
now the emphasis is on harvesting. this can be clearly seen from the claims from both sides.
Kilinochchi liberated- Countdown to extinction begins for LTTE
from toiletnet
Meanwhile, source close to the LTTE told TamilNet that the Tigers, who had put up heavy resistance so far, had kept their casualties as low as possible in the defensive fighting.
this is a good move by SLDFs. but they must be quick. allowing tigers to flee to tamil homeland (tamil madu) would be a mistake. if tigers survive for whatever reason, when a ponnaya becomes the SL leader, they will raise their ugly heads again.
all tigers must be sent to tamil elam (hell).
glad that the focus is correctly shifted to this requirement.
/even after the war the problem is far from solved. our enemy is not the LTTE per se, but tamil elam. LTTE is only ONE manifestation. we will have to fight peaceful tamil elam and bogus "superiority" crap after the war with same intensity./
Yes mate. Especially with people like RW/Mongal mob.
Why don't you stick to defence matters without being a witch hunter.
You are doing a good job on defence analysis but a poor job as a patriotism builder.
"as i said the REAL battle in the N-M-K sector is fought 14-25 km apart."
I presume that you are refering to the monkeys' arti batteries located in the mainland that target the Muhamalai/Kilaly defence lines?
Yeah, I agree, taking these out would make it easier for the 53 and 55 to barrel down.
Repost from:
January 2, 2009 4:06 PM
Here is my projection for the course of the rest of the Wanni campaign.
1. With the fall of Paranthan, if TF1, reinforced by additional troops (from TF 5?), moves East along A35, LTTE control of EPS and Nargakovil-Muhamalai-Kilaly front will become untenable.
This is because TF1 can cut off supplies and reinforcements to the entire uncleared area of the Jaffna peninsula by swinging Northeast-wards to reach the Kilaly lagoon, and by moving across the lagoon to occupy the strip of land within the Chundikulam sanctuary. As I had said before, this threat will force the LTTE to withdraw all troops and equipment to the south to fortify a new frontline across the Northern end of A35. The new task of TF1 will be to push the LTTE bacxk far enough along A35, so a swing to the Northeast and the Lagoon becomes possible. The LTTE will extend this frontline continues along the lagoon side to prevent attack cross lagoon attack by elements of Divs 53 and 55.
2. The progress of Div 59 towards Puthukkudyiruppu will force the LTTE to create and fortify a frontline south of Puthukkudyiruppu. The purpose of this frontline will be to delay the fall of Mullaitivu by the cutting off of A35 to the Southeast of Puthukkudyiruppu. With the SLA sitting across A34, Mullaitivu can currently be supplied only along A35 and by sea. The sea avenue is guarded by the RABS of the SL Navy.
As Div 59 moves North towards Puthukkudyiruppu and captures part of the road along the Mullaitivu Lagoon, the SLA artillery/MBRLS firing across the lagoon, and SLAF jet fighters/gunships, will be able to interdict all resupply and reinforcement of Mullaitivu along A35. Therefore, after further fighting Mullaitivu will weaken and fall.
3. The next LTTE town to fall will be Oddusuddan. When that is completed, LTTE will withdraw towards A35 and will create a fortified frontline to the south of A35, which will be merged with the frontline segments previously created at the Northern end of A35 and south of Puthukkudyiruppu. Thus, this frontline will envelope A35 on all sides, except the sea coast to the Northeast, which the LTTE may fortify only lightly, on the assumption that landings by sea will not be attempted by the SLA. The last stand of the LTTE will take place along this A35 frontline.
your dream has come true. DW reports mathivathani is looking for a safe place for her genitals and duwaraka's.
its a shame that our acclaimed dream interpreter, OAOA, could only interpret wet dreams.
i too had a dream. for some reason the place name "eladumattuwal" repeatedly came to my mind for no reason. most interestingly this name was unheard of in recent battles. wonder why?
Repost from January 2, 2009 5:49 PM
A Proposal for Creating Motorable Military Roads for the Conquest of the Mullaitivu District Jungle
I anticipate that the LTTE will finally retreat to a frontline enveloping route A35 with access to the East coast at its back, to
hide among the civilians using them as a human shield, and will try to utilize civilian casualties as a way out of their dilemma. I expect them to make their last stand at this extended frontline.
With the fall of Paranthan and Kilinochchi, if TF1, reinforced by additional troops pushes back the LTTE and threatens to swing Northeast towards the Lagoon, and potentially cross it and occupy the strip of land at Chundikulam, EPS and the Nargarkovil-Muhamalai-Kilaly frontline will become untenable, and the LTTE will withdraw all cadre and equipment South of the Lagoon, abandoning the Jaffna peninsula long before such a cutting off operation is completed. Soon after this, I believe that the SLA will encircle and capture Oddusudan, and Div 59 will be confronting the LTTE at a new frontline South of Puthukkudyiruppu.
When this happens, the SLA will be faced with clearing the very large jungle area ("Mullaitivu-District-Jungle") bounded (approximately speaking) on the west by A9, on the North by A35, and on the south by A34. There is an area of this jungle that is without good road access; it is roughly in the shape of a tilted rectangle with its corners located at Kokkavil in the West, Vellikandal in the North, Puthukkudyiruppu in the East, and Oddusuddan in the South.
I want to make some suggestions that would help clearing this area Mullaitivu-District-Jungle, not only to help sweep the LTTE forces from the Ampakamam area towards A35 through this region, but also to help in maintaining this region free of terrorists, and hidden arms and explosives, in the future if the LTTE reverts to a guerilla type conflict. The biggest problem I see is that this region has no roads to support quick resupply and reinforcement of the SLA troops operating in this area.
Therefore, I suggest that the SLA create two good quality roads that extend across the region: the first one would extend from Iranamadu (i.e., Iranamadu Airstrip area) in the West to Mulliyawalai in the East, and the second from Ampakamam in the Southwest to Theravilkulam in the Northeast. These two roads would intersect at a 4-way road junction in the middle of this region.
If, as I understand, there is a long earthbund-trench fortification erected by the LTTE extending between Iranamadu and
Mulliyawalai, this can form the basis of one road. Two army units can head towards each other from Iranamadu and Mulliyawalai, respectively, capturing the earthbund fortification, followed by army engineers with earth moving equipment filling the trench with earth from the bund, compacting the surface, installing culverts and small bridges as needed, and creating a road that can be paved later. In this way, the burden of cutting down trees to create a clear path, and leveling the road would be minimized. Since both ends of this road are in SLA's hands, this can be done from both ends.
While the Ampakamam end of the second road is in SLA's possession, the Theravilkulam end is not. Therefore, this road would have to be contructed only from the Ampakamam end. A third unit of the SLA would launch itself in the Northeast direction towards
Theravilkulam capturing territory and advancing the front, while an army engineers unit would follow with roadbuilding equipment cutting down trees, leveling and creating a road which will ultimately terminate in front of the projected final LTTE fortfications defending route A35. Upon final defeat of the LTTE along A35, this road would be joined to A35 at Theravilkulam.
Such a strategy would have three benefits:
1. It would yield the necessary roads to rollup and clear LTTE elements through the Mullaitivu District Jungle,
2. It would open another easily supplied front located in the middle of A35 at Theravilkulam,
3. It would permit rapid motorable access to this densely forested area to combat terrorists in the future.
I consider these roads to be a necessary military asset for in permanently securing this region in the future, and an economic asset for developing it with due regard to environmental impacts.
I think, Puthukkudyiruppu will be a harder nut to crack than even Kilinochchi/Paranthan.
Paranthan was the key to unlocking Kilinochchi, and more importantly (as we shall soon see) the EPS & the N-M-K fronts which will now be abandoned as untenable.
Kilinochchi by itself was militarily not important. It became so, only because of Prabhakaran's ego. GOSL and Mahinda/Gotabhaya Rajapaksa recognized and used that, pushing VP's buttons to make him fortify and make a stand at Kilinochchi, losing fighters and time defending it.
The LTTE has paid a price for that ego-driven wrong decision by VP in lost cadre, and lost the opportunity to fortify and defend Mulliyawalai, Mullaitivu, Alampil area, which (together with the A35 corridor from Velikandal to Puthukkudyiruppu) were much more important to their long-term survival.
Vellikandal and Puthukkudyiruppu will anchor the North and South ends of LTTE's defense line and defended area along A35 in the coming months. They will abandon Mullaitivu as it becomes untenable with the advance of Div 59 North along the Mullaitivu Lagoon.
From -> UNP's take on the srilankan ppl's victory...
UNP parliamentarian Palitha Range Bandara said his party had always stood against terrorism, and held in high esteem the security forces that fought valiantly to defeat terrorism.
Mr. Bandara said it was the UNP which engineered a major split in the LTTE after the signing of the ceasefire agreement in 2002.“We made way for Karuna Amman’s and 6,000 of his cadres to breakaway from the LTTE. That was the beginning of the LTTE’s downfall. President Mahinda Rajapaksa is in fact cutting and tasting the cake baked at the time by UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe. If we continued with our strategy, the LTTE would have been destroyed without even shedding a drop of blood,” he said.
Mr. Bandara criticized the government of using the war to cover-up the corruption and fraud rampant in the government from top to bottom.
“Today, government members are misappropriating public funds with callous disregard of the people’s plight. War is not an excuse to cover such frauds. The LTTE has always acted against the UNP. It engineered our defeat at the last presidential election. It killed a number of our leaders,” he said
Reduce prices to mark victory: Ranil
Opposition UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday called on the government to convert the Kilinochchi victory into something tangible and meaningful to the people by reducing oil prices without boasting only about the victory.
“The government requested the people to tighten their belts for the sake of the security forces and now if victory has been achieved the fuel prices should be reduced without boasting about the
capture of Kilinochchi,” he said. Mr. Wickremesinghe told UNP members in Kandy the government had levied taxes in an unfair manner and now there was a possibility of reducing fuel prices. He said it was also possible to sell milk powder at Rs.160 a kilo as the global price has declined from US$ 4,500 to US$ 2,000 but that benefit too had not been passed down to the people.
Mr. Wickremesinghe warned of a mass struggle if the government failed to reduce the prices of fuel and milk powder.
I cant believe ppl actually vote for these guys....
These kind of politicians should just hang up there sarongs and walk away...
btw, i am not a big fan of the UPFA and the 120+ ministers.. but understand that it is a neccessity for the president at the moment to provide a stable political env for the security forces to do there job..
But these unp jokers talk out of there arses !
Also DW anyupdate on harvesting the some ltte punks trying to withdraw from EP?
One word of caution!
Task Force 1 needs reinforcement with additional troops to hold the Paranthan area as it advances to the North and East.
The LTTE cadre can turn around and hit hard here!
ReallyCold said...
This is really embarrassing since we often call ourselves patriots:
"Hareendra Maithriapala said...
Firstly I would like to thank the 2 persons who donated to the fund.
The noise is cheap. Let's make it productive.
How about a little challenge?
Donate $1 for every blog you create here during next three months?
Who wants to take it up?]
This is a great Idea! I am all for it!
I have already made my contribution well in excess of that to both the Rana Viru Fund and the Donate a Bed Fund.
Let's have everyone joining up!
Come ooooon guys!
Whats the story of "eladumattuwal"?
"Opposition UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday called on the government to convert the Kilinochchi victory into something tangible and meaningful to the people by reducing oil prices without boasting only about the victory."
It is ironic this guy is still shamelessly calling shots after what he has done to break the backbone of our military.
King Dutu Gamunu Did not complete the job, leaving the tail end to grow up and we, whole heartedly, hope that President Mahinda Rajapaksa will be in the history book for future generations of Sri Lanka as the second Dutu Gamunu who could see the end of it!
You are doing a good job on defence analysis but a poor job as a patriotism builder."
I don't agree that Mushe knows defense analysis but we can agree to disagree.
Regarding Sammy, whose ancestors had raped SL according to "patriotic" sources, he had previously asked me to leave DW but is now asking me to type posts here (just as he used to say that my political views are interesting). I guess for Sammy the going had gone dumb and he turned pro, but that is just my opinion.
Thanks Andanda and dil.
As far as I can see, there are three people already and we need more, we need 100s more.
" This is a great Idea! I am all for it!
I have already made my contribution well in excess of that to both the Rana Viru Fund and the Donate a Bed Fund.
Let's have everyone joining up!
Come ooooon guys!"
From my experience, getting money from Sri Lankans are tough like I said we don't really trust one another based on past experience.
Very few people donate based on a need. Most donations are ego driven.
If the super donors will have few min photo ops with SF or MR for a bigger projects ($2500 or higher) like housing or something tangible with their name engraved, lot of people will step up.
One of the thing SL based charity lacking is acknowledgment and progress (ranaviri seems to have covered that).
There can be plenty of things we can do in the long run to increase support like 'adapt a family' where an expatriate family provide a monthly allowance for kid education and that family get progress/pictures in return.
I wonder Ranaviru can do a raffle for donors and they should be able to get some of the high end hotels in SL to offer a weekend or even air lanka to offer a free upgrade or something.
‘Entire world must today appreciate success of Sri Lankan troops’
Dear Mayilravana Aiye,
"Were you one of those school boys who would come up smiling for more after each beating?"
As you demonstrated recently, you were the one who limped away without being able to prove your arguments and conceded defeat. No hard feelings ayya.
"We've seen this sort of crap in the 1980's. SLDF accused of raping and bayonetting pregnant women; eating the flesh of dead soldiers out of hunger etc."
I don't know about eating the flesh of dead soldiers, but the part about murdering pregnant women was true (among other misdeeds). The SLA was very different back in the 1980s- it was a small ceremonial army that had to expand within a very short timeframe, and there was no time let alone resources to build professional standards. Also there was a huge socioeconomic gap between the officers and the enlisted ranks. There were varying results; sometimes the soldiers would not return fire out of an incorrect fear of hitting civilians, other times the soldiers would go on rampages, often after getting ambushed (training in those days was very substandard and did not prepare the soldiers for fighting guerrillas) and the officers would not be able to exercise control.
Thankfully those dark years are in the past and the SLA is taking the fight into the Tigers' lair. The credit goes to Fonseka and Gotabhaya for building the SLA into a first-class army.
"But the issue of Chemical weapons still remains a worry."
If you're foolish enough to think that the LTTE has chemical weapons dear ayya, then I suppose I can better understand the way that you try to form arguments.
What about this?
VP = RW = SA where
Equality holds in some 'political sense'.
abc abs cdo,
yes, mate that's what i meant. it is happening now.
last mile,
i'm waiting to see anything happening about it.
Pansilu the nitwit,
"So, my advise, keep your f***ing mouth shut or I will make it shut for you."
I find your language very eloquent. Didn't you do some language policing a few days ago?
Since you are challenging me with all that eloquent language, I humbly ask you to give it a try.
LTTE 'manthra' now some diASSpora do not believe and some still believe:
1. SLA attempt to advance was thwarted, repulsed and defeated
2. Elite cadres are almost intact
3. It is a 'tactical' withdrawal
4. Counter offensive coming soon
5. So send money (Ha Ha)
This 'manthra' worked from Mavil aru to Paranthan but from K'chi to ---- ??
you made out a fact and that's that. (it had a MARVELOUS impact!!!!)
i see no point in arguing any further which will only waste your valuable time.
THEY have proven YOUR case!!
Wijayapala Master,
You are back with another installment of cooked history and bogus political talks. It seems that you and Pansilu Master were dumbfounded after the fall of Kilinochchi. Anyway, you have that talent to hijack others agendas. As for Pansilu Master, he has started using his natural language. Please take your socialist garbage elsewhere without polluting this blog. You are just a parasite.
Now it becomes a jungle fight, in an inaccessible corner of the world, incommunicado and unsupervised.
The potential for eliminating the problem never looked so good.
Bring out the reaper, boys.
If LTTE has started withdrawing to Chalai by sea, surely Navy could have a busy night too?
That is the only sad part about the whole operation. SBS should be all over the lagoon like a rash. Even when TF1 cornered the terrorists in Pooneryn, they managed to escape by sea.
Read the headline of 2008-12-28 Irudina news paper. LOL.
Read the headline of 2008-12-28 Irudina news paper. LOL.
Like a boxer.. 57/58 is the left hand and 59th is the right hand.. feign with the left and punch with the right, feign with the right and punch with the left.. :-D
"With the process of withdrawal now going on the armed forces are likely to be in control of Elephant Pass, Muhamalai, Kilaly, Mullaitheevu, Oddusuddan and Vatraapalai before Thai Pongal Day"
[WASHINGTON (AFP) — The US State Department on Friday urged the Sri Lankan and Tamil Tigers to start negotiating over the "legitimate" demands of the Tamils after Colombo announced a key win over the rebels.
Sri Lanka said Friday its troops had finally captured Kilinochchi, the unofficial capital of the Tigers, and urged the rebels to lay down their arms and end their decades-old struggle for a separate homeland.
"The Sri Lankan government now seems to have made a gain through a military gain," Gordon Duguid, a State Department spokesman, told reporters when asked for comment on the development.
"We would also like to see that the Sri Lankan government and the Tamil opposition enter into a discussion that will resolve the legitimate issues held by the Tamils," Duguid added
What is next, Mr. Duguid? 'legitimate' issues of Muslims, lesbians and the admirable Chinese in the country?
Why stop there? Add to your recipe 'aspirations', 'self-determination' etc... and you can hope that Sri Lankans are divided as you wanted, once again on many lines... and make profit.
But... hell... no! We are not going to cook the way you wanted... we are simply Sri Lankans and ALL ISSUES will be solved by giving acceptance to 'that' identity only... We are no immigrants' country like yours...
and we don't need your 'guidance' to find ways to live in harmony in 'our' country in 'our' way of life.
Thank you once again for your wise advice to start negotiations with Tamil terrorists.
I know you are just testing... if we can laugh at your jokes!
Guys, What a New Year!!! Best Regards to You All. Enjoy:
Luxurious house of LTTE leader Prabhakaran in Kilinochchi:
People celebrating Kilinochchi victory:
President's address to the Nation aftermath of Kilinochchi liberation:
National Flag Hoisted by Major General Jagath Dias in Kilinochchi - 02 Jan 2008:
Troops Capture Kilinochchi - 02 Jan 2008:
/We would also like to see that the Sri Lankan government and the Tamil opposition enter into a discussion that will resolve the legitimate issues held by the Tamils," Duguid added./
Wow, he knows about SL really well.. should be via CIA.. Even I didn't know opposition is tamil.. Hik Hik
[Now it becomes a jungle fight, in an inaccessible corner of the world, incommunicado and unsupervised]
Imagine what the thick jungles of Mula can do...maggots can appear and maggots can disappear to ashes as fast they appear! Hint Hint..Nudge Nudge..Wink Wink...
LMSSAO!!! I love it!!!
OaO Asithri
"Most of countries have banned the LTTE and its a lonely organization. "
- EU MP Nirj Deva
Exemplify "Karma" in Buddhism. Put simply, as you sow so shall you reap. Its only those who know how collaborate with others succeed in life. Those who fail, live a miserable lonely life.
/Read the headline of 2008-12-28 Irudina news paper. LOL./
Irudina (UNP) - champions of 'eating ropes'.
Some one is blaming VP.. he he
[Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka, Sri Lanka's Army Commander and Air Force Commander Air Vice Marshall Roshan Goonetilleke have totally rejected the statements made by United National Party leader Ranil Wickramasinghe that quick and complete attention have not been provided to soldiers who are injured at the war front to save their lives]
Can you believe this patriots???
This RW cocksucker signs a so called "CeaseFire Agreement" (CFA) with the LTTE MFs and allows the LTTE to unload over 19 shiploads of lethal weapons (artys and mortars) that even today kill our bravehearts and now the cocksucker has the gall to accuse MR GOSL of "not looking after the injured SLA"...!!!
This whore ponna bitch in my view deserves "cruel and unusual" punishment...what say patriots?
OaO Asithri
p.s. it is also the RW approved/allowed heavy earth-moving equipment (during the CFA) to the Vanni NGOs that are today costing our bravehearts lives when they try to overcome the now infamous LTTE "earthbunds"...another credit to this ponna cocksucker RW!!!
I don't agree with Pansilu's language. How Asithri and his gang makes Pansilu's language very mild and I hope Sam Perera has seen others despicable skills as well.
Sam Perera said...
Pansilu the nitwit,
"So, my advise, keep your f***ing mouth shut or I will make it shut for you."
I find your language very eloquent. Didn't you do some language policing a few days ago?
Since you are challenging me with all that eloquent language, I humbly ask you to give it a try.
Would you like to show you are a real patriot by donating $1 for Ranaviru fund every time you use a profane word?
That way people will know you are not from LTTE diaspora writing as a Sinhalese to disgrace them.
I will be happy to tally the word count for you.
To be fair, this works both ways. Karma applies to LTTE as well as us and we both have our own dirty laundry.
" Exemplify "Karma" in Buddhism. Put simply, as you sow so shall you reap. Its only those who know how collaborate with others succeed in life. Those who fail, live a miserable lonely life."
Anyone have a link to the Presidents message about kilinochi has fallen? is it on youtube?
we both have our own dirty laundry. */
I am sure there is. However relatively speaking who got the biggest karma knock on the head? You will find the proportion of suffering relative to 'bad karma' one dished out. These are universal laws you cannot fuck around with.
asthri, HAPPY NEW YEAR BRO!!!!
ReallyCold or whosoever,
If you don't like Pansilu's language that is your choice. However, just like Pansilu Master don't try to police others language and use the same language next day.
BTW, your type of fund raising stories came from Mavindran also. He even asked if I have met with Cprl Gamini Kularathne's family. Today we know who Navindran is. If you want to talk about fund raising for SL war heroes next time, please keep this two cents and buy some clues. The types of clues you need are very cheap if you want to learn about fund raising.
OK got to go party...(it is Friday evening in my neck of the woods)...."
Typical fake Sinhalese patriot. People are dying to save your country, your priority is partying.
Now that real terrorists have ran away with their tails between their legs... secondary ass lickers jumping in.
This reminds me the old saying "ලුලා නැති වලට කනයා පන්සිලුවා"
reallycold, before you make incorrect judgements about asthiri, let me make it clear for you, WE ARE CELEBRATING OUR FORCES ACHIEVEMENT by buy each other drinks for our troops!!!! Nothing wrong with that buddy, specially after the fall of Kilinochia!!!!! HOORAHH!! hahahahahaha GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS! WE LOVE YOU!
Gringo said...
[WASHINGTON (AFP) — The US State Department on Friday urged the Sri Lankan and Tamil Tigers to start negotiating over the "legitimate" demands of the Tamils after Colombo announced a key win over the rebels.
Sri Lanka said Friday its troops had finally captured Kilinochchi, the unofficial capital of the Tigers, and urged the rebels to lay down their arms and end their decades-old struggle for a separate homeland.
"The Sri Lankan government now seems to have made a gain through a military gain," Gordon Duguid, a State Department spokesman, told reporters when asked for comment on the development.
"We would also like to see that the Sri Lankan government and the Tamil opposition enter into a discussion that will resolve the legitimate issues held by the Tamils," Duguid added]
The only legitimate demands that should be accommodated by the GOSL are:
1. Equal RIGHTS for Tamil citizens that are the same as for all other citizens
2. Equal RESPONSIBILITIES for Tamil citizens that are the same as for all other citizens
3. One vote for one person irrespective of ethnicity, caste and religion; and election to local and national government on that basis
4. No devolution of power to any region on the basis of ethnic, cultural or religious bases
5. No police, defense or diplomatic roles for any local region; these are solely the prerogative of the GOSL
6. No Provincial councils; the largest administrative unit should be districts
7. A policy of ethnic and religious integration throughout the country to eliminate regional ethnic and/or religious dominance/concentration by any group anywhere in the nation.
Yuddeta man(g) giya
Sorowu wahala thiya
Ehi wipaka kiya
Kilinochchiya giya //
Bring in political solution - TNA
Resettle those that have been evicted from the North and East by the LTTE and other Separatist elements before anything else!!!
Muslims of Jaffana, Also sinhalese of Jaffna, other families driven away by murder etc. in the former borders of conflict areat etc. etc.
We can't allow mono ethnic enclaves when we are fighting against an entity the promotes it can we??? Updated.
Didn't you say I am a communist?
There are ten people on this forum, they are like blind describing the elephant, each had their own name for me.
How can I trust your judgment this time?
"don't try to police others language and use the same language next day."
Has that happened before? Judge me from the short past experience, not speculations since you have been wrong on that already.
I have no clue on what you say about fund raising. I have raised fund in my own way and I can even show you numbers and web sites. I write my real experience here and I am sure real fund raisers will find them to be true and helpful.
According to most bloggers here:
Patriots are;
1. The ones uses filthiest words against tamils or supected to be tamils.
2. Either agree or maintain silance, if you see a controversial statement from a known and certified (by so called self appointed patriots) patriots.
3. Praise all SLA and govt personal unconditionally.
4. If you can lick arses of big mouths here, ex: arse on fire, kasippu simiyon etc.
You are a traitor:
1. If yoy trying to be decent to speak your mind.
2. If you disagree with a established patriot even he utters BS.
3. Criticise SLA, SLDF, SLN or govt personal for wrong things.
4. Do not praise other bloggers who are trying to show others that they are the best patriots.
I am not bounded by any of those above!!!!
Dogs can bark but I will write any thing I want.
"We would also like to see that the Sri Lankan government and the Tamil opposition enter into a discussion that will resolve the legitimate issues held by the Tamils," Duguid added
Why we here this from the state department? How come SL embassy can't educate them on what is true and what is not?
"WE ARE CELEBRATING OUR FORCES ACHIEVEMENT by buy each other drinks for our troops!!!! Nothing wrong with that buddy, "
Nothing wrong with that.
If you sacrifice that party to donate for a good cause related to our troops, your celebration will be noble.
I hope you are intelligent enough to understand that.
The following two comments are from kaatikuddupaan, published on Mahens blog..I was a bit surprised to see what has happened to a guy who spoke so supportively for SLA
kaatikuddupaan said...
We tamils need to have freedom but only after killing Prabha ourselves.
Best thing he can do now is hand over the light arms to the tamils to hide all over our areas and if Sinhala try to destroy us then we can hit back with Iraqi style insurgence.
However I think Prabha is really an agent of Sinhala buddhist chauvinists and would rather kill our people than to give them the arms and lose his power.
He feels that it is better to give the guns to army than to our own.
kaatikuddupaan said...
Unlike the keyboard armchair war gurus here.
I have spent several years working and fighting for Prabha, unquestioningly.
However our people need to keep arms to protect themselves from our "liberators".
Óur people need to grow some testicles and learn to protect themselves instead of being dashed from one side to another like miruthangam.
Stupid Prabha should disband tigers now and let them go hoem with arms. Then shoot himself
I am not Indian! Just an academic in North America with the ability to separate fact from fiction and myth from reality!
Noting the gist of current post here, there is a degree of "partying" going on. I must say that I do not expect the LTTE to vanish just like that. I have maintained that the LTTE can be defeated with the new military, as noted by one poster, you argue with at times, Wijeyapala. (Hmm… this guy sounds like someone I knew at the TLA forum. For one repeating things here I wrote about 18 months about the SLA, but it is when he writes about ancient history that he so similar!)
Anyway, the LTTE will fracture into several forms, while being connected to each other below the radar. And, they will be dangerous. One section of the LTTE will flee to India and beyond. Another will "integrate" with the civilians. Yet another will go into the jungles. Some will likely fore sake the cause having seen its folly and turn state's evidence.
I think the most dangerous of these groups will be those that melt into the civilian population. They will bomb the transport system and other infrastructure as and when the opportunity is presented, and worse they will influence a new younger generation. These have to trapped carefully, tried and delegitimized. Those in the jungles will be chased down by the LRRP types in the military and either captured or killed on by one, and with it the LTTE will lose its rebel army ability. Those going abroad will end up in Scarborough or somewhere like that, as very few will remain in India, especially since they will be unwelcome there.
All that said, the challenge remains to first defeat the LTTE military in a total sense and with a minimal loss of precious SLA soldiers. That means taking out the special brigades the LTTE have, for example the Jeyanthan Brigade that used to be commanded by Karuna. This largely Eastern group have to captured or eliminated, as they can infect the East in the future. If and when all the special LTTE brigades are destroyed, capturing and trying Prabakaran and his core cadre is essential to make them formally accountable and de-mythologise the LTTE. There are other tasks too, for example there has to be carefully thought out policy to remove the ceremonial cemeteries (you can see them from google map!) that seek to make these brain washed cadre into heroes—here I suggest ceremonially re-burying their remains in each of their respective villages so that the locals can reclaim their own victims of the LTTE and delegitimize the outfit. All the remaining war statues, etc., should be destroyed now and ground to dust (not buried!)
Anyway all this is a long winded way of saying, I hope your beautiful country can once again peaceful.
Another confused Buddhist who try to preach the Nobel words by Buddha with profanity.
That is why I say Sri Lankan Buddhist culture needs reforms.
" I am sure there is. However relatively speaking who got the biggest karma knock on the head? You will find the proportion of suffering relative to 'bad karma' one dished out. These are universal laws you cannot fuck around with."
B.Raman has said
"The turning point in Sri Lanka will come the day the Tamils realise that Prabhakaran has become a liability for their cause and get rid of him. If there is to be real peace in Sri Lanka, the end of Prabhakaran has to be brought about by the Tamils themselves and not by the Sinhalese army."
This comment proves B Raman is not a analyst of any sort. He is yet another LTTE looser who used to live in the eelam fantacy land. This is a guy who believed Killinochchi will not fall and beleived in every word that Prabakaran and LTTE uttered !!!
This is not the first time we saw comments like this in blogs from other LTTE supporters who are in shock.
Political Observer,
Your country and ehtnicity is irrelevant here. Only Sam the nitwit want to see that. Not others. We value what you write here nothing else.
Bugger Sam has his own problems with his past, not us.
He seems to be a real bastard who is trying to show he is a patriot to other patriots.
Why, he can only be a patriot in a annoymous blog like this.
"There are other tasks too, for example there has to be carefully thought out policy to remove the ceremonial cemeteries"
I spoke about this few days ago and you have a good suggestion to scatter them around. This has to be done while the millitary operation going on way before everything is done.
"Anyway all this is a long winded way of saying, I hope your beautiful country can once again peaceful."
We have a long way to go. As you can see here, LTTE stupidity is just one of many challenges we have to deal with.
Political Observer said...
[There are other tasks too, for example there has to be carefully thought out policy to remove the ceremonial cemeteries (you can see them from google map!) that seek to make these brain washed cadre into heroes—here I suggest ceremonially re-burying their remains in each of their respective villages so that the locals can reclaim their own victims of the LTTE and delegitimize the outfit. All the remaining war statues, etc., should be destroyed now and ground to dust (not buried!)]
Well said! This is my own view. These cemeteries, established as facts on the ground, to perpetuate the Eelam cause and to whitewash and glorify the monstrous evil perpetrated in its name, must be uprooted and eliminated without honour and without a trace.
Let those misguided families who supported this monstrous movement, and those whose family members were conscripted by force and served up as cannon fodder, mourn their loss in private as individual families.
Thanks for simply valuing/disvaluing what is written. I agree it is the message not the messenger!
I am glad to see you and others so passionate about your country. I am puzzled though why some here are against each other when they all dislike the LTTE. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." It is likely the LTTE is counting on any disunity in Sri Lanka to make an attempt to come back.
හික්! හික්!
විකල්පකාරයන්ගෙන් ප්රවෙසම් වනු!
Thanks for the information. I really appreciate it!
Again, it is the claim of the Tamils of the North and the East, where they are a majority, to recognition of their separate nationality, with its corollary of the right to statehood in their areas of traditional historical inhabitation and its denial by the Sinhalese, who are a majority in the rest of the country and an overall majority countrywide, that is the cause and origin of the Tamil question.
by E. A. V. Naganathan
When the Tamil leadership were peacefully demanding "statehood" and not backing down, how to you handle it? Do you give in seriously compromising the integrity of the country or do you try to suppress it force and intimidation? Clearly, most politicians chose the latter. The level of violence spiraled out of control. The size of the problem now is indicative of how badly this problem was mismanaged by Sinhala leaders since 1956. However, its easy to critisise with the benefit of hindsight. SWRDs and Junius J.s were clever operators. Even with so much wisdom did they screw up or did they have any some other option?
One of the measures taken was government sponsored Sinhala settlements in Welioya and other areas to dilute the Tamil population thus attempting to make “majority Tamil” claim irrelevant. The idea is good, but the method is not the best.
The reason Tamil have a majority here is by accident. After the Kalinga Magha destroyed Sinhala settlements and destroyed the Sinhala capital in the North Central region in the 13th century, the Sinhalese have never really gone back in significant numbers. It was the Brits who rediscovered the lost Polonnaruva capatal city ruins in the jungle.
The reason Sinhalese continue to remain in the south is because the nation's capital remained there. If the administrative capital was moved back to north central region, people will naturally follow the move.
Colombo can remain financial hub. Having the administrative capital in the north will bring back balance to administration of the nation. The current Colombo/South centered administration neglects the periphery which has also added to the problem. Therefore as a long term solution, the nation's administrative capital must be moved back to Anuradapura, Polonnaruawa or Trincomalee.
A link related to my earlier post:
To me wijayapal is 1000 times better than sakkili asithri irrespective to wijayapala race or ethnicity.
Whatever, said and done Sam is 100 times better than Asithri sakkiliya. Asithri is the worst sakkilia in the blog, even worse than Mahen, Peter or any other LTTP lovers.
Final, sakkilia monawa kiwwath, monawa keruwath, sakkiliya sakkiliyamai.
That is final from me.
Surprising comments indeed by kaatikuddupaan. Maybe he is not a SLA supporter as we thought he was.
wijayapala made the claim that he is the Taraki at TLA. However, his language reminds me somebody like KKK (of course not the KKK in N.A.) or Negambo. Anyway, that is on the side. I am in general agreement with your plan to finish off LTTE. I firmly believe that any structure built by LTTE is not legitimate and should be razed to the ground without a trace.
"ReallyCold said...
Why we here this from the state department? How come SL embassy can't educate them on what is true and what is not?"
The dialogue Western countries want within Sri Lanka is to obviously deal with some of the problems that have emerged in Sri Lanka. However, for me just dialogue itself will not solve most of the major issues that alienate people from the state. These people can be from the regions, of different ethnic groups, or social classes.
To resolve these problems and the excesses of each government in power, you need a better constitutional arrangement that addresses the major problem of how power can be balanced by various institutions such that only the public has the final say. As I mentioned to Sam, I have a thread in the TLA on this, but few Sri Lankans seems interested in discussing it, while most seem interested in attacking me!
We are all patriots but there decent patriots and indecent jackals.
I am against indecent sakkiliyas irrespective to his/her race or ethnicity.
I cannot make it more clear than this.
Political Observer
"I am puzzled though why some here are against each other when they all dislike the LTTE. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." It is likely the LTTE is counting on any disunity in Sri Lanka to make an attempt to come back."
I can speak for myself. I don't dislike anyone. People like me have been doing that for past decades when others were hiding and when LTTE was winning. Now that SLG is winning, there are so called fake patriots have jumped in the winning wagon and just passing hot air and showing their arrogance. I am worried that this phenomena will create LTTE out of arrogant Sinhalese who will try to rule their own at gun point.
For me, brotherhood has to be earned by good an disciplined behavior. Just being a fellow belonging to the same ethnicity isn't enough.
When good-hearted folks who are helping Sri Lankan soldiers asked for help, over 95% of so called patriots did not show up.
The words are cheap and we need strong commitment and sacrifices to rebuild Sri Lanka.
I want to expose hypocrisy among our own.
ReallyCold said...
[Why we here this from the state department? How come SL embassy can't educate them on what is true and what is not?]
Always, it is a case of whose ox is being gored at any given time, and who has the clout with the powers that be.
For example, you will not hear these kinds of platitudes from the State Department about the Israeli bombing of the Gaza strip, going on as we speak. The State Dept is trying to walk a fine line between US interests vis-a-vis India, and general US policy against terrorism. Unlike the Israeli lobby in the US, Sri Lanka has little clout with the US. Sri Lanka can change that to some extent by being a good ally of the US in many areas, including anti-terrorism, but in the end, pleasing India will be more important to the US than pleasing little Sri Lanka, unless of course Sri Lanka transforms itself into a regional economic and military power, like Israel.
That is why, Sri Lanka, for now has to be self-reliant in as many areas as possible, and establish close relationships with powerful friends everywhere.
There is no such things as permanent friendships, as we saw in the case of India, there are only permanent interests.
political solution?
but not a kind of a bullshitt that addresses tamil, sinhala, muslim demands. the solution should be something that UNIFY the country.
all imposed solutions including 13th amendment should be reversed for a better solution that UNIFY the country. problems of northern tamils are the problems of southern sinhalese, etc. this is the right spirit to solve this.
anyway the ONLY workable political solution is ethnic integration, i agree.
there was NEVER seperate tamil existence in SL, and there should NEVER be. tamil madu is a different story altogether.
Sam Perera
Your judgment is wrong for the 3rd time.
When I communicated with wijayapala , I felt the same thing. However I never exposed it. I did not know he has made the connection.
He is a good writer and deal with him directly. If he frustrate you, it is your weakness.
political solution?
but not a kind of a bullshitt that addresses tamil, sinhala, muslim demands. the solution should be something that UNIFY the country.
all imposed solutions including 13th amendment should be reversed for a better solution that UNIFY the country. problems of northern tamils are the problems of southern sinhalese, etc. this is the right spirit to solve this.
anyway the ONLY workable political solution is ethnic integration, i agree.
there was NEVER seperate tamil existence in SL, and there should NEVER be. tamil madu is a different story altogether.
Lets hope MR, GR and SF limit their public appearances and beef up their personal security.
The LTTE goons would like nothing more at this point that to take them out.
Every lorry and truck in colombo must be checked. We need bomb sniffing dogs at every checkpoint.
"Pahinda said...
Colombo can remain financial hub. Having the administrative capital in the north will bring back balance to administration of the nation. The current Colombo/South centered administration neglects the periphery which has also added to the problem. Therefore as a long term solution, the nation's administrative capital must be moved back to Anuradapura, Polonnaruawa or Trincomalee."
If I may say so, this is a brilliant idea Pahinda. Something similar was proposed by someone in the TLA (Athos, I think), which I amended, making the case that Trincomalee must be the capital.
It would:
1. Make it like Ottawa or Washington, in that both these cities were created to make national unity possible.
2. make the long desired political ties with ASEAN nations more likely
3. it would develop the East, North and North Central regional economies of Sri Lanka
There is much more than than of course...
It is too bad that you all are not part of TLA more actively, as there we can create a longer running blog of substance.
Ananda-USA, thanks.
I usually don't read diplomatic messages well. Perhaps this is USA's way of saying thanks for the fight against global Terrorism :)
/Colombo can remain financial hub... Therefore as a long term solution, the nation's administrative capital must be moved back to Anuradapura, Polonnaruawa or Trincomalee./
Even moving to J'pura Kotte didn't happen fully. SWRD proposed such a move to A'pura not due to ethnic issue but becuz of our ancient kingdom. These kind of stuff simply don't work.. people are not ready.. or even oppose.. (for me I don't care.)
The GAME = Defeating the LTTE
When one great patriot comes
To write against your name
It's not whether you won or lost
But whether we saved the GAME.
Fall of EPS is imminent; Battle for Mullaittivu begins
Troops of Army Task Force 1(TF 1 ) are marching into the strategically vital Elephant Pass town, reveal defence sources in the battlefield. The total liberation of the town situated at the entrance to the Jaffna Peninsula is imminent the sources added.
Army Commander, Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka briefing the operational success of the Wanni battle yesterday (Jan 2) said that Elephant Pass was just 2 Km beyond the TF 1 forward boundary.
He further said that the battle for Mullaittivu has already begun as troops of 59 division captured about 800 yards of the LTTE built earth bund in Mullaittivu last afternoon. Troops have positioned themselves just 5 Km south of Mullaittivu and 3 Km south of LTTE's main airstrip, he added.
g'day PO,
Panhinda == Athos
As we saw so far... when says 'imminent' the place is almost under SLA...
58 is faster than K'chi express.. Hope within a week SLA elite 53 and 55 will join the party...
amidst full scale war in kili, vesapillai's palace is unscratched!
did SLDFs deliberately spared it for PR purposes?
obviously vesapillai didn't stay there when war broke out.
Educated Tamils empowered their underclassman and formed ruthless LTTE.
Sinhalese shouldn't follow their path.
GAME = Defeating LTTE is only portion of the mission.
GAME = defeating both Tamil and Sinhalese madness.
Don't try to use foolish Sinhalese to achieve your mission since ad the end you will have no idea what to do with them.
Let me explain little bit more about our SL patriots.
You should know about "skin heads" in so called developed countries. They are attacking asians and blacks. They are white rcists.
Similary we also have sinhala racists. They are no different to skin heads.
We need to kick our skin heads shit out to make them nothing but nuisance. Otherwise they will try to rule the game.
Asithry and Sam sakkilyas are few of our skin heads. That is why we are kicking them.
I do not wish to drag you in to this. However, we notice some LTTE supporters operating under various names try to give out their own version of history. Living in Sri Lanka, we have a very good idea of why some people remain silent when important news breaks out like the fall of Kilinochchi. There are some subtleties in expressions we can identify the intent (or hidden) of the writer. Regardless of the direct meaning of words, I know what they really mean when they try to bring up my European heritage. One can say that I am Portuguese bastard but it does not mean anything. Some people try to say the same with lots of varnish and that is when they really mean it. Anyway, beware of pretenders, they are not really anti seperatists.
/I am puzzled though why some here are against each other when they all dislike the LTTE./
Ego problems...
Elephant Pass under severe fire from Task Force 1.
Capture looming.
While I sympathise with your views that Sri Lanka needs to do its own thing, and that the US has double standards, I would argue it is in your interests to create a system of government that will really bring out the best in everyone.
For example, the JVP rose in Sri Lanka due certain deficiencies in the political and economic system. Similar deficiencies allowed the LTTE to exploit young people. The JVP and LTTE are certainly miles apart (LTTE is barbaric, JVP tried the Che route mostly), but what they exploited was rather the same thing: the under-employed and disenfranchised young. The other difference between them was the LTTE had Indian support, the JVP had little foreign support.
What I suggest for Sri Lanka is a system that will remove the opportunity for armed groups to exploit powerlessness and poverty. This is a system I developed with the help of many in the TLA forum, some willingly others with hostility.
Thus, while the US and other Westerners speak of political dialogue as if we are pure, you should not dismiss the ideals therein that can serve you well. As an academic, I have to fight the system here to make the US, etc., accountable, and it is very, very hard. So, for someone like me, it is very sad when useful ideals are dismissed because the messenger, the US government has double standards. Like Pansilu said, what matter is the content of the message, not the messenger.
Capital replacement talk:
Anuradapura and Polonnaruawa are our cultural hearts and that heritage has to be preserved.
Colombo is a real messy place and has to be replaced with something else.
Kandy is the perfect place, however access is difficult.
How about Kurunagala?
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