Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tigers' losing game

Many rumours are circulating about the escape of Velupillai Prabhakaran. The most recent one is where the LTTE supremo had escaped by plane. The Navy claimed its gunboats opened fire at an aircraft flying over Chalai. The Air Force has denied this claim. In another claim, Prabhakaran is now living in Malaysia.

We have obtained definite proof that Prabhakaran was still hiding in the 400km2 area now under siege until the 12th. A hardcore cadre captured recently claimed that he had seen Prabhakaran on the 12th, in person.

Meanwhile pro-LTTE media had claimed it sank a Dvora FAC off the northeastern coast. A group of LTTE suicide boats were sent to penetrate the naval blockade in force off the coast of Mulaitivu and Nagarkovil, which was effectively engaged by the Navy. One boat exploded close to a Dvora causing reparable damage.

The LTTE strategy to break through the blockade comes in the wake of Army plans to advance along the Nagarkovil-Chalai coast upto Mulaitivu thus effectively isolating and trapping the LTTE to a land area smaller than Thoppigala.

The Tigers have in a way, isolated themselves by abandoning 26 Mirage Class boats at the beginning of the Kilinochchi siege. They stripped 15 boats of their armaments and hid the boats away from SLAF's watchful eye, but some were destroyed in air strikes.

The task of suffocating the Tigers is gradually being implemented by the 55, 58 and 59 Divisions as we speak. The move could completely suffocate the LTTE giving the Army the opportunity to systematically get at the remaining 200 or so LTTE leadership.


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Isuru said...

Woha at last!

Peter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HM said...

How to sponsor the education of a child of a fallen/disabled soldier

1. You now have the oppertunity to show your appreciation to our heroes by sponsoring a child of a fallen/disabled soldier through the sevavaitha scholorship program.

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3. Stipulated monthly amount is US$10 (Rs750-1000). You can contribute more if you like.

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5. Sevavanitha will provide you with the child's details. Process is very transparent, you will be able to verify all the details yourself.

Please email me at for the application form and a detailed description of the procedure.

Gringo said...

Thanks, DW.

We need news we can use. Keep 'em coming.

Peter said...

isurujosh said...

Woha at last!


Wrist gone sore?

Peter said...

Gringo said...

Thanks, DW.

We need news we can use.


How do you print it on soft paper?

velluprabhakaran said...

looks like vesapillai is trapped. I wonder how the end would come for the sickest bastard born after pol pot.

Peter said...

velluprabhakaran said...

I wonder how the end would come for the sickest bastard born after pol pot.


Keep up with the times. Janaka Perera is already in Nibbana.

Gringo said...


Cut the crap... call Velu and demand IMMEDIATE release of your distant relatives. Those Sri Lankans need a better life.

පංකාදු ලංකා said...

When Madhu was captured I said the "Writing was on the wall" for the LTTE.

Merely a year later, we are at the brink of the final nail on the LTTE coffin receiving the final blow of the SLDF hammer.

අපේ හමුදාවන්ට ජය වේවා!

Isuru said...

Peter I am on weed. Come join the party baby.

Puran Appu said...

Prabhakaran was still hiding in the 400km2 area

So nice to hear.

Renegade! said...

DW.ah-finally!!! update.. can u confirm whethr we have captured these mirage-class boats or not??

Defencewire said...


we have captured several of them stripped of their 30mm and 23mm guns.

Renegade! said...

and did we capture a unicorn APC as well??

Renegade! said...

DW, do you refer to the latest video which shows some suicicde craft?..thanks

Anonymous said...

shame on u DW.. we were just going to break 3000 comments barrier!!

පංකාදු ලංකා said...

Wow! Everything is going belly up for the LTTE and their supporters in western countries. Western countries are deporting illegal Srilankan Tamil immigrants back to SL, if I am correctly informed. For years these Diaspora jokers poured in money and carried out numerous illegal activities in the countries that gave them refuge to raise funds for the LTTE. Now everything has come to a hopeless end. What a waste of livelihoods! Jolly fine, I would say; serves them right. After all this, they will now have to go back to the very country they betrayed.

Screen them at CAK (Colombo Airport Katunayaka) as they enter the country and send them for immediate rehab (wink, wink!) to teach them a lesson they will never forget for betraying the land that fed them. We don’t want traitors walking free on our pukka streets, do we?

Anonymous said...

somebody gas up the zlin.. the pig is gonna flyyyyy awaayyyy ...LOL..

Hansel said...

I would like to know if there's any truth to the claims that our artillery has hit the mullaitivu hospital?
ICRC reports that they had provided the military with the GPS co-ordinates of the hospital, despite this was it was hit.
I really hope this isn't true, can you shed some light on this?

Gringo said...

[Bandula Jayasekera, Sri Lanka's Consul General in Toronto, said the LTTE's military losses are having the effect that "more and more Tamils know it was a pipe dream" to finance the insurgency. He said those participating in this week's fasts are "trying to keep the so-called cause alive" and suggested that concerned Tamils should send food to their relatives rather than money to the Tigers.


Well said, Sir.

Not a single LTTE coolie who funded the terrorists for 25+ years has the courage to tell the LTTE to release the civilians taken as human shield by the LTTE.

Well... a good lesson for some deaf and blind monkeys has been taught by the guardian angels of proud Motherlanka.

Well... now they know! Good luck with the marathon fasting that 'rotates'...

I'm counting for the day when the Scarborough, ON becomes the latest (rotated) political capital of the Tamil Elaam.

Canada… watch out!

Lahiru said...

thanks for the update DW. btw can give us some more explanation for the navy vs unidentified aircraft incident?

Veeran said...

Janaka Perera is already in Nibbana.

Sarath Ponniah is next in the line waiting for his turn.

BlackPanther said...

It is a pity that very few organisations and human right activists talk about the trapped Tamil Civilians. It is such an easy task to let them come to safe areas. The expacts too do not care two hoots about the innocent people trapped in the war zone. This shows the true nature of these hooligans. We singhalese feel more for them than most of those who fund the killer machine. This is probably ego or so called class which makes them so insensitive to this issue. The LTTE is sinking. Why let non combatants go down with it? High class diaspora..... tap your heart (if you have one) and ask your self. The so called fast in Canada is only to save the LTTE. what a waste of effort. Friends go home, have a warm meal and join hands to put pressure on the terror outfit relaese civilians rather than shooting them.

ReallyCold..... said...

FAKE PATRIOTS and Wijepala

When I speculated not admit the claims by Gotymbaraya or whatever, people here jumped on me. Apprently, a Dvora hasn't been affected (if DW claims are true).

Remember what I said, some of you don't care about a national security yet call yourselves patriots?

Anyone care to revise their statements made against me??

Quoting DW
["Meanwhile pro-LTTE media had claimed it sank a Dvora FAC off the northeastern coast. A group of LTTE suicide boats were sent to penetrate the naval blockade in force off the coast of Mulaitivu and Nagarkovil, which was effectively engaged by the Navy. One boat exploded close to a Dvora causing reparable damage."]

Isuru said...

VP attain hell.

velluprabhakaran said...

from tamilnitwit -

canada fast to end up with fast food. ha ha ha!

ReallyCold..... said...


[Bandula Jayasekera, Sri Lanka's Consul General in Toronto]

Here is Bandula in action:

I felt like he is one of the diplomat who is doing and capable of tackling these guys.

After watching this interview, I wrote to him suggesting few things and to my surprise he has accepted them.

It is a sign of a good listener than being a dumb diplomat. Taking an advise from a total stranger was a good quality within him.

velluprabhakaran said...

sungod about to eclipse. (permanently). ha ha ha!

Unknown said...


Your so called "Peelam Leader" is now sucking his own balls in death fear. now veasapillai is in his line for his turn..not sarath F. God took that turn last time from Sarath F and gave it to your veasapillai P- bhakaran..

Unknown said...

where is that lying SOB gotaymbaraya . There are shitheads on this site that spread rumors . I checked this out with my source who is in the SLA and came out un true. I didn't want to say 100% as I did not have a source in the navy .

Unknown said...


next it will be you who will attain nibbana . ha ha ..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

[Veeran said..

Janaka Perera is already in Nibbana.

Sarath Ponniah is next in the line waiting for his turn.]

YOU TRIED ONCE YOU COWARD...With the Pregnant Bitch trick...Try now with the 100 Yr old Bitch trick cos you have used up all the rest....

When you have free time...Bend down and see who the Ponnaya is...Then you will realize that Its you who the Ponnaya is (Who cannot do shit about your fate..and can just Bluff)...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ BlackPanther...

Its no use my Friend...These are the Same tamils that Beat and Kill when a Low Cast Student gets in to the Law College (in TN), and who serves water in a Coconut Shell to the Eastern Tamils...

But the Funny thing is..The Diaspora...Who thinks highly of them selves (as they live abroad)...Are CLEANING TOILETS!!!

Karolis Appuhamy said...

Lankadeepa reveals that two sinhalese escaped from Kilinochchi. One in fact is a buddhist monk. However can we verify their identities? They can be terrorists disguised as sinhalese.

Anonymous said...


Veeran said...

When you have free time...Bend down and see who the Ponnaya is...

I could See Modapakshe clearly for he hides into Bunker whenever TAF comes into action.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

veeran - you an what army ?

velluprabhakaran said...

at the present rate Ellalan Force Opinion Poll might make a tactical withdrawal. ha ha ha!

Peter said...

Would SLA release "human shields" if bomb goes off in Colombo or Kandy?

Anonymous said...

veeran the refugee pussy here to practise his english
thats why nothing he says make any sense just so you know :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post.

Anonymous said...

fast learner peterpuss
now you can pull all those pussycats outa the jungle
here puss puss puss

velluprabhakaran said...


u've lost it. all reason & rationality. either u gotta say jokes or be serious. ur lost between the two & wondering aimlessly in no man's land.

however i don blame u. instead of blaming u, i praise vesapillai's ability to make gon mutts outa u & the "dieseasepora" (term borrowed from asithri).

that's it for now. take care & watch ur butt. SLA 's looking for it. ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

not sure if any of them pussytigers would fancy you so back to the drawing board for the sore looser

Peter said...

velluprabhakaran said...


take care & watch ur butt. SLA 's looking for it.


Always suspected that SLA had a liking for the backside.

Anyway, thanks for the warning.

Peter said...

unlike your nation thats 100's of rupees in debt our nation was selfsustaining except for food, medicine and salaries.

When someone has something singala moda Bandas didnt have, they destroy it.

you will pay, tamil selfsustaining nation will rise again!

Peter said...

Let's see how many moda Bandas this fake can fool.

Veeran said...

thats why nothing he says make any sense just so you know :)

So wat u know abt my English skillz..

I am a School dropout out to learn English from Sinhala only guys ..

Anonymous said...

"The LTTE strategy to break through the blockade comes in the wake of Army plans to advance along the Nagarkovil-Chalai coast upto Mulaitivu thus effectively isolating and trapping the LTTE to a land area smaller than Thoppigala."

Good work SLA!

velluprabhakaran said...

[[[unlike your nation thats 100's of rupees in debt our nation was selfsustaining except for food, medicine and salaries.]]]

food, medicine and salaries is the economy. the vast majority of SL budget goes for these. tamils will never sustain themselves ever. they're too divided & caste ridden. they'll get their finance minister to sleep on the bare floor.

he'll be so unfit & mad next morning that he'll vote against his own budget! ha ha ha!

Rover said...

DW, thanks for the updates men. You should be thankful that most of us thought it worthwhile to stick around for you to come up with the new update (see the strength of the faith that we have in you).

However the fact of the matter, it seems, is that nobody knows of the wearabouts of VP since the 12th. For all that is worth, his fatty assiness may be enjoying Nasigoreng by now, damn!

Pottu affair it seems is really hush hush. DW not commenting on this powerful rumor suggests that he is probably with us.

DW, what happened to the crew of the Dvora, did most of them perish, as one of our bloggers said?

velluprabhakaran said...

[[[Always suspected that SLA had a liking for the backside.

Anyway, thanks for the warning.]]]

too late. peter's already found out. ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Peter Peter Peter.... I know if VP was here, he would have been so Proud of you...He would say to his Deputies.."See, There are Still Blind Idiots who thinks we are winning.., So even when the SLA kill me, They would still send money and think we are winning..., I am so Glad I was the leader of this Stupid Clan...Or else I would have been killed by my own many years back.."

Veeran said...

look at veeran for example.

i look @ veeran too..Hey he is a handsome Dude


Seems like TN is going to relocate to Wanni it seems to take the hell outta u.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Dear Peter;

[[unlike your nation thats 100's of rupees in debt our nation was selfsustaining except for food, medicine and salaries.]]

I'm sure you took the long break to recover from depression, but this statement tells me you've gone completely insane. I tried to imagine how this can be at least a sarcastic comment, but surely you really mean this.

I know stock markets are not doing fine and pussycats are dying, but Peter that's life. Try to remain sane at your best.

[[When someone has something singala moda bandas didnt have, they destroy it.]]

Followed by the absolutely Lunatic claim, comes the complain. Once and for all let me tell your diaspora species, pls do not complain for injuries when you started a fight. It was entirely your judgment, or lack of it, which is proven absolutely wrong after 25yrs. At the end of the day you are obligated to take its payback in whatever form. If I go on gambling and loose money, crying in front of casino won't return me the lost penny.

Grow up Peter, your past is your lessons. Face future afresh and corrected. It is not the end of road for you Peter, you diaspora species are luckier than those Wanni tamils whom you forcibly converted into fertilizer.

[[you will pay, tamil selfsustaining nation will rise again!]]

Next comes the threat. We have been living under severe threats from the likes of you and Mahen. "Surprise", "you wait", "waves", oh I have forgotten them for the amount you issue. But Peter, be realistic. Will this happen within next zillion years. Before this human species would have evolved wings I guess.

I know you're trying to get away from the guilt of converting innocent wanni tamils into fertilizer. You are trying to add a mythical and speculative price tag for their wasted lives. I pity you.

But the hard truth is that there is no recovery. Scattered pieces of innocent wanni childhood will haunt you day and night till you die. Only if you booze your arse out you can smile in your life. That is if you can smile looking at chunks of meat and bone of your loved niece and nephew.

Every Mahavir day you will remember how they cried in the bunkers that covered for the "withdrawing" elite pussycats, and how they suffered in hunger [as they are put to die, they were given very little to eat], sorrow, despair and helplessness. The cries of the parents when much loved teenage sons and daughters are pulled out from their hands to be fertilized. All for dollar a day, or a euro a day.

You raped your wanni generation Peter. In whatever religion that I know, you have no redemption.

What can you do? Collect dollar a day and build children's park in every wanni village. Wanni children who only knows the length of T56 like to see roller coasters. Work for peace peter. Think everyone is a human. And for heaven's sake recover from this mythical addiction at least now.

These are your pain killers, but nothing can cure the wounds in your mind.

Peter said...

velluprabhakaran said...

he'll be so unfit & mad next morning that he'll vote against his own budget! ha ha ha!


Is that how we've financed the struggle for 30 years. Whereas you have to take loans from anyone and everyone. Even Iran and Pakistan. Lolz.

LankaBoy_007 said...

hey guys

earlier Gotymbara claimed that one of his cousin lost with another 19 sailors due to suicide attacked in Mula sea.But normally Dvora crewed by 9 sailors.and DW also confirmed that Dvora was not whoz lying here..

Peter said...

PussyTigers said...

After 30 years

Brigadier (Bull) Weeratunga has made it to Nibbana.

Unknown said...

I agree with you.




Peter said...

First moda Banda to reply to fake

Sujeewa Kokawala

A round of applause for our special moda.

Peter said...

LankaBoy_007 said...

hey guys

But normally Dvora crewed by 9 sailors.


All welcome another resident defence expert.

Unknown said...

Peter thamuseta wena wedak nedda?

Gewal tikakwath aspas karagaththoth hondai neda mehe kaale naasthikaragannawata wadaa?

Peter said...

Nice try.

Corey said...

We all know what a gem "Don" is and Hela is blessed to have even a few like HLD who have stood up to The LTTE Terrorists instead of eating out of their hands like the tribe including Lasantha, Sunanda Deshapriya (the person who was kicked out of the RSF after admitting to embezzlement of Rs 2 lakhs yet taking a leading part in the anti Hela rally after Lasantha's demise.

The following article written by By Prof. Nalin de Silva further example of series of letters being written by respected journalists and analysts following HLD's lead exposing Lasantha's antics

velluprabhakaran said...

peter said,

[[[Is that how we've financed the struggle for 30 years. Whereas you have to take loans from anyone and everyone. Even Iran and Pakistan. Lolz.]]]

as an answer i repeat that vesapillai has obviously made gons outta u thru his tamilnut. ha ha ha!

while u see taking loans as a criminal act, u invent excuses for scarificing child soldiers, killing educated tamils & pregnant foetus blasts by malathi maternity brigade. ha ha ha!

Peter said...

You've even copied parts of my profile. Clearly, you have limited views on the capacity of your fellow modayas to identify a fake.

Peter said...

velluprabhakaran said...

u invent excuses for scarificing child soldiers, killing educated tamils & pregnant foetus blasts by malathi maternity brigade. ha ha ha!


Rest assured. No moda Banda has died in this war.

Peter said...

moda Bandas waited for VP's escape

now waiting for VP's defection

I make this prediction here today so remember this, VP will not defect

velluprabhakaran said...


all the fancy stuff tamilnitwit promised u is now smaller than vesapillai's left ball. (the right one is massive - according to adella, solheim, late selvam, balraj, anton, WHO & TRO etc, etc, etc).

whole eelam knows. ha ha ha!

Peter said...



Peter said...

velluprabhakaran said...
whole eelam knows. ha ha ha!

how do you know? eelam is quite small now, have you been there?

If eelam ceases to exist then how will you ever know? Lol!

Mitwish said...

Moda Peter is helpless and doesn't have any answers to real questions like
1. killing innocent civilians by LTTE.
2. Forcefully keeping their own people in the war zone.
3. Child conscription (this is the reason for their own genocide hee heee).
4. Snatching food and other sent to civilians by the government.

And also what happened to LTTE's pora talks. "Kotiya" has become nothing but a "Nakutu Balla". Everywhere in "Koti" media institutions, it is now always a lamentation save them from Sri Lankan Army. Where the so called "Pride" of LTTE and its sickest leader Prabakaran. Don't they feel shy to cry that much. Pow wadei, Pow wadei.

Not sure why Praba cannot take any help at least from his old buddy Solhiem.

Finally, what I have to say is nothing but "Kotiya Balu welaaa". Pawwwwwwwww.

I love to see this level of tactical withdrawals. Ohoma yung ohoma yung. Praba will see the real eelam very soon.

Peter said...

rest assured with help from ICRC distributing food and fuel coming through usual routes eelam will be back stronger than ever once this conflict is resolved.

until then moda Bandas can celebrate

Peter said...

Moda Banda #2 to reply to fake


A round of applause for our second special moda.

velluprabhakaran said...


[[[I make this prediction here today so remember this, VP will not defect]]]

VP is not only a defect, he was a big retard. we always knew it.

but on tamils his bull shit had effect.

for fund raisers it was perfect.

that's why ur in this plight.

don worry, ur not a fool or a victim of sinhala.

ur a victim of tamilnut ethnic jokes. deepest sympathies.

ha ha ha!

BlackPanther said...


PLEASE....PLEASE ignor lunatics. This is what we do in day to day life. We might give them a meal or a coin, but we don't end up chatting up with them or arguing.

So lets ignor them especially Peter. The brilliant.

Peter said...

Moda Banda #3


Peter said...

JWick said...
Yea, selfsustaining with LIARS,

before you started bombing eelam was a vibrant functioning democracy with its elite cadres, sea tigers and sea tigers who sorta knew how to fly airplanes. we had schools, post offices and hospitals though moda Bandas paid those salaries. So how can you destroy all that then blame us?

Peter said...

Fake is doing a good job, but the moda Banda English shines through.

Peter said...

Moda Banda #3


A round of applause for our third special moda.

VP has studied some books on economic management. he would do a way better job than your poliiticians!

velluprabhakaran said...

best way to kill vesapillai is to catch him & hand him over to peter.

vesa will suffer a worst death than the first voter in 2005. (hand cut off will be the first course). ha ha ha!

velluprabhakaran said...

peter has honured me with a mahaveer title. thanks.

moda banda #3. ha ha ha!

velluprabhakaran said...

peter has taken tamilnut ethnic jokes seriously & donated his salary to maintain jokers. ha ha ha!

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Peter, I do not care whether it is fake or not. But tell me honestly which part of my reply does not apply to you? Unless you have given up the bullshit of pussycat eelam, it DOES apply to you, every word.

Read it carefully. As I said the day of councilling has come for diaspora. Loss and depression causing insanity.

Peter said...

velluprabhakaran said...
vesa will suffer a worst death than the first voter in 2005. (hand cut off will be the first course). ha ha ha!

rest assured no moda Banda politician has ever died. We do not descriminate and we send our women to the front line so long as they are over 16, bit more or less. It would take decades to reach this level of sacrifice from your women.

Peter said...

Fake is a good example of how moda Bandas fool fellow moda Bandas.

A self moda-fying group in deed.

Gayansphotography said...

Intelligent anna peter .. No country, no work, and soon no visa... pau.....

JWick said...

Peter said...

...... So how can you destroy all that then blame us?

As I said earlier eelam SELF-DESTRUCTED itself. Now SELF-BLAME yourself. Moda Bandas only helped you to achieve that.

Peter said...

Sujeewa Kokawala said...
Read it carefully. As I said the day of councilling has come for diaspora. Loss and depression causing insanity.

very sane indeed, but how will you feel when you have civilian blood on your hands. eelam would seem as the superior nationa and international governments will support it. In this democrasy VP would be held as king whether you chenna boys like it or not

Peter said...

As for economic support from other countries we dont need it because we did not kick INGO's out
So they will support this democracy indefinitely under the stict rule of VP. this is too deep for you chenna boys so goto sleep

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

DefenceWire, [welcome back and] bit of contradiction, you said Fatpig is in SL, but up until 12th, which was 10 days ago.

Most laymen in your blog [including me] thought the same. He must have been around by 12th and that looked to be the reason why they guarded Chilawatte at max.

But can you assure us that you have evidence for him staying in SL after the mystery plane two days ago?

I first thought it is a spy plane of RAW due to so called "high altitude", but now there is evidence to suggest it landed [or flew low].

It still can be RAW, but a rescue plane in the contrary. Or maybe a Fart Puligal Zlin which "withdrew" to India.

Anyway, the SLAF issued note stating that it can be a light beam "reflected" from a satellite is not at all comprehensive. I never heard of such phenomena, and it contradicts SLN's first evidence of "seeing a plane". Are they telling us that navy gun boats fired at the satellite? SLAF is trying to cover up something, anyone would feel.

Last pottu thing was rightly handled, but this SLAF statement not only makes us laugh but also pushes us to believe otherwise.

All leaves us with one conclusion, and that is that a plane landed or flew low across wanni past Chalai/Mula. And with our max thinking capacity there is nothing but a flee we can imagine. My claim is not applicable for 12th Jan, but only for 20th Jan.

Hope I will get hold of you before next hibernation.

JWick said...

Peter said...

........we send our women to the front line so long as they are over 16, bit more or less......

You mean when they are 16 weeks and still inside their mothers wombs ??

Peter said...

Ali said...
peter you jobless fucker - go get a job some where .

This is exactly the reason we wanted our own land because chenna boys dont know how to treat us. Too late now you'll have to face our elite cadres tactically withdrawn to mullaitivu. Only in eelam we could live in peace with aide support and only a tamil would know that.

Unknown said...

peter the incoherent tamil baboon dont bother talking about economics , there is no need for economics for the lost fools of eelam .

Peter said...

JWick said...
You mean when they are 16 weeks and still inside their mothers wombs ??

maybe moda Banda got weeks and years mixed up. Lol!
16 week old cannot hold a pistol so obviously not. few years more or less than 16. you chenna boys cannot envision this so dont stress you dont have what it takes to pick up a shot gun at 12.

Peter said...

I am actually honoured by the need for a fake and the attacks directed at him.

Peter said...

Though, his inability to construct coherent sentences is disappointing.

Ananda-USA said...

duzz said..

mainly we have the T55 battle tank, this tank cannot be put in the heavy armor league in any way cuz its got many flaws,
External fuel cells make the tank very vulnerable, as does its thin armor protection. The T-55 has a limited ability to depress the main gun, hindering the tank’s fires in defilade from high ground. In addition the gunner’s primary sight is slaved to the main gun, which does not allow the gunner to acquire targets in a hull-down posture.

Although the half-egg shaped turret of the T-55 has good ballistic qualities, it provides cramped working conditions for the crew, resulting in a slow rate of fire; and the protection afforded by its low silhouette (1 meter lower than the M60) is counterbalanced by its poor armor protection which is thin by western standards. By the same standards, its gun control equipment is also crude. It shares the disadvantage of most Soviet tanks in having limited ability to depress the main gun, thus not being capable of firing effectively from defilade and being forced to expose itself to engage targets. Ammunition and fuel are stored in vulnerable positions. The lack of a turret basket presents loading difficulties, and there is limited ready ammunition. The driver, commander, and gunner are all in line.
but it really can make a punch with proper co ordination with infantry units..

there are T69's with to my knowledge but i dont think we have enough for thunder runs.

True, these are all defects of the T55-class of old tanks, but we are not facing a modern army either; I had identified the threats we face from the LTTE elsewhere. The SLA has sufficient capabilities in its armored brigade to do a Thunder Run against the enemy we do face.

I would add the inability to acquire targets and fire accurately on the move, like the gyro-controlled gun platform of an M1-Abrams US Army tank, as one of the key modern features a T55-class tank does not have. Our tanks would have to stop, fire and move again to accurately and repeatably hit targets at a distance, when they do fire. However, that would not be a big disadvantage against the enemy they face.

Unknown said...

elite carders my foot . peter ponnadurai are you dreaming . the teeny weeny peelam fighter girls who are hiding behind civilians and UN workers . ho ho ho !!

Ananda-USA said...

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

If I go on gambling and loose money, crying in front of casino won't return me the lost penny.

Sujeewa, this is too funny for words! Great simile!

ReallyCold..... said...


It is not who is lying. Lying has been part of our culture since the war started.

It is who is getting SUCKED into lies and USING lies to shut others.

[ hey guys

earlier Gotymbara claimed that one of his cousin lost with another 19 sailors due to suicide attacked in Mula sea.But normally Dvora crewed by 9 sailors.and DW also confirmed that Dvora was not whoz lying here..]

Anonymous said...

Modaratna'a Moda blog is updated.. ha ha

Read Navindran's comment too..

Fake or real.. monkeys are fun.. ha ha

ReallyCold..... said...


I am glad to see you are busy posting multiple times within a given minute.

I usually read the first or two and loose the interest.

It is a good indication that we are kicking your bottoms really hard and it is so painful for you.

I know, the candle light dance so fast and furious at the end.

Peter said...

USA sahib is here. All stand up.

Peter said...

ReallyCold said...

I am glad to see you are busy posting multiple times within a given minute.


I'm glad to have two more fakes.

Anonymous said...

/If I go on gambling and loose money, crying in front of casino won't return me the lost penny/

Ha Ha

Unknown said...

RC lankaboy

while some of our locally made FACs do carry up to 19 crewmen this story is completely false just like the electrocution story .

Just made up well enough to dupe some people .

Peter said...

Is it only the “new rich” that include their country of residence in their blog handle?

Peter said...

I thought moda Lankans got some pennies back from Chandrika after pumping billions into her.

JWick said...

""Peter said...

JWick said...
You mean when they are 16 weeks and still inside their mothers wombs ??

maybe moda Banda got weeks and years mixed up.....!""

It is the PeeeeeeTerrorist that did not say 16 "years" but just "16". Next time BE SPECIFIC !

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Ali and Others;

while some of our locally made FACs do carry up to 19 crewmen this story is completely false just like the electrocution story .

Just made up well enough to dupe some people .

Dunno who's this gotaymbara guy is, but I heard the same news [with slightly less casualty, incl three officers] from a diff source [not via web].

So b4 Gotaymbara, I asked about it here in a subtle way [w/o anyone gathering it unless they know it] and Mariyakade instantly spoke of need to conceal sensitive info.

I think Gotaymbara was genuine. But as I said I dunno who he is, so it can be a lie.

Peter said...

If VP had all the money Chandrika had and all the cadres that she had then think who'd be undersiege now?

Peter said...

If moda lanka had any respect for itself then it would stop the war when the size of eelam was smaller than size of sri lanka.

it's like a giant man beating up a new born.

Unknown said...

sujeewa . mate

some of these stories are so well made up that it is easy to be taken up by them . if you read about the p-418 it is not difficult to believe too . While a story can be true does not mean it is necessarily true . I woke up my source twice in one day to inquire and he swore there was nothing to it . but I still wasnt a 100%

you can imagine how these stories run like wild fire in Sri Lanka particularly by folk who dont support the govt .

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peter said...

Anonymous said...

Dora sunk

MIG disappeared.. shot down?

Guys, what can be some other such stories..?

RW-mongal and diasspora all need (at least) such stories now.. hope AmmaGG will give the best.. ha ha

Peter said...

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Rama reports on 20th and 21st states about 75000 civilians who tried to come to liberated area were shot at and chased to Puthu. 10 dead. Only a handful has come out, and SLAF could watch the drama from above [but no videos from UAV]

Shooting civilians ha??

Where is that crying warrior "civilian" hiding?

How can our Peter the Stock broker justify his investment on turning wanni ppl into livestock?

And what does the diaspora think of this type of shooting by their bastard son Pussycat?

Peter said...

If MR wasnt surrounded with all that millions, if he was in a bunker complex would he last as long?

VP did not make any predictions about mullaitivu as opposed to k'nochi because it was uncertain at that stage. he said k'nochi wont be captured because all eelamists will be there in spirit even now.

velluprabhakaran said...

peter said

[[[rest assured no moda Banda politician has ever died. We do not descriminate and we send our women to the front line so long as they are over 16, bit more or less.]]]

"so long as they are over 16, bit more or less."

very nervous & shifty about age. are we? ha ha ha!

Peter said...

Even if lanka was completely captured by chenna boys, eelam will be there in spirit. So this battle is futile. see relevant tamilnet publications.

Mitwish said...

Do you guys know that Prabakaran was no more or at least were in the state of "Abbagaatha"? If not see this investigation on tamilnut article.

Also provides you with some valuable articles.

velluprabhakaran said...

[[[because all eelamists will be there in spirit even now]]]

spirit? already talking about ghosts are we? ha ha ha!

Peter said...

velluprabhakaran said...
very nervous & shifty about age. are we? ha ha ha!

16 is your law not eelam law so why should we obey moda lanka laws, this is eelam. Its there in spirit. believe it!

Peter said...

velluprabhakaran said...
spirit? already talking about ghosts are we? ha ha ha!

your laughter is suppose to annoy me but it makes be even more determined. eelam spirit will never be betrayed even by those who defected. you have nothing like that moda Bandas Lol!

JWick said...

""Peter said...

If moda lanka had any respect for itself then it would stop the war when the size of eelam was smaller than size of sri lanka.

it's like a giant man beating up a new born.""

If the
had any brains, then they would not have;
1. Severely violated the CFA , obtained by duping Ranil Ponnaya with the help of Norwegian White tigers.
2. Attempted ethnic cleansing by closing Mavil Aru anicut.
3. Foolishly prevented Tamils voting for Ranil in the Presidential elections.

in addition to numerous other utter moronic actions which have now resulted in their peeeelam dream becoming completely vaporized.

Peter said...

true dreams cannot be vaporised, they live in spirit inside every tamil.
you dont have it moda Bandas so no use looking.

Mitwish said...

Finally, Peter has realized eelam is not a real one and it is something in his mind. It is good that he knows it is only "dream".

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Huh, Peter seems to ignore my Qs, or drop me on something like wrong spelling or grammar. Peter, you have Qs to answer.

Unknown said...

Last Man Standing...

The last man standing award for a Peelamist goes to......

Peter Ratnadurai!

Congratulations! for being the last Peelamist standing in Defencewire

Lets hope the SLDF get the last standing tiger soon.

අපේ කොල්ලන්ට ජයවේවා!

Peter said...

if eelam is not real then who are you fighting now moda Bandas? How could eelam be destroyed by conquering land?

Peter said...

Tamil people will still keep their eelam ideals like language, customs and festivals like thaiponkal and eelam law which bans killing of another tamil or stealing fertilizer, cattle from them.
Chenna boys will loose at the end but keep on fighting now modayas

Unknown said...

[eelam law which bans killing of another tamil]

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Alfred Doraiappa, Jeyraj Fernandopulle, Lakshman Kadiragama, Keetheesh Loganathan, ..... etc.

I guess Mahen better beware!

Unknown said...

[if eelam is not real then who are you fighting now moda Bandas? How could eelam be destroyed by conquering land?]

Elvis is alive! Take my word!

Unknown said...

@Sujeeva Bro,

Peter is the Last Man Standing

To be more precise the last Peelamist standing outside a psychiatric ward.

Peter said...

Sujeewa Kokawala,
you didnt have any questions that is why I have not answered them. But content here is of very high intellectual value so I'm going to go throw some naans in the oven

JWick said...

""Peter said...

true dreams cannot be vaporised, they live in spirit inside every tamil.""

No problem as long as they are just "DREAMS". Problem is you don't come back to reality when you wake up. You better take your cyanide capsule so that you enjoy your peeeeeelam dream of MYTHICAL DUPLICATE RACIST HOMELAND permanently in your eteeeernal sleeeeeeep!!

Peter said...

Ritigala said...
To be more precise the last Peelamist standing outside a psychiatric ward.

yes I met your sister there, very beautiful girl, how much money you want?

Unknown said...

Mad Peter
ur mad vezapillai built 6-7 air ports but 2 air crafts (takaran).. Only country in the world with more air ports than bus halts..

If there any one against tamil people , he is the most happy person to start LTTP Peelanm again.. Coz it would kill many tamils than others as vezapillai did last 20-30 years

Moda Peter do not have brains to understand that much.. Here in this blog different educational levels can see..

Peter said...

JWick said...
You better take your cyanide capsule so that you enjoy your peeeeeelam dream of MYTHICAL DUPLICATE RACIST HOMELAND permanently in your eteeeernal sleeeeeeep!!

Racist? how is that racist? we didnt want any singalese or muslims because they dont fit our ideals. if i'm a racist for liking my race then you're a racist as well. Think before you speak and make a fool of yourselves moda Banda. LOL

Peter said...

Wow! Fake has posted more comments than me.

Peter said...

Provides much needed entertainment.

Peter said...

Record for most moda?

Peter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

[another defence expert has emerged
our aircrafts could take VP anywhere he wants to go.]


I didn't know the Takaran Airforce had a Boeing 777-300ER! Fantastic!

Peter said...

In said...
blah blah blah

another defence expert has emerged
our aircrafts could take VP anywhere he wants to go. Which is why we keep them topped up with fuel. 175km distance that'll cover which means pretty much any country is within his grasp. Hows moda Bandas going to find him now? LOL

Peter said...


Peter said...

Try again.

Rana said...

Peter your fly is open!

Zip both @ up and down buddy!!

Time to go!!!

Come back tomorrow!

Peter said...

Lord Rana

Peter said...

All hail Lord Rana!

KSF said...

Sri Lankan Distiller MD plans are underway to produce new pickle specially for Diaspoora.

This pickle will be out to Tamil shops soon after arrest or kill LTTP vesa ponna leadership. Pickle will made with their flesh specially for Diaspoora Ladies.

This will call Tamizham pickle. Price will be 99p in £.
1.10cents in $
perhaps free for Diaspoora in Europe.

KSF said...

Prabakaran never escape by any air craft. He is a guy who afraid even to touch a aircraft. Vesaponna velu never get on to a Air Craft unless on a sleeping mood after taking 10-15 sleeping tablets.

Normally everytime he hear any sound any any any sound like a Air-Craft he shit on his jungle uniform and pissed of the same.

silentknight said...

O'l pete has finally gone loony,.....

told you not to eat that last fruitcake prabha sent you!!!

btw,..while ur on the Eelam business,
tell me,.... did the captain of the Titanic cry????????

Peter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peter said...

Titanic has set sail with all the bravado.

We'll soon find out if Mahinda cries.

Peter said...

At the end of an amusing day on DW, I am having to say my goodbyes.

Peter said...

I have a dinner to attend, so, 'till, another fine morning

ReallyCold..... said...

How Gotymbara exposed BLIND Patriots.

A day later Asithri came here and told that Gotymbara is fake. However one can't take Asithri's word since he has mistakenly identified Sinhalese on the blog as LTTE.

Here are some of the conversations. Those who criticize for initially being suspicious about his, please admit your mistakes for being irresponsible.

Gotymbara said...
2 more officers were gone with my cousin in that boat.Only one guy managed to jump out from that boat and 2 bodies only found so far.Rest 17 including my cousin's bodies even were not found yet.
This news from my family.Not rumores.His mum,dad,two brothers and sister i talked to them all. His socond brothe is an army major.Today morning he has gone to Trico Naval base.Answer he got........??????????? :-((((((((

He knows the facts.But his mum and dad still waiting to see atleast his body.
If SLN/MOD think not releasing casualty figures will help the war,when i talked to them i realized it is wrong.Evev my self was really surprised when my mum told it me.I asked was he on board that boat but it was only damaged no casualties.She said........

I am so proud of him. He was a brave one among my 57 cousin sister and brothers.

You and all other brave hearts who gave life for our mother land will attain nibbana.
January 20, 2009 10:17 PM

NOLTTE=Peace said...

My thoughts are with you bro.
January 20, 2009 10:25 PM

ReallyCold said...

Assuming your claim is authentic, You need to support the government effort and their decision making about the war at this stage.

We all need to ensure your loved ones did not sacrifice their lives in vain.

If the government is not willing to release information to the enemy and if you are bypassing that,
you may be risking the lives of the Troops already in action.

I kindly ask you not to communicate personal detail on a public forum at this stage.

[If SLN/MOD think not releasing casualty figures will help the war,when i talked to them i realized it is wrong.Evev my self was really surprised when my mum told it me.I asked was he on board that boat but it was only damaged no casualties.She said........]
January 20, 2009 10:39 PM

Pottu said...

And I kindly ask you to stop communicating in this blog. Actually stop communicating altogether, I am sure I am doing your wife and boyfriend a favour by shutting you up completely.

What makes you think Goty is making this up? Seriously man, you should get your head checked!
January 20, 2009 10:45 PM

Ananda-USA said...
Gotymbara said...

Gotymbara, Please accept my heartfelt condolences on behalf of his family.

May he, and all of his fellow heroes attain Nibbana.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

My sympathy for the loss of your cousin. And everyone, same goes for any lost loved ones.
wijayapala said...

Be proud that your cousin fought and died at sea where he wanted to be.

Suranimala said...
I am really sorry for your cousin and others . May them attend nibbana .I can understand you my mate . I can understand you very well .
wijayapala said...

"Assuming your claim is authentic, You need to support the government effort and their decision making about the war at this stage."

Is this supposed to be sarcasm? Why would Gotymbara make up this story?

ReallyCold..... said...

@Sujeewa Kokawala

[ I think Gotaymbara was genuine. ]

SK, this is called glass half full view.

ReallyCold..... said...

It is very intriguing what the SLDF is finding out from LTTE territories.

BlackPanther said...

Thanks for the application.

I would like to know how many of our keyboard heros have mailed you request an application to sponsor a hero's child.

ReallyCold..... said...

I don't do boru ata pirikara, fake arms giving expecting good things in this life or life after, ego polishing dana events featuring 20 monks etc, never invite fake monks to my house.

I have done silently projects related to what matters to the core like providing English books for good pirivenas and providing rice for one year continuously feeding few dozen monks in an aramaya.

I will do something like that to sponsor military orphans as well.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


I was primarily depending on my other source and was thinking that Goty's one as only a confirmation.

My other source is reliable. But it's not a network like DW, DN.

So it can be a deliberate or non-deliberate lie from my original source. I agree. At a time of info blockade, I can't conclude that it is false either.

Goty however, is either truthful or deliberately lying.

You guys judge on him purely based on few facts.

1. why SLDF officially did not report, the loss of craft officers and sailors.

2. DW stated otherwise.

3. 19 was too much for a dvora to have.

Did you ever consider whether in complete blockade so both 1, 2 can be part of blockade.

Someone here said 9 is max for Dvora. And I have never gone in one or have firsthand exp about such counts. Nevertheless another stated that 19 is also possible in some other type of a dvora. So what?

And my first source never called it a Dvora at the first place. It was some vessel, the type my source did not know. Also my source stated as 12 missing, not 19.

Can't it be that Goty in the shock of the loss, missed the type of vessel and/or casualty figure? It applies to my source too.

However I agree that if it was a bigger vessel Pussycats won't give it as a Dvora. So numbers and vessel is lower than pussycat claim, that is for sure.

jack1234 said...

Initially it was just a wild guess,but I really think our friend Peter is KP of LTTE(Kumaran Padmanadan) with lots of spare time in his hand now that almost all his smuggling feet is on the ocean bed.
Moreover the slightly girly, SMS type slang he uses suggest he may have spent too much time with the ladyboys in bangkok.
remember KP has thai passport,said to be married to a thai woman.
so Peter come out and fess up you girly man.

Moshe Dyan said...

we discussed on monday that the #1 priority should be civilian safety NOW bcos the pop density has reached alarming numbers.

with days MoD took steps to create ANOTHER civilian safe zone.

thank you for everyone who wrote to them (i'm sure they had already made the decision though).

but still bloody tigers are forcing ppl in to THEIR OWN safety zones. these are actually hiding places of big pussies.

what fcuking right they have to rob our hosiptal equipment from mualitivu and start up their own fcuking hospital????

and they send civilians to vavuniya for treatment! so who are in these so called hospitals in vanni???? pussycats!!

well done SLA.


Nisal said...

A captured solder released by LTTP.

As a return, lets forgive all the LTTPers if surrendered (after the rehabilitation) ;).

Moshe Dyan said...

thanks DW for the update.

DW should post more often. otherwise the rumour guys gets down to business.

"Mirage Class boats" = muraji class?????

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...


Tamilnet is talking about Geneva convention now,

"Sri Lanka (Ceylon) is a signatory to the First, Second and Third Geneva Conventions and it ratified the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, by accession to it, on 23.02.1959."

This guys crack me up all the time!

Unknown said...

Really Wow how about the collapsed Sri Lankan economy. Thanks for your punnaku, I can go without food one more day. Looks like you are getting more and more desperate to kill the tigers. Now thats a good sign.

Rana said...


Tell us somthing about "Tamils for Obama"!

Moshe Dyan said...


vezapillai is chased away like a bandicoot from every country, including malaysia!!!

Ananda-USA said...

Hi Rana,

Div55 is continuing southwards from Chundikulam to Chalai and beyond, clearing the narrowstrip of land in the isthmus I had predicted...thought you would like to know!

55 Div advances southwards gaining more LTTE hiding areas

Troops of 55 Division commanded by Brigadier Prasanna Silva continued their offensive march further southwards gaining more remaining LTTE hiding areas in Kilinochchi today, 22 January.

According to the latest information, troops have extended their defences advancing from Chundikulam to Chalai and now been engaged in consolidating operations in newly captured area. Fierce confrontations reported in the area and LTTE terrorists have withdrawn from the area with their casualties.

Meanwhile, a tractor carrying LTTE cadres for reinforcement was also destroyed in heavy artillery barrages launched by the troops, Electronic Warfare sources said citing LTTE communication channels.

While consolidating the newly gained ground troops have found 3 bodies of LTTE terrorists killed during the battle along with weapons and vehicles.

40 feet long Dovra type sea craft and a Unicorn vehicle which were left away by the fleeing terrorists were also found during the consolidating operations.

Further consolidating operations are underway.

Moshe Dyan said...


allow me to differ.

i recon it is worthwhile to have a chinese navy base in SL.


1. china is interested in routing its ONLY competitor in asia PEACEFULLY by having naval bases around it.

2. the MASSIVE shipping route south of SL is strategically important to china

3. china needs to have a navy base in mid asia with access to the middle east. SL is the ideal location.

4. SL wants to keep off intruding nations ESPECIALLY india which HAS A STAKE in the SL conflict BOTHWAYS!!!! ( avery very dangerous situ.)

5. chinese policy on territorial intergrity PERFECTLY compliments SL's view.

6. china is a permanant member. IF (IF) SL faces some BIG threat of forcing a "solution" or other bs, china can and will stand up to us at the UN. it may do so now. but with a base in SL, it will HAVE TO do so.

7. ENORMOUS naval strength for SL including patrol.

8. US has no problem with SL having a chinese base. the opposite is true as well. india - yes. but its our choice. after having a chinese base india cannot ask us to remove it for OBVIOUS reasons!!

9. having a US base is good militarily but politically disastrous. the US's view on SL's territorial integrity is not as firm as china. china do not have the habit of uttering the "political solution" CRAP!

10. chinese defence expenses are MUCH higher than india. SL MAY have an opportunity to share a fraction of it.

11. china is strides ahead of india in shipbuilding. SL can have MANY advantages in this. unfortunately this industry has a STRONG political influence in china. so if SL has a base (PLUS a defence pact?? possibly??) that will put us in a good spot.

LankaBoy_007 said...

I don't think that Gotymbara would miss took Dvora with another type of vessel.coz the info he had which is from his cousin's mum and dad===>>>from major brother who already in trinco navel base..20 too many for 15 million Dovra..

Ananda-USA said...

Job Discrimination by LTTE: Tiger Media Chief Rasaih Ilanthirayan prevented from accepting new GOSL position.

Tigers cage their media chief
by Norman Palihawadena

LTTE media spokesman Rasiah Ilanthirayan has been placed under arrest by the Tigers, according to Army intelligence.

Army Commander Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka said Ilanthirayan had attempted to desert the LTTE and surrender to the Army, but on his way to the government controlled area he had been caught and imprisoned by the Tigers on order from the leadership.

Fonseka said several other LTTE cadres were being prevented from surrendering to security forces. He said about 3,000 civilians were being detained as a human shield at LTTE leader Prabhakaran’s hideout, but he expected those civilians to defy the LTTE and travel to the Army controlled areas.

Moshe Dyan said...


""" Peter said...
............we didnt want any singalese or muslims because they dont fit our ideals.""


mate, good catch. move a bit further.

so what should we do?????

ethnic integration. i can only imagine how this will HURT the tamil elam racists!

can't wait till the north is "ethnically integrated" and becomes multi-racial.

wijayapala said...

Dear Peter,

"At the end of an amusing day on DW, I am having to say my goodbyes."

Why leaving so soon, after providing all of us so much amusement (at your expense, I'm afraid)?

Ananda-USA said...

MosheDayan said...


allow me to differ.

i recon it is worthwhile to have a chinese navy base in SL.


1. china is interested in routing its ONLY competitor in asia PEACEFULLY by having naval bases around it.

2. the MASSIVE shipping route south of SL is strategically important to china

3. china needs to have a navy base in mid asia with access to the middle east. SL is the ideal location.

4. SL wants to keep off intruding nations ESPECIALLY india which HAS A STAKE in the SL conflict BOTHWAYS!!!! ( avery very dangerous situ.)

5. chinese policy on territorial intergrity PERFECTLY compliments SL's view.

6. china is a permanant member. IF (IF) SL faces some BIG threat of forcing a "solution" or other bs, china can and will stand up to us at the UN. it may do so now. but with a base in SL, it will HAVE TO do so.

7. ENORMOUS naval strength for SL including patrol.

8. US has no problem with SL having a chinese base. the opposite is true as well. india - yes. but its our choice. after having a chinese base india cannot ask us to remove it for OBVIOUS reasons!!

9. having a US base is good militarily but politically disastrous. the US's view on SL's territorial integrity is not as firm as china. china do not have the habit of uttering the "political solution" CRAP!

10. chinese defence expenses are MUCH higher than india. SL MAY have an opportunity to share a fraction of it.

11. china is strides ahead of india in shipbuilding. SL can have MANY advantages in this. unfortunately this industry has a STRONG political influence in china. so if SL has a base (PLUS a defence pact?? possibly??) that will put us in a good spot.

Moshe, I agree with you 100%, but if I say that out loud at an Indian website, it would be counter productive. My post was a "Political PR" comment, that takes "very sensitive" Indian interests into account.

In effect, the statements

We will have many strong allies all over the world: Like India, US, China, and Pakistan: FOR EVER!

is a subtle reminder that the statement

We will never let any foreign country get bases in Sri Lanka! Not India, not US, not China, not Pakistan: NEVER!

is subject to the conditions on the lack of transgression on Sri Lanka's sovereignity as implied by the two statements

We will never let any foreign country interfere in our internal affiars again! Not India, not US, not China, not Pakistan: NEVER!

We will never let separatists get an independent racist apartheid state in Sri Lanka: Not Eelam nor Peelam: NEVER!

Putting it any harder, as you have done, could rub salt into the Indian wound, unnecessarily, at this point. Is that not so?

Caveman Velu said...

LTTE is running out of gas... and diesel.
LTTE is so disparate what they are doing is killing innocent civilians who are trying to leave to the cleared areas and blame SLA. What a shame. All the diaspora money collected by working at gas stations, washing dirty dishes, picking fruits in apple yards in Canada, UK, Australia etc. is now being effectively used to kill their relatives back. Diaspora ponnayas must be feeling raped by LTTE.
Ivasanna, thawa poddai!

Pansilu said...

Ananda_USA and Moshe,

Both of you are pure crap when it comes to suggestions for future of SL defence. Think about the audience before writing rubbish and don’t insult their education, experience and knowledge!

JWick said...

An excerpt from an article in

""Young men were watching the finals of the one day international against Bangladesh squatting or stretched on the floor of the displaced persons camp (luxury to those who came from a district without electricity) seeing Murali display his skills with the bat on the brink of defeat, the soldiers on guard joined to watch TV; the poignant moment was when the soldiers and the young boys from the North, in unison cheered lustily as the winning stroke was made. One Nation, One People.""

Jon said...

When will Sri Lanka finalise the deal to acquire MiG-29s. Or have they already done so?

Ananda-USA said...

Pansilu said...

Ananda_USA and Moshe,

Both of you are pure crap when it comes to suggestions for future of SL defence. Think about the audience before writing rubbish and don’t insult their education, experience and knowledge!

Same to you, Pansilu!

I thought you crawled away into a deephole without backing up your assertions, the last time you tangled with me, despite my repeatedly requesting you to backup your statements. But, here you are again, insulting people without contributing any substantial facts.

Crawl away again, and try to acquire Atasilu or Dasasilu before you come back!

Moshe Dyan said...


i get it!

good work, mate. keep it up.

LankaBoy_007 said...

according very reliable sources all our crocodile head MiG27s modify to accommodate with secret gunner near to the tail end which is fitted with 30mm AA gun like old Lancaster fighter/bombers.this is due to highly threat posed by LTTE high speed of these crocodile head MiG27 was missing in action on last Wednesday.this is due to its propeller suddenly stoped by 9mm gunfire.3air men who were crewed this mission couldn't married up with rest of the crocodile head MiG 27s team.

TropicalStorm said...

The LTTE opened fire indiscriminately on a crowd of over 75,000 tamil civillians trying to move into govt controlled areas. A large number of deaths and injuries has been caused by this incident.

The pro-LTTE media is struggling to blame the attack on a SLA artillery strike, to cover up, but the tamil population already are in on it.

TropicalStorm said...

Where is this Peter fella?

If you see him, somebody please tell him to go wash my car like a nice podiyen..

JWick said...

Velupillai arrested at BIA Katunayake !!

JWick said...


Anonymous said...

LankaBoy_007 said...
threat posed by LTTE high speed slins

would be nice to get the facts straight.
highspeed turtle won that hare/turtle race I heard also.

Pansilu said...


I am not a defence expert, not even trying to be a one. Therefore, I will not waste my time or others with crap ideas on defence.

However, I am intelligent enough to sort out crap from meaningful articles when I see them.

The problem with you two does not know limits of your knowledge or expertise but still want to impress others with ridiculous garbage.

We don’t write everything that comes to our minds in public forums, instead be selective and reduce the out put to short one or two articles. This way you might improve your stupidity to an acceptable level.

KB said...

Off of South Africa's east coast, the KwaZulu-Natal sardine run with its hundreds of millions of fish is considered to be one of the marine wonders of the world. If you are lucky enough to go diving there you will find the glorious chaos of a fully developed bait ball. These are created when dolphins work together to shear off a section of the shoal, corral it into a scrum of the size of tennis court, and force it onto the surface. Only then do the other predators appear, making the whole thing go ballistic. The result is an eruption of fin and flesh. Dolphins squeal like sirens as they make strafing runs at the edges. Eight-foot copper sharks thresh their way through the shoal, biting and gulping. Cape fur seals corkscrew up through the middle then flip backward, snapping up fish on the way over. And all the while gannets rain from the sky gobbling up fish.

SLDF has now corralled the terrorist sardines into a scrum of the size of few square miles, and have forced them up to the surface. It’s now time for SLA crack infantry divisions to make strafing runs at the edges. The SLA mechanized armor divisions to smash their way through the terrorist shoal, killing and destroying. The SF crack commando units to corkscrew up through the middle then flip backward, snapping up terrorist head honchos on the way over. And all the while SLAF migs and MI-24s can rain bombs and rockets from sky on the terrorist scrum. Happy hunting predators!


KB said...

When these sardine bait balls have been consumed by sea predators, nothing remains but a few scales and a lingering smell of sardine oil. When the LTTE sardine bait ball is consumed by SLDF predators nothing will remain but a few Bata slippers and a lingering smell of sesame oil.


Puran Appu said...

Vishvamadu to fall soon.

Road leading from Vishvamadu to the Chunddikulam lagoon taken by 58.

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