Wednesday, February 25, 2009

LTTE 'DPU' teams on the prowl

With their back against the sea, Tigers have started preparing for suicide missions and deep penetration operations. Two teams of Tigers were detected and engaged by the 59 Division at Alampil and Mullayaweli within the matter of two weeks with the latter being detected just yesterday when a team of around 30 Tigers made an amphibious landing at a shaded grove in the Mulaitivu lagoon.

LTTE teams are preparing for decapitation strikes, reconnaissance and ambushes to upset ongoing operations, the same as the Special Forces and Commando Regiment Special Reconnaissance (LRRP/'DPU') teams once did. These teams are attempting to move towards south of Puthukudirippu and Mankulam areas to target SLA high-ranking officers, troop transports etc.

They are particularly targeting the A-9 and the Special Task Force and police patrols and ambushes deployed to protect the A-9. The STF and the police are deployed from Omanthai to Kanakarayankulam.

Less than a week ago, an STF ambush was attacked killing one STF Constable and injuring 11 others. Although on an ambush, the STF 12-man team had built a bonfire to be warm in the cold night. This had not only given away the location of the ambush but had compromised the entire operation.

The Air Force, particularly the Air Force Regimental Special Forces are deployed from Kanakarayankulam to Mankulam. So far, these units have played their role effectively. If the rear guard keeps failing, the Special Forces Brigade might have to be called in to address the situation.

The Army's other fighting Divisions now in reserve have new tasks to perform other than patrolling the A-9, which includes the recovery of LTTE weapons and logistics dumps as well as valuable assets. They also perform a vital role immediately behind the TF-8, 58 and the 53 in case of a massive counter-attack like the one experienced just before Independence Day.


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BlackPanther said...

Thanks DW,
Causion is the name of the game. No place for error for they are paid with life. Need to keep going for little while.

Saul said...

Small teams, ambushes, decapitation strikes..prelude to changing nature of the conflict? I said 'conflict' because the war will in all likelihood be over give or take a few weeks.

KillerT said...

Whats the current situation at PTK?

Ampalawanpokkanei ,Where is this village?Is it along the coast,inside the safe zone?

If it is ,is the map at correct?

thank you

Gayansphotography said...

DW..why this negative tone about the STF...I ve seen that tone in all most all the recent articles from you...

Are they that bad??

onecountry said...

Thanks DW.

Yes, we shouldnt let down the guard and be vigilant all time. But, shouldnt slow down the progress because IC sympathy is building. To some extent, rethoric by our poiticians and even the defence sec himself. I watched the sanate hearing yesterday and they mentioned Gotabaya few times and quoted his statement. Some of them are not really diplomatic.

Unknown said...

Is that true what Oddusudan incedent?? Any news abt terror attack near A9??

Defencewire said...

Killer T,

PTK town center is surrounded from 3 sides. LTTE can now go backwards towards the sea only. Fighting under every rock and tree. PTK will fall soon.


Just stating things the way they are. STF isn't bad. Problem maybe with the leadership. The 'police mentality' should not creep into a paramilitary force organized like the Army. But they undeniably are part of the police.

KillerT said...

Thanks DW.

Rover said...

Thanks DW,

I think the idea of the LTTE was to attack Katunayake air base, and the Airforce headquarters and call for a ceasefire (while being in a position of strength). That failed with the TAF fiasco. Now the idea is to do decapitation strikes, which is apparent from DW's note. The taking down of LTTE leadership needs to be expedited, no matter what the costs are. This is the only way to reduce civilian and other death in the LONG RUN.

Unknown said...

Taking time to clean the remaining area will help Tamil Diaspora to convince, appeal, cry etc and mislead world and bring international hands to control the situation intil breath LTTE for next round...

Unknown said...

'latter being detected just yesterday when a team of around 30 Tigers made an amphibious landing at a shaded grove in the Mulaitivu lagoon.'

Something is missing. What happened to those detected 30 Tigers?

phaedrus said...


Thanks for the update.

Can you tell us why there is no mention at all in any news about Pottu Amman. It's like the bugger never existed.

BlackPanther said...


Is there a strategic advantage in requesting from Indian or ICRC (Any international organisation) to help ("under SLDF command") Evacuate civilians from sea. Will this not be a message to the IC and also for them to realise how difficult a task this is.

Unknown said...

If LTTE making such a resistance , why Air force can not make a rids on those targets?/ Now it is very small area to cover..

Unknown said...

It looks Air support is not enough for the purpose..

Defencewire said...


Group split into two upon detection. 13 were killed. search is on for the rest.


Poddu is the smartest brain in the LTTE. The other guy is Kapil Amman. These two men are clever enough to be your neighbours and u wouldn't know. But we have equally clever MIC people who will get them eventually, like they (Lalith Jayasinghe et al) got Charles.

Defencewire said...


India doesn't want to interfere. ICRC is only a go-between.

Only possible air support is the Hinds. Its too close-quarter for strikes by #10 and #12 now.

pakaya said...

wonderful culture

Unknown said...

IT looks LTTE has it's home gound advantage ...

Peter said...

Peter said...

Bus blown up south of Irainamadhu Junction - Confirmed

Victor Unit commandos destroyed tank south-west of Mulliyavalai jungle, on outskirts of the town - Confirmed

Commando Unit infiltrated 58th Division rear operating area from jungle to the north-east of Tharavaikulam - Incident confirmed, awaiting details

February 25, 2009 9:24 PM

Unknown said...

Knowledge abt ground gives LTTE an edge but it shouldn't be a problem for Air rids..

Peter said...


Nice! How much?

phaedrus said...

Thanks DW.

Best of luck to our soldiers to bring an end to this quickly.

Unknown said...

Arms captured....

Claymore mines - 07 60 mm illuminating bombs - 02
Claymore boards - 08 C-4 primer - 160
Bangalore torpedoes - 119 Suicide kit - 01
Bangalore torpedoes fuses - 66 Suicide bombs - 02
Grenade launcher bombs - 120 Suicide bomb chargers - 06
Improvised anti tank mines - 15 Suicide bomb circuits - 03
Anti tank mine chargers - 36 Hundred and ninety-one electric detonators - 291
RPG bomb - 01 M 15 anti tank mine fuse - 01
Pressure mine chargers - 05 Low explosive gun powder - 06 packets
Chargers with electric circuits - 20 Detonators - 1300
Firing devices - 29 Teargases - 09
Hand grenades - 43 Remote controller - 01
Jumping mines fuse - 17 Electric firing devises - 23
Trip flares - 06 130 mm fuses - 10
White phosphorus - 1Kg Electric circuits - 61
Improvised Explosive Devices - 02 General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) links - 320
TNT explosives - 34Kg General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) ammunition - 1185
C-4 explosives - 18Kg Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition - 18
Anti personnel mines - 105 FMC ammunition - 2240
Detonator code - 800 m Wire role - 01

Unknown said...

Sorry guy, Paste went messup with arms list..

Unknown said...

DW, what is the Air force contribution? and what is your estimate abt Airforce support with their capacity??

kaatikuddupaan said...

It's amazing to see army advance so far and almost surround PTK.

What's more interesting why LTTE hasn't broken down into chaos and mutiny.

I am sure Prabha and all the colonels are still safe and leading the show.

So far a lot of mid level leaders have been killed but the big thalapathi's are still there in control.

pakaya said...

Patriot, careful
While u are wasting time with this blog your wifes and sisters
can be easily f----d by ur neighbours.
modiya careful

Unknown said...

Pakaya said...
Patriot, careful
While u are wasting time with this blog your wifes and sisters
can be easily f----d by ur neighbours.
modiya careful

Is this warning based on your true experiance???

ape lanka said...

Tx for the update DW
Asanka donot copy for stuff we all read and army.

Just wondering keeping some more divisions reserve at this moment is it the right thing? we all agree guys did a very very hard job. but if we move our focus at this moment we are keeping a gap to the ltte.

hiding all there war items all around means they have a long term plan may be to use once tamils get civilize in the area.

Unknown said...

that's true..

LTTE is f***d by SLA and about to f***d very soon in PTK..

Unknown said...

ape lanka, did you read this...

Timeline of Sri Lanka's conflict with Tamil TigersFrom the rebel group's formation to repeated failed ceasefires and the current major government offensive

1975: The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam group forms, demanding a separate state for minority ethnic Tamils in the island's north and east.

1983: Civil war begins.

1991: A Tamil Tiger suicide bomber assassinates the Indian prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi, apparently in revenge for sending Indian peacekeeping troops who ended up fighting the rebels.

1993: Another Tamil Tiger suicide bomber kills Sri Lanka's president, Ranasinghe Premadasa, after his government's failed peace efforts.

February 2002: The Sri Lankan government signs a ceasefire with the Tamil Tigers.

June 2005: Relations between the government and rebels deteriorate over sharing international tsunami aid.

August 2005: Assassination of the foreign minister, Lakshman Kadirgamar, an ethnic Tamil who opposed a separate state for the minority. Tigers are blamed.

December 2005: Rebels launch their first major attack since the 2002 truce, killing a dozen Sri Lankan navy sailors. A series of attacks follow.

22 February 2006: Government and rebel officials meet in Switzerland for peace talks and agree to reduce violence. A second round of talks scheduled for a few months later is postponed as the two sides argue over transport and security.

8 June 2006: Collapse of talks in Norway aimed at restoring peace.

20 July 2006: The Tamil Tigers close the sluice gates of an eastern reservoir, cutting water to more than 60,000 people and prompting the government to launch its first major offensive on Tiger territory since the 2002 ceasefire.

2 November 2007: A government air raid kills the Tamil Tigers' political boss, SP Thamilselvan, who was believed to be the group's second-in-command.

2 January 2008: The government says the Tamil Tigers must disarm before any future peace talks.

16 January 2008: Sri Lanka's ceasefire is officially terminated.

29 August 2008: Sri Lanka urges civilians living in rebel-held areas to flee to government-controlled territory.

2 January 2009: The military says Sri Lankan forces have entered the guerrillas' de facto capital, Kilinochchi, predicting it will fall within hours.

5 February 2009: Sri Lanka snubs the international community's call for a ceasefire, saying troops will not suspend their offensive against Tamil Tiger rebels.

10 February 2009: The Red Cross evacuates 240 sick and wounded people by boat from the north-east war zone as the military accuses rebel fighters of killing 19 civilians fleeing the area.

13 February 2009: Sri Lanka accuses Britain of meddling in its internal affairs after Gordon Brown appoints the former defence secretary Des Browne as a special envoy to the country

20 February 2009: Two Tamil Tiger aircraft launch a surprise bomb raid on Colombo, hitting a tax building and injuring at least 27 people. Sri Lankan jets shoot down one aircraft as it retreats

23 February 2009: Tamil Tiger rebels tell the UN and the international community they are willing to accept a ceasefire but reject calls to lay down arms and surrender. The Sri Lankan government rejects the offer.

Anonymous said...


having some fun?? hahaha... its a wonder how an infiltartion occurs on the exact time 58 advances to PTK town center

Anonymous said...

even tamilnet fails to report your heroics LOL

Anonymous said...

# SLA should not go into defender mode. If they play defender LTTE by default become offender. SLA should go 'search and kill' mode (offensive).

# STF karayo picnic gihillada Oddusudan vala..? mehemath vihilu!

# War is not over rather it is translating to another mode. This is the transition period. SLA should be prepared and be pre-active. Highier officer may enjoy a break but need to be back to the duty soon with fresh approach. The difference now is GSL controls all the areas but still hiding terrorists attack. Some possibilities;

1. Suicide missions (MR, GR, SF, SLA officers inside wanni as DW and TRP explained.)
2. Sea landing probably in east but possible at any part of the coastline
3. Hostage taking
4. Hit and run attacks
5. Claymore attacks (against military and civilians)
6. Attacking villages
7. Black tiger missions (KAB type)
8. Financial targets (CB type)

So apart from having their own mini state LTTE can do almost every thing they did as terrorist even after GSL fully liberating whole north. May be they try even new ways!

The key point is SLA need to avoid going back to defender mentiality.

Peter said...


TamilNet is in a different mode.

Peter said...

Ask anyone you know in the SLA or even your DW if you want confirmation.

Bus incident on A9 can't be hidden from most troops.

jack1234 said...

PeterPan still hoping for a miracle I see.
sad sad when you gonna learn
you know what they say, a flame is at it's brightest before it goes off.
think we can be magnanimous in victory and entertain his hysterical claims of military role reversals!!
it's the gentlemanly thing to do
so carry on my hallucinating dimwit of a diaspora thambi

Anonymous said...

58 at PTK

Unknown said...

'a flame is at it's brightest before it goes off.'

Yes. Now all singalayas are at their brightest. Soon goes off, may not be by tigers, but may be due to some other means.

Unknown said...

duzz/sam/observer and others,

මචන්ලා..උඹලා හරි..
සීෙජ සහ එස් එල් ලයන් දෙන්නම එකෙක් වේග.
පොඩි test එකක් කලා උන් දෙන්නම ලියපු ඒවට. Compare කරන්න ගත්තා අපේ දන්න කියන අය ලියපුව, බලපන් results.

රෝවෙර් - 32%
රියල්කොල්ඩ් - 18%
අනන්ද - 56%
සීේජ - 219%
එස් එල්ලයන් - 781%

පේනවද මුන් දෙන්නගෙ වෙනස අනිත් අයත් එක්ක. will tell you what i did exactly later, තාම මූ අලුත් හින්ද විස්තර මදි ලයන් කරයෙග,මුන්ව චෙක් කරන එක නම් ජොලි වැඩක් heh heh!!

lankaputhra said...

LTTE might have hidden their weaponry in the jungles behind new FDL so that they can penetrate through the FLD and attack our forces from behind.

Therefore we must be very careful and find all the hidden weapons to avoid this risk.

DW how does army find the hidden items ? Is there any method? Something like metal detector
or only guess work?

May be forces can use surrendered cares for any leads

jack1234 said...

Fun said...
'a flame is at it's brightest before it goes off.'

Yes. Now all singalayas are at their brightest. Soon goes off, may not be by tigers, but may be due to some other means.

oh i see
send in the clowns!!!
you chaps are so pathetic it's almost funny
my eyes are tearing up

jack1234 said...

it's kind of ironic avatar isn't it my man?
what your LTTE coolies down here getting daily, now I wouldn't call that fun
unless you are a masochist!
now that's a thought!
then you'll fit right in with the PeterPan,CJ and Upul and Co...
hop in the bus chaps
or the tracter to be more realistic!!!

jack1234 said...

aren't you gonna call us moda bandas Mr. FUN?
I half expect that any minute!!!
jeeez you guys crack me up sometimes!!!

Sam Perera said...

Ahase Avidinna,

Sansandanaya kale kohomada? Monawage pariganaka kramayaksa paawichchikare? Aae pariganaka wedasatahana apitath ganna puluwan ekakda?

CASC said...

TNA leader Parliamentarian R. Sampanthan has been questioned by the CID regarding a media statement he had made. The Police say Mr. Samabanthan statement was made on behalf of the tiger terrorist organization which has been proscribed in the country. According to reports Mr. Sambanthan was questioned for over 3 ½ hours yesterday.

The Govt should help this old fart and the rest of the remaining TNA MPs find political asylum in a western country.

jack1234 said...


do you remeber few years back GOSL tried to hire professional Hitmen or assasins oversees to take out the high ranking LTTE operatives?
I remember reading about it somewhere
this would be the next logical step of GOSL I think
dismantling the LTTE fundraising and propaganda structure oversees!!
any thoughts?

Saul said...

By the way, nothing to do with the situation in SL, but since this is a military blog...

Bangladesh Rifles mutiny in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Check it out.

jack1234 said...

Sam hello there!

the question goes to you as well
jack1234 said...

do you remeber few years back GOSL tried to hire professional Hitmen or assasins oversees to take out the high ranking LTTE operatives?
I remember reading about it somewhere
this would be the next logical step of GOSL I think
dismantling the LTTE fundraising and propaganda structure oversees!!
any thoughts?

ever come across this article Sam ?

Anonymous said...

!!Stop the WAR!!

!!Stop Killing Civilians!!

Opening Statement on Recent Developments in Sri Lanka Senator Richard G. Lugar February 24, 2008

I thank Senator Casey for chairing this hearing on recent developments in Sri Lanka. After more than twenty-five years of conflict and tens of thousands of lives lost, the fight between the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (the LTTE) and the government has intensified to a new level of violence. Earlier this month, Senator Kerry and I jointly expressed concerns about the deteriorating
humanitarian situation in Sri Lanka. Some Sri Lankans trapped by the fighting in the northern part of the island are being denied freedom of movement, access to international food aid, and medical assistance. Another casualty of the fighting has been press freedom. The Economist magazine reports: “Journalists have no access to the battlefront or to the displaced and must depend on information released by the
government or the Tigers.” Media personnel are being threatened and physically attacked. Press freedoms are an essential element of democracy. It is in every nation’s best interest to have an independent press that is free to investigate issues and stories. Senator Kerry and I urged the Government of Sri Lanka to protect all of its citizens, facilitate humanitarian access, and conduct swift and credible investigations into
attacks on journalists and other civilians. The United States has repeatedly asserted that a lasting, sustainable peace can best be achieved if the Sri Lankan Government works now to reach a political solution that addresses the aspirations of all Sri Lankans, including Sinhalese, Tamils, and Muslims. I look forward to the insights of our witnesses. ###

Colomblogs said...

Having detected these infliration attepmpts and increase of the frequency of these operations in recent weeks (end-January), have we taken countering meassures to erase them?

Unknown said...


heheh heee... මට හිනාව නවත්තගන්න බැරිවුනා මගෙ නම සිංහෙලෙන්් දැක්කම ("Ahase Avidinna") hehee
anyway... meka nam thanikarama manual wedak macho, yantham podi wisthara tikak compare kala mama joliyata wage, namuth honda samaana kamak dekka, pariganaka wedasatahanuth thiyenawalu,ewa nam hariyata check karala balanna karanna beriwuna, give me some time,will let u knw the URL or name of that tool later ok.

දැන් නම් නිදි මතයි, will catch u guys later okay, සුභ රාත්‍රියක් වේවා!!

Infinity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sam Perera said...


mata ekapaarata mathak wenne nam nae. kohomo wunath aka honda adahasak idiriyata kriyakarawanna puluwannam. apita yana mulu wiyadamath adui. hebei, aanduwata maewage weda elipita karanna bae.

jack1234 said...

Sam Perera

Yes you're right,
If I am right this program was put into place under Anuruddha Ratwatte times.
It was effective and we took out few of their henchmen in France.
But then the Terras ran to the local police with their tale between their legs asking for protection.
but they scarapped the whole programme
maybe diplomatically it was a risk/reward situation and numbers weren't adding up

But my point is muchun even if the LTTE crushed, unless the diaspora that fed and sustained the monster isn't eliminated(key fundraisers/propagandists) we can never breath easily.
once those assholes are neutralised maybe we can locate and isolate and deal with small fish like Peter pan,Upul and CJ etcc. just for the fun of it!!!

ha ha.
remember these assholes left a cyber trail over the years.
it wouldn't be that difficult to figure out who they are!!!
remember even in their small way these scum contributed to the LTTE cause

Sam Perera said...


Are you a member of Lankapatriots blog? Eka honda thenak thamai mae wage saakachchawakata.

Peter said...



I feel honoured. Please hire the hit-man and give me his address. I would love to meet them.

jack1234 said...

just kidding PeterPan
don't get excited
nobody is gonna come looking for you in UK,isn't that what you said
you are safe
I can think of better ways to spend our tax payers money than going after morons like you!
Did you mention a grandchild of yours?
atleast wean that child off the Eelam wet dream
you are doing him a big favour!
for once do something good in your miserable existence!!!

jack1234 said...

Lankapatriots blog.

muchun I'd love to get an invite

Anonymous said...


I didn't know about such thing.

/But my point is muchun even if the LTTE crushed, unless the diaspora that fed and sustained the monster isn't eliminated(key fundraisers/propagandists) we can never breath easily./

Exactly. My question is LTTE has committed crimes and there are people who funded LTTE. So howcome such people stay without any punishment? I don't know how difficult it is to prove this legally. But GSL should try and demand western (EU, Canada etc) governments to do invesigation and take action.

/once those assholes are neutralised maybe we can locate and isolate and deal with small fish like Peter pan,Upul and CJ etcc. just for the fun of it!!!/

Peter, Upul etc are just web scums.

Thusitha said...

jack1234 said...
Sam Perera

Yes you're right,
If I am right this program was put into place under Anuruddha Ratwatte times.
It was effective and we took out few of their henchmen in France.

These aren't that good ideas, unless they are extremely high value Targets. The political cost is much greater than any value we get from this kind of operations. The best thing is to expose these people some how and also have really good spokespeople who can counter Diaspora propaganda.

Anonymous said...

/Troops of Task Force IV yesterday captured the largest haul of heavy weapons so far from Puthukuduyirippu South.

Among the items recovered were
20, 120 mm artillery guns,
45, 81 mm guns,
57, 60 mm guns and
3, 50 mm guns.


කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...



Does anybody know why has withdrawn updated orbat map?

Early morning I saw orbat map was updated on 25th Feb: but now it has gone and back to 19th Feb.

Any thoughts?

jack1234 said...

Thisitha ,Ninja

true muchun .
think that's why it was scrapped while back.
yes it is a logical extension to take legal action against LTTE fundraisers wherever they are!!
we need capable people in our oversees misssions to carry this out
what the jews did after the WW II to hunt down the remaining Nazi comes to my mind
The simon wiesenthal chap!!
We should set up an organization similar to that I strongly feel
the bloodlust of the hateful Tamil diaspora needs to be countered round the clock

Thusitha said...

NOLTTE=Peace said...
One of the big mistake Chandrika did was not giving the post of Prime Minister to our beloved Kadiragamar and giving it to the most safest bet Ratnasiri -who is an utterly useless person to the country (yes, he is a very useful person to the party).

If Kadir was the Prime Minister, his life would be saved and the country would be in a much more better place.

At that time, other than the LTTE, whole Sri Lanka was ready to see Kadir being our Prime Minister. Even the JHU wanted Kadir as the Prime Minister. Our un-luck!


Do we have any more guys like Kadir in SL. Should we promote some one like this, even if they are at a junior level still to PM level. Would be much better than the Current PM. We should try to give PM type position to a Tamil or Even an Indian (Just saw an Article where next Political Challenge to Obama might be coming from Indian GOP candidate.). As long as MR is the president, I am sure we can be sure that Sinhalese interest are well looked after.

jack1234 said...

be back in an hour guys
keep the conversation going

Anonymous said...

!!Stop The War!!
!!Stop Killing Civilians!!

Testimony by Robert Dietz
Asia Program Coordinator
Committee to Protect Journalists
Before the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Washington, D.C.
February 24, 2009

I wish to thank the chairman, Senator Robert Casey, and other members for giving the Committee to Protect Journalists the opportunity to testify here today. The Committee to Protect Journalists is a nongovernmental organization based in New York. It was founded in 1981 by U.S. journalists who were concerned about the safety of their colleagues overseas. Funded by individuals, private corporations, and foundations, the Committee to Protect Journalists accepts no government funds as it works to defend press freedom and journalists worldwide.
My comments here today are based on CPJ’s research, including my 10-day reporting trip to Colombo, Sri Lanka, from January 21 to February 1, 2009. I have also submitted a longer version of my presentation to the committee. The report is available on CPJ’s Web site, and I understand the committee will make it available online.
I will make some strong accusations against the Sri Lankan government today. Time constraints keep me from giving the supporting evidence, but the report will fully explain the charges I will make.
I went to Colombo because Sri Lankan journalists are under intensive assault. The government has failed to carry out effective and credible investigations into the killings and attacks on journalists who question its conduct of a war against Tamils separatists, or criticize the military establishment. Three attacks in January targeting the mainstream media drew the world’s attention to the problem, but top journalists have been killed, attacked, threatened, and harassed since the government began to pursue an all-out military victory over the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in late 2006. Many local and foreign journalists and members of the diplomatic community believe the government is complicit in the attacks.
The aim of my trip was to investigate January’s three attacks:
 On January 6, the main control room of Sirasa TV, Sri Lanka’s largest independent broadcaster, was destroyed when an explosive device, most likely a claymore mine, was detonated at 2:35 a.m. during a raid by 15 to 20 men.
 On January 8, Lasantha Wickramatunga, the editor-in-chief of the independent newspaper The Sunday Leader was killed while driving to work. He was attacked by eight men riding four motorcycles. The attack came about 200 yards from a large Sri Lanka Air Force base, and after the attack the hooded men rode off in
that direction. Although the report from the judicial medical officer—Sri Lanka’s equivalent of a coroner—was to be released on February 6, it has not been made public. The next hearing in Wikramatunga’s case is on March 19.
 On January 23, Upali Tennakoon, an editor at the Sinhalese newspaper Rivira, and his wife, were attacked in a manner similar to the attack on Wickramatunga. In this case there were four men on motorcycles. The couple left Sri Lanka soon after Tennakoon was released from hospital.
In all three attacks there have been no credible investigations, minus the coroner’s inquest into Wickramatunga’s death. While many consider the government the prime suspect in the attacks, officials have vehemently denied any responsibility.
The lack of reliable investigation into these crimes is in keeping with a long history of impunity for those who attack journalists in Sri Lanka. CPJ counts 10 journalists killed by premeditated murder since 1999, with no prosecutions or convictions. The Rajapaksa government and its predecessors must at least be held responsible for the impunity that surrounds attacks on journalists.
Most of the killings came while Rajapaksa served as prime minister from April 2004, through the time he started his six-year term as president in November 2005, until now. According to CPJ’s records, during his time in high office in Sri Lanka, eight journalists have died of what CPJ considers to be premeditated murder. No one has been brought to trial in any of these cases. The number of dead does not include journalists killed in crossfire or other events. The people we are talking about were intentionally killed.
With a failure to investigate and a realistic suspicion that government actors are complicit in the violence against journalists, the time has come for the international community to act.
In a phone call with CPJ, Attorney General Mohan Peiris dismissed the idea of impunity for those who attack journalists: On February 20 he said, “I can tell you we have a policy of zero tolerance, zero tolerance. There is no question of the government or the attorney general’s office accommodating or making concessions for criminals or criminal activities.” Some cases may have been delayed for lack of sufficient evidence, he said.
The attorney general’s response is typical of the hard line of denial from the government. Other officials have said that the attacks are part of an anti-government campaign to discredit the Rajapaksa administration.
While I was in Colombo I spoke with more than 20 journalists. Many of them work in what is considered the “non-government” press, but several wrote for newspapers seen as “pro-government.” I also met with officials from three diplomatic missions, all of whom spoke with me on the understanding there would be no attribution of their remarks. Surprisingly, many of the journalists I spoke with also did not want to be quoted, for fear of retribution from the government. As a journalist, I’m accustomed to following
sourcing restrictions with diplomats, but to have journalists tell me they did not want to be named was an indicator of just how intimidated Sri Lanka’s media have become.
I have spoken at length about the attacks on Sri Lankan journalists, but I must address one other issue: No foreign or Sri Lankan reporters have recently been allowed to travel independently to the frontlines of the conflict with the LTTE. Charges of misconduct against both sides have gone uninvestigated by independent journalists. They have had to depend on secondhand information from both sides of the conflict and from the few aid groups that are still able to operate in and around the combat zone. CPJ calls on both sides to allow all journalists to personally assess the risks involved and to travel and report freely from the frontlines of this war, which has taken so many lives.
As I said at the beginning of my address, the full version of my report is available online, but let me close quickly with some of the recommendations at its conclusion:
To the international community:
 Engage with the Sri Lankan government, particularly the president’s office, to address what has become a protracted assault on journalists and media houses.
 Insist that the government rein in its security forces, which are believed to be behind not only the spate of attacks in January of this year, but the assaults on journalists critical of the government that increased in late 2006.
 Point out that Sri Lanka’s international image has been tarnished, and insist that attacks must be fully investigated by police and the judiciary, unhindered by government pressure. No matter what viewpoint the government holds in its attempts to end the fighting with the LTTE, members of Sri Lanka’s civil society who dare to criticize the government must not be treated as the enemy.
To the government of Sri Lanka:
 Provide adequate protection and security for any journalist who is threatened.
 Ensure that those journalists who have fled in fear of their lives or liberty can return home to Sri Lanka in safety.
 Ensure an independent, thorough, and timely investigation of all attacks on journalists.
 Release the full autopsy report on Lasantha Wickramatunga.
To the U.S. government:
 The American Embassy in Colombo is deeply concerned about these attacks on journalists and has often acted in their interest. CPJ calls on the State Department to work with the embassy to consider ways to offer temporary refuge to Sri Lankan journalists who decide to flee their country fearing for their safety, and to encourage other countries to do the same. None of these men and women want to abandon their homeland, their families, and their careers, but they deserve some sort of temporary refuge and support.

SL LION said...


SL LION said...

PTK HAS FALLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SL LION said...

my own army source is confirming,that PTK-town has fallen two hours ago.Whole town under SLA-control. First combat-estimations: 200 soldiers killed,400 wounded. up to 1000 LTTE killed and wounded. But these are just first guessings

Sam Perera said...


Umbe pulli hathapma seeyak ehata penawa. Boru kiyanne nethuwa palayan.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...

Oscar jury have clearly rejected slum bitch M.I.A.’s square and circle theory to down grade her paper planes over the other song by a peace loving Indian.

Bruce Fein was disregarded by attorney general of USA, and Tamil Diaspora lost fair stack of money to a lawyer shark.

Senate committee investigated what sort of leverage available to USA in order to influence SLG strategies and decide very little leverage or none until war is over.

HRW is nothing but a spent force which whines loudly with no apparent results.

British prim minister has become a joke over the peace envoy matter and now trying to manipulate UN Security Council after failed bid through Mexico for ceasefire.

LTTE is only about a week or two away from achieving dream eelam somewhere between hell and heaven.

SLG is doing marvellous job on all fronts. Go SL go!

ReallyCold..... said...

Assignment for the bloggers"

Dr. Ann Neistat from HRW is trying to force a solution to us based on isolated incidents.

I want you to be like Palitha Kohona and write to her a very polite email explaining your views. It seems like she is stepping out of her responsibility and be rushing a short sighted solution to Sri Lanka.

US Senate panel Discussion:

Video of Ann's deposition:

Any solution imposed on us without consulting the majority view of Sri Lanka is unacceptable.

The senate hearing was incomplete since they did not have someone to represent government views.

SL LION said...

IT´S OFFICIAL!!!!!!!!!!

PTK HAS FALLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SL LION said...

PTK HAS FALLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


SL LION said...


Colomblogs said...

ලැජ්ජාවක් නැති වේසිගේ පුතෝ...තෝ හිතුවද මෙතන ඉන්න හැම එකාම ඔලුවේ ගාන්නේ තලතෙල් කියලා?

තොගේ ඇටදෙක හම්බුවුන නැති හින්දා තෝ නම මාරු කළාද...? යකෝ නම මාරුවුනාට ඇටදෙක නැත්නම් පොන්නයා පොන්නයාම තමයි.

හුතුකුඩුපරිප්පුව අපි අල්ලන්නේ ලබන අවුරුද්දේ.තොපි මොනවා කරන්නද?

Unknown said...

'First combat-estimations: 200 soldiers killed,400 wounded. up to 1000 LTTE killed and wounded.'

He he...few days back SLA said only 700 tigers. Now how 1000 possible?

Colomblogs said...

"SL LION said...

මුගේ ඇටදෙකවත් තිබුනානම් ඒදෙක එකට ගහලා ගින්දර අරගෙන නිලා පත්තුකරන්න තිබුනා.

මුන්ගේ හිතේ අපිත් උන් වගේම ගොන්නු කියලා.

SL LION said...

i never said 700. but now after PTK maybe less than 1000 LTTE-bandits left on the coast! We will seize the coast soon.Only 20-kilometer-coast-strip now under LTTE-control,circa 40 sq km.

Gringo said...


umbata watura giyaada?

Thusitha said...

DW any updates?

SL LION said...


PTK HAS FALLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

University of Toronto :)

SL LION said...


PTK HAS FALLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ඉයන් said...

Watch this site. Its hillarious. This will soon be more popular than tamilnut.

SL LION said...


Unknown said...

'Only 20-kilometer-coast-strip now under LTTE-control,circa 40 sq km.'

DW says that two incidents of DPU of tigers detected during the past two weeks. But noone knows how many DPU is undetected? Long way to go. Expect at least 5 malagethera/week in every village of the south.

Unknown said...

You are true. Even LTTE crushed diaspora will remain loading different approach to go for a separate state. Their final goal is tamil eelam.

It is great if we can find a way of highjackng their media propaganda like TamilNet ect.. we need our high tech fans help to look in to that.

Unknown said...

And campaign like this

Unknown said...

'we need our high tech fans help to look in to that.'

He he...Help from Pakistan/China for this also! Under British rule, why british did not appoint sinhalayas in the high positions? They ruled the world. They know why?

Peter said...


I've just pictured moda Bandas hijacking TamilNet and fallen on the floor laughing.

SL LION said...


SL LION said...


PTK HAS FALLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


SL LION said...



PTK HAS FALLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thusitha said...

Ian said...
Watch this site. Its hillarious. This will soon be more popular than tamilnut.


Good one.

Peter said...

Good stuff by our guys on Wednesday.

Three similar attacks everyday will soon send the Sinhalese back home.

Corey said...

Who Crapped on Paradise?
- A reply to peelam hallucinations...

Sri Lanka is a place for all of us to live in harmony. If anyone, especially the Tamil Diaspora thinks that Sri Lanka should be ethnically divided, then, the following is food for though for you. This is also good for those LTTE sympathisers in our country as well as around the world:

Your claim: Sri Lanka is the only place for Tamil Ealam

Fact: Sri Lanka is the ONLY place in the world for the Sinhala race and the Veddahs. Whether you like it or not, they have the right to this land before anyone else. Tamils, on the other hand, have the historical right to Tamil Nadu – and that is where the only Ealam Dreamland should be. Or you may consider Singapore , Malaysia , Canada , Germany , England or Australia – they have been pampering you well, haven't they? Or are you too scared to ask for a homeland in these countries? Do you realise that there are only 16 million Sinhalese in Sri Lanka, and only 17 Million Worldwide, while there are 60 Million Tamils in Tamil Nadu and 50 million more worldwide? Why doesn’t the Sri Lankan Tamils, ALL of whom came down from Tamil Nadu to Sri Lanka, go back to Tamil Nadu which is their homeland? “Tamil Nadu” in fact, means Tamil Home in the Tamil language.

Also, how many of you, or how many Sri Lankan Tamils will voluntarily go and live in a Tamil Ealaam that is controlled by the LTTE? Hasn’t it penetrated your thick skulls that the LTTE is not creating a “homeland” for the Tamils, but a mini-state for themselves where they can escape extradition by the world’s law enforcement agencies such as Interpol, which has international warrants out for Prabhakaran and many of the other leaders of the LTTE? A mini-state from where they can run their international criminal empire and have banking facilities, and a place for their Sea pirates who have so far hijacked at least six merchant vessels? A centre from where they can control the distribution of drugs from the Golden Triangle in Thailand, Myanmar and Kampuchea? Don’t you realise that this is why the LTTE has refused to accept a federal solution or an interim administration, the reason why they walked out of all peace conferences? Because they would still be under Sri Lanka laws, and therefore subject to International law enforcement and international controls. Think. Instead of slavishly devouring LTTE propaganda designed to mislead you. Think for yourself if you still can.

Claim: North and East are the historical Tamil Homeland

Fact: If you think the North and East belonged to the Tamils historically, think twice. Read the history of Sri Lanka – the truth, not the rubbish you teach in Tamil schools in Germany . Visit Anuradhapura and look at the moonstones: Lankan civilisation began in the North (not in the South) and the Buddhists were there before the Tamils. Many places of worship of significant importance for Buddhists still lie in the North and East, including places such as Nagadveepa and Thiriyaya – which is said to have been built containing relics of the lord Buddha. It was only during the Polonnaruwa regime that the cow was removed from the moonstone as a result of the Hindu influence. That's the first time ever the Cholas set foot in our island – so how dare you claim that the North and East are the "traditional" land of the Tamils?

Claim: Sinhala Buddhists are committing a Genocide in Sri Lanka (Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group.)

Fact: There were Sinhala and Muslim communities living in the North and East – not so long ago. Where are they now? Who has systematically eliminated them, chased them out of their own homes? Who has chopped the heads off the infants, split opened pregnant mothers, stamped their wombs, killed every Sinhala person in sight and torched their villages? Starting from the Kent Farm and Model Farm, the Tamil extremists have eliminated the Sinhala and Muslim communities from the North (and tried in the East too); they attacked temples and mosques, brutally executing monks, priests and innocent people while they were praying. From Aranthalawa, Dimbulagala and Sri Maha Bodhiya to Kandy , the barbaric LTTE terrorists didn't even spare a temple or a mosque. It's the Tamil terrorists committing genocide in Sri Lanka , not anyone else!

Claim: Tamils are discriminated in Sri Lanka

Fact: A person from the majority Sinhalese cannot buy a piece of land in the North (prevented by a pact), but the Tamils can buy land anywhere in the country. Statistically speaking, Tamils are occupying more than their share in universities, in the civil service, the government and even in the private sector. From Sea Street to 4th Cross Street , there are certain trades and industries that "belong" to the Tamils, and no Sinhala or Muslim merchant can penetrate that.

A closer look at the transformation of Colombo and its suburbs will make any pea-brain understand who is having a better life and who is being pushed aside from the capital city. From Paskaralingam to Kadirgamar to Muralitharan, there are millions of Tamils who have flourished in this country. It is the Sinhala students who cannot attend the Jaffna University or the Eastern University , while the Tamil students enjoy their rights all over the country, including the Peradeniya University in the heartland of the Sinhala Buddhists. Even in Colombo , a Sinhala student is not admitted to any Tamil school, while all the Sinhala schools accept Tamil students.

From education, to civil service, to businesses and private sector, to land-ownership in Colombo – Tamils are enjoying more than their fair share. How would it be possible if there is so-called discrimination against Tamils in Sri Lanka ?

Claim: Sri Lankan regime has failed to take care of the North and the East

Fact: Jaffna had been almost on par with Colombo at one time, a thriving cosmopolitan – the second capital of Sri Lanka – before the troubles began. There are many provinces and districts that have been forgotten by the ruling parties – North and East aren't at the top of that list. Uva, for example did not even have a university until 2 or 3 years ago; Moneragala district is the most deprived in the entire country. The governments have always favoured the Tamils – in order to keep their votes, and as a result, they have been enjoying better benefits than the others in Sri Lanka .

Claim: Tamils get hassled and harassed by the security checks

Fact: The Sinhalese, the Muslims, the Burghers – we all get woken up in the wee hours of the morning, during search operations; we all get our bags, baggage and vehicles checked, we all get harassed – that's the price the innocent people pay for the environment the stupid LTTE has created. Anyone who fails to produce valid identification or reasonable evidence for whereabouts would get into trouble – unless you are a foreigner (they are the privileged ones in paradise). There are Sinhala and Muslim informants on the LTTE payroll too, so everyone is a 'suspect' at a checkpoint. We all go through the same hassle, same agony. But then again, you hardly visit Sri Lanka , so what would you know? Besides, these checks are BECAUSE of the LTTE. Were there checks before?

Claim: Sinhalese Buddhists are at War with the Tamils

Fact: Nope, we aren't. If we did, there wouldn't have been any Tamils living outside LTTE-controlled areas. Majority of the Tamil population is living outside the LTTE grip; living amongst the other ethnicities in harmony. Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) is at war with the terrorists, just like some other democracies around the world. Some LTTE propaganda agents substitute GoSL with Sinhalese Buddhists and LTTE with the Tamils, to leverage certain situations in their favour.

Claim: Some Sinhala Extremist Parties are spreading Sinhala-only ideologies.

Fact: Yes, there are extremist elements such as Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU trans. National Sinhala Heritage) – which came to being to counter the extremists such as the LTTE under a political mandate. Tamil extremism is over 50 years old in Sri Lanka while JHU isn't even 10 years old. JHU, being an extremist, has almost zero influence on the average civil society. Tamils, on the other hand, have "erased" Sinhala from their areas (only Tamil and English exist on the sign boards from the North – out of sight, out of mind?) while the rest of the country treats Tamil as one of the official languages.

Now, who is being extreme and who is breeding extremism in this country?

Claim: Sri Lankan Government has no option but to negotiate with the LTTE

Fact: Sri Lankan Government did not negotiate with the Sinhala Buddhist uprisings in the early 70's and the late 80's. The Sinhala terrorists were captured, tortured and killed – and their heads decorated the roadside fences. Their burning bodies were seen in almost every street corner every morning, and over 50,000 youth are still missing to date. That was the Sinhala Buddhist government taking care of the Sinhala Buddhist youth who terrorised the country. The government does NOT have to negotiate with terrorists. The Sri Lankan governments have been too nice, and tolerant, to the Tamil terrorists all these years.

Claim: The international community has a right to involve in the Sri Lankan situation

Fact: The international community has already banned the LTTE – a terror outfit and its sister-concerns. Not even India can ecourage terrorism or division anymore; they too have Mumbai and Kashmir on their agenda. Sadly, it is only a few misguided Tamil businessmen and individuals who support the LTTE around the world trying to lobby a voice for lost cause – they hardly quantify or qualify as the "international community." BBC and the gullible British elements don't qualify either. You too will soon see the truth and realise that the Ealam dream was nothing but a painful nightmare.

Claim: LTTE is the only and true voice of the Tamil people

Fact: LTTE does not represent the true Tamils of this country. If they did, why would they eliminate EPRLF, EPDP, EROS and TULF? Weren't they representing Tamils too? Why would they kill any Tamil voice that was against the LTTE agenda – no matter how big or small the person was? From innocent villagers who were labelled as "traitors" to great statesmen like Lakshaman Kadirgamar, LTTE has killed thousands of its own kith and kin that they were "supposedly" protecting. In fact, the LTTE has killed more innocent Tamils than the number of LTTE militants killed by the Sri Lankan Security Forces. LTTE is not the true voice or the protector of the Tamils in Sri Lanka . It's just the opposite.

Claim: LTTE is protecting the civilians in their area, if they get out, they would be killed by the Sri Lankan Security Forces. (Also according to LTTE and the BBC)

Fact: Almost all the Tamils in Sri Lanka – except for the ones who are trapped in the current War Zone – live outside the LTTE influence. How come they are not killed? If over 90% of the Tamils are living outside the LTTE held areas, in harmony with the rest of the Sri Lankans, protected and freely, what are they talking about? They would be killed by the military advance if they DON'T leave the LTTE-held areas soon enough.

Claim: Sri Lanka failed to recognise the demands of the Tamils and never offered a political solution

Fact: Sri Lanka did, but sadly the Tamils didn't recognise the power they had in their hands. The country switched from a 225-seater parliament that represented an MP per electorate to the Provincial Council System to satisfy the demands of the Tamils. This may not have been perfect, but it was a very good beginning. North and East were combined and offered in a silver platter to the terrorist leader twice, but he refused to enter the political stream. LTTE rejected democracy and took up arms, not once, not twice, but many a times. Every "Cease-Fire" ended in LTTE regrouping, re-arming and murdering hundreds of Sinhalese – the Tamil Diaspora that has never set foot in the island should use their brains to understand why the LTTE were NOT acting for the benefit of the ordinary Tamils.

Sri Lanka would have been better off without the high-maintenance Provincial Council System – with a leaner, meaner, accountable and more responsible Parliament. Today we have a white elephant – created for the Tamils, but fed by the rest of the Sri Lankans.

We were a resourceful nation in South Asia, ahead of Singapore on the development curve, once upon a time. Thanks to the idiotic ideologies and stupidities of LTTE, the whole country has gone back in time – in to the stone ages.

The roads are still the same width as it were 30 years ago, the currency has depreciated from Rs 16.00 to a US Dollar in 1978 to almost Rs 114.00 to a US Dollar today – a whopping 712% in just 30 years!

The country is filled with the maimed and the war-victims – a huge burden on the welfare system for the next few generations to come. Emotional scars would take another zillion years to heal; and I could write another million ways the war has crippled our Paradise .

Most of all, the LTTE cleverly bumped-off all the brains in the political system –leaving the country in the hands of a bunch of imbeciles. We will win the war and restore peace and stability, but we cannot gain the time we lost. We cannot turn back the clock. The world has moved on, leaving us far behind.

In simple terms, the LTTE morons have shat on the pile of gold that is Sri Lanka. It is going to take a few heavy monsoons to wash away the crap and the stench, and its going to be a hell of a long time before we begin to shine again.

ඉයන් said...

British didnt appoint Sinahalese to high posts becauase they knew the sinhalese are more brainy than the. They knew that the engineering knowledge the sinhalse had was far superior to that of the west. They also knew they cannot be supressed and be told to be 'servants'. They found that masochist qualities in oppotunits tamils.

SL LION said...



PTK HAS FALLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


SL LION said...



PTK HAS FALLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


SL LION said...



PTK HAS FALLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


SL LION said...



PTK HAS FALLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


SL LION said...



PTK HAS FALLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


February 26, 2009 3:29 AM

Peter said...

I've been laughing at Bandas' stupidity for decades now. Talking about their lack of intellect is like beating dead horse.


Why, even, I had to do some work for a moda Lankan bank earlier in the month 'cause home grown Bandas were imbeciles.

Unknown said...

British played different game in Sri Lnaka. They got some minorities to help them to devide and rule the country. They did the initial damage to all these problems. That's their way of ruling which helped them to contol majority.

Read the history.

Unknown said...

'British didnt appoint Sinahalese to high posts becauase they knew the sinhalese are more brainy'

He he...Still begging China/Pakistan. In BMICH, main exhibition show is the submarine constructed by tigers. He he...

ඉයන් said...

Corey said...
Who Crapped on Paradise?
- A reply to peelam hallucinations...

Great write up. 100% Accurate. All Tamils know this but they dont want to accept it in public cuz their master plan of a establishing a Tamil Nation that was shifted its location to Sri Lanka from Tamilnadu after Nheru's mastermove to avoid separatism of Tamilnadu, is based on lies and deception and since 1975 murder and mayham.

Peter said...

Moda Bandas can't even construct a kaddumaram

Moshe Dyan said...


good work.

Thusitha said...

Fun said...

In BMICH, main exhibition show is the submarine constructed by tigers. He he...

Yeah, it is under our pre-historic cave men achievement section

kevin said...

Oya Auraddage yaluwekda? Ae buurwa hinda thamai adha appat mechhara kradere.Ae kalakannia danne naha kohedda pranse theanne,Tatha putthuth ekka gamme channdiyak wagge wadakarnne..Api nwara minnissu,apita me paula pennada baha akathimi langadi lohan putha chdayata illuapu nisa api rata dala yannawa a kiyanne mung hindda apita ratta hadanna baha.
Sorry I beg to differ from you.

Unknown said...

Peter... tell your western diaspora idiots to watch some Football to have a fun... no LTTE going to win a single battle againn...

Good Football comming on next week...again

Moshe Dyan said...

for the tenth time, i'm harping on AMSTAR radars. may be we cannot buy them. at least an equavalant???

have written to MoD over it noting has happened.

these radara can pick INDIVIDUALS up to 10-15km away. without blindly deploying troops everywhere, our FDL troops can be well complimented by knowing where the hell the cowards are creeping. we can target our efforts.

until such time, a massive troops deploymeny is needed along the mulaitivu area, mulaitivu to welioya and along the coast till pulmodai. this can stop MOST infiltrators. it will also cut-off LTTE supply routes (cadres, weapons, etc.) to the east.

tigers are doing the right thing. there is no point trying to defend their <100 sq km are from WITHIN. they have to get out and attack.

high SLDF casualties at this stage long way outside the LTTE area is UNACCEPTABLE. also bomb attacks in colombo, etc. by weapons, cadres transported NOWADAYS is also UNACCEPTABLE.

Unknown said...

'Yeah, it is under our pre-historic cave men achievement section'

Why all sinhala medias gave the importence for that pre-historic achievements? Even MR gave a photo shot with that submarine! But for outsiders it is just rusted material. He he..

Peter said...


Is that how SLA heads rolled out of the bus on the A9.

Show has only just begun; keep watching.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


My post to HRW Dr.Neistat is given below which will appear in Lanka Guardian in a short while

Dear Dr. Neistat,

Your opinion on human right situation in Sri Lanka is biased towards ruthless terrorist organisation called Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam which is responsible for murder of countless Sri Lankans in the name of liberation. Most of the killed civilians are Tamils those who oppose LTTE. LTTE is also ruining the country’s peace, interracial harmony as well as economy too.

Your efforts are short sided and fast tracked without consulting what the majority of Sri Lankans feel. SL government has done nothing against innocent civilians. They are trying only to protect innocent Tamils from terror clutches of LTTE to obtain long lasting peace in this tiny island nation.

I am appealing to you not to interfere with good intentions of SLG because anything you do against SLG will only help LTTE to carry out its murderous campaign further. You also have not investigated properly on human right violations carried out by LTTE. If you do that you will see the truth.

BTW SLG efforts are much nobler than what Americans did in Afghanistan and Iraq, what Israel does in Gaza. Where you were on those conflicts countless numbers of innocent got killed. Do not shed crocodile tears to for personal gains.

ඉයන් said...

Auruddha thami peelam ayata hondama arakshaka amathi. Eka thamai ung kavadawatha ekawa maranna haduwe netthe.

Unknown said...

It is similer to DAM BLAST that you idiots had shot while fun..

Keep making stories to make soem more funds to Velu's account..

Moshe Dyan said...


they are not into sport.

thalaivar always wins the best sportstar's award in TE!!!! even the few sports they love unfortunately for them are not played in the civilised world.

e.g. suicide bombing, suicide gliding, cock kissing on a bike, thalaivar arse kissing, cyanide eating competition, cess pit swimming, toilet cleaning in competition, humping goats (the original) has pix.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


sorry, It will appear in Transcurrents as a comment.

Unknown said...

Can any one suspect what sport big pig played?? :)

Peter said...

Laughing at moda Bandas is enough entertainment for us; we don't need sports.

Sam Perera said...

Peter the LTTE Terrorist Monkey,

Every once in while, I de-collapse your comments for comic relief. Boy, you are the funniest monkey ever. I thought that the show was started in Mavil Aaru days? What took you so long? Please use your extra ordinary Einsteinian brain to come up with a theory why LTTE started the show just now.

ඉයන් said...

Fatpig's sport now is called KIT (Killing Innocent Tamils) and keeping the score. Its branded as 'Genocide' in western countries.

kevin said...

As mentioned here there is a likelihood of strong infiltrations to the south, which I noticed during the Toppigala operations. I wouldn’t be surprised that Pottu is in South with us directing the future subversive acts. If the tigers have not given up their struggle then they will agitate in the south at the same time building a power base in TN.
To counter this one must use an effective strategy organizing demos in the western capitals and shooting from the hip at the IC is not the way to go about. We must use same effective strategies used by the Diaspora to get the IC backing.
To start with we can start our cries and plea to the powerful IC making every terrorist atrocity south+ in our favour claiming that it was done by the infiltrators from Tamil nadu trying to bully humble Srilankans who are a minority among the mighty TN population of 80 million. Cry foul, cry Atrocities, move to Europe as refugees saying that SL is no more safe with the 80million racists breathing down on them the Sri Lankans. Then you will see the world reaction?

Unknown said...

Peter said...
we don't need sports.

Sometimes your mouth tell truth...
They never accept civilised human interests...

Moshe Dyan said...

although he is no decision maker, for the record at least PM has said it!!

"the position of our government is that there is no need to talk to them once they give up their arms," Wickremanayake said."

- tn

Unknown said...

Well said Ian..

ඉයන් said...

Sam peethara liyana ewa ganan ganne nethuwa hitiyoth miniha nawatthai neda? Mama hittanne miniha asai anith ayawa kullapu karanna. mama hithanawa Minihata santhosai anik aya ewata utthara thenawata. Ara 'attention seeking' kiyala kiynne me ayata neda.

kevin said...

Oya Auraddage yaluwekda? Ae buurwa hinda thamai adha appat mechhara kradere.Ae kalakannia danne naha kohedda pranse theanne,Tatha putthuth ekka gamme channdiyak wagge wadakarnne..Api nwara minnissu,apita me paula pennada baha akathimi langadi lohan putha chdayata illuapu nisa api rata dala yannawa a kiyanne mung hindda apita ratta hadanna baha.
Sorry I beg to differ from you.

MasterOfAll said...

Hey Guys,

Have you all seen the comments of Brigadier Shavendra Silva. Good statement to all lttp supporters, sympathisers and NGOs. That's an excellent answer for 2 common questions that everyone might wanna ask.

"If there were no people in the war zone, this war would have been finished in one day"

So if you have a little bit of brain at least, you should be able to understand that:
1. The SLDF are not killing civilians.
2.The reason for delay in capturing the rest of the land from lttp is becos of lttp's are hidding behind civilians like the kids do.

Unknown said...



PTK HAS FALLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


jack1234 said...

all I said was that that programme was carried out around that time if I am right.
believe me i am no fan of any of the Ratwatte clan

Nisal said...


Saxon genath passe balamu.

Unknown said...

Nishal is a sakkili Balla..Pundai..

Ananda-USA said...

Re: Political Disruptions within Universities

Thusitha, Sujeewa, and others:

Very good discussion and suggestions, except the tyre solution (LOL) and the total closing of Arts Faculties(!).

1. Yes, indeed, as Thusita pointed out, universal free education in Sri Lanka is easily the best thing about the Country. This includes Univ. education. The high literacy engendered by free education since SWRD's time, is the main reason I feel confident that Sri Lanka can quickly transform itself into an Economically Powerful country, without social discord, after the war, unlike the largely illiterate India. But, free university education is an INVESTMENT even citizens who do not go to the university make on behalf of progress of the country as a whole. So, to give meaning to the sacrifices that even those who do not directly enjoy the benefits make to produce the educated future leaders of the country, universities must be MADE TO FUNCTION WITHOUT DISRUPTION.

2. The disruptions seem to be related to two things: A. Some students don't feel that they have anything at risk. For example, they have not paid for it; instead others are paying for it; they are there only for a good romp at the end of which they receive a gold embossed certificate as a university graduate, having learned nothing. B. They have no expectation of getting a job when they graduate. So there is no value added, from their viewpoint, to the course of studies they are pursuing; so why take it seriously?

3. Sujeewa's idea of reducing enrollment in Arts (Humanities) stream early at the GCE O/L and A/L stages, and then at the university level is good. We should produce only those graduates for whom there will be decent employment. We don't need to produce regiments of revolutionaries.

4. On the other hand, I know there is great value in Arts, Cultural Humanities studies. An engineering education will pay bills and provide employment, but the ability to write, sing, think, philosophize, and debate yields humanistic and leadership qualities essential to life itself in a civil society. Without people trained in these fields where will the next generation of Amaradeva's, Ananda Guruge's, K.N. Jayatileke's , Martin Wickremasinghe's come from? When we debate and espouse Patriotism...who are we quoting? whose songs are we singing? whose plays are we raving about? who is going to be the next generation of journalists, reporters and writers of historical novels? No, the Humanities must be fostered, but not to the extent that we produce reams of unemployed "viplavakarayas". Therefore, as Sujeewa says, we should reduce the Arts stream numbers and produce more accountants, lawyers, doctors, engineers, physicists, business administrators and so on, but not entirely eliminate the Humanities stream.

5. Sujeewa also advocates enforcing the law of the land within universities; This is essential I think. Universities ought not to be sovereign countries all unto themselves. In fact, as others have advocated here, I would go more in the opposite direction and prohibit political demonstrations, unions, and political activities of any sort on the university premises. At most, issues related to university academic policy, residential issues, etc should be allowed in protests by students. All non-university related issues should be taboo within the university; in that respect the university regulations would restrict the freedoms normally available under the laws of the land.

6. Punishments for transgressions against university policies should be fair, and meted out swiftly by the university administration, and not be countermanded by government. Punishment for violation of the civil laws of the land should be decoupled from university penalties, but enforced in addition to them.

7. Ragging has no place in universities, and should be totally prohibited with both university and civil law penalties against violators. When I was a Peradeniya student, ragging was the custom, especially in the dorms, practiced on the freshmen who in turn inflicted it on others. I did not feel then that it was an undue burden, but I feel it is of no intrinsic value, can often exceed safe limits, and should be banned.

8. What about academic freedom of university professors? I feel it should be protected, within the limits of university policy and civil law of the land. University administrators, in turn should be prevented from pursuing political agendas on the campus.

My two cents worth!

ඉයන් said...

I agree masterofall, if SLA wants genocide then too this can be finished in a day as majority of nothern tamils are now in PTK area. Its ironic that When IC, Diaspora and others are pretending to safegurd the civilians and in fact trying to safegurd LTTE, only GOSL and SLA is attepmting to safegurd the lives of trapped tamils but been accused of genocide. Abuddassa kaleta aththa boruwa wenawa, boruwa attha wenawa.

MasterOfAll said...


You are spot on bro!

Chinthana4Lions said...

jack1234 said...
Sam Perera

Yes you're right,
If I am right this program was put into place under Anuruddha Ratwatte times.
It was effective and we took out few of their henchmen in France.

These aren't that good ideas, unless they are extremely high value Targets. The political cost is much greater than any value we get from this kind of operations. The best thing is to expose these people some how and also have really good spokespeople who can counter Diaspora propaganda.

February 26, 2009 2:21 AM
Blogger Ninja said...

/Troops of Task Force IV yesterday captured the largest haul of heavy weapons so far from Puthukuduyirippu South.

Among the items recovered were
20, 120 mm artillery guns,
45, 81 mm guns,
57, 60 mm guns and
3, 50 mm guns./

NINJA, Bro whats the source? I cant find it anywhere bro...

Ananda-USA said...


From my point of view, these deep penetration strikes by the LTTE is a good development. The more the better.

Rather than having to go in and fight LTTE cadre among civilian hostages, the more they come as fighting groups away from the civilians to fight our forces, the better it is for us.

We only have to be prepared to receive them properly with the fanfare that the LTTE by now has become accustomed to. We have plenty of troops to do that. We should WELCOME this new LTTE strategy!


Chinthana4Lions said...

Blogger Ninja said...

/Troops of Task Force IV yesterday captured the largest haul of heavy weapons so far from Puthukuduyirippu South.

Among the items recovered were
20, 120 mm artillery guns,
45, 81 mm guns,
57, 60 mm guns and
3, 50 mm guns./

NINJA, Bro whats the source? I cant find it anywhere bro...

Nisal said...

JVP ta himi thena!

Chinthana4Lions said...

Asanka I meant to say tamil fucks who support ltte, sorry few miisng words...

Chinthana4Lions said...

Blogger Ninja said...

/Troops of Task Force IV yesterday captured the largest haul of heavy weapons so far from Puthukuduyirippu South.

Among the items recovered were
20, 120 mm artillery guns,
45, 81 mm guns,
57, 60 mm guns and
3, 50 mm guns./

Guys can u comfirm this?

ඉයන් said...

My appreciation to whoever who developed site

Its hillarious and very well done.

please visit

Unknown said...

'Guys can u comfirm this?'
Unanimous vote. It is confirmed. No more cites to host the lion flag. How to entertain you all other than this?
tomorrow news...

Huge military hardware captured in the PTK town

10x 120 mm artillary launchers
50x 120 mm heavy motor launchers
52x 81 mm launchers
tired to type...

Thusitha said...

Ananda-USA said...
Re: Political Disruptions within Universities

I really understood the value of free education in Sri Lanka when I worked few years in South America. Even with such level of poverty compared to some of the countries in South America, Sri Lankan poor were much better off than these people. The main reason was some one poor in Sri Lankan can dream of becomning rich through eduction where as non of these guys ever can get out of poverty as only the rich can educate themselves.

The curse of the universities is that the law of the land does not apply within them. We should get rid of these.

Students or lectures have political aspirations they should do it outside the university and if this not the case they should be punished swiftly.

I am not sure about the humanities. We need good thinkers, but thinking alone doesn't allow you to survive in the real world. I am bit stump on a solution to this one, but humanities are the real reason for most of the problems in our universities. We have too many revolutionaries there and there doesn't seem to be any simple solution to stoping them protesting all the time.

Nisal said...

Soosai's balls @ PTK

sorth said...

"Blogger Ninja said...

/Troops of Task Force IV yesterday captured the largest haul of heavy weapons so far from Puthukuduyirippu South.

Among the items recovered were
20, 120 mm artillery guns,
45, 81 mm guns,
57, 60 mm guns and
3, 50 mm guns./

Guys can u comfirm this? "

May be this video ?

hemantha said...

"Huge military hardware captured in the PTK town"


kevin said...


believe me i am no fan of any of the Ratwatte clan’

Thanks for making it clear as we in Kandy are very disappointed with them. I can assure you that he never did such things in France and never had any such capacity for such ventures,he is just a mutt costing us dearly with so many lives due to badly run campaign. We would have put an end to this then if not for him and his people in the ministry running the war to a political and even corrupt agenda and vast sums he accumulated in a vault in HNB was never allowed to be investigated. I don’t like people who profit from war and needless to say anymore of this maggot.
It is not advisable to perform any covert operations in the west where the people in charge of the security are true professionals who are not politically biased and they will get you, so we mustn’t even think on those lines and it’s my only kindly advise if you guys live in those countries, please!. There are better ways to bring our plight to people there and finish this separatist campaign for ever.

jack1234 said...

Peter and Fun alike are here to rile us and get a reaction.
that's the only validation these scum get in their miserable lives.
don't indulge them .
what'll really bug them is if we totally ignore these types altogether

Unknown said...

well its from a tamil so i guess you will not believe it:

I live in the Galle Face area. In the past few years the line in front of the Army HQ of parents and relatives of Sinhala MIA soldiers is growing increasingly. I have spoken to some of them and even taken them out to tea/refreshments in the area - because they cannot afford this, although the army provides them with water and soft-drinks. Some of them have come to Cbo
on a number of occasions in the hope of some news from their missing ones.
The army very probably hides the actual fact of the loss of these soldiers
for the following reasons (1) large number of their bodies cannot be brought to the South because of political implications and the wrath of relatives of the dead. It is widely believed the bodies are burnt by the army for this reason
(2) it is convenient to place them in the MIA category for, otherwise, the Govt has to pay them compensation, which will arrive at a large sum (3) Keeping them in the MIA category helps to hide the actual figures of army casualties - now
well covered by the absence of humanitarian, aid agencies, NGOs and the Press
in the conflict zone.


Posted by: Ilaya Seran Senguttuvan | February 25, 2009 11:26 AM

Unknown said...

'Peter and Fun alike are here to rile us and get a reaction.'

Now EU,US,UN and all others slapped on your your economy survive? From Gota, Fonseka, Savendra Silva? Why beg for GSP+? Wait few more months. Now global recession. Noone will donor for SL. No tourists to SL to get foreiegn money for beach boys.

Thusitha said...

Fun said...
'Peter and Fun alike are here to rile us and get a reaction.'

Now EU,US,UN and all others slapped on your your economy survive?

Very simple, just tell EU, US etc we are negotiating with China and allowing them to place some war ships in Sri Lankan waters. That is all we need to do.

ඉයන් said...

Whatever we do with the economy will not bear fruit with the mayham, lies, deception and anarchy of the conflict.

Once this is over then its the time to develop the economy. For the sake of GSP+ and other donor money if we drag this for another 20 years SL will be in the same position.

SL will survive without GSP and donor money. On the otherhand EU and the like know the truth too. Its their few corrupt pliticans who are in the payroll of LTTE/Diaspora who are creating the issues. SL also have other friends like Russia and China other than EU and UK. So dont worry mate.

kevin said...

I fully agree with you. These guys are there to distract us, perhaps paid members of that lot. Just ignore them and we mustn’t use any offensive language on them as it is very counter productive after all there are people in the IC reading this blog which I can see, though they don’t register their opinions at any time, just read and what they read has an effect on how they would react to our terrorists situation and to the Diaspora supporters among them, either they will be with us or with them. It is important that they are with us. We must make our selves the victims of a’TN conspiracy to annex our beautiful island’ This type of propaganda will get the much needed attention. Now that most of the Tamils have left the island as bogus refugees leaving the island vacant for the infiltration of the overpopulated and poverty stricken Tamil Nadhu.

Unknown said...

'Very simple, just tell EU, US etc we are negotiating with China and allowing them to place some war ships in Sri Lankan waters.'

Don't tell to EU, US etc..just tell to India. They will drop Paruppu from MIG! He he...

Unknown said...

'SL also have other friends like Russia and China other than EU and UK.'

He he...these two countries are not in co-chairs or donors? why? They are very poor communist countries.

Thusitha said...

Fun said...

Don't tell to EU, US etc..just tell to India. They will drop Paruppu from MIG! He he...

Maate, if that is that easy, India would have done that a long time ago. Wouldn't they love to have anexed Sri Lanka.

Unknown said...

'we mustn’t use any offensive language on them'


You are the most suitable person to replace PM Ratnasri! He he...

Sam Perera said...

Fun the LTTE Terrorist Monkey,

Why are you concerned about the economy of Sri Lanka? We Sri Lankans can take care of our homeland regardless how poor we are? We may starve due to upcoming economic collapse predicted by the chief economist of Tamil Eelam, Professor Navindran. However we intend to survive in the way did for 2,550 years. Please be concerned about your Tamil Eelam economy, your true homeland where Tamil Chelvam is residing.

jack1234 said...

that's so true kevin

believe me I've been to most of the countries where the Political asylum crowd ended up in.
Swiss,france ,germany
and seen their communities in places like singapore and malaysia

sri lanka with the exception of wanni,is still the best place to be for a tamil and to prosper
anyother place they are dealt with as second or third rate citizens.think malaysia

few in the diaspora would admit to this sad fact
yet they channel all their frustrations into hatred towards sri lanka and to undermine it's reputation
it's pathological behaviour which is amazing to observe(their animosity towards sri lanka)

Moshe Dyan said...

should i discuss this?? not defence related and HIGHLY UNPOPULAR. JVP would kill me for say so.

ananda, thusitha and others,

re: uni edu

allow me to differ. i agree with reducing arts students, though.

i recon we should CHARGE for uni edu AFTER graduation and AFTER finding employment. for doctors, etc working in govt hospitals, govt should pay off.

you talked about an investment. that is kind of funny. the investor and the beneficiary are different!!! tax payers do not get the return.

also i have seen almost ALL LTTE front organisers and their biggest financiers are SL uni educated. even MOST tamil students do not serve SL or contribute otherwise after getting free uni edu.

no problem.

just make everyone pay for it.

to help it, reduce personal tax. the saving would be much higher. invest in higher edu.

this way it is no burden on the ppl. the investment works for the investee as well!!

uni.s will AUTOMATICALLY get disciplined!!

PLUS the biggest advantage is, uni edu can be EXPANDED. the govt ONLY needs to do the initial investment and it will take care of itself. eventually WITHOUT burdening the ppl, MANY MORE ppl will get an uni edu.

also "bad investments" will disappear (too many in arts) and good investments (emerging disciplines) will pick up.

job market and uni edu will be AUTOMATICALLY linked after a few years later!!!!

also it will increase the salary for professionals making them less likely to leave the country.

double taxation treaties.....SL has with many countries. can be expanded.

sorry, i believe capitalism is the ONLY way. bcos everyone is vulnerable, resources are limited and the investees MUST get a BIG share of their investments.

the hand to mouth culture must be dismantled at least now. somewhere i read somewhere that SL never had welfare when it was a prosperous country in the golden days of anuradhapura and pollonnaruwa. it was a capitalist system.

singapore looked SL's foreign reserves with jeolously. but it eroded especially after SWRDB. now our economy runs on blooody slavery of SL women. we can run away from this truth and bash those who say so, but nothing will work unless the system that WORKED is put back in place.

i know this is HIGHLY unpopular and welfare policies were VERY VERY popular.

but ananda, it is in line with your responsibilities based approach to solving SL problems which i TOTALLY agree.

(the fact that i had my uni edu and seconday edu in the land of the morning star is not relevant)

Chinthana4Lions said...



Unknown said...

'we intend to survive in the way did for 2,550 years.'

Sam Perera,

When did sinhalayas get the name Perera?

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

wanni meheuma 2009-02-24 full video ( live video )

Sam Perera said...


When are you going to get a brain bigger than a pea?

Moshe Dyan said...

BTW i didn't mean to offend anyone.

we have to get into these UGLY problems ONE DAY.

apologise for talking non-defence matters.

Unknown said...


Answer my question first.

When did sinhalayas get the name Perera?

Answer is sinhalayas got the name Perera by cleaning the toilet for Portugeese. Pathetic...better change your name...

ReallyCold..... said...

I've seen few people talking about university education. Like everything else, I provide very different views.

The primary focus of our university education should be to export undergraduates.

You can't build experts at home. We don't have a positive inventive culture for students to grow. By sending them abroad obviously we risk the loosing of talent. However some will decide to come back. This is what happened in India. There should be systematic program to encourage our students go abroad and all the information needed to apply for scholarships, preparation for competitive programs should be provided. The undergraduates will then be able to do their higher studies abroad, work in cutting edge companies abroad and then will have a chance to pay back to Sri Lanka.

Experts like then got together after Tsunami and have done tremendously to Sri Lanka.

This model is being deployed at some of the leading schools in USA. Their alumina go and find employment in well known companies and then they become networking leads for students following them. The alumni then bring money back to the school.

We shouldn't be motivated on restricting anything. People should be given wings to fly away. When some decide to come back, they will bring good things with them.

ඉයන් said...

Perera is Sri Lankan as Obama is American. So is (was) Kadiragamar. Sam P talked about the sri Lankan economy not the sinhala economy. People of any origin can be sri lankans whatever the race, cast or religion is as long as they dont demand segregation along ethinic, and relgious lines.

ReallyCold..... said...

Those who have gone through SL universities know that there are few troublemakers and they make things worst for everyone.

Often university strikes are called by few people and the rest of the student body follow them without challenging the few.

The culture in universities are not being driven by aspirations, rather by fear. It is quite possible the dominant student body in universities are from outside Colombo. They fear students coming from leading colombo schools.

Someone close to me attending university and I have given him lot of things like clothes and footwear. He wears none of them to the campus. When asked why, he said he fears the backlash from the urban students. There had been fight between urban and colombo students due to these cultural differences. Students are not being given the freedom to communicate with each other in English.

The fear from the urban is that the colombo students will have better opportunities when they get out of the university.

While students are fighting with each other, the rich folks send their kids abroad and when they return, they get the best opportunities leaving local graduates the leftovers.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Apiwenuwenapi - Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka (Part 1)

Apiwenuwenapi - Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka (Part 2)

They did what they have to do, it's our turn.

kevin said...

No thank you I am better off than Rathnasiri I wouldn’t want his job and I live on my hard earned money,so no thanks!

ReallyCold..... said...

Ananda, first I appreciate your two cents about our university education. You represents both the good and the bad came out of it.

I don't think you are the poster boy for talking about our education at all. Perhaps you should be the vice chancellor of an Eelam university under LTTE since you like to brain wash others by not helping to promote freedom of expression.

You say "Yes, indeed, as Thusita pointed out, universal free education in Sri Lanka is easily the best thing about the Country. "

I disagree. Free means poor quality. What you get is what you pay. Our students are the worst prepared in the region.

I used to tell people that it was a good thing that I did not have to pay for it.

SL university system is ideal if you got nothing else lined up to go to the next social level. It doesn't offer anything to those who are in the upper social level.

You say
"2. The disruptions seem to be related to two things: A. Some students don't feel that they have anything at risk."

This may be true for Arts graduates. However how come majority of the university students blindly follow stupid student leaders?

The answer is that we don't build characters to go to the university. Instead, we build crammers. They don't have a rational mind on their own to question and oppose university leadership.

3) Disagree again and you show your dictatorial ability here.

"3. Sujeewa's idea of reducing enrollment in Arts (Humanities) stream early at the GCE O/L and A/L stages, and then at the university level is good. We should produce only those graduates for whom there will be decent employment. We don't need to produce regiments of revolutionaries."

We need to build counter revolutionaries. We also need to promote respect in our university culture. Every student leader wants to work as a dictator.

When you created your blog, you only invited the people who say 'YES' to you. On top of that, you are not a visionary. Yes, you can complete the first stage or the ground level well. However you will not be able to take it to the next level.

4) You contradict yourself with (3).

Of cause ragging should be banned.
The tenure of the university professors should be abolished or renewed every 5 years or so.
Working as a Professor has been a safety net for the most and they don't try hard enough after first few years.
The under performing professors should be replaced with new ones who can make a difference.

I fully support privatization of Sri Lankan universities. Students will have to pay for their education. If they can't, scholarships should be provided. The scholarships should be renewed based on their performance.
Poor performers should be put in technical collages.

This is the only way to create the discipline in universities. Anyone paying for what they are getting usually expect a value for their money and don't tend to goof around when they are getting it.

jack1234 said...

good nights patriots

will catch up tomorrow!

hopefully more good news to mull over.

and keep ignoring diaspora jokers.
sarath fonseka said that succinctly.
jokers they are
they've played their best hand and still SLA came up trumps
bless them those heroic troops fighting the good fight
good night all

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


Tamil tigers are getting killed everyday by large numbers and similar numbers are getting injured. Most of these cadres are teen age children who should have been in a school learning to support their families in near future. These children both male and female underage cadres were recruited by LTTE using force against their will and under overwhelming protest from their parents.

While they are getting killed Prabhakaran and his senior administrators are hiding inside concrete bunkers below ground level. They are also using civilians to collect dead and injured tigers from the front lines endangering their lives. Other civilians are used to excavate earth bunds and trenches while carrying heavy arms to save them from advancing army.

This is the ugliest side of the tigers who claim to be the sole representatives of Tamil people. While this carnage is going on Tamil Diaspora children who are comfortably sitting in their arm chairs and typing useless garbage into a keyboard under the protection of a western country.

It is a shame that Tamil Diaspora still supports megalomaniac killer Prabhakaran and his blood thirsty hyena clan.

Anonymous said...


sent u an e mail with some interesting info.. did u receive it..

on that case the T55 tank being destroyed and a bus destroyed info spread around the net by LTTers is not true.. they have fired some rounds into an MBT but WTH its is a MBT for a reason...

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...

University Education

I myself from an average family and received government sponsored free education from class one to bachelor’s degree. Free education support bright students to overcome financial hardships. It should not be taken away without proper support system for students who cannot afford to heavy bills.

Even though the university education is free in Sri Lanka, to spend 3-5 years in a uni one need lot of money for accommodation, food and stationary materials. I know some parents sell their properties to find money for the above.

If we make it private and try to create a tuition fee like in western nations, most of our bright students from poor families will miss opportunity to make it.

What is wrong with our universities is lack of discipline which is the influence of political parties and academic staff who does politics while teaching.

Enforcing strict discipline will eradicate student unrest and strikes but SLG should not touch free education, at least not yet.

Moshe Dyan said...


from the receipients' point of view, yes.

but from the country's pov, it is not that benefiting.

what i propose is not to burden the ppl. but to have a system where they earn and pay it off. so even the poor can afford it.

personal tax should be cut in return so that ppl can afford to pay. of course salaries of professionals will increase and companies will also offer to repay as part of the contract.

Moshe Dyan said...

PTK and devipuram are two different places. according to pics devipuram is captured.

PTK is also captured according to some news sources.

Nisal said...

[[ Fun said...


Answer my question first.

When did sinhalayas get the name Perera?

Answer is sinhalayas got the name Perera by cleaning the toilet for Portugeese. Pathetic...better change your name...]]

No, Westerners brought here a separate group of people for cleaning their toilets.

Nisal said...

Moshe and others,

Thevapuram and Devipuram are two referent places. Thevapuram is situated near paranthan and devipuram is near PTK.

Shelly said...

STF... building a fire and sitting around because it was cold ....on an ambush now that is classic..... its a tropical island not the North Pole for heavens sake what did they expect.I guess if the LTTE were able to shoot a little straighter there would be a lot more KIA...STF needs to learn to hold their MUD

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


I partly agree with your points. However, payback of a considerable loan after graduation is difficult even for a engineer or doctor because starting salaries are well below cost of living for graduate engineer or doctor. If they have to support a family of two and look after aging parents even without children is not easy.

When I graduated from University of Sri Lanka my starting salary was LKR 850.00. I had a loan of LKR 6000.00 (LKR 1500.00 per year for lodging, food and other expenses). When I got the job which is immediately after graduation, Peoples Bank of SL asks me to pay LKR 300.00 a month. The remaining LKR 550.00 was not enough to do anything other than travel expenses and normal day to day expenses for a single male.

This is just an example. Now, if I had another loan to support my education, pay it back would have been a nightmare.

Even after 10 years working my salary was only around LKR 6000.00, to support the immediate family and my parents were so difficult, I left the country.

So, you can see the hardship of a graduate in SL with poor salaries they pay.

HM said...

How to sponsor the education of a child of a fallen/disabled soldier

1. You now have the oppertunity to show your appreciation to our heroes by sponsoring a child of a fallen/disabled soldier through the sevavaitha scholorship program.

2. You will be sending your contribution directly into the child's account (It does not go into a fund and there are no involement of 3rd parties)

3. Stipulated monthly amount is US$10 (Rs750-1000). You can contribute more if you like.

4. Duration of the scholorship can be decided by you.

5. Sevavanitha will provide you with the child's details along with contact info. You can contact the family directly and verify all the details yourself before depositing funds. Process is very transparent.

Please visit to download the application form and a detailed description of the procedure.

KSF said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

kasthuri bro ..

You have graduated a long time ago . my respects . but getting through uni was the cheapest part of my education . with all the scholarships etc .

Now that my son is ready to go to college in the USA I appreciate the gift I got from mother lanka even more . the best education available at next to no cost , and hat great social experience .

Colleges here in the US are so expensive that it is mind boggling . as you prolly already know . it takes some kids a lifetime to pay back .

Thusitha said...

ReallyCold..... said...

I don't think you are the poster boy for talking about our education at all. Perhaps you should be the vice chancellor of an Eelam university under LTTE since you like to brain wash others by not helping to promote freedom of expression.


We are past the age where other people can brainwash us. Quite a few people who joined Anandas forum would be coming from oversease. So please try not to make comment like these. Most of us here understand the value of Freedom of speach.
But if you support it totally, then you should advocate reporters in to the fighting areas, where there would be lot of innocent deaths reported by the reporters. Then this would be used by peace mongers and then what would happen to the war. We should try to go towards freedom of speach, at the same time we should consider about the ground realities as well.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


I send you a email, mate.


Thusitha said...

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...

When I graduated from University of Sri Lanka my starting salary was LKR 850.00. I had a loan of LKR


At this time pan bagayak satha 10 withara wenna athi.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


I totally agree with you. My children have over $60,000.00 dollar loans and their starting salaries were around $45000.00 per annum. It is like a mortgage to them.

However, they can pay it back easily but will take at least 7-8 years.

Moshe Dyan said...


i respect your views.

low salaries is the result of high taxes (direct and indirect).

the MASSIVE spend on universities is collected from the ppl by taxes. once this burden is not there, taxes can (and should be reduced). this raises the salary.

yes the numbers look horribly disparate even in today's terms.

ok, at least part of it should be recovered. this 'part' can be adjusted as time passes.

those who are working abroad will have no problem paying it off (they also pay the same 'part'). there should be a systems as they have in some countries for this to work.

SunGod V.Pirbakaran (prabha) said...


Mama kivva email eka Ananda-USA forward kala.

Thusitha said...

When people start privatizing Universities, cost of education goes very high. This in tern makes cost of labour very high. That is why people have to pay such a high amounts for doctors etc. Countries like Aust. have it a bit balanced where Govt. subsidize the Uni. fees.

Total privatization of Universities are very dangerous, as similar to privatization of infrastructure. As long as it is profitable, the private sectors will come in after that they dissapear. Then the govt. have to foot the bill to clean up the mess.

Privatizing everything is not the solution. As you can see with subprime situation free markets does not work efficiently all the time.

Moshe Dyan said...


thanks for the answer. actually i knew that. what i wanted to say was both may be captured by now. anymore place names left in LTTE area??????

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


At that time bus fare was for 20km 75 cents and a fairly good lunch costs about LKR 6.00.
You may think, it is cheap but if you have to pay for lodging, you are finished. I survived because I was living in our own house which was near to Colombo where I worked.

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