Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Army suffers temporary setback

The Army suffered a setback last weekend when around 600 hardcore LTTE cadres infiltrated the FDL of the Army's 58 Division from the general area Puthukudirippu North. A group of around 200 cadres who attempted to flank the 55 and 58 were massacred by 3 Special Forces and 2 Commandos after the 55 Division spotted them early on.

Although Military Intelligence had warned of a possible infiltration, the 58 Division had not taken the warning seriously. The 600 member LTTE team was led by Lawrence and Swarnam and around 200 of them had escaped back to LTTE dominated areas after dismantling the 58 FDL. It is believed that the body of Lawrence is among those recovered by the SLA.

A group of around 200 more are still inside SLA dominated areas. Troop movement along the A-9 has stopped due to fear of attacks on soldiers returning on leave. The 58 was unable to bridge the broken FDL until the Special Forces and the 57 Division arrived.

Today a team of Tigers from the infiltration team captured an Army Artillery Gun Position and destroyed 3 130mm canons after turning the guns against the SLA. The Tigers had infiltrated 10-12km into SLA dominated areas to capture the position, which is situated near the former IDP camp in Kilinochchi where a woman suicide bomber blew herself up some time ago.

The Army had 200 casualties on the 7th alone, which included 70 killed. After helping the 58 regroup from its setback, the Special Forces will now hunt the Tigers down, which will be somewhat difficult as they are wearing SLA uniforms and reinforced by weapons and food dumps yet unrecovered by the 58. Many were expecting the LTTE to breach the coast from Nagarkovil to Puthumathalang by sea but the 55 Division had made the coastline unbreachable.


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OneNation (formerly TTBO) said...

Thanks DW

OneNation (formerly TTBO) said...

Any estimations on the tiger strength remaining?

Anonymous said...

Sri Lanka!! Please Stop The WAR
Sri Lanka!! Please Stop Killing Civilians
Please save those innocent people.
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perein said...

While 600 Terroirst were attacking SLA, could you please explain the part Air Force has played?

koly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mohammed Zubair said...


What is the current situation in Challai and PTK?

Also why isn't the army confirming Lawrence's death?

Editor: "Badrinath" said...

["Also why isn't the army confirming Lawrence's death?"]

Because all of these Sri Lankan defence blogs are written by bored college students between classes. Whatever they dream up while their teacher lectures is what you people end up drooling over.

Sam Perera said...


How did they manage to infiltrate this far down behind 57th division. I know that it is not airtight but isn't that little too much for LTTE to penetrate with a 200 member team?

bystander said...

Thanks for the update!

Better take care of yourself now that you have published this stay safe dude

Peter said...

this is unbeliverble. Y tamil net dosent claim theire achiivement?

Guys.....This blog is one of LTTE Trap & activity.

bystander said...

There is an Tamilnet article describing arti attacks in palali and muhamali and killai If what is posted in DW is true these must have been caused by the captured 130 MM guns as surely LTTE cant reach this far from Puthukuduirippu?

I guess now we will have to do a cleanup to secure the rear before launching attacks on the remaining area

Kushan Perera said...

keeping a loophole at last point will hamper all our victories,.. I hope SF will come back strongly..
boxing them to a small area and still they can find gaps?!! if its was earlier with a big area can be understand but now 40km2.
it means that keeping reserve forces even 58 cannot defend there line.should be notice by the top brass

trust that we will come back...but we should not keep these gaps...

Sam Perera said...


There isn't that much for Tamilnet to talk about since there is no net gain. Instead they have lost a lot. Terrorists tried to take it but they failed end of the day. it is is better to know our weaknesses so that we can address it next time.

Peter said...

SAM Perera

do you belive. this is one of Pro LTTE media. if you can just check the Archive you can find it.

do you remember the day LTTE attacked Colombo recenly.

that day i was here untill 2.(am colombo time)

The very first news DW reported is similar to the LTTE news.

DW told that 1 aircrft went to PTK.

and you can check all the archive. but some time you cant find becosue it has been edited.

bystander said...

Was 58 spread too thin? they were covering a whole lot of ground or were they complacent and believed in their own superiority too much?

Unknown said...

Remember when I said Shavendra Silva is still too junior for a promotion? 55th is led by Prasanna Silva, an ex SF commander, its near impossible to take down his FDL.

Guys, just because you don't like this news, don't dismiss DW as pro-LTTE, thats like shooting yourself in the foot. What he is saying is essentially true, albeit with a bit of spice.

frackster said...

this time around the clean up will take longer and it will also be costly for us... and there is an increased possibility of our own troops fighting each other due to mistaken identities....

if MI does not get the exact amount of tigers that infiltrated we are in for a very looooong clearing mission........

all the ground commanders /MBRL batteries must be extra careful and guarded around the clock...and i don't think we will see that much of reporting from the area as well as security of the reporters cannot be guaranteed as well if they take out a reporter although much less valuable than a commander or a soldier it will be a huge propaganda boost

this is truely worrisom

Unknown said...

MBRLs cannot be operated without a dual encryptions keys, these are only known to the operators, there are fail safe mechanisms.

Unless they extract the encryption keys using torture, captured MBRLs are of no using. Arti is a different story.

Sam Perera said...


I can't speak for DefenceWire. However, having read his blog from the day it was started, I can't subscribe to your view of DW. Hearing the real story, regardless it is good or bad, is something not easy to do. However, we need to learn from our mistakes before it happens next time.

bystander said...


we should accept reality! it is not like 58 has a brick wall 20 feet high and all they have to do is guard it. according to DW 600 carders came to attack a vunerable point. the ppl there would have been overwhelmed if there were no prior intelligence warnings

These are human beings manning those lines these same guys are continously fighting for 1-2 years mistakes will inevitibily happen no offence but it is bit rich for us sitting and typing comfortably here to say it is unacceptable

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Either 58th is not doing the war right or DW is not having a good time with Shaveendra.

DW, your issue with 58th shows up too much in your past few postings. I suppose it deserves some explanation.

We Laymen are with the following belief:

- 58th did most sacrifice.
- covered the longest distance.
- Brave
- Very fast
- Capable of facing a significant attack

- 58th faced the weaker units until recent times.
- Shaveendra is a publicity fan
- Many journalists are Shaveendra's pals, so achievements of 58th are exaggerated [does not mean they have NO achievements]
- More pushy for result, hence leaving possible loopholes and big casualty.

I think DW has an obligation to explain this, or stop bashing 58th. 57,58,59 are like thrividha rathnaya of this war. Those three handled most hard times of it

I do not undermine rest. Of course 53/55 held on to KMN, and TFs are derived out of 57/58/59. They're all our heroes. All the more that is why I wanna know what makes DW mad at 58th.

BTW, SF units are parts of divisions as much as I kno. I am with the impression taht each division has its own SF unit. Shouldn't it be how SF operate?

Kushan Perera said...

I hope masterminds of SF will put a net to kill them using the reserve, and hopefully no gaps in that net..

Also mainly since LTTE loosing what they only can do will be to inflirate to army lines...and civilan areas to continue there ..hide seek game... there must be a proper backup plan for this, surely currently in place...

Malin said...

So the soildier who we met in anuradhapura was correct.. he told around 500 came but was shot and didnt know anything else.. another guy told that we are not spread thin but the other way around. there are too many of us in the FDL, because of high density of troop in small area we are suffering too many injuries.

we also met commondo guy who's one of the legs have been badly injured. what he said was that they all want to finish this. even though we are suffering injuries everyone wants see this to an end. so i guess moral is there which is most important. guys if you can help out military hospitals (and others) need stuff, mattresses , food items, many more.. if your interesetd even in small way you can help...

bystander said...


Thanks for the confirmation

We should all realise SLA is fighting a war here its not a movie. It's a tough fucking job! The real hardships,challenges the guys in the frontlines are facing are not communicated to the general public. Instead a rosy picture is painted by the political propaganda machine. I expect the Army to overcome this setback and push on to achive what they set out to do

OneNation (formerly TTBO) said...

One way of recognising the tigers in army uniform. Check their feet (of course you cannot do this in combat!)!!!!
They hardly wear any foot wear. Mostly slippers... the tigers spend millions to buy weapons, equipment, intelligence, but never invest in boots or shoes.
Good luck to our boys in hunting the tigers, I think the SF will relish this challenge and take it on, rather than sitting in a camp in reserve.

Kushan Perera said...

truely agree, fighting is not easy as like typing!!

we are sure SF will overcome this and they will prove the best.

setbacks can be happen its important in future we proactively expect and be prepare for it..

Peter said...

SAM Perera

I found same news from LTTE Blog. I dont know why DW has Published the same

KillerT said...


Whats da blog?

bystander said...


You got a point DW does have a bee in a bonnet abt Shavendra Silva.

Maybe 58 commander likes a little bit of publicity than the others but that's only human. If he dosent risk lives of soilders under his command to achieve this then i have no problem more the merrier i say! but if he endangers his men setting unrealistic targets then that's really pathetic.

From my personal observations I think Jagath Dias,Prasanna Silva,Nanda Udawattha are more old school type strong and silent warriors. Even Sarath Fonseka until he became the commander of the Army majority of the country didnt know who he was probably the best example of strong and silent?

All these are mere observations from an outsider only the ppl in the army know what type of ppl these guys are but when you work in a professional environment you would have come across different kinds of situations for instance there are ppl who take credit for all the hard work done by other ppl who dosent have the necessary skills to market themselves, There are some ppl who dont try to boast abt what they do but they drag the whole organisation along with them without receiving any plaudits

As i said this is only my observations and i have just typed this just to state a different alternative for arguments sake it's not my intention to cast aspersions on the work done by 58 commander

Defencewire said...


SLAF can't do anything when the teams are in and no one knows the exact location. They did bomb the 200 who were detected.

mohammed Z

Not every soldier or officer knows how to recognize Lawrence. Only a few officers of MIC can do that. If the remains are in tact, then its a matter of time.


penetration attempts are not that uncommon or impossible if you can go undetected. a 200 man unit can break into teams based on their given objectives. if they know the terrain, they can easily avoid main roads. they can use camourflage and concealment tactics and disguise as SLA.

sujeewa K,

we will attack anyone who doesn't do their job regardless of regiment, rank, publicity or even personal friendship. The day we fail to do that is the day defencewire will close shop for good.

The 58 is now up against a worthy enemy. so is the 53 and 55. Maybe it was over ambition or over confidence, but ground intelligence was ignored and it is definitely a failure on the part of the 58 leadership.

Defencewire said...


"From my personal observations I think Jagath Dias,Prasanna Silva,Nanda Udawattha are more old school type strong and silent warriors. Even Sarath Fonseka until he became the commander of the Army majority of the country didnt know who he was probably the best example of strong and silent?"

This analysis is quite good for a civilian!

Mohammed Zubair said...


Thanks for the update. Can you pls update us on the current ground situation? Why has there been no major push by the SLA recently? Are we facing resistance or is it the case of the news being censored?

Peter said...

Killer T

මම blog එක කියලා LTTE à·„ැත්තට publicity ෙදන්න කැමති නෑ...

DW කියපු දෙයද LTTE BLOG එකකත් තියනවා. එක නිà·ƒා DF අපිà·€ කඩෙ යවනවාද කියල à·ƒැකයි

Peter said...

Killer T

මම blog එක කියලා LTTE à·„ැත්තට publicity ෙදන්න කැමති නෑ...

DW කියපු දෙයද LTTE BLOG එකකත් තියනවා. එක නිà·ƒා DF අපිà·€ කඩෙ යවනවාද කියල à·ƒැකයි

ReallyCold..... said...

This is the LTTE we were hoping to see and finally they showed up. At this stage 1:1 causality rate is inevitable.

It is disappointing the divisions were not able to detect infiltration, kind of like the old SLDF where we don't anticipate rather react.

The bottom line is if you have that many running after you without worrying about their causalities, it is hard to stop them.

Peter said...

Killer T

මම එ blog එක කියලා LTTE à·„ැත්තට publicity දෙන්න කැමති නෑ...

DW කියපු දෙයද LTTE BLOG එකකත් තියනවා. එක නිà·ƒා DW අපිà·€ කඩෙ යවනවාද කියල à·ƒැකයි

Kushan Perera said...

Any current updates DW, ground situation now?.
I hope 57 div choola dias will play a major role as he always from the inception..

I agree with the Bridg Shavendra bit talktive but he did perform well.
anyway everyone has pros and cons...wht matters at the end of the day is what we achive collectively!..

DW, Giving more time ..is it a good thing? anyway LTTE know that they will die, for them one more day is big achivement.
any push forward!
sorry i am poor in military knowledge.

KillerT said...


mage mac ekak thiyenne.okkoma kotu kotu wage

Kushan Perera said...

since intel was warned this earlier
its not only the 58 fault! others of the top brass should be in a possition to correct those at the right time.. as its live game!
I mean it should have use the intel to act proactively..set a trap for them..anyway past is past..
lets look for the future..DW keep us update everyday plsss

vimasuma said...

As i know defence wire is right this time and sla deaths surely above 200 but i don't belive this is our real defencewire man.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Thanks DW for explanation. My personal opinion is also that 58th should have been rested in Paranthan/Kili, and 57th should have gone forward [with a TF guarding Iranamadu side]. But again, we laymen cannot out think the general so there must be a good reason.

If you're right, it was a big mistake in teh part of 58th. Still I speak for 58th, as their over confidence is fair. Although they marched the longest, they had little resistance, and they must be feeling big, but with lesser [relatively] exposure.

Mistakes happen, which is very much human, so we are compelled accept it. Shavendra and co did heaps more for us to be grateful to them. A mistake, at any cost, will not take our gratitude.

I am confused why 58th is deployed in both sides of Challai lagoon. Shouldn't there be another division taking care of Amplavanapokkanai? Google maps suggest of marshy ground conditions. So I am thinking that this was indeed to place of infiltration [going by Feb 4th attempt using similar grounds].

It is true that battle front is over populated, but we should increase the tickness of the front. We need to have two offensive units one after other, if one fails the other can contain. That way there will be no loopholes.

In the past we criticized capturing too many towns w/o killing enough. I did not like leaving PTK for final battle [as pussycats chose it on heir own]. In my view we should have been little slower in Kili and Mula, killing more. PTK/CSZ are not enough to contain the remaining numbers. Expansion should have been expected.

I am not believing the numbers given for cadre strength. I think they have several thousands of SLA-equal cadres [hardcore/elite/willing or whatever], another ~5000 sacrificial brigades and 50000+ human live stock to pray on.

I take one positive note. After years of hiding, Pussycats have decided that it is do or die. Unfortunately they were too late, so what they really have is do and die or just die. Obvious choice isn't it?

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


I said that I heard rumors on Feb 3rd attack on 59th. One I heard was that MI informed of a loosely guarded point, and SF immediately intervened and got 59th to fill it. But they were hours late as by then the infiltration had started. Pussycats came sunk in a muddy marshland and they took on the SLA units sent to guard. That is why the casualty was very high on Feb 3rd.

Unknown said...


with due respect not every commander needs to match your strong and silent type . If shrerevandra is bulling his way through without carrying his own weight is it onething but clearly he and his division has more than carried its own weight .

It will be great if all the great achievers has the silent type that dont blow their own horn but that is not human nature . Remember the greatest generals of the US army had big heads .

There have been many breaches of our FDL time and time again . 59 was breached badly earlier but they fixed the problem right . that is what should happen with this breach too. Even if MI knew there would be an attempt to breach that should not be news to any commander on the front at this point . what else are the tigers gonna do now ? lay down and go to sleep ?

lion said...


Defencewire = Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization......

What a joke?????????????????

Bhairav said...

Good stuff that we captured 130 mm artillery. DW says LTTE dismantled it after using against SLA- I do not think so, they probably took home :)

Unknown said...

Iti-pandamak niwenna kittu unama, eka wedipura paththu wenawa. LTTE kotiyath ehema thama.

Yana yaka korahath bindagena yanawa wage, pana adina kotiyath maru wikallen dangalanawa.

ape SLA kollo wede balagani. ape deshapremi blogger kattiya 58, 55, 57..... kiyala pil bedenna epa. Ethakota diasporala dinum.

Lawrance mala wage heta aniddata Bhanu, Swarnam ehemath marewi.

api ape support eka digatama demu.

Kushan Perera said...

my little common sense also says that we did not push at our at least 80% of strength, keeping 20% of strength is fine in case anything comes..
keeping lot of reserve means to say we expect LOT of unexpected things evennn at this point of battle. it means we cannot still judge them. i beleive which is not the case..anyway..

did the arty they fired to civilian areas as they mentioned?

frackster said...

The I filtrators would have 2 main objectives ...
1:do hit and run attacks on our MSR's so their use becomes restricted and facilitates a better position to attack the front elements of SF

2: To facilitate a beach landing of a much larger force

So even though the breakthrough happened in 58 area, SF should be mindful about the rear of 59/mulla and 55/ chalai or further north.... Moving lot of carders for a long period of time is not good so my money is on a place like mulla... A simoultainious ground attack from no fire zone side another behind the line attack from the 100 odd men from this group to ca imitate amuch larger sea landing/ assult ....

Of course hopefully we will get these bastards before that

KSF said...


What DW telling here and his or her anonymity is doubtful. DW always on the edge of criticise 58 and Shavendra. If you look back DW last posts you can come to the conclusion. I raised same question some of my postings but no one make a attention.

DW always telling credibility of Defence.lk is no more. But Defence.lk is better than DW. My sister's husband in 58, he had called to his brother and said there was a setback but it's over now. Tiger infiltration in Army dominated area is a myth. There were few tigers attempted to infiltrate but they were all killed. If tigers infiltrated army control areas and breached FDL of SLA our casualities will be numbered and Tamilnet and fcking puligals will show us champagne drinking tigers.

DW has a clear problem with 58. DW always on a rescue mission of 55. DW please dont try to divide our unity and stop your biased stories which make peelamists happy.

DW, not any of peelamists sites trying to behave like you.

KSF said...

Everyone say Thanks DW

Thanks DW for your unbiased reports.

Or thank DW for your wonderful article

DW have you got a brain?

aKa said...

(Ex.SunGoat)HIV V.Prabakiller said


What DW telling here and his or her anonymity is doubtful. DW always on the edge of criticise 58 and Shavendra. If you look back DW last posts you can come to the conclusion. I raised same question some of my postings but no one make a attention.

DW always telling credibility of Defence.lk is no more. But Defence.lk is better than DW. My sister's husband in 58, he had called to his brother and said there was a setback but it's over now.


DW always telling credibility of Defence.lk is no more. But Defence.lk is better than DW


post of the day


defence.lk is the best for the truth

aKa said...

(Ex.SunGoat)HIV V.Prabakiller is 100% right

belive defence.lk

don't come here

aKa said...

defencewire pakaya


Bhairav said...


You should be busy with your high-up contacts from Paris that VP is about to surrender.

What happened to your other story that Migs and Kfirs escorted defected high-level LTTE commanders to Colombo? Are they still flying? :)

vimasuma said...


some informations received about the bomber but sensitive to tell here. police belive ltte safe house is in deniyaya place call beverly hills (tea estate)alias as punchi yapanaya . in this place there are some areas like restricted areas. only few people can go these areas.in these areas they do kasipu,prostititute and many other illeagle things. police afrad to go there. belive me or not police never went
there atleast to the tea estate within last year(as recordes). if singala man goes to estate without a reason tamil groups question him and if not satisfied they beat him. in one insident recently sinhala mudalali came to estate for collect his money but he ended UP in a tree hang in his legs. in very recently had a grenade blast and few wooed. but unbelivable thing is police never went or investigate any of the above incidents,

there lot of incidents like this in the past and they are very dangerous to sinhala people.
tamil population just over 5000. as we belive weak and lazy police start all problems.

aKa said...

defencewire is a big joker

Isuru said...

Ex SunGoat has a point. DW deffa has a score to settle with Shavendra.
according to DW whenever something good happenz then itz not 58. Rupavahini reported 58 entered puthu first but DW says itz 8TF. but whenever shit happez like last couple of days then it's 58.
i think some politocos have a problem with Shavendra becoming popular among masses. DW is having political motivations.
for me Shavendra proves no more. He was the one who captured Paranthan and that was the turning point. we were stuck not able to capture kili for so long that jokers like peter startted counting miles to kili. 58 broke the slience and captured paranthan and essentially secured kili, EPS, NMK axis where we were stuck in deep shit.

aKa said...

Ron said

Lawrance mala wage heta aniddata Bhanu, Swarnam ehemath marewi.


yes modaya

keep dreaming that all tigers are dead


Isuru said...

whose side is peter-pan anyway why do moda singalaya in the blog argue over a claim made by peter-pan that DW is pro-LTTE.
i think DW is not pro-LTTE but pro-some politico.

Bhairav said...

Anyways guys, What happened to your 48 hr and 72 hr ultimatum?

Maybe you should kill your astrologer for saying LTTE is done before March 8th :)

According to GoSL, the PTK finale is done, the remaining 600 cadres are killed.

KSF said...

ST the illigitimate,

How are you son of the IPKF?
Do you still suffer the amnesia of been son of IPKF. Many of the peelamists have the same problem like you. When 100000 IPKF soldiers raped your wesa amma it's hard for you to find the true father. But make DNA and give the report to RAW may be they can help you to trace your real father.

Where is your old dinky winky raped bitch mama? Is she still in wanni cleanning brabha's diarrea?

Why dont you do a self-immolation?
Son of the indian

X WG CDR said...

I know what ROLL Air Force has played, they had so call "GDP" party in the mwantime.

Unknown said...

ST did you find your CJ balls ?

Sam Perera said...


This is not peter pan. By now, you should know how to identify the the real peter pan.

aKa said...

(Ex.SunGoat)HIV V.Prabakiller

stupid pakaya

keep talking to your sister's husband in 58

NOLTTE=Peace said...


Request to an Internet Cafe

aKa said...

breaking news

watch pakayavahini

aKa said...

Ali likes man balls

that's why always talks about balls

Unknown said...

ST likes dead man balls ?

necrophilia ?

Buster said...

I have followed on and off defencewire comparing to what I hear against what it does publish along with information from participants. But in many occasions I found DW seems to publish articles to entertain the participants instead of presenting truth which is not accessible to everyone. No matter your source of information.
However I must admit defencewire has just elaborated scanty information gathered from media and blogs and perhaps more scanty information from someone outside military to enhance today’s article. I like the figures published here along with casualty figures on both sides...Well DW you and your team have to be little more privileged than your present status to know the truth and to publish truth...But nevertheless I would say good entertainment. Perhaps I have seen more credible information coming from participants..:-)

aKa said...


come back

your fans need you

aKa said...

defencewire pakaya

don't die like defencenet pakaya

aKa said...


aKa said...

back to defence.lk


Bhairav said...

Guys, what happened to the patriots? Did the sever economic depression struck the heartland of SL?

Unusually we are slow at this time of hour.

aKa said...

where is our puran appu & weera puran ?


remember to donate all your money to srilanka government


Buster said...

ST you must be a pretty lucky guy if you can reach UpulJ from LNP...But I bet he must be more interested in your mother,sister,wife and daughter than defence issues...:-)

aKa said...


they got wet after reading the post

aKa said...

UpulJ is old guy who needs a new life

posting fake updates for a living sucks

ape lanka said...


just enjoy..

Isuru said...

what the fuck is navy doing anyway. they come in boats with top notch leaders on borad in droves but navy does not intercept. fuck the sea mines. navy has not taken any serious causualties in this war so they deffa got "reserves". it seems ltte is still getting supplies from sea albeit in smaller quantities.

Bhairav said...

SLA barbarians killed 129 civilians in last than 7 hours in PTK.

Isuru said...

Sam Perera, sorry i don't come to the blogs and stay often. I just come post and then leave (hit and run) and have no time to check back. sorry for my ignorance.

Unknown said...

we dont need to be in a hurry to solve this LTTP problem in matter of days.

we waited 30years. let the SLA do their job in their mannar

Lawrance dead. I believe its Jeyam next...

KSF said...

There is nothing against DW

But these kind of posts in your blog for whom? We expect to hear the news but not these kinds of reports. We all know our army in a war with world most ruthless, barberic,canibal type terrorists. We should accept our casualities. This is not a batta game. A war. But giving much publicity to enemy forces cannot accept however.

If DW made this report to army command or SLG officials that can be accepted. But is this blog for those kind of people? None of these people had made a true sacrifice for motherland. Most of whom visiting here are people who come here because they dont have any other thing do and also many peelamists. But there are genuine patriots like Ananda-USA, Saneconomics, Lalith, Sam Perera, Perein, Mariyakade, Sujiwa kokawela, and many more.

If DW wants to publised this kind of posts he should ban all peelamists who come here for entertaining and spy missions. Or start another blog for selected people who is genuine patriots. I know it's not a easy task. But any task can gain by real effort.

phaedrus said...

I think DW is also not appreciating the propaganda value of people like Shavendra. He is a person in the army that a lot of Sri Lankans are familiar with and respect. I don't know of the actual abilities of the man, but he has been there when many of the major victories were achieved and also he gives the impression of being a smart and an educated man. He is someone people can respect and feel and be confident of safeguarding the interests of SL. I am sure there are better commanders (like Prasanna Silva). But the fact that they don't step up and take the credit they deserve is a drawback for the country, because the ordinary people really need to know of the kind of individuals who are fighting for the sake of our country.

I wouldn't be surprised if people like Shavendra Silva has been the inspiration for a lot of new recruits and even the youngsters in the country at the moment. People need these role models. Good soldiers does not have to just do their duty and die quietly.

I think this is a situation where the media is failing in their duty. Also I wish all our good commanders weren't so 'silent'.

Sam Perera said...


"Lawrance dead"

Is this confirmed?

Isuru said...

he! he! when you deduct the civilian deaths claimed by LTTE daily. the civilian population must be into negative numbers now.
this just proves more that first casualty of war is truth.

our side claim only 800 cadres left long ago and according to the same sources we have killed 1000s since then.
ltte claim 4000 SLA killed during this week but not a single photo. everybody is lying and indeed truth is the first casulaty of war!

aKa said...

Ron said

Lawrance dead. I believe its Jeyam next...


looks like we got a fortune teller

Lawrence is not dead

CASC said...

Matara ayiya ...

You need to return to this blog. Your wisdom is sorely missed.


No need to question DW's motivations or patriotism for telling it like it is. Looks like a mistake was made and corrective action follows. The good news is that the LTTE has thrown in its last reserves and lost a good part of it.

On another note, the Government medical officer Dr. Thurairaja Varatharajah is spreading malicious stories that are damaging Sri Lanka's image abroad. Obviously LTTE could be making statements in his name but this needs to be countered by the Govt.

aKa said...

sinhala weerayo

UpulJ has a update for you in LNP to whack off

Unknown said...

seems most of the dead ltte frm imran dandiyan and radha.

wonder who is giving protection to vp?

maybe he too is already dead, lack of insulin..

Unknown said...

yes lawrance is back from death.

so does thamil selvan .

saw him cleaning the public toilet at maharagama bus stand..

Chinthana4Lions said...

Geez this is not rocket science guys. if ltte has breached our FDL, SO WHAT? no biggie, it will be fun time for our SF boys for sure...

more they come, more we can kill easily without danger of harming civilian...

LOL LTTE pussies are jumping I see now? here another banana for ST, Bhahirv lol :)

Sam Perera said...

Siyalu Jaathiabhimani Deshapremi Lankikayeni,

Umbala kalabala wenna epa meke thiyena ewata. Aththatama mokoda wune kiyala thawa tika dawasaking apita denaganna puluwan wewi. Hebe Aaraksha Kambiyata kotiyek kiyala kae gahana eka therumak nae. Anik dae thamai, liyala thiyene eka deyakwath ae widiyata piliganna epa. Aarkshake deltath gihin balanna monawada liyala thiyenne kiyala. Mama ekanga wenewa Shavendra Silva pallehata daana eke weradi kiyala phaedrus kiyana widiyata. hithata waawanne nae ape kollontoa karadara wunata, hebei, api eva oluwa ussagena ganna one. api wenuwen panadeepu kollonta karana hondama gowrawaya thamai, anith satan karana kollo wenuwen api innawai kiyana eka pennala unge chithth dhairya wedikarana eka. eke neththnam apita youde dinanna bae.

Sam Perera said...

Great attitude Chinthana4Lions!!

Isuru said...

may be pig has left the country finally!

Isuru said...

chinthana is right we failed to spot the silverline.
Sam, umba hari macho moong api randu wenakota hina wenewa.

Unknown said...

now it does not matter whether pig is in or out of country.

as soon as GOSL declare the total defeat of LTTP, all the western govs loose their interest in supporting LTTP and diaspora.

and it will be soon. till then we can enjoy these funny diaspora comments.

Chinthana4Lions said...

Sam Perera,

hariyatama hari, meee koti apiata gahanne nathuwa nitha ganiy kiyala hithanna baa ne, un thrasthawadiyo, unta hithak papuwak naaa, anika hayaseeyak withara ekaparatama awama, tiakak amaruy thamay apita, eeeth bayawenna theyak naaa,...api okunta gahanawa gahanwaaa may.....budusarany

Anonymous said...

Sri Lanka!! Please Stop The WAR
Sri Lanka!! Please Stop Killing Civilians
Please save those innocent people.
For Latest Video Clips Visit

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

DW ta kotiya kiwwe ST, ST kiyanne CJ ho uu wage wena ekek. Amir wage.

Ekath unge plan ekak.

The LTTE Insider said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Saman said...


I am not sure about the authenticity/credibility of this report. I have noted you single-out 58 division couple of times for some reason.

I also do not convinced "how you have established 600 black tigers" being able to breach and 200 still in action. Where di you get that from.

This seems bull dust to me. I am not saying LTTE has not breached. But hard to see the stratergy of LTTE being prepared to sacrifice 600 at this point just to go North. Well, time will tell. Standby.

On the positive side 200 black tigers are now sorrounded by our forces. That to me is an achievement.

soorapappa...à·ƒූරපප්පා said...

I have a bad feeling about 58 leader.

Either he get killed or he will kill Prabha !!!

Please stop this personal pros, con analysis and just report the news.
Personally, we all need a good unity among everyone involved. This is no one's single archivement, it's a collective one.

PS: I have my personal doubts about Navy role however not about any SLA division. Why Prasanna needs to guard costline ???

jack1234 said...

I think we need to take a step back from this now...
everyone is getting very emotional and saying silly stuff...
1. setbacks are part and parcel of the battle... we are not fighting a bunch of boy scouts but hardcore cadres with a deathwish..
2.FDL was breached many times during this offensive ..but SLA sent reinforcements..won the territory back..or fell back temporarily and regrouped and fought on... this is how wars are fought
3.we are not accustomed to SLA setbacks it seems...this is in part due to human nature...we have elevated our troops to superhuman level and they can do no wrong/mistakes..
this is not the case...they are human beings and it's only normal they get some things wrong...as long as they learn from it and become better ... more power to them
4.some of us sinhalese have this habit of attacking anyone who is a bad news bearer oF SLA as a traitor..even DW is not spared..
this is silly,childish and downright counterproductive...
nobody should take DW as gospel..
nobody is impartial,apolitical or unaffiliated somehow 100% all the time...it's our duty to filter thins we see and hear..use our judgement..
5.DW is an active duty SLA officer if I am right and doing a great public service at considerable risk to his Professional life..
to knock him down ..take pot shots at him is cheap and unworthy of you..
then we are no better than st/bhairav and the rest of the webscum....

so patriots...relax...take a chill pill..
what we are seeing are the dying embers of a lost cause(LTTE) they gonna go out with a bang it seems..
a big bang maybe but they'll be gone nevertheless..
so fellas don't get distracted and lose sight of the main fact...
SLA is kicking the LTTE ass all the way to oblivion....
that hasn't changed at all....

Colomblogs said...

In a war and battle point of view Terrorists used the terrain advantage and made good move.

Even with their knowledge of terrain they still lost 200+ elite carders.

Con :
- There is still 200+ carders in lose in SLA dusguise behind our line
- 200+ carders escaped back
- We lost 3x 130mm and men who protected them

Pro :
- They lost 200+
- And they are less 400+ to protect the rest of terriotory.
- We learned the lessons (have we?)

But war is not that simple to have Pros and Cons.

With all the respect to DW, from my sources of information, I have reasonable doubts of DW facts in last couple of blogs.

CASC said...

Does anyone know what kind of gun is displayed here ?


Sam Perera said...

Deshapremi Lankikayeni,

Mae liyala thiyena ewa welawak kiyawala balanna (deweni keti rachanaya). Mewa honda thorathuru. mata echcharai kiyanna puluwan denata.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


I have no reason to discard DW’a account on what has happened during last few days at northern end of the FDL.

If you read all defence related articles in defence.lk and elsewhere; by giving a certain level of credibility to the writings of our LTTE supporting bloggers past few days; my conclusion is DW’s report is a grossly (big picture) accurate one. Exact number of casualty figures or those who have escaped from forward defence line may have been rounded up/down by somebody.

When SLDF operate in small teams with fast shrinking FDL infiltrations and temporary setbacks are possible. If LTTE has organised a counter attack with about 600 hardcore fighters, it is quite possible for them to ambush few small SLDF teams and breach the FDL.

We are fortunate to kill at least 200 cadres and sent another 200 cadres back. It is a matter of time to locate and eliminate those who have escaped to run riots behind the back of FDL.

LTTE will try all possibilities before go down and some of these acts will be temporarily successful. However, I don’t think they can reverse the situation by any significant margin right now.

I also hope that SLDF has learned its lesson not to slacken the grip and be vigilant as ever guarding each others back.

Anonymous said...

DW gave wrong facts many times. I hope destroying 3 guns are that type. Anyway, that's not an impossible event either. Infiltrations are there but I am not sure about DW numbers.

As SLA getting close to safe zone LTTE fighters have to commit suicide, surrender, disguised as civilians or infiltrate probably disguised as SLA and they did the fourth one which is the worst case for SLA. In other words SLA failed to prevent infiltrations. I think some over confidence and under estimate fired back.

Peter said...

Defence Column,

Still haven't got laid? What use is your bank job if you can't even afford to rent one for 2,500Rs?

Moshe Dyan said...

thanks DW for the timely update.

i recon the 3 130mm guns were a DEFINITE target.

SLA generally don't use them. it may be the ones caught from tigers. unable to bear the humiliation, they had SPECIFICALLY come for these guns (among other reasons). for the short while tigers operated them, they fired at the jaffna lagoon as well according to some sources!!!!

the reason for the temporary debacle is too clear. it is not heeding warnings of intel by 58. MAY BE 58 lacks what is known as "team work". you may be sachin t. but if you can't be a good team player, you are of LITTLE use; especially as a leader. but this is a TEMPORARY thing and i'm sure 58 will bounce back FEROCIOUSLY.

i recon SLA to have multiple FDLs now. having multiple FDLs was not practical (except in jaffna) until now. but now the area is small and the "circumference" of the tiger area is small, we can afford to do this.

actually it was 59 we thought was MOST vulnerable but it was reinforced with 53.

we need to reinforce ALL FDLs with multiple layers of FDLs.

hunting down infiltrated terrorists is going to be VERY difficult. they may even reach A9 and possibly beyond. our defence formations do not "sweep" territory unlike offensive ones.

OTOH, toiletnet reported tigers were attempting to flank troops around PTK given the high importance of PTK for them. if they do, it is good. that will be their death trap.

wijayapala said...

Dear Bhairav,

"Good stuff that we captured 130 mm artillery."

Since when did you and the LTTE become "we???" Aren't you the same Bhairav who was upset about how much the LTTE had cheated the Tamils????

Maybe you're one of those "sunshine patriots"- when the SLA overruns the LTTE's last positions, you will tell us how you were always anti-LTTE all along.

"DW says LTTE dismantled it after using against SLA- I do not think so, they probably took home"

Sorry Bhairav, but Toronto/London "home" is a bit too far away, and we sank all your ships. :-(

"SLA barbarians killed 129 civilians in last than 7 hours in PTK."

Isn't that a great argument for why the LTTE barbarians should let the Tamils go???

Srilankan said...

How did this 200 man LTTE team manage to infiltrate 12KM and were not challenged at all?

Sam Perera said...


Mama uda liyala thiyena eka balanna. eke thiyena thorathuru honda paarakin enne.

lankaputhra said...

First I do not think this as a setback we should realise that LTTE is there for last 30 years and SLA is operating where they never been…..however If the infiltration happened;

LTTE might search for their hidden weapons in jungles as well as for food.

Qs 1 : can the SLF detect them if they use electronic devises if they use?
Qs 2 why the other divisions (behind) can’t hunt for them?
Qs3 also SLA can use hormone spreading over jungle to shed all leaves which could lead to see the jungle path clearly from the sky!
Q4 can LTTE survive without supply rout
Q5 they all may be for suicide mission?

In this situation our forces in FDL can move fast as LTTE has less hard core carders in the area now they are boxed into.

aKa said...

sinhala said war is over 72 hours

puka talk

Lawrence dead

more puka talk

wijayapala said...


"Defence Column, Still haven't got laid?"

He's waiting for you to sell your sister. Soosai is wondering why you guys aren't ponying up the cash for the glorious iruthi por, and I figured that investment banking isn't cutting it these days.

aKa said...

400 sinhala boys gone

sinhala go yipeee

who is dieing ?

poor sinhala boy not rich sinhala son of a bitch

what i see now is rich sinhala enjoying dinner at a fancy restaurant talking about the war

enjoy the wine !

aKa said...

Sam Perera said


Mama uda liyala thiyena eka balanna. eke thiyena thorathuru honda paarakin enne.


Sam ponnaya's mouth is his ass hole

Peter said...

Sir Wijayapala has proved himself as a patriot.

Time for all the other patriots to kiss and make-up with him.

Peter said...

Sam Banda fled to LNP for awhile. I went on a brief visit. No Sir Wijayapala there; so, came back.

aKa said...

55 super banda division having problems ?

why ? o why ?

Sam Perera said...

One line Collapsed Peter. We missed you here. Come on, tell us little more about your victories in Mula.

aKa said...

one sinhala told me last month praba will be killed by march 8th because a famous astrologist said so

astrologist, 48 hour dead line

more puka talk

Peter said...


I think it was astro from LNP.

Same guy who told DW give us 18 hours deadline.

aKa said...

my friend(old friend)/prime minister of sri lanka ratna is saying war will be over in 2010

why ? o why ?

aKa said...


LNP is full of jokers

Moshe Dyan said...

anadasakkili (ASS) has said it again. why can't he be like devananda who has PRACTICALLY provided welfare to millions of tamils while supporting the war????

“I am distressed over the claim of the Security Forces that the final outcome of the Eelam War would be decided within this week and that the next 72 hours will be very crucial for the LTTE.”

oh! as the leader of the RACIST, TRIBAL, MONOETHNIC TAMIL united liberation front, you should be.

ASS is trying to set SF against the other TOP SLA serviceman who made the above statement.

“Kilinochchi and Mullaitheevu Districts had a total population of 420,000 and 105,000 families”
“The total requirement of food needed for the 330,000 people is roughly 5000 tons.”

BULLSHIT! there are no official count. the closest is the election register that says there were close to 150,000 registered voters. if we apply the national ratio, the population should be = 150,000 * 20/13 = 230,000. say 200,000.

after close to 100,000 crossed over, this number is down to the figure given by the govt. which is close to 100,000.

“To avoid a disastrous situation the forces should be advised to stop aerial bombing, shelling and artillery attacks forthwith. This step should be taken immediately, if your Excellency agree with me that a serious development had taken place in Vanni to warrant your intervention.”

ASS showing his stripes. SLDFs should NOT reduce attacks in anyway. this is a cunning plan to help the LTTE relaunch its failed offensive.

if we delay it until april 16 and beyond, india will request us to stop to please the IDIOTS in tamil madu.


Peter said...

"What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor?"

Not just a nursery rhyme; it was a way of life for Sam's southern dirty whore grandma.

What did she do with the drunken Portuguese sailor? Sam, please do divulge.

Jambudipa said...

i felt 58 was getting greedy for accolades. impatience and complacency was its downfall.

im serious folks, get all soldiers to do 15 min meditation before taking up duty. its all in the mind.

its unfortunate for all people of island LTTE showed its ideolgy can win. more of them will die and suffer as a result.

Peter said...

LNP joker has even banned my flag.

aKa said...

few years ago sinhala said tigers are finished/few days to live but the tiger came back

why ? o why ?

Bhairav said...

[Since when did you and the LTTE become "we???" Aren't you the same Bhairav who was upset about how much the LTTE had cheated the Tamils????]


I thought that VP may vanish into foreign country, when they were cornered in PTK, but he wasn't- In fact he calmly orchestrated the recovery by staying in Wanni that put me to pay some respect to him. Especially when you started to kill the innocent kids and women in numbers, the whole Tamil society changed the opinion against GoSL. Tamils are LTTE and vice versa, and I have already lost 3 of my extended family members who joined LTTE earlier were KIA in last 2 months alone.

If any Tamil can sit back and watch when 1000s of our kids and women are massacred by barbaric SLA in Wanni, then he is no longer a Tamilian. We're not a chena boys/gals race to get killed by you as you did against your own kin and kith in 87 JVP uprising by killing almost 90k+ of your youth. You all barbarians will pay the price, if not today, maybe,tomorrow.

Moshe Dyan said...


thanks mate.

sanath said...

I pointed this question to you at least two occasions.
I think you need to explain why you are so critical on 58 and its command.if you do believe that they did not deserve a credit in the early part of the operation from west coast to east coast (i know you consider it as a cake walk), you should understand that they face the direct threat from the tiger defense to a lengthy strech of land from the laggoon to the middle of the PTK town. i can understand that they have a bigger threat and fire from LTTE even from NY. i do not undermine the part play by the any other division in the front of the operation. 55 have more or less narrow front but high risk land from either side.
But the way you brought up the issue for last couple of months you were evidently criticising the 58 and its command and never appreciate the good work done by this division. is it not appreciable that they are still in the operation from the day one??? I do not need DW to hide it from the facts.

DW, it is not air tight as somebody explained, but not unbreachable for a committed group terrorists of 600-700 by making at least 100-200 of their members to penetrate the line. it is sucidal.the question is the part played by the covering team of 57. they should have stepped up to the vaccum created by the incident and has to make sure we loose nothing.this is the real issue to bring forward. "what the role of back up divisions" do they have to wait until LTTE sieze cannons or tey have to kill all LTTE members seeping in from the first line of defence. The 58 should have given the needy recognition and appreciation. In the same way you criticised the 59 when & where they had the blunt force on the front of Chilawatte. they were very close to Mulativu at that time.it is obvious fact they should get more resistance and we had to commend the good work.

I should say this blog is invaded by eagerly waiting millions of Sri Lanakans all over the world who walk through many other sites including Tamil Net.

I appreciate your analysis but it needs some fairness and appreciation not only to 55,57 and LTTE but to 58 too.

Peter said...

Moshe has finally found sidekick Sam to hold his lungi while getting a-rse-raped by a Jew.

aKa said...

Moshe Dyan

ASS showing his stripes. SLDFs should NOT reduce attacks in anyway. this is a cunning plan to help the LTTE relaunch its failed offensive.

if we delay it until april 16 and beyond, india will request us to stop to please the IDIOTS in tamil madu.




they are doing what u r saying

"Sri Lankan cluster shelling kills 129 civilians within 7 hours"

Peter said...


Swallow some Viagra. Stop posting Ananda-long comments.

Sam Perera said...


Eay puwath enne hamudawe uda thenakin. Umbata mae liyan ewa therunganna amaru nae nayda?

aKa said...

Sanath said...

I pointed this question to you at least two occasions.
I think you need to explain why you are so critical on 5



why you give puka to 58 banda division ??

Defencewire likes to give puka to other banda divisions not 58 banda division

aKa said...


soon we will not have any banda divisions

so enjoy them till they last

aKa said...

to my friend puran appu

come out come out

water is not cold

Peter said...

Challai is still under siege. Bandas of 55th are busy digging wells; soon-to-be graveyards. Their MI35s are dropping food parcels. In about a month 55 will meet the same fate as 54th and 59th.

Sivanesan said...


I'm sorry to hear that your relatives had joined the LTTE. They did a crime and they paid for it. I'm sorry for their ignorance.

LTTE hijacked the peaceful Tamil Eelam movement and destroyed it. If you still support the LTTE, you are a barbarian. Because of people like you we cannot talk peace with the Singhala and Muslim people.

According to the British Medical Journal the war in Sri Lanka has killed more than 300,000 people and most of them are Tamils. Why? Because LTTE kills Tamils, army kills Tamils, Devanantha kills Tamils, Karuna kills Tamils, IPKF killed Tamils, JR killed Tamil, Lalith killed Tamils, Premadasa killed Tamils, Ranjan killed Tamils, DB killed Tamils, CK killed Tamils, Ratwatha killed Tamils, Mahinda kills Tamils.

Understand? If you still support violence you are a barbarian. We (Tamils) lost it because of the LTTE. Now the best thing is to allow us to take over the Tamil Eelam movement. We can win world support if you stop violence. We can get a federal state that way. It will be like in India - Tamil Nad. Thereafter peacefully with the concetn of the people in the state we can seperate if required.

It takes time and patience. Fools like you cannot understand it. If you continue to crate violence Singhala people will get more hardlined and we can't get the solution which is essentially a federal solution. You guys knocked the bus many times. Now give us the driving seat. If you completely destroyed the bus, there is no point giving the driving seat thereafter.

Peter said...

Where is Duzz? Isn't he intercepting radio communication any more?

Moshe Dyan said...


to be honest, tikak amaru.

aKa said...

Mahinda Wijesekara injured

this sinhala stole so much money he can buy a $100 million plane


Peter said...


addipadda thaddi vana odduravan vanthudaan

aKa said...

Sam Perera said...


Eay puwath enne hamudawe uda thenakin. Umbata mae liyan ewa therunganna amaru nae nayda?



let me help you

sam says

"the news is coming from top army place"

Moshe Dyan said...



they are doing what u r saying"

they always (well almost always) do and humble moshe of mixed genes knows that!!!!

Peter said...


IPKF kaalathila mukamoodi poddu kondu oaddinathu pothaatho?

Bhairav said...

[LNP is full of jokers]

LNP is run by one power struggled arsehole.

I never set my foot over there for last 14 months after I got banned.

One idiot called as Mr.Brown who was the one banned me after his bot found out that I used foul language in my posts..This was happened right after I contributed $50US for a poverty stricken Sinhala family who was struggling without a proper home...It wasn't even few hours passed after I paid the money through AMEX that I was banned. Well, I was the second guy who contributed the funds for that righteous cause, many Tamils contributed too.

tharaka said...

From my observation, infiltrated LTTE teams can attack soft targets such as IDP camps. They are dressed like SL forces and it could be a preferred choice for them than attacking SL forces. At this stage they cannot win with the forces and try to use external pressure such as IC or TN to the maximum. IDPs left without LTTE consent so they might prefer to kill them and use them to their advantage.

Peter said...

Lol! I got banned from LNP within days, back on '05.

Registered there again under real name. Have managed to retain membership, but only by being an infrequent visitor.

Raves said...

But even today a food convoy crossed omanthai and are heading towards Jaffna. If the A9 is insecure then how can the convoy pass?


aKa said...

Peter said...

Where is Duzz? Isn't he intercepting radio communication any more?


no updated from the radio master

looks like his radio is not working


Jambudipa said...


LTTE hijacked the peaceful Tamil Eelam movement and destroyed it.

sorry to spoil your soup but there was never a peaceful eelam movement. from the time of satyagraha movement it was aimed at inciting violence and getting rewarded with the fall out.

Ghandi was India's artitect of the satyagraha movement. in your world it was v. navaratnam. the difference between Ghandi's satyagraha and navaratnam satyagraha was Ghandi was someone who truly beleived in non-violence. while Ghandi was for Tamil-Moslim unity, eelam Navaratnam beleived in exlusive Tamil homelands where even Moslems and Sinhalese who live there are foreigners. navartam also calls for violent struggle later.

Peter said...


Duzz is the one who killed Col. Lawrence with his high intensity radio waves.

These moda Bandas never fail to amuse me.

aKa said...

duzz dream radio

"lawrence dead"

"praba not eating well"

"pottu in colombo with LNP special force"

"karuna & bhanu having lunch in matara"

aKa said...

duzz is like mahen

big jokers

Peter said...


WTF is பன்கித -pankitha-?

Raves said...


You are not who I think you are...or are you?


aKa said...

Defencewire keeping the lawrence story going

"It is believed that the body of Lawrence is among those recovered by the SLA"


Peter said...

duzz radio economic news:

Moda Lanka lending money to IMF.

Malaysia begs moda Lanka for more rupees.

Obama appoints Hon. Basil as senior economic adviser.

Jambudipa said...


Sorry buddy I was looking for the 'Ha' but could not find it. Do you know where it is?

aKa said...

Constantin Demiris said...


You are not who I think you are...or are you?



don't be a fool

its not our hero sana

some moda banda

Peter said...


Wake up! We want morning news update.

Please turn-on the radio.

aKa said...

duzz can wake up & give the good news for moda bandas

"Bhanu is injured"


Bhairav said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bhairav said...

[WTF is பன்கித -pankitha-?]

I guess that prematurely born kid, duzz, taught Tamil to Panhinda :P

He taught him everything upside down

Peter said...



Raves said...


That gun is a Chinese QBZ 95 bullpup.

aKa said...

off topic

oh my

look at the market

my baby is growing :D

Peter said...

Moda Banada has to complicate the T-95.

Peter said...

What's the t-56 called then? MODAMODA 56 magey ammey?

sanath said...

St and Peter
you have nothing to loose.
so, spent you last breath on a blog like this and pray that you get a blog like this in the next soul too, for you all to be happy at least for few minutes.
para sakkili, because of you innocent tamils are suffering.

Jambudipa said...

hey peter

that is the hermaphrodite letter. you know somewhere between a dick and and a vulva. that is not 'ha'. i know one or two things about Tamil script ok.

Peter said...


In my next life, I want to be born under a Bo tree with a blog just like this; so that, I can piss and spit on you Bandas at the same time.

Bhairav said...

These so called moda bandas are having rivalry here as who can report first and what. They come up with good tales everyday.

One time prematurely born kid, i guess it was Duzz, was upset with another sellout-USA-Ananda that Ananda was the main culprit of brain drain in SL...

Bloggerdefence was trying to recruit these top talents( top comedians) to his gig projects but he failed miserably.

aKa said...

Sanath said

St and Peter
you have nothing to loose.
so, spent you last breath on a blog like this and pray that you get a blog like this in the next soul too, for you all to be happy at least for few minutes.
para sakkili, because of you innocent tamils are suffering.


Sanath boy

we all know because of who the tamils are suffering

para sinhala racist sakkili

Peter said...

OK Pankitha!

Peter said...

I think Ananda is a maths lecturer at Iowa Uni. We get lots of long crap from some Sinhala dude called Ananda from there; of course, asking for funding. He is an L-squared loser.

Jambudipa said...


let me tell you a wonderful story about the Tamil 'Ha'.

Sinhala - Sin-Hela -> Ceyela -> Ceylon

See that 'ha' there. your forefathers could not pronounce Hela because Tamil script lacks 'ha'. That was when the 'Ha' phoneme had to be dropped and Hela became 'Ela'.

your eelam in effect means Hela or Sinhela. isnt that embarrasing? :)

aKa said...

Iowa state ?

aKa said...

Panhinda creating sinhala & tamil


Bhairav said...

[I think Ananda is a maths lecturer at Iowa Uni.]

I remember one time he mentioned that he lived most part of his life in Houston,TX, which is home to many Sinhala expatriates.

aKa said...


not a bad place to live

home of big oil

Peter said...

Ohh. Not the same one then. This guy has been at Iowa for many years now. Although, he does have the same boring monotone.

Peter said...

A lot of Sinhalese live around Newark area in NJ. Usually work in the subway or wait on in restaurants. My other half used to dread the drive to our house in Wayne, 'case the West Orange neighbourhood is so rough.

kevin said...

As I maintained many times in the past they have infiltrated south in fairly large numbers. Villages close to Simbalandwa and buthhala they have got together with the ganja growers who in turn have connections with Colombo underworld. Using the latter they could infiltrate any place as some of the politicians are in cahoots with thugs and underworld. Tigers want to keep the pot boiling as a worthy cause for them to be in the limelight, for them to fund raise. I doubt it very much that they are interested in real-estate in the island, just a big show with a cop shop here a kangaroo court there just to convince the Diaspora that there is a di facto government up there. None of the Diaspora wants to come back and they are truly not interested in their eelam and should anyone of them ever retire then they might come to the capital which is safe or they may not come at all.

Bhairav said...


not a bad place to live]

In summer, it will be worst place to live, the temperature will reach about 40'C with humidity. If your AC is gone in car or your house, you will be cooked within minutes. It's a fourth largest city in US, traffic will be total chaos, and all the free ways(I90,I45,I10 etc) will be struck in the peak hours.

More than 13 temples you will find in Houston. NASA is just 20 minute drive from Houston downtown. I would say the cheapest cost of living city in US by far big margin, thanks to Hispanics who are 40% of the city's population.

Peter said...


I avoid Sinhala infested areas as a rule of thumb. Being hoodlums, Sinhalese are always likely to settle in slums. West Orange, NJ, and Staten Island, NY, are the only two I know of down East Coast.

Peter said...


I am going to have breakfast and do some work.

Be back in the evening.

Duzz, please turn-on the radio.

Bhairav said...

[A lot of Sinhalese live around Newark area in NJ.]

Ha ha ha...I doubt that. The chances of getting killed for any Srilankan is higher in Newark than SLA personnel in Wanni. Highest crime rated city in US i believe. Mostly poor blacks live there. Everyday at least one homicide will happen in Newark which would like a slum of third world country. If you go to Newark, do not stay too long.

I guess you refer Edison city which is just 25 km from Newark, many Indians live in Edison, you can say Indians and Americans are 1:1 there. Edison is considered as armpit of American by many white folks bcoz more Indians live there :)

Unknown said...

I just saw your commander like a Ponniya being sheltered by an umbrella. I mean does he bring the lipstick with him.

Here is the ranking officer being sheltered while his men are drenched. Worst still the men are laughing at the dead bodies.

Really your armed forces are pathethic. I have never seen a commander who will take shelter while his men are soaked.

In Singapore the chief commando officer queues in line with the rank and file for food in the cookhouse. There is no special treatment. This forces others to follow suit.

There is a big difference in proffessionalism and maturity between a first world armed forces and a third world one. I now know why the LTTE will defeat your forces in parallel to getting the international communities recongnition for independence. Trust me there will be an eelam.

Even Jayalalitha is on the bandwagon. If the third front or BJP after the elections with the AIADMK and TDP in alliance comes to power, this will be a certantity. Its only time before it happens.

Looks like Puligal today is forcing the truth to come out. "LTTE's old tactics no match for the 'new' SL Army" versus the next article Army suffers temporary setback shows that DEFENCEWIRE YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT. I MEAN IF THE LTTE TACTICS WORK ONLY WILL THEY BE ABLE TO GIVE THE ARMY A SETBACK RIGHT. YOU AGAIN REPEATELY PROVE THAT YOU ARE A FOOL. THIS IS A CRUSHING AND HUMILIATING DEFEAT FOR YOU.

Bhairav said...

[A lot of Sinhalese live around Newark area in NJ.]

Ha ha ha...I doubt that. The chances of getting killed for any Srilankan is higher in Newark than SLA personnel in Wanni. Highest crime rated city in US i believe. Mostly poor blacks live there. Everyday at least one homicide will happen in Newark which would like a slum of third world country. If you go to Newark, do not stay too long.

I guess you refer Edison city which is just 25 km from Newark, many Indians live in Edison, you can say Indians and Americans are 1:1 there. Edison is considered as armpit of America by many white folks bcoz more Indians live there :)

kevin said...

Veterans of past conflicts say that set backs like this is to be expected and it does put one more prepared and alert and learn from mistake, however what ever the terrorists throw at the sf will not dent their ability to take an upper hand due to the greater number of the government forces. Infiltrations in the south may be their next theatre of their activity and should be a cause for concern.

Unknown said...

Houston property prices go up and down within a limited range. However there are alot of retrenchments going on in the oil and gas industry. A year back they were hiring like mad with rates up to 100-300/hr for some contractors like process engineers. Now all are falling.

Crime has also picked up after Katrina as alot of people have moved to Houston from New Orleans. They tend to blame that to the African American community from New Orleans.

Texans in general still tend to be a bit racist as many never even travel out of state or out of the southern united states. 'No country for old men' movie gives a good glimise of west texas in the old days. Likewise 'The great Debaters' about the african american collge debating team and the trials they faced during that time. Till today some african american fear travelling in the roads on hearing about the old lynching stories.

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