Sri Lanka Army's infantry units have closed in on Veduthalthivu. Veduthalthivu is famous for its Sea Tiger base and lies adjacent to Madu region. Troops have also consolidated themselves in the area west of Giant Tank and averted at least one LTTE attempt to overrun the defences. Around twenty men had sacrificed their lives in the last few days upto Friday (5).
Meanwhile Pro-LTTE media claimed it beat back a major offensive on Pooneryn. This claim is completely false. Several small LTTE recce teams were engaged by troops in the area around Kilali recently. LTTE's recently dear departed 'Political Wing' leader was coordinating the infiltration process prior to his demise, in preparation for a major thrust northwards from Pooneryn. He single handedly led an attack force on Army and Navy detachments in Pooneryn on 11th November 1999. Chelvan led another attack force from one flank on 22nd April 2000 alongside Karuna to capture the Elephant Pass Army Base.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Army Close to Veduthalthivu
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9:51 AM
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SLA operation repulsed in Northern Front - LTTE
ha.. ha.. they did it again...
clever Irasiah Ilanthirayan...
Thankx for clarification,defencewire..(earlier thread)
You'll must be remembering during the kosovo or bosnia? conflict that an american F-117A Nighthawk stealth fighter was brought down by a serbian MANPAD,an SA-18 improved version..
Their tactics were copied by the IRAQi's in the 2nd gulf-war,whereby the entire SAM radar defence system is shut-down,in fear of anti-radar aircraft-'wild weasels'of the US airforce,who specialize in attacking SAM radars,from stand-off range..the missiles,i think they are called Maverick or Shrike home into these enemy radar signals & destroy the radar,& associated fire-control van's radar posts..
The aim of shutting down the SAM radar's in a particular area,is to deny these anti-radar aircraft a target..thereby,missiles & AA guns are fired on the 'Blind',without radar assistance..however,on this case,the american's who din't detect any enemy SAM radars tracking them,suddenly found their threat screen light-up,indicating a SAM threat almost directly underneath the aircraft.then suddenly that particular SAM unit got assistance from a nearby tracking radr & fired at the stealth fighter..this put to rest the myth that the F-117A aircraft was 'invisible'..due to ts stealthy design..
srilankan,those zimbabwean mortars intended for the SLA & paid for by them,were 'handed' over to the tigers,compliments of the SLA..the repurcussions were felt quite badly in the jayasikuru operstions,where almost a third of the SLA casualties were due to LTTE mortar fire..
Does any one has a map which I can locate Veduthalthivu please
Heavy casualties to both sides in Muhamalai
Any update on this? Thanks.
Thanks rifard.
perein:download GoogleEarth.exe..may be of some help
This map will help u guys to some extent.
There is very little chance of any form of MANPAD being able to shoot down a F-117, which most likely was operating above the maximum effective range of such small missiles.
The aircraft in question is believed to have been shot down by an SA-3, this is a very big missile system with multiple radars and is not an improved SA-18 MANPAD.
In this particular instance, the kill was only possible because the Americans were overconfident and flying on fixed flight paths.
Or check this
(Triple click on the link to select whole line)
Whats the real reason behind the fallout between Karuna and Pillayan? Is it just for money and control or is there something more?
Google earth was my first stop. Irranamadu flight run away is very much visible as you guys must have seen.
But cannot locate the Veduthalthivu.
There was a open source version of map some where.. Does any one has that? People can mark the roads etc in there... usually that has more details.
i think you are talking about this, right?
You are spot on mate.
I think we all can make some some marking so we can work out the area's faster.
32,400 rounds of 81mm mortar rounds procured from Zimbabwe Defence Industries in May-June 1997 subsequently fired at us during Jayasikurui.
The fallout is due to Karuna's greed and actions of Thileepan et al.
Thank you for publishing the map.
shay,thanks for confirming that one,man!..yep,i guess it had to be an SA-3 OR SA-6,to do that..
oops,well i changed my name-i will be posting under this now.don't worry,i'm still rifard..
A complete Sri Lankan map with both English and Sinhala place names:
Tamilnet has published pics of captured weapons
More pics
Defencewire: There are lot of conflicting reports coming from fighting that broke up at Kilali and Muhamalai forward defense lines. What's the latest update? Why is SLA lauching operations into LTTE Muhamalai FDL? LTTE have lot of anti-tanks units in this area. Also LTTE’s long-range artillery based in Pooneryn can easily shell Nagarkovil, Muhamalai, Kilali. Use of SLAF Kfirs for CAS and to strike at LTTE artillery positions could be a good idea.
Navy will have to keep an eye these days since LTTE is trying to infiltrate their sea Tiger boats to gain a foothold in Mandaitivu and Kayts.
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