Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Civilians Targetted Again!
17 people including 11 school children, one school principal and two school teacher were killed and 17 others injured in the general area Madhu today. The children and teachers from the Thachchanamarandamadu school fell victim to at least two high-powered IEDs while traveling in a bus along Palampiddi-Madhu road around 2.25pm. The bus then skidded off the road and hit a nearby tree. The Tigers were quick to accuse the Army's LRRP alias 'Deep Penetration Unit' for the attack. The claim was flatly denied by the SLA.
Viyattankulam Falls as Troops Encircle Adampan
Meanwhile troops advancing east from the general area Manthai and Thiruketheeswaram Kovil today captured the village of Viyattankulam situated less than 1km west of Adampan Town. The SLA also destroyed 6 LTTE bunkers at Pallaikuli along the Uylankulam-Adampan road. 5 Tiger bodies were recovered from this attack. SLA claims it killed at least 21 Tigers in these attacks.
Tigers in Wasgamuwa?!
The bodies of two wildlife officers have been found at a tourist bungalow at Wasgamuwa Wildlife Sanctuary today. The two officers had been shot dead by unidentified gunmen, suspected to be from LTTE. Police and SLA are conducting search operations in the area. If the attack was conducted by LTTE, the security to Kandy, Matale and Polonnaruwa could be jeopardized. The forest cover at Wasgamuwa, which is around 40,000 hectares, extends as bush into Wilgamuwa, Laggala and the Mahiyanganaya-Kandy Road and can potentially shelter small attack teams. The Wasgamuwa Park is a vital part of Sri Lanka's eco-tourism industry.
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9:26 PM
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great update DW
thanks for the map
great stuff.
Keep up the excellent work. We have now have somthing can normal person like my self can undestand :)
Hope you have seen "
Please Obtain Written Approval Prior to Quoting DefenceWire. Email defence_wire@yahoo.com." before publish the DW's map on your site.
No hard feeling Bro... Just winding you up.
oops !
sorry Defencenet :(
i hope you don't mind
i put your name as source & it was not an article
it was the map
thanks perein for the info :)
The awarding ceremony of the cap badges to the newly formed Mechanized Infantry Brigade
YouTube Video
great video sandun
Mamaa natthamee ummbata Oosawi yanna wenne... :)
Hopefully DW will give you the permission with out taking you to courts :)
thank you for the map! clarity, sweet clarity! for those of us not in the 'know' this helps greatly.
LTTE to demonstrate in front of British Prime Ministers residence on the Independence Day of Sri Lanka
Kerala says it is probing reports that Prabhakaran is in state
madhi's not in kerala,but she would wish,she knows they are after her,for the moment she got the backing of couple of seniors,but sooner her fate will sort out by pottu,unless we help her.
Was LTTE tipped off about visit?
Killing the innocent 11 school children and school staff's is definetly not by the SLA deep unit... its only when an LTTE is targeted its the work of SLA,, what a joke...
you people are just a joke. don't you have a shame to have a Government military engaged in pure terrorisam?
I don't understand how you people can go on and on with these non-sense and pure lies and evil...
what goes around comes around... that's the law of the nature.
DW doesn't have the balls to call a spade a spade...
There won't be any regret to see a fittingly massive retaliation for this in the South. SLA animals will see whats coming to them soon enough. We'll ensure your soldiers will come back with at least one or more limbs missing. Death is too painless for these animals...
Lets think rationally. What can SLA gain by killing civilians in this area where SLA needs civilian support badly. This is bad politically, bad socially, bad in every different way. This goes against everything they are trying to achieve.
On the other hand, LTTE can do an attack like that and call for UN invervention and get lots of mileage. Not just they killed kids, they killed catholic priest. If you cannot deduce those, cant help. LTTE is desperate and would do anything including killing children for their gain.
As I mentioned before I expect thiusand of Sri Lankans to be killed this year. My guesstimate is 50 000.
Some poeple seem to think killing Prabha will solve the problem. How many Southeren Military and Political leaders has the LTTE killed. Yet the war still goes on.
So many children died and yet people came out to thank defencewire to the article. I only can pity Sri Lanka and the Sri Lankans.
ram & upul,
There is no evidence yet on who did this. That is why defencewire has not mentioned it. Tamilnut, on the other hand accuses the government forces for everything. I am sure that Defencewire will post the relevant information once it is confirmed
No-one in this blog who support government troops have celebrated this attack. Please look before you leap.
Which part of my article makes you scratch my balls? What evidence do you or anyone else has about LRRP attack on these civilians? We ourselves have no such confirmation. If or when we have such, we will call it fair and square.
Soon after the nugegoda blast, one of your soul-mates from the Eelam struggle wrote "my wish is really small it can happen any time...i want to see more Sinhalese civilians die...it can happen easily...all u need is a big parcel" Where were you then to condemn civilian killings? (vp- November 29th)
Why do you hurt when only Tamils die? were were YOUR balls then? This is the problem with you guys. You don't even have the basic decency to write politely or argue a point like civilised people. You think this way you can convince the Sinhalese people to change? You are helping the oppression of your own people through your one-sided arguments.
We at DW have repeatedly objected to civilian killings in this blog as a policy and as humans first so think before you leap!
"Some poeple seem to think killing Prabha will solve the problem. How many Southeren Military and Political leaders has the LTTE killed. Yet the war still goes on.."
the ltte will fracture once VP is killed (that's my "guesstimate"). then there will probably be infighting between the different groups. hence you cannot compare the sri lankan politico-military structure to the ltte. anyways we shall have to wait and see if your "guesstimate" of 50,000 lives will come true. personally i think you sprout a lot of crap on this forum. ltte cadres are dying at a rate of close to 20 a day. 50K minus ltte auxillaries is still in the vacinity of 40,000. so are you saying that 40,000 civillians will die by years end?
and what are you doing here navindran? i though the forum was too racist for your liking? you even chastised the moderators! tsk tsk
No matter what side we are on,
the killing of innocent civilians especially school children whether they be Tamil , Sinhala or Muslim is an abomination.The is no cause that is worth killing of such innocence.
LTTE to declare independence from Great Britain
"Following the United States declaration of independace the LTTE will soon declare their independence from Great Britain in a council of Tamil colonies from Toronto, Australia, Norway, England and France named “United States of Tamil Eelam”."
"What can SLA gain by killing civilians in this area where SLA needs civilian support badly. "
Unless it was an accident. LRRP attacks are hardly 100% accurate. Or, it could have been a set up. For all we know, the LTTE may have provided information that a top leader was traveling in the vehicle, and instead they sent a van ful of civilians. Or, after all the LRRP attacks, it may have become routine for the LTTE to send civilians first before their senior leaders travel.
"Which part of my article makes you scratch my balls?"
Defencewire, please don't waste time entertaining brainless Tamils. I think we'd all rather hear updates about the situation in the north. :)
There won't be any regret to see a fittingly massive retaliation for this in the South.
SLA animals will see what’s coming to them soon enough. We'll ensure your soldiers will come back with at least
one or more limbs missing. Death is too painless for these animals...
Thanks for showing off your Animal Behaviors once again. It's so disturbing that we still have such mentally disordered people here and they use civilized methods to show off their poor mentality
Not some people, but every peace loving, intelligent person in this world think that trapping Terrorist leaders will solve the problem.
And also it's a damn clear thing that any organization falls when the leader goes down even You expect not to happen that to LTTE terrorists.
You support, hail and accept civilian killings, smuggling and a lot of uncivilized acts of a Worlds Ruthless Terrorists Org.
Do you know that you are also breaking laws? You are also one of them? and millions of people around the world hate people like you?
The people in this blog never hailed civilian killings and never thanked DefenceWire or anyone else for killing people. It's you people who support terrorism.
You expect SLA to withdraw from north and stop the SHOW-OFF styled attacks on innocent civilians? It will NEVER happen.
You know one thing? SLA on a mission of securing lives of people in North. LTTE is killing people in south using their own people in North, in order to safeguard their businesses and jungle rule in North.
People in both areas know what LTTE is doing. Just hold on for few more months. You'll see what will happen.
Not worth answering Upul / Boss or Ram. Ignore them and keep up your good work.
Let's target the terrorists and get them wipe out to make this world a safe place.
Army Captured Muhamale LTTE Forward Defenceline. More The 30 LTTE carders killed.
no point in arguing with the SOBs they are brainless and brainwashed so they feel happy when singhaleese are hacked...
But we as singhaleese strongly condemn this kind of attackes on innocent civilians and highly agree that this kind of attacks have to be stopped even if LRRP is involved or not. IT;s bad....very bad and my heart goes to the innocent tamil people and children died in the attack.
PPL it's crystal clear that we cnt have constructive arguments with these baberic vultures in the guise of upulam ramam and all the fuck ....pls do ban them here... pls pls ... they are not civilized enough.. calling abt others balls when they are even not sure abt their sexuality...damn fools pls ban them DW...
"my wish is really small it can happen any time...i want to see more Sinhalese civilians die...it can happen easily...all u need is a big parcel"
this is the general attitude of these pigs and they have no write to be here. They are not human beings... so pls ban them....THAT"S my final pledge..thnx
Nagar kovil FDL is in the spotlight now. a midnight strike! Multi-pronged offensives in the north and west.
Loving it! Keep the thookodi's guessing.
Attack is the Best Defence,
Yes, true! But I'm very HAPPY/ SAD if DW bans them mate!
Happy! Because, we can peacefully contribute to this blog by building only sound arguments.
SAD! Because, the world won't see anymore, how these barbarians think of innocent people . They suicide willingly by posting here. Pity on you Terrorists Supports!
LTTE's first bunker line falls as Army foray terror defences in Jaffna
Sri Lanka: Where journalists live dangerously
jiffy, I have not seen very inteligent debate from you end once. Look at some of the othe Patriots, they give a good suggestions and analysis just like defencewire and defencenet. You should try to show that you can do that before trying to critize me.
No civilian killing is justifed. However both sides seem to be indifferent to the killings. If fact if both side extremist are eliminated, it will probabily end the war.
I was only concerened that about 50 000 civilians plus LTTE plus soldiers will die. They are all Sri Lankans. Sri Lanka is going to be 60 years old. You ponder what we have really achieved.
How far is the 2nd defenceline from FDL bunkers in LTTE territory usually?
"However both sides seem to be indifferent to the killings. "
Can you prove this?
"If fact if both side extremist are eliminated, it will probably end the war."
We are with you on this fact and that one of the main things that SLA is doing now. Eliminating extremists!
"Sri Lanka is going to be 60 years old. You ponder what we have really achieved."
Months before SLA started offensive against Terrorists, you people told the same thing.
Behind every victory there are many sacrifices. But the sacrifices lead to prosperous future.
No leader, no government, no country let terrorists to do whatever they want and claim that Country will fall 60 years back if we start counter-terrorism.
My friend, what you guys always try to highlight is either;
Show off so called superiority of LTTE and frighten the people
Inject the idea that SLA will never be able to liberate north and even if they try, Srilanka will suffer massive losses.
Both facts have been TRIED by LTTE and LOST! Nothing but the truth will WIN soon!
MULAITIVU: Air Force pounded air strikes using fighter jet planes on the field headquarters of the LTTE at WEDDUKADU 2 km off the FDL today (30) around 8.20 a.m. Pilots confirm that the mission was successful.
- NationalSecurity.lk
hey navindran, i never 'pretend' to be a military expert. im a civillian joe just reading and putting in my two cents. i represent the silent majority of readers here who aren't from a military background or have a collection of janes magazines under their bed.
"You should try to show that you can do that before trying to critize me."
you annoy me. i wish i could give a more scientific explanation for it, but no..you're just annoying. maybe you should smile more. unlike you i think the situation in sri lanka can only get better. once a few thousand of these tobacco farmers are ground into the soil sri lanka can return to 'business as usual'. it wont happen overnight, but it will happen. therefore we shouldnt concede too much. hold the devolution propopsals in the bag till the bulk of fighting is done with. lets talk turkey after the turkey is dead.
oh ! and im FOR devolution ..I LOVE devolution. devolution till the cows come home i say. meanwhile let the tigers die a painful death. dont stop the slaughterhouse. these tobacco farmers need to be taught a lesson they wont forget.
Tiger plan to explode bomb in Colombo revealed
A stock of BODY ARMORS being transported to Killinochchi by an NGO has been apprehended by Medawachchiya Police.
Wasgomuwa killing not by LTTE – Police :POLICE
Sri Lanka Army (SLA) Palaly high command have been censoring casualty figures of SLA from clashes in the Northern Forward Defense Lines with Liberation Tigers, reliable sources internal to the SLA said. While the SLA Media Information Centre said only a single SLA trooper was injured and SLA captured several LTTE bunkers during an SLA advance to breach the FDLs in NaakaraKoayil and Mukamaalai, internal military sources confirmed that more than 40 SLA soldiers were killed and nearly 100 injured after LTTE engaged the SLA in resisting the advance.
is this true or false or half true etc.?
Sri Lanka military destroys 35 LTTE bunkers
Wanni liberation in progress - SL Gov
Adda DW wadata ghilla tawama avilla nahaa wage..
Nathame Wadake denawada danne nahaa tawama :)
While the SLA Media Information Centre said only a single SLA trooper was injured and SLA captured several LTTE bunkers during an SLA advance to breach the FDLs in NaakaraKoayil and Mukamaalai during the last weekend, internal military sources confirmed that more than 40 SLA soldiers were killed and nearly 100 injured after LTTE engaged the SLA in resisting the advance.
game is on, I wonder if we could get some real time sattelite immages of this ACTION, then we do not rely on tamilnet/defencenet/defencewire
until then trust no one
DW may be busy :)
DW must be a working with dpu :) ..
Since you are working from London could say dpu too :)
Related to your last posting, I hope things get better from civilians points.
My wish is, does not matter what language we speak, end of the day it's our bro's and sis's are suffering because of the stupidity of looking for a different country.
Sri Lanka would be a better place if/when every one can concentrate developments towards country.
IntelAttack, the LTTE is an extremist on one end but there are extremist like the JHU on the other. Both have to be eliminated. However LTTE only grew thanks to the 1983 riots.
It was economic mismangement by JRW which led him to find excuses to lead to 1983. A good stratergy is to have a concrete war and post war strategy. Else Sri Lanka will end up like Iraq.
"Months before SLA started offensive against Terrorists, you people told the same thing. " Did I say this before.
Jiffy thanks for your comments unfortunately you comments will be better appreciated in LNP.
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