Monday, September 1, 2008

Mallavi Captured

The Sri Lanka Army today captured the strategic town of Mallavi killing around 25 Tigers in the process. Fierce fighting broke-out in the area yesterday as tigers made a last ditch effort to hold on. The Town of Mallavi was the most populated town south of Kilinochchi in the uncleared area.

Mallavi also has the largest government hospital in the area, which was ransacked by the Tigers. The hospital, schools and other buildings in the town were all captured and booby traps removed by the Army by this evening.

Remaining LTTE cadres in the area split into two groups, one traveling north on the A9 back to Kilinochchi and the other traveling east to reinforcing Mankulam which area the 57 Division will target next.

In the Weli Oya front, the LTTE withdrew from Kokkuthuduwai and Kokilai lagoon upto Nayaru. The FDL was withdrawn several kilometers to the north 4 days ago. The Army has now moved into the beach front and by today had captured 1km of the beach from the Tigers. The withdrawal was foreseen by Army Intelligence weeks ago after Tigers were struggling to man the area south of the lagoon due to an increasing shortage of men.

Meanwhile around 25 Tigers who escaped the Civil Defence Force attack at Konketiyawa had reached Trincomalee's Kadalana area by today, intelligence sources confirmed. These cadres, almost entirely easterners, have been trained specifically for deep penetration operations.

The LTTE's objective of strengthening its cadres in the East is to intensify disruptive attacks in the rear to the extent possible. The majority of the cadres deployed are from Batticaloa.

The unit ambushed by the CDF were withheld for many months before finally being sent to the East two days ago by Swarnam. Unfortunately for them, the team was detected and attacked in their first infiltration attempt.

LTTE is constantly attempting to infiltrate the east from the Weli Oya Sector where three FDLs have been established. These are 1. the coastal area from Pulmoddai, 2. Nayaru Lagoon and 3. Padaviya.

Army's intelligence units had previously wiped-out a large number of infiltrators from Trincomalee, including a team of around 15 cadres in Thambalagamuwa/Thampalakamam alone, thus forcing the LTTE to replenish its strength in the area. As intelligence operations improve, the recent batch of infiltrators too will be detected in due course, sources told DefenceWire.


Bhairav said...

Well, speaking of snakebites, fond memories of my Kilinochi life are floating around. My family originally based from Jaffna but moved to Kili since my father had business there. My father put me in a Christian school, St.Theresa Girls School, which was mixed of guys and girls until grade 5, then only girls; I studied there from grade 3 to 5. They used to have biased teaching systems, basically every grade had 2 divisions, first one was A division and other was B, A mostly consisted of children of elite families in the city, likes of children of doctor family, Lawyer, Teacher, businessmen etc while B was consisted of children of day laborers from the Indian estate Tamils who usually work in the paddy fields. In A division, the teachers will pay extra attention while they do not give any attention at all in B. Since they put me in B division, there were no limits to my fun life. As soon as I received the free government sponsored nutrient foods( oh man those biscuits were so jummy) through our prefects who were mostly O/L girls (most were hotties) around 11:30 am, I will jump the school fence and wander around the railroad before going home. These B division teachers hardly paid any attention whether these students leave the school premises or not, all they cared was taking the attendance once school started in the morning. Meantime, teachers will pay extra attention in A where any student hardly skips the class. To avoid any suspicious from my parents that I skip classes, I always wander around the railway track and throw stones to monkeys, picks mango and other fruits on the way then finally will reach home around 3 pm- my mother would think that I were coming home tired all those long hours from school, she will treat me good. In my wandering around railway track, I used to see at least 3 or 4 snakes everyday, some were really big likes of 2m long with 10+ cm in diameter. With all these skippings, I was the only student who passed the grade 5 scholarship exam in our school, and went on study at JHC – thanks to my aunty who put extra effort on my studies 3 weeks before the exam.

Bhairav said...
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Bhairav said...

It seems Tigers will only defend Mullaitivu? DN says that people are encouraged to move into Mullaitivu from Kili according to MI reports. How much is the truth in it?

TropicalStorm said...


From one guy who did all things you did and even worse, I know the satisfaction you get from looking back. Looks like you had the good life. My best was blue films in Maradana..

TropicalStorm said...

From Maullaitivu extending upto E'pass will become the area of concentration for the LTTE, and likely to be fiercely defended with the remaining Sea-tiger forces on the coast line.

While being able to use highly mobile hit teams on isolated SLA outposts from there, the Tigers will also be able to exert significant pressure on Trinco, thereby trying to isolate Jaffna.

That area, north of Mullaitivu seems to have been the most difficult area for both SL and Indian forces to challenge the LTTE historically. Perhaps it is the lTTE's superior knowledge of terrain.

Nevertheless, the SLA is bound to have specialized at least a brigade for this particular area. Possesing real time air surveillance over that area day and night will provide the SLA the capability to challenge the LTTE more readily once the thrust into this area begins.

GY said...

GO GO GO raise the lion flag in kilinochchi!!

Bhairav said...

[My best was blue films in Maradana..]


I hadn't watched any blue films until I came to Colombo. You should be alpha male to do all kind of advanced stuff in your early years.

Bhairav said...
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Sam Perera said...

Our boys in 55 and 53 must be itching now to get a piece of action. However, the national front is not yet the best place to go on offensive .


Bhairav said...
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Bhairav said...

Re: In fact I have some 'Vellalar' friends who do not wish to return to SL for some convoluted reasons that have something to do with the caste system.


These are utter lies. Caste system plays big role when it comes to arranged marriages. Usually folks who consider themselves as high caste do not marry lower caste. LTTE never forces high caste people to marry lower caste or vice versa, they only wipe out discriminatory system. In some temples from Jaffna,still in practice, lower caste people are prohibited from the Temple's management team. I,myself, from vellalar caste, never threatened by LTTE's acts. What happened in the past 2 decades in Jaffna was many inter-caste marriages happened due to poverty. The successful people from lower caste people used this opportunity to marry high caste people- in other words, marriage of convenience for people who consider themselves as high caste. In fact we do not have any caste system in SL in books as it is in India where university seats are allocated according to schedule caste system. You can not change the caste/class system in overnight. Well, even UK is based on class system. As long as human exists, you can't change the caste/class system.

Achi said...

Well done boyz!!

TropicalStorm said...

Bhairav's comments abt how discrimination works realy got undr my skin.

SL needs to pass laws that prosecute any such practices across the land. There is no place in modern society for this crap, and it has caused enough suffering and mayhem in our nation.

It must be permanently wiped out, whether it causes religious concerns or not. Democracy means majority vote rules, and we have the majority sinhala vote that is contemptuous towards this crap.

The punishments should include permanently damaged career prospects and financially crippling fines for the perpetrators.

wijayapala said...

"I was under the impression that the assent of the mainly lower caste/class LTTE into power effectively wiped out the disciminatory system that prevailed in the Tamil society, at least in LTTE dominated areas."

Hardly. Tamil nationalism was originally stronger among the higher castes, and ITAK/TULF had to compete with the UNP (and to a lesser extent the SLFP) to get the lower caste votes. The lower castes would support non-nationalist leaders like Alfred Duraiappah because these leaders had access to the national leadership and resources. Even today, Douglas in Jaffna is supported disproportionately by the lower castes.

This dynamic changed in 1983 when the Modayas murdered high- and low-caste Tamils equally. The Tamils are such an incredibly divided people that only phenomenal acts of stupidity committed by the govt. have brought them together. This speaks volumes not only of the Modayas, but more importantly the lack of substance in Tamil nationalism.

The rank-and-file LTTE fighters are often low caste but the leadership is dominated by higher-castes, particularly Prabakaran's Karaiyar caste which contrary to Sinhala and Jaffna Vellala opinion is NOT a low caste. The LTTE talks a lot about equality but it tends to sweep discrimination under the rug.

perein said...

Simply the best guys. Keep up the good work.
Soon all will have terror free area.

Achi said...

Bhairav tnx for your interesting story.

Unknown said...

Ape kollangen vishmitha prahaarayak!

Now's the time to gloat over puppet cobras..



Bhairav said...

[Hardly. Tamil nationalism was originally stronger among the higher castes, and ITAK/TULF had to compete with the UNP ]

I agree 100%. Many LTTE front organizations in Canada and other western countries are run by high caste folks. Sinhalese think that only the lower caste people in Jaffna are waging the war against them, that's not true. Well, we all see ourselves as one Tamil entity against these oppression.

perein said...


I agree 100%. Many LTTE front organizations in Canada and other western countries are run by high caste folks. Sinhalese think that only the lower caste people in Jaffna are waging the war against them, that's not true. Well, we all see ourselves as one Tamil entity against these oppression.

Do n't you think where ever we go in any community discrimination is around?
Taking the arms into hand wont solve any of those. It's just kill innocent lives as well as future for most.

hemantha said...

"...the Tigers will also be able to exert significant pressure on Trinco, thereby trying to isolate Jaffna."

I doubt. Firstly, the possibility of exerting a significant pressure on Trinco is almost nil unless they are able to make major battle field reversals. 59 is currently at Nayaru, around 75 km North West of Trinco. We have some small team presence around Nedunkerni. LTTE movements below Nayaru-Nedunkerni-Puliyankulam line would be restricted pretty soon I guess. This is far far away from Trinco. Infiltrations like we have seen recently won't be a significant threat to Trinco. Resources are on the ground for handle those I guess.

Secondly, even if they are successful in the above case they won't be able to isolate Jaffna without defeating the 58 and 57 divisions in a big way. It is just a matter of time either 57 or 58 reach the Jaffna lagoon (I think this would happen at Nallur or somewhere East of Nallur. But it is a remote guess) isolating Poonakary DS Division (Including Poonnerin) from Kilinochchi making available a land route to Jaffna. To avoid this LTTE will have to attack the rear successfully with significant number of cadres.

So my conclusion is, in order to isolate Jaffna, LTTE has to crush SLA formation on the East of A9 and it has to stall the forward thrust made by 57 and 58. I don't think LTTE is keeping any such rabbit hiding in its faded hat.

Bhairav said...

[The rank-and-file LTTE fighters are often low caste but the leadership is dominated by higher-castes, particularly Prabakaran's Karaiyar caste which contrary to Sinhala and Jaffna Vellala opinion is NOT a low caste. The LTTE talks a lot about equality but it tends to sweep discrimination under the rug.]


Fishermen caste( karaiyar in Tamil) has two divisions, one is called as upper caste fishermen( mealongi karaiyar- in Tamil) who do not do any fishing by themselves except involved in the business affairs of fishing industry such as buy, sell, rent boats and all kinds of commercial stuff while second division called as just fishermen who are the ones go to sea for fishing. Usually upper caste fishermen are very rich in Jaffna and lower caste fishermen tend to be depends on their daily catch. VP belongs to upper-fishermen caste division which is normally treated as high among in vellalar circles.

Colomblogs said...

Bahirav : First apologize for rather rude comment on snakes in my previous post! I am moved my your story..(and "Maradana blue fils" as well as "ADIHASA" biscuits). And seems you are one hell of a bright case!

In my university tamils were in two groups: Jaffna vs East. Usually East guys/gals were friendly with Sinhalese. Jaffnians always had a closed life

Speaking of cast, even in down south (Matara..) still cast division highly visible. Read the "Silumina" paper..all bride/groom ads start with the caste. It is something no law can stop effectively.

Is tamil caste too expressed by the surname?

kaatikuddupaan said...

Guys what did I tell you yesterday about the cadres of the LTTE DPU team being harcore eastern cadres which there were more of !

Haha to all those who had doubts please go spend some time in your own tiger barb wire cage to reflect on kaatikuddupaan's wisdom

hemantha said...

Mallavi captured. Lion Flag is hoisted at Mallavi after 20 years. Wanni operation 1 st September 2008

click here.

Sam Perera said...

While this is a heavy blow to LTTEs morale and prestige, it is necessary to carefully evaluate LTTE’s loss of men and hardware in the recent battles. We shall never indulge in ignorance assuming that the enemy capabilities are diminished beyond retaliation. It is always wise to get the most realistic view of the enemy, no overestimations or underestimations. Nevertheless, fall of Mallavi will reduce enthusiasm of the average LTTE supporters as they find that Tamil Eelam is a nightmare capable of driving the Tamil Sri Lankan population to extinction thank to Velupillai Prabakarn. On the other hand, the die-hards will take their best effort to bring in more money and material. Unless LTTE pulls a new trick, the people in the south knows that the military drive to liberate the north has gained enough momentum now. As a result, the idiots like Ranil Wickramasinghe and Mangala Samaraweera will further lose their credibility and acceptance in the south. My sincere hope is that our military planners are well cognizant about potential pitfalls on our way. While we enjoy this win, we should make the public aware that this war will not be totally gone in a few months. We should make them aware that there is a high chance that this will get dragged on at a manageable level for several years if not several decades.

Sam Perera said...

Have we stumbled on Prabakaran’s hideouts yet? If so, please get a structural engineer from Peradeniya or Katubedda or KDA to study how it is built. We should turn them to class projects at KDA to understand the ways to destroy other hideouts. Not only that there should be some key features that can be associated with LTTE top ranking hideouts. Please get our Engineers to understand every aspect of such hideouts including structural design, layout, access hatches, ventilation systems, external approach, defensive mechanisms etc.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Lion Flags all the way everywhere Mallavi

Mada-wadanie(Vellu's wife)'s Birth Place...ela the Bra

Niyamie...Pawasala Wadak Naa Muchan....

Ape Hamudawa deela thiyanawa munta Dell DoaDoall Wenna.

Moshe Dyan said...

whenever SLA captured a tiger stronghold recently, LTTE supporters spammed this blog. now they have resorted to LESS nasty approaches.

thanks DW.

"Mankulam which area the 57 Division will target next."

i have my doubts. 75% chance of a northwards/nort-east movement than manklulam (25%).

i'm with sam. if we assess the 4M losses to the LTTE in recent battles, its not much. this is always worrying.

Moshe Dyan said...

what on earth is this?

"Poonakari AGA office relocates documents due to SLA offensive
[TamilNet, Monday, 01 September 2008, 12:57 GMT]"

does that mean tigers are vacating nachchikuda and poonaryan areas as well??? 58 may come up with the good news soon.

or is it about fortifying LTTE's human shields in kili?

SF units should target fleeing tigers for a maximum harvest.

Bhairav said...

Bahirav : First apologize for rather rude comment on snakes in my previous post! I am moved my your story..
No worries mate, I never get rattled by any blog comments. Sometimes I also try to make others go off-balance and see their ill-fated comments from their arse - some fall for your game, and some don't.

[And seems you are one hell of a bright case!]

The knowledge is universal. If you have put enough resources at work, you can reach any normal standards easily that are set out by our academia - Bsc,Masters,Phds etc. Being just consumers of diploma and degrees won't make you good, you should know how to use them.

[In my university tamils were in two groups: Jaffna vs East. Usually East guys/gals were friendly with Sinhalese. Jaffnians always had a closed life]
There are always some typical guys around. I divide the group by sportive people and non-sportive and I only move along with the sportive ones regardless of their caste background.

[Is tamil caste too expressed by the surname?]
Not at all.

Bhairav said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bhairav said...

Guys, whoever moved by my childhood events, I would like to say thank you, but mind you I reserve all the rights to unleash my ballistics at anyone if the needs come.LOL!

Upul said...

There is no point denying LTTE defence lines have completely collapsed. LTTE looks like its over streched or undermanned. From what I am hearing, Charles Anthony division fell into disarray defending Mallavi and have dashed to Mankulam. I think the samething will be happening in Mankulam as well.

Loosing Mallawi is a big loss. It was the second or third largest town under Iyakkam control.

At this rate all is going to over by November. Sadly Ponseka is right on track.

LKDOOD said...

Blogger Bhairav said...

Guys, whoever moved by my childhood events, I would like to say thank you, but mind you I reserve all the rights to unleash my ballistics at anyone if the needs come.LOL!

September 2, 2008 6:12 AM

the real Bhairav


Bhairav said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bhairav said...

[At this rate all is going to over by November. Sadly Ponseka is right on track.]

At least you realize it now. As SF thinks, I do not think that LTTE can be defeated fully. There will be some insurgencies, but in LTTE perspective it will be really hard to rally any diaspora Tamils behind them and top of that VP's x-factor myth will be solved if they lose remaining territories like Kili and Mullai.

Next 3 months will give you clear picture of where we will stand at, whether LTTE will save Tamils' fate or gods save our fate.

Aus said...

"At this rate all is going to over by November........."

Yes it looks like the LTTE will be severely weaken by end of this year. But my worry is, will north SL become another 'IRAQ or AFGAN' where insurgency attacks will continue and cannot be stopped??

But if GOSL start development project and create jobs for youth in north by next year, no one in right mind will join the LTTE in hiding.

Shyam said...


Thank you very much for frequent, reliable updates.

Upul said...

From what I also understand is Rajapakse brothers and Ponseka are also under war crime investigation by the US state department. It seems if LTTE goes, down it will takes it enemies with it :)

Unknown said...

since we have asked civilians to vacate ltte areas, strongholds etc and also since ltte operational land area is reducing day by by day making their concentration high in their bases, frontlines etc.... can't SLAF use like napalm and cluster bombs etc to "harvest" max amount of enemies???
These guys are getting away by withdrawing well before the main thrust of the ground forces reaches these towns and therefore delaying the result...
we should find ways of neutralizing the maximum number of terrorists in all these ops...
does anyone know why slaf don't use Napalm on tiger lines??? Don't think we have signed that treaty to not use napalm...
it's a relatively cheap, low tech yet very effective weapon that can demoralize even the most hardcore tigers in minutes

Unknown said...

"From what I also understand is Rajapakse brothers and Ponseka are also under war crime investigation by the US state department. It seems if LTTE goes, down it will takes it enemies with it :)"

do you really think US gonna go the extra mile and work for LTTE agenda just like that? :) :) :)
you guys are amazing man :)

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...


I got moved so much by ur childhood story I am crying now!

So, u had to go to a girls school and got whipped by girls! Ha ! : )) And hopefully u didn’t get abused by “Aiya” while running around in rail tracks! lol

It is sad to get discriminated by ur own people and I am glad to see these things are SLOWLY disappearing from SL society!

Anyway, I am glad u enjoyed ur childhood and except the cast thing (and rail tracks lol) it is not much different to my childhood! So, how about one day after LTTE gone and Tamils get enough to make them happy we all share a bottle of local in my favorite place in the world “Top of Galle Fort rampart”?? or name ur favorite place in the world!

Apino Dannachess said...

There is some talk that LTTE might use chemical weapons as a last ditch attempt. a) Any idea what the LTTE possess? b) Do we have any intelligence on it (probably from Karuna faction), c) Are there any contingency plans in place for such an eventuality, d) Or like in the past our are plan is to react to LTTE innovations, rather proact ( although I must say of late we have innovate few things too)

Moshe Dyan said...


"if GOSL start development project and create jobs for youth in north by next year, no one in right mind will join the LTTE"

nice way to put it.

1. but the govt should be MORE mindful of ppl of "unsound" mind and their victims (through brainwashing).

2. also no amount of development can bring EVERYONE to the right track.

3. its very easy to bring explosives from india (even by hired indians) and create trouble

TF military operations should continue. killings should continue.

a classic example is 1970s jaffna peninsula. during that time jaffna was RELATIVELY very prosperous due to import restrictions, etc. but that was when terrorism grew at its infancy stage. one mad man, a gun, an innocent mayor and govt inaction (although unintended) was enough for a start.

Apino Dannachess said...

From what I gather a) By this years end LTTEs conventional fighting capabilities will be eliminated, b)MIG 29s are expected in Nov-08. Is seems MIG 29s will arrive little too late to see any action or to be a useful tool. I feel when cornered, the Zlins will become expendable assets: meaning they will be used in more daring & news grabbing attacks. I will not mention here the probable use of Zlins to get such an effect..... So what is SLAF going to do...give excuses....say that these are no real threats ....???

Observer said...

What I think is SF/GR/MR is well aware of the fact the there could be hit and run type of attacks from LTTE even after we take all major towns.

However that’s why I think SF said we need to move into all jungles and get rid of every terrorist. That might be a part of the plan although it will take some time.

However if we can collapse the central command structure that LTTE has now (by taking out VP and Pottu ), in my opinion it will be hard to motivate any remaining cadres to commit to attacks when they see the free life outside.

This is exactly what happened to Karuna fraction after going around the world and seeing the freedoms that people enjoy, he might have felt life is too short to be hiding in a jungle, to fight somebody else’s war..

Therefore it is important that we get all the people to our side and support them to the maximum. Rather than letting them stay in IDP camps for long times. What’s happening in east should be replicated in the north at double the speed.

Bhairav said...

Amma Gahai,

So, u had to go to a girls school and got whipped by girls! Ha ! : ))

Most of the girls being from rich families had attitude at St.Theresa, but they were very sexy ones in looks. If you put more grin on your face, they would be more generous on biscuits, so that you can fill both of your shorts pockets and hold some in hands. Those biscuits were real yummy.

[It is sad to get discriminated by ur own people and I am glad to see these things are SLOWLY disappearing from SL society!]

They certainly abused the Indian estate Tamils, but they learned the lesson through this conflict.

[ how about one day after LTTE gone and Tamils get enough to make them happy we all share a bottle of local in my favorite place in the world “Top of Galle Fort rampart”?? or name ur favorite place in the world!]

In fact, Tamils really do not hate Sinhalese in personal level except political differences. Personally I haven't interacted with Sinhalese much except one or two folks in Canada and US.

In my conversation with my uncle a week ago,I said to him, who studied at Peradeniya, now works in Canada, that 60% of the Sinhalese are moderate and 40% are bit racists which I witnessed through these forums, and he returned immediately that 95% Sinhalese are good. It really surprised me. He has good connection with bunch of Sinhala folks from either in SL or Canada where some Sinhala Peradeniya graduates who used to work in Singapore, now moved to Canada on company sponsors- big wireless company is luring talent from its rivals.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Napalm, Flame throwers are nice barbecue machines...worst come to worst got a use them.

Americans used them in Hero-jima and why not in will not cost a thing compare to Mig2008

ya use them done deal.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

its time to barbecue all the Babu s and Babiees in Killinochie, then rais the Lion Flag...

Ohoma yan thawa dingie...Hanikata geadara yaman mage Manika

and Den.nam pani waraka

Nilupul said...

When I was reading Bhairav’s childhood memories, it just wrapped me with one and only one fact. That’s Bhairav’s statement of delicious government sponsored biscuits. It’s a simple but eye opening fact with ultimate truth.

You see, you have clearly said that your were waiting for those delicious government sponsored biscuits, which you had agreed and tell the world that Singhalese government never discriminated poor/rich Tamils in Killinochchi and your own Tamil school and teachers DID. And not only that, your cast system had a tremendous pressure on average Tamils, and that has been one of the greatest reason why Tamils suffered.

There may have been discrimination against Tamils from some government offices, but accusing Singhalese that they are killing Tamils and discriminating Tamils, just because they are Tamils is utter bullshit and distorting facts.

Bhairav, accept the truth first that Tamils and Singhalese had and having a healthy relationship, even at this very moment in Sri Lanka and this killing machine called Prabakaran, that was created and trained by Indian government and western secret agencies to detract Sri lanka, is ‘the’ reason for all these. Then we can take out hand together again and can concur the world as a one country, one nation.

Bhairav said...

[Americans used them in Hero-jima and why not in Elama.]


You do not know what's the difference between napalm and nuclear bomb?

Moshe Dyan said...


value your comments mate.

but i disagree with you on few things. partly explained earlier.

national security CANNOT rest on the sympathies, emotions, affection, etc. of ppl. instead it should rely on systems that makes the TE project unattainable. WE KNOW VERY WELL that it is a VERY SMALL % of ppl involved in terrorism. but that is enough, isn't it?

look at the tamil politicians. will they disappear? NO. no amount of development can disappear them. and the tamil diaspora is FULL of racist crap. they have the money, the connections and they ARE hell bent on TE. nothing can change that.

what we should do is to frustrate the TE project TOTALLY militarily and democratically. ethnic integration is the democratic way of doing it (and they are against it for OBVIOUS reasons!!).

when the north becomes similar to colombo, the TE project will be frustrated. there is NO WAY TE can be resurrected thereafter.

towards that end, we should kill ALL LTTE cadres (in practical terms almost all). saving cadres, civilian fighters is not going to help. killings should continue even after the war officially ends.

however, fully agree that civilians should be protected AS MANY AS POSSIBLE.

anyway it is still too early to talk IN DETAIL about a post-war situ. this war is far from over. in the north, SLDFs have captured slightly over 35% of the land area compared to 2005. there is a LONG way to go.

VERY ROUGHLY that also corresponds to the number of LTTE cadres killed and left.

NOLTTE=Peace said...


Thanks for sharing your childhood stories and giving some insights into Tamil culture.

Even after LTTE terrorists indiscriminately bombing and waging a terrorist campaign against 'Sinhalese' [source: LTTEs own communication mentioning the word "Sinala" in every manner possible], Sinhalese are having healthy relationship with Tamils. Long story short- if not for LTTE, Sri Lanka would be a much better place for everyone.

LTTE destroyed three generations of Sri Lanka. Being the minority, Tamils were reduced to the lowest levels by LTTE destroying three generations of Tamils.

Now it is time to correct the past mistakes and get rid of this Vezapizza for the good of everyone. He is an expired liability, needs to be ditched (as the Tamils in the East did).

On the other hand, any division either it is based on family, caste, religion, ethnicity etc etc is harmful.

However, multi-ethnism, multi-culturalism, Multi-religionism, multi-skills etc etc are good and enriching experience for any society, as long as there is no 'tribalism'.

When people segregate along any line of identity makes downfall of that society.

Therefore, what we need is to leave ancient tribalism that Vezapizza still touts and set foot on the new world.

World is much beautiful to enjoy than clinging into tribal thoughts.

Life is short.. and we should unite ourselves and conquer the challenges.

Poverty is the most common enemy/challenge and we should all leave any tribalism of any form and unite to conquer.

Observer said...


Sinhalese think that only the lower caste people in Jaffna are waging the war against them, that's not true.

Indeed this is not true, although VP comes from a lower cast. We know for a fact that Elam was the desire of the Tamil elites in Colombo initially. This need for an Elam was aggravated when Sri Lanka gained independence and subsequently they lost all the powers they held under the British rule due to the fact that Sri Lanka became a democracy.

These elites motivated VP and a lot of other groups to fight for their dream
That is why I mentioned in a previous post that it’s somebody else’s war that is being fought in SL.

However later on LTTE became a terrorist outfit that has no survival without a war. That is the reason why LTTE was never genuinely interested in peace talks but rather used peace talks to re-group and re-arm. In other words LTTE will not ever survive in a democratic society although some fractions of it might ( ie. Karuna fraction ). This is the very reason why LTTE imposed conditions like “it should be accepted as the sole representative of the tamils” which are un-acceptable in the democratic world.

LTTE became much like a business funded by Diaspora Tamils like you, instead they promised land as a return on your investment. Its marketing tool was the Elaam, but at this

Observer said...


but at this point the original cause for Elam was lost, which was indeed the power hunger of the Tamil Elites of the society after the independence of SL.

Now thankfully we are seeing the end of this whole bogus marketing campaign for Elam. If this war does not end soon the end result will be the whole Sri Lankan Tamil race will slowly move towards extinction. This was very much a result of the actions of short sighted Tamil Elites.

mboi said...

UN map showing ltte human shied protecting killinocchi. ltte has settled IDPs in schools southwest of kili forming a neat little ring from where they can position their artillery. nobody is allowed to go anywhere south of iranamadu.

UN is proposing moving these people out of the advancing army's way to camps west of paranthan

Unknown said...

Many people here tend to assume that Jaffna Tamils are Elites. The real elites in colonial times in Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore were of mixed European Descent and also those who converted their religions only for the sake of gaining favours of the ruiling class. This happened with both the Sinhala and Tamil People.

Alot of the leaders, top government officials, bussiness magnates were of this mix. This would also include the colombo chettys. Even today Sri Lankan commander Fonseka and Rajapaske are of such descendants. So have been most of Sri Lankan commanders

Don David Rajapaksa is Mahinda's grandfather. The title Don is given by the Portugese to their loyal subkects to denote noblemen.

Muttukumaru is a colombo chetty who were seen as tamil then while today they colombo chetty like Ranil,fernadouple and previously JRW identify themselves as sinhalese. In all fairnees they practised mix marriages for a long time. In fact in the link below it can be seen that many of them were prominent members of Sri Lankan society.His relative is Dr. Michael Emmanuewl Tiruchelvam, first UK trained General Surgeon in Malaya & Singapore

It was probabily in the pre world war 2 era that the Jaffna and non Kandyan Sinhala people started to progress. In the Indian system Vellalar or the sinhala equivalent Goviyama are not very high in the hierachy. Its a subset of Pillai caste. Many of who today called themselves from that caste may have centuries before been assimilated into them.

The problem was the means and ways in which the elites like SWRD were theartened of their elite status being questioned on independence.

Unknown said...

In the roots web it shows SWRD family tree and their conversion on portugese arrival.Hence in countries like Singapore and Malaysia the Burghers or Eurasians left to Australia as they lost their significance.

In Sri Lanka many rebranded themselves as Sinhalese. Being Tamil was not wise due to them being a minority. Hence they played the race card. They resorted to what their forefathers did many centuries ago and converted religions for their personal benifit. However in heart it was dificult to change. Thats why he is buried and not cremated.

Likewise Mahindha goes to Kerela from where his forefathers hail to give thanks and to Madhu for prayers etc. The tool for their ploy was creating discord between the tamils (non elites) and sinhalese (non elites).

I never see anything wrong in visiting one religious institute or another as I myself respect all religions. However using race and religion to play politics and with the lives of the people is pathetic. Many politicians Tamil or Sinhalese have learnt that this game is useful to fool the people and mint money.

The Jaffna tamils looking down on their brethen is pathethic. Likewise what happens in the South. However playing to the politicians dirty games and not seeing the light is worst.

Rohana Wijeweera and Velupillai Prabhakaran are both from the Karava Caste.

Colomblogs said...

See this and the pictures of the commanding officers. It is the difference in the war : Men vs. Boyz.

And so called fart (free) media of "Daily Mirror" who chasing Mervin Silva like Obama still not aware that "Mallavi" captured. But they get any LTTE bombing within seconds. Pure "Kuhaka Journalism" (someone translate this to our tamil readers).

When at Ranil's period(90's), owners of Wijeya newspapers and Ranil's family used to supply ammunition to SL Navy under different company names. When they not getting any it was pure hate.

See "Lankadeepa", not a single cartton in favour of govt. or war. Even Economic column written by Ravi K and Medical written by Jayalath Jayawardena (not a practicing doctor). And always highlight faliures of SLDF and Army victories in small areas.

As I said it was Monks,Journalists and Trade-Unionists made more damages to SL than politicians.

And in SL there is no "Danapathi" clan it is only "Mudalali".

B#1 said...

Papua New Guinea intelligence officials have arrested twelve Sri Lankan men, alleged to be planning to go to Australia using falsified documents. They say the men are members of the LTTE and were on the run from Sri Lanka.

--- :)

Saj said...

PNG arrests suspected Tamil Tigers

September 2, 2008 16:22:52

Papua New Guinea intelligence officials have arrested twelve Sri Lankan men, alleged to be planning to go to Australia using falsified documents.

Our reporter in Port Moresby, Firmin Nanol, says the men are aged between 30 and 35.

PNG's National Intelligence Organisation, or NIO, arrested them in a Port Moresby hotel.

The NIO says they were planning to travel to Ausralia via PNG's Western province near the PNG-Australia border.

Intelligence officers have questioned the men, who they allege arrived in PNG this week on falsified tourist visas.

The NIO claims the men are members of the separatist Sri Lankan Tamil Tiger movement, and that they were on the run from a major offensive against the Tigers by the Sri Lankan government.

The Tamil Tigers have been fighting for a separate homeland for over 25 years.

Vigilante said...

Sinhala LTTE must have involved in this..

Repeat of this cannot be ruled out.
Hope Police catch the culprits before they strike again.

Sri Lanka::

* Government Analyst finds cyanide in meals at Sri Lanka army camp
Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 5:45 GMT, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 02, Colombo: It is reported that Government Analysts Department has found cyanide mixed with the meals taken by the trainee soldiers at the Henanigala army camp who were hospitalized following food poisoning.

According to the report, the Government Analyst suspects that fish which was consumed by the soldiers would have been injected with cyanide deliberately before being cooked. Following the consumption of the poisoned food, 280 soldiers were admitted to the hospitals on August 28.

It is also reported that 155 soldiers are still receiving treatments at the hospital after consuming the cyanide contaminated meals.

Police are conducting investigations into the incident.

mulathiev TARZEN said...

any truth over tamil poi net claim of 7 sla bodies collected??

Moshe Dyan said...

SLAF has carried out more than 10 air raids around nachchikuda recently but it is still with the tigers.

there are gaps (in days) between air raids.

something is not right.

if air raids were carried out to destroy tiger fortifications AND TO KILL THE MAXIMUM number of tigers, this cannot remain with tigers still. i'm begining to suspect that these air raids were not that successful in that regard. if success is sought in this regard the payload must increase, the frequency must increase or should use more lethal weapons.

if they were carried out to "KEEP AWAY" more tigers from coming into the area, then they have been successful. but that's NOT how the war should be fought.

admin said...

guys see this map, I have no words to explain this great work.......

perein said...

Pulutta -
Thank you for that map.

Mango said...

That's an excellent map! Who created that? It's better than anything that the MOD of have created! :)

Also, does anyone have the telephone number for Rasiah Ilanthiraiyan, the LTTE's spokesman? We need to Qurious to conduct a telephone interview with him to get his side of the story.

perein said...


Let's find the bugger who employed Rasiah Ilanthiraiyan, get him to explain the reasons for employing some one who does not talk.
Having said that Rasiah Ilanthiraiyan's big boss does not talk much either :)

Mango said...

You have to sympathise with VP (His Royal Fatness) as you would with the CEO of any large company. It's so difficult to find the right people for the job, so you end up with second best :)

Perhaps we should place an advert for a new spokesman, in on VP's behalf?

Jambudipa said...


if air raids were carried out to destroy tiger fortifications AND TO KILL THE MAXIMUM number of tigers, this cannot remain with tigers still. i'm begining to suspect that these air raids were not that successful in that regard. if success is sought in this regard the payload must increase, the frequency must increase or should use more lethal weapons.

Most of LTTE bunkers have an adjoining underground room. MBBRL, artillery or even air raids will not make a difference when they are few meters underground when the munitions make impact. There is enough time to hide when they hear these shells coming.

A while ago I saw a soldier using a tripod mounted rocket against a significantly fortified bunker somewhere in Mannar. The rocket was larger than shoulder fired variety. After the explosion, sandbags and human flesh were dangling in trees. The underground room were still intact of course. However, the walls around it collapsed into rubble. When there are no surrounding walls, all that is needed is to drop one or two grenades into the hole.

The difference between MBRRL and single rocket is that, the latter can be fired accurately, element of surprise still intact, cost effective and man-portable. When getting close to populated areas such as Kilinochi, single rockets will keep collateral damage to a minimum as well.

Defencewire said...

What you saw was a RCL- Recoilless Gun.

Defencewire said...

This map is inaccurate. 56 is not at Muhamalai. It is however a good attempt.

Jambudipa said...


I will see if I can dig up that footage. I looked like a rocket. I will take your word for it.

Gayansphotography said...

Panhinda..u are talking about a RCL weapon.....

Unknown said...

was this the video???

rocket is fire around 56-57 second
doesn't look like a recoil-less gun at all... probably anti armor rocket of some sorts

Unknown said...


that's the link mate...sorry

LKDOOD said...


Fighting intensifies at Vannearikku'lam

what is this Vannearikku'lam ?

Jambudipa said...

Ranil, thanks.. RCL has blowback. There is no flare from the rear the tube as with RCL. Thoughful-guy, what do you think?

Anyways, we need more of these as opposed to MBBL/arti which as expensive and not very accurate.

Unknown said...

no worries mate :)
i too was curious what that weapon was... thought it was some sorta rocket system probably meant for fortified bunkers and even armor...
gotta love that deep bang it made after hitting the target...
these sorta weapons would be great force multipliers for our ground troops and a huge blow to enemy morale...
like you said... it's great if we can use more of these on fortified positions

Moshe Dyan said...

thanks panhinda, ranil and pulutta.

great map there.

Anonymous said...

guys , if we do not mix innovativeness, thing will be much harder.
there only one solution to break this massive earth bunds.
sulution can be founded less than the cost of one jet bomb.
i have given my idea to a brigadier, who was assigned to evaluate my ideas.
but i stronlgy doubtful, whether effort will be put on to use it in the battle field.
similar tactics were used by afgan mujahideens for different purpose.

Bhairav said...


From this map, LTTE holds about at least 8000 KM^2, that means they still can regroup and defend the interior walls of Kilinochi. The rapid pace of SLA really surprises everyone. There are many naive pro-LTTers say that LTTE haven't even started any offensive yet and once they start it, SLA will run for its lives. If you look at the wider picture, only 300,000 Tamils are in Wanni, of them, half the people are in humanitarian crisis. How many of the folks will really fight for LTTE as this war reaches into crucial stages? LTTE was on the top of the tables 6 months ago, now they are fighting for the wild card spot which is holding into Kilinochi. Given their past performance in last 6 months, I would say they can't even save the last remaining wild card spot with their below sub par performance from their previous games- it is little too much to ask with them. Can they win next 9 out of 10 games to keep the wild card spot which is saving the Kilinochi in this case? Whatever it is, the VP myth will be solved in next few months.

perein said...

Started to enjoy as well as value your comments. It's really nice to see you are still often discussing the real points.

perein said...

Can you please confirm below..

LTTE mortar bases near Nachikudah captured?

Observer said...


Have we officially raised 62 Div as highlighted in the map. I thought it is the TF2 that would be named 62nd later on.

If Im not mistaken 56th should be around the Omanthai Area.

Ruwani said...


My husband's best friend who is an Army commander also said the same thing about Nachikuda. We think this is true.

perein said...

Thank you Ruwani.
I'm sure DW's daily update will have some more info.

CakeBoy said...

That's a touching story Bhairav/Raves. Genuinely feel moved.

I recall Raves from LNP days and he always seemed a conflicted fellow and cut from a different cloth to the other eelamists there.

His basic decency, good intellect and humanity was always in battle with his anger (justified in ways due to his personal tragedies and suffering that he has mentioned) and bitterness at the time.

Dare I hope that conflict seems to have been resolved in a positive fashion and he is at peace with himself

I will say he never followed the LTTE blindly like the other eelamists on the forum and always questioned and criticised on that forum.

but for a twist of fate we are enemies (for now). Hopefully that will change soon if the LTTE and Prabakaran are vanquished.

He will always have my respect for not being a blind disciple of Prabakaran and Co. and I would happily welcome him to my house and share a bottle of sri lankas finest, in peace.

But for now, I am sure we will cross swords here for the time being :-)

Colomblogs said...

Yahoo news link by perein carry the same picutre as DW ):

And any updates on the Ambush on STF?

Contary to popular beleif that SLDF rapid movments/thrust is dangerous..I think it makes LTTE into further disarry. Make them no time to think for offence but find places for defence.

Unknown said...

Tamilnet is reporting 10 bodies recovered in Nachchikuda battles.

I am really lost as to what's keeping this place still fighting. May be they have been instructed to not lose Nachchikudah at any cost as this may be the only life line for supplies for the terrorists.

Any situation updates on Nachchikuda is greatly appreciated.

Defencewire could you oblige??????????????

Unknown said...

People checkout the pics here


Is it a bomb that is circled being dropped from a kfir?

Achilles said...

[Twenty LTTE Dead Bodies handed Over to LCRC]

VAVUNIYA: ARMY TROOPS fighting in the WANNI front recovered a number of LTTE dead bodies during search and clear operations conducted after recent confrontation.

Twenty of them were handed over to the ICRC by security forces in WANNI.

Twelve dead bodies from PADAVIYA in WELIOYA, five dead bodies from PALLAIMODDAI in VAVUNIYA, one dead body from MALLAVI in MULLAITTIVU and two from TRINCOMALEE were recovered by the troops during past two days.

ICRC vehicles carrying of those mortal remains crosses the OMANTHAI Entry/Exit point around 3.15 p.m. Tuesday (02).

Bhairav said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bhairav said...

[Is it a bomb that is circled being dropped from a kfir?]


Are you long sighted or short sighted? LOL!

The one in the circle is other fighter jet of Kfir. They intended to show you that other kfir also in action by circling around.

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