Saturday, October 4, 2008

14km to victory!

4 Sinha Regiment, a front-running regiment spearheading the entry into Kilinochchi was counterattacked last night at Akkarayan by a considerable number of Tigers. 4 SR led by young and able officer Lt. Col. S. Welikala is currently attached to the 573 Brigade and has made the most noteworthy contribution among all other Regiments of that Brigade and the 57 Division in this ongoing war against the LTTE.

Due to previous intelligence warnings, 4 SR CO Welikala made an immediate tactical withdrawal of his troops from a 400m stretch of jungle he had captured the last few days and allowed the Tigers to advance some 400m into newly regained areas and then made a push forward to advance a total of 600m (400m regained + 200m newly captured) towards Kilinochchi. The move completely baffled the Tigers. One LTTE team was completely wiped-out in the SLA attack.

The 573 is now in the general area Akkarayan. Ahead of them is Iranamadu. 9 Kilometers north from the current location is the heart of Kilinochchi Town where the Kilinochchi Bus Stand, Public Market, Hospital, Police Station (LTTE) and Schools are situated.

In the Army's Grid Maps, the current location's coordinates are 55-00 (Army grids are based on latitudes and longitudes with the last two numbers slashed). Grid 59-00 is Iranamadu. Kilinochchi Town Center is in Grid 64-00 and 65-00.

5km north, from the heart of Kilinochchi Town, is the strategic town of Paranthan. This means that SLA has a total of 14km to achieve perhaps the biggest breakthrough in this war so far. In other words, if the Army reaches Paranthan, Pooneryn and Muhamalai will fall automatically and LTTE cadres at Nagarkovil could get boxed in.

The LTTE Police Station situated in the heart of Kilinochchi was raided last morning and Intelligence sources have confirmed direct hits on the building, which was razed to the ground. Casualties to the Tigers is unknown. The other two strikes launched on the same day have not been very accurate, according to the information available at this point in time.


අහිංසක said...

Thanks DefenceWire,

One LTTE team was completely wiped-out in the SLA attack.

Usually how many terrorists attached to an one team ?

What is our casualty figures in the confrontation ?

Unknown said...

Thanks DW,

This shows that the tigers are short of battle hardened carders, they cannot adapt fast to changing tactical environment and maneuver effectively as they used to. 57th has be come a house hold name like the 7th Armored of the British, the 101st and 1 Div. "big red one" during WWII.

As the combat zones shrink, I hope we will get some of those IMI Flechett/canister rifle grenades and Issue Shotguns in adequate numbers as we move in to the town center & subterranean fortifications. Shotguns have always been underestimated and only introduced too late in many wars like WWI & II, But the SAS's Malaya Op's & vietnam saw them in very good use :) Hope we can pick up on it!


අහිංසක said...

No words in TamilNut about this battle yet. ZTTE casualty figures must be very high !

History said...

I posted this before too.. but ..

E-news Article:

When the man who beat the death says "I strongly believe that this country belongs to the Sinhalese but..." But when our/ international uneducated journalists hear this, it becomes a title of an e-news article as "This is the country of Sinhalese, says Army Commander".. When it is asked from our uneducated/ idiotic/ canny/ opportunistic/ rural (he probable does not know what exactly Army Commander said) politician it became that “it was not the position of the government and the country belonged to all communities who have equal rights”

First these journalists took only the parts they wanted from the commander’s comments and created stories/ questions around it. In the name of god, Allah, your mother, your father, your country, who can put this country down like this while breathing the air of it, walking on that lovely soil, and eating the foods grown in that country, of which our ancestor fought under an one flag for centuries against enemies.. Man… I cannot live here anymore… I need to go back, go back to the period of Dutugamunu, Vijayabahu, or Prakramabahu.. Common kings, I know you all have gone and born in US now, but this is the right time to come back, we need you now the most….

Second to politicians, that spoke person just took the easy route. But I am telling you, do not ever put the commander down.. you can play your word game any way you want, but if it is by putting the commander down.. stop it!! in the name of this country.. He, who beat the death, truly loves this country.. in fact he didn’t say that this country *only* belong to Sinhalese, what he said was, it is the duty of Sinhalese (being the majority) to protect and drive this nation in the right direction.. he continued to explain his standing further, but unfortunately these journalists hear only the things that they wanted to hear. They take only what they want to hurt this country.. How unfortunate we are.. ?

Is it rocket science to understand that you can only have one captain?????????? We need to let the captain take the lead, and all others need to support him, it does not necessarily need to be the way you like, to find/ reach a land..

Defencewire said...


Its usually in multiplications of 4 in a conventional army formation. They sent a platoon in initially. The frontline teams were engaged. around 12 are believed killed in the attack.

We use shotguns since a few years ago. We found this to be very effective in Vavuniya Town and Jaffna. Many Tigers who tried to fire or throw grenades and escape were very unpleasantly surprised. The shots, since they cover a large area, are ideal for close quarter combat. In time, we might use them in Kili, who knows?

Apino Dannachess said...

thanks DW,

Hope we will cover the 15Km soon.

Good luck SLA, 57 and all.


Unknown said...


Thanks, Yep a face or arse full of No.6 or OO buck would make anyone wish he/she was dead!! :D And a 3inch or 23/4inch slug would bore a hole which you could crawl through and knock any man down up to 100m!!

Im sure our lads will put them to good use soon :)

Political Observer said...

"Due to previous intelligence warnings, 4 SR CO Welikala made an immediate tactical withdrawal of his troops from a 400m stretch of jungle he had captured the last few days and allowed the Tigers to advance some 400m into newly regained areas and then made a push forward to advance a total of 600m (400m regained + 200m newly captured) towards Kilinochchi. The move completely baffled the Tigers. One LTTE team was completely wiped-out in the SLA attack."

Brilliant! He clearly prepared the short pull back to blunt the LTTE attack and once their attack fizzled, he pushed back hard.

I can only wish this Lt. Col. and his soldiers the very best, as the LTTE will keep coming back for them.


අහිංසක said...

Thanks DefenceWire for the answers!

Cudos to the Lt.Col Welikala and his team !

frackster said...

Do we use any method to keep video survailance on FDL's 24/7 from the air ? I guess it's not practical for a UAV to do this, so the SLDF should look @ other options such as blimps which are used by Israel.

Unknown said...

Well done

The element of surprise was made to full use, this just give me the feeling that the tiger units were inexperienced,or had very little exposure, please confirm DW, as a soldier should never get surprised in battle.

hemantha said...

Intense fighting sparked out between SLA and LTTE at Akkarayankulam (English Version). Wanni Operation 04 th October 2008

click here.

lankanews said...

Thanks for the update DW.

Here are the related "Wanni meheyuma" videos for the incident,

Intense fighting sparked out between SLA and LTTE at Akkarayankulam (English Version).

Intense fighting sparked out between SLA and LTTE at Akkarayankulam (Sinhala Version).

lankanews said...

oops. Didnt see hemantha's comment.

Unknown said...

See if I knew my enemy was in that position the last time I saw, I turn up at that position and he was missing, I wouldn't walk further into the enemies territory, I would reach there,hold my position, send the scouts to check the perimeter and then reinforce the perimeter, then move ahead if orders are given, anyone please comment.

Anonymous said...

Do you think Army guys are just fools to keep enamy suspecting their tactical move.

I think, well vigilent small number of soldiers drag them back without giving space to suspect the move.

MrBrown said...


''The move completely baffled the Tigers. One LTTE team was completely wiped-out in the SLA attack.''
You boasted like 200LTTE were killed..
''Its usually in multiplications of 4 in a conventional army formation. They sent a platoon in initially. The frontline teams were engaged. around 12 are believed killed in the attack.
fucking hell.. just 12..??? still doubt..whther 12 were killed? how many bodies captured?.. just to kill 12 LTTE..they made this 400.600m move?.. sounds like only 12 LTTE were attacking..
DW..u are boring man now.. No logic and thril in ur article.

Unknown said...

Well the Experienced tiger formations wouldnt fall for it buddy, they would see it comming, they would have sent a small number of few to take out the small pockets the army used to draw them in.. it looks an inexperienced bunch.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...


14km...wayto go...

Thanks DefenceWire.

Sam Perera said...


Are we engaging LTTE elite units mostly these days?

Unknown said...


A hand to the 4th SR, who ever they were facing they gave them a run for there money, whether 12 or more, the plan was a success, whether these were elites I hardly doubt, I have a feeling they just ran into the trapped feeling they were heroes to be squot smashed like a bug..and ran with there tails up there ass.

Raves said...


are you sure it is 573 at akkarayan? todays rivira and SF-3 blog map shows it is 571 that is at Akkarayan.

Please clarify.

Infinity said...

Surrender to advancing troops - Army Chief tells LTTE leaders

Psyops were amazingly effective in the first Iraq War:
Winning the war by convincing the enemy to go home

No doubt LTTE's cadres are much more brainwashed and threatened with violence against family members etc. But I hope the army and airforce are doing similar things to those described in the link. Like interviewing prisoners to find out exactly what may cause surrenders and creating leaflets and other tools accordingly.

Rana said...

Thanks DW,

Please answer this:

If large number of LTTE cadres attacked going back 400m and attck from both flanks make sense. Hoever, casulty figure has to be many more than 12. On the other hand who goes back 400m to get only 12.

Either army was taken by surprice or LTTE fought with a ferocity forcing army to retreat.

Something is missing in the story.

If I am to leave sarcasm out of mrbrown's post, I tend to agree with him.

Somebody please clarify this further...

Infinity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Infinity said...

Interview Army Chief Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka

Troops now two kilometres south of Kilinochchi

Surrender to advancing troops

LTTE responsible for humanitarian crisis in Wanni - EROS Chief

Sam Perera said...


Is there anyplace you can squeeze in the most fearless Black Tiger, Dr. Brian Senevirathne, to your photos?


Bhairav said...

Why SLA winning the war is that they are getting strong support from India and the bubble head,VP, played one two many cards early and he failed to think globally for a split second. VP should do some favor to all Tamils by killing himself in his next maveerar speech. I do not want to hear his whining anymore.

History said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
History said...

"Why SLA winning the war is that they are getting strong support from India and the bubble head,VP, played one two many cards early and he failed to think globally for a split second. VP should do some favor to all Tamils by killing himself in his next maveerar speech. I do not want to hear his whining anymore."

You can always undo.. Go to edit menu and select "Undo", or if you are in a hurry press Ctrl+Z

Bhairav said...

oops...too many cards

Anonymous said...

I think within 3 months SLA will go that 14km, to Paranthan.

Anonymous said...

The best think vezapillai should do is, if he loves tamils at least a little bit more than himself;

1. Declare a unilateral ceasefire (a real one) and make statement peelaam project was abandond.
2. Let the low level cadres surrender to SLA
3. Decommision all the whepons (except his pistol)
4. Kill pottu amman
5. Make a deal with MR and facilitate other top leaders of LTTE to enter into democratic stream
6. Make a deal with MR and escape to safe country with his family and live happily rest of his life there

In this way thousands of tamil youth will have beautiful woman, sex, kids and money and live longer. IC/ INGOs also can assist in such a 'peacefull' plan. Tamilnadu bankrupt politicians can develop tamilnadu. Diaspora can invest their money for their own goodness. Whole SL will be quickly peacefull. No bus bombs, road barriers, chekings and other hassles.

Anonymous said...

BTW, if VP is not interested about my above sugestion now it is time for a good, diaspora's moral boosting news with nice pics from tamiznut...probably with some tincan show and the usual balck tiger or air tiger photo (depending on what photoshop guy likes)...

Srilankan said...

I have to say this to you.Your posts are far far better than that shit you get in EELAM LNP.Keep up the excellent work...

Jambudipa said...

Yes, the accuracy of the bomb dropped at Charles Anthony HQ and the LTTE PS was highly questionable. It seemed to me as if both landed in the front yard.

The recruitment of yet more troops could be avoided if troops could be drawn from other areas. Does Jaffna still need over 40,000 for its defense considering LTTE is busy elsewhere? Perhaps 10,000 can be pulled out from there and moved into Weli-Oya for the next phase.

Corey said...
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Moshe Dyan said...

MOST LTTE "civil" infrastructure will be in our hands soon. these have a sizable military significance too.

e.g. hospital

but the plight of civilians in mulaitivu jungles is going to be GRAVER than in kili where there is the MOST developed civil infrastructure in vanni.

our success was mainly due to DETERRENCE.

1. busting the LARGE transport systems of the LTTE

2. reducing LTTE fund raising acts

3. keeping areas outside war zones safe by effectively using RETALIATION, COUNTER-TERROR op.s, etc.

4. well executed military strategy


now there will be an intersting situ once we capture/destroy MOST of VULNERABILITIES. opportunities for RETALIATION (and LIKELY retaliation) reduces. this is going to be THE MOST CRITICAL issue that need to be managed.

A. tigers will be INCREASINGLY ruthless (they will have nothing to loose) and WORSE, we will have nothing (or a few opportunities)to PUNISH them.

B. given the probability INEQUATION of IRA, (we need to be lucky once...............) PERSISTENT efforts of terrorists can succeed and only DETTERENCE thereaafter is the UNWILLINGNESS of tiger leaders to attack colombo, etc.

A + B gives rise to a VERY nasty situ. SLDFs will need to crank-up "counter-terror" op.s MORE and find avenues to keep pressure on WHAT IS VALUABLE TO TIGERS.

Corey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Corey said...

Guys, Please read this article. No matter which side you're on, this is what needs to be done to bring a country to normalcy after terrorism. It is long, but I hope the details will gain your highest respect:

Building a new Sri Lanka for all people
Sun, 2008-10-05 06:10
By Raj Gonsalkorale

The ultimate recognition of the equality of Tamils along with the Sinhalese, was stated so openly, and for the first time in the UN history by President Rajapaksa when he addressed the UN in Tamil in September. The Tamil language has never been heard in the portals of the UN, and it took a Sinhalese leader to do that. One can only hope that the Tamil Diaspora and Tamils living in Sri Lanka will accept the enormity of this gesture, and the hand of friendship and equality that the President offered, and work towards creating a new Sri Lanka alongside their Sinhala and Muslim brethren.

Bashing the LTTE, the Tamil Diaspora and other Tamils who have argued for a cause which they thought was right and attainable has become the order of the day for some journalists. Needless to say this is understandable judging by the fact that the euphoria amongst many Sinhalese, and to a lesser extent amongst Muslims and some Tamils, is very high on the heels of an impending defeat of the LTTE military might by the Sri Lankan Armed Forces. One could also argue that the LTTE and sections of the Tamil Diaspora deserves the bashing as they have together caused so much misery for their own people in Sri Lanka. This is being increasingly acknowledged by many Tamil individuals, societies and even Tamil newspapers hitherto ardent supporters of the LTTE. Some might say the rats are leaving the ship that is sinking, while others may say that sanity has finally prevailed or appears to be prevailing amongst Tamils who consistently and at most times, blindly backed the wrong horse.

The challenge for all Sri Lankans, Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims is however not to engage in bashing but how we may collectively recover from our wounds and build a new Sri Lanka for all of us. President Rajapaksa who has ably led the war against the LTTE, not out of any desire to wage war, but to eliminate an unacceptable situation in the country, and pave the way for a democratic and peaceful way to address the conflict in the country, has made that clarion call at the UN to all communities to work together to build a new Sri Lanka. He, and not any other leader, has given Tamil the parity of status alongside Sinhala before the entire world.

While it is agreed that land demarcation on ethnic lines is not part of that future, it is important not to forget the cultural differences between the different ethnic communities in Sri Lanka and how we may, in a future Sri Lanka, provide avenues for all communities to have more effective political expression and power in governing the country, and how we may have more effective checks and balances in the exercise of that power, by whoever who wields that power. Many Tamils fled the country after 1983 for very valid reasons, and some of them have suffered and still are suffering in other countries. No doubt most would love to return to Sri Lanka, and so they should.

However, if they come back looking for a Tamil homeland and everything Tamil in any geographic area of the country, they should not come back as the new Sri Lanka will not go back in history to create that false utopia for any Tamil. The entire country will be the homeland of all Sri Lankans. What Tamils must do if they are to live happily and safely in Sri Lanka is to accept the unity of the country, and its unitary status, and argue politically and by democratic means, how different ethnic groups can share power and provide better and more effective means of making their views heard.

When suggestions for a political solution to the conflict are made, some tend to get confused between the concepts and the processes. Processes are two fold. Firstly, the processes that are needed to discuss concepts. Secondly, processes those are required to implement concepts. President Rajapaksa has already set in motion the first set of processes like the APRC to discuss concepts. For numerous reasons which the author is not desirous of arguing, the APRC has still not been able to arrive at a consensus on any concept to address the conflict. Perhaps even the APRC is confused about the processes!

No doubt agreeing on concepts is no easy task for an issue that has been allowed to fester for so long. It is probably very difficult now to identify where the wound is or was. However, it is important to remember that agreeing on concepts does not mean agreeing on an implementation process or a time table as that is a separate process, and it has to take into account a myriad of ground realities that effect implementation.

The concepts must as a minimum, accept that the country will have a unitary status. The majority of the Sinhala population will not accept anything less, and unless they do, there will never be a solution. However as soon as this is stated, Tamils will disagree and the country will be back on square one. The challenge therefore will be to see how some of the Tamil aspirations can be achieved within a unitary State.

If Tamils continue to argue for a “homeland” within Sri Lanka as part of their aspirations, that too is a non starter as far as the Sinhala people are concerned. Besides, that demand has failed to materialize despite the LTTE, and their economic and moral supporters within the Diaspora, and amongst a large section of Tamils within and without. To flog a dead horse would be futile and would only add more misery to the Tamils and the rest of the country.

Sri Lanka has never posed any threat to the cultural expressions of Tamils, as much as it has never posed threats to the cultural expressions of any community. Sinhala Buddhists venerate Hindu Gods as much as they do Lord Buddha and this signifies the tolerance they have of the Hindu’s. Religious harmony and amity has been one of the hallmarks of Sri Lankan society despite stresses experienced amongst the communities at various times, and despite the vile attempts of the LTTE to attack the two most venerated places of worship for Buddhists, not just in Sri Lanka but throughout the world, the Sri Maha Bodhiya and the Dalada Maligawa. Not many Tamils condemned these dastardly acts, but there were no reprisals on any Tamil person or property or places of worship by Sinhalese as a consequence of this LTTE atrocity.

The alternative for Tamils in a new Sri Lanka would be to work towards greater opportunities for political expression and power at the centre as well as in peripheral political units. This is not to say there should be equal power with other communities, as numerical statistics will simply not provide such equal power at the centre or in some peripheral political units, but only shared power along with other communities.

For example, today, had the TNA opted to join the UPFA government, they could have wielded some power and influence and shared that with other political parties at the centre. The Executive Presidency provides only limited power to the government, but then, changing that situation is the kind of concept that could be discussed in a body like the APRC. Even if such a change was proposed by the APRC, implementation will have to await greater political stability in the post LTTE era, as the country can ill afford a weak Presidency and a raucous and unstable Parliament to usher in that stability.

Many Tamils must be feeling humiliated by the LTTE and also feeling bad that they had thrown so much money, time and effort to the LTTE to prosecute a mindless and purposeless war. Some amongst the Tamils are probably also humiliated that the LTTE is getting vanquished in the hands of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces. To all these Tamils and others who never voluntarily supported the LTTE, and who never ever supported the LTTE, we must extend a hand of friendship as President Rajapaksa did. He very aptly quoted a stanza from the Dhammapada to illustrate his point -

Victory breeds hatred
The defeated live in pain
Happily the calm live
Having set victory an defeat aside

On their part, Tamils must realize that they can never get back to their demands of the past, and that they must work towards creating a new Sri Lanka for all communities. The Global Village has overtaken the villages of yesteryear and we owe it to our future generations to be part of that Global Village.

Influential Tamils within the Diaspora have witnessed what the Global Village can offer Tamils and other Sri Lankans. They must take the lead in providing these opportunities to all Sri Lankans, and work with the President, the government and other political parties to infuse new ideas and new thinking so that all those people in the North and the East and the rest of the country can have opportunities they have missed for more than 30 years due to the morbid fascination of Prabakaran and the LTTE for death and destruction.

- Asian Tribune -

hemantha said...

I am greatly concerned about the hotting up show down between judiciary and the executive branch. Chief Justice Sarath N. Silva has given two good judgments in the past regarding the north eastern problem (PTOMS and the Demerger). I respect him for that. But during the last year or so he was so erratic in his decisions, he is single handedly responsible for this problem (I believe). His ad-hoc decisions (given based on personal grudges) would definitely alter the smooth functioning of the judiciary. Our democracy would be greatly affected if the Judicial, executive and legislative branches do not act with responsible manner. In the past there were instances in which executive branch acted erratically. But Judiciary mostly acted responsibly. But not any more. I think this is just the beginning of the deterioration. Folks, please consider the following case. It can have many unforseen repercussions. (He looks like going after the executive president. If the latter decides to return the favor all hell will break loose. It can definitely affect the current anti terrorism operations).
click here.

hemantha said...

The fundamental rights petition was filed by the Center for Policy Alternatives. (Pakyasoni Sarawanamuththu + Rohan Edirisinghe clan). Even though they are quiet now we know for which side they were batting yesterday. But they haven't stopped their subtle movements.

Sam Perera said...


This CPA who engages in dirty work is another foreign funded mouth piece aimed at poking their hands in our internal affairs. Below is a list of monkeys who meddle with our affairs without getting them elected by people.

Jayadeva Uyangoda
Shelton Wanasinghe
Arjuna Parakrama
Gowri Ponniah
Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu
Sunanda Deshapriya

This is how the are funded,

"PA has collaborated with a number of local and international civil society organizations including Article 19 and the Commonwealth Press Union, Conciliation Resources (UK), the Free Media Movement, the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, UNHCR, ILO, Institute of Federalism, (Fribourg, Switzerland), Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, the International Telecommunications Union, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, INFORM, the Forum of Federations (Canada), Berghof Foundation for Conflict Studies (Berlin, Germany) and the International Media Support (Copenhagen, Denmark). "

I think that we should systematically counter these unelected interest groups meddling with our affairs and national interests.

Defencewire said...


Logics and rationality in war? Good luck with that. What PC war game are you talking about?


This how it happened. Last night the Tigers, as predicted, attacked the frontline troops. Their objective was to flank the 4SR which is now advancing through the semi-jungle/jungle terrain in Akkarayan, just south of Iranamadu in a single flank in order to get behind them and sandwich the troops.

Immediately after the first few waves, 4SR pulled back 400m. Tigers came in very cautiously because the resistance and element of surprise was lost and this morning the SLA pushed back and this time the LTTE withdrew, not just 400m but 200m more due to the fierce counterattack by SLA.

You have to understand that this is not Muhamalai or Nagarkovil. Its hard to kill a large number of tigers just because you get fired at or you fire back at them. Most of the counterattacks are at moving objects in thick bush. this makes it impossible to hit the targets and makes it possible for them to withdraw. The best option is what the Special Forces did at akkarayan several weeks ago and also at Vavunikulam when they bypassed LTTE defences and gradually encircles the Tigers. But this is difficult when Tigers are on a semi-offensive, semi-defensive footing. Anyway, SF troops were not involved in the counterattack.

The lesson learnt is that Tigers are very weak now. They are afraid to commit to a decent fight even when THEY initiate it. SLA is at the doorstep to Kilinochchi but they still run and give away crucial terrain where in early days, they would have defended it, made maximum use of the cover to flank us or cut behind our backs, broken our ranks, logistics etc and killed a decent amount of our men. They seem a very confused lot nowadays. Its incredible!


This is why we in this blog have repeatedly said Unless the son of punchibanda from Kekirawa becomes a pilot, the accuracy (committment to it) of SLAF's jet bombers will not improve.

Anonymous said...


I gave this link earlier and we had some discussion. See the comments in earlier DN posts. See the comments here CJ (Cheif Joker) I am not sure 100% of what this guy says. But it makes much sense considering the behaviour of CJ past two years. Now it is like a one man show in judiciary.

While some people think CJ is just doing his job some people think otherwise.

Can you tell me why CJ took almost 5 years to give his decision on demerge of NE and CFA?

It is proably he didn't want to intervine at that time and rather wanted Prez CBK and PM RW to go ahead and probably those three people had some understanding. If he was angry with them (like today with MR) he will soon halt CFA. On the other hand even now he can delay all relevent court decesions and indirectly let MR, GR do what they do.

Even though media doesn't publish any cobversations among execative, judiciary and legeslative (unlike CC meeting discusions in political parties) it happens behind the screen. Legislative make or change laws and SC interpret the law when necasary. At the end all these are "pruthagjana" people. So when they have personal disputes judgement/ interprtations come accordingly.

Anonymous said...


Athas says MI was puzzled to learn that LTTE has ordered their cadres to return to original units in east and jaffna from where they came, as MI expect the opposite. (Calling cadres from jaffna and east to wanni) Any comments?

mboi said...

interesting news. turkey has announced their aim now is to completely destroy the PKK. remember turkish president or pm had some close discussions with MR at the UN conference in New York few weeks ago.

Moshe Dyan said...

SC has acted MOSTLY responsibly in JUDGEMENTS in the recent past. there is an issue about LEGALITY of certain things BASED on the laws that the parliament has passed over the years. some laws are far toooo old and need URGENT amendments. its a good thing the NGO act will be amended soon.

IF the SC gives judgement based on these existing laws, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG. if a different result is intended, the ONLY sensible thing to do is to CHANGE the LAW.

president can bypass these laws and procedure and create precedences. but he should use it SELECTIVELY as it can, by itself, set up a VERY BAD precedence. the harder route of changing laws must be used at all times. a limited circumstances method should be taken by the president.

having said that, IF the SC is going for a "showdown" with any of the other branches of government, something is SERIOUSLY wrong with its individuals. such a disparity WILL be exploited by the likes of CPA crooks to make life difficult for everyone in favour of their paymasters.

but if CPA crooks are EXPLOITING loopholes in the law (i know they have done some extensive reaserch into this) with their CROOKED intentions, the president & the ruling party has only themselves to blame. maintaining the independance and apparent independance of the SC is EXTREMELY important in the international arena given the war/HR and alleged "discrimination" situ.

1. amend laws according to times and to cover loopholes.
2. bring actions against violators of the PTA, constitution, etc.

Moshe Dyan said...


interesting. turkey has a record of using HIGH HANDED methods very effectively.

History said...

Let's put his ideas aside.. Who is this "Raj Gonsalkorale"??

Defencewire said...


Not until last week! But with the end so near, the only option is the insurgency. I will check this further.

Bhairav said...


Logics and rationality in war? Good luck with that. What PC war game are you talking about?]

You wonder kid becomes emotional kid lately with little bit exaggerated stories for mass consumers like half-breed,Sam and his children.

Lets say LTTE is weaken according to you. What are the options Tamil have?

1. Live under the rule of traitors/government puppets likes of Karuna,DD and Pillaiyan.

We will see more political killings/torture just as what happened to Sinhala youth in late 80s.

2. Chauvinist Sinhala government eventually sinhalize the Tamil areas with the help of its puppets. You will find more reasons in Mahavamsa that Jaffna had Sinhala name before it mixed up with colonial names. Given demographic problems the Tamils face now will eventually favor whatever decision these pro-Sinhala governments will take against Tamils in the long run.

3. Whatever VP says regardless of whether he is madman or genius, we will listen to him and fight to death.

Tamils really have any better solutions?

One thing I believe in history/god, if we were pushed to sidelines by power, we will come back strong, may be, 100 years down the stretch. You will pay the price.

History said...

/*1. Live under the rule of traitors/government puppets likes of Karuna,DD and Pillaiyan.*/

- Yes, not only you we also have to.. look around from one end to the other in the world, puppets are the political leaders.. that is the norm of this era

/*2. You will find more reasons in Mahavamsa that Jaffna had Sinhala name before it mixed up with colonial names.*/

- Colonial names, never heard of it before

/*3. Whatever VP says regardless of whether he is madman or genius, we will listen to him and fight to death.*/

- Beyond a human being's choice even the god cannot see.. You choose and you suffer/ enjoy

/*One thing I believe in history/god, if we were pushed to sidelines by power, we will come back strong, may be, 100 years down the stretch. You will pay the price.*/

- What the hell is this. COREY.. hey COREY, my man.. hey look!! look what this bugger is telling.. hey.. hey hey... have a look.. what this bugger is up to

Anonymous said...


Thanks. If true that means LTTE has now convinced it is better to start insuergency soon in all over the island rather than sacrificing their cadres for the loosing battle in wanni.

Apino Dannachess said...

Dear SaM,

I will try to get Dr. Brian Senevirathne in. Who is this guy, I have read something about this dude....but the surname?


History said...


One more thing.. In your comment I respect the part in bold the most..

/*3. Whatever VP says regardless of whether he is madman or genius, we will listen to him and fight to death.*/

I don't know why, but if you take may be 1800 after, we Sinhalese don't have that disciplines..

History said...

/*"I fired with every ounce of energy left in me and somehow wanted nothing more than neutralising them" the soldier said.*/

- I bow you man. I don't know how many of you have heard Chaos theory. Like that a simple decision like this, can at the end make that big difference to win or lose this war.

Jambudipa said...

The judiciary is probably only institution that is functioning efficiently as per the constitution at present. Its the executive that is monkeying around with the powers. This is partly because of flaws in the constitution and the other lack of education/good moral standing of the executive.

The case of ex-Treasury Secretary P.B Jayasundara is a case in point. Unless the judiciary stepped in and found him guilty, this crook will still be in charge of nations wealth. There is a pending judicial order to prosecute him under civil law on bribery charges. The AG, bribery commission and the DIG are scared to bring any charges. This is because the executive still backs the crook and there are rumors Jayasurdara is back in charge of the treasury in stealth as an 'advisor'.

Unknown said...

I am told CJ and MR have very good relations in-spite of the strange slate of orders from CJ ..

anyway I feel taking mulathiev is as important as killi . one does not want these terras merging with the crowd and doing hit and run attacks for ever . I am afraid if both the 53 and 54 join the attack after the fall of killi this would happen . We need to kill as many and critically weaken these buggers . remember playing defense is always much harder than offense

History said...

This is little old, LTTE is ready with their new PUNK tiger unit to face the multi barrel rocket launcher

LTTE getting ready for their Last Stand.

- This is a joke, it is going to be a massacre at the end..

Diasporaas, my friend FF, where are you ... see, what these idiots going to do to themselves..??

hemantha said...

Ninja, Sam and Moshe,
Thanks for the input.

P.B. Jayasundara had an extremely dubious past with Chandrika (before UNF government came in to power in 2002). There should be many skeletons hidden in his old bag. But until recently, nobody cared. So I don't think this thing came up randomly. The recent decision was about something he has done under Ranil's government. A committee under Ranil and Milinda Moragoda should be equally or more responsible in this case. But he screwed just Jayasundara. Why? and why now? Not very far back he (chief justice) said he will leave his post if he can't get salaries of the judges increased by a certain amount. Then he met the president and asked for the salary hike. The president passed the ball to Jayasundara and he has rejected the request stating some reasons. Then later I remember CJ stating in public "some corrupt officials are not increasing their salaries and if these officials come in front of them there shouldn't be any mercy" Not the exact words but this is what I remember. You know what the outcome was. Should this guy (Jayasundara) be punished for his past sins? Of course, with all the other thieves. But in this case he may be innocent too. And what happened to all the others who stole most of everything country had? Nothing.
Secondly, Vasu was just the front man of that petition. It was filed by some organization (I am trying to find weather it's the same CPA). They found Vasu at the last moment to file the petition.

"IF the SC gives judgement based on these existing laws, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG"

Agree 100%. But I doubt in case of CJ.

"SC has acted MOSTLY responsibly in JUDGEMENTS in the recent past"

In case of CJ I do not agree. Some of his recent judgments are laughable. He ordered five year kids to be interviewed for school admissions. Apparently to choose the best ones. (But in the West kids with deficiencies gets the priority.)

Having said all these let me state one more thing. If he (CJ) can restrain himself until the war is won, then I have no problem. Then they can eat each other until the tails are left.

hemantha said...

"I am told CJ and MR have very good relations in-spite of the strange slate of orders from CJ .. "

I hope you are correct. But I think otherwise.

Unknown said...

Hemantha .

I was told they are good family friends form a very close source to the CJ . lol .

Any how I hope CJ can provide security for himself . I kinda question his questioning the constitutionality of security function which is the executives prerogative .

Moshe Dyan said...

thanks hemantha for the reply. agree with you.

SNS was the target of pro-LTTE elements in 1999. may be pro-LTTE elements have to eat the humble pie and go to him begging now. he should uphold the law.

in this context if we implement the 17th amendment, it will be utter chaos.

hemantha said...

"I was told they are good family friends form a very close source to the CJ . lol . "

Chandrika and CJ were good pals too. Actually Chandrika is the one who gave him that position against all the norms. But later he screwed her royally (weather those agree with the law or not I loved those judgments against her). That's our weakness I guess.

hemantha said...

"in this context if we implement the 17th amendment, it will be utter chaos."
Unfortunately, yes.

Anonymous said...


//The judiciary is probably only institution that is functioning efficiently as per the constitution at present.//

Is this sarcastic one?

Father files a case for land dispute and grandson still goes to the court to get the decision. Is this efficiency?

JVP, JHU and JSS filed a case against CFA. No decesion even after 4 years. Was that efficiency?

Herath Banda wake up 3.00 am, borrow some money, take the first bus to Colombo and pay the lawer's fee to hear 'case postphoned'. Is that efficiency?


//IF the SC gives judgement based on these existing laws, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG//

//SC has acted MOSTLY responsibly in JUDGEMENTS in the recent past//

Of course SC has to give rulings as per the law. But there is a part left to the judges by the law. That's where they interpret the law. It is subjective. Its not like a computer program or a scientific experiemnt.

You can find many cases where judges had opposing opinions. If there are 3 or 5 judges and when they have different judgements majority wins. The point here is judgement is subjective, in some cases. That's where people like CJ become critical.

The person who manupulated our judiciary system so well was JRJ. He was the one who introduced many FR/ HR laws and he knew the risk of how can it affect him. Thus he appointed very hardcore UNP people as judges and send others home. Thanks to him even RP didn't have problem with judges. In some sense JRJ was correct. If people went to court for every thing he introduced court orderes to halt them until case is done and no matter the verdict most of the development projects would not have done at that time.

Some people think judiciary is like GOD or next to GOD. JRJ knew people think like that and he knew it is not. We have to obey judiciary, not becuz judges are always right but otherwise its not possible to run a country. VP didn't obey the law and we know the outcome.

sudu271 said...

As I heard Lt.Gen Fonseka gave the official go for the next offensive division (Task force - 3 or the 63 Division).. Any more information about tht????

Anonymous said...

Can some explain this?

It was said the naming of TF1 and TF2 was becuz they didn't have required number of troops to make it a division. But now some media refer them as 58 division and 61 division while some (including map) refer them as TF1 and TF2. So are they still task forces or are they now divisions? What's minimum number needed for a division in SLA?

hemantha said...

58 has overrun Earh bund+bunkers at PANDIVEDDIKULAM. LTTE's days in Nachchikuda is numbered.

hemantha said...

If what Special Force says is correct, then the things are going to be pretty serious?

Pottu said...

Do not ask me to take the leadersip. My ass already on fire.
Brother, please get me to the same safer location as you.

Hi..hi .. He..he

Jambudipa said...

Heylo Hemantha,


Should this guy (Jayasundara) be punished for his past sins?


Themis, the lady of justice is said to symbolise fair and equal administration of the law, without corruption, prejudice, or favour. This is ideal we must uphold at all costs. When a country is going though tough times, its easy for some to lose their sense of ethics, break the law, compromise principles in order to 'fight the enemy'. Sadly however in the process we become exactly what our enemy wants us to become. He/She then exploits this weakness to the hilt. There are numerous examples that I can mention. There is a direct correlation between corruption in the 80s and the military debacles that followed.

You have asked me whether P.B. Jayasundara must be punished for his 'past sins'! As far as I know, there is no time component attached to breaking of the law. Unless of course you want Sri Lanka to continue to become a banana republic. People care less in the nitty gritty with UNP and other happenings. People want justice to be served without prejudice. Its a very simple requirement.

There are thousands of youth armed in the forces. These youth are not only armed, but quite savvy politically and educated. They will eventually QUESTION why they are risking their life and limb protecting a system that is unworthy of their sacrifices. They must know the freedoms they are fighting for is valued by all. I should not have to tell you how the JVP started. Unless the govt does not wish for another armed insurrection, justice system must demonstrate its blind before the law. This means Jayasundara and everyone involved in past scandles must be punished without ANY prejudice. People really wont care if he was an uncle of yours.

Jambudipa said...

Dear Ninja, sorry buddy, I am unfamiliar with the cases you mention.

Anonymous said...


Yes, but I don't know that SF guy was correct or not. But what he says makes sense.

It was MD who said "SC has acted MOSTLY responsibly in JUDGEMENTS in the recent past". However if you read recent CJ's orders you will see he has made UNPers happy while goernment getting more and more problems.

Anonymous said...


You must be and no prob. May be you live out side SL for long time. Otherwise no way you give credit for efficiance for our judiciary. Even CJ told once how inefficient is our judiciry. The reason he gave was lack of judges.

Anonymous said...

BTW Did you note that even though we say 57D is heading for K'chi they are actually heading for both K'chi and Mankulam which are the two most importent towns in wanni. Thus SLA has put reletively less manpower to single most critical target compared to whole 59D going to Mulathiv and whole 58D going to Poonaryn.

Rana said...

14km to Victory!!!

I don't know what sort of victory it will be. It is true SLDF's progress is good and enemy seems to be on the run. However, LTTE still has about 4000-5000 strong good and healthy fighters with another 6000 or more logistic support.

I don't want to count my chicken yet. If SLDF capture Kili, Paranthan and EP and then wipe out stranded LTTE cadres in Poonaryn, Muhamalei, Kilali and Nagarkovil. Then I know we got a sizable victory and rest can be assured.

If you can remember past, you don't want to say taking Kili is or Paranthan is a victory.

Rana said...

Something I forgot to add is their leadership is still at large.

Moshe Dyan said...


its a very timely discussion you brought up (first in DN).

"The person who manupulated our judiciary system so well was JRJ."


but regarding FR applications, SC has MOSTLY interpreted the law AS INTENDED BY THE LEGISLATURE in recent cases. there are MASSIVE loopholes when it comes to terrorism, separatism, NGOs and many other later developments.

our 1978 constitution and 1979(???) PTA and 1930s (????) public security ordinance need to be amended taking into account the VERY COMPLEX interactions between FRs and the above. the responsibility to do this lies with the parliament.

the case of FR petitions (and the benefits they tend to give to claimants) is VERY irrelevant sometimes. its so hilarious that even rauf hakeem when he was not an MP had to be provided with a RIDICULOUS number of security personnel. FR matters have little or NO checks & balances AS PER THE EXISTING LAW.

were any of the recent "controversial" SC decisions had the SC judges split?

Rana said...

Ninja bro,

Ther is a confusion hehe. Where is 58D, I do not see any 58 in the defence map, only SF1 is fighting west of Akkrayan.

Even Orbat is not showing 58D, Why?

Rana said...

and the other thing is 56D, what are they doing. Ther is no progress at all with the front where 56D is operating. I am at a loss bro. I am skeptical about our operation plan, I think those who are directing battle plans are empty headed.

I don't want to demoralise them, however, when I follow battle progress, it indicate brainless manuers by the rmy top.

perein said...


I am at a loss bro. I am skeptical about our operation plan, I think those who are directing battle plans are empty headed.

Let's leave it to the experts. Todate SLA has done a very good job and doing too.

Nadesan said...

Hi.. General Sarath Fonseka said this time is the last chance Swarnam, Theepan, Bhanu, etc.. and even Nadeshame to Surender with carders. Very Sorry to say Puttu Ammo & Pakabharan have No Chance from General. Why Fonseka you give chance to any Terrorist.. Can you remember they tried to Blast You.. You know they killed 70,000 Sri Lankans.. But That's the crucial Blast Pakabharan ever did.. That's the Blast crossed the Red Lines of Mahinda..


Pakabharan You have left only Two Months to Kill Sri Lankans... Am I correct....?

BlackPanther said...


Do our guys still have to nose dive to bomb targets or have the SLAF aquired "drop and forget" technology?

Moshe Dyan said...

vezapillai already fled kili!!

from TN.

Children, Mentally-handicapped displaced due to artillery, air-attacks
[TamilNet, Sunday, 05 October 2008, 08:42 GMT]

"The homes have been moved towards less risk areas including Kalmadu and Tharmapuram in Ka'ndaava'lai divsion of the Ki'linochchi district and to various places in Mullaiththeevu District, outside SLA's artillery range."

bloody hell. SLA clearly declared no-war zones in vishvamadu and kokkadicholai and these LTTE barbarians seems to DELIBERATELY avoid those 2 and try to create their own "safe" areas for very shrewed reasons.
SLA should NOT honour LTTE "less risky" zones. vezapillai may well be hiding in one of them until he can escape from the country.

Rover said...

Blackpanther et al.,

"Do our guys still have to nose dive to bomb targets or have the SLAF aquired "drop and forget" technology?"

It would be better if they do. When you nose dive, you increase the force of the bomb. But to do this, you need to get fairly close to the ground, so that the bomb would not reach terminal velocity. If you drop a bomb from a very high altitude, it would reach terminal velocity (the final velocity as at which all objects fall - remember force = mass X acceleration, since mass is a constant to a given object, to increase the force, you need to increase the acceleration) when it reaches the ground. As we know a free-falling object has an acceleration of 9.8 m/s/s, downward (on Earth). As all objects free fall (at the constant 9.8 acceleration) at some point.

Dive bombing is especially important against reinforced structures. A case in point where dive bombing was employed against a reinforced structure was the Operation Opera carried out by the Israel AF, against the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq, in 1981. Israel used F16s to dive bomb using MK-84 bombs (which has a delayed action fuse, which enables the bomb to travel through reinforced material before detonation - in effect a "bunker buster").

But the downside of dive bombing is you would be more vulnerable to AA fire/missiles.

Since we are poor and don't want to loose our jet fighters, it may be that our fighters are not allowed to dive bomb. So even a Banda's (I am refering to DW's statement somewhere above) son may not be allowed to dive bomb, even if he wants to.

Rover said...

Oh, and the other point is bombing accuracy involved with dive bombing. Obviously, if you are closer to an object, you increase accuracy.

But if you are using laser guided bombs, where a laser designator is used by a ground unit or a UAV to paint the target with a laser beam, nose diving would not increase the accuracy! The guy who is operating the laser designator would be responsible for the accuracy. In SL, it seems often a UAV is used to paint the target.

Rover said...

Sorry, of course, the laser designator can be on the jet itself as well, in which case, diving would increase accuracy.

Rover said...

The laser beam from the laser designators that is used to paint a target is invisible. It is sent in a series of very quick pulses.

Of course, LTTE may have laser detection equipment to warn them that they are being painted by a laser for a possible attack. So pilots and ground units are instructed to use the designator just before bombs are released.

Dive bombing also increases the time for people hiding in buildings to escape, as you can hear thejets for a long time. So if you are targeting infrastructure, dive bombing is good, but if you are targeting people, dive bombing may be a bad idea (it could go either ways).


Rover said...


Our military leadership has said that anyone can surrender except VP and Potta. Why didn't they just say anyone can surrender?

Also MOD says that 14 LTTE guys who wanted to surrender were killed because they tried to cross over to the Army side from a wrong location (not from the location designated covertly by the army). Can you corroborate this? What really went wrong?

Moshe Dyan said...

check out this website. contains some insights into the enemy.

V4Victory said...

We have been told so long by so called Lt general SF that we are outside of Kili, inching towards kili, kissing distance from kili. This is all political game as well as trapping young sinhalese into the new forces.

I dont hide the fact SLA has taken sizable territory from tigers. But this is not surprise when the ratio between SLA and Tigers is 150000 : 5000 => 30 : 1 and rest of the war resourses wise it would be 100 : 1 or so.

I will ask a simple question which may bring some facts to understand the reality. Could you guys explain that why SLA unable to name their operation?

Hiran said...

LTTE supporter M.I.A's song "Paper Planes" (aka - SunShowers) is featured on the US Chart Show - Rick Dees Weekly Top 40. The chart show is aired on YesFM every Sunday.

Sunshowers/Paperplanes directly refers to the LTTE and a suicide bomber -

Relevant authorities should take action before this terrorist rapper signs up with major US recording companies.

Jambudipa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
History said...


When and how to conquer is up to the man who beats the death. Don't worry too much about it, when you least expect it, he will fire the first shot..

That ratio thing. I am not sure whether your numbers are accurate (specially 5000). But even if you put 15, 000 (I guess it has to be somewhere around 12, 000 including a 2000-3000 of a suicide bombers squad), the courageousness, determination and power this outfit is showing is worth a respect. He is our enemy, but I have a great respect to your leader as well as to Balraj..

Rover said...


"LTTE supporter M.I.A's song "Paper Planes" (aka - SunShowers) is featured on the US Chart Show "

She is a dark hottie! I like her "Galang" better, though unconventional, the way she sings and dances is cute. Though she is an LTTE supporter, I can't get over the fact that she is of Sri Lankan descent.

If you are worried about her music, the best thing to do is to remain silent. As you know, for actors/artists, any kind of publicity is good publicity. Now after seeing your post, even the people who didn't know about her would want to try and see what "paper planes" is all about.

If it is not a problem for the US authorities, that is if she sells her songs in the US, there is no point in us trying to prevent "her freedom of expression".

Her idea of trying to support the sun goat will come to a natural end when people would get fed up with the sun goat (as is happening now); and to she will diversify her ideas and carry on.

Rover said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rover said...


There is no point in just comparing the numbers and areas (even if your numbers are correct). You need to consider the factors that act as force multipliers (factors that greatly increases the effectiveness of a group). These could be terrain, morale, support of the people, usage of techniques (eg. usage of suicide cadres ect.) and technology ect..

So even with a smaller number of cadres, supported by the force multipliers, LTTE were effective in controlling large swathes of land. However, these FMs are now slowly deteriorating. LTTE has lost the support from the people (hence more info to the MI ect.), its morale is low, and suicide cadres are not very effective (due to various reasons) ect.

Sam Perera said...


"We have been told so long by so called Lt general SF that we are outside of Kili, inching towards kili, kissing distance from kili. This is all political game as well as trapping young sinhalese into the new forces."

How long have been told this by Gen. Fonseka? Years or months? If it was a few weeks, that is exactly what it is and lot better than a decades old promise for neverland.

"I will ask a simple question which may bring some facts to understand the reality. Could you guys explain that why SLA unable to name their operation?"

I don't really care about a name for any operation. However, I have a few suggestions, if you may.

You may like one of the following:

1) Operation Kill All Eelam Bastards
2) Operation Bye Bye Tamil Eelam Buggers
3) Operation Adios Brain Washed
4) Operation Ta Ta Velu and Stooges

My choices would be:

1) Operation Free Sri Lanka From Terror
2) Operation Live Free in Sri Lanka without LTTE Terrorists and Stooges.
3) Operation Save Sri Lanka from LTTE Terrorists and NGOs.

What do you think?

ravana said...

no time but folks becase of yesterdays counter attack we lost 40 valiant brave hearts,but gained 1km.
meantime next week SLA going to introduce one of there new arm.if gov. can get the civilians flee quickly you can see the what iam talking.
silently SLA coming from muhamalei got wonderfull advantage last week.thats all for now

BlackPanther said...


according to ravana,
"40 brave hearts killed yesterday....!"

Please clarify.

Adrenaline_Grin said...


"We have been told so long by so called Lt general SF that we are outside of Kili, inching towards kili, kissing distance from kili. This is all political game as well as trapping young sinhalese into the new forces."

i don't think we need a name for an "operation" that is being waged to save the country from terrorism. it's not just one operation with a limited objective in the bigger theatre of war. this is all out war to crush the tigers.

Adrenaline_Grin said...


MIA is signed on to a major recording label. If i recall correctly she's with Universal records.

I don't think we should make a fuss about her music because, like Rover quite rightly said, it would only go onto generate more publicity for her and help sell more of her CDs and shows.

She's just milking her Tamil "rebel" roots to market herself in an increasingly competitive industry and i must say she has been very successful.

A couple of years ago, one magazine even mentioned her as one of the top 10 artists to look out for in the future and her debut album is considered one of the groundbreaking albums of its time.

There is also the risk of her becoming a propaganda mouthpiece for the Tigers on the international stage.

Last thing we need is for celebrities to start championing causes like they do with Tibet, Myanmar etc though the Sri Lankan situation is different.

The West loves a story like her's and find her exotic. So go figure.

I do like her music for music's sake but think she's a one-trick pony and she'd need to come up with something else once her novelty fades. So fuss not.

Apino Dannachess said...

Dear Rover,

Thanks for the good write-up on laser guided weapons.

Following links may complement it.

BlackPanther, you may check this out

Schematic representation of the aircraft mounted laser designators working in conduction with guided munitions.

Full details including the smart bombs:

Aircraft mounted laser designators:

Ground based laser designators:

Wiki link on laser designators

Details on laser guided bombs

Details of a helicopter mounted laser designator (Note the mast mounted LRF/D: Laser Range Finder/ Designator)


Apino Dannachess said...


I have posted a new one titled "Smart Answers for Smart Weapons"

Check it out in my blog:

Cheers Weva

Srilankan said...

Are our brave troops cornering/trapping enough LTTE cadres these days?..The last thing we want is them integrating into the population.As soon as the is over these LTTE fellows are going staright to the norweigian and canadian embassies as "civilians" because there are 50,000 LTTE hard core fighters in Canada.We also need their identities so they can be included in a database.

Apino Dannachess said...

>>>>>>>Two more persons gone missing in Monaragala

Two persons who went to collect firewood in the Atimale forest in the Monaragala district on October 1, are believed to have been abducted by an unidentified group, police said.<<<<<

Is this the work of LTTE DPUs (Desperate Penetration Units)


P.S. If 40 solders were lost recently, how come TamilNut is silent about it?

Srilankan said...

i just read the shit on LNP.What a load of shit...apologies to members of the "singhala buddist chauvenistic govt".. i dont believe it..ok ok..some people are getting a bit worried that many more members will grace their wonderful "awfully secure" streets overseas..nevermind we are coming in numbers..dont wait for us..

Anonymous said...


56D is not an offensive division. They are defensive division and they don't progress.

14 km for victory, I think once SLA reach Paranthan game is almost over and victory is almost sealed. After that just need to do the basics right, no mistakes and continuation will give the final victory.


I am skeptical about numbers given by those who claimed they have inside SLA info. Few weeks ago SF/LNP said 79 LTTE KIA in one incedent. But even now GSL didn't say so. Later DW said 55 LTTE KIA in one incedent but until now GSL didn't say so. Now another guy says 40 SLA KIA in one incedent but even tamilnut idn't say so, so far.

(However, it is time now for tamilnut for their next article 100 SLA KIA 200 WIA.)


//We have been told so long by so called Lt general SF that we are outside of Kili, inching towards kili, kissing distance from kili. This is all political game as well as trapping young sinhalese into the new forces.//

Please be patient. I know you and many other tigers are in a great hurry to see SLA progress. But unfortunately SLA may not enter K'chi when you expect but rather when you don't expect. Also, this is not like a 50 over match. What matters is getting K'chi and time taken doesn't matter. Even though SLA take K'chi after the promised time frame, unfotunately, still it is SLA victory and not a defeat.

//I dont hide the fact SLA has taken sizable territory from tigers. But this is not surprise when the ratio between SLA and Tigers is 150000 : 5000 => 30 : 1 and rest of the war resourses wise it would be 100 : 1 or so.//

Despite your non-surprise you may need to consider other factors too. SLA protects whole island while LTTE has to protect now half of two districts. SLA has to follow the law but there is no law constarints for LTTE and so on.

//I will ask a simple question which may bring some facts to understand the reality. Could you guys explain that why SLA unable to name their operation?//

There is a name for the operation and Puttu Amman's tosi is working hard on finding that. Once they found it LTTE will announce the top secret. Until then you better be satisfied with SamP's sugessions.


I think Adrenaline_Grin gave a good answer about MIA.


I am not sure about GenSF's recent comments (second round - Observer interview) on 'this is sinhalese' country'. Does he speak on some tricky way which is a part of his war straegy or was it just honest but damaging action?

# A tamil worked in US military camp in Iraq arrested in BIA ???

# 2 km to K'chi.

Anonymous said...

When SLA enter K'chi, I don't think LTTE will sleep allowing GSL to capitalize the propaganda. Rather LTTE will do some thing at least to balance the propaganda war. MAP

Rana said...

Sice August 26th or during last 40 days our progress has been very slow. However, SLDF managed to keep harvesting on average 20-30 LTTE cadres daily. Therfore I recon at least 800 - 1000 tigers met their death during the above period. Most of them should have been elite cadres. How long they will go on?

If we can kill another 1000 by end of October, things should get easy for SLA.

Rana said...

VP to be handed over to India?

VP, Pottu, Nadeson, Bhanu or any other tiger leaders should not be arrested but kill on sight is the best.

However,If take alive, SLDF should keep them for a time period to extract vital info using any method they prefer, including torture. Then they should be killed and burned to ashes.

No courts, no publicity and deaf over dumb is the word.

History said...

Why hand over Prabhakaran to India?

- Thal aththata boralu gahanawa wage mee meeharaka mokada mee kegahanne..

- These media guys are really funny at times, they are so good at seeing one side of the coin every time.

I think given the current state of the war, president is playing his cards carefully and rightly.. So until the army capture him shut the fuck! up!!

Rana said...

Meeharakek witharai thawa ekekuta meeharaka kiyanne Booruwo. Loku molayak thiyena waga pennana thppulanna epa Ithihasayo.

History said...

Meeharakek witharai thawa ekekuta meeharaka kiyanne Booruwo.

- Is that also mean that you are BOORUWA

- What the hech is this..?? Yanne koheda malle poll kiwwalu, don't try to reply me unless you read my comment again and again.. if not so then I really have to take this to the next level

TropicalStorm said...

SLDF must keep an ear to the ground in the Mullaitivu area for digging sounds...Velu could never stay on the surface. There's too much danger for this wanker pussy, who usually covers himself with about 200-300 armed body guards.

Keeping him and the large entourage on the surface is key to a quick end to the game.

V4Victory said...

Iny conventional warfare, any operation would include a name. That is the basic military procedure. That is what SLA did until Eelam war - 3.

Why it has changed? Is it because of weakness of SLA or is it because of LTTE's weakness. I cannot expect unbiased answer. Leave the question for another two months.

The remaining tigers only 5000 as SF said because he already taken 11000. If it was 11000, then we need to deduct another 2000 for those unable to back to the field because of their injuries.

I remeber DW posted a post a couple of weeks earlier saying that, It is a matter of hours to take A9. I didnt expect that post from DW.

Anyway, lets see.

History said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
History said...


Are you really here for a discussion or just to throw your idea and run.

If it is for the second (that is what you did so far) then I rather wait and see..

Rana said...


This is not a war, it is liberation of tamils stranded in tiger contrlled area. It is a humanitarian effort. That is why there is no name.
SLDF is too advance these days than ever b4, mate.

KB said...
[Anger with the rebels who are historically ruthless in suppressing dissent has grown so strong that one furious form of defiance has become common in recent months, he said. When rebels bring a slain conscript home for burial, his grieving parents often beat up the fighters accompanying the body, he said.

The guerrillas let them.]

Dear Chaps,
Death cult boys getting beat up by old ladies! Everything's coming up roses in shanty towns of Peelam!


Moshe Dyan said...

the hindu reports about karunanidhi's demand,

"“intervene immediately and stop the genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka.”

In a statement, the Chief Minister urged the Centre “to treat the appeal as a distress call and of national importance.”"

MK is an idiot when asleep as well as when awake, but his strongly worded demand has SOME weight in india today. SL should CONSTANTLY update india on the situ here. india has INTERVENED in SL at the MOST decisive moment we had b4 and i don't discount the REMOTE possibility of a repeat possibly a different kind.

SL should further strengthen relations with india, china, paki, etc. at this moment instead of letting it to the general sentiment of goodwill. indian rulers are under pressure for political reasons and coutering that is NOT HARMFUL.

Sam Perera said...


"Iny conventional warfare, any operation would include a name. That is the basic military procedure."

Ok buddy, just cut the crap. To begin with, I could care a tiny rat’s ass about a name for an operation as long as they wipe out the LTTE bastards. Furthermore, this is not a conventional war at any stretch of imagination. Your whining about a name for a military operation is a far cry from previous boasting by your fellow LTTE terrorists.

"Anyway, lets see."

Keep your hope up always. I know that it is a very depressing feeling to realize that the money you sent to develop the Vanni Institute of Technology aka a place for Charles Anthony to play Mine Sweeper and Solitaire is gone. Never the less, Eelam is just around the corner. Hopefully, Mad Velu and Vicious Pottu too will join Tamil Chelvam in Eelam soon.

BTW, if you like any of the names I proposed, I can pass it to MOD just for your satisfaction.

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

LTTE back in business! only business they know id blow them self up!

LTTE Suicide attack reported in Anuradhapura
LTTE terrorists carried out a suicide attack near the old Bus stand in Anuradhapura this morning, 06 October.

More information will follow.

Rana said...


you are correct buddy. However present situ is entirly differnt to 1987 situ that lead to parippu drop. India election is looming up and politicians required to say something to the voters. Sudden surge of activities are therefore normal. Having said that our Govt also needs to play intelligently to side step issuesthey raise.

India knows that a defence pact with Pakistan, China with SL is unacceptable to them. So does the intervention of internal affairs of SL, bro.

tribunal said...


PBJ may have had a dubious past, but what he was found fault for (LMSL) was not wrong.

The SC was lead astray by Nihal Amarasekera who has a personal agenda against both PBJ and LMSL.

If you really look at it, the crux of this is that NihalA, convinced the SC that the valuation (price paid by JKH for LMSL) was wrong, because the discounted cash flow (DCF) valuation conducted by DFCC did not include the value of the land.

This is absolute rubbish.

Any person who has done CIMA or any other finance subjects knows that in a DCF valuation the value of the land is not added on to the DCF value.

He is taking a different valuation method (called the asset valuation) and added both vluation methods together. This is a double count and is grossly incorrect.

The reason for not considering the land value in a DCF valuation is cos the DCF valuation considers the future cash profits of the entity. To generate these cash profits the entity requires the assets (including the land, which the operations are conducted). Thus the value of the land in implied / included in the DCF valuation.

NihalA is a accountant and he knows this. But due to his personal agenda, he has lead astray the SC under the guise that the land was given free to LMSL.

It wasnt. It was paid within the money transacted for the shares of LMSL.

On the BOI matter, there is a gazette notification that allows that LMSL get BOI incentives. SC nullified the BOI agreement cos it felt that the BOI incentives were tailor made for LMSL. However, its a known fact that the gazette was made to suit LIOC when they wanted to invest in the country. LMSL simply use the same gazette. Minister GL Peiris had also submitted an affidavit to the effect that the gazette was actually done for LIOC.

But NihalA had managed to convince the SC that the BOI gazette was done under the pressure made by LMSL to get BOI concessions.

Its based on these facts that the SC found fault with PBJ.

Rana said...

Amma G/G,

Remember you were talking about AFL some time back. I recon that you didn't watch NRL finals where Manly hammered Bronco's.

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Rana, machan yes I did! Fcuking disappointed! I switched it off on 68min when 24 to 0 and found out it was 40 to 0! Shame! But my accounts are balanced as MIGHTY HAWKS WON!

R u AFL or NRL man? Where r u anyway?

Gayansphotography said...

Over 20 Killed including Maj Gen Janaka Perera in LTTE suicide attack - Anuradhapura
The opposition leader of the North-Central provincial council, Maj General Janaka Perera and many others were killed when an LTTE suicide cadre blown himself inside the United National Party (UNP) office near the Old Bus Stand in Auradhapura this morning, 6 October.

According to the latest information, over 20 were killed in this attack and many others sustained injuries.

The bomb blast occurred around 8.45 a,m in a function held to declare open the new UNP office in Anuradhapura, sources added.

Gayansphotography said...

All good men these are, no matter which party they belonged to....

Rana said...

Amma G/G,

Mate I watch both and fan of all rugby games including the union. I will give you a clue about where, I am. My favourite NRL club is Warriors.

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

R.I.P Maj Gen Janaka Perera! Sir, I salute you behalf the nation you served!!!

Moshe Dyan said...


TN had this to say TO JUSTIFY their attacks that followed JUST a few hours later.

"UNP lends support to GoSL's war effort
[TamilNet, Sunday, 05 October 2008, 09:02 GMT]
United National Pary (UNP) Senior Party Member and Colombo district parliamentarian, Ravi Karunanayake, accompanied by several of his supporters, visited injured Sri Lanka Army (SLA) officers at the Colombo Jayawardenepura Hospital and wished speedy recovery, political sources in Colombo said. The MP handed over essential goods to the injured, and complemented the officiers for the victories they have accomplished in the NorthEast battlefield, sources added.

UNP will continue to provide bipartisan support to the soldiers, Mr Karunanayake told the media after his hospital visit.

Mr Karunanayake added that the Rajapakse Government should not attempt to gain political capital from the battlefield successes of the Sri Lankan armed forces.

Meanwhile, UNP party members have also been visiting injured soldiers at the Anuradapura, Polonnaruwa, and other hospitals, political sources in Colombo said.

UNP has also lent its hand to assist recruitment to Sri Lanka military in many southern Sinhala villages, sources added."

JCP was a good soldier, though a political LOOSER. killing him is another display of LTTE'S CANIBALISM.

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Rana mate, in NZ ha? No wonder ur into Rugby! R u into Sheep too??? lol just kidding mate!

Moshe Dyan said...

who gains by the killing of JCP? is the right question to ask.

obviously pro-LTTE elements of the LTTE. they used him like lucky algama and got rid of him before he changed the UNP. LTTE has a BIG plan for the UNP. premadasa, lalith, gamini, premachandra, lucky algama, janaka BUT NOT EVEN AN ATTEMPT ON ranil, jeyalath, ravi, mano, mangala, etc. although there were plenty of chances.

the provobial holding on to the tiger's tail is what the UNP is going through from 1993.

Moshe Dyan said...

obviously pro-LTTE elements of the UNP.

Jambudipa said...


COPE multi party committee and the SC made a verdict that PBJ was guilty. Not only that, PBJ accepted the verdict by paying the fine. The courts have made a decision obviously considering all the evidence. He was given the opportunity to defend himself and obviously he did not have an answer. If it was this issue alone, then you can at least have some doubt about his innocence. The fact is, ALL privatisations including the Insurance Co-operation and others carried out by PERC under PBJ have been deemed corrupt by COPE chairman who is a decent person. PBJs arrogance and his behavior at COPE investigations also made him suspicious. Why try to hide things if he was not guilty?

Priyanthi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shasrutha said...


Who said PBJ is a saint. Whatever the faults or arrogance displayed he has been one of our best finance secretary.

His rejection of the judges salary increase at a time when all funds were required for the war effort probably caused him to earn the wrath of the supreme court.

The supreme court judges were openly telling that they will take care of him if he appears before their court and this may be what has happened.

The recent series of judgements on road blocks etc are unnecessarily distracting our President from the war which is at a critical point.

You talk about a COPE report of Wijedasa Rajapaksa, but what you may not know is that virtually no investigation or statements were recorded in this investigation as the report itself was written based on Nihal Amarasekere's report to COPE word for word.

Nihal A thro Vasu has filed the SLIC and LMS cases with funding from interested parties probably to de stabilse the Govt by targetting PBJ who needs to manage both the economy and the war funding on behalf of the Govt.

PB is a mere public official who wouldn't be able to do anything without the tacit approval of the then UNP govt. Why is there no mention of any of the UNP ministers or Ranil in the judgement.

I understand that there is a interesting blog featuring Nihal A antics as a private gun for hire.

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