Tuesday, December 30, 2008


The Sri Lanka Army is within 700m of Paranthan junction. Paranthan junction is expected to fall within the next 24-72 hours.

The LTTE's hold on the strategic Paranthan junction along the A9 is failing rapidly as 58 spearheaded by 2 Commando came upto 700m of the A-9 north of Paranthan junction this evening.

Meanwhile Tiger strength in Kilinochchi too is gradually being eased as cadres are being pulled back towards Mulaitivu. The Tigers new objective of protecting Mulaitivu is surprising as it reinforces Mullayaveli. It seems as if the LTTE is running out of time and ideas on which area to protect.


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Gayansphotography said...

oh WOW....all the best to the troops....

Rover said...

Thanks DW, this is what I heard as well. Paranthan has not fallen as yet.

Rover said...

Trying and protecting Mullativu is surely going to be a folly, given that we are so close to that town. Surely, we are nearing the end of an era!

Red_Alert said...

Sweet. Getting Paranthan would be a great way to sign off 2008!

Mohammed Zubair said...

I am not rejoicing till the fat lady (pig?) sings. Could be a trap.

Lanka Dakshina said...

Thanks DW

Our experts here will analyse this.
Can wait to hear the good news

Bless all heroes

Mohammed Zubair said...

This is from Tamilnut, read the third sentence in the first para. Tamilnut is sending a message to the dieasspora that Paranthan will fall, the news is wrapped in a bogus story about a hospital being attacked:

"Ki'linochchi hospital attacked again
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 30 December 2008, 15:30 GMT]

Sri Lanka Army (SLA) fired artillery shells have again hit Ki'linochchi hospital Tuesday evening between 3:50 and 4:00 p.m., initial reports from the town said. Hospital building was damaged in the shelling. Meanwhile, close-exchange of gunfire was reported in Paranthan area.

A telecommunication centre located 300 meters south of Ki'linochchi hospital was badly damaged in the shelling by the SLA Tuesday morning."

Mohammed Zubair said...

Once we secure Paranthan, all hell will break loose. The words "dominos" and "effect" spring to mind when thinking about what could happen.

Red_Alert said...

As many bloggers have already pointed out Paranthan offers many opportunities. North to besiege EPS, South to tactically surround Kilinochchi or plough on Eastwards down A35.
With so many options my feeling is that one of these options would be at the hands of TF5.

I'm not so sure about TF5 supporting 59 because considering TF2 has already linked up with TF4 the logical movement left for TF4 is to move northwards alongside 59, thereby clearing Oddusudan. The remaining areas uncleared south of the Mankulam-Oddusudan stretch would be at the hands of TF2.

These are just my thoughts.. open to scrutiny.

Gayansphotography said...

hmmmmm...a fire burns the brightest just before it is dies...so in the same vein we must be getting day by day closer to the final major counterattack by them.... it will be a do or die battle for them, and they will doe, but hope our opportunistic politicos have the nerve to stomach the unavoidable losses (I m thinking 200+ losses from our side, if in case of a final counter attack..) and continue on the winning path...

Gayansphotography said...

"doe" shud be "die" in my previous post

lankaputhra said...

well done !

I hope we will hear the good news soon.

See the link below!

I just wondering why our SLAF didn't see this size of tower from the air?

ITN news

The Security Forces have taken control of another tower of the LTTE terrorists, further paralysing their communication network.


lankaputhra said...

According to some info I heard LTTP carried out big counter attack few weeks ago in Killi which gave SLA 100+ deaths was planed to take full control over Vanni but it failed due to lack of man power! that's why some LTTP coolies here said they would capture Nachchikuda by 27th of Nov...however we can expect more aggressive counter attacks coming weeks from Mulatheevu area may be LTTP might come from the see rout too...

Sam Perera said...

"Mohammed Zubair said...

I am not rejoicing till the fat lady (pig?) sings. Could be a trap."

I am with you my patriotic brother. The best outcome of this can be the fall of EP and entry of 53 and 55 to the Vanni. Lets keep our fingers crossed.

Sam Perera said...


Is it possible that they are trying to attack the Mulativu front with full force? I hope that 59 and 64 can handle it.

Unknown said...

The claim by some LTTE supporters, (Why beat around the bush.. Mahen et. al) to re-capture Nachchikuda by 27th Nov is in my opinion totally unrealistic! LTTE could have captured it by not by that time limit.

All we can conclude from that Nachchikuda episode is....

That some bovines here ate a nice bucket of LTTE Punnakku thinking it was caviar and still having indigestion!

TigerKiller said...


Amazing 58 ! you guys rocks

Pottu said...

MY guess is TF -5 join with TF-1 and go all the way along A-35.

It is imperative that some one start clearing the Eastern coast along Mullativu front.

Once the coast is cleaned everything else will fall.

Pottu said...

There is a very good article written by Long ranger.

GoldenEagle said...

If Parathan is taken, then it won't be long before 55th and 53rd smash downwards through EPS.

Maybe one of these brigades can carry on towards Mullativu and form a pincer attack with the 59th division.

Can't wait to see the mechanized brigade in full action.

Corey said...

"Meanwhile Tiger strength in Kilinochchi too is gradually being eased as cadres are being pulled back towards Mulaitivu. The Tigers new objective of protecting Mulaitivu is surprising as it reinforces Mullayaveli. It seems as if the LTTE is running out of time and ideas on which area to protect."

- Donkey peelam army general vezapillai prabhakaran is running out of ideas??? No, really???? Did he have any in the first place (other than glorified halluicnations)?




Anonymous said...

/It seems as if the LTTE is running out of time and ideas on which area to protect./

Toss a coin..

Anonymous said...

/The Sri Lanka Army is within 700m of Paranthan junction./

1 mile from K'chi? Where is our mile counting monkey?

ruhunu said...

This is very very encouraging news. Our troops are progressing faster than anybody's expectation.

Who would have thought they can do this much even during the rainy season !

Peter said...


You mean 0.5 mile from Paranthan?

Nice. Counting starts on 30 December 2008.

Anonymous said...

/The Sri Lanka Army is within 700m of Paranthan junction./

Once Paranthan falls I don't think SLA plans to stay there. They will go all the directions from there I guess, EPS, K'chi and Vishvamadu. However 58 should expect grand scale counter attack.. LTTE can attack them both from north and south boxing them in Paranthan.. Hope SLA knows what they do..

Peter said...

While we are at it, what happened to this?

Saturday, October 18, 2008
The race to Kilinochchi begins


lankaputhra said...

Thambala if you are in UK there were some rumours that LTTP got some surface to air missiles (I don’t know what it is) and unloaded in vanni..also they had aggressive cash collection too...few weeks ago some LTTP supporters openly said ‘see what would happen before 27th Nov’. These rumours are not true… I have open mind to see what’s happening…as you can see LTTP has no option but to fight..so there may be a lot of casualties for both parties…I meet many LTTP supporters almost everyday but I m not stupid to sallow all the crap what they say…even though our history got some bad experiences past two years we haven’t had any..so I trust new leaders in SLA…
as per Mahen’s blog he is only 33 years old and I do not believe that he got good knowledge about ground realities in SL in fact he says he also gets info from some one in Vanni…that means that as usual he writes as per imagination and with bit of spices to enhance the flavour of the story. On the other hand he just wants to inform his other supporters to be with LTTP and to show that LTTP is not down..and they will win one day…there are so many LTTP funded business and students in UK as you might be aware …may be he is one of them…

Anonymous said...

57 @ K'chi

59 @ Mullathiv

perein said...

It's been while since you have done a breaking news. Thank you for that.

However we do need to be careful with possible traps as MZ has posted. Having said that, we do need to take the chances sooner or later to get there.
We should leave the professionals jobs to those brave professionals.

Let's truly hope 2009 will become the year of peace.

may the triple gem bless our brave defenders of our motherland.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Re: Backup for fronts

I hv a gr8 faith for SF, but think that chess master was too late for Oddu mission. Had we secured Oddu we can beckup 593 with another div covering them along Oddu-Puthu rd. However still we can manage. Hurry TF3.

For 58th, they can capture upto A9, but passing that is risky. Yes TF5 maybe an option for partnering them after that.

Re: Road along east coast.

The road is A35 connecting Para to Mula which runs thru puthu. It is not really on shore but many good km inland. I think the region between that and shore is very much marshy.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Re: Majority Rule


If majority = SL, well there is no need to say it. It is like saying "a human will rule".

If Majority = sinhala, then it is very wrong. It should be equally possible for anyone who thinks as SL to rule.

Defect is, many minority groups suffer with mental defects that they favor their ppl. Majority is the least favoring group. So if a minority member is to be elected you ought to be very careful to make sure he thinks SL before sub group. Examples are Pulle, Kadir, [maybe] Fowsie, [maybe] Farial.

Nevertheless the Sinhala only rule is not only a very unfair idea, but also a meaningless one. Unless stated in constitution, it has no meaning. For an exp, SLFP could have made Pulle/Kadir the president of SL. SL ppl are not so backward not to vote a sensible minority man.


Well I have nothing against over running it, provided that SLDF casualty remains low. Same applies to Kili and Mula. But I still believe that if we can liberate the entire rest of the region [which means that fatpig has either fled or got killed and most civilians are liberated] having the three nodes under pussycats for about 2 years is OK. Infiltrations may happen and there will be death and attacks, yes. But the toll of overpowering them in a time frame like 6 months has much more destruction to SLDF.

But more importantly, the prolonging siege will shatter every hope and revival as the final men will die/surrender in total frustration.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Many ppl discussed about the solution to the ethnic issue. Let me state mine, which may never happen.

Following actions are for each group to comply.

- To all: NO Specialty, maximum administrative devolution.

- To sinhala: Forgiving the enemy, stop worthless ethnic band wagon, try to win all hearts.

- For non-pussycat tamils: Embrace in brotherhood, stop thinking tamil before SL, stop allowing outsiders to play on your lives

- For pussycat tamils: Defeat, shatter of dreams, accept the inability, surrender/death

- For every ethnic group: watch what happens if you try to play with us

- For opportunist-separatists, socialists, NGO: Persecution, punishment, strict vigilance to see what comes out of their mouths.

- For pro-pussycat diaspora: no chance to come back, no chance to do anything in SL, intl alienation as much as you can, never forgiven or forgotten

- For non-pussycat diaspora: Prompt support, maximum opportunity to beat pro-pussycats.

In simple terms, we should be fairest and most gentle with any Sri lankan, very skeptical and vigilant about those who think of sub groups as prime importance, maximum punishment for those who try separatism or special treats.

lankaputhra said...

I meant by saying Mahen is 33 years old: he might have left country after 1983 (as per his comments) to get asylum in UK so that it could be 8 or 10 years old when he left the country so that I do not believe he got any fighting experience with LTTP…unless he was a child soldier ;)

Casper said...

Peter the pimpiya!...
Without pointing to old posts just come up with another fairy tale man! Like the Red Bird or Alert what ever the song you guys sang when SLA were in Mannar...
Just a question...
Being an "expert" military analysis (cough!!!) could you please elaborate us what's your guys next movement..?
Anyway... I've never ever seen a so optimistic person than this Peter the pimp... He knows it for sure that LTTP can never turn the tide... but still barks!

Anonymous said...

/I've never ever seen a so optimistic person than this Peter../

You have missed Navindran..

Anonymous said...

If Paranthan is really going to fall, according to the procedure tamilnut should come up with thier next punnakku dose.. diverting the propaganda.. What would it be??

When Caspar said 'optimistic'... The tamilnut child soldier/ ID card story also should be targeting too optimistic diasspora monkeys (example Upul AKA Revy) and too pessimistic SLDF supporters..

AAA ABS CDO said...

I agree with Red Alert. If Paranthan falls, it presents three options for 58. 1) head south and clear Kili, 2) head north and box in EPS, or 3) continue east to V'madu and circle the jungle monkies in Kili.

My guess is that LTTE would abandon Kili soon after Paranthan falls. Otherwise, the monkies are going to be boxed in and trapped when troops cut off A35.

Pottu said...

Think, even before the mavil aru debacle by LTTE, Ranil fooling LTTE with CFA,another debacle for LTTE, at all that times; LTTE wanted to plant it in out minds, saying; SLA can not it, We will capture it, we will defeat you on this day or that day, Suicide bombers are our best weapon,and we use those. THEY TRY. THAT IS TRUE.

SLDFs took all those challenges and beat them.

Think, if you have good income in millions, if you have that for 30 years, would you allow it to be faded away. You do you best to hold onto it.

We have to cry for tamil civilians. But, they are also a liability for us, on the other hand, tamil civilians are an investment for LTTE. They use that investment properly and every way possible. LTTE gets everything out of Tamil civilians and exploit diaspora for money.

So, LTTE will never give up this propaganda campaign. IF they give up they lose millions of dollars coming to them in the middle of this. They use some of the investment to implent it. Other money goes to their families and to foreign accounts.

So, keep your minds clear.

Everone need to support and stay alert.

Casper said...

/You have missed Navindran../
Looks like he is missing... or given up!

NOLTTE=Peace said...

It is better that 55 and 53 not rushing to come-down.

Wait until TF1 link up with 56 in Paranthan, and then TF1 thrust Eastward.

We only need some holding position in Nagarkovil and Muhammalai until TF1 reach general area of Vishwamadu. By that time, 59 will secure the whole East Coast and will link-up with TF1/55/53.

NOLTTE=Peace said...

If I was Prabhakaran, I would be in Theravikulam now as it is the most furthest and secure from all the conflicts.

Reeri Yaka said...

www.wiktionary.org defines:-
Optimistic -
Expecting the best in this best of all possible worlds
Hallucination -
A sensory perception of something that does not exist, arising from disorder of the nervous system, as in delirium tremens; a delusion; The act of ...

I think work Optimistic is too decent for Peter, Navindran and company.
Hallucination is more appropriate. No wonder their nervous system is in total disorder.
C'mon Peter you being a keyboard worrier and trying to be the mouth piece of LTTP enjoying a comfortable living in UK while sipping coffee and talking dirty with your neighbour...

Reeri Yaka said...

IF 53 and 55 start pushing down and if TF1 blocked EPS, what are the possibilities that remaining LTTP carders in penins'la escape via the tiny axis od Chundikkulam..?
Isn't the harvesting is more important..? Given the fact that 53 and 55 were bogged down in Muhamalai for a such a long period of time, the carders on the LTTP defence line should be experienced campainers... isn't it?
And how possible and practical for Mechanized Infantry Troops and Machines to cross over to the main land given the fact that the very sandy/mashy land..?

CASC said...

Wow. Having lived through all of the eelam wars this is a very emotional moment for me. While growing up in the 80s,I read a very sad letter from General Hamilton Wanasinghe, who was then the Jaffana forces commander, to a family member who had been in the army. The army was then gradually loosing control of the Jaffna peninsular. As a country, it has taken us nearly 25 years to come full circle.

Kudos to Brigadier Shavendra Silva and the brave soldiers of the SLA. General SF is playing a nice game of chess by having opened so many fronts that the enemy is caught off guard as to SLA's next move.

Many thanks to DW for creating and maintaining this great blog

Also, many thanks to Defence Column for his frequent news clips.

Seasons greeting to everyone on this blog, including our Tamil brethren. May the new year bring peace, hope and prosperity to everyone.

Puran Appu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Saman said...

Thanks DW.

Now on LTTE has to play a guessing game while we are in full control.

2008 year will go on history for all the good reasons.

If CFA was not abolished and ponna RW came to power instead of MR, 2008 could have gone on history for the wrong reason.

Puran Appu said...

Got you all good news guys,

Forward elements of the TF1 penetrated, Paranthan Junction.

Other offensive units will reach Paranthan junction very soon as reported by defencewire.

It's 3 a.m in the morning here in Sri Lanka. Just wanted to give you all the good news.

EPS will be next.

Cheers, Good night.

Sam Perera said...

Puran Appu,

Thanks for the great news. I am impatiently waiting to see 53 and 55 beating LTTE in Vanni. I say that the game is over when 53 and 55 crosses EP.

duzz said...

ty puran appu 4 the update.. just popped in here to see if theres any change.. (after an exhausting CS session) seems like there is!!

excellent.. Shavendra Silva derserves more recognition!!

ReallyCold..... said...

It was the wrong decision by LTTE not to support Ranil made MR come to power.

He did not have any intentions of going to war with LTTE. LTTE thought MR would be a weaker candidate.

Well, the rest is history and SLG is doing very irreversible damage to LTTE.

Pro-LTTE talk about Sinhalese oppressing Tamils. If you read the forums here, you see how oppressed Sinhalese would have been during last few decades.

We all can see end to this madness in 2009. The Gaza conflict is being covered through Western media now and Sri Lanka can afford this time to put more heat to LTTE.

Strategic Thinking said...

thanks for the update guys ! I guess defence.lk was being safe about being 2km away? although i guess ltte is thinking of a ceaslesswaves type in paranthan. thougts?

ReallyCold..... said...

Puran Appu
How known the information you just provided to outside world right now?

Please make sure good news to us will not be bad news for Troops.

Sam Perera said...

It is a wonderful coordination between 58 and 57. The 57 covers the flank of 58 taking the brunt of the force and 58 makes rapid penetrations in to the enemy territory. Them of course, TFs II and III are covering the back of 57 while making their own in roads. The fear of loosing EP in the battle with 53 and 55 along with their great sacrifices made the it easier for 58 to penetrate this far up. It is good team work of all the divisions that took us this far. On the eastern seaboard, 59 and TF IV seem to be playing the same rolls. I sincerely hope that 53 and 55 can join the Vanni battle soon.

ReallyCold..... said...

Reeri Yaka, can you take that sad picture out of your profile?

How do you feel if LTTE does the same with dead Sinhalese soldiers?

Respect the enemy man.

There is no point in showing this dead uniformless and perhaps kidnapped Tamil person.

ReallyCold..... said...

Sujeewa Kokawala,
I am in general agreements with what you said, however my choice of words will be different.

The other important thing should happen is to have a good government with much less ministerial position and low degree of corruption.

Like in Singapore, government must attract our best and the brightest, not the fat and the dumbest.

mahinda said...

Dear Sri Lankans,
I very happy to hear this news. Triple gem bless our brave brothers(sisters) in three forces. I am in LA but going back to London today but last two weeks I check every news to see what the progress. Please remember when 2009 begins all the brave soldiers died and please help what ever the way you can.Last Thank you sirs-MR,GR,SF,SS,JD.

Moshe Dyan said...

srilankikaya & cable,

thanks for the headsup.

so it is true!

Moshe Dyan said...


from a previous post.....

agree with you on the scenario of using appropriate tech as you have written to MoD, and other suggested methods.

but in the absence of those, we are still in trouble in this sector.

i persist with one thing. SLAF should take out LTTE arti that target this sector from the safety of south and south-east of EPS.

උදාන said...

Hello lankaputhra ,
I'm not a big fan of your avatar flag. Just the for corners... :) I know its represent for spires from stupa, but some suggest thats represent for legs from curule of british monarch.. :)

mahinda said...

This is great news for us, after more than twenty-five years of battle and suffering the LTTE have done to our nation. Hoping the next year of our people is the last year of the LTTE army. Once we have gained control of our city of Paranthan we have more chances of deafting the LTTE and regain/retaking our homeland or our motherland. Please always remember those brave people who sacrifised their lives for our lives, our people, our land which the LTTE stole from us. When we regain our land and punish the LTTE for their dreadfull sin on our land, we will bring a new era where Sri Lanka has NO terroism in our land. Please let pease come to Sri Lanka.
Thank you all for your time in reading this comment.

Anonymous said...

Reeri Yaka

About your pic; That's what Peter Ratnadurei calls "what kind of kissing is this?"

Pottu said...

I think, it is the least concern of LTTE right now Kilali, Nagarkovil, Muhamale, EP, Paranthan and Kili.

They know if they lose Mulativu area and the adjacent East coast they lose everything. So, they concentrate on that with all the resources.

Because of that, TF-1/57 will have relatively easy time.

But, don't forget they may try to trick you with sudden unexpected attacks.

Their military strategy right now is saving themselves and always scoring here and there as a show off to diaspora. Both diaspora and LTTE Owe to each other big time.

Soldiers should not be over confidant. Because, they are betting on their lives. They should be scared to the enemy. It is better to think always that you are the underdog.

Peter said...

0.5 mile from Paranthan?

Nisal said...

[[Ninja said...
You have missed Navindran..]]

Don't worry, he will appear in minutes with some financial analysis.

Unknown said...

I have just realised a brilliant idea. What was happening in Hati was nothing more than childs play. I mean since SLA uses children, they were "playing doctor" in Hati. In tamil its called Appa Amma vilauthu. Hence Defencewire spread this proganda quickly.

I was so relieved after hearing this news. I though some idiots are going to wake after the seylan bank collapse. Luckily you are quickly putting up news to divert the attention.

Luckily the Sri Lankan government is experts at running organisations like Minh air and the CPC. I suggest standard charted conduct a tour for senior government officials on banking. We all know how sucessful they were before.

As rover beatifully said Sri lanka is nearing the end of an era.

Unknown said...

I do not know how many of you have watched Mel Gibsons braveheart. In that show in one major battle, the irish was send forward as cannon fodder, however on reaching the scottish lines the hugged the scotish and joined them to attack the english. Luckily none of these boys dieing are too smart, imagine if they turn their guns on their commanders.

Following that the Karave, the Durava and the Salagama might force high caste women to marry them. I guess in heart all your boys are okay if your sisters married out of caste right?

Unknown said...

Mohammed Zubair if you do not believe tamilnet why read it. I mean look at me do you see me even bothering to write about what defencewire writes. Its people like you who know the Sri Lankan government and its lackeys are lying that go and read tamilnet and get disappointed and use this blog as an avenue to went your frustration.

dutugamunu said...

Jaya Sri Sri Lanka. Falling Paranthan will open up new directions of war. And will help ending this bloody war sooner.

Moshe Dyan said...


போடா புன்டியாள்டி

உன்கல் அம்மாவுக்க சக்கிலி தமில் வேச்சீ

எல்லோர புலிகல் செட்டபொய்சா!!

Gringo said...

[It seems as if the LTTE is running out of time and ideas on which area to protect.

A sensible TASSL never expected any 'new' idea from the LTTE... who are just plain terrorists, TRAINED AND PROGRAMMED TO KILL. They had 'no ideas' how to exploit opportunities... when weaker GOSL nearly offered the Elaam pie on a platter a few years ago.

These robotic terrorists just killed and kill for sheer survival.

Without further ado... all we got to do is take these robots seriously and keep culling and reach prosperity.

Red_Alert said...


the guy who pointed out that you lot were a bunch of hallucinators is right on the money.

Cant hack the truth so you lot resort to daydreaming of scenes from Braveheart (talk abt random? must be the jamaican super skunk you're high on) of soldiers turning on commanders (well.. looks like you've lost faith in your own boys to do the job eh)and start talking abt the economy and Seylan Bank. wtf??

p.s.- despite being highly optimistic most of the items on government websites have come true. Cant say that abt Tamilnet (did someone just say doctored photos)

ReallyCold..... said...


Take a prozac and write here dude. It is so clear that you are going through a depression.

ReallyCold..... said...

Navindran said...
What is the highest cast among Karave, Durava and Salagama?

They all are.

They are all allowed to drink water from a temple, sit on desks in schools, and marry among each other.

Right now LTTE caste is the worst caste in Sri Lanka since their average life span is like 19 years.

Calvin said...

Good one brother ! :D

Unknown said...


Looks like this pitful soldier has not been paid for 2 months because he refuses to go to Vanni and be slaughtered for Mahindha. His senior officers do not heed his pleadings and his family depends on his income to survive.

So many brave keyboard warriors here, how come you all talk so much yet nobody has the balls to go down and fight.

Gringo said...

[During the two year ceasefire period entered into by the then Government with the LTTE, the three Forces and Police never purchased even a single bullet in preparation for fighting. They trusted and banked on peace. A peace that Velupillai Prabhakaran cheated ]

he he he... Poor... village... chena boys indeed gave a fair chance to Tamil terrorists and their promoters in the West to fall in line for peace on behalf of all Sri Lankans. But the terrorists were fearful of peace.

Now it's pure harvesting time. Kill the maximum possible.... if shooting to wound... cut off their dic*s... so that these leftover barbarians can never reproduce.

DaraSingh said...


Just like in Braveheart you and all eezahm tamizhs should be drawn and quartered too for talking nonsense about eezham.

Do you remember the time you fools claimed that Australia was the tamizh homeland of eezahm and how the aussies had a jolly good laugh at you buggers

MayilRavana මයිල් රාවන said...

Peter the idiot is still worried about Killinnocchi.
I guess it is OK now to tell him, "Ha Ha Gotcha".
It is really too late now to be thinking about Muliyawelli.
Good on you Grand Chess Master.

BTW Broz.
I have spoken to someone very close who knows what is going on. He assures me that the troops and Police are well trained in the art of intruding into the freedom of Civilians. Apparently they are quite polite and courteous during search operations. GR will need to be given the freedom to do the necessary searches. Good to hear about Jaffna operations to consolidate "winning hearts and minds". Every body loves a winner.
On'ya MR.

I will make a reply to Wijayapala soon. Hopefully, I won't keep the blog occupied with unnecessary discussion for too long.

MayilRavana මයිල් රාවන said...

(New) Thiru Bro,
I noted your patriotic efforts lately. Sorry that I thought you were LTTE and went for your jugular. Hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. You fought me valiantly and proved your love for mother Lanka.

MayilRavana මයිල් රාවන said...

Sujeewa my brother,
about ethnic etc.

I fully agree with you.

I would like to make one point clear:

Before 1815:

Nation=Ceylon=(Eropean corruption of Sinhale)
Sinhala=ethnic group

After 1972:
Nation= Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka belongs to all ethnic groups. The history of Lanka (Sinhale) belongs also to all ethnic groups who are after all genetically related. The Burghers are a very good example of an ethnic group who have embraced this principle whole heartedly. Sinhalas need to acknowledge that the history (although bearing their name) does not exclusively belong to them. Tamil need to accept "Tamil" is a modern concept and identity (just like American and Asutralian) and claim the history of Lanka/Sinhale also.

An example is KT Rajasingham who stated something like, "I don't want to be confined to the north. All of Lanka is mine. "

Another example is Sebastian Rasalingam who states that the Vanni people are of "Sinhala origin". i.e. they were citizens of Sinhale and have a claim to the land on those grounds. They are not "aliens".

Defencewire said...


59 is not alone. Look closer. LTTE is in some dilemma, where and which way to go now. They have left things until the very last moment. Now they have some reserves and a new recruit training going on, but they need a direction, otherwise SLA will gulp them down.

MayilRavana මයිල් රාවන said...

Caste is just history to the Sinhala. Pretty soon it will be history for our kith and kin in Vanni as well. Come to the east in 10 years and see if you can find any castes and you will understand what I mean.

And Jaffna, hmmmm, we will deal with the caste issue there in time.

Nisal said...

[[Navindran said...

So many brave keyboard warriors here.....]]

Yes, we have so many keyboard warriors, but only one keyboard all rounder (keyboard economist + keyboard social scientist + keyboard defance analyst + keyboard historian + keyboard warrior + keyboard etc. + keyboard etc.).

TropicalStorm said...

Yeah, yeah we've heard that 'kissing distance thing before. But it does work for attritional purposes.

The estimate is that at the LTTE has at least 3,000 well trained cadre who still can be a formidable challenge if they are lumped together. So it is essential to keep them spread out to reduce the threat level in eath theatre, and aanihilated systematically. To achieve that, SLDF have to be able to conduct offensive ops from well defended fortifications and be able to continuously hit, without allowing the enemy to re-coup or re-arm. It looks like the bait has been taken quite well in Killi, which will cost the Tigers dearly even when it has not strategic value for the SLG.

Next, the important move will be to isolate E'pass and batton them down while Mullaitivu is neutralized. Keeping the LTTE resources from reaching the Mullaitivu area, which has historically been their winning turf will be of key importance to the SLDF battle planners.

'Divide and conquer' could work well in this game.

Pottu said...

If SLDfs can get LTTE to protect Mullativu with full force..... what a nice idea that will be, many options will be open.

MayilRavana මයිල් රාවන said...

Malli. You disappoint me with your rhetoric again. So I won't reply to such questions. Bloggers understand clearly what I have stated even if you don't. You have failed to disprove the null-hypothesis. As another blogger correctly identified, this is a statistical concept. In statistics there is form of test called "Intraocular Trauma Test"- This is the test that hits you in the eye (it's so obvious).

The sinhala identity passes the IOT test quite well and other bloggers have pointed you in the right direction. Thamabiah and others have also ably disproved the null hypothesis of "no sinhala identity" to circa 1200 AD.

You should not use epithets like "chauvinist" to describe someone whom you cannot beat intellectually (let alone in any other way). This is a typical epithet used by Dravidianists to attack any sinhala who question thier logic.

I guess it is a safe epithet to use becuase it depends on your definition of how much is too far in patriotism. Please note that I have never excluded "Tamil" people under the patriotic banner. I have alao clarified in earlier posts that I do not expect them to be "sinhala". But "sinhale" (of pre-1815)is theirs as much as the sinhalas. You do not need to turn "Sinhale" into "Beautiful Tamil" in order to get their loyalty.

With regard to tracing the "evolution" of Tamil identity, given that you have not made us any wiser, we may have to ask some one of some eminence with understanding of what "identity" means, to do it for us.

This is my last post regarding "tamil" identity. The time for MayiRavana (the older brother of Ravana who lives deep underground) to return to his abode is approaching soon.

Happy Georgian New Year to you all!

Jambudipa said...

Recent flooding has not been good for LTTE. Their underground bunkers are flooded. I have seen underground bunkers full of water in Mullativu as well as Paranthan.

Furthermore, the top soil has washed away exposing APMs although now they are randomly scattered.

MayilRavana මයිල් රාවන said...

DW team,
Thankyou for your untiring effort at keeping us informed through teh calendar year.
There is one point/region which is vulnerable which we do not want to mentions here (even though it is obvious). I just hope that the Grand Master has a contingency plan for any crazy break out in the area concerned.

We will see in New Year.

There is no hurry now. Keep up the pressure and squeeze very tight. I have heard how the Army pursued the JVP in the last stages (I am not talking about the atrocities). Hopefully, the experience form that will come in handy here in the Mullaitivu jungles.

Weldone Broz,
Some of you have kept any splitting and lumping in check in my absence.

Happy New Year!

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Holding of Para will be pretty tough. Note that thin flank of 58th will have to face force coming from two sides.

This can be overcome only by means of offensive to every direction. So best idea is to deploy TF5 there. One div should take care of south and east of Para while other heads towards EPS.

For the case of EPS, I do not know how vulnerable the camp is from south, but that is the only direction which it had been conquered so far.

Although many of you're seriously supporting a fwd move of NFL. My idea is that we should have a diff approach for EPS. To penetrate NFL, even 20:1 manpower ratio has been proven insufficient. As pussycats are never competent elsewhere, the above is a result of harsh-terrain, not skill. Why kill 100s of SLDF to a piece encircled [to be] anyway?

Ananda-USA said...

FreeTrade, Rana,

Freetrade, I enjoyed your book list. I have most of these books, but Fa-Hien's travel memoir was new. I sent off for a copy; I am very eager to read it.

Thanks, brother!

Rana, I just got a stack of Sinhala books ordered online from Kapruka; Rohini by Martin Wickremasinghe among them.

I read it from cover to cover at one sitting; it was exactly as I had memorized it at 7 years of age many many moons ago! Simply Lovely!

I couldn't help seeing the analogy between Dutugamunu's war and the current one, in a book written in 1929! His strategy of taking Buddhist monks to install in the conquered villages to win the hearts and minds of the Sinhala people loyal to Elara was simply brilliant, I think!

BTW, I think the book that I referred to about the Invasion of India by Sinhala armies may have been W.A. Silva's Daiva Yogaya, I am not certain, I am planning to buy & read that too!

Ananda-USA said...

Rover said...

[The problem with the swamp buggy idea is, to succeed, we will need a lot of them (protection in numbers). Because they will be apparent and usually slow, and and hence we will take a lot of casualties.

Swamp boats like the ones used in Florida's Everglades will be a better idea, if stealth is not important. They can skim over swampy vegetation, are highly maneuverable, and fast. But the element of surprise will be lost!]

Well, I didn't elaborate. What we need is a flatbottomed boat driven by a air-propeller to avoid the fouling of normal underwater propellors. Unlike standard swamp buggies, that have these characteristics, but are built with a high-standing seat with a view (for the duck-hunter), we need a low-profile craft for protection, and perhaps some thin sheet stell protection. MGs and grenade launchers can be mounted and the craft can accomodate about four people. Would be ideal for resupply and evacuating the wounded as well.

Yes, the defect is the high noise level which eliminates stealth attacks.

Ananda-USA said...

killert said...

[For this we can use aan air craft similar to the one described in AIr Force Blog called EMB-314 Super Tucano.If it reaped good results in SLA and SLN why wouldnt it work for SLAF.What do you ppl think??]

Yes! Many months ago, I suggested using WW-II P51 mustangs. Very cheap now, very long range, extremely hardy, can fire 20mm cannons,0.5 calibre MGs, and can be fitted with air-air and air-ground rockets, or carry 2 x 500lb bombs, 450 mph top speed, range 3000 miles. Great for coastal defence and close air support also.

About 16,000 were built, still in service in some countries, many looking to unload for as little as $1,500 each. Need a beautiful highly practical personal fighter plane going cheap?

Ananda-USA said...

This is a repost; I still believe this is the way to go, if TF1 breaks through at Paranthan, and can be reinforced by additional troops (e.g., TF5).

Moshe Dayan said...

[so don't expect anything SIGNIFICANTLY easier for 53 and 55 even after paranthan is taken.]

If Paranthan falls, and TF1 exploits this by advancing rapidly along A-35, it can cut off both EPS and the Jaffna front by swinging Northeast to reach the Lagoon, and then crossing the lagoon to occupy and fortify a strip of land between Chundikilam and Mulliyan. The sea border of the uncleared peninsula region can then be invested by the SL Navy.

Long before this cut-off and isolation scenario is completed, the LTTE will abandon all of their positions in the Jaffna peninsula and will withdraw either by sea or along the Norhhern strip of land, to a new Southern front erected across the A-35 road.

Most of their civilians are now camped along A-35. They will create their last earthbunds and frontlines to envelop route A-35, and this civilian human shield and will make their last stand there, as the SLA rolls up the LTTE from the West, Southwest and the South across the Vanni hinterland.

Moshe Dyan said...


P51 mustangs! a good suggestion.

do you know SL used them?


i recon it should be SLA that should operate them from close to where the battle is (although they are capable of range).

Gayansphotography said...

Ananda... u are not considering another of the limited resources that the SLAF has, which is pilots..... in a WWII era plane, how secure will the pilots be?

Moshe Dyan said...

"I still believe this is the way to go, if TF1 breaks through at Paranthan, and can be reinforced by additional troops"

i didn't disagree. but i prefer some air sorties to neutralise LTTE guns/long range mortars BEFORE moving in to the surrounds of EPS.

duzz said...

i personally think after reaching paranthan junction TF1 shud move their attn towards KILI and the new formed TF5 must open a front facing EPS.

TF 1 being the most experienced and succesfull UNIT they shud shaking hands with the 57th and after taking KILI the master must make a strategy for puthu.

what do u guys think?

sanath said...

thanks for the heartening news in the eve of New Year.
when we secure the A 35 from the Paranthan junction upwards, what do you think about an amphibian attack to the eastern costal part in EP like at vettilaykerni.
this would effectively hold the LTTE cadres held in north, and that will decisively restrict LTTE counter force.
if we can secure a beachead at that area that would be a fatal blow to LTTE.
what do you think?

Moshe Dyan said...


IMHO after kili and para, it MUST be EPS.

by going for EPS, we can allow 2 more divisions to join the fray.

that will be a MASSIVE increase in our numbers in offensive op.s when LTTE is fast losing its cadres.

Ananda-USA said...


[i didn't disagree. but i prefer some air sorties to neutralise LTTE guns/long range mortars BEFORE moving in to the surrounds of EPS.]

Thank you, brother. I agree with the need for neutralization of LTTE artillery.

Even if you disagreed, that would be OK, because you could very well be right. None of us are ominiscient, and our crystal balls are sometimes opaque. We only prognosticate based on our own knowledge, learning and experience.

Besides, if we all had exactly the same views, the world would be a dull and grey place in which I would not want to live.

duzz said...

thanks moshe for the rep..

but it seems like the 57th is having a hrd time making progress straight easttwords towards kili from the earth bund. and Vesapille has again stressed the point that they will not lose kili (again with some e mail interview) so they have directed a substantial number of hardcore cadres to the KILI front. but if TF 1 makes penetrations from the north KILI will fall effortlesly and it will be some good target practice for snipers of Tf1.

i wonder if TF5 is ready yet.

Tim said...

Everyone on this forum must see this once. This is what makes the SL army different from the LTTE.

Sri Lankan army

Pottu said...

IF KIli is so important for them, why don't we herd LTTE to Kili. So, increase the thrust towards puthukudurippu and onwards to other areas.

IntelAttack said...

LTTE simply cant let Mulathiv fall because if they do, SLA will advance through coast line as they did in western cost (Vedithalthiv > Nachchikuda > Poonarin)

This will cripple the Arms and other supplies to LTTE and it will be an auto forfeit loss to them.

Tactically, Mulathiv is crucial than the politically important symbolic city Kilinochchi!

What SL war planners has check mated LTTE by pushing from multiple directions to reduce the manpower thus maintaining momentum making less places to retreat and counter.

This is the most intelligent and most effective war plan ever put on practice by SLA to counter terrorists.

The credit goes to the SLA, The Government, and All the people who vow to eliminate terrorism.

Prabu said...


duzz said...

my thoughts exactly pottu.. but we must not "increase thrust" by mounting massive assaults.. why dont we use the highly successful small teams tactic.

Vigilante said...


Where is our mile counting monkey?


Hillarious..Can't stop laughing..

Rover said...


"Well, I didn't elaborate. What we need is a flatbottomed boat driven by a air-propeller to avoid the fouling of normal underwater propellors. Unlike standard swamp buggies, that have these characteristics, but are built with a high-standing seat with a view (for the duck-hunter), we need a low-profile craft for protection, and perhaps some thin sheet stell protection. MGs and grenade launchers can be mounted and the craft can accomodate about four people. Would be ideal for resupply and evacuating the wounded as well.

Yes, the defect is the high noise level which eliminates stealth attacks."

Thanks. Yes this is the best way to go. However there are some more caveats involved in this kind of design as well.

1. It needs a huge (single or twin) fans. Which will be vulnerable to enemy fire. If you try to reduce the height of the fans, it would need several, which will contribute to the width of the craft, again making them more susceptible to enemy fire, and will also make them harder to navigate through narrow channels.

2. It will be very hard to provide cover to the crew/soldiers as it would hinder with the air-supply to the fan.

3. Only very light machine guns could be mounted on such a craft. Never a big gun or mortars. Since pretty much all of the craft is above water, and inherently the craft is light, it will get destabilized very easily with firing of a heavier gun.

So pretty much all our efforts will have to be put on making the craft lighter and faster to avoid enemy fire.

We can play with the idea of having water jets instead, but they also could get fouled (though not as much as the propeller driven crafts). Also it would make them more expensive to produce.

Ananda-USA said...

Thoughtful Guy said...

[Ananda... u are not considering another of the limited resources that the SLAF has, which is pilots..... in a WWII era plane, how secure will the pilots be?]

WW-II pilots were trained in as few as 4-months for flying P51's. Flying P51 at slow speeds is not as difficult as training a jet fighter pilot...reaction time limits are much longer. I don't think training pilots would be a big problem.

The purpose of these planes would be for low-tech warfare; not for opposing the state-of-the-art airforces of other countries. They are perfect for shooting down Zlins, patrolling the sea coast, taking out gun/ammunition smuggling vessels, and for close air support against troops, trucks and guns, and destroying earthbund fortifications. They served these same purposes during WW-II in addition to protecting bomber formations against German fighters during bombing runs over Nazi Germany.

The biggest new type of threat threat they would face would be the shoulder fired SAMs (e.g., Russian Sagger-type, and US Stinger-type) travelling at high speed, that are available to even the LTTE only in very limited numbers. The SAMs can be confused by a variety of counter measures that can be deployed from P51s also. The tight turning radius of a P51 can be used to avoid SAMs which cannot turn as fast at their high speeds; this is not possible with jet fighters which largely depend on high-speed to outrun the SAMs, and on countermeasures to divert the SAM homing sensors.

Obviously, it is not the best, safest, state of the art solution. An advanced VTOL aircraft, such as a British/US Harrier, that can fly at both high and low speeds, can hover in one place, can liftoff and land vertically on small field, and has state-of-the-art countermeasures would be the way to go, if we had the funds. My idea is only an affordable solution for a poor country; a solution that would allow us to deploy the hundreds of aircraft needed to maintain a intensive detect-and-destroy coverage everywhere.

Just imagine, we can buy 150 planes for, say, $2,000,000, which is much less than the price of one Harrier. We can use 50 of those planes for spare parts, and fly the remaining 100 forever, until Sri Lanka becomes rich enough to afford better weapons. In the post war period, this solution will allow us to tightly protect our coast and territorial waters. We can refurbish and use LTTE's airstrips for this purpose as regional airfields close to the field of action.

Another idea I have is to develop a similar low cost fleet of sea-planes with either a boat-like fuselage or two independent floats in addition to wheels for landing on water surfaces. These can land in the ocean near ports when the sea is calm, or land in lagoons or in our inland tanks/reservoirs. The sea-planes with floats can be P51 mustangs, with the undercarraige permanently extended and wheels and floats incorporated as a single unit to allow landing on either land or water. Such a modified P51, of course, would not be able to fly at the high speed of one without modification, because of the extra drag of the extended undercarriage. That is the trade off. But all of these ideas can be combined to provide a low cost mix of planes to meet our security needs, and would complement the more advanced jet fighter force of the SLAF.

Anonymous said...

Army closing in on Paranthan, Kilinochchi
Ranil Wijayapala

The Security Forces are poised to launch a major breakthrough with troops closing on isolated strongholds as Task Force I troops both in Paranthan and Kilinochchi areas confronted the LTTE in the remaining terrain of the Jaffna-Kandy Highway, military sources from Wanni battlefront told the Daily News yesterday.

“The situation is extremely fragile to the LTTE as they fast shift their cadres in the Jaffna front where the LTTE had kept many of their assets to defend the Paranthan and Kilinochchi fronts as of yesterday evening,” troops now close on the A9 road from North of Kilinochchi, he added.

Sources also said the next 24 hours was delicate as troops are poised to cut off the A9 road from North of Kilinochchi and Paranthan.

“Security Forces are closing on to Elephant Pass too as the Task Force I is in the process of creating a wider front towards A-9 road from the North of Kilinochchi to launch the fall of most important grounds in Kilinochchi to cut Tiger links with the Jaffna front,” sources added.

The Task Force I troops, under the command of Brigadier Shavendra Silva managed to capture Kamalakadukulam, two kilometers west of Paranthan and Thadduvankoddy in the North West of Paranthan amidst stiff resistance from the LTTE.

“Intercepted radio transmissions confirmed that 20 Tiger cadres were killed and 30 wounded in the fierce battles that erupted from early hours of yesterday. The Task Force I troops managed to recover six Tiger bodies during search and clear operations,” sources added.

The LTTE never expected such a swift move towards North of Kilinochchi and Paranthan as the Task Force I troops had taken only 30 days to advance 22 km from Pooneryn to Paranthan with Pooneryn captured on November 15.

They had to stop military operations for two weeks due to inclement weather conditions.

According to military sources, the 57 Division troops operating South of Kilinochchi also made strategic moves towards Kilinochchi after passing the Tiger earth bund which was the major obstacle.

Anonymous said...

/If I was Prabhakaran, I would be in Theravikulam now as it is the most furthest and secure from all the conflicts./

If I were Prabakaran, I ask Nadesan to do some bogus e-mail interview and say 'we will not let K'chi fall" even before 5 mins it happens and make di-ass-pora fools to send some money to my account. Ha Ha

DoDo said...

OH NOooooo!!! My Poor Peelam:((

PS: Thanks DW and Puran Appu for the fantastic news.

KB said...

Excellent news, patriots. Our brave army will be victorious from sea to sea - 'a mari usque ad mare'.


Vigilante said...


LTTE will use that Video to counter GOSL propaganda.

KillerT said...

hey people,
As some guys said my idea is also that once we take para the next move of 58 should be EPS while TF 5 should be deployed to move along the a35.TF5 can also support 57 to get killi,as it would now be easy according to DW.

The air support from the jets and the ones mentioned by ananda should be given during the operation on the call from a ground commander.or else it would be useless.for this there should be direct coordination between the commander and the pilot or someone from the operatinng room.I'm not at all satisfied with the air support we get currently.so disabling the heavy weapons at first will be impossible.maybe firefindera would do that.But as some of u guys say it wouldn't work due to mobile weapons.

Ananda-USA said...

Rover said...

[It needs a huge (single or twin) fans. Which will be vulnerable to enemy fire. If you try to reduce the height of the fans, it would need several, which will contribute to the width of the craft, again making them more susceptible to enemy fire, and will also make them harder to navigate through narrow channels.]

Actually, instead of large diameter slow speed fans, we can mount smal diameter high speed turbofans with the fan running within enclosed cowlings. With this type of fan the top of the engine will be about the height of a man sitting up on his knees on the floor of the boat! The power density is very high and the thrust large, but the occupants wioll need ear plugs because of the high pitched whine of the turbo-fan.

This is eminently doable.

Rover said...

{"Rover said...

[SLAF is not willing to dedicate several UAVs just to search for Arti-guns! ]

This is a pet peeve of mine also.

The UAVs need not be the expensive Israeli made ones; you can build hundreds of cheap model aeroplanes and helicopters with radio control, video cameras, infra-red directional sound sensors, GPS modules and deploy these. The real expense is on the ground, where you have to control the UAV, monitor and analyze the data. I build such things as a hobby...I know!

If hidden artillery/mortars is what kills our troops; lets deploy as many locally built UAVs as we need to locate and destroy them!"}

Yes, folks have been playing with building our own UAVs for sometime now. However, there hasn't been any significant progress.

The biggest problem is really not making the crafts fly/control but 1)getting real-time transmission of data back to base 2) controlling over larger distances and 3)securing the control transmission (if the control transmission can be disrupted, the LTTE will make them fall out of the sky, or acquire the craft themselves).

If these can be figured out, we are pretty much there. But these are not simple problems to figure out, or LTTE would have built their own UAVs by now.

If someone has expertise on the above subjects, please get in touch with MOD (perhaps Ananda you?).

Anyway all the pods that you mention can easily be mounted on a UAV, as they are not heavy.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

/Mohammed Zubair if you do not believe tamilnet why read it./

We need entertainment too. We read Harry Potter as well.

(Seems Mohammed Zubair's tamilnut post has hurt Navindran too mush..Huh..)

/I mean look at me do you see me even bothering to write about what defencewire writes./

Yes we do.

/Its people like you who know the Sri Lankan government and its lackeys are lying that go and read tamilnet and get disappointed and use this blog as an avenue to went your frustration./

Navindran talking about Navindran.

Pottu said...


why dont we use the highly successful small teams tactic.

People in the field understands the details and how should it happen.

Rover said...

"Actually, instead of large diameter slow speed fans, we can mount smal diameter high speed turbofans with the fan running within enclosed cowlings. With this type of fan the top of the engine will be about the height of a man sitting up on his knees on the floor of the boat! The power density is very high and the thrust large, but the occupants wioll need ear plugs because of the high pitched whine of the turbo-fan."

Yes, but when you lift the fans above the water and move it forward, there will be a tendency for the boat to nose dip or capsize (when turning). Ideally the fans needs to be in the rear/sides). However, the potential is there. This would make a good graduate student project... heh! heh!

Anonymous said...

/Bloggers understand clearly what I have stated even if you don't./

Sure we do. (Actually we did, long time ago.)

KB said...

Our army chaps need to seriously consider using flamethrowers when attacking terrorist bunkers and trench lines. Flamethrower will be a potent weapon with great psychological impact upon unprepared LTTE monkeys, inflicting a particularly horrific death i.e. being burnt alive. A flamethrower projects a stream of flammable liquid, rather than flame, which allows bouncing the stream off walls and ceilings to project the fire into blind and unseen spaces, such as inside bunkers or pillboxes. In cases where the terrorists are protected from the flames by deep bunkers, the burning flames will often consume the available oxygen, suffocating the bastards.

Contemporary flamethrowers can incinerate targets at 50–80 meters (165–270 feet) distance from the gunner; moreover, an unignited stream of flammable liquid can be fired and afterwards ignited, possibly by a lamp or other flame inside the bunker.

On the other hand flamethrowers pose many risks to the operator. The first disadvantage is its weight, which impairs the soldier's mobility. Flamethrowers are very visible in the battlefield, and so operators become prominent targets for snipers. The best way to minimize the disadvantages of flame weapons is to mount them on armored vehicles such as tanks.


Anonymous said...

/Vigilante said...


Where is our mile counting monkey?


Hillarious..Can't stop laughing../


While Peter is sleeping.. until today

1 mile to Kilinochchi
1 mile to Kilinochchi
1 mile to Kilinochchi
1 mile to Kilinochchi....

Today onwards..

0.5 miles to Paranthan
0.5 miles to Paranthan
0.5 miles to Paranthan
0.5 miles to Paranthan.....

Peter's wife.. "kata vahagana nida gonnava ooii.. mala vathe.."

duzz said...


machan.. i was just making an outside observation.(every time SLA makes a full on assault casualties increase sharply)

and another n00b question.. whats bigger in numbers, A task force or a Division? what is the differance between those 2?

NOLTTE=Peace said...

It is again and again, time to emphasis..

The lives of MR, Gota, SF, SLAF and Navy Commanders are the most precious at this very moment!

LTTE has run out almost all the options of getting annihilated. Their most daring bid would be to take those precious lives.

They have tons of explosives brought down to South, and those explosives can create havoc even from very far distances.

This time they will resort to simultaneous and multiple attacks on the same target, and we need to be prepared.

These precious lives should not do any 'stupid' things. Their security detail also should not lose focus either!

Wakkaman said...

Thank you DW, for your excellent contributions which I have been following now for a long time.

Just some remarks on your good news.

"The Tigers new objective of protecting Mulaitivu is surprising as it reinforces Mullayaveli."

As pointed out in the LR blog, "The sealing off of the Eastern coast of the Wanni is the key to the final act in this war."
Killinochi has mostly symbolic and political value. But ultimately the military planner must go for the military necessity. That applies especially to the Tigers as they are left with little international political sympathy which they could exploit by a sustained defense of Killinochi - for example to push for a ceasefire.

Necessity then dictates that the Tigers must hold on to Mallativu. This is not because Mullathivu is irreplaceable. No port is when you bring supplies by small vessels to the coast. The point is that after Mullativu the Tigers have not many places left on the East coast of the Wanni.

They know they cannot survive this onslaught by the SLA on irregular supplies. The LTTE can only get a stable supply through the east coast. That, in my opinion, is the unsurprising reason that they have cut into their reserves to reinforce Mullathivu.

"It seems as if the LTTE is running out of time and ideas on which area to protect."
I agree wholeheartedly. I hope soon we will be able to add "and means".

I wish the DW team and the contributors to this blog a happy and ultimately peaceful 2009.

Rover said...

Konnapu B.,

"On the other hand flamethrowers pose many risks to the operator. The first disadvantage is its weight, which impairs the soldier's mobility."

Not only that. If the enemy captures the soldiers, by tradition, the first one to get executed is the soldier who operates the flame-thrower. He is never let off. This is supposed be because the injury/death caused by FT is harrowing.

Many nations have banned using these, but I am not sure if SL is a signatory to that.

Rover said...

Got to run..

KB said...

[Not only that. If the enemy captures the soldiers, by tradition, the first one to get executed is the soldier who operates the flame-thrower. ]
Rover, dear chap, that's quite correct from what I have heard too. But if we mount them on tanks or APCs it will improve the mobility and reduce the chance of operator getting captured.


Saman said...

1. USA based MS website 30/12:

"The fighting around the LTTE capital of Kilinochchi is apparently attracting the best fighters the LTTE has left. That's because some army units have been hit with well prepared and led counterattacks. These were attempts to push the army back, but these offensive operations failed. Sometimes there were heavy army casualties, but the soldiers stood their ground and stopped the LTTE attackers. That didn't happen 5-10 years ago, and is one reason why the LTTE are on their last legs. The rebels no longer have a qualitative edge on the battlefield. "Advancing troops have captured an LTTE airstrip, hidden under nets and foliage. The army is advancing up the east coast, past the town of Mullaitivu, and down the east coast along the Jaffna peninsula. The LTTE defenses consist of recently recruited fighters holding out in recently built bunkers. The morale of the LTTE fighters is rapidly declining, as is their battlefield effectiveness.

2. Indian Organiser

LTTE- Lashkar links revealed
An Indian weekly 'The Organizer' has revealed possible links between Lashkar e Taliba (LeT) terrorist group and the LTTE.

"There are now FBI confirmations of visits by LTTE top brass to Kabul. The LTTE, which is fighting a losing battle with the Sri Lankan Army, is looking to the ISI-Al-Queda-LeT for weapons," The Organizer website claimed.

DoDo said...

Tamilnet has officially admitted troops are in Paranthan

Ki'linochchi hospital attacked again
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 30 December 2008, 15:30 GMT]
Sri Lanka Army (SLA) fired artillery shells have again hit Ki'linochchi hospital Tuesday evening between 3:50 and 4:00 p.m., initial reports from the town said. Hospital building was damaged in the shelling. .Meanwhile, close-exchange of gunfire was reported in Paranthan area. A telecommunication centre located 300 meters south of Ki'linochchi hospital was badly damaged in the shelling by the SLA Tuesday morning.

CriMeWatCh said...

Video which i have published few months before..


i copied from shown buggers friends phone

Puran Appu said...


A Platoon consist of 25 to 50 men, 3 to 5 Platoons forms a Company and 3 to 5 Companies forms a Battalion. 3 to 5 Battalions forms Brigade and 3 to 5 Brigade forms a Division.

Task Forces are usually formed for a particular Task.

A Division is obviously bigger in numbers. A division usually consist of 15,000 to 20,000 and a Task force consist of 5000 to 10,000.

This is to my knowledge. Someone, Please correct me if i am wrong.

Gayansphotography said...

Konappu Bandara......

about flame throwers.... well we dnt need to invent the wheel again.... there are already variants of the T55 tank variant (soviat tank) that is developed for the flame thrower role...

from wiki


* OT-54 (Ob'yekt 481) - T-54 with ATO-54 flamethrower instead of 7.62 mm SGMT coaxial machine gun. [21]
* TO-55 (OT-55, Ob'yekt 482[13]) - This flame-thrower version of the T-55 tank incorporates the ATO-200 flame projector. The flame thrower is ignited by pyrotechnic charges, and 12 charges are the basic load. The stowage tank, which replaces the hull ammunition rack besides the driver, contains 460-litres of flammable liquid, and each burst averages 36 liters. The maximum effective range of the system is 200 meters, with the stream having an initial muzzle velocity of about 100 mps.[17][21][13]
* Ob'yekt 483 - Flame-thrower tank prototype, based on the T-54B. This version featured installation of the ATO-1 flame-thrower in short stubby barrel with internal tube instead of the main gun, resulting in a decrease of the tank's firepower. There's also a circular vertical vent on the rear of turret and a sight mount level with top of mantlet aperture. Following trials with the prototype vehicle, development work on this ceased.[21]

Observer said...

Some old hits by Navindran extracted from Defencenet.. Look at the way we are seeing stripes of this terror supporter now.. :-)


Defencenet has been giving alot of good information. I assume some things need to be classified. However with the extent of information the LTTE has acess too, its a joke for the goverment to say some information is better hidden or it will be useful to the LTTE. Remember the LTTE executes all its operations with inside information. I presume its their need to hide information from the people to fulfill their political needs.

I am not asking Defencenet to work tiredlessly for this website. However when you have an ardent and involved readership, you should reciprocate in kind by trying your best to keep us updated.

So far you guys have done a good job. If you continue to report without bias as you have mentioned, I believe readership to this website will grow substantially.


I believe this is a revenge killing for fernado. The army should concentrate in taking out tiger leaders and not their lackeys. Looks like Mahindha is destroying the reputation of the army and paving the way for UN intervention for splitting the country. There can be no doubt why they prevented the tamil people voting for Ranil.

The LTTE should not go unpunished for their sins but not the civilians who support them. Then there is no difference between a terrorist organisation and government.

Mahindha did not blink to make his brother take Fernando's place.

Puran Appu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Puran Appu said...

Looks like enemy resistance is lower than expected at Paranthan, Army casualties are reaching Anuradhapura at a lower rate.

Recent air strikes have been extremely successful.

This should be the secret behind low SLA casualties.

boyrocky said...

Guys, the news is that SLA forward elements have entered the famous paranthan chemical factory after several clashes with LTTE since yday. that seals paranthan has fallen. chemical factory is one of the key buildings where LTTE carders used to occupy.

silentknight said...

TF5 should go upto EPS from paranthan, sandwich the muhamalai front and get the ltte to fight/withdraw from there, thus free up 55D.

58D should countinue its flanking manuever towards the coast a bit more i think , b4 heading down south/south-east.

hopefully by then, the vast contingent holding the N-M-K axis can move straight down- to kilii and beyond.

duzz said...

@ puran..

thanks for the heads up dude.. still waiting for sum good news from the 57th.

if LTTE resistance is lower than expected its sumtin to worry abt. they maybe planning a major counter attack.. at least our guys know what they are doing. even they manage to counter attck i expect TF 1 and 57th to stand ground like they did in sinna paranthan

duzz said...

@ silent knight

my thoughts exactly.. but the standing question is.. "is Task force 5 ready for action?" can anybody shed light on this matter?

Sri Lankan said...

Guys Paranthan is definitly down.

We are doing clearing ops now so the news wont come till later.

DoDo said...

Fall of Paranthan imminent; troops marching into the built up

Sri Lanka Army Task Force 1 troops are on the verge of scoring another historic victory by liberating the strategically located Paranthan town, reveal battlefield sources.


Bhairav said...

[We are doing clearing ops now so the news wont come till later.]

Yes, Srilankan, you were cleaning the Kili downtown area for months before passing the final word. May be you can clean Paranthan for some months before you hit the dust.

Gayansphotography said...

Fall of Paranthan imminent; troops marching into the built up

Sri Lanka Army Task Force 1 troops are on the verge of scoring another historic victory by liberating the strategically located Paranthan town, reveal battlefield sources. Troops gained total control over the Thadduwankoddy and Komarikudakulam villages edging the Paranthan built up by last afternoon (Dec 30).

According to the battlefield reports, troops while advancing towards Paranthan had several confrontations with the terrorist in the area South of B-69 (Pooneryn- Paranthan) road during daytime. Heavy confrontations were reported around 9.30 AM, 1 PM, and 3 PM resulting severe damages to the terrorist. Troops found 6 bodies of LTTE cadres during clearing operations.

Meanwhile, snipers deployed on the forward boundaries reported killing of 6 LTTE cadres during the day. Separate confrontations erupted around 7 to 7.30 in the evening elsewhere on the battlefront when troops made further advanced towards east . Troops claimed heavy damages to the terrorists

Defence observers are in the view that fall of Paranthan would open a gateway to the LTTE's last defences in the Vaddakachchi , and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas on the A-35 road (Paranthan- Mullaittivu).

at least on paper it seems that we are planning to go Puthu side from paranthan... but most probably this is another diversion

Anonymous said...

/Fall of Paranthan imminent;

Troops marching into the built up
Sri Lanka Army Task Force 1 troops are on the verge of scoring another historic victory by liberating the strategically located Paranthan town, reveal battlefield sources. Troops gained total control over the Thadduwankoddy and Komarikudakulam villages edging the Paranthan built up by last afternoon (Dec 30).

According to the battlefield reports, troops while advancing towards Paranthan had several confrontations with the terrorist in the area South of B-69 (Pooneryn- Paranthan) road during daytime. Heavy confrontations were reported around 9.30 AM, 1 PM, and 3 PM resulting severe damages to the terrorist. Troops found 6 bodies of LTTE cadres during clearing operations.

Meanwhile, snipers deployed on the forward boundaries reported killing of 6 LTTE cadres during the day. Separate confrontations erupted around 7 to 7.30 in the evening elsewhere on the battlefront when troops made further advanced towards east . Troops claimed heavy damages to the terrorists

Defence observers are in the view that fall of Paranthan would open a gateway to the LTTE's last defences in the Vaddakachchi , and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas on the A-35 road (Paranthan- Mullaittivu)./

This reporting style of defence.lk implies Paranthan is already down. However, less LTTE resistance is hard to understand as fall of Paranthan for sure makes EPS (and hence Muhamale down) resulting 2 divisions coming down and K'chi useless.

DoDo said...

Paranthan down, Govt unveils a massive economic stimulus package, cuts ministerial perks....what a way to finish 2008!

Excellent stuff MR, SF and GR. Hats off!

duzz said...

i'll only be when i get to hear the words straight out of Saman Kumara Ramawickrama's mouth.

that dude sure can calm some nerves LOL

duzz said...

@ dodo

machan.. elections are also on the wat :P..

duzz said...


මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Dear Puran Appu

"Looks like enemy resistance is lower than expected at Paranthan, Army casualties are reaching Anuradhapura at a lower rate.

Recent air strikes have been extremely successful.

This should be the secret behind low SLA casualties."

Yes Sir, that is correct, whoever own the sky will win any war

Anonymous said...

/Yes, Srilankan, you were cleaning the Kili downtown area for months before passing the final word. May be you can clean Paranthan for some months before you hit the dust./

Its some dudes said K'chi down not defence.lk or defencewire. Anyway, you don't have to worry about fall of Paranthan until SLA official announce it.

I don't think LTTE monkeys ever believed when SLA said Mavil Aru, Sampur, Vaharei, Thoppigala, Madu, Mallavi, Thunukkai, Pooneryn etc FALL. May be you can enjoy tamilnut 'repulsed', 'thwarted' and 'defeated' reports now.

Sri Lankan said...

@ Bhirav;
Killi was infiltrated several months ago mate. But we have faced stiff resistance. It was imminent as our Defence Spokesmen pointed out but we had to solidify our ground and fortify as LTTE were counter attacking in waves and failed. So yes Killi is under siege officially but as you dont seem to be that educated in war fare or any other matter cant expect you to understand that though we have gained control we are facing resistance thus cant officially mention it.

Paranthan as we know should be easier than Killi as LTTE dogs are really pissing in their pants now in Killi and no time to go to Para to help their fellow bitches and dogs out he he

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Defencewire thanks for the cool update...


We hit paranthan...we are geting our country back...

Thanks GOD,

Rana said...


Mate, Daiwa Yogaya and Kelahanda by W.A. Silva are purely love stories, involving two charaters called John Jayapala and Malani, as I remember.

I don't think you can read abot SL history or invasions on those books.

Even I don't think WA Silva has written anything on invasions by tamils.

Anonymous said...

Guys SLA said officially THADDUVANKODDY and KAMARIKUDAKULAM liberated, 2 km away from Paranthan. Look where is PARANTHAN, THADDUVANKODDY, KAMARIKUDAKULAM and EPS. click here

Anonymous said...

Hey Rana

Have you read the two books Alice in Wonderland and Navindran in Peezamland?

Puran Appu said...

>>>>Sri Lankan said...
Killi was infiltrated several months ago mate. But we have faced stiff resistance. It was imminent as our Defence Spokesmen pointed out but we had to solidify our ground and fortify as LTTE were counter attacking in waves and failed. So yes Killi is under siege officially but as you dont seem to be that educated in war fare or any other matter cant expect you to understand that though we have gained control we are facing resistance thus cant officially mention it.

Point taken...

Guys, this is the truth.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Wanni Operation 30/12/2008 - Another LTTE communication tower captured Watch

"Congratulations 59. Now send that tower through prabhakaran's backside. Hehehehehe "

Puran Appu said...

If it didn’t rain last month, we had a big chance of taking Kili. So many special units were in Kili at that time. But we had to pull them back when it started to rain.

We can’t blame the rain, everything happens for good.

dsk said...

To peter,
the difference this time around(4th eelam war or whatever) is,army is not after some land.not Kilinochchi,not Paranthan not even Mulaitivu.
an example would be, if you plan to go to Galle from Colombo you would stop at Galle.but if you plan to go to Katharagama VIA galle,not only will you reach Katharagama,but in meantime reach Galle as well.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

My Sinhala Brothers, I'm sorry for posting this off topic video, but,,, here we go..


while western-media is busy watching nuclear, we must clear ltte A55-O s

Sri Lankan said...


Our forces were in Killi but had to go back to the defence lines and abandon during night as Killi was not safe to occupy completely.

Then came the rain and LTTE knowing the tarrain made use to cunter attack.

Dont forget that we are clearing square foot by square foot in some areas due to land mines. So its not the easiest.

I also wish we had announced the capture at that time but if you have some sense on the war you will know that a war is not merely what you see in the movies.

Paranthan and then EP is not too easy but if Killli also falls then we can definitly push to EP and surround some cardres in the Iyakachchi area. But its known that the moment Killi also falls Killali LTTE dogs will withdraw to minimise a bulls eye situation.

Known thing is Prabha cannot flee any more if he wants to be in control.

Guys there is a rift between Pottu and VP as well. Any one has any updates on this.

Anonymous said...

# Dharmapuram hospital - Civilian patients are on the floor and out of the hospital building as hospital is full of LTTE cadres who do NOT get injured by SLA fire - click here

# Even the black tigers came to Periya Paranthan fight (This may explain why Paranthan fell without big fight..)

Ra said...

"Meanwhile, Medical Superintendent of Vanni's main hospital at Tharmapuram, Dr. S. Sathiyamoorthy, has placed the hospital and the surrounding area on red alert for blood shortage, according to the medical staff at the hospital. " - TamilNut

What is a red alert? Why a red alert on surrounding area as well?

hemantha said...

"Task Forces are usually formed for a particular Task.

A Division is obviously bigger in numbers. A division usually consist of 15,000 to 20,000 and a Task force consist of 5000 to 10,000."

Not exactly true in our case.
SL Army
A division = 7500-10000

A div usually consists of three brigades. 57 div is an exception. It has four brigades.
Div 58 used to be the Task Force 1 when it began operations in Mannar. The reason was that it only had two brigades. (Now it is a full Division with three brigades. Commando regiment is also operates under the commander of the 59 div which is proved to be advantageous). All the other Task Forces each used to have just two brigades initially. TF3 was planned to be a full Division initially but the third brigade had to join 57.
My two cents.

hemantha said...

"but it seems like the 57th is having a hrd time making progress straight easttwords towards kili from the earth bund."

As I heard they are having a progress.

PHANTOM-X said...

Strategic Thinking said...

thanks for the update guys ! I guess defence.lk was being safe about being 2km away? although i guess ltte is thinking of a ceaslesswaves type in paranthan. thougts?

My comment...

It could be a trap....but we have all the firepower to counter wave type attacks. MBRL's are there to counter wave type attacks. They will fire motors and and artillery first then they will try wave type attacks.

Puran Appu said...

From Wiki>>>>>

A division is a large military unit or formation usually consisting of around ten to thirty thousand soldiers. In most armies, a division is composed of several regiments or brigades, and in turn several divisions make up a corps.

A brigade is a military unit that is typically composed of two to five regiments or battalions,

Not exactly true in our case.

Vajira said...

LTTE is apparently dismantling its 122mm artillery from Soranpattu. Task Force 1 is too north of Thadduvankoddy for the comfort of their nothern FDL cadres.
TF 1 is smartly controlling all LTTE movements on the A9 north of Paranthan.
This swift move will make a large number of LTTE cadres make a run through Chundikulam jungle leaving behind many of their weaponary.
That route is a nightmare to carry heavy baggage.

Rana said...

Ninja, Machan,

Yes, I went to wonderland by taking blue pill from Morphios while trinity was watching. Then only I managed to catch the white rabbit.

Navindran got the wrong pill and end up in peezamland.

Ra said...

Peelam supporters are unusually silent today! Even mile counting one.

Anonymous said...

/Peelam supporters are unusually silent today! Even mile counting one./

Usual behavior! Monkeys' ejaculation and orgasm both positively correlated with tamilnut punnakku dose - xxx SLA killed with pics.

But the mile counting monkey is retarded. When you have only one 1 rupee coin such a guy keep counting it.

Mahen said...

Watch out for counter ladies,
Here we comes.

Pottu said...

SLA is using small units. So, traps won't be that effective in order to turn around things. Using Ceaseless wave is a stupid move from LTTE side. On the other hand, they have 8000 GCE O/L kids. they may try it.

Pottu said...

SLA is using small units. So, traps won't be that effective in order to turn around things. Using Ceaseless wave is a stupid move from LTTE side. On the other hand, they have 8000 GCE O/L kids. they may try it.

hiru said...

huge relief package... fall of Paranthan...test match victory (just now)...
"LTTE are open to restarting peace talks with the government, despite the continuing military offensive aimed at crushing the group, LTTE political chief Balasingham Nadesan told The Associated Press"

looks to be a promising 2009

duzz said...

and further more!!

"here we comes" as in we is singular? so who is coming? u? nah i dnt think so..

Mahen said...

Unv educated true heroes vs Cabage Boyz.

Puran Appu said...


>>>>but we have all the firepower to counter wave type attacks. MBRL's are there to counter wave type attacks.>>>>

Point taken.

As I always say, counter wave type attacks are not possible with MBRL. History proves this.

Since the rains have stopped, we will see the best of our troops. We couldn’t take the maximum use of our MBRL’s, artillery and the armored Co. during the rainy period. True we had a lot of casualties in the past days, rain accounts for most of it. Our troops, went through extreme hardships, during the rainy period. I don’t want to talk about scarifies they made and the hardships they went through during this period.

Best is yet to come.

Bloggy Boy said...

[4 civilians killed, 14 wounded in air strike, hospital reports blood shortage] - Tamilnut

blood shortage to treat 14 wounded civilians??? hahahaha....

duzz said...

at least im not spending my money on dear old velu to teach O/L kids how to be effective cannon fodder..
thambeergala.. onna singala army enawa.. enakota OLUWAMA DAANAWAAA.. sariyaaa??

hiru said...

"LTTP chu heros" run through Chundikulam jungle leaving behind many of their weaponary

haka haka haka

Navindran said...

"Watch out for counter ladies,
Here we comes."

Thats right. Peter just came in Mahen's mouth. Cabage boys don't know how good it is to cum with your gay friends.

Mahen said...

Forces will come from Killi / EPS towards Paranthan.
It will be a new start for the year.

Unemployed TV heroes like PUKKEN APPU,
Watching ceylon Singala tv news and claiming to have contacts with army. You do not have facts stop making assumptions.

Anonymous said...

# These kids will remember the valiant SLA soldiers who sacrificed their lives to liberate and defend Jaffna one day they become successful citizens rather than suicide killing stupid maha veerars. (I see some beautiful girls too.)
click here (Must See)

Anonymous said...

/Watch out for counter ladies, Here we comes./

Don't panic.

Sri Lankan said...

Sadly your the one making assumptions mate :)

Didnt u hear the pottu amman and VP break up....

Also hmmmm do you deny that SLA is surrounding Killi and have surrounded Paranthan

Unknown said...

Thanks for your insights..

Vililejjanethi Mahen, you have eaten some more LTTE caviar?

Ok put the cards on the table!
I am looking forward to humiliate you for the second time.

Mahen said...

Moda Ninja,
You are a typical Singala Modaya. To start with having name like Ninja do you think all issues can be resolved?
You are more like a Ganja boy rather than a Ninja girl?
Get Karate-Kid to smoke some Ganja he would do a beter job than you.
Now go back to your mummy and start crying.
You are disgraced to a country's security.

Observer said...


Take it easy pee-lam boy.. dont panick !!

Sri Lankan said...

Living in UK and getting White Boys cum in your DPU arse is not the best way to lead by e.g. Also are you hiding from anyone mate. Cos if you support terrorist you know that you will be taken. And hmmmmm you just got up did you???

Mate when you walk on the roads be a lil careful as you never know who is watching :)

Mahen said...

Sri Lankan,
Sounds like you've been reading too many news articles.
Get your facts right first about Pottu anna vs VP anna.
If those break up's are possible, then how comes we are still progressing.
Modayas are always modayas. We need more like you.

Ra said...

After all defeats Mahen still has sense of humor.

One mile to Nachchikuda?

Anonymous said...


Don't get upset. (Again,) don't panic. Keep writing.. we need fun..

Anonymous said...

/If those break up's are possible, then how comes we are still progressing./

Ha Ha Progressing from Mavil Aru to Paranthan? Ha Ha

Puran Appu said...

Sri Lankan,

Dont comment about this Punnayandi Mahen.

Let him Bark...

Their days are numbered now... We won’t be seeing them for too long in this blog.

Sri Lankan said...

Hey mate.... exactly my sentiments

"we need modayas like you" shows where your heading ;) trying to recruit modayas as you say it he he....

But hey i aint reading any other news article but talking facts...

You want to bet on it mate....

Hmmmm then why is VP not out of the country and still here cos he knows that if he leaves he will not be able to cpome back he he....

And if he is here.... well then the real leader of the LTTE is Nadesen he he

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