Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Paranthan falls

Paranthan fell to troops today following a surprising pre-dawn strike led by 2 Commando, 10GR etc. troops of the 58 Division. By this evening, the entire area was cleared.

Several successive waves of attackers, led by LTTE's Kilinochchi Military in-charge Velavan was beaten back. The open terrain and Villu that lay between troops and the well defended LTTE fortifications were suddenly crossed in the darkness of the morning.

The last attack came this evening. 8 bodies of Tigers were recovered. The attackers were mainly from the Imran Pandian unit, which is led by Velavan.

With this latest defeat, Muhamalai will become untenable for the LTTE. Troops now have the opportunity to attack Kilinochchi from the north and the northeast. That town too is expected to fall in January.


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Ruwan Janapriya said...


Mist said...

ela kiriii

Cobra said...

Thank you for the good news!!!

"We will win, LTTE will be routed in 2009" - Sri Lanka Army Commander

Anonymous said...

WOW... Great.. I think DW is the first to give the news.

perein said...

Keep up the good work Brave hearts.

Peratama yamu Lanka....

Hunter said...


ReallyCold..... said...

Real patriots don't celebrate achievements like this, only narrow minded politicians do.

Keep the head down and march down to take next junction, one after that etc.

No one is winning after a military warfare, we are only defeating the enemy.

Hunter said...

Another Strategic Withdrawal!! for Nadesan.. LOL

Vajira said...


0.0 miles to Paranthan.
2 miles to New Malden

Elephant Pass likely to fall shortly too!

I don't go with SF@LNP. Having a sea based supply route in any event is merely impossible when you're under pressure.

perein said...

Srni Vibushithaa.... Lankaa Deranee...
Sinhadajaya sevanee...
Sinhadajaya sevanee...

Go and get the rest true heroes.

OneNation (formerly TTBO) said...

Can you provide some details of the battles please.

lankaputhra said...

Great news! well done SLA

I wish you all a Happy New Year 2009!

I hope we can see the end of Tamil terrorism in this year!

Mist said...

DW thanks for update.

I wish you a happy new year 2009 to all Sri Lankan soldiers, Sinhala, Tamil and Muslims DW friends, Specially for DW EDITOR who always bring true news for us.

But I cannot wish for LTTE because no more LTTE in 2010 :

Defencewire said...

Tiger tiger...

There were a few confrontations until the Tigers fled. They came back as counter attacks but nothing was achieved.

Anonymous said...

I think there is around 10 km to EPS from Paranthan. Hope our good counting monkey will do his job for EPS and Mullathiv too.

Political Observer said...

This is good news.

With respect to another front do see:


Anonymous said...


The road is very narrow at Chundikkulam and it will be a big risk for LTTE to rely upon that road, If SLAF can attack at that point.

OTOH, if LTTE expect a counter offensive and/or CFA I think its important for them to hold EPS and also to avoid 2 more divisions coming down. Seems like a big gamble if they try to hold it.

Ralahamy said...

Well Done SL Forces..!!
Paranthan is strategically more important than Killinochhci. Now we have access to East coast, Elephant PAss or Killinochchi.

Anonymous said...

K'chi now have less military value but I think SLA should take it soon so that civilians can come rapidly. Sooner the civilians being removed easier the annihilation of tigers.

Reeri Yaka said...

Cheers everyone!
Caution..! Don't Drink and drive!

Anonymous said...

Tamilnut version..

/4 civilians killed, 17 wounded in air strikes, hospital reports blood shortage/

6 leads !!

4 civilians killed - 22 pics !
(man killed and woman killed.. not civilians?)
17 wounded - blood shortage !

/A motorcyclist escaped with wounds, but his bike was thrown 70 meters away from the road./ wow

Anonymous said...

Despite our victory mood and celebrating (new year) atmosphere we must be vigilant!!

Sanesh said...

wel done.... we are in Paranthan now..

we salute our great heros !

Ra said...

Will Veza swallow a CN capsule? Lets wait and see...

londonistan said...

DW, i could kiss you machang!

Though to sober up a little: there is a pattern of civilian bombings whenever a big town falls. Afraid, we'll be repeating these words long after we win this war (a thought i didn't think possible months ago): the price of freedom is i'm afraid eternalk vigilence.

We must become a nation of sentries, on the look out for the enemy.

ReallyCold..... said...

Take a break of watching to much battle victories. Real win is winning both before and after the war.

lankanews said...

Ninja says,

I think there is around 10 km to EPS from Paranthan. Hope our good counting monkey will do his job for EPS and Mullathiv too.


SLA is already in THADDUVANKODDY. Therefore no need to count from Paranthan. :)

Nisal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReallyCold..... said...

Message to Tamilnet:

How come your site is full of negative news related to Tamils?

Don't you think it is time to tone down your message a bit and carry pro SLG content since Sri Lanka going to be one nation very soon and it is your responsibility to give Tamil people the Real Hope.

Tamils in the East are behind SLG and are benefiting from it. It is your responsibility to teach pro-LTTE Terrorist Tamils to do the same.

Tamils in NE will get a better life under SLG than under LTTE.

Nisal said...

[[[Peter said...


You mean 0.5 mile from Paranthan?

Nice. Counting starts on 30 December 2008.]]]

Counting ended on 31 December 2008.

Nisal said...

Here is another news.

Prof. Naveendran is preparing another report on Sri Lankan economy.

Unknown said...

Jaya veva!!BTW how come doesn't give out the news yet?

Ares said...

no mention still on

Ares said...

my money is on EP!!! wanna bet?

where is peter when they need him???

Malin said...

ahhh long last... GREAT JOB SLDF, We salute all who gave thier lives for this victory.. Go LIONS Go

Unknown said...

Congrats bravehearts!!!
ohoma yan, ohoma yan!!

sajhak said...

weldone our brave brothers.. !! we know that u guys can do it ... keep going .. we are always with you ... and wish you all a very happy new year ..

n thanks DW for this great news

DENT said...

Why hasnt any one else picked this up yet.. ?

DENT said...

Not even

perein said...

Simple, do not read this blog and stick to other sites.

Anonymous said...

Actually lankadeepa has reported before DW.

Vajira said...


Chundikulam area does not have road continuity towards Mullativu. A supply route needs to be sufficient enough to mobilise heavy equipment. That terrain is an absolute nightmare even to walk on.
SLAF wont be able to do much there as it has a thick 3 layer forest cover.

DENT said...

Lankadeep.. I cant read No font for Linux I think. But Sunday Times online has also printed it. should get their thumbs out.....and publish this in huge ****ing letters...

Renegade! said...


Anonymous said...


In that case, is SLA expecting a grand LTTE withdrawal from MNK/ EPS? I mean if LTTE fights they get boxed, right?

DoDo said...


Ela da bra!

KillerT said...

Thanks DW,
It's really gr8 news.Paranthan,kili,EPS.........

Wish all of u guys and DW team a happy,prosperous and also a "victorious" new year!!

Vajira said...


Once troops near Kuleiretam on the A9 they will panic. Kuleiretam has a by road network towards the east.
It is 3-4 km's north from Thadduvankoddy.
It will be an eventful 1st week of 2009!

Susan said...

I haven't seen your comments for sometime. Yours was the most interesting postings. Please don't disappoint us for longer.

Pottu said...

Budu Saranai, Devi pihitai for those who are at the front lines.

I think, now it is time to introduce the mechanized division to go from Paranthan to EP and beyond. Small units can go behind that.

KillerT said...

u guys know why is not giving out the news?????

It's tryn to make a new year gift out of the most probably we'll get the news tomorrow in bold letters.

DoDo said...

Army Enters Strategic PARANTHAN Town & Block A-9 Road from North of Paranthan-


"Troops of the Task Force-I commanded by Brigadier SHAVINDRA SILVA entered the PARANTHAN town"

Congrats to our "Pooneryn Express", the Legendary 58th Div

Gayansphotography said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

whatever happen to LTTP "elite" troops protecting paranthan?
did they do a tactical withdrawal to tamil nadu?

Gayansphotography said...

mahen, bahi, navindran, thiru(old thiru), assasinjajiv, rejload.... (did I miss anyone?)

Where are u guys?? So now as paranthan falls, and EP is under threat, and mula getting surrounded...what will the "great" leader of urs do?? Maybe he is waiting and holding back the "massive counterattack" for which "thousands" of "elite" tigers were trained in "undisclosed locations" and in "underground facilities" for so long, by the time the "counterattack" is launched, which according to you guys will be "the mother, father and great-great-grandfather of all battles" all ealam may very well be gone... wouldnt it be too late for it, considering all the tax money you are now paying more and more??

come on guys say something... dnt just run away and hide and go in to the denial stage......

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sri Lankikaya said...


jolly good reply to tiger tiger

Anonymous said...

is it my bad memory or did some earth dwelling binkunda pop up on maha moda day and say killinochchi will not fall?

Anonymous said...

dear tamil modayas
this must be hard for you moda tamils to hear so why dont you go back to tamilnut and read a few satisfying posts.

KB said...

Very nice work indeed by our brave army chaps. Now it's time to start pounding Elephant Pass with some nice salvos of RM-70s. Then follow up with some FAEs and you can stick a fork in EP to see if it's done.


ReallyCold..... said...

Alimankada Question

If you look at battle progress map, 55 and 53 doesn't show moving down. What is the status of LTTE North of Paranthan? Do they have a big presence north of Alimankada?

DoDo said...

Happy New Year guys. Bless our bravehearts in the battle front.

ravana said...




Puran Appu said...

What a Way to start the New Year.

Wish all of You a Very Happy New Year Guys.

Mahen, Peter and the gang.. Wish you all a very happy new year as well, even though it's not a happy way to start the new year for you all. May you all realize that Elaam is only a dream that will never come true in this year.

Anonymous said...

Thushan Sanjeewa said...

Listen to Irak Payana Deshaya - By Victor Rathnayake:

Mohammed Zubair said...

Happy New Year to all!

Peter said...

Mage Puka ridenavo,

VP please f*c* my aass harder.

oh oh ....$%$%%^(^(
ha ha $!$#!!$#@#$@

Unknown said...

New Year Greetings to our soldiers at the battlefronts and all patriots.

Of course I do have a few personal greetings to our Eelam fan friends,


Please keep your colorful blog rolling, its a great place for entertainment in short, a 100% Eelam Certified sans the pornography.

@Peter Ratnadurai,

Where is your blue parrot? Please keep him as your profile pic, after all you cannot use a deer because Muwawewa (Mankulam) is liberated, you cannot use a Stork (Koka) bocause Kokkuvila (Kokkuwila) is also liberated. Don't worry Giranika (Kilinochchi) will NEVER FALL(TM).


Please start a blog yourself. Whats the news on the LTTE tactically widthrawing into the Bay of Bengal?


Puranthenna (Paranthan) is nothing more than a worthless piece of land with a junction with roads that lead to worthless jungles. Its not worth fighting for at all. So don't worry the SLA MARATHON(TM) will start soon.

Super Modayas will always be Super Modayas!

Finally greetings to Velupillai Pirapaharan, may you have a prosperous 2009 with more Steel Rain from the SLA, SLN and SLAF than ever before!

hemantha said...

I had a dream yesterday night.

"The Div 55 was removed from Nagarkovil and was deployed at the north of Paranthan (moving up) while 57 and 58 was moving towards East. A defensive division was deployed at Nagarkivil."

Moving a whole division from the peninsula to the mainland is not easy even though the distance is very small. I think that is why it was just a dream.

Happy New Year to everybody (monkeys and the political she males are an exception).

Nilupul said...

Where the hell is PETER gone? (Was he got Killed at Paranthan :P )
Very happy New Year all our brave solders & their families.

I wish Sri Lanka, the New Year 2009 to be ‘The Year’ of becoming the country, free of terrorism and beginning the journey of becoming a prosperous nation.

Lanka Dakshina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lanka Dakshina said...

While every one is enjoying this step forward by our lads

DW , thanks for giving us this good sign off for 2008

we need to find some vip-LTTE targets

Anonymous said...

/War is a sacrifice for political gain-Mangala

Jan 1 (BBC) Parliamentarian Mangala Samaraweera said that the government is engaged in sacrificing the lives of security forcers for political gain. In a statement issued this week, Mangala Samaraweera claimed that, "three thousand soldiers have died in combat during 2008 and further nine thousand had been wounded". When asked about the source of the figures, he told the BBC, "We get the information from within the military. Government is hiding the damage./

No soldier was killed during his madam's war. Anyway, Mon-gal is better than Nadesan.. He can easily get the spokesman position of LTTE at least for the remaining time of LTTE.

hemantha said...

"We have taken the control over the beach front from the North of Paranthan, completely cutting off the links the LTTE is having with the Jaffna front through A-9 road"
-Gen SF

Anonymous said...

/The imminent capture of Paranthan by New Year day and possible capture of Kilinochchi by Thai Pongal day (Jan 14th) is likely to boost the image of the Government in forthcoming Provincial elections./

MayilRavana මයිල් රාවන said...

Gooood Morning Sri Lanka!,

Vajira and Ninja: Oya denna kiyana paeththa issaella bala ganna onnay. Mungwa hama patthen kotu kara gatthe naethtan, thawa kollo marrena pulluwan.

Good one

Happy New Year

Hemantha:see post to Vajira and Ninja.

ReallyCold..... said...

Mangala Samaraweera is fighting with Ranil Wickramasinghe to become the National Traitor.

Speaking against the government is his only survival since he is building a safety net within the international arena by criticizing the government.

He is just another political fool.

Anonymous said...

/“We have taken the control over the beach front from the North of Paranthan, completely cutting off the links the LTTE is having with the Jaffna front through A-9 road”, the Army Commander said./

If he means A9 was cut off north of Kuleiretam junction then EPS is already, almost isolated leaving them sea routes and jungle routs only. If so, what a move!!

/Major General Jagath Dias also advanced towards the Kilinochchi build up area after passing the Iranamadu junction from the West of A-9 road. ”The 57 Division troops are just short of two and half kilo meters from the Kilinochchi station”, the Commander said./

Counting monkey now can convert this into miles and count.

/”The LTTE will not exist until the year 2010. We are confident of eradicating LTTE fully in the year 2009”, the Army Commander said./

Its very interesting to see how SLA do the finish which is every one's question. Only possible worrying scenario is SLA will liberate whole north and yet VP is missing! Recall that Rohana Wijeweera was hiding for years in GSL controlled areas. We do not want that happen in VP case - Intel is the key.

perein said...

Happy New Year all.

ReallyCold..... said...

Wish you all a very happy new year whether you are real or fake patriots.

Special wishes for fake patriots to stick around during both good and bad times of SLF operations.

Grow your brains dudes and be smart. Eat blueberries (if you are outside) and dang gedies (if you are in) Sri Lanka.

Watch out for those who show fighting and only winning videos to clean up your pocket and get their fat bully fatter and shiny face shinier.

Victory won't be a win if LTTE is replaced by narrow minded Sinhalese fools with no vision for Sri Lanka.

I won't say 'may triple gem bless you' since triple gems can't bless. Your bless is yourself and eloquently said by the last none-fake Sinhalese National Hero as 'thumhei kichchan athappan' - your savior is yourself.

Anonymous said...

/They can move north towards Elephant Pass or move South towards Kilinochchi or move east towards Murasumottai – Vatakachcchi – Puthukudiyiruppu. Analysts say that soldiers are likely to pursue all three options simultaneously by launching advances and pushes on a rotational basis./

/The army said that TF I would push eastwards along Paranthan-Mullaitivu (A 35) road until it linked up with 59 Division now battling its way towards the A-35 road from the direction of Mulliyawalai./

Sam Perera said...

Well, this is how my wish goes.

(1) For the great Sri Lankan soldiers who are willing to sacrifice their tomorrow for our country's tomorrow.

I am indebted to you for what you do for my homeland. May you get the ultimate powers and courage to eliminate the terrorist while no harm is inflicted on you. May you have a peaceful and prosperous new year in which you can enjoy time with family and friends! (that is from bottom of my heart)

(2) For the humans living in Sri Lanka who consider them to Sri Lankans first and what ever the choice of ethnicity second

Happy new year to all Sri Lankan patriots! (that is from bottom of my heart)

(3) For the LTTE terrorists and their active supporters.

May you vanish from the face of the earth and rot in the hell ! (that is also from bottom of my heart)

Rana said...

Thanks DW,

For the fitting news on Jan 01st.

Happy New Year to all Patriots and others!!!


I don't think because of Paranthan tigers will vacate Muhamale and Kilali that easily.

Even loosing A9 they still have many routs including laggon and sea by boats.

Once we crossed EP and clear entire Jaffna neck tigers will vacate through laggon and sea.

Having said that, This is a great achievement for SLDF.

Thanks to our boyz.

LKDOOD said...

Happy New Year !

LKDOOD said...

thanks Defencewire for the great news

good way to start the new year


Anonymous said...

What LTTE can do to please their di-ass-pora now is use their elite cadres, attack troops in Pranthan (or some where close to there, later), get few bodies and give the pics with xxx SLA killed at Paranthan, xx bodies found, weapons seized. This will not stop or reverse any SLA advance but keep the di-ass-pora happy and ambitious and keep the tax coming.

Vigilante said...

I love this.

Decimate those imran pandiyan's

Vigilante said...

No tiger scum has posted anything even after the no of posting hits 100. First for tiger diehards not to jump the queue and say they won.

Keep going guys..

Remember we are too far from total inhilation.

LTTE can still make its presence felt.

wijayapala said...

Dear Mayilravana Aiya,

"This is my last post regarding "tamil" identity."

Thank you for conceding defeat.

It appears that you are unable to prove any of your assertions and have chosen to duck out of the conversation. You have been unable to disprove Tamil identity before the 19th century, and when I asked you how you would prove Sinhala identity you have lamely pointed to other bloggers- who brought up the same sort of literary evidence that I did to prove Tamil identity.

I termed you "chauvinist" not because of your opinion but because of your mindset. If you only know Sinhala history then that does not make you an expert on Tamil history. Any attempt to interpret Tamil history solely from a Sinhala perspective (without any sort of familiarity with Tamil literature or scholarship) would make you a Sinhala-centric chauvinist.

There is nothing wrong with being wrong, but I would advise for the sake of the blog against making claims that you cannot back up in the future dear ayya.

Subha Aluth Avurudhu Wewa!

PS- great news about Paranthan eh?

Vigilante said...

Padesan is whinging.


LTTE open for peace talks - Nadesan

LTTE are open to restarting peace talks with the government, despite the continuing military offensive aimed at crushing the group, LTTE political chief Balasingham Nadesan told The Associated Press.

Nadesan told The Associated Press the rebels did not believe they were facing imminent defeat.

'We have made several strategic withdrawals in order to save the lives of our people and maintain the strength of our forces. When the time and place is conducive, we will regain the land we have lost,' he said in an e-mail sent to the AP late Tuesday.

Nadesan also added that the rebels had not abandoned hopes for new peace talks.

'We have always been ready for peace talks, but the Sri Lankan government has been always insisting on a military solution,' he said.

Moshe Dyan said...

DW and patriots,

wish you a happy and peaceful new year.

DW, we appreciate your informative analyses. you deserve a big thank you.

may 2009 be the year of DOOM for peaceful tamil elamists and violenet tamil elamists alike!!

paranthan - what a way to start a year! may god bless all our security forces.

Unknown said...

This will give all the Sri Lankans around thw world a huge new year present by the best Army Commander and the best President in the world.

Moshe Dyan said...


thanks for the link from LNP.

we discussed this yesterday and i hold a similar view.


/"thereafter EP will fall without much fight??"

NOPE....this was the subject of discussion recently and Gen SF maintains that this wont be the case given the recent developments...

but the ltte is almost defated in mullaithivu and iranamdu...the tiger is on two legs now with two lame...

ltte is planning on a prolonged hold on to EP and have already made supply routes across the mullaithivu seas. so the answer is that EP is expected to last a bit longer than previously calculated.but the SLA has plans too in this aspect which will play out in time.../"

Moshe Dyan said...

"the best Army Commander and the best President in the world"

of course.

we must appreciate their good work b4 it is too late.

may G~d protect them for decades more to come.

Vigilante said...

LTTE mobile units targeted.

Widana said...

Happy New Year everyone.
May this be the year that the murderous LTTE is annihilated and peace dawns on our beloved motherland.

Mahen said...

@ Sam Perera,

I too wish you a Happee New Year - that is form the heart of my bottom!

ReallyCold..... said...


" This will give all the Sri Lankans around thw world a huge new year present by the best Army Commander and the best President in the world."

I'd say, you don't know the world.

Arsath said...

Great news in the new year thanks DW

Bhairav said...

It's all about who has the last laugh.

ReallyCold..... said...

Mayilravana aiya

Wijayapala aiya is pulling your pants. Are you up to his challenge?

I have a feeling that the new year is going to be baaad for you from the way it is starting.

Anonymous said...

/It's all about who has the last laugh./

This is not a movie.. No last laughs in real life.. Paranthan falls.. Have a laugh.. Ha Ha

Mahen said...

There is a fake Mahen who is a coward and a loser, posting on my blog, DW & DN using my ID.

Real Mahen's profile ID ends with 4662. Right click on the handle and select "Properties" from the drop down menu to see the profile ID number.

The fall of Paranthan is not good. But in every war there are battles; some you win, some you lose. But we will fight another day while you lot celebrate foolishly. He who laughs last...laughs most.

Happy New Year!

ReallyCold..... said...

" The fall of Paranthan is not good. But in every war there are battles; some you win, some you lose. But we will fight another day while you lot celebrate foolishly. He who laughs last...laughs most."

At least you have a good attitude about it.

Good luck holding onto those soft earth dams. Meanwhile, have a plan B like learning basic Sinhalese :)

Moshe Dyan said...

as i expected one and a half months ago ananda singari has come up with some shit. due to hi bi-polar disorder, some days he is good, some times UNREASONABLE.

bringing problems to the direct attention of the president it good. but carefully he has included stuff that create more problems than solutions. bashing the EPDP which is doing a GREAT job is damn IDIOTIC at this stage.

"Their main grievance is the presence of offices of a political party, adjoining very many check-points manned by the Army."

BS! this should NOT change. actually this gives confidence to ppl!!!! we need them until the situation further improves. they have done tremendous work in nabbing terrorists. and they do it at a great threat to their lives, not like some bastards who are just infrequent visitors!!

however, some acts of this group can be reduced.

"I can assure you that if any one is arrested on suspicion of aiding and abetting anybody, such person in most cases is innocent and in some cases acted out of fear for the LTTE and the real culprits slip out."

complete BULLSHIT! acting out of fear of the LTTE is still the same offence!
this SHOULD continue and most ppl in jaffna have no problem with this.

"During the past few years a lot of people, men and women, young and old, are either being killed or abducted by some unidentified persons."

this MUST continue for the well being of everybody. preparing a LIST of them defeats the purpose. it is an essential price for peace. it may be done later when things improve.

"I have very reliable information that the LTTE’s propaganda in Vanni is that the Government forces are detaining and harassing those who are escaping and coming into cleared areas."

who cares about LTTE propoganda.

it is a common practice of the LTTE to send infiltrators in the guise of escapees (bcos other means have failed!!!). but we have been smart enough to catch them. this should continue without political influence.

i hope the president will be shrewed enough to filter BS out of this. due to the nature of the operation, some of SLDF's collaborators have to do certain things. these should not change. IF the prez were to decide between EPDP and TULF, he should go with the former.

Anonymous said...

/He who laughs last...laughs most./

Don't cry.

Anonymous said...

Out of topic--

Since SriLankan is now under GSL why do we need this mihin air which is bound to fail (again) as I understand?

I think public / media should influence MR to abandon it and use the money for some thing else.

Anonymous said...


Great News this...For all of us Except P Ranil, Mangala, Peter, Mahen the lot and the Great Freedom figher in Wanni sho is wetting his pants....

By the Way, WHERE IS PETER...I really Miss him..:D Has he gone MIA in Toronto??? :D


Pottu said...

Army eka upayakramasheeleewa demala mahajanaya (ara loke purama thiyana maduwen) eliyata gathayuthui. EETA passe hemathenakma puchchala karakarannda thienne.

Unknown said...

Be ready with 20000 caskets :)

Anonymous said...

/Be ready with 40000 caskets/ -Balasingham

/Be ready with 20000 caskets/ -Senthuran

Terrorism fails.

TropicalStorm said...

"...We will never let them (Sri Lankans) set foot in tamil lands again..."
Tamilselvan, boasting to international media in 2004

LAND FOR SALE in Killinochchi

Going cheap. Sold by the acre. Comes with domesticated [British imported] indentured servant population.

Only Sinhalese need apply.

Rajapakse Bros
Araliya Gaha Mandiraya
Colombo 3

Vigilante said...

Bottomline defence column.
Click me

TropicalStorm said...

Looks like there's no relief to the monkeys erectile dysfunction these days..

Ananda-USA said...

Ape' Rana Virunta
Jaya, Jaya, Jaya Wewa!

Oba Hamata, Pun Kalas Piri Ethiri Yana, Subha Aluth Avuruddak Wewa!

Ananda-USA said...

ReallyCold said...


"Yes, by the grace of the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha."

Unfortunately, this grace has left Sri Lanka and most Sri Lankan temples a long time ago.

This is an ugly forum where we talk the war mostly with the rage and hate.

Buddhism has no place here.

Modern Sri Lankans have abused Buddhism much more than their counterparts in the history.

There are few bright spots and they are transparent to the world.]

I disagree. This war was basically thrust upon us. After trying to avoid the inevitable for 30 years, we are finally going about it the correct way, with the will, determination and the ferocity required to win it.

However, as we proceed, we must keep in mind what we are fighting for; it is to preserve the unity of the country; a country largely guided by the tenets of the Buddha sasana; and to deliver the fruits of peaceful co-existence to our people as soon as possible.

Keeping Buddhist teachings in mind, will sustain our troops on the battle front, and us here, emotionally, and will prevent excesses normally associated with a brutal war such as this. It is a difficult thing to kill the enemy at one moment, and help heal them the next when they are captured. Buddhism helps people maintain that balance and self-control. Ultimately, both our troops and the defeated enemy must join civilian society. They will be able to do so without becoming violent social misfits only if they can maintain a measure of rational humanity. Buddhism (and other compassionate religions)will help them do that. If society as a whole does not provide these fighters on both sides with that emotional support, we will create a monster with whom the rest of the population will find difficult to live with in the future. Ultimately, religion is what prevents us from descending into barbarism, even as we fight a brutal war of survival.

It is in this context that I worry about whether the defeated Tiger cadre, who have known no parental love in their childhood, and have only imbibed hate and violence from the LTTE as they grew up, can ever be successfully rehabilitated to become productive members of society. They will need a lot of close supervision, lots of psychological assistance, lots of contact with monks and priests, well meaning mentors, adoptive parents if they have none of their own, education for those who did not go to school, and assistance in training for meaningful employment, in the future. THis is essential not only from a humanitarian standpoint, but also from the point of view of self preservation of the society at large.

The Sinhala soldier is emotionally better off, having the support of his community. I hope their needs are not forgotten when they war ends. I can think of no one better suited to participate in helping in the rehabilitation of the captured Tiger cadre, than our own Sinhala soldiers, because they have shared the kinship of the horrors of this war.

Indeed, there are aspects of monks, priests, laymen and temples that are quite contrary to the essence of the religion; that is something we must work on to correct. However, that is no reason to issue a blanket broad-brush condemnation of religious institutions as a whole. Many times in Sri Lanka's history, the Buddha Sasana has been cleansed by the reigning monarch. In christianity, emperor Constantine the Great, did the same, defrocking abusive priests, and enforcing peace between different segments of a warring clergy. Every religion has had corruption and schisms, and great healers, both royal and common, have emerged to heal the difference and refocus the clergy on the reasons that justify their existence.

Ananda-USA said...

MathMathica said...

[In fact, the concept of Hindu Thrimurthy is logics itself : Brhama the creator, Vishnu the preserver, Shiva the destroyer / recycler. These are three faces of the same supreme being, the Brahman.]

You are absolutely correct. I needed one name because of comment space restrictions, and I went with Vishnu. In retrospect, Brahma would have been more appropriate, I think.

You are right! Many Indians loved it and supported me (I am posting under the handle of Sinha since no posts are accepted any more from Ananda-USA because I posted too many times in one news article!) and the gist of my message in their comments!

When you are in Rome, you have to do as the Romans do. So, rather than try to convince them of the justice of our cause with Buddha's teachings, I sometimes try to use Hindu teachings and relates to them better.

- Gini said...

I sincerely hope the cowardly conduct of the soldiers in this video clip is not indicative of the rest of our Armed Forces. The CO should interdict the soldiers and send a strong message to the rest - when professionalism goes out the window, so does honour, courage, bravery and any hope of victory.

Ananda-USA said...

Vajira said...

[But there will be some great news coming our way tonight.]

You were so right! Thanks, Vajira.

Vigilante said...

Read here the frustrated LTTE diehard blogger Thalivar..

Click here

Vigilante said...

I gave a warning to blogger "Tim" who posted in the last article about its pottential danger.

Those SLA men are exposed like the Abugharib incident in Iraq. Like the link posted by the bhairav , it is spreading like wild fire.

I have a feeling it could well be LTTE doing this sort of thing.
LTTE has everything to create that clip.

ReallyCold..... said...


Are you talking about Sri Lanka?

"a country largely guided by the tenets of the Buddha sasana"

I thought we are guided by the thieves and traitors. Some of the monks have found out JVP doctrine is better than Buddhist wisdom.

If our country to progress, we first have to win the war and then need to reform Buddhist culture.

I am blessed to be associated with few genuine none commercial monks and they haven't sold out their sole for corrupt politicians or civilians. In fact some of them have refused to accept anything from our politicians.

To be precise, we are guided by corruption and thuggery. Every person that I have associated with in the past have either taken bribes or accepted money immorally. There are more millionaires in Sri Lanka after Tsunami than before. Today we are cheering for war victories. Yesterday, we were taking bribes out of each and every military contract by putting our loyal soldier's lives at risk.

Today westerners are the best customers of Sri Lankan Buddhism. A frustrated monk once said, the Buddhist temple is like the cow, Sri Lankans are feeding it and the white people are getting the milk.

They say "Ignorance is Bliss". I wonder which one of us is the most blissful :)

Ananda-USA said...

ReallyCold said...

[Mayilravana aiya

Wijayapala aiya is pulling your pants. Are you up to his challenge?

I have a feeling that the new year is going to be baaad for you from the way it is starting.]

Dear MayilRavana,

When I was a small boy at school, I was quite a chandiya. Very soon, there were fights scheduled for every Wednesday, which was a half-day. Most of the fights, neither I nor my opponent wanted to fight, but all of our friends wanted to keep it going, and would accuse us of being too afraid to fight, if either of us tried to back out. Very soon, the original reason for the fight was lost in the noise of the cheering, the heckling, and pushing us into the ring; only pride and ego kept us going, battering each other.

Somewhere along this path I learned from my mother (who by the way encouraged me to fight, if the issue was just and worthwhile fighting for) not to get provoked by others on non-essential issues;to know when to hold and when to fold the cards.

I soon learned to tell some challengers who asked me whether I was too scared to fight, that I was indeed dead scared, with a straight face, and walk away. That saved me lots of time (and unnecessary bruises) to attend to my studies, my hobbies and make something of my life. Learning when to fight, and what to fight for. changed my life.

Thought you would like to know.

Happy New Year!

Pottu said...

This is LTTE propagnda from Toronto. This is not the first time, LTTE tried to discredit SLA.

Who is the Sri Lankan Soldier who would behave in front of a LTTE Camara. SLA does not have many Video crews there, only a known number. So, decide for yourself.

Secondly, remember there are LTTE cadres who can speak Sinhala fluently.

So, This is a setup.

IF you check at least one of the suicide bombers who blew at the beginning of the Peelam campaign had a Sinhala name.

ReallyCold..... said...

Were you planning to post this under a different blog and accidentally posted here?

Ananda-USA said...

" When you are in Rome, you have to do as the Romans do. So, rather than try to convince them of the justice of our cause with Buddha's teachings, I sometimes try to use Hindu teachings and relates to them better."

Moshe Dyan said...

all the bastards who posted this crap clip are tigers. they WILL promote it.

but the clip is not genuine. the accent is not the one of more than 95% SLA soldiers, you know what i mean.

the use of words is also not consistant with what is on the screen.

by creating this type of crap, LTTE shows WHERE their vulnerabilities are!!!!

பிரபா தாய் ஒலி, ஒக்கலா ஒலி

ReallyCold..... said...


This is well needed spiritual guidance for MayilRavana. From my experience with him, I bet he won't change his old habits.

"I soon learned to tell some challengers who asked me whether I was too scared to fight, that I was indeed dead scared, with a straight face, and walk away. That saved me lots of time (and unnecessary bruises) to attend to my studies, my hobbies and make something of my life. Learning when to fight, and what to fight for. changed my life."

Ananda-USA said...

ReallyCold said..

[They say "Ignorance is Bliss". I wonder which one of us is the most blissful]

I too have faced bad situations with some clergy, but I cannot condemn all because of a few. I know they are an essential part of the Sri Lankan fabric; it is up to us to correct the deficiencies and not to dance to the tunes played by the few.

I have clearly said why I think the Buddha Sasana in Sri Lanka is important, and what their role in should be.

If you are more blissful than me, I am happy for you. I am trying to get there too, in my own way.

Ananda-USA said...

ReallyCold said...

Were you planning to post this under a different blog and accidentally posted here?]

No, I intended to post it here. Why, is there some difficulty?

ReallyCold..... said...


I am not condemning, and the good apples are the few and the rest are the bad ones. People protect them since they want to be loyal to Buddhism just like we are protecting corrupt politicians just to win this war.

Yes, they are part of the Sri Lankan fabric, however what if the thread is bad?

"I have clearly said why I think the Buddha Sasana in Sri Lanka is important, and what their role in should be."

I agree it is important. What is important is to educate people on what is right Buddhism and what is the crap. We shouldn't be driven by the crap.

What I write are not just opinions, direct experience. I do spend enough money on right Buddhist activities, not to promote fake ones.

ReallyCold..... said...


"No, I intended to post it here. Why, is there some difficulty?"

I couldn't get the flow, no disagreement with the content though.

Jaya2008 said...

Excellent News
Happy New Year for all peace loving Sri Lankans
May God Bless all our soldiers to defeat terrorism in 2009

wijayapala said...

"as i expected one and a half months ago ananda singari has come up with some shit. due to hi bi-polar disorder, some days he is good, some times UNREASONABLE."

Actually it is you Mushe who has the bi-polar disorder and is projecting it onto others. Your own statements confirm it:

BS! this should NOT change. actually this gives confidence to ppl!!!!

however, some acts of this group can be reduced.

Make up your mind(s), Mushe! Either put a leash on the EPDP as Anandasangaree suggests or let it continue to push the Tamils in the LTTE's direction.

"acting out of fear of the LTTE is still the same offence!
this SHOULD continue and most ppl in jaffna have no problem with this.

If Mushe was a Tamil being threatened by the LTTE, undoubtedly he would have a very different line!

"During the past few years a lot of people, men and women, young and old, are either being killed or abducted by some unidentified persons."

this MUST continue for the well being of everybody. preparing a LIST of them defeats the purpose. it is an essential price for peace. it may be done later when things improve.

When will it improve??? When all the Tamils are dead????? Is this another dumb idea similar to "kill all LTTE surrenderees" which no SLA officer with at least half a brain would go along with???

We should not adopt Israel-type solutions which have not led to any kind of peace but a constant state of conflict (as current events are amply demonstrating).

Ananda-USA said...


[ReallyCold said...

Were you planning to post this under a different blog and accidentally posted here?]

No, I intended to post it here. Why, is there some difficulty?]

Let me explain. The saying "When in Rome do as the Romans do" is a very old saying from Classical Roman times that means that you can gain acceptance from your audience if you speak to their own values.

I was trying to convince a Hindu audience at a Indian website, and needed to articulate my views using their belief system. That is all.

HM said...

Dear patriots,

We at Ranaviru Fund are raising funds for the following.

1) Defibrillator with built in Cardiac Monitor & Recorder.
2) Blood Warmer(s).
3) Socket Gel Liners - 1,000

These requirments were obtained by the Ranaviru Sevana Ragama, and the Army hosiptal. We are a group of volunteers operating from different parts of the world with ZERO adminsitrative costs. Hence 100% of your donations will be utilised for the benefit of our forces and ex-servicemen.

We are in the 3rd phase of the project and to date have donated 323 Socket Gel Liners for the amputees. Our past contributions can be verified from this report published by Furhter verification details can be obtained from our website .

You can contribute thorugh paypal using credit/debit card, or by fund transfer or cheque to our dedicated Bank Account. Every contributor will receive a full project report after the end of the phase.

Please visit, for more details.

Thank you,

Hareendra Maithripala

For ( Ranaviru fund )

Lanka Dakshina said...

Nisal ???

Are you another britsh tax payers' liability fighting a freedom fight from london living on state funds?

Atleast send you kids to a british school , get educated and earn a respect

Saman said...

Happy new year to all. What a news to wake up to. Best first news of 2009.

Guys do you know the First joke of the year 2009?

LTTE declared they are ready for PEASE talks. Ha Ha, could have done it few years ago in ONE PIECE. Couldn't they?

Gringo said...

[...Police sources said LTTE has some agents active in Switzerland through whom it was procuring electronic goods, which are first brought to Chennai. The goods are then taken to Sri Lanka by fishing boats from coastal hamlets. ]

Just like GOSL introduced policy of...'mathata thitha'... when can we expect a 'full stop' to this arms smuggling from TN?

How many more Sri Lankans have to die due to the use of these smuggled war materials... before effective action is taken?

If it's not 100%... it's not effective.

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys check this out,

Its Jane's Article about SL war.

B#1 said...

Wish you Happy and Peaceful New Year for all of you.

"Chiran Jayathu"

"Epa Jaathi Aagam Kula gana hithanna.. hithamu aluth Sri Lankawak hadanna.."

Iniya puththanndu nal walthukkal..!

Theruwan saranai.. God Bless you all


Anonymous said...

SL media confirms dw claims:

troops were within kissing distance of paranthan but LTTP ran away. no kiss

Anonymous said...

in coming days when running away from killi, dont forget to kiss... kiss the ground good bye that is.
happy new year to tamil modayas
and tamil diaspora modayas living oversease funding the LTTPussies.

CriMeWatCh said...

Wish you all Happy New Year!!

Anonymous said...

Prabha: we wont let killinochchi fall

is that the same killi in between paranthan and iranamadu?

DoDo said...

Finally confirms Paranthan capture

"Paranthan junction and its surrounding areas are now under the total control of the security forces", latest reports from the Wanni battlefront read.


Rana said...


//"During the past few years a lot of people, men and women, young and old, are either being killed or abducted by some unidentified persons."

this MUST continue for the well being of everybody. preparing a LIST of them defeats the purpose. it is an essential price for peace. it may be done later when things improve.- Moshi

When will it improve??? When all the Tamils are dead????? Is this another dumb idea similar to "kill all LTTE surrenderees" which no SLA officer with at least half a brain would go along with???

We should not adopt Israel-type solutions which have not led to any kind of peace but a constant state of conflict (as current events are amply demonstrating).-Wijayapala//

I can understand both of you and your school of thoughts.


However, SLDF has no alternative when some tamil civilians expolit genorosity of south people and understanding of security personals to every thing to hurt innocent and destroy valuble assests.

We cannot simply let disguised terrorists to ruine the lives of innocent peoples and security personals and do everything else to undermine democratically elected SL govt.

Terrorists do not wear uniforms and dangerous ones must be stopped before they strike. Normal judiciary proceedures make it impossible to deal with them.

Therefore, it may be wrong by western standards but to stop ruthless criminal elements, white vans and abductions are justified though we don't like it.

Even if SLDF do worst things you cannot blame them because they trying their best to safeguard innocents/security personal/ democracy and unity of SL.

duzz said...

@ pussy tiger

machan.. at last we have turned the tide and overcome overwhelming odds to get this kind of military achievements and peace is not too far away..

but please do not the word "tamil" in a negative way to disgrace our tamil brothers.. this is war aginst terrorism and its supporters..
if we be like that we are no better than the racist fundamentalist terrorist garbage in the likes of mahen and peter..

ReallyCold..... said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReallyCold..... said...


Here is the opportunity for the the cheering crowd here to show that they can 'walk the talk'.

Erase your alcohol/cigarette/designer coffee/ and other entertainment budget and support the real heroes who put their life on the line.

Ranaviru folks, thanks for your service too.

Please visit, for more details.

ReallyCold..... said...


I can't believe you said this:

"Therefore, it may be wrong by western standards but to stop ruthless criminal elements, white vans and abductions are justified though we don't like it."

This is WRONG by any standards.
If we become criminals when we catch criminals, we just create a bad society for everyone. What if they whitevan a guy they simply don't like like your brother?

If you remember Mumbai, this was done by elements created by the Pak government. This kind of things will make any government less credible.

I understand we have to fight terrorism, we need to be bit more creative than simply being criminals.

We laugh at LTTE for having kangaroo justice and we don't want to be hypocrite when we do that.

Observer said...

About the Janes Article...

Check who the author is.. Non other than Iqbal Athas..

Api dannawane sathaa mokaada kiyala... ;-)

Chinthana4Lions said...


Ltte didnt belive in the following message when I posted it...

I guess its time to have another look


Prabu said...

Maxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hats offfffffffffffff for our heroes

Rana said...


In any country service personal can make genuine mistake or abuse power officialy given to them.

In western countries mistakes are rare because they are accountable to various cross check systems, abuse of power reported in all developed countries.

In third world countries service personal making mistakes and abuse of power rates are much higher than developed countries.

We cannot do much about those.

The point is LTTP and JVP did not give much options to the security personals.

In the above case:

1. A SLDF soldier killing armed terrorist inside Wanni; and

2. A SLDF soldier in civil cloths killing a disguised terrorist using white van.

Should be seen as same.

Only problem here is genuine mistakes and abuse of power which we have to accept as normal.

Rana said...

Really Cold,

Mate, please tell me how SLDF should stop a ruthless terroris roaming in Colombo city with civilian cloths disguised as an innocent tamil, looking for an opportunity to kill our president or army commander?

TigerKiller said...

End of the final phase of LTTE has begun

Well done Heros !!!

Unknown said...

Really cold .

You are living in dream land . It is because of moronic appeasers like you that we have suffered for 30 years . When the US gets attacked they dont bother with the justice system . The justice system is for criminals not for terrorists . The White vans are the only way to go . if you dont like the color e can paint them pink he he . but they are needed as long as ruthless bastards like this exist .

Me thinks killi is gone too . what do you think ?

Rana - Happy new year bro and others ..

Unknown said...

Ape Jaathika Weerayanta Jaya Wewa..!!

Let us all pray for the safety of all forces who work day and night to unite a single SRI LANKA.

Api Obalata Sadha Nayagethiy..!!

Godaak Pin..!!
May the Triple Gems Bless You..!!

Saman said...


My response to Anandasagaree’s letter to MR.

/Their main grievance is the presence of offices of a political party, adjoining very many check-points manned by the Army/

Tamils must realize (including Anandasagaree), even after the total liberation of the areas under LTTE our soldiers and civilians are still open to risk at the hands of LTTE. The best we can do at this stage is to employ Tamils to annihilate infiltrating LTTE scum as LTTE has not surrendered, lay down arms and denounce separatism. After all it’s the responsibility of the Tamils to clean the mess they have created. Isn’t that TULF (where Anandasagaree is the leader) who declared Ealam in 1977 in first place? What the fuck is he talking now. Well, we prefer Douglas, Karuna, Pilleyan to do the job. Don’t we? Because Anandasagaree can not. Wijayapala pissa seemed to have started threatening Sinhala masses again by saying “if we do not listened to Anandasagaree, tamils will be driven to LTTE again”. Well, driven to what??

/I can assure you that if any one is arrested on suspicion of aiding and abetting anybody, such person in most cases is innocent and in some cases acted out of fear for the LTTE and the real culprits slip out./

Well…Well…Well. Andawane. This guy has INNOCENT CRIMINAL among tamils, GoSL need to protect. Because they are so special, so above everybody and always need be assured special care and treatment. Don’t they.

"During the past few years a lot of people, men and women, young and old, are either being killed or abducted by some unidentified persons."

That is obvious when one got in to risky business of creating separate state within a country. That is unfortunately blood money. But he has not acknowledged that GoSL sacrifices lot of our soldiers to maintain the policy of zero tolerance to civilians. Has this guy got a TV to see what’s happening in other parts of the world where wars are administered by more resourceful countries?

“His call for documenting abductees”….. He does not seem to know the ground realities. Well, when a community who agreed to thrust and justify “murder” as a tool of achieving a political goal (and funded it for 30 years and giving their kith and kin to it), he should not expect any miracles in a rush. Also, why and how should GoSL involve in documenting what LTTE and other tamil armed thugs do. It will happen, but not overnight you moron.

"I have very reliable information that the LTTE’s propaganda in Vanni is that the Government forces are detaining and harassing those who are escaping and coming into cleared areas."

Well, so called IDP’s in Vanni are not saints. There is ample ways to come out to safe areas rather than getting fed from GoSL and helping LTTE. Also, if this so called supremely intelligent race is dumb enough to believe LTTE’s propaganda even today, then it is his fucking responsibility to educate them. What has he/TULF done politically to educate IDPs rather than writing dumb letters. GoSL has no choice but work on intelligence provided by Tamils loyal to GoSL (DD, KA, Pilleyan).

I am with your comment - /i hope the president will be shrewed enough to filter BS out of this/.

MR would simply forward his letter to Douglas Devananda for action. Ha ..Ha… That is discharging his responsibility as the President. That is why President preferred DD to Anandasagaree. His letter is nothing but showing frustration as DD is doing a great job and gaining political capital by doing that. (he bosted about a meeting with 1000 peole where as DD have action plans such as "Jafna future minds" to draw 200,000.. I have one advice to him.

Mr. ANANDASAGAREE you have done your part. Thanks. Now is the TIME TO RETIRE.

MR is the political grand master
SF is the battle grand master

Rana said...


Happy new year to you and family members, brother.

If I am working for SLDF, I will do anything withing my power to stop suicide bomber, including extra judicial killings.

Rana said...


F***ing LTTP suicide bombers are the enemy number 1 of SL. They should be killed at sight without giving any chance, not even a 1/100of a second chance.

Unknown said...

Rana ..

Absolutely .. I saw this first hand during the second JVP situation . Without the (unknown) color vans and jeeps at that time they would have taken over and ruined the country . Terrorism is a problem that a normal justice system is ill equipped to handle . It is really a war like situation .

Await further good news .. brothers .. lol

Ananda-USA said...

Dear Patriots & Fellow Keyboard Warriors,

Here is something all of us can do and feel really good in an instant.

Please take a break for 5 minutes from the "patriot wars" , drag out your well worn Credit Card, and make a contribution at the RanaViru Fund

I guarantee that there is nothing that can make you so good with so little effort!

[Hareendra Maitripala said...

Dear patriots,

We at Ranaviru Fund are raising funds for the following.

1) Defibrillator with built in Cardiac Monitor & Recorder.
2) Blood Warmer(s).
3) Socket Gel Liners - 1,000

These requirments were obtained by the Ranaviru Sevana Ragama, and the Army hosiptal. We are a group of volunteers operating from different parts of the world with ZERO adminsitrative costs. Hence 100% of your donations will be utilised for the benefit of our forces and ex-servicemen.

We are in the 3rd phase of the project and to date have donated 323 Socket Gel Liners for the amputees. Our past contributions can be verified from this report published by Furhter verification details can be obtained from our website .

You can contribute thorugh paypal using credit/debit card, or by fund transfer or cheque to our dedicated Bank Account. Every contributor will receive a full project report after the end of the phase.

Please visit, for more details.

Thank you,

Hareendra Maithripala

For ( Ranaviru fund )]

MayilRavana මයිල් රාවන said...

"It's all about who has the last laugh."

Haaaa Haaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa
Hoooooo Hoooooo Hoooooo Hooooooo
Heeee Heeee Heeeee Heeeee Heeeee

You mean, 'like that"?

Rana said...


Brother, please don't say Ananda sangaree good buy in that manner. To me Sangaree is 1000 times better than Devananda because Devananda have all signs to be a next major problem to united SL.

Ananda sangaree is a humanist after all, so he cannot do bad things to us with hate. However, Devananda is different, he can turn 180 degrees backwards, if the time is correct for him.

Saman said...



May be we can paint Vans in pink and put the picture of the face of an injured tiger licking its wounds.

NO PERSON CONNECTEC TO LTTE SHOULD BE LEFT UNATTENDED UNLESS they SURRENDERED TO SLA. If we catch any LTTE through other means without voluntary surrender (intelligence or leads by Civilians, DD, Karuna, and Pilleyan) then pink van as proposed should be the only way to go. But is is their choice. They can't have the virginity and enjoy being fucked. Need to select one.

It is every patriots responsibility to bring this scum to death.

Unknown said...

MaylRavana ..

HAppy new year bro .. even if your s was a lot earlier .

Have you noticed how quiet the LTTE heros lately .. they know what else they have lost in addition to Paranthan .. LMAO ..

DoDo said...

Paranthan Town Falls

KILINOCHCHI: PARANTHAN township and surrounding areas were completely brought under troops as the dawn broke Thursday (1) morning.

So many options open up for SF :)

Isuru said...

ReallyCold, I think Tripe Gem can bless one. I think Rathana Suthraya is about that.

Unknown said...

Saman ..

That Virginity comment was priceless . I call it the quote of the day .. lol

Ananda-USA said...

Ali said...

[Rana...Absolutely .. I saw this first hand during the second JVP situation . Without the (unknown) color vans and jeeps at that time they would have taken over and ruined the country . Terrorism is a problem that a normal justice system is ill equipped to handle . It is really a war like situation .]

During the second JVP "viplavaya" I was in the US, although I was in Sri Lanka as a university student at Peradeniya, for the much milder first "viplavaya".

During the second viplavaya, one of my sisters was a District Medical Officer (DMO) of a 300-bed Govt Hospital; her husband was a practicing lawyer. I suddenly received an express letter from her asking for my help in migrating to the US with her 3 boys, because she was daily being threatened by masked JVP men. They wanted her to close down the hospital; notwithstanding the presence of intensive care patients on life support at the hospital. She and a few nurses shut off all the lights and camped out at the hospital on their knees taking care of the critical patients. She was afraid for her family's lives, and wanted to leave Sri Lanka. Her husband couldn't work, because the Courts had been burnt down by the JVP. I processed the immigration sponsorship papers immediately. Well, within 2 months, the vigilante groups had started the counter attack that all of you know about, and within 6 months the situation was stabilized and returning to normal, and my sister and her husband decided not to emigrate. Today, all three sons of my sister are medical doctors, taking care of the people of Sri Lanka; they will never leave Sri Lanka, if we make certain that terrorist outfits like the JVP and the LTTE never raise their heads again. And we MUST.

I very much regret that lives of many innocent people were lost in the Vigilante retaliation against the JVP terrorists; it was a case of fighting fire with a greater fire. It was only when they began their counterattack that I became hopeful that Sri Lanka would survive that period. There was no other way...sad but true.

Those who have not lived through such situations, academic pundits and bleeding-heart theoreticians, cannot relate to the fear and hopelessness of law-abiding people facing such diabolical movements. They have no solutions to offer except bemoaning the horrors and criticising those who do solve the problem using the same methods as the offenders.

Amavi said...

Wishing all the very best for all the bloggers and thier families!

Good news, as expected. But we still have some hard work ahead.

Now there is a new Oppotunity for the TF5 (may be to the north of TF1 whilst TF1 moves S-SE). All depends on how the remaining weeks unfold.

MayilRavana මයිල් රාවන said...


Thanks Bro for the advice. Were you asking me not to take out the fly swat? How about a mosquito coil? It hits them before they realise eh?

Where I grew up, I learnt to fight pus-chandiyas who would attempt to use my colour and appearance against me. I would mostly fight back with words (of any kind and depth) and usually take on a whole group. When it was a group against me it usually ended in stale-mate. When I had them one-on-one I was usually the winner. Many of them ended up on friendly terms with me. Because I hold no grudges bro.

There were rare occasions when my words got the better of my opponent (usually a Bully). Then at times blood was drawn. Funnily enough on the one occasion when blood was drawn it was not mine (to my own surprise). On such occasions I was considered a hero by boys who were in general, afraid of such bullies. Teachers in general did not punish you fro having fights (it was a Boys School).
Don't get me wrong I am a lover not a fighter. It was only twice. Both times involved racism. The time I drew blood involved an insult to mother Lanka.

BTW, the Bullies never, again attempted to pick on me after one fight. They had a sullen respect for me. That I have to give them. They knew when a struggle was over.

By contrast weaker boys (I mean emotionally or physically- not in intellect) can often be facile and persistent. Such boys I would wrestle with and dominate both physically and mentally. They have this habit of coming back up smiling cheekily. Because they knew that I would never, take my fists to them. Not like with the bully.

Nice to swap stories. In the sort of status I have I rarely get the opportunity to treat people in the way they deserve. An alter-ego gives one a lot of lee-way.

Even then it is interesting that I am more inhibited than the brothers Asthiri and Moshey. In my travels I have experienced brotherhood with the most crass/in the gutter men to plum-in-the-throat, stiff upper lip upper crust. I must say that it is not often that I get to get down and dirty these days. I always found the guys in the gutter to be more genuine. I do still pull the carpet from under the "afflicted of conceit" sorts when they make hypocritical gaffs, usually in a refined manner. This blog and its subject is real down and dirty and as basic as it can get. It has been a real pleasure to let go.

But we have more serious business coming up..... Hmmmm..... I regret I will not be able to engage in banter as much as I have in the past few months. But I'll try and look in from time to time. It is otherwise time for action of a different sort now.

tissahammi said...

abt bahiravays video clip..

guys listen carefully the dialogue between 00:40 - 00:58. it's pure Tamil MF speaking sinhala.

Nice work Assholes... but bit overcooked.

Vigilante said...

Bhanu is talking big again.

Click me

How far fetch is this plan to destroy the SLA in Wanni?

Any way we better be ready.

Saman said...

Rana Bro,

I respect your view but do not agree.

Anandasangaree is a mix bag. He has not shead view of seperate North+East for Tamils. He is as dangerous as DD but in a different way.

Next 5-10 years, after crushing LTTE, is very cruisual for our country we both love. I am not with DD/Karuna/Pilleyan crap for a long term. But short term they are needed. These are uneducated scum who gain poilitical recognition through the gun. I do not think any one would try another armed battle with SLA in this critical period and in my view the above trio would surve our perpose more than Sangaree.

I agree fully with you that Ananda sangaree is a humanist and he does not hate Sinhalese or the country Sri Lanka. However,if you carefully read between lines his write-ups are not that santly in political perspective. He has a better chance of surviving combined Noth+East for tamils ideology (which is the seed for seperatism) far better than the trio in action at the moment.

Sometimes you have to take hard decisions. In fact, it was hotly debated at a time, that North should be given to Anandasangaree not to DD. MR is not a mut and he knew politically that is a risk. He took TULF well and truly out of the formula which was also discarded by young Tamils.

In short, unless militancy and seperatism is crushed there will be trouble. For that "tamed" militancy can be better controlled by a democracy as a tool to get rid of an idealogy. Sangaree remains a good Tamil in my books. But that is all he is good for at tis stage. Not to fill an ultra militancy vacumme just about to be created by the demise of LTTE militancy.

Hope this clears where I stand. NO DOUBT SANGAREE IS A HUMANIST. Situation is too volatile for good men.

duzz said...

BTW any news on the 59th? TF4 and TF3?

TropicalStorm said...


A'sangaree is too much of a puppet who will not fight hard enough for his people. Devananda will.

It is essential that Tamils find a moderate leadership who will be able to stand up to the Sinhala leadership and look after their rights while performing the duties of a community within a unified nation.

TropicalStorm said...


All three were slaughtered by the Pizza..m chandiyas in the wanni.

MayilRavana මයිල් රාවන said...

DW (with a Southern US drawl),

You fellows have done a stirling job (plum in the throat British hack)

I reckon you fellas should think about putting it all in a book. I'll be the first to put my two bob down matey (Aussie drawl with nasal twang)

Me too! You geys are ice! Cun I chicken with a dullar too? (Kiwi- hehe- Pakeha to be exact- trying to look eager but can't help being sullen)

Yeah me too cousy bro. its a gud one eh? Heeee heeee heee.
(The kind of Gentleman who is down to earth and looked down on by the above four- but salt of the Earth- one who used to at one time eat the guys above him for breakfast- yes I am talking about a Maori bro)

Thangyou very very much Dee Dublew. Me dtoo Me dtoo (waving the head side to side- you know who)

Observer said...

No one else in the terror outfit has lost battles like the way Bhanu has lost. I think the Fat Pig knows it best.. :D :D

ha ha ha .....

MayilRavana මයිල් රාවන said...

happy NY to you too bro. It's gonna be a good one!

dsk said...

triple gem bless 58 div,TF 1,SL army and our forces

dsk said...

and wish you all a happy and peaceful new year 2009

Vigilante said...


This is specially for you...

Watch a series of STF training videos

MayilRavana මයිල් රාවන said...


Thanks for that link. I have been frustrated b4 with the site which would not/could not accept credit card on line.

I have spoken to few people since then and intend to do some work though a professional organisation which intends to provide goods, services, funds to help both soldiers/their families and the poor.

How do we verify if the Bank of Scotland account is genuine? I know the account name says Ranaviru fund but is there a record of office bearers.

Vigilante said...


I used api wenuwen api fund in uk to make a donation from Australia using paypal and it worked perfectly.

It took about 2 months for the fund to acknowledge the payment.

But when they did, I was truely impressed.

A letter signed by none other than Brigadier Prasad Samarasinghe was in the mail box.

Vigilante said...

here is the link.

Observer said...


Wanna have a look at the New Shrunken Peelam ?

They have now updated Paranthan,Iranamady town and adnvance north of Mulliyaweli as well. It also reflects the link up of TF2 and TF4.

boyrocky said... map is updated. note that they have removed 'areas under control' portion which was in blue

Unknown said...

This means EPS would be the next to fall, then 53 and 55 would join the party.

WOW what away to start the year. this would definitely be the year of peace.

Happy new year to everyone !!
Brave hearts who are fighting for the country, injured and not among us today
May the triple jem bless ya..!!!

boyrocky said...

Guys, looks like Iranamadu junction has also fallen.

Observer said...

If I remeber correctly, TF2 and TF4 linked up at a place south west of Nandunlerni. Now if you look at the map, they have cleared a sizeable area far above Nedunkerni. These things go mostly unreported in light of the big victories..

Hats off to our bravehearts !!!

DoDo said...

Guys, looks like Iranamadu junction has also fallen.

The 57 Division operating in the Kilinochchi front also gained momentum in their battle as they entered the build up area in the Kilinochchi passing the Iranamadu junction from the West of A-9 road -

Ares said...

area under our influence south of mankulam - is it fully captured? i know tf2 and tf4 linked up, cutting off supply routes to the area south of mankulam to the old entry-exit point. but did anyone go into this ares and flush out any remaining enemy elements?

Sri Lankan said...


Iranamadu has fallen

Its confirmed.

I think close to terror dogs 45 KIA and 50 MIA

Observer said...

I think TF5 will be needed in two places at two different stages.

Fisrtly to help TF1 to secure areas around Parantha and EP. That will unleash 53rd and 55th divisions to the battle.

Thereafter TF5 can be deployed to assist 59th Division to march towards Puthukudiyiruppu.

My two cents ..

Moshe Dyan said...


that rocks!

thanks mate.

Moshe Dyan said...

saman & ts,


this is becoming a contest between EPDP and TULF for which SLDFs should not get involved. BUT EPDP is doing a great service for the tamil ppl and that must be carried forward.

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