Monday, February 9, 2009

Death toll rises to 24 SLA KIA in IDP camp attack-updated

The death-toll in the suicide attack inside the IDP camp today has risen to 32, which includes 24 Sri Lanka Army personnel and eight civilians. 42 civilians were also wounded in the attack. The attack occurred when officers and men attached to the military garrison dedicated to assisting returning civilians was preparing to serve a fresh meal to the civilians. A small Tamil child was also killed in the incident.


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velluprabhakaran said...

first comment. the virgin's mine.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

!! Please Stop the WAR !!

!! Please Please Stop Killing Civilians !!

||::CeylonDefence::|| said...

||::CeylonDefence::|| updated

Click here

Unknown said...

we have to have a better strategy to safeguard our personnel . This is going to happen more and more now that the so called "civilians" are coming over .

Who knows how many of these bastards are real civis .

ReallyCold..... said...


This is her pregnant Tamil suicide bomber inspired dance.

Click here and post your comments

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Rama was said to be meters away from the incident. His reports is barely watchable. Can we post a copy of it to all diaspora "free, done fighters"

Observer said...

The handle "Civilian" ( Comment time February 9, 2009 9:43 PM ) is actually a terrorist supporter

Just saw the carnage at Vishvamadu over national Television..

As somebody commented in DN, I want to ask why these LTTE Scum were born to this world as humans ????

LTTE are Barbarians/Cannibals of an unimaginable scale. lets hope for a very speedy eradication of the terrorist menace

May the triple gem bless our soldiers

Isuru said...

judging by the sentiments expressed by the diaspora and the so called NGOs on this, it is apparent that they have no love for the civilians in the wanni instead are trying to fulfil their egoistic and financial goal of dividing Sri Lanka.
it is our noble duty to teach a good lesson to these scum.
this incident must have agitated the SLDF and they should now control their sentiments and not fall in to the trap of these terrorists.

AAA ABS CDO said...

Hopefully this will open the eyes of the world and shut the monkies up for a while. It is unfortunate that 24 soldiers had to die to prove this point.

A terrorist is a terrorist. Just like you can take a man out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the man.

Gringo said...

["Death toll rises to 24 SLA KIA in IDP camp suicide"

Another good feedback to the real Sri Lankans that if you give in one inch to the Tamil terrorists... they will take 500 Kilo Meteres.

Said in 10 years ago... saying it now... 'Appease the terrorists... pay the price.'

Thre should be no going back on our responsiblity to make sure that all OPTIONS, including the WHITE VANS.... are open for us to hunt down the Tamil terrorists nd their assocites.... to the last one.

Becuase... Safeguarding Motherlanka is PRICELESS.

ReallyCold..... said...

[which includes 24 Sri Lanka Army personnel and three civilians.]

There is a discrepancy between DW report on civilian death and civilian death photos on the web site.

According to, the civilian death toll looks more than three.

Peter said...

It was 28 civilians;

reduced by British Brainwashing Corporation to 20 SLA, one bomber, and seven civilians;

further reduced by DW to 24 SLA, 1 bomber and two civilians.

mottapala said...

Just look at the way that little tamil girls body was lifted by the soldiers. My heart goes for her. These are simly cold blooded murderers. Will the UN open their bloody eyes now and realize that all terrorirsts should be killed. No talking, no cease fire, nothing. Thank god we have MR, GR and SF to finish this once and for all.

Peter said...

Obviously, the attack was targeted at civilians.

I am going to weep for the 24 innocent SLA bystanders that got killed.

Peter said...

Lifting little Tamil girls isn't new to the soldiers.

Peter said...

I shall retire for the night.

Tomorrow, will join you all from the moda Land.

mottapala said...

Lot of lives are lost, but these idiots are fucking evevrything up big time. That is the good thing about it. The best military tactician in the world, my foot. I am sure either VP is dead or gone, or he has gone totaly insane. Wait a bit. Where are those human right activists? Anybody seen them?

Peter said...

dear All fake peter is here...his Profile ID ending 19159.

dear My diaspora...

we need more money to kill SLAs and Tamil civilians...we have to pay more for suicide carders. we have to look after their family giving cow-dong and Donkey shit..

please help up. give us more money to keep our thalaivar happy & with small school girls and boys

please donate more money.. we will keep doing this kind of suicide attacked to uncontrollable civilian.

mottapala said...

The whole thing has become a hostage situation now. Welldone VP. This episode will give our soldiers morale a new boost to kill every mother fucker with extreme prejudice. Also the moral right for the GOSL to go hard on them. I hope this will shut the IC human right policemen for a bit till we finish the job.
May be Bruice Fien can twist this in a such a way he add it to his long list of genocide.

Gringo said...

In desperate times and for desperate folks like Peter... these suicide bombings may give a temporary high.... and even fun!

But the big picture of Sri Lanka would hardly have any sign for them to celebrate...

These are solid reminders for progressive, watchful Sri Lankans to arm themselves for future challenges.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


Lot of lives are lost, but these idiots are fucking evevrything up big time. That is the good thing about it. The best military tactician in the world, my foot. I am sure either VP is dead or gone, or he has gone totaly insane. Wait a bit. Where are those human right activists? Anybody seen them?

They are pondering how they can prove that SLDF is responsible for this attack. Not only HR activist, the top-lot of UNP are also thinking of the same.

With every such attack, pussycats are destroying the credibility of their supporters. Pussycats have nothing left to win, they're beaten already. Complete doom is their only option now. But Diaspora, NGOs, Western Media and Ranil faction of UNP have to face the world tomorrow.

What a pity.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


In desperate times and for desperate folks like Peter... these suicide bombings may give a temporary high.... and even fun!

Nop. Even that is a fake climax. Peter jollywell knows that attacks like Today will only bring negative aspects. Ask Bhairav he'll tell you.

But like their, "injustice", "struggle", "cause", "homeland", "genocide", and "freedom fight", Peter is making another fake "fun" out of genuine tears today. Tears not for the poor dead ppl, but for the lost investment called Eelam.

Peter said...

dear All fake peter is here...his Profile ID ending 19159.

dear My diaspora...

we need more money to kill SLAs and Tamil civilians...we have to pay more for suicide carders. we have to look after their family giving cow-dong and Donkey shit..

please help up. give us more money to keep our thalaivar happy & with small school girls and boys

please donate more money.. we will keep doing this kind of suicide attacked to uncontrollable civilian.

MathaMathica said...


"Death toll rises to 24 SLA KIA in IDP camp suicide"

Your title is misleading and ambiguous.

It is better to say :

"Death toll rises to 24 SLA KIA in IDP camp suicide attack"

Read and see for yourself the difference.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Interesting to know where the final battle [if any] will be. PTK seems more like an inevitable now. Hardest access point seems to be the center of triangle of PTK, Challai, Mula.

If any bigwigs are in hiding, it's gotta be the likely regions.

So it is clear that many ppl waited for SLDF to come in rescue as they could not move out of the region. I think the reason behind mass exodus is the fact that SLDF made contact with main civilian regions. Forced civilian movement towards further east never happened, giving a further clue that far east is where the leadership is kept.

I do not take Peter's Aunt for a liar. There must be many wanting to stay with pussycats, but definitely they are out numbered by the vast majority who wants to live in a sane world with their children in peace. So mass exodus occurs. But the little die-hard supporters will get their surprise in the last moment.

Peter what do you think about Aunt's safety? To me she's as good as dead right now. Sorry, but that is truth. And sure it hurts.

MathaMathica said...

Peter said... Tomorrow, will join you all from the moda Land.

If this imbecile can roam free in Colombo, it really is a Moda Land.

Where is Asithri?

scorpion said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
velluprabhakaran said...

the moment peter steps in here it becomes a moda land. a self confession.

ha ha ha!

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


Peter Said:

Also, from most Tamil families you would have a share of LTTE, Diaspora and Tamil civilian. It really isn't that easy to separate out the three as independent entities.

Not most of SL tamils. Most of SL tamils are out of it. But the rest [note that it is s significant minority] of tamils, pussycats and diaspora are just the same.

This is something that SL Govt and SLDF should always think. Death of one means nothing as others will never give up. We gotta be vigilant and improving.

Of the three parties, the remaining pussycat tamil supporters will soon diminish after ground war is over. This war has left a harsh picture in anyone present in SL. They will soon change their minds.

Pussycat sleepers will cause some security threat for sometime but they can be eliminated.

What we need to tackle is the diaspora. We need do our best to find them and take whatever actions possible.

SL need a very good intelligence service to operate worldwide. That is the next extension for MIC.

velluprabhakaran said...

vesapilley better not get caught alive. it'll be a horror movie.

ha ha ha!

Rover said...


Thanks for pointing out the MIA link. I went to that page and left a comment under the name MMX. This is what I said.

"People here are talking about stuff they don't really have any idea of. One of them say "someone's terrorist is another one's freedom fighter". Hell no! Terrorims is terrorizing innocent civilians to get at a political goal, freedom fighters do not terrorize innocent civilains to get at their goal. LTTE is a well known terrorist organization, who among others, killed the Prime minster of India (Rajiv Gandhi). MIA supports LTTE terrorism. This is the issue. WEST, boycott her, or prepare to accept a blood dance of even a terrorist group like Al-Queda. Terrorists are terrorists, where ever they are..."

Ananda-USA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rover said...

DW, Why don't you give us one of your more poignant articles (that you used to write) instead of reporting news that we can gather from most other sites.

Anonymous said...

"I bet SLA fuckers did this on purpose for propaganda. There were no SLA causalities they are just saying to point their finger on LTTE."

stupidity beyond belief. NO wonder you lost 15000+ Sq kM's in 2 years.

Unknown said...

Yes, DW we miss you

Its rather boring to read from a pissu hutta like Peter Paraya

Unknown said...

DUZZ - 'NO wonder you lost 15000+ Sq kM's in 2 years'.

No mate, they did not lose 15000+Sq Kms - it was a 'tactical withdrawal' should not forget their favourite phrase. Susai has tactically withdrawn to meet god in this kingdom, Praba will follow very soon, then Nade. Its a matter of time.

mottapala said...

I was wondering what motivates the remaining LTTE fuckers. i were one of them I would try mingle with the civillians and pretend to be a victim of LTTE so that I could save my life. Or surrender. But They are not doing that. I think..

1. Fonseka/Hitler style where yo threaten the front liners of serious consequences if you retreat.Hitler of course killed them using SS Squads, SF is not that bad. But it works.

2. Hard core cadres are so brain washed/so thick, they still believe eelam is round the corner

3. They are ready to lay their lives for the supreme commander, and refuses to leave him

Unknown said...

Mottapala - Supreme Commander is only a virtual character. Tamil youth die for this? they are the real Mottapalas man.

mottapala said...

this from a tiger Bitch trying to white wash LTTE
[No suicide bombers are going to blow up themselves among their own people...if i choose to become a suicide bomber,,i will choose to blow up my self among the cause maximum damage to the enemies..

then again, a suicide bomber never going to mingle with his or her own people while escaping....with all those gears...(what happenes if get cauught while with the people)

this suicide bomber nanayakaran talk about is either a blind one or a sinhala set up as happened as in duoglas's office some times ago..

the ltte will never accept a blind person as a suicide bomber..]

This is for stupid diaspora

mottapala said...

Sorry for posting crap here. But this gives us a good idea how diaspora mind works.

[how did the blast happen n IDP then?
it is well known that Many young men and womens who come to the camps are taken by army for interogation and all of womens are raped and killed by srilankan army and males are also killed by forces and their bodies are dumped in areas.
now this is known to the world srilankan army wanted to twist the story.
they throw a granade inside the IDP camp and easily blame Tamil women for a sucide attack.

OR tamil women who got angry with army treatment pulled the granade from a army and thrown at army killing some army and retaliation army killed the people.

since there are no independant body there army will twist the story for their advantage.
and in my view army want to kill all those IDP and they are using this kind of attack to kill more tamils.

Last week Gota said wait and see what happen after 5 days. hinting he have new strategy to kill all tamils.
i had watched a video on some website of army ,which shows young tamil kids got killed it looks these kids was killed by army. and there is no army bodies which explans in the name of army death army killed tamil IDP civil]]

Unknown said...

Mottapala 'looks these kids was killed by army. and there is no army bodies which explans in the name of army '

Mottaya probably, you are referring to the Israeli army i guess.

ReallyCold..... said...


Thanks for you and many others already posted their comments.

People, spend your time spend there is more valuable than here today.

Let's educated the world. Let's tell them our side of the story before listening to her.

You can post more than one comments there.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


I was waiting that someone will say this.

tamiltube said...

I bet SLA fuckers did this on purpose for propaganda. There were no SLA causalities they are just saying to point their finger on LTTE.

I don't want to respond to the "tamil-nude" but my question to everyone is;

How many of you think that this arsehole really believes that SLA did this?

Bottomline is that it is another fake claim. They all know it well who did the attack. But they use this little space of WWW to clean the stains of pussycats.

So let's not waste time trying to convince them. You can only wake up someone who's really sleeping, not a pretender.

But maybe we can discuss about them, the ruthless first world intellects who outsource suicide killing to wanni youth, articulating genocide themselves.

Ares said...

All I can say is that the LTTE will pay for this. Already plans are in place to accelerate the drive. 58 has taken the baton from 53 to become the premier attack force.

There is no way to actually weed out civilian from the suicide attackers until the idiot blow up. We will be trying out new strategies but how effective these will be, only time will tell.

Forks, LTTE will NOT control any part of Sri Lanka in another month or so.

We expect these types of attacks to continue for a while though. I guess the only option we have is to try and minimize our casualties.

Also sending suicide carders to welfare centers that cater to Tamil civilians is not helping the Tamil cause in Sri Lanka. No matter what the orders are, individual troops will try to protect themselves and they would assume everyone Tamil is a suicide carder unless proven otherwise. Instead of the other way around.

Liberators of Tamils? Go tell that to the Tamil kid that died yesterday!

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

We need a repository of all related items. When we talk about MIA we need http links to show her past. Since they remove them from public sites, we need our own storage.

I know some are doing some B/G work right now. Maybe this idea is food for thoughts.

Ananda-USA said...

English Document of Civil War in Sri Lanka, Abuses/murder Sri Lankan government made on Tamil Civilians, Politicians, Journalists, whoever questioned their actions. Statements released by Sri Lankan Presidents/officials. " 14 minutes the blood of every Tamils in the country can be sacrifice for a land for us" -Sri Lankan Senior Minister soon after the 1983 riot
"... Really if I starve the Tamils out, the Sinhala people will be happy" - Sri Lankan President 1983
"Minorities are creeepers clinging into the Sinhala tree..." - Sri Lankan President 1993 Budhist Monks Violents disrupt a peace rally. Extremist Budhist Monks burn Royal Norwegian Flag (2005).
All the above and more are covered in this document.

Unspeakable truth

Unknown said...

and this is what the LTTE who stand for tamil interests do to tamil people, effectively anhilating them selves...couldent ask for more.

Unknown said...

Sujeewa Kokawala said...
'When we talk about MIA we need http links to show her past'

Macho was she a porn artist in the past?

MathaMathica said...

lakvebnews: LTTE suicide attack at IDP centre

Compare it with:

IDP suicide attack- video does not show Army bearing the brunt of the attack but the youtube video does. again shows its immaturity by saying that it was an attack on civilians.

IMO, it was an attack on the SLA’s IDP reception centre manned by women soldiers. At the moment the suicide bomber exploded herself, there were mostly IDP women and children at the site. Despite the presence of these civilians, the wretched bomber exploded herself.

Civilians deaths are of least concern to LTTE as long as they get at SLDFs and sabotage this major humanitarian operations.

The LTTE ghouls who plan and finance these satanic acts should be exterminated to the last, where ever they are found.

Sooner the better.

ReallyCold..... said...

@Sujeewa Kokawala

You can actually create a blog for MIA. Make sure you put in right keywords so that search engines will pick them up. Make it look credible with right information than just verbally assaulting her.

Consider this is a service to the world humanity for their fight against Terrorism.

Create it like a fan site with both positive and negative news.

Unknown said...

LTTE Defeated, but not out - canadian diasspora..
got to love their atitude..
nava gilunath ban chune..

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


Will see about it. I prefer being a part of a created system. I am not the best blog keeper on my own.


Dunno of porno. But she's in a transition. In the beginning she spoke of killing, bombing, murder etc. But soon the celebrity life will force her to a more subtle level. Anyway, I have seen many videos of MIA public appearances where she spoke of various topics related to SL war.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


LTTE Defeated, but not out - canadian diasspora..

What they mean is "LTTE Defeated, but separatism not out"

Incidentally they are not joking. Pussycats are the bastard child they also want to kill. They lost the battle mostly from pussycats.

Unless we do the right thing in other areas too, we will have a peaceful separatist movement. Many whom we think as pluralist, likes of Karuna, Sangaree, Pillayan, and even Douglas are not so. They are all tribal politicians.

The only non-tribal tamil politicians were Kadir and Pulle, both killed.

The need for pluralism is very high in SL. We need to make sure that voters never care for candidate's ethnicity. That will be the end of separatism.

These are power play overs for MR, game is mostly left, need to consolidate well.

KSF said...

I urge all of you to follow really cold link.

KSF said...

We are organising demonstration in London 14th of Feb. Please come to support our motherland. Even tell your friends and cousins to participate.

For more info please contact Sri Lanka high commision or Kingsbury temple.

Your participation is highly appreciated.

mottapala said...

I watched slumdog millianaire yday. MIA's song was there, only a part of it. I dint like it anyawy. I cant understand what is this big hah hoo about it. May be I am too old to enjoy it. Any of you guys liked it?

Unknown said...

Anada-usa 'Unspeakable truth'

Thanks for this. 1983 riots was the lowest point in the ethnic conflict. Did the then UNP Government apologise for this?
I was an eye witness of the brutality committed on the innocent Tamils at Bamba & Wella.

BTW, today we dont have an ethnic conflict, its a fight against terrorism.

SL RealEstate said...

There are reports coming out from difence circles that this blast is a setup by colombo intel to change the world openion,. Its been suggested that EPDP did it as Douglas yesterday warned 2days ago.
I think thats the reason why UN didn't say its LTTE work an most of the people beleive its the SL gov who master minded the blast. Even sount news reporters also thinks the same as they dont think that LTTE may do any thing that will damage them at this time.
Its unfortunate that SL gov kills its own army just to crate a mess.

Unknown said...

Mottapala - I too gave a listen to MIA's song and suffered the same fate. Probably, the diaspora paid Grammy guys too.

Anonymous said...

LTTE aka Liberators of the tamils hard at work liberating small children and women with copious of c4 stuffed in undergarments of other women..

The hypocrisy is astounding

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Interesting to see how pussycats will try to prove that the bomb is not by IDP.

Perhaps, it is work by global warming. Some bomb cache buried by pussycats with utter peaceful intentions, exploded as temperatures reached beyond expectation. Global warming and climate change to be blamed.

How about that?

Unknown said...

sujeewa .

i do get your point ..
seperatism has cost us srilankans 30 years of progress..and should not be allowed to continue..but that is up to the politicians ...

LTTE did represent their(tamil) interests at the beginning of the may be born from the seperatism..somewhere along the way LTTE lost their right to call them selves the product of seperatism..because of their own actions in ethnic clensing in the areas thay controlled in the past..

therefore i believe any one who is still trying to link the seperatism and the LTTE are misguided terrorist ...who are still trying to legitimize the barberic nature of their actions.

Anonymous said...


you should do stand up. u are hilarious..


Sujeewa Kokawala said...

My prev post;

"Interesting to see how pussycats will try to prove that the bomb is not by IDP."

shud be changed to "Interesting to see how pussycats will try to prove that the bomb in IDP camp is not by Pussycats."

Sleepy guys.

Anonymous said...


maybe spontaneous combustion :))

ranilb5 said...

It always leaves with me a doubt, how can we stop LTTE terrorists getting into liberated areas as civilians? Later on they can carry out devastating attacks on vital targets while living like civilians...

If Tamilnet is honest with Ampara attacks, that would not be impossible anywhere else...

Anonymous said...

every IDP must be considered a suicide bomb threat untill cleared. thats the only way.

And we should buy more bomb disposal body armor kits ASAP

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


Separatism is worse. In fact separatism is what drove pussycats. Pussycats are just some another bunch of victims who continued inhuman actions. They should be killed, no doubt. But we need to pay more attention for the engine of them. It can be fitted to a different evhicle.

Note US$300mill were hat collected every year. That is not a little. It can be used for anything.

I always give priority to diaspora than pussycats for this reason.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


It always leaves with me a doubt, how can we stop LTTE terrorists getting into liberated areas as civilians? Later on they can carry out devastating attacks on vital targets while living like civilians...

I dont think it is possible to recognize. I dont think we can expect it to finish as we end clear up.

There will be follow up attacks for few years.

But as long as they exist nominally all the better. It gives a reason for SLDF to remain stronger. And it leaves a reason for IC further banish diaspora money machine.

SL RealEstate said...

The blast occured way inside from the entrance where a through boy checkup is done and also the bomb was hiden inside a back. Not with a Women as SL portayed. This is the cause of doubts and this info came from Vavuniya who is working inside.
I know you guys not going to take this but you will get this soon or later

Anonymous said...

and what about the numerous eye witnesses that say they saw a woman try to rush in to the center saying she lost her Jewelery?

do u seriously think we will believe you?
what kinda idiots u think we are?
and finally
do you think we dont know what u are trying to do by spreading these rumors?

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Last Chance!!

Last Chance!!!!

Last Chance!!!!!!

Lalith's opinion poll.

Who will catch the Fat Pig

1 59
2 58
3 57
4 53
5 55
6 TF2
7 TF3
8 TF4
9 Other Division
10 Escape

Please make a selection in the Lalith's Opinion Poll.

I am collecting the names.

The winner will be annouced in two weeks

Lalith Kuruwita said...

The following program explains the current war.

WHILE ( area held by LTTP > 0 AND number_of_LTTP_carders > 0)

1 LTTP stay with Civillian
2 Fire at SLA
3 SLA responses
4 Civillian & some LTTP get killed & injured
5 Dispora supporters & TamilNut publish no of casualties in the web & news papers
6 TN jockers & other LTTP supportes in other countries start agitating by protesting, fasting & other crap and asking for Ceasefire
7 International Community & India ignore
8 SLGO ignores, MR/GR/SF ignore & continue to attack LTTP and defeat
9 LTTP withdraws with Civillians (By force)
10 SLA takes over the town/areas
11 Mahen & Peter write stories about tactical withdrawals
12 Dispora supporters believe in tactical withdrawal and keep the dream alive
13 We read Mahen & Peter blogs and laugh from the ASS

Jump_to_sea() OR self_immolation() OR swallow_cn()

Anonymous said...


no use machang...

they are liberating the tamils

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Situation as at 10-02-09

VP's pressure 170 141
VP's Weight 136 KG

Aiyamperumal 01 KM
Ampakamam 01 KM
Ampalavanpokkanai 01 KM
Chalai 00 KM - 55 Captured on 25-01-09
Chilarattai 01 KM
Chu'ndikku'lam 00 KM - 55 Captured on 14-01-09
Chuthanthirapuram 01 KM
Dharmapuram 00 KM - 58 Captured on 13-01-09
Ettakokavilkulam 01 KM
Iranamadu East 00 KM - 57 Captured on 15-01-09
Irruttumadu 01 KM
Kaddaikadu 00 KM - 58 Captured on 15-01-09
KALAMADUKULAM 00 KM - 57 Captured on 17-01-09
KULAWEDDIDAL 00 KM - TF 2 Captured on 12-01-09
Ka'ndaava'lai 00 KM - 58 Captured on 18-01-09
Keridattadu 00 KM - TF 4 Captured on 12-01-09
Kevil 00 KM - 53 Captured on 11-01-09
KUPPILANKULAM 00 KM - 57 Captured on 06-02-09
Kuravilkulama 01 KM
Mamulai 01 KM
Marathampuval 01 KM
Masar 01 KM
Mullativu 00 KM - 59 Captured on 25-01-09
Mulliwavalai 01 KM
Murusamoddai 00 KM - 58 Captured on 12-01-09
Moongkilaa'ru 01 KM
Olumadu 01 KM
Palamattalan 01 KM
Periyakulam 01 KM
Piramanthal 00 KM - 58 Captured on 19-01-09
PIRAPPAVADDUVAN 00 KM - 59 Captured on 17-01-09
Pu'liyampokka'nai 00 KM - 58 Captured on 17-01-09
Puliyansekkaran 01 KM
Punnainiravi 01 KM
Puththukudirippu 01 KM
Ramanadhapuram 00 KM - 57 Captured on 16-01-09
Redbana 01 KM
Sinnaittimadu 00 KM - 57 Captured on 18-01-09
Sugandirapuram 00 KM - 58 Captured on 09-01-09
Tanniyuttu 00 KM - 59 Captured on 12-01-09
Thaddamodda 01 KM
Tharmapuram 01 KM
Thevipuram 01 KM
Theravikulam 01 KM
Thonikal 01 KM
Thumarankulam 00 KM - 57 Captured on 06-02-09
Udaiyaarkaddu 01 KM
Udayankattukulam 00 KM - TF 2 Captured on 17-01-09
Vaddakkachchi 00 KM - 58 Captured on 12-01-09
Va'l'lipunam 01 KM
Vannankulam 01 KM
Vellamullivaikal 01 KM
Vellikandal 00 KM - 58 Captured on 12-01-09
Vettilaikkeni 01 KM
Virakulam 01 KM
Vishwamadu 00 KM - 58 Captured on 28-01-09

VP's Asshole ?? KM

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


Pls don't waste your time her. Punnakku is not consumed by fellow bloggers. Sell them for those who eat them.

Try Bhairav, Peter and others. They are still recovering from poisonous punnakku they ate from Mahen.

gladiator said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gladiator said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReallyCold..... said...

SK, here is another place to consider for your mission:

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

BBC is blocked in SL

SL RealEstate said...

As I said earlier, I know you not going to take it but. I thought I have to say what I just came to know...
If you don’t want to accept that’s fine... As you know there were people believed that the world was flat and not willing to accept its round? I am not disappointed As people have the rights to stick with thier beleives. but educating a follow citizen is every once duty and just sharing info is the same. Its up to you guys to take it or leave it

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

For those who spread myth about IDP camp attack by Pussycats; following statements are issued by recognized institutes and countries. See how deep your lies are;

UN Condemns Pussycat Attack

US Condemns attack and urge Pussycats to free civilians

Truth prevails under whatever amount of lies. Now you can call both UN and US as "genocidal".

SL RealEstate said...

You see.... BBC is blocked... So its shows how the SL gov wants you to be...
Like people believed the world is flat. Now If Mahinda and Bro says a 1 year old kid came as a bomber you going to believe because there is no other media other than Mahinda mouth pieces.
I agree LTTE is a shameful org and need to be eliminated.. But I am not accepting the fact how this people making us all idiots by the name of liberation. Common guys... you all educated and not like other sigala modayas from the village who takes the knife for nothing.
You can think and do better that what you are... Go in front of mirror tonight and ask your self…
Am I taken for a ride by this Mahinda and Bross.. Ask your self and see whats your inner self says to you

Colomblogs said...

"..suren said...
There are reports coming out from difence circles ..."

There was also reports that your mother was gang raped by monkies and was the whore who spread legs for "one Dosa" and suck any dick for "onw wadai". So she cant explain who is your real father is. And probably slpet with you when she cant get any other dicks..

That is all we can understand from your post..

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


As I said earlier, I know you not going to take it but. I thought I have to say what I just came to know...

You lied. UN and US issued condemnation stating that it was a handy work of Pussycats.

If you don’t want to accept that’s fine... As you know there were people believed that the world was flat and not willing to accept its round?

This is you. But I feel that you also know that it is round but ashamed to accept it. And you wish you can flatten the planet to save you from shame.

I am not disappointed As people have the rights to stick with thier beleives.

But you have no right to spread lies which you know well.

but educating a follow citizen is every once duty and just sharing info is the same.

information are not intended lies.

Its up to you guys to take it or leave it

Nobody took your bullshit here, will you please leave it to be sold to your like minded idiots.

Colomblogs said...

"..Peter said...
by British Brainwashing Corporation.."

So it took 30 years to understand the real BBC by Intelleigent Tamiz.

Moda Sinhala Chena boyz known this fact 30 years ago ):

SL RealEstate said...

(Ex.SunGod)Mofckr V.Prabhakaran HIV

The way you wite shows about your self and the way I write shows about my self. Any ways... When dog bites we dont go and do the saem so I will keep my self away from you but try to Civilize your self to match the current world. If its in 1800s your are the best.. May be even now ..(Just for people like you)

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Yo Suren;

BBC is branded tigers. Media freedom does not allow you to support terrorists. Do you get it?

SL RealEstate said...

Single and Sujeewa Kokawala
Insted of re writing the same again refer my reply to the other poster.

Just think about it.. Whne UN says bad about SL gov you guys saying the were bought over and white tigers and taking the same UN statment for your support at this time.
So dont you see your self confiliting.
I dont care If UN is right or wrong but just its expilicitly shows your real face

Colomblogs said...

This is the real genocide...

Only Intelligent Tamiz can beleive these fairy tales.

According to Suren, this must be the most intellegent bomb of world history.
- It was in a bag
- It detonated itself only when SLA near by
- It can sense no civilians near by in a crowded IDP camp. and avoid civilians.
- It can sense rush of poor people waiting for the hot meal..
- It can senses milk scent of kids near by and avoid them..

These SLA didn't die with weapons in hand. But rice plates to serve fellow Sri Lankans.

And Civilians died without a meal.

Peter/Suren/Upul/Bhariv and Disporasa...

Difference is you are happy about 24-SLA deathe. But we are weeping over those 10-Sri Lankans died.

You are so blind that you cant see even if your mothe died there..!

SL RealEstate said...

Sujeewa Kokawala
I am not realy angry with you as you with me..
I am in the media and just came out from SL just 2 weeks back. You guys dont know what Mahinda and Bros doing there uner the cover of fight against terror. It took 8 years for US people to realise that Bush was wrong but I dont know how much its going to take for you all.
I am not talking about BBC or even tamilnet. thing about your own papers.. there are things happend even you dont know and not came out.. There was an editor's wife receive a naked photo of her dell and he left the country next day.. this what happening there and you people just sitting on you office in UK or US and just awr mongering

Colomblogs said...

If any of you are in NZ, there was a video that one Dispora thrashing lion flag. Can you pl. publish the names of those bastards here..?

We can arrange something for their close relatives here..

gladiator said...


r u 'Suren Surandiram'.. .Then I can understand u.

SLG is not in such a desparate position to do this kind of shit.and one doesnt need such an analatical mind to figur that out who did this .where on erth u lived .. Mars??

SL RealEstate said...

u think I am tamil based on my name aren't u?
you know... this wg=hat happens when a government shuts down media.. We not only go as voiceless.. We will be name less and face less.. finaly a lifeless people on this earth.. U will be supriced to see I am one of u.

SL RealEstate said...

You dont know what is on the works on the international forum and why SL need to do some thing like this at this time. you will find out in couple of days.. I dont know If this blast going to make any changes on the report that goes to UN today. SL already got the message from insiders as we got it today.
In a way, If I have stayed in Colombo, I wouldnt beleived it neither.

There are more things happening but unfortunatly you all stuck with places like this. I understand that we all like to see that makes us happy but we need to see out side.. thats the reason why god crated us with the 6th sence.

gladiator said...

''Difference is you are happy about 24-SLA deathe. But we are weeping over those 10-Sri Lankans died.''

well said .. bro

gladiator said...

Suren ,

To breakoff the head from the neck of some one without damaging the face, the impact must be come from the body it self u intelligent intellect BASTED.

SL RealEstate said...

I don’t conceder my self neither intelligent nor intellect. Truly I conceder my self as a citizen of Srilnaka... You won’t believe what kind of feeling it is to leave the country and people in a situation like this.. I am just expressing my anger and disappointment with the people on this forum who have access to the info on what is really happening and be informed. These guys are not like the once in Anuradhapura or mathara to nod their heads for every thing!!

gladiator said...


did u understant wat i said in my erlyer post?

gladiator said...


did u understant wat i said in my erlyer post?

Colomblogs said...

I never thought you are Tamil. If you Tamil you will be under Dispora lable.

But being Sinhala selling motherland making me really angry. Becaue your dont like MR and team you sell country.

And you media people think that people are stupid and we have to bleive everything you write tell. And you are the masters..

When an attack on Media personeel on personnel basisi when his wife slpet with others.. it will be against free media.

MathaMathica said...

There should be well thought out methods for checking civilians so that intermingling tigers will have no opportunity to trigger hidden bombs.

For example,

1. the suspect may be asked to hold both hands up at a safe distance, only one soldier may approach etc

2. all suspicious persons may be diverted to quarantine areas which are bomb safe and asked to be checked mutually under SLA eye..

Destruction of bomb assembly sites together with the LTTE organisers will reduce the risks for the future.

We have to learn to be pro-active.

SL RealEstate said...

What made you to think I am selling my motherland. When you are a soldier you shoot and kill people thats your work. A soldier doesn't really know If his opponent is a good guy or bad guy. He is just doing the work.

As media, We just do the job of reporting as its happens. If you call it as selling the motherland then how you call those politicos and commanders who made millions on this war by getting money from the arm dealers.. In your eyes they are libratetors but people like Lashantha selling the motherland.
Gotha asked on one of the interview last week who is Lashantha.. So are you going to beleive that He doesn't know who is Lashanatha is? Do you what this people think and see all of us as idiots and they are the only smart people on the universe

gladiator said...

Suren Bola booruwo,

Budu hamuduruwoth kiyala thiyanawa atta unath nokiwayuthu welawal thiyanawa kiyala.a kiyanne boru kiyanna kiyana eka nemei. Thamuseta therunada mama kalin kiyapu eka.Bombe genapu ganige oluwa thibuna moonata damage novi. ehema wenna nam impact eka angenma enna ona e kiyanne bombe ange thiyenna ona.pattakin pipurunoth oluwata damage novi angen wenwene ne gon wahanse.

MathaMathica said...

suren: You guys dont know what Mahinda and Bros doing there uner the cover of fight against terror.

Tell us every thing with proofs. We are eager to hear.

Don't forget Mihin Air and Hedging deal ...

This is a free forum, tell us all.

If you are so concerned about the country you could have done it while your were there instead of trying to earn a buck out of rumour mongering...

Rana said...

Really Cold,


I have posted following comment on the site:

"Singing is important only when intentions are good. MIA is a spoke person for most ruthless terrorist outfit called Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. Her father was a suicide bomber and got killed with many innocent children and women. She should be condemned by all."

TNX for the link!

MathaMathica said...


..politicos and commanders who made millions on this war by getting money from the arm dealers..

Very interesting, give us details. Bank accounts, property, company shares etc etc ..

If you know about how CBK & Ranil got property in UK and Australia, don't hesitate.

gladiator said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gladiator said...


we r waiting.........

Pandula said...

How low these people could go ?

lankaputhra said...

Derana video:
LTTE peelamist roasted in here

Gringo said...

Suren time-waster...

Don't forget technicolour details of helping Hambanthota, billions in mig-deal, Mihin Air... and similar bedtime stories....

These are natural consequences of making the decision the fight the
Tamil terrorists!

Whatever the cost... killing the Tamil terrorists to the last one.... is worth its EFFORT (AND FUN) IN GOLD! Period.

gladiator said...

A tacticl witdow from Suren..

we know hwo u r suren .Ranil's arse lickers

Nihara said...

Have a look at this so called "PROF. SISIRA JAYASURIYA' OF LA TROBE UNIVERSITY OF - VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA has commented on ABC Australia -

to me he's some P**F who calls himself a sinhalse...
shame on him for commenting like this!

Colombo needs military victory before economy sinks - Aussie Don

click the link to see the whole interview

SRAF said...

suren said,

"There are reports coming out from difence circles that this blast is a setup by colombo intel to change the world openion,. Its been suggested that EPDP did it as Douglas yesterday warned 2days ago.
I think thats the reason why UN didn't say its LTTE work an most of the people beleive its the SL gov who master minded the blast. Even sount news reporters also thinks the same as they dont think that LTTE may do any thing that will damage them at this time.
Its unfortunate that SL gov kills its own army just to crate a mess."

mate are you smoking the same shit upul is smoking, whatever it is that's some goood shit you got. Can I have ur dealers number, coz I asked upul earlier and no response. I think he has achieved the supreme bliss of pEelam during a tactical withdrawl.

Colomblogs said...

Some of the so called allegations by recently converted patriots (a.k.a RW, Kiriella and patriotic journalists)
- Helping Hambantota
- Basil had a deal with LTTE and MR gets East and VP gets North
- No operations after Toppigala
- Toppigala is just a rock and Silawathura is just a water..!
- No more operations after nov 26 '08
- Kilinochchi is never captured..

as List grows and so the reduction of trust of the people on those Mafia..!

Somem names of Suren:
- Dinith Karunararhne
- Kieth Noyer
- Athah (unlikely)
- Shevan Daniel
- Upul Joseph

gladiator said...

Oya Upul joseph kiyana ekata norway karayo sahenna paykarala thiyawa.

Tharinda said...

The LTTE has shown again that they are not freedom fighters but barberic in humans who will do anything to gain a victory. The fact that they do not understand is they cant reach a victory now. Even the tamil population is understnding the fact that Prabkaran does not worry about his race.He is just a blood thirsty idiot who is sufferning from a massive inferiority. Is this the tamil leader the sole representative for the tamil race who is giving orders to kill innocent civilians.This war will end and the history will decide what kind of a coverd Prabakaran is.

gladiator said...

I can remenber that Upul Joseph wrote series of articles how RW is going to win the last precedential.later found the he is one of the recievers from norway for so cold pease propaganda

OneSpirit said...

For the mentally challenged amongst us, GR's question "Who is Lasantha?" does not mean that GR did not know who Lasantha was; it was a rhetorical question that put into perspective the assassination of a single journalist hated by many people for the stories his tabloid newpaper published, against the context of a much broader "War on Terrorism." - for the greater good of people from all ethnicities.

First it was Tamils that used this LTTE terrorist threat and the resulting war to seek asylum in the West for the past 30 years. Then it became the journalists (like our friend Suren) who would go out of their way to publish trash and hence make themselves targets in order to apply for asylum. Perhaps next would be the lawyers. Please leave and stay away so that we can enjoy our island in peace.

A great Sri Lankan once said words to the effect that our greatest failure has not been the prosecution of this war against LTTE terrorism but has been our inability to convince the West of the genuineness of our intentions in bringing this conflict to its natural closure. Respect...

Moshe Dyan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Moshe Dyan said...

its a shame that we knew this would happen. just last week i said this type of crap can happen when said a large number of civilians and a few tigers crossed over to govt. areas.

it is obvious from that if unarmed tigers can come, armed tigers also can come.

SLA should have more checks. security measures should not be reduced just to please civilians.

however, the nature of the attack is such that there is little we could have done in the given instance to stop it.

another thing we siad was that tigers can pose as injured in the battlefield, etc. and blast our Mi-17s. (and other parts of our evacuation system).

IDPs should not be allowed to go beyond restricted areas until the war is substantially over. unarmed tigers can mix with civilians and create trouble everywhere. i doubt SLA would have unearthed all the explosives.

again the govt has opened the vavuniya rail link. i'm sure there is some terror sympathiser in the picture who wants it opened b4 we can afford to do so. until the war is substantially over the train must be stopped at medawachchiya. it is extremely difficult for a suicide bomber to get into the train from medawachchiya than vavuniya. a suicide bober getting in from vavuniya can bomb HSZs in mid colombo within hours without going through any checkpoint!!

cc: MoD

wijayapala said...


I gave you an answer on the specifics of constitutional reform in the previous thread, but no answer from you (and I expected Peter to play deaf and dumb).

Moshe Dyan said...

toiletnet claims that civilians died due to SLA gunfire!

this is possible. but not for all the injured civilians.

no doubt the civilian flow will reduce now. they should be convinced that staying in LTTE controlled area is MORE dangerous than crossing over!! it is going to be ugly. but it must be done.

KSF said...

Suren the son of whore said,

The way you wite shows about your self and the way I write shows about my self. Any ways... When dog bites we dont go and do the saem so I will keep my self away from you but try to Civilize your self to match the current world. If its in 1800s your are the best.. May be even now ..(Just for people

Fck you terrorist what kind of civilize you are. Killing thousands of innocent people and praising murderers that is how you go to civilise in this centuary. You think killing people can make you civilise. Better youson of the whore go and sleep with your mama like you do always.

Dont come to tell us about Sri Lanka. We dont want to know anything from rascals like you. You eat human flesh sleeping with you mama coming here to teach s how to civilise. You bloody son of the whore better educate yourself. I know you are yourself that is what we cant change. Murdering innocent pople, selling drugs, smuggling weapons, those and many unsuitable things which destroy this world do by you and your supporting terrorists, unfortunatly that we cat change . Because you are your self.

Instead of coming here ask your mama who is your real father.

KSF said...


toiletnet claims that civilians died due to SLA gunfire!

this is possible. but not for all the injured civilians.

no doubt the civilian flow will reduce now. they should be convinced that staying in LTTE controlled area is MORE dangerous than crossing over!! it is going to be ugly. but it must be done.


Moshe Dyan said...

ex sun god,


check out tamilnet. as now, it is the second lead story.

KSF said...

What DW said here and what Rama saying have a lot of contradiction about death toll. Rama speaking in the same time blast occured. I heard the different version of DW and same as Rama.

DW, we are here to get accurate news. Dont tell bullshit lies.

Moshe Dyan said...

we have a problem.

ananda sangari has bipolar disorder. some days he is very good, some days very bad.

he had a bad day. he has made 3 requests to the govt. which are HIGHLY dangerous.

from lankaguardian...

"Mr Anandasangaree has made a timely request to President Mahinda Rajapakse to give ear to them and convert them into action without any delay. He wants a list of people who have escaped from the clutches of the LTTE to be published regularly and where exactly they are now."

this DIRECTLY contradicts with our counter terror and counter-infiltration methods. this should NOT be done. we know as a fcuking fact that tigers also cross over and sometimes with weapons. we cannot reveal that we handled them. if we do, civilians get scared and stop coming.

ASS has again very CUNNINGLY plan to save tigers. if he is genuinely concerned about civilians, there is no fcuking need to make such a request. ALL CVILIANS who cross over to our areas are 100% safe. but not ALL tigers posing as civilians!!

govt should reject this.

"Mr Anandasangaree's second request is to allow the elders, the sick and the children to join their relatives who are prepared to accommodate them at their homes in Vavuniya, even elsewhere."

this is completely against what i said in DW previously. this is even more dangerous. allowing "the sick"!! to go to vavuniya, colombo, etc. is a VERY VERY dangerous thing to do. this is free passage for suicide bombers to do what they so far failed to do. any idiot can pretend to be sick and any child can be made to a suicide bomber.

e.g. only last weeek a 13 year old suicide bomber was detected by SLA at a FDL!!!

how can this idiot say children can go to their "reatives" without "parents"????

i hope the govt is not so FOOLISH.

"His third request is quite just. The health of a democratic state lies in its transparency and Mr Anandasangaree wants the local NGOs, political parties and social organizations such as the Rural Development Societies and the community centers to be involved in refugee work."

fantastic!! the govt blocked them for VERY good reasons. we will be back to square one if we again fall in the same NGO trap. i'm sure NGOs had bribed ASS.

govt should reject this request with contempt.

cc: MoD

"As a representative of the people, his record is impeccable."

my arse!! he was one of the sakkiliyas of the tamil elam demand by TULF in 1977. unfortunately he is the only surviving guy form the rotten lot. he changed ideologies every election!!! now it is faster than that. now it is a matter of days!!!

asoka said...

It is so sad to see that the one crazy mad man can create such destruction. This should have been crushed right at the beginningbut our leaders did not have the guts and the will.
We should be glad that we have some leaders with balls now who can stand up to this crazy nonsense.

Jambudipa said...
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Jambudipa said...
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LK Observer said...

@ Defence.LK and people involved:

The video at is gruesome.

Please force our idiots to remove this. The scene of the soldier picking up the small child and showing falling flesh is not humane, and its not the way of showing LTTE cruelty.

Please be more concerned about the photos and movies posted on a responsible web site.

Nisal said...

Escaped from Human shield
(in Silhala & Tamil)

Jambudipa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rover said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LK Observer said...

Rover, ur link is not working buddy.

@Defence Column guy. Dont spam here, if people want to have a look they will come to ur website.

Rover said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rover said...

Sorry about that folks (and LK observer), here it is again.

MIA - thoughts!

Or go to

Rover said...

I've trashed my first post...

LK Observer said...

Rover nice post mate. Keep it up.

Have u seen the LTTE flag on the bitch's song. They try to portray that to the world in her songs.

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

I feel so sorry for these young tamil kids, they didn't do anything to anyone to get a punishment like that... but tamil kids paid in full, what is due by their Uncles and Auntys in weston world downtowns and uptowns...who helped ltt assholes.

weldone diasspora...keep up the good we can create a tamil less Sri Lanka....

Also I salute you my Bravos...SLA...go get them those MFking Ltters

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

US, UK, CANADA, India and some others may say,,,

yaddda, yaddda, yaddda, yaha...

but SLDF please continue and finish whatever you guys are doing, you are doing OK, Ohoma yan, thawa dinggaie.

whoever join hand with terrorists them must die with terrorist.

Rover said...

Thanks LK observer.

I've seen the flag in one of her earlier music videos, mercifully it was not shown on the Grammy performance, I think.

Anonymous said...

/toiletnet claims that civilians died due to SLA gunfire!/

This IDP suicide attack is good. In this way SLA can shot any one they suspect and justify saying suspected suicide behavior.

Main objective was to slowdown civilian crossing and also break the link between SLA/58 with civilians.

GSL propaganda is again bad - and sad.

Moshe Dyan said...

these barbarians are upto something BIG.

"[TamilNet, Monday, 09 February 2009, 23:42 GMT]
TRO volunteers buried 15 dead bodies of civilians Monday in Chuthanthirapuram. 12 of the victims were not identified, according to the officials of the NGO.

Hundreds of dead civilians have been buried by relatives and fellow civilians.

The TRO volunteers said they also buried the belongings of the deceased, placing them in plastic bags, with the dead bodies."

i'm sure these barbarians are burrying C4 explosives, grenedes and other explosives with the dead. when SLA finds these toiletnet is going to scream about robbing cemeteries!!

otherwise there is no reason to publish this. we know civilians have died and they need to be burried. we also know LTTE robs the belongings of the dead whether it be SLA soldiers or civilians.

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...

This is really sad, now these looses don't know what to do.

3 suicide attacks in two weeks.

Our army commanders have to be extra cautious in these IDP camps.

Long - Ranger said...

My sincere apologies (as usual) to all for delays with updating the portal. :-)

Thank you for the warm compliments and for persevering with my portal. :-)

Hope my briefs are helping you all in getting a small glimpse of hard decision making, risk benefit ratios of each decision in achieving the results we are seeing today.

Take care.


On a sidenote Brigadier Silva was a VERY frequent visitor to this IDP receiving centre.

DrJones said...

Civilians liberated at IDP camp!
No surprise there, this is what the Tamil Tigers stood for all this long.

hemantha said...

"toiletnet claims that civilians died due to SLA gunfire!"

"this is possible. but not for all the injured civilians."

You are acting Sisira Jayasuriya here.
Rama's video does not indicate any gun shot injuries.

Moshe Dyan said...

i'm sure tigers are regreting this attack. if you look at ALL the news toiletnet has published following the attack, it is about DESPERATE attempts to gain a HIGHER moral ground than SLDFs/GOSL.

they have cooked the goose now!!

GOSL should go to town with this.

"IC, help us save civilians from LTTE suicide bombers. if civilians stay in LTTE controlled areas, they will be living with suicide bombers in HORROR!! help us save them b4 the next suicide bomber goes off!!!!"

hemantha said...

"The video at is gruesome."

This war is gruesom. Nothing wrong with posting that video. It is the reality. The LTTE monster is liberating it's people.

Upul said...

This bomb blast was hatched by SLA MI to mercisilessly kill tamil civillians.

To keep it seem real they knocked of 24 sla troops as well.

Considering what rajapakse goon squad does to its sinhalese people, all of this is considered worth it for the great good for the rajapakse brothers & co.

The problem is there is no free media in the south, a proper investigation cannot be performed to determine who is the culprit. Just like the murder of Janaka Perera by TVMP, this is another government operations to mould internation opinion, considering that it is getting badly hammered.

You know it is interesting to note that the Tamil militants in the early days never went after civillians targets. Buts its RAW handlers were pressuring the organizations to go after them. The attack on Anuradhapura was organized and planned by RAW to teach J.R. a lesson. RAW played it both ways and now is helping sri lankan government together with TMVP perform all these dirty tricks. It is not Indian congress's interest to see either side loose outright.

It is also completely pointless for ltte bt to go and blow up to get rid of sla bagagge checker and handlers. it doesn't make tactical sense to do this, when this could be done to maximize battle field damage.

Upul said...

It should be noted these gruesome attacks also happen when there a battlefield pauses or major setbacks for the SLA...

Moshe Dyan said...


of course the vid does NOT show! the part TN refers to vid is not true.

"You are acting Sisira Jayasuriya here."
this is only a personal attack! lol!

ReallyCold..... said...

Rover, great job.
Would you be interested linking your name with the blog?

Unknown said...

upul fucker did the RAW drill your ass too . you and suren should have a gay orgy stupid terrorist mother fuckers

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

LR thanks for the update

"On a sidenote Brigadier Silva was a VERY frequent visitor to this IDP receiving centre"

yes, he was just 4KM s away from blasted site.

Upul said...

CNN interview on the plight of journalists in Sri Lanka from youtube.

When CNN is after Sri Lanka, expect marines to one day land on the island's shores.....

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...

first test run

Nisal said...

[["toiletnet claims that civilians died due to SLA gunfire!"]]

Yes, that is true. Watch this:

Upul said...

tell me is killing chena boy sla baggage handlers a tactical or battle advantage ?

that would be heavy disadvantage to waster an ltte black tiger major or captain to kill off 25 sla baggage handlers.....

it does not make any sense and is an obvious dirty tricks from the rajapakse goon squad.

tell me who will rajapakses not kill ?

priyashantha said...


I too like to have an explanation from you. How can you say that army opened fire?

May be you are getting into bad company these days with Rana. I never liked your "wawula" game with Rana and Asithri.

Valid explanation or I will fcuk you here in Defecewire as I did to Wesa-Balla and Rana.

Jambudipa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nisal said...

!! Please Stop the WAR !!

!! Please Please Stop Killing Civilians !!

Nisal said...

Oh! no.

I'm wrong.

Marines are really going to land the island's shores. Look what US said!!

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Upul if I ever create a terrorist gang just Like LTTE, then I will hire you as a media terrorist.

hemantha said...

""You are acting Sisira Jayasuriya here."
this is only a personal attack! lol!"

Did not intend to insult you. I belived you made an error in judgement and wanted to point out that. Guess I have failed. Let's forget it. Another fight is the last thing we want here.

Jambudipa said...

heylo upul the kitchen boy,

why you open your filthy mouth? who believes you? who believes your kind?

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...

@ Panhinda,

It is not Tamils, it is tigers and tigers are 100% controlled and commanded by their supreme leader. He and his senior partners are the barbarians of the worst kind (“mlaechche”).

Upul said...

the rajapakse govt. cannot fool all the people all the time. by playing patriot marching bands and army commercials, you fools think your military is actually making progress ?

its a new world order and sri lanka will never recover its damning image.

Moshe Dyan said...


i cannot view this (posted by nisal) now. so don't know exactly what it has.

anyway what i said was its POSSIBLE. it may well be true and well be false. if the clip clears this doubt, great. but i don't think there is CONCLUSIVE PROOF of,

1. gun fire by SLA, and,
2. civilian deaths AS A RESULT OF SUCH gunfire.

re: rana. he may not believe everything the propoganda says (hence ask challenging questions) but he is still a patriot. (no comments on some of his comments that may well have been made after a drink). that's why i wanted to sort out the matter between 2 patriots of different levels and as you know i failed.

Upul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Moshe Dyan said...


no worries, mate.

sorry, it was actually my fault. i took it in the wrong spirit.

Moshe Dyan said...


i have collapsed comments from MOST pro-LTTEers but not yours!!

you provide cheap entertainment at no cost!!!!

Sam Perera said...

Upul the terrorist,

I will never forget that you want to eat Sinhala flesh and drink Sinhala blood. All of a sudden you have become a humanist? The mask of peace you are trying to put does not fit well on to you extremely crooked terrorist face. You are just subhuman racist terrorist scum who has place reserved in unmarked graves for faceless terrorists. Please live the remaining terrorist days of you life knowing where you will end up.

Puran Appu said...


Ananda-USA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rana said...


I am an independent guy. I speak my mind covertly or overtly. I am not obliged to please anybody here.

Each and every person can say what they believe or think is correct. Nobody should try to take that away. Then only we will have correct perspectives and honest opinions.

Ananda-USA said...

Panhinda said...

"the world now knows tamils will put other tamils in harms way to gain few political mileage. the 83 troubles, failed attempt on many attacks against buddihst places of worship, the 17 aid workers, peslai family massare all done by tamils on tamils to thorw mud on sinhalese. this is how despicable, unlucky, miserable problem unfortunately burdened with."

Panhinda, you hit the nail exactly on its head.

In the name of their pre-textual CAUSE, they are willing to sacrifice their OWN innocents.
Sacrifice by OTHERS has always been VP's core values:

1. Cyanide pills for the cadres
2. Orders to kill their own wounded
3. Kill all Tamil dissenters
4. Imprison and torture their own
5. No family ties except for VP
6. Use their own as human shields
7. Bomb their own if they flee
8. Turn children against parents
9. Turn children into human bombs
10.Deny medical treatment to their own

These kinds of activities reflect a truly SICK MIND embedding SICK VALUES in impressionable brainwashed youth.

It is about time for the TAMIL PEOPLE to wake up to the reality, that:


This is direct result of the Buddhist principles of COMPASSION and TOLERANCE embedded deep within the consciousness of the SINHALA majority of Sri Lanka.

No other people would have allowed the Tamil Separatists to get away with SO MUCH violence, for SO MANY years, and yet offer EQUAL RIGHTS as EQUAL CITIZENS today.

ReallyCold..... said...

Posting your comments against MIA here

Share this link with others. Take your message directly to the hearts of her fans.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...



This is direct result of the Buddhist principles of COMPASSION and TOLERANCE embedded deep within the consciousness of the SINHALA majority of Sri Lanka.

As Sinhalese we also have our share of hooligans, racists and barbarians too.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


see the hate speech by panhinda, who probably thinks eelam tamils should be packed into concentration camps and gassed...

Eelam Tamils?? Sounds like Martian Jellyfish. Never known before.

But if you referred to Wanni Tamils, well, Panhinda did NOT say so, nor would I. Everyone is hoping for their best and SLDF is risking their lives to save them.

By any chance if you meant the pussycat supporting Diaspora tamils[and those few in Colombo Jaffna, Wanni and East] surely, you're spot on. They should be punished with capital punishment for their share in the most inhuman crimes of South Asia. They should be discarded in the cheapest way. I suppose the Gas chambers are the destination of white vans.

Bottom line is simple. For an innocent tamil, we give life and happiness. For a separatist we give jail. For a terrorist we give no rights for existence.

Srilankan said...

Tamil speaking Sri Lankans are being held to ransom by a ruthless murderer who has had no proper education beyond the primary standard, and has had a very troublesome childhood and grown up with no other skill than to kill, holds all the Tamil speaking Sri Lankans at ransom and dictate terms to them.
What did this murderer achieve so far by creating two generations of suicide bombers and child soldiers? He inhumanly uses Tamil speaking Sri Lankan children to fight for battles that will result only in fulfilling his lunatic desires and destroys the future generation of the Tamil speaking Sri Lankan community. Tamil speaking Sri Lankan children’s childhood is being robbed off them.
Murugupillai Baskaranathan
Columbus Ohio

Nisal said...

[[Moshe Dyan said...


i cannot view this (posted by nisal) now. so don't know exactly what it has.]]

It is the wanni report from rama.

Puran Appu said...


Did you all notice that there is a officer (probably a captain) killed yesterday by the suicide blast?

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


Murugupillai Baskaranathan
Columbus Ohio

Mate, I salute and respect you as fair minded Sri Lankan.

Sam Perera said...



Murugupillai Baskaranathan
Columbus Ohio

Keep in mind that this is not a real name.

Karu said...


Yes, I heard on news that a captain is among the dead. Hope the Army take precautions in the future. I saw once even the Shavindra Silva moving among the civilians

Upul said...

not to mention tamil people as well....

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


I know but usually Sinhalese do not take Tamil names in such a way for blogging. On the other hand I know many Tamils who oppose LTTE and they deserve recognition for their integrity.

Upul said...

rajapakse is on a path of self destruction just like iraq under saddam.

Karu said...

(Ananda-USA said...

Yes. If you want proof, go to north India and hear what they say about the people in Tamil Nadu.

Upul said...

if rajapakse brothers are winning the war so resoundingly why censor BBC world service ?

is BBC world service an arm of the LTTE ?

Moshe Dyan said...




yes, thats a good move. we have few tamils NOW openly talking against the LTTE like rasalingama, john pillai, baskaranathan.

way to go. how long can they put up with BULLSHIT by the name of liberation. anyway there is no need for liberation anymore. tamils have found their own liberation. when the 100,000 is safe it will be 100%.

Anonymous said...

"rajapakse is on a path of self destruction just like iraq under saddam."

like what happened to eelam with Prabhakaran?

Karu said...

(Upul said...

rajapakse is on a path of self destruction just like iraq under saddam)

I agree 100%. But you have to replace rajapakse by VP. You may fit into the role of Chemical Ali too..

Moshe Dyan said...

"if rajapakse brothers are winning the war so resoundingly why censor BBC world service ?"

bcos they (like most ppl) don't tolerate BULLSHIT. what is the credibility of SLBC if it allows BBC to broadcast its bullshit over SLBC's own channels????

"is BBC world service an arm of the LTTE ?"

no not an arm; its the arse.

Upul said...

when mahinda rajapakse is killed, expect to see plenty of fireworks in sinhala south just like during premadasa's death.

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