Wednesday, February 11, 2009

LTTE trying to hold on through harassing technique

An LTTE video was released recently showing what seems to be a Mechanized Infantry-style attack. A few soldiers were killed in the attack at Puthukudiirippu and the LTTE is obviously making a huge deal out of it, as you can see in the video.

The video first shows what looks like a Chinese YW-531H (T-85), an older version of the T-89, which the SLA Mech Infantry Division uses extensively now. From external appearance the two units look similar except for the rear doors (3rd frame). Next, a mounted MPMG is shown (4th frame).

The following frames of the video show the tail of the attack and no actual combat is shown as in previous LTTE videos. Bodies of a few SLA soldiers are shown at a road-side checkpoint and a field unit established at a abandoned civilian house, which was obviously raided and taken by surprise by the armoured attack.

The T-85 is actually a former Army APC captured from Muhamalai a few years ago along with a T-55 MBT. In the attack the APC was subsequently destroyed in an RPG-7 HEAT attack and 13 tigers in it were incinerated.

The attempt is an example of the current situation in the Vanni where the Tigers are cornered into an area and the Army's advance has become highly complicated due to the human shield. The civilians have nowhere to run except into the hands of the Army, which was happening until the suicide attack.

Following the suicide attack, the flow of civilians has started to only trickle-in, whereas thousands, on one occasion as many as 6,000 civilians were reaching the Army almost on a daily basis prior to the attack. The attack was a message to civilians that the Tigers can still terrorize them. Although it killed 24 soldiers, the message is towards the civilians who will now fear harassment by the Army (regular checking, detention of suspects etc)

The Tigers strategy is to harass the Army from behind the civilian cover by raiding the Army FDL, particularly around Puthukudirippu. There is also a very strong indication that Velupillai Prabhakaran is still hiding in the remaining tiger territory. How long this trend will continue is an interesting question.


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OneNation (formerly TTBO) said...

Thanks DW

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CodeRed said...

A good question.. How long can LTTE Hold? Not many days brothers not many days. These are the desperate attempts that they are taking in the Final Stages. Future situations will be entiarly depends on how SLA handles the "Civilian " Factor.

Theres a saying."A Candle is burning brighter when its about to finish" . Good Luck LTTE

Anonymous said...

thanks for the Valuable update DW.

THe VP situation is good news.

HM said...

How to sponsor the education of a child of a fallen/disabled soldier

1. You can now easily sponsor a child of a fallen/disabled soldier through the Seva Vanitha scholorship program

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3. Stipulated monthly amount is US$10 (Rs750-1000). You can contribute more if you like.

4. Duration of the scholorship can be decided by you. It can be 1 year or more.

5. Sevavanitha will provide you with the child's details along with contact info. You can contact the family directly and verify all the details yourself before depositing funds. Process is very transparent.

Please email me at for the application form and a detailed description of the process.

rathnayake said...

Not only this.. all the article in the tamilnet are fake article and Photos. I don’t know why all the Idiot Tamil Diaspora accepts these.
For example.. Recently there was an article saying they LTTE have Sized SLA weapon. The article is this. Go to the article and just get the 1st photo download.

The click right mouse on downloaded photo. Then you will get the property of the photo. Just go to the detail. Then you will find the photo has 10/20/2008 using Nikon D70 camara.
My dear Diaspora Tamil people. Don’t be such polish to accept and get this kind of tamilnet article. Be conscious always.
Already you have been taken for ride. Try to understand the situation. There are so many this kind of article in TamilNet.
But I feel really sorry about the free media like BBC. BBC also taken for RIDE. I thought BBC are wise people.. but now we can understand their idiot than the Diaspora.

rathnayake said...


Not only this.. all the article in the tamilnet are fake article and Photos. I don’t know why all the Idiot Tamil Diaspora accepts these.

For example.. Recently there was an article saying they LTTE have Sized SLA weapon. The article is this. Go to the article and just get the 1st photo download.

Tigers seize SLA arms storage in PTK

Then click right mouse on downloaded photo. Then you will get the property of the photo. Just go to the detail. Then you will find the photo has 10/20/2008 using Nikon D70 camara.
My dear Diaspora Tamil people.

Don’t be such foolish to accept and get this kind of tamilnet article. Be conscious always.

Already you have been taken for ride. Try to understand the situation. There are so many this kind of article in TamilNet.

But I feel really sorry about the media like BBC. BBC also taken for RIDE. I thought BBC are wise people..

but now we can understand their idiot than the Diaspora.

Peter said...

Only 2 people burned themselves to death?

Peter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peter said...

Is that the best we can do?

Rover said...

DW, thank you for the interesting update, you have almost hit your old form again.

One of the most important points for me in this update is "The attack was a message to civilians that the Tigers can still terrorize them." This is the reason why INGOs, NGOs and the IC must give GSL all the support to bring the LTTE down ASAP.

Charles Anthony said...

Thanks DW

Peter said...

Muslims did better.

OneNation (formerly TTBO) said...

Interesting observation. Tried it. All the pics have dates in October. One picture, the one looking through a mortar launchher (i think) has a time of 23:53. It has been taken in day light though. So it might be that the camera date and time is incorrect. Still, all the pictures have different dates and times. Strange... Desparados!

rathnayake said...

Peter this you to understand


Not only this.. all the article in the tamilnet are fake article and Photos. I don’t know why all the Idiot Tamil Diaspora accepts these.

For example.. Recently there was an article saying they LTTE have Sized SLA weapon. The article is this. Go to the article and just get the 1st photo download.

Tigers seize SLA arms storage in PTK

Then click right mouse on downloaded photo. Then you will get the property of the photo. Just go to the detail. Then you will find the photo has 10/20/2008 using Nikon D70 camara.
My dear Diaspora Tamil people.

Don’t be such foolish to accept and get this kind of tamilnet article. Be conscious always.

Already you have been taken for ride. Try to understand the situation. There are so many this kind of article in TamilNet.

But I feel really sorry about the media like BBC. BBC also taken for RIDE. I thought BBC are wise people..

but now we can understand their idiot than the Diaspora.

Peter said...

lol @

Peter said...

Thanks rathnayake.

You have opened my eyes.

Peter said...

Clearly, you don't own a camera.

Peter said...

You talk like a kid grew up in a bunker as we say.

rathnayake said...

peter why you silent? cant you just go and check the photo teken dates?

peter this is the time you to understand. this is the time you to stop your drama. you cant divide mother Lanka. wake up you are still day dreaming

Peter said...

Lil Aisha under Mohammed's lungi

Peter said...

We may live in bunkers but each person is equipped with a gun, cyanide pill and a camera.

Anonymous said...


these are the pics of T-85s

if you look close u can see only 5 wheels running on the tracks. But the video in LTTE sites clearly show 6 wheels.

it looks more like a russian mande Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty class one (BMP-1) amphibious armored personell carrier. which SLA uses extensively.. i think we have close to a 1000 of these

Peter said...


My nephew thought he was bright when he tried to convince me that he had taken a photo of the future by changing the time/date setting on our camera.

I just went with it for not wanting to upset the little guy.

Same goes for you.

Thanks for enlightening me.

Peter said...

Yes these are fake article.. yes that I came to know that LTTE going to get a good webmaster to handle the content on the Tamilnet.

Peter said...

Wish I could take you down into a bunker and show you how its done just like I did with my nephew.

Peter said...

Fake articles or not they are quite informative and keep diaspora well informed.

Hiranthe said...

Thanks DW for the update.

Any news on Soosai?

Is Velu still in the area? Can they escape through their 7km long tunnel? Have we looked in to those areas and action taken...This tunnel may end up in SLA controlled areas and we will have to be very vigilent.

Velu can escape in one hand and 100's or brainwashed monkeys can appear behind the defence line and attack us...

Peter said...

We are going to do a big brutal attack to civilians. These days we don’t have enough explosives. Even for rangeen 95 mine we are now using 50g per mine. We used to put 300g. So we need more explosive to kill uncontrollable Tamils.

Today also there were 7000 gone out from our area. We cant tolerate this anymore.
Please try to understand current situation and send some money and explosive .

Charles Anthony said...

everybody should watch this vedio. its 15 minutes. peter is this the best you can do what a shame.

jack1234 said...

think Peter pan is gone insane or is it the fake having some fun at poor peter's expense?

jack1234 said...

what are the exact SLA casualty nos. from the suicide blast in the IDP CENTER?
many nos. are quoted!

Peter said...

yes there is a another video we are work on it. in the next video we will opt all the mistakes.

we need money to do good product. when you pay good you will get good product.

so to do all these things we need money...some how collect some money from our British and Canadian people send us. when you send do deposit to my account. then i will handover to our Thlaivar, Our Sun good

Anonymous said...


20 unarmed army personnel including 3 female soldiers.

8 civilians dead.+64 injured.

on the APC issue,

The main gun seems to be a 73mm heavy weapon. a previous video showed it being fired

Peter said...

fake peter is here.. his ID ending 561... be aware...

Isuru said...

rathnayake, you are completely off the point.
nobody is being taken on a ride by ltte.
1) tamil diaspora see and listen to what they want to see and hear. they believe whatever the way pro-ltte sites because their love is not to the poor civilians of vanni but to vegence on sinhalese. in fact it is the diaspora that is taking the vanni civilians on a ride to fight for their egositic goal.
2) bbc sri lankan service is full of people who are either on payroll of ltte or genuinely commited to the cause of the ltte. tamil seperatist movement is lot more richer and influential than you can ever imagine.
3) NGO local heads and lot of accomplices are on the payroll of the ltte.

Isuru said...

there were too many ambulances going from ratmalane side to colombo past wellawatte today. something is definitely up.

Gringo said...

[Troops of 58 Division commanded by Brigadier Shavindar Silva have located a huge LTTE printing press while conducting consolidating and search operations in general area Sugandhirapuram, Mullaittivu, this morning, the military said.

A few printing machines were also found inside the printing press premises.

An LTTE hand grenade manufacturing plant adjacent to the printing press was also located by the troops of the same division, the military added.

Meanwhile, troops of Task Force 4 (TF4) have located another LTTE printing and cutting machine while conducting search and clear operations in south of Puthukudiyirippu.

The printing and cutting machine is 12 feet long and it had been left away by the fleeing terrorists due to the effective military ]

Another great day, then!

.. and how comforting to see... that LTTE seem to be still hoping for a miracle ceasefire and reverse the march of the SLDF!

Let us roast the LTTE pigs in low heat.... Slow cooking is recommended.

This is skillful planning by GOSL to show the world... the true face of the LTTE terrorists... every passing day… and a very slow death!!!

Anonymous said...

ඉසුරු මචෝ,

මුන් අපි මොනවා හරි කියනකම් බලාගෙන ඉන්නෙ.. පොඩ්ඩක් බලාගෙන..ambulance ගැන කියන්න එපා. ඔය ටිකම ඇති මුන්ට බොරු කතාවක් හදලා propaganda කරන්ඩ

rathnayake said...


have you checked the article and photos? you said..BBC and the Pro LTTE INGO and the NGO are fully depend on the LTTE & LTTE diaspora's Money...

Then it seems to be LTTE & LTTE's Diaspore is taken for ride by other vendors...

oh... some time their Profit earning on Killing civilians and getting money from diaspora to hide the truth..

then its seems to be BBC and INGO and NGOs doing a kind of Highjacking job?????

rathnayake said...



ටැමිල් නෙට් එකේ ආටිකල් එක බැලුවද? මුං හරක්. මුන් දාලා තියෙන්නේ 2008 ගත්තු පොටෝ

rathnayake said...

Reports state that the LTTE terrorists are driving the civilians towards East from the safe zone. The LTTE are continuing to oppress the innocent civilians who are trying to escape in to the safe zone and in to the protection of the troops.

Meanwhile today morning (11) troops of the Task force 4 recovered a large book cutter and Book pressing machine used by the LTTE during a search operation conducted in PUTHUKUDUERIPPU South area.

rathnayake said...

No peter no Mahen...where are u???? come battle is ready for you. i am searching more fake article with document evidence

Unknown said...


I also agree with you, noticed many ambulances running towards Colombo passing Dehiwala. Anybody knows what is going on? Are they bringing patients of PTK hospitals to Colombo?

velluprabhakaran said...

[[[How long this trend will continue is an interesting question.]]]

shorter the better. army will somehow have to get over the dificulty soon. snipers will have to perform at maximium skill.

the longer this drags on the more problems for GOSL in the media front. but shouldn't rush it and mess it up. fat pig's an internationally condemned man now. so less pressure for GOSL.

it's a mystery why air force can't guess his location with the shrunken area though. unless SLA wants to destroy LTTE first & vesapilley last?

i suspect SLAF & army knows the location but waiting for some reason.

vesapilley business is too much of a mystery.

rathnayake said...

කොටි ත්‍රස්තවාදීන් විසින් මුලතිව් මුදා නොගත් ප්‍රදේශවල බලහත්කාරයෙන් රඳවාගෙන සිටින සිවිල් වැසියන් එම ප්‍රදේශයේ සිට නැගෙනහිර දෙසට පලවාහරිමින් සිටින බව වාර්තා වේ. මෙම සාමාන්‍ය වැසියන් කොටි ත්‍රස්තවාදීන් විසින් මිනිස් පලිහක් ලෙස යොදා ගනිමින් දිනෙන් දින යුදමය වශයෙන් පරාජය ලබමින් සිටින කොටි සංවිධානය ආරක‍ෂා කර ගැනීමේ ම්ලේච්ඡ ප්‍රයත්නයක නිරත වෙමින් සිටියි.

මෙහි ප්‍රතිඵලයක් වශයෙන් මුදා නොගත් ප්‍රදේශවල සිටින සිවිල් ජනතාවට විවිධ අයුරින් අමානුෂික වධ හිංසා පමුණුවමින් ඔවුන් තම සංවිධානය භාරයේ තබා ගනිමින් කොටි නායකයන් තම බල ප්‍රදේශය සුරක‍ෂිත කර ගැනීමේ ම්ලේච්ඡ උත්සාහයක යෙදී සිටිති. දමිළ ජනතාවගේ එකම විමුක්ති දායකයා ලෙස පෙනී සිටින කොටි සංවිධානය මේ අවස්ථාවේ තම සංවිධානයේ ගැලවුම්කරුවා වශයෙන් දමිළ ජනතාව යොදා ගනිමින් සිටියි. මේ අනුව තවදුරටත් කොටි ත්‍රස්තවාදීන්ගේ මිලේචිඡ අමානුෂික ක්‍රියා කලාපය තවදුරටත් තහවුරු වේ.

Anonymous said...

ඔව් ඔව් මමත් දැක්කා.. ඔක්තොබර් වල ගහපු පොටෝ වගයක්. ඒකේ ඉන්න කොටි කමාන්ඩර් ගෑනු කෙනත් දැන් මැරිලා ඇති.

rathnayake said...

ambulance කතාව බොරු. ආවානම් news එනවා. දැං පාරෙ ambulance එකකටවත් යන්න නෑනේ?

phaedrus said...

Check this out guys.

2002 Vs 2009 Wanni Operation 11 th February 2009

thambapanni said...

හරි හො‍දයි.. ලමයි සිංහලෙන්ම කතාව කරගෙන යං..
හොර කොටින්ට තේරෙන්නෙ නැහැනෙ එතකොට..
හිඃ හිඃ !

rathnayake said...

Saman Kumara doing a really good job...


anyway thanks for this. if you have any IP right issue from Rupavahini just write here...

thanks keep it up your good work.

thambapanni said...

මචං පුරං..
මොකුත් නැද්ද අලුත් ආරංචි..

Anonymous said...

ඔය වාහන පන්නපු එවුනට ලන්ගදිම එල සම්බුවක් හම්බවෙයි

rathnayake said...

මචං නිදා ගන්නම්...මේ දවස් වල නිව්ස් නෑ... මොකද දැං අපිට ගහන්න තැනක් නැති නිසා...ඩෑස්පොරා එකේ එවුන් අඩනවා..උන්ව ‍ගොනාට ඇන්දුව කියලා...

කෝ මේ පීටරයා.....

Unknown said...

thanks Paedrus


Shawendra Silva

a man with a solid vision

phaedrus said...

Btw, I just posted the link here. All credit should go to lkwebnews who is doing a great service for all of us.

Unknown said...

Your Country needs you.
Protest against LTTE terrorism and killing innocents in Sri Lanka.

Venue: outside No. 10, Downing Street
Nearest Tube: Westminster
Date : 14th Feb 2009 from 1.30pm (Comming Saturday)

NOLTTE=Peace said...


What is the situation with regards to suspended account?

Peter said...

C. Ilamparithy political head of Puthukkudiyiruppu Division was killed by un identified gunmen.

await for more information

Renegade! said...


Thanks for update..:)

The APC shown on video looks like a BMP-1.The fuel-tanks are at the back-doors..The truck mounted heavy machine gun is probably a 14.5mm AA unit?..and weird footage of the Tigers manually dragging about a 20mm or higher caliber gun attached to an improvised wheel-type carrier..probably from captured dvoras??

And Long ranger gave a figure of the Tigers operating 3 MBT's and 2 BMP's, and quite a few Buffel APC's..but the question is, do they have sufficient ammo for the Tanks and APC's,or have they manufactured their own indigenously??..thanks

Renegade! said...

And how many SLA were actually KIA or MIA in this attack??

Peter said...

How many fakes are there?

Peter said...

தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகளின் கட்டுப்பாட்டுப் பிரதேசத்தில் இருந்து வெளியேறி வவுனியா நலன்புரி நிலையத்தில் தங்கியுள்ள பொதுமக்களில் 70 பேர் சிறிலங்கா குற்றப்புலனாய்வுப் பிரிவு காவல்துறையினரால் கைது செய்யப்பட்டு விசாரணைக்கு உட்படுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளதாகவும் பலரை காணவில்லை என்றும் வவுனியா தகவல்கள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன.

Peter said...

Fakes, carry on.

Peter said...

Good night!

Peter said...

M.I.A is going to facilitate to kill 20000 civilians. these days she is doing fundraiser work.

my beloved diaspora do fund us more...M.I.A will come to get the money for us..

those who have any family problems, thouse who have any kind of mentally disorders are well come to commit suicide.

we will offer you are range of methods to commit suicide.

those who live outside especially England are well come to commit suicide using set fire yourself.

we will take care of your family and the children we can handover to our sun good thalaivar for his favorite works

Peter said...

M.I.A is going to facilitate to kill 20000 civilians. these days she is doing fundraiser work.

my beloved diaspora do fund us more...M.I.A will come to get the money for us..

those who have any family problems, thouse who have any kind of mentally disorders are well come to commit suicide.

we will offer you are range of methods to commit suicide.

those who live outside especially England are well come to commit suicide using set fire yourself.

we will take care of your family and the children we can handover to our sun good thalaivar for his favorite works

Unknown said...

@ NOLTTE=Peace,

just replied to your mail. check that . you will get info.

Thank you.

Gringo said...


Your work is greatly appreciated.

NOLTTE=Peace said...


It may be too much of an ask.

But, if you could upload both the Tamil and English also to the site, it would be great.

Unknown said...

Thank you gringo.

@ NOLTTE=Peace,

yes we know that is very important. but sometimes both English and Tamil news in SLRC don't give much importance towards translating the full version of wanni news reports. anyway we also missed some clips and we are trying to do our best.

Thank you.

NOLTTE=Peace said...

Hoo! Hoo! LTTE!

Well done USA!


Sri Lanka::
* U.S. Treasury imposes sanctions on Tamil front organization striking a blow to LTTE
Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 19:29 GMT, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Feb 11, Washington, DC: The United States Department of Treasury today designated the Maryland-based Tamil Foundation as a front organization for the LTTE terrorist outfit of Sri Lanka under Executive Order 13224 which targets terrorists and those providing support to terrorists or acts of terrorism.

The Treasury Department announced that under the Executive Order, any assets the Tamil Foundation has under U.S. jurisdiction are frozen, and U.S. persons are prohibited from engaging in any transactions with the Tamil Foundation.

The head of the Tamil Foundation is also the president of the Tamils Rehabilitation Organization in the United States, which was banned in the U.S. as a terrorist support group in November 2007.

The statement said the Tamil Foundation and the TRO have co-mingled funds and carried out coordinated financial actions for some time and the two organizations were linked through a matching gift program facilitated by the common leadership of both.

"The LTTE, like other terrorist groups, has relied on so-called charities to raise funds and advance its violent aims," said Adam J. Szubin, Director of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control.

"We will continue to aggressively target attempts by any terrorist group to hide behind charities, front companies, or name changes to propagate terror against innocents around the world," Szubin added.

The Tamil Foundation is registered in based at 517 E. Oldtown Road, Cumberland, MD 21502, with a Tax ID number of 52-1699409.

mottapala said...

Ratnayaka Macho,
Sinhala akuru walin liyana hati kiyala diyan kollo. Mata sinhala akuru penenawa. Font walata ganna baha.

NOLTTE=Peace said...

US Department of Justice should investigate the main person behind, who is Jayantha Gnanakoon.

He is the 'God Father' of LTTE fund-raising in the US. He keeps his hands clean while the others do the dirty work for him. laundered lot of dirty LTTE money received from all around the world through several LTTE front organisations call T4J, Tamilsforjustice, JusticeforTamils, TamilSangam, Canadian Tamil Congress etc under the leadership Jayantha and Charles Gnanakoon.

It is time that US authorities investigate the acts of these organisations too and take necessary actions against them.

lankaputhra said...

Your country Needs You now!

Down fall of LTTE terrorism and Victory for Motherland.
All Patriotic Sri Lankans are invited.
Mass Demostration to protest against LTTE false Propaganda and Terrorism in Sri Lanka will be held on 14th (Saturday ) February 1.30-6.00pm at Downing Street. Nearest Tube Station – Westminster.

People who live in UK please come and join …

See you all!

true srilankan said...

# SVU donates three-wheeler for war hero
Click here

# SVU donates wheelchair to handicapped child of a soldier
Click here

# BJP not for LTTE
Click here

# 784 more Tamil civilians reach troops of 58 Division
Click here

# Snack packets distributed among Tamil civilians in Wanni
Click here

# 58 Div locates Huge LTTE printing press - Mullaittivu
Click here

true srilankan said...

# Wounded Sri Lankans describe chaos in north
Click here

# Lanka Govt clearing 1000 acres of forest for 'relief village'
Click here

# Q+A - What is fate of civilians in Sri Lanka's war?
Click here

# Activists take Lankan issue to Delhi
Click here

# Prabhakaran will have to pay for attacking temples: Rajapaksa
Click here

# Sri Lanka govt denies shelling that killed 16 patients
Click here

ReallyCold..... said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
true srilankan said...

# More civilians killed in Sri Lanka fighting
Click here

# 'Without Me, They Couldn't Win the War'
Click here

# Situation report (Feb 11) by SLA
Click here

# UN Experts on Criticism, Impunity and Suicide Bombing
Click here

# TNA to be invited for APRC
Click here

# Are the Sinhalese Buddhist chauvinists any questions?
Click here

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Thanks DefenceWire

Thanks my all Sinhala Brothers ...

I am waiting for diaspora, then I will bring my filth barrage.

hah ha ha haa.

sanath said...

i was really mad at your previous article and was writing againt your 'bad performance'.
but this is an excellent one which carries 'something else' for us to think about since we are always in the issue online thousand miles away from the homeland.
we do not need 'rotten cookies' from a blog like this.
keep it up.

true srilankan said...

# CaTpad strongly condemns the brutal suicide attack on civilians in refugee camp
Click here

# Sri Lanka needs to make peace out of military victory
Click here

# Devolution of powers in Lanka only way out: Pranab
Click here

# For some Sri Lankans, dissonance in M.I.A.'s music
Click here

# How Gandhis and Karunanidhi made use of Lanka’s ethnic conflict
Click here

# Mano Ganesan attacked
Click here

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...

Thanks DW.

Caveman Velu said...

Another indication Velu is still in the area is, LTTE is creating a situation that will tempt SL Army to have international monitors. Since surrender negotiations failed, if it comes to last resort, Velu may try to surrender to International Monitors so that he and the family cannot be killed to pieces at first sight.

Rana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rana said...

Really Cold,

[[[ Nothing in the Universe is free from craving even atoms and sub atomics!!!

If atoms have no desires, they will not become molecules!!!]]]- by MM

[Then... Oxygen is the womanizer and Argon is enlightened. Uranium is the terrorist.] - by RC

You have some weird humour! Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!
Keep it up mate.

Moshe Dyan said...

has the nade-sung coward escaped???

toiletnet says the LTTE "political wing" made a (BS) statement without mentioning nade-sung made it!!

may be the coward has escaped!

"All the countries of the world that condemn the ongoing humanitarian tragedy, should also come forward to exert pressure on the Sri Lankan state to immediately agree on a ceasefire and engage in negotiations to resolve the conflict, said the statement of the political division of the LTTE."


what for?? how many ceasefires we had. they failed to solve the problem.

lets battle it out.

Moshe Dyan said...

OTOH if the LTTE still believes the "sinhala state" (don't know where it is in the world map) that is doing "genocide" can be forced to a negotiated settlement, tigers must be joking.

they BS has come to haunt them!!

Yam said...

Hey rathnayake,

Good analysis on tamilnut photos mate. Legend.

Moshe Dyan said...


Sri Lanka Guardian's Washington correspondent Eric Bailey interviews Noam Chomsky, a professor at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)"

so eric is the Sri Lanka Guardian's Washington correspondent.

that puts things published in the history & war blog into perspective.

keep up the good work!

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...

Over 32,500 civilians flee uncleared areas

The Government yesterday said over 32,500 civilians out of the total population of 113, 832 in the Mullaitivu district have fled uncleared areas and sought protection with the Forces.

Media Minister Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena said 6,000 civilians have arrived per day in cleared areas since last week and the Government has launched a comprehensive program to ensure their safety and welfare.

The Minister said the number of civilians coming to cleared areas have seen a drastic rise since last week despite a series of terrorist atrocities by the LTTE targeting members of their own community.

These civilians, initially accommodated at temporary camps, are taken to welfare villages where all facilities have been made available for them within two days, the Minister said.

Senior Presidential Advisor Basil Rajapaksa MP is personally looking into the welfare and safety of these civilians and special programs are in place to take the injured civilians to the Anuradhapura and Vavuniya hospitals, he said.

Minister Abeywardena said the Government has not received funds from any local or international organisation to continue this program and sought financial assistance from civil society organisations to be channeled for this through the Government.

“No international or local organisation provided funds for this program. It is the Government that funds this program. We expect financial assistance from civil society organisations to make this program a success.”

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


It is good to see Tamil civilians are disobeying LTTE and its leadership. It also means tigers ability and power to stand against SLA is melting away.

However, latest news reports indicate that tigers are chasing civilians away from SLG declared “no fire” zone to eastern coastal areas making it harder for them to crossover.

International opinions gradually turning against LTTE, more and more people including Tamils are abandoning LTTE rapidly.

Sure way to go!

onecountry said...

Well.. I dont think latest development is good for us. SLA was planning to take the entire coastal belt. LTTE sensed it and now moving civilians to that area which will prevent SLA from capturing that area. LTTE uses the civilians like a herd of cattle. Unfortunate, but AI, UN and other international organization do not see what LTTE is doing.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...

@ Ananda-USA,

All the more reason to become militarily and economically strong and independent of India now.

I am happy if SL can do it but it is easier to say than done.

SURVIVAL as a nation must precede making PROFIT through BUSINESS ventures with India.

What is correct for business and good business practices are as same as running a successful country towards prosperity.

Rest of the post is based on anti Indian feelings that arose after RAW involvement with LTTE and forcing JRJ government accept Indian solution for the conflict.

It is my belief that the conditions and political environment prevailed in SL prior to 2005 have changed and Indian foreign policy also towards SL has changed since then.

As you see our thinking patterns are far apart. Therefore no point of continuing the debate and it is better we agree to disagree.

Ra said...

මෙන්න නිව්ස්

ReallyCold..... said...


Finally someone figured that out.

[[Then... Oxygen is the womanizer and Argon is enlightened. Uranium is the terrorist.] - by RC

You have some weird humour! Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!
Keep it up mate.]

Well, O is always with 2 H in Water.
Argon is virtually inert and don't attach to anything.
Uranium is radioactive and dangerous.

O/L Chemistry man!
I did go for Tuition, that means I am less creative :(

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


If that is the case, we should do the exact opposite. Leave coastal line for the moment and take the rest. Once they are confined only to coastal area, it will be damn easy.

Rover said...

Harry P.,

"It also means tigers ability and power to stand against SLA is melting away. "

Heh! Heh! yes, the tigers are really pissed about this.

Rover said...

Finally I got to watch the video of the LTTEs attack on refugees. Very sad. Increased my resolve to irradiate the bloody LTTE cowards.

Rover said...

Can't stay long today, got to run. Hope tomorrow, there will be better news for us.

ReallyCold..... said...

Genocide is not happening in Sri Lanka. Plenty of other nasty things are; but genocide is not one of them.

Rana said...


I figured it out straight away mate.

Not only that Oxygen is highly active and makes many oxides with most metals.So it is great womanizer.

Uranium is decaying and has a 16 year half life. Similar to LTTE, after 32 years, it is reduced to less than ¼.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


Nothing in the Universe is free from craving even atoms and sub atomics!!!

If atoms have no desires, they will not become molecules!!!

Agree……. Quantum theory explains:

Quarks are the smallest subatomic particles that exist individually in the universe. They are born from vacuum (energy) as a pair of quark and anti-quark. Most of these quarks rejoin with anti-quarks and annihilate themselves but others proceed further to form protons and neutrons.
Each proton (or neutron) is made of three quarks - but the individual masses of these quarks only add up to about 1% of the proton's mass. So what accounts for the rest of it?
Theory says it is created by the force that binds quarks together, called the strong nuclear force. In quantum terms, the strong force is carried by a field of virtual particles called gluons, randomly popping into existence and disappearing again. The energy of these vacuum fluctuations has to be included in the total mass of the proton and neutron.
Quark-antiquark pairs can pop up and momentarily transform a proton into a different, more exotic particle. In fact, the true proton is the sum of all these possibilities going on at once.

Buddhism (patichcha samuppada) explains:
"Everything arises dependent on conditions". If we assume state of “arahath” as the total purification of the mind and such a mind equivalent to pure energy without desires for attachment or detachment. Such state of mind can stay long durations (aeons) without developing desires back. However, they are not permanent and ultimately they develop desires for attachment and detachment again. The next step is pure energy becoming matter (quarks) and energy with desires (gluons) to form subatomic particles, atoms and molecules.
Rebirth after death of an individual is a similar process. Death is really detachment from matter temporally but none purified mind gather matter again to complete the cycle.
Quantum mechanics and uncertainty principle of quantum theory substantially proves human behaviour, nirvana and anathma theory.

The American physicist Robert Openheimer made an analogy to Buddhism when describing the Heisenberg uncertainty principle:

If we ask, for instance, whether the position of the electron remains the same, we must say 'no;' if we ask whether the electron's position changes with time, we must say 'no;' if we ask whether the electron is at rest, we must say 'no;' if we ask whether it is in motion, we must say 'no.' The Buddha has given such answers when interrogated as to the conditions of man's self after his death; but they are not familiar answers for the tradition of seventeenth and eighteenth-century science.

Moshe Dyan said...


"What is correct for business and good business practices are as same as running a successful country towards prosperity."


at a higher level, somewhat yes, but in the given context, NO.

e.g. b4 the war there was thriving trade between tamil madu and jaffna. it was COMPLETELY out of control of the govt. no import duties, drugs, porn, weapons, etc. flooded the country through this channel.

once the war ends this can recommence and i can see many ppl with vested interests are shouting for it from now onwards!! these should not happen as they want. SEVERE restrictions must be placed to control trade although it is not going to be popular.

trade for the sake of trade is HIGHLY DANGEROUS between jaffna and tamil madu.

Moshe Dyan said...

Robert Openheimer!!

a VERY 'interesting' character, a jew, who was well versed with the hindu gita and many eastern religions.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


You have taken my writing out of the context. What I meant is the big picture not small scale details. What you said is completely true and I agree too.

I was talking about government policies and those policies should be governed by sound business policies. Illicit trade between TN and Jaffna must be abolished and international trade must channel through official avenues that are subjected to custom laws and taxes.

Our policies towards China and Pakistan are sound and my expectation that SL should do the same with India.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


Oppenheimer is called father of the atomic bomb too. Once I have visited where he has done his research work. It is in state of Illinois and connected to University of Chicago (UOC) but located in militarily classified area where it is called Argon National Laboratory.

Moshe Dyan said...


his interactions (if any) with the other robert (mcnamarra) OUGHT to have been splendid!!

its a shame that they differed on economic policy.

Unknown said...

Looks like you can find some bullshit to write if you want to.
Anyway people like code red must believe that things are over. I guess Sri Lanka is going to win the war. The dispora are not going to get retrenched and return home. The sri lankan economy is going to boom.

Anyway lets see. As desperate as people like you are for an end it will come. However it will be that eelam get her right place in the sun. I will see how long the sri lankan government and its propaganda stooges will continue to spew out junk. The economy has collapsed and retrenchments are picking up in Sri Lanka. Maybe thats why the comments are reducing.

Whats the black market value of the rupee. 130? to the US dollar

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


What puzzles me is why the Anathma doctrine is not explained in its finer details to SL lay society..

This Buddhist doctrine of rebirth should be distinguished from the theory of reincarnation which implies the transmigration of a soul and its invariable material rebirth. Buddhism denies the existence of an unchanging or eternal soul.

According to “Abhidhamma” explanation of thought process; every moment there is birth, every moment there is death. The arising of one thought-moment means the passing away of another thought-moment and vice versa. In the course of one life-time there is momentary rebirth without a soul. The process will continue even after death if mind is not purified before death.

Purified mind has pure undifferentiated energy with no desire to attach or detach to matter. Non purified mind has differentiated energy with varying degree of desire to attach or detach with matter.

Lord Buddha, in his second sermon after enlightenment (one after Damsak Pewathum Sutta which is called Anatta Lakkana Sutta), to 05 disciples explained the theory of Anatta (Anathma).

In SL today there is confusion between rebirth and reincarnation mostly due to some pundits like Dr. Granville D preaching on reincarnation and (MANOKAYA) astral body concepts as well as some people talking about their previous life experiences.

Moshe Dyan said...


the SL economy is going to have a massive boost.

ever heard of a country (except israel) that SUDDENLY gains tens of thousands of square kilometers of land???

along with land comes opportunities. for industries there are factors (land, labour, entrepreneurship and capital). land is the only one that cannot be regenerated. but that we SUDDENLY got heaps!!

MANY local & foreign investors are ALREADY planning to invest in this NEW FOUND landmass and business will thrive. chena boyz will be singing baila, enough land!!

OTOH the tamil ezham economy will be reduced to zero. SL economy will grow at the expense of the TE economy.

so who will win the economic battle? the winner takes it all.

navindran, you can join HINDRAF.

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...

Good one Moshe!

chena boyz will be singing baila, enough land!!

You crack me up pal. :)

Rajah said...

Hello moshe,

"OTOH the tamil ezham economy will be reduced to zero. SL economy will grow at the expense of the TE economy"

you mean kidnaping going become official Tamil need to pay ransom and ?.

So far TE economy was sub economy of sri lankan economy.

Puran Appu said...

LTTE Weapons are been recovered like never before.

58 recovered Five 120mm & two 81mm Mortar Guns.

Dark Knight said...

Navindran said...

>>> As desperate as people like you are

Irony, Navindran is thy name.

>>> However it will be that eelam get her right place in the sun.

It IS already getting it, started from Mavil Aru. Almost there.

Anonymous said...


Any source? /58 recovered Five 120mm & two 81mm Mortar Guns./


Good jokes.. keep them coming..

Puran Appu said...

Only 700 Tigers remain, a large number of LTTE cadres also fled the organization and surrendered to the military

TropicalStorm said...

lessons worth learning from others' mistakes;

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...


So far TE economy was sub economy of sri lankan economy.

Common mate, it never had a sub economy, it's just a parasite.

They had only two things,
1. Die Ass Pora funded war
2. Robbed and Begged for everything else from SL economy

TropicalStorm said...


The economic miracle we were talking of may not come in the form of foreign investment right now. There's too much uncertainty out there right now.

Instead it will be from defence expenditure savings, a few years down the road. Even that will not happen for at least one more year, until the mop-up ops end.

When the global economy picks up, emerging markets will lead the rally. SL will stand great opps in that line up for investments, as is seen in the readiness of risk managers to assess it as a potential 'buy' when liquidity eases and confidence returns.

For any SLankans who want to return home and retire in style, this is a good time to park excess funds in a well diversified portfolio of funds.

Puran Appu said...

Ninja Bro,

It's from JNW.

Plenty is been recovered lu, worth millions of dollars.

Gifted to SLA by Tamil Diaspora. LOL

TropicalStorm said...

This place is boring without Asithri..

Anonymous said...

අරුන් බෝම්බෙ ගහපු හන්දා මිනිස්සු එන එක අඩු වෙලා වගේ. මෙතන කේස් එක තියෙන්නේ ඒක තමයි. සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහත්තයා මොනවා කරයිද දන්නෑ

Nisal said...

dඑක තමයි. ඉස්සර හයදාහක් ආවට දැන් එන්නේ දාහයි දෙදාහයි. ඉස්සරහට තවත් අඩු වෙන්න පුලුවන්.

frackster said...

Guys i missed rama's update yesterday can some one give me a link on youtube for the vid...

i heard ur back again ...can you tell whats your account name for me to subscribe

Moshe Dyan said...


cheers mate.


of course not. its not about tamils, its about the 'defacto' TAMIL ELAM.

if you rob tamil ppl then it is like robbing peter to pay paul. the economy won't grow!!!! it may actually sink.

but the 'defacto' TAMIL ELAM has ENORMOUS amount of untouched resources especially LAND, MINERAL SANDS, TOURISM POTENTIAL, FISHERIES POTENTIAL, etc.

ච.ගු said...

Guys if you want to type sinhala use this tool. just type the sinhala words in English (eg: "mama gedhara yanawaa", and it will automatically give you the sinhala wording.

windows Vista users can readily see sinhala on the browser. However to see the sinhala words in Windows XP you will need to follow these guidelines at Sinhala Bloggers

sudu271 said...

Duzz & DW,
actually that APC is a chinese T-86 (WZ501).. This is the chinese copy of the Russian BMP 1...

We use Russian BMP2 APCs too...

Actually we dont have thousands... we have about 60 T-86 & 40 BMP2....

Moshe Dyan said...


you are right about foreign investments. EVEN foreign donor funding may not be there (except india) as EU has decided not to. US is doing a GREAT job in the east.

for a start we need to build from labour intensive economic activity.

why didn't SL farmers in 'boarder villages' leave despite SEVERE LTTE attacks?????? this was a major headache for tigers.

bcos they were making MORE money than previously. (many didn't have land b4).

same with fisheries.

this has another benefit. it saves the MOST vulnerable set of ppl and ensures a continued food production. it also gives a QUICK return that will be reinvested. others will fall into place.

i hope govt will shower generous tax benefits for investors in the N-E. this can make industrialisation faster.

NOLTTE=Peace said...

BBC Hypocracy exposed!

See how those M&frs have reported the 'anger' of Sinhalese and Tamils

Hypocrite BBC how short the article is -proof of bias

Hypocrite BBC how long the article is -proof of bias

The LTTE payrolled goons ask us to air them in Sri Lanka.

CASC said...

Saman Kumara Ramawickrema's video of captured LTTE vehicles and their history. He shows video footage from 2002 CFA event where LTTE leaders accompanied by their White handlers shake hands with Army officers at Govt checkpoint. Brig Shavendra Silva is the only army officer who does not shake hands. He stays behind the rest of the crowd with arms folded. What a great man.

See 3.50 on tape

Wanni Operation 11 th February 2009

frackster said...

Thanks CASC !!!

Moshe Dyan said...

thanx noltte for the second link.
(the first one has already hurt the LTTE!!)

"We will be pushing for a United Nations resolution for an immediate ceasefire..."

so you are trying for a ceasefire. what should we do? NEVER allow a ceasefire! thanx for suggesting.

“The Sri Lankan government might defeat the LTTE but it will never defeat 1.5m Tamil diaspora”

we have no problem with them!! the larger the diaspora, the smaller the pool for future tiger recruits!!

guys this is a cracker.

"I am proud to be identified as a Tamil Canadian but I don't think Tamils in Sri Lanka are proud to be Tamil Sri Lankans,"

oh! why bother! if they are not proud to be Tamil Sri Lankans, they will be proud sinhala sri lankans!!

"defeat of the LTTE "will lead to a major crisis for all those Tamils in the diaspora who gave their support to and believed in the struggle"

we knew it when navindran, peter, upul, wesa-pala, sharp were crying here for their money.

"Tamil nationalist feelings will not be gone even if the LTTE leadership is gone. The question is if and how it will be politically mobilised,"

good observation. we will be ready.

"Isolate Sri Lanka" in the world stage is one such strategy Tamils are working on”

why not. SLDFs have US, russian, chinese, indian, israeli, ukranian, british, french, czech, slovenian, south african, pakistani, belgian, etc, etc. weapons. what isolation is that??

"The LTTE insurgency will go on and we will support the struggle through political means until Tamils in Sri Lanka get a genuine political solution."

so you want Tamils in Sri Lanka get a genuine political solution. we will ensure they will NOT get a genuine political solution. a political solution is NOT for tamils, its for sri lanka!!

the gem,

"I don't know whether they will carry on protesting for ever. The new generations already have a comfortable life abroad so won't bother any longer."

join the new gen or keep protesting; its the same result!!!

velluprabhakaran said...

Moshe Dayan,

it's vital we take steps to increase intake of protein levels.

kids specially need this for study & play.

since we're completely surrounded by sea & fresh water lakes all over why can't we make fish affordable to everybody?

at the moment it's completely out of reach to most.

fish is much healthier than artificially bred chicken which are full of hormones & antibiotics.

sanercomic said...

Moshe, Puran, Duzz, TropicalStrom,

mates, ape ecoonomy eka hadanna loku, loku company wedak neha, podi ewa godak thamy honda.

Mama blog ekak patan gaththa eka gana discuss karanna. Puluwan welawata avith podi support ekak denna

ReallyCold..... said...

ඔයාගෙ ලින්ක් එකට බොහොම ස්තුතියි

Moshe Dyan said...


i love you for that statement!!

i have been making many representations (through others) to the former fish minister (whose father was also the fish minister) and who is the president now.

now we have ADDED more than 1,500 km of coastline to SL, we should be able to do that. plus our economic zone has expanded.

the southern cartels won't work in the north and consumers will be the winners.

hope the authorities will look into it.

thambapanni said...

මොට්ටපාල මචං,

ඔබට අවශ්‍ය තොරතුරු මෙ‍ම ලින්ක් වල ඇත.


Sinhala Unicode Group

සුභ උදෑසනක් සියළු දෙනාට..

Moshe Dyan said...

ela ela

thambapanni said...

චන්දිම මචං,

සොරි, මම ඔයාගෙ සටහන දැක්කෙ නෑ.

Anonymous said...

So y don't u bring on the 1.5 million Tamil diaspora and we will compare it with the total SL population, then turn youl around and fire you one by one at point blank, and rid this world of this disease.

velluprabhakaran said...

Moshe Dayan,

really hope ur effort bears fruit.

all the best.

NOLTTE=Peace said...

We are missing Wijayapala and Asithri both.

Have they gone on a Honeymoon without telling us??

ReallyCold..... said...

Harry Potter:

[Quantum mechanics and uncertainty principle of quantum theory substantially proves human behaviour, nirvana and anathma theory. ]

Is the proof done on paper or in a lab?
Can you explain how one can prove Nirvana using QM?

Isn't it foolish to justify Buddhism using a science which is much inferior to Buddhist Philosophy?

ReallyCold..... said...

Harry Potter

[If atoms have no desires, they will not become molecules!!!

Agree……. Quantum theory explains:

Sorry for asking a silly question since I am not a graduate from Angoda U.

So you think matter has emotions?

Nisal said...

[[thambapanni said...

මොට්ටපාල මචං,

ඔබට අවශ්‍ය තොරතුරු මෙ‍ම ලින්ක් වල ඇත.


Sinhala Unicode Group

සුභ උදෑසනක් සියළු දෙනාට..]]

මෙන්න තව ඒවා.

මම කැමතිම මෙන්න මේකට.

Puran Appu said...

Tamil Tigers fired on us as we fled, survivors claim

Manoharan Mahendran said villagers in Vishwamadu begged to be allowed to cross into government territory last week, but the separatist Tigers blocked their path and fired indiscriminately.

- The Herald

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...

ස්තුතියි චන්දිම !

Veeran said...

Sane Voices are being heard all over the World which cannot crushed by Racist Srilankan Government like inside Srilanka.

The international community must come together to put pressure on both sides of the Sri Lankan conflict to stop the killing of innocent civilians, Grant Robertson, New Zealand’s Labour Associate Foreign Affairs Spokesperson said

A ceasefire is needed, and a secure safe haven with international verification needs to be created. ”

The Sri Lankan government is restricting the ability of aid agencies and media to report from the conflict area, which is contributing to the crisis.

“It is disturbing that the BBC World Service has now announced it is suspending its broadcasts because of interference and blocking of broadcasts by Sri Lankan authorities.

This appears to be part of a wider attempt to limit proper monitoring of the crisis. There needs to be an open and transparent approach taken so that aid agencies and media can do their jobs,” Grant Robertson said.

Puran Appu said...


If you need any figures, let me know. I got the Bloomberg with me.

Veeran said...

The Heat is on United Nations in not properly addressing the concerns of Tamil Civilians. Now World focus is on Falied State Srilanka.

Responding to a question raised at a news briefing at the UN on Tuesday, the UN Secretary General said that he had already dispatched his political director to Sri Lanka and is also considering dispatching a humanitarian assessment team whenever he thinks it's appropriate

The UN chief noted that the Sri Lankan issue is not on the Security Council agenda and the respect for the sovereignty of Member States is another principle he firmly bears in mind.

“However, both the situation in Gaza and Sri Lanka are governed by international humanitarian law. I have consistently expressed my strong concern regarding violations of international standards. First of all, I have expressed consistently my concern at the ongoing violence and drawn attention to the need for a political, and not a military solution, and also specifically drawn attention to the plight of civilians
Meanwhile a UN spokesperson speaking in Geneva called for a cease-fire in Sri Lanka, saying the UN is outraged by the deaths of civilians caught in the military’s drive to defeat the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

“We are outraged by the unnecessary loss of hundreds of lives and the continued suffering of innocent people inside the LTTE-controlled areas,” Ron Redmond, a spokesman for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, said.

“We are calling on both the Government and the LTTE to halt indiscriminate fighting near civilians,” he said.

B#1 said...

I guess VP is already escaped from SL. And most of the Tamil people believe that VP is still fighting in North with the SLA because he said "Ennudaiya Makkalayum mannum vittu eppavume naan povathu illai".

LTTE is doing some efforts, tamils to believe that he is still in the battle field and our Defencewire too helping him by this statement "There is also a very strong indication that Velupillai Prabhakaran is still hiding in the remaining tiger territory".

NOLTTE=Peace said...

Here is a little reply from a Sri Lankan Patriot!

Grant Robertson,

Who the f&ck are you? Do we care who you are either? Check what we have to say about your big talk.

A ceasefire is needed, and a secure safe haven with international verification needs to be created. ”
There will be NO CEASFIRE! So no International as&holes are needed! There is only one call to LTTE - Surrender or Die!

Grant Robertson, New Zealand’s Labour Associate Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Grant who? We do not know who the f&ck he is and we do not care either. We ask the sh&thead to keep out of Sri Lanka. We do not want your advise

It is disturbing that the BBC World Service has now announced it is suspending its broadcasts because of interference and blocking of broadcasts by Sri Lankan authorities
Numerous times, we asked BBC to f&ck off from Sri Lanka and keep w&nking with the LTTE in their own private yard. We do not want our airwaves to be polluted by BBC. So, f&ck off BBC.. and thank you!

Hi Grant Robertson! Now f&ck off from Sri Lanka and mind your own peefdom!

Thank you!

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...

Really Cold,

Isn't it foolish to justify Buddhism using a science which is much inferior to Buddhist Philosophy?

Agreed that science is inferior to Buddhism but science is based on observations which can be verified by anyone under same conditions, therefore widely respected. If we can draw parallels and prove certain aspects of Buddhism using science, it is good for Buddhism.

You cannot ridicule either Buddhism or science, if they support each other and science have long way to go. Also science can only prove things that are related to matter.

NOLTTE=Peace said...

Asithri is missed here to provide the 'right' answers to 'wrong subhumans'!

AAA ABS CDO said...


toiletnet says the LTTE "political wing" made a (BS) statement without mentioning nade-sung made it!!

may be the coward has escaped!

It is also possible that the wanaraya got toasted by an SLAF bunker buster or an Army shell. :-) Given the 100 odd sq km area, they are going to suffer major casualties. It is just a matter of time, as long as we maintain our ring fence.

thambapanni said...

මෙක්සිකොවට මොකක්ද තියෙන අමාරුව ?

Russia has shot down a proposal by Mexico which called for a briefing to the United Nations Security Council about the situation in Sri Lanka

velluprabhakaran said...

i think army should interview the wounded tamil refugees on film describing their horror ordeals under LTTE. then dub it in english, french, japanese, tamil, hindi, german, italian & give it wide publicity on sites like utube etc.

we must first register a site on utube so that devious LTTE terrorists don claim copyrights & get them banned.

the length the dieasspora has gone to claim false copytight claims & get these videos banned prove their power & effectiveness. so instead of giving up we must double the effort & make a massive propaganda drive. it's a sure hit.

we can also give them to our consulates in these western countries for the dieasspora, western politicians & HR activists to see.

NOLTTE=Peace said...

Mexico likes money, similar to BBC Sinhala and Tamil Service or Ravi Nessman of AP.

LTTE has money!

Veeran said...

lol @ NoLtte,

However Jump & hard u may Shout at IC, the fact is that u Beggars cannot do anything without the help of World.

It Appears that Sooner UN will have to come in droves to designate a Safe zone within Srilanka to protect the lives of Tamils.

Wat makes u think that tamils life is cheaper than that of ur Sinhala Modayans life ?

velluprabhakaran said...

small addition.

[the length the dieasspora has gone to claim false copytight claims & get these videos banned prove their (the videos) power & effectiveness. so instead of giving up we must double the effort & make a massive propaganda drive. it's a sure hit.

NOLTTE=Peace said...

SriLankaBeetle and srilankanlion

Have also been suspended by YouTube, because of false copyright claims by LTTE.

velluprabhakaran said...

[[[However Jump & hard u may Shout at IC, the fact is that u Beggars cannot do anything without the help of World.]]]

ltte cannot do anything without help of GOSL. no food, no medicine, no hospitals, no doctors, no nurses, no drugs, no salaries for LTTE GA's etc.

now no clothes. he he he!

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


When person started to believe he is divinely, he will believe anything. So, VP is still thinking he can regain the lost territory by fighting hard and asking his propaganda machine to carry on with the campaign. He also tries hard gets TN and India to influence the outcome to his favour.

Therefore, he should be still there commanding the terror outfit.

NOLTTE=Peace said...

Harry Potter,

I am fascinated by your knowledge. Please be with the blog and keep contributing!

lankanews said...


we have already taken action. do't worry about those 2 channels.

NOLTTE=Peace said...


for LTTE scum, IC is god send because you can easily fool them and do whatever you want to do - either suck or blow them as you do everyday taking their welfare money as well as helping yourselves to their credit cards.

We fed whole Vanni from our money for over 10 years with free food, free electricity, free everything from GOSL. We would still do it after annihilating LTTE scum too until the people of Vanni can stand on their own feet. We would do it happily!

velluprabhakaran said...

FBI description of LTTE.

whatever said & done at the end of the day I only got admiration for USA law enforcement. no nonsense.

ReallyCold..... said...


Can you explain how one can prove Nirvana using QM?

[If we can draw parallels and prove certain aspects of Buddhism using science, it is good for Buddhism.]

This is a very immature statement. Scientists are very amazed by Buddhism. Buddhism is the ultimate truth and there can be nothing good for it.

[You cannot ridicule either Buddhism or science, if they support each other and science have long way to go. Also science can only prove things that are related to matter.]

I am both and therefore can't ridicule either. Buddhism doesn't need any support. Tell me where it needs support?

Where do you think Science need support?

Veeran said...

80 Million tamils are getting solidly united behind tigers in their quest for Eelam.

Karuna is FIT for nothing asshole who has no following even in TMVP & has chosen to be naked in SLFP.

Once GOSL Military Apparatus is weakened without any chance of coming back, East will be liberated without any blood.

NOLTTE=Peace said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NOLTTE=Peace said...


Both Buddhism nor Science need support, but the people are!

Ananda-USA said...

චන්දිම (chandima),

Thank you for the Real Time Sinhala Font Converter! It works just GREAT!

Here is my Test Case!

awadhiwanna ! awadhiwanna !
dheepthimath dhinaki udaawela thiyenne !
sithanawaata wadaa sodhuru vinodhabara lokeka api jeewath wanne !

අවදිවන්න ! අවදිවන්න !
දීප්තිමත් දිනකි උදාවෙල තියෙන්නෙ !
සිතනවාට වඩා සොදුරු විනොදබර ලොකෙක අපි ජීවත් වන්නෙ !

Note the non-intuitive spelling in English font text required to get the text in Sinhala font text to look normal. It still is not quite correct...but it is very close!

Thanks, brother!

velluprabhakaran said...

[[[ East will be liberated without any blood.]]]

no way.
no blood = no achievement.
that's the LTTE formula.

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...


80 Million tamils are getting solidly united behind tigers in their quest for Eelam.

Guys this is the joke of the day for me!

Dark Knight said...


pick the link "show transliteration scheme" and it'll show help on how to type those non-trivial letters.

e.g. 'nea' = 'නේ' and nndhu = 'ඳු'

Moshe Dyan said...

aaa abs cdo,

very much possible.

that may also explain the pissed-off nature of the TN article.

Ananda-USA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Antidote said...


Very, very interesting...Following is a series of correspondence Don Mahindapala had with Prof Sisira Jayasuriya.
Note how evasive this so called intellectual becomes when asked a direct question that is relevant to some of the claims he is making. Sisira knows that if he answered the question truthfully that would be the end of his career as an LTTE propagandist.

From: Mahindapala Don

Sent: Mon 09/02/2009 1:18 PM

To: Sisira Jayasuriya

Subject: RE: Interview

Dear Prof. Jayasuriya,

I am a journalist from Sri Lanka. I note that you have given several interviews to Australian media on Sri Lankan affairs.

I would thank you to grant me an interview to explore the latestdevelopments.

I am a free-lance writer to Sri Lankan newspapers and websites.

Your cooperation will be much appreciated.


H. L. D. Mahindapala


From: Sisira Jayasuriya []

Sent: 09 February 2009 13:35

To: Mahindapala Don

Subject: RE: Interview

dear Mr Mahindapala,

This is a surprise but not altogether! I am familiar with your credentials as a truly independent 'free-lance journalist' having read you and listned to you in the past and I have some idea of your journalistic history as well.

In the circumstances I must decline your very gracious offer to interview me
with thanks.


Sisira Jayasuriya

Professor of Economics

Department of Economics and Finance

La Trobe University

Melbourne, VIC., 3086, Australia

Ph: +61394791719

Fax: +61394791653

From: Mahindapala Don

Sent: Mon 09/02/2009 3:33 PM

To: Sisira Jayasuriya

Subject: RE: Interview

Dear Prof,

Thanks for the prompt reply.

I regret to note that you have not given a valid reason for declining my offer to interview you.

I suppose, if I was a Tamil I would claim this to be another discrimination by a Sinhalese who gives interviews to white journalists but not to a coloured journalist!.


Your assistance will be appreciated.




From: Sisira Jayasuriya []

Sent: 09 February 2009 17:18

To: Mahindapala Don

Subject: RE: Interview

Dear Mr Mahindapala,

Regarding the question you pose, all I can say is that - not being exactly a spring chicken - if you have not manged to answer that question after all these years, I am afraid I am not able to help you. I must have dreamt, for example, that all sinhalese public servants had to pass an examination in Tamil proficiency....

I am afraid I do discriminate; not on ethnic or religious grounds but on other grounds. I have enormous respect for many Sinhalese journalists; Lasantha W of course springs to mind. I recall some who were murdered during an earlier period because they maintained integriity, impartiality and a committment to truth and refused to bow down before terrorists, whether, Tamil or Sinhalese. I am sure you have written and writing at length and campaigning hard to defend the freedom of the press and the right of journalists to cover contentious issues freely and fearlessly and to bring the culprits to justice in the case of recent murders of journalists. Your time, I feel, is better spent defending the rights of journalists in sri lanka and ensuring that their killers are put behind bars You are far too distinguished a journalist - I am sure, of the same calibre as Lasantha in terms of bravery and integrity, the absolute refusal to bow down before the powefrul - for a humble academic like me to be graced with an interview. I am honoured - at Least I should feel honoured I guess – but my humility prevents me from accepting such high honour and distracting you from the noble task of defending democracy, freedom and the rights and lives of journalists under threat in sri lanka..



From: Mahindapala Don

Sent: Mon 09/02/2009 7:30 PM

To: Sisira Jayasuriya

Subject: RE: Interview

Dear Prof,

Leaving the irrelevancies out, may I get back to the simple question I asked: WHAT IS THE DISCRIMINATION FACED BY THE TAMILS SINCE 1956 WHICH THE

Journalists do not ask questions because they don't have their own answers. Nor are journalists "spring chicken", as you state, not to know the answers. They ask questions to find new answers or new perspectives to the old questions. Besides, the point of asking questions is to get answers other than the answers that journalists have. Readers are interested in all shades of opinions and answers. If, for instance, Prof. SJ goes on air and says as a Sinhalese he knows the discrimination faced by the Tamils since 1956 I would immediately assume that you are the kind of person that I must interview to know more about discrimination -- at least more than what I know.

Also, I want to know your answers since you posed as the authority on the subject. So my answers are irrelevant. It is your answers that are important to my interview.

I am also at a loss to know the point you are making about Sinhalese having to sit for an examination in Tamil proficiency. Are you saying, therefore, that there was no discrimination against the Tamils because all public servants from every community had to learn the language of the other communities? So where is the discrimination? Can you kindly state how this fits into your accusation that there was discrimination against the Tamils since 1956?

May I also mention that the best of journalist interview personalities from heads of state to pimps and prostitutes. Journalists do not bestow any glory or humility to the interviewees. It's just another routine job in trying to get to the bottom of issues. Besides, seasoned journalists also know when someone is trying to dodge the issues with evasive answers.

Please note, that I am always ready to learn new things. I would like to learn from an academic holding a professorial chair about the discrimination that the Tamils had experienced since 1956 because my Tamils friends who came out of post-56 era have denied facing discrimination that impeded their progress. As opposed to my experience I am sure you have enough evidence to back up your case. As an academic I trust you would not want to bring disrepute to your University by making wild accusation on any given subject. So please share your exclusive knowledge with me and I will thank you for that.

Yours sincerely,



From: Sisira Jayasuriya []
Sent: 09 February 2009 22:34
To: Mahindapala Don
Subject: RE: Interview

Dear Mr Mahindapala,

I know there are journalists and journalists. You would be at a loss to know whta was wrrong about sinhalese having to be proficient in tamil - the point is Tamils had to pass exams to show proficiency in sinhala but not the other way around. and, you can do your very 'scholarly journalist act' and ask what is the evidence there was discrimination after 1956; of course the fact thae sinhala was made the 'only official language' in 1956 does not rank as discriminatory in your book. When we give very different meanings to identical words discussion is meaningless. this closes this correspondence on my part.



From: Mahindapala Don
Sent: 10 February 2009 12:50
To: 'Sisira Jayasuriya'
Subject:* RE: Interview

Dear Prof,

You reveal your total inability to comprehend the known facts (or is it ignorance?) when you wrote: "the point is Tamils had to pass exams to show proficiency in sinhala but not the other way around."

Error 1: All public servants – Sinhalese, Burghers and Tamils – had to learn the languages of the public. Burghers had to learn both Sinhala and Tamil and Sinhalese had to learn Tamil and Tamils had to learn Sinhalese. The logic is simple: If you are a public servant you should know the language of the public. I will give you evidence. Please ring Dr. Donald Weerasiri (now a retired GP in Burwood) who was a government doctor in Sri Lanka before he came to Australia. He had to pass his exam in Tamil because he was practicing in a multi-cultural society where he had to serve Muslim and Tamil patients. Please ring Dr. G. G.Anderson (another retired ENT specialist) who had to learn both Tamil and Sinhalese to be in government service. So what is wrong in asking Tamil doctors to learn Sinhala when they had to serve mostly in Sinhala areas? They are public servants and by definition they should learn the language of the public as the migrated Tamils do in Germany, Norway, etc. The alternative was for the public to learn Tamil or English. Is that what you wanted? Why should only the Tamils object to learn Sinhala? The private sector did not impose this regulation. It was only in the public sector. Besides, to this day the main branches of the government and the private sector are run in English. So where is your argument for discrimination?

All public servants were treated alike and it was their duty to learn the language of the public. Only those with a colonial mentality would argue that public must learn the language of the bureaucracy.

Error 2: Is England administered in French? Is France governed in Russian? Is Australia ruled in Greek though it has a large Greek population? There are nearly 152 communities in Australia. Which of their languages (including the Aboriginals) have even the status of an official language let alone national language? Why do you have to wear blinkers when you look at Sri Lanka? Do you know that Tamil is not treated as a national language in India where Hindi is the official language? India, after all, the original homeland of Tamils. Unlike the Sinhalese who severed its links with India the Tamils are still linked to Tamil Nadu, culturally, linguistically, politically and even religiously. In Sri Lanka Tamil language has a place higher than in India. So where is the discrimination?

Error 3: All public servants who did not want to learn and function in either language were given the rights to (1) retire with full pension and (2) free tuition on government time to learn the language. What more justice can there be in relation to the language issue confined only to the public servants?. My Tamil wife was a public servant and she made full use of the government time and government paid tutors to learn Sinhala and function effectively in the government service. Where is the discrimination? Are you getting the message?

Error 4: Sinhala only was introduced to overthrow English not Tamil. Besides, the Tamil language was also given its due place when Bandaranaike introduced the Special Languages Provision in 1958. So where is the discrimination? The Tamils were prepared to function in English – a language not even known to the majority of the Tamils – but not in Sinhala and Tamil. When the British left in 1948 only 6% of the population knew English. Do you think the 96% should have been treated as second class citizens and ruled in an alien language? Are you getting the message?

Error 5: This is not a question of giving different meanings to identical words, as you claim. This is an instance of you deliberately distorting the known facts and realities to propagate your political myths.

It is up to you to reply and prove your case. Obviously, you will not reply because you do not have the arguments to prove your myths.

Our peoples have suffered enough because so-called intellectuals like you appear in public to promote your image by propagating myths without fronting up for scrutiny. My humble requests to you is to stick to the facts and please don’t bring disrepute to your University which, I am sure, will take a dim view of your fictions.

Take care – particularly of your faculties.



PS: I reserve the right to go public and deal with your interview and your refusal to be interviewed on your interview.

Ananda-USA said...

NOLTTE=Peace said...

"U.S. Treasury imposes sanctions on Tamil front organization striking a blow to LTTE, Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 19:29 GMT, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka."

Great news, brother!
If LTTE supporters think that President Barak Obama is stupid enough not to see through the TamilsforObama agenda, they are in for a BIG SHOCK!

We have to keep exposing the Double Talk and nefarious activities of these purveyors of global terrorism!

B#1 said...

Harry, good points. But let us "wait and see" (like diaspora :p)


Out of 80 Million tamils how many tamils live as beggars in TamilMadu? So they are fighting for hunger. They may not accept cyanide to eat for that.

Moshe Dyan said...


how can the UN enforce a ceasefire in SL???

for that they need the support of china, russia, US, UK & france. if ANYONE of them says no, that's it.

US will never support it. if it does, it sets a VERY BAD precedenece against israel as well. china and russia will never support it bcos they want a one undivided UNITARY SL and they too want to do what SL does in their countries.

you buggers thought oba-ma will save you. what has happened now? an "innocent" tamil charity full of die-arse-pora money was confiscated!!

no one can save you from you. no one wants to!!

now no ICRC, no hospitals, no NGOs in LTTE areas. how long will they last???

by the time the UN ceasefire comes (if at all), the PESTICIDE will be complete.

Moshe Dyan said...


how can the UN enforce a ceasefire in SL???

for that they need the support of china, russia, US, UK & france. if ANYONE of them says no, that's it.

US will never support it. if it does, it sets a VERY BAD precedenece against israel as well. china and russia will never support it bcos they want a one undivided UNITARY SL and they too want to do what SL does in their countries.

you buggers thought oba-ma will save you. what has happened now? an "innocent" tamil charity full of die-arse-pora money was confiscated!!

no one can save you from you. no one wants to!!

now no ICRC, no hospitals, no NGOs in LTTE areas. how long will they last???

by the time the UN ceasefire comes (if at all), the PESTICIDE will be complete.

Ananda-USA said...

Dark Night said...

"pick the link "show transliteration scheme" and it'll show help on how to type those non-trivial letters.

e.g. 'nea' = 'නේ' and nndhu = 'ඳු'"

Thank you! bro.

Anonymous said...

Army 58 Div makes significant gains on battleground- North of A-35

Sri Lanka Army 58 Division maneuvering north of the A-35 road (Paranthan- Mullaittivu) has been fighting pitched battles with the terrorists in the Kuppilankulam and Tamarankulam areas since last week. Battlefield reports indicate that troops have withstood heavy terrorist resistances while scoring significant victories against the terrorists.

During yesterday's operations (Feb 11), troops of 9 Gemunu Watch (9GW) captured a highly fortified terrorist camp located in Sinna Villu area, northeast of Kuppilankulam in the afternoon hours. Troops during subsequent search found a body of an LTTE cadres, four 120 mm mortar guns, two 81 mm mortar guns, one 120 mm mortar tubes, four bipods of 120 mm mortar guns , six bipods of 81 mm mortar guns, six base plates of 81 mm mortar guns, one Light Machine Gun (LMG), one T-56 riffle, and another rifle . Ground sources confirmed that LTTE had suffered a heavy toll in this engagement.

Meanwhile troops of 12GW, 7 Sinha Regiment (7SR), and 19 Vijayaba Infantry Regiment (19 VIR), had daylong clashes with the terrorists in the Tamarankulam area. Troops subsequently found four bodies of LTTE cadres, five T-56 riffles, two claymore mines, six electrically operated mines, and one radio communication set. Tamarankulam is a remote area located about 5 km north of A-35 and 3 km west of Chalai lagoon.

The 58 Division victories for yesterday also include the capture of LTTE printing press and the mortar bomb-manufacturing factory as reported earlier.

Snipers deployed in the forward areas confirmed shooting down of 23 terrorist at various locations during daytime.

Anonymous said...

ස්නයිපර් ලා තමයි ගේම ගෙනියන්නේ.. අද උදේ පාන්දර ඉඳලත් සේෆ් zඔන් එකට උතුරින් සහ පුතු ස්වුත් වල පිට්ච්ඩ් බැටල්ස් යනවලු..

Anonymous said...

සිවිලියන් ලා එන එක අඩු උන හින්දා අද ඉඳලා ආපහු සීරියස් බැටල්ස් පටන් අරන්

Veeran said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ananda-USA said...


This would be a good time for Patriots who are foreign citizens to become DUAL CITIZENS of both their country of residence and Sri Lanka.

There are some very tangible benefits both to the individual and to Sri Lanka. For example, Sri Lanka offers very high interest rates on bank and CD deposits to citizens, but not to foreign citizens. On the other hand, Sri Lanka borrows capital in foreign markets, and has to remit interest payments abroad, depleting its foreign exchange reserves. For Patriots who are purely foreign citizens, there is no financial benefit in making interest bearing investments in Sri Lanka.

If you become a DUAL CITIZEN, you can earn 10-15 %apy interest in Sri Lanka in reputable banks, while helping the country as well. Currently, interest rates in the developed world are very low, and are sinking further with the infusions of large sums of BAILOUT monies, while investments in stocks, bonds and even real estate (depending on your risk tolerance) is very risky. Many people are seeking refuge in CDs and money markets at minimal 2-4 %apy returns.

If you channel a part of this income from interest bearing investments in Sri Lanka, that will preserve the capital, into purchases of local goods and services, perhaps by supporting family members, you would do Sri Lanka a great service. On the other hand, if the total investment in interest bearing instruments is large enough, you can even finance the initial operating expenses of a small business through such interest income, without depleting your capital.


Veeran said...

how can the UN enforce a ceasefire in SL???

Ask Israel How Ceasefire was achieved in Gaza without meeting its Military objectives ?

now no ICRC, no hospitals, no NGOs in LTTE areas. how long will they last???

by the time the UN ceasefire comes (if at all), the PESTICIDE will be complete

How long do u think u can keep the war going on against Tigers without any ceasefire ?

velluprabhakaran said...

before fighting for eelam liberation in sri lanka vaiko & karunanidhi should teach their citizens how to use toilets.

ha ha ha!

Nisal said...

pee-rans said,

How long do u think u can keep the war going on against Tigers without any ceasefire ?

Guys, what do you think? I think it is maximum 1 month.


Anonymous said...

nisal macho if u ask me.. maximum 24 hrs

නිලංග‍‍‍‍ (Nilange) said...

One thing to be done for sure if we are to finish this very quickly. Get VP alive or dead and rest will crumble. Also we should cut off the small remaining sea areas.

Blessings to our TRI FORCES... Take that bastard out!

Unknown said...

Once the 55 dicision and 59 secure the coastline..I dont think even a ceasefire could help LTTE

Puran Appu said...

Another Gift to SLA by Tamil Diaspora.

Claymore mine and Mortar manufacturing factory captured by 58 Div.

Nisal said...

wow, can it produce export quality claymores?

Veeran said...

I think it is maximum 1 month.

Before that Collapse of the Economy will soon start Once Thief Brothers investigation are started by EU from Feb 17th Onwards !


How long can u just Postpone

Anonymous said...

aiyoo paawam weeran machchaaan.. hahaa

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