Monday, February 9, 2009

Death toll rises to 24 SLA KIA in IDP camp attack-updated

The death-toll in the suicide attack inside the IDP camp today has risen to 32, which includes 24 Sri Lanka Army personnel and eight civilians. 42 civilians were also wounded in the attack. The attack occurred when officers and men attached to the military garrison dedicated to assisting returning civilians was preparing to serve a fresh meal to the civilians. A small Tamil child was also killed in the incident.


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Anonymous said...

@ MR

I used the term "non-existence" as I thought its the best describe to Buddhist philosophy with closest meaning and shortest way. Yes, Buddha didn't use that term. Buddhism is too deep to explain in words. Its best understood by practice (meditation) by oneself.

MayilRavana මයිල් රාවන said...

Setting aside the previous digressions, I would like to warm you about something potentially very good which may emerge out of tragedies within two countries. Please read between the lines to see why this is relevant in a Defence Blog:

The Victorian (Australia) people were extermely generous in the aftermath of the Boxing Day Tsunami. They donated immediately, often with tears in eyes when they saw the suffering of the Sri Lankans. They demonstrated a particularly soft spot for people of SL.

Now these brother and sisters of ours are suffering deeply and have undergone unimaginable horrors. There is a movement afoot to encourage expatriate Sri lankans to (in one block) demonstrate their solidaity with the victims of Victoria. As you will see, such demonstration from the hearts by the expatriate Sri Lankan community from around the World towards the Victorians will have lasting and deep consequences (Kamma)of forging an unshakable bond.

If the negotiations are successful then you will be informed and hopefully will be able to take part in this event. At the correct time you will know why it is relevant to this blog.

MayilRavana මයිල් රාවන said...

Ninja Bro,
You're welcome.

MayilRavana මයිල් රාවන said...

re: your comments to Pranab.

You crack me up! Good mixing of humour with some deep argument. Well done. You have a lot of energy for an "ole-man"!

Ananda-USA said...

MailRavana said...

He is just bitter about his failed project.

Yes, indeed brother. Raman may or may not be the darling of the RAW still, but I think the Indian establishment very much wants to keep Sri Lanka within its orbit and under its control. That will be a permanent NATIONAL INTEREST of India.

We must do EVERYTHING to FRUSTRATE that objective of Indian inteference within Sri Lanka, because if we yield, Sri Lanka can say goodbye to its existence as an independent country in the future.

Mark my words, as India becomes more powerful, it will move to annex Nepal and Bhutan. Only China will be able to prevent that. The attempt to annex Sri Lanka will be high on the list, at Tamil Nadu's urging.

We have to anticipate what is coming and move to prevent it by being ETERNALLY VIGILANT of encroachment by INDIA into Sri Lanka in the POLITICAL, MILITARY and ECONOMIC sphares.

We should befriend India and not threaten its security; but not threatening India does not mean that policy will be reciprocated, as own recent history has amply demonstrated to us.

Our priority should be the SECURITY of Sri Lanka, and NOTHING ELSE!

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


You may have seen the MATRIX trilogy. If you have not seen it buy or hire first film called Matrix not the second one called reloaded or the third one called Revolution.

The first film gives a good analogy about Buddhist concept. Inside the matrix people are sleeping but their minds are fed from a computer network to simulate them as living beings. Buddhist concept of life is an illusion build on ignorance. If we can see beyond the so called illusion using our intuition that is called realising wisdom or “PRAJNA”. Wisdom (Prjna) is two fold, correct view to see the reality and correct thought to have thoughts that are good to you and all others simultaneously. To realise wisdom Buddha encourage (“VIPASSANA”) looking inside meditation.

Moshe Dyan said...

ninja, mayil,

thanks heaps. sorry again for the diversion.

i wanted to ask one more q, but already the answer is there.

there is a difference between a non-existant "I" and a non-existant "me".

if i don't have ANY craving for things or to take revenge, "me" is not there. bcos "me" comes from what i have accumulated physically and mentally. the moment i detach myself from these FULLY it's not mine. this way, if i shed everything that is mine, there will be no "me". selfless like mother theresa.

but I actually exist until i die.

IF birth is the result of craving, i cannot be born again. bcos for me to be born again, i have to again acquire things for "me". but if i have shed everything that is "mine" and also shed the desire to gather pieces, i cannot put together "me".

agree, understandable.

with all due respect, i cannot agree that MY birth is the result of MY craving (no joke). someone else puts in place my organs and others (a father and a mother) crave for me. thus i'm born. how come what is born become me, if i am dead and gone??

this is connected to the cause-effect (crime-punishment) thing. a person can evade the crime-punishment thing by dying. for this not to happen (no escape) the c-p thing must follow him into "another life". otherwise MOST criminals escape.

so the cycle of life looks like a belief to enforce c-p for those who escape p.

christianity actually accepts there is no c-p. BUT it places a burden. a burden to confess and repent. subject to that you are as good as clean. bad things happen bcos bad things happen as good things do!! they have nothing to do with what you have done (of course except for those things that DO have a connection).

if we accept that there is no c-p, there is no need to believe in rebirth. you live, do whatever you want and die. if you do illegal things you may suffer. you may also suffer otherwise.

however, still you can shed your cravings and shed the "me" and become selfless. there is no necessary connection between "rebirth" and becoming selfless.

Podi Hamuduruwo said...


Podi Hamuduruwo said...

Bohoma shradawantha upasak mahathayala kattiyak wage? Bohoma honday!

Podi Hamuduruwo said...

Upasaka mahathayala Lankaweda? Pitarata kattiya wage?

Podi Hamuduruwo said...

Upasaka nonala nathida? Ae-wage? Eka thamai mahathayal bohoma nidahase katha kara kara inne! Hinahath yanawa

Podi Hamuduruwo said...

Banak kiyannada? Mage Inglish echara Honda naha, danna Sinhalen kiyannam kamathinam.

Podi Hamuduruwo said...

Loku Hamuduruwo enawa! mama thawa tikakin bana type karala mekata ewannam.

Podi Hamuduruwo said...

Suwapath wewa!

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


Annexing vulnerable neighbours or invading small countries by powerful nations are things of the past. More liberal thinking new world will not tolerate such acts these days.

If our foreign policies are compassionate and transparent, we do not have to fear Indian interventions. What we need is a partnership with India without loosing sovereignty.

Moshe Dyan said...

BTW the above is not a challenge, but the limit of my agreement based on what i understand now.

it may also be conditioned on my cultures and religion.

but one thing is certain. less cravings in the society and less ppl with cravings, leads to more content.

if more ppl are easily "contentable" problems are easily solved.

but this quality of "contentability" in the society must be protected. those ppl with extreme cravings can EASILY run down ppl with lesser cravings for the same thing. so while managing our cravings, we should not allow ppl with extreme cravings to run down the society.

its a shame (may be the reason) that they are not willing to try out buddhist teachings.

Puran Appu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Legal action against tamilnet

merandy said...

LTTE humanitarian mission in France

Upul said...

Video footage of ltte counter attack on 59 division.

Shows many camps overun, lots of poor bastards curled up dead. Tractors full of weapons and ammunition seized....

Puran Appu said...

Do not let the army recover my body. You should destroy my body.” Said by Prabakaran

Upul said...

Look at the lies the mahinda brothers have been feeding you poor folks.

See the ltte units, they don't show any fear or desperation... 95 % of the war completed my foot.

Ananda-USA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Eksath Jatheenge Saranagaathayan pilibanda Komasaris ge aluth ma kathawata lankawen honda uththarayak devi kiyala hithanawa.

Muu kiyana hatiyata pereda maragena marunu bombe saha eeye wedi thibba eka hamudawe varadi.

Kotiyage palath wala minissu aparade marena hinda satan viramayak karannalu.

Yako ekane kotiya un wa maranne. Visanduma thavath kotiya rakina eka da?

Muuta honda uththarayak deema rajaye vagakeemak. Sahena varadeem sahitha prakashayak. Kelinma piththatama vatunu panduwa, ihalinma gaghannayi thiyenne, lanuwatath udin.

Wisthara "dinapatha kannadiye". Sinhalen liwwe pracharaya avama kara ganna.

Dan ithin puluvan nam Defence Kolama hari wena buruwek hari dapan ko mekata link eka.

ReallyCold..... said...

CBC News: Toronto's Tamil protesters exposed

I save some of these in my blog and if anyone want and easy access to them, click on my name here.

CASC said...

In India, police are highly specialized in staging encounters to rid society of undesirable elements. In fact, the top brass who have made it their speciality are referred to as encounter specialists. From a practical point, the hardcore LTTE elements are beyond redemption. There is no point capturing them alive. Re-education and vocational training can't rehabilitate these criminals. The best is to
get rid of them for the future prosperity and stability of Sri Lanka.

Daily News

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

LTTE cadre discloses weapon store

A team of officers from the Kalawanchikudi STF camp acting on a tip-off arrested a hardcore terrorist named Udayakumar Kamalan who had deserted LTTE ranks at Eruvil on Friday.

Police Headquarters said following interrogation, the suspect led STF officers to a spot where explosives, firearms and other warlike goods were hidden.

During the search, the suspect tried to shoot STF officers after grabbing a weapon from one member of the STF team. Before he could do so, another STF member had opened fire killing the suspect on the spot.

The STF officers continued the search and recovered the following items from the hideout. Three claymore bombs, eight Johnny mines, eight fuses, four detonators, 50 metres flexible wire, two live grenades, 7.5 kg of (P.E. 1510) high explosives two pieces of detonator cord, one roll tape, three nine volt batteries, 14 (9 mm) cartridges, 175 T 56 ammunition and two black bags.

Ananda-USA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReallyCold..... said...

Please sign the petition and share the link with others

Moshe Dyan said...

well done STF, another jijeweera!

"During the search, the suspect tried to shoot STF officers after grabbing a weapon from one member of the STF team. Before he could do so, another STF member had opened fire killing the suspect on the spot."

i maintian that surrendered hardcore terrorists MUST be "handled" after getting all the benefits.

another dream has come true!!!

Karu said...

(Upul said...

Look at the lies the mahinda brothers have been feeding you poor folks.)

Upul you and most of the diaspora are suffering from this decease. It is called denial syndrome. It is a good way to deal with the actual situation. We know it is really hard to believe what happened to your dreamland

Ananda-USA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SRAF said...

an answer for a lot of our "human shield" problem.....muhahahaha!

ReallyCold..... said...

@Harry Potter

According to Buddhism, two guys can marry and have sex and it is not a sin.

Sex in Buddhism has no gender associated with it.

Buddhism is the most politically correct philosophy.

Moshe Dyan said...

vezapillai hitler is heading for the same fate as adolf pirapaharan.

the bunker, the suicide, the creamation are all too similar.

vezapillai must be feeling de ja vu!!

CASC said...

Prabhakaran is 53 years old and will meet his creator fairly soon. 64 years ago another mad man, Hitler, then 56 years old met his creator. This is an account of Hitler's last day on earth. Like Hitler, Prabhakaran at this point is raving mad. I believe he awaits a similar fate as Hitler.

Hitler's last day

The atmosphere in the bunker on April 20, 1945, Hitler's 56th birthday, was more funereal than celebratory. There was no trace of the pomp and circumstance of earlier years. The gaunt ruins of the Reich Chancellery were a stark reminder, if one was needed, that there was no cause for celebration. Hitler felt this himself. His birthday with the Russians at the gates of Berlin was an embarrassment to him. He trudged down the assembled line of his staff to receive their murmured birthday greetings with a limp handshake and a vacant expression. Afterwards, Hitler drank tea in his study with Eva Braun. It was approaching nine o'clock in the morning before he finally went to bed, only to be disturbed almost immediately by General Burgdorf with the news of a Soviet breakthrough and advance towards Cottbus, some 60 miles southeast of Berlin.

After breakfast, playing with his Alsatian puppy for a while, and having his valet administer his cocaine eye drops, he slowly climbed the steps into the Reich Chancellery park. Waiting with raised arms in the Nazi salute were delegations from the Courland army, from the SS-Division "Berlin", and 20 boys from the Hitler Youth who had distinguished themselves in combat. Was this what Berlin's defence relied on, one of Hitler's secretaries wondered? Hitler muttered a few words to them, patted one or two on the cheek, and within minutes left them to carry on the fight against Russian tanks.

In the garden just outside the bunker, Hitler decorated 20 Hitler Youths-turned-soldiers. Here he shakes hands with Alfred Czech, a 12-year-old Hitler Youth soldier, after the young veteran of battles in Pomerania and upper and lower Silesia was awarded the Iron Cross. After the ceremony, Hitler returned to his underground home, which some generals regarded as "a madhouse being run by the inmates."

By now, most of the leading figures in the Reich -- at least those in the Berlin vicinity -- were assembled. No one spoke of the looming catastrophe. They all swore their undying loyalty. Everyone noticed that Goering had discarded his resplendent silver-grey uniform with gold-braided epaulettes for khaki -- "like an American general", as one participant at the briefing remarked. Hitler passed no comment.
The imminent assault on Berlin dominated the briefing. The news from the southern rim of the city was catastrophic. Goering pointed out that only a single road to the south was still open; it could be blocked at any moment.

Hitler was pressed from all sides to leave at once for Berchtesgaden. He objected that he could not expect his troops to fight the decisive battle for Berlin if he removed himself to safety. Nevertheless, Hitler seemed indecisive. Increasingly agitated, he declared moments later that he would leave it to fate whether he died in the capital or flew in the last moment to the Obersalzberg.

There was no indecision about Goering. He had sent his wife Emmy and daughter Edda to the safety of the Bavarian mountains more than two months earlier. Half a million marks had been transferred to his account in Berchtesgaden. Goering lost no time at the end of the briefing in seeking a private word with Hitler.

It was urgent that he go to southern Germany, he said, to command the Luftwaffe from there. He needed to leave Berlin that night. Hitler scarcely seemed to notice. He muttered a few words, shook hands absent-mindedly, and the first paladin of the Reich departed, hurriedly and without fanfare. It seemed to Albert Speer, standing a few feet away, to be a parting of ways that symbolised the imminent end of the Third Reich. It was the first of numerous departures. Most of those who had come to proffer their birthday greetings to Hitler and make avowals of their undying loyalty were waiting nervously for the moment when they could hasten from the doomed city.

The imminent assault on Berlin dominated the briefing. The news from the southern rim of the city was catastrophic. Goering pointed out that only a single road to the south was still open; it could be blocked at any moment.

Hitler was pressed from all sides to leave at once for Berchtesgaden. He objected that he could not expect his troops to fight the decisive battle for Berlin if he removed himself to safety. Nevertheless, Hitler seemed indecisive. Increasingly agitated, he declared moments later that he would leave it to fate whether he died in the capital or flew in the last moment to the Obersalzberg.

There was no indecision about Goering. He had sent his wife Emmy and daughter Edda to the safety of the Bavarian mountains more than two months earlier. Half a million marks had been transferred to his account in Berchtesgaden. Goering lost no time at the end of the briefing in seeking a private word with Hitler.

It was urgent that he go to southern Germany, he said, to command the Luftwaffe from there. He needed to leave Berlin that night. Hitler scarcely seemed to notice. He muttered a few words, shook hands absent-mindedly, and the first paladin of the Reich departed, hurriedly and without fanfare. It seemed to Albert Speer, standing a few feet away, to be a parting of ways that symbolised the imminent end of the Third Reich. It was the first of numerous departures. Most of those who had come to proffer their birthday greetings to Hitler and make avowals of their undying loyalty were waiting nervously for the moment when they could hasten from the doomed city.

onvoys of cars were soon heading out of Berlin north, south and west, on any roads still open. Dönitz left for the north, armed with Hitler's instructions to take over the leadership in the north and continue the struggle. Himmler soon followed. Speer left later that night in the direction of Hamburg without any formal farewell.

Late in the evening, the remaining adjutants, secretaries, and the Führer's young Austrian diet cook, Constanze Marzialy, gathered in his room for a drink with Hitler and Eva Braun. There was no talk here of the war.

Hitler's youngest secretary, Traudl Junge, had been shocked to hear him admit for the first time in her presence earlier that day that he no longer believed in victory. He might be ready to go under; her own life, she felt, had barely begun. Once Hitler -- early for him -- had retired to his room, she was glad to join Eva Braun, and the other bunker "inmates", even including Bormann and Morell 's doctor in an "unofficial" party in the old living room on the first floor of Hitler's apartment in the Reich Chancellery.

In the ghostly surrounds of a room stripped of almost all its former splendour, with the gramophone scratching out the only record they could find -- a schmaltzy pre war hit called Red Roses Bring You Happiness -- they laughed, danced and drank champagne, trying to enjoy an hour or two of escapism -- before a nearby explosion sharply jolted them back to reality.

When Hitler was awakened at 9.30 the following morning, it was to the news that the centre of Berlin was under artillery fire. The dragnet was closing fast. As the day wore on, he seemed like a man at the end of his tether, nerves ragged, under intense strain, close to breaking point.

The drowning man clutched at yet another straw. The Soviets had extended their lines so far to the northeast of Berlin that it opened up the chance, thought Hitler, for the Panzer Corps, led by SS-Obergruppenführer Felix Steiner, to launch a successful counter attack.

Throughout the day he exuded confidence in Steiner's attack. When told of the inadequacies of Steiner's forces, Hitler replied: "You will see. The Russians will suffer the greatest defeat, the bloodiest defeat in their history before the gates of the city of Berlin."

It was bravado. At the briefing that began at 3.30pm on April 22, Hitler looked haggard, stony-faced, though extremely agitated, as if his thoughts were elsewhere. He twice left the room to go to his private quarters. Then, as dismaying news came through that Soviet troops had broken the inner defence cordon and were within Berlin's northern suburbs, Hitler was told -- after a frantic series of telephone calls had elicited contradictory information -- that Steiner's attack, which he had awaited all morning, had not taken place after all.

At this, he seemed to snap. He ordered everyone out of his briefing room, apart from Keitel, Jodl, Krebs and Burgdorf. Even for those who had long experience of Hitler's furious outbursts, the tirade that thundered through the bunker for the next half an hour was a shock. One who witnessed it reported that evening: "Something broke inside me today that I still can't grasp."

Hitler screamed that he had been betrayed by all those he had trusted. He railed at the long-standing treachery of the army. Now, even the SS was lying to him. The troops would not fight, he ranted, the anti-tank defences were down. As Jodl added, he also knew that munitions and fuel would shortly run out.

Hitler slumped into his chair. The storm subsided. His voice fell to practically a whimper. The war was lost, he sobbed. It was the first time any of his small audience had heard him admit it. They were dumbstruck. He had therefore determined to stay in Berlin, he went on, and to lead the defence of the city. He was physically incapable of fighting himself, and ran the risk of falling wounded into the hands of the enemy. So he would at the last moment shoot himself.

All prevailed on him to change his mind. He should leave Berlin and move his headquarters to Berchtesgaden. The troops should be withdrawn from the western front and deployed in the east. Hitler replied that everything was falling apart. He could not do that. Goering could do it. Someone objected that no soldier would fight for the Reich Marshal. "What does it mean: fight?" asked Hitler. "There's not much more to fight for, and if it's a matter of negotiations the Reich Marshal can do that better than I can."

By dawn the next morning, areas close to the city centre had started to come under persistent and intense artillery fire. Around midday the spearhead of Konev's army, skirting round Berlin to the south, met up with forward units from Zhukov's army, heading round the city to the north. Berlin was as good as encircled. About the same time, Soviet and American troops were smoking cigarettes together at Torgau, on the Elbe, in central Germany. The Reich was now cut in two.

Amid the burning ruins of the great city, living conditions were deteriorating rapidly. Food was running out. The water-supply system had broken down. The old, infirm, wounded, women and children, injured soldiers, refugees, all clung on to life in the cellars, in packed shelters, and in underground stations as hell raged overhead.

In Hitler's bunker there was a "doomsday" mood alleviated only by alcohol and food from the Reich Chancellery cellars. In the early hours of April 28, despairing calls were made from the bunker to Keitel and Jodl urging all conceivable effort to be made to relieve Berlin as absolute priority. Time was of the essence. There were at most 48 hours, it was thought.

As so often, the bunker inmates thought they smelt the scent of disloyalty and treason. These suspicions seemed dramatically confirmed. Heinz Lorenz appeared in the bunker when a message was picked up from Reuters confirming that the Reichsführer-SS, Heinrich Himmler, had offered to surrender to the western Allies, but that this had been declined.

For Hitler, this was the last straw. That his "loyal Heinrich", whose SS had as its motto "my honour is loyalty", should now stab him in the back: this was the end. It was the betrayal of all betrayals. The bunker reverberated to a final elemental explosion of fury. All his stored-up venom was now poured out on Himmler in a last paroxysm of seething rage. It was, he screamed, "the most shameful betrayal in human history".

By now, Soviet troops had forced their way into Potsdamer Platz and streets in the immediate vicinity of the Reich Chancellery. They were no more than a few hundred yards away. It was time to make preparations. As long as Hitler had had a future, he had ruled out marriage. His life, he said, was devoted to Germany. There was no room for a wife. But Eva Braun had chosen to come to the bunker. And she had refused Hitler's entreaties to leave. She had committed herself to him once and for all, when others were deserting. The marriage now cost him nothing. He did it simply to please Eva Braun, to give her what she had wanted more than anything at a moment when marrying him was the least enviable fate in the world.

Not long after midnight on April 29, in the most macabre surrounds, with the bunker shaking from nearby explosions, Hitler and Eva Braun exchanged marriage vows. Goebbels and Bormann were witnesses. The rest of the staff waited outside to congratulate the newly wedded couple. Champagne, sandwiches and reminiscences -- with somewhat forced joviality -- of happier days followed.

A short time later, Hitler dictated his last will and testament. (See Below) His last words for posterity were a piece of pure self-justification. Despite all its setbacks, the six-year struggle would one day go down in history as "the most glorious and valiant manifestation of a nation's will to existence".

It had turned 4am when Hitler, looking weary, took himself off to rest. He had completed the winding-up order on the Third Reich. Only the final act of self destruction remained. The mood in the bunker sank to zero-level. Despair was written on everyone's face. All knew it was only a matter of hours before Hitler killed himself and wondered what the future held for them after his death. There was much talk of the best methods of committing suicide. Secretaries, adjutants and any others who wanted them had by then been given the brass-cased ampoules containing prussic acid.

At dawn, Soviet artillery opened up an intensive bombardment of the Chancellery and neighbouring buildings. The battle for Berlin would in all probability be over that evening. Hitler sent for Bormann. It was around noon. He told him the time had come; he would shoot himself that afternoon. Eva Braun would also commit suicide. Their bodies were to be burnt. Hitler took lunch as usual around 1pm with his secretaries and his dietician. Eva Braun was not present. Hitler was composed, giving no hint that his death was imminent. Some time after the meal had ended, the secretaries were told that Hitler wished to say farewell to them. They joined Martin Bormann, Joseph and Magda Goebbels, General Burgdorf and General Krebs, and others from the inner circle of the bunker community. Looking more stooped than ever, Hitler, dressed as usual in his uniform jacket and black trousers, appeared alongside Eva, née Braun, who was wearing a blue dress with white trimmings. He held out his hand to each of them, muttered a few words and, within a few minutes and without further formalities, returned to his study. Eva Braun followed him. It was shortly before 3.30pm. For the next few minutes, Goebbels, Bormann and the remaining members of the bunker community waited. The only noise was the drone of the diesel ventilator. In the upstairs part of the bunker, Traudl Junge chatted with the Goebbels children as they ate their lunch. After waiting ten minutes or so, still without a sound from Hitler's room, Linge took the initiative.

He took Bormann with him and cautiously opened the door. In the cramped study, Hitler and Eva Braun sat alongside each other on the small sofa. Eva Braun was slumped to Hitler's left. A strong whiff of bitter almonds -- the distinctive smell of prussic acid -- drifted up from her body. Hitler's head drooped lifelessly. Blood dripped from a bullet-hole in his right temple. His 7.65mm Walther pistol lay by his foot.

ReallyCold..... said...


[Please don’t worry if these flood gates are open to so called westernized society as these values are very much in evidence in these countries like tolerance,honesty,respect to rule of law, charity etc which is very much in line I am sure his teachings which is not found in SL these days.]

Usually, people hardly import good behavior. We will be bombarded with western trash. Remember, our local guys sell thambili (coconut water) and buy Coke.

Ananda-USA said...

Harry Potter said...

"Annexing vulnerable neighbours or invading small countries by powerful nations are things of the past. More liberal thinking new world will not tolerate such acts these days.

If our foreign policies are compassionate and transparent, we do not have to fear Indian interventions. What we need is a partnership with India without loosing sovereignty."

I disagree totally with your statements above. Please let me explain.


Sri Lanka's policies before 1983 were compassionate, tolerant, towards its own people, more so than India's own. Sri Lanka also was very supportive and friendly to India. But, that did not prevent India from inflicting a separatist and terrorist war on Sri Lanka, because, driven by an "inflated national ego", it resented Sri Lanka behaving as a sovereign country with an independent destiny and duty to its people, without serving as India's vassal state derving its policy from India.

India has Permanent NATIONAL INTERESTS that will NEVER coincide exactly with those of Sri Lanka; we have to look after ourselves. India will ALWAYS look after itself without regard to Sri Lanka.


both Annexation to and Disintegration of existing countries are on going as we speak, under various pretexts, as they always have, and always will. In all of these events, the OVERT or COVERT intervention of big powers has played the main role.

I give many examples below that refute your statement that "Annexing vulnerable neighbours or invading small countries by powerful nations are things of the past."

The pretext for most recent invasion of Iraq was completely cooked up; but nevertheless it was executed by a superpower, in broad daylight for various reasons that had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction, and the international community sat by and condoned it. The de-facto disintegration of Iraq as a unified country into at most three others, is now underway, and is by no means resolved. The invasion of Iraq, can be viewed as a temporary annexation of that country into the US "sphere of influence."

Unlike Iraq, Afghanistan has no resources of value; except the poppies [ :) ]; the only interests are military and anti-terrorism in nature. The ultimate fate of Afghanistan cannot be predicted; especially since the US seems unwilling to devote the necessary resources IN THE LONG TERM to win the people and consolidate the country. Forces of both annexation and disintegration are at work in Afghanistan...look at the competing adjoining countries in the East and the West, with ethnic relatives across the border.

The next round of annexations and disintegrations will come as the latest crop of regional and superpowers begin to flex their muscles, and challenge the status quo maintained by the current big powers. Our current view, and understanding of the forces at work, are limited by our time window of observation. Often the average trends are radically changed by events that cause paradigm shifts. We often see the individual trees in this forest of change, but we miss seeing the emerging forest itself, and the forces driving its growth as a whole.

The following is a partial list of counter examples (from 1948):


- Annexation Kuwait by Iraq (prevented because of oil reserves)

- Reintegration, and annexation, of former Soviet States with Russia (ongoing)

- Annexation of Tibet by China

- Annexation of Goa by India

- Annexation of a part of Kashmir from India by China

- Annexation of Palestinian, Syrian, Jordanian and Egyptian lands by Israel (ongoing)

- Attempt to Annex Taiwan by China (ongoing)

- Annexation of South Vietnam by North Vietnam (?)

- Annexation of Northern Cyprus by Turkey (under resolution)

- Voluntary integration into the European Union (not truly a forcible Annexation; This is the realization of Napoleon's dream of a Europe united under French leadership come to fruition)


- Breakup of Yugoslavia into Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro, aided and abetted by European (Germany) and the US. The breakup of the Southern Slav union was an Austrian/German objective for over a century; it unleashed the Pandora's box held shut by Tito's vision...a great misfortune for all Balkan peoples, in my view.

- Breakup of Pakistan (West & East) into Pakistan (West) and Bangladesh by India

- Breakup of Czechoslovakia into Czech and Slovakian Republics.

- Breakup of the Soviet Union

- Breakup of British Rhodesia into Zimbabwe and Zambia

Pottu said...

Upul, Eelam Nitwits et al,

I saw your purported "commando" raid on SLA ammo dump. All I can see is a few actors traversing here and there, looks more like they are planting palm trees rather than "raiding" anything. Sure man, we believe you, this is 100% accurate video.

Guys, notice the distinct lack of background gunfire noises, arti sounds in the video, do you really think this taken anywhere near a FDL?

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...


I saw your purported "commando" raid on SLA ammo dump. All I can see is a few actors traversing here and there, looks more like they are planting palm trees rather than "raiding" anything. Sure man, we believe you, this is 100% accurate video.

You crack me up pal! Well done :)

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...


Machan to be honest that video clip is absolutely hilarious, and absolute disgrace to be called as commandos. More like bunch of monkeys running around and shouting each other, nothing else.

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...

There is another monkey is trying hard to get the attention from YouTube.

If you search videos with "Wanni Operation" and sort by date, you will see one peelamist called "Wanni2009" is trying hard to get the attention.

Unknown said...

අපේ ස්නයිපර් ලා එල ගේමක් දෙනවලු ptk වල. තව පොඩ්ඩයි කොල්ලනේ

Upul said...

listen, does the video I gave link to show a cornered ltte on their last heals desperate for their last breath....

no the ltte boys and gals are proud standing strong and don't show a bit of cowardice....

Upul said...

yes, "these shouting monkeys on bathrooms slippers" clobbered and finished off more than 15,000 of your troops with the past year....

NOLTTE=Peace said...


We need more and more HMGs and Night-Vision to take the battles forward from now onwards.

Bad boys are active at night mostly, and I was told that the whole area is pitch black at night, and it is easy for terras to mount attacks at night.

Nisal said...

On Sunday (8), a group of civilians escaping from the LTTE, North of Vishvamadu and Suthanthirapuram, had charged an LTTE barricade, after assaulting an LTTE ‘police’ cadre and killing two female terrorists, before escaping into government controlled territory. Similarly, civilians who were forcibly armed and sent to the battlefront by the LTTE, had taken on the few LTTE cadres leading them, beaten and tied them up, before making their escape to government controlled areas. This had happened on February 7, sources said. (

Real Tamil freedom fighters

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...

@ Really Cold,

“According to Buddhism, two guys can marry and have sex and it is not a sin.

Sex in Buddhism has no gender associated with it.

Buddhism is the most politically correct philosophy.”

Agree with you providing such an association does not pollute society causing wide spread pain, disunity and discomfort to the others.

Strict advocacy of Buddhism doctrine is to refrain from acts that may cause suffering to the actor as well as others around him at present or future.

CASC said...

The Hunt for LTTE Leaders

CASC said...

Indonesians helping tigers to build submarines apprehended PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 10 February 2009 08:55

Five Indonesian s have been apprehended by SL Navy near Point Pedro fleeing in a fishing boat. They are suspected to have been in Wanni area helping tiger terrorists in their sea tiger activities.

The five Indonesians were apprehended in an Indian fishing trawler together with two tiger terrorists and two Indian fishermen. The Indonesians had large amounts of money, foreign passports, certificates obtained for naval craft and marine engineering and a large number of photographs including some taken with Navy officers of a foreign country. The SL Navy believes the Indonesians had been helping the tiger terrorists in their sea tiger activities and building the submarines captured by the Army during their operations in Mullaithivu District.

The Indian fishermen have told the Navy that the tiger terrorists had come in a tiger boat and threatened them to take the Indonesians and tiger terrorists in their trawler to Nagapattam in Tamil Nadu. The two tiger terrorists arrested with the Indonesians are believed to be two senior leaders of the tiger terrorist organization fleeing from the war to Tamil Nadu.

ReallyCold..... said...

That video: So sad. Apprently number of Tamil men and women are crying. LTTE has killed one tamils once again.

The video shows a great humanity by SLDF.

Footage show over 10,000 reasons to fry LTTE.

velluprabhakaran said...


I completely agre with ur sttatements.

these western liberal BS is fed by the lorry loads to suckers like Ranil.

they swallow it hook, line & sinker either knowingly or unknowingly. my guess is that ranil did it knowingly. he just doesn't care a hoot for the 2,600 year sinhala buddhist foundation of SL. he obviously wanted to dilute it & slyly hand over the foundation of peelam to vesapillai on a platter. also by selling state assets under liberalism a few crooked could make a fast buck.

very recently recently the colombo district unp organizer rosy senanayake openly campaigned for the removal of the sinhala buddhist basis of sri lanka.

she published articles openly & daringly in a newspaper claiming "lankawey sinhala boudha padanama iwath kala yuthu kalaya awilla". ranil never challenged it. instead he resigned from the kelaniya temple dayaka sabhawa as if to back it up. there was an uproar by monks & buddhists over that statement.

the pro LTTE NGO's also made millions WHILE PLANNING & DIRECTLY HELPING THE DIVISION OF THE COUNTRY. it's a double bonanza. the equipment & weapons that LTTE has been given by scandinavian govts are stunning.

all these must be brought out into the open & these govts. must be questioned. if they can question us about BS civilian deaths why can't we question them about helping suicidal terrorists to divide this country? are we wimps?

these murder sponsoring govts. obviously planned to reap the harvests later in tamil eelam. fishing, oil, agriculture etc, at the total exclusion & expense of sinhala.

for example countries like japan & norway would have had floating fish can factories teaming around wiping out our fishing shoals.

meanwhile our guys would go there as cheap labourers or refugees. it's ridiculous.

unless we have the vision to correct these exploitations we're in for a rough ride.

hopefully with a larger & stronger navy/forces we should get these things right once & for all.

this is the right time. it's now or never.

උදාන said...

Paticca Samuppada From Wiki

So Guys When are we going to finish the war? Will it be
01/04/2009 (1st of April)
01/05/2009 (May Pala weni da)

Everybody please circle the correct answer on your screeens.
Don't scroll once you circle.. Man.

Thank you.

Better be b4 14/04/2009 Cuz I'm coming to SL after 12 years...Yippie

ReallyCold..... said...

Harry Potter

[Strict advocacy of Buddhism doctrine is to refrain from acts that may cause suffering to the actor as well as others around him at present or future.]

My motto: You live your life without worrying what others may think of you.

velluprabhakaran said...


can't we use flares in the night?
too expensive?

sanercomic said...

Butterflies in my Stomach

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


Tnx for you detailed reply and you have some good points there.

However, I am looking it at different angle. Around later 70s and early 80s India felt insecure with its neighbors. Especially due to two wars with China and Pakistan and economic hardships India experienced prior to 1970. Sri Lanka’s pro American policy of JRJ and pro Russian Indira’s policies led to mistrust and political imbalance between the two. News of Trincomalee is going to be an American base angered Russia and India and led to destabilizing process on SL.

However today, India is not feeling that insecure due to her small neighbors but her real worry is China and Pakistan. Also India is fully recognized by the west as the biggest democracy on earth and they support India especially for her huge market. India is also more than a mini super power now.

We cannot compete, antagonize or undermine India’s policies. Therefore our best option is to align our policies with India without being subservient. We should move to share their market, wealth and military mighty. We can do it without being confrontational.

I may be wrong but we should kiss the hand which is too strong to cut.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...

@ Really Cold,

“My motto: You live your life without worrying what others may think of you.

What you say is correct as long as you do not stir other around you too much, if you do be ready to accept consequences.

hiru said...


Oya nihada bawa bidinna

Thawa monawa hari kiyanna

Sri Lankikaya said...


What your discussing is much more deeper than what's been written here. Many of us have tried to explain in our own way but it's more kind of 'on the surface'.

Try and get hold of a copy of 'What the Buddha Taught' by ven Walpola Rahula. It's available in all bookshops in Sri Lanka and at leading Bookshops in most countries.

try this link if you want to read it online


Ananda-USA said...

Harry Potter said...

However today, India is not feeling that insecure due to her small neighbors but her real worry is China and Pakistan.

We cannot compete, antagonize or undermine India’s policies. Therefore our best option is to align our policies with India without being subservient. We should move to share their market, wealth and military mighty. We can do it without being confrontational.

I may be wrong but we should kiss the hand which is too strong to cut.

On the contrary, India is more insecure today, than it was over three decades ago. The reasons are as follows:

1. Today there are 11 major internal separatist and terrorist movements in India, and many more internal discords based on caste, race and language. The internal problems were largely absent in India three decades ago.

2. Although India's economy is gaining strength, the beneficiaries of that, and the number of people contributing to it, are very narrowly based. Unlike Sri Lanka, India did not address the issue of social inequity and education of the masses. Most Indians are still illiterate and destitute unlike most Sri Lankans. As such, Sri Lanka is much better poised to benefit from technological development and global trade than India, on a per capita basis. Illiteracy, poverty and social inequity leads to internal instability and poses a huge threat to India, particularly because of the communal character of Indian politics. Indian leaders see this, but they have largely lost 6 decades of time they had since independance to overcome at least illiteracy and social inequity as we have done in Sri Lanka. There is MUCH INSECURITY among Indian leaders as a result of recognizing these structural flaws of their country. These centrifugal flaws make the Federal System of Government in India a poor framework for preserving the unity of the country.

3. While the Indian economy is indeed growing, the economy of India's enemies are growing at least as much, if not faster. For example, China is way ahead of India in economic growth, and is the principal long term threat to India. Pakistan and Bangladesh are basket cases in terms of stability, economic growth and social equity, but India's Moslem enemies extend beyond them, and they are quite rich and able to bankroll the enemies of India. Al-quaida has declared war on India and it has global support. Most Moslem countries of West Asia and South East Asia favor commercial links with Pakistan and Bangladesh over India.

4. India's traditional ally, the Soviet Union is no more, and while Russia is friendly to India it is unable to project power on a global level any more. The US is reaching out to India, but the US has to do a balancing act between India and its enemies, for reasons of access to resources, and for strategic military reasons. From India's viewpoint, the US is a necessary, but unreliable, ally.

5. You would think that in this environment, India would be more friendly to Sri Lanka than it has bee; but the South Indian States, particularly Tamil Nadu have a hold on a large number of seats in the Lok Sabha. The inability of the Governing Party to gain an absolute majority, and the consequent descent into coaltion politics, makes it impossible for India to maintain a consistent foreign policy towards Sri Lanka.

So, we must recognize the reality that we will never have any control over internal Indian politics. Therefore, we must make it impossible for India to interfere again in Sri Lanka, whatever happens in India.

Let us learn from our recent past:

1. Whatever the underling reasons, India trained, deployed, funded and supported separatism in Sri Lanka

2. India intervened twice when the LTTE was on the verge of being wiped out

3. Then, India forced our sovereign country to accept an Indian Invasion force under the pretext of "peacekeeping" to protect their proxy cliuent, the LTTE.

4. India laid down the law and dictated changes to our constitution; in effect to partition our country in favor of their client

5. India abrogated their duty under the JR-RG agreement to disarm the LTTE and left us to confront a strengthened LTTE in control of 1/3 of the country.

6. India failed/neglected to control arms smuggling and support from Tamil Nadu to Sri Lanka even after they advanced to the rear out of Sri Lanka. Did they fail to do so ON PURPOSE or because they HAD NO CONTROL OVER TAMIL NADU in their much vaunted Federal System of Government that they are advocating to us today. This amounts to a Sub-National Indian Group supporting terrorism in Sri Lanka, while the Indian Govt wrings its hands and criticizes Sri Lanka. THe Central Govt. could have suspended the Tamil Nadu state govt, deployed federal troops in Tamil Nadu, and controlled support for the LTTE, if it wanted to; BUT IT DID NOT. How is this different from the terrorism inflicted on India by Pakistani Sub-National groups today? India failed to control Tamil Nadu then, today Pakistan fails to control Laskar-e-Toiba today?

7. Finally, through all of these acts against Sri Lanka, INDIA IS ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE for the deaths of over 100,000 people, mostly Sinhalese, the destruction of the Sri Lankan Tamil community, the alienation and disharmony between the two communities that will persist for decades to come, and the resulting economic stagnation of our country.

8. I am not advocating any irrational animosity towards India, but a rational posture to defend our country against Indian policies that have the potential to destroy our country completely. I disagree with you that the size of India orecludes our pursuing and independent path forward. We must never let any one country to get a stranglehold on our security, our internal politics or our economy. There are many small countries that have SURVIVED and THRIVED in the shadow of giant neighbors, like Britain, Taiwan, Israel, Switzerland by paying attention to the twin pillars of military and economic strength (I have written at length on this subject on this topic at this blog; please refer to my posts in the archives). WE DARE NOT DO OTHERWISE.

Because of the responsibility of India for the crimes it has committed against Sri Lanka that I have outlined above, I don't think the Sri Lankan people should blindly trust India again, no matter what sweet words of seduction are whispered in our ears now. Their self-serving advice is not needed. Beware of Indians bearing Gifts like the Greeks at Troy! Better safe than sorry again for another 30 years. This has gone beyond academic argument, enlightened by our previous follies, we must be smart now, and secure our country for centuries to come.


MathaMathica said...

Moshe, Harry Potter, Mayl, ReallyCold ,


Buddhist philosophy does not say that there is no I, ME etc … but it says there is no I, ME etc which EXISTS BY ITSELF : this is called ANATHMA Doctrine in Buddhism.

This I, physical/mental is a product of conditions, product influence by all the entities in the universe.

One is born as a product of the universe. The sexed production process is a creation of the universe. Individual, mothers / fathers are almost non-actors in this great cosmic machine which continues its creation/preservation /destruction process in trillions of imaginative ways ….

Karma may be considered as the changes caused by a given entity on the whole universe – no act mental/physical escapes from the recorder called Universe.

Rebirth is nothing but the result of ones actions on the Universe. It is SAMSARA. It can be stopped only when one detaches from the universe completely.

There are 3 forms of attachments which link us to the Universe :

Kaama Thanha ( Craving for sensual pleasure),
Bhave Thanha (Craving to exist in the Universe),
ViBhave Thanha (Craving to not to exist in the Universe !!!),

You see, overcoming above 3 cravings are not a mince affair.

So while we are destined to err in the Universe for aeons, it is better to try to understand what is ANATHMA.

A society based on ANATHMA is the most caring , wise and is the best the Humans can realise on Earth.

Unknown said...

if we have these

MathaMathica said...

Moshe, Harry Potter, Mayl, ReallyCold ,


To be convinced that the craving is at the root of creation, you just have to remind yourself that in our day to day life those are our desires which become realities through inventions, engineerings, financings etc…

Nothing in the Universe is free from craving even atoms and sub atomics!!!

If atoms have no desires, they will not become molecules!!!

Veeran said...

Do u think u can get away with the Genocide of tamils with few witnesses to speak the truth ?

Health ministry officials in Colombo issued Tuesday a 'final warning' to the 8 doctors and around one thousand medical and health workers of Mullaiththeevu and Ki'linochchi districts, now serving more than 250,000 civilians in the besieged Mullaiththeevu district, to immediately leave the LTTE controlled territory, according to the sources at the District Secretariat in Vavuniyaa. The move comes after military officials warned the medical staff of dire consequences. Terror and blockade intensify humanitarian crisis in Vanni.

Unknown said...

hi veeran ponnan pakayan

Unknown said...

Guys and Peter,

This blog has become "Buddha Saastana Amathyansaya", can we please keep religion off the blog please?

Vajira / Puran / Duzz: Really appreciate an update from you.

Also Pottu, good one macho, do they really think they can fool us, do they think our snipers just watch while these "commandos" roam around. This video should be nominated for an Emmy, however it will not win just like MIA did not win the Grammys!

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


Thanks for your lengthy reply and counter arguments. I also felt the same way during 80s and 90 s but I have changed since recently (say after 2005). As I see, your school of thoughts and mine are far away than I thought.

My biggest worry is not Indian interventions in SL affairs anymore but disintegration of India because Tamil Naadu is the real threat not India itself.

I am a believer of rising star policy and India is arising star. SL will do much better by becoming a close and friendly ally to India than the other way because I am a business oriented guy.

Sri Lanka is very close to collapse economically and there is no way we could defend ourselves by going against or competing with India. We should embrace our big brother and try to rise with him. Most important factor for SL is to become a strong economy first. That is why I suggested SL to be a partner with India. SL need to change

Anyway I agree to disagree and wish to discontinue this dialogue from here. Thanks for you effort to convince me on your way of thinking and with very high regards for your care for SL, I wish you all the best mate.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


Aha, you are on to it. Good on you mate. I teach this subject in our “DAHAM PASALA” for senior (university) guys. Craving is similar to positive and negative charges of sub atomic particles. Quakes demonstrate Buddhism very accurately as Heisenberg theory on sub atomic particles.

Unknown said...

"Do u think u can get away with the Genocide of tamils with few witnesses to speak the truth ? "

screaming the same thing over and over again does not actually make it more truthful.

civilians are draining out of the shield very quickly. when they are in the clear... u dont need me to say the rest, right?

velluprabhakaran said...

whatever we do we shouldn't let india dominate our economy too much. a hostile indian govt can strangle us in the fututure.

they've proven to be extremely inconsistent in dealing with us.

seventies pro sri lanka, eighties anti sri lanka, nineties neutral, today pro sri lanka. tommorrow they maybe anti or secretly anti.

it all depends on their complicated political alliances & of course RAW. it has nothing to do with economy.

should we be at the whims & mercy of vaiko & company? definitely not. so while being a close ally of india we do business & have alliances with everybody.

specially china, pakistan & iran. it's absolutely vital that we have them as close allies.

we must strive to have a strong indegenous economy & defense force that india cannot dictate to.

velluprabhakaran said...

vesapillai has played veeran's mouth so hard that he's got brain damage.

ha ha ha!

Unknown said...

we should not get close to anybody too much..

first priority is to build a powerful economy.

Ra said...


What proof do you have on a genocide?

Like duzz said "saying genocide, genocide for several times does not make it actually happen."

You got this habit from malayalam indians.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


Please boy, there are few old fellows or shall we say mental cases or too rudely few “kabbos” in the blog. Let them have their fun also, no harm done to your way of thinking or communication. They are well over 60 years. Be patient my dear and have some respect for your elders mate.

MathaMathica said...

Harry Potter,

Kaalena Dhamma Saakachcha, Aeetham Mangala Muththamam !

What puzzles me is why the Anathma doctrine is not explained in its finer details to SL lay society..

Most of the social/environmental ills can be smoothed out if the interdependence of all things is well understood.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...


Bro, iam in a hurry to have a business meeting, I will post you a proper reply tomorrow, buddy. Please have a respect for me bloging in working hours mate.

Gamunu said...


I forwarded that email just now. Have look

Ananda-USA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Veeran said...

vesapillai has played veeran's mouth so hard that he's got brain damage

This Valu Swinging Monkey got it chopped off u know where & is jealous of People having a Swing at Females.


GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...


As I said, protect Sri Lankan interest first above all else including India's interests.

The lives of our people, our freedom, and the future of generations of Sri Lankans yet unborn, are much too important to place our trust blindly in a country that has betrayed us, and no longer deserves that level of trust.

Well said bro. 100% agree with you.

Ananda-USA said...

Harry Potter said..

OK. I agree to disagree and discontinue this debate.

However, I have two last comments, before we do that:

but disintegration of India because Tamil Naadu is the real threat not India itself.

Yes. I too have posted several times on this blog that Tamil Nadu could be the first Indian state to secede from India, and identified the increased threat to Sri Lanka as a result of it. All the more reason to become militarily and economically strong and independent of India now.

SL will do much better by becoming a close and friendly ally to India than the other way because I am a business oriented guy.

I am also a business oriented guy with a successful company of my own, in addition to being a professional scientist and research engineer. So, no difference there. But, SURVIVAL as a nation must precede making PROFIT through BUSINESS ventures with India.

We have to recognize and accept the reality of the forces arrayed against us in India, that are largely beyond our control, and protect ourselves against them. We have tried the good and inoffensive neighbour approach in the past, and to our chagrin, it was not appreciated, and only invited disdain and aggression. As I said, protect Sri Lankan interest first above all else including India's interests.

The lives of our people, our freedom, and the future of generations of Sri Lankans yet unborn, are much too important to place our trust blindly in a country that has betrayed us, and no longer deserves that level of trust.

FRIENDSHIP between SRI LANKA and INDIA based on non-interference in each other's affairs can be guaranteed only through our own military and economic strength and global alliances, not by becoming a hapless dependency of India.

Peter said...


Peter said...

Mr USA is a night-shift security guard.

Ananda-USA said...

Here comes the Thin End of the Wedge: Indian Interference in Sri Lankan Affiars

Sri Lanka should say" NO THANK YOU! We don't intend to destroy our country by embedding communal features in the governance of our country. However, we fully support your right to do so, and destroy yours."

India, Sri Lanka should jointly resolve Tamils' issue: DMK

CHENNAI: The ruling DMK on Tuesday asked the Centre to work with Colombo to find a permanent solution to the ethnic problem by ensuring full devolution of powers and autonomy to north and eastern areas of the island within a timeframe.

It asked the Sri Lankan Government to extend full cooperation in this regard.

"As a first step, the Centre should immediately take steps to workout a permanent solution which would ensure full devolution of powers and autonomy to Tamils living in northern and eastern parts of Sri Lanka within a timeframe. Sri Lankan Government should extend its full cooperation to this effort," said a resolution passed at the party's executive committee meeting.

The meeting, presided over by party President and Tamil Nadu Chief Mininster M Karunanidhi, decided to mobilise public support for the DMK's stand by holding public meetings and rallies throughout the State from February 7 to 9.

The DMK has convened an executive committee to formulate its course of action on the Sri Lankan Tamils issue.

To counter the Sri Lankan Tamils Protection Movement (SLTPM), floated by pro-LTTE parties like the PMK, MDMK, Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi and Tamils National Movement, the meeting decided to form a Sri Lankan Tamils Welfare Rights forum in association with like-minded parties, who wanted a solution to the ethnic struggle in "a democratic way".

The meeting was held in the backdrop of External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee's recent visit to Colombo and a general strike called by the SLTPM on Wednesday.

Mukherjee undertook the visit to Colombo after the Tamil Nadu Assembly passed a resolution making "a final appeal" to the Centre to intervene and arrange for a ceasefire, the resolution said.

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment on India, Sri Lanka should jointly resolve Tamils' issue: DMK

NO THANK YOU! We Sri Lankans don't intend to destroy our country by embedding communal features in the governance of our country. However, we fully support your right to do so, and destroy yours. You will not need our help...just ask Vaiko, Ramadoss, Thirumavalavan and Karunanidhi...they have detailed prescriptions on how to finely slice and dice communities based on caste, race, religion and language. With rabble-rousing communal political leaders like this, ONLY GOD CAN HELP INDIA !

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gladiator said...

"As a first step, the Centre should immediately take steps to workout a permanent solution which would ensure full devolution of powers "

I cant understand y all the tamil politicians need a power develotion in a hurry. I guess they r afraid of somethig.

Peter said...

Mr USA has fallen asleep at work.

Unknown said...

hay DW is there any atack on SLArmy today???? can you please give us a update..

gladiator said...

Have u ever imagine y more than one million tamil people who live among sinhaleis dont bother screaming and protesting over "genocid".

Unknown said...

Read what MIA has to say about Sri Lanka . I was really proud of her until I heard her trashing our country.


This is a Tamil woman, a daughter of a LTTE fighter who died some years ago. This woman (named MIA) is a singer who became famous in the USA . She has been supporting the LTTE cause and has been carrying out propaganda against Sri Lanka and Government's war against LTTE. (try Google and check her websites. She takes the name MIA or M.I.A)
Listen to this video where she talks about 'Genocide' carried out by SL Govt. This is how LTTE terrorists take opportunities to bring attention and gain sympathy from USA and other countries for their cause. See how she is manipulating her discussion towards her goal.
Please do not just keep quiet after listening to this! Send this video to all Sri Lankans you know. Send this to Sri Lankan media, US consulate and all those who can work hard against this kind of propaganda by terrorists who have been damaging Sri Lanka for all these years!

Ananda-USA said...

Al-Quaida Threatens India

Al Qaeda threat not new, but Indian forces on high alert
10 Feb 2009

NEW DELHI: Warnings by the Al Qaeda were not new, Indian intelligence officials said Tuesday, as they began examining a video by the terror group that threatened India with Mumbai- style strikes if it sought to attack Pakistan.

"We will examine the video closely as it is in Arabic. But such threats are not new. There have been earlier threats as well but the security regimen which is in place now shows that our forces are on high alert," said a top intelligence official who could not be identified because of service protocol.

A video released by Mustafa Abu al-Yazid, said to be the Al Qaeda's military commander in Afghanistan, warns India that it will have to "pay a heavy price" if it tries to attack Pakistan.

He has referred to India's Mumbai "humiliation" in the video in Arabic and said it will face more Mumbai-style attacks, BBC News reported.

In the video sent to the BBC office in Islamabad, Yazid, who is believed to have been killed in a US drone strike in August 2008, further says: "The Mujahideen will sunder your armies into the ground, like they did to the Russians in Afghanistan."

"The timing of the video itself is very interesting because it comes at a time when US President obama has said that Pakistan has to ensure that it does not become a safe haven for terrorists," said another intelligence functionary.

Officials said "standard operating procedures were put in place" following an Al Qaeda threat some years ago.

It was a reference to the terror outfit's threat in August 2007 where a video compiled by the outfit's production arm, As-Sahab, proclaimed that the targeting of Tel Aviv, Moscow and Delhi was its legitimate right.

The video had Adam Gaddahn, an American who had risen in the Al Qaeda ranks to become a spokesperson for the organisation, accusing India of killing more than 100,000 Muslims in Kashmir with US blessings.

Gaddahn also lashed out at the US-led "crusade" against Muslims and alleged that diplomatic missions were the bases for anti-Muslim actions.

Earlier, in November 2006, airports across the country were put on high alert following threats from the Al Qaeda that it would blow up airports in Chennai, Kochi, Trichy, Thiruvananthapuram and Coimbatore.

At that time, airport authorities received an anonymous letter warning of an attack and said about 10 Al Qaeda terrorists would break security cordons.

Peter said...

Look there's no point writing my blog if nobody reads it.

Peter said...

Any questions about 1983 or mahavamas?

Peter said...

I dream of the day that a tamil man wins miss universe

Chinthana4Lions said...

Earthbund, Upul

HAHHAHA oMg you fukrs made me laugh so much, the video so calld attack on SLA....hik hik hik HOW OLD IS IT? 5 years?

Nice acting by the way, its more like "Neighbors: tv drama hi hik hik/....

Bunch of mokyes yelling at each other,, wondering here and ya

Ltte indeed killd 40,00000000 sla and captred 90,000000000000000 weapons

wake up ponnaya :)

Ananda-USA said...

Jammu & Kashmir Separatist Strike Halts all Activity

Well, Well, Well...According to India this kind of thing happens only in Sri Lanka!

Hiding things from us are you India? Naughty, Naughty, Boy!

JKLF shutdown hits life in Kashmir
11 Feb 2009
SRINAGAR: Normal life in Jammu and Kashmir's summer capital Srinagar was badly hit Wednesday by the general shutdown called by the separatist Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) to commemorate the death anniversary of its founder Muhammad Maqbool Bhat.

Markets remained closed and public transport was off the roads although a few private vehicles could be seen.

Attendance in government offices was also thin because of the non-availability of public transport.

Reports from other district headquarters of the valley indicated that the shutdown had affected life there as well.

Bhat was hanged this day in 1984 in New Delhi's Tihar Jail. Since then, the JKLF has been calling for a protest shutdown on Feb 11 each year.

The group has also been demanding that the remains of its founder, who was buried inside Tihar Jail after his execution, be handed over to his relatives for burial.

sanercomic said...


Butterflies in my

I am amazed by the response I got within few days of opening up our blog. Let me highlight my intentions on the Blog and explain few things that we should do together.

* What are the opportunities available for us to take the country to economic prosperity (What we are good at).
* What is missing in the equation
* Help each other in filling the missing parts of the equation.

But what I don't expect is,

* Government machinery will come and Help, unless we could show some significant changes.

Why I believe we can do it,

* Because there is a large expatriate community who are knowledgeable, economically better but without being able to help
* There are good entrepreneurs living in Sri Lanka with something missing in equation

Why I think Government cannot help at this stage,

* Government has bigger problems to solve (at least they think)
* Government cannot address verticals easily. But we can be only successful by working on verticals (like many European countries)
* System has not produced enough Think Tanks -(Politics :-))

What are the pitfalls when we get together and drive this,

* Remember what is missing in most cases for entrepreneur expansion (5- 25 people companies doing specialized projects - like luxury boats, or special crop etc) is the Capital and Marketing
* So even if we connect the capital with entrepreneur who will grantee the investment (traditionally I have seen our people have less financial management skills and end up cheating the investors)
* Benefits for taking the risk is = patriotism only (moreover less)

What can we do?

* We should take the risk people who live here and people who live outside and also should take the lead to fill the missing gaps
* Encourage government to participate on this process to learn the dynamics and help secure the environment.
* Find new opportunities
* Help in Marketing ( we are too bad at this )

So the list can go on!!

I think the first thing we could do is

* Identify some industry verticals
* Collect expertise
* Create a blog
* Bring in possible missing parts of the equation
* create an echo system so that vertical will survive - bringing in gov to keep transparency and investment security

So patriots, can you please add your two cents to this as well.


KSF said...

SLA should kill all those tarrorists capture during battles even if they surrender. No need to feed them anymore or send these killers to rehabilitation centres afterwards. These brain washed killers who even willing kill their parents no need for future and wasting time and money rehabilitating.

Diasporra all over borrowed "GENOCIDE" word just to rescue murderers of innocent tamils and all communities. They even dont know what does mean by genocide. No proofs. LTTP killers genocide tamil people potray it as done by SLA. But world knows the truth except people on tiger killers pay list.

When SLA liberated all wanni world will be surprise to hear polpot type crimes did by vesa balla for three decades.

Peter said...

stf up and go to sleep you moron.

India this, India that; sleep deprivation will only make things worse for you.

Peter said...

Whatever happened to the demonic fur-ball

Peter said...

(Ex.SunGod)Mofckr V.Prabhakaran HIV said...


Pity the Diaspora.

Dropped from the moon and totally unaware of the LTTE.

Only the moda Bandas will provide salvation.

Paul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KSF said...

Peter the illigitimate said

totally unaware of the LTTE.

You joking all the world know about LTTE killers who started their daily routine just like you sleeping and fcking ur summa. Drink blood instaed of tea or coffee, mastrb front of killer pirbha picture and eat human flesh for breakfist, lunch and dinner.

What else

OH! only thing study and do is how to improve kill innocent people and training to be suicide bombers.

Ra said...


There is nothing mentioned about Sri Lanka or Tamils in that wikipedia article.

I want you to give me a proof based on "stages" mentioned in that article.

kavee said...


[Read what MIA has to say about Sri Lanka . I was really proud of her until I heard her trashing our country.]

This is pretty old story, and she lost her grammy last Sunday loosing her opportunity to freak-out the audience with bogus stories trashing Sri Lankan forces. However, she has another fkng chance on 22nd, on Oscar, so we hope she will loose that too.

CNN has chop-off her interview where she accuses SL with word genocide, and she now gone mad accusing CNN being bias.

Let this bitch expires naturally, and tell-tale signs were shown at grammy where critics has condemned her performance as the poorest of the night.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Puthukudiruppu Divisional LTTE Political Head Fart.

What happened to other divisions like, Batti, Trinco, Mannar, Killi, & Mula, Ha, Ha !!!

Read the Fart

{{{Tigers deny firing at civilians, accuse SLA, urge for international monitors
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 11 February 2009, 01:15 GMT]
Categorically denying reports by the Sri Lankan military officials in Colombo that the Tigers had fired at the fleeing civilians in Vanni, Puthukkudiyiruppu Divisional Political Head of the LTTE, C. Ilamparithy told TamilNet Wednesday that Sri Lanka Army (SLA) commando teams had entered the 'safety zone' in Udaiyaarkaddu and Chuthanthirapuram and had opened fire killing civilians and causing injuries to many in their attempt to forcibly move the civilians into the hands of the SLA. "Sri Lankan military machinery, which has relentlessly killed and maimed thousands of civilians during the past four weeks, is now engaged in a propaganda drive to divert the mounting pressure on the Colombo government by the International Community," Mr. Ilamparithy charged. }}}

Ra said...

Proof of Sinhalese genocide by Eezham Tamils (based on Wikipedia article by Veeran).

1. Classification : People are divided into "us and them".

We are superior Eezham Tamils, they are Singala modayas

2. Symbolization :"When combined with hatred, symbols may be forced upon unwilling members of pariah groups..."
Need I give examples to this? Look how LTTE has done this symbolization.

3. Dehumanization :"One group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases."

LTTP has denied humanity of Sinhalese. Even innocent kids, monks have been killed by them. Does SLA treat Tamils like that?

4. Organization : "Genocide is always organized... Special army units or militias are often trained and armed..."

Sinhala genocide organized by LTTP... suicide carders, trained to kill civilians.

5. Polarization : "Hate groups broadcast polarizing propaganda..."

This is what you, peter, MIA, TNA MPs, TamilNet etc are doing..

6. Preparation : "Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnic or religious identity..."

Sinhalese were chased out from NE (i.e. separated) because of their ethnic identity. Do we do that to Tamils?

7. Extermination : "It is "extermination" to the killers because they do not believe their victims to be fully human."

LTTP wants to exterminate Sinhalese as a race.

8. Denial : "The perpetrators... deny that they committed any crimes..."

Does LTTP accept they have committed these crimes? Have they ever accepted that they send suicide bombers to kill Sinhala civilians?

So Veeran give me a proof for your claim!

kavee said...

SLDF is preparing for the most daring hostage rescue operation in the recent world history. It is not a war anymore, but a humanitarian effort to rescue some hundred thousand civilians from the devil.

Unknown said...

Any update about the today's battle progress? I notices few ambulances running on Galle road today towards Colombo.

Ananda-USA said...

LTTE herding people towards coastline
Nanayakkara said footage from an unmanned aerial drone (UAV) taken this week showed the rebels were herding people further into their territory, toward the coastline.

Paul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nisal said...

MULLAITTIVU: TIGER terrorists, getting boxed into more and more small areas, now less than 157 sq km in extent, have begun to chase away WANNI civilians thronged into the ‘No Fire Zone’, demarcated to the north of PUTHUKUDIRIPPU-PARANTHAN (A-35) road as mid-noon fell on Wednesday (11).

Infusing a sense of fear into the minds of those converged people, Tiger terrorists were reportedly chasing those civilians to the eastern coastal areas of MULLAITTIVU at the time this report was filed.

Moshe Dyan said...

srilankikaya & mathmatica,

thanks heaps.

Moshe Dyan said...

this is fantastic. another dream come true!

"Colombo orders all health workers to immediately leave Vanni
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 11 February 2009, 06:57 GMT]"

this will INCREASE LTTE deaths while force more and more civilians to flee the monoethnic hellhole!

sanercomic said...

we need to build a strong economy, yes agreed mate.

then please help us have more and more people talk about what individually we can give.

go to and make some comments and ask as many of your friends to start a healthy conversation.

Anybody likes it or not this war would be over in short while, then we should be ready.

Moshe Dyan said...
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Moshe Dyan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Moshe Dyan said...

mahela has resigned as promised. a man who keeps his word.

hats off to you mahela and wish you all the success in future. you did a fantastic job with the highest win rate AFAIK.

ReallyCold..... said...


If I were you, I'd stick to numbers and defense issues.

[ Nothing in the Universe is free from craving even atoms and sub atomics!!!

If atoms have no desires, they will not become molecules!!!]

Then... Oxygen is the womanizer and Argon is enlightened. Uranium is the terrorist.

ReallyCold..... said...

@Harry Potter

Lot of people like to talk about Buddhism. Most people who knows Buddhist scriptures are hypocrites. I've seen number of serious Buddhist discussion next to a mini bar enjoying JW.

People have the misconception that the more you read and know about Buddhism, the better Buddhist you can be.

Sri Lankans seem to spend more time on academic than the practical Buddhism.

sanercomic said...

For those who are busy and not having time to visit Butterflies in my


They way forward is we need to start it. I think the first thing is we need to have number of people who is willing to contribute their knowledge first.

Then the secondary thing is all the other things that matters as I have explained in my post.

For an example if I start with myself, I am an engineer turned businessman with IT background. I also lived half of my life abroad, came back to start something and has achieved something.

When I had started had almost no capital, but I had the specialization, which gave me the foundation stone for achieving what I have achieved.

I will contribute my personal views on Harnessing Solar, IT for automation and Transforming enterprises to corporates in my future articles.

opportunity is immense but we lack initiative.

Thanks for all the contributions mates.

Nisal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nisal said...

Army found remains of a small plane. It was burnt by LTTP. Also, SLA found a large press.


NOLTTE=Peace said...


Flares expose both, and short lived.

Now days Night Vision is cheap. The common issue I heard was the battery life, and re-charging the batteries (+ battery weight if a soldier were to carry 2 -3 550g batteries)

ReallyCold..... said...

I appreciate your effort trying to gather support. However, this is the wrong medium. People here are mostly interested in just chit chatting about defense issues.

Peter said...

Colombo's deadliest weapon is surely the stink.

Peter said...

I'm starting to get ill.

Weera Puran said...

Please watch this if u have time. You can click here or go to the following link.

velluprabhakaran said...


if u don like stinks avoid wellawatte & kotahena.

ha ha ha!

Peter said...


Haven't been to Kotahena for several years now.

Went to Babmbalapitiya for lunch.

Peter said...

Mind you, house prices in Wellawate have skyrocketed.

Don't know why anyone with a nose would want to live in Colombo.

Just sold my last property in this stain.

Ra said...

Weera Puran,

Thanks for the link! එල කිරි!

velluprabhakaran said...

[[[Mind you, house prices in Wellawate have skyrocketed.]]]

so the economy's gonna crash. right?

ha ha ha!

Unknown said...

"Don't know why anyone with a nose would want to live in Colombo."

dude u talking about stink in colombo?

have u ever been to mumbai? or specially beloved chennai of the umblical brothers?

now thats a stink

Peter said...

I would rather quit my job than go to Mumbai.

Peter said...

I've sold the only place I had left in the city. If that provides any indication.

Peter said...

updated earlier

Peter said...

i need to get money from somewhere

Peter said...

after all spending the whole day blogging doesnt exactly pay me

Peter said...

I wonder if LTTE offering any paid jobs

Peter said...

do suicide bombers get paid?

Peter said...

fixed up a few spelling mistakes

Peter said...

If each and every single tamil martyred as a suicide bomber then we would have won Eelam a long time ago.

Peter said...

People are weak, they just protest then give up.

Peter said...

only 2 people burned themselves, I came this close

sanercomic said...


Thanks for the comment mate, My intention is not to find million people who will come and invest in SL. But at least to tell if the need is there we can do individually something back to our Mother Lanka.

If I can inspire one, that is my achievement.

Sri Lankikaya said...

Weera Puran

thanks for the link to that youtube clip.

Guys we should e mail the link to all Sri lankans we know

Peter said...

i burned my pinkie

Peter said...

You write like a ten year-old without a nose.

Diaspora will never allow your moda Lanka to develop.

Peter said...

not dumbwit, dimwit.

Peter said...

Diaspora let tamils get educated

Peter said...

Those who were lazy joined up with LTTE instead

Peter said...

Eelam had the highest percentage of educated people. Most can count well past 13

Peter said...

Some were educated down in bunkers about how to please a man, teachers were mostly well trained middle aged LTTE commanders.

Peter said...

Moda Lanka Institute of English

Peter said...

Moda lanka dont have any bunkers, where do people get educated?

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Diaspora will never allow your moda Lanka to develop.

Pray tell me how?

Only one way, Spawn another terror group. But learn one thing Pete, SL tamils will never buy it. If they do SLDF will repeat the same lesson until they pass that level or pass away.

Peter said...

Patriots put themselves to use at Negombo Beach.

Peter said...

I educated a few 12 year olds myself but commanders didnt like it and served me lunch. He said open wide.

Peter said...

Interesting experience

Peter said...

There are plenty of moda Bandas willing to f-up the moda Land for a payment that can take them to greener pastures.

Peter said...

But never as interesting as giving fat elephant god one up the bum. He's my favourite Lol

Peter said...

But after doing that my little thing developed some greenish infecting

Peter said...

greener pastures lets call it.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Don't know why anyone with a nose would want to live in Colombo.


It was reported that there is a sheer thalathel smell. Just started about a day ago.

I do not say that you smell very badly, but fact remains that when you arrived in Colombo, the whole city started smelling like hell.

Peter said...

Anyone had any luck offering vegetables to elephant god?

Peter said...

We actually like thala thel. Tamil name for it is nalla ennai directly translated as good oil. If it smelled like nalla ennai, I wouldn't say it stunk.

Peter said...

How do Sinhalese have normal ones, which god do they bribe with vegetables?

Peter said...

Sinhalese girls are pretty but they have hairy hands.

Peter said...

Too many Muslims at the offices as well.

Peter said...

sh!t in tamil transtales to digested vadai. I wouldnt say it stunk.

Peter said...

Tamil girls have hairy you know what. Its hard to know which is head and which is where I should stick it at night

Peter said...

And I like vadai as well.

Peter said...

Not that they let me, They are of the view that I stink. But I wouldnt say I stink.

Peter said...

As long as it is on my other half, any hole is pleasure.

Peter said...

I'd like vadai so much I'd eat it even if made out of my own sh!t

Peter said...

Tastes better than giving head to elephant god i can tell you

Peter said...


Peter said...

They would do for a deprived day.

Peter said...

Like I said as long as it is on my other half, any hole is pleasure. But I have to pay my other half.

Peter said...

How else could I get a different other half everyday?

Peter said...


Peter said...

Do you really?

Peter said...

Lol, in deed.

Peter said...

Sinhalese girls I'm not too sure because they are even too disgusted to even look my way. But i sure look their way

Peter said...

But no, I don't like the extras that come with rented.

Peter said...

Just wait and see one of these days

Peter said...

Until then there's plenty of 12 year olds in LTTE bunkers

Peter said...

So you wish.

Peter said...

The only thing I dont like about that is servicing middleaged LTTE commander before hand.

velluprabhakaran said...

[[[Diaspora will never allow your moda Lanka to develop.]]]

we'll never allow dieasspora to develop either. they'll be exposed nude. most will be so ashamed of being such losers, they'll commit suicide.

the rest will be miserable for the rest of their lives.

u reap what u sow. get ready, dieasspora.


ha ha ha!

Peter said...

velluprabhakaran said..


I'm so scared. :(

Peter said...

Hey if i offer a long green cucumber do you think elephant god will do me a favor?

Peter said...

Well he can play with the cucumber as much as he likes.

Peter said...

what if he got it stuck up there?

Peter said...

I am sure Buddhists go to Hindu temples as well.

Peter said...

I'm sure Buddists live in bunkers as well. Tamils Sinhalese we are all the same really, its just a name.

Peter said...

I don't go to either.

Peter said...

okay if it wasnt for the smell due to oil spray

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