Wednesday, February 11, 2009

LTTE trying to hold on through harassing technique

An LTTE video was released recently showing what seems to be a Mechanized Infantry-style attack. A few soldiers were killed in the attack at Puthukudiirippu and the LTTE is obviously making a huge deal out of it, as you can see in the video.

The video first shows what looks like a Chinese YW-531H (T-85), an older version of the T-89, which the SLA Mech Infantry Division uses extensively now. From external appearance the two units look similar except for the rear doors (3rd frame). Next, a mounted MPMG is shown (4th frame).

The following frames of the video show the tail of the attack and no actual combat is shown as in previous LTTE videos. Bodies of a few SLA soldiers are shown at a road-side checkpoint and a field unit established at a abandoned civilian house, which was obviously raided and taken by surprise by the armoured attack.

The T-85 is actually a former Army APC captured from Muhamalai a few years ago along with a T-55 MBT. In the attack the APC was subsequently destroyed in an RPG-7 HEAT attack and 13 tigers in it were incinerated.

The attempt is an example of the current situation in the Vanni where the Tigers are cornered into an area and the Army's advance has become highly complicated due to the human shield. The civilians have nowhere to run except into the hands of the Army, which was happening until the suicide attack.

Following the suicide attack, the flow of civilians has started to only trickle-in, whereas thousands, on one occasion as many as 6,000 civilians were reaching the Army almost on a daily basis prior to the attack. The attack was a message to civilians that the Tigers can still terrorize them. Although it killed 24 soldiers, the message is towards the civilians who will now fear harassment by the Army (regular checking, detention of suspects etc)

The Tigers strategy is to harass the Army from behind the civilian cover by raiding the Army FDL, particularly around Puthukudirippu. There is also a very strong indication that Velupillai Prabhakaran is still hiding in the remaining tiger territory. How long this trend will continue is an interesting question.


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Nisal said...

Ok peeran,

please sit back and relax for 1 month.

Moshe Dyan said...


israel went for a ceasefire bcos the ground offensive was not going their way!!!

SL can last for years. TE cannot.

its the strength of 2,600 years verses 26 years. 20 million verses 100,000.

give up and surrender. (don't be misled now. surrender ALSO means DEATH)

velluprabhakaran said...


let me add that sri lankan state banks are very well run, rock solid & profitable.

they have a vast network & a solid investment base. no wonder ranil's govt. & his western cronies tried their level best to buy them for a song. the sly excuses were good governance, cost cutting, profitability etc.

today where are these foreign banks who tried to take over ours? they've taken investor money & eloped with executive bonuses in the millions. (while getting govt. bail outs into the bargain, ha ha ha!). the investors are left high & dry. they call it free enterprise.

i call it a free f***! ha ha ha!

even lalith kotalawala's seylan bank is on the rocks now.

he was a guy who continuously whined about bad governance by central bank & even sued the chairman ajith nivard cabraal personally for rs.150 million.

laith also placed full page ads in all the newspapers appealing to all christians not to vote for mahinda at the last presidential elections.

today lalith has to be bailed out by the same central bank. a joke.

but the guy's who lost their money ain't laughing. they almost assaulted lalith at the last court hearing. they were chanting "lalith hora" continuously from outside the courts.

lalith's executives were chased. they had to leave their cars & take a bus back to office.

so today without any doubt BOC, PB & NSB are some of the safest banks in the world. if not the safest.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...

Really Cold,

Can you explain how one can prove Nirvana using QM?

I am neither authority nor expert on either Buddhism or science but I can try to explain what learn from both. It is still a theory and you will have so many other questions arising from what I say from the moment, we start the dialogue.

The other factor is this forum is not a proper place to discuss complex scientific theories and classical Buddhism. If you have graduate level knowledge on Physics and Chemistry as well as fair knowledge of Abhidhamma, we can give it a try. However, unless others agree we may have to use private emails to do this.

Let me know if you agree with my suggestions.

This is a very immature statement. Scientists are very amazed by Buddhism. Buddhism is the ultimate truth and there can be nothing good for it.

Scientists are amazed by little things here and there. Not that they understand Buddhism properly. How do you know Buddhism is the ultimate truth? If you know that then you don’t need my help!

I am both and therefore can't ridicule either. Buddhism doesn't need any support. Tell me where it needs support?

I agree that Buddhism doesn’t need support but only about 250million are Buddhists. Even from that number only a minor percentage has proper knowledge about core teachings of Buddha.

Buddhism needs support to attract people who want to study and analyze Dharma.

Where do you think Science need support?

Science already got many things from Buddhism to support its usefulness in day to day life. If you want I can give evidence to support my statements.

Puran Appu said...

නිසල් - நிசல் - Nisal,

Should be for sure machan. reports that a Hand Grenade manufacturing facility is taken too.

Anonymous said...

තොපි ගැන අපිට ලැජ්ජයි

okay, break's over.. gotta get back to work.. c u guys laterz..

hemantha said...

Thanks for posting Mahindapala & Sisira Jayasuriya interview.

boyrocky said...

karuna faction is disarming

Lakshan said...

චන්දිම ,ලින්ක් එකට ස්තුතියි, මචන්!!

sanercomic said...

BEAR said...

Mr Rathnayake
*Tamilnut fake article and Photos*

same thing i wrote one month back/even i posted that to
you are write why so called BBC AP SO IDOTOS???????

BEAR said...

he click right mouse on downloaded photo. Then you will get the property of the photo. Just go to the detail. Then you will find the photo has 10/20/2008 using Nikon D70 camara.
My dear Diaspora Tamil people. Don’t be such polish to accept and get this kind of tamilnet article. Be conscious always.
Already you have been taken for ride. Try to understand the situation. There are so many this kind of article in TamilNet.
But I feel really sorry about the free media like BBC. BBC also taken for RIDE. I thought BBC are wise people.. but now we can understand their idiot than the Diaspora.

BEAR said...


velluprabhakaran said...

[[[I agree that Buddhism doesn’t need support but only about 250million are Buddhists. Even from that number only a minor percentage has proper knowledge about core teachings of Buddha.]]]

if mahayana is counted the number goes up dramatically. specially the chinese govt. plays down the number of buddhists for obvious political reasons. it's supposed to be well over 500 million.

chinese communist party likes no competition. when u add japan, korea etc. it rises more.

[[[Science already got many things from Buddhism to support its usefulness in day to day life. If you want I can give evidence to support my statements.]]]

i'd like to know more about this.

Lakshan said...

"පෙරට තෑබු පය පස්සට ගන්නේ නෑ
උතුරේ සටන ජය ගෙන මිස එන්නෙ නෑ"

Ananda-USA said...


Thanks for your recommendations.

Here are some links for interest rates for Patriots to compare against foreign banks:

Bank of Ceylon

Bank of Ceylon- Treasury Bills

Peoples Bank

Sampath Bank

Hatton Nation Babk

Seylan Bank

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...

මට මෙක ඉන්ග්‍රිසි වලින් කියන බැ එ හන්ද සින්හලෙන් කියන්නෙ.

ඝොටභය සහ සරත් ෆොන්සෙක එකෙකුට බෙරිල යන්න තියන්නෙ නැ ඔක්කොම මරනව දිගට හරහට.

නියම සුද්ද්යක් දෙන්නෙ උතුරෙ, මචාන්!

rathnayake said...

මුලතිව් : වන්නි මානුෂීය මෙහෙයුමේ ඉදිරියට ඇදෙන 58 වන සේනාංකයේ භට පිරිස් අද(12) පෙරවරුවේ ත්‍රස්තවාදීන්ගේ බෝම්බ නිෂ්පාදන කම්හලක් අත්පත් කර ගෙන තිබේ. මෙය මුලතිව්, සුගන්ධීර්පුරම් ප්‍රදේශයේ ස්ථාන ගතව තිබී ඇති අතර කර්මාන්ත ශාලාවේ මිමි 81 මෝටාර් බෝම්බ සඳහා පුපුරණ ද්‍රව්‍ය පුරවා තිබුණු බව ද ආරක්ෂක අංශ සඳහන් කරයි.

එමෙන්ම මෙම ස්ථානයේ ක්ලේමෝ බෝම්බ නිෂ්පාදනය කර ඇති බවට ද සාක්ෂි ඇතැයි යුදහමුදාව පෙන්වා දෙයි

-Information Source-National Security

Lalith Kuruwita said...

"In the meantime, 59 Division troops operating in the general area of PUTHUKKUDIYIRUPPU on Wednesday (11) recovered one T-56 weapon.

Is this mean that SLA entered HuthuKuduParippu?

rathnayake said...


අපේ හමුදාව සිවිල් වැසියන් මරන්නේ නෑ. කරන්නේ මානුෂික මෙහෙයුමක්. එනිසා ඔක්කොම මරනව දිගට හරහට කියන්න එපා...

දැනුත් කෙරෙන්නේ සිවිල් වැසියන් බෙරා ගැනීමේ මෙහෙයුමක්.

එනිසා හැකි තරම් වචන බාවිතයේදී කල්පනාකරී වන්න. නැත්නම් ඒ වචන අපටම,ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට පාරා වලල්ලක් වන්න පුලුවන්.

ලංකාවේ හමුදාවේ සැබැ මානුෂික මෙහෙවර ලොකයට කීවීම අපේ වගකීමක්...ඊට උදවු වන්න

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...

@ rathnayaka

මම ඔක්කොම මරනව කිව්වෙ කොටි ටිකට නැතුව සමාන්ය ජනතව ගැන නෙමෙ.

එකයි කිව්වෙ අපෙ දෙන්න වැඩෙ දැනගෙන කරන්නෙ නුලට.

ච.ගු said...

සිංහල blogoshere එකේ යාවත්කාලීන වීම මෙන්න:

එන්න අපි සිංහලෙන් ලියමු.

කස්තුරි..Kasthuri said...

@ Really cold,

You also need good understanding of wave theory and force fields similar to gravitational and magnetic fields to understand mind models before you pursue intended study.

@ velu P,

Western countries already adopted part of our noble eight fold paths which is called (seela) morality. Any scientific or technical project need to furnish morality report for funding. Report should clearly show clear evidence for environmental impact, project ethics and benefit to humans to get funds for the project. These really part of noble eightfold paths as described in Buddhism.

Veeran said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Veeran said...

Nudist Buddhists in Colony have to understand that War is not still over.

We the Diaspora Tamils will make sure that Ceylon will pay a heavy Price for Genocide of Tamils.

Nudist Buddist Colony

Lalith Kuruwita said...


I undestand your pain. We will together to do something to cure your pain.

KSF said...

Ariyasinghe counter attack to LTTE's dis-information at EU parliament

(Lanka-e-News, Feb. 12, 2009, 12.00 PM) Chairman Robert Evans, Members of the South Asia Delegation of the European Parliament, representatives of the European Council, European Commission and my fellow South Asians.

It is clear that the LTTE in Sri Lanka and its front organizations abroad, desperate in the face of impending military defeat, have over the past two weeks resorted to means unparalleled in recent times. This is not surprising.

What is surprising from some of the speeches we heard last Thursday at the discussion on "the situation in Sri Lanka" at the European Parliament's Strasbourg session, and also others here today, is how much many of you have been influenced by the dis-information spread by the LTTE and its cohorts, and keep repeating them.
Hence, while I have no illusion that I can alter the thinking of those who might have for the past 25 years or so fed off Sri Lanka's troubles, let me use this opportunity to appeal to the good sense of those of you who might be interested in reason, to underline the fallacy behind some of the main strands of the the dis-information spread by the LTTE, and to provide an update on the current situation in the cleared/uncleared area in Northern Sri Lanka.


1. Associated Press (AP) report - "300 civilians killed, 1,000 wounded in fighting"

If one is to pin-point the triggering off of this dis-information campaign, it is the report issued by the AP, which on 29 January 2009 in a story headlined "Sri Lankan health official says more than 300 civilians killed, 1,000 wounded in fighting", claimed that �Dr. Thurairajah Varatharajah, the top health official in the region, revealed the figures in a desperate appeal to the government and aid groups for medicine and blood transfusions for those injured in the fighting�. It said �the letter was dated Monday and obtained by the Associated Press on Wednesday".
(see report at Annex 1)

I am in possession of an advisory note to editors issued by the same AP the following day, advising editors to �kill� the story, noting:

"The Colombo, Sri Lanka, story BC-AS--Sri Lanka-Civil War, 3rd Ld, has been killed.
The source denies he wrote the letter that said more than 300 civilians had been killed and 1,000 wounded in fighting in northern Sri Lanka".

The advise went on to add;
A kill is mandatory
Make certain the story is not published,
A substitute story will be filed shortly. (see report at Annex 2)

As news cycles work, I am sure many of you would have read the original story, but hardly any heard of the AP's "killing" of the story, as for the Western media, that was not news. So in your minds "300 civilians killed, 1,000 wounded in fighting� remained.

2. UN charge that "Puthukkudiyiruppu Hospital was hit by cluster munitions"

Subsequently, on 4 February 2009, there was a charge by the United Nation's Colombo based spokesman Gordon Weiss that Puthukkudiyiruppu Hospital was hit by cluster munitions, which could cover large areas of land and some of the bomblets could remain unexploded for a long time and later harm civilians.

Sri Lanka categorically denied that it had neither fired cluster munitions nor it had ever bought cluster bombs into the country. Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said, "We don't have the facility to fire cluster munitions. We don't have these weapons."
The United Nations the same day apologized to the Government for their comments about the use of cluster bombs on the Pudukkudyirippu Government Hospital. A statement issued by UN's Colombo based spokesman Gordon Weiss has said they "accepted the Sri Lankan statement that it did not have any facility to fire cluster munitions". He has said the UN did not point a finger at the military, but "was going by what his staff on the ground said". The UN Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka Neil Buhne extended a verbal apology for the comment made by its spokesman.

However the once again the damage was done.

3. ICRC allegations against the Government of Sri Lanka "for the plight faced by the patients and civilians in the uncleared areas of Mullaithivu"
In the 'Daily Mirror' of 7 February 2009, ICRC spokespersons have made allegations against GOSL for the plight faced by the patients and civilians in the uncleared areas of Mullaithivu, due to the risk involved as a result of the fighting between the LTTE and the security forces of the GOSL and the lack of medical and other supplies.

In a letter addressed to Mr Paul Castella , Head of Mission, ICRC- Sri Lanka the same day, Dr H A P Kahandaliyanage, Secretary - Ministry of Healthcare & Nutrition, draws attention to his communication with the ICRC with regard to evacuation of civilians, patients and medical staff of Puddukudiriappu , Udayarkattu , Vallipunam and Sudandirapuram hospitals. He notes "in my communication with you I have clearly mentioned that the patients and medical staff are willing to come over to the Government declared No Fire Zone or Vavuniya hospital and that the LTTE is preventing it and thus the Ministry of Healthcare and Nutrition requests the assistance of the ICRC in enabling these trapped patients and medical staff to reach the Government declared No Fire Zone or Killinochchi or Vavuniya. But the ICRC on their own decided that they should go to Puthumattalam, which is away from the desired safe area in Vavuniya." The letter further states, "Had you heeded to the request made by me to move these civilians, patients and medical staff west, towards the Security Forces who were waiting , ready to receive and take them to Vavuniya, the plight that these civilians, patients and medical staff are currently in, might have never occurred. Therefore the responsibility for this plight lies solely with the ICRC for having deviated from the best possible route arranged by the government for evacuating the patients and medical staff from Puddukudiriappu".

These three instances I have documented underlines the extent of the dis-information network the LTTE has built and continues to use. It is unfortunate that knowingly or callously without verification, by spreading blatant falsehoods about the situation in the operational area conscious of the damage it could cause, some journalists, as well as Spokespersons of UN Agencies and INGOs, appear intent to hide the true situation when commenting on the plight of civilians in the Wanni.

I have seen little written by the same persons/agencies drawing attention to;
- the well known practice of the LTTE�s continued holding of the civilian population as �human shields�

- the LTTE terrorists deployment of artillery batteries, heavy mortars and satellite bases within the �safety zones� demarcated by the Government

- that failing in its efforts at drawing retaliation upon these 'safety zones', in recent days the LTTE�s despicable tactic of using its suicide cadres/firing to cause death and disruption within the 'safety zones' and on those Tamil civilians trying to flee the LTTE dominated areas. Several such instances have now been well established;

a) On 4 February, the LTTE sent a 14-year-old girl with explosives strapped to her body and blasted her near the advancing 55 Division troops in Chalai.

b) In another incident on 4th February one lorry was filled with explosives, accompanied by two other lorry loads of civilians, and the explosives detonated.

c) On Monday 9 February, a female suicide bomber who had come with around 1,000 displaced civilians from the uncleared areas of Mullaitivu to the 'safety zone', had blown herself up when a woman soldier had tried to body check her at a checkpoint prior to being taken to a transit welfare centre where persons were being registered at an IDP rescue centre, North of Visuamadu in Mullativu, killing 30 people and injuring more than 75 others including 11 children and 31 females.

d) The shooting by the LTTE on Tuesday 10 February 2009 upon a group of civilians trying to flee LTTE captivity in Puthukkuduiruppu in Mullativu, killing 19 civilians and injuring 69. 11 children and 31 females were among the injured.

It is un-mistakable that these acts are reprisals against Tamil civilians for defying the LTTE orders, as well as possibly a desperate attempt to trigger a ethnic backlash.

While the US Government promptly condemned the suicide attack, acknowledging that it as an "apparent effort by the LTTE to discourage Tamils from leaving the conflict area killed and wounded many Tamil civilians", and the UN too "expressed its strong condemnation on Monday's suicide attack", I note a silence from the European Union, which in some quarters, as I heard in Strasbourg last week, wants GOSL to talk to the LTTE.


1. Status of affected civilians within and outside the un-cleared area

It must be noted that 98% of the area dominated by the LTTE in the Northern and Eastern Provinces as at November 2005, has now been cleared and as at 11 February only about 100 square kilometers North of Mullativu remains to be cleared. 40% of this area has been demarcated as a 'safety zone' throughout the period of conflict.

Contrary to allegations that over a quarter of a million (250,000) people are trapped in the uncleared areas, according to the Government Agent of Mullaitivu the number is considered to be around 110,000.

This is not new. In early 2007 as the Sri Lanka security forces were nearing completion of military operations to clear the entire Eastern province of the LTTE presence, some UN agencies, and many INGOs parroted LTTE propaganda lines that half a million persons (500,000) were displaced by the operation. However, when the final count was taken, the government and the UN agencies agreed that the number displaced during the period was that 187,000, of which 80% were re-settled in their original homes within 6 months.

It is also noteworthy that despite the conflict, supplies to the uncleared areas have been sent at regular intervals, most recently on 29 January, when 180 tons of food and other essentials was sent. While the GA/Mullativu has confirmed that there are sufficient stocks of food supplies to feed the remaining population in the uncleared areas for the present, currently, a convoy of 40 lorries of supplies are ready to move into the un-cleared areas, but the WFP has upto now been unable to negotiate with the LTTE for the further delivery of supplies. Meanwhile the Air Force today (11 February 2009) airlifted 20,000 packets of food parcels to be distributed among IDPs in Paranthan, which is north of the uncleared area.

2. Surge in civilians leaving the conflict zone
It is a fact that in launching the current operations, GOSL took swift measures to establish "safe corridors" in order that civilians in the uncleared areas could relocate to welfare villages located in safe ground.

Repeated appeals to the LTTE, "to let the people go", have been made particularly since December 2008 by President Mahinda Rajapaksa, the Bishop of Jaffna Thomas Savundranayagam, the Government of India, the UN Secretary General, and the Co-Chairs of the Tokyo Donor Conference (The United States, European Union, Japan and Norway), as well as a number of INGOs. In its statement issued 3 February 2009, the Co-Chairs, (see Annex

3) which includes the EU, urged the LTTE (a listed terrorist entity within the European Union), to consider surrendering to avoid more deaths, including among thousands of civilians trapped in the war zone. "There remains probably only a short period of time before the LTTE loses control of all areas in the north," they said in a joint statement.

By the shooting of civilians fleeing their clutches and detonation of human bombs inside security zones, that the LTTE defied these requests, is now well established. But I am glad to be able to report to you, that braving the threats by the LTTE, in recent days there has been a surge of civilians leaving the conflict zone. It is estimated that 6500 civilians had arrived at Visuamadu, Dharmapuram and Sugandirapuram on 9 February alone, bringing the number of civilians that have moved to the cleared areas to 32,000 as of February 10. They have indeed voted with their feet.

3. Establishment of Welfare Villages
Currently the IDPs are housed in seven schools in Vavuniya. The Government is taking measures to expedite the establishment of fully equipped and functional welfare villages in three separate locations Ramanathan Suthanthirapuram, Arunachalam Viduthalaipuram and Kadirgamar EluchiNagar, in consultation with UN agencies and INGOs, to accommodate the IDPs until they can return to their place of origin with safety and dignity. For this purpose, 900 acres of land has been identified. It is proposed to construct 32,400 houses in these three villages, each of which will be allocated 270 acres. In the interim, as of 9 February 2009, 350 families have already been settled in the Menik Farm Welfare Centre in Vavuniya. The Ministry of Health has sent a medical team comprising 10 specialists and 110 nurses , in addition to emergency medical units sent previously, to meet the needs of displaced civilians.

4. Political Settlement

Let there be no doubt, that the Government was compelled to engage in a military operation to defeat terrorism in Sri Lanka, only due to the intransigence shown by the LTTE during 5 phases of peace negotiations with successive governments of Sri Lanka from 1985 to 2006, including that of President Mahinda Rajapaksa. Whilst the Government believes that the ultimate solution to the present conflict is political, it is confident that defeating the terrorists militarily is essential to creating an environment where a political solution can be found, as it provides the opportunity for a serious and meaningful dialogue with a number of moderate Tamil politicians, devoid of their being under pressure from the LTTE. In this quest, let me assure you that President Rajapaksa is committed to move as quickly as possible to implement the 13th Amendment to the Sri Lankan Constitution, which followed the Indo-Sri Lanka Agreement of 1987 and as recently indicated to the visiting Indian Foreign Minister, even to explore the possibility of going further than the existing provisions.


From the above, it would be clear to members, that while completing its military operations to defeat terrorism, GOSL is deeply mindful and are fully addressing the needs of those temporarily displaced, while at the same time intent on using this moment to forge ahead in evolving a political settlement with all democratic forces in Sri Lanka.

It is in such context that GOSL appeals to members of the European Parliament, to support efforts to bring an end to this conflict, prevent the LTTE seeking safe-heaven in Europe through its numerous front organizations and to support the restoration of normalcy in the areas regained.

To do so, it is imperative that members begin viewing developments in Sri Lanka within
'a post-LTTE paradigm', that supports democratic forces of the Tamil community � both in Sri Lanka and within the diaspora, who are keen on re-building the country. Doing otherwise for sheer electoral or any other gain, would not only be a set back to the rare success a country has achieved in militarily defeating a terrorist organization - the LTTE, an organization the FBI has referred to as "among the most dangerous and deadly extremists in the world�, but also run the risk of allowing this cancer of terrorism to spread within European society, where Tamil children and youth are being indoctrinated and terrorism and martyrdom glorified, while members of the LTTE through their front organizations could use their expertise in money laundering, human smuggling and gun running possibly to support other terrorist groups as well.

I thank you.

sanercomic said...

priyashantha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ragu said...

Mahen is back, started writing again.

san said...

කොටි අම්බානක කනවා

Nisal said...

[[Karu said...

@ Veeran (or We run)

It is like a manthra now. Genocide, Genocide Genocide. ]]

The BIGGEST virtual genocide.

Veeran said...

Don't you people have a heart. Can't you see these innocent people are suffering and they want to go.

Pot Calling Kettle Black.

Why not allow UN to monitor ?


Unknown said...

"Why not allow UN to monitor ?

On the contrary, "WE" need to send monitoring missions to the UN, AI, BBC, CNN, AP, etc. to make sure they don't fall for every silly lie the LTTE propagates about Genocide, Attacking hospitals etc.

boyrocky said...

Wanni HQ has defined a new safe zone for civilians. that means 55 and 59 will not advance along the costal line. all other elements will advance to wipe off the carders from getting cornered in the puthu jungle. the final battel will not happen in the puthu jungle now but in the costal area between chalai and mula.

Gamunu said...

We run

Why not allow UN to monitor ?

Cos UN did not monitor LTTE murdering Sinhala vilagers

Got it MF

Veeran said...

On the contrary, "WE" need to send monitoring missions to the UN, AI, BBC, CNN, AP

Do u Modayans think that they are located in Srilanka as happened to Sirisa & Lasantha ?

Learn to live with ur Failures u Beggars.


DoDo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kavee said...

OMG it will be a releaf for the VP to die, rather than live to ride in closets :)

Unknown said...

Pee and run is just blowing hot and cold.

Response is not valid, based on unsubstianted conclusion that a Pro GOSL faction was involved in Sirasa attach and Lasantha Wickramatunga murder. Were you an eye witness to these events???

On the other hand. AP killed a story floated by the Pro LTTE media terrorists, Amnesty [for LTTE terrorists] International withdrew a piece alleging the SLDF used cluster bombs etc.

Hey, Pee and run, looks like "OUR" monitoring missions are working while you are dreaming about sending monitoring missions to Sri Lanka!

Sprinkle and depart drowning Tiger!

Thambapanniya said...

*nudist Buddhists in Colony have to understand that War is not still over.*

There is a clear distinction between LTTE and Tamil like oil and water

Insult our religion insult our race remember when you point a finger at some one 4 3 fingers are pointed at self...

while you preach war we preach peace that is why THIS WAR WILL END :-) sit back and enjoy the show our soldiers putting on

Puran Appu said...

What a move by SLA.

Current Safe Zone removed and shifted?????

kavee said...


[We the Diaspora Tamils will make sure that Ceylon will pay a heavy Price for Genocide of Tamils.]

hehe, no issues pal. But there is a problem, you will have to timetravel for that, cuz this is now Sri Lanka.

kavee said...

What a funny sight could have been VP traveling inside a safe inside a van ... hahaa

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...

මචන් පුරන්,

සෙෆ් zඔන් ගේම නන් මරු නේද? මම හිතඉන්නෙ අපේ කට්ටිය නියමෙට කොටින්ව ස්ටඩි කරල තියනව, එහෙම නේද?

මචන් ඔයා හිතනවද මුන්ට චාඉන්ස් තියේ කියල උන්ගෙ බර අවි move කරන්න?

kavee said...


First, make sure you get your visa extended, since it can go expired and will not be renewed since the war will be over in SL soon. You might also have to come up with a more creative story to the authorities this time, sorry.

Later, if you can continue living on abroad, then try your dreams on Diaspora movement against "Ceylon" :) cheers

Veeran said...

Response is not valid, based on unsubstianted conclusion that a Pro GOSL faction was involved in Sirasa attach and Lasantha Wickramatunga murder. Were you an eye witness to these events???

A Dead Man's Last accusations Holds water in any Genuine Democratic Society. Knew how he Slapped ur GOSL face by accusing them of Murder ?

On the other hand. AP killed a story floated by the Pro LTTE media terrorists, Amnesty [for LTTE terrorists] International withdrew a piece alleging the SLDF used cluster bombs etc.

Ask UN Spokesman for the news.
If it is not CLuster Bomb, is it good to Bomb Hospital ?

Wat a Pathetic Hyena who justifies to lick Blood


Thambapanniya said...

Game is set...
SLDF seem to be on the borders of PTK ready to roll in

Great Move this is where it should have been in first place to evac the civilians

kavee said...

VP's hi-tech armed can, err.. Van, is on AP news.

Peter said...


Veeran said...

Current Safe Zone removed and shifted?????


Safe Zone itself is not Safe & how can the Tamil Civilians can move safely there?

UN Monitored Safe Zone is the need for the Hour.

velluprabhakaran said...

[[[A Dead Man's Last accusations Holds water in any Genuine Democratic Society. Knew how he Slapped ur GOSL face by accusing them of Murder ? ]]]

u mean demo cracy? ha ha ha!

Peter said...

velluprabhakaran said...

tamils are mad about demos all over the world.

they're demo cracy! ha ha ha!

Thambapanniya said...


use a proxy website if required...

listen carefully when he says There was NO ATTACK ON Hospital

Veeran said...

First, make sure you get your visa extended, since it can go expired and will not be renewed since the war will be over in SL soon.

I am glad with my PR Status of singapore which is now envied by u .


Peter said...

Every Sinhala I've met in Colombo wants to go abroad.

kavee said...


[Safe Zone itself is not Safe & how can the Tamil Civilians can move safely there?]

Yeah, how can it be a safe zone when the maniac LTTE is within, placing all heavy weaponry and firing? I too agree pal.

Peter said...

These are meant to be the fairly well paid moda Bandas.

Peter said...

One wonders what the moda Bandas at the beaches want to do.

Peter said...

Is there a single Sinhala person that does not want to flee to the West?

Peter said...

I would love to meet such a person before I leave.

DoDo said...

Veeran said...

First, make sure you get your visa extended, since it can go expired and will not be renewed since the war will be over in SL soon.

I am glad with my PR Status of singapore which is now envied by u .


Last time I heard, Chennaiguy was in Toilet Naadu.

Why what happened? Somebody teleported you?

kavee said...

Veeran is glad that he has PR in SG, while he was crying for the tamils in LK. Humm are you a relative of VP?

Veeran said...

Yeah, how can it be a safe zone when the maniac LTTE is within

then Stop Cribbing that a Single woman killed 28 SLA & injured abt 70 SLA in safe zone & there is no talk of 58 moving across


Peter said...

Actually, I am going to stop calling these people moda Bandas.

Peter said...

Most graduates in Colombo have a good grasp of reality.

Peter said...

They all want to leave the moda Land.

Peter said...

Sinhalese are now in need for rescue and evacuation.

Peter said...

One guy said the war has become like a drug for some people.

It gives them a brief break from the sorry reality of their country.

Peter said...

They also get trapped in the cycle.

To maintain same level of high they need to take larger doses, which cost more and in return worsen the predicament of the people.

Veeran said...

Why what happened? Somebody teleported you?

What the heck u talk abt someonelese ? I have no clue.

The Govt teleported me to singapore all the way across 20 yrs ago & Reaping the results.


Sujeewa Kokawala said...

See why we call BBC as pussycats.

Al Jazeera: Tamil Tigers 'shoot' at civilians

BBC: Sri Lanka civilian attacks denied

kavee said...

[then Stop Cribbing that a Single woman killed 28 SLA & injured abt 70 SLA in safe zone & there is no talk of 58 moving across]

Humm, I guess veeran has found out SLA is having child solders, where one got killed by LTTE suicide fckr. I guess that is how it comes to 28SLA dead...

DoDo said...

Chennaiguy pakayo,

How life like after Brownie banned you?

We miss your economic articles by Suresh.

Apparently, Browny didn't think highly of your economic analysis skills. Must've used your articles to wipe off his bum, what?

DoDo said...

What the heck u talk abt someonelese ? I have no clue.

You got that one!

DrJones said...

So VP is used to getting rides in white vans after all.

Puran Appu said...


Arti geniyana kota UAV s' allagani. Eeth apey ayata pinpoint gahanna technology eke thama nathi nisa gahaida danne na. Civilians la gode genichchoth gahanna ba ne. Kalin Mig 29 s' ganna giye mey gemata, eeth ganna bari una ne.

LTTE eka aluth Safe Zone ekata kohoma respond karaida kiyana eka thamai prashne. Balan imu.

Kohoma hari apey aya niyama game ma dunne. Gahanna amaruma thana, Safe Zone eka kara.

Veeran said...

You got that one!


DoDo is doing all the Diahoaree in the Forum.

DoDo said...

The Govt teleported me to singapore all the way across 20 yrs ago & Reaping the results.

Yes, Singapore is keeping their Toilets clean, thank to you...lolz!

kavee said...

Hey Veeran, you could ask for a land for peelam in SG, probably lee loong will hear your grievance.

DrJones said...

Machan DoDo;
What is this "Diahoaree" "We-run" is blabbering about?
Did you give the poor Singaporean a laxative?


kavee said...

I remember one peelamist here once said Tamils dire grievance is the lack of freedom to shit in public, like their TN relatives do. I guess Veeran is doing that right now :)

DoDo said...

Dr Jones,

Peeran (or chennaiguy in LNP) had too much Thalaivar Juice and now has diarrhoa.

Since he's from Toilet Naadu, pavements are all in a big mess with this bugger crapping all over the place.


Veeran said...


intha moda pasangalukku onnum vilanga mattenguthu.

Why not Keep Sea as the Safest Zone for the Innocent Tamils ?

That makes Sense.

This is not ur Underwear to change as u want

Vambotta said...

How many Tamilnaadu Mootans are here today?

Vambotta said...

Chennai...sorry, Veeran.... how you doing, Mootan?
Why are you in Singapore? Toilets needs cleaning in SGP now?

DoDo said...

How many Tamilnaadu Mootans are here today?

Suresh is here :)

Brownie didn't like his articles on Economy. :(


kavee said...

[How many Tamilnaadu Mootans are here today?]

They will raise hands :)

Peter said...


sinhalavanuku "safe zone" oru villaiyaadu.

thamilarin paathukaapu thamilanin kaiyil maddum thaan.

eni varum naalkalil colombil nadakapohum vipareethangal thaan ilankaitheevin ehir kaalathi mudivuseiyum.

vanni yil yaar sethaalum, ethani per sethaalum, singalavano sarvathesamo kannaku edduka porathilai. ithu thaan kadantha sila maathankalin nitharsanam.

Unknown said...

nuwanakkarayo seeyak ekka vaada karanna puluwan, hebey eka modayek ekka vaada karanna be..

man paraadai.

Vambotta said...

I like where they have the safe zone now.... there is a very good reason why they are being herded there... :)

boyrocky said...

Puran macho,

i think moving the safe zone to coastal area is a bad move. we should have encircled them in the land. this way it is easier for the carders to get ammo through the sea.

DoDo said...

They will raise hands :)

In Veerans home in Toilet Naadu, they Squat, instead of raising hands :)

Its a"a habit" for some!

Vambotta said...

[They will raise hands :)]

Nope, smell of unwashed butts and hands....

Veeran said...

Keep Ejaculationg all over here for the details abt Veeran


Vambotta said...

Rocky.... yes it seems that way... but now, SLN can pick off any boat that comes off there... target rich!

Vambotta said...

Ejaculating!!! That's So Chennai!!!
What is happening to the GSP+...?

DoDo said...

Keep Ejaculationg all over here for the details abt Veeran


Riduna neda kollo!

Game nang Game!

kavee said...

Sri Lanka’s central bank lowered its overnight lending rate for the second time in two months to support the island’s economic growth amid a global recession - Bloomberg Link

Unknown said...

Hi veeran ponnan pakayan

Unknown said...

veerna puka ridenawada? mahum danna une ehema na neda

DoDo said...

puka ridenawada?


After squatting on pavement, veerans arse got!

kavee said...

A TN fellow was arrested by Bambalpitiya police, a year ago, in an act of trying to squat in-front of "house of fashion". His family was also there and children and wife seems to have pissed already, while the guy was arrested on time ordeal of shitting.

Unknown said...

veeran why are you running away from me??? does ur Ahole ache that much after I rode on it??? You didn't have to stitch it did you?

Unknown said...

Veeran ponnan pakayan answer me

Unknown said...

Boy I miss your cock sucking so much. Uththara deepan huththige putho

Weera Puran said...


Please talk about this new No fire zone declared by SLG. How would this affect and the effectiveness of it. Has Government remove the old zone? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this move?

To see the picture of the new no fire zone click here or go the the following link.

Any thoughts, expertise would be appreciated.

Many thanks.

kavee said...

TRINCOMALEE, Sri Lanka, Feb 12 (Reuters) - Tamil Tigers rebels shot at civilians trying to flee fighting in Sri Lanka's northern war zone, wounded witnesses said on Thursday after escaping the help of the Red Cross.

Veeran said...

These Sinhala Bstds aer taking out their Frustration on me in not able to close the War as tehy wish.

This Move of mving the socalled safe zone deeper into Eelam indicate several things.

1. Coastal arms delivery is very much controlled by tigers.

2. 55 & 59 are very much weakened in making offensive now.

3. Genocide of tamils & aerial Bombardment of Tamils will continue non stop.

Even teh Move of banning Tamil Foundation asset is a Carrot for Sinhala mOdayans. Now will come the Big Stick from Obama.

Last time after they banned TRO, they also froze 500 MILLION USD of free aid grant to Srilana.

Keep dancing till the Music is all over.

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...


This Move of mving the socalled safe zone deeper into Eelam

There is nothing deep there, are you talking about something more deeper?

Deep sea probably!

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...

We Ran,

Now will come the Big Stick from Obama

He probably got a Big Stick! No doubt about it.

Raves said...


I think this new zone makes perfect sense. SF-3 says that the troops at the coast cant move along the coast without further support. So might as well make a safezone in an area the army may not move in coming weeks.

DoDo said...

Veeran said...

Dammit man, and you a married SOB too.

U are the Son of the Fucking BItch who is not sure of the Father.
I am married for 15 long years u Bastd.

Watever u talk any nonsense abt Spae, I dont care as i have no idea.

Keep r Filtry Mouth on the ass of some other white Skin.


Oops. Nerve center hit again! lolz!

velluprabhakaran said...

the new safe zone is another brilliant sf masterpiece. while the LTTE thought the safe zone will remain constant & made all their plans based on that sf suddenly changed it! ha ha ha!

LTTE donkeys must be thunder struck & tired dancing to the tune of brilliant sf.

it really has become a real sakkily dance of death. sf & army really making the puppets dance & enjoying themselves. ha ha ha!

btw - it's not that we can't take the coast line. it's just that sf wants to f*** up the terra bastards so much before they're masacared. they might get tired & commit suicide en bloc.

ha ha ha!

rathnayake said...

Peter this is good news to you...

US: THE US Department of Treasury, giving one more international blow to the terror outfit under Executive Order 13224 on Wednesday (11) froze assets of the MARYLAND based Tamil Foundation, confirmed to be another pro-LTTE front organization.

Assets of the Tamils Rehabilitation Organization (TRO), the leading front for LTTE were also frozen in the year 2007.

Under Executive Order 13224, all assets belonging to the Tamil Foundation is therefore frozen under US jurisdiction and all US persons are prohibited from engaging in any transaction with the organization, it was announced.

kavee said...

US: THE US Department of Treasury, giving one more international blow to the terror outfit under Executive Order 13224 on Wednesday (11) froze assets of the MARYLAND based Tamil Foundation, confirmed to be another pro-LTTE front organization

Hey Veeran, ask your Diaspora to seek safe zones

ReallyCold..... said...


[ Correction!

Both Buddhism nor Science need support, but the people are!]

Of cause people need support.
Buddhist philosophy is a completed project about 2500 years ago. There is nothing to be added to it. Obviously most people are not getting it. There are some who gets it really well.

On the other hand, Science needs lot of support. The theories are being revised every day. It is an open ended project and will go on forever or until people realize that they should have followed Buddhism :)

Veeran said...

So might as well make a safezone in an area the army may not move in coming weeks.

Shame. Not enough Village guys to give their limbs & lives for making movement along the coast.

Even if half of the guys here can go & get their ass burned out, it would be possible.


ReallyCold..... said...

Looks like 'Tamils for Obama' is backfiring.

freezing funds aren't enough. We need to arrest and deport individuals involved in scamming money for Terrorism as well.

Let's thank all none government backed Sri Lankans who worked hard to lobby the congress to educate them on our crisis.

velluprabhakaran said...

tamil homs are impressed by obama's stick!

ha ha ha!

Weera Puran said...

Hi velluprabhakaran,

That is good thinking about the new safe zone.


velluprabhakaran said...

tamils who are impressed by obama's big stick & vaiko's small stick cannot understand that congress party, sarath & gotabhaya all have personal axes to grind with vesapilley & LTTE.

highly qualified tamil graduates are like robots. can only do what they're told. good servants but no intelligence.

vesapilley says "killing's ok. so kep on killing everybody don stop".

highly qualified dieasspora says in a dumb electronic voice " yes master".

ha ha ha!

velluprabhakaran said...

Weera Puran,

mate, obviously there's much more to it than meets the eye. only sf & gota knows the truth, the whole truth & nothing but the truth.

I think the DPU's & SLAF could be upto some mischief while the LTTE keeps shifting around like cats on a hot tin roof.

ReallyCold..... said...

@Harry Potter..හැරි පොටර්

You said:
[Quantum mechanics and uncertainty principle of quantum theory substantially proves human behaviour, nirvana and anathma theory. ]

When I asked how, you said:

[ You also need good understanding of wave theory and force fields similar to gravitational and magnetic fields to understand mind models before you pursue intended study.]

I know how to separate CRAP from reality. Please stick to things you know. It was very foolish for you to make the first statement above and then try to cover it up using some BS.

Science is objective. Do you know what that mean?

If you can't explain that to me, what is the value of your theory?

Again, theories are theory. Until it is proven, they will remained to be someone's creative thinking.

Are you from this New Kalaniya University tradition inspired by Dr. Nalin de Silva?

I remember seeing some of their quantum equations explaining things.

Only way to prove Nirvana to go there by themselves. According to Buddhism, nothing in it is a theory. They are facts.

velluprabhakaran said...

imagine LTTE shifting around from one safe zone to another dragging their artillery & heavy weapons.

their vehicles could be sitting ducks to SLAF. night vision, night vision burning bright.

most of their vehicles are anyway captured by army.

no vehicles = no heavy weapons.
only hand held weapons.

a slow torturous death awaits the ruthless mass murderers in tamil liberator's disguise.


ha ha ha!

Veeran said...

only sf & gota knows the truth, the whole truth & nothing but the truth


ask Mahen of eelalan force aka MOD who was feeding u all the Punnakku abt Pottu eating Well, Rasaiah getting arrested & Soosai loosing the Limb.

he showed his true colors unfortunately sooner & is forced to come back to eat wat he vomitted.

Still the resolve for Tamils for Eelam has not diminished even a bit


Antidote said...

The saviours or liberators are supposed to make every possible attempt to save their lot. They would NEVER put their people in harms way, let alone intentionally hurting them. But what do the Tigers do to those they purport to protect? They kill them!

Manoharan Mahendran said, residents of Vishwamadu village begged to be allowed to cross into government territory last week, but the separatist Tigers blocked their path and fired indiscriminately. "People were helpless," 53-year-old Mahendran told The Associated Press on Wednesday in a rare firsthand account, recalling the panicked exodus.

"When we tried to escape with civilians, LTTE fired at me. I got shot in my leg," Sister Louise, a Catholic nun who tried to steer civilians away from the fighting, said on Thursday - Al Jazeera, 12 Feb 2009.

Tigers don’t want civilians to leave because they (Tigers) are now cornered and think that the only way they could save their skin is by having these people around them. They really don’t give rat’s ….. about the well being of the civilians. That fact is crystal clear to everyone except to those who are brainwashed to such an extent that logical thoughts escape them.

velluprabhakaran said...

i give u a credit for perseverance.

u fail in the intelligence test.

I have spoken. my decision is final. ha ha ha!

MathaMathica said...


Any concept (Matha - which makes me a Matha Mathica) is of zero value till it is understood by the people concerned.

No two person have the same perception of any object – all perceptions depend on the history of the perceiver and the conditions under which one perceives. For the 6 billion individuals on earth, there are 6 billion versions of Buddhism, and those version keeps on changing day by day, year by year ! !.

Argon, Oxygen or Uranium behaves differently on the surface of earth and on the surface of the Sun.

So, it helps to support Buddhist philosophy by timely and sane discussions etc.

It applies to the science also. It is necessary to explain to our scientists that the key concept in science is modelling and no scientific model is perfect. If Australia has a real scientific attitude there will be no bush fire. Same applies to California, pollution and what not.

Veeran said...

People were helpless," 53-year-old Mahendran told The Associated Press on Wednesday in a rare firsthand account

Wat else would a Captured Tamilian talk to Journalist ?

why not send independent Journalists to get a First hand information from the Safe Zone in the uncleared areas ?


Anonymous said...


Genocide bwaaaark?

LTTE bwarrrk?

LTTE for obama bwarrrk?

LTTE for india bwaarrk?

umblical brothers bwaarrrk?

velluprabhakaran said...

according to we run

all inedependant journalists should support LTTE.

otherwise they're not independant.

ha ha ha!

MathaMathica said...

Harry Potter,

Good work.

I wanted to point out the down to earth aspect of Anathma concept and its use to the lay man.

If an individual clearly understand the interdependent nature of all existence, that individual will have a sincere respect for his fellow citizens. There will be less corruption, less crimes etc.

MathaMathica said...

[Really Cold,
Buddhist philosophy is a completed project about 2500 years ago.]

And 2500 years after, Anton Balasingham became a lecturer on Buddhism in UK.

And it almost disappeared from Sri Lanka few 100 years ago!

Veeran said...


I need to cut urs tomorrow. Now it is time for sleep.

NOLTTE=Peace said...


Science is a process of discovery. Vertically the process goes from Quantum to Knowledge to Wisdom, where Quantum is in the bottom. Most of the 'scientists' as we identify them as go horizontally on the Quantum Axis. Some focus on the Knowledge Level, but very few practice on the 'Wisdom' level. Teachings of the core Buddhism focus upward on the Wisdom level. As you have mentioned, it is an already completed project, and the process of achieving the same results of the project is already documented. Anyone can follow that process if he/she has the will and can achieve the same results that Buddha achieved.

Weera Puran said...


This is really interesting. Please please watch this video clip to the end(from you tube).

Here is the link:
Also you can click here.

The thing is he starts the interview thingi claiming himself as ICRC Chairman SL Red Cross Soc. - Mullaitivu but end up being a so called freedom fighter more precisely a terrorist.

His tougue is speaking the truth while mouth trying to cheat the world.

ha ha.... What a shame to ICRC. These are the guys who work for ICRC. Very very moderate ha ha...

sanercomic said...

THE Associated Press (AP), in a personal note of apology, tendered to Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka, Commander of the Army over their publication of a series of misleading photo captions after a recent tour to Mullaittivu, assures that such unintentional mistakes would not be repeated since it is a violation of AP’s reporting standards.

The AP on 27th January 2009 in a series of Mullaittivu photos carried inaccurate, false and misleading captions saying “Army artillery shells fired into a Safe Zone killed scores of civilians and injured at least 300 more” and “Sri Lankan military shelled a hospital and a village inside the Safe Zone”. However, the AP later retracted those captions.

Here is the full text of the apology, sent by Colombo’s AP Bureau Chief Mr. Ravi Nessman to the Commander of the Army on 29th January 2009.

“Dear Gen. Fonseka,

I would like to apologize for a series of photo captions that were filed in error under photographs taken by Associated Press photographer Gemunu Amarasinghe from Mullaittivu and to explain how the situation occurred.

Mr. Amarasinghe, who you graciously allowed to take part in the media facility to the north, quickly filed the photos along with brief captions explaining what was in each picture to our photo desk in New Delhi from Anuradhapura air base as we waited for the plane to take us back to Colombo. The photo editors in New Delhi, on their own initiative, added a second sentence to the caption carrying the claim that more than 300 civilians have been wounded and scores killed in the fighting. They did not put the Army denial in there. That appears to be a violation of AP’s reporting standards, which require us to present both sides to any story. In addition, that sentence did not bear any relation to the scenes depicted in the photos.

Unfortunately, neither Mr. Amarasinghe nor I knew this was occurring in New Delhi. On Wednesday, military spokesman, Brig. Udaya Nanayakkara called us and immediately demanded the mistake be corrected. That was the first time we were made aware of the situation. As the brigadier I’m sure will confirm, we immediately took action. We called our photo editors in Delhi and our photo desk in Tokyo and they immediately reissued all the photos with a new caption including the Army’s side of the story. I then informed Brig. Nanayakkara of our actions. In addition, we then sent an e-mail to all our photo editors and to all our text editors across Asia telling them that the conflict situation here was sensitive and they need to be extra careful to avoid any such mistakes in the future.

I would like to personally apologize for this error. While we cannot undue the damage done, know that it was an unintentional mistake that we intend not to make again.

Thank you for your understanding,”

Anonymous said...



Observer said...


you get the "Reply of the Day" award :-) ROFL

ReallyCold..... said...

I am very glad to see few Scientists and Engineers (we use the honorable word called Nerd to describe them).

Anyone is willing to create own blog to discuss them?

I can actually see the people gathered here to do Defense chat is 'spinning off' to create their own blogs. The blog I have is for myself only and not intended as a public forum.

I'd love to see someone initiating a blog or a forum for Sri Lankan scientists. In fact, TLA can be a good platform for that as well.

Peter said...

we lost 1.2$ million today

weli said...

There was genocide in Sri Lanka since "83. It was started by the Diaspora by abandoning their homeland thus reducing the number of Tamils in Sri Lanka and financing and prolonging the Liberation Struggle when they knew that Eelam cannot be archived during this round of their struggle.

Far more Tamils died in this struggle than Sinhalese.

When we take a censes after this war the percentage of Tamils will be much lover than what it was before the riots of 83 and the majority will be living in Traditional Sinhala areas so they will loose the ability to claim Eelam.

Peter said...

these are our money...not bloody American's money...

our British political head sign a MoU with ALKAIDA to fight against obama and genocide American battle.

Peter said...

Anonymous said...

!! Please Stop The War. Please Please Stop Killing Civilians !!

Peter said...

there is no way...this is final struggle. by mistake our freedom fighters fired to Civilians. we can make this things correct.

when the genocide army come to us. we have to fire. this is a mistakes. we never do this kind of mistakes anymore...

Anonymous said...

well,now the 58th can overrun the region north of PTK within days,i always told you,that this Safety Zone was a mess and idiotic. Now the army will attack soon

NOLTTE=Peace said...


Now you are showing your stripes :-)

cj said...

well,now the 58th can overrun the region north of PTK within days,i always told you,that this Safety Zone was a mess and idiotic. Now the army will attack soon

Anonymous said...

Peter said...

February 11, 2009 9:30 PM

I read this blog, because it is so interesting and knowledgeable. But whenever I see your replies, I am so distracted from this blog because your replies are so meaningless and repeated so many time without any substance.

Please take your fat arse away from this blog for good!!! You are doing too much harm to the owners of this blog through your meaningless comments.

Anonymous said...

/Observer said...

The handle "Civilian" is a terrorist supporter /

Who doesn't know that? Anyway he has only one sentence to copy paste every day. I never check his links. Are those also same every day?

Anonymous said...

නෝ LTTE, මොකද්ද බන් ඒ කතාවේ තේරුම? සීජේ කියන්නේ කොටි පොරක් ද?

velluprabhakaran said...

Catholic nun claims shot at by LTTE, while evacuating sick people
(By: Walter Jayawardhana)

Quoting a Catholic nun who was trying to evacuate sick people in a non-liberated village in the Mullaittivu District in Northern Sri Lanka, Al Jazeera television channel reported that LTTE terrorists shot at the sick people in a bid to stop them from leaving.

"When we tried to escape with civilians, LTTE fired at me. I got shot in my leg," sister Louise, a Catholic nun who tried to steer civilians away from the fighting, from Puttumatalan village was quoted having said on January 12.

Al Jazeera further said that the LTTE terrorists have shot at injured civilians fleeing fighting in Sri Lanka's northern war zone, quoting other witnesses who have escaped the island.

Puran Appu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rathnayake said...

Veeran,Peter & CJ

this is your Idiot VP's vehicle

NOLTTE=Peace said...

Veeran, Peter et al,

How many Sri Lankan Tamils live outside Sri Lanka?

What is the total of your diaspora power-base?

NOLTTE=Peace said...


He comes in different handles. But he can not fool my "Writing Style Analysis Application". The guy gave up when he started to do long postings.

Now s/he ducts :-)

We knew s/he for a long time in different names.

Not a totally ugly fellow compared to other total loser who come to poop in here!

H/she has his/her own way of getting satisfaction. ;-)

Anonymous said...

no ltte,, check out the message for u on the last DW update comment page.

Anonymous said...

bohoma sthuthiy heads up ekata..

balamu moko wennae kiyala

kevin said...


‘would love to meet such a person before I leave.’

If you care to give us your contact details then I could name many who doesn’t want to leave the island.

kevin said...

Are you playing the stock market to lose 1.5 million, just a small amount? Put your money in BT(lse),RB. And BP at 480p
Perhaps BATS if goes down below 1600p.They all got good dividends and growth

Ananda-USA said...

Peter said...

"Is there a single Sinhala person that does not want to flee to the West?"

Yes. Me! I am been in the West for a long time. Now, I am planning to go back to Sri Lanka!

Ananda-USA said...

India shifts stand on LTTE surrender? AGAIN?

Where are those advocates of trusting India? Hellooo.....

They should have NEGOTIATED with the Mumbai Terrorists also...don't you think?

Oh, I forgot...these are India's Boys. Mumbai terorists were Pakistan's Boys.

India shifts stand on Sri Lanka
A Correspondent in Delhi | February 12, 2009 19:48 IST

India has mended its stand on Sri Lanka [Images], no longer insisting that the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam should lay down arms as a pre-condition for talks with the government in Colombo for a political settlement.

Instead of asking the LTTE [Images] to lay down the arms, India now wants it to at least agree in principle to lay down the arms as that can pave the way for negotiations with the Sri Lankan government.

The subtle change in India's stand was reflected in President Pratibha Patil's address to Parliament in New Delhi [Images] on Thursday when she said both the sides can return to the negotiating table if simultaneously the government of Sri Lanka suspends its military operations and the LTTE declares its willingness to lay down arms.

The Dravida Munnetra Kazagam and other political parties have been protesting at what they see as the government of India taking the side of the Sri Lankan government in asking the LTTE to first lay down the arms before any negotiations.

Notwithstanding the government changing this stand, two Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazagam Members of Parliament -- Krishnan and Ravindran -- interrupted the President's address to protest at India not pressurising the Lankan government to stop the massacre of the Tamils in the island nation, as they say that just expressing concern over the plight of the civilian Tamils was not enough.

The Tamil Nadu parties have been demanding that the government of India should intervene to put in check the Sri Lankan government's killing the innocent Tamils. They advocate that India should even intervene militarily if the killings of Tamils does not stop.

On Friday, the MDMK supremo Vaiko is staging a day's fast in Delhi at Jantar Mantar, to highlight the plight of the Tamils suffering at the ends of the Sri Lankan government and demand India's effective intervention.

The fast will be joined by over 1,000 MDMK officials and cadres arriving in New Delhi from Tamil Nadu to join their leader in expressing solidarity towards the Sri Lankan Tamils.

JWick said...

Ananda, mokada thama pilithurak naththe? Email eka hambawune nadda? Mawa hariyata mathaka nadda? Ehema nathnam busy da?

Colomblogs said...

"Blogger velluprabhakaran said..."

Go ahead machan..!

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Last Chance!!

Last Chance!!!!

Last Chance!!!!!!

Lalith's opinion poll.

Who will catch the Fat Pig

1 59
2 58
3 57
4 53
5 55
6 TF2
7 TF3
8 TF4
9 Other Division
10 Escape

Please make a selection in the Lalith's Opinion Poll.

I am collecting the names.

The winner will be annouced in two weeks

Lalith Kuruwita said...

The following program explains the current war.

WHILE ( area held by LTTP > 0 AND number_of_LTTP_carders > 0)

1 LTTP stay with Civillian
2 Fire at SLA
3 SLA responses
4 Civillian & some LTTP get killed & injured
5 Dispora supporters & TamilNut publish no of casualties in the web & news papers
6 TN jockers & other LTTP supportes in other countries start agitating by protesting, fasting & other crap and asking for Ceasefire
7 International Community & India ignore
8 SLGO ignores, MR/GR/SF ignore & continue to attack LTTP and defeat
9 LTTP withdraws with Civillians (By force)
10 SLA takes over the town/areas
11 Mahen & Peter write stories about tactical withdrawals
12 Dispora supporters believe in tactical withdrawal and keep the dream alive
13 We read Mahen & Peter blogs and laugh from the ASS

Jump_to_sea() OR self_immolation() OR swallow_cn()

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Situation as at 13-02-09

VP's pressure 171 142
VP's Weight 135 KG

Aiyamperumal 01 KM
Ampakamam 01 KM
Ampalavanpokkanai 01 KM
Chalai 00 KM - 55 Captured on 25-01-09
Chilarattai 01 KM
Chu'ndikku'lam 00 KM - 55 Captured on 14-01-09
Chuthanthirapuram 01 KM
Dharmapuram 00 KM - 58 Captured on 13-01-09
Ettakokavilkulam 01 KM
Iranamadu East 00 KM - 57 Captured on 15-01-09
Irruttumadu 01 KM
Kaddaikadu 00 KM - 58 Captured on 15-01-09
KALAMADUKULAM 00 KM - 57 Captured on 17-01-09
KULAWEDDIDAL 00 KM - TF 2 Captured on 12-01-09
Ka'ndaava'lai 00 KM - 58 Captured on 18-01-09
Keridattadu 00 KM - TF 4 Captured on 12-01-09
Kevil 00 KM - 53 Captured on 11-01-09
KUPPILANKULAM 00 KM - 57 Captured on 06-02-09
Kuravilkulama 01 KM
Mamulai 01 KM
Marathampuval 01 KM
Masar 01 KM
Mullativu 00 KM - 59 Captured on 25-01-09
Mulliwavalai 01 KM
Murusamoddai 00 KM - 58 Captured on 12-01-09
Moongkilaa'ru 01 KM
Olumadu 01 KM
Palamattalan 01 KM
Periyakulam 01 KM
Piramanthal 00 KM - 58 Captured on 19-01-09
PIRAPPAVADDUVAN 00 KM - 59 Captured on 17-01-09
Pu'liyampokka'nai 00 KM - 58 Captured on 17-01-09
Puliyansekkaran 01 KM
Punnainiravi 01 KM
Puththukudirippu 01 KM
Ramanadhapuram 00 KM - 57 Captured on 16-01-09
Redbana 01 KM
Sinnaittimadu 00 KM - 57 Captured on 18-01-09
Sugandirapuram 00 KM - 58 Captured on 09-01-09
Tanniyuttu 00 KM - 59 Captured on 12-01-09
Thaddamodda 01 KM
Tharmapuram 01 KM
Thevipuram 01 KM
Theravikulam 01 KM
Thonikal 01 KM
Thumarankulam 00 KM - 57 Captured on 06-02-09
Udaiyaarkaddu 01 KM
Udayankattukulam 00 KM - TF 2 Captured on 17-01-09
Vaddakkachchi 00 KM - 58 Captured on 12-01-09
Va'l'lipunam 01 KM
Vannankulam 01 KM
Vellamullivaikal 01 KM
Vellikandal 00 KM - 58 Captured on 12-01-09
Vettilaikkeni 01 KM
Virakulam 01 KM
Vishwamadu 00 KM - 58 Captured on 28-01-09

VP's Asshole ?? KM

Rover said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MayilRavana මයිල් රාවන said...

SF the Chess Genius does it again. The man is absolutely brilliant. The capacity to go with the wind like leaves and to come together in a new form is pure "Buddhism"!

Moshe and others,
I am replying to one of your earlier posts about 're-birth'. You hit the nail on the head of the weak point in popular "Buddhist" discourse. Rebirth is in fact a South Indian concept which has been adapted by "Buddhists". It is crap from a free-standing intellectuals point of view. It directly contradicts Gautama's concepts of anatta, Nirvana and Shunya.

Moshe, I would recommend a delightful little book by one of your compatriots (heh heh) Mark Epstein:

"Psychotherapy without the self- a buddhist perspective".

Puffy said...

The move by the SLA to establish the "No Fire Zone" is smart. 1st NFZ had 2 main objectives among the others;
1. Move the civillians away from the SLA's main target PTK
2. Ensure that civillinas have more than one escape route

Although many civillians managed to escape in to governmnt controlled areas within the past few weeks, the numbers dropped drastically with the LTTE taking a more violent approach to stop them.
Battles for PTK also got bloody with the LTTE throwing everything they had at the Troops and SLA progress was slow.

Short sighted LTTE, with the hope of stopping the civillians from escaping, pushed them furhter eastwards.
This however paved the way for the SLA to take advantage of the situation and make their next strategic move by establising the 2nd NFZ on the eastern coast.

The main objective is not to rescue the civillians by sea, but to capture the remaining land areas under the LTTE. The General now has enough access routes to launch attacks on remaining LTTE strong points, with a free hand.

LTTE managed to use the civillian factor to its advantage for too long by delaying the forward march of the troops. Finally, the battle planners thought, enough is enough and the LTTE should not be allowed to exploit the civillian factor anymore.

Any civillians still in the previous NFZ, better be moved to the new NFZ...
because SLA is not going to stop at any cost now!!! It's dirty game, LTTE started it...

The LTTE Insider said...

As stated below I am a former LTTE intelligence wing cadre who broke ranks with the group in 2004 and currently operates independently from Colombo, Sri Lanka. I have been working on this paper since winter 2006 and decided to post on a blog since I saw an attempt by LTTE to circulate a false propaganda that internally displaced people in northern Sri Lanka are being sent to “internment camps” or as described on their own words as “concentration camps”.

But the truth is that the Sri Lankan Government has planned to open five welfare villages to house Tamils fleeing the last 100 square kilometers patch of jungle where the army has pinned down the remaining LTTE cadres who try to infiltrate liberated areas disguised as civilians. Therfore the security has to be paramount and it was the only way to prevent LTTE suicide attacks like the one that killed 20 soldiers and eight civilians on February 10, 2009. It is against this backdrop I have decided to publish this blog in order to disseminate the structure of the LTTE suicide killer squad known as the "LTTE Intelligence Wing" to the world.

check out my blog here

Editor: "Badrinath" said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Editor: "Badrinath" said...

" confirms 59th division wiped out"

ReallyCold..... said...

Welcome to New Eelam

Bye bye to hot humid flat dry land in that small crowded place.

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