Surrendered LTTE cadres are shaming the LTTE to its core. Latest wave of surrendees have revealed vast amounts of information and Diaspora contacts that were part of an elaborate money laundering and weapons smuggling racket.
A woman who once held a very high profile in the LTTE's political wing and her husband, an LTTE cultural unit head were among the surrendees. They had provided details regarding a particularly interesting tour to Europe.
The LTTE political wing, cultural wing and some of its military leadership had taken part in this 8-nation European tour which had included Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France, UK, Germany etc. The LTTE 'delegation' had been instructed by its top leadership to use this as a cover to demand money from the Tamil Diaspora.
In a prior briefing given to the 'delegation', the LTTE leadership had explained to the delegation that their adherence to the Cease-Fire Agreement was a ploy and that they were buying time to rearm and reequip themselves for the final battle.
For this the Diaspora had to be convinced to donate their money. The main slogan was that the LTTE needed more money to buy more sophisticated weapons to counter those of the Sri Lankan military. Indeed some of these weapons had been procured, but where the rest of the money had gone was apparently not very clear to the 2nd and 3rd level leadership of the LTTE.
The weapons that were procured were impressive nevertheless for a small terrorist organization or any terrorist organization for that matter. One LTTE Fast Suicide Craft recovered recently and the surrendering of the Mastermind of the LTTE's boat manufacturing unit as well as the #2 of the boat engine unit has bared some incredible details.
The fast suicide craft had two 496 Horsepower engines made in the United States fixed to it. The suicide boat was capable of reaching 50 Knots, faster that the Navy's Super Dvora. The engines had been procured and the suicide boat manufacturing completed during the Cease-fire in 2004.
Among the junior LTTE surrendees were 52 forcibly recruited teenagers with their hair cropped. They had been taken by force from their families between mid 2008 and early 2009. Some had received only two days of training when the Army disrupted the LTTE training program allowing the children to escape.
A more senior LTTE cadre had revealed of a special training he had received from Israeli mercenaries during the cease-fire in 2004. The Israeli mercenaries had restructured the LTTE's Physical Training (PT) course as some of the exercises had been outdated and potentially damaging to the trainees, particularly to women and children. The team had also taught the tigers a few tactics.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The inside story of the LTTE 'regime'
Posted by
7:53 PM
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1 – 200 of 358 Newer› Newest»DW,
Thanks, some interesting stories. Please keep updating us.
Also, please be aware that some interested parties in the forces maybe feeding you stories to figure out who you are. So be careful of that too. Of course you already know how to avoid that.
Look forward to the good news of the capture or destruction of the LTTE eladership
April 27,09. Sri lanka Air force jet attacking in safe zone
[A woman who once held a very high profile in the LTTE's political wing and her husband, an LTTE cultural unit head were among the surrendees. They had provided details regarding a particularly interesting tour to Europe]
Names of many big fish from the US and Europe who profited from these operations would soon surface.
I won't be surprised to see more pressure on GOSL.
Sri Lankans... quietly empower the hands of our leaders.
Labels like LTTE, TRO are only eyewash.
A close to ideal situation will be to record these statements in the presence of a "civilian" judge. It will help in the future to prosecute the non-resident SL accomplices through international laws.
Without appropriate "legal" status of these statements, it will be difficult to take it to the prosecuting agencies of foreign nations for extradition or other land of the law actions in the respective countries. Or else, they can always claim that "the statement was obtained through coercion."
(quote)Names of many big fish from the US and Europe who profited from these operations would soon surface.(/quote)
Yep that's probably why the world wants the war to end
Is this high profile woman you are refering to 'Thamilini'?
If so, that's a bloody blow to the pro ltte tamil diaspora.
We were told only about Daya & George, but seems like MANY more have surrendered :-D
Any info. on Jeyam?
What Victor has stated about the legal side is very true. We hope right from now all legal loop holes will be taken care of, when questioning LTTE detainees. If there is a move by the so called "International Community" to bring charges against SL Forces, for HR violations, let us prepare ourselves well, with all details, Pictures, Videos, Statements under oath in the presence of independent Judges, etc.etc.
Let the Brits, and some EU members, realize we are not a BANANA REPUBLIC, for them to dictate terms to us.
As for the training given by Israel to LTTE...well this is the world of today...During India Pakistan WAR couple of decades ago, (when India was aligned with Communist Russia) it was revealed, how US multinational Companies, were selling "ARMS to Pakistan" and "Medical equipment to India" ....End of the day it boils down to "HEGEMONY and MONEY".
Let us, (GOSL) handle this right and fair...All those Tamil civilians have the same dreams like all of us Sihalese. Let us give them their fare share and treat them as equal citizens. Our Shortsighted, Selfish,power hungry, politicians from 1956, paved the way to this carnage. Kids who didn't know the Bandaranaika's had to be born and give their lives, in the battle field in the prime of their youth,(Eg. Capt. Gamage) because of the so called "SILVER TONGUE ORATOR FROM OXFORD UNIVERSITY" who sowed the seeds of communal disharmony for his Primiership.....Woe be unto all those who brought Sri Lanka to this plight-----Ranjith
For the first time, a major western political figure calls the situation in the LTTE held area for what it is.
Innocent Tamils who are still trapped are “Hostages” of the LTTE.
He also states, I and quote, “The only power they have is the presence of the civilians. That's a dreadful weapon,"
The Tamils of the world, who are not LTTE sympathizers, take note.
Still think Prabha is a Hero???
" Indeed some of these weapons had been procured, but where the rest of the money had gone was apparently not very clear to the 2nd and 3rd level leadership of the LTTE."
-vezapillai is reported to have stashed a quarter of abillion dollars in several Swiss accounts. Hallucinating, panick-stricken peelamists are doing their best to help hime flee and enjoy "their" money!
This from an e-mail from a good Tamil (name withheld)friend:
Dear -----,
Thanks for the e-mail. I have known it for a long time that the Tigers's end would be possible only when the people(especially the diasporaTamils) do something to negate the dictates of the Tigers.
Here is a piece of information for you as well, though you might be aware of it, being a journalist yourself.
I spoke to some of my relatives who escaped from the clutches of the LTTE. They confirmed that that the LTTE were actively engaged in shooting at people who were trying to escape from the war zone. Two LTTE cadres who were hiding behind bushes (in order not to identify themselves) and shooting at the people were beaten to death by angry crowd of escapees. I got this news from very reliable persons and therefore there is no doubt that the Tigers were using people as human shields and killing people . The worst thing is that the Tigers after killing the people, try to show their killings as that of the SLA.
I got news from sources saying all operations have been on halt till further instructions. This was done due to too much pressure from the International community. Hope this will not be another wadamarachchi...
all the operation videos shown on TV were shot few days ago.
Hi True Sri Lankan,
This is not very good news. Surely after all the scrifice our Armed Forces have done we can not let Paraba get away...!! Can we?
Hope our leaders know what they are doing....Hope & pray this will not be WADAMAARACHI-2 as we all recollect....!!
Thanks for the update.
Good suggestion by Victor...hope this is being done.
Many thanks to the Retard who posted the vid showing our bombers flying over the NFZ....really enjoyed seeing our boys in action....the Swine leader would have soiled his pants ...I love the drone of the Mig 27s' turbojets....When it body knows....
Go SLDF !!! Go Roast the Swine....
British and French Foreign Ministers meet Sri Lanka PresidentSee the pics MR talking to British and French FMs. I like MR's body language.
.British and French Foreign Ministers meet Sri Lanka President.
.Ambilipitiya Scenaries...
the Royal FMs have been given a truly village style welcome experience...
hak hak hak...
Is what True Sri Lankan say about a halt of ops true? We absolutely need to know if this is true. Knowing this is as important as knowing the true details of our casualties.
Even though it sounds amusing, those details are less relevant for today's national issues. I believe that we should focus on national security issues than the noted matters.
Thanks DW - good updates
guys we are almost there, more and more suicide attack are on the way...
Wanni Operation SLA Thwarts 7 LTTE Suicide Attempts 29 Apr 2009
Thawwa Din-gaie - Oho-ma yan.
British and French Ministers told that civilians will not be harmed 29/04/2009 eating rice and curry - from Ambilipitiya....
I like this:
"...Echoing their Sri Lankan counterpart, France's foreign minister, Bernard Kouchner, and Mr. Miliband both condemned the LTTE Wednesday for preventing people from leaving the war zone. "Hostages. We have to use that word. [They are] hostages," Mr. Kouchner said...."
[BAGHDAD – Two car bombs tore through a crowded commercial district in Baghdad's main Shiite district on Wednesday, killing at least 41 people, Iraqi police said.
Who on earth is responsible for this continuous carnage?
Which mission was 'accomplished'?
What positive, tangible action the HRW and other human rights advocates have taken to address the plight of civilians in Iraq?
Pardon me if I ask dumb questions.
Sorry to take you way out of the context. But just can't help.
See this guy who can sing many singer voices.
Suwanda mata dee
Gringo said...
[BAGHDAD – Two car bombs tore through a crowded commercial district in Baghdad's main Shiite district on Wednesday, killing at least 41 people, Iraqi police said.
Who on earth is responsible for this continuous carnage?
Which mission was 'accomplished'?
What positive, tangible action the HRW and other human rights advocates have taken to address the plight of civilians in Iraq?
Pardon me if I ask dumb questions.
But according to our SS Hilary Clinton, Iraq is moving in the "right direction". Just take her word for that !!!!
ha ha ha...
Thanks... I found this 'comment' there identifies the problem (with Hillary.)
[She looks like she needs some vitamins. She sounds like she has a BIG imagination or she just can’t see … get her some glasses,,, those contact lens just don’t get the job done.]
Milband and Kouchner getting best Kurakkan Pittu from the deep south.
Miliband, Kouchner admit their mission a failureBritish and French monkeys, we don't have the white master worshiper Ranil Wickramasinghe at the helm these days. If it is not to save Prabakaran, what exactly is the purpose of a ceasefire? FMI (for monkey's information), LTTE tightened the grip on civilians in our past ceasefires. Please tell your servant Ranil Wickramasinghe about it since he hasn't got TV or radio at home.
Normal public in UK KNOW, even if their officails don't (or don't wanna accept)
"... All the S Lankan articles here are filled with mostly Tamils posting demands and denouncing Britain.
It's strange and curious now, that since the region's civilian wounded are coming out, not one of these posters are using this resource to collect funds from Tamils worldwide? ? ?
G Ryan, Edinburgh,
Hundreds of thousands of sinhalese people in the south of Sri Lanka are donating aid to the war refugees rescued from the LTTE terror grip. No aid from the tamil diaspora who raised millions to sponsor the war! Says so much about the tamil terror supporters in London!
Michael Yates, London, UK !!
Snipers monitoring peelamists in Michigan...
way to go are being tracked down all over the world..
“The group is known for their violent protests and terrorism,”
hak hak hak..
I would appreciate it if you would desist from coming to a Patriot blog and hurl insults at former Sri Lankan leaders. Not only that lying in the process of hurling such insults is unforgivable. I suspect you come here in the guise of a Sinhala in order to sow communal disunity among patriots.
SWRD was a patriot (Oxford educated or not). Just view old footage of him on YouTube. Just more advice to other so-called "patriots". I have seen the other-side attacking DS Senannayake (and more commonly JRJ) as well. To despicably attack the Father of the modern Sri Lankan Nation is equally appalling.
It may be that some sinhala are indeed "Modayas" like the Tiger moles have said here in the past. You may fool some sinhalas all the time but not all at any time. One has to look back through time to see how in a progressive fashion, all the Sri Lankan leaders have been denigrated ending with the final and dastardly denigration of DS.
When I heard someone blaming DS for the ethnic problem some years bag (obviously, the person who was dear to my heart had swallowed a big bait) the "ethnic problem" my eyes opened and I realised the greater plot that had been carried out to destroy the image of Modern Lanka. It becomes even more apparent when one hears Tiger operatives parrot the statement "India has Statesmen; Sri Lanka has never produced a Statesman".
Poppycock! I have elsewhere and in another time here outlined how each of the leaders of SL has left a mark on the World Stage except CBK and the guy before her (perhaps Dudley was not a World Beater but he was certainly loved).
When you insult the leaders of your motherland, you insult yourself. RW, is fare game as he has fortunately not been chosen as a leader by the (wise) Sri Lankan people.
DW...I wuz right the Israei's fellas .....all those visits during 2004 BS...even all those Norwies & Brit tooo under the guise of NGO's ! Good post DW !
Is this the Swan Song of Tamil Diaspora?
.Sinhala text only.
I hope SLDF have "Crime Site Investigators" or equivalent who can take evidence of LTTE motar-shells which have killed people. This would be good evidence to further strengthen the case of War Crimes against them.
I remember a heart-rending movie on the experience of one man under the Pol Pot regime. It was a big movie in the 1980's.
Perhaps it would be time in the next few years (after all the evidence against the First World has been gathered) to make a big movie called "SHAME" (I'll write the screen play- heh heh heh).
Naturally it would start with July 1983- we have to first admit our own shame. But then the story will inexorably roll to the ultimate climax displaying the shamelessness of the so-called greatest countries in the World whose leaders and operatives have connived with a force far worse than Khmer Rouge to attempt to destroy the unity of a small nation.
It is all about Greed and Power. Kamma comes home to roost.
Pommie, Frog-eater and the Lion
Bugger! Mr. Rajapakshe looks like he is getting ready for a booze session with the Pommie and the Frog-eater. G&T anyone?
Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) Destroys 6 LTTE Sea Tiger Boats, 25 LTTE Sea Tigers Killed Link to videomy words are not enough to say thanks to SLDF...
Thanks SLN Brothers....
to capture ground hog operation is continue....
Millband said we are not here to stop the SLDF operations, but help.
way to go bros...
YAY; Canadians also finally beginning to "see"
"...There is a Tiger underworld in Toronto that is in full functional flow and its very interests are the ones that have brainwashed the Tamil youth into pro-Tiger terror activities. Every day the Canadian Multicultural Radio and TVI and other Tamil media organizations especially the weekly tabloid trash, and there are many of them, are preaching venom to these young people and they have been effectively hijacked from their parents and elders.
Tamils in Canada could have spent recent decades building alternatives to the Tigers, yet they showed little interest when force seemed to have some chance of succeeding. Now that the tables have turned, and the Sri Lankan army has the Tigers trapped, their Canadian cheerleaders suddenly are left with nothing to do but pound out a dirge on Canadian streets, as uninterested Canadians file past on their way to work. ..."
Ranjith said..
[ As for the training given by Israel to LTTE ]
DW did not say Israeli Govt had trained the LTTE, but Israeli MERCENARIES who may/or may not, be associated with the Israeli Govt. So, we cannot conclude Israel acted against Sri Lanka. I would bet Israel did not; Israel has helped the GOSL with arms to a very great extent. :)
LTTE ’s life line and against Vanni Operation
Counter attacks
Ranil Wickramasinghe & Budget
Hillary Clinton
Financial Problems (SL)
Human Wrights
Cease Fire
Indian Election
Di-ass-pora ..UK, EU, USA, and all the rest…
.UN & war crimes…
what’s next?
Myil Rawana,
If SWRD was a great visionery, he should have brought English as a compulsory subject to our Rural schools, instead of discarding his european attair to Sinhala Ariya, and declaring SINHALA as the STATE Language, in 24 hours, thereby sowing communal disharmony, and this carnage we are witnessing today. Of course for gyus like you he is a demi God I believe. No wonder SLanka is in this!!!
Russian ambassdor in Sri lanka:
"This is a historic moment for Sri Lanka......"
"But an important thing is that we should never give equality to a democratically elected legitimate government of a country on the one hand and a terrorist organization on the other hand. This is not only in Sri Lanka’s case, it’s for any country. We should see the difference very clearly."
click here
Russia, China and Pakistan had always been our great friends. Not only they have given us so many things with no strings attached, they protected us in in our most difficult hours. It is the responsibility of the citizens of Sri Lanka and the government of Sri Lanka to treat these countries in favorable status when it come to trade. For example, we should buy our oil from Russia as much as possible. We should give Russian and Chinese companies the favored status in contracts etc like. We need to do our best to strengthen these countriejavascript:void(0)s in international arena like voting in UN etc. In addition we shall rely on their weapon systems for our defence.
In any case, I like the way Russia swat those Chechnyan terrorist maggots in the recent past.
I don't like this post by DW at all. It's neither here nor there. Who cares what the Tigers say about the Tigers. The bottom line is that Tigers will say ANYTHING if it's going to help their agenda (that is to stay alive and not get blown to bits by SLA). I hope no one takes any of their claims at face value.
I mean is this really news? Is anyone really shocked about what the Tigers do anymore? Why aren't these interrogators asking more pressing questions like, where the hell is the fatty Sun Goat? Which shit hole bunker is he hiding in? How much of Insulin supply has he got left?? Why hasn't he gone into a diabetic coma yet? Who's his dietician? I mean those would be very interesting questions the rest of the public would be interested in. Instead they're asking stupid crap like what torture method did you see carried out while your leisurely stroll over to the government side???? HORSE DOO DOO!
If SWRD was a great visionery, he should have brought English as a compulsory subject to our Rural schools,why would we need to make english compulsory????
does every citizen in Sri lanka need english???
dont you think that it is unfair for some one who does not need english to be forced upon to learn it??
and what if he fails in English??
does that means he is not suitable to go to a Sri lankan university???
or is he a failed citizen in Sri lanka??
Remember that we are talking about Sri lanka where 75% of people communicate in sinhala...
if some one wants to learn english desperately he/she would learn dont need to force it...
you only need english,
- To communicate with outside world when dealing in international politics etc.
- To gain foreign knowledge that are written in english..
- To give/share your own knowledge to the international Buddhism..
does the 20 million people engage in all of the above??
so if you do not do any of the above why would you need to learn english???
what we have seen today is that specially in private sector they have started to speak in english among sri lankans as well..actually they doesnt do any international dealings as well..why???
why it has become hilarious that a Sales rep of a company wearing a tie in colombo in hot sun going around and speaking in sinhala to small boutiques mudalalis to sell the products..
does he need english and the tie to sell the product???
All this is done by the westerners and their henchmans in sri lanka who think that this island is still their colony...
and moreover for the survival of the people who knows only english but nothing else...
always remember that we are Sri Lankans and we are now a independent and sovereign nation..and not a british colony!!!..
any way as this is a defence blog I would not continue with this discussion further...
# 'SL Government fighting with LTTE, not against Tamil people' says Kouchner
Link# Over 200 doctors volunteer to serve N & E hospitals
Link# Eelam in Wembley
Link# 'Wanted for aiding and abetting terrorism'
Link# French & British Foreign Ministers visits welfare centers
Link# Government extends invitation to Sweden
Short comment on about the need of english. I have seen many highly talennted people in lower level jobs due to lack of english. In developing singapore (and even now) they hired native english speakers to educate its children in the langauge. This made the students speak in the proper accent too. My personal opnion is if english is tought widely the gap between the elite and not so elite will dwindle. Also it is my personal opinion whoever is against in vastly improving the english litracy among the masses would do so due to the 'need' to keep the superiority.
CBK has done very little or nothing to Sri Lanka during her 11 year rule. But I admire her for introducing the english medium in state schools and also the method of teaching few subjects in english langauge. Many who learn english as a subject do not learn to converse in the langauge. But when a normal subject (ie. maths or history) is thought in english langauge students learn the use of the langauge. At least CBK corected a mistake of SWRD
@ English..
WTF are we going to do making it compulsory for every one? Are we going to speak in English all the time with every one..? Guys, we need to know languages (English, French, Japanese, Chinese, Hindi etc) and what is required is the opportunities and facilities to learn languages for those who need to learn it.
Hi DW,
Thanks for the update!
Can you please let us more details of the current situation. Some say there has been a halt in firing. Is this True?
Ranjith said...
Myil Rawana,
If SWRD was a great visionery, he should have brought English as a compulsory subject to our Rural schools, instead of discarding his european attair to Sinhala Ariya, and declaring SINHALA as the STATE Language, in 24 hours, thereby sowing communal disharmony, and this carnage we are witnessing today. Of course for gyus like you he is a demi God I believe. No wonder SLanka is in this!!!
Dear Ranjith, pls excuse me about my French, but u worry about ur fcuking Sinhala Ariya. But, if SWRD didn’t make Sinhala 1st language then my uncle and lot more of the under privileged boys and girls from all over the country who is not so fcuking Sinhala Ariya (and not from Colombo, Kandy and Jaffna) but true Sinhala and Sri Lankan sons would not have made it to the top of the Sri Lankan administration tree.
I am not saying what SWRD did is 100% correct, but if u takes the world history every country in the world in some point time of their journey done similar things like this.
Ex. White only policy in Australia in 1901 to 1973 by then PM Alfred Deakin “"It is not the bad qualities, but the good qualities of these alien races that make them so dangerous to us. It is their inexhaustible energy, their power of applying themselves to new tasks, their endurance and low standard of living that make them such competitors."
Have a look at that! How racists?
But, do u hear any one calling Alfred Deakin a racists now? Or this white only policy drags Australia in to a Civil war or to Separatisms? Or to terrorism?
NO! Why not? Because, politicians who came to power after him made every effort to progress Australia beyond that dark period. And they didn’t waist their time in the parliament blaming Deakin and also they make sure not to let 83 type incident to happen and not to isolate deep south or deep north unlike in Sri Lanka.
I agree with MaylRavana for some degree, but u have to call a spade a spade.
JR, was progressive but ignorant, Premadasa was a fool and a depressed fcuker.
Once some wise guy told me that even though Chandrika didn’t finish off LTTE she still managed to hold on to one country and it is a minor miracle, especially when LTTE was such a power house.
He said this to me in a time every body was fooled to accept that LTTE is invincible and I bought his words. But after seeing MR cleans up the LTTE shit, now I know Chandrika was just a “waste of space”.
I know u guys want to stick ur foot deep in to my arse for saying this, but I like Ranil for his economics and for trying to solve the LTTE problem his way. It is not the correct way is a different thing. And I am glad Ranil didn’t get to do it "his way".
Now, Mainda Rajapaksha, HERO or Zero? HERO to me and I don’t care what others think anyway!
Stop Blaming! Do Something!
/Also it is my personal opinion whoever is against in vastly improving the english litracy among the masses would do so due to the 'need' to keep the superiority./
I think the best way to attack the "English superiority" is by giving the public to more chances (BY the GSL) to learn more foreign languages such as Japanese, Chinese, French etc.
Strange post from AmmaGG.. huh..
shameful USA & UK
we must see our own way to develop our nation!
West may hold up $1.9bn loan to get help for civilians
Jeremy Page, South Asia Correspondent
The United States is threatening to block a $1.9 billion (£1.2 billion) emergency loan to Sri Lanka from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) because of the treatment of civilians caught in the conflict with the Tamil Tiger rebels, according to Western diplomats.
Sri Lanka applied for the loan early last month to help to cope with a financial crisis caused partly by the global credit crunch and partly by its record defence expenditure of $1.6 billion this year and $1.5 billion last year.
The Central Bank said that it expected to conclude negotiations on the loan by the end of March, and most analysts expected it to be cleared by mid-April. The IMF said last night, however, that the loan was still being discussed. Western diplomats say that is because the United States, Britain and other allies are reluctant to bail out unconditionally a Government that has dismissed their concerns about civilian casualties and human rights issues in the past few months.
They are also anxious not to lose their only real leverage over the Government in continuing negotiations over the plight of tens of thousands of civilians on the front line or in internment camps.
Related Links
* Victory without humanity can be no triumph
* Tamil defector claims Tigers killed 200 civilians
* Appeal for ceasefire is ignored
“The Americans want to play with the question of the IMF loan,” Jean-Maurice Ripert, France’s Ambassador to the UN, told Inner City Press – a news service covering the United Nations – on Tuesday. The Times has heard a recording of the comment. It was the first public admission by a Western official that Washington may be responsible for an apparent delay in the IMF emergency loan – which can be disbursed in ten days.
Mahinda Rajapaksa, the Sri Lankan President, vowed in March that he would not accept any conditions from the IMF, which was expelled from the Indian Ocean island in 2004. “We will not pawn or sell our motherland to obtain any monetary aid,” he said.
Sri Lanka’s Central Bank said last Wednesday that the IMF deal had reached an “advanced level of finalisa-tion” and that an IMF team would visit this week before submitting it to the executive board for approval shortly. The Times has learnt, however, that US officials have written to the IMF’s executive directors and the Sri Lankan Government saying that it would be difficult for Washington to back the loan in the circumstances.
“There’s a lot of discomfort in being seen to bail out the Sri Lankan Government,” one Western diplomat said. The IMF declined to comment, but the loan is not on the executive board’s agenda for the next seven days. The final decision on an IMF loan is taken by its executive board, on which the United States wields the largest share of the votes – 16.77 per cent – because it makes the greatest financial contribution. The decision is ususlly reached by consensus.
The United States officially denies using the IMF loan in its negotiations with Sri Lanka over the war but admits that it is under discussion between different parts of the US Government. “The US has never threatened either publicly or privately to block the IMF loan to Sri Lanka,” said a spokesman for the US Embassy in Colombo. “There are discussions currently under way within the US Government.
The Department of Treasury, the lead US government agency on IMF issues, is consulting with the State Deprtment and other USG agencies.” Diplomats say that opinion is divided in Washington and other Western capitals, with some officials arguing that IMF funding should be based on economic criteria alone.
Sri Lanka’s foreign currency reserves dropped to $1.4 billion in February from $3.4 billion in September, as the Central Bank defended the rupee’s peg to the US dollar.
Other US officials argue that the loan has clear political dimensions since the Government said in its application that it needed the money to “continue with the resettlement, rehabilitation and reconstruction work” in the north and east where the fighting has been. It said that the work was essential “to successfully implement the Government's efforts to bring a sustainable solution to the conflict”.
The loan would technically go to the Central Bank, but would free funds to be spent elsewhere. Officials on both sides of the debate are concerned about the potential for bad publicity from human rights groups and the Tamil diaspora if they support the loan.
Human Rights Watch (HRW) and other groups have urged the US and Britain not to approve the loan. “Sri Lanka is in a fiscal mess in good part because it massively overspent on this war,” Tom Malinowski. HRW’s Washington advocacy director, told The Times. “It can’t remotely expect the international community to bail it out of that mistake without taking some steps to meet global concerns about the way it’s waging the war.”
In Britain, a group called Public Interest Lawyers has urged the Government to vote against the loan. A similar US group is seeking a court order saying that approval of the loan would
/Some say there has been a halt in firing. Is this True?/
danata rate thiyena thathwe hatiyata anduwata vihulwatawath uydde nawaththanda ba.
Only UNP jokers like RW can say such things..
# Independent state not the solution - Australia
Link# Govt. strongly rejects a ceasefire: Keheliya
Link# Ceasefire not our aim - Miliband
DW said
but where the rest of the money had gone was apparently not very clear to the 2nd and 3rd level leadership of the LTTE.
The revealations by the surrendered cadres proves what I always believed. Prabakaran's outfit is only an internationalised version of the operation of a Village thug who lives on 'Kappam' or protection money. He was never keen on tamils or civilian welfare or the dreams of the diaspora.
If time permits read my writeup on this side of LTTE Click
Ninja @English..
WTF are we going to do making it compulsory for every one? Are we going to speak in English all the time with every one..? Guys, we need to know languages (English, French, Japanese, Chinese, Hindi etc) and what is required is the opportunities and facilities to learn languages for those who need to learn it.
Ninja, Love it machan!!! It is all about the opportunity, we need to make sure we facilitate opportunities to learn English to each and every one who wants to learn English.
Why compulsory it? Some don’t want. It is like my father who hates travelling overseas, he never wanted to go so called “abroad”! He wants to live in Sl and be happy. If some one try to compulsory going abroad , he would say “fcuk it”! : ))
Ian, At least CBK corrected a mistake of SWRD”
Machan, no offence, it was not a mistake, it was history!
Ninja said...
Strange post from AmmaGG.. huh..
Which part? Must be the whole thing! Ha ha ha
Machan, it is the reality!
nice speech indeed !! bit of Obama in it.
Not only our Engish, our own Sinhala language has gone to the dogs, tune to any radio stations you hardly understand what is music and what is reading a long poem.
We don't have to trade patriotism to gain language skills.
/Which part? Must be the whole thing! Ha ha ha /
Ya, the whole thing. Never thought you think in that 'serious' line.
There were not enough English teachers in SL to make English a compulsory subject.
look at how dbsjeyraj a so called "independent" tamil journalist is moderating comments .
my comment on comment 39 which he changed to mean something totally different .
I am shocked at what you did to my comment #39 . What I said was that your credibility was at an all time low following the last article where you said only 4k civillians escaped. You changed my comment to say stuff about india, UN and other actors . Shame on you .
As they say it is hard to hide the tigers spots !!]
Quite unrelated to the post, I've read GR's discussion with the UK and french FMs which was brilliant. Thank you Sir for your courage and wits. We should have allowed the Swidish FM to come to SL so that he could be given the same direct answers.
If we had 10 politicians like this in our government, think of the state our country would be in 5 years.
china is an old friend. Russia suffered in the hands of internal terrorists. It know how it is like. The good thing is we have two counrties who are going to veto any UN resolutions against us.
This is serious stuff as far as journalism goes. It is one thing to remove comments altogether with a note. However, if he changed our comments that is total journalistic fraud. We need to look in to this act very carefully and document such shameless acts. Lets carry this forward. Can you please provide me a link to this article and your comments.
Machan, yes, I got my “'serious' line” but it is boring and that’s why I like my “Humping line” : ))
Pandula , yes machan, I have start learning to play the Guitar and looking forward to put some melodies in to what I write in DW and play as song! Ha ha ha bet some will end up better than some of the stupid so called songs in SL now.
And thanks SujeewaK for that link, that guy is awesome!!!
Same parties: ( and other pro-LTTE websites)
Same people: Tamiz diASSpora
Fooling again and again...
(very clear from Mavil Aru to Puthumathalang or whatever.)
Latest is "only 8000 people escaped (captured)".
I saw many tigers in LNP jump up and down saying its 8000.
I really like to know the psychological aspect behind this. I wish some psychological experts will do some experiment.
After all the Tamil national question is still unresolved; "Who closed the anicut?" HIKZ..
Another classic from the real Tamilnet.
If each patriotic sri Lankan living abroad was to invest at least US$100 per month in Sri Lankan stocks (avoid ceylinco of course) the nation may not need any cash infusions.
I started doing this sometime ago and my portfolio is starting to look quite nice. In another 10yreas I will be living on the beach, watching bikinis. [may be too old for anything other than dirty thoughts]
Ninja said...
I saw many tigers in LNP jump up and down saying its 8000.
I really like to know the psychological aspect behind this. I wish some psychological experts will do some experiment.
Yeah, I am amazed of the fact myself. No Tamil person in the blogs want to accept deaths of their leaders. No one want to admit LTTE has done wrong this. These guys needs their brains scanned.
And Peter Ratna has given up on this Blog. Must have manic depression now.
You may want to read about SL history or talk to some one like Prof. Nalin De Silva before you make these allegations "Shortsighted, Selfish,power hungry, politicians from 1956, paved the way to this carnage". This terrorist problem is not because of SWRD or Sinhala was made the official language with reasonable use of Tamil. Thanks to British for creating this mess. Look at all the other countries they colonized. Even now they won't allow us to progress, they try to interfere with internal affairs of a sovereign country. Thanks to Mrs.Indira Ghandi & Raw also for this situation.
Machan I am rather shocked he is it . in a previous article he had said that the real number of civilians who escaped is more like 4 k when it was clear there were 100k who escaped . So when he was doubting the govts figures of civilians I referred to his own credibility . he instead changed the comment completely .
The link is this one .
I thought this guy was an impartial tamil .
thanks for the updates.
"israeli mercineries" is somewhat misleading. it was rather some PT coaches from israel. they had nothing to do with the israeli military, past or present.
their dis-service to SL was MORE THAN compensated by the blue horizon-2, +++++.
i remember that tour. i think the tour was done from SL taxpayers' money in the guise of STUDYING various devolution models in different countries!!! this is what ranil's govt said!!
my arse!!
they were collecting money and weapons!! and holding pongu tamil dancing crap!!
"Sri Lanka Army (SLA) in Jaffna said that a number of youths held in the SLA detention centre in Nelliyadi Maththiya Mahaviththiyalayam escaped Monday and Tuesday into residential areas in Vadamarraadchi. "
- toiletnet
in simple terms.
1. some LTTE suspects have escaped
2. they had gone towards fishing ports
3. they will get into fishing boast and sail to australia
4. tamil diaspora has terrorists.
Boys, one last post from my “serious line”!
Phenomenon about Singapore.
According to most of the Tamil racists and LTTE terrorists supporting die-ass-pora goons in DW like Navindran, Bahirave, Peter ect Singapore is the thing! It is the “Tit of the Tit” “Pussy of the Pussy” and “hump of the century”. Every thing Singapore did, do and will be doing is correct and it is the 8th miracle of the world. And according to most of them, especially stupid Navindran, Singapore owes lot to so called genius pure bread Tamil race.
Fcuk me dead!
Singapore is not a fcuking phenomenon! It is another myth spread by Tamil racists and LTTE terrerists supporting die-ass-pora goons to undermine Sri Lanka just like so-call Invisible LTTP!
What theses fcukers don’t tell or don’t understand is that Singapore didn’t do all this by her self. Lee kawan yu or what ever is not a genius. He is a dictator and according to some wise guy, on one of his visit to Sri Lanka he asked our then PM “ So, u still got ur shanties ha? We have got rid of all ours”. And according to legend, our PM said, “yes, we have a democracy here”. So, my friends, at least we had our freedom!
Take economics data of Japan and Singapore. When Japan began it is miracle economic period from 1960’s to 1980’s Singapore wisely use that to their advantage and grew up rapidly.
Hats off to them, but not a miracle like Navindran seeya says. A country like Singapore or Sri Lanaka can not, I repeat, can not develop by own in these global economy. It is different to when our kings made Sri Lanka self sufficient economy.
So, what is our Japan? Now, hold ur foot, and before thinking to insert it in to my arse, think again. Yes, it is India!
In the past, when India was an economic power hose in the world we were the Singapore! When, Ashoka and Kanishka and Akbar running the world largest economy and the world biggest GDP country, yes, India , we, yes, Sri Lanka was the so-call Singapore!
Only when India had a bad patch the Chola fcukers invade SL and especially after Rajaraja Chola 1 fcuker.
So, whats coming up? India going to be the world largest economy again! Ha ha ha In 2030, India will take over USA and become world biggest economy and GDP in the world.
So, all we need is 10% or less of that fortune to make our country fcuking glorious Sri Lanka again.
Treat India like ur millionaire neighbour, get friendly with him, tap in to his worth and kind of work for him and work with him. He will give u shits time to time, like letting his dog shit on ur lawn. What can u do? Hump his wife, that’s what I do!
So, my friends, give priorities, who is our best friend should be? Yes, India!
I know, u guys want to stick ur other foot in my arse too, but think again, if u stick both feet in my arse, on what u going to stand on? Ha ha ha
re: english
if sw(o)rd b or anyone else didn't make english the state/national language, there would have been a worse war with sinhala, tamil, muslim youth agitating for the right to be heard.
teaching english is a very good thing. we must. but it will take a VERY LONG time to make at least 50% of the population fluent in english. by that time the insurgency would have won anyway!!
even during british rule MORE students were STUDYING in vernicular schools than in english schools!!!!! their education would have been mostly bullshit had sinhala/tamil not been national languages. they would be unemployed and all the rest.
but now is the time to turn english the medium of education. ppl have jobs, financial security, take part in governance, locals are educated enough in critical services in large enough numbers. we have the base to move forward. when MOST SL schools (all one day, hopefully) conduct things in english, their students will have MASSIVE number of opportunities they would never have otherwise.
it is a matter of building the base and moving forward. similarly chinese, hindi, french, japanese, spanish, etc. are also important commercially.
great post.
btw, chola or chol(er)a MFs were not indian. they were rather tamil madu. they captured (temporary) other parts of india as well.
I was always wondered why USA is trying to save Velu's Ass. Israel's connection may be part of the explanation. USA (a.k.a Israels's Slave/puppet) always tries to protect the interest and secrests of Israel.
# LTTE unilateral ceasefire a bluff - Keheliya
Link# Surrender, Daya Master tells LTTE cadres
Link# Stunning revelation by The Guardian
Link# Kouchner, Miliband condemn LTTE
Link# Freeing civilians, Government’s key objective - President
Link# Foreign media hypocrisy
"Liberal Party leader Michael Ignatieff called on Prime Minister Stephen Harper "to examine the feasibility of fast-tracking existing visa applications" to make easier for Tamils in Sri Lanka to enter Canada. He wanted special visas for those wishing to escape the violence and join the immediate family members in Canada."- lankaweb
they did a similar thing after the tsunami.
i like it.
1. that helps my political solution (ethnic integration in the north) very much.
2. it helps SL ease out the massive population problem
3. hopefully present and future tigers will also go with them.
4. the gravity of the ethnic problem (for those who have it) will reduce.
5. the big problem of looking after IDPs, resettling them, etc. will be solved to some extent.
6. these ppl will have a better quality life style and more earnings.
there are disadvantages too, but benefits far outweigh disadvantages.
Moshe Dyan
2. it helps SL ease out the massive population problem"
Could you elaborate more on this? Are we having massive population problem??
I disagree with you mate..
israel is SL's friend.
from deborah boats to kfirs to UAVs to colombo-class boats manufactured in SL to gabriel missiles +++++++, israel has done more good than MOST other countries.
both countries share the same concern - TERRORISM.
gone are the days when it trained troops and terrorists in the same camp. even that had neutral effect.
# Can BJP call for sanctions on Sri Lanka?
Link# EDITORIAL: Canberra Times: Truce hope as Tigers defeated
Link# LTTE orders civilians to burn boats
Link# Victory without humanity can be no triumph
Link# LTTE misled diaspora, kept them in dark to exploit them says Daya Master
Link# Sri Lankan issue
sure, matie.
sorry, it should rather be pop density.
SL pop = 21,000,000
land = 65,610
pop density = 320
wikipedia ranks countries by pop density. but that is a bit misleading bcos it also includes "territories". exclude the territories and see where SL ranks. pretty high.
IF the diaspora had not left SL...
tamil diaspora = 1,300,000
others = 700,000
total = 2,000,000
revised density,
pop= 23,000,000
land = 65,610
density = 351
wow! this is VERY VERY high. would place us among japan/singapore on one hand and rwanda/bangladesh on the other.
migration has served SL very much economically. it has also reduced GREATLY the overcrowding problem of cities in SL.
problems of overcrowding in cities increase with climate change, etc.
but pop is NOT the problem. pop density is. easing pop density is most welcomed.
Mr Kouchner said that he had requested the government to allow access for aid workers and the UN. Since September last year, only the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) have been allowed regular access to the conflict zone. Asked about the government's response to their requests, Mr Kouchner said: "We insisted, and we insisted, but it is up to our friends to allow it or not."
Bugger! This frog-eater wants us to let in NGO tigers back into conflict area. Go choke on your frogs, Frenchman!
ok. how to say this.
PLUS in the given context, reducing the population with the propensity to become potentially 'rebelious' (he he!!) is even better.
cut the crap.
we have a massive population of 'mahaveers' and potential 'mahaveers'.
Thusitha said
Yeah, I am amazed of the fact myself. No Tamil person in the blogs want to accept deaths of their leaders. No one want to admit LTTE has done wrong this. These guys needs their brains scanned.
My take on this is there are very few regular tamil bloggers in the blogs frequented by us.
What we see/hear are paid full time LTTE employees who are spearheading the misinformation campaigns. It is their job to misinform, and ensure that cash flow from the diaspora is not affacted.
One would assume that LTTE lost the war and hence they would lose the funding. VP probaly had thought of this outcome and had a plan for it. Again using paid employees agitate the diaspora and tgeir sentiments, using the paid bloggers to dispute the truth and paint a rosy picture (this started with posting vedios of jayasikuru to say that these are recent confrontations), using agnets to agitate the IC, get more poeple in to the west as refugees. Now the target is to raise another USD 2 Billion. The "I am not LTTE" bhahirav is speaheding that in the tamilnet.
In short the entire tamil ealam campaign from the 1920'sis solely based on misinformation.
The sad reality is his master plan is working
It should not come as a surprise that the U.S. is now going to block the IMF loan. What ever President Rajapakse does has no impact on western policy. They simply want him to go away.
It is in Sri Lanka's interest to wean itself away from the western world for its survival. Establishing links with the Middle East, other Asian countries and China is far more fruitfull, like the Libyan credt line.
Amma Gahai/Gahawi said... Ninja @English.. Ninja, Love it machan!!! It is all about the opportunity, we need to make sure we facilitate opportunities to learn English to each and every one who wants to learn English. -----------------------
In the world we live in every one must learn English. I personally hate English, but this is the reality. It is good if every one learns it with the proper accent, otherwise this might be disadvantages (Again a sad fact, but is the reality). When we teach English, we should teach the purpose behind the language as well. Being landlocked, it is very hard to comprehend this would one day allow us to speak to people from many ethnic backgrounds. Being able to speak another persons language allows you to get their confidence quickly. The best thing about learning another language is you would be able to immerse in a different culture very quickly and learn much more than a person without the language skills. Therefore when we teach English, Tamil or Chinese, the kids need to be told the purpose behind learning all these languages. It gives us opportunity learn, get friendly, open our eyes to other cultures and allow us to become a well rounded person and a good Citizen of the world. Not just a Sri Lankan.
Sadly what I see in countries like Sri Lanka is the language has become a Status Symbol, rather than a Communication Tool. Also people associate a certain coolness with English Language (as well as French). They tend not to learn their mother language (This is true not just for Sri Lankans, but for Indians, Italians etc.). The problem here is the parents, who does not understand the value of their mother tongue and never bothers to pass on to their Kids. Therefore I tell to who ever have kids, don’t teach one language, but make sure you teach them at least three languages (After this any other language becomes very easy to dominate). That is one of the greatest gifts you can give a Child.
GENEVA, Switzerland (CNN) -- The World Health Organization on Wednesday raised its pandemic alert to 5, its second-highest level, warning of widespread human infection from the swine flu outbreak that originated in Mexico.
Who ever have access to Health Organizations in SL, make sure people are monitored at the Airport.
SL would not be able to handle another crisis and Since SL is densly populated, it would spread very quickly. Prevention is the best cure.
This also gives us a good reason not to allow any foreigners in to our country.
Good timing.
Thank you for the reasoning. I agree with the density issue. But what I disagree is the fact that we should support migration, as a means of eradicating our internal troubles. This is similar to sending wives as domestic aids to Middle Eastern countries (scheme by JRJ), just to earn a penny more.
What happens in a migration is those who qualify for migration are the cream of people (educated) and we are left with less productive people. I would like to say that the process of migration is like a juice extractor. On one hand you get the extracted juice and on the other side it’s left with only the left over unusable/less productive stuff.
My feeling is Sri Lanka should change its course to be more oriented in agricultural based economy whereby we can utilize the human resource to the maximum.
Supporting migration is not a long term win situation for Sri Lanka. May be in Shorter term it will generate some FCY but in long term, it’s the countries who harbor them will benefit.
as for marveers, I think I cannot agree with you more...
Charity said...
Supporting migration is not a long term win situation for Sri Lanka. May be in Shorter term it will generate some FCY but in long term, it’s the countries who harbor them will benefit.
Have to disagree with this one. If people does not migrate, all of would have pretty much similar views. Visiting other countries would not give you the same experience as a Migrant.
What we must do is to make sure that we give these migrants a pretty good reason to come back and contribute to our country once again, which is happening in India to a Certain Extent.
AIADMK chief J. Jayalalithaa, 61, vowed on Wednesday to send the Indian army into Sri Lanka to carve out a separate Tamil Eelam state for Sri Lanka Tamils, if her party joined the next government at the Centre and had the numbers to play a decisive role in it.
Have to disagree with this one. If people does not migrate, all of would have pretty much similar views. Visiting other countries would not give you the same experience as a Migrant.
Bro, Don't take this out of context. What I meant to say is that in any migratory situation it is the country that harbors the migrant gains in the long run. Thats the reason why net migratory rate is a tool in assessing countries. If you see all developed countries have +ve net migratory rates.
What they are doing is reaping the benefits of our knowledgeable people who studied thanks to the free education in Sri Lanka
What I disagreed in the first instance is that we should support migration as a means to eradicate our internal problems. And not the normal migration due to work related issues.
I am not disagreeing with you to the point that SL should give a reason for those who went already, to come back.. (which I think again highlights the fact that migration is not a solution)
He has changed your comment 72 also. This is what it says now. Can you please make another comment and post a copy here. This is serious stuff and we need to document such blatant acts carefully.
I just posted the following to see what he would do.
There are some allegations by the reader Ali that you changed his comments to something totally different. This is a very serious allegation and if it is true, you certainly put your journalistic integrity at risk. Please respond.
This is what my comment says,
77. Sam Perera | April 29th, 2009 at 9:15 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
There are some allegations by the reader Ali that you changed his comments to something totally different. This is a very serious allegation and if it is true, you certainly put your journalistic integrity at risk. Please respond.
Hang Praba said...
AIADMK chief J. Jayalalithaa, 61, vowed on Wednesday to send the Indian army into Sri Lanka to carve out a separate Tamil Eelam state for Sri Lanka Tamils, if her party joined the next government at the Centre and had the numbers to play a decisive role in it.
This is a powerful statement. This is going to cause lot of people embarrassment. Might be able to get some advantage from a comment like this. Political and Military analyst should figure out the best way to use a comment like this to our advantage. But make sure it doesn't back fire on us. Defence, please don't jump in and start making statement.
Moshe, btw, chola or chol(er)a MFs were not indian.”
chol(er)a!!! ha ha ha
Yes, I have to agree with u on this for some degree.
Chol(er)a, were or South Indian’ s migrated from Africa from the first lot of mankind on first migration period.
Scientist have found this so-call “Y” chromosome or what ever ( I think it is “P” ha ha ha) from some of the people in TN which links them with the first man in Africa. They managed to carry this all the way by restricting their marriages to the family by marrying cousins/ some times even sisters (primates).
One thing about South India and TN, they some how managed to be separated from all of the Indian empires existed from Ashoka to Kanishka to Akbar until Brits. So, in a way chol(er)a were not Indian.
That does not mean the so-call Tamiza pure bread bullshit has any merits. If it has any merits then Peelam is in Tamilnadu and not in SL so fcukoff to where u came from.
I watched a documentary by Michel Woods Story of India and it is wonderfully done and make easy to understand how India works.
North Indians or Aryans or Indians were from the Centrel Asia, predominantly from Iran, Iraq, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and the language Sanskrit originated from (highly debatable, but even Indians accept it now) from Turkmenistan.
Indians, unlike Chol(er)a, were highly divers and harmonious and progressive and highly humpable too!
i don't suggest migration as a viable option for SL to overcome problems.
but it is good for a section of the total population to migrate. balance is the key thing here. SL msut keep a balance of required professionals.
then there are those who have the tendency to become tamil elamists. in this case, the approach should be to encourage more and more migration!!!! (exporting our probelms). we help them search/find tamil elam wherever it is (certainly it is NOT in SL).
in 1981 SL tamil pop % = 13% (approx)
if same %, number of SL tamils today = (21,000,000 + 1,500,000)*13% = 2,925,000
(assuming 1.5 million ppl migrated after 1981)
assuming 1 million SL tamils migrated after 1981, the present SL tamil pop = 2,925,000 - 1,000,000 = 1,925,000
as a % of the pop = 1.9/21 = 9% (about) which seems right.
IF 1% of them may bcome terrorists,
no. of terrorists without migration = 2,925,000 * 1% = 29,250
no. of terrorists after migration = 1,925,000 * 1% = 19,250
difference = 10,000 or 52% of the present number!!!!
this actually happened in the largest LTTE recruitment district of jaffna. their stupid solution, increase the %. this led to child soldiers, resistence, more migration!!! = shit for LTTE
but on the bad side we have to diplomatically battle the "LTTE international".
I am shocked where this guys journalistic integrity has gone to . He has been vocally against the tigers but for some reason the end game has changed his journalistic standards .
Who is this Vihulu pulle...
.Sinhala text.
.Vintage Pics.
/That does not mean the so-call Tamiza pure bread bullshit has any merits./
Sinhalese relate to some people migrated from north India. People came to north India from middle asia. They came to there from some another place... and this goes on. But according some tamiz experts (in LNP) tamiza people didn't come to TN from any where. So according to Charls Davin they directly come from monkeys.
but on the bad side we have to diplomatically battle the "LTTE international".
Exactly. This is more dangerous since them cannot be term as terrorists and the fight become even harder on diplomatic grounds.
Anyway best solution to the problem is the ethnic integration where there is no prominent ethnical division. Something like in Singapore.
But in shorter term we need to have some policy to contain marveers. Simply rehabilitation wont work.
'U.S. acts to delay IMF loan to Sri Lanka
Please capture screen images of your posts at DBSJ.
French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner requested that the UN be given access to the civilian zone held by the LTTE. The Defence Secretary said no one was safe in that area and the government could not guarantee anyone's safety. Kouchner replied that he was prepared to visit the area himself. He said he would take the risk and go there.
A smiling Rajapaksa told the French Foreign Minister that the LTTE was so desperate that he, too, would be taken hostage. "I don't mind that risk," Kouchner said.
"My problem is not what the LTTE will do to you," the Defence Secretary said laughing, "instead it is that should such a thing happen, we would not be able to take Prabhakaran as planned!
Nice one GR. Thanks for putting him in right place.
expect some crappy comments about this on tamilnut soon;
I'd say "got to hell" to the damn U.S. and keep their $$, and we'll get by somehow:
We need to carefully document such acts. Always do a print screen to capture your posts. We need to capture before and after moderation as evidence to such acts. Lets get the ball rolling.
LOL at GR:
Thusitha, where is the full artcle? can you post the link?
Agreed sam
Nice one GR. Thanks for putting him in right place.
This is excellent..
Spearhead said...
LOL at GR:
Thusitha, where is the full artcle? can you post the link?
We are making enemies, but this feels good.
But according some tamiz experts (in LNP) tamiza people didn't come to TN from any where. So according to Charls Davin they directly come from monkeys."
Ha Ha Ha they are Pure Monkeys!
Problem with tamiz experts is that they got all these pure things, like Pure Thala thel, Pure Ghee, Pure Kassippu and Pure Monkey Thamiza!
Pure fcuking stupid Thamiza monkes!
May be they got caved out from a stone! that's why they still worship a stone dick! ha ha ha
That is what I have been talking about all the time. Learning to say get fucked with a big smile. That is how it is done in the west. We are too straight forward, and never perfected that talent.
Thusitha said...
That is what I have been talking about all the time. Learning to say get fucked with a big smile. That is how it is done in the west. We are too straight forward, and never perfected that talent."
Well said!!!!!!!
Don’t get emotional and don’t take it personal just dish it out with plenty of sarcasm.
Caveman Velu said...
[ I was always wondered why USA is trying to save Velu's Ass. Israel's connection may be part of the explanation. USA (a.k.a Israels's Slave/puppet) always tries to protect the interest and secrests of Israel.]
I disagree that Israel is in any way, shape, or form, Sri Lanka's enemy, or continues to assist the LTTE.
First, Israel has been one of the PRINCIPAL SOURCES OF ADVANCED WEAPONRY for Sri Lanka. Israel has provided:
1. Dvora Fast Attack Craft
2. Kfir jet Fighters
3. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
4. Guided Air-to-Ground missiles
5. Shipboard Surface Radar
6. Ground-based Anti-Aircraft Radar
7. T-55 tanks (captured in wars)
8. Training for Military Personnel
Secondly, Israel could never have been able to supply these weapons to Sri Lanka, if that had been VETOED by the USA.
In fact, I believe, that both Israel and Pakistan met our arms needs at the behest of the USA, which approved, arranged for, and even subsidized some of them. Recall that the USA was the FIRST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD to proscribe the LTTE, well before the 9/11 attack. Without this HELP from the USA, I very much doubt that 38 other countries would have followed suit. So, we have to exercise a high degree of patience with the US, when a new administration, not in command of all the facts, make statements not favorable to Sri Lanka.
Arms supplies from other countries will always be uncertain because of the influence certain countries can exert on the suppliers. For example, both Israel and Pakistan are influenced by the USA; on the other hand, China is independent of both USA and India, Russia is independent of USA but is allied to India, while Iran may only be influenced by China and Russia. For this reason, we should maintain good relations with all of these weapons suppliers, knowing that the our relationships with any ONE of them can change suddenly. Countries have NO PERMANENT FRIENDSHIPS, only PERMANENT SELF-INTERESTS.
THerefore, Sri Lanka should develop its own INDIGENOUS arms industry, in weapons as well as in expendable ammunition, with different priorities assigned to different areas of development. In doing this, we should take Israel as our MODEL TO EMULATE, and support the cost of development for meeting our needs, through external arms sales to other friendly countries with legitimate needs. Some areas of military R&D and manufacturing may meet our internalneeds, while others may meet external customer needs and generate the revenue to fund our needs.
gota the best!
undoubtedly he is the BRAINIEST person EVER TO BE in charge of the subject of defence in SL.
he is MUCH more than his MSc!!!!
yes, rehabilitation alone is not going to work.
.So, we have to exercise a high degree of patience with the US, when a new administration, not in command of all the facts, make statements not favorable to Sri Lanka..
you mean unfavourable statements like this?
.U.S. acts to delay IMF loan to Sri Lanka.
I think US is playiing a double game..
@SNIPER said US is blocking the IMF loan:
Somebody has mentioned that GOSL donors are in Asia and we do not depend on the West for any more aid. Better keep to that word!
I have, time and gain, stated that going with the begging bowl will not help us in anyway. The US has always played a double game and the best way to stand up to them is to ignore them. GOSL should ask them to shove it up their ++++.
The President should have someone like GR at the Central Bank; who has a singular focus to navigate the country through this "croc infested" global economy by managing its accounts with diligence.
Better to starve and finish off this Fat Pig than become servile to these swines.
And who is this old hag, Terrorist Schaffer to tell us how we should do when they have mucked up in Iraq and in Afghanistan. The US is doomed like the Roman Empire - it is now becoming the Land of the Setting Sun!
UK to probe crimes against civilians in Sri Lanka
I guess it is high time that we probe what UK had done against Sri Lankans...
also do we have a plan B for IMF loan?
"So, we have to exercise a high degree of patience with the US, when a new administration, not in command of all the facts, make statements not favorable to Sri Lanka."
Well said!
re: IMF loan
what SL should do is to have a list of projects to be carried out in the north with the IMF loan and the increased economic activity the IMF loan would create.
e.g. infrastructure development, building destroyed schools, rehabilitation and vocational training of surrendees, better facilities for IDPs in SLA camps, faster resettlement of IDPs in SLA camps, etc.
and tell the US, if you don't give us the loan this is what will happen.
we will get the loan in no time!!!! (plus some more money)
"and tell the US, if you don't give us the loan this is what will NOT happen."
Sniper said..
[ you mean unfavourable statements like this? ]
Yes, even if the USA delays or stops the IMF loan.
WE HAVE TO CLEAN OUT the NFZ as fast as possible, irrespective of ALL OTHER CONSIDERATIONS, before this thing festers into a BIGGER problem. We should IGNORE what all of these BLEEDING HEART HYPOCRITICAL Do-Gooders say about this matter, and GET THE JOB DONE asap.
All of these countries have DOUBLE STANDARDS; when their neck is on the line, they do whatever is in their best interest, but when poor Sri Lanka's neck is at risk, they PREACH TO US.
Both the US and the UK went to war in Iraq for totally manufactured reasons, killing anywhere from 100,000 to 1,000,000 Iraqi Civilians in the process, and they preach to Sri Lanka now, when we are doing our utmost to rescue and take care of the Tamil Civilians. These are HYPOCRITES, trying to solve their own LOCAL political problems, largely of their own CREATION in pro-LTTE Tamil Diasporas in their countries, at Sri Lanka's expense.
EVEN Given that, we have to remember who HELPED us get here; exercise monumental patience with our VACILLATING FRIENDS, and GET THE JOB DONE FAST, so they can go back to minding their own business.
If the IMF denies the loan, we should go to IRAN, to CHINA, to RUSSIA, or to LIBYA and see whether they can help us out. That should LIGHT A FIRE under our bleeding-heart hypocritical FRIENDS! They don't want us developing closer links with these powers; they will have only THEMSELVES TO BLAME.
"UK to probe crimes against civilians in Sri Lanka"
Very Interesting..
Look what UK has done to citizens on Diego Garcia.
In the 1960s, the Chagos archipelago was secretly leased to the United Kingdom and detached from Mauritius with the intention of expelling its entire population and establish a military base. In 1971 the United Kingdom and United States entered an agreement under which the latter would set up a military base in Diego Garcia.
Since then, United Kingdom enforced the highly controversial depopulation of Diego Garcia, forcing to deportation to the island's entire 2,000 Chagossian Indigenous population—mostly of African and Hindu heritage—to the surrounding islands including Mauritius, located 1,200 miles away .
This island has one of the five monitoring stations assisting the operation of the Global Positioning System, the others being on Ascension Island, Hawaii, Kwajalein and Colorado Springs.
i thought the local SD does 53 odd knots at top speed though sea conditions and wind factor might effect it...
500hp motors are not cheap so for the tigers to use two of those for a suicide craft is quite "interesting"...
maybe these higher horsed crafts were kept for larger more important targets like the jetliner carrying troops or even OPV's like sayura...
i noticed in the last few videos released by the mod of naval battles the volleys fired at the tiger craft seems to arching pretty heavily and landing in the target zone.... what's the weapon in that scenario cos it doesn't look like "gun fire" more like "shells" of some sorts...
I ANTICIPATED the current situation in the NFZ in which the LTTE is hiding behind a HUMAN SHIELD until an International Rescue is executed, and wrote to both MOD/SLA on DEcember 5, 2009 on the Need to separate the LTTE cadre from the Wanni Civilians. This was before Kilinochchi, Jaffna, Paranthan and Mullaitiva had fallen.
I am not saying that what I suggested, from the comfort of my armchair, was MILITARILY FEASIBLE; it may not have been. However, it seemed to me at that time, that there was an UNSEEMLY hurry to capture Kilinochchi, without thinking about the END RESULT of the EMERGING STRATEGY of the LTTE in chasing the civilians deeper into the uncleared areas as they retreated.
For whatever it is worth, here is the text of my letter to MOD/SLA dated December 5, 2008:
[ An Operational Strategy for Separating the LTTE from Wanni Civilians
A major problem that will confront the SLA at the end of the clearing of LTTE occupied territory is that of preventing the LTTE from using the Wanni civilians as a human shield in the last stages of the campaign. I have a strategy that may work to separate significant numbers of LTTE fighters from these civilians, so they more easily escape tpwards the SLA troops.
I assume the following:
1. The Wanni civilians will remain primarily spread out along route A35 between Velikkandal and Puthukkudyiruppu,
2. The Jaffna front, Paranthan, Kilinochchi, Odusuddan and Mullativu have not yet fallen,
3. A new earthen bund erected diagonally from Iranamadu to Odusuddan is the new LTTE FDL at the South-West front, and
4. The new TF4 is not yet engaged and is available for deployment.
The basic idea is first to tie down the LTTE cadres at the Northern (Jaffna, Paranthan, Kilinochchi), Western (Kokavil to Iranamadu), and South Western (Iranamadu to Odusuddan) fronts, and directly south of Mullaitivu.
Meanwhile, a very strong force consisting of the entire TF4 and one brigade of the more experienced 59 Division to stiffen the new TF4, including armour and motorized infantry, attacks from North of Kumulamunai Northwards towards Mulliyawalai to cut route A34, then proceed Northwards along the road on the west of Mullativu lagoon to just short of Puthukkudyiruppu. Since Puthukkudyiruppu is likely to be heavily defended, we invest it, and move eastwards to cut A35 and isolate Mullaitivu from the North (ie., A35) and the South (i.e., A34). This will force LTTE to abandon Mullaitivu and withdraw their forces from it. All attempts to destroy cadres escaping from Mullaitivu, by air assaults or seaborne land assaults should be made at the Eastern side of the Mullaitivu lagoon.
While this is going on, every effort must be made, through military operations and public media announcements of impending captures and activities along the Northern, Western and Southwestern fronts to mislead and keep the LTTE fighters tied down, and prevent them from redeploying towards A35. These diversionary operations can include attacks towards Paranthan, at Kokkabvil around the Iranamadu tank northwards towards Vadakkachchi, and at Olumadu along A34 towards Odusuddan.
The final phase of the separation process is the most difficult. At this time, most of the LTTE cardes will be engaged at other fronts, and only the defenders of Puthukkudyiruppu and cadres who managed to retreat from Mullaitivu will be confronting the SLA at Puthukkudyiruppu. Two options are available. 1. Assault Puthukkudyiruppu directly; this will be difficult because of prepared defences, 2. Move around Puthukkudyiruppu to the West and then North along minor roads and tank bunds and move behind Puthukkudyiruppu, and tie its defenders down. Meanwhile, forces should move towards the Northwest either along A35 or parallel to A35 along minor roads towards Velikkandal to cut route A35 again at Velikkandal. This will prevent the LTTE from driving the civilians anywhere along A35, or westwards towards the interior of uncleared areas to the southwest.
At this time, the Wanni civilians would be close enough to the SLA to escape and find refuge among our troops. To save civilian lives, at this point, leaflets written in Tamil should be airdropped along A35 to inform the civilians of the procedure for safely surrendering to the troops (white flag, hands up in the air at all times etc etc), and assign safe areas for them to congregate.
When this rescue operation is completed, the remaining LTTE cardre will be solely fighting elements, and the full force of the SLDF can be directed against them to compel them to surrender.
It is important to undertake this strategy, before the uncleared area is reduced in extent by sweeping in from the Northern, Western and Southern fronts, because that will ultimately allow large numbers of LTTE fighters to hide among the Wanni civilians and use them as a human shield. ]
Sam and Ali
what site/blog are you speaking of - let's all pitch in and expose this fellow Jeyaraj
Sri Lanka: Plan B
April 29, 2009: The LTTE is trying to use 20,000 or more Tamil civilians as human shields and hostages, in an eight square kilometer enclave along a beach in northeast Sri Lanka. All this is an attempt to avoid defeat at the hands of the army, which is intent on capturing or killing any LTTE leaders remaining there. If the LTTE can somehow get a ceasefire, it can retain control of some territory, and rebuild its forces and resume the war. The government also fears that there is an LTTE Plan B, which involves getting as many LTTE leaders and experienced operatives out of the small "safe zone" in the northeast, while pretending to be civilian refugees, and into the general population. There, the LTTE would resume their terror attacks, again with the goal of rebuilding their strength and resuming their separatist war.
The government has been screening the 200,000 or so Tamil refugees from the last year (and especially the last few months) of fighting, looking for LTTE officials and key operatives. Many have been found, but the government screeners have also found that the Tamil civilians remain terrified of the LTTE, and believe that any cooperation with the government will lead to punishment by the LTTE eventually. Many, if not most, Sri Lankan Tamils believe that the LTTE will survive defeat in the current battle. This is because the LTTE ran a police state in northern Sri Lanka for the last two decades, all in the name of Tamil unity and resistance to the rule of the Sinhalese majority. The LTTE preached self-sacrifice and a suicidal attitude towards combat. The LTTE used large doses of indoctrination and fear to make Tamils believe that their only option was to obey, or at least fear, the LTTE. Many Tamils were put off by this, but fear of punishment kept them quiet. Some are speaking out now that the LTTE government is shattered, but everyone knows that the LTTE is far from over. The LTTE leaders who have been captured recently confirm, this, even though some of these men are disillusioned with their entire LTTE experience.
The prospects of the LTTE getting a ceasefire are low. International pressure, and threats of withholding aid or imposing sanctions, have led the government to halt the use of artillery, mortars and aerial bombs. But the LTTE are still using their mortars, and blaming the government. The army is now fighting from tree to tree and bunker to bunker against the thousand or so remaining LTTE fighters. Bunkers often have a dozen or more civilians in them, along with a few LTTE gunmen. This makes it difficult to use grenades, or even rifles, to clear the bunkers without injuring civilians. The LTTE is making maximum use of human shields, believing that they have nothing to lose by getting more Tamil civilians killed, and might even pull off a miracle (a ceasefire and "get out of jail" deal with the government). The LTTE tactics have already led to over 10,000 civilian casualties in the last three months. But the government insists that the army won't stop until all the civilians are safe, and all the LTTE members are dead or disarmed.
The government is not allowing UN aid workers into the combat zone, partly because of all the evidence the army has found, in recently captured territory, of UN collusion with the LTTE. It's often the case that aid workers have to cooperate with armed groups to survive and operate in combat zones. But the government believes that the UN crossed the line because of the extent that the UN aid workers helped the LTTE war effort.
Six LTTE ships, including four suicide bomb boats, approached the safe zone on the northeast coast, and were sunk by a navy patrol boats, killing at least 25 LTTE men.
April 27, 2009: An LTTE boat approached the safe zone on the northeast coast, and was sunk by a navy patrol boat, killing at least four LTTE men.
Sniper said..
[ I feel that even this economic recession may be a set up by them ]
Wow, you really mean this?
There are about 15 million American out of work. The US Govt is 3 $ Trillion in Debt, repayment of which will extend several decades into the future. Millions of people have lost their homes and been wiped out.
In no way, shape or form is this a Grand Machiavellian Conspiracy of US Leaders to defraud China...although I admit you could write a GREAT CONSPIRACY NOVEL based on your idea, AND MAKE MILLIONS! :) :)
Re: The IMF Loan,
Altough the article says it is going to delay it, at the same time they are saying it depends on whether delaying of it would be detrimental to them or not.
Definitely it would be detrimental to them and they know that. SL would never forget what they did in our hour of need. I don't think they are that stupid to do that.
Maybe be this is to stop this Fein guy from harrasing them.
Maybe plan be is to threaten to let Chinese or Russians have a Naval Base in SL. If that doesn't get people attention, nothing would.
we need a plan to seperate the LTTE from civilians NOW.
1. vezapillai and his band are not posing as civilians and living with them. civilians will screww them. so they still stay with a big group of guards easily spotted from a UAV.
2. there are NO deep bunkers as vezapillai was used to in the NFZ. this area became important for tigers recently.
3. 800 hectares is not a too large area for our UAVs to track 24/7.
4. a KAB-500 bomb would only destroy less than 1 hectare. we should use the SLAF to target bomb LTTE positions. if 20,000 civilians are spreaded out in 800 hectares, one hectare would kill a maximum of = 20,000/800 = 25 civilians. if the target goes wrong by 100 metres the casualty figure will remain <50.
this is not a war crime as we only target enemy's military eventhough civilians die.
5. Mi-24s also can do a big role here with SPIKE or ATAKA guided missiles.
6. LTTE bomb layden lorries were moving about and a large number of boats were trying to break the FDL and SLAF did nothing!!!
7. we should have UAVs always and use the SLAF to atack ALL LTTE military moves within the NFZ as and when they happen.
8. when LTTE leaders are killed, it will fall apart NOW. there is no time/peace/opportunity/numbers for succession planning.
9. but if we try to SAVE vezapillai (that is what we are doing now???), then we can't do these things. saving vp includes taking care that he doesn't die. that is why it is such a stupid move.
10. we won the war after 2006 bcos the war was fought according to a MILITARY agenda not a political or economic one.
OTOH capturing the a-9 road (1997-1999) was a political and economic agenda.
capturing vezapillai is NOT a military agenda.
"U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown lost a vote in the Parliament his party controls,----"
/UK to probe crimes against civilians in Sri Lanka./
Are they going to start from 1818 or 1848?
Moshe, Bro
Generally agree with your attack plan, with some modifications.
I think air-dropped bombs are too much of a blunt instrument at this point, that could cause too many civilian any case the GOSL has excluded them from use in the NFZ. For the same reason, INDIRECT FIRE artillery and mortars are excluded as blunt instruments.
Instead, we should use Tank cannon, RPGs, and recoilless portable artillery deployed in DIRECT FIRE as the principal weapons supplementing MGs, HMGs and assault rifles. Maybe we can use the captured 4-barrel peddle cannon here as well! :)
As you propose, the attacks should be closely coordinated with real-time 24x7 intelligence from multiple UAVs, and ground observers. Snipers should be used extensively to discourage movement between bunkers. We should keep bisecting the area into smaller and smaller areas in a divide and conquer process.
We have to have a strategy to overcome remotely exploded mines and IEDs, which is the PRINCIPAL threat here, perhaps with close in use of MBTs, APCs with close ground infantry support as combined-arms assault teams. The infantry will look out for, and take out, or direct artillery against, enemy firing RPGs/Anti-Tank missiles at the armour. The armor will provide the heavy artillery for destroying defenses, while enjoying some protection against mines and IEDs.
As you said, if civilians within the bunkers from which LTTE cadre are firing are killed, those are legitimate war casualties.
In addition, voice announcements to civilians and LTTE cadres should be used EXTENSIVELY to get them to surrender. Maybe, we can get DAYA MASTER, GEORGE MASTER, KARUNA etc to record the voice appeals.
If the UAVs can identify and isolate the bunker with VP and the top leadership, and convey that VP is surrounded and tied down by megaphone to the remaining LTTE cadre, they would be much less likely to continue the fight, and may surrender without the threat of penalties from their murderous leader.
No news from the Battle Field.
as a response for IC ??
/..latest statement during the visit to Sri Lanka by British Foreign Minister, David Miliband that ""[t]his is a civil war that does have regional and wider ramifications../
What kind of civil war is without regeional and wider ramifications in todays 'global village'? Does he think this war was without regional ramifications for the past 30 years? Does he think Rajiv Gandi was a Sri Lankan?
B#1, check
Ananda bro,
appreciate your reply.
agree with not using KAB-500s. but instead i propose laser guided munitions. SLAF has laser guided bombs.
the rest of your plan is the same plan we are using now.
with those weapons we cannot reach where vp is, without killing scores.
SLAF can access those DEEP targets and deliver the goodies without war crimes. no comparison between the 2 conflicts, but IAF uses kfir, mirage jets to attack hamas leaders hiding inside apartment buildings or travelling in cars. we have the same capabilities.
this long reach from the air (which doesn't hurt anyone) is the key.
but all depends on what we want.
if we want to save vp, then my plan won't work.
india has given SL an impossible task. it reminds me how my former boss used to sack ppl. he would give them the task to type a huge useless book the size of the bible!!! first they don't get it. but then eventually they get it and voluntarily resign!!!
if the present plan works well, it kill civilians and save vezapillai!!
Ananda- USA
"If the IMF denies the loan, we should go to IRAN, to CHINA, to RUSSIA, or to LIBYA and see whether they can help us out."
I am 100% sure Russia can help financially at this moment. We need to ask...
2 nd - we all SL 's should find a way how to contribute at this stage.
For Ex: deposit money in local banks or create fond where everyone can send money (I mean interest free lone to SLG) IF everyone give 1000$ for 5 year period.. like that.
[ if we want to save vp, then my plan won't work.
india has given SL an impossible task. ]
I don't think "SAving VP" is really an issue, except for PR purposes.
My personal opinion is: if VP dies by his own hand, or the SLDF's, it will be better for EVERYONE: GOSL, India, Sri Lanka Tamils, Tamil Diaspora, the Sinhala people, the LTTE cadre...EVERYONE without EXCEPTION!
The foreign ministers of Britain and France said Wednesday they had failed to persuade Sri Lanka to end its offensive against Tamil rebels and allow aid in for civilians trapped by the fighting.
Civilian are not trapped by the fighting, but forcefully held by LTTE on Prabhakaran’s order. Is it not proper to demand LTTE to release all the civilians? Days where there were major offensives from SLDF more civilians came out. Days where there were no offensives from SLDF less civilians come out of NFZ. Why? Because LTTE can guard civilians better on days where there are no offensives. So getting civilian out is not a reason to stop offensive action. "We tried very hard -- we insisted and we insisted -- but it is up to our friends to allow it or not," French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner told a news conference after talks with the Sri Lankan government.
Insisted on what grounds? Why not tell any logical reason as to why GOSL surrender to a terrorist outfit. British Foreign Secretary David Miliband also said the talks had ended without a breakthrough.
What breakthrough? How to take Prabhakaran out? Why not force the Diasporas who are under their nose to release the hostages. Diasporas are the driving force of LTTE. So why waste time in SL "Now is the time for the fighting to stop," Miliband said, but later admitted to the BBC that "there isn't going to be a ceasefire today as a result of this visit."
Who fights with whom? 32 countries banned terrorist group, fighting with sovereign legitimate government forces. "This does belong on the United Nations Security Council agenda," he warned. "This is a civil war that does have regional and wider ramifications, and happens to be a massive civilian emergency as well."
What massive civilian emergency? If the IC did not intervene, SLDF would have finished liberating all the civilians trapped by 27th April. Any repercussions now, IC is partly responsible. Sri Lanka's leaders say they are on the cusp of victory after 37 years of violence, with the ethnic rebels cornered and outnumbered in a small strip of coastal jungle in the northeast of the island.
Who is lying now? SL leaders do not consider or see this as ethnic problem. DW,
Please see,
President Mahinda Rajapakse told the two ministers that access to the conflict area was not possible because of the on-going fighting, a government spokesman said.
Access to conflict area is possible if two of you could have given a written affidavit to say that “GOSL is not responsible for any physical harm, not limiting even to death or that LTTE takes us as hostages” "The main point raised by the two ministers was access to the area where fighting is going on and the president very clearly and politely said 'no need'," the spokesman said after closed-door talks.
SL ministers do not like to have foreign ministers as hostages to LTTE as there are enough humans to protect Prabhakaran
The refusal means the two ministers will leave Sri Lanka after a one-day visit empty handed, after being unable to secure agreement on a ceasefire.
What ceasefire? LTTE declared unilateral ceasefire and still in effect, though they use as much as they have to kill SL soldiers who are advancing to liberate civilian that you people are taking about. Government officials have argued that any truce would only allow the rebels to regroup.
Who said only regroup? They are looking for a escape root. More civilian will be die of starvation. More civilians will be killed trying to escape before the leader. But at the centre of global concern are some 50,000 Tamil civilians who the United Nations says are unable to escape the fighting.
Unable to escape because LTTE are holding them as hostages. Talk to LTTE represide. Not the GOSL. GOSL too wants the civilians out from the NFZ. "There's no question that there has been abuse of civilians by the Tamil Tigers, preventing people leaving the conflict zone, and obviously we're very concerned about the heavy pounding that has been going on in the conflict zone as well," Miliband said.
Terrorist can abuse civilians but GOSL cannot fire at LTTE targets after obtaining very accurate locations. Are you a LTTE Mr. Minee Bando?” A UN document circulated among diplomats in Colombo last week said that as many as 6,500 civilians may have been killed and another 14,000 wounded in the government's offensive so far this year.
Even at the LTTE website claims very much less figure than this. Anyone can extract from that web site even today. Their claim is very much less. GOSL must formally request detail of 6,500 deaths on this leaflet. Sri Lanka has for months blocked most aid agencies from working in the conflict zone, and has herded about 110,000 fleeing civilians into overcrowded camps which are guarded by the military.
Any one who enter to NFZ will be taken as hostages by LTTE and will demand to flee of the leader and top LTTE carder. What a foolish thing to write. Can someone show who provided better facilities to this amount of humans in short time like this. Also whoever pointing on this matter can always send funds to improvements. Guarding the temporally resettlement camps are essential as the people do not carry LTTO motto on their body to identify as LTTE suicide carder. GOSL cannot take a chance. Kouchner and Miliband visited one camp near the northern town of Vavuniya on Wednesday, where Tamils told them of relatives who had been arrested inside what the government calls "welfare villages."Kouchner told AFP that "this camp is good, the rest must be awful," referring to the severe shortage of food, shelter and medical essentials reported at other camps.
An appeal to AFP; please collect some fund and send over to improve the camps. Air conditioners, Standby Generators, are welcome. Although Sri Lanka is restricting access for aid agencies, it did appeal for 100 million dollars in foreign aid for the nearly 200,000 civilians displaced by the offensive, Disaster Management Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe told AFP.
AFP; do you see what has done by aid agencies, INGOs has done for the last 30 years in Vanni? So now these things (building bunkers, building guerrilla war training camps, building gun boats, building submarine )are not needed. Only developments are needed. GOSL know how to do development. With all this troubles in Vanni, SL is doing its development in the other part of the country. On the eve of the ministers' one-day visit, Sri Lankan authorities denied a visa to Sweden's Foreign Minister Carl Bildt, who was hoping to join the peace mission -- prompting a major diplomatic row with the European Union.
If all the EU FM request to come and see in one go, how can they make to come and see bit later. We GOSL like EU to visit regularly to see the progress of our handling the worst hostage situation in the world. The diplomatic row was a symptom of Sri Lanka's hardening stance towards the West, with officials regularly accusing the UN and foreign aid groups of supporting or colluding with Tamil Tigers.
AFP: We do not thing that only way to survive in this world is go with West. There are other countries who are willing to help SL. They too know that we are worth to be friends. Why west is so interested in SL? There things West can extract from Sri lanka. Same with other countries. Give and take. No country is going to give, give, give. After months of heavy fighting, the Tigers are said by the military to be down to their last few hundred fighters. In the latest fighting, Sri Lanka's navy said that it sank six rebel boats and killed at least 25 guerrillas in a pre-dawn sea battle on Wednesday
AFP; What is your point? LTTE is in ceasefire. GOSL is in “no heavy weapons”. Few hundred fighters is an guess as GOSL cannot go in to count! But we know they still may have MBRLs.
BEAR said...
[ For Ex: deposit money in local banks or create fond where everyone can send money (I mean interest free lone to SLG) IF everyone give 1000$ for 5 year period.. like that. ]
Absolutely agree with you...except it will take too much time.
I previously posted an estimate at DW that there are 1,400,000 non-Tamil Sri Lankans abroad, and if they contribute $1,200 per year at the rate of $100/mth, we will generate an investment inflow of 1.68 $ billion/year. There are two problems:
1. This is the absolute maximum. I figure that only 10% of the people will actually respond, yielding 168 $million/ year inflow.
2. This is not like an IMF loan that can be spent by the GOSL for current expenses. It is investment capital....that will only have an INDIRECT BENEFIT to Sri Lanka. Important, but not money for current expenditures.
Does anyone know how these foreign ministers go to Ambilipitiya to meet H.E.Did they go by Chopper?
Anyway I think this is a brilliant move to show them that they are not welcome.
Ninja, thanks..
Most (all) of the tamils who live in south believe and talk that the Indian army is behind the SLA's victory despite how black cats faced the Mumbai attack.
These foolish tamils + diaspora + IC is the reason why LTTE was so strong. :)
I did not read your post closely enmough...and jumped to a wrong conclusion.
You are proposing a $1000, interest free loan for 5 years to the GOSL from every Sri Lankan. If every one of the 1,400,000 Sri Lankans give, the GOSL would get 1.4 $ Billion.
Great idea, if at least 50% of us give. I would even say, $2000 per person.
I would do it today, if we can organize this and get enough people to join.
A 1 $ biliion, interest-free, 5-year loan to the GOSL from its PATRIOTIC sons & Daughters, $2000 each. WHY NOT! LET US DO IT, NOW!
Please watch this Michael Coren show. It has many parts. you may have to search for the others. This is the part 2.
click here.
Who said Gotabhaya can’t handle press conferences or diplomatic briefings. See what he has told two MF’s came from UK and France.
He is a very good straight shooter, my salute to Gota! Sir, please accept my unwavering gratitude for your stand against international fakers who thinks SL is still a colony.
What rights F***ing USA has to delay IMF loan? F**k Obama and Hilary, f**k three times for Blake pakaya for architecture of that delay.
Americans note, your f**king war against Al Qeida terrorists is not the only one in this planet against terror. There are other such things. Next time when your back is on the wall we will see, what will happen.
Obama is going to be the biggest joke in the world within two years, mark my word for it.
--- Rana ---
Dear Friends,
I am posting this under urgent conditions, need to get the word out please.
LTTE now plans to commit mass murder. They have approximately 12,000 civilians all in explosive wired tents surrounded by prabhakarans main bunker complex vellamullivaikal south east. There is a small lagoon between the land and main lagoon. This region was heavily bombed by our air force about 3 days ago for almost 10 hours. VP may be dead as most of his cadre, but even if there is anyone left they will not let us find the truth. They are trying to take 12,000 civilians with them to the grave.
We will try to put up UAV for monitoring but flying over that 2 mile area is not possible 24 hours. Every action is now seen by US and UK through their satellites.
Ananda - USA
"I figure that only 10% of the people will actually respond"
I have another calculation- if govt can offer land (bloked) enywhere in SL- just like 200$/perch . max 30-40 purch /persone????
how it works??
Macho, situation is that grave? This should be given the maximum publicity possible. IC should be condemned for helping damn LTTE so far.
Let them commit mass suicide but Wesa Balla and his clan are not to escape. 1200 mahaveer families are nothing to us let them die as they wish. We can deal with IC later.
Ogre, thanks for info, machan.
Ogre said...
Dear Friends,
I am posting this under urgent conditions, need to get the word out please.
LTTE now plans to commit mass murder. They have approximately 12,000 civilians all in explosive wired tents surrounded by prabhakarans main bunker complex vellamullivaikal south east. There is a small lagoon between the land and main lagoon. This region was heavily bombed by our air force about 3 days ago for almost 10 hours. VP may be dead as most of his cadre, but even if there is anyone left they will not let us find the truth. They are trying to take 12,000 civilians with them to the grave.
We will try to put up UAV for monitoring but flying over that 2 mile area is not possible 24 hours. Every action is now seen by US and UK through their satellites.
Oh, no. We will start posting this in different blogs.
Acting on BEAR's suggestion, I sent the following email today to the Minister of Defense of Sri Lanka. Let us hope he will act upon it and send it to the President.
[ Hon. Gothabhaya Rajapakse
Minister of Defense, Sri Lanka
Dear Mr. Rajapakse,
Many of us Patriotic Expatriate Sri Lankans are appalled by the delay of the $ 1.6 Billion Loan that Sri Lanka has requested from the IMF. It is rumored that the US Govt. has requested this delay to pressure Sri Lanka into a ceasefire in its humanitarian operation against the LTTE in the NFZ.
I would like to propose that the Sri Lanka Government immediately setup a National Security Fund into which we Expatriate Sri Lankans can contribute funds towards an Interest Free Loan to the Government of Sri Lanka for a 5-Year period with a minimum contribution of $2,000 per person.
I estimate that there are 1,400,000 non-Tamil Sri Lankans living abroad. If 50% of them would respond to this patriotic call for assistance, the GOSL would receive a 5-year interest free loan of $1.4 Billion in 2009, thus allowing it to overcome the blackmail to which it is being subjected by foreign nations at this time.
At a future date, with the agreement of the contributors, the GOSL may be able to use these funds as an interest-paying investment, or for the issuance of shares in some other investment delivering a profit to the contributors, such as a National Armaments Manufacturing Corporation.
The GOSL should arrange with a National Bank to create a website that can accept the monetary contributions over the internet, and deliver the necessary transaction receipts. In this way, we can move towards self-sufficiency in funds for national emergencies, and beyond the reach of enemies of our country.
I would also like to express my undiluted admiration, and heartfelt gratitude, to you for your defense of our Motherland, and the courageous way in which you stand up to the foreign organizations and government officials who attempt to deprive our country of its hard won victory by rescuing the LTTE from the NFZ.
Respectfully yours,
OH! Kouchner, Kouchner take it if you can you dick head. It hurts.
/The Defence Secretary said it was up to the British delegation to decide whether it should believe what a terrorist group said or what a responsible officer of a legitimate government told them. "The choice is yours," he said.
French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner requested that the UN be given access to the civilian zone held by the LTTE. The Defence Secretary said no one was safe in that area and the government could not guarantee anyone's safety. Kouchner replied that he was prepared to visit the area himself. He said he would take the risk and go there.
A smiling Rajapaksa told the French Foreign Minister that the LTTE was so desperate that he, too, would be taken hostage. "I don't mind that risk," Kouchner said.
"My problem is not what the LTTE will do to you," the Defence Secretary said laughing, "instead it is that should such a thing happen, we would not be able to take Prabhakaran as planned!" He said after thirty years, the time had come finally for Prabhakaran and other terrorist leaders to be captured dead or alive and the government would not stop until that end was achieved./
If we publicised this wouldn't this put more pressure to stop the fighting?
If you are the real ogre, can you please let us know what you want us to do with this info?
Thanks ogre - the hero - for the info.
We will try our best to spread this information.
[If we publicized this, wouldn't this put more pressure to stop the fighting?]
My Dear friends,
This information should be made public domain. Each and everyone of you are part of Sri Lanka's defense against constant barrage of LTTE supporting diaspora propaganda.
The Sri Lanka government alone cant sustain this propaganda blitz. So I want you all, aggressively write in clear language against any article posted about sri lanka by news papers, and other news media.
If we (you) did nothing by now IC would have hung Sri lanka to dry on the ropes. So something is being done, but we need more and instead of abusive comments write a small paragraph when posting comments to any news paper article about Sri Lanka's terrorist operation. Hit them with pointed language directed at what they write please.
We must play white man's game in his back yard, LTTE has a good hold on this. SL Embassies in US, UK, Canada, Sweden are not aggressive enough in countering tiger propaganda. Our boys are doing their best, I ask you to do your best, dont listen to your wives comments, just get this done, one hour on internet and making sure you get a word out against Tiger propaganda is enough.
Thusitha said...
[ If you are the real ogre, can you please let us know what you want us to do with this info? ]
Can Sam Perera check the Profile ID of Ogre's message to see wether this is the real Ogre, and post the result here at DW?
I feel if this is true, IC will have more reasons to go in their way. 12,000 civilians are too big to ignore. Is our DF to give a try keeping in mind less damage to DF. We have to consider 12,000 with if what LTTE can raise there head again?
We definitely need to go in. This is unprecedented situation. But, LTTE would never give a damn about casualties. So they will do it. 12 thousand deaths or not, we should destroy them. Otherwise every terrorist in the world would resort to this tactic to save their skin when cornered.
Publishing this information can be double edged and I hope who ever otherrised this information to be public domain have thought thoroughly all the moves IC and SLA are going to make.
This is the track record of 'our masters', just from 2003 to 2008.
/The governments of the U.S., U.K, and Spain claimed that Iraq's alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) posed an imminent threat to their security and that of their coalition allies. United Nations weapons inspectors found no evidence of WMD, giving support to earlier criticism of poor intelligence on the subject.
The number of Iraqis killed through 2007 ranges from "a conservative cautious minimum" of more than 85,000 civilians to a survey estimate of more than 1,000,000 citizens. UNHCR estimates the war uprooted 4.7 million Iraqis through April 2008 (about 16% of the population of Iraq), two million of whom had fled to neighbouring countries fleeing a humanitarian situation that the Red Cross described in March 2008 as "among the most critical in the world"./
In our 30 years war total deaths still under 100,000 I guess.
@ OGRE vs /If we publicised this wouldn't this put more pressure to stop the fighting?/
Keep in mind LTTE plays in their statements not with 12,000 but 160,000. It is already given much publicity to UN number which is 50,000.
LTTE's final grand plan seems to be threatening to kill the (160,000) hostages to stop the war OR killing all of them expecting eelaam will be established by IC after thier death. This plan is very attractive to diASSpora.
If we keep silent then LTTE propaganda anyway go on. So as OGRE said we need to do our propaganda. But in what kind of way.. we need to cleverly decide. I think it should be aiming IC to help GSL and LTTE to pressurize via IC to release the hostages. The point is unless and until GSL rescue the hostages, they will be hostages fighting goes on or not.
Dear SL'S
let them to do that "" so so so asked Genocide""" by own hands.
I feel so sad. but it should be//
Ananda -USA
Ogre – 2008 Aug, ID = 0655….10251
Orge - 2009 Apr, ID = 0655….10251
This news has to come out from MOD officially to take it the next level. Othwise, the value of what we post is not going to be there.
Sam Perera said...
This news has to come out from MOD officially to take it the next level. Othwise, the value of what we post is not going to be there.
I still think this information coming from Officially is highly dangerous. If MoD is going to say this, it should not be said as a known fact. Taking action while there is a threat to 12,000 lives can be highly damaging.
Ogres comment published @CeylonDefence
--Prabhakaran plans mass murder-by Ogre--
||::CeylonDefence::|| updated
Click here....................
Ogre said...
We will try to put up UAV for monitoring but flying over that 2 mile area is not possible 24 hours. Every action is now seen by US and UK through their satellites.
It doesn't matter if US or UK is watching us with their satellites....we use the UAV to watch too. not to bomb.
So why are you saying we can't send it for next 24 hours?? Something is not right here ...
This is in response to your response to my question in your blog (Comment 77) about editing others comments as shown below.
"Please keep in mind that I POSSESS and will EXERCISE when I deem it necessary the right to edit or delete a comment."1) As a blogger, anybody can write anything.
2) As a moderator you can delete any unruly comment.
3) As a moderator you can warn unruly bloggers.
4) However, you can not edit others comments at your will. That is considered forgery.
5) Your pomp and blather will not lend you any credibility over acts of doctoring comments.
6) Please desist such dishonorable acts.
check this out.. it's 13MB PDF,so better 'save as' rather than opening it.
It contains satellite images of NFZ!
This was in Mahen's blog published by 'justavisitor'
MOD needs to get it out in the right way. This is a mass hostage rescue mission and nothing else.
Hang Praba said...
check this out.. it's 13MB PDF,so better 'save as' rather than opening it.
It contains satellite images of NFZ!
This was in Mahen's blog published by 'justavisitor'
I think this concept of NFZ is really wrong. I can't remember U.S. Army designating this type zones when they were conducting operations. I don't know why we had to do this our selves. Now people are trying to hold us responsible for that. We should have called it some other name like, limited fire zone or what ever, which has no real meaning. Like heavy weapons. Some thing that we can define according to what we feel like on the given day.
Thusitha said...
I think this concept of NFZ is really wrong. I can't remember U.S. Army designating this type zones when they were conducting operations
US never had No Fire Zone where enemy can roam freely. They have the 'Green Zone' to protect them self from the enemy.
Probably SLA got it wrong from the start. SLA should have created a "green zone' in a cleared area and ask civilians to go there......
After all the 'concern' shown my milibrain miliband, he has pledged £2.5 million! His trip here would hahve cost about 1/10th of that. What hypocrasy!
@Hang Praba,
So why are you saying we can't send it for next 24 hours?? Something is not right here ...
I think it's not next 24 hrs. He mean all 24hrs. All the time.
slpower said...
@Hang Praba,
So why are you saying we can't send it for next 24 hours?? Something is not right here ...
I think it's not next 24 hrs. He mean all 24hrs. All the time.
Ya, so that's does not make sense. It's our land, our air space. We can send an UAV to monitor our land. UAV ONLY take pictures/video, it does not drop bombs. So US,UK and rest of the world do not worry about we sending a UAV.....
I strongly Believe that Mahinda Rajase has got a clear backing from some big wig; It could be India, China, Russia, adding to the list might be Libya ,Turkey & Iran............North Korea surely would support.....
The following comments made by him & his actions has shown that he even thinks that a military intervention by west also could be thwart having these ones behind...
By the way what does he warn about an international "Tragedy"????
Also I like the quote" In five, six days" does that mean in 6 days things are over??? President can't be wrong he must have being updated????
No time for ceasefire: time yet for surrender - President
All television channels of the world are now directed towards Sri Lanka. With satellite technology the whole world can now see how the LTTE uses tanks to fire at the Tamil people fleeing from them. Of what need special observers to know of this? Why do we need special representatives to study this? This is known the world over, the President said.
However it is a great surprise that some members of the international community do not see this. I must warn the world that this lack of vision could leads to a international tragedy, he added.
You would have seen how our troops rescue mothers, carrying their little children at Puthumathalan. How they carry the aged, yet even seeing this, some international forces point accusing fingers at us.Daya Master says that he was carried to safety like a child carrying one's father. Some parents go on their knees to respect our troops for saving them from terror.
The world must see and know all this. That is why we call this a humanitarian operation. This is not how wars are fought in other countries. We have seen how Iraq was bombed. We have seen how Afghanistan is bombed. Those who come to preach to us seen how Afghanistan is bombed. It must be made clear that before accusing others, you must have the strength to know what you do yourself.
I read the artcile. As a member of UNP I disagree with what he has said. I congradulate the GOSL on the way this 'visit' was handled. I am sure you are aware that man UNPers did not vote in the recent election. Some known to be didn't in passive support to the war.
Dont judge a book by its cover and do not judge UNP members by its leaders.
What really is the agenda of the UN and this so called IC I wonder...
"Former Tamil Tigers accuse rebels of war crimes .... Their claims were made in a video interview by the Sri Lankan government, and it is not known whether they had given their statements under duress or following inducements.A spokesman for the United Nations urged caution over the claims, but said they appeared to be supported by their own independent reports..."
Unless the info comes from TamilNet or from within the NFZ it self, they are not prepared to accept anything....
Be like us. We are not any "ers" UNP, SLFP or JVP. We vote to anyone who we think as appropriate. Mostly we refrain from voting.
After many long yrs I voted MR in 2005 and still feel satisfied for doing so.
I have voted for UNP in the past and I am deeply saddened by the current status of UNP led scummies led by Ranil Wickramasinghe. These monkeys are a far cry from other giants like Lalith and Gamini. Look at how these monkeys worship their white masters. Their servitude to white masters are more than apparent in their comments and acts. Had they been in the helm, all western monkeys would have dictated the way we eat also. As a nation, we are very unfortunate to have these indentured servants of white masters in active politics. Regardless, I will not vote every again for UNP as long as these SOBs are in control.
Yes, I do the same on case by case basis.
I agree on the issue of how SWRD had knowingly or not thwarted the possibility of a future JVP insurrection turning SL into Kampuchea. Many of us who learnt in Sinhala were educated enough to not fall for Class conscious propaganda. We were also able to very easily translate what we learnt in Sinhala instantly into English when we migrated into English speaking countries and top their classes.
And yes, now the country is ready to teach the kids (any one who wants) to learn what ever foreign language they want. If they want to study Geology let them learn Russian. If they want to study w@^king let them learn English. If they want to learn robotics let them learn Japanese. If they want to learn Maglev technology let them learn Chinese (not French). If they want to learn Psychoanalysis let them learn German and Pali. If they want to f#*k white women let them learn French or Italian; replace white with Indian and you have Hindi (or just let them were a sarong and go camping and speak sudda sinhala! heh heh).
I think the idea of collectively giving a loan to GSL is a brilliant idea.
And MR has a brilliant team behind him. He just has to smile and his boys fire the MBRL(Multifaceted Brilliant Retorting Language) volleys- Kohona, Wijesinghe, Jayathileke and now Gota.
And yes when are we going to take the UK to the International Court of Justice for Crimes Against Humanity (1818, 1848, 1915)?
I have never been more proud of a Sri Lankan leader than after seeing Gotabaya Rajapashes' answer to Kouchner volunteering to go to NFZ. People like Miliband are the laughing stock of politics in UK along with the other labour MPs. They may think they might become somebody by putting their nose in our matters. After the election in 2010, these monkeys won't come in to government for few decades. They are that unpopular. It's great that our leaders have the backbone to stand up to these jokers.
One thing I would like to see changed is the government make a more concentrated effort in building relationships with the countries in Asia, Americas and perhaps eastern Europe. Next time UK or western Europe jokers decide they want to come to SL, they must be made to wait 2 weeks because we have other commitments.
In 20 years, the influence of Europe will be a fragment of what it is now. After the financial crisis, UK is suddently realising that they have nothing to sell. They will see that their value creation is not all that much more than the individuals in the rest of the world, as all their fancy financial instruments unravel. Only issue is whether our politicians have the necessary knowledge to play the cards right.
Voice of Tigers (VoT), the LTTE radio broadcast reported heavy fighting in the early hours of Wednesday north of Mu'l'li-vaaykkaal. At least 350 SLA soldiers were killed and more than 700 sustained injuries, the LTTE claimed. - Tamilnet
# Access to NFZ not feasible: Rajapaksa
Link# ‘LTTE readying 6 large boats’
Link# Is Toronto Tamil Eelam in exile?
Link# SRI LANKA: Conflict timeline
Link# The inside story of the LTTE 'regime'
Link# Jonathan Kay on the Tamil Tigers, and moral rehabilitation of the Liberal Party
# "Some countries who oppose talks with Taliban, propose talks with Tigers! "
Link# Haul of bombs, explosives uncovered by 57 Div troops - Puthukkudiyirippu
Link# LTTE unilateral ceasefire a bluff - Defence Spokseperson
Link# U.S. Government program strengthens local authorities in the East
Link# 'Threat to Tamils in Sri Lanka is posed by the Tigers themselves' - National Post
Link# Civilians trapped in Mullaithivu evacuated with Naval Assistance: 195 more civilians rescued in Special Naval Rescue Mission
what was said by Orge is correct and confirmed by one of my friend, who has good contacts with tamil diaspora.
What is more disturbing is that, inocent people, who are herd in to explosive rounded tents, are all belongs to low cast (dalits).
I am really sory about these inocent people, who are getting hammerd from all directions.
Thank you Mr. President for clarification. We deeply appreciate your courage and steadfast effort to stand against terrorists and their western sympathizers for Mother Lanka. You have our total support.
/SLN, SLA step up confrontations, Tigers sink two SLN vessels
[TamilNet, Thursday, 30 April 2009, 11:57 GMT]
Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) continued to attack Mu'l'li-vaaykkaal shore since Wednesday 4:00 p.m., killing and maiming many. Meanwhile, Liberation Tigers of Tamlieelam (LTTE) Sea Tigers confronted the SLN vessels sinking a water jet gun-boat and Dvora Fast Attack Craft (FAC) around 2:45 p.m. Thursday.
Meanwhile, Voice of Tigers (VoT), the LTTE radio broadcast reported heavy fighting in the early hours of Wednesday north of Mu'l'li-vaaykkaal. At least 350 SLA soldiers were killed and more than 700 sustained injuries, the LTTE claimed.
The fighting comes after 2 days of heavy attacks by the SLA that has attempted to advance towards Mu'l'li-vaaykkaal. /
Tamlnut started again sinking dvoras, killing xxx troops. Gun downing Kfirs with for pilots will be there soon. Peelaam is soo close now... HIKZ.
This sounds more like a special force and commando operation to rescue hostages than anything else. In such situations, they give maximum publicity in the other parts of the world. I am bit surprised as why our government doesn't make it public.
is there a gap between sat. images when the satellites are being changed/rotated/
How long will the gap will be, if there is one?
Tamilnet publish this kind of BS when they are about to be defeated. I guess hope that this is going to be their final battle. In any case, we have to get them to finish up their ammo as much as possible.
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