The progress of the 53, 58 and TF-8 troops have been hit by seasonal extremities in Vellamullaivaikkaal. Marching from north of Mullaitivu to south of Mullaitivu is a particularly difficult choice for the infantry.
Experienced officers know that the Mullaitivu coast is particularly harsh during the months of May, June and July when the winds raise dust storms and the sun beats down on you whenever there's a break from the heavy downpour.
Given these harsh conditions, troops marched and gained control of a 50m2 area by last evening. The sand and heavily mined beaches make the progress tedious. But the Army is preparing a new strategy against the Tigers; one that is quite different to the first phase of the rescue mission.
With the LTTE's back against the wall, the group has called on the Sea Tigers to take over its escape strategy. The seas off Mullaivaikkaal have been the scene for bitter battles between the Navy and the Sea Tigers with the Navy gaining the upper hand in many of the face to face skirmishes.
Today, however, was a bad day for the Navy, particularly for the Navy's elite Special Boat Squadron. 12 men from the SBS including the SBS' 2nd in-charge (2IC) were killed when they were lured into a trap laid by LTTE Sea Tigers.
The valiant officer and his SBS men, having successfully engaged a flotilla of Sea Tiger boats had observed a fast moving boat off the Mullaitivu coast and approached it with the hope of capturing the boat. Surprisingly, this particularly large vessel had been unmanned.
By the time they realized what it was, it was too late for the gallant officer and men. The remote controlled vessel packed with explosives exploded, killing the 2 IC, a Lieutenant Commander (Posthumously Commander) and 11 other men.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Navy bids adieu to 12 valiant SBS braves
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9:10 PM
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1 – 200 of 565 Newer› Newest»DW,
Why do we want to capture the boats off the sea than just destroying them? This doesn't make any sense.
What's the need to capture Sea tiger vessels?
No need to take unnecessary risks.
well according rupavahini or swarnavahini they discovered a remote controlled explosive packed boat couple of days a go. wasnt the navy aware of that or they juz didn take it very seriously. well we paid a high price for to be careful in the future...
Salute... brothers.
All Sri Lankans are grateful to your sacrifices.
We pledge to honour you by redoubling our efforts to seek and destroy each and every Tamil terrorist.
As a bonus... we'll pledge to SriLankanize every square inch of the North and East shattering the myth about a Tamil homeland... causing extreme pain to the Tamil Terrorist Membership Everywhere (TTME).
Sam Perera said...
Why do we want to capture the boats off the sea than just destroying them? This doesn't make any sense._________
Perhaps the Navy thought they might be carrying LTTE leaders the Military wanted alive for any number of reasons. Perhaps they were concerned about blindly shooting at the boat because it might have been full of hostages.
Simply destroying everything without thinking is no answer...especially in a critical phase of a delicate operation.
What if the terrorists had filled it with hostages and then filmed the Navy indiscriminately destroying it without so much as a thought?
You really need to work on your strategic thinking Sam and be thankful the SLAF are not as trigger happy as you would have them.
This set of articles exposes a conspiracy and is very convincingly written:
Very very appropriate
It should be spread across the web…Please social bookmark it!
Dis Information the Moron,
Sure, a high speed boat from LTTE carrying just civilians to safety. Can you really think? You are a proverbial buffoon who has no clue at all about how LTTE does things.
Hey nangige something dude..
Please change your handle. It is not really cool to have a handle like that unless you are an LTTE supporter trying to tarnish the name of sinhalese.
I dont think this nangige something dude is sinhalese. He only knows sinhalese few words. What a moron!
Sad day indeed. I'm not so sure about the slowing down of operations, causing more deaths and waste of precious resources! This war should have ended last week! hard to keep reading about lives lost as this drags on.
Blogger Sam Perera said...
Dis Information the Moron,
Sure, a high speed boat from LTTE carrying just civilians to safety. Can you really think? You are a proverbial buffoon who has no clue at all about how LTTE does things._________________________
From the DW post:
"...Surprisingly, this particularly large vessel had been unmanned."
Anything catch you eye Sam? How fast of a boat was it for a particularly large vessel?
I also note that (as is usual for you when attacking me) you cannot refute my other point that maybe the Intel guys might have been looking for specific deserters/escapees for a number of good reasons.
If all you can do is insult and then illustrate your lack of reading comprehension you are doing nobody who reads this blog any favours.
As for the topic at hand for those interested in something more than the Sams of this world have to offer...
It is curious that the Navy appear, and I stress appear as we have no confirmation of this event, to have been caught by this tactic.
Much respect for the men who died but it seems someone made an operational mistake along the way here as I can't imagine there isn't a specific protocol to follow to prevent this sort of attack.
From the recently hacked Army website:
" MULLAITTIVU: AT least twenty-three Tiger terrorists aboard three LTTE boats, including two suicide boats were destroyed in the MULLAITTIVU seas by Naval attack craft this morning (01).
Naval troops on close surveillance in the seas spotted this unusual movement as the wee hours broke and pursued it in a meticulous manner until their identities were verified through technical sources.
Meanwhile, a release issued by the Media Center for National Security (MCNS) said;
Sri Lanka Navy’s elite Special Boat Squadron (SBS), Fat Attack Craft (FAC) and Rapid Action Boat squadron (RABS) destroyed three (03) Sea Tiger boats killing twenty three (23) Sea Tigers in the seas off MULLAITTIVU around 1.00 a.m. today (1st May 2009).MULLAITTIVU: AT least twenty-three Tiger terrorists aboard three LTTE boats, including two suicide boats were destroyed in the MULLAITTIVU seas by Naval attack craft this morning (01).
Naval troops on close surveillance in the seas spotted this unusual movement as the wee hours broke and pursued it in a meticulous manner until their identities were verified through technical sources.
The vigilant Naval Troops engaged a combined cluster of two Sea Tiger suicide craft and one attack craft which attempted abortively to launch a suicide attack against the Naval craft, deployed on patrolling in the sea off Mullaittivu in the early hours. Two suicide craft laden with high explosives and one enemy attack craft were completely destroyed by the Naval gunfire while killing 23 Sea Tiger cadres. Meanwhile the monitoring of Sea Tiger communication has revealed that LTTE Sea Tigers have suffered severe casualties in this confrontation."__________________
Hey Sam... try explaining this for us please.
The above GoSL information says the attack was thwarted where DW is reporting something very different.
This is why I said this event has not been confirmed.
It is hard to say who is telling the truth in this cyber-fog but I sadly suspect DW has this one right.
Thanks Duke!
A very good article. A bit too long for most peoples tastes nevertheless very informative.
I'm particularly worried about the increased activity of the sea tigers!
12 SBS in 1 day is a BIG loss... :-(.
Anyway, with the recent capture of a similar remote controlled ltte boat, we should have avoided this tragedy!
One more thing, don't hate me for saying this, but I think we should not have made this loss public! Unless the ltte was already aware of it...
With full respect to fallen SLN officers for no reason of theirs, my surprise to comparing life 12 SBS to life of LTTE carder, one or thousand, big or biggest boat.
12 valiant SBS are priceless. No one can compare them even to a big ship suspected carrying LTTE carder, or even if they were civilian ship who are not obeying rules of the sea. The orders should be to shoot them down, may be using any type as not in the NFZ.
Are we to assume that we are trying hard to capture top LTTE carder scarifying our young blood that we depended so much to save this country. We feel is act is a great mistake. We may find repetition Wadamachchi
Also we got to remember that some of the submarines that were found may not the only submarines that LTTE has? They may have more powerful once. It is wrong or no need to assume this way even if the surrendered high ranking carder tells so. It may be wrong to assume anything obvious as the LTTE war tactics are unique.
If we go in this gear it is possible to LTTE will over power our Navy and escape, and the GOSL will be responsible for these lose thinking.
People will not excuse what ever said and done after failing to kill the top leaders of LTTE.
I may be hard to say, if some one wants to save LTTE, please do not scarify our boys in the field. Just pull back and let LTTE go for what ever the reason.
Vacancies in TE Ltd
This post shows why TE put that advertisement to recruit suicide bombers. They are short of food, arms & ammunition, ideas, supporters and now suicide cadres. Therefore, they are now using remote controlled suicide vehicles
My employment Agency has received a large number of applications from many and some as young as 6 years. Regarding my ad, I am sorry that I did not specify the age. Please note that the minumum age for the post is 10 years. So those below 10 need not apply.
TE Ltd is an equal opportunity employer and this restriction on age should not be considered as discrimination based on age. Rather, it based on sound scientific principles. Anyone younger than 10 years cannot walk with 10 kg of C4 strapped to his waste. Thus they are automatically disqualified. Besides, it is against UN Charter to make children carry heavy burdens and TE is nothing if it is not a great respecter of the UN Charters and Human Rights.
But TE researchers are now developing techniques of shooting small children using a canon (as in those circuses) and this may open the way for even infants to become suicide bombers.
I'm puzzled as to how the last remnants of the LTTE (Sea Tigers or what ever they call themselves) are able to engage in this kind of activity couped up in such a small area without the defense forces knowing about it.
Perhaps, i'm wrong i was under the impression the LTTE fighting capabilities were nullified weeks ago.
On a different note, i often find if bloggers dont agree with ones views, insults, profanity used to excess without addressing the views/comments.
You lost it!
The "raised-sarong" mode(ps-i love that saying since i heard it the first time from Dominic Chilcott and Peter Hill) here with an extra-ordinary attack on anyone with differing views is hilarious and equally sad.
ps- I had commented on Ananda-USA comments on the previous thread
My sentiments exactly. How many more young lives need to be sacrificed to this black hole LTTE? It's obvious the LTTE's trying hard to save their man power by sending remote controlled boats etc.
This proves a weakness of SLNs part and needs to adapt a protocal to value their resources immediately!(i.e. young lives of the officers on the front lines)
BUT it's never too late to learn from past mistakes. Hope they keep their guard up from now on atleast.
That exactly is my point. It is very unlikely that they will send out a high profile terrorist in one isolated boat without an escort. Therefore, any such isolated boat shall be sunken immediately. Even if it is Vilhilupundey trying to surrender mid seas, I will follow the same protocol. Fine, he was there and now he is gone. I am amazed by what the navy did here. However, LTTE is not in a position to exploit such tricks in a meaningful way. Nevertheless, it is not a happy day for me to hear that 12 of my brave brothers died by falling in to a trap.
Are we trying to spoil our vectory?
our diplomatic front sucks, we have very good people, but there is no proper cordination handle the presure.
Same emphasis should be given like in WAR front, to handle the press and IC.
We should have clearly mentioned and cancel that NFZ concept, after so many people rescued, because now terrorists are in it with big guns fighting in and out.
Should have properly documented the existance of terrorists with heavy wepons with photos, video footages etc to offically cancel the NFZ and renamed the operation as hostage rescue mission.
What has been done is some ad-hoc press briefing and that is why still IC uses the term NFZ and trying to sqeeze the neck of the GOVT.
army is not in vellamullivaikkal yet. they still have to pass rekthavaikkal and karayamullivaikkal. please dont misinform and take pleasure out of fooling the patriotic enthusiasts.
i guess puken appu and mahen have better sources than u.
did u have an attention problem when u were young?
Dis Information the Subhuman LTTE scum,
Please stop your pathetic attempts. We have seen many monkeys like you here and you are no different from any of them. As I told you, there is a special place for in Sri Lanka's unmarked graves reserved for faceless and nameless terrorists. Please spend the remaining valuable days of your life wisely.
This is mind blowingly bad perhaps orchestrated by vested interest. (IMF loan sanctions etc)
Where is the damage limitations exercise by the likes of Rajiva W, Dayan J?
UN/US always knew there was aerial bombing of NFZ but kept quiet. Not to upset a hornest nest.
UN/US felt it was appropriate to "leak" these images to Jeremy Page to get maximum mileage (JP- recently got kicked out from SL but highly respected credible journalist). This is typical of UN/US to use ones weaknesses to twist the knife in on an agenda.
There is no question of the credibility of the images. SCOPP and the likes need think carefully if and when they respond.
I've been banging on that same drum for the last few months. witnessing first hand of the inadequacies of the SL diplomatic missions in the west. SL government and its peoples voices have been silenced here by the massive anti-GOSL protests. Yet hardly even a whimper from the from the SL counterparts here. WHY oh WHY?
SL needs an aggressive campaign with able outspoken talents in the west and this has to be done soon. I'm not sure what they're waiting for...?! I've written several times to MRs office regarding this issue, but then again I'm just another foreign voice trying to exert pressure on a sensitive issue.
Maybe some of you locals can bring this issue with the gov.officials?
Thanks for the previous thread, as much as I enjoy some of the remarks, I can't help but feel annoyed by certain chauvinistic behaviours by some members. Saddens me to no end, in this day and age one must resort to such tactics to get a point across.
"kanya souriya koti kathak"...
Thamil Peelaam (photos)-very beautifull country.. HIKZ.
Time to time DW coming with fairly tales. This is another one. There was a sea fight today. But nothing like this has happened.
DW = Mahen
Believe, we should exploit the situation, prevaling now.
SL GOVT should declare a NFZ just next to the present(N)FZ in to the puthumathalan area, and deploy UN monitors to it. Perimeter of the area should be guarded by the SLDF.
Basic screening for wepons and explosives, should be carried out by the UN monitors with taking care of other facilities as well.
GOVT should declare two days pause to enable civilians to come in to the new NFZ. Terrorists also might be slipping to the area, but that doesnt matter, as far as no wepons are carried.
I do not know, what are the legal issues comming, out if terrorists are in UN custody. Whether it is a right of the local GOVT to finally receive all civlians including terrorist surrendies.
Now Diaspora and some IC are trying to set a trap to the GOVT, but if do the above, ball is in LTTE cort.
Now the situation is too bad for us and our brave soldiers are unnecessaraly dying, because of lack of fire power.
Now LTTE is much stronger and their elite carders are fighting with all big guns with our infantry, whose hands are tight due to false claims of NFZ.
your ideas,
I assume my previous posts (response to dogooder) has been moderated and you have no wish to publish them?
You need to get your act together!
Blessings to the valiant sailors and their families.mingis
I'm confused! What are you saying JAY?
what the heck does this mean?
"...But the Army is preparing a new strategy against the Tigers; one that is quite different to the first phase of the rescue mission..."
looks like we're stuck with just using "small arms" somehow, to finish the rest...
what happens if gosl DOES carry on as before in the area that's being watched from above? what really can "they" do?
Ja(i)l bird,
Haven't we seen this guy before as a disruptor of the blog? This time it looks more subtle but I notice the term "There is no question of the credibility of the images."That gives the game away.
see the following article by Dr Ranjit DeSilva at site puts that assertin in its place:
No Credibility at all (aka Peter Hill)
This is a good one. She hit the Bulls-eye with this one.
I am not sure I have come across this handle before. But a handle having a conversation with Ja(il) bird could be considered multiple personality syndrome:
Thanks for the previous thread, as much as I enjoy some of the remarks, I can't help but feel annoyed by certain chauvinistic behaviours by some members. Saddens me to no end, in this day and age one must resort to such tactics to get a point across."
Iwould answer:
(all in good humor of course).
Sam Bro,
It is important to continue to attack handles like Disinformation who are coming here pretending , thinking that we won't remember them. Beware of new handles though.
BTW half-sinhala Rocks! (that's coming from a "full sinhala" whatever that means; after all we are the archetypal mongrel race; and proud of it!)
My apologies then, I didn't know this was a war of profanity!
Here's a comment from a Torontonian, appeared on 4/30 in Toronto Star, after getting fed up with actions of Tamil terrorist membership’s demonstrations in Toronto.
[I agree that the tamils have a right to protest. However, I do have a very big problem with them using the alley and the actual building I work in as a public bathroom! I work across the street from the US embassy, and I have been coping fine with the delays (I take the ttc, so I'm not really impacted)but when I have to walk past the stench coming off the front and side of my building to get to work because they organized a protest and no one bothered to think of where these thousands of people would go to the bathroom is a problem. People have the right to protest, but they do NOT have the right to use my office building as a toilet! NASTY PEOPLE! You want change?! So show how you are better, not just as low as the people you are protesting against.]
he he he.... Once a Sakkiliya, always a Sakkiliya.
Yes Dis Information is making all kinds of attempts in the rational cloths to get disinformation out. I have my sight set on such monkeys. BTW, thanks for the kind note. It is only Eelamist think that they have a problem in integrating to the Sri Lankan society. Neither me, nor my siblings ever had such issues.
President Rajapakse definitely has a backbone. He has restored the dignity of Sri Lanka as a nation.
"Ada apita bana kiyana udaviya owun kriyathmaka wenne Afghanistanaye wena widyakata"
"mata wada kakumak thiyanne ba kohe hitine suddekuta ?"
U.N. council sees no need to punish Sri Lanka Good one!
My apologies then, I didn't know this was a war of profanity!"All's fair in love and war.
you're entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.
I'm mostly for peace not war, but there's always an exception to the rule. My exception being the LTTE.
Now go shave :P
you're entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.
I'm mostly for peace not war, but there's always an exception to the rule. My exception being the LTTE.
Now go shave :PHeh Heh Heh. Do I see the edge of irritability in a "peacemonger"? You are certainly entitled to your opinion and we welcome it. For, your opinion will reveal whether you are a true patriot or a Political Animal, eventually...
Now I would like to invite another blogger who is entitled to express his own opinion.
Come on down Asthiri.
America will not protect us, warns Rudd
In a fundamental shift in defence plans, the Government has explicitly declared that US primacy in the Asia-Pacific - the bedrock of the nation's security since World War II - may be ending. The change, caused by the rise of new great powers such as China, is set to produce growing regional tensions and a "sudden deterioration" in Australia's security.
What a great allay we have. CHINA!
anyone knows what happened to LTTE thugs who went for walk?
i heard they vanished with money they collected...another bogus propeganda...
we must publish all this bul***
Have you seen the following article. A must for all Sri Lankans.
I did not follow dogooder long enough to see him bringing up impossible scenarios. May be he slipped my Radar. Lets see where this goes with impossible conditions like the attacks shall not cause any coughing or sneezing in civilians.
By the way, on the brighter side, this SKR clip says that 58th is already in Vellamullivaikkal,
Miss Information,
You are a real moron. A large boat can be fast, what is your point? The 58 recently found remote controlled suicide boats which are larger and faster than their normal suicide boats. But whatever the size, a fast boat is unlikely to be carrying refugees. Sam is right.
you people are totally paranoid. Anyone with a slightest differing view you pounce on. What is the deal here?
Peacemonger, Patriot, political animal, or whatever... all I have to say is go back and read up on all my previous posts and decide for your self. But then again I'm sure I don't have to tell you to do that since you're keeping thorough records of every person who goes in and out of here.
I also got confused with these names …SKR & Swarnawahini also saying that SLA in Vellamullivaikkal…which means that SLA has reached south ?
According to Daily Mirror map Vellamullivaikkal is located in south of NFZ.
Who is correct?
In EFT Nilambare said...
First ask LTTE why they are in NFZ. That was not declared for LTTE pigs, it was for civilians.
Very good point. Also some pro-ltte posts redicule the GOSL for calling the area NFZ. Its a NFZ for civilians. When the terras go in SLDF has to hunt terras in the way they are trained. IC/GOSL should be telling LTTE to get out of NFZ rather than telling them to release civilians. Iits semantics but nilambare has a point) Not that they are going to listen.
Also the satalite pics of ground damages etc also if true are due to terras going in to NFZ. No army gives the enemy a NFZ. It WAS for civilians and when terras go in it becomes a legitimate target.
If you read the text in Daily Mirror, it says that CR and SF was already there in Vellamullivaikkal. SKR repeated this, not only in today's clip but yesterday's clip also. He goes on saying that after Vellamullivaikkal it is karayamullivaikkal where Vihilupundey is hiding. This the reverse order per and daily Mirror. Given his access to SLA front lines, what he says is very likely to be true. Lets see how this unrolls.
this is DOUBLE stupidity!!
1. it is not navy practice around the world to get too close to an unidentified vessel. loud speakers are used from a safe distance to call for anyone in the vessel to surrender. failing which firepower is used to DESTROY it.
looks like these men though brave had lacked proper execution and paid the price.
2. SLAF especially mi-24s should be used EXTENSIVELY to track boats. it can be done marvelously. from the skies you can see if it is civilian laidedn boat or anyother.
this is similar to the SAME dangers posed to our troops in trying to capture anything or anyone else.
we should rather intent on DESTROYING suspected or known LTTE crap, not arrest them!!
the other reason why SLA's manueverability has reduced is the availability of only 2 entry/exit points to the NFZ.
MOST part of the NFZ under LTTE control is covered in water - lagoon and sea.
a FORMIDABLE natural defence for tigers.
Unmanned vessel, remotely controlled.....shit how do these fuckers get ideas like that.
Navy sure can learn some lessons from this and maybe go step further and create an unmanned gunboat with heavy fire power to intercept tiger boats.
Lessons can be learned,even in defeat .....maybe 'small setback' is a better word than defeat
I agree 100%. If we plan to and in fact take VP alive that would be the biggest mistake of this entire campaign.
The great anti-terrorist brain SL had the Late Defense Secretary Ranjan Wijeratne should be followed. Until Rohana Wijeweera was captured, confessions and whereabouts of other leaders obtained, and unceremoniously cremated No one (including the president of the country) was unaware.
Reason: Terrorist leader in captivity is equally lethal as the supporters and followers will be agitating the release and will create mayhem.
On a lighter vein. LTTE may later say it is discrimination by the majority. When a sinhala terrorist leader was captured he was shot and cremated in two days and when a non-sinhala terra leader is captured he is tried in courts haha.
Fallen navy heroes untill Nov.2008.
We will know the full story soon...
We salute those brave hearts we lost.
There is no need to capture anything LTTE, one word DISTROY them..
Good site:
"adha pracharayata path kala chandrika chayarupa sampurnayenma asathya bawa Eksath jaatheendha Mea wana wita prakasha kara thibenawa"
"අද් පරචාරයට පත් කල චන්ද්රිකා චයාරූප සම්පුර්නයෙන්ම අසත්ය බව එක්සත් ජාතීන්ද මේ වන විට ප්රකාශ කර් තිබෙනව"
Where's that Sakkili Tiger Ja(il) Bird! Ammata H*&@^^@.
Machang! You can understand suddha sinhala as well. It is great to hear about Vellamullivaikkal.
Don't worry mate. We haven't started attacking you. Just getting you acquainted with the unwritten code of the blog. If you are true patriot you have nothing to worry. Just keep posting what you like, including criticism of fellow bloggers.
You must equally leave us the privilege of questioning your motives. Just like we question the motives of the likes of Hilary Rodham Clinton and David Rotweiler Millibrand (with Extreme Prejudice).
Read this:
It is now publicly known that the great nation of Yugoslavia was destroyed by a select group of countries called the NATO Alliance. North Atlantic Treaty Organization better known simply as NATO has a founding charter that says it's a defensive organisation, not offensive. But similar to holding a gun to another's head and stealing his money, NATO used the threat of air-bombardment or NATO air-strikes on Yugoslavia to steal her sovereignty. After being highly active in providing arms, training and material support to the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), Norway played both sides in Yugoslavia just as its been doing in Sri Lanka over the past 25 years. Most Norwegian personal on the ground in the variety of peacekeeping, negotiating teams and peace monitoring missions, also numerous others including the NGOs Norwegian Peoples Aid (NPA) and the Norwegian Children's Organisation Red Baana, have worked or operated on the ground in Yugoslavia.
In late 1998, Knut Vollebaek, the Norwegian Foreign Minister and therefore Norway's highest diplomat, became the Chairman of Office for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), a NATO umbrella organisation.
Yugoslavia had fought the KLA a ruthless terrorist organisation like the LTTE for years, and finally when the Slobodan Milosevic government had militarily defeated the KLA, Knut Vollebaek and NATO threatened to bomb Yugoslavia to ashes if President Milosevic didn't sign the Kosovo Peace Verification agreement allowing UN Peace Monitors in to Kosovo, but which also allowed the cornered terrorists to escape and their supporters to retake what they had lost to the democratically elected Yugoslav government's army.
David Ramsay Steele, writing in Liberty, explained:
"In 1998, the newly organized and freshly armed KLA launched an offensive against the Yugoslav government, rapidly gaining control of many villages. Yugoslav forces struck back and largely defeated the KLA".
After winning the war against the terrorist KLA, NATO forced the Yugoslav army to withdraw and allow the KLA back in. What? According to NATO, this was done to ameliorate an urgent crisis. But a war that has ended is the exact opposite of an urgent crisis, unless of course we have all gone mad.
The Yugoslav army had just defeated a collection of brutal terrorists who preyed on the same people they claimed to represent. As Ramsay Steele explains:
"The homicide toll rose to around 2,000 for that year. About three quarters of these deaths were of Albanians. Many of the Albanian deaths, however, were directly due to the KLA, which, like any new insurgent group lacking broad popular support, had to persuade a largely reluctant Albanian population to accept it as effectively a new government. The KLA especially targeted Albanians who cooperated with the Yugoslav local authorities."
A carbon-copy of what then happened in Yugoslavia is now threatening to unfold in Sri Lanka, but the only deference is that instead of the KLA, it is now the LTTE. Then too the mainstream western press, several political do-gooders and numerous humanitarian organisations screamed that the Yugoslav army had really meant to cleanse the Albanians out of Kosovo, and meant to systematically deprive them of their rights, which we now know from talking to the majority people on the ground (Albanians, Croats and Serbs) is as furthest from the truth one can get to. Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing they all shouted with the western press driven to dizzy heights of humanitarian goodwill.
But after all that we know today that the majority of Albanians were so uncooperative with the KLA's aims that much KLA violence was in fact directed against their own people. In Sri Lanka too the LTTE is doing the exact same thing killing more of their own civilian population, than the 40,000 innocent Sinhalese civilians murdered in horrific terror attacks. The KLA killed all Albanians loyal to Yugoslavia, and similarly the Tamil Tigers have killed scores of Tamils who don't share their ideology of a mono-ethnic state. The Tigers have assassinated every Tamil politician who didn't agree with them since 1975, almost two hundred.
Back to Ramsay Steele explaining in Liberty:
"In October 1998, responding to NATO's threat to bomb Yugoslavia, the Yugoslavs pulled back their troops and allowed OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) observers into Kosovo. At that point, most of the 2,000 deaths had already been sustained, Yugoslavia's war against the KLA was mostly over, and the death toll would have steeply declined the following year."
"Because of the Yugoslav withdrawal of troops, the KLA quickly took or retook many villages, and by March 24th, militarily controlled 40 percent of Kosovo's territory."
This is how the minority Serbs in Kosovo who KLA claimed to represent saw it:
"'As soon as the Serb forces withdrew, the KLA regained all of the positions they used to hold,' said an official Serb source in Pristina. 'And now the Serb population in Kosovo think that the OSCE mission would like to have the KLA returning to their positions in order to make them an equal partner in negotiations,' he said."
NATO was empowering the terrorist KLA who had killed thousands of their own people, just as the LTTE have done in Sri Lanka. So what was NATO thinking?
The Bluff of the Impartial Observer: Although talk of international "OSCE observers" will suggest that they are 'neutral' observers, let's keep in mind that the Chairman-In-Office of the OSCE was the Norwegian Foreign Minister Knut Vollebaek. And Norwegian diplomats work on behalf of the NATO foreign policy elite. Thus, NATO was putting its own people on the ground. Just like we now see these same western nations trying to use the UN to put monitoring teams on the ground in Sri Lanka.
For what?
There are many reasons, as appreciably the complexities that 30 years of war would create. Strangely though, the Norwegians are here again the main protagonists. Why is Norway always the "Forward Guard" for these western powers? Nobody knows for sure, but it might have something to do with protecting an old and well established global underworld organisation of unimaginable proportions.
To keep afloat a plethora of money making mechanics engineered through decades of war and based in creating untold suffering and misery? Which in tern gives a reason for the entire humanitarian shebang? Another industry that generates billions of dollars annually and utilises less than 30 percent on actual aid. It is fraud and deception at its very highest level, it is a criminal network bigger than the mafia and operating at the highest levels of secrecy, levels that are way higher than that of your local or city police force. This is a cleverly disguised deception that affects everybody.
Vellamullivaikkal before Karaiyamullivakal.
Hmmm, are we seeing glimpses of the new strategy that DW was talking about.
This certainly appears to be the way that the Grand Chess Master would play this last leg.
Most other (honorable) opponents would have conceded defeat at the declaration of Check Mate by now. But the Tamil Tigers are intent on shifting the Goal Posts and changing the rules. They will not escape this time.
The article is certainly very good one. Iam still wading through it and will post it on the patriots blog if Ananda-USA has not already done it.
I agree with a number of guys who say that our forces need to be careful approaching 'moving objects'. That goes to anyone on ground as well.
As the LTTE pigs have nothing more to loose this is the time the Pat fig will release its 'carefully nurtured' black tigers. The way he is going to do it can vary.
It is no point in trying to be heroes by capturing things/tigers. If in doubt shoot.., may be a warning shot first from a distance, and then depending on the response, lethal bullet should follow.
After all, our boys' lives are more precious than these scumbags. The nearer we get in terms of the firing ranges, the more careful we need to be.
I'm sure our commanders have thought about all these scenarios, but loosing SBS boys that way is a bit silly.
China’s aid to Sri Lanka jumped from a few million dollars in 2005 to almost $1 billion last year, replacing Japan as the biggest foreign donor.
.We are ever grateful to you!!!.
I presume that you are a genuinely interested crushing LTTE terrorists as you claim. Just to give you a summary, there are few classes of people I am very keen in engaging. The first is the open terrorist kins and it is easy to identify. The second are smooth LTTE supporters who try to act like normal Sri Lankans. The third are the religious fundamentalists who want to destabilize the social fabric of Sri Lanka disturbing the religious harmony. The forth are the peace mongers who cough for western money. The fifth are the green monkeys (not the green elephants I voted in the past). Some spread disinformation, some show fake keenness to find the truth, some come here to propagate green monkey lies, and most significantly some are here to demoralize our soldiers and the people. I have no intension to spare anything in our fight against these elements. Please feel free to express and feel free to get criticized too.
Jay said...
[ The undeniable simple fact is that there are over 3.5 million minorities in Sri Lanka – who are simply not going to vanish off the face of Sri Lanka’s earth just because that is what some Sinhalese bigots may desire. It is unlikely that they would go to Tamil Nadu irrespective how politely you ask – a comment by one with clear contempt for fellow citizens. The Tamils are here to stay and the Sinhalese have little choice but to devise a political formula that gives minorities security, dignity and equal opportunity for individual expression – way beyond mere facilitation of language and religious freedoms. The formula must be one that is “likable” to the minorities as defined exclusively by them yet not “dis-likable” to the majority as defined by the latter. The challenge indeed is to discover the magic formula – which can only be achieved through intellectual reasoning, education, dialogue, implementation and through mutual understanding. And of course, the other choice for the Sinhalese is to continue with their hegemony, throwing mere crumbs at the minorities – an exhausted strategy that is guaranteed to end-up in the eventual bifurcation of the Sri Lankan nation. ]
I pretty much agree with your sentiments regarding treating minorities equally, but we differ in how to get there. Given the centrifugal tendencies in Sri Lanka, and the incurable rabble-rousing separatists among us, we need a PRACTICAL SOLUTION that will prevent the division of Sri Lanka and alienation between communities in the long term.
As I sense it, your approach is one of giving the hidden separatists everything they ask short of independence, and WISHFULLY HOPING they won't continue on the path that has brought us to the current predicament. In effect, allowing the separatists to win in PEACE, what they failed to seize in WAR. I THINK NOT.
The result of implementing the 13th amendment, and devolution along ethnic lines, will be to create regions that are completely controlled by people who now pretend not to be separatists, but still howl about "Tamil Grievances" that was the pretext artfully deployed over many decades, to demonize the Sinhala people, and justify the creation of an Eelam in Sri Lanka. Giving such a group unfettered political control of the North and East will amount to AGAIN giving SAFE HAVENS for the resurgence of the Eelam Struggle. It was ALLOWING SAFE HAVENS in these areas that virtually created a de-facto independent state there, with the ability to enslave the people; hold them hostage, kidnap, brainwash and train the younger generation; buy, import, and deploy arms, without HINDRANCE by the state; arms that could easily equip several conventional armies; engage in production of arms, at a scale beyond even the capabilities of the GOSL, of explosive munitions, naval craft, submarines, air craft, artillery, communications equipment, and radar. Create and exercise all the trappings of state: diplomatic "missions", courts, police, army, intelligence agencies, banks, taxation, etc, while the LTTE was receiving supplies of food and all other essentials for itself and the people held hostage, including the salaries paid to the GOSL employees, while it was undermining the GOSL and waging war against it. It is the RECURRENCE of this FARCICAL NONSENSE that would emerge again if the "political solutions" based on the 13th Amendement, and Devolution on Ethnic Bases, are again implemented. Our sacrifices to date, will have just PUSHED BACK the date of the next uprising by perhaps a decade.
If the current military offensive had not been undertaken NOW, in another 5 years these developments in the SAFE HAVEN AREAS would have made the current success by the SLDF IMPOSSIBLE, BEYOND THE REALM OF POSSIBILITY. Perhaps, most importantly, during the last 30 years the LTTE created a brainwashed generation of LTTE cadre who have disowned their parents authority, the authority of the GOSL, allegiance to ONE nation, completely cutoff from any interaction with, and alienated from, other communities of Sri Lanka, that can be TRIGGERED INTO ACTION by the strains of the martial Eelam music already ringing in their ears. This phalanx of brainwashed confused youngsters represent the true continuing and persistent threat to the peace, security, and integrity of Sri Lanka in the future. The existence of this generation of Tamils is perhaps the STRONGEST ARGUMENT for not delivering the NORTH and the EAST into the hands of the same would-be separatists who, expect for a few, largely cheered the rise of the EELAM state, and who are praying for the deliverance of a SAFE HAVEN again into their hands to revive the insurgency in hiding, undetected by the GOSL and the people of Sri Lanka. Given the war weariness of all people of Lanka, who is to say whether we would be able again to summon the will and determination again to sacrifice another genernation of war heroes when the realization dawns upon them that what they won in war has been again given up in peace by their leaders? The next time around, if we allow separatism to take root again, we will have a better organized Tamil Nadu and Tamil diaspora arrayed against us.
You and I also may differ in my TOTAL REJECTION of the accusation levelled by the separatists that they have been subjected to "intolerable discrimination" as a community in Sri Lanka. If you really wanted to see what "intolerable discrimination" was like, you should have lived in the US about 40 years ago, and seen the lot of the African Americans, when they could not ride in the front of the bus, eat in the same restaurants, live in the same neighborhoods, drink from the same water fountains,use the same rest rooms, apply for the same jobs, attend the same schools and universities, or register without hindrance to vote in elections. Having lived in Sri Lanka for a few decades, I know that there was no such discrimination in Sri Lanka EVER...there was only ego and pride in the Tamil community that was fed a diet of superior entitlement and enhanced aspirations above and beyond the common aspirations of all people of Lanka. The military weakness of Sri Lanka, and the availability of military, financial and logistic support from both Tamil Nadu and India fed those attitudes and put Eelam within their grasp. Who woudn't be DELIGHTED, whose GREED would not be aroused, when offered a SEPARATE mono-ethnic country of their own, AND an EQUAL SHARE in the rest of the country as well? It is like having your own cake and eating it too: an offer BAKED TO SELF-SERVING PERFECTION in HEAVEN.
What has to be done NOW is to recognize these GROUND REALITIES as UNALTERABLEFACTS that the GOSL and the people of Sri Lanka must deal with, by making any Eelam based on the existence of TAMIL DOMINATED AREAS beyond the REALM of POSSIBILITY. If "Tamil Grievances" related to the alleged denial of EQUAL RIGHTS is the main raison-de-etre, let us guarantee EQUAL RIGHTS within the frame work of the consitution, without ANY REFERENCE to ETHNICITY. If administration, and CONTINUED MAINTENANCE, of the North and East as TAMIL DOMINANT regions is the demand, IT MUST BE REJECTED WITHOUT AMBIGUITY as having no place in the new scheme of things in Sri Lanka. After all, what are we to do wioth the more than 75% of the Tamil People of Sri Lanka living in Sinhala Areas? Instead, all citizens of this land must be able to migrate to and live in any part of Sri Lanka as their needs and finances allow, without let or hindrance, from an ETHNICALLY DOMINANT/CONSTITUTED district or provincial administration. The GOSL must have the right to develop all regions of the country, particularly large national development schemes such as the Mahaveli DEvelopment Scheme, for the common benefit of all of the people of the country. ETHNIC INTEGRATION geared to realizing an ethnically HOMOGENEOUS DISTRIBUTION of people throughout the land should be actively pursued as the desireable END GOAL that would ensure permanent communal peace in Sri Lanka.
The Buddhist religion and Buddhist priests have been largely demonized and targeted by the LTTE in their campaign for a separate state. Buddhist priests raised much of the aid for the Tsunami victims of the North and East, and are spearheading the drive to assist the IDP's again. Their opposition has been to the division of the country; not to EQUAL RIGHTS for the Tamil people. It is the guidance provided by Buddhist principles that have led to elimination of discrimination based on caste, to the virtual elimination of illiteracy (95% literacy cf. 50% in India), to equal rights for women, to practically ALL of the advances towards assuring a high level of social equity in Sri Lanka, that has not been attained in Hindu majority India, and is still a distant goal there. Tamil citizens of Lanka have benefited mightily from these advances directed towards uplifting all of the people. Those who are devloping and directing the arts of war against the Sinhala people, were largely educated in schools and universities at taxpayer expense. They would not have enjoyed these benefits had they lived in the Tamil majority Tamil Nadu. Why would a society dominated by largely the Sinhala Budddhist majority, that has uplifted all people, broken down social barriers stemming from colinial times, discriminate ONLY against the Tamil people. The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind: it is a MYTH FABRICATED by the separatists, conjuring MOUNTAINS outof MOLEHILLS in their attempt to DEMONIZE the majority community of Sri Lanka, HOODWINK the international community, and carve out a mono-ethnic racist aparthied state for themselves. It is in this context that the implantation of Buddhist Welfare Centers, as I proposed, in the North anmd East should be viewed as a remedial measure that will go a long way towards ETHNIC INTEGRATION by increasing the empathy and understanding between communities, especially now when Wanni Tamils see who their real TORMENTORS, and their real SAVIOURS, are.
Let the pro-LTTE Tamil Diaspora, vociferously trying to keep open the yawning chasm of distrust between the communities, be excluded from direct intervention and interaction through NGOs, INGOs and partisan foreign countries. If they care for their relatives in Sri Lanka, let them remit funds to them as individuals, or let them deliver their assistance gathered by their "Charitable Foundations" to the GOSL, and let the GOSL distribute the aid. Let us NEVER FORGET that there is NO EVIDENCE ON THE GROUND of all of the "INTERNATIONAL AID" delivered over three decades to the LTTE dominated areas except the Mahaveer CEMETERIES, Personal MANSIONS of LTTE officials, and the TRO-HEADQUARTERS in Kilinochchi. There is NOTHING ELSE...except the vast armories of bunkers filled with sufficient weaponry to fully equip Two Conventional Armies.
No, this must not be allowed to happen again. In the future, the GOSL must take charge of all incoming aid, oversee its distribution, and prevent the RECURRENCE of the creeping destabilization of Sri Lanka by foreigners who act within Sovereign Sri Lanka as sub-national sovereign agencies subject to no laws. No local NGO organizations, acting outside the GOSL purview and control, should be permitted. The Govt. should CLEARLY understand that NGO activity has now become a PERMANENT PROFESSION in Sri Lanka, and has created a permanent group of INDIVIDUALS with a VESTED FINANCIAL interest in PERPETUATING THEIR EMPLOYMENT, irrespective of the impact of their activities on the health and stability of the country. All of thease organizations must be dismantled, and at most allowed to function as Government Employees subject to the law and to government policies. Foreign sponsors of humanitarian aid and assistance must be taken in tours accompanied by government officials, and no opportunities should be allowed for them to destabilize the country. Officials of countries that aided and abetted the destruction of Sri Lanka in the past, like NORWAY, should be permanently BANNED from Sri Lanka. The whole concept ogf NGO and INGO interference in Sri Lanka's internal affairs must be OVERTURNED, BANISHED FOREVER, from Lanka.
Ian said...
[ On a lighter vein. LTTE may later say it is discrimination by the majority. When a sinhala terrorist leader was captured he was shot and cremated in two days and when a non-sinhala terra leader is captured he is tried in courts haha. ]
As you so rightly point out, we must not leave any stone unturned to AVOID adding further to "Tamil Grievances", must we? God Forbid!
What I fear the most is these unmanned boats maybe a ploy by the LTTE leadership to flee in the other direction while the navy's busy verifying whether it's a civilian boat or not.
More the reason to open fire once the warnings are issued. (only a civilian boat with a deathwish wouldn't stop)
I still have the feeling something's not quite right with this report.
Hang Prabha said...
[ Unmanned vessel, remotely controlled.....shit how do these fuckers get ideas like that. ]
Bro, the Unmanned Sea Vehicle (USV) is a direct extension of the (UAV).
In fact, USV controls are much simpler than UAV controls. In every city park in the US, there are little kids using Unmanned Pond Vehicles (UPV) to have fun, carefully supervised by their dad's eagerly begging their son's for a turn at the RC controls! :) :)
We need to cut this rubbish out about not using heavy weapons and air attacks. It's our country and if we say it's a NFZ it's a no-fire zone. If we say it's a FFZ it's a free-fire zone. Lets tell the civilians to move over to army controlled new NFZ and and blast the living crap out of these scumbags.
Watch Live Defense News at 8pm from Rupavahini TV Channel Live Here.
I watched SKRs clip on u tube . I am amazed that the 58 is in vellamullivaikkal ! . To get to there they have had to have bypassed karayamullivaikkal coming from the north . or made an amphibious landing , of which nothing was mentioned . I can only guess SKR got the names confused ?? . (hich I have to admit is unlikely also)
by the way I am amazed at the service that the 58 th has provided in the operation . They surely have been the hammer of the SLA for this ops .
Also I must prefess my admiration for the service SKR has provided (no matter the pc issue !)
Rivira said 59 th is being headed by Prassana Silva for this portion of the operation . Wow Cant be long before the 58 and the 59th will link up .
I don't think it's as simple as that, though I agree with you 100% There's going to be repercussions of those acts, especially since SL depends on International aid. People keep saying how come USA can whatever they please where ever they please, and why not us? That is why, US doesn't depend on aid but SL DOES!!! So SL has to dance to their music or atleast prend to! I hope the politicians work together to correct this step next!
Sam Perera said..
[ Why do we want to capture the boats off the sea than just destroying them? This doesn't make any sense. ]
Agree 100% with you. We don't need LTTE leaders who are not surrendering...just send them to Eelam.
On the other hand, I wonder whether they were uncertain whether the boat contained civilians...perhaps wounded, and escaping.
In any case, as Moshe said, helicopter/UAV surveillance would be useful here to get a birds eye view and make the necessary quick decisions.
Many of us have been wondring why multiple UAVs are not used to maintain 24 x 7 surveillance. If fuel capacity is limiting, they should use them in overlapping shifts.
Also, I don't undestand why these have to be expensive military UAVs. I myself build and fly inexpensive model helicopters and model fixed-wing aircraft, with wireless, IP-enabled, TV cameras with both infra-red night vision and daylight color vision capabilities mounted on them. They can directly broadcast video images to a PC connected to an encryption-enabled wireless receiver. The output can be viewed in a standard web-browser. It is really easy to do, and can be done at low cost.
Konappu Bandara said....
[ We need to cut this rubbish out about not using heavy weapons and air attacks. It's our country and if we say it's a NFZ it's a no-fire zone. If we say it's a FFZ it's a free-fire zone. Lets tell the civilians to move over to army controlled new NFZ and and blast the living crap out of these scumbags. ]
Let me see whether I got what you said right.
You are proposing that we now declare a New No-Fire zone behind the FDL in the cleared area, and ask the Civilians to move into it.
Then you are proposing that we declare the area AHEAD of the FDL as a FFZ...a Free-Fire-Zone!
Brilliant! Will our Foreign Nemeses BUY IT? LOL!
A possible compelling rationalization would go as follows:
When we declared the NFZ, the LTTE moved into it creating a FFZ, so we are now FORCED, albeit reluctantly because it can confuse SIMPLE MINDS, to declare a new NFZ.
Brilliant, as always, My Dear Wimala Dharma Surya I!
Dear Miss Information,
Your presence is sorely missed on I'm Not Bhairav isn't there either so all the jokes are gone (jokers are still there though, except for Peter).
"You really need to work on your strategic thinking Sam and be thankful the SLAF are not as trigger happy as you would have them."
You should not mess with Schizo Sam. He is a famous terrorist hunter who is more fearsome than all the Special Forces, Commandos, SBS etc. combined (at least that is the impression I get from reading his big pronouncements). He certainly isn't another halfwitted Sinhala expatriate playing armchair general.
If Schizo Sam says that the SBS sailors were total idiots to have boarded the suicide ship (Schizo would never have been so foolish), then you should just shut up. Schizo Sam is a real patriot who isn't afraid to announce to everyone that he knows more than the people who are fighting and winning this war.
dogooder said...
[ So SL has to dance to their music or atleast prend to! ]
Ah! This reminds me of something a colleague who received a poor pay raise once said to me:
"They pretend to pay me, so I pretend to work!"
Lanka Business Online reports:
"In respect of the IMF, I think we are duty bound to look extremely carefully at the situation on the ground should any plan be presented by the IMF to the IMF board," British foreign minister David Miliband told the House of Commons.
"It is a basic tenet of the work of the IMF that any money should be put to good use and that requires a very close look at the situation on the ground."
What is the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?
According to IMF website:
"The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 185 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world."
Therefore, theoretically, it is a financial organization; not a political organization.
IMF describes what it does as follows.
"The work of the IMF is of three main types. Surveillance involves the monitoring of economic and financial developments, and the provision of policy advice, aimed especially at crisis-prevention. The IMF also lends to countries with balance of payments difficulties, to provide temporary financing and to support policies aimed at correcting the underlying problems; loans to low-income countries are also aimed especially at poverty reduction. Third, the IMF provides countries with technical assistance and training in its areas of expertise. Supporting all three of these activities is IMF work in economic research and statistics."
Unfortunately, western politicians like Milbrand have been using IMF for political gains. When Milbrand say "It is a basic tenet of the work of the IMF that any money should be put to good use and that requires a very close look at the situation on the ground.", he is certainly not talking about the FINANCIAL situation on the ground. This is double talk.
The "new" financial players of the world have a very little say in IMF. China has only 3.66% of the vote on the IMF board. On the other hand the "old" financial players like US, UK, Japan, Germany and France controls nearly 40% of the vote.
Sri Lanka should learn from these lessons. It must find ways to exist without IMF loans. What requires is a commitment to establish the law and order and regulate the free (falling) economy. (All "free" economies in the world have rules and regulations.)
This is an extremely difficult task considering the existing (accepted) norms. But, a country who managed to eliminate the most powerful terrorist organization in the world (that the rest of the world thought impossible to defeat) should be able to do this. (It may require more than 30 years.)
That is one way to marginalize people like Milbrand.
Matara Peramuna,
"Mrs. Indira Gandhi thru Raw started de-stabilizing SL by recruiting Praba & other groups as soon as JRJ came to power (1977)."
That's not true- neither the LTTE nor any other Tamil militant group received support from India before 1983- as Saman himself admitted, there's no evidence of that.
From 1977 to 1983, the Tigers attacked police stations with a few pistols and shotguns, most of which they stole from other police stations. What kind of support were they getting from the Indians, if they didn't get more sophisticated assault weapons or at least self-loading rifles before 1983????
one can only hope so . I dont think it will be long .
Ok Monkeypala Master the winner of Nobel prize, Pulitzer prize, and Peabody award is back. I didn't see this monkey talking a single word here when SLA rescued 100,000+ people. Any idea why he is here today? Perhaps to discuss about 12 SBS KIA, I mean celebrate.
I wonder he still claims the right to speak for Sinhalese and Sinhalese don't want anything in North?
Let me also add to a very simple question to what Ananda-USA wrote (well Ananda has clearly articulated the issue).
We do not contest the point that Tamils are here is SL to stay. Fully aggree with a proviso, i.e. they re peace loving as value the Sri Lankan identity.
Are we for equal rights? Yes, within the legal and constitutional framework of SL.
Then the first thing Jay you should do is prepare a list of rights/opportunities/avenues or whatever you call them that Tamils currently do not have access to, but other ethnic groups have. That's the start. What are they?
Jay, Tamils can not ask for things that other ethnic groups don’t have. Other Slankans do not have a separate country or a State, but they have a country called Sri Lanka which belongs to all Sinhalese, Tamil, and Muslim etc who want to call themselves Sri Lankans.
I believe you are currently overseas living in a western country. Is their set up any different? Are you asking 'self-determination' in that country as well or go and avail yourself of the opportunities you have?
Everybody, hang-on to something. The next installment of Sri Lankan history cooked by Monkeypala Master is about to be served.
The day army entered Rektavaikkal SRK said at first army entered Vellamulivaikkal.But in the 8 pm news he said army entered vellamuliwaikkal which is also called Rektavaikkal.I think what happened was he
Made Mistake at first and didn't want to correct it.That day in the video we could clearly see boards reading "Valayarmadam".So don't jump up and down yet as I did that day.
DefenceWire's story about the boat explosion is true.... but how it actually blew up.... isn't true.
DW, you know what I mean. It would be good if you have just said we lost 11 navy personal due to a boat explosion rather than saying what you have said.
[When we declared the NFZ, the LTTE moved into it creating a FFZ, so we are now FORCED, albeit reluctantly because it can confuse SIMPLE MINDS, to declare a new NFZ.]
Ananda-USA, dear chap, I say we just do it. Pommie bastards, frog-eaters and Hillary the Cow be damned.
to Jay,
If you want to talk something, be specific and concise.
dont say some poster, this and that. be specific.
You are entitle for your opinion and we shall respect it as long as we think your voice is for the best interest of our mother country.
Right now only temples and schools actively engage in collecting food and other items.
mind you these are the institutions these barbarians attacked.
After all we are grateful to the Tamils who carried on armsgiving to Nagadeepa temple.
There is nothing wrong about the thread, nobody should be ashamed to respect the national flag irrespective of whether it is a Lion, or cross or moon.
and why do you assume, Sinhala Buddhist ?. what is wrong with Sinhala Christians or Catholics or muslims or those few Chinese ?
Dont they carry the national flag ?
May be it is the time, you revel your background so we understand you better.
I agree with Konnappu !
I really think if we finish this our way, the way GOSL wants to, IC pressure may dwindle. It's worse as long as this is dragged on...
I wonder what this "totally new approach" DW mentions is about...
Obama has highlighted lack of press freedom in countries like shit lanka:
Esspecially referred to Tisayanaigam case.
This further signals IMF loan hasn't got a chance in hell.
Already atleast two spy satellites are monitoring shit lanka as we speak to gather evidence of war crimes comitted by rajafuksa bitches.
rajafuksa expect the electric chair !
once congress and sonia bitch is gone, there will be no protection left for shit lanka and its murderous military.
The satellites will show LTTE shooting hostages, LOL!
(which it actually already saw, AND were filmed by the UAVs, which were SHOWN to all the big shots.
and, the other stuff that you mentioned won't happen. simple.
I have yet to see video footage of ltte firing at civillians in the safe zone.
I honestly can't make out who is what in the videos produced by morons at
“Also, I don't understand why these have to be expensive military UAVs. I myself build and fly inexpensive model helicopters and model fixed-wing aircraft, with wireless, IP-enabled, TV cameras with both infra-red night vision and daylight color vision capabilities mounted on them. They can directly broadcast video images to a PC connected to an encryption-enabled wireless receiver. The output can be viewed in a standard web-browser. It is really easy to do, and can be done at low cost.”
Why not volunteer to help provide few of these to GOSL?
How Ranil after the next presidential election.
Upul, Sorry to disappoint you
IMF loan to Sri Lanka can go ahead
UN security council refuses to withold $1.9bn funding despite international pressure.
Blogger Upul said...
I have yet to see video footage of ltte firing at civillians in the safe zone.
I honestly can't make out who is what in the videos produced by morons at
President has requested the remaining civilians to come out of the NFZ.
I would like to see it being taken a step further. Last couple of days we saw how army officials use loud speakers etc requesting the civilians to come out of the remaining land stretch.
Instead we could play recorded requests made by surrendered TOP LTTE leaders, surrendered child solders, and community leaders (which those people still trapped are familiar with).
We also saw how the people in the IDP camps were entertained by showing Tamils films etc. This is good, but it would also be nice if they were shown Tamil news telecasts showing surrendered LTTE leader confessions, statements made by child solders (how they were treated by the LTTE), and how the country as a whole are participating to provide food and cloths to the people in the IDP camps.
Involve some of the able refugees (provided they have a good record with in the camp) in the construction efforts, so that they learn something while serving to their own community.
Hoist the national flag in each of these camps, so that they feel they are part of this country.
We have had some very bad/biased press reports and accusations made by politicians/other officials in the past couple of days. But we have been able to counter all/most of them successfully. In some rare occasions we counter them by pointing the finger back at them by using topics such as Iraq, Afghanistan etc. I believe we should not sink that low (you don't bark back at the dog) in our counter measures.
Welcome bro, after long time!
Do not take Sam the nitwit seriously because he is a buffoon nothing else.
FDLs in sea or on grounds carry out commands preciously coming from the top. With all the respect to higher up that brought the situation to this last lap, what was the discussion at defense delegation of the United States Pacific Command with Wasantha Karannagoda on the 28th of April 2009? Vide
Wish there was no secret pack by anyone to force the SBS to behave differently than all these past.
1) Catch LTTE carders unharmed who are trying to flee.
We must know that LTTE carder will not try to flee without suicide mission on board. 2) Do not fire until confirmed are not civilians!
We must know that LTTE carder when fleeing will not have a LTTE flag on their vessels nor they carry any indication know that they are LTTE. All they will try is to show as civilians vessel.3) US or UK is observing our sea and ground operations.
LTTE will create videos or photos to their advantage and those will take US and UK as true. SL will have no way to disprove. If not disprove the claim of 6000 odd civilians killed. So there is no use to go to any extremes in war. We lose war by trying to satisfy the west or win and face the repercussion, make no different. I wish I am wrong or this post about 11 SBS lost is wrong.
our navy brothers didnt die in vain ,soon ltte menace will come to an end,we will remember all our fallen , diabled and army brothers who defend our motherland every minute giving us the freedom and better life,you are our heroes ,every sri lankan must look after you ,thats our duty ,we will do it, we love you
Works of Prabhakaran:
“Prabhakaran also insisted Mahattaya had been contracted by the Indians to kill him, take over the LTTE leadership and rule an autonomous North and East Province with full Indian backing. Having thus set the stage for obviating a threat to his leadership, Prabhakaran had Mahattaya and others considered loyal to him arrested and incarcerated. In December 1994, while the LTTE was honeymooning with the Chandrika Kumaratunga government, Mahattaya and 257 others were lined up and shot dead on a coconut estate near Chavakachcheri. Prabhakaran had no problem with seeing his friend's blood unlike Genghis Khan, who, when compelled to get rid of a childhood friend, refused to see the victim's blood; he ordered that his friend be put into a gunny bag and kicked to death!”
Wants to read the balance go to
Brother, it is a matter of time for inevitable end for murderous gang of abominable two legged tigers of SL.
The Tamil Tiger jokers have done it again.
They go on a fast for 23 days with out food (the 1st world record), decide to even forgo water after that, and all the experts including the Tamil Tiger supporters give him 2 days to last but all of a sudden the near death Tamil Tiger decides with a clear mind that his fast unto death objectives have been met (did he die?) and declares the fast is over. The bloody liars are trying to fool the world but now every body knows that they are world-class masters of deception. England did not try very hard to persuade him to give up. They knew what was going on. The Tamil terrorists have been feeding him on the sly and he could have fasted in between meals for a decade. Bloody liars. The Indian state minister, the other joker, fasted for an unbelievable 6 hrs. However he had to take some nourishment in between. These guys built an empire on deception and the bubble has burst. The Time has come for the East to West squinted Tiger Terrorist maniac chief whose squint has suddenly changed forcussed to his nose tip to pay for all the suffering he has caused to all Sri Lankans. Time to skin him and his supporters alive. It will be nice to have a Tiger skin without guilt to wipe the dog shit laden shoes before entering the house.
The Tamil Tiger jokers are becoming an embarrassment to Sri Lanka, I have difficulty in admitting that these conniving, cheating, bottom of the barrel terrorist liar scrums are part of us..
Thank you China.
Hey U-Fool scumbag,
[Upul said ..once congress and sonia bitch is gone, there will be no protection left for shit lanka and its murderous military.]
What are you proposing for your Supreme Leader? He will be crowned the king without a kingdom?
If Rajapakse is to be prosecuted, I believe your Supreme Leader will be given an award for conducting the most number of sucide bombings. Are you hapy now?
Puffy said...
I'm particularly worried about the increased activity of the sea tigers!
12 SBS in 1 day is a BIG loss... :-(.
Come on.. It was SL Govt who shifted the NFZ from a land locked space to the coast - as they didnt like sea tigers put out of action.
HA HA HA... : )
/Rescued people comes before political solutions/
EU & USA pulled strings and put bunch of terrorists before achieving a peaceful Sri Lanka for 20 mil. people.
Then used a stick to control GoSL by blocking 1.9 bill IMF loan.
While doing that insisted political settlement must come soon and GoSL must consult Dia-ass-pora tamils (LTTE?)in doing so.
That means - LTTE diaspora backed EU and USA monkey business stopped on the track.
Can we mach millibands, kouchners and O'Blakes - YES WE CAN.
Good thinking MR.
Another must read article.
I am contemplating exactly the same. Stuff the protectors of civilization mfs who have much more to answer than us.
Bomb the remaining area to rubble and finish this off. More we drag more shit asses want their finger in the pie.
Agree, most of remaining civilians are mahaveer F***res. We don’t have to care for all. Go and take them all, finish it, before it is too late.
It has taken too much of time, money, labour and patience of everybody already.
I dont know whether Ananda-USA will agree. I believe whatever his faults were if George W Bush was at the helm we would have got a positive support than the Obama boy.
Obama going to be the biggest failure, mark my word. Bush may have been good for SL as at present but he is also a moron.
A genuine failure is always better than a known moron.
Salute to you Sir (DW) for providing latest news. I am big fan of you.I found this from Google, Same Prof. FRancius Boyle
who appears in tamilnet also has said that, Francis Boyle - "The United States Promotes Israeli Genocide Against the Palestinians"
can US reades of your website do anything?
jaya wewa! jaya wewa!
Check this link....
Salute to you Sir (DW) for providing latest news. I am big fan of you.I found this from Google.
Ian said...
[ I dont know whether Ananda-USA will agree. I believe whatever his faults were if George W Bush was at the helm we would have got a positive support than the Obama boy. ]
I don't agree. Bush was not very bright, and reacted primarily by INSTINCT which was CONSERVATIVE in character and conditioned by 9/11. He was highly influenced by his party mates and fellow conservatives.
Don't give up on Obama; this man can think on his feet. His perspective is based on LOGIC and RATIONAL THINKING, not INSTINCT. Altough a liberal, he not a knee-jerk liberal; he understands the need to protect this country, and bring all of its people together. He understand the need for both the carrot and the stick in the exercise of foreign policy. He will surprise the pro-LTTE Tamil Diaspora who think he can be CONNED into imbibing their bilge water and supporting their racist agenda.
We Sri Lankan Patriots, and the GOSL, have to articulate our stand clearly to him:
that WE ARE COMMITTED to guaranteeing EQUAL RIGHTS for Tamils as well as all other citizens,
that WE will not do that through UNSTABLE FEDERAL SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT, but through a unitary government based on ETHNIC INTEGRATION;
that WE are NOT FOR SLICING and DICING Sri Lanka into a collection of mono-ethnic fiefdoms that can fly apart at the slightest disagreement between the communities, to achieve that EQUALITY;
that WE do not intend to let Sri Lanka descend into the anarchy that is Pakistan today, or that India will be in the future.
I plan to write and publish articles in the US geared to getting that message across to the US political establishment, and hope that other like-minded patriots will join me in that effort.
I am very hopeful that the Obama Administration will be very resistant to manipulation by the pro-LTTE lobby.
I think it is high time that Sri Lanka brings equal opportunity legislation as part of countering the Tamil ‘self determination’. Even though this might be enshrined in the SL constitution (I’m not an exert of SL: constitution), what I believe is this will allow SL to take on these western peace envoys and those so-called brigades head on.
What it is about should be spelling out that everybody should be able to access anything/any opportunity based on merit, not based on one’s ethnic group. This should include also the freedom live anywhere in the country (making all ethnic based/race based regions, /appointments illegal). In other words, it is a kind of anti-discrimination legislation which works both ways.
As many of these LTTE die-ass-poras are in western countries with similar legislation, this could be a good counter measure by the government. These western do-gooders then can’t turn back and say we should have raced-based things, whilst they are not in their own countries.
Look at how Barack Obama got into power. He NEVER took the race card to election and did not make race based comments like, “I will make every black employed/educated’ etc. Instead he always said of everything ‘America, and ‘Americans’.
We need to do the same. It is about ‘Sri Lanka and Sri Lankans, not about any races. Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka should be the first identity. Those races and like thingss should be considerations for one's private life.
I think we should ntroduce such a legislation.
Tigers Introduced Suicide Bomb to the world.
Now they have introduced another world first.Hostage taking of Cities.
Now the Taliban has started to follow.
We should use this incident to highlight the fact, if you give in to this form of Terrorism, it would never end. Terrorists would keep on Taking Cities hostage.
So, it is our duty that we take action against these Terrorist.
We should start publishing some articles in and some other electronic media ASAP to take advantage of this development.
Major-General Athar Abbas, the chief military spokesman, said that the militants were holding the population of the town of Sultanwas hostage. “Nobody is being allowed to move out of the town,” he said. The general hoped that the military operation in Buner would be completed in a week, though some analysts thought that optimistic
Haha, military operation completed within a week. Haven't the general learnt from our experience. It will take few months.
Let's see what the response from Milliband and Hilary Clinton for this hostage rescue operation will be? It will be interesting. It will expose their double standard more.
They surely will not have diaspora pressure, and vote seeking pressure.
We should write a rough guide to Hostage Taking manual. Show all the tactics LTTE has used up to now and send it to Taliban in Afghanistan. Once the American, and British soldiers start dyeing let's see how they are going to handle the Hostage Situation. Then we should talk about what a Freedom fighters Taliban is and Americans should not bomb these areas because of the Civilian Casualties.
yes, RW did a very wise thing by getting rid of that pig, RW, (again)!!
if RW had survived he would have done another 'revolution' in 1989 + 18 = 2007 or b4.
I plan to write and publish articles in the US geared to Ananda USA said
getting that message across to the US political establishment, and hope that other like-minded patriots will join me in that effort.
I am very hopeful that the Obama Administration will be very resistant to manipulation by the pro-LTTE lobby.
Ananda that would be worth months of fighting. 99% of LTTE/Diaspora case is based on communications and communicating lies well presented as the 'truth'. I admire your writing style and maturity of thought. Hence you using that for this cause would be more that great for SL. I dont have the ability to write but I am ready to share costs if any of that effort. You have my email in your blog.
re: monkey/whore pala
few others had noticed that too sometime back.
wonder where his bloodyrav-pala and pee-ter-pala are.
ASS has done it again!!
"I suggest that an International Agency, acceptable to the Government, be selected to visit Vanni and persuade the LTTE to allow the innocent people to go out freely, with an offer of a general amnesty to those who surrender with arms. A period of two weeks may be give to the agency to make the necessary arrangements. If such an arrangement is not made to bring out the civilians safely, the whole thing will end up in a national disaster detrimental to the good name of the country."
this is EXACTLY what the LTTE diaspora want.
there is no need to bring any international agency here. we are engaged in a war and LTTE bastards are running away. so we will look bad, not terrorists.
that will also save terrorists which is not our plan.
I think it is high time that Sri Lanka brings equal opportunity legislation as part of countering the Tamil ‘self determination’
State jobs, land allcoations, other resource allcoations, etc etc. In every sphere we need that. Forget about LTTE we owe it to poor masses of sinhalese, tamils and muslims.
Merit based admission to jobs and merit based selection for everything. If we bring legislation now when all are looking it will increase credibility of Sri Lanka leaps and bounds.
Equal opportunity acts of other countries can be taken as a guide. No discrimination based on Gender, Age, Race, Colour, Political affliation. Do this Sri Lanka willmature by 25 years.
y not reporting success 2day?
Whos is ASS? Where is the news?
Defence Ministry rejects satellite images
The Defence Ministry today rejected satellite imagery issued by the United Nations in support of allegations that security forces shelled a civilian area.
UN on big spy mission over lanka matha
UN ver scared abotu us becomin superpuwer
ananda aiye
u have infinet wisdom
terrists wear many cloaks
journalist, un, us, uk, eu, times, cnn, bbc, many many
all terrists
only 1 versed in ancient bhudda scriptures, like u, can uncloak the terrists
welldone aiye! weeldone
i forgot
UNPbig terrist in cloak
Blogger Nilambare said...
I think it is high time that Sri Lanka brings equal opportunity legislation
agree, but not only racial level we Sinhala need to have a good look at ourselves too.
look at our marriage ads, bodu govi, radha and the list goes on including skin tone fair and lovely.
but, think your equal opportunity is much in racial line, it is always good have some rules, but more awareness needed.
but do you think we have any racial issues today in SL, apart from this some Tamil lunatics ?
e.g. Today we have every ethnic background in our cricket team. hopefully someday we will have a sino player too :)
Exiled Patriot said...
[ Guys,
Another must read article. ]
Well, I read it. From beginning to end, it is a discourse on the "wisdom of compromise" on a "political solution", paying brief lip service to the now OBVIOUS fact: the necessity of military solutions when faced by an intransigent diabolical enemy.
The author of the article presents historical examples favoring his thesis, totally ignoring the multitude of counter arguments that can be presented in support of a military solution to the current conflict with the LTTE.
Let me offer but 3 counter examples here to refute his claim of "inherent" wisdom of "political solutions":
1. The military solution of war until unconditional surrender by the Allies to the aggressive war launched by the Axis Powers in WW II, when abject appeasement (eg. Munich Agreement) would not satisfy the aggressors. This military solution, followed by the loss of national territory by the defeated nations, has preserved peace between those combatants since then;
2. US President Abraham Lincoln waged the US Civil war (1861-1865) as a military solution to prevent the secession of the Confederate states, until Confederates unconditionally surrendered. This military solution has preserved the integrity of the US for nearly 150 years, without any "political solution" to grant additional autonomy, or rights, to the defeated states;
3. Nigerian President Yakubu Gowon waged the Nigerian civil war (6 July 1967 – 15 January 1970) to preserve the unity of the Nigeria until Biafra surrendered unconditionally, and secession was prevented. No "political solution" yielding autonomy to the Ibo people was ever offered or implemented;
In each of these three cases, I can CONFIDENTLY STATE that ALL PEOPLES of the warring nations were BETTER SERVED by the victories achieved through military force, INSTEAD OF CONCEDING the "political solutions" demanded by the defeated parties.
My conclusion about the article is this:
A Tamil Tiger in Journalist's Clothing wrote this article, in a pitiful attempt to influence GULLIBLE MINDS to SALVAGE AN AUTONOMOUS STATE for Sri Lanka Tamils, now that the LTTE has FAILED UTTERLY to gain it through aggressive war.
Why did our esteemed "Exiled Patriot" URGE THIS LTTE PROPAGANDA UPON US as a "Must Read Article" without further comment on its content?
ananda aiye
u have infinet wisdom
terrists wear many cloaks
journalist, un, us, uk, eu, times, cnn, bbc, many many
all terrists
only 1 versed in ancient bhudda scriptures, like u, can uncloak the terrists
welldone aiye! weeldone
ananda aiye
u have infinet wisdom
terrists wear many cloaks
journalist, un, us, uk, eu, times, cnn, bbc, many many
all terrists
only 1 versed in ancient bhudda scriptures, like u, can uncloak the terrists
welldone aiye! weeldone
No, it was the ltte that pushed the civilians from the government declared land-locked NFZ to the current coastal area!
Government just followed the civilians... it did not have a choice!
don;t tell who can marry who
govi alwys marry govi
that is not racial
it is tradition
Ian said...
[ Ananda that would be worth months of fighting. 99% of LTTE/Diaspora case is based on communications and communicating lies well presented as the 'truth'..........
...........but I am ready to share costs if any of that effort. You have my email in your blog. ]
Thank you for the offer of help. I do have your email, and will contact you as soon as I start the process.
This kind of thing is what I hoped would nucleate through the SriLankaPatriots blog...hope springs eternal in the human breast...they say...and my breast is as human as any other.
සහොදර ලයන්පෲ
මෑක ඉංගීසියට හරවපන්
හාමුඳුරු නැට්ට,
ප්බා මැරියන්
Panduala, agree totally.
We Sinhalese sometimes also find things to differentiate us (govi, karawa etc etc) whereas they should be the last things in our minds.
We need to mature ourselves against this non-relenting propaganda by LTTE coolies and IC pressure. One thing to look at allow people to change their names (the Ge-names, Mudiyanselage etc) of course they being optional. Then this govi stuff will go.
The other thing is we should not argue on religious grounds. Sinhala Christians, Sinhala Buddhist etc does not matter. Who cares. What matters is we all are Sri Lankans. Even in our armed forces, don't forget we got everyone represented (even our Muslim brothers) except of curse the Tamils.
We need to progress from multiple points. This is because now almost everyone has started throwing challenges to SL saying 'what's next' after the war.
If we can show our progress not just militarily, but from all fronts, they can be taken head-on. Remember also, with all these, prosperity comes to the country. The lesser the number differences, the more the gain.
We need to promote "Sri Lankan" identity above anything else.
low caste mentality always tlk abt caste
many castes r now traditional
u can have equal without forcing us to marry karawa etc
Undecover LTTE scumbag. Go to Pukegal. You don't need to participate in this.
Thota therenawada man me kiyapu eka?
The Indian media has reported a group of LTTE supporters have attacked an Indian army convoy in Coimbatore, Chennai a short while ago damaging four vehicles. - Dailymirror
For your memory lapse on who demarcated the new NFZ
"Nilambare said...
Undecover LTTE scumbag. Go to Pukegal. You don't need to participate in this.
Thota therenawada man me kiyapu eka?"
Yes, this monkey appeared here as ArmyLK, Buddha, nangige huththa, and Lion Flu
hey, wanna get lion flu.
listen to yourself, why bother coming now ?, it is been a while from February right ?
I suggest you be a good man, instead of trying to be a terrorist.
UK govt can U turn anytime, and come hard on you guys,
Then sinna pawans like you will be the best target.
I am not going to say "poda", just take a walk and go try to get yourself a girlfriend.
when you grow up you will understand what this Sinhala guy said.
/Why did our esteemed "Exiled Patriot" URGE THIS LTTE PROPAGANDA UPON US as a "Must Read Article" without further comment on its content?/
I followed the recomendation to read that artical from the same source and read it too. I share your views 100%.
True to my position held since 1983 and shared here in many occations "WE MUST NEVER GIVE IN TO SPECIAL NEEDS OF TAMIL PEOPLE" (political or otherwise) on the same acount that INDIVIDUAL'S RIGHTS MUST BE CONSTITUTIONALLY ASSURED TO EVERY SRI LANKAN.
There are countries which impose capital punishment for holding one ounce of Heroin. I can't see why we can not achieve this.
As always a quality rebuttle from you. Keep the vigil my brother.
wijayapala said...
Dear Miss Information,
Your presence is sorely missed on I'm Not Bhairav isn't there either so all the jokes are gone (jokers are still there though, except for Peter).
The sad little boys from Scarborough banned me from there and removed half my posts. They didn't like me poking very logical holes in their half-witted and poorly written propaganda nonsense.
'Editor' Bandrinath had his nose way out of joint when I caught him admitting that the conscription of child soldiers was an acceptable practice for the LTTE.
You should not mess with Schizo Sam. He is a famous terrorist hunter who is more fearsome than all the Special Forces, Commandos, SBS etc. combined (at least that is the impression I get from reading his big pronouncements). He certainly isn't another halfwitted Sinhala expatriate playing armchair general._________________________________
Sam's posts show rather clearly that he is a few trees shy of a coconut grove in addition to being an unimaginative writer and poorly informed thug.
If Schizo Sam says that the SBS sailors were total idiots to have boarded the suicide ship (Schizo would never have been so foolish), then you should just shut up. Schizo Sam is a real patriot who isn't afraid to announce to everyone that he knows more than the people who are fighting and winning this war.__________________________________
Sam and his type represent the worst in Sri Lankan political posturing. Everyone and anything that doesn't fit the narrow view of their inherent ignorance is immediately proscribed as pro-LTTE and this is how both sides of the conflict fan the fires of intolerance and hatred... he is, but for being Sinhalese, no different than the inflexible fools from Puligay who, like Sam, have probably never even set foot in the North.
At least here at DW they do not erase my posts... although they do let Sam threaten my life.
All of that bad form aside... how come nobody is asking questions or getting answers on the hacking of the Army website?
I keep asking about it here and elsewhere but to no avail.
The clear implications are that if the terrorists can get that far into what should be the most impregnable computer systems in the country were they able to access sensitive military information and if so what are the is the level damage?
Having the enemy walk into your cyber-fortress and rape your website is, in a time of war like this, akin to them walking into Army HQ and shooting up the place.
Has anyone here got any useful information on this egregious lapse in security?
/The Indian media has reported a group of LTTE supporters have attacked an Indian army convoy in Coimbatore, Chennai a short while ago damaging four vehicles. - Dailymirror/
Thanks. Can't be happier. Being a Bhuddhish "what goes arround comes around" rule make a lot of sence to me.
ASS = ananda sangari.
asian tribune.
ASS is a PEACEFUL tamil elamist. respect his peaceful stand, though. a partner of the 1977 tamil elam manifesto. the leader of TWO (for the first time in history) RACIST tamil parties.
TAMIL united liberation front
democratic TAMIL national alliance
(both not approved by the voters!!!)
Jeyaraj has copied Defencewire article (about 12 dead) and written a very bad ant-govt article
Dis Information the scummy,
Buffoon, terrorists in disguise are just nobody and nobody give a damn about you. Please take your mask of fake objectivity and join the rest of your terrorist brothers. Try really hard otherwise with a very few thing learned in your school to extract "the truth."
Please be very careful in putting comments at DBS Jeyaraj's blog. He doctors your comments to his liking and still post them under your name. This is another megalomaniac in making.
Miss Information,
"'Editor' Bandrinath had his nose way out of joint when I caught him admitting that the conscription of child soldiers was an acceptable practice for the LTTE."
Badrinath has stopped moderating his blog. The Eelamoids are begging for you to return. Peter seems to have gone AWOL though- maybe he surrendered or self-immolated???
"Having the enemy walk into your cyber-fortress and rape your website is, in a time of war like this, akin to them walking into Army HQ and shooting up the place."
Not really. is just the public website of the SLA, it's not linked into any sensitive system (which itself would not be linked to the internet). Not very different from Tamilnet getting hacked (which has happened before) I'm actually surprised that the Eelamoids did not hack the site earlier.
In any case, I don't think the SLA has a lot of sensitive info at this point of the game. It is an army which fights with blood and sweat, not push-button warfare.
Hi Rana,
I've been spending more time on making fun of the LTTE supporters, although recently it has gotten boring with Peter running away and Badrinath making few visits.
Here is a rare Column at an Indian Website that identifies the Double Standards applied in Tamil Nadu Politics to the Sri Lankan Tamils issue; it pins the blame squarely on the LTTE for holding civilian hostages in the NFZ.
As a result, the author Varghese is being demonized by pro-LTTEers as a Malayalee from Kerala who, according to them, are "traditionally biased against" Tamils!!!
Do I detect COMMUNAL CONFLICTS between our Dravidian brothers here?
[ Partisan politics on LankaB G Verghese, Columnist
April 30, 2009
Tamil Nadu parties are treading treacherous ground in an electoral competition to shore up the LTTE in the name of humanitarian principles. The minor parties set the pace in a desperate bid to whip up Dravida chauvinism to garner votes. The ruling DMK next clambered on the band wagon to prevent the AIADMK from stealing a march over it, saying one thing one day and reinterpreting it the next morning to mean the opposite. The Centre allowed itself to be dragged into the charade for reasons of small electoral gain for which the country may once again have to pay a heavy price.
The LTTE is a proscribed terrorist organisation in India and its leader Prabhakaran is a wanted man for his crimes. In allowing itself to be stampeded into pressuring Colombo, the Centre is in fact ceding the conduct of foreign policy to a state government. This cardinal error was first committed in 1983 and cost the country dear. The LTTE took control of certain coastal districts, landing arms there and training its cadre to cross the Palk Straits and wage war to win Eelam. The gun culture was introduced into south India and the country lost a prime minister to an LTTE suicide bomber.
The argument now made is that Colombo must accept a (long enough) ceasefire to enable Tamil civilians trapped within the last sliver of coast held by the LTTE near Mullaitivu to be repatriated to safety.
The UN, US and EU have been warning of an impending or ongoing humanitarian crisis with an estimated 1,50,000 Tamil refugees holed up in the No-Fire Zone.
They were clearly hostages being used as human shields, an old LTTE tactic. Some of them trying to flee Prabhakaran’s last, shrinking redoubt, were fired upon by their so-called patrons to prevent the loss of this human fence. But as soon as they could, over 1,00,000 desperate Tamils streamed across to the adjacent safe zone and freedom. Television images depicted an unending flow of terrified and emaciated hostages literally running for their lives. A further ‘humanitarian ceasefire’ might have entailed many more thousands dying in LTTE captivity.
When the West refers to a ‘humanitarian crisis’ in Sri Lanka, does anybody know or care that two generations of Chagos Islanders have cruelly suffered exile in distant lands in order that a US nuclear and strategic bomber base may be established and continue to function in Diego Garcia, despite a recent British High Court ruling.
And what about the huge collateral damage in Afghanistan and the tribal belt of Pakistan from US-NATO bombing? Nor does one hear calls for a ceasefire because of the humanitarian crisis caused by Talibanisation of these areas. The message is that the war must go on and that it was wrong for Pakistan to negotiate a ceasefire with the Taliban in Swat. These monumental contradictions represent flagrant double standards that seem to have become a conditioned reflex. My wars are all right — howsoever far from my homeland and people — but your wars to defend your own homeland and people are wrong.
Bracketing the Sri Lanka government with the LTTE is a travesty. Colombo was guilty of various serious omissions and commissions earlier. But it has learnt through hard experience and is now on a path that will hopefully lead to a just and honourable solution. It is glib to repeat in all circumstances that there is no military solution to complex and age-old political problems. Social and cultural divides cannot be bridged or healed by war. But the LTTE soon became an adventurous terrorist organisation, press-ganging women and children to obliterate all moderate Tamil opinion and impose its will on all. It wilfully scuttled the earlier peace process.
Now it is too late for it to call for a ceasefire when the end game is in sight. Wars do sometimes solve problems and this is one occasion when it might well do so. To go back to square one at this juncture could be a most destructive alternative.
Global and Indian diplomacy should now more properly turn to encouraging and assisting Sri Lanka to win the peace rather than help resuscitate the LTTE to regroup and wage yet another war. Massive humanitarian relief is required and should be organised and the internally displaced rehabilitated in their homes and restored their livelihoods as soon as demining operations are completed. Meanwhile Colombo must surely be held to its professed goal of a just and honourable resolution for all sections of the population — Tamil, Muslim and Sinhala — through federalisation, development, guaranteed social and cultural rights, equal citizenship and participation at all levels of governance.
The framework of a settlement was available as far back as 1987 and with the 13th Amendment that endorsed federalism and subsequent agreements that made it possible for provinces to unite in larger regions through popular expressions of will.
These arrangements can be varied and improved upon through discussion and in agreed stages. India has a wealth of experience regarding different forms and degrees of devolution in the Northeast and J&K and through Articles 371 A to I. Sri Lankan leaders could benefit from looking at these provisions and how they have worked.
Those in Tamil Nadu who have blithely called on Delhi to ‘impose’ a ceasefire on Colombo have acted most irresponsibly.
They do not seem to realise that they are justifying Pakistan’s support for cross-border terrorism and proxy war in J&K and elsewhere in India that we rightly denounce. That so-called ‘leaders’ should indulge in this kind of errant behaviour cannot be too strongly deplored.
Coalition politics cannot be reduced to political blackmail.
There must also be an end to other forms of electoral gamesmanship. The BJP should desist from bludgeoning the government at every turn on its handling of terror.
Likewise, the Congress cannot go on traducing the BJP for the very difficult and delicate choice it had to make over the Kandahar hijacking, trading three leading hardcore terrorists for the lives of 166 innocent passengers and crew, one of whom had already been killed. Would the UPA have acted differently in similar circumstances then or now? Surely certain national issues should be kept above petty partisan politics. ]
wijayapala said...
Hi Rana,
I've been spending more time on making fun of the LTTE supporters, although recently it has gotten boring with Peter running away and Badrinath making few visits.
I keep on getting redirected to Tamilnet when I try to access puligal. Am I the only one who has this problem? I tried Firefox, Explorer and Chrome.
poor bugger dbs jeyraj is now creating comments form the both of us . This bugger is a fake journalist who has a huge ego problem .
It is a pity because I think he is against the LTTE (when they are losing lol) . This is the quality of journalists we have created .
DW, greets mate…
Now you know I have the utmost regard for you and I do come here to get good info. about this anti-terra war….
However, mate, I must disagree with this post of yours.
This is not true… at least NOT ENTIRELY true.
True, 12 SBS heroes died, but not the way you described it here.
Let me only say that LTTE momma-fuckers HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.
That’s all I can say as the rest of the info. I garnered I promised the “source” to not divulge in public as evidently, it is bound to have strategic/tactical value to the our momma-fucker-enemy. This info. I garnered from a “very-very high” source so I have the fullest faith in it.
Anyone who still doubts my assertion here is invited to go check with their own “source” in Colombo, but it must be at a fairly high level (either in MOD or SLN) and you will hear the same as I did (provided they trust you).
So, DW, this is not to discredit you (you are doing a darn good job here; a job I myself will not be able to do), but only to apply a much needed correction.
No, the badly mauled LTTE momma-fuckers are beyond the kind of stunt you described…although I concede the point that SLDF must not be complacent now.
A final word for the LTTE supporting momma-fuckers:
male-whores: if you are wankering and female-whore you are dildo’ing yourself with glee at this incorrect news that 12 SBS were taken out by your LTTE momma-fuckers, keep doing but do not climax…
:)) :)) :))
OaO Asithri
[Anyone who still doubts my assertion here is invited to go check with their own “source” in Colombo, but it must be at a fairly high level (either in MOD or SLN) and you will hear the same as I did (provided they trust you)]
in my earlier post, one kind request, if you do get access to the same news that I got, PLEASE DO NOT REVEAL THE SPECIFICS here (for the obvious reason).
Thank you...
OaO Asithri
OaO Asithri
if ltte terrists didn kill the brave hearts
did they self immolate?
Yes,I noticed it in this article that DBS Jeryaraj is adding comments for me as shown below, which I never made. Journalism can't go any lower than DBS Jeyaraj. He claims the right to speak for others. His typical doctored comments are "You are the best DBSJ," "Your posts is the absolute best" etc. DBS Jeyaraj is suffering from narcissism and he has started faking comments also. He is rapidly damaging his own credibility in anything.
#8. Sam Perera | May 2nd, 2009 at 12:44 am
Another true account. Good show Mr.Jeyaraj
Vaiko visit to eelam at 1989 Part 01
Vaiko visit to eelam at1989 Part 02
Vaiko visit to eelam at1989 Part 03
Vaiko visit to eelam at1989 Part 04
Vaiko visit to eelam on1989 Part 05
Vaiko visit to eelam on1989 Part 06
Vaiko visit to eelam on1989 Part 07
Vaiko visit to eelam on1989 Part 08
Vaiko visit to eelam on 1989 Part 09
Vaiko visit to eelam on 1989 Part 10
[did they self immolate?]
No, your Tamil racist whoremother open her legs wide and the boyz died of poison gas!
Satisfied? You are welcome...any time!
:)) :)) :))
OaO Asithri
OaO Asithri
we shud not make fun of rana wiruwane
they gave their today for our tonight
we shud be grateful
yum yum
Defence Column,
You have a link in your above posts refering back to this post by DefenceWire.
bbc publishing photos of the "shelling" of hospital by magical SLA shells that only seem to hit hospitals,walls, and kill women, children and wheelchairs without creating craters or the flimsy buildings.
i didnt think the bbc could get dumber. i was wrong.
shell - explosive projectile. yesterday they were harping on about massive destruction they said was caused by the army in the nfz and showed photos from the leaked UN report. massive craters. massive desctruction. today you show the "aftermath" of shelling by the army via photos sent to them by a "doctor". they show a shredded tent, a destroyed wall. No comment on the fact that the buidling next to the broken wall (with its corrugated iron roof) is intact. shouldnt it be destroyed? and the shredded tent? what happend to the crater that should be underneath it" where is it? did the sl army send some magical bomb that managed to kill the people inside the school room, yet not destroy the buidling, nor knock the bottle of santiser off the bed?
Exclusive aerial footages of LTTE activities inside the No-Fire-Zone at Mullaittivu:
May 01, 09. Civilians casualties in Safe Zone. Sri Lanka Stop The WAR.
Lionflu, Civilian
Thevidiya paiya… hey Pundai, sathia moorthy naay poola umbu
OaO Asithri
My Tamil lessons night classes are now producing glad!
Anyway, Patriots got to eastern gorgeous if flying in, I will be "taken hostage" for the weekend okay...
:)) :)) :))
OaO Asithri
LTTE's next project:
Place 100 artillery shells at different places in the No Fire Zone. 100 controlled explosions (and signal the masters through “Tamils for Obama”). Next aerial photograph with 100 new craters would be great for the consumption for the international cows and bulls.
I am not joking folks. SL Army reports hearing explosions in the LTTE area. The above might indeed be the case. Name any building as a hospital. Then have a controlled explosion. Send few photographs and a small video clip to the masters. Going to be very effective.
Thanks for the link. I'm fully aware of the military declaring the new NFZ.
But what Im saying is, the military declared that area as the new NFZ only after the ltte forcefully moved the civilians in to that area...
Aw, it does not matter who declared the NFZ, what matters is how we are going to save the tamil civilians from the NFZ!
May the Triple Gem Bless our 3 Armed Forces!!!
Russia,North Corea,Iran,Sri Lanka,Zimbabwe,the new axis of evil!!!
YEAAHH SLAA bombed the hospitals, yaahh bomb innocent people, and everyone should be proud of the SLA right?
Are you people retarded, they have satellite images of all the craters left from the SLA bombing in the NFZ so in other words THEY GOT F$%CKIN PROOF. the SLA is bombings NFZ and killing civilians
ke ke ke
Asithri said...
I will be "taken hostage" for the weekend
Defence Column said...
all night with the participation of 3,000 Buddhist monks.
ITN news.
r_eswara said...
Are you people retarded, they have satellite images of all the craters left from the SLA bombing in the NFZ so in other words THEY GOT F$%CKIN PROOF. the SLA is bombings NFZ and killing civilians
Genocide, Genocide, Genocide. The Craters are made by bombs shelling. It is done by the Almighty Tiger Air Force. We have proof of Tiger Air Force Flying above and putting those bombs.
Ananda-USA said
[...Don't give up on Obama; this man can think on his feet. His perspective is based on LOGIC and RATIONAL THINKING, not INSTINCT. ...]
I concur with the above sentiment.
President Obama claims "The Team of Rivals" as one of his favorite books. Quite interestingly, his style of governance has been similar to Lincoln's so far. Therefore, the following passage (in page 152) is significant.
[... During his nights and weekends on the circuit, in the absence of domestic interruptions, he (Lincoln) taught himself geometry, carefully working out propositions and theorems until he could proudly claim that he had "nearly mastered the six books of Euclid".]
Anyone knows what the LTTE's seafaring capabilities at this point? If VP & Co are alive and still in the NFZ, and also nplan to stay alive, the sea is probably going to be the only option left for them.
Which means the SLN boys and girls have to step up to the dance big time.
Operation truth telling has started.
Link to VideoOhoma Yammalla Thawa Dingaiee
Guys is this true ?
"The official website of the Sri Lanka army,, has been hacked by suspected LTTE hackers this morning," the ministry said in a statement headlined: "LTTE resorts to cyber terrorism".
and if it is who dropped the ball here ?
read the restcome on guys secure all computers... its easy...
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