Thursday, February 18, 2010

Some exclusives on Fonseka Coup, HICORP etc.

First allegations of a Fonseka Coup/plot in 2005

The first allegations that Fonseka was plotting against the political leadership of the country came in late 2005 when he was chosen and subsequently appointed Army Commander. These allegations were made by some top-ranking Army officers. We were privy to some of this information at that time.

While a good section of President Rajapakse's close aides took it seriously, Secretary Defence Gotabhaya Rajapakse vetoed the allegations and defended Fonseka. His argument was Fonseka was a necessary evil, an equal matching force to route the LTTE.

Second allegation of a Fonseka Coup/plot in 2007-08

Allegations against Fonseka came up again from within the Army following 1) the acquisition of large amounts of armoured vehicles considered at that time to be ideal for crowd control in a military take-over. This was later disproved with the launching of the Mechanized Infantry Division combining the Air Mobile Brigade (termed jokingly at that time as පයිං යන Air Mobile due to the Army not having air capabilities to airlift these units to battle), units of the Armoured Corp and others.

2) Fonseka was again suspected of planning a coup when he brought his Sinha Regiment to guard vital installations in Colombo. The greatest fear of a coup arose when he attempted to change the security at the Presidential Palace. Subsequently the President's Corp was created to provide security to the President, his family and other dignitaries.

Third allegation of a Fonseka Coup/plot in 2009

The third allegation of a coup arose when some members of the Special Forces and Military Intelligence who were reporting directly to Fonseka provided information to Fonseka above a particular Brigadier and the Secretary Defence on the demise of Prabhakaran and other top-ranking Tigers. This happened soon after Fonseka returned to the country during the final phase of the war.

Fonseka despised the use of the Special Forces by this particular Brigadier (now Major General) and above all, Secretary Defence (operating through the Brigadier). He got into loggerheads with both claiming as his point of argument the 26 Special Forces killed during the final phase of the battle could have been minimized if the operation was not rushed.

Fonseka under surveillance

Constant rantings by Fonseka, particularly before and after the Army Tattoo led to him being kept under surveillance. It was even accused that the then Navy Commander Wasantha Karannagoda had a team following Fonseka. It was during this period that Fonseka was approached by Mangala Samaraweera and Anura Kumara.

Fonseka did not always show respect for his peers in the Security Forces. His command of the Sri Lanka Army gave him enormous power which he did not hesitate to demonstrate even at Security Council meetings. He had the comparative advantage of being a ground commander and having access to an experienced and talented Army. He deeply despised anyone in the Army directly reporting to the political command.

Fonseka's ambition was to command a very large Army but the politicians did not trust his motives and, above all, his ego. Some might say that the politicians were proven right. Others say misplaced suspicions drove Fonseka to take revenge.


Upul Illangamge was first alerted to his name being part of an investigation on HICORP soon after Fonseka's political defection. He was contacted by investigators in Sri Lanka who had by that time arrested agents of HICORP in Sri Lanka. The documents the investigators uncovered contained Illangamge's name.

Whether Illangamge's name was used fraudulently and without his express approval or whether Illangame was left sore by Danuna Tillekeratne in a procurement deal is not clear. What is clear is that Illangamge's statement was not made under duress or for the promise of money. He was clearly angry with Danuna and Fonseka. If not, Illangamge would not take steps to file a complaint with the FBI on the HICORP deal.

Protests by Maha Sangha

Reports from within higher echelons of the Police and Politics indicate that the deep driver of the resentment by the Maha Sangha, particularly that of a chief prelate is the government dismissing some favors made by the said prelate directly to President Rajapakse. This particularly concerns a request that DIG Nimal Mediwaka of Kandy be appointed IGP. The government went on to appoint DIG Mahinda Balasooriya as IGP instead.


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Sam Perera said...


A question about Duminda Keppetiwalana, did he and Ashoka Thoradeniya go to the same school? Or is this a different Keppetiwalana.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


1. Are you aware of any media team called "Bombardiers" as claimed by Divaina defence columnist?

2. Another shuffle of army ranks as per media. Can you shed some light?

Saul said...

Hey DW, I didn't know you were still open for business.

Nice write up that gives the background to this issue. But it doesn't shed as much light IMO; no doubt you will say that there's more you cannot write about.

LankaPade said...

Thanks for bringing good content back to the blog, the other DW wanna-be is struggling to have some solid content, working hard to pull the usual readership to the pro-government spy site called Defence Forum.

LankaPade said...


The report makes sense, doesn't quite contradict the story created in my head by reading reports coming out of the media.

For me, the fraudulent use of Illangamge's name in HiCorp is crystal clear. He clearly mentioned that on his video.

"Whether Illangamge's name was used fraudulently and without his express approval or whether Illangame was left sore by Danuna Tillekeratne in a procurement deal is not clear."

You have failed to mention connection between SF and HiCorp. It is again crystal clear SF was the integral part of HiCorp. That was SF's unethical contribution to the nation.
Then again, if the high ranking military and political leadership behaves unethically in Sri Lanka, SF''s connection with HiCorp is water under the bridge under this morally bankrupt regime.

LankaPade said...

Some people said they want to take a hike to the other phony forum setup to reveal bloggers identity.

However they seem to keep the words they utter for themselves.

After all, there is no self discipline among 'parrots'.


Anonymous said...


Thanks and much better than earlier "pathola" article.
Please answer if you have time.

1. Any comments current investigations on SF?

(So far CID has found 527,000 US Dollar currency notes and LKR 1.2 Billion.)

2. Its said you need more senior officer to arrest/investigate an officer. But SF was the most senior (4-star general) SLA had and I don't think there is more senior officer in SLA senior to SF. How this seniority issue be resolved?

(SF said he promoted bases on talent disregarding seniority.)

3. What would you expect final out come to be from military court?

(Its said SF can go to appeal court or after that supreme court if he is not satisfied.)

4. Any comments on SF's political future?

(JVP says they contest under SF leadership from a prty called DNA while SF contesting from Colombo and UNP says they are waiting SF's decision on contest as a district leader or in national list.)

5. What's your evaluation on SLA now?

(We thought May 19 that we had the worlds best army - talent-wise, but what now?)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Also, if you have more free time please count how many comments were there from some nut case guy with his 20-30 fake handles and responses to him by others mainly about some another blog and blogers there in your previous thread and give us %.

Let multipolar whining partying crying celebrating rating advising go on... perhaps DW enjoying...

Ralahamy said...

Ok...who wrote this first...

DW or Lanka Guaridan ?

Who's the copy cat here ?

LankaPade said...

Bijja said...

[ DW

Thanks and much better than earlier "pathola" article.
Please answer if you have time.

1. Any comments current investigations on SF?

Blah blah deleted ]

This is like a typical 'Patriot' is asking question from an astrologer to run the country.

I suggest DW to maintain the silence and do this kind of occasional posts than directly answering to people from the Defence Forum.

If DW says one thing wrong, he will be considered a traitor.

I see DF folks now started trashing Arjuna Ranathunga claiming he is too fat.

Ralahamy said...

WOW...SF this is the time for you to shine...

Since Ranil is contesting in should do the same..And show that you can do better than him..Rather  than opening your crappy mouth..( Kata naththam melahakata balloth Reela ...)

Moshe Dyan said...


the copy cat is SLG (as usual).

DW posted this on feb 18. ONE MINUTE before feb 19.

SLG posted it on feb 19th.

Bhairav said...

The symbol itself shows how predictable JVPers are, let alone their real acts.

Moshe Dyan said...


great and very informative article.

we knew parts of it from 2005.

"Fonseka was a necessary evil, an equal matching force to route the LTTE."

indeed. this is what we said all along. it is like DUTUGEMUNU's giants. some of them were thugs, school dropouts, drunkards, womanizers, etc. but they beat the enemy.

we had to MATCH vezapillai's not giving up approach. SF did better.

"Fonseka despised the use of the Special Forces by this particular Brigadier (now Major General) and above all, Secretary Defence (operating through the Brigadier). He got into loggerheads with both claiming as his point of argument the 26 Special Forces killed during the final phase of the battle could have been minimized if the operation was not rushed."

SF was simply DUMB here not understanding the geopolitical space and the battlefield realities in may 2009. he was abroad more than a week!!!! he tried to CREATE some BS knowing very well that prasanna silva had the HIGHEST MARGIN in harvesting rate. after all SF's problems with prasanna silva goes back to 2007!!!!

"Whether Illangamge's name was used fraudulently and without his express approval or whether Illangame was left sore by Danuna Tillekeratne in a procurement deal is not clear. What is clear is that Illangamge's statement was not made under duress or for the promise of money. He was clearly angry with Danuna and Fonseka."

and with RANDY DEHOERT who dragged ilangamage's name. randy was arrested in december 2009 and he first though he can avoid dragging danuna and gonzeka.

Bhairav said...

[Ok...who wrote this first...

DW or Lanka Guaridan ?

Who's the copy cat here ?]

Remember, Mahen da joker got the nod in Lanka Guardian with his Poddu drama stories same time last year? I guess Lanka Guardian did the same on DW's story here.

Moshe Dyan said...


it is time to SCALE DOWN ( not necessarily stop) attacks on SF.

traitors of the nation are slowing letting him down.

only JVP IDIOTS are standing by him now. JVP idiots are the lesser evil of traitors and idiots.

a MASSIVE violent battle is ABOUT to erupt between the UNP and the JVP. JVP has the SF advantage.

so the UNP-TNA SAKKILIYAS are going to bash SF now.

don't ever play into these MONUMENTAL LOSERS' hands.

patriots must AROUSE this battle. if all these UNF (FUN), JVP (DNA), TNA (toilet) buggers kill each other, it will be LOVELY!!

Swarnajith Udana said...

The current article is more towards revealing some details but still it does not seem to appreciate the fact that Military is not permitted to act in its own way or they should act in a way that they have their own will.

That was what SF was doing all the time during the War.

In July 2009 he established a short duration military regime (This is my word and that is how I describe it and that was actually happened that is how I feel about it. He acted above the civilian rule and Police in a civili area).

So he gave many reasons to suspet of him preparing for a coup. He was testing the water and courage of MR.

No democratice Government can let these audacious viloations to keep occuring and wait until the coup happens to make sure that is actually a coup.

It is MR's duty and responsibility to responds to such developing threates or events that may be percieved as threats.

It is the Military Commanders's duty to make sute that they create the perception that they follow the Government directives even when there is a difference of opinion with the goverment. Not only that the commander should create such perception and he also needs to follow that to the dot.

If the opinion is too different then the commander should resign without acting behind the Government in any way.

Actullay MR did several wrong thing.

First he was wrong to appoint SF knowing his past.

To cover up his crimes (he did while being the commander) were also wrong.

To serenade him excessivley fuled his ego further.

Then hesitation to remove him from the post was also wrong.

They (GR?MR) might argue that his Yakshakama not Dakshakama was sought after by MR and GR. But then his Yakshakama might even have caused the war dearly (Recently GR says that they could have used some ohter person in his place)

Not only that he was given an opprtunity to become the executioner of the Nation that was so frightening. No amount of whitewashing can change that. I am not asking anybody to whitewash MR>

Hie is our leader and we shouldnot whitewash im.

In comparison with SF, the worst of MR cannot come near the very best of SF.

AS MR he has been (with serious shortcomings) is an inspiration to the Nation while the very best of SF could have been ?the worst form of Idi Amin,

Chuti Malli said...

DW, thanks for the very interesting article.

Folks, can you please stop fighting with each other when a fresh article comes in.

Why do you hate each other so much?

Sam Perera said...
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Sam Perera said...
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Sujeewa Kokawala said...
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Anushka Gonawala said...
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Anushka Gonawala said...
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Sujeewa Kokawala said...
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londonistan said...

Bunch of gays Sam and Sujeewa you two are not the people I thought you were. I thought you all had some intellect.

Shame on you.

Anushka Gonawala said...

Sujee, Sammi, Soni, Boni

Ane don't fight meyala. It is very ugly ane. Don't fight.

Yannako Ranage gedara. Anushka full ready groupfuck ekakata. Eyata yaluwo kiyanne Gonushka kiyala.

Anushka Gonawala said...

Balannako meyala Londonistan kiyala ena me pissa uge nama register karala thiyenne February 2010.

Pissek ane.

Ape real Londonistan was here before ane. I met him in London. We had a good time.

Pissu Rana naki ledata computer ekak set welada manda. Ane manda. Nakiya marei ane. Naki Rana marevi ada hetama. Couch potato.

Anushka Gonawala said...
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Sam Perera said...
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Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Wow, multipolar "cock" tail.

Let's leave here for Multi's antics.

DW I pity you. A brilliant artcile did not deserve this.

Ananda-USA said...

Do you know Asithri's uncle is a Monk?

That is how he learned to talk filth to Rana uncle and his daughters.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...
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Sam Perera said...
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DoDo said...
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DoDo said...

Thanks for showing the two sides of the coin DW. very informative article.

BTW, this fellow Rana seems to have spiraled in to uncontrolled depths of insanity. please stop spamming blogs. We are simply not interested in your bullshit. Get a life (and some good professional medical help) dude

LankaPade said...

I have no problem digging the dirty laundry of SF.

For heavens sake, do the same for everyone.

Some of the people I speak says SF deserves where he is now. They say it is better than killing him. It appears, if you don't get SF first, he will get you.

Guys at the front line had the opinion that if the Jonny batto did not get you, Jonny Fonseka will.

Pulling the pants of the villain you hate is scary by keeping the villain you love in your pants.

Now, where the SF in laws got that kind of cash?

If they are through defense contracts, money may be somewhat clean.

If they got money from the West like US or any other country, that should be OK too. However that goes against medelling internal politics of SL.

Whatever it is, SL never came out of LTTE war good and it is not coming out of prez election good either.

We are digging digging deeper in to the shit hole.

The next generations will suffer for decades to come.

Got to run and sell my garment factory. Any 'patriot' with cash can skype me.

Ta ta

Sujeewa Kokawala said...
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londonistan said...

The question is to be or not to be. Sanjeewa which side are you on now? Your patrioticism as I checked last time was anti-LTTE but now you're Pro-LTTE. A lot of people here are starting to question now whether you're really sinhala. Is this the work of a Tamil posing as a Pro MR only to turn SF?

My concerns are genuine for you. You seem to have lost your plot here. Are you on some form of prescribed medication or simply sitting at a rehab typing away faster than your mind can fathom.

Whatever the case is, you have shown yourself to be one of the untouchables of this forum.

Sam Perera said...
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ඔස්කා said...

Who the heck is sanjeewa ???

Sam Perera said...
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Sujeewa Kokawala said...
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Sam Perera said...
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Sujeewa Kokawala said...

In case some unknown blogger appears here and reads the gibberish, the use of the names of myself and Sam Perea is the neat but filthy work of Multipolar fakers. Check our IDs and verify that.

I wonder what DW is doing.

DW, is this the state that you're going to keep your site at? Why not regulate the comments? We have been decent visitors to your space, and I believe you hold the responsibility to avoid a mud slinger use your space to throw all kinds of filth on us.

And this is why we barred him from SLD Forum.

We will let the idiot defecate in public here. It is upto you DW to clean your space.

aka said...

"Fonseka did not always show respect for his peers in the Security Forces."

I think this is the main reason that many of Fonsekas' former subordinates choose to stand with the Rajepakshas' during the PE.

Fonseka him self said that he some times has to use a language "not usually" when giving orders to ground commanders. He probably shouted at then with "kunuharupas" at them.

And his promotion scheme gave credit to the talent but not always. Shavindra, Kamal Prasanne were talented and contributed greatly but they were only given promotions after the war was over (probably on presidents order).

SF mistreated Prasanne badly to the point where prasnne decided to leave the army (prasanne's own words).

and some officers despite showing any flare of brilliance were given regular promotions.

aka said...

And about the rumor of the "no connection" policy of that lasted during the last phases of war between army and the navy, i hardly saw any cooperation between these two in the last phase. while there were many sea borne operation by 55 and 59 divisions, army didn't use navy boats or navel persons. If navy as involved it could have been a big help for the army.

Sam Perera said...

Kuruppuge Don Somatilake aka Rana,

Please take some medicine for you psychotic condition.

SL boy said...


Click the blogger name and if it says since Feb 2010, it is NOT the real Sam or Sujeewa.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

My ID is 02963694.... Do not believe this either, pls verify it from one of my old posts.

Anyway it is obvious to find if you knew us. Multi is blessed with another defect that he cannot mimic someone to a fraction close.

Whatever the handle he uses the shit smell of his words remain same. Heis always that anti SL, anti culture, anti social west's boot licker cum hidden separatist for ever.

And that is no different to many known 4th intretional [stupids], wikarabahu is a living example.

LankaPade said...

[ Sujeewa Kokawala said...

My ID is 02963694.... Do not believe this either, pls verify it from one of my old posts.]

You and Sam seem to be posting using multiple IDs to discredit DW and pull the readership to DF.

I'd say, delete anything with Sujeewa Kokawela and Sam Perera.

So cheap.

Sam Perera said...

Pissu Somatilake,

You need to take medicine before it is too late. Please talk to your family aobut it and get yourself treated without any delay.

Anonymous said...

if any of you happy about the elimination LTTE, plese STOP insulting SF. he sholud be freed immeditely without further harrasments. except few ass licking officers, entire army respect SF.
Most of the patriots turned to political ass lickers will not accept, but it is not MR, THAT WAS SF, WHO CHANGE THE RYTHAM of WAR TO make it a winning WAR. Army knows it very well.
govt media totally ruin this respected war hero, with false information and excegerations.

Truth can be much more different than what you are hering from GOvt propaganda.

except for last week or so before the end of WAR, SF managed entire army without giving any space for WAR crimes charges. He knew, what was going aroung the world and he didnt want to put his own forces and him self under unnecessary danger, even though tendency for war crimes were very high in this type of WAR.
BTW, It was not SF, who raise voice regarding WAR crimes first. if you all remember, all the international media and UN escalate about posible WAR crimes, due to white flag issue. Foreign secret services knew, much more than what you and me knew about it. That was why, SF was requested to question about GR. If those foreign secret services, didnt know about the people and the incidents, why did they want to get information about GR.
There are enough ways to eliminate enamies without giving space for any war crime charges.
If the white flag incident is true, I would say, it was those few people, who put entire army and themselfs in trouble and not the SF.

for the best interest of the people and the country, best thing to do is to, fee SF and come to terms with him.

Chuti Malli said...

"Mr Herath said if Gen Fonseka was not released from detention soon, his wife Anoma Fonseka would lead their campaign. "

Sujeewa Kokawala said...
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Sam Perera said...
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Ralahamy said...

Ohh Man Fake SAM again..
Jerk off man..

Ralahamy said...

Sam and Sujeewa go and jerk off somewhere else man..

Jay said...

DW interesting article. Thank you
You only addressed the allegdly coup attempts by SF not the corrupt arms deal etc.

The court martial and most likely SC appeal by SF would be interesting viewing to the lankan public and international community.
Is Rajapakse willing to take the risk of "dirty linen" being washed in public i wonder? ( SF is no JS Tissa).
No doubt the CM & SC judgements if it comes to that stage will be highly politicised as one expects from the current regime.
Judging by SF's behavior the recent months he may take the scatter gun approach.

Perhaps, Rajapakse may wish to consult the same attorney who advised me not to pursue C4 on the "fake" video instead explore other avenues.

In the meantime, two elections, court martial teledramas etc, when is the MR GOSL getting down to the real business?

btw. When was the last time CID had a peek at Basil Rajapakse bank account in SL or even peruse the withdrawals/redemptions of Golden Key 5 weeks before Cabraal thought fit to cry foul?


Jay said...

Without wishing to take away your thunder DW an interesting debate in the Economist between Kon(G&T) Bandara and Sinna Siththar


I agree with RhodesianRidgeback; indeed a very mature debate between Konnappu and S Sithar.

But the crux of the matter really is: how can such a discussion take place in Sri Lanka? Access to the Economist’s content in Sri Lanka is limited, particularly so when it publishes articles that irritate the Cabal (issues held up at customs, access blocked etc)

There is no shortage (thank god) of intellectual heavyweights in Sri Lanka but most of them seem to have been intimidated, or enticed by promises of perks and those empty titles like “Presidential Adviser” that Rajapakse so generously hands out to all and sundry. The unfortunate sting in the tail is that these previously impartial and incisive minds suddenly find themselves beholden to the Cabal because they can’t imagine life without those perks. Now that our Sun God (never a slouch when it came to intimidation) is no more, the Govt seems to enjoy a monopoly of intimidation.

When Konnapu exorts us to “unite and work for the betterment of all”, I agree. But such an endeavour must be backed up by an apparatus of the State that is equitable. I think that the 17th amendment is a prerequisite first step towards that goal.

Bearing in mind that the Editor of Lanka Irida has been released without charge, and Fonseka’s (alleged) fellow coup plotters too have been set free by the judge, the Cabal’s lackeys should be cringing with embarrassment. Was Fonseka so reckless as to have planned on overthrowing the Govt single-handedly? It’s hard to imagine these arrests, based on such risible evidence, ever being countenanced within a scenario of the 17th amendment. At least the judiciary still seems to have teeth.

Jay said...

U.S. has no intention to destabilise Rajapaksa Govt: Bogollagama

Bogolls on damage limitaion exercise on the orders of MR to cover for GR (graduated from Saddam Hussien School of Diplomacy)
wild accusations.
GR, being a US resident needs to tread carefully unless he wishes to take residency with new found friends.

Prof Rajiva usually covers up for GR 'foot in mouth' instead Rajiva writes about Richard De Zoysa.

In particular the goobledegook as above:
(We have gone a long way towards improving the situation, but we need to go further. This can only be achieved if there is more attention to the principles involved, less drama based on predilections. Sadly we do not pay enough attention to facts in looking at values, we do not look at precedents and practices elsewhere)

ps. Richard was not a Royalist he was a Thomian. Get your facts right. And you were his friend?

This what happens when so called intellectuals get beholden by the Cabal and prostitute themselves.

Jay said...

..Perhaps, Rajapakse may wish to consult the same attorney who advised me (him) not to pursue C4 on the "fake" video instead explore other avenues


Have a nice day

Diyasena said...


As blog admin you must have access to the IP address of the incestuous multipolar dole bludger..If this behavior continues, can you block his IP address (one originating from NZ)..And if he uses a proxy, you can find out the site and do it for the proxies provided from that particular site..Takes some time on your part but, ends justify means ney..

Anonymous said...

Officers, who were interdicted by SF due to dicipiline and curruption cases, are now in action.
One such guy is Brig Wijesiri in CCMP. He is a batch mate of present army commander and he is the one who conducted SF arrest in the hotel.

Even I could not belive, what Army middle rankers say. It was like a one man show in army and much famous Major genarals, who lived with media units didnt know, where to move next day.
It was all SF's chess game and every one amazed about the SF's knowledge on battle field and even small land makrs in the WAR zone.

In the last election, I vote for MR, just because the people around SF and now I regret the way things moving. To coverup some peoples foolish work, SF and his familly is paying now.

LankaPade said...

[ Diyasena said...


As blog admin you must have access to the IP address of the incestuous multipolar dole bludger..If this behavior continues, can you block his IP address (one originating from NZ)..And if he uses a proxy, you can find out the site and do it for the proxies provided from that particular site..Takes some time on your part but, ends justify means ney..]

The drama has been created by Sam Perera and Sujeewa Kokawala. I'd ban them first since that satisfy our cultural needs as Sri Lankans.

We are the nation that like to ban and then kill if that doesn't work out.

Jayawewa Pakisland and Pakisos

Moshe Dyan said...


SF's mad behaviour affected some of the FINEST guys.

e.g. his own bodyguards

i doubt SF's PLANNING skills. no doubt he was an excellent infantry man. but his PERSONAL plans ended up in total disaster.

e.g. 6 DEBACLES in muhamalai.

besides the MOST successful op.s had NO INPUT from SF.

mavil aru
may 2009

Swarnajith Udana said...

If telephone sex addiction,alcholism, brutalism against cooks and Arms dealing, agitating INdia, killing of EDitors to get the INternational thugs agitated against sri Lanka, abductions to get pressure from World thugs, Muhamale debacles are all part of well executed war strategy then SF is the only one who deserves credit.

Maradane Chutte said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jay said...

How true..

The Rajapakshas and the rest of the spineless ‘yes’ politicians of the UPFA want a two third majority at the forthcoming general election to change the constitution. It is doubtful as to whether the proposed changes to the constitution are intended to uplift the living standard of the masses or to stabilise the Rajapaksha family rule for the foreseeable future. Premadasa had one brain to construct his tyrannical reign that created a sense of fear among everyone within a very short time but came to an end thanks to the LTTE. Brains are many in the Rajapaksha family. Indeed the family is a perfect combination of necessary skills to secure the power base at Medamulana for even decades to come. The political cunning of Mahinda, corruption and malpractice skills of Basil, organisation skills of Charmal, glamour and youthful exuberance of Narmal and mafia skills of Gotabaya will keep them on the throne for a long time to come. Sri Lanka will never see the light at the end of tunnel again unless their margin of victory at this election is minimised

God Bless SL

Jay said...

Groundviews was able to obtain an audio recording of an exchange between Swiss journalist Karin Wenger and a well-known, senior journalist now part of the Presidential Media Unit (PMU). Karin’s visa and media accreditation to cover the Sri Lankan presidential election was revoked after she asked several questions from government representatives at an official press briefing. As reported by Deutsche Welle,

“I asked two questions,” Wenger says. “Why were there so many troops in front of opposition candidate Fonseka’s hotel? And the second referred to rumours we kept hearing: Was it true that the president’s brother Basil Rajapaksa was inside the election commission’s office?” An official stopped her after the press conference and started shouting at her: “I won’t be subdued by a white skin! Keep this in mind!”

Hear the recording on this link

Wonderful piece of "raised Sarong" mode journalism

Jay said...

Sanath cleared for politics and sport.

Only 2 years ago Politics and Sport did not mix. I guess it depends on whose side you are batting!

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Sanath may be cleared for now but he will have some rough times ahead.

Sam is at the local police station. He got involved in some dirty antics and is in custody.

Diyasena said...

I really hope that MR will take wise steps towards dealing with SF allegations for the sake of our people.

Sujeewa don't flatter yourself you're about to be banned. SF will need a good lawyer perhaps Saddam's advocate.

LankaPade said...


Didn't you say you don't publish here?

Sam Perera said...

Kuruppuge Don Somatilake aka Daddy and Daughter Dog Pair,

Take your medicine without coming here in all kinds of names and faking other readers.

Diyasena said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Diyasena said...


The cat humping dole bludger from NZ has faked my ID too..DW I'll make a suggestion..Why don't you amalgamate the blog with Defence Forum and become an admin there..

1. This way real people, can enjoy reading your insightful articles, as you have admin privileges..It will be like the good old days..

2. As there are many admins (Ananda, Moshe etc..) someone will be around to delete the tirades of ran gona and his multiple avatars..

Give it some thought and contact someone from DF if you agree..

This way Rana/ kathuri/ Pansilu/ Romeo/ Keshara/ Parrot/ davinda knox can peacefully vent his rejection by fat maori women, on (Ellalan) Farce blog (The latter part well suits the incest dad)

LankaPade said...

DW is not creating the same excitement it created when the war is on.

SF story will die down soon, he will be stuck in a prison for a long time. His best punishment will be to let him go. He will not have the same star power once he had.

As for parrots whining for nuisance here, you attract shit. Clean up your act, make your own parrots responsible, people like us will go away.

See, people tend to criticize Rajapakse kingdom more when they have pimps like Merwin under the table.

Jay said...

Sam the Man,
I'm amazed you guys are so obsessed with this Rana (alias whatever)character.

Have you tried ignoring the comments?

DW - i'm pleased you are moderating but are'nt you being a tad selective in your moderation.
eg- Anushka Gona

tata said...

Why isn't main media not talking about colonization?

I see a parallel between colonization and defeating terrorism. About 10 years ago no one talked about defeating terrorism militarily. Only a handful of people did so and they were branded as war mongers and racists. But we all know how that ended up.
Similarly, now not many talk about colonization. I think they don't talk about it out of fear for being called racists or any other name.

Even I had doubts about colonization first. But the more I thought about it, less fearful it seemed.
I think the reason for this fear and doubt of colonization arise from our subconscious acceptance that NE belong to Tamil people. Who infused this into our minds? It's none other than Eelam project and its racist members (and supported by our own opportunistic politicians).

First, we must convince ourselves that the whole of Sri Lanka belongs to all Sri Lankans. Then colonization looks as normal as going to the market.
We are talking about settling people on UNINHABITED land. What's wrong with that? We are not chasing away people from an area and bringing in new people. With what can we be accused of? Are we violating any international laws? If so what are they? The only possible accusation could be "Genocide of Land" by TN.

The next govt. need to find a Mavilaaru for colonization!

Sujeewa Kokawala said...
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Sujeewa Kokawala said...

I thought Sam & the misfortunes took a hike to the other forrum. Seems like they have got some unfinished business here.

I need some more personal info on bloggers here so I can rant about it, as Sam and myself have nothing better to talk about it.

Maradane Chutte said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LankaPade said...

That handle belong to King Ananda-USA's Mervyn called Asithri.

Few people have requested stopping trashing someone's children and they never listen.

LankaPade said...

[Jay said...

Sam the Man,
I'm amazed you guys are so obsessed with this Rana (alias whatever)character.]

It is like when your balls get bitten by a wolf, your voice gets mellow when you see a pussy cat.

They think every new name comes here belong to Rana.

Rana, whoever you are, you have done a number on these guys balls.

Bhairav said... is updated!

Thank You!

Ananda-USA said...

Few sick people have started sending garbage my BF Akila writes here and they are sending them to his Mom and friends too.

Please don't contact me, he is not a sociopath.

Being Nobody said...

Bhairav , just curious, what became of editor Badrinath?

Diyasena said...

I say write to Gordon Brown and deport tamils in ship loads to UK. After all, they are the ones who brought the virus to the country.

I formally apologise to this forrum for misusing the internet to reveal personal info on bloggers.

Sam Perera said...

It is a menace that someone is posting with my ID. My username is hacked so I registered again.

Stop whoever you are. I'm willing to set aside differences and put an end to my foul mouth.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

90% of tamils should be sent to Norway, the rest can go to UK.

Sam, I bet your mommy knows how dirty you are. Api hukamuda?

Sam Perera said...

Daddy and Daughter Dog Pair aka Rana aka Pakisbooruwa aka Parrot,

Please take some medicine for your psychotic condition.

Asithri said...

A GOOD READ…explains the angle that this last PE when that Gonseka sucker appeared on the scene to contest and take the LOSER title, it was really a God-send for Ranil ponnaya. Gives credence to the view that like in the past where previous military men with noteworthy records were used by RW/UNP to prop up their unpopularity with the masses, this time too they found a grand sucker!

Some noteworthy excerpts:

Let’s do a quick recap to start things off. The UNP was in a quandary. Well, let’s say Ranil Wickremesinghe was in a quandary. The presidential election was coming up and the incumbent, Mahinda Rajapaksa was enjoying unprecedented popularity for someone seeking re-election. A re-play of November 2005 would have seen Ranil getting creamed and the natural play would have seen the UNP getting creamed in the parliamentary Election that would have followed. There would have been renewed calls for Ranil’s head and although I am pretty sure he would prevail, he wouldn’t come off un-bloodied.

Fonseka’s defeat was Ranil’s victory. He consolidated. His leadership was now secure. He recovered the elephant symbol. The UNP was able to convince all the three-wheeler parties to contest under the elephant symbol. Fonseka, shot his mouth, spat too far, painted ‘security risk’ all over himself and virtually wrote himself out of the political equation.

Ranil’s smile grew wider. Fonseka behind bars was a plus for the UNP because it have the part an additional slogan on the one hand while taking out a potential bull in the china shop kind of personality from the campaign trail (read, ‘one less headache to worry about’).

Why should Ranil Wickremesinghe risk all that? He is sitting pretty. He is well positioned to retain his post as Leader of the Opposition. He doesn’t have to do the silly thing of letting the JVP tap into the UNP’s vote base.
And so, after all the excitement of the presidential election, it is business as usual: the greens vs the blues.

Few would be upset about the JVP’s dilemmas. I have only one concern. Sarath Fonseka has suffered much on account of being taken for a ride by one Mangala Samaraweera. His arrogance and villainy aside, the man has still done much more for the country than all the JVPers and all the UNPers put together. He has been made to bite the dust and he can’t blame anyone for this but himself, his naiveté and arrogance. There’s a limit, though. He’s reached it. Let him be now. The law will take its course, of course, but there’s no reason why the man should be further used to serve the narrow and selfish political objectives of anyone, least of all the JVP.

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Moshe Dyan said...

a good read from lankaweb.

"Has Dude Danuna Sold His Mother for Rs 75 million??

Prof. Hudson McLean

Judas sold Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silver!

Converted to US$ today with inflation after 2000 years, it might come to a handsome sum, depending on the value of silver then.

In today’s terminology, “Money Talks & Bullshit Walks”, and Apsara’s greed to save the Bucks and help the father, whilst Dude Danuna is “on the run”, was to sacrifice the mother-in-law.

Would any son who has suckled the mother’s breast could wake up and see his mother being sent to “Hard Labour” with drug addicts, prostitutes and petty criminals in a Sri Lankan prison, even for a month and to save his skin and money?

Looks like (Fonzy) father-in-law like (Dude Danuna) son-in-law, who would betray his own mother to salvage his freedom! The General planned to sell his own gallant Army comrades and Mother Lanka, whilst the Dude perhaps instructed his wife to sacrifice the own mother.

Perhaps it was Apsara who wanted to save her father and use the “proverbial” mother-in-law to “pull the nuts from the fire”. Why couldn’t she get her own mother to handle the matter? Perhaps she knew of the potential consequences. If that was the case, a quickee divorce from Dude Danuna might be on the cards, so Apsara can enjoy the “spoils” whilst Dude Danuna “rest” in prison in Sri Lanka and possibly in USA. So more “shit might hit the fan”. (Sorry Editor for use of bland).

This could be straight from an old Pink Panther comedy!

How could the US$ 500,000+ in brand newly printed notes in numbered sequence be imported into Sri Lanka without declaring at Customs?

Either the General and Dude Danuna “fixed” the Customs Officers with a few bundles of moolah, or the money came via the Diplomatic Pouch to one of the Embassies in Colombo.

History repeats itself! If one remembers how then Government of the Day, collaborated with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Colombo to import “Duty Free”, high technology communications equipment and transport same to Wanniya as a “gift”.

The same equipment was subsequently used by the Tamil Tiger Terrorists leader Velupillai Prabhakaran to propagate his Eelam and use the equipment against Sri Lanka.

It is very likely that the governments of USA and Norway had their thumb prints on the dollar transaction, which was collected by Fonzy and his cronies during one of their drive-ins to the Embassies. This was a “numbered” set-up. Couldn’t they give old used notes with random numbers? Just like they ask in good old movies!

The rumour has it that it was a cool million Green Backs. Where did the balance of US$ 473,000.00 disappear? Since they are “hot from the print” the numbers will point to the end users in due course. Someone or several are holding onto a “smoking bundle”.

As it stands, there might be many Fonsekas and Tillekeratnes’ playing Scrabble together in Welikada! And more “porridge” to come from an American criminal enquiry on fraud.

Would some TV script-writer plan a soap-opera based on Sri Lankan politics?"

Moshe Dyan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Asithri said...


[i know this akila fellow and his betterhalf andrea from slovakia or somewhere. he has uploaded a few beautiful clips in youtube. he has nothing to do with OAOA or anyone here. he's the "peace ponnaya" type of a guy. certainly not a patriot, but that's his choice. never uses filth and VERY religious.]


So what do you think when this obviously anti-SL whore named "Andrea Ulicna" says to OaOA:

[Do you know Asithri's uncle is a Monk? Can you people tell Asithri not to mess with my ass?]


I see something gone astray here. Has someone hijacked you ID?

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...


[i know this akila fellow and his betterhalf andrea...he's the "peace ponnaya" type of a guy. certainly not a patriot, but that's his choice. never uses filth and VERY religious.]

"VERY religious?"

wow! Now that changes everything form me - NOT!

Moshey looks like you are being taken for another ride just like how that anti-SL "Rana" whoredog took you for a ride. For all we know, this "akila" and "Rana" are the same.

"Certainly not a patriot" you said....well, well, now that requires some exorcising isn't it mate?

It requires this humble but PATRIOTIC OAO to shove his baseball bat up this akila and his andrea whores' arses with no lube uh?

You can support any political party in SL - that is democracy. BUT you DO NOT become a if you do, then the Bush-Doctrine applies: You are just another LTTE terrorist whorebitch in our view and deserves to be given the "Nanthikadal Treatment."

OaO Asithri

Moshe Dyan said...


"For all we know, this "akila" and "Rana" are the same."

matie, did i say no, OAOA?????

all i said was "akila" and his family are total strangers and to LEAVE THAT INNOCENT BUGGER ALONE.

if you want to know more about this akila, go to youtube and search. came across accidentelly yesterday.

i'm 100% for the nanthikandal treatment for IDENTIFIED traitors. in fact its the TRADITIONAL treatment we've been giving all anti-SL fellows for 2,500 years!!!!

Moshe Dyan said...

Akila Weerasekera is Andrea Ulicna's lover. They are on facebook.

Sam Perera said...

Have you no shame Moshe really?

Moshe Dyan said...

that sakkiliya who steals others handles has copied my handle too!!

and s/he says,

"Akila Weerasekera is Andrea Ulicna's lover. They are on facebook."

so what?????

Asithri said...

Moshe you're non patriot and the Bush doctrine applies to you. Crash and burn in hell.

BTW that is not his girlfriend. He has a wife in Lanka.

Moshe Dyan said...

Hey why are you coping my handle? Stop it immediately.

Bhairav said...

[Bhairav , just curious, what became of editor Badrinath?]


I have my own suspicions now.

Moshe Dyan said...

multipolar in action. lets see if s/he can avoid my trap.

Moshe Dyan said...

Asithri I know you as well, you're the self-proclaiming patriot who's name I won't reveal just yet.

A real patriot doesn't go telling everyone that he is one. Your actions reflect your patriotism. Your Mother Lanka needs you now more than ever, so why don't you buy a plane ticket and go there to help economic development (if you're any educated fellow that is).

Otherwise just shut your trap and listen to what others have to say here too.

Ananda-USA said...

Someone logged in to Facebook and sent me ton of email. Akila's family and friends complain me that they are getting email too.

Sulo is angry, so does loku Uncle who is a monk.

They know all about us and if I get any more email, I will break up with Akila.

Please please stop sending us email through facebook. I can't take this crap anymore.

Satha Panaha said...

Moshe Dyan needs medical help immediately. His wife ran away with a tamil man so now he's anti everything.

One should not let their personal problems get in the way of their fair judgement.

Ananda-USA said...

Sujeewa Kokawala

Who is a ponnaya?

Ananda-USA said...

Moshe Dyan
He is a patriot. Every time when we are on the bed, he says Sadhu Sadhu
with his palms together.

It is possible to date a white girl and still fight for brown people's freedom. See what Barak Obama is doing?

Moshe Dyan said...

a funny thing happens in the UNP.

my sources say that there is a BIG move in the UNP to chase out mano gona from contesting.

RW knows he is facing a tough GE. bugger won the highest pref votes in the past 3 elections.

this time wimal and gonz (possibly) challenge him.

but RW knows gonz and wimal cannot win tamil votes.

so he wants as many tamil votes as he can get.

of course there are 3 preferences, but he calculates that some ppl will give ONE preference to mano gona and won't give any to RW.

but if there are no tamil candidates from colombo from the UNP, tamils have no choice than to vote for RW.

Ananda-USA said...


Don't forget to vote in the General Election Poll.

I predict 60-65% total vote for the UPFA!

A LANDSLIDE victory for the UPFA!


Sujeewa mage nahayata yawannako oyage oya loku kimba hik hik

priyashantha said...

I always wondered why Rana never attacked Moshe Dayan. I still have my doubts.

Asithri had a go at Moshe over Rana. Then the secret of Rana and Moshe came out. Immediately Rana copied Moshe's name and started abusing him.

Read Rana's attacks on Moshe. In Sinhala we call it laamaka. Laamaka attacks on his friend to pretend they are fighting.

Now Moshe if you are a man tell us more about Rana. Are you sleeping with Kuruppuge Don Somatilaka's whore daughter Anushka Somatilaka?

We know you visited Rana in August last year. You lied to us saying that you went to some mountain. That's when you started fukking Rana's whore daughter.

There is another way. Stop defending incest Rana. He is a mental case without friends.

Moshe Dyan said...

No I'm sleeping with your mom. That's why I never told you.

Moshe Dyan said...

What the hell is happening? Priyashantha or who the f-uck you are. I'm not Akila I swear to god.

londonistan said...

Priyashantha=Sam Perera=Moshe Dyan

londonistan said...

Akila, please taka some medication.

Anushka Gonawala said...

What's the latest from Fonseka?

Any updates friends?

Moshe Dyan said...

RW is the biggest pimpiya of all. He is the cousin of Chandrika B.

Anushka Gonawala said...

Akila, please take some medication before sleeping with me tonight. I don't want to get your herpies.

Che meya. Hari dirty meyala.

Anushka Gonawala said...

Susil Kindelpitiya is contesting from UNP. Arjuna ayya from the JVP.

Any more political news?

Anushka Gonawala said...

Bye meyala. I will be late to office. Heavy raining meyala. Mata mokadda wage ane.

Anushka Somatilakegona

Anushka Gonawala said...

Forgot one thing, ane Priyashantha mata poddak methana urannako, mata mokakda wage ane, oya bayawenna epa mama shemale kenek thamai.

Ewunata ithin mama dannawane oya ewata asai kiyala meya.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Asithri ponnaya I'm not Akila. If you want to argue a good political debate, come to DF.

Sam Perera said...

Sujeewa are you still with me on that issue?

You cannot convert parrots into patriots in one day. Come on leave this for a while, what you say, you and me get together for a drink for old time sake?

Anushka Gonawala said...

Thank you uncle Kuruppuge for remembering.

Glad you accepted your daughter's new surname. Bye uncle Kuruppuge. Keep blogging potato.

Anushka Gonawala said...

Sam said

Come on leave this for a while, what you say, you and me get together for a drink for old time sake?

Once one uncle got together with Rana uncle. They ended up fighting. Don't even think about it.

Anushka Gonawala said...

Shanika akki is my twin sister. Shanika married a LTTE boy. I'm very lonely after lesbian Shanika left me.

Shanika! Shanika! Where are you Shanika.

Anushka Gonawala said...

See us in action. Nice gonnu. Pahana thiya.

Rana is in the background under the organ. Can you see him?

Swarnajith Udana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Swarnajith Udana said...

Anonymity removes inhibition. This means that some people will be able to become flashers without having to face legal, moral or social consequences. Even with anonymity if one can maintain calmness and decency and do not engage in such flashing then it is a true value. The pretence maintained by some people in actual social life is just a big lie. Flashing is what lies underneath this big lie. Each and every one of us has the option to be a big lie or to be our true selves that we can really be.

The meaning of being human is not to be flashy and/or act on impulses but harness impulses and nurture one's spirit with richness of really true human essence.

Any abuse directed at this comment will not be received by me and therefore has a natural path to the abuser.

Anushka Gonawala said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anushka Gonawala said...

Shanika called me. She's getting too many emails from some guys here. She asked you not to do it. She will do anything you ask.

Bye meyala.

Anushka and Shanika Somatilakegons

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

I took some time off. My last post was at 7.28PM in Feb 19th.

[[Sujeewa Kokawala said...

My ID is 02963694.... Do not believe this either, pls verify it from one of my old posts......]]

And seems like Multi was making "bulti" in the forum. Suddenly I've become a celebrity as he is fond of coping my handle.

DW I can't see that this forum is getting any better although you seem to have put some effort. One way to keep it worthy the while spent is by joining us in discussion. There are Qs asked.

Of course the other way is to remove the bulk unrelated comments by multipolar/fake master.

Multi is miles behind in copying us BTW. Handles can be copied but not the ideas.

Swarnajith Udana said...

I know most of the ugly posts are actually from fakes.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Final forntier conquerred

These are nitwits, who will be joined by the other nitwit Wikarabahu. Notably another big chunk has gone with UPFA.

With the break of TNA there is all the possibility of fractions of ppl moving into political alienation. The vacuum has to be filled.

It is a good thing that most tamil segments within UPFA contest on their own.

We hate the Tamil* politics, but the diminish has to be gradual.

Chuti Malli said...

Here is my advice keep the space clean.

Everyone involved in petty fights should be removed regardless whether they are guilty or innocent, fake or genuine.

This list should include

and I may have missed a few.

These people have anti social skills and don't know how to get alone with others.

Moshe Dyan said...


"We hate the Tamil* politics, but the diminish has to be gradual."


it got to be as fast as it can be.

these are the troublemakers. these are the root causes of the "ethnic conflct". they must go.

but i doubt RACIST POLITICS will die down all of a sudden.

SL tamil politics copy EVERYTHING from tamilmadu. as long as racist politics stay in TN, it will stay in SL as well.

e.g. DMK

Moshe Dyan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Moshe Dyan said...

chuti mali,

what a stupid proposal! this is what the retards ultimately want. the suicide bomber mentality.

some RETARDS fake IDs and make fun of real bloggers and the MACHIAVILIAN solution is even funnier - real bloggers to go out with the RETARD blogger's fake IDs!!!

what should happen is to FOCUS on DEFENCE and related matters. RETARDS are very angry with that. first they left us alone when we discussed patriotic stuff then they realised we are neglecting them and started abusing patriots.

anyway still the solution is to IGNORE these retards and continue to discuss DEFENCE and related PATRIOTIC issues.

NONE of the troublemakers discuss defence/related stuff/patriotism. this is the problem and the solution.

that will eventually SILENCE the retards, copycats, lunatics, prostitutes, maniacs, etc

Moshe Dyan said...

ninja, tata, hiranthe,

re: colonization

the BEST thing is to JUST DO IT. that will popularise it as it comes with HUGE economic benefits.

Chuti Malli said...

Moshe Dyan

You have used the word 'retard' five times on your blog.

This makes me wonder who really the retard is.

I have a feeling that attitudes like this have attracted suicide bombers here.

My solution may sound stupid for a naive mentality, it eliminates both the problem and the cause of the problem.

Sam Perera said...


Please check the e-mail I sent you a few minutes ago.

Moshe Dyan said...

read my appeal to MOD in lankaweb.

Allow Less Affluent Pilgrims to Nagadeepa to Use the Facilities at Palali

if there is enough support, this will work.

Moshe Dyan said...

"After almost 30 years later the Nagadeepa Buddhist Vihara is open to the people. Nagadeepa is very special for Sri Lankan Buddhists as Lord Buddha visited this place around 2,500 years ago. The present large influx of pilgrims is historical. It symbolises the ending of racist demarcations imposed by the LTTE using terror and violence. It also symbolises people’s undying devotion and the determination to integrate. The fallacy of racial homelands is another manifestation. However, most pilgrims who are from less affluent sections of the society find it pretty bad in Jaffna where there are no decent facilities for outsiders. All such infrastructure got destroyed or neglected during the war.

Many of these pilgrims sleep on the stands of the Duraiappah Stadium. It is said that around 20 busloads of people get down at the Stadium every day. While they cook their own meals, the site seriously lacks basic facilities. Although the Jaffna Municipal Council does a good job in providing them with water, it’s hardly sufficient and the quality of water is not guaranteed. These pilgrims drink water without boiling and it poses a health risk not only to them but also to the resident population in Jaffna. To aggravate matters, they use paddy fields in Achchuveli as toilets.

The Palali army base has enough space for all of them to camp. It also has basic facilities. Using these facilities ensure hygienic conditions for all. Further, while it makes the pilgrimage more comfortable for the pilgrims, it also reduces the problems this large influx creates for Jaffna people. The Stadium and the paddy fields are certainly for different purposes.

As time goes by Jaffna will have commercial facilities at reasonable prices. Until then the government should ensure reasonable facilities for the good of everyone. Hopefully the Ministry of Defence will do the needful."

Moshe Dyan said...


ok, got it. thanks for the heads up.

will stick by it.

Moshe Dyan said...

"Sunday Leader reveals more on Fonseka"

fonseka bashing now for POLITICAL reasons is not good.

fonseka is a tool for the govt against the MAIN COMPETITOR - FUN or UNF.

let the court martial case proceed and let only RW bash gonz now in the political front.

gonz knows sunday leader is RW's cat's paw. lovely!!

when the 2 main opposition parties fight each other there is only one winner.

like hamas and fatah fighting each other. what could be better! if shiite majority hezbullah fights sunni majority hamas, that would be the only thing better!!!

Swarnajith Udana said...

The attack should be on UNP for knowingly putting Sri Lanka in the jaws of Idi-Aministic canibalistic jaws.

Attack attack attack UNP for its betrayal of the Nation through LTTE-UNP agreement and then trying to create an International back door for LTTE on the carpet of canibalistic policies of SF.

How can an opposition that must be responsible for National security and welfare support a candidate like SF?

This must be repeatedly asked.

Moshe Dyan said...

traditionally the second term of SL leaders had been disastrous.

e.g. sirima's 2nd term - 1970-77 - food shortages, ruining the national economy by experiments.

JRJ - 1983 riots, 1987 blunders, total disregard of public opinion.

CBK - PTOMS, untimely elections.

but in the case of MR there is a catch. IF he blunders, his brothers, son are going to get screwed IMMEDIATELY. if he is so affectionate of his family members, he MUST do well so that ppl will love his brothers/son.

this is like olden days of kings. if king saddhatissa had fcuked the ppl, his sons would not have become successful kings. if king datusena blunderred ppl would not have tolerated king kassyapa's BS.

MR's planning horizon (all SL politicos are by nature SHORT SIGHTED) is forced to be big and extends far beyond his term.

i think this is very good for SL. it stops short term irresponsible behavior.

stupid excessive borrowings from foreign sources will also stop.

priyashantha said...

Menna ballapiya. Kiriappata ballo burapi.

Rana's essey published in the Osaka engineering journal. G. Empereur and Kuruppuge Don Somatilake, "Modal. Analysis in Power Systems," EMTP Newsletter.

Now he has gone mad. Muntath hariyanawane chik nodokin.

Moshe Dyan said...

we need a fool-proof justification for continuing clamp down on democratic rights.

internet security policy

telecom regulator doing this stuff

banning anti-govt NGOs

attempted banning of racial
political parties (failed)

jailing the 'political opponent' gonzeka

continuing with ER

sixth amendment.

now the point is these are not bad. i understand why we need them.

but the thing is IC can be fooled EASILY by bundling all these together by TE/DNA/FUN monkies. we need a response to THAT.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Hik hik hik,,,


ජෙනරාල් කොළඹින් තරග කරන්නේ
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- විජිත හේරත්

අජිත් අලහකෝන්

ජෙනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා කුසලානය යටතේ කොළඹින් තරග කරන්නේ අනාගත අගමැතිවරයා වීමේ අපේක්‍ෂාවෙන් බව ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී ජාතික සන්ධානයේ ප්‍රධාන ලේකම් විජිත හේරත් මහතා ඊයේ (22 දා) කොළඹදී පැවැති ප්‍රවෘත්ති සාකච්ඡාවකදී ප්‍රකාශ කළේය.

පුළුල් එකඟතාවක්‌ ඇතිව යන මෙම ගමනේදී එක්‌සත් ජාතික පක්‍ෂය අලියා ලකුණ යටතේ වෙනම තරග කිරීම අවාසනාවක්‌ බව කී විජිත හේරත් මහතා, ලකුණ ගැන පමණක්‌ නොසිතා රටේ ජනතාව පිළිබඳ අවධානය යොමුකර සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතාගේ නායකත්වයෙන් යුත් නව සන්ධානය සමඟ ඉදිරි පැය කිහිපය තුළදී හෝ එක්‌වන ලෙසට එක්‌සත් ජාතික පක්‍ෂයට ආරාධනා කරන බව ද වැඩිදුරටත් සඳහන් කළේය.

ජනතා විමුක්‌ති පෙරමුණ, ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී එක්‌සත් ජාතික පෙරමුණ, නව සිහළ උරුමය, එක්‌සත් ජනතා පෙරමුණ, ජාතික මුස්‌ලිම් පක්‍ෂය සහ ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස්‌ පක්‍ෂයේ අර්ජුන රණතුංග මහතා ඇතුළු පක්‍ෂ කිහිපයක්‌ එක්‌ව ජෙනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතාගේ නායකත්වයෙන් යුක්‌තව ගොඩනංවන ලද ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී ජාතික සන්ධානය හඳුන්වා දෙමින් එම සන්aධානය විසින් ඊයේ (22 දා) කොළඹ රාජකීය මාවතේ පිහිටි ජෙනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතාගේ ප්‍රචාරක මෙහෙයුම් කාර්යාලයේ පැවැති මාධ්‍ය හමුවකදී විජිත හේරත් මහතා ඉහත ප්‍රකාශය කළේය.

ශ්‍රී ලංකා මුස්‌ලිම් කොංග්‍රසයේ නායක රවුෆ් හකීම් මහතා සහ ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී ජාතික පෙරමුණේ මනෝ ගනේෂන් මහතා ද සිය පක්‍ෂ ලකුනු පසෙක තබා පොදු ලකුණකින් පැමිණීමට එකඟත්වය පළකර ඇතැයි ද ඒ සඳහා එක්‌සත් ජාතික පක්‍ෂය එකඟ කර ගැනීමේ අනවරත අරගලයක ඔවුන් දෙදෙනා නිරත වන බව ද කී විsජිත හේරත් මහතා ඉදිරි පැය කිහිපයේදී හෝ ඒ පිළිබඳ සුබවාදී ආකල්පයක්‌ එජාපය දරනු ඇතැයි ද කීය.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Battle for the 40% begins...


පොදු විපක්‍ෂය ලෙස ඡන්දයට ඒමේදී
ජෙනරාල්ගෙන් එජාපයට කොන්දේසි 3ක්‌
නායකත්වය හා අගමැතිකම ඉල්ලයි
අලියා ලකුණින් තරග කරන්නත් බෑ

පියසේන දිසානායක

පොදු විපක්‍ෂය ලෙස පාර්ලිමේන්තු මැතිවරණයට ඉදිරිපත් වීමේදී එහි නායකත්වය සහ අගමැති අපේක්‍ෂක ධුරය තමන්ට ලබාදිය යුතු බවටත් අලියා ලකුණෙන් තරග නොකළ යුතු බවටත් වන ප්‍රධාන කොන්දේසි තුනක්‌ ජෙනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා ඉදිරිපත් කොට ඇත.

මෙම කොන්දේසි සම්බන්ධව එකඟතාවකට පැමිණීමට මෙතෙක්‌ නොහැකිවීම නිසා ජෙනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා ජනතා විමුක්‌ති පෙරමුණ සමඟ කුසලානය ලකුණෙන් මහ මැතිවරණයට
ඉදිරිපත් වීමට තීරණය කොට තිබේ.

ජෙනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා විසින් ඉදිරිපත් කරන ලද මෙම කොන්දේසි පිළිබඳ එක්‌සත් ජාතික පෙරමුණ දීර්ඝ වශයෙන් සාකච්ඡා කොට ඇත.

එක්‌සත් ජාතික පෙරමුණ දේශපාලන පක්‍ෂ දහසයකින් සමන්විත වන අතර එම සියලු පක්‍ෂවල මතය වී ඇත්තේ බහුතර ජනපදනමක්‌ ඇති එක්‌සත් ජාතික පක්‍ෂයට මූලිකත්වය දී මැතිවරණයට තරග කළ යුතු බවයි.

ඒ අනුව අලියා ලකුණෙන් ඡන්දයට ඉදිරිපත්වීම සේම එහි නායකත්වය සහ අගමැති අපේක්‍ෂක ධුරය බහුතර ජනපදනමක්‌ ඇති එක්‌සත් ජාතික පක්‍ෂයට හිsමිවිය යුතු බව එක්‌සත් ජාතික පෙරමුණට සම්බන්ධ සියලු පක්‍ෂවල මතය වී තිබේ.

ජෙනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා ජාතික ලැයිස්‌තු මන්ත්‍රීවරයකු ලෙස පත්කිරීමටත් එසේ නොමැති නම් ඔහුගේ අභිමතය පරිදි තරග කරන්නේ නම් ඒ සඳහා දිස්‌ත්‍රික්‌ හා කණ්‌ඩායම් නායකත්වය ලබාදීමටත් එක්‌සත් ජාතික පෙරමුණේ දේශපාලන පක්‍ෂ කැමැත්ත පළ කළ බව දේශපාලන ආරංචි මාර්ග සඳහන් කරයි.

මේ සම්බන්ධව දෙපාර්ශ්වයම එකඟත්වයකට පැමිණ නොමැති අතර ඊයේ සවස්‌ වන විටත් එක්‌සත් ජාතික පෙරමුණට සම්බන්ධ දේශපාලන පක්‍ෂ අලියා ලකුණිනුත්, ජනතා විමුක්‌ති පෙරමුණ ප්‍රමුඛ ජෙනරාල් ෆොන්සේකා ඇතුළු කණ්‌ඩායම කුසලානය ලකුණිනුත් මැතිවරණයට ඉදිරිපත් වීමට තීරණය කොට තිබිණි.

කෙසේ වෙතත් විපක්‍ෂයේ පොදු සන්ධානය ජනාධිපතිවරණයට ඉදිරිපත් වූවා සේම ඒකාබද්ධව පාර්ලිමේන්තු මැතිවරණයට ඉදිරිපත් විය යුතුය යන ස්‌ථාවරයේ එක්‌සත් ජාතික පෙරමුණ සිටින අතර නාමයෝජනා භාරදෙන අවසන් දිනයේ වුවද ඊට ඉඩකඩ තිබෙන බව එම පෙරමුණ සඳහන් කරයි.

Anushka Gonawala said...


Anushka Gonawala said...

Thank you meyala for not sending spam emails to my sister Shanika.


Shanika and Anushka Somatilakegons

LankaPade said...

"Sri Lanka's Supreme Kangaroo Court refuses to free Fonseka "

I am not a supporter of Fonseka after HilCorp. He is being prosecuted by fellow warlords.

If Fonseka is guilty, so does over 99% of Sri Lankan cabinet.

For this, Sri Lankans will pay the price of being isolated from the west.

Sam Perera said...

What group is most damaging to Sri Lanka?

Multipolar ViCoSa bastards are the most damaging.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

What a vibrant opposition we have...


Sivajilingam forms alliances ‘left’ and ‘right’

Adding another to the already existing alliances, former Parliamentarian from the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) M.K. Sivajilingam is to contest the upcoming General Elections through another alliance.

Mr. Sivajilingam says that he has signed a memorandum of understanding with Dr. Wickremabahu Karunaratne’s Nava Sama Samaja Party and would contest under the banner of the Left Liberation Front (LLF).

However, Mr. Sivajilingam has also formed another alliance named the Tamil National Liberation Alliance (TNLA) together with another TNA ex MP N. Sri Kanthan.

According to Mr. Sivajilingam, the TNLA will contest the North and East under its symbol of the umbrella.

M.K. Sivajilingam told Adaderana that the TNA did not really represent the Tamils of this country. They decided to form a separate alliance, the TNLA so as to find solutions to burning issues of the country.


Say taht last sentence twice Sivaji. Hik hik hik

Bhairav said... is updated!


Sujeewa Kokawala said...


I can't see a millimeter change in teh melancholy of puligal.

I have three questions for you.

1. What is your take on recent infighting of the TNA?

2. In teh context that Editor Badrinath raises questions in your own mind, don't you feel that you're just wasting time with his forum? And you have been fooled in bigtime by cyber fakes?

3. What is your take on Mahen? Any relevance with Badri, as Mahen openly claimed?

Bhairav said...


[1. What is your take on recent infighting of the TNA?]
It does not concern me.

[2. In teh context that Editor Badrinath raises questions in your own mind, don't you feel that you're just wasting time with his forum? And you have been fooled in bigtime by cyber fakes? ]

I did supported Badri bcoz I found him as one of kind analyst.

3. What is your take on Mahen? Any relevance with Badri, as Mahen openly claimed?

Anything is possible, but I do not want to jump prematurely on this. Last time I heard from Badri, he sounded like he was cornered by some folks. Without his knowledge, he gave away few hints that put me in the suspicion mode.

Bhairav said...

[SLA soldier recovered dead in Jaffna
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 23 February 2010, 03:07 GMT]
The body of a Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldier with more than five bullet wounds was handed over to Jaffna Teaching Hospital Monday from Vettilaikea’ni in Vadmaraadchi East. SLA authorities claim that he had shot himself to death. Meanwhile, the newly appointed SLA commander for Jaffna, Major Gen. Kathurusinghe, met several civil society representatives 17 February in an effort to get their cooperation in integrating activities in Jaffna, sources in Jaffna said. ]

It does not make sense to me. If he shot himself, then how come there were 5 bullet wounds? At max, there will be only 2 bullet shots in any suicide attempt. I guess he was shot to death by someone.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


Re: TNA break up

Just what the doctor ordered. It is the grand formula of running into obsolescence.

Two things stand.

1. Although it looks absolutely savage these racist MFs and their supporters will not realize it overnight and support SL base parties next day. I am rather skeptical about quick Sri Lankan feelings in liberated areas.

2. If the cease to exists suddenly, the void does not align or force the public for Sri Lankan parties, rather it would make them totally alienated and disconnected from us. These racists are the only link that connects them to Sri Lanka's mainstream politics. Such alienation is the hatching ground for future terrorism.

So the racists still have a part to play. That is to gradually bring the public into Sri Lanka based politics. [Likewise RW had a role to play in the war times, in order to bring everyone to Mr's fold]

70-80 yrs ago, when most aristocrats were sudda boot lickers, the russian bootlickers brought some spirit to us. This is why independent SL almost voted a socialist govt in. Socialists are equal anti social loosers to the racists, but ppl loved them for the spirit they brought into our independence. Henceforth it became a virus derailing our nation for most of 50s and 60s, peaking at 70-77 torturing economy [which was run by socialists behind Sirirma saree].

Wonder what saved us from falling into their hands? The divisions among them. There had been a 1000 odd diff socilaist factions. They debated and broke apart, still pressing another hardline lunatic theory like the others. But in effect they lost the common public and pushed them towards the mainstream parties.

I am glad to see the same thing happening to racist tamil parties. More we have, lesser total support there will be. Yet the balance will not run stray, instead they'll take the racist faction for a negative example and move towards Sri Lankan politics.

Bhairav; this is why it is a concerning matter for you, although you pretend to stay out of it. Now I'd like to know dear fella, what is your take on TNA division?

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

The Racist Factions speak out

TNA in pieces. Perhaps the best thing happened after the victory of war.

"Work tirelessly and sincerely for the realization of thr aspirations of tamils and self governance in N/E..." says the savage. But he does not know that he's doing his part in ethnic integration of SL.

That of course, if and only if, the govt polays right cards such as multi ethnic resettlement.

Funnily the MF calls mistakenly "mother India.." yeah yeah you're right, it is your mother indeed.

Wikarabahu is a bloody hell intelligent lunatic. He co-existed with teh tamil racist parties for 30 odd years following a tamil racist line, yet distinct from the tamil politics. He knew it as sure as anything, that had he joined them during pussycat times, it is a matter of time that pussycat bullet will follow him. And he waited all this long to finally make the alliance he wished all these years. And he himself is benefited with the war victory right now.

Some sneaky bastards...

Moshe Dyan said...

"M.K. Sivajilingam told Adaderana that the TNA did not really represent the Tamils of this country. They decided to form a separate alliance, the TNLA so as to find solutions to burning issues of the country."

one racist party for another!!!

what a joke!!

we have one more racist party now. these are the racists that are the root cause of the problem.


T = tamilian racism
D = dravidian racism

damn them all!!

Sam Perera said...


Stop fooling yourself. Take some medicine mental sickness and fly a kite after you get cured.

LankaPade said...

Pakistriotism - The New Patriotism in Pakisland-

[The political situation in Sri Lanka is not perfect. There is corruption within --and without-- the government institutions, nepotism, and a degree of authoritarian rule that defies the normal constraints.

But at the same time, there has never been a leadership in the country that was as energetic, and determined, as the current government.

We've seen this in one instance beyond any doubt in the war against LTTE, which it won hands down. So, even though it might look unlikely at the moment, what if... and I don't think this is such a outlandish supposition...what if the same outfit--i.e., the Rajapakshas et al--set out to accelerate the development of the country as a whole..., Could that, too, not be done..? I think it could.

The thing to remember is that when analysing the Rajapakshas, you have correctly identify their mindset. Most people, such as the writer of this article, seems convinced that the Rajapakshas are entirely self serving and power hungry, grabbing whatever they could whenever they could. There is certainly an element of that. But to totally believe that aspect of it is to miss a yet more defining and a central trait in them.

They are patriots. They love the country they were born in and are willing to single mindedly do whatever it takes to make it a better place. And they are strong leaders, whatever the faults.

This last is almost an anomaly in a place like Sri Lanka. So I believe, against all bets by the so called liberal media--and The Times seems to have a particularly harsh take on Rajapakshas and Sri Lankan politics--the fuzzy logic of this third world country would spin out a little gem. ]

Read all comments.

Here is what I agree with the most:

[I always considered myself as a patriot, but I never ever thought of being corrupt, authoritarian or serving my family and friends depriving opportunities for others.
To be a perfect patriot, I am thinking of changing my attitude after reading this article. I should start all ill deeds. Should start plundering the wealth of others; intimidating others in what ever way I can; and should not allow anyone any opportunity and keep everything to me and my own pelple. I am going to do this in order to become a true patriot.

Thank you for teaching me what patiotism actually means and how to be a patriot.]

LankaPade said...

Another bad news for SL business

Kenya Kicks Out Sri Lanka As World Leading Tea Exporter

What seems to be the problem 'Patriots'?

We lost SriLankan market share, GPS, now Tea.


Moshe Dyan said...


rajapakshas are LESS CORRUPT compared to,
ravi k

ppl have realised that.

the anger against them is not bcos of corruption, but bcos they screwed the LTTE which was thought tp be impossible b4 their time.

Moshe Dyan said...

come to think of it, there are ABSOLUTELY no corruption allegations against MR, GR and the rahul-gandhi-look-alike rajapaksha whatever his name is.

waste, yes. mismanagement - yes. corruption - no.

ONLY allegations against BR, NR, CR

that too ONLY allegations. not a single complain, piece of evidence.

against CBK, ravi k, gonzeka, ranil, mongal, premadasa family, disanayake family, jayawardena family, mervin, sirisena cooray, sumathipala, duminda silva, ratwatte, etc. there are PLENTY of official complains at the bribery and corruption commission.

these are the FACTS.

but some like to AVOID facts and live in a fools' paradise. they cannot apprehend when they LOSE. they blame the ppl!!!!!!

the vezapillai syndrome. during his last year he blamed everything under the sun.

Moshe Dyan said...


SL never wanted to be the HIGHEST VOLUME producer of tea. SL competed on BLACK TEA. prices are going up.

for some reason SL was also the highest volume producer at certain times. this is not good mgt practice. you CANNOT be the cost leader and the LEADING 'differentiator' at the same time.

this may explain why prices for SL tea is going up.

demographics of LOWER (but higher value) tea production favours SL politically TOO.

anyway in the long term, SL must overcome the prime good exporter mentality. exporting tea and importing milk, fruits, potatos, rice, etc, etc. does not make sense.

Moshe Dyan said...

well said lady!!! how appropriate to SRI as well.

"Israeli opposition leader Tzipi Livni has applauded the controversial killing of a Hamas commander in a Dubai hotel by suspected Israeli agents.

"The fact that a terrorist was killed, and it doesn't matter if it was in Dubai or Gaza, is good news to those fighting terrorism," she said.

It is thought to be the first time a top Israeli has made such a comment.

Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was found dead in his room on 20 January, having been electrocuted and suffocated.

His alleged killers used fake British, Irish, German and French passports, according to the authorities in Dubai, which released pictures of the suspects, none of whom were caught.

Mr Mabhouh was one of the founders of Hamas's military wing.

The Israeli secret service Mossad has been widely accused of carrying out the killing but Israel has repeatedly asserted there is no proof its agents were involved.

Mrs Livni, the former foreign minister who leads the parliamentary opposition for the Kadima party, did not indicate who was behind the killing.

"The entire world must support those fighting terrorism," she told a Jewish conference in Jerusalem.

"Any comparison between terrorism and those fighting it is immoral."

The current Israeli Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, responded to allegations of a Mossad plot last week by saying: "Israel never responds, never confirms and never denies."

Dubai security cameras picked up 18 members of what local police believe was a hit team.

Diplomatic tension between Western states and Israel has grown over the killing."

- bbc

Any comparison between terrorism and those fighting it is immoral IMMORAL IMMORAL!!

"Israel never responds, never confirms and never denies."


long live israel! long live sri lanka!

Moshe Dyan said...

from sam's link from a US strategic think tank's paper.

1. “For the United Statesand more broadly for the West,” it argued, “it is time to recognize that the formulas for political reform that were put forth in the past 20 years are effectively dead.”

so for the past 20 years the US too gave us BULLSHIT 'solution'?????

2. The report added that ‘these countries will need to find a new way to communicate with a leader, and a country, in no mood to listen to countries that they believe provided bad advice over the past two decades.’

LOVELY!! at last someone got the ground realities in SL.

3. It said that although Fonseka has not accepted Rajapakse’s victory, ‘other observers who have no reason to favour Rajapakse have not confirmed any suggestion of massive fraud, and the results were consistent all over the country.’

accepting the democratic verdict is step number 1.

good report. i'm sure US will follow this as OBA-MA said his new approach is ENGAGEMENT than BULLYING.

Swarnajith Udana said...


the anger against them is not bcos of corruption, but bcos they screwed the LTTE which was thought tp be impossible b4 their time.

I might add the anger has risen against MR since UNP voters beleive that by destroying the LTTE he destroyed the UNP.

The fact is that MR destroyed the LTTE. This is good for Sri Lanka and it is good for UNP too. But current UNP leaders are such a bunch that what is good for Sri Lanka is not good for them. Not MR but they (current UNP bunch) destroyed UNP and put the blame on MR.

By the way, there is another classic example of lies of colosal magnitude. It was published that Namal threatened Sanath some time ago.

Now Sanath is contesting Matara with UPFA.

KB said...

[a terrorist is a terrorist whether the bugger is in DUBAI or DEVIPURAM.]

Moshe, old boy, only 'political solution' understood by terrorists is a bullet right between the eyes. Remember how the fat bastard became quiet after the 'political solution' entered through his temple and existed at the back of his head.


Swarnajith Udana said...

If it is corruption that angered them then should be angry with almost every body icluding SF, Mangala, Ranil, and Ravi.

If it is lack of democracy that is angered them then they should be angry with almost everybody including SF, Mangala and Ranil.

Whay are they angry with MR and GR?

The reason is the destruction of the LTTE.

Other reasons are only pretence for them.

But I am really angry with MR and GR for creating perceptions of corruption and in not applying law and order in an equal basis.

Because my anger is real not pretense I do not want see MR being chased away and given his place to extremely corrupt and dangerous people like Ranil, Mangala and SF.

Since my loyality is to my country I would have supported some one who is clean in every aspect.

But MR was far ahead by light years of all the others avaialble on the voting card.

LankaPade said...

Prabha's ball lickers never admitted his corruptions. For them he was the hero for killing Sinhalese.

Sinhalese politician ball suckers think the same way.

Even if someone rubs the corruption allegations on their faces, they are not going to believe it.

Tamils got burnt by hating Sinhalese so much. Opposite is happening to Sinhalese now.

By the way, who is going to have the courage to expose government corruptions and who is going to investigate them?

LankaPade said...

SU says
But I am really angry with MR and GR for creating perceptions of corruption and in not applying law and order in an equal basis.

Because my anger is real not pretense I do not want see MR being chased away and given his place to extremely corrupt and dangerous people like Ranil, Mangala and SF.]

I also agree, it is not the solution to give the power for RW and MS.

Also not the solution to blindly support MR/GR.

An intelligent human being can never be loyal to a politician since they are there only to take care of themselves.

The loyalty to the government can either come from Tamil hate or sharing the stolen money pot from poor Sinhalese.

LankaPade said...

Idiot Sujeewa thinks I should be banned from here.

If DW think they want to have genetically engineered parrot bloggers who sing the same song without disagreeing with each other, they will ban me/us.

I think most independent minds hate characters like Ananda/Sam/Asithri/Sujeewa/Moshe.

You want DW to become your mouth piece of your puppet.

Every one knows you are trying to steal other's thunder and readership.

Anyone blogging Defence Blog has the chance of getting their posting IP identified and reported to the government. I don't think anyone has to fear doing it on DW.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


[[Now Sanath is contesting Matara with UPFA.]]

I guess Sanath was threatened and abducted by NR and forcibly made to sign teh nomination papers.

Most UNP/JVP/MS/SF idiots think that nation has a goldfish brain that will also be reset after each election. That is one reason for their continuous defeat. Cheating and faking is so obvious.

Moshe Dyan said...

"By the way, there is another classic example of lies of colosal magnitude. It was published that Namal threatened Sanath some time ago.

Now Sanath is contesting Matara with UPFA."

what a damn lie!!!!

shameless liars.

TRUTH is the biggest humiliation for liars.

Anushka Gonawala said...


Anushka Gonawala said...

Any news ane about my hero General Sarah Fonseka?

I love him ane very handsome gent. Not like the paddyfield man. People don't know ane real gents. They like the paddyfield man.

Mata pennana behe ane sevalaya.

Anushka Gonawala said...

CID is looking for Danuna. Why can't they look for kassippu mudalalis instead? I don't understand Ceylonese people meyala. Still old ideas in the twentyfirst century. Shanika hates ane.

Anushka Gonawala said...

General Sarath Fonseka today rejected the latest invitation to join the United National Front (UNF) alliance, former parliamentarian Mano Ganeshan told Daily Mirror online.

Sarah is better without bad honking men around him. Mrs Fonseka is going to be the prime minister ane. Am I parroting like a horny parrot? Sorry meyala.


Sujeewa Kokawala said...

tenda 200

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Tenda old boy 200 was an understatement just 147 balls is not fair

LankaPade said...

[National Freedom Front (NFF) leader Wimal Weerawansa yesterday (Feb 23) urged voters to reject corrupt politicians at the upcoming parliamentary election. ]

Like Prabhakaran asking to denounce Terrorism.

LankaPade said...


Dead man leading a national progress.

Look at his face, he looks like just woke up from his grave.

Parrots love jokers like this.

Ananda-USA said...


You look like my boyfiend's cousin

Don't send her any hate mail.

Ma Abey said...

කිරි අප්පොච්චිගේ අවවාද
(වැඩිහිටියන්ට පමණයි)

අපගේ මී මුත්තාගේ කිරි අප්පොච්චි වන ඇමරිකාව නීතිය ක්‍රියාත්මක කරන හැටි අපට කියා දෙන අයුරු අද "දිවයිනේ" සඳහන් ය. මේ කිරි අප්පොච්චි වූ කලී ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ හිටපු ඇමරිකානු තානාපති රොබට්‌ බ්ලේක්‌ ය. අප බ්ලේක්‌ට මී මුත්තාගේත් කිරි අප්පොච්චි කියන්නේ ඇයි? ඔහු ඒ තරමටම තමන් වැඩිහිටි බව සිතා සිටින නිසා ය. ඔහු අපට දෙන උපදෙස්‌ මෙසේ ය

* ජෙනරාල් අත්අඩංගුවට ගත් ආකාරය ගැන ඇමරිකාව තුළ ප්‍රසාදයක්‌ නැත.
* ජෙනරාල්ට විරුද්ධව ඇති චෝදනා ලක්‌ රජය විසින් වහා ප්‍රකාශයට පත් කළ යුතු ය.
* ජෙනරාල් සම්බන්ධයෙන් ක්‍රියා කළ යුත්තේ යුද නීතියට අනුව නොව සිවිල් නීතියට අනුව ය.
* ඉතිරිව සිටින ලක්‍ෂයක්‌ වූ යුද අනාථයන් වහා ඔවුන්ගේ ගම් බිම් බලා යෑවිය යුතු ය.
* ජාතික සමගිය ඇති කිරීම සඳහාත්, බලය බෙදාහැරීම සඳහාත් රජය කටයුතු කළ යුතු ය.
* යුද්ධයේදී මිනිස්‌ අයිතීන් උල්ලංඝනය වූයේ ද යන්නත්, යුද අපරාධ සිදුවේද යන්නත් සොයා බැලිය යුතු ය.

ඉහත සඳහන් කරුණු කියවන අපට නැගෙන මතකයක්‌ තිබේ. ඒ වූ කලී ජෙනරාල්ගේ බෑණාගේ මව වන අශෝකා තිලකරත්න මහත්මිය භාරයේ තිබූ සල්ලි සේප්පුව තුළ වූ ඇමරිකන් ඩොලර් පන්ලක්‍ෂ හැත්තෑපන්දාහයි. ඒවා අලුත් ම අලුත් ඇමරිකන් ඩොලර් ය. ඒ සිද්ධිය අමතක කිරීමට අප නිරන්තරයෙන් උත්සාහ කරන නමුදු ඇමරිකාව සම්බන්ධයෙන් ප්‍රවෘත්තියක්‌ දකින හැම විටකම අපට සිහි වන්නේ එම පුවත ය. එය බ්ලේක්‌ට හෝ මේ කතාවට සම්බන්ධ නැත.

ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ගත කළ කාලය තුළ මේ රටේ අභ්‍යන්තර ප්‍රශ්නවලට බ්ලේක්‌ තරම් අත පෙවූ වෙනත් ඇමරිකානු රාජ්‍ය තාන්ත්‍රිකයකු නැති තරම් ය. ඔහු තානාපති කම හැරුනු විට අනෙක්‌ හැම දෙයක්‌ ම කළේ ය. මේ රටේ ජනමාධ්‍ය සම්බන්ධයෙන් මැදිහත්කරුවකු වීමට උත්සාහ කළේ ය. ආසියානු මහාද්වීපයේ පිහිටි මර්මස්‌ථානයක්‌ වූ ශ්‍රී ලංකාව පාලනය කිරීමට ඔහු දැරූ උත්සාහයට ගරු කිරීමක්‌ වශයෙන් දෝ ඇමරිකානු රාජ්‍ය දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව දකුණු සහ මධ්‍යම ආසියාව භාර රාජ්‍ය ලේකම් ලෙස ඔහුට උසස්‌වීමක්‌ දුන්නේය. එම තනතුරේ හිඳිමින් ඔහු බී.බී. සී. ගුවන් විදුලියට දුන් පෙර කී උපදෙස්‌ ඉන්දියාවේ හින්දු පත්‍රයේ වෙබ් අඩවියේ පළවී තිබේ.

බ්‍රිතාන්‍යය විසින් ලංකාව හා ඉන්දියාව පාලනය කළ කාලයේදී මහ රැජනගේ නියෝජිතයා හෙවත් යුව රජ වූයේ ලුවී මවුන්ට්‌ බැටන් ය. අධිරාජ්‍යවාදයේ පාරම්පරික හවුල්කරුවකු වූ මවුන්ට්‌ බැටන් පවා රොබට්‌ බ්ලේක්‌ ආකාරයෙන් ලංකාව සම්බන්ධයෙන් හැසිරී නැත. ජෙනරාල් අත්අඩංගුවට ගැනීම සම්බන්ධයෙන් ඇමරිකාව මොනවා සිතුවත් අපට මොකද? රාජ්‍ය විරෝධී කුමන්ත්‍රණයක සැකකරු වූ ඔහු, ඔහුට හිමි විය යුතු සැලකිලිවලටත් වඩා බොහෝ ඉහළින් සළකා අත්අඩංගුවට ගන්නා ලදී. රොබට්‌ බ්ලේක්‌ බලාපොරොත්තු වන්නේ ජෙනරාල් සුවඳ පැනින් නහවා, දෝලාවක තබාගෙන යැමද? අනෙක ජෙනරාල්ට විරුද්ධව කටයුතු කරන්නේ යුද නීතිය යටතේ ද, නැතහොත් සිවිල් නීතිය යටතේ ද යන්න තීරණය කරන්නේ බ්ලේක්‌ නොව මේ රටේ ජනයා ඡන්දයෙන් පත් කළ ආණ්‌ඩුව ය. ඇමරිකාව බෝම්බ දමා ඇෆ්ගනිස්‌ථානය විනාශ කළේ ය. ඉරාකය කුඩුපට්‌ටම් කළේය. ඉරාකයට සහ උතුරු කොරියාවට චෞර රාජ්‍ය යන හංවඩුව ගැසුවේ ය. සදාම් හුසේන් එල්ලා මැරීම සඳහා තොන්ඩුව සාදන ලද්දේ ඇමරිකාව ය. එල්ලුම් ගසේ ලීවරය ක්‍රියාත්මක කළේ ඉරාක ජාතිකයකු වුව ද එම අළුගෝසුවාගේ අත ඇමරිකන් රූකඩ අතකි. යම් හෙයකින් ඇමරිකාව ඔසාමා බින් ලාදින් අල්ලා ගතහොත් ඔහු සුවඳ පැනින් නහවා දෝලාවක තබාගෙන ධවල මන්දිරයට ගෙන ගොස්‌ සිවිල් නීතියට අනුව නඩු අසා නිදහස්‌ කරන ලෙස අපි ඇමරිකාවෙන් ඉල්ලමු.

ජාතික සමගිය ඇති කිරීම බලය බෙදා හැරීම යන කාරණා අපට අදාළ අභ්‍යන්තර ප්‍රශ්න ය. යුද අපරාධ සිදුවීද යන්න ගැන ඇමරිකාව උනන්දු වන්නේ ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්‍ෂගේ දේශානුරාගයටත් මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂගේ ජාති මාමකත්වයටත් පහර ගැසීම සඳහා ය. රාජපක්‍ෂවරුන් යුද අපරාධ පිළිබඳ විත්ති කූඩුවට ගෙන යන්නේ නම් ඊට කලින් එහි යෑවිය යුතු මහතෙකු ඇත. ඒ ඇමරිකාවේ හිටපු ජනපති ජෝර්ඡ් බුෂ් ය.

LankaPade said...
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LankaPade said...

Lot of Chena boys are asking uSA to but off.

I ask them to consider complaints coming from USA as nice songs "mihiri gee".

" U.S. foreign assistance to Sri Lanka has totaled close to $3.6 billion since the nation received its independence in 1948."

However, some of these chana boyz and their leaders are seeking US citizenship - the biggest act of their Sri Lankan patriotism.

Recently, someone saw someone big's MIL is having a medical treatment in USA using Medicare.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of Sri Lankans apply for US green card lottery. So, there is a sort of selling out our sole for USA and therefore USA can speak for us.

If we as Sri Lankans don't want to hear USA bana, I suggest they refuse any aid $$ coming from USA.

They say it is a tactic by rouge regime to bash USA to cover up own sin.

Example: Iranian leader.

ps: That quote is directly from the US congress, yes they listen to constituents.

Nice day parrots!!!Lot of Chena boys are asking uSA to but off.

I ask them to consider complaints coming from USA as nice songs "mihiri gee".

" U.S. foreign assistance to Sri Lanka has totaled close to $3.6 billion since the nation received its independence in 1948."

However, some of these chana boyz and their leaders are seeking US citizenship - the biggest act of their Sri Lankan patriotism.

Recently, someone saw someone big's MIL is having a medical treatment in USA using Medicare.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of Sri Lankans apply for US green card lottery. So, there is a sort of selling out our soul for USA and therefore USA can speak for us.

If we as Sri Lankans don't want to hear USA bana, I suggest they refuse any aid $$ coming from USA.

They say it is a tactic by rouge regime to bash USA to cover up own sin.

Example: Iranian leader.

ps: That quote is directly from the US congress, yes they listen to constituents.

Nice day parrots!!!

LankaPade said...

Take Notes:

" U.S. foreign assistance to Sri Lanka has totaled close to $3.6 billion since the nation received its independence in 1948."

Your belly is bit bigger since you get aid.

Beggar can't have an attitude, sorry.

If you want to have an attitude, be independent first.

We are blessed with leaders who seek to drive vehicles that can withstand huge potholes on our roadways than fixing them.

Some people in Sri Lankan think that we will get Oil next year and get rich soon.

Read with me please:

Oil is a curse.

Look at Nigeria, Venezuela.

We are a nation live on our women's back. Yes, we export our women as slave labor to ruthless Middle East so that we can have boose parties from their hard earned money.

Moshe Dyan said...

" U.S. foreign assistance to Sri Lanka has totaled close to $3.6 billion since the nation received its independence in 1948."

in 2009 china agreed to give $3.5 BILLION in one go to SL if IMF failed to lend $2.7 billion!!!

USA gave $3.6 billion over 62 years. china can match that in ONE YEAR!!! IMF gave in one year 75% of what USA gave us in 62 years!!!

anyway there is no problem with USA and SL. the problem is ONLY blake.

blake <> USA. he is just a paid worker of the state who has a BLOODY OPINION as smelly as a pig's arsehole.

Moshe Dyan said...

the new silk road

The new silk road

News that China is pressing ahead with the construction of yet another port in the Indian Ocean – this time in Sri Lanka – has led to alarm in India that the strategic ‘string of pearls’ China is building along the lucrative trade routes from Africa to Asia could become an expensive choker on the Indian economy. But India is not taking the move lying down.

While China moves to take advantage of the shipping lanes between the Middle East and China, India is charging ahead with a partnership with Japan to build a freight corridor that will link Mumbai to Delhi to Kolkata with tributary rail links to industrial cities skirting the borders of Pakistan and Nepal. In simple terms, India and Japan are building a new ‘silk road’ which will eventually generate lucrative returns.

India is focusing on its greatest advantage over China in terms of trade, its geographical position, to develop a network that will thread the products made in industrial cities across the northern half of the country through to ports on its west and east coasts and on to markets in Europe, China, the rest of Asia and the Pacific. The corridor will also provide a safer and faster way of transporting oil and commodities from the Middle East and Africa, across the country, to ports in the India Ocean.

The freight link is expected to provide a superior trade route to that of China’s ‘string of pearls’ – its new ports in Chittigong in Bangladesh, Gwadar, Pakistan and Sittwe, Burma, and Hambantota – and one that is not exposed to piracy.

The India partnership is equally important for Japan, which along with Korea was previously the port-maker of choice for many nations around the world, and in recent years has seen its position as the key trading partner to a large number of nations supplanted by China. The freight link is part of the Japanese government’s plan to drastically bump up its annual investment in India to nearly $6 billion by 2011 – a considerable increase on 2006 when Japan invested a little over $500 million in the second fastest-growing economy in the world.

The project is the first of many expected under the ‘Strategic and Global Partnership’ established between Japan and India in 2006 that seeks to promote the shared democratic values of the Indian and Japanese governments – specifically at the expense of China.

The dedicated freight corridor, on which construction started in January last year, will span a total length of about 3200 km and has been designed to relieve India’s already-bursting-at-the-seems rail network commonly referred to as the ‘Golden Quadrilateral’. Running alongside the freight corridor will be a series of industrial parks dedicated to particular industries, new ports and airports.

Moshe Dyan said...

Japan has agreed to provide a $4 billion loan to cover two thirds of the western arm’s construction cost with the Indian government picking up the rest of the tab. The Asian Development Bank and the World Bank along with Indian agencies will fund the eastern corridor. In early February, the Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation (DFCC) said it was close to announcing the $1.8 billion of funding from the World Bank. The government is also seeking a further $500-$600 million from the World Bank.

For the burgeoning economic super power, the dedicated freight corridor comes at a significant time. With free trade agreements already signed between India and Japan and between India and ASEAN nations and two further agreements in the works, this time with Australia and New Zealand, ensuring Indian products can get to market more quickly and cheaply than the goods of their economic rivals China is essential. India will also be able take advantage of Japan’s bilateral trade agreements with other nations to use Japan as a conduit market for its products.

It’s not just a one-way relationship. According to analysts, the easier flow of products from industrial towns in the landlocked parts of India to ports will also allow Japan to increase its business presence in India.

But both countries have some way to go in developing their relationship to the stage where they begin to see the fruits of their labour. According to a report from Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, while two-way trade between India and Japan rose to $10 billion in 2007/08, the value of trade has a very long way to go to match China-Japan trade ($237 billion) and India-China trade ($38 billion).

And the project has not been without its problems. Cost blow-out and delays due to land acquisition problems have plagued the project. However, the Indian government has been quick to realign the corridor to reduce these problems and Japan’s interest in the project is undiminished.

With exports from India to Japan touching $3.85 billion in 2007/08 and Japan’s exports to India jumping to $6.32 billion in the same period, the freight corridor and its associated industrial parks promise to be a trade super highway to prevent them being overshadowed by a dominant China.

Nisal said...

Bagal blog has dine it again.

Look at the following pic.

This pic shows 2 kids killed by LTTP. In 2005 or 2006 thel killed the whole family of an EPDP member in Mannar. These are his kids.

I posted a comment in bagal yesterday. but immediately deleted by bada.

Moshe Dyan said...


the indian freight link will not to be superior to the chinese string of pearls for the simple reason that its internal, not international. the chinese project has a strong international focus whereas the indian freight link caters only to transport requirements within india.

asia's largest shipping route does not touch india. it travels around 600 km away from india. china is eyeing this. it is not cost efficient for ships in this route to change the route to reach india.

on the other hand the indian internal freight link will further add value to the string of pearls. the major shipping channel (string of pearls ports) will interact with the indian freight link benefiting both. this will lead to the development of a new feeder system between ports of the "string" and the indian link.

it is not a correct assumption that the indian internal freight link will be immune to piracy. it will be a major target of subversives already active in 15 out of 29 indian states. a small attack on the rail link can jeopardize the whole east-west link bringing it to a standstill. attacks on indian rail assets have been common in the eastern part of india.

however, this new strategy may be a replacement for the much hyped sethusamudram project.

it may also be the result of apprehension of india's inability to match china's maritime domination in seas south of india.

KB said...

This parrot bugger reminds me of an occasional waiter I had come across in our hotels. Chaps, you know the type, poor fellows who seem to be awestruck by a white person. On couple such occasions I had taken some American or European friends for dinner and paid for everybody myself. But the waiter assumed 'Sudhas' are the ones paying. So the poor bugger would almost worship them and provide poor service to the local chap who would actually tip him in the end. Parrot bugger's inferiority complex is a good case study for sociologists.


Sam Perera said...
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