Tuesday, September 30, 2008

'TAF': The unfolding mystery

Finally, the last bit of confirmation regarding the LTTE's use of mercenaries and further confirmation of the downing of the Zlin 143 has come to light. The first group of civilians to escape the LTTE's clutches recently and reach Weli Oya last week confirmed both the above findings.

According to these civilians who undertook a perilous journey by sea to escape the LTTE, the Zlin 143 had crashed into the premises of the Iranapalai Roman Catholic School. Relatives and friends of the escapees had been eyewitnesses to the carnage caused by the crashing plane. The crash site is a clearing along the Puthukudiirippu-Iranapalai road in Mulaitivu District, which area is loosely inhabited jungle.

The first to arrive at the crash site had been civilians in the neighboring areas who had seen two dead men inside the cockpit, one a white Caucasian and the other a South Asian. They had gathered from the LTTE units, including the LTTE paramilitaries who had arrived shortly at the scene to cordon-off the area, that the Caucasian was a Ukrainian national. The LTTE had then removed all civilian spectators and prevented them from leaving the area by appointing a day-night watch, cutting-off routes even inside the jungle.

The 573 Brigade also made another startling discovery today that also relates to the 'Tiger Air Force'. They discovered a runway in the north of Mankulam, to the western side. The actual location is Pannikkankulam. This became the first LTTE/TAF runway ever captured by troops.

The runway was measured at 500m by 50m and was never before observed by air or land. In fact the discovery came as a complete surprise. The Army now believes there maybe other such runways hidden in areas ahead of them.

More evidence of Mercenaries flying TAF planes- DW Article


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koly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rover said...

Very interesting. So the pilots didn't get charred beyond recognition due to the crash. Perhaps the missile only clipped the tail of the aircraft.

So now, due to the presence of mercenaries, we will have to screen everyone for connections with the LTTE.

Rover said...

And perhaps the missile didn't hit at all? It is hard to imagine how such a small plane not disintegrating following a missile strike. The evasive maneuvers would have ended the TAF antics. So we just need to frighten them a bit for them to drop out of the sky.

It would have been easy to determine the race of the SE Asian guy, but not sure how the villagers determined that it was a Ukranian.

Unknown said...

Yup another nice story. Did the civilians check the white guy whether he had a Ukrainian passport. Maybe the LTTE used a loud speaker to announce it. So did the front line troops get the information of a falling plane from the fleeing refugees or from the cultivators. Guess the first thing they thought to say on escaping is that they saw the plane go down.

Anyway looks like the Sri lankan government has lost about US$200 million trying to maintain the peg on the currency. It has removed the peg and now the currency is starting to fall. I guess the army needs to move fast before things really deteriorates in Sri Lanka. Its quite obvious that the LTTE will not want to attack. It will wait a little while longer. Maybe the LTTE will try to attack the Sri Lankan rupee as Indian analyst fear for their currency now. A falling currency (sky rocketing inflation)and declining exports (high unemployment)will create a situation which is more conducive then what they could have dreamt off.

Maybe thats why Sarath keeps repeating some majoritian rule rhetoric. Guess nobody bothered that he once applied for the green card.

Rover said...

And perhaps the missile didn't hit at all? It is hard to imagine how such a small plane not disintegrating following a missile strike. The evasive maneuvers would have ended the TAF antics. So we just need to frighten them a bit for them to drop out of the sky.

It would have been easy to determine the race of the South Asian guy, but not sure how the villagers determined that it was a Ukranian. It seems that DW must have got confirmation on one of its previous hunches.

Unknown said...

>About the High Court Ruling on the Galle Road Issue..

Well Mr. Sarath Silva has made the Court the Cure for Everything..

1. Year 1 School childrens Problem
2. The Strike of the Teachers..
3. How the Monks should behave in court…
& now to remove all barriers & cheakpoints in galle road..
Ok , He says that these are ineffective & the tigers get through these & it has not helped in anyway to stop the Bombs.
Just wonder how he knows?
The system may have loop holes, but everything is not 100%. Take the same Judicial System & what would be the opinion of the general public on that? Criminals getout & walks Free even when Everyone knows what happened..So are we to stop the Courts from running? Saying the inefficiencies? Well Next court ruling will be to say to the Government to comeup with a Political Solution. He must be waiting till a TNA MP coming with a petition….
Lets say forces miss 9 out of 10 oppertunities…But what about the things we can save with that 1 opportunity?
If a Trinco passenger go to courts saying He has to Travel this long way & he cant put his bag on to the Rack & this BREACHES is Rights, I have NO DOUBTS on the Court ruling…
What Im saying is
Are we to go by the Letter of the Law or the Spirit of the Law?

Rover said...

"Its quite obvious that the LTTE will not want to attack. It will wait a little while longer."

Yes, I do hope the great military genius does wait so that we could get Pooneryn, Paranthan, Kili and EP, and even perhaps Mulativu.

Unknown said...

Now VP must be taking lessons from Sakvithi.
VP with the hard earned money Collected from the Tamils throughout World, will be out of the country with the Remaining Directors of the 30 years old Company.
So these planes will be fitted with some Fiberglass casings to be turned in to a Sea plane & Get to a Waiting Ship & off He Goes....


chamal said...


"It is hard to imagine how such a small plane not disintegrating following a missile strike."

Missiles are usually used to cripple an aircraft. They don't have enough explosives, and nor are they designed to blow an aircraft to bits. They are intended to damage a vital part of the aircraft or cause significant damage so that it is unable to fly or become uncontrollable. (But in a situation like this where the target is unarmoured and pretty much fail, hitting -or even grazing- any part will do)

lankanews said...

army.lk has released some photos of the LTTE airstrip

Rover said...

"Guess nobody bothered that he once applied for the green card."

Applying for a green card is not an act of treason! The previous political leadership was so weak that even Gen. SF. got a green card, perhaps to get away from the hopeless situation the country was in. But he is back as he believes there is a good chance, together with Gotabhaya, to end this Eezam drama once and for all, and he is proving himself, hence the denigrating comments by Eezamists.

Unknown said...


If Vezupizzai is leaving the country with the Tamul Money, I demand the central Bank freezes that money and distributes among entrepreneurial famalies such as ours. We could expand our businesses and provide jobs to so many youths.

chamal said...


"I demand the central Bank freezes that money and distributes among entrepreneurial famalies such as ours"

How is the central bank going to freeze the money when they don't even know where it is? It's not like VP keeps an account in the People's Bank or something like that.

Kithul said...


so you want to make a quick buck ....some wise man once said about fishing in troubled waters...

serendib said...

How is the central bank going to freeze the money when they don't even know where it is? It's not like VP keeps an account in the People's Bank or something like that.

It's Elam Bank@killi.
VP has collected money through this. Now this Bank is closed and VPs gang has left the buliding..

thiru said...

in another startling development adding to defencewire's, local villagers south of maavil aaru have identified the commanders of the imran pandiyan and charles anthony brigades to be of Italian and Russian origin! There were also confirmed reports of the Royal Navy driving the suicide boats that rammed into a dvora earlier this year, the antiaircraft division was headed by a chinese national! It seems the ltte wants to be multicultural.

serendib said...


Was this Ukranian guy attached to an iNGO?


Is he coming IN and OUT Vanni via Omanthai?

It's amazing that sldf did not discover this with UAV.

Unknown said...

I'd say this calls for another round of pints!! What a day filled with good news!

Hat's off to the boy's of No.5 and the SLAF at large.


serendib said...

[It seems the ltte wants to be multicultural.

Yep.. no worries..
SLDF is kicking ass out of them all.

perein said...

Thank you for the new article.

The runway was measured at 500m by 50m and was never before observed by air or land. In fact the discovery came as a complete surprise.

Are you saying none of our intel units never knew about this runaway?

Others + DW-

According to these civilians who undertook a perilous journey by sea to escape the LTTE, the Zlin 143 had crashed into the premises of the Iranapalai Roman Catholic School.

Is there a way we can view this school using WikiMap using this link

Sun Tzu's disciple said...

Some sticking points:

1.Wrong location-- the ' ball of fire' observed visually by pilot, and purportedly by ' chena farmers' , and with radar confirmation( disappearance) was way down south.

2.Ukrainian: This seems pure concoction I am afraid( by MI or refugees is moot).Other than the immediate few handling them, I am sure nobody but nobody would be privy to their identity.

3.Reliability: If I am a refugee with an uncertain future, I may tell what my enemy wants to hear.Or maybe MI cooked it up, such is their job.

Just my thoughts. Maybe its true.

perein said...

FX rate specialist Navindran,
Can you please enlighten us with the reason for $ US are stronger and £ British getting Lower,
Not to forget the Euro too...
Would assume you are making a fortune out of the weaker / strong currencies..

You have not got a clue a about the FX rates...If you do not know the reasons keep away from those scenarios.

Peter said...

in another startling development adding to defencewire's, local villagers south of maavil aaru have identified the commanders of the imran pandiyan and charles anthony brigades to be of Italian and Russian origin! There were also confirmed reports of the Royal Navy driving the suicide boats that rammed into a dvora earlier this year, the antiaircraft division was headed by a chinese national! It seems the ltte wants to be multicultural.

hik hik hooko

Peter said...

in another startling development adding to defencewire's, local villagers south of maavil aaru have identified the commanders of the imran pandiyan and charles anthony brigades to be of Italian and Russian origin! There were also confirmed reports of the Royal Navy driving the suicide boats that rammed into a dvora earlier this year, the antiaircraft division was headed by a chinese national! It seems the ltte wants to be multicultural.

hik hik hooko

perein said...


Hi Hi Hi...
He he he...

aKa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Some friendly advice:

There are some irregularities in this article.

Always remember that lies and deception are traits of stupid stateless eelamists.

The people of hela Diva don't need to embrace such hypocritical maneuvers of stupid eelamists.

The truth is the only phenomena that will prevail always.

aKa said...



What happened to you, are you mad. If you are not well go back to your rat hole before MIG29 comes.

reasonablytreasonable said...

The way this story is cast makes me seriously doubt DW's credibility as an 'independent' and 'unbiased' proponent of truth. I'll read everything in future (and regard everything I have read to date) with a larger serving of salt.

The story is suspect for a number of reasons. For one, isn't it *slightly* suspicious that the LTTE would be so flippant with giving away such sensitive information? If the 'foreign mercenary' theory is true, it would be a highly sensitive operational secret for the LTTE (particularly the exact nationaly of the mercenaries) - I doubt that anyone but their high command would even be privy to the details. Yet apparently some random paramilitaries who happened upon the scene feel free to nonchalantly inform passing civilians? How did paramilitaries know about something so sensitive? And why did they tell civilians - why weren't they scared of the repercussions from their bogey-man masters?

I'm not saying that the Tigers don't use foreign mercenaries; they may well. But this story is rather strange, and it is odd indeed that these oddities earned no mention. The article deliberately casts what is at best tentative anecdotal evidence, as gospel.

Another rather convenenient 'fact' is that it's the very first group of civilians "escaping" the LTTE "clutches" (two keywords in DW's supposedly 'non-political', 'unbiased' and 'independent' arsenal!) who have provided this information. What a stroke of luck for the government!

Might I add, that if this story IS true - what an *extraordinary* failure by the Sri Lankan intelligence agencies. It takes a bunch of civilians fleeing from the war in the Vanni to provide this information? Exactly what do the the SL intelligence do all day, and with all the money that's spent on them instead of the sizeable impoverished population?

Call me a cynic, but I would venture to suggest that with a soon-to-collapse economy, rampant internal social tensions that everyone knows can tip over at any moment (and I'm not only referring to ethnic tensions), and an increasingly uncertain military situation, the government is using every opportunity to inject fear into the equation.

Nothing like a good story about white foreigners coming to drop bombs on the South, to arouse some good old fashioned fear, and lay the stage for its bastard brother jingoism!

Defencewire said...

I think 25+ years of war and the Army has learnt how to extract information from civilians without threatening them and equal number of years for me in same areas and with SLA officers now on the battlefield to have enough contacts not to get mislead by bogus reports.

Defencewire said...

For those of you who have seen the missile in question you will realize that it has only a very small quantity of explosives. The missile in radar guided and could have hit any part of the plan, causing a burn. While a burning object falls from the sky, it will definitely glow, which the F-7 pilot observed from the air. According to these reports it is evident that the pilots may very well have been killed in the crash and not in the explosion. This is how the A-to-A missiles function. It will not blow you off the sky. That happens only in holywood.

I have seen many civilians in my time collecting information from security forces and police immediately after a disaster. In many cases the civilians know more than the security forces/police since they are at the scene before them. It is our understanding that the LTTE units have discussed details of the strange dead person with their friends/relatives. A white man shot down into an area like that in a TAF plane is definitely going to raise some questions and queries and when you have questions th answers are not that far away. besides, we Sri Lankans have a habit of talking.

kuttu said...

Hi guys ( I mean our peelam brothers)

I am very sad brothers, see what has happened to our brothers. Now there are all mad. Don’t worry bother you will get Red Bird treatment very soon. This time not from VP, can you guess? You are very correct brother, this time from M*G29. Hi hi hi

Hi hi hi

reasonablytreasonable said...

"I think 25+ years of war and the Army has learnt how to extract information from civilians without threatening them..."

Yep, AI and HRW (ironically both linked on this site's main page) have produced voluminous glowing reports on how humanely the SL army and the its paramilitary goons treats civilians (both Tamil and Sinhala).

In fact - it treats some of them so well, that some people don't ever seem to return from whatever utopian paradise they are taken to by those lovely gentleman.

Unknown said...


You have to take into consideration that we are fighting a war here. We are not here to arrest eelamists, feed them thosai and sambar and dance a Kavadi dance with them. LOL!

Also, the eelamists love it *wink *wink. Torture is a very effective tool in the global war against terror. So your complaining will have to start with the super powers.

Moreover, if eelamists like Abu Ghraib style stuff there is nothing much we can do about it.

Gringo said...

One-eyed echolalia....

I quite understand your inabiliy to see in the LTTE's 'de facto state' (he he he)... the torture chambers and the cages reserved for the 'Tamil' traitors.

Unknown said...

That bloody Italian who is supposed to have stayed back in Killinochchi to fight with the LTTE must be another of em pilots or a cold blooded mercernary.

Why else would a bloody NGO employee be so trigger happy or flying stick happy?

Malin said...

look for one thing this information was not avialble at the time of the downing of the TAF. And if DW wanted to make stories he could have done so at that time.

that fact that we had to wait a long time to even get this info means LTTE has done good job to hidee the facts.. but we all know no body can keep anything a secret for long.. even us..

Thanks DW please continue your good work

Unknown said...


We think that INGO fellow is a Kallathoni-Italian. Not a white fellow.

Unknown said...


So is it just to drag a man or woman from his house and send him to colombo with a bomb strapped on the stomach, threatening the lives of his family members, if he or she does not execute orders, you know the fort bombing, its said that the person with the bomb saw the check point accross the road and panicked, so the backup as you call him flipped the switch when he knew that the mission was failed.

You know, these actions are typical eelamist style,is it the government who tortures, or do you remember a few months ago, some carders surrendered saying that they had got caught previously when tried to escape and were taken to your eelamist torture camp, treated inhumanely and thrown back to the front line, how do you justify these actions.

Defencewire said...


What guarantee can Human Rights groups give to our people that they will be safe from terrorism? Answer is NONE. Do they have to answer to civilian who are affected by terrorism? Answer is NO. But the Security Forces have no way of avoiding this responsibility.

As dA has pointed out many months ago, in 4th Generation war the boundaries between civilian/insurgent/terrorist get diluted. This unconventional method of violence requires other unconventional methods of violence to counter it. The task of the men in uniform is to guarantee safety to civilians that it is ordered to protect.

So if LTTE wishes to keep 'its people' safe, or even you, they must keep those boundaries very clear instead of diluting it. Examples of dilution are many starting with suicide bombers infiltrating government areas as civilians so on and so forth.

If you want the men in uniform to protect you, you must enter mainstream politics and influence state power. Only then will you be able to order the men in uniform to protect you. As long as you are outside of this system, you/they will be perceived a threat and the men in uniform will be ordered to eliminate you, and they will.

Anonymous said...

guys is there any way that this ukranian guy be that guy foreigner who stayed in LTTE area ??
Maybe he got killed so they simply told that he would not come out again.

just a guess.. maybe a foolish one

Anonymous said...

DW explenation meakes perfect sense to those who live in SL, may be not to those who live outside SL and don't know about Sri Lankans.

Unknown said...

Hey guys

With regard to the Ukranian, you know what happens when the word of mouth is passed, sometimes tales get distorted.In the article its says that not the people who came but there relatives saw this.

With regard to the fact of the A-A missile just side swping, well yes thats basicaly correct,as the missiles do have to go some distance against gravity, they are light and carry a small charge, so as to make a wound on the body.

With regard to why the jet didnt burn on impact on the ground, well the best guess is that as the jets would have carried fule for the flight from Mula to vavuni back to Mula they wouldnt have been carrying as much gas in the tank, so if the missile didnt burn it then the only other reason for the plain not burning is that maybe the trees cushioned impact as its jungle or there was nothing in the tank to make it burn.

Unknown said...


What an excellent reply to this Naadu fellow. Allow me to add something more to it.

The responsibility of eliminating terrorism is not just the responsibility of the Armed forces. Ordinary citizens like us have a moral obligation too to challenge eelamists in our day to day lives.

If ever I goto Odel or Keels supermarket and see a suspicious looking moustache bearing eelamist, I don't hesitate to take action. I call the Manager and asks the security to body check the fellow.

I have also devised a new and novel strategy. A bomb that is directed against you is least effective when the bomber (the eelamist) is farthest away from you. So when I am standing in a line at the post office or anywhere else, and I see an eelamist standing ahead of me in the line, I order my brother or my husband to grab him by the collar and throw him to the end of the line. And I take "it's" spot.

Unknown said...

PS: We are making preparations to admit our son to a Montessori school.
We don't want him to associate with any eelamists. We are objecting to the admittance of eelamist students by citing security reasons. At least that way we hope Mihiranga (our little son) will be eelamist-free.

londonistan said...

it's brillian to see the pieces of the TAF-foreign-pilot puzzel coming together! They must have most probably entered through Omanthai. It can't be too dificult to identify them now that the deadline to NGOs have passed.

Implications of the intel is very intriguing, like the MiG 27 training/coaching received by SLAF pilots the TAF are trying to train their own pilots. They haven't launched an atack since the downing, which alone speaks volumes to those LTTE folk who still choose not to believe it.

londonistan said...


you are a funny screwed up little-make-believe person who should haved been neuted.

Corey said...

Why is it that only the ltte supporters are screaming about human rights?


For the last two and half decades, the LTTE has been brainwashing the Tamil people in the North and East to hate the Sinhala people. The young Tamil boys and girls have not been given the opportunity to meet the Sinhala people. In fact, two decades ago, the last of the Sinhala employees of the Cement Corporation and Lanka Cement numbering nearly 180 had to leave KKS within eight hours under threat by the LTTE terrorists. MKN may not know that these ruthless terrorists woke up the General Manager and Deputy General Manager at two in the morning, marched them and placed them against the wall of the Cement Corporation and shot them dead point blank. These two officers were keen and had helped the people of KKS whose livelihood depended on the cement industry. These two officers were Sinhala.

Thambapanniya said...


We are living in an age where even anyone person have access to good quality satellite images of own house and back yard.

So if civilians have that kind of technology I am sure SLA/F have access military grade sat images? if YES should have scanned the possible crash area within minutes and obtain info?

If they don't have access I am surprised why they haven't invested on Sat Intel/images

Now discovery of this new runaway raises questions regards to WHY THE HELL WE BOMBED IRANAMADU...??!! again and again and again ( think it was pretty obvious this was a decoy??)

I am reserved about the article but giving it benefit of the doubt

Rana said...


Crash location given by DW is about 70km from Vavunia. Direction with respect to Vavunia is correct, assuming it passed Vavunia by the time F7 take-off from KAB and given flying time of 9 minutes, Zlin can go about 40km at maximum speed. If F7 locked its radar within next couple of minutes and fired (at the rate of 4km/min) Zlin can cover another 15km easily. Then it crash covering rest of the distance.

However, heat seeking missile usually go for the engine and pilots also can get killed though they won't disintegrated. Blast is not that powerful.

Another explanation may be this the other plane which crashed due to ground firing by army. In that case both planes are gone. so much the better.

Thanks DW, we will believe you. Keep it up with at least one posting per day as things get hot there.

Rana said...

Discovery of 50X500m air strip close to Mankulam is a total surprice to defence officials.

This is not good at all. I saw somewhere suggestion of, one Zlin took off from Mankulam-Puliyankum road to attack Vavunia camp and other took off from Mankulam-Mulative road.

This finding confirms that first Zling took-off from the air strip identified by the army yesterday. Therfore they should have another one close to Mulative road where 59 division is operating right now. They might find a second one within next few weeks.

However, these are good news. Italian aid worker who joined LTTE may be the same guy who has flown the Zlin that crashed.

Thambapanniya said...

one more question

"Civilians have been moved to other civilian houses, schools and other buildings at Vishwamadu and Puthukudiirippu areas by the LTTE. 38 of these captives escaped via sea and reached Weli Oya recently but the large majority are yet to escape LTTE clutches."

would it be possibility that LTTE send un armed cadres with the civilians? im sure not everyone knows everyone?
Also could it be that LTTE shifting its Cadres around under the disguise of civilian movement within their territory to keep army guessing where they reinforcing and where they are not reinforcing?

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

Thanks DefenceWire,

Elakirie News DW...and more on the way...

Wanni Operations 29th September 2008 වන්නි මෙà·„ෙයුම வண்ணிச்Link

Sinaha said...

DW, great job. I think the troops should march to Alimankada after Paranthan to cut-off Pooneryn and Mullativu.

reasonablytreasonable said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
reasonablytreasonable said...

ruwani -

"You have to take into consideration that we are fighting a war here."

Yeah, that defence really worked a treat for the Nazis at Nuremberg.

Think before you type. Are you really suggesting here that war justifies torture? If you believe that, that is tantamount to justifying LTTE terrorism, since that is also, they would (erroneously) argue, 'a necessity of war'.

defencewire -

"What guarantee can Human Rights groups give to our people that they will be safe from terrorism? Answer is NONE. Do they have to answer to civilian who are affected by terrorism? Answer is NO. But the Security Forces have no way of avoiding this responsibility."

They give no such guarantee, as that is not their job. It's strange, your defence of the SLA's well documented human rights abuses is even less compelling than ruwani's above, and that is saying something.

I would mention though, that the notion that human rights activists are abridge from the violence of the war is ridiculous. Much of their information comes from civilians and journalists and grassroots activists, who daily put their lives at risk (from both the SLA and LTTE) to report the facts; this is no mean feat in the country that has the 2nd highest *RAW NUMBER* of abductions in the world (pretty admirable for such a small country with a small population) and the 2nd most dangerous country in the world for journalists.

At least the SLA and the LTTE have arms to protect themselves. Human rights workers have no such luxury.

"This unconventional method of violence requires other unconventional methods of violence to counter it. The task of the men in uniform is to guarantee safety to civilians that it is ordered to protect."

The hidden subtext being 'by any means necessary', I presume, since you are seeking to defend the army's use of torture. I note that you made no attempt to defend the SLA from the accusations of AI and HRW (which is sensible of you, since even SL's staunch allies like the US government make similar accusations), instead you resort to the old mantra of militarists, 'unconventional method of violence requires other unconventional methods of violence to counter it'.

In other words, torture is fine, so long as it's the SL government torturing others; the state, according to you, has a legitimate monopoly on the use of violence. Note that the AI and HRW and US gov reports highlight that it is not just suspected Tigers who are abducted and tortured, it's civilians and other political dissidents too. This includes critics of both the LTTE and the SL government.

Not to mention that SL is party to UN and Geneva conventions that explicitly ban torture.

And as I mentioned to Ruwani, if torture by the SLA is justified as a necessary 'unconventional method', it's just as easy for the LTTE to justify their terrorist attacks. That too is an 'unconventional method', and that too often targets civilians.

"If you want the men in uniform to protect you, you must enter mainstream politics and influence state power. Only then will you be able to order the men in uniform to protect you."

This is precisely the slippery slope philosophy that is leading to a creeping dictatorship in SL, under a vast military industrial complex and corrupt government. Any society that that gives up a few of its rights (And Sri Lankans have given up more than a few, and for a very very long time) finds ever more of their rights being eroded. This is why journalists and political dissidents are being routinely abducted and murdered in SL, not just individuals with LTTE-links.

Rover said...


"However, these are good news. Italian aid worker who joined LTTE may be the same guy who has flown the Zlin that crashed."

No. He came back to the SLDF controlled areas and was handed a deportation order.

Rover said...

Thanks DW., but we were made to believe that there was initially an explosion. But the explosion would have been the missile firing, missile hitting the plane or the actual crashing of the plane (if the pilot reported the fiery explosion).

Unknown said...

SLAF in Action

See how brave your SLAF team is...

Rana said...

Rover machan,

I can't understand. What we heard is he refused to come out and joined LTTE. If it is true he should have been arrested and send to jail for conniving with terrorists. Is'nt it. What is the point of deporting a person, who has committed a crime.

Rana said...


My heart is crying but what we can do? all sinhala civilians including women and childeren who were subjected to countless bombing were had similar fate. This war is thrust upon us by murderous gang of lunatics in LTTE. This is one of unfortunate casulty. However, SLDF is trying their best to minimise this sort of things.

Unknown said...

Here is another brave action in killing and wounding the LTTE.

SLAF Targeting LTTE Kingpin

Newton Law: every action has an opposite reaction.

Jaya2008 said...


Here are some brave actions committed by LTTE:


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Well justified! Thank you…

Rana said...


You have very short memory bro. Can you remember hacking more than 30 innocent women and children to death in Kokilai fishing village. That was a deliberate and intentional act by your barberic, blood thirsty gang of LTTE.

This photos are colatteral damages not intentional.

You must be intelligent enough to understand the difference.

Before presenting photos to us go and study history of LTTE violence for last 30 years. If do that you will never write to the blog again.

Moshe Dyan said...

well done DW team.

you are the first & only news media that hunted down the mysterious TAF.

"The 573 Brigade also made another startling discovery today that also relates to the 'Tiger Air Force'. They discovered a runway in the north of Mankulam, to the western side. The actual location is Pannikkankulam. This became the first LTTE/TAF runway ever captured by troops."

this JUSTIFIES my point made after the trinco TAF attack. i said without wasting anymore money on air defence systems lets concentrate on denying LTTE its TAF resources by capturing TAF infrastructure. one gone!

great work 57! may god bless you.

FreedomFighter said...

Stoped beliving the rubish comming from the sir lankan state media since the 80's. Still only reason for this news is put sihala racist in confort zone so TAF want come and drop their bombs while they shit in the toilet.

Moshe Dyan said...

"Defence.lk - now in Tamil"

what an excellent move?

there are hundreds of thousands of tamils in the diaspora who can only read tamil. they may not like the content but at least will get ALTERNATIVE views in a language they understand best.

Rana said...


My worry is, 50X500m air strip, I saw 4-5 photograps also from army.lk, could have been easily detected from air. Why we couldn't see it before?. This is a total surprice. Our unmaned arial vehicle, what it is doing?

Lot of gaps here and there. However ground troops are doing well. Thanks to those brave boys.

FreedomFighter said...

Ruwani. If u looking for job, why do not become a nurse ? to cater for all
lankan boys losing their bits and peces ?

You envy tamils of having uncorrectable leadership.
Unlike your leader who mostly foreigners.

FreedomFighter said...

I think its the SL air-force waiting for some Rusians to come and fly the mig29. And they make sure they do not hit the targets so they can keep the highly paid jobs.

FreedomFighter said...

I think ruwini is such a racist. Thast way she id the eelmist with mustache. Thats what we call descrimination. I am so glad to hear that she still live in shit lanka. Just keep fearing the worst. I am sure she is applied for visa and wirting to get out just like all of them.

Sam Perera said...

i think that my sex deprived ltte brothers are waiting for ukranian hookers also. no wonder why the entire ratha, charles anthony, and imbran pandiyans like little boys. only black tigers get a chance to have a final fuck before gettting slaughtered by sla special forces. i wonder why masturbation is not allowed in ltte. that is the only sex I ever had. if it works for me, it should work for all of my ltte brothers also.

Moshe Dyan said...


a real worry.


the record of the first ever FAB attack by SLAF jets seems EXCELLENT. civilian casualties/collateral damage seems almost negligible considering the power of the explosives used and civilian casualties claimed by the LTTE.

according to TN reports, only a HANDFUL of civilians were injured with NON-LIFE THREATENING injuries. burns are less than 5% of skin and seems VERY basic that cab be total cured by GOSL SPONSORED HOSPITAL facilities in vanni.

but what is interesting is the CHARCOAL we were not shown!!! i'm sure LTTE casualties are more than a handful and would look like hell.

SLAF should get a morale boost from the INCREDIBLY successful FAB attack which was its first. USAF has failed to achieve equal success rates even with their superior gadgetery.

Rana said...

well done 1008437.......

Nihara said...


Rana said...


He was ther for some time now, may be getting frustrated by now.

CASC said...

There is a story about a foreign aid worker, who is a Italian passport holder, who has refused to return from the Wanni per the Government decree. I believe the AID organization is called Zoe's Ark. Its quite possible that some of these foreign mercernaries are getting through as AID workers. All of the ex-Soviet states are full of these types of people. There is a drama going on at the moment off the Somalian coast where Somali pirates have hijacked a Ukrainian ship along with its crew, and a cargo of 30 T-55 tanks.

FreedomFighter said...

ya ignore the truths. and just keep
beliving the crap from shit lankas
state propaganda ?

If i call sihala people racist is that not nice language ?

Truth Hurts.

Nisal said...

Moshe Dyan,

Our Tamilnut friends are always looking at this blog and comments. So, after reading your comment, next time they will add some charcoal pics claiming they are civilians.

à·ƒිà·ƒිර කුමාර said...

This explains why fat ass and bunch of girls are grinning in those TAF photos published by tamilnut.

Diasspora modayas are made to believe that tigers are actually flying the Zlins.

One thing becomes evident now. Our forces are giving ltte MFs it big time. We can see ltte mfrs are really hurt. Even their supporters like peelam piter are hurt.

Nihara said...


FreedomFighter said...

bangu or is Bhiku ?

ya tamil web sites much better then any of the sihala state ones atleast its attacting sihala racist are checking that.

CASC said...

European man disappears in the Wanni. Not sure if this story is true or not.

"Sri Lanka has informed the Italian Government that stern measures would be taken against the employee of the Netherlands INGO Zoa Refugee Care, who has defied GOSL orders to leave the Wanni and instead joined the LTTE. The Sri Lanka Embassy in Rome has already conveyed the message to the Italian authorities. The errant employee – Zoa's Wavuniya Programma Manager - is an Italian passport holder.However Zoa boss Bernard Jaspers Faijer has attempted to defend the offender by refusing to admit that he has joined the Tigers. According to intelligence this man had flown the Tiger aircraft which the security forces shot down during recent battles.

FreedomFighter said...

nihara i thought u do not want to comment anything to me ?

By the way Biku.. for tamil its not really big deasl who flys TAF. As long we hit the target. Make Shi Lanka spent its money to buy the most powerfull and expesive wepons.
Its so funny, Shit lanka need Mig29
to shoot down TAF. Thats what they call cracking the nut with sledge hammer .

Rana said...

My thoughts were the same but if you look at postings by Rover earlier.

He said that Italian is deported already after reporting back.

Conflicting reports.

What is going on?

Jaya2008 said...


The way you express your feelings I believe that you have so much hatred towards Sinhalese and my mother country Sri Lanka. You may have reasons to write to this blog in this manner.

Let me say this to you, as a Catholic I worked with Tamil brothers in the Middle East and in Europe Since 1982. During my studies in Switzerland I had to share a room (industrial training) with a Tamil brother who happened to be a refugee from Jaffna but work in a 5 Star Hotel. Though he could not speak English very well, I had enormous respect to this boy and never let him down and treated him as a Tamil but as a fellow human being. We as students faced lot of difficulties with Swiss Nationals in the nineties, but we never vent our anger towards any Tamils who were refugees at that time. There were lot of Indians and Malaysians students had the same fate because Swiss Nationals thought everybody were refugees from Sri Lanka. This is the truth from the past and lot people are not aware about it.

Currently one of my neighbours is a young Tamil family with one year old baby. We get along well because we treat them with respect because that how I have been thought in my religion. Hope one day you learn to respect another fellow human being regardless of their race. Do not try to accuse me because I am not going to respond to you.

Corey said...

My God!!!!!!!!!!!
Enough is enough! Let's leave this blog for discussion, and not for hurling insults at each other. It is understandable that the LTTe supporters are going through disbelief and denial... Pro-SL govt supporters, be compassionate, please.... The more the LTTE people vent, the easier the healing process (once the war is over) will be.
Metta (Compassion).. Buddha preached it, and the Bhagavad Gita says a lot about it.
Love to ALL,

Rana said...

Hi Guys,

This not that old but dated 22 Feb 08 LankaWatch.

"A four-hour delay in a bombing run by the Sri Lanka Air Force resulted in a missed high-profile decapitation strike planned several days ago. The target was a conference attended by 'Colonels' Swarnam, Bhanu and Jeyam in north Mannar. The SLAF usually takes four hours to prep the jets, from the point of receiving the Military Intelligence tipoff to the actual delivery of the designated payload to the target. As a result, by the time the bombs were dropped, the Tiger conference had concluded.

Minutes after the bombing, the three tiger leaders came back on air as they exchanged messages using codenames associated with them (example Karuna -Kilo Serra). The conference attended by all three tiger leaders was confirmed through both ground and aerial recon.

Yesterday's bombing of LTTE heavy gun positions in Mannar north has also been inaccurate for the same reasons. This is further compounded by the high speeds of the jet bombers. MI sources claim not every SLAF pilot is capable of running an accurate dive bombing run all the time".

The above and failing to locate 50X500m air strip close to A9 road, about 7km North-West of Mankulam makes me nervous.

All those sorties which are daily feature should have produced lot of damages compared to 3 or 4 air raids done by flying tincans.

Could anybody say something?

FreedomFighter said...

so Jay. U say in short you ar not a racist ?

Do you accept at least the sri lanka is carying out genocide ?

As long as you and other good sinhala people support the Racist Goventment with genoside, you are all same.

You can talk to you tamil friends niceley but that does not make u not guilty of what is beeing commited in name of sihla people.

FreedomFighter said...

how can u expect tamils who are directley effected by this genoside to love fellow sihalese ? beucase
knowing he is behind this sihalea nationalism or racisam that is killing destorying entire tamil race in shit lanka.

FreedomFighter said...

Taking about healing, just keep imaginging the healing can take place in shi lanka.

If sihalese are truely Buddist they would not be killing and suffacting the tamils.

I know what Shihla Buddist commpaison
is like. That came out in bruning our
libray and raping our tamil women.

Sam Perera said...

how can u expect tamils who are directley effected by this genoside by ltte to love thalivar ? beucase
knowing he is behind this tamil nationalism or racisam that is killing destorying entire tamil race in shit lanka.

FreedomFighter said...

Army Commander Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka, in an interview with Stewart Bell of the National Post newspaper of Canada, published on September 23, 2008 has stated that: "I strongly believe that this country belongs to the Sinhalese but there are minority communities and we treat them like our people…We being the majority of the country, 75%, we will never give in and we have the right to protect this country…We are also a strong nation... They can live in this country with us. But they must not try to, under the pretext of being a minority, demand undue things."

FreedomFighter said...

I am sure He is talking about His Shit Lanka.

Rana said...


Something about MIG 29.

In 1972, young pilot Oliver Ranasinghe did MIG 21 training. I know this b'cause he studied with us in Dharmapala and captained our cricket team. He also was the Chief of Staff SLAF few years back.

One day in 1972, while he was training, he has done some acrobatics over our school. MIG 21 can come from clouds like an arrow to the almost ground level without giving any indication to those in the ground. Only after few seconds leaving the area we heard the sound. It was a thrilling episode for us as student those days.

If MIG 21 can do that, I imagine what MIG 29 can do!

Even without bombing it can make dumb asses like VP and Pottu deaf by just running low over their hideouts.

History said...

Q: If and when Eelam is achieved what sort of a nation do you conceive it to be?
A: Tamil Eelam will be a socialist state.
History: Is there any who wants this now..?

Q: After 14 years of struggle, do you think you are any closer to achieving your goal?
A: After all these years of struggle I feel that we are advancing towards our goal..
History: You are going in a circle buddy..

Q: Are you worried over the fact that most Tamil youths face a bleak future in Sri Lanka?
A: The youths are fighting a battle for freedom. I foresee a bright future for them....
History: Yes,,, will be under a Sri Lankan government though..

Q: Would you rather die than be caught by the Sinhalese army?
A: I would prefer to die in honour rather than being caught alive by the enemy......
History: Okay, I am looking and waiting..

Q: Do you think that the round table negotiations will lead to the formulation of a permanent settlement?
A: I am of the opinion that the round table conferences will not bring about a permanent settlement ........
History: Is there any idiot here says that it has to be a round table conference?

Q: Do you think that the Buddhist clergy is well on its way to establishing Sri Lanka as a Sinhala Buddhist nation?
A: Sri Lanka is already a Sinhala Buddhist nation ..........
History: Okay now.. who the idiot here said that Sri Lanka is not a Buddhist nation?

Q: In your estimate how long will it take to achieve this Eelam?
A: There cannot be a blueprint or a time limit .............
History: Yeah!!! but Piraba do you think that these idiots, who work in foreign lands will give you money again..

Year 1984.

FreedomFighter said...

Well here you go.
There still some sensible people around in shit lanka.


History said...

freedomfighter: "That came out in bruning our libray"

idiot, it is not your library, it was our library.. it belongs to Sri Lanka..

Defencewire said...

If HR groups' job is to report on human rights then the job of the military is to protect a democratically elected government. i firmly believe in preemptive strikes to protect civilians. Your rights end where my nose begins. If you have intentions to harm me and society, you have to be removed. annihilating shadow insurgents/terrorists is a necessary evil, which even the worlds most powerful countries (from where the human rights norms have emerged) have now realized. This is why human rights in today's context is a very hollow concept. As a principle it exists, however, in practice it has very little guarantees for a state and its security agencies because it looks at things at the individual level.

In Sri Lanka the violations are highly exaggerated. In some accounts the disappearances are staged. A number of journalists have gone abroad using the status quo. We have very good sources in the military with whom we have engaged at length and analyzed the issue inside out. We can say with great authority that if not for the white vans, Colombo and many other cities in Sri Lanka would be a very dangerous place to live in. If you want to tackle this issue through human rights, there would need to be some reciprocation from terrorists/insurgents. But history has shown that negotiation is not possible with these parties. so now we are back to square one. If you want to talk to LTTE to stop its clandestine moves, I will tell you with great authority, I can get you an audience with the highest military planners. So can you get that guarantee for me from LTTE?

The Sri Lankan military units who specialize in this area have come a very very long way. They do not use torture anymore. They and others who used it have discovered that unless an insurgent/terrorist confesses within the first 15mins, he/she will never do so afterwards. Many of the insurgents/terrorists caught are very good talkers. they have very convincing stories. So units have developed ways of talking to them and getting their guard down. I cannot elaborate any further, but this is cutting edge work and i know many foreign nations are eager to study our methods. So don't come here talking about torture and the other usual LTTE propaganda BS with us. We are on the ground and very thorough in this work. Not even the western countries who supported LTTE's cause buy that anymore. That bull was sold years ago!

The UN system-- we all know what they are all about. You just need to google Rwanda, Darfur, East Timor etc etc.

It is amusing for a pro-LTTE person like you to talk about dictatorships in the south. It is even more amusing to note how you have commented on the silencing of very minor opposition groups in the south when LTTE has killed fellow tamils and eradicated intelligentsia systematically since 1976. I would argue that you yourself would have been bumped-off if you lived in Wanni for your ability to think, however bread or narrow that maybe. I do not wish to justify your query with any further answers.

FreedomFighter said...

miss-quoting the interview just
shows what was said was the truth about shit lanka.

FreedomFighter said...

DW believe in preemptive strikes.
Is what what happend in July 1983 ?

see those pictures preemptive strikes.


History said...

Hi All,

I think we should ignore the messages posted via the name "freedomfighter", there are professional bloggers. You can buy them for cheap dollars, (in US one of such guy told me that he spend his day with 2$, can you believe that) who in profession is willing to burn their asses posting blog one after another under different names, and also using multiple language styles..

This bet that this a$$hole is one of such.. let's ignore him..

Moshe Dyan said...


may be; may be not. probably it would be too much of a morale boost for the SLAF is they release ADDITIONAL photos now.

yes; they read DW & DN.

the HORRIBLE noise is bcos of its HUGE engine that runs along its hull. mig-21 (F/J-7) is the only jet i have seen with this design. it is like riding ON TOP of a rocket.

indian AF flew accompanying FISHBEDS in the LENTIL operation (1987). ppl still complain about the HORENDOUS noise.

mig-29 follows the F-15 & the F-16 in design; was tested for 6 long years (1978-1986) b4 deploying by the SU. it has a sharper noise. competition between MIGOYAN GUREVICH CO. & SUKOI CO. resulted in constant evolution of BOTH types. today SUs are more popular than MIGs allowing MIGs more accessible to poorer buyers.

FreedomFighter said...

Double says..

"eelam is the only country that can exist. there was no shit lanka, eelam only. current shit "

becuase he can't think on his own.
he has to pretent to be tamils to show that tamils are bad bad people.

Defencewire said...


So LTTE insurgents numbering a few dozen were acting like a state to protect its people from continuous acts of terror that had claimed 65,000 lives?

What then happened 7 years before that in 1976, when the same group assassinated Duraiappa. Please explain.

FreedomFighter said...

Some of uou can handle truth, so you calling in the double or the impersonator to distrub the truth comming out me. What joker you are
how long do u thing it will take
me to take on another name ?

Sam Perera said...

i dont think that any non-tamiz understand this. tamiz are highest form of humans. anybody who is with non-tamiz is not tamiz. that is the rule set by thecia thalivar.

hiru said...


"Its so funny, Shit lanka need Mig29 to shoot down TAF. Thats what they call cracking the nut with sledge hammer"

In our words
- address nathi wenna gahanawa
- sun nath duuli karanawa
- athu ga damanawa

This is what the shit pig expects

Sam Perera said...

What joker you are
how long do u thing it will take
me to take on another name ? not only names, i have stolen identities and credit card of others. so you non-tamiz, consider your bank cards tae over by me.

Sam Perera said...


"In our words
- address nathi wenna gahanawa
- sun nath duuli karanawa
- athu ga damanawa"

you think it is a big deal for somebody who was taken down the same path by thalivar?

History said...

Hi All,

I think we should ignore the messages posted via the name "freedomfighter", there are professional bloggers. You can buy them for cheap dollars, (in US one of such guy told me that he spend his day with 2$, can you believe that) who in profession is willing to burn their asses posting blog one after another under different names, and also using multiple language styles..

This bet that this a$$hole is one of such.. let's ignore him..

History said...


Isn't that so funny, I mean what what you just saw..


Sam Perera said...


"This bet that this a$$hole is one of such.. let's ignore him.."

my a$$hole used to be the favorite of junior ltte cadre those days. it is very frustrating that noody wants my a$$hole anymore.

FreedomFighter said...

oh dear, mighty DW its self is in dicussion.

1st off all its 225 00 by recent Harward Uni study, mostly tamils killed by Terro State.

Are ypou saying that Might Shit Lankan Forces of over 250 000 are
fighting a hald full of terroist running a state ? what a joke.

Do not you know what Duraiappa did to tamil student protest ? he is the number one enemy of tamils at the time. He got what he deserved for his betryal of tamils.

History said...

Hi All,

I think we should ignore the messages posted via the name "freedomfighter", there are professional bloggers. You can buy them for cheap dollars, (in US one of such guy told me that he spend his day with 2$, can you believe that) who in profession is willing to burn their asses posting blog one after another under different names, and also using multiple language styles..

This bet that this a$$hole is one of such.. let's ignore him..

FreedomFighter said...

I am not familier with you shit language.. so douple f. for that.

My Double Faggate is still around discrediting tamils as normal.

Truth hurts is not it Faggate.

History said...

Hi All,

I think we should ignore the messages posted via the name "freedomfighter", there are professional bloggers. You can buy them for cheap dollars, (in US one of such guy told me that he spend his day with 2$, can you believe that) who in profession is willing to burn their asses posting blog one after another under different names, and also using multiple language styles..

This bet that this a$$hole is one of such.. let's ignore him..

Rana said...

DW or Anyone else,

2.5kg of C4 explosives and batteries found on two lorries that were bound to Wanni.

Why they want to carry C4 from south to Wanni. I thought they wanted to bring C4 from Wanni to down south to make havoc in down south.

Who can explain this?

Unknown said...

OH ho..

So VP's Bitch is back...oh..ok...so when did VP screw u last bitch.

Ok let me tell you a story, durin the cease fire, some of my relatives went for a piligrimage to Madhu, during this trip some of the reffugee camp dwellers for the 1st time had time to see sinhalese people.

Do u know what they said, they said they were told that every one in the south had airconditioned houses, 12 vehicles per house,and 7 pc's all fitted with internet, you know why they hated us,because your lies made them despice the people in the south.

They explained to those people the real situation, and shed light on relity.You know they were complaining that they did not have food to eat, but reality is the previous governmennts have always sent rations, medicine and all necceseties beyond the omanthai line, ut 80% of what is taken is ripped off by the cadres.

You cheap scape basterds, what if they knew where you were, how you lived in luxury, funding the very organisation that deprives them of the basic human neccesities, and having those same luxuries you blame on us.

You see thats why you do not in and by any means represent the tamil nationals.

They feared the night, as your sanctioned warlords, rip these children from there homes at that time and take them.

But they said that your cadres had all these food,water and medicine and sometimes thought of being at war just to have these few things.


FreedomFighter said...

I can just imaging that someone is so hurt that they have to douple up for me. What a Faggate this guys is.

My profile is going up in DW. He He He.

History said...


I ate that era buddy, I have given you a new one.. in this era.. explosive will bring from south to north..

Isn't that cool

Sam Perera said...

I can just imaging that someone is so hurt that they have to douple up for me. What a Faggate this guys is. any way i am the best fagget. try to beat me.

History said...

Hi All,

I think we should ignore the messages posted via the name "freedomfighter", there are professional bloggers. You can buy them for cheap dollars, (in US one of such guy told me that he spend his day with 2$, can you believe that) who in profession is willing to burn their asses posting blog one after another under different names, and also using multiple language styles..

I bet that this a$$hole is one of such.. let's ignore him..

"It is said that history repeats" - only for those who think, what is happening

Sam Perera said...


dont insult my a$$hole. it was the first choice for many new ltte brothers to unload their cream.

Anonymous said...

//I think we should ignore the messages posted via the name "freedomfighter", ..//

IF no one responds then he himself (or she or .. doesn't matter) will respond to himself. This is what happened when a tiger gets a computer with internet. There is a saying 'kotiyek blog ekata ava age...'

Peelaam, eezhaam or whatever residential beggers are starving in wanni saying the banan republic/ shit lanka/ sorry lanka/ terrorist state ddidn't send the daily food load. (source- British Tamizh Forum)

History said...

Hi All,

I think we should ignore the messages posted via the name "freedomfighter", there are professional bloggers. You can buy them for cheap dollars, (in US one of such guy told me that he spend his day with 2$, can you believe that) who in profession is willing to burn their asses posting blogs one after another under different names, and also using multiple language styles..

I bet that this a$$hole is one of such.. let's ignore him..

History said...


when you say "kotiyek blog ekata ava age.." - That is one hell of a funny/ true sentence.. kudos to your creativeness

History said...

That a$$hole (freedomfighter) went off duty, is there any one, who is coming to replace him..??

freedomfighter: said...

- my a$$hole used to be the favorite of junior ltte cadre those days.
- my a$$hole was the first choice for many new ltte brothers to unload their cream...

Unknown said...

not to you man, this was for me "o hurt that they have to douple up for me"

So now Im retaliating...

Unknown said...

Too bad no Sri Lankan politician is like this. I guess most would say I had nothing till I joined politics and now i live in a big house with a lot of servants.

“I did not have many properties but I had to sell a bungalow in a very fashionable area in Singapore to pay the judgement obtained by Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew. Having sold that, three years later I bought a small apartment, and then I had to sell that too. All in, I had easily about 12 to 13 suits to pay off. Some people say I was a fool. All I can say is I do not regret it because, to me, life is not all about making money and acquiring wealth. Life is doing something for the people around you.”

Unknown said...

I keep laughing after reading this story. Honestly, there is just that much of tamilnet and defencewire and defencenet i can take. Guess i thought the pilots were secretive, did not know that their identities were known so easily. Did not know that Ukrainian were willing to be so cheap. Guess defencewire thought since they were flying for the SLAF before they would also fly a two seater aircraft.

Anyway according to the so called reports by both sides 8 bombs were dropped. Hence when the normal load is 50kg, now the load is 100kg. Most likely they would have used only one pilot. Both due to load and due to fact if the plane was shot down only one will perish.

Hence completely makes the story false. Secondly the fact the SLAF targeted the LTTE Radars points to the fact that they realized that the planes had knowledge of the F-7s arrival. Hence they would have divided on knowledge that the F-7 was nearby. The pilots would have kept constant radio contact.

If there are such "hidden" runways discovered does it make it a fallacy that Iramandu is used and bombed or all the intelligence that muliathivu was the take off point. I guess the LTTE wanted more bombs spent and so bulit a second runway in Iramandu.

Do you really think its difficult to learn to do dives with that stupis Zlin. My god i know some people are ignorant but you can fool some people some of the time but not fool all the people all the time.

Unknown said...

Just go to a European acrobat school or a flying club. In a year all the stunts can be picked up. The airforce did not make a mistake, the politicians went to town to parade it. Hence they should be the ones forced to cover this boo boo up. They information must have got misconstrued.

Rajaratasurfer said...

Awseome post mate ! Love it !Dunno if ya fellas remember last year Tangara... in Defencenet net post talked abt. these hidden air strips.But, someone has to claim the Ukrainian anyway !

Good job !

Unknown said...

Guess an LTTE sympathizer according to Mahindha mama and family.


Avoid short term dollar borrowings’ - Dr. Harsha De Silva

Eminent economist Dr. Harsha De Silva yesterday called on the Government to take urgent steps to avoid the obvious dangers of the vicious cycle of high-cost short-term dollar borrowings that is evolving at present; otherwise Sri Lanka will drift into a debt trap sooner than later.

“The increasing level of desperation of the Government on the one hand and the dwindling confidence of investors on the other is amply demonstrated in today's failure of the Government to collect the mere USD70m in two-year money it was looking for to repay another USD70m loan falling due next week. It is alarming that the enormous marketing effort of the Central Bank was only able to pull together USD60m and that too at a massive 2.9 percent premium over six months LIBOR,” Dr. De Silva said.

“In fact, when the original USD70m was collected in September 2006, the Government only paid 1.4 percent premium over six months LIBOR. That is less than half of what we had to pay today. In other words, Sri Lanka’s risk seems to have doubled in two years. It is therefore obvious that investors are shying away from even such massively high yielding junk bonds offered by Sri Lanka. It would be good to turn the flashlight inwards to appreciate why the attractiveness of Sri Lanka paper is declining without, once again, blaming the rating agencies. It is also noteworthy that this USD70m comes in the backdrop of the USD230m two-year issue in June this year, also at 2.9 percent over LIBOR in two year bonds and another USD150m syndicated loan at 2.5 percent over LIBOR also in June,” Dr. De Silva concluded.

Unknown said...

Definitely an LTTE sympathizer. White Van looking for him, any updates Defencewire?


Dr. Harsha responds

Economist Dr. Harsha De Silva has sent the following response to the Central Bank on its reply to his comments regarding the 60 million Dollar borrowing:

“It is with a sense of grief that I read the reply to my comments from the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Its amateurish attempt to make it out that the default risks of Sri Lanka dollar bonds have not increased over the last two years is misleading. To attempt to argue that the reason for the doubling of the risk premium from 144 basis points to 289 basis points over LIBOR is only a natural phenomenon with falling LIBOR "to merely compensate the investors" is more misleading.

Default risk is country specific and every country's risk does not increase in the same manner with falling LIBOR. Some increase more, some less, some stay the same and some others may even fall. With our worsening 'junk bond' ratings, what else should we expect other than increasing default risk? We need our public officials to be professionally honest and fix the problems of the economy; not be politically subservient and pretend everything is perfectly fine. What happenned to the independence of the Central Bank?

Anonymous said...

Top LTTE leader targeted (This was s o quick last few times to update after such air strikes but nothing happened so far...)

shay said...

Moshe, Rana,

I think Moshe referred to the first FAB strike by SLAF. FAB's are dumb bombs used on the MiG-27's. I don't think the new FAE's will be based in FAB series bombs. I would like to know what type of bombs they are, if DW or anyone feels they can disclose the details.


I didn't know we had MiG-21 in 1972. Do you mean MiG-17?


Although the MiG-21/J-7 has its engine airtake in the nose of the plane (common with early MiG's and Mystere type aircraft), the engine itself is no bigger or more powerful. The front of the nose on the J-7 behind the nose cone houses the radar for example. The MiG-21 has about 12,000lb of dry thrust (less on typical J-7) which is about the same as J-79 engines on Kfir but much less than 18,000lb on the MiG-27. The actual volume/type of sound will depend on other factors, but it wont be much more than on a Kfir (J-7 makes much less sound than Kfir/MiG27 if you have seen one fly at KAB).

David Blacker said...

"The Army now believes there maybe other such runways hidden in areas ahead of them."

How exactly do you 'hide' a 500m x 50m runway?

I'm still very skeptical about this foreign mercenary story. There is absolutely no evidence beyond heresay (DW heard it from Army officers who heard it from refugees who say they heard it from the LTTE). Bit of a stretch, I think. And I hardly think LTTEers arriving at the crash site would happily tell passersby what the supposed foreign pilot's nationality was.

And talking about how Sri Lankans love to talk, you're right. Look at the absurd rubbish posted here that has just snowballed on without much facts until we have an Italian ZOA employee accused of being a Ukranian mercenary! Get a grip, guys.

The ZOA employee never said he was joining the Tigers, and neither did ZOA. That's all bullshit. He refused to leave with the other NGOs 'cos he said it was wrong to leave. Eventually he was persuaded to leave and is now in Colombo at the ZOA office, waiting to leave with his colleagues. The story that his visa has been withdrawn is also rubbish. Where do you buggers get your news, from the bartender in your pub?

Nihara said...


Moshe Dyan said...


thanks for the info.

PLU mig-21 is the oldest in the lot. then kfir/mig-27.

f-7s are more modern and brand new(??).

Apino Dannachess said...


Rana is correct about Mig21's.

Since I know a exSLAF Pilot from the olden days( much senior to Oliver R), I called and verified this.

We had Mig 21's and Mig 17's were used as trainers (as per his memory).


Rana said...


I was talking something happened in 1972. Our school teacher said it is a MIG 21, he aws told by Oliver himself. Oliver was about 6 years senior to me in the school.

I am sure it was a mig 21. I was also went up to third interview including Officers Quality Test (OQT) to join SLAF during 1979. However, declined later when they said I will not be flying due to electrical/electronics degree but will be send to UK for 2 years on signal training.

Unknown said...


Don't know much on what our boys used, and wouldn't break it even if i knew yet :) but i did anwser your ques on DN to some dgree.


Prodigy said...

Any body can go to pilot training school and lean how ride a plane. But they do not train how to bomb correctly to a target or how to avoid missile attack. Bombing on a target need lots of training and even LTTE have trained pilots how do they get train bombing missions? I think LTTE used mercenary to train theirs, except they train on the job.

I think SLAF pilots need more training as well. SLAF can use Iranamadu to train bombing missions to pilots -:)

Apino Dannachess said...

>>>>>Jets raid LTTE gathering point - Mullaittiuvu.

SLAF fighter jets launched air raids at an LTTE gathering point located 3km North East of Piramanthalkulama, Mullaittiuvu, Wednesday (Oct 1) at around 5.30a.m.

The target was well identified, Air Force Spokesperson Janaka Nanayakkara said, adding that the site was a prominent hideout of senior LTTE terrorists.<<<<<

Looks like some more char-grilled Putty Tatts....

Apino Dannachess said...

Here is another good example of the so called DiAssPhora's contribution to their HOST countries....(among Credit card scams, gang activity, drug runing etc)

>>>>>Lankan in NY jailed for people smuggling

BUFFALO: A Sri Lankan man living in upstate New York has been sentenced to time served, about seven months, for smuggling people from Canada into the United States by boat.

Mohanraj Selvarajah will face deportation following Monday’s sentencing in Federal Court in Buffalo. According to court papers, the 48-year-old Lockport resident told investigators he was given $5,000 to buy a boat in September 2007 and was told he would be paid more to smuggle three people into the United States.

He was arrested after a witness spotted him dropping people off at a Buffalo boat launch and called authorities.

Selvarajah’s lawyer says he will likely be returned to Sri Lanka alone, while his wife and three children remain in Canada, where they moved after his arrest. <<<<<<

With the impending demise of the PEELAM in Sri Lanka....their Sudda hosts will have to watch out now.....Malysia, Sout Africa, Fiji, UK, Scandinavian Countries too will have to be careful....

"Yana Yana Thana Rena" types will be on the loose again.


Rana said...


We hear this type of targets and attackes almost every day and Janaka also come and say target was engaged accurately. The problem is we never get the damage assessment or the actual damage. It is very frustrating. However,when flying tincans farts whole world know about and its damage too.

FreedomFighter said...

anaburn , history what ever you imagin to please you self that i am "what ever" is not working.

first off all i am so exited with credits of being doupled up by my fellow bloger.. and being credited for being professional bloger.. i can't leave now can I ?

how many profesional bloger u think know about Shit Lank ?

FreedomFighter said...

Hey Runner ?

u talking about 1/10 sihalese ? what about fun 10/10 tamils being crushed by you Shitlanka ?

MrBrown said...

[[ The crash site is a clearing along the Puthukudiirippu-Iranapalai road in Mulaitivu District, which area is loosely inhabited jungle. ]]
wow what a punnaku from DW...it is losely populated jungle site..but there is a school? i wonder whther it is a animal school? hilarious..
another funny thing is.. F7 pilot had seen the fireball and confiremd he hit the zlin.. i wonder whther he lied..otherwise how those people find those 2 pilots in the cockpit..afterall it went down like a fireball.. who is lying to whom? Good guys..I onwder whether this DW wire fellow has any logical thinking power.. he might have been a porn article writer some time before.

dhinuksha said...

What?? we never had MIG21s.. guess you guys talking about Indian Airforce MIG21s. thought Indian airforce used Mirages as the escort for the Antanovs in parippu drop. anyway the first supersonic jet acquired by the airforce was the F7Bs which we got in 90s.

FreedomFighter said...

Well when sht lanka goes begging to othe forigh countrys and donors
u do think about ur sovereignty ?

But when courys ask you be humane to tamils, u start jumbing up and down
like an ape.

Anonymous said...

Well this from our MR's friend....

your only hope now is ' chief joker' Sarath nanda De silva...lete see how the old yet humiliated hue Hefner of our judiciary can save big cat...we hear that the man has come to terms with ranil W for the prime miniter post under a Future UNF govt...:))...

Q SF, Sarath Silva is just doing his job!

A: Repa the man is not doing his job ill tell you...he contacted the president a few months ago with a request.this was to extend all the support to the president on the condition that the premiership would be given to him upon his retirement and a host of other benefits in exchange for favors to him.

president tactfully avoided the topic.then he was in talk with some monks to champion his cause.you would be knowing the sort of his contacts with some monks in sri lanka.youll recall when he was caught with a woman down diyawanna oya 'in the act' you would know how he went behind those monks to paint the incident as being an incident done by the conspirators from other religions to tarnish the good image of the devout Buddhist.no one has exploited Buddhism to cover up all ills and misdeeds as this man.then when mahinda came to power among the above mentioned request the man made many other which the president avoided.it was then that this man contacted ranil W came to an understanding and got some lawyers and a few others to get petitions before him at his instigation to launch the witch hunt against the govt to paralyze the administration.

anyway let the man be cautioned that he is playing with the wrong man...:))...the village rules will apply anywayz...:))

now the plan is to have PB jayasundera behind bars for a cabinet decision made by ranil W's UNF govt...

the question is how on earth can PB be responsible for implementing a cabinet decision which was presented by milinda and approved by ranils team at the cabinet of ministers...?

if PB is punished then how on earth would ranil and milinda escape the blame and the cabinet of minsters by extension...?

the other deal of the sale of the sri lankan insurance corporation as you would know which was made by the UNF govt was also one of the most corrupt.harry J had a black door deal worked out with our 'golden Buddhist' with a large sum exchanging hands for that to not be taken up before the bench.this is how the man does his job.

without PB its a well known fact that there is no one else suitable or knowledgeable to manipulate the complex lankan economy to balance the political demands and the countries economic welfare.which is why the man is considered the best finance secretary sri lanka ever had.by sending PB behind bars sarath wishes to see the main economic human resources negated from the powerful and competent presidential team.the next victim as per the grand plan is none other than defence secretary Gothabhya Rajapakse.one by one the man intends to remove competent people from the team and to cripple the administration before the elections.

it was this reason why the president instructed the SLFP to get ready for elections early next year.

in a nother aspect of concern and cutting a long story short,the UNP cross over group is at the mercy of the judiciary...if the the 'man does his job' and declares from the bench that the cross over was illegal in the context of people's sovereignty, then that becomes the law of the land.so the GOVT will loose the majority in the house.crippling the administration and paving the way for elections in a turbulent set up with things in his grand agenda's favor...

anyways let us however in good faith, caution the man...'nayata gahala polla waradda ganna one nahane' kiyala sinhala kiyamanak thiyenawane...look what happned to VP...:))...

dsk said...

Eelam or Eela Naadu is the Tamil name for Sri Lanka. It is also spelled also as Eezham, Ezham, Iizham and Ilam. Tamil Eelam is the name given by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam [LTTE] to the independent state to which they aspire in the Northern & Eastern portions of Sri Lanka.

Kaavalan said"
SLAF in Action
See how brave your SLAF team is..."
to prevent this, let the civillians in tiger held areas come to the govt area. as u know currently LTTE is not letting them,and no mother would want her child in the warzone.so better settle it out with the LTTE rather than the SLAF

Rana said...

Ninja mate,

Who is this (SC) N. Silva fellow. I never took him seriously. Is he trying to be the Rossenburg in SL?
Funny enough, if any bastered try to jeopardise what is going on in the war front, it will be inexcusable to us. White vans is the answer mate, if he is trying monkey business.

priyashantha said...


David is from the Sri Lanka Army. Don't talk to him like that.

He has served the country and he knows stuff. Retired now, but he has his trustable sources.

We are just keyboard warriors. We need people like him to contribute here. He gets pissed off when people talk hogwash.

priyashantha said...

Supreme Silva (CJ) looks like Mervin Silva's cousin.

He is pretending to be independent. If he is so independent can't he punish Mervin first?

Bugger was appointed by Chandrika. That explains it.

Kithul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

SLAF never had MIG 21's.They had Mig 15's and Mig 17's. Early Mig's got this horrible sound because of its design of engine intake.Moreover thoes high bypass ratio engines were fitted for early Mig's were without noise surpressors fitted.New generation Mig's are fitted with the variable air intakes and good noise surpressors.
Most of the early Russian aircraft are like that only. Evev civilian versions are same.Stil flying aroung the world. Some countrie have banned these these civilian versions of IL and AN aircraft to flying their air spaces due to noise pollution.

But MIG 29 is a bloody good bird. Specially for the night attacks.Night vision,Radar locking systems,thermel detection system,even low speed manuvourbility is exceptional.This equal to NATO F/A 18 Hornet.This is bit superior than F-15 Eagle.

Wepon systems are remarkable.Its costly bird and SLAF have to prove it,not only for the tax payers but to whole Srilankans.They will do that.Our boys got good hours of simulator and on hand training.

Anonymous said...


He is CJ. (Well, he was Chief Joker for quite a time, for me as well...) I hope MR knows what to do.

Civilian Casualties

If LTTE really don't want own civilian casualties easy and obviuos solution is to send them to Vavunia. But the truth is it is none other than LTTE who need tamil civilians to be dead in the fighting. Also, it is GSL who needs civilian casualties to be zero and they try. No intentional attacks but collataera damagae happans. I think when LTTE publish injured civilians it creates anger against GSL of diaspora' mind and they donate more. Diaspora is too inteligent to understand if LTTE facilittes civilians to be out of wanni and fight with SLA like real men then those civilians still live. Diaspora left SL becuz they love themselves so much and still they love their fantasy. Tamils getting killed and GSL getting accused is their utmost satisfaction at this moment.

Kithul said...


take a good look at David Blackers blog Blacklight Arrow before you say anything else.

David is ex SLA and the only place I would ask him to go back to is SLA's Elephant Pass Camp where he served.

Kithul said...

Sorry hadn't seen priyashantha's post when I posted mine.

FreedomFighter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FreedomFighter said...

My sister is really hot shes 18, as kids we were very close and i would luv to fuc her what should i do.

Rana said...

If he is a sri lankan and ex army fellow it is ok. I thought some bloody westner is trying to teach us how to post our blogs.

FreedomFighter said...

my double up is so clever guy, he is so creative when it come to abusing others.

FreedomFighter said...

My sister is very hot and has got sum great boobs. I have seen her naked many times while she takes bath and and is about to wear clothes. I have also squeezed her boobs wen she was asleep.

Help me pls....

dsk said...

" Civilian want come out of their safe zone in tamil home land, becuase
1) they will be experiance torture and Ethnic cleansing at the hands of shit lanks force.
2)Gotta will asking pack again and go back to eelam.
3) those who left the east like vahri lost their land for ever to sihala colonisation."
Wrong,anyway it is the shit lanka govt providing food and medicine to the people (and LTTE carders)in LTTE held areas(ur so called tamil homeland).if its a safezone what were those pics of wounded children.:P These people go to refugee camps and hence will not sent back.
they will not loose their homes to sinhala colonisation,they will be resettled and asked to fend for their own rather than begging for govt aid.
they will not suffer ethnic clensing in refugee camps,if the govt wanted that they could use artilarry and finish the fight off(along with these people) rather than wait till these civilians come to the other side.

FreedomFighter said...

dsk.. u see that stright a way you used the word begging for food..

your govenment is begging for the food from donor countrys, its the UN who is proving the food for tamils.

anyway finishing of tamils with arti's ? just do that and see the reaction of the world will be. Do you know that already things are boling up in tamil nadu ?

FreedomFighter said...

alos you do not understand that thesepeople are alrweady refugees and IDP from jaffan who moved out and wanted to stay with ltte. who they trust more then they trust
your country.

Anonymous said...

Hey VP's Bitch

Civilians are, now escaping the LTTE territory,last time I looked 30+ people escaped your "Di-ass-pora homeland" running for there lives bitch, as they feared that there children be taken into the war lords grips, like many tamils who dont want to hear of the LTTE and the "Di-ass-pora".

Who said your a pro, so lets put things into context, you screw and get yourself screwed by VP, you screw your sister, Hey Moshe ever wandered how this Chola got this far, guess what I think if the other Chola's find out they hang you from your nuts.

FreedomFighter said...

Ha ha my double FF, has so horny fealings. its not normal. get HELP.
Try some mastribating. Other wise you
in danger of getting worse.

FreedomFighter said...

Punisher, are u what some weirdo who likes to put rings on you nuts and nipples ?

Civilians are escpaing bombing and shelling not ltte. They feear for their live at the hands of Shit lankan force.

May be their try ing run way from
Shit lanksn force they got caught.
SLA is trying to use it for propagand...

dsk said...

FreedomFighter said...

dsk.. u see that stright a way you used the word begging for food..

your govenment is begging for the food from donor countrys, its the UN who is proving the food for tamils.

anyway finishing of tamils with arti's ? just do that and see the reaction of the world will be. Do you know that already things are boling up in tamil nadu ?

FreedomFighter are u crazy? :O we dont beg for food, we plant them.
Shit lanka is in the tropics u know,anything grows here.we don't need food, just money for development projects. that too is mostly from individual countries like iran.The UN doesnt provide food for tamils, its the SL govt.UN can't even provide for africa let alone Asia.
by the way FreedomFighter where do you live and how old are u? it seems to me u don't know anything about SL. as for arti, if your genoside stories are true, then this reaction of the world must already be there right? well,we don't feel it,which means you are wrong about the accusations brother.
Even if our forces arti(which they won't),reaction of world will be, first they condemn, then they'll forget. like the fate of civilians in Iraq or Georgia(which i say is wrong).anyway we will just ignore this "world" coz they didn't do anything aganst US,Israel or Russia.but again don't worry SL forces don't intentionally kill civillians like the LTTE

Wicky said...

[Do you know that already things are boling up in tamil nadu ?]

So what? Let it boil. who cares?

While TN madayans are boiling, we will finish off madayans in wanni...

FreedomFighter said...

oh Dsk you brorough money for devleopment project or to buys the
arti shells to kill tamils. we know you movies u'r state beein doing that
for 30 years

see the pictures if u want the truh.

well we will just have see if the world will watch the gencide on tamils to go for ever.

dsk said...

and Mr.freedomfighter,
"also you do not understand that these people are alrweady refugees and IDP from jaffan who moved out and wanted to stay with ltte. who they trust more then they trust
your country."
ask the LTTE to open "boders" and see what the people will do.as you know LTTE didn't and don't have open borders and free passage for their "countryman", do they?
just tell the LTTE to open the "border"

FreedomFighter said...

Carefull abusing TN people. they have very much intreset in this blog.
showing the sihalese racist nature will only make them realise what need to be done.

Unknown said...


You are pursuing never acheveable targets at the war front and geographical/histoical fronts.

As per your comment this country is called in Tamil as ealam,You are trying to say it is only belong to you Tamizs.My my,thundering typhoons,now tell me when Moores called this a Serandib/Taprabone,western white called this is ceylan/ceylon.Now these guys will start claiming this is theirs.I proved you tamils don't have a history.I requested you read Mahabarat,not Mahawansa, because your claim nullified by both history books.

Now you ltte supporters are so fond of letter Z.These all shows you have inferiority complex/egoestic/narrow shameful minds .


We feel your pain.Dollars,Euros you guys invested in tamiz ezam real estate sector. What to do share market is like that.You are loosers.But if your so called leader fat pig , he could escape to Eritria.He will be the biggest winner of these real estate bussiness/gun running/child soldier training/brothels for NGOs you guys invested.

Blistering blue barnacles.

dsk said...

same thing happend to the sinhala JVP u know. its not racism. don't call it racism.

FreedomFighter said...

Dsk why do not you ask SL army open the borders in jaffna ?

SL army is keeping jaffna people as prisoner becuase of fear of LTTE re taking jaffna.

FreedomFighter said...

dfk u should havee seen the whole thing. When do u thing last time SL fporces drope fuel bomb on JVP ?

Or used Arti aginst JVP ? becuase these you own people. Tamils are not.

dsk said...

btw it is very safe to say that LTTE has killed more Tamil people(civillians) than SL govt could ever comprehend.

just ask the LTTE to open the border/s for humanity sake

dsk said...

brother they did much worse things to the JVP :))

dsk said...

the jaffna border is closed with the fighting, a open border could have saved lot of money for aviation fuel. but it WAS open in peacetime and anybody could have used that chance to settle in the wanni.
too bad its closed now, an i guess will only open after the war is over

dsk said...

btw many people in colombo are infact people who have settled from jaffna

FreedomFighter said...

I do not accept the argument about ltte killing their own tamil people.
its racist state which wiping out tamils for last 30 years. I am an eye witness to these killings will be testifyig aginst the state when the time comes. In the International counrt we will see if state can defent it self from genocie. Mass gaves are still beeing discoved in jaffna. So long way for you to go for your country
to achive peace.

FreedomFighter said...

many people in colombo are refugees or IDP of the conflict who lost their land and loved ones.

Did they settled back to jaffna e now
jaffna is so nice and prosspress as
the state describes ? And why do 40000 army to conotrol tamils there ?

are they affraid of the civilians ?

David Blacker said...

Rana, don't worry, us "bloody western fellows" can't teach you anything about posting. I can see you're very good at it. Lol.

dsk said...

FreedomFighter said...

" many people in colombo are refugees or IDP of the conflict who lost their land and loved ones.

Did they settled back to jaffna e now
jaffna is so nice and prosspress as
the state describes ? And why do 40000 army to conotrol tamils there ?

are they affraid of the civilians ?"
actually they have settled in Colombo, which has made land in colombo very expensive. and going to colombo schools etc. as u understand its the same SL Army in colombo streets, so if they didnt like the army they could have gone somewhere else.i am not saying army is the most gentle type of people, but they do not hurt tamils for being tamils,we all suffer inconvinences thanks to LTTE such as security checks but their for our own safety.biggest threat in colombo as u know is LTTE bombs,not the army

FreedomFighter said...

dsk tamils in colombo are only little after becuase of the presense of inernational media and instituation. But you know very well how much harresment they go through daily. Just pretent to be a tamil from jaffna or vanni for few days you will see.

Even my own family members have even beenkidnaped by white van gang, still have not rleased these people. Also every tamil in colombo is trying to leave the country sooner or later.

PHANTOM-X said...

Ha Ha Ha...now there are two
You Peelamists go and Pee somewhere else...!!! These two jokers are better then our Ranjan Ramanayake...!!!
Ha Ha Ha...

dsk said...

"tamils in colombo are only little after becuase of the presense of inernational media and instituation" intl media and people will do nothing for u.only way out is co-existence and peace.

"But you know very well how much harresment they go through daily. Just pretent to be a tamil from jaffna or vanni for few days you will see"
i can imagine,it really must be SHIT,it happed to people from the south in times of JVP uprising.the wrong place to come from at the wrong time :("

"The point is that if you try to tell me that Tamils are safe in Lanka."
ofcourse not, can you name anyone who is "safe" in SL, even in the world for that matter

Peter said...

Also, one of the civilians had picked up a Ukrainian passport from the shirt pocket of the Caucasian pilot. Yet another civilian had taken a DNA swab from both pilots. Both exhibits of evidence were passed onto Military Intelligence, who are liaising with the foreign office to unravel the exact identity of the foreign individual involved.

reasonablytreasonable said...


I can totally understand why you do not wish to "justify" my "query" with any further answers; after all, each response you've made to me further reveals yourself as a reactionary defender of the Auschwitz mentality. Happily, the world said no to Auscwitz over 50 years ago. I'd also mention that your facade of 'impartiality' has now been totally discredited through your emotive choice of words, no doubt triggered by a nerve I seem to have struck.

"If HR groups' job is to report on human rights then the job of the military is to protect a democratically elected government."

Though not by any means necessary, I'm afraid. There are things called international laws, to which Sri Lanka is signatory. If you don't believe those laws hold any water, and an 'anything goes' approach is legitimate, then you lose any moral legitimacy in criticising the Tigers. For then it is simply the survival of the fittest.

Thankfully, most people in Sri Lanka and around the world *do* believe in human rights. You see, most people are more concerned about putting food on their own family's table than fighting some godforsaken war that they've been told for 25+ years is on verge of a decisive conclusion. It's the small minority whose livelihood is dependent on war profits, or who are relatively unscathed by the war from the comfort of their homes (i.e. the general demographic of this blog), who think otherwise. A comment you make later, suggesting that Colombo and other cities are now 'safe' places, highlights just how insulated you are from the realities of hundreds of thousands in Sri Lanka today.

"i firmly believe in preemptive strikes to protect civilians. Your rights end where my nose begins. If you have intentions to harm me and society, you have to be removed. annihilating shadow insurgents/terrorists is a necessary evil"

Nice verbal gynastics, throwing in this vague 'shadow insurgent/terrorist' paramater. Not to mention that you think it's enough to have 'intentions' to harm - how exactly do you prove someone has an intention, after all it is a mental construct? Of course, you can't prove it - it simply gives you a license to kill anyone. It's precisely because such classifications are so vague that they pose such a threat to the rights of civilians.

Even if every single individual carted away in a white van was truly a ("shadow") terrorist/insurgent (and AI, HRW and the US gov have all documented that this is most definitely NOT the case), you fail to explain why the government must resort to extrajudicial kidnappings and executions. If these individuals were truly engaging in illegal acts (terrorism, sedition, to name just a few), there are things called courts where they could be tried. Of course, we both know why this is not an option: there is simply no evidence to pin on most of these people - and thus there is a very high chance that many are simply innocent people, perhaps the victims of their personal enemies or bad luck. Or perhaps you read their minds and found they had terrorist 'intentions'?

Your attempt to justify SL's human rights violations, by invoking the violations of the USA, rings particularly hollow at a time the Bush administration is waning dramatically in popularity, largely because of it's human rights record. I'd alert you to the widespread disgust, expressed all across the globe, at the Guantanamo Bay gulag. The symbol of the 'white van' is similarly becoming a symbol of Sri Lankan state terror across the world, and I sense that makes you and others here furious.

Isn't it ironic that the greatest propaganda coup against the SL government is not the work of the Tigers, but of the government itself?

"In Sri Lanka the violations are highly exaggerated."

You provide no evidence for this statement. I'm much more inclined to trust AI, HRW and the US government; after all, these are hardly pro-LTTE fronts, they criticise the LTTE just as heavily as the SL government, if not more so.

"We have very good sources in the military with whom we have engaged at length and analyzed the issue inside out. We can say with great authority that if not for the white vans, Colombo and many other cities in Sri Lanka would be a very dangerous place to live in."

Weasle words like 'we have very good sources' and 'we can say with great authority' don't cut it with people who use their brains critically, I'm sorry. They are the same words of reassurance that we've heard from militarist cronies for centuries. Hitler used them, Stalin used them, Bush has had a penchant for using them too - and i'm STILL waiting for weapons of mass destruction!

The end of your statement is a bit rich - if not for the white vans, 'Sri Lanka would be a very dangerous place to live in'. Try telling that to journalists - they are now living in the 4th most dangerous country in the world for journalists, according to RSF. Or try telling it to ordinary people who have ever lived in the North, who know that any moment they could be whisked away in a white van with to their deaths with no legal recourse *at all*.

"If you want to tackle this issue through human rights, there would need to be some reciprocation from terrorists/insurgents."

You don't seem to understand the concept of human rights. The UN declaration of human rights (which, once again, I stress that SL is party to) explicitly states that human rights are "INALIENABLE". It's not a matter of picking and choosing. Once you pick you and choose, there is a slippery slope, which SL went down a long, long time ago. This is why the targets of military reprisals and extrajudicial killings are far wider than than the LTTE now, and include individuals who have done nothing more than criticise the government with pen and paper. You yourself acknowledge this, by referring to the silencing of opposition groups in the South! This doesn't appear to bother you - so much for the "democracy" the military is defending.

"The Sri Lankan military units who specialize in this area have come a very very long way. They do not use torture anymore...I cannot elaborate any further, but this is cutting edge work and i know many foreign nations are eager to study our methods."

Again, nice verbal gymnastics, but as we all know, it's not just 'Sri Lankan military units' who engage in this war, it's the paramilitaries who they pay and abet as well - and they are very much still involved in torture. In fact, just this year the the UN Special Rapporteur on torture concluded that torture was widespread throughout Sri Lanka. And yes, I am sure there is a ready stream of countries lining up to hone their torture methods, learning from one of the best at the art, SL.

"So don't come here talking about torture and the other usual LTTE propaganda BS with us. We are on the ground and very thorough in this work. Not even the western countries who supported LTTE's cause buy that anymore. That bull was sold years ago!"

Wow, I think you are actually starting to believe your own propaganda! You are aware that SL has in the last two years or so got more bad press internationally than at any other point in the last 15 years or so. The white vans and especially the attacks on journalists are savaging its international reputation. And as you are well aware, the EU this year warned SL that lucrative trade concessions are at risk if human rights abuses continue, and just days ago the US warned Rajapakse that the paramilitary's violations should be reined in. The HR issue is becoming more prominent, not less.

"The UN system-- we all know what they are all about. You just need to google Rwanda, Darfur, East Timor etc etc."

I wasn't talking about the 'UN system' but the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which is the culmination of progressive, enlightenment thought, that governments around the world, buoyed by militarists like yourself, have tried to erode.

"It is amusing for a pro-LTTE person like you to talk about dictatorships in the south."

Show me one pro-LTTE statement I have made. I have made none; I have actually made several statements criticising them. Presumably you believe I should be bundled up and thrown into a white van now. This is precisely the slippery slope to which I referred.

FreedomFighter said...

oi X run a way, why do u want me go way ? is the truth i am telling hurting your feelings ? is it bringing back memorys of running a way from eelphant pas army camp when the girls fired rpgs on you ?

Wast that that bad ? may be joint arse force and stay closer to your mummy.

PHANTOM-X said...

PEE-LAM PEE-DOM PI-TER'S are the real pi-ters...!

Ha Ha Ha...

they are know to suck Thaleivars cock...so guys beware...!!!

Ha Ha Ha...hooo hooo hoooo

FreedomFighter said...

dsk, good thing u accept the sfety point about tamils, but its sihalese may be willing to accept the fate at the hands of you racist state. Tamisl are not ready for that.

Just let go of tamils let them live pacefull in their own land with out seing the faces of occupying sihale racist army or police.

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