Thursday, November 20, 2008

Army advances 1km in Muhamalai, Kilali

After holding the LTTE's 1st FDL for the last 3 days the SLA today officially declared it had taken control of the 1st Muhamalai and Kilali LTTE FDL. The SLA increased skirmished into the LTTE FDL for the last three to five days gaging and gradually working away at the LTTE's resistance until finally holding onto the newly captured 800m to 1km area by today morning.

Casualties to both sides are high with the SLA suffering around 300 casualties, including those killed and the walking wounded. Casualties to the LTTE could be less. The narrow corridor of terrain makes it difficult for either side to advance, but the objective of this latest venture into LTTE areas seems to be to force the Tigers concentrated defenses away from the 58 Division, which is now 6km west of Paranthan.


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Minikura said...

Why cant, navy commandos assist (like Normandy Landing) 53 & 55 from western & eastern sea of Muhammali/Nagarkovil in a simultaneous coordinated attack?
If done properly this could be devastating to tigers.

Neethan said...

'Army goes offensive at Northern FDL terrorists to lose their first line of defence' what is this title really means? I'm fully confused, this is the title you will see at
DW could you clarify : to lose vs lost


perein said...

While Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka going live, I hope at least some ppl will keep eye on sky to be safe side.

ravana said...

rana/ninja and all patriots,
1.nagarkovil narrow width helps either parties until some one wants to brake it.SLA did but the gaining 800 m means so much in this war .its not because the land .its because the destruction occurred in the LTTE they have to put more troops to area because tomorrow if SLA advance another 800 means EP surrounded by two fronts.
2.LTTE may try to break from the 57taht is the only way they can do for survive.from tomorrow 53/55 and TF1 will march to their targets simultaneously.Then only LTTe have to ran from the EP.
3.any way tomorrow is anew day.we have battle of Can nae in our hands.

ravana said...

SLA going to do what HANNIBAL did in 216 BC in battle of can nae.

hey rana,
read this

lankaputhra said...

Meanwhile, Mangala Samaraweera, the leader of the SLFP-M wing said Thursday that 200 SLA soldiers were killed on Tuesday alone and more than 700 had sustained wounds in the recent fighting in various fronts in Vanni.

Dera Ponna (Ava)Mangala
You do not know what you are talking about…..if you think about yourself …how much money you wasted when you were in Telecom…then post authority…
You hate president not because of you love for the country you have no option left …you are not a man or women ..what skills you got to contribute to country…what you have done so & Chandrika wasted so much of tax payers money for nothing lost so many soldiers for endless war when u with Chandrika …now country has a man who got a back born to tell the world that we can fight and we need to unite as one and some media who depend on International funds (through LTTE) do not want to see this war ending…they will love innocent Tamils & Sinhalese die each day to top up their pocket…believe me you can not pool the world this way…in fact you keeping SWRD picture behind you what he had done to the country…he is the first person to blame this anarchy of the country…
Face off Mangala go get a life

Corey said...

A friend e-mailed this to be a few moments ago. Hope its true: (read about ltters chained to their bunkers)

muhamalai falls...

Thursday, 20 November 2008 - 9:17 AM SL Time

The impregnable muhamali ltte main FDL fell to the govt forces in the final trust in todays morning battle.ltte despite a fierce defense could not hold on to the SLA onslaught.the fighting came as one of the biggest costs to the forces.I`m not going to mention the casualty details of the forces for the last 4 days here in the mattle of mk and kilalai.but what was fought was the most horrendous battles 4th elam war has seen so far than any other place taken so far.

the top brass were of the opinion that the battle was an unavoidable prerequisite and thus had to be made.they too were aware that the costs are greater but was a move that had to be the battle that ensued it came to light just how much badly the ltte wanted to hold on...

ltte cadres were found dead inside their bunkers chained to it...the tigers gave every go to defend its `National Front`...this victory is neither the presidents nor the commanders...

this victory belongs to the hundreds of sons of soil who paid the sacrifice most would not even see in their lives for the motherland in muhamalai and nk in one of the biggest ever battle fought by the armed forces in the 4th elam war...

its their tribute...this battle`s victory is theirs...

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

The discussion with SF is going on. V interesting.

Renegade! said...

Let's do this one by one

1. There are 21,000 troops ready to go on the offensive in Jaffna
2. Of them, 60 KIA around 150 P2 and P3 and around 90 others P4
3. Pallai not captured
4. 800m no-man's land was crossed and Tiger 1st FDL captured. A further 100-200m was cleared
5. Couple of Pasilan 2000 guns destroyed
6. APCs and other armoured vehicles intact
7. SLAF assisted the SLA several times


The vast number of casualties-KIA and severely wounded/out of action is UNACCEPTABLE!!.why does the SLA suddenly feel the need to rush ahead on open land and get annihilated like cannon-fodder?.is it to meet the indian deadline to stop offensives by 31/12/08?.is it to please mahinder and co's political pleasures?..i wonder,when we were going so good by capturing land and killing large no's of terra's all of a sudden the SLA body bag count outstrips the Terra's...sad..very sad..

couple of pasilan guns destroyed?..ok,good.cudnt we have asked the SLAF to do it with the SLA pinpointing targets?

APC's and other armor intact?..really?.that sounds very unlikely?..remember the debacle in 2006 suffered by he SLA where 10+ amourer was out of action including 2 T-55 MBT captured by tigers and used as fixed turrets by the terra's? guess is atleast around 4 MBT's/APC/IFV are out of action(not captued)..becoz of the prevalence of a network of spider anti-tank mines littering the FDL's..

Renegade! said...


why cant the STF be redeployed to the wanni-sector since they are specialised in urban warfare and especially when we move into they have access to heavy weapons like 12.7mm/14.5 mm HMG and 120mm mortars or do they have to call in the SLA for fire-support?..

Neethan said...

Army goes offensive at Northern FDL terrorists to lose their first line of defence' what is this title really means? I'm fully confused, this is the title you will see at
some one clarify : to lose vs lost

සිසිර කුමාර said...


thanks for the funny link

Infinity said...

Looks like the LTTE do need to keep the cadres chained:

LTTE desertions surge as Northern fighting escalate

phaedrus said...


There is a saying, "You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps."

If it was done, then probably it was necessary. From what has been done so far, I would definitely give the benefit of any doubts to the army (and if necessary 'political') leadership.

I hope the army get to finish the job above EP soon to get out of the vulnerable area.

ReJLoRd said...

instead of everyone arguing on what really happened at muhamaalai.. i suggest sla starts buying more body bags. DW himself admits ltte casualities are lower. if it costs 300 to transverse abt 800m to the first fdl.. imagine how many are gonna fall as they try and progress further. i dont know abt the battalions but 53 and 55 are in for some suicide missions. there is no way ltte will allow muhamaalai-kilaali-nagorkovil to fall.
imagine when the rains come? fuck tigers are gonna be poppin up from everywhere whilst sla is knee deep in mud. i pray in advance for the thousands of soldiers who are gonna lose their lives soon times. viva la Eelam!

Moshe Dyan said...


"i pray in advance for the thousands of soldiers who are gonna lose their lives soon times."

pray for the tens of thousands of maalathi sluts of the ltte who will get raped soon. they need your prayers.

Moshe Dyan said...


yes, curse those traitors who led to the fall of IYAKACHCHI and EPS in 2000.

this is muhamalai-4 in 25 months.

wonder what has happened OVERNIGHT.
had SLA withdrawn to permanant positions, it would have been better had they not started this operation. but it is not very likely.

hemantha said...

LTTE Airstrip

click here.

kaatikuddupaan said...

I have been couple of times on the FDL near Nagar kovil and muhamalai, even to the first line.

The first line is only defended by women cadres or the new conscripts in bunkers made of palmyrah logs and a long cadjan fence to block the army's view.

Then there are sections of moving bunker ( trench ) and fox holes.

This area is not manned during daytime as it's a death zone. At night army does "area denial"with arty, mbrl, mortar e.t.c

In my opinion I would somehow target the storehouse of the LTTE arty and mortar shells.

I have seen one of these storehouses before.

It is in a civilian neighbourhood near Nagar kovil. It is basically a converted house, totally modified with a dugout floor e.t.c to house the shells.

SLAF should quickly bomb all the civilian houses in the area up to paranthan as there are no civilians anymore. Also use the beechcraft to look for lorries e.t.c pulling up to certain houses.

Neethan said...

why ' ' is down for long time?
can anyone able to access it?


Moshe Dyan said...

what was the strategy used by gen denzil kobbekaduwa in 1991 when tigers tried to capture EPS?

if a good attack is the best defence, we should have had a good attack there. i'm sure we can draw from that some good points.

also i recon we need some kind of fire support from the eastern side. SLN can do it. hopefully tigers couldn't come via the sea and land in/around nagarkovil??

tigers must be having heavy arti positions close to the east coast to attack north of EPS. poonaryn, k-point arti guns are finished. they won't be foolish to have too many operation FROM EPS which will be OBVIOUSLY targeted. so the only option is the area roughly east and south-east of EPS.

Rana said...


Cricket is at its best, brother, looking forward to hear from you.

Yes it will be very useful.

Thanks mate.

සිසිර කුමාර said...

why not air drop fuel bombs in the area?

Also as kaati's idea on detecting supply lines and attack them is wise.

සිසිර කුමාර said...

Tamiznut is silent over the whole thing implies my hypothesis is correct.

Rana said...


Mate, As I think, Wijayapala is not a patriot in sinhala or SLDF sense. He is a tamil who is against VP and LTTP.

Tamils in general do not have to praise SLDF or SLA becuase they think sinhala prople are partly responsible for the conflict and escalating war in SL.

I also think he some bitter memories from the past riots, deep down he may think separatism is the answer.

Most tamil people who do not approve or support LTTP but deep down wants them to succeed in their struggle. It is not a secret.

As we support our boys in this war, tamils also have a right to support whoever they want. That doesn't mean we should not talk to them, but attack them with everything we got.

As long as, he is against VP and LTTP, I respect him, brother.

I may feel hurt, if you see me also as a traitor.

hemantha said...

Has LTTE withdrawn from Omanthai?

click here.

We recently celebrated the capture of the road A-32. Within few weeks we might be able to celebrate the capture of A-9 too.

Rana said...


Brother, I agree that you have a better knowledge on ground realities in and around Jahhna than me. I also agree your predictions about the danger and acsualty figures are correct (though unfortunate).

However, I aslo correct in way predicting, what will happen.

That is why, I said, I have my faith on our generals and SF.

I think and pray that they have done the best they could for better tomorrow.

Thanks for your HANNIBAL link. I will read it and send you my comments.

I will also read your posts with much interest in future.

Take care and see you soon, brother.

Rana said...


I agree mate, If we really need a good attack, then be it.

However, if they have hurried it unnecessarily on political ajenda or because of forthcomming elections, then I will not agree.

Our bravehearts are more important than a political point or mere election win.

hemantha said...

"Therefore the 58 Division which was initially formed as the Task Force I has reached the peak of their victories with the capture of Pooneryn.

Now they are heading towards Paranthan, the key junction located in the A-9 road in the north of Kilinochchi. As of yesterday they were operating some six Kilometres West of Paranthan and faced yet another earth bund located west of A-9 road.

According to military sources the LTTE has constructed this earth bund once again to stop the troops’ advance towards the A-9 road towards Paranthan junction.

According to military officials the LTTE had constructed this 10 to 11 Kilometres long earth bund covering Kilinochchi town and A-road from the western front from which the 58 Division and the 57 Division are targeting Kilinochchi."

Defence Column-Daily News

click here.

Unknown said...

can Navy give any fire support to 53 and 55 from the eastern sea?

Moshe Dyan said...


yes, they have the capability.

you can check out the srilankanavy (3rd party blog). a link is given in defencenet. SLN has some of the vessals.

Moshe Dyan said...


consider the following scenario.

remember SLA accidentaly picked up an injured tiger with injured soldiers from the battlefild?

tigers can use that to send balck tigers to blow up our evacuation, transport & medical systems. a VERY VERY easy infiltration method!!

imagine a tiger dressed up as a soldier and lying in the battlefiled. SLA would pick him and POSSIBLY take in a copter when he can spin into action.

i don't like picking anyone from the battlefiled other than soldeirs (we have an identification mechanism). even civilians - NO. they can be evacuated by a seperate system, IF REQUIRED. a single bullet in the head would not be earthshattering. no one will know.

why risk so many lives and assets just to go out of the way to help???

i hope MoD will seriously look into this POSSIBILITY.

Rana said...

Oh Moshe,

Come on brother, I will not approve killing an injured person just becuase he/she is a pussycat. If we do that we will be in a position not second to LTTP.

I agree, we should take every precaution to safeguard our valliant troops but bullet into a head of a injured is wrong by every means.

I know LTTP will not hesitate to do that sort of things but how van we go to such a low level.

I am sure our bravehearts are much more nobel than that.

I am also aware, what you suggested will increase our harvesting efficiency while taking maximum efforts to safeguard our interests but what ethically wrong is wrong in any situation.

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Good Morning boys and girls and dancing monkeys!

DW, thank u for the break down and my head is clear about the situation now.

Patriots, we have to calm down a bit and keep faith on SF and top commanders. They know what they are doing and they will win this war for us.

All the terrorist sympathizers and die-ass-pora clown like Mr.Brown hole, keep ur crocodile tears for SLA for ur self and fcuk off!

Victory to SLDF!

Thanks Katti for some insight about terrorists.

And this one for the primates,

It is 7 days for ur Dancing Monkey Day!!! 27/11/08!! R u getting ready for the celebrations?? Got enough Kassiya ???

Don't drink and drive primates! when u drink and drive u drive ur trucks straight to SLA firing path!

Moshe Dyan said...

rana and priashantha,

"Mate, As I think, Wijayapala is not a patriot in sinhala or SLDF sense."

yes, he is not. but he is entitled to his views. there is no need for the entire country to be patriots. other views are welcomed as long as respectfully expressed.

well said rana.

priashantha also is right in saying that it is shameful to pretend to be a patriot when one is not.

let me add a third level. if SL can turn traitors and other unpatriots into patriots, (except mongala and ranill the PONNAYAS), that is real victory.

Moshe Dyan said...


"Come on brother, I will not approve killing an injured person just becuase he/she is a pussycat."

me either.

but we should take practical steps than trying to set benchmarks at a GRAVE risk.

its a hard choice. its like quitely bumping off rohana wijeweera.

but surrendered tigers, etc. is a TOTALLY DIFFERENT thing where we must honour even enemies.

Rana said...


Yes and agreed, mate.

Amma G/G,

Good morning brother, keep on counting, we may see a worthwhile dancing from monkies.

BTW black caps did a fair job on green baggy's, isn't it, 214 and 0/7, bro?

Rana said...


Brother on the same issue:

sorry, I cannot agree:

If a pussycat gravely injured beyond hope , giving water and making him/her self comfortable and leaving to die peacefully is acceptable.

Otherwise, we should try and save a life, if possible, even a traitor, because, if we do that we have won the war by every means.

However, bullet to the head for a injured person who has a potential to live is thousend times no!

That is against all what I have learned and practiced.

Political Observer said...

The high cost of soldiers KIA is unnecessary. The pressure on the Mahamulai and Nagarkovil FDLs could be kept with the parrying being undertaken all these weeks. Occasionally, directed artillary would be useful too.

In contrast to trying to cross the isthmus with such high costs, the better method is to create pressure via other fronts, using the same soldiers. One such front could be with enhancement of the Welioya 59th Div thrust forward to Mullativu.

For example, rather than mount full scale attacks south towards Elephant pass, brigades from the 54th and 55th, operating as Task Force 4 could be used to approach Oddusan to enhance the 59th's thrust to Mullativu.

If the objective is to put pressue on the LTTE lines it must done by expanding their lines.

The one area in which even a small number of LTTE cadre could hold out is the Jaffna isthmus. Therefore, when winning a war there is no sense in sending good men down in such a manner.

I think the Mahamulai front has cost the SLA dearest over time.


p.s. I noted several here suggesting that losing good men is not an issue. This wrong on two counts, just from the military standpoint. First, keeping good men alive will allow them to fight another day. Secondly, alive men are better for morale than dead men. Any "Col" who thinks his lads are cannon fodder does not undertand soldiering.

Rana said...

Political Observer,

Good point, mate, agree whole heartedly.

However, as I said before, this Muhamalei attack has political and election aims, at least that is what I think.

If it is so, it is an unfortunate development.

Havind said all the above, we cannot read minds of those who command the battle, let us wait and see how it proceed from here.

Moshe Dyan said...


"If a pussycat gravely injured beyond hope , giving water and making him/her self comfortable and leaving to die peacefully is acceptable."

of course.

my only concern is taking POTENTIAL suicide bombers on board our copters/ambulances, etc.

Rana said...

Yes, Moshe,

Safety of our boys and assets like copters are paramount, I couldn't agree more, mate.

Moshe Dyan said...

wonder what the tigers are doing now?

strengtheing EPS defences or withdrawing. the second option is very unlikely. but how? with increased manpower????


the AMSTAR would have turned the tables on tigers. it is IDEAL for this battle. UAVs are for a different purpose.

Lankapura said...

Being chained does not necessarily mean they were forcefully chained. It just meant they were ready to stay and die to hold back the forces. This was a method used by the Vietcong if I remember correctly. Anyway, it is not new.

Unknown said...

So called experts said this is an impossible task (to break this FDL).
Anyway countries around the world would like to get this expertise from Sri Lankana Army.

Rana said...


Somebody was talking about Normandy type amphibious attack behind Muhamalei,Kilai or Nagar Kovil using Navy commandos.

You said it is a possibility, I agree, if it is done in early morning or night. Otherwise, isn't it dangerous?

If we have very accurate ground intel, success of similar attacks increases but due to the fast changing ground realities, such intel may not reliable!

any thoughts on this regard, bro.

Godsun V Pirabaharan (Prabha) said...

Mr.Mangala Samaraweera
Mr.Ranga Bandara
Mr. John Amaratunga
Mr.Jayalath Jayawardena
Mr.Ranil Wickramasinghe
Mr.Wick Karunarathne
Mr.Iqbal Athas
Mr. Lasantha (Sunday Leader)

yet more to come......

" His Excellency Leader of Tamil Eelam V.Prabaharan confered with Honarary Citizen ship to above mentioned Sinhala leaders"

Tamil Net
Speech given by our leader regarding this as follows.

" Since we start our battle against sinhala racists many sinhalese helped us in various ways. One who shall always remember is President R. Premadasa. Also some military commanders (undisclose). But they helped us when they see there is no any other solution than that. We were the greatest those days.

But later some have disobeyed my orders and I have eliminated them with no mercy. I greatly thanks my colombo defense correspondance Mr Iqbal Atthas and voice of eelam in Colombo Mr. Wickramabahu Karunaratnam. Their support for us is ferocious and heroic.

Situation has been changed since traitor Mahinda came to power. Day by day we are cornered by Sinhala army. This is the time sinhala (if you are real) come to save our motherland. Last days I have appointed Mangala Samaraweera and Ranga Bandara, Shiral Laktilaka as our voice for Sinhala people. Now sinhala people can come to know real truth what happening in Wanni battle. So far more than 25000 died (since 2006) 40000 injured seriously. Mangala Samara will tell you more about it future.

So no need to talk about Ranil and Jayalath. They are true hero's of Tamil Eelam.

There are many more will get our honorary citizen ship in future. Pottu making list of them as he have already drafted list of our enemies.

Rana said...


I don't get it, How you chain a man restricting his movements in a battle ground, without force.

If battle condition required that person to go forward or sideways, how he is going to do that.

therefore, if they were chained, it must be done by forcefully.

Godsun V Pirabaharan (Prabha) said...

Mangala Mata harima santho sai uba gena Umbba niyama lada (mata hittene ehema tema ube kata eda ehenekota)

Ape tamil net 39 singala army dead kivva, Umba kivva 200 at jayarathne parlor kiyala all colombo soldiers. So other village many more. Me buru haraka , paraya tamilnet u sapadu dala nidi. Issara army 10 dead venakota u kiyonawa 150 kiyala. Den 678 army dead venako ta aiya tamil net 39 Oh big difference. Mangola Umba niyama man. Mama umbata shalli deenawa. Tava kiyapon, Umbatta mama kollo denawa, Tava kiyopan mama umbata Ruwan Ferdinandez ta vediya hoda size ekak denawa.

Mama invostigate karanawa Tamil net. Bashil , tamilnet ekata sippi dala. Ondai, Ondai mama balanawa, Mangola mama umbatta oda oda kollo denawa, diga nahatha black eva.

Godsun V Pirabaharan (Prabha) said...

I had ordered Bhanu to send full escort of Black tiger Commandos to guard;

Mongola Spermaweera
Shiral Kollotilaka
Jangi (Range) Pandara

If any singala touch our Colombo boys "" GOOD BYE"" NO MERCY

Moshe Dyan said...


a normandy type landing is very dangerous in the north. the WW2 event was VERY HEAVILY backed by air raids.

if we can do that, plus realtime intel, then it is a good strategy.

but a rapid action force landing south of EPS to destroy LTTE positions, arti launchers and piles of shells, supply routes, etc. the it will be fantastic. still this should be backed by HEAVY AERIAL bombing.

tigers have the HUGE benefit of using the "sacrifice-a-few-to-save-many" strategies. we cannot use it.
VERY ROUGHLY, what kobbekaduwa used in 1991 for defensive purposes was similar.

Rana said...


Understood, then what about covert op. to take a position, guns or ammo storage using amphibious commando unit.

Instead of sacrificing 130 dead and 300+ injured, use small units to clear dangerous places, then main arm go forward swiftly and attack.

Moshe Dyan said...


this is a good time for mongal. dissent is one thing, treason is another.

he can ONCE AGAIN affect SLA recruitment.

mongal, say hello to my little friend. aren't there any patriotic underworld guys? come on. surely there must be at least ONE!!!

if she can be killed while engaged in a homosexual activity (or arranged like that), i can guarantee that people will have NO sympathy at all.

Unknown said...

I should either worked for ADB or be in Sri Lankan politics. My god Mahindha mama gets US630 million for friends and family. How much is ADB cut. However do note that the MONEY WILL REACH THE PEOPLE WHO REALLY NEED IT.
Lanka gets USD 630m from ADB
Vokes said the partnership app-roach includes consultation with Government of Sri Lanka based on government’s ten-year plan under Mahinda Chintana.

Unknown said...

My god one more of those PRO LTTE LOVERS. Opps he is sinhalese. Now Defencewire spread the word that christians are trying to destroy the country. I do not mean acting buddisht (true christians) Mahindha and Sarath Foneska. I meant the guy below. White Van waiting in Colombo for him.
Rohan Edirisinha, a Sri Lankan Anglican layman, presented
prospects for a negotiated political settlement. According to
Edirisinha, who is a former chairperson of the Commission for
Justice and Peace of the National Christian Council in Sri Lanka,
the militaristic approach of the current government, focusing on
a defeat of Tamil rebel forces on the battlefield, creates doubts
regarding the actual chances for a settlement.

Rana said...


Hello, Navi mama! isn't it too early for you to get up and blog!

What happend to Hilary and Obama?

Did you see your independent declaration written by Amma G/G?

ha ha ha

wijayapala said...


"If you apply the same rigor to "Tamil identity" as the likes of Tambaiah and Roberts (not to mention their white counterparts) have subjected Sinhala identity, then one cannot but come to the conclusion that such an identity did not emerge until the late 19th century. When considering such rigor for the sinhala identity it is evident that such a common identity among the common people was emerging by the middle ages."

Therein lies the contradiction- you apply one standard to state that there was a Sinhala identity in ancient times, but another standard to say that there was no Tamil identity. The evidence we have shows that there were both Sinhala and Tamil identities in ancient times, but they were different from the identities which exist today.

"Well, I think the War has to be on several fronts. One is to oppose the erosion of Sri Lankan identity which was once known as Sinhale."

I think this is where the crux of the issue is, but now we have a different contradiction.

Some patriots here like Mushe believe that everything wrong in SL is the fault of Tamils who saw themselves as Tamils 1st and Sri Lankans 2nd. That argument is ok until we come across the next "patriotic" argument above that the only Sri Lankan identity is Sinhale.

So in other words, you're blaming Tamils for not identifying themselves as Sinhalese!

"While I respect a decision made by a section of the community to identify itself as "Tamil" what I cannot stomach is the attempts by various authors from such a community (from Ponnambalam Arunachalam onwards) to turn the names of Sri Lankan kings (i.e. Sinhala dynasty) into "Tamil" kings when there was no such entity which identified itself"

Then you would understand how Tamils feel when various authors from another community (such as Nalin de Silva) claim that Sri Lankan identity has no place for the Tamils and that Sri Lanka is exclusively the homeland of the Sinhalese.

wijayapala said...

"i don't like picking anyone from the battlefiled other than soldeirs (we have an identification mechanism). even civilians - NO. they can be evacuated by a seperate system, IF REQUIRED. a single bullet in the head would not be earthshattering. no one will know.

why risk so many lives and assets just to go out of the way to help???

Because these POWs can spill the beans on LTTE movements and defenses, numbers, the activities of commanders and so forth. That is why captured Tigers are not only given medical treatment but are fed and treated well by the SLA. The Mushe clearly does not understand the concept of tactical intelligence collection.

It does not take much effort to search the body for explosives which would have to be a bit bulky to destroy a MI-17 helicopter transport.

Once the word gets out that the SLA kills the injured as per Mushe Dumbass Directive 0649, the Tigers will fight to the death and won't surrender. That means more SLA soldiers will get killed unnecessarily because "patriotic Mushe" has bright ideas (which the MOD is ignoring, thankfully for the soldiers at the frontline).

Kaatikuddupaan, you used to be a Tiger. What is the best way to get your comrades to surrender instead of killing and getting killed?

Rana said...


mate, you said:

/Some patriots here like Mushe believe that everything wrong in SL is the fault of Tamils who saw themselves as Tamils 1st and Sri Lankans 2nd. That argument is ok until we come across the next "patriotic" argument above that the only Sri Lankan identity is Sinhale./

You are countering one argument from MayilRawana by an another argument from Moshe!

Is it correct?

The other important thing is word "SINHALE" name of the island some time back, it is not a identity of a particular race. Sinhalse or sinhala is the race.

On that ground sinhalese can identify as sinhale sinhalese while tamils can identify as sinhale tamils.

Example: Australian tamil or Australian sinhalese.

Here, the confusion is Sinhale is too close to sinhalese by sound.

/So in other words, you're blaming Tamils for not identifying themselves as Sinhalese!/

No, what MayiRawana is saying tamils should identify themselves as "country name whatever it is" tamils.

example "Sri Lankan Tamils"

Then as Moshe said country comes first and race comes second.

I don't see a problem with that because already most of tamils known to me idetify themselves as sri lankan tamils.

It may sound different to African american which is due to differences in english and our langauges.

Our langauges use the meaning in reverse order to English.

Unknown said...

As no Hindus can be terrorist according to Advani, LTTE are freedom fighters and Buddisht Sri Lankan Army are terrorist. One mans meat is another mans poison. So Sad. Is Sarath Fonseka negotaiating the unconditional surrender of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces.

At the release of the Tamil edition of
‘My Country My Life’

In Sengottai, I garlanded the statue of the town’s proudest son: Veer Vanchi. This little-known martyr of the freedom struggle was a member of the Bharat Mata Sangham, a revolutionary outfit. On hearing that the British sub-collector of the district had pronounced a life sentence on V.O.C, Vanchi, who had got married just a few weeks earlier, avenged the injustice by gunning down the officer in 1911. Unable to escape, he shot himself dead right there.

Singh had called Advani just after he issued a strongly-worded statement attacking the "barbaric treatment" of the sadhvi by Maharashtra's anti-terrorism squad and against the backdrop BJP ratcheting up its protest against Malegaon arrests.

Bhairav said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Moshe Dyan said...

"At the release of the Tamil edition of
‘My Country My Life’"

very nice concept but tamills don't have a tamill country!

may be tamil madu.

nothing else.

Bhairav said...

rana da potato,

One Sinhala modaya said that if you want to have a baby within a month, you have to use 9 women instead of one woman who only delivers in 9 month time. The most self proclaimed defence analysts are carbon copy of these Sinhala modayas here.

You argue that SLA should use small teams in Mugamalai instead of huge military movement. How does it work, mr.Potato?

Moshe Dyan said...


apart from smelling my fart and analysing it, you can't contribute anything of military value, can you?

ok i will give you a few peelam rupees blooody unpaid slut. share it among your slut family members and stop coming after me. i have stopped fcuking cheap sluts like miss vijayapala now. because now i fcuk VANNI KANNIs for free.

your armed relatives are getting raped in vanni from 4 sides. forget what happened to them in 1983. this is worse.

Rana said...

Bhairav da pea nut,

I like to play with 30 women if possible within one night without getting babies in one month or nine months!

/You argue that SLA should use small teams in Mugamalai instead of huge military movement. How does it work, mr.Potato?/

That is the way we got your 20km earth bund,Mr. pea nut.

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Navindran seeya, ha ha ha … u make me laugh! Where do u get all theses energy to keep up with the young guys in DW?

R u on Viagra does of every 6 hours?? Ha ha ha u seems getting very “cocky” and “stiff “ lately!!! Ha ha ha

Navindran seeya, seems like Alzimers kicking in…u r in the wrong blog! U were trying to log in to “Over 80 S@xy & stiff people” blog! Ha ha ha

So, when VP going to declare independence? On the Dancing Monkey Day??? : ))

Rana said...


Exactly, mate,

In Australia, we have:

Australian tamils
Australian Indian tamils
Australian Sr Lankan tamils and
Australian Fiji tamils

no problems, as long as their economic condition is better and have lot to loose if they try to identify differently.

Godsun V Pirabaharan (Prabha) said...

Navindran, Mahen , Peter, Keppetiya,

I greatly appreciate your works doing here against sinhala racist. But I think I dont have to repeat this always.

We need more men here, This fight against singala army is last. Perhaps if I alive by Nov 28 I will declare Independance. We have already gained half of Sri Lanka. Dont believe all bullshit propaganda of Mahinda boruwa. But to defend land we need people. Many of my boy's convereted to homosexuals. My girls Lesbians. Next thing (I really cannot understand this claim Why?) many tiger women look like monkey lady no body want to sleep with them. To make more people please send your wives, daughter's even I accept your mother's and grand mother's.

When I declare Tamil Eelam Independance tell all diaspora to hold my tanga flag. My Colombo voice Manpon Samaraweera declare my words to media from Colombo. Shiral Kollotilaka will present my declaration to chief Justice. Ranil wickpon will present it to parliment. Jayalatha Jayaponj will declare it to UN.

So please ready for celeboration.

Oh sorry,I heard that ur wives under drying. Thing there are many deads. I cannot go to salute because UAV's all around same as F7, and Kfirs. But I have planted some moles inside AF. Their targets not coming accurate thanks to them. However I must be careful.

I wish You people obey my orders and send your womens here. If you need anything please go to Mangala sampon here will treat you just like your wives.

Sungod Piabaharan

Rana said...

Amma G/G,

You got it wrong mate. It is not declaration of independance. What Navin and VP will do "declaration of independent", means run away and hide in a rat hole.

ravana said...

hi guys,
it's more heavier than we expected.very sad but may all these patriots attend in NIBBANA!!!!dont ask me about figures.
next FDL may be with in 2 days if TF1 do thier bit as per the plan.we badly wants take out these civilians quickly otherwise we are wasting our dead line.

Godsun V Pirabaharan (Prabha) said...


Look like your informant not provide exact details. Not even tamil net.

Please contact Mangala Manpon to know how tigers killing SLArmy. You can find out exact death toll and casuality toll.

I always appreciate Singala support to my cause from Colombo. But people who supported Colombo living in my area already gone to see their great great grand fathers.

Man+gala Sampon Thank you
Umma Naughty pons(UNP) Thank you

ravana said...

i just saw few people comments about the possible air sorties.national front ltte fdl well builded.there no guarentee about air damages.if you count only few air sorties we have done for past few months on this area.because it has own identical ground advantage.
anyway if we can go another 1 to 2 km then from the national front rest will be on 59 and navy hand.
but dont forget the main factor are civilians.we need to take them out.

Godsun V Pirabaharan (Prabha) said...


hi guys,
it's more heavier than we expected.very sad but may all these patriots attend in NIBBANA!!!!dont ask me about figures.


You dont need to tell the figures.
My spokespon in Colombo Manpon Sampon already revealed figures.

Colombo alone 200
Rajagiriya 72
Kotte 35
Wattala 5
Matara 1456
Balangoda 36
Kandy 9856
Medamulana 5
Hambantota 65

Oh many more every where, Exact number nearly 50+++,++ ,

So just wait my homo boys may return to our land by 27 and 28 Nov 2008 I will declare country of TAMOUL EEEE AIYYYYOOOO LAM.

Sungod Prabha

Godsun V Pirabaharan (Prabha) said...

Oh my god I just got a email from Mathivani (from South Africa)

Last night she and my daughter had Kama sutra excercise with ANC blak tangos in security.

Really disgusting story.

hiru said...

Another strategic withdrawal.....

"LTTE desertions surge as Northern fighting escalate
Desertions among LTTE terrorists are reported on the surge as security forces stepped-up offensives at the Northern lines of defence at Muhamalai since Saturday (16). According to intercepted LTTE communication, at least 26 terrorists, 2 north of the A-9 road and 24 others south have reportedly deserted the outfit on Thursday (20)"

TropicalStorm said...

It would be hilarious to watch how the tortured hatreds of the pro-eelam diaspora lead to early heart attacks etc for the neanderthals.

Anonymous said...

# LTTE air strip

As you can clearly see LTTE have constructed thier air strips using the roads, as many suspected long ago. This doesn't mean they are no air strips out side roads. But atleast SLAF should have used UAVs to monitor all the roads in wanni and identified such air stiprs. This is in B69 and for sure they have such air strips in A34.

# Muhamale first FDL

It is said many soldiers were injured due to extensive gas attacks and inside the captured bunkers due to bombs. SLA should have used some method to avoid these two kind of casualties. It is sad one dies after fighting, capturing the bunker and going inside.

Some Observations

1. Some are worrying about 60 SLA KIA. (Out of those some had no worries when 1500 SLA KIA in one night, 10 years ago.)

2. Time is right for TAF tour.

Main objective of UNP = coming to power
Main objective of Mongal = Prime Minister
Main objective of RaviK = Finance Minister
Main objective of lankaenews = Having thril with SLA casualties by blaming MR/GR/SF
Main objective of Kari-alla, RungeB, VajiraA, etc = Good ministries

Main Obstacle = SLDF winning the war (=peace)

Immidiate Goal = Stopping or defeating the war

Method (bound to be failed, as usual)

# Convince public war will not work due to:
i. India will intervene - so no point of war - so stop it. (Expired)!
ii. MR has secret pact with Manmohan - MR will go for CFA - political solution - so no point of war - stop it. (going on..)
111. SLA has high casualties - so stop the war. (going on..)

4. Internet (google video/ youyube) is manupulated by pro-UNP elements. Objective is to divitae support to the war by sri lankans live outside SL.

5. LTTE may try (as MD said) using a suicide cadre (injued by LTTE in a suitable good way, left behind) expecting to blow up in a MI-17. SLA better be vigilant.

6. Anti-LTTE does not mean pro-sinhala or pro-Sri Lankan. In fact one can be anti-LTTE and at the same time tamil racist. Nalin De Silva identifies AnandaS, DouglasD etc as anti-LTTE yet tamil racists.


GSL committs "struturul genocide".

/Contrary to media reports of a panic-stricken LTTE, the leaders of the LTTE are maintaining absolute cool. A senior political leader of Tamil Nadu who is in regular touch with Vanni was amazed at the calmness he sensed in the Tiger leadership./

For more jokes visit Ha Ha

Ananda-USA said...


Regarding the disappearing TAF Zlin aircraft, the LTTE may have modified the undercarriage and added pontoons to enable these aircraft to land on water in the tanks/reservoirs/lagoons in the Mulaitivu district. The Iranamadu and other land-based airstrips may be just red herrings to distract the SLAF. If the aircraft are also modified with hinges to fold their wings towards the rear (perhaps first by rotating them through 90-deg before folding to the rear) then the size of the entire plane can be minimized for hiding it next to trees and bushes at the water's edge. Landing lights could be provided using temporary boats or buoys. In this way, every reasonably large body of water becomes an airstrip!

I design and build prop and turbo-driven rc-controlled model aircraft as a hobby, and have built a model seaplane with wheels and pontoons, also. What I suugest is eminently doable without much effort.

Just an idea!!

B#1 said...

Have you seen when Mangala speak "Uge kata wate kari". That's why we call him "Kari kaapu Rilawa"

As moshe said "there is no harm wasting a bullet for mongala"

Moshe Dyan said...


"Nalin De Silva identifies AnandaS, DouglasD etc as anti-LTTE yet tamil racists."

no. douglas d is definitely NOT a tamil racist.

he is the ONLY politician looking after the welfare, development, safety of jaffna ppl. his party name is elam peoples democratic party. there is nothing racist there. elam = hela

he has NEVER made race-based demands.

he is co-operating with SLDFs WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM. he never put conditions on military operations.

in my opinion after MR, DD is the most important person in SL.

i agree about anandaS. unfortunately he still cannot brush aside TULF zombies. hope he will drop the RACE card and stop demanding race-based solutions. i have talked to him at lengths. whenever i tell him that he thinks ALWAYS in terms of race (like any other TULF guy), he just smiles and avoids answering. very cunning.

i have handled cunning naives, but this one is super-shrewd.

AS used to blame DD (and even dayan jayatileka) for lack of racism!!!!!

some ppl said barack oba-ma is NOT BLACK ENOUGH!!!!!!!
AS's thinking is that type.

Anonymous said...

GSL need to 'audit' for the funds used by all INGOs in wanni. GSL should know exactly for what and how these GNOs spend the money they received.

Anonymous said...


/"Nalin De Silva identifies AnandaS, DouglasD etc as anti-LTTE yet tamil racists."/

I wrote Nalin's opinion, not mine, just to give an example. I don't know have much knowledge about tamil politicos to say any thing about them, by individual basis.



Simon Delaney failed to account for the fact that the Landslide credit card transaction on the 10th of May 1998 came long before it was published in the newspaper leaving the story with a gaping flaw and completely at odds with itself.

Okay... this is more than enough to shut up Mangala forever.. It seems that Managala has earned money our of child porn.. oh man.. who is voting for these devils

Asithri said...


[Casualties to both sides are high with the SLA suffering around 300 casualties, including those killed and the walking wounded.]

Casualties on both sides are high – no denying it.


Your figures are not accurate by what I got. I don’t know where you got your info, but what I got from calling “Colombo” just now (late Friday in my time zone and morning in SL) was that it was no more than 170 SLA casualties, with almost 90% of it WIA, and even of that WIA, the majority (over 95%) being the “walking-wounded” who will be back in action tomorrow/day after.

[Casualties to the LTTE could be less.]

Not true again by my info. Yes, this is another stark disparity with the info. that I got. Evidently, the LTTE KIA are much higher, with “an educated guesstimate” from frontline putting it at around 94 (although MOD officially said only 50 LTTE KIA) but over 140 WIA, but most of that figure consisting of the grievously wounded and not returning to the battle field anytime soon (the fact that LTTE lacks the same severe trauma-treating medical facilities as GOSL is factored in this estimate).

Anyway, what we need to keep in mind is that based on mathematical modeling done by independent parties, LTTE has to achieve a kill ratio of minimum 20:1 CONSISTENTLY if it is ever going to win over SLDF and form a separate state in Sri Lanka!

In my view, that kill ratio, since MavilA, has been in favor of SLDF and not the LTTE!

Shows what Einsteins these motherfcukers are uh?


OaO Asithri

Asithri said...


[In my opinion I would somehow target the storehouse of the LTTE arty and mortar shells.

I have seen one of these storehouses before.

It is in a civilian neighbourhood near Nagar kovil. It is basically a converted house, totally modified with a dugout floor e.t.c to house the shells.

SLAF should quickly bomb all the civilian houses in the area up to paranthan as there are no civilians anymore. Also use the beechcraft to look for lorries e.t.c pulling up to certain houses.]

KaatiK, I mentioned your assertions/views to my contacts in “Colombo” and they pretty much corroborated them to the very letter… kudos to you my Sri Lanka brother! You certainly know what you are talking about!

Wannakam thambi!

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...


[Guys, Coming elections UNP will go six feet underground and RW ponnaya will loose his leadership too.]

Brother, I could not have said it better! Cheers,

OaO Asithri

TropicalStorm said...

What do we do with Rani(l), Mangal(ik)a, Rajitha and the TNA monkeys when the war is over?

I'd pay prime dollar for for a pair of shoes made from their hide...

Rana said...

Amma G/G,

NZ is commtting "HARAKIRI" at GABA, 9/149, Toney greg and Ian Chappal are jubiliant!

Rana said...


mate you said:

/Brother, I could not have said it better! Cheers/

Thanks, bro.

Wicky said...


Instead of attacking the National Front from Muhamali, can't we attack them from Poonarin by arties and other long range weapons? If we can do that, we can minimize casualties from NF.

Asithri said...

Mr Brown

[Well I would say LTTE does not have problem with carders. I am sure and heard that they have enough carders in the reserve which may be used for type of unceasing wave action..]

Mr. Brown, just because the likes of your humble OaOA copulates with your “maalathi brigade” whore-bitch thangaatchis with unmitigated glee in the Vanni, you cannot extrapolate that shameful sentiment to say that LTTE has “enough carders” or that there will be “unceasing wave actions” as no, the bravehearts do not make them pregnant (sorry to disappoint you! LMSSAO!)….but rather, the only unceasing wave action I am seeing today is the blasting of your whore-thangaatchis in the FDLs by our cool RM-70/Mi-24s/Kfirs/MiG babies…what a sight I hear…headless, breastless, lowerbody-less, whore-bitch thangaatchis…wow! Yep, this is not good…not good for the morale of our boyz too I hear ….as some of them have gone into controllable sobs when seeing that kind of devastation…and SLA has had to move some guys to the back for “cooling down”….wow! What is this needless war coming to!

:(( :(( :((

OaO Asithri

Rana said...

Moshe and Ninja,

As I see it, Douglas D is a opportunitist and racist to a certain extent but thousend times sharper than Ananda Sangaree, but I don't know who is better for both sides.

Whoever, good both sides will work.

Anonymous said...

/I have seen one of these storehouses before. It is in a civilian neighbourhood near Nagar kovil. It is basically a converted house, totally modified with a dugout floor e.t.c to house the shells./- Kaatikudappan

This makes perfect sense to me. Even though we use terms such as LTTE base, sea tiger base etc we need to understand thier 'bases' in the same sense with thier 'Lt.Col's and 'brigades'.

Almost whole west of A9 is under SLA and we can clearly see how LTTE do the war. From air, almost nothing strange can be seen. From out side view just another 'civilian' house. Iniside ammo. Just in case SLAF bombed tamilnut has pictures of "SLAF bombing civilian settlements".

Asithri said...


[When we captured Muhamali & kilali s before LTTE used to launch mortars/arti continously with the help of well defined grid maps of their own FDL and Army had to abandon them due to casualties by Arty/mortar fire. Aren't LTTE firing mortars now? if so how are we holding on could you explain the difference between previous attempts and present situation}

Very easily explained brother, very easily!

Simple truth: LTTE MFs are in desperate short supply of arty/mortar ammo...and there does not appear to be any sign of new supplies coming in (at least to any meaningful degree) anytime soon!

That is the such, we owe our heartfelt thanks to the SLA for clearing the west coast of "sea guppy" bases and to SLN for sinking the LTTE MF's "floating warehouses" earlier!

Not rocket science...

OaO Asithri

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Rana: “Toney greg and Ian Chappal are jubiliant!”

Ha ha yeh… Aussies need some happiness after what happened in India! Yes, NZ just lost the match. Anyway, u can not ask much from kids!

Asithri to Katti: “Wannakam thambi!”

Very nice gesture mate! Got any thing to say to Wijayapala? Ha ha ha just… kidding mate! Don’t start it! : ))
Any chance u tell ur Colombo connection to bomb the shit out if LTTP fcukers use gas against SLA again?

InSight said...

so being critically asessive of SLA strategies makes one an eelamist huh??

Asithri said...


[Got any thing to say to Wijayapala? Ha ha ha just… kidding mate! Don’t start it! : ))]

Ho ho ho...what mischievous cat you are mate! LMSSAO!!!

Bro, now that you broached the subject, yes, matter of fact I do have something to say and that is:

"thundering typhoons, blistering barnacles"...!!!


Greets to you brother and yours!

OaO Asithri

Moshe Dyan said...


yes mate; no offense meant.

ranill has gone to tamil nadu to pray to god saturn!!!!

few things.

1. gods you can find in SL cannot help him
2. even gods of the world cannot help him.
3. ranil's gods come to tamil nadu from time to time
4. ranil has a malefic HENAHURA in his party by the name mon-gal
5. next time he is gonna worship god URINE-ANUS!

Rana said...

Amma G/G,

Hayden out, first ball, second innings.

You can't ask much from kids! huh

Asithri said...


[Any chance u tell ur Colombo connection to bomb the shit out if LTTP fcukers use gas against SLA again?]

Bro, there is very little that humble I can say to "Colombo" today...evidently, they have this down to the last nut and bolt and I hear (and see too for myself) that it is going like clockwork per the grand plan!

As for LTTP fcukers who use gas on SLA, yep, SLA has sent out a couple of "examples of what happens when caught" to the LTTP MFs...not a pretty I will skip it here.

OaO Asithri

Moshe Dyan said...

welcome back asithri!

thanks for the info.

hope our casualty figures will collapse as well inch closer towards EPS.


Asithri said...

OK time to go milk the cow draped in red and yellow...

However, last note to my mate Ninja...

Mate, I congratulate you on "steadfastly staying on course" and arguing your points here, some admittedly clarifying what humble OaOA has written, which in my view speaks volumes for your character strength and integrity.

Greets to you brother and yours...

OaO Asithri

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Asithri: very nice…… good to hear we are working over time to get rid of the LTTP fcukers. Keep us up-dated with latest when u can always drop a bomb to :

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Rana, Ponting gone too! NZ may turn the table around! Good to c NZ fighting back unlike LTTP who only tactically withdraw! Ha ha

N said...

Asithri & kaatikuddupaan

Keep it up brothers, great work! Thank you


Please check mail.

Sri Lankikaya said...


Mangalika and JJ should be given the same punishment that the great kings dished out to traitors - 'ula Thiyanawa'

at Galle Face, nowhere else

Lankapura said...

Rana, it is basically suicide. If people are brainwashed enough for suicide, being chained to a tree or bunker to hold territory until death is not much different. Less brainwashed person would probably shoot the chain and run :-)

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Sri Lankikaya said...

Mangalika and JJ should be given the same punishment that the great kings dished out to traitors - 'ula Thiyanawa'

at Galle Face, nowhere else

Hey machanla, how about this? I know a GAY Elephant! Better than killing @ once by “ula thiyala”! lol

Anyway, have a gr8 weekend boys!

CASC said...

Indian Politics and Sri Lanka

It has been reported that Sri Lanka Army operations have been accelerated in anticipation of elections in India. It has been reported that Basil agreed to four conditions, and that Manmohan Singh agreed in turn not to ask for a cease fire. Acceptance of food aid appears to be one of the conditions. A bi-lateral treaty to allow fishing may be another condition. The Rajapakse brothers are ardent nationalists and whatever they agreed to, I am sure, will not in any way compromise Sri Lanka’s sovereignty and independence.

The Congress party will definitely get thrown out in the next general election, and will be replaced by a BJP lead coalition, the party of upper caste North Indian Brahmins. At its core, the BJP is basically a fascist party with an ideology based on the supremacy of upper caste North Indian Brahmins. It is a communal party that came to prominence by destroying a 15th century Moslem Mosque, the Babri Majid. Advani, their current leader, was intimately involved in that affair.

BJPs soul mate or ideological base is supposed to be an outfit called the RSS “Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh” (RSS). It is modeled like the Nazi party in the 1930s. One of my Tamil friends from Madurai who attended one of their camps tells me that the camps are organized like military camps. The cadres are brainwashed and trained in propaganda to become “pracharaks” to spread their gospel of hatred. My friend also tells me that they did military type drills in these camps while venting their anger at communists, Moslems and other infidels like Christians whom they accuse of converting low caste Hindus. In recent times, there has been large scale voluntary conversions of low caste and untouchable Hindus to Buddhism, basically to escape the caste system. While the RSS does not regard the Buddhist with the hatred that they reserve for Christians and Moslems whom they consider foreigners, there is friction between the BJP-RSS groups and the Buddhist converts.

If the LTTE thinks they have a friend in the BJP, they are mistaken. While both parties are fascists in their outlook, they have diametrically opposite views regarding the role of caste. The BJP is basically a group of upper caste North Indian Brahmins who want to promote the ideology of “Hindutva.” They are not interested in Tamil nationalism
except to win elections. Prabhakaran, coming from a Tamil fishing caste family from Valvettiturai, systematically got rid of the upper caste Hindus who were mainstay of the old Tamil political order in Sri Lanka. Needless to say, the BJP is not a friend of Sri Lanka either. Therefore, before the next group of lunatics take over India, it would be prudent for the GOSL to substantially finish this war. By all indications this appears to be the direction the Government is taking.

Hindu Terrorists

Infinity said...

CASC, see this for BJP's position on LTTE.

PHANTOM-X said...


Rana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
N said...


Rana said...

Hi Guys,

Is anybody knows what is wrong with

Why, Iam getting "forbidden server" message?

Rana said...


Thanks, brother.

Whether, it is by force or by willingly, once a person is chained he/she will loose the mobility to fight, so restricted movement is disadvantageous to them, isn't it?

Katch said...

Hi Rana,

Probably too much traffic on
Or it could be that your company has installed a new policy on your server to restrict access.

Nothing new on

Go easy on the drinks mate :)

Bomb Jack said...

Hey worldchap!,

(So called experts said this is an impossible task (to break this FDL).
Anyway countries around the world would like to get this expertise from Sri Lankana Army.)

As Ive read with this amount of casualties your army has moved only 1Km. But shouldnt it move a further 13 Kms to actually break all its defence lines?

Rana said...

Hi katch,

Thanks brother, I tried form my office server, the error message was not proxy server denied but forbidden server.

Now, I am surfing with my private ADSL, still the error is same and I saw some other people also investigating the same thing in the blog.

Any way, server always had problems, mate.

MrBrown said...

'' Death toll up at Muhamalai
(Lanka-e-News, November 21, 2008, 9.15 AM) Sources from the battlefield says that both the LTTE and the security forces suffered heavy losses after a section of Muhamalai and Kilali forward defense lines were captured by Army yesterday morning (20).

Reportedly, LTTE retreated as the Army advanced and captured the bunker line of the LTTE. Then they exploded the massive bombs hidden in the bunkers killing a large number of personnel and injuring more. Another number of personnel have disappeared.

Unconfirmed sources say that a large number of Army personnel have been killed and another group was injured.

We tried for three hours to contact Army spokesman Udaya Nanayakkara to obtain a statement but the phone did not respond.

Media Center for National Security says that they have not received information after morning.

Meanwhile, at the budget committee stage debate, United National Party (UNP) Kurunegala district MP Dayasiri Jayasekara asked the government to provide information regarding the accident that had taken place at Muhamalai. Minister Mahindananada Aluthgamage said in response that details would be issued later''

Hmmm Uthaya Nanayakkara also hide like Rasaia nowadays? things have gone beyond their control..

MrBrown said...

''(Lanka-e-News, November 21, 2008, 9.15 AM) Sri Lanka Freedom Party -People's Wing (SLFP-PW) leader Mangala Samaraweera said that the bodies of over 200 war heroes fallen in north had been brought to Jayarathna Florists last Tuesday (18).

Addressing a press briefing held in Colombo yesterday(20), he further said that 710 soldiers were injured, 235 of them were admitted to Colombo National Hospital, 85 were admitted to Kalubovila hospital, 90 were admitted to Jayawardhanapura hospital and 200 were admitted to Army hospital.

According to my source casualty goes beyond 1200

Rana said...

Hi guys,

I don't believe this brown cum arse hole guy, but, something fishy is going on. Casualty high is known from yesterday, but something else is wrong also.

I don't think our officers are dumb to send our troops to a trap. We have to wait and see.

Guys from SL has to post new developments as we are blind here.

Pottu said...

your sources are Mangala and Ranil.
Ghilaa thoo arra ganin dennatamaa keylaa. Patta balla.

Hope your wife get treated well via others.

B#1 said...

Mr Brown,
[According to my source LTTE casualty goes beyond 1200]

OMG! What is the source brother?

perein said...

Rana and others-
Any idea where about the Plaiwadi, Sinna Adampan and Nainamadu areas ?

Lankapura said...

Of course once chained his only possible course of action is to hold the position and shoot until he runs out of ammo. I suppose the thinking is that if there is the option to run away most people eventually will.
I have no idea whether it is effective - suppose it buys some time for the rest to retreat.

Vajira said...

dont give in to brown!!! We over ran muhmalai defence line on saturday but since then they have tried a major counter offensive. SLA took time till yesterday to negate the threat by exploding some of their mortar/artillery positions in their 2nd defence line. 1st defence line is totally secured by SLA and then only they stated that muhmalai has been captured.
Likewise Kokavil has been overrun by our troops last week including the A9 and the adjacent rupavahini tower. They will release the fact to the media once they negate the counter offensive which has been started by LTTE (DONT GET TOO EXCITED BROWN!). This media strategy has been implemented by MOD since the begining of the month. We have lost 60 SLA soldiers at Muhmalai during the last week.

Rana said...


Thanks for the link, brother.

Interesting news, no idea about the places, mate.


Thanks bro, already cooling off, this brown arse hole tried to burn us alive.


Thanks bro, agree with you!

Well guys, almost 10.30PM here, this is good night for you all.

Keep killing monkies!

san said...

from the current SLA's FD there are 17-18 kilometers we have to cross this thin stretch of land untill we comes to mainland or elephant pass.this means to cross this whole area we have to sacrifice lifes of many soldiers or are there any other better tactic?

B#1 said...

Accidental explosion while training. 2 dead. Lindawewa army camp

Saman said...

Seems civilians are getting out.

san said...



Dinesh De Alwis said...

Breaking News..21th November 2008
Accidental firing during training session - Military

Military confirmed that an accidental shooting during a training session at Lindawewa army camp resulted in the death of 2 soldiers and injured 12.

Unknown said...

Where does it say 250 killed in this article?

san said...


Godsun V Pirabaharan (Prabha) said...

Dear my fellow Citizens of Tamil Eelam and My Singala friends,




I have oredered my Black puk kollas and Air Wing Suck Kollas take this measures:

1 Kill high profile VIP (Mahinda,Sarath,Basil or Gonta)

2.Air wing will launch a very surprises attack to many high security targets (This time must be suicide one)

3.Give Honarary Citizenship to Pro LTTE sinhalese (Pottu make list)

4. Retake most of the town (Jaffna) occupied by sinhala racist army.

5. 29th Nov will be our holiday and my monkey tambiyas and my monkey monkey lesbias are free to do anything to calm down their sexual desires.


Sun GOd Prabha

Godsun V Pirabaharan (Prabha) said...

"Army advances 1km in Muhamalai, Kilali"

What a bullshit of DW

One KM to Killinochchi
One KM to Paranthan
One KM to EP

All this are biased reported by Singala Army.

My spokepon Manpon Sampon (Samaraweera)
will bring you more updates of our news today.

My singala news web -Lankaenews will publish holy truth.

"I will not let Singala Army to touch anyplace in Killi town"

Sun God Praba

Godsun V Pirabaharan (Prabha) said...

Even if SL Army won all territory

Me and my puk Ltte hero's will tactically withdraw for few more years. Singala is bloody nation who can easily forgot everything.

My moles like Manpon Sampon and Ranil Wickpon will win next election for sure.

Remember wd happened to Churchihilli after world war2

So I will come back and start Eelam war 5 or My moles will give me my land.

30 yrs in battlefield, This singala not understand I need some holidays also to take treatments for Diabetes and HIV.


Remember last election

Everyone who voted Ranil Wickpon is one who support my cause. So it's mean half of SL with me.

Lankapura said...

Rana / others having trouble with - try, seems to work ok. Someone please configure apache properly :-)

san said...

ltte publish on tamilent another demostration in london by ltte supporters.

you ltte supporters when you come through colombo airport CID will match your face with there photo database
CID started new division at colombo airport by terrorism prevention act they collect all the datas and photos of ltte and other terrorist supporters.

Lankapura said...

san, that's fantastic. About time they started screening for terrorist supporters at the airport.
I will be going to the next rally with a camera :-)

B#1 said...

Godsun V Pirabaharan (Prabha),

Why don't think the path which choose by Karuna/Pillian is the best solution for you at this juncture??

You can have a luxury life as you have almost finish killing the innocent tamils.

Unknown said...

Manpon Sampon :))

I like it..

PHANTOM-X said...


Mongal Samaraweeran is the owner of Lankaenews. so don't get exited...

Anonymous said...


Mongal is the only politico LeN doesn't attack. But hard to belive he owns it. May be he has some 'friend' (@wink) there.


I don't know about your gay elephenet. But it seems Mongal already has some gay monkeys.

Mrs.Brown was confused about his side after the Muhamale attack. ("Jeya-wardenapura..". 'your' VIPs.., our casualties.. ANE HUKE..)

koly said...

Sinna Adampan and Nainamadu are east of Kanakarayankulam and Palaiyavadi is south east of Puliyankulam; all north east of Omantai in Vavuniya District.

Apino Dannachess said...

Dear Friends,

Its Friday and ready to go and have some fun.

Can anybody update me, the current position of the LTTE on their drive to recapture NachchiKuda by 27-Nov? Some even say they will go all the way up to Mannar with their Elite forces driving thrust.

I'm sure they must be readying their LTTE Flag for the 27-Nov Nachchikuda recapture celebrations.

Awaiting an update.


Sri Lankikaya said...

there is a sense of pessimism around, qrious wrote a piece in DN and i thought i'll add to it, this is what I wrote in DN.

if i may take on from where qrious left

the pessimism has set in particularly due to the comments made by (ava)mangala and then promoted by lankaenews. not many in the media carried the story so it goes on to say a lot about (ava)mangala's agenda of demoralising everyone . doesn't that show whose behind all this.

not even tamilnet quoted 200 soldiers KIA, it's up to you now to decide whther its' the truth or an exaggeration and a feeble attempt to demoralise troops. it also left for you to decide whether these people are traitors or not.

a recent article in 'the Island' by a retired colonel of the SLA said that the media has conditioned the minds of the people to judge the war by the number of casualties. he went on to say that casualties in war is not like the score in a cricket match.

I'm in no way discounting the value of our soldiers but it's a part of war. (ava)mangala discounts the value of the regaining of pooneryn saying pooneryn was captured in 1993 as well. let us all ask him at what cost and why it had to be captured in 1993 - isn't it because the then politicians due to lack of foresight and commitment left it be captured by the LTTE at the cost of the lives of brave soldiers.

the most important questions comes now, why do we have to regain Pooneryn that was captured by the SLA in 1992, isn't it because the government that (ava)mangala was part of let down the soldiers who were garrisned at Pooneryn and the sailors at Nagasivanthuria were sacrificed. The LTTE overan Pooneryn and many more camps including elephant Pass due to the mistakes of his government. Did he utter a word when the lives of 40,000 soldiers in jaffna was at stake. Did the government that he was part of provide proper leadership and equipment to the army. did they do anything to bostthe morale of the soldiers or did they demoralise them.

Why is (ava)mangala in the opposition, isn't it because he was chased out of the government due to his ineptness as the minister he was.

doesn't this show what his motivation is and why he wants to discredit the government and by innuendo discredit the forces.

this funeral has succeeded to a certain extent. this blog and DW were both in dull moods and pessimistic. this may have run thrugh the country but limited due t the media, for once, thinking right and not giving his views too much publicity.

it is now the duty of all patriots to counter these threats and support our valiant soldiers. the lives they sacrificed are not in vein. the gains to the motherland has been immense.

Strategic towns have bee taken and the the battle has taken off in the Northern front. as you would have noticed the difficulty is breaking off the FDL's, thereafter the SLA has moved forward steadily crushing whatever is in their path.

people be brave, it takes a tough person to be brave. don't be disheartened by utterances of losers and the false propaganda. don't get lead away by monkeys, concentrate on the task at hand. support the forces selflessly, support the government that leads the forces, give what you can, and most importantly be proud of your country and your country will be proud of you.

be Sri Lankan

sri Lankikaya

i do apologise to readers of DN who would have seen this already but there are some who don't read both

Apino Dannachess said...

Today I got a mail with Pics of the recent LTTE casualties ....bit graphic said to be from Muhamale, Kilali & Kokavil fronts ....its titled "Mess with best and go like the rest"

You can see scores of Perumals, Rajinikanths and Thangachies spread eagle body part strewn around the country side.

If anybody wants to see them, can upload and provide a link.

God Bless our SLDF.

perein said...

Thank you.

Sri Lankikaya said...


not lankaenews, it's said to be lankadissent that he owns - h has said he doesn't but which politican admits to owning anything.

nonetheless it's his co ordinating secretary who runs it.

Sandun Dasanayake said...

PHANTOM-X, I don't think Mongal owns Len. But for sure is his own, it's run buy his secretary Ruwan Fer.

Sandun Dasanayake said...

Mangalaya galak kapagena paththakata wela inne nathuwa enawa thawa puke arinnath...

Ammapa me wage ponnayo innawane ape rateth. U kathakaranawa dakkama maragena kanna hithenawa. Honda welawata mama harak mas kanna wadiya kamathi na.

wijayapala said...


"deep down he may think separatism is the answer."

Call me Tamil or Sinhala but do not say that I support separatism unless you have proof to back it up. I support one Sri Lanka and oppose those who work for separatism (which includes Sinhala racists like Nalin de Silva and his dimwit followers who don't give Tamils an alternative to separatism).

"The other important thing is word "SINHALE" name of the island some time back, it is not a identity of a particular race. Sinhalse or sinhala is the race.

On that ground sinhalese can identify as sinhale sinhalese while tamils can identify as sinhale tamils.

In Sinhala Buddhist literature (both in Sinhala and Pali), the island tends to be referred more often as "Lanka" than "Sinhale." Ironically, foreigners have been more likely to label the island as "Sinhale" than the Sinhalese themselves. There is a strong argument that the word "Eelam" originally derived from "Sihalam" (although some Tamils argue that it came from "coconut" or "gold").

"No, what MayiRawana is saying tamils should identify themselves as "country name whatever it is" tamils."

Where did mayilravana say this? I think it would be better to let him speak for himself.

Look rana, Mushe is getting angry:

"ok i will give you a few peelam rupees blooody unpaid slut. share it among your slut family members and stop coming after me. i have stopped fcuking cheap sluts like miss vijayapala now. because now i fcuk VANNI KANNIs for free."

Didn't Mushe say that he would not respond to my comments? Somebody should calm him down- he's getting his blood pressure up with this fuming. I just criticized his idea of killing injured Tigers instead of utilizing them for our gain, and he's getting all spastic. What should we do?

Ra said...

Apino: Do you have any photos with chained fighters?

wijayapala said...


"I wrote Nalin's opinion, not mine, just to give an example. I don't know have much knowledge about tamil politicos to say any thing about them, by individual basis."

If Nalin is a Sinhala racist (i.e. one of those leaders of the Jathika Chinthanaya movement which had fomented anti-Tamil racism in the critical early 1980s), then how credible would you say his opinion of Tamil leaders is????

According to Nalin, ALL Tamil leaders are Tamil racists! Why don't we take that one step further and say that ALL Tamils are dangerous????

It would be a much stronger argument that there are some anti-LTTE Sinhalese who are primarily motivated by anti-Tamil racism than anti-terrorism. Nalin and his ilk belong in that category.

සිසිර කුමාර said...

Wijayapala is trying to justify Tamil terrorism.

How does he do that?

1. Trying to prove cause for Tamil terrorism is Sinhala Rasism.

2. Trying to make a division of Sinhalese in to good sinhalaya and bad sinhalaya.

3. Look down on contributions by recent Sinhala national leaders.(19th century - now)

4. Evade discussing Sri Lanka's history before 16th century.

VictoryLion said...

There is a report on Lankadeepa site that there is fierce fighting north of Paranthan close to EP. I didn't realise our forces are operating there yet....Anyone else knows about this?

shay said...

Looks like TF1 has already reached the northern boundaries of Killinochchi. See

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Hi Moshe,

I remember you writing to Def Sec during the time air strikes were stopped. Have you ever written about this radar system that you suggest. Going by the details you provide, it will surely help us in a great scale. Isn't it worth telling?

Also, have you got any response for earlier mails, at least did you find a sign that he is reading. I have good faith that Def Sec is a cool guy and sure at least he has someone to filter the good mails. So I think you should write.

Mahen said...

LTTE on track to recapture Nachchikuda by the 27th.

Moshe Dyan said...


i don't know who you are but you seem to either know or guess it right! only today i sent a few stuff. if you know me i'm sure you will not tell anyone.
let me think it as a fluke.

yes i was in contact with some guys. but things changed a few months back. don't know why.

someone challenged me recently that 'they' disregard me. so today i sent a couple of NASTILY DETAILED (VERY LONG) analyses to my old contacts and literally begged to consider. only to consider. to my surprise they thanked me and said will get back.

the AMSTAR thing was not included. will do it.
they seem to love LONG "reports".

re: air strikes.

i wrote to them on 3+ occassions. but mainly to "bug" them to recommence night and day air strikes. but obviously they didn't do it.

got some suggestions from other patriots. have put to a friend who is in another country's army to assess them b4 sending to SL.


Ra said...


Why wait till pig's birthday to do all the heroics?

Glad you are back. Now I can relieve my blood pressure!

kadphises said...

With the absolute air supremacy that the Air Force has over the Vanni skies, Plus being in possesion of Artillery Locating Radar why has the SL forces still been unable to locate and destroy these 5 or 6 artillery pieces that the LTTE possess which continue to cause so much damage? Why arnt these targets given higher priority than "LTTE Gathering points" and "Black Tiger training compounds".

Next time we launch an operation keep a few kfirs and MI-24s airbourne with the Artillery locating equipment on standby. When the LTTE begin their barrarge zero in immediately before they get the time to camaflauge them and bomb these Howitzers to pieces. A helicopter bourne commando team might have to follow to complete the job. This surely must be obvious to the powers that be. But there is some weakness in our ability to take them on or some uncanny strength in the LTTE's ability to defend these assets very effectively.

The fact that they have been able to defend their planes, Artillery and ammunition stocks from destruction does not tie up with the impression we are given that the LTTE is in total dissaray with SLA Deep Penetration teams criss crossing the Vanni and taking on targets at will.

Moshe Dyan said...


you are spot on, mate.

only a fool will put all his eggs in ONE basket. tamil elamists will use these means MORE and MORE as LTTE fails. LTTE provides little hope for them now. but they want to get AS MUCH AS THEY CAN PEACEFULLY (towards TE) WHILE the LTTE is around.

plus he NEVER NEVER NEVER contributes anything relevant for SLDFs.

he has already split the pro-SL war supporters. still there is a WIDE ordiance among SLs for nonsense talkers, unfortunately.

BUT he has good qualities too. he follows non-violence which must be appreciated. (although he is VERY violent and indecent to patriotic bloggers)

පංකාදු ලංකා said...

SLFP M wing? What does M stand for? Modayas? Meti (clay)? Meeharak? Mouse?

Mahen said...


It is a fitting birthday present to our hon. leader. That's why we will do it by the 27th you mottaya.

Moshe Dyan said...


remember we discussed about a chess double fork JUST b4 poonaryn was captured??? writes...

"LTTE lost its queen on Wanni Chessboard"

of course! but it is not over yet as there is another victim - paranthan!!

Ra said...

When you go to capture Nachchikuda many moda tamil kids will die. Nice present to a blood thirsty pig!

So who is organizing this birthday present? Is it you Mahen?

We are also preparing him a birthday gift. Its a surprise.

සිසිර කුමාර said...

Yes Moshe.

I will do a full profile over this Wijeyapala if his bogus discussion continue.

Total # of posts, # posts related to defence, # posts insulting national heros, etc.

Corey said...

our bipolar friend mahen is hallucinating badly again:
"LTTE on track to recapture Nachchikuda by the 27th."

Haaaaaaaa Haaaaaaa Haaaaaa!

But, keep on imagining 'nice' things... it will help you cope with the anxiety and pain...

Corey said...

As predicted, innocent tamils in the wanni are no longer afraid of the ltte:

...Civilians who escaped from ltte clutches say:

"We are tired of them (LTTE), they have destroyed everything we had. Soon the people (Wanni civilians) will beat them (LTTE) and come to the South", he said.

Asked whether LTTE would allow the civilians to escape their grip, the youth said that even LTTE cadres are anxious to dessert the outfit.

"Now, Army has come to Mankulam, they (LTTE) can't control people any more, they (people) will soon come out, even large number of LTTE cadres themselves want to come out" he said."

peelam war V : vezapillai vs. innocent tamils in the wanni.

Tee Hee!

san said...

Ltte is going to launch another Air raid before this 27th.Our airforce and other vital installations around the island must keep on alert

ravana said...

hi guys.
dont worry any more about muhamlei.its over.when it comes to war, there are days good and bad.funny thing is so called LTTE supporter(god sun) claimed it as victory.sorry brother if yo can jubilent over the muhamlei defenitly not from your is also horrible to LTTE too.

Ranger said...

Col. Bhanu injured due to artillery fire

Corey said...

Diasspora, your own are (finally) becoming happy:

Jaffna Tamils in Thousands celebrate Pooneryn victory

ravana said...

up to now no one in the second FDL too.ltte side.definitely coming days SLA will advance from that side.
anyway since i have little more time will has working properly.
SLA continuously founding massive stock o war like items last few days.this will break through what the NGO did in vanni last few years.even some places these NGO has given boa engines too to sea tigers.

ravana said...

people who lived in Colombo and gampaha districts please be vigilant.recent MI finds that either civilian massacre or VIP target t before 27 is must.
this time they have not think about places like kalanthissa.

Anonymous said...

A HUGE ARMS cache, hitherto amassed, following extensive search and clear operations conducted in former LTTE POONERYN strongholds, its northern most KALMUNAI point and other surrounding areas, remained a major spectacle for touring Media personnel now in those areas.

Friday’s (21) display contained LTTE suicide boats and jackets, a few hundreds of T-56 weapons and LTTE I-com radio sets, several mortars, 12.7 mm weapons, claymore mines, thousands of ammunition rounds, detonator cords, wire rolls, remote control devices, fuses, oxygen cylinders, hand grenades, pistols, pistol rounds and a large stock of other LTTE warlike items.

Ground troops have still not been able count the entire stocks with specific figures as more and more stocks were being brought to the location from different areas in and around POONERYN.

Corey said...

god sun, another bipolar hallucinator has joined...


..."My moles like Manpon Sampon and Ranil Wickpon will win next election for sure."

These are serious delusions brought about by total denial of what is happening to peelam these days......

Do these empty 'threats' make you feel better????

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Following Q was posted by a friend of mine in a diff mail group.

Is this another air-strip ?,+80.378176&sll=9.427418,80.378133&sspn=0.009314,0.013089&ie=UTF8&t=h&g=9.427410,+80.378176&ll=9.426677,80.378895&spn=0.009314,0.013089&z=17


In fact it is not in the SLDF area, so it is surely not the one captured. See the two ends of the carpeted area lead to rough like gravel so it is very likely to be another air strip.

Does this mean that almost all the NGO road development money was spent on Air Strips? So we will never be able to cut down tin cans by demolishing air strips, as they have 100s [more than Premadasa's clock towers :)].

My friend wants to pass the google map to defence bigwigs. If anyone can do that I appreciate it. Nevertheless, google maps have more resolution than UAV. So for static targets they can use google maps in a big way, says my friend.

perein said...

Sujeewa Kokawala-

Does your friend has a different version of the google map which you and me normally has access to?

Corey said...

The URL does not work.. Send me one that works, and I will send it to some people who can get things done in a hurry...

Thanks for your efforts.

perein said...

It does work mate.
Try clicking above

සිසිර කුමාර said...


I guess it could be used as an air strip. I know our military can get hires sat images. Hope they have observed this area.

Nice observation.

lankaputhra said...

Massive Stocks of LTTE Suicide Boats & Weapons Amassed

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Moshe Dyan said...

i don't know who you are but you seem to either know or guess it right! only today i sent a few stuff. if you know me i'm sure you will not tell anyone.
let me think it as a fluke.

Fluke. he he.

It was as good as SLAF hitting a tin can with a Kfir ok?? [Whoops, SLAF, sorry for what I stated, we like to be humiliated for our jokes, but as long as you display arrogance and failure, we're helpless to think this way]

yes i was in contact with some guys. but things changed a few months back. don't know why.

someone challenged me recently that 'they' disregard me. so today i sent a couple of NASTILY DETAILED (VERY LONG) analyses to my old contacts and literally begged to consider. only to consider. to my surprise they thanked me and said will get back.

Great. We seem to have some constructive input [especially you] and also we get few genuine concerns too. Although we shud not ring this bell like a rail crossing, good to have a channel open.

the AMSTAR thing was not included. will do it.
they seem to love LONG "reports".

Please send it

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Does your friend has a different version of the google map which you and me normally has access to?

It worked in my browser. And just now copy-pasted and it did work. I did not put href ok?

The URL does not work.. Send me one that works, and I will send it to some people who can get things done in a hurry...

It does work if you copy-paste [in firefox it did]. And thanks for getting some attention.

I guess it could be used as an air strip. I know our military can get hires sat images. Hope they have observed this area.

Point is nobody will get this close and hence will pay any attention. This is why my friend thinks that Google maps beat UAV for static info. I also agree with him.

And a good point against those who talk about UAV detection of smaller objects. With a slight decoy, aerial observations become worthless.

What we need is a low flying cheap fleet of tiny UAVs. And we HAVE technology to produce them, but still we DO NOT. My capital words have 1000 words hidden in them, which I cannot expose [infact a rumor].

I think [and thought] there are 100s of make shift runways. most of their rds dont hv bends. So they can make as many as they like.

Some such run ways are said to be covered with tall trees which bend further into opening [naturally] and only the entry/exit point is open. Even a gravel rd will do, but I doubt whether they risk it on gravel. NGOs spent so much on road development, so why risk with gravel?

In any case this is a great find.

Corey said...

Sujeeva and Perein,

Done!... Hope the info will reach Colombo soon!


thiru said...

latest reports from the battlefield indicate that the sla has suffered over a 1000 casualties with KIA and WIA...the ltte has fought tooth and nail in this battle and the sla was only ably to gain 500m of land after the tigers tactically withdrew from their first line.....the amount of corpses of SLA is huge and alot of them are to distorted to identify....the tigers have said that the outcome of this war will be decided in the next three months....modhayas are suffering enormous losses on the battlefield through the sacrifice of our brave army, the tigers have listed that there are 2200 maveerar this year, the bloodiest year in recent times....this war is at a decisive stage and the modhayas will suffer even more immense losses in the next three months.

Ra said...

Why tamiznut disn't publish it?

Corey said...

bipolar thiru,

yes, yes... keep on hallucinating...

Our proud sons will give their lives to liberate our motherland from mania-suffering terrorists like you...'s unlike the situation where your 'brave' peelam army people are found dead.. chained to their own trenches...

..very nice, brave way by the commanders hiding in rat-holes to enforce morale among your 'brave' peelamists ..

keep going.. hope all these empty 'threats' you are directing at us will help you to relieve the anxiety of 'DISSAPEARING PEELAM'

by the way... its high-time for another tin can attack... peelam supporters are getting really frustrated over here..

... enjoy....

Corey said...

Sujeewa and Perein,

It looks like the airstrip that Sujeeva indicated was discovered????

LTTE airstrip captured:

Can you confirm if this is the same one you that you mentioned?

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Latest videos from Muhamalai:

Looks like they are gonna commence next move. Well, it is an anxious time for all who love SL and SLDF.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Sujeewa and Perein,

It looks like the airstrip that Sujeeva indicated was discovered????

My idea is that this is not that. I came to this conclusion by analyzing the location in google maps. It is very close to Paranthan. As per my information, we're not that close to the junction yet.

Anyway I maybe wrong.

Nevertheless I should leave the honor of finding this to my friend who has not been actively involved in this blog.

Should invite him, shoudnt we?

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Three posts which gives a good idea on terrain and happenings of NF [one is a repeat of my prev post]

07th Nov:

20th Nov:

21st Nov:

Unknown said...

According to this link that someone posted ..

The victory of Pooneryn is significant in that it is the operation where the most number of LTTE cadres were captured alive!!!

This is very good!

Infinity said...

"Imminent victory is now clear: Army Commander

Joining in the “Thulawa” political programme telecast by ITN last night, he opined that the LTTE has reached its end. The Army Commander said many LTTE fighters have been forcibly recruited. Last week a teacher was abducted. The army chief said that he saw a photograph of a priest’s body inside a bunker. There are less than 3000 terrorists together with forcible recruitments. The troops would advance towards Vishwamadu which is 10 kilometers from Mullaitivu after the capture of Kilinochchi and Paranthan. About 500 terrorists die every month. In about four months another 2000 may be killed. Thereafter only about 1,000 fighters would be left. The terrorists would finally be confined to a 20 square kilometre area. Then a decision will have to be made."

Unknown said...

I have been making bee lines to find out the casualty figures in Muhamalai and I venture to say definitely at the risk of being called a modaya that SLA dead are 30 odd! I have got this info from two very reliable sources. One directly from one close to the battles other someone very close to the lawmakers. Both came up with the figure 30 odd. The latter also pooh poohed the utterings of Dayasiri Jayasekara. And according to him the TNA MPs are also on the same wavelength as DJ et. al.

So the game being played by Thiru (and some bankrupt politicians) is that of a psychological war. Thiru knows that wars can be won and lost in your living rooms and office rooms. And these bankrupt politicians know this well too. The Sri Lankan public don't want too many casualties!

I am afraid I am challenging DW on this one at least.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Half tamil soldier sacrifices his life for SLDF at Muhamalai:

Valavan said...

Tamils read tamil nutz, you sinhala nutz read defencewire. As long as SL president or VP worry abt people, you won't stop war. what is paining for you in separating the nation like czech and slovakia.enough life losses, separate nation and live peacefully.wake up everyone. Most of you guys eventhough you dont look after your family, you come and post your extremal comments here.

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