Thursday, November 20, 2008

Army advances 1km in Muhamalai, Kilali

After holding the LTTE's 1st FDL for the last 3 days the SLA today officially declared it had taken control of the 1st Muhamalai and Kilali LTTE FDL. The SLA increased skirmished into the LTTE FDL for the last three to five days gaging and gradually working away at the LTTE's resistance until finally holding onto the newly captured 800m to 1km area by today morning.

Casualties to both sides are high with the SLA suffering around 300 casualties, including those killed and the walking wounded. Casualties to the LTTE could be less. The narrow corridor of terrain makes it difficult for either side to advance, but the objective of this latest venture into LTTE areas seems to be to force the Tigers concentrated defenses away from the 58 Division, which is now 6km west of Paranthan.


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Annonymous said...

Hey Browny,

You super spy must be knowing everyone's personal details. But you don't now your wife's [he he that's what she told me ha ha]

Could you please tell us how many are dead in Kili now? I think you're the man with numbers after you stated right casualty figures of Muhamalai.

Also pls tell me;

How are tigers gonna turn the tables?

Asked from Mahen he said that they will do so by capturing Nachchikuda.

Ever since Mahen the "Mole-kuda" is under toilet-arrest by Thelebara as it was humiliation to him. The man is struggling to hold on to Kilinochchi where as this half british kallathoniya gives time lines for the capture of far far away places.

So right now you're the only entertainer around. Pls post as often as possible.

Aathaboothan said...


Into the turbulence of Jaffna-Part - 8


The twilight of the Vellalas
By Neville Jayaweera

The reference to two Tamil nationalisms is not intended to deny the overarching consciousness of Tamilness that unites all Tamil speaking people. The Sri Lankan Tamils share a common history, a common language, a common religion, and the occupancy of a common territory for over a thousand years, all of which together constitute the minimum requirements of a claim to nationhood (not to be confused for statehood).

However, within that overarching unity there are also great divergences. Though they all speak the same language, and trace their origins to Tamil Nadu, Jaffna Tamils differ from Eastern Province Tamils and from the Up-Country Tamils, notably in their historical and cultural experiences, and not least in the way they speak Tamil and respond to political challenges.

The Jaffna Tamils community itself is further fragmented. Much to my surprise, one of the discoveries I made during my years in Jaffna was that the seemingly undifferentiated Jaffna Tamil society was cleft right down the middle by an almost impenetrable caste/class barrier, which virtually concretized the Jaffna Tamils into two distinct socio-economic entities, the Vellala and the non-Vellala.

However, before I turn my attention to the issue of what constitutes their separateness, I want to dispel any impression I might have created that the class divide within Jaffna Tamil society was peculiar just to the Tamils.

To the contrary, from as far back as recorded history, the divide between those who owned the means of production and those who worked them has characterized all societies, whether primitive, ancient, medieval or modern, and needless to say, that includes Sri Lanka as well.

What was unique and distinctive about Tamil society was that the rigid caste system set that divide in concrete. Once a person was born a road sweeper he remained a road sweeper throughout his life, with no possibility of escape, even if he had natural endowments that fitted him to be a scientist. The congruence of class with caste made the Tamil system pernicious and vulnerable to revolution as the only possible catalyst for change.

The Radala oppression

The Radala oppression of the Kandyan peasantry was as iniquitous as the Vellala dominance over the non-Vellalas. However, systematic government interventions following Independence helped greatly to mitigate it. In the early 1950s the government appointed a Kandyan Peasantry's Commission to look into the problems of the Kandyan peasants resulting from the Waste Lands Ordinance of 1840, and on its recommendations successive governments initiated major rehabilitation programmes, under the Land Development Ordinance, for alleviating the plight of the upcountry peasantry.

I recall how when I was working in the Ratnapura and Badulla Districts in the 1950s/60s, we acquired large tracts of land from the surrounding tea and rubber estates and alienated them in small allotments to the landless. Likewise, we cleared whole swathes of forests and launched colonization projects also for settling the landless and for stepping up rice production. Furthermore, the Paddy Lands Act also helped to release the stranglehold that landowners exercised over the pauperized peasantry.

Kannangara's free education scheme and a network of Central Schools, proved another great catalyst.

By helping to diminish rural landlessness, and by reducing discontentment amongst the poor, these government initiatives put a brake on social and political instability, until rapid economic growth in the decades that followed, reduced the peoples' dependence on land and enabled a fairer distribution of the national product.

Marginalising the non-Vellalas

Such initiatives, to mitigate the effects of landlessness among the Tamils of Jaffna, were not launched on a scale in any way comparable to those in the South and discontentment among their landless and the marginalized, i.e. among the non-Vellalas, continued to escalate.

When I took over as GA of Jaffna in 1963 I was appalled to see the paucity of governments' interventions on their behalf, and they represented 60% of the population of the district. The only fully functioning major irrigation project was Iranamadu, which had been restored by the British, pre-Independence, and most of the lands benefiting from its waters belonged to the Vellalas. The other projects, still incomplete at that time were Akkarayankulam and Tharmapuram, both in the Vanni, but they barely made an impact on the mounting sense of frustration among the non-Vellalas, and they were being driven to despair. All my personal pleas to Colombo, to Minister C.P. de Silva and to the Prime Minister herself, evoked one response - "wait for the Mahaveli diversion" - which at that time did not seem even a distant prospect.

For over a hundred years, lacking land and access to government service, which were avenues monopolized by the Vellalas, many non-Vellalas took to smuggling as a profession. Velvettiturai, the home of Pirabhakaran, was its hub, and the inhabitants of a considerable stretch of the northern coast depended on smuggling for their livelihood, supplemented of course by the fishing industry.

As far as governments in Colombo were aware, the problem of the Tamils was simply the language problem and their demand for regional autonomy. It was only a matter of time before the non-Vellalas would demonstrate that they were driven by more fundamental concerns, such as opportunities to live with dignity as human beings, free from the oppression either of the Vellalas or of the state.

A silent conspiracy

There was almost a silent conspiracy, unintended but effective nonetheless, to consign the non-Vellalas to oblivion. The members of the silent conspiracy comprised the British rulers, the Vellalas, the government, the Marxist parties and not least the intellectual class.

The British followed the age old maxim of all imperialisms, which is to co-opt the local ruling class, in this instance the Vellalas, as their comprador agents. The British did exactly the same among the Sinhala.

The Vellalas willingly submitted to co-option by the British who responded by colluding in the Vellala's domination of the rest of the Tamil society. It is significant that throughout 500 years of colonial domination of Jaffna, after the fall of Sangkili, the last King of Jaffna, in 1581, there were no significant resistance movements against the colonial masters as there were among the Sinhala in the South. The Vellalas never produced a Keppetipola (1818) or a Gongalagoda Banda or a Puran Appu (1848) - even though the latter were both dummy heroes - as symbols of an anti colonial protest.

It was not only the colonial rulers who colluded with the Vellalas in reducing the non-Vellalas to oblivion. So did the entire political establishment in the Sinhala South.

When successive governments in the South thought that they were negotiating with the leaders of the Tamil people, they were in fact talking only to the Vellala class leaders, represented by the FP and the TC, whereas a vast 60% underclass had no status or place in those negotiations. It was as if they did not exist at all. These negotiations focused mostly on issues like language and standardization policies, which were important primarily to the Vellalas, but not to the non-Vellalas. The Vellalas campaigned on the language issue primarily because the elevation of Sinhala to the status of the official language deprived them of opportunities to make their way through the public service, and not merely because language was a fundamental right. The public service had been the stamping ground of the Vellalas and the loss of opportunities to access it, because of language, made no difference to the non-Vellalas. Likewise, when the Vellalas launched a sustained campaign to tar the "Sri" symbol on motor vehicles, it had no meaning for the non-Vellalas who not only did not own cars, but did not have even donkeys to ride on!

The Marxist parties must also share some part of the blame for keeping the non-Vellalas voiceless. Given the opportunity to integrate the oppressed castes of Jaffna into the wider class struggle, they clung to their text book doctrine that only an organized urban proletariat was capable of leading the revolution, and relegated the oppressed peasantry to a lumpen status, incapable of mounting any resistance to oppression. P. Kandiah, MP of Point Pedro (CP Moscow Wing) and N. Sanmugathasan (Peking wing) were the only noteworthy exceptions but they never developed their base in the peninsula. Pirabhakaran filled that vacuum.

The intellectual class

The intellectual class, the academics and the scholars, and the broad NGO community of the South, had neither time nor space for the non-Vellalas. They produced reams of learned papers, wrote scores of books, organized countless seminars the world over and put out impressive bibliographies, with the ethnic conflict as their subject, but how much space did they devote to looking at caste as a powerful motor driving the ethnic conflict? How much empirical research into the caste structure of Jaffna have Sri Lankan academics and scholars carried out? Granted that since 1983 empirical research would have impossible in Jaffna, why is that there have not been serious attempts at even conceptualizing the caste issue or at developing even a tentative hypothesis? To my knowledge, and I am open to correction, only two scholarly works have been published on the subject, and both were by foreigners, Bryan Plaffenberg and Peter Robb, and both were concerned more with the caste structure in Tamil Nadu than concretely with the caste system in Jaffna. Furthermore, I have a serious problem with the credibility of the methodologies adopted by both these writers.

Few things illustrate the paucity of the Sri Lankan intellectuals' agenda, as the fact that when, in 2001, the Marga Institute sponsored what was perhaps the biggest project ever, for looking at the ethnic conflict, and produced 19 monographs on its varied aspects, they forgot to sponsor a single monograph, exclusively for looking at the caste aspect of the conflict. That is the measure of the unreality in which the intellectual class in the South has lived relative to the caste issue in Jaffna.

The twilight of the Vellalas

The Vellalas are a unique Tamil social formation, peculiar only to Sri Lanka. In Tamil Nadu for instance, except for a thin scattering throughout the State there are no indigenous Vellala concentrations of any social or political consequence.

They are also a resourceful people, very intelligent, entrepreneurial, hardworking, disciplined, and resilient, and they have made enormous contributions towards Sri Lanka's advancement in all spheres of the nation's life.

They are unique for another reason as well. They consider themselves superior to any other Tamil group anywhere in the world, whether it be in the Eastern Province, or in the Up-Country, or even in Tamil Nadu, and consider their own spoken Tamil to be the Gold Standard, and the Tamil spoken elsewhere as "coolie" Tamil. I can myself bear witness to the distinctiveness of the spoken Vellala Tamil. I learnt Tamil from a Vellala pundit and when I started speaking it to the ordinary people of Jaffna, their eyes boggled in disbelief and incomprehension. It had the same effect as speaking the Queen's English to the dockyard workers of Tilbury.

The assumed superiority and hubris of the Vellala class ultimately proved their undoing. They isolated themselves from every other centre of Tamil political power, principally Tamil Nadu, and when they had their backs to the wall, there were no allies to bail them out. They had no leverage, in Sri Lanka or abroad, and as the props that supported their power disintegrated, their demise as a political force in Sri Lanka was inevitable.

Three major factors contributed towards this calamitous outcome. Vellala dominance rested on what had seemed an indestructible tripod.

1. One leg of the tripod was the patronage of the British.

2. The second leg of the tripod was access to government service and

3. The third leg was the ownership of land in the peninsula and elsewhere in the North.

Let us look at how that tripod crumbled within just fifty years.

The British gave the initial impetus to the Vellala class in their ascent to power. To gauge the extent of that impetus, one has only to read, as I have done, the daily diaries of Acland Dyke, GA of Jaffna for 38 years and of William Twyneham, GA for 28 years. Their patronage of the Vellalas was fulsome, and it enabled their young men who passed out from mission schools in Jaffna to gain speedy entry into government service. That is not to say that these young men could not have managed on their own, or did not merit their appointments. They were very intelligent, entrepreneurial, hard working, disciplined, loyal, and thrifty, qualities which any ruler would value very highly, and on the strength of which they would have progressed even unaided. They are qualities that economists and historians have identified as the driving motor of capitalism and as the foundation blocks of empire. However when the British relinquished power, the Vellalas lost the umbrella under which they had prospered for over a century, and they had to fend for themselves.

Along with the Sinhala leaders of the time, like the Senanayakes, E.W.Perera, et al, Ponnambalam Ramanathan and Ponnambalam Arunachalam positioned themselves in the vanguard of the nationalist struggle but they were from the top drawer of Tamil society, who having already appropriated economic and social power, were now seeking political power to augment their armoury. When the British left, without securing for the Vellala class the political power they craved, the Vellalas had their backs to the wall, but it took them some time to read the writing on it!

It was only after 1956 that the Vellalas began to read the writing on the wall. As the Sinhala Only policy worked its way through the system, the structure and complexion of the public services changed dramatically. In a field where they once reigned, the Vellala class found themselves progressively marginalized and reduced to a rump, and the second leg of the Vellala power tripod began to crumble.

The third leg of the tripod began to crumble not under pressure from without, but under assault from within. Post 1983, when the militant groups, principally the LTTE, began to assert power in the peninsula and started demanding monetary contributions from the only people who had money, mostly in cash and jewellery, i.e. from the Vellalas, and also started demanding from their families support for the "cause" in the form of manpower, that is, at least one son from each family, the Vellala families cut and fled, either to Colombo, or abroad, leaving their properties to be expropriated by the rebels.

Let us not forget that the Vellalas are a very bourgeois people. They are unused to living in trenches, to being bitten by fleas and ticks, and to braving the blistering Vanni sun, or of running the risk of violent death, preferring instead to work at desks, or in hospitals or in the law courts and seeking always the comforts of a respectable middle class life.

When the Vellalas abandoned their houses and lands in the peninsula, the non-Vellalas simply walked in and took them over, carrying out thereby a thoroughly radical programme of land expropriation, that had not been attempted anywhere else in Sri Lanka, and comparable to the eviction of Kulaks from their holdings in the early years of the Russian Revolution. It was not merely that the rebels moved in and took over Vellala lands but they obliterated all old boundaries, fences, and surveyors' bench marks, so that any attempt hereafter by the original owners to reclaim their properties on the basis of their title deeds is a near impossibility.

Furthermore, from the early 1980s, as successive armies trudged backwards and forwards over their lands, and as High Security Zones widened their perimeters and as the familiar land marks and boundaries that defined privately owned plots of land were erased, most of Jaffna's agricultural plots were reduced to a wasteland and the once green fields are now largely abandoned. The small-holding agricultural economy of the Jaffna peninsula has all but collapsed, and with it the last bastion of Vellala power.

The collapse of the Vellalas as an indigenous political force may delight many of their critics, but it has left a vacuum in the political configuration of the country, which will have far reaching ramifications and consequences, and their critics may have to think again. Let me turn now to that issue.

To be continued

Real Pottu said...

sithsala said...

losers are trying to create uncertainty using the news blackout. never fall for it.


the supreme ground commander arrives for a briefing

Real Pottu said...

sinhala rats are suffering

why don't some of the keyboard heroes join in & help the poor suffering rats

chic..chic..chic chickens

Real Pottu said...

Mohammed Zubair said...

For a bit of fun, go to DN, Meeharak Mahen has posted his grand plan there.


look who is talking

Zubair the dumb fuck

Aathaboothan said...



MrBrown said...

[Brown posted himself:"

...screw this sicko, whoever he (or she) is..
Guys..I have found that there is a duplicate Brown posting as me.. if u check my google id..and other brown who posted above..u will find the truth.. some people are trying to discredit me. well if u r man enough .just counter argue with me.. dont try to behave like Gota in SL.. U are like Gota in Dw. blog.

Real Pottu said...

Aathaboothan said...


sinhala governments friend killing sinhala

innocent sinhalas die

Corey said...

Another bipolar mania-sufferrer amir (formerly....), has joined.

amir... yes our advice to you peelam sickos... keep dreaming of great peelam victories in your mind... and threaten us here...

these catharses will help to cope with your inferiority complex...

BTW, where is the great peelam war IV these days? In Colombo????

Real Pottu said...

rider said...

hmmm a long silence means there would be a nice article around the corner...


defencewire is fucking defencenet

don't disturb

Real Pottu said...

Corey the keyboard hero

join the army & enjoy the winning life :P

Real Pottu said...

sithsala said...

picture might not be rosy, but have faith in GR and GenSF. they will never let this opportunity slip through the fingers. We have come so far and these are the days that we break LTTP for good. casualties would be unavoidable but tomorrow would be much much brighter.

no no

picture is very rosy

God Gota & God Ponseka will save you all


tommorow will be very bright


Lahiru said...

oh c'mon we need an update dw :)

Rover said...

It is probably difficult for DW to give an update until a clear mission objective is reached (be it the taking down of X about of LTTE cadres or reaching some other goal). There is a lot of strikes and counterstrikes taking place as we speak, and it is not always a good thing to say to the people that we are advancing and retreating at the same time. This could be LTTE's do or die battle, and we too will loose a good number of our soldiers. After all, it is going to be VP's birthday soon, hence the blood sacrifices.

Rana said...

Morning Guys,

Heavy fighting continue around Kili, this is a good news, as we can reduce their strength until they run away.

Once they run away from Kili front, their military is over and done.

VP is going to sacrifice, as many as possible, before he run. That may lead to a mutiny within their rank and file.

This is the most difficult time for us, hang on for few more days.

Rana said...


Thanks for your advice brother, Those info gone out from me are selected after careful deliberations not to endanger myself or anybody else.

However, I am moved by your concerns, mate.

Thanks again and Cheers.

Ananda-USA said...

DaraSingh & Phantom-X: Good comments regarding the need for a large defense force.

DaraSingh: I had previously written to this blog, and elsewhere, as you have done now, that the reason for India creating and implanting Tamil terrorism in SL was because India felt threatened by Sri Lanka's move towards free-markets and the capiltalist West, and wanted to control Sri Lanka by planting a proxy in our country. The flawed judgment by India of Sri Lanka's purpose in changing its economic policies was made at a time when India was firmly wedded to socialism and was aligned with Russia for security. Today, India is following the very same free-market policies under President Man Mohan Singh's good guidance. You can overcome poverty only by growing the pie, not by redistributing a fixed pie to an ever growing population.

The foundation for much of the basic social progress and social equity we enjoy now in Sri Lanka was made during the socialist leaning Bandaranaike-led (SWRD & Sirimavo) SLFP govts. After the initial social gains were made, their economic policies yielded a stagnant economy that did not grow, while the people wanted a better life, and more freedom for their native talents to flourish...hence the move towards the freemarket spearheaded by the UNP, to make the economy grow. I think, both parties made good contributions that yielded benefits to the people, while making some mistakes (particularly with regard to defence), and getting corrupted when in power for too long.

Today, by the grace of the Holy Tripe Gem, in Mahinda & Gothabhaya Rajapaksa and Gen. Fonseka, we finally have leaders who have the will, the determination, and the ability to rescue the country from this mortal peril. To my mind, Mahinda and Gothabhaya are the modern equivalents of King Dutugamunu and his brother Tissa, and will go down in our history as such, if they succeed in preserving and securing Sri Lanka.

I have written for over 20 years arguing the need for a military solution as an essential pre-requisite to establishing peace in Sri Lanka, and I am ecstatic that finally it is happening now!

soorapappa...සූරපප්පා said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
soorapappa...සූරපප්පා said...


Over 800 comments... hmm....
Hope to read new article tomorrow morning :)

Cheers !

Saman said...


I agree with you word to word in many parts of your write-up except one single passage. I beg to differ on the following,

/I had previously written to this blog, and elsewhere, as you have done now, that the reason for India creating and implanting Tamil terrorism in SL was because India felt threatened by Sri Lanka's move towards free-markets and the capiltalist West, and wanted to control Sri Lanka by planting a proxy in our country./

This widely held view has been argued by many people during 83-90 period. It is a fact that our pro-socialistic policies under SLFP has tilted more towards open-economy and pro-west during that period too. However that is an EXCUSE India(RAW)was waiting for a long-long time. They obviously had a bigger fish to fry. India’s involvement in training Tamil militancy and encouraging them in establishing a world opinion that Sri Lanka's NORTH-EAST is the traditional homeland of Tamils (I wrote many times what they have demarcated as Ealam is NOT the traditional homeland of the SRI LANKAN TAMILS. But for all Tamils around the world. That is how, they manage to mobilize the entire Diaspora.)

The widely held view – our pro west stance after 1977 was the cartelist or trigger – can be proven as a mere myth – if you study India’s behaviour after the collapse of Russia up to the assassination of Rajeve. Also future events will show you, even if MR wins this war and kill VP, India’s finger in the Sri Lankan pie will remain. Man Mohan Sing is not involving in our issue directly even at this stage has little to do with the economic model you presented but can be better explained by the Fact that LTTE is lead by two of their convicted criminals. Man Mohan can not do anything else, India’s constitution is so strong, if he supports a convicted criminal he is accountable and can ended up in jail. So to me VP is our trump card and the insurance policy. Also, you could prove pro-west theory wrong if you imaging a “What if?”scenario where LTTE did not kill Rajive and VP is not a criminal of India. Answer is simple. They could well have yielded to TN demand and took action.

Killing VP, will make him a martyr and his ideology would grow not only in SL but also in TN. Capturing and handing him over – meaning a fresh LTTE leadership, India’s tune will change. They will make sure Tamil Homeland ideology lives in Sri Lankan soil NOT on Indian soil. Capture and negotiated with west to make VP a political figure only for North – India will grow alternative extremism from the east and up-country Tamils. I am LOVED to be proven wrong here.

I hate to say this, Tamil separatism will live as a parasite in MOther Lanka's body until a weak leader or a hung government come to power in Sri Lanka – like bloody RW.

So, what’s the solution – to create, educate and maintain a Tamil community who loves Sri Lanka and it’s way of life much more than the emotional high grounds they are going to get through Tamil homeland idealism. That would be a Herculean task, no doubt. Now put JHU and JVP in to the mix in that light. Desater.

Moshe Dyan said...

guys ignore this amir pigfcukers' son.

Moshe Dyan said...


"We shall take Veza's statements one by one and have a good laugh."

a wise thought. why?

bcos all the analysts in the world will anal-ice vezapillai's statements and try to give phylosophical meanings. the best counter attack to that is to REDICULE them.

unfortunately vezapillai talks some sense in the coward's day speeches. last year bugger played the 80 million tamils card. within the year malaysian and tamil madu tamills showed support for him (then b4). but we can redicule him; there will be PLENTY of bullshitt.

last time we chased him around vanni with his statement in his mouth and shitt in his arse when we bimbed VoT and his hiding place in a school.

if i remember right the cowards' day was 26 november b4(????). last year it became 27th and due to embarassment, it remains same.

same with vezapillai's name. first it was prabhakaran, then prabaharan, then pirapaharan then vezapillai pukahaaran!!

Moshe Dyan said...


i agree with you observations but slightly disagree with your conclusion.

what we should do is to FRUSTRATE tamill aspirations by hook or by hook and replace them with SL aspirations.

there are 2 kinds of tamills.

1. tamil
2. thamiz

1 - they want a unitary country, want to live with others, want no violence, want DEVELOPMENT, don't want tamill elam, don't want to be bosy.

2 - they want a divided country, don't want to live with others, want violence, DON'T want DEVELOPMENT, want tamill elam.

1 - are poorer than the others. mostly non-valla-ula-la. less educated than #2.

2 - are richer than #1. mostly valla-ula-la (testicle suckers). more educated than #1s.

what we should do is to use #1s to screw #2s. give MORE opportunities for #1s at the expense of #2s.

e.g. TMVP, EPDP, etc.

divide and rule.

that way SL will have real non-violent, intellectually sound tamill community.

as for the sinhala trouble makers......

adopt MORE capitalist policies and develop the country ALONG CAPITALIST lines. give benefits of capitalism to people by (for example) reducing the public sector and thereby taxes (i prefer a reduction in income taxes than indirect taxes). JVP and JHU will vanish.

my old unpaid slut (WB) might come after me begging for expressing myself.

thiru said...

Moshe, type 1 and type 2 tamils? interesting little interpretation there....too bad the same can't be said abt the singhalese population, there is no type one and type 2, only one modhaya,chauvunistic,portugese imbreed, blood thirsty war monger type that has no political, before u go on talking abt the tamil race, i suggest u try to get ur facts straight....u give the tmvp and epdp as examples of "good tamils", these are traitors that suck the dicks of southern politicians for money and torment the tamil community in the north and's pretty interesting to see how the modhaya mind works, u seem to be the first one to jump on the bandwagon when any international organization accuses the tigers of child recruitment but seem to shade away the fact that it is the TMVP who has been accused of mass child recruitment by several do me a favor dear modhaya and just show ur true colors instead of pretending to care abt the thamizh race.

උදාන said...

What happen why no new posts?
Is DW guys KIA? or MIA?

What's new?

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

G’Day boys and girls and primordial survivors!

It is 2 more days for the International Monkey Magic Day! 27/11/08

The whole world eagerly waiting for a massive monkey magic day and big monkey is getting ready to vanish in to the thin air (or may be vaporized by SLAF) in front of the world wide live (recorded early in the jungle bunker but die-ass-pora clown like Mr.Brownhole, Meeharak Mahen and c@nt Bahirave and don’t forget Navindran seeya will be hell bent on saying it is live) audience.

The die-ass-pora clowns are eagerly waiting with open mouth, shut eyes, deaf years in a slightly bend posture (hope u all get the picture) until big monkey magically enter the rear end and end up coming off in the front end! Ha ha ha

Rana and Apino: boys, sorry I missed the last bit about Badminton yesterday.

Rana, it is very nice of u for ur invitation and fingers crossed one day we can play some Badminton and have a beer ofcoz!

Anonymous said...

MD/ others

Any one knows amir's earlier name? Ha Ha

Moshe Dyan said...


cheers mate.

Moshe Dyan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Godsun V Pirabaharan (Prabha) said...





Yesterday my mens had attcked some singala after they demonstrated in France. Incident took place in La Chople (French Wanni)town. Sorry my mens all around the world now. Even no force can stop them.

I have ordered Thirukumar to write a book like Mein Kamp. One day it will be useful when my mens began to ask their own land in all over the world. World power let us settled paid benefits gave jobs gave their nationality.

We must give them a gift.
Like we are showing our gratitude to singala ( who let us to live in their country) we will show other world how ambitious lovely people we are.

I am proud even if I die tomorrow for creat of world most racist race = TAMILS

Godsun V Pirabaharan (Prabha) said...




Moshe Dyan said...



the bad ones have invented a new identity where "Z" is used EXTENSIVELY in place of tamil "L".

e.g. vezapillai, thamiz, zoo, ZTTE, czechoszovakia!!

koly said...

1 Night to go, Yet no Takaran!!

Moshe Dyan said...

november 25 th 1954 (or close to it; they don't keep dates in velvetithurai those days).


vezapillai's mother suffers labour pains. admists to the govt hospital. doctors inspect her and the lump of shit inside. asks her if she thoughT she was a bear in hibernation to stuck sooo much shitt in her body. doctors decide to take the shithead out of the arsehole.

- chapter I "from boys to guu-rillas"

to be continued......

Moshe Dyan said...


i don't have any thangachchis even among cousins.

so i fuck VANNI KANNIs!!!!

13 under my belt. i know 13 is unlicky for some.

your thangatchi is the 14th!!!!!! she is not a kanni, though.

Moshe Dyan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

It seems like Moshe hit a Thaka Thiru hard with his 2 types! Thaka Thiru must have gone to the Shrink! Wonder how it went…

Shrink: Hey Thaka Thiru… how r u? got ur Peellam yet? Ha ha ha kidding…anyway take a seat!

Thaka Thiru: no joke doctor I am depressed! I need some Valium …

Shrink: how about some Meepasanam? Ha ha ha just kidding… anyway…just to see how ur Intelligent brain works tell me the first thing come up to ur stupid mind for these things ok…??

Shrink: Sinhala

Thaka Thiru: Modaya

Shrink: Sinhalese

Thaka Thiru: Chauvinist

Shrink: Sri Lanka

Thaka Thiru: Dream land

Shrink: Prabakaran

Thaka Thiru: do u want me to bend down?

Shrink: Harry Potter

Thaka Thiru: Pottu Amman

Shrink: monkey

Thaka Thiru : Mahen

Shrink: Buddhism

Thaka Thiru: Too hard

Shrink : TMVP

Thaka Thiru :portugese imbreed

Shrink : EPDP

Thaka Thiru :blood thirsty war monger

Shrink :Thamizh

Thaka Thiru :Pure breed

Shrink : Tamils

Thaka Thiru :Who cares???

Shrink :Brad Pitt

Thaka Thiru : Rajinikanth

Shrink : LTTE women fighters

Thaka Thiru : Masturbation

Shrink :Eellam

Thaka Thiru : Aaaahhhhhhgggg

Shrink :What?

Thaka Thiru : Agggghhhhh I am coming…..

Shrink :R u wearing a nappy?

Thaka Thiru : Nahhhh…. I gave my last one to Navindran seeya!!

Shrink : Get off my couch u bastard!!!!

Roaring Roy said...


these articles written by Neville Jayaweera give us a very good insight in to the current Srilankan Tamil physocology and what made it. Their is so much info, I strongly reccomend everyone to read them. It is also so much fun reading these articles. A must read!!

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Hey Thaka Thiru, How about I give u a genuine one BIG MF Galle malli up in ur ars@??? U will love it!ha ha

But don’t go to take a sea bath in Unawatuna or Hikkaduwa after I give my BIG Galle malli up in ur ars@ ok…. Big chance a big Kelawalla and Boolla and Balaya fish swim inside ur loose ars@. ha ha ha

Go get real u low-life before talking about Galle!

Moshe Dyan said...


thiru's periya akka - Viji - my first screww

nalla kundi! my johnny stands to attention just when i think about thiru's akka!!!!!

check out who did it, thirumoron.


hemantha said...

"Who is doing the toughest job in the world? Is it the US military commander in Afghanistan? Or, is it Sri Lanka's army chief? Their jobs are tough, no doubt. But, in our book, no one's job is tougher than that of Prabhakaran's speechwriter. Poor guy must be having a hard time drafting his boss’s speech on Thursday."

Editorial-The Island

click here.

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Thaka Thiru, not sure about Portuguese, but a Norway friend recently highly recommended to try out few Thamiz kids. I refused saying “too ugly and too skinny”.

But he insists and he recon there will be so many half breed Norwegian / Thamiz kids running around Wanni soon. So much so, VP has promised Norway guys the priority to pic kids in Wanni once he won Peellaam!

U might even make a buck out of it. How? My Norway friend said there are some Norway guys with this unusual fetish of humping Mongol Die-ass-pora clowns! Ha ha ha

Saman said...


Good to be back mate.

I guess, we are talking the same talk but I have put it more suttle way not to get WB on my back. I wrote,

/to create, educate and maintain a Tamil community who loves Sri Lanka and it’s way of life much more than the emotional high grounds they are going to get through Tamil homeland idealism/

meaning exactly changing the mind-set of #2 (which is the Hurculean task). In my view it is #2 at this moment, drives politics of masses (poor, less fortunate class). #1 at this stage are good boys - YES. But will they remain such in a political vacume created by demise of #2 is the million $ question to me.

D&R may not be the best instrument in future. I feel it is too blunt. Don't you think D&R approah could and would be exploited by India in the long run (Isn't that exactly what LTTE was commitioned to do in late 80's. Many were murdered in day light in India). India is the masters of that in the region and have the resources even to manipulate our Sinhala polic (haven't they done that with UNP/SLFP)

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Alert! Alert! Alert! Primitive Objects entering DW space!!!! Ha ha ha avoid contacts!!! let them crash in the upper atmosphere and burn! Lol

tissahammi said...


wow, that's classic man. every day i'm looking for your posts to start my day. !!! keep it up bro

Unknown said...

Defencewire Mahindha Dogs units need to take out Dr. Harsha De Silva. He is lying to the world and Sri Lanka that billions of rupees are going down the drain. As he is trying to save Sri Lanka for ruin he is shall now be known as a PRO LTTE LOVER and soon some pistol gang can take him out.

Real Pottu said...

Amma Gahai/Gahawi is Asithri's no balls cracy dumb fuck pakaya brother

Real Pottu said...

visit for hot news


Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Asithri: ha ha ha … I just lost for words! There is nothing to say anyway! U said all! Ha ha ha

Tissa Hami : My Pleasure Brother! I am @ ur service Maha Hoora! Lol

Asithri said...




Mate, the problem is these LTTE thangatchis go spread-eagle rather too eagerly in my in the following example:

Now now that kind of over-eagerness to get laid by a Chingalaya spoils the fun for me...dunno about you...

Hey Thiru TamilNadu racist Sakkiliya...what say? Do you like them spread-eagled so willingly?

LMSSAO!!! No, Truly LMSSAO!!!

Fcuk, my sides are hurting by laughing so much...I got to stop this!

OaO Asithri

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Amir, nice try ! but ur too primitive and not creative enough for me to reply.

But, look who is here… my favorite Navindran Seeys!!!! Ha ha ha How r u seeys? Did u remember to
1) Take ur Alzheimer's pills?
2) Did u wear ur nappy?
3) Did u tell some one where ur going? so they don’t have to call police to find u
4) R u in the correct blog?
5) How r u again? If u can’t remember I already asked it!! ha ha ha

Asithri said...


[Asithri the no balls cracy dumb fuck pakaya]

Ho ho ho…looks like humble OaOA has reamed a Jaffna goat up the rectum and that too without thala-thel!


OaO Asithri

Moshe Dyan said...


mahindha's dog units cannot take on harsha de silva now.

very sorry.

enna pirachchenai???

bcos all the pistols of mahindha's dog unit are busy with your duwarka aunty and vathani aunty!!!!!!!!

Moshe Dyan said...

cheers OAOA.

yes; lets get back to defence matters. good news all the way.

as the island editorial said, VP's speechwriters may be having the time of their lives!!

Asithri said...


Is your dearly beloved, Tamil racist whore-mother ready for the "lime fruit game" with humble OaOA?

I just need two half-ripe XL lime fruits and some privacy with'll be amazed how much of a content, happy look she will have on her face when this Chingalaya is done with her!

The filthy LTTE whore that she is, well, yes she is not my standard-fare...but what the heck, in the interest of "ethnic harmony" there is nothing much I draw the line at these days!


:)) :)) :))

OaO Asithri

hiru said...

Aney powe may asaranayanta udaw karanna…..

“Please save Dr. Harsha De Silva as he is trying to save Sri Lanka for ruin” haka haka haka

“Guys..I have found that there is a duplicate Brown posting as me.. if u check my google id..and other brown who posted above..u will find the truth.. some people are trying to discredit me”……please ..please …please check my google id

Asithri said...

OK...pardon the mild digression...(after all, a man’s got to relax after a hard day’s of work milking the cows right? LMSSAO!)

yes, back to defense matters...

Talked to "Colombo" today and I was told the push into Sakkilinocchi has been very capably aided by some nifty air-borne infusion of hard-core, veteran SF dudes and these cool dudes had creamed some of the LTTE "elite" bastards/bitches who had just blindly charged into the well laid traps...for example, when 10 whore-bitches/bastards go KABOOOOOM! in one fell swoop, it tells you it was nothing but an OUTSTANDING feat...and there are many such KABOOOOMS I hear from well inside of the "earth bund"...!

So much so, even at the very hint of SF dudes, I am told LTTE MF now run - in sheer horror not knowing where/when the next KABOOOOM will happen. Aha, those airborne catz…they are the best!

OaO Asithri

Moshe Dyan said...


so far the war has been following d&r.

you may recall the war began from trinco. it split the north from the east.


now the northern province is split from the east. d&r. govt is trying to bring up eastern tamil leadership FOR THE FIRST TIME. (why didn't we do that b4???)

as long as they are divided, there cannot be tamill elam obviously.

now there is another trend. the colombo guys are further different. they don't like TNA. they rather vote for UNP. although buggers like mano g supports LTTE, his demands are different.

many other tamils in other districts (other than col, nuwaraeliya, north and east) have no choice but to vote for sinhala or muslim MPs.

to convert this emerging political trend into a SOLUTION, a few things need to be done.

also the jaffna vote is divided. if the govt (SLFP or UNP) backs them, EPDP can get even 20 seats in parliament with TNA 1 or 2. same with TMVP. they can be made to become king makers.

if they try to be too smart, execute the sixth amedment. done! no violence.

Moshe Dyan said...

great news OAOA.

take care mate. bye for now.

Asithri said...


Take care go easy humping those fat mules dressed in red & yellow okay?


OaO Asithri

Unknown said...

Why ther is no any updates after 20th November

Asithri said...



That was pretty much a 40 round RM-70 volley!

Basically, pulverized this LTTE filthy motherfcuker Amir to a pulp!

Yep, it even made yours humble OaOA here blush! ;-)


OaO Asthri

Asithri said...


[Why ther is no any updates after 20th November]

That's because DW is inside of the "earth bund" these days helping VP (VesaParaya) to pick the best possible coffin...

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

OK, time to go milk the last cow, my favorite red & yellow cow, for the day ;-) ;-) ;-)

PEACE to all patriots here...

Take care...

OaO Asithri

Saman said...


Points taken but realities are still to be proven. Mix that with an economic model, where interdependency and corporative commercial existence between the regions/races (through tariffs and regulation) encouraged, also needs to be fully integrated. Such a model combined with D&R between N-S-E-W segmented politic might work splendidly well.

Let us hope for the best.

To change the subject, I still can not convince my-self as to why/how that narrow strip of no mans land south of Mahamullai FDL is hard to conquer. I am aware of the ground realities and that LTTE renting our well fortified SLA garrison without paying rent. But it still does not stackup with the number of lives given/taken over the years to safeguard it and regain it.

If that area is that sweet militarily, then I recon that area need to be completely re-vamped as a fully integrated SLA, SLN and SLAF joint force garrison.

What do you all think.

Unknown said...

Somebody said before, about zigzag bunds used by janaka perera successfully.

Now LTTP is building ZIGZAG bunds

MayilRavana මයිල් රාවන said...

All quiet on the Eastern Front. And Mahen's D-day is approaching. Still no news. Something big has to happen. Soon!

Moshe and Gang,

Me blog eke inna Moshege Vezi, apahasa karala thiyenawa Kelaniye inna Mahacharyata. Mama meyaata pody lanuwak (noolak) dunna ballana eyata sinhala pulluvanda kiyala. Mang kalpana karanawa eyata baha kiyala. Than mang denawa tikak loku lanuwak. Eya meka gille natthan ehenam Baila thamai nattane.

Yeah Bro, I forgot my glasses. You're the man! Man, you can type. Have you got RSI yet? You still haven't given me the bit of info I wanted. But that's OK we'll forget about it.
You are from the legal/economic fraternity . Am I right?
Can you tell us what you think about Nalin's theory on the non-existence of the Big Bang?
What do you think of Neville Jayaweera's article? Interesting, No? Maybe we need to bring back the Vellalas. What do you think?

Moshe Dyan said...


i know that you are hiding in your thangatchi's cunt. remember the time when she was a VANNI KANNI?

is she thirumahal??


ohhh..sorry for the spelling mistake.



Moshe Dyan said...


mate, the "narrow strip" is not so small.

a corrected calc.

it is 8,000 metres wide and approx 15,000 metres long.
= 12,000 hectares

if we hammer this areas with 10 RM-70s with 10 volleys (a VERY VERY high estimation), the maximum area affected

= 10 x 10 x 4 = 400 hectares
= 3%

if 8 MiG-27s bomb this area with the max load (8 KAB-500 bombs each) 3 times the eras affected will be (MAXIMUM),

= 8 x 8 x 3 x 1
= 192 hectares
= 1.6%
(area = radium ^2 x pi())

so the VERY generous estimate can only take 4.6% of the area. the remaining 95.4% must be taken out by the infantry by overcoming APMs, ambushes, landmines, monster mines, evading LTTE arti/motar/gunfire/trenches/booby traps, etc., etc.

on the other hand, LARGER the army HIGHER the exposure.

Moshe Dyan said...

8 MiG-27s 3 times...

i meant equavalant.

Katch said...

Hi Guys,

In the absence of an article by DW, I'm pasting one here by Dushy Ranatunge. Now some of you may not agree with him while others would agree with some of the things he says. Either way it's good to think about these issues until we get some news on the battle for the tiger heartland!

Maava mbrl koranna epa macho :)

If Mahinda is Winston Churchill, Ranil is Clement Attlee

by Dushy Ranetunge

In the general election, every vote counts. It would be a grave mistake indeed to think that anyone could carry a general election by playing exclusively to the Sinhala nationalist gallery or a military constituency.

Mahinda Rajapakse is aware of this. Gothabaya Rajapakse once informed me of certain disagreements he was having with his brother, with Mahinda emphasising that there is a political angle and not just a military one.

Recently in Europe, a senior diplomat inquired as to my opinion of developments in Sri Lanka. I replied that like Winston Churchill, Mahinda might win the war, but to win the peace, we might need the First Earl, Clement Atlee of 5th Lane, Colombo 3.

Winning the war requires a certain mindset to be empowered and certain painful changes to the socio economic structure.

If the LTTE had militarised Tamil society in order to fight the "Sinhala-Buddhist" state, then a mirror image of it has taken place in the South, with the present regime having to militarise Sinhala society in order to fight the LTTE with all the resultant baggage and consequences.

An unfortunate by-product of all this is the prevalent Sinhala centric pronouncements and expectations, regrettably emanating from the defence establishment and predictably from certain fringe political formations of the majority community.

After rumblings in India, this constituency seems to have folded their flags and crawled back under the stones, grudgingly.

Since the electoral numbers are stacked so tightly, the administration is hesitant to put forward any meaningful package of devolution at present, fearful that it will be accused of dividing the country (rata bedanawa). A devolution package at this stage would cause dissent and chip away at the Rajapakse support base.

During the Summer, I met Kiriella of the UNP at the Ambepussa Resthouse on our way to Kandy. He was of the view that Rajapakse will win a second presidential term, but that the UNP has a good chance at a general election.

Mahinda Rajapakse may be aware of this.

He may also be aware that the UNP will capitalise on the Mervin Silva factor. It is not surprising that legal action has been filed against Silva, on the run up to a general election. Legal action may be used as a mitigating factor, to appease those who are outraged about Mervin. The Mervin Silva factor has not only outraged the English speaking intelligentsia, but also the Sinhala constituency, the strata represented by Rupavahini staff. This is what used to be the bedrock of the Rajapakse constituency. Silva’s behaviour is abhorred universally and he is identified with Rajapakse with the resultant tarnishing. Imagine an election poster with Mervin Silva, with the caption "do you want to vote for this lot?"

Legal action also seem to be being used to neutralise the proxies of the LTTE, the TNA. Several TNA MPs were questioned by the Terrorist Investigations Department this week, presumably with a view of bringing formal charges for breaching provisions of the constitution in relation to advocating separatism. TNA members have a history of advocating separatism, especially on platforms in Europe and North America, with the Sri Lankan authorities turning a blind eye so far.

The other tool in the UNP arsenal, cost of living, is to be reduced by the government in the run up to the election. But will it be adequate?

Perhaps the most potent tool in the UNP arsenal is Janaka Perera. If the government cannot protect the war hero Janaka Perera, how can it protect ordinary citizens would be a cry that would stir the electorate. The fact that both husband and wife died together would stir emotions, which the Rajapakse’s would not be able to defend.

The Rajapakse administration wants elections soon, and has factored in the expected economic downturn next year. Here in Britain they are expecting deflation instead of inflation next year, while Germany has officially already gone into recession.

Military victories are very much in the Rajapakse administrations favour, but it is doubtful if they have factored in the high casualties expected within the next three months, which are already on the rise and its implications on the electorate.

The war cannot be fought without high casualties. But as casualties rise, it may reflect negatively in the ballot box, as a means of directing their sorrow and anger of losing loved ones or losing limbs.

Winston Churchil won the war and lost the elections. Margaret Thatcher won the war and won the elections. The deciding factor was casualties. Casualties of the Falklands war was bearable for the British electorate. If Thatcher had got involved in a long drawn out war like Iraq or Afghanistan with high casualties, she too would have lost.

Rajapakse’s war has momentum. This will be in his favour.

The priority and focus of the electorate in the coming general election should not be the past or the present, but the future. The most relevant question for the electorate is ``who can win the peace?’’

Can the advancement of a perception that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala country win the peace? Such a position would alienate the entire minority constituency and by not taking a stand on the issue Rajapakse may have done just that. Ranil also kept quiet, but the people who made these comments, are identified with Rajapakse and not Ranil. Other than the minorities, many Sinhalese too would have found the comments to be in bad taste. The speaker of the Sri Lankan parliament was of the opinion that these were not comments that should have been made in public even if they are in ones mind.

The achievements of the armed forces are quite profound, but the Sinhala centric political comments that have emanated from the military establishment has seriously tarnished their kudos amongst the intelligentsia. In the eyes of a substantial segment of the population, the army is viewed not as a professional army of the republic battling terrorism for freedom and liberty of its citizens, but as a Sinhalese tribal force enforcing Hutu – Tutsi style tribal will. Even members of the other armed forces may have cringed away from these "Sinhala" comments, going by their deafening silence.

There were always inherent dangers of a predominantly Sinhala force fighting a predominantly Tamil force. Those in authority under the present watch obviously did not realise these finer points and the need to be seen to be vigorously impartial and independent, rather than tribal.

This lack of awareness of the finer points, seem an inherent weakness in the Sri Lankan establishment and will cost votes at the general election.

When the Chief Justice appeared on TV doing his Buddhist thing, many viewed it as poor judgement for the CJ of a republic to be identified with a particular religion to such a great extent. For those who had doubts, the remand order of the Buddhist monk over the loudspeaker issue, instantly restored his balance and integrity and that of the Supreme Court.

They say that justice alone is inadequate. Justice needs to be seen to be done. The same goes for independence and integrity.

More recently the Foreign Ministry was having photo exhibitions of LTTE atrocities in Western capitals. Whoever thought this one out has absolutely no idea about international opinions about the Sri Lankan conflict or the Western mindset. The LTTE used to have similar exhibitions all over Europe and it seems that the limits of Sri Lankan imagination are restricted to copying the LTTE and committing the same mistakes. Sri Lanka can never beat the LTTE, when it comes to photo exhibitions of atrocities. Can Sri Lanka have a photo exhibition of atrocities to counter the `83 riots or white van disappearances? Further more the Western mindset would cringe from such exhibits. Western TV and newspapers would not even dream of publishing the horrendous pictures publicised in Sri Lankan media as they would consider such exhibits as being vulgar and unacceptable as they aspire to a different quality of life.

When I used to visit these LTTE photo exhibitions in Europe and North America, I used to smile to myself in the realisation that the LTTE were shooting themselves in the foot for their ignorance of the Western mindset. It was like the Tutsi’s having a photo exhibition of atrocities committed by the Hutu’s.

Now the Sri Lankan government is doing the same. Hutu’s having a photo exhibition of atrocities committed by the Tutsi’s.

A more appealing photo exhibition would have been to publicise the development in the East. A child solder under the Prabakaran regime, now going to school under Mahinda Rajapakse’s regime, would have caught the imagination of the Western mindset and that is something which the LTTE could never compete with. It would also have had a unifying effect among the communities, rather than the perception of the Hutu’s showing pictures of Tutsi atrocities and vice versa.

All these inherent weaknesses send signals to the electorate and the international community including Tamil Nadu and India. The gentle guiding hand of Lakshman Kadirgamar is surely missed.

In 1959, Senerath Paranavithana wrote "The higher culture, including the languages, brought to these regions by the Sinhalese as well as the Tamils, was adopted in varying degrees by the people of a stone age culture, who were there before their arrival. Thus the vast majority of the people who today speak Sinhalese or Tamil must have ultimately be descended from those autochthonous people of whom we know next to nothing."

As Paranavithana has correctly pointed out, both the Sinhalese and Tamil speakers have an equal stake in Sri Lanka that go back to the beginnings of history, and those who advocate otherwise can never win the peace. They will place Sri Lanka in a perpetual state of conflict and militarisation, reducing her to poverty.

Like the mindset required to win the war, winning the peace also requires a certain mindset that understands the pain of a peoples who feel battered, abused, rejected and unappreciated because of an accident of nature resulting in them being born to a particular ethno linguistic identity. They do not view Rajapakse as a liberator, saviour or a hero.

Parachuting in of Pillayans, Karunas and Devanandas will only be a temporary stopgap, and will not last the test of time. Fundamental attitudes need to be challenged and changed. Power needs to be substantially devolved to democrats rather than tyrants with an eye on improving the quality of governance for all.

Peace can only be won, when all the peoples in Sri Lanka feel secure, valued and they feel a sense of belonging. They need to be stakeholders, not mere tenants, as some want them to be. In the absence of this, the divide in Sri Lanka will grow wider and deeper as is happening at present.

Malin Abeyatunge writing in the "Island" this Wednesday under the heading, "Be humble in victory" has suggested that instead of a week of celebrations for the army’s return to Pooneryn, there should be prayers at temples, churches, kovils and mosques. How refreshing and enlightening an idea. This will unite all communities, unlike the celebrations planned, which would be viewed as Hutu’s celebrating while the Tutsi’s look on, repeating the same mistakes.

Those who fail to understand the above phenomena are whistling in the dark.

The challenge faced by Rajapakse and others that may form governments in the future is to transform the present military machine into an economic machine and forging national unity as never before and facilitating the emergence of a new stronger Sri Lankan identity, empowering all its many peoples.

Sri Lanka will find that winning the peace is far more difficult than winning the war.

Katch said...


Cheers mate!

You've been a bit quiet today.

B#1 said...

No doubt, Mr Prabaharan is the most disturbed person about latest defencewire's behavior. :(

1000 of Questions on his mind :( why no updates on defencewire..

Unknown said...

Kili front active despite of heavy monsoon.. brave soldiers , your victory is very close !

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Katch, thanks for the article. Not bad, not good, very biased towards Ranil!

Why? Because topic of the article “If Mahinda is Winston Churchill, Ranil is Clement Attlee” he made sure he talked about Mahinda and possible his short comings, but he totally and bluntly ignored talking about Ranil and possible of his short comings.

And his point about the Photo Exhibitions, he got a valid point. Yes, we should have put photos about Jaffna kids going to school. But, according to this guy he has been to LTTE photo exhibitions, but has he been to the SL one??? Yes, no, may be!!! So, how does he know what’s in the SL photo exhibition? Just assume?

And according to him MR does not understand the ordinary and discriminated people. Does Ranil understand the ordinary and discriminated? To me, this guy seems like he like Posh crowd and Ranil! just like his first name Dushy!

The most irritating part about whole article, Dushy has already made up his mind that MR is a tyrant and Ranil is the savior! Good luck dim-bat!

No disrespect to u Katch, but to me it is very biased and poorly written article.

Katch said...

Snippets from afp

"He will vow to hit back. He might even say that they are pulling out so that the army will spread out thinly for him to attack them later," said Dharmalingam Sithadthan, a former Tamil guerrilla-turned-politician.

"I think he may still have the capacity to carry out one or two big attacks, but that won't be enough to restore the military balance of power we see now," Sithadthan said.

The event also coincides with Prabhakaran's birthday -- he turns 54 on Wednesday -- although retired army brigadier general Vipul Boteju said the rotund rebel chief will have little to celebrate.

"He has to make a face-saving speech on Thursday," Boteju said.

"We will see the usual rhetoric about revenge, but his ability to deliver seems to be greatly diminished."

The annual speech is also aimed at the Tamil diaspora in countries like Canada, Australia and Switzerland, who help keep the LTTE's coffers full.

Hanas said...

This is my first post. I am amazed by the knowledge of this bloggers and decided to join too.

As a Muslim I always beleive it is our moral duty to fight LTTE and destroy them. Because they have chased us from our homes (Jaffna & Mannar)

I am ashamed of some muslim leaders still beleiving that LTTE cannot defeated. I am very proud of our SLDF boys that they are doing the job which muslims failed to do. In our Quran it is specifically stated do war with people who have chased you from homes.

I will post when time comes. My Allah bless our valiant soldiers and help them to wipe out LTTE and have prosperous Sri Lanka in Near future and welfare for our Children.

For LTTE supporters I ask one question What have you achieved from thirty years of fighting. Nothing other than misery to our srilankan people.

My humble appeal please urge your leaders to denounce terrorism and fight against humanity and live together peacefully in this wonderful country.

You will never have this kind of wonderful country in the world. I hope the expatriates will agree with me.

Malin said...

I can only assume the silence regarding DW & DN may have to do with current operations. Even though MOD didn’t put info about National front assault one week ago this blog was very active with information on high casualty rates for SLA even though they were not confirm reports.

When I started visiting this blog several months ago it was not as popular as it is today. I mean just about everyone who is in IT sector knows about this site and has become major news site regarding war.

So maybe we are getting downside of a site becoming too popular.. DW can you please come back from your honeymoon...

Hanas said...

Minister Keheliya Rambukwelle stated today Army is in thedoor steps of Kilinochchi town. See

I think Army already captured it. Government seeking for auspicious time to declare it

Katch said...


Thanks for your feedback guys and thank you for sparing me :) Appreciate your constructive criticism.

Dushy used to write to the island sometime back and I remember some time ago he had to have a body guard in London to protect himself from ltte goons. However, he went suddenly quiet for a while. At least I didn't see any of his writings. Do any of u guys know the reason?

Yes, his Hutu-Tutsi analogy is really in bad taste. Even the eelmists haven't done such a comparison. Could someone in London tell him that?

The tigers that come to this blog cry genocide based on the Hutu-tutsi thing. However, even 1983 wasn't a similar incident and they know it even though they cry the g-word.

Regarding MR and RW, his leaning certainly seems to be towards RW. However, I'm with him on what he says about Mervyn Silva. My bone with MR is that he didn't put him in his place at the time of the Rupavahini incident. There were many before. But the SLRC thing was where he let Mervyn run riot among his own people so to speak.

However, I'm thankful that MR seems to have acted even belated and Mervyn is quiet. The other thing is someone must tell this joker that he can't insult our ancient kings like Dutugamunu. Now the name Dutugamunu has become a joke because of him.

Thanks once again guys.

Amma Gahai/Gahawi said...

Hemantha, nice! To be honest I have never heard or red any thigh from this Dushy, puka dee nasee posh boy before. Now I get the real picture about him. Thanks for the up-dates!

Yeh, his ”Hutu – Tutsi” example is so fcuking wrong!

Hanas , welcome brother! Salam Aleyk kum!( Is it correct the way I spell it?) : ))

DW, I have found leaked copy of Praba’s Mahaweera speech! Yeh… oh yeh… if u post a new article tonight then I promise to post the translated English version tomorrow! : ))

Anyway, all the best boys and girls ! I am off for the day!

Katch said...

Welcome Hanas.

Yes, when DW raised our expectation, we are no longer satisfied with a lower level of delivery :)

Katch said...

Bye AmmaGG, Look forward to something entertaining from you tomorrow :)

Hanas said...

Thanks Mate for welcoming and recognising. Mates Just think if Ranil became president in 2005 instead of MR. It would have been disaster for our country and specially Muslims.

Now eastern muslims are not paying kappam (Tiger Tax) to anyone. They are living well now. I have met so many of them. They are happy. I sincerely hope tamils in North lso get same kind of life.

We have to start hate mail compaign gianst this HRW. This organization always try to tarnish and destroy our country.

Any one to take this.

Saman said...


Tnx for the analysis. When you put it that way it make sense. I knew the area was around that.

That make LTTE capture of the joint landing from sea and land even more interesting to analyse. Is that Balraj who led that operation?

What I struggle to undestand is that this area is relatively open terrain. I would have thought our forces have had enough prior knowledge of the area.

It looks like if we can get EP we can starve the basterds to deth.

Lasi Piyathilaka said...

Infinity said...

The Battle Progress Map at has been updated. Among other developments is a large "Area of Influence".

Katch said...

There's lot of talk of ceasefire. JHU should explain its stand. I'm not sure if it will happen before Killi is taken or after.

Colombo page says that Omanthai checkpoint has been shifted to Oddusuddan.

Does anybody know if TF-2 and TF-3 have linked up with 59 div?

Anonymous said...

According to this map;
1. It seems 53 has advanced but not 55?
2. TF3 is attacking north of A34 !!! Thus SLA expect LTTE to withdraw tacticaly from south of A34 !!! WOW!

It is said SLA has already cleared A9 from Omanthe to Mankulam (via Puliyankulam) !

Also, if LTTP is willing to sacrifice thier hardcore elite cadres to save K'chi, the best thing SLA can do is drag the fighting few weeks there elamizing them as many as possible. However, I guess VP just need to avoid falling K'chi before his B'day party. After the monkey dance LTTP will probably change thier tactics.

Katch said...

Anything on national front?

Puran has been missing for a few days

Katch said...

Thanks Ninja,
Have we taken Pallai?

Ananda-USA said...


I think you have misunderstood the time period to which my comment

/I had previously written to this blog, and elsewhere, as you have done now, that the reason for India creating and implanting Tamil terrorism in SL was because India felt threatened by Sri Lanka's move towards free-markets and the capiltalist West, and wanted to control Sri Lanka by planting a proxy in our country./

regarding India's motivation in sponsoring terrorism in Sri Lanka (SL) applied. My comment was meant to apply only to the initial period (while Indira Gandhi was PM and terrorists were trained in Tamil Nadu (TN) and injected into SL, and the first few years covering the Indian intervention in SL when Rajiv Gandhi was PM). In the last few years of Rajiv Gandhi's premiership, he bacame convinced that the LTTE was a greater threat to India that any previously perceived threat from SL. Then he was out of power, and was assasinated before he was re-elected because the LTTE knew Rajiv would take firm action against the LTTE.

Non-Tamils in India don't have any animosity against Sri Lanka, and are largely victims of the Greater Dravidian Nation complex themselves. If you monitor TN news, you will see that they are constantly demonizing the North Indians, just as they demonize the Sinhalese. The only problem is that the major political parties in India are about evenly split as in SL; a situation in which minority parties become kingmakers. The Congress party in now in power depends on the Tamil MP support to maintain their majority. On the otherhand, Sonia Gandhi (Rajiv's wife), and the North Indian dominated Congress party, hates the LTTE for Rajiv's assasination. An additional factor is that there a many separatist movements in India are threatening the integrity of India. India can hardly support separatism in SL, while condeming and fighting against separatism in then loses its entire rationale for military action to maintain its own integrity. India has also learnt that the LTTE, its former client, is itself trying to destabilize India by aiding other terrorist groups and fomenting secession in TN. Finally, India also knows that Sri Lanka is now better able to defend itself, and has other very powerful allies as well. Currently, these reasons for non-intervention in SL are trumping the appeals of the Tamil Nadu supporters of the LTTE, and their threats to withdraw support in the upcoming elections.

I do not give much credence to India's committment to abide by its own constitution, as a reason why the Indian Govt. opposes the LTTE. It is only a question of whose ox is being gored at any given time, and what is most expedient to the Indian Govt. in the short term.

What is important for us Sri Lankans is to recognize that we cannot always rely on India's support, no matter how much we identify culturally and love India. We must never again fall into that particular pit. The internal politics and foreign policy of India are largely beyond our control, especially as India is now descending into social chaos. We have to do everything in our power, militarily, diplomatically, and economically, to make Sri Lanka as independent of, and insulated from, India as possible, and make intervention in SL extremely unpalatable and costly to India, while we do everything we can to protect and safeguard India's security at our end.

I do agree with you that we must do everything we can to make Sri Lankan Tamils again feel like full citizens of Sri Lanka. However, this should not include devolution of power to different regions of the country based on ethnicity, religion, language or caste. No one should aspire to any rights that other citizens of Sri Lanka do not have.

I disagree about what should be done with VP if we capture him. Velupillai Prabhakaran is the principal architect of the murder of over 100,000 people in Sri Lanka. He should be tried for crimes against humanity and executed in Sri Lanka. Allowing him to continue his mischief would make a mockery of Sri Lanka's sense of justice. I hope he will have the decency to take the way out that he has advocated to tens of thousands of his own child soldiers.

perein said...


Blue highlighted "Area of Influence" shows possible area gain. Looks to me there is huge push from SLA

Rahul said...

I also thought of joining after reading it for a while.
News from the front is that they have planted APs in every inch so to speak to delay retake of Killi. Hope our commanders know best to tackle it as they have done previously.

Anonymous said...


No Palei is not under SLA (in the map.)


It seems SLA is showing some thing and doing some thing else. (Nangi pennala akka denne!) While they pretend taking K'chi from west and south, TF3 is advancing north of A34; they can attack K'chi from east too or Mulathiv from west. Also, this CFA also another double game of MR. It seems both UNP and LTTP are eating ropes these days. Ha Ha

Katch said...

Ninja, Thanks.

Welcome to the blog. It's a bit quiet since there is not much news being put out.

Hanas said...

I think Ninja is correct. Mahinda is master technician when manipulating. His team also very smart. LTTE thought all these days there are the smartest in the world. They thought Mahinda is a amatuer and under his government they can easily achieved peelam. Thts why they manipulated the 2005 election result.

Now they are suffering and guess who is roaring.

Hanas said...

There is not much said about TF1 nowadays. I know they are going for paranthan. Are they in Nallur. I think no one knows what SLDF is doing except for MR and team

Anonymous said...


Greetings! We have Mohomad Zubaiar from SL muslims and from SL tamils Kaatikuddappan (ex-LTTE: not all LTTE are dumb Ha Ha) and B#1, in our camp. Some of us will write welcome greetings for you while others are too busy but expect some motars from LTTE side. Ha Ha

Unknown said...

well planned offensive action from MR, GR and SF team. LTTP firing here and there no real target for them..

expext TIN CAN action again in the Veza's festival season.

Hanas said...

Ninja yes. I always say Muslim should have fought this LTTE and destroyed them. Because they chased us from our home. Sinhala people have not done anything like that.

I have been and still living and working with Sinhala people. They are well behaved and mostly very happy people (neva gilunath Benchoon Type)

These LTTE are ruthless should wiped out. I suggest hate mail compaign against this HRW organization. Can you provide us the email of this organization so we can send mails to show the displeasure over their behaviour on our beautiful country

Saman said...


Thanks for the long answer. It seems now, in many fronts, two of us are fundamentally differ. I guess, we both are educated enough to understand this complex problem does not have single analysis/conclusion but there are many possibilities. So let me explain where I sand without presenting analyses.

I am a firm believer that south Asian politics fuelled by prejudice and accumulated hurt. Masses are so much vulnerable to speculation and emotionally charged politics than policy driven politics. This includes modern Sri Lanka and modern India alike for many more years to come. It is something within our cultures. Most of the times rationale /logic do not stand like politics in western societies.

1. Dravidian/Tamil separatism is a long standing ideology. Current window (of 30 years) is only a spot sample to me. VP has only provided it with a military leadership and given hope of succeeding it, than any other in the contemporary history of Dravidian movement.
2. India would do everything in her capacity to ensure (with or without VP/LTTE), irrespective of the time period that world opinion on the “Traditional Tamil Homeland – Ealam” remains within Sri Lankan borders.
3. India (both modern and past) acted as a schoolyard bully among small and powerless nations in her neighborhood (but one can have worst neighbours than India). They have put pressure on every one of them. Only, Pakistan stood strong. They will continue to do so.
4. No difference, whether from Northern or Southern parts, Indians have a self-inflicted superiority complex only them-selves and their mothers can explain.
5. I do not argue whether India abide by its constitution or not. That is their business. But it has one of the best written constitutions in the modern world authored by two of the best brains walked in flesh and blood on Indian soil. In fact, any elected Indian government has to subordinates to “Indian interests” safeguarded by the constitution with no uncertain terms. The only constitution on earth that can not be changed even with 2/3 majority and their flag can not change either (Sri Lankan Flag has added coloured strips under the pressure from minorities). The only reason, India’s wings are clipped at this stage against doing what they set to achieve in late 70’s is simply because Tamil separatism is currently run by two convicted criminals of India (VP and Pottu). Just wait and see what happens when we get them.
6. I never call for India’s support. We are a proud nation and should be able to stand by our own feet. I want them to piss-off from our affairs.
7. I wrote before, I totally oppose federalism or any asymmetric devolution of power to any ethnic or religious based entity. If this is done as some pundits suggest - What would be the status of ethnic minorities within the regions (ex. Tamils in Sinhalese areas and Sinhalese in Tamil areas, Muslims in both areas. Wouldn't they be discriminated in that case? This is the beggars wound India wants for the last 30 years. They have not changed a bit. They are still on the same path.
8. I did not suggest what we need to do with VP, I have given three possible scenarios. If you ask me what I like to do to this murderer, I can’t spell it out here. Simply put we must shoot him without spending tax payer’s money for a trial. But, I doubt making him a martyr and uplifting his ideology would serve the country any better. That outcome has many possibilities. We only have to wait and see.

BTW: I enjoy reading your postings.

Hanas said...

I hope now kili is under army control. Adaderana said SLA is reached the Kili town. Any thing to confirm this

Godsun V Pirabaharan (Prabha) said...

it is 8,000 metres wide and approx 15,000 metres long.
= 12,000 hectares

if we hammer this areas with 10 RM-70s with 10 volleys (a VERY VERY high estimation), the maximum area affected

= 10 x 10 x 4 = 400 hectares
= 3%

if 8 MiG-27s bomb this area with the max load (8 KAB-500 bombs each) 3 times the eras affected will be (MAXIMUM),

= 8 x 8 x 3 x 1
= 192 hectares
= 1.6%
(area = radium ^2 x pi())


You didn't calculate the sea in my land. Jst because of threat to my life from Migs, Kfirs, F7, MI24 these days most of the time I spend on sea flotilla.

I hope this will save my life for another three decades.

MayilRavana මයිල් රාවන said...

Ananda-USA and Saman,
Great discussion and important strategems to consider in a theater broader than the current War.

Roaring Roy,
Thankyou for the links to Neville Jayaweera's articles. Enjoyed them very much.

It is very clear that while embracing and liberating our people in the north (which should be the start of making them feel that SL belongs to them too) it is important to continue to follow a foreign policy doctrine as set out by N Q Dias.

Welcome to Hanas;another patriot.

උදාන said...

කෝ මේ යකා මැරිලද? අපිට උනු කවුම් වගෙ ඕන කොටි පෙති ගහන කතා.
යකඩ පෑන්චා

Hanas said...

When I heard very much about 57 Division 55 division I sincerly beleive they are the not most active in the battlefield. Watchout for TF 1 and TF3. Yesterday ITN reports about the capture of thannimurippu Kulam dam. Watchout in the Mullaithivu Battlefield. Activities are there.

Hanas said...

LTTE Diaspora see this link. Stop funding terror before it is too late

hiru said...

Troops reach Olumadu

Hanas said...

LTTP started unceasing waves iV that is tactically withdrawing and withdrawing more and more.

FRom Mavilaru to pooneryn then Mankulam, Muhamalai

Hanas said...

Hiru can you elobarate. I think it is in Mullaithivu right. SLDF going simultaneouly so LTTE is scattered every where. SLDF is thinning out LTTP. This is what LTTP did to SLDF in 1990s

Rahul said...

TF3 has reached Olumadu today afternoon according to MOD

Hanas said...

See this Karunannidhi. Why this man lives in this world. Why he need ceasefire now. Can we get his email so we can send mails to him. I mean hate mail

hiru said...


check the link 4 details

Godsun V Pirabaharan (Prabha) said...

You know it doesn't make much sense
There ought to be a Kill singalas
Anyone who takes arm
At a day in my celebration
Cause we all know in our nasty minds
That there ought to be a time to kill
That we can set millions blood to drink
To show just how much we can kill
And I'm sure you would agree
It couldn't fit more perfectly
Than to have a world party on the day

Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday

Happy birthday to amma vuka
Happy birthday to amma vuka
Happy birthday

I just never understood
How a suicide bomber who died for my happiness
Could not have a day that would
Be set aside for that bastard soul in hell
Because it should never be
Just because they die for me
The dream as clear as he
that they going after an illusion
And we all tamil hookers know that
That killer stood for time will bring
For in blood & kill in our hearts will sing
Thanks to Amma Vuka Pirbaharan

Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday

Happy birthday to amma vuka
Happy birthday to amma vuka
Happy birthday

Why has there never been a day
Where mass killing is celebrated
all throughout the world

The time is overdue
For people like me
Who know the way to kill
Is kill and blood to all my children
It should be a great event
And the whole day should be spent
In killing singalas
Of those who fight and died for My dream
So let us all begin
We know that we are killers
Let it out don't hold it in
Sing it loud as you can

Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to amma vuka
Happy birthday to amma vuka
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to Pirbha
Happy birthday to Pirbha
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to amma vuka pon Pibha
Happy birthday to amma vuka pon Pirbha
Happy birthday avajathka
Happy birthday avajathaka
Happy birthday amma vuka Pirbaharan
Happy birthday me Amma vuka Pirbaharan
Ooh yeah
Happy birthday...

We know the way to be mass murderers
It is the dream that you had so long ago
That lives in all of the hearts of Tamil Killers
That believe in unity
We'll make the dream become a reality
I know we will
Because our hearts tell us so

Anonymous said...


Yep, Officers like Lt.Col. Thuwam Muthalif (MI) and Mohomad Nilabdeen were difficult to deel with type for LTTE. I guess heros like Col. Fasli Lafeer (CO-1 SF) could even become army commander if he lives.

You can email HRW and AI via thier web sites. But the poit is LTTE has thier men inside these INGOs and UN. Thus it will become "hora ge ammagen pena aseema".

Hanas said...

Thanks Hiru I already checked it. Thats what I am saying this war is manupulated. LTTP is struggling and confused where to defend and where to strategically withdraw now.

B#1 said...

Who is the blogger of own the post number 1000?? :)

Wicky said...

is this the 1000th post? ;)

Unknown said...


Wicky said...

nops..this is :P

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

he he

Wicky said...

just missed..hehe..congrats Thamba :))

No_MESS said...

Guys, here’s something you could do whilst waiting for an update from DW:

After the Hero’s day 2007, some British MPs who attended the event said the Tamil die-as-pora misled them. Guess what, another bunch of MPs (or the same lot..) would be misled this year too. So could you please spend a few minutes of your time to write to the chaps below, warning them what kind of an event is being held at Excel.
All British print / broadcast media are aware of the fact that this is a terrorist event and you could mention it on your email to the MPs.


Hero’s Day 2008 – UK
The LTTE – a proscribed terrorist organisation in the UK- will be holding its annual Hero’s day celebration at London Excel Centre* on 27 November. See post (November 16, 2008 3:54 AM ) for venue details/ to whom to complain.

The highlights of last year’s celebration were, Adele Balasingham lighting the flame of sacrifice and the speeches by 3 UK Labour politicians. After the event, some of these politicians pleaded innocence, saying that they were unaware of the nature of the event; that they could not understand the speech, etc.

List of UK politicians who could be misled again this year. Please inform them of the true nature of this event.

Click on the name to email the MP.
Robert Evans,
Virendra Sharma,
Simon Hughes,
Keith Vaz,
Joan Ryan,
Siobhain McDonagh,
Andrew Pelling,
Lee Scott,
Edward Davey,
Angus Robertson,
Sadiq Khan,
Barry Gardiner,
Mohammad Sarwar,
Andy Love.

Related Links:
Anti-Terrorist hotline
Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards

Please Note:
Some of the above links will request postcodes & telephone numbers. For example: Croydon MP Andrew Pelling – Just Google Croydon council, and use council details…
1) The first seven MPs (Robert Evens to Andrew Pelling) have been very active at London LTTE events this year.
2) If you know of any other names, please add them to the list.

Unknown said...

There's always the 2000th post..

B#1 said...

Chiran Jayathu DW!

My congratulation for your hard work to get DW with 1000 posts. :)

Well done!. But please don't try this again.

Hanas said...

Ninja true words. I heard these type of words when TV lanka aired Sathdina programme on every Sunday 6.00 P.M.

I never forget the Athurugiriya millennium City betrayal by Ranil. Most of the Muslims were killed by LTTP after That.

Lalith Kuruwita said...


Unknown said...

No_MESS Excellent work again!
I will mail as many as I can.

Bloggers shall we concentrate on this!!!

No_MESS do you have a email list of other MPs from UK?

Anonymous said...

B#1 hak hak ha

Is DW expecting some thing like 5000 or 10,000? Ha Ha

LKDOOD said...

Vaiko leaves for London for meeting on Lankan Tamils issue


Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi B#1

"DW with 1000"

DW got 1000 because he does not have new news. The SL army is not making significant progress.

Katch said...

Congratulations mate!! You are no. 1000!!!
Congrats to DW too :)

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi Ninja

"Is DW expecting some thing like 5000 or 10,000? Ha Ha"

This will go beyond that if DW doesn't have new news.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi Katch

Congratulations mate!! You are no. 1000!!!
Congrats to DW too :)"

What is the point if DW does not bring new news.

OneNation (formerly TTBO) said...


This makes it easier for people like me, who like to write something to protest, but dont have the time to do the research.


Anonymous said...


So how is LTTP doing? Ha Ha Preparing for the annual monky dance? Ha Ha

OneNation (formerly TTBO) said...

I think DW is feeling the credit crunch... got a second job or looking for new job!
Or gone wandanawe!

No_MESS said...

Email list of MPs

සිසිර කුමාර said...

Looks to me DW and DN are not as independent as they claim.

Otherwise how could this media blackout affect them? :-(

perein said...

Give them some rest. We all need news, but they would possibly have their reasons.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi Ninja

"So how is LTTP doing? Ha Ha Preparing for the annual monky dance? Ha Ha"

At least DW should write something about the dance. Something like how they prepare for the dance what sort of pain they have now. What type of drink, the speach etc.

Katch said...

Part of the reason we come to this blog is because people that come share whatever news they have and don't wait for DW or DN.
What news do u have to share?

Doesn't matter if they are independent or not. We can make it a great forum if there are enough to take it along.
What ever you hear from anybody, its always good to cross check with others.
:) Just my 2 cents to you

Saman said...

Ade appa, DW mokkada karanawa. Monawa hari kiyanna uppa, nikan balagena inne nathuwa. Yeka, daha pennala appa!!

Yeta udeta balanna one mokkada keruwa kiyala.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi Katch

Part of the reason we come to this blog is because people that come share whatever news they have and don't wait for DW or DN.
What news do u have to share?"

What would be the solution after LTTE is defeated?

OneNation (formerly TTBO) said...

No Mess
Have you or anyone informed all the media orgs? daily mail, sun, guardian, independent?

B#1 said...


Believe me, still I couldn't identify you men. Pls pls tel me what is your previous name.

After Big Pig's B'day you won't find these kind of name changing problems. Because he is going to expose his future plan. And the plan is to recapture up to the Viduthalthivu before end of December..

Oh sorry, its before December 2025. :p

Lalith Kuruwita said...


EU is going to ask to stop the war.

What would be MR's reaction.

See the link below.

OneNation (formerly TTBO) said...

Anyone who is writing an email to the British MPs should cc the local papers or national media organisations, and the parliamentary standards committee

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi B#1

My former name was Lalith.

Tigers always recaptures either by fighting or by a mediater through negotiations.

Katch said...

I think Ninja is right, we are getting into Killi from the rear door.
Passa doren :)

Katch said...

Do you have email addresses for the media orgs?

Unknown said...

guys please stop congratulating me.. I feel embarassed..

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi Katch

This Killi case is sitting around for 3 months, But still about 10 KM's away.

I think the governemnt drag it until 2012 presidential election.

PHANTOM-X said...


Thanks Brother...
I will send this to all my patriotic friends....
Thanks again...!!!

Unknown said...

Guys...ALL OF YOU!
Here you can ask Gorden Brown PM any question you want. I suggest you all go ask him why he is allowing the LTTE to have their function in UK. Tell him that "It's similar to him allowing Osama Bin Ladin have his birthday bash in London".

Go ask:


Anonymous said...

/At least DW should write something about the dance./

Even DW has no way to satisfy tigers. If they update tigers blame him saying 'defence liar, trying to get ediotr post etc. If they don't update then also blame 'no update, mia' etc. (liwwath varadi, noliwwath varadi ha ha)

Any way if this lalith is going to reply to every comment here DW easily can score 5000.

B#1, hemantha is the best guy to find his old name ha ha.

bungu, obviously DW is not independent in the sense they depend on thier contacts in SLDF.

Sri Lankikaya said...

VP's hero's day speech leaked.

e mailed to a few fellow bloggers, guys check your mail and pass it on.

OneNation (formerly TTBO) said...

I dont have a list yet. Will do it during my lunch break. If you have time now, do a google for sun, independent, daily mail, guardian and may have to search a bit on their websites

Katch said...

Don't worry mate, nobody can see you blush :)

No_MESS said...

Yes, Media orgs informed.

If you need the list


OneNation (formerly TTBO) said...

No Mess has provided the answer to your question....

Thanks again No Mess

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi Ninja

I am talking a point, not just to fill up 5000.

Hemantha is my brother.

Katch said...

TTBB, thanks mate.
Shall look it up.

So are you happy about the Killi op going on till 2012? That way you guys will have a capital for another 4 years?

Katch said...

Thanks no mess.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi Sri Lankikay

"VP's hero's day speech leaked."

Is this or

"VP leaked"

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi Katch

May be beyond 2012.

Malin said...

If LTTE Lay thier arms down i dont see any reson not to go for an ceasefire. That was what MR was saying from the begining. Why is EU repeating the same thing?

Sri Lankikaya said...


you're the one who cleans when VP leaks so why ask me. oh sorry, my mate says you were promoted to clean his nappies, must be hard work cleaning all that

Anonymous said...

/VP's hero's day speech leaked./

Ha Ha Actually I also got this (original one) via email from Nade-sung. I will post it after AmmaGG. Ha Ha

/I am talking a point, not just to fill up 5000./

Your point is clear. But if you keep trying you can easily go to 5000. Ha Ha


I don't think LTTE has defences (earth bunds) inside that traingle (east of A9, north of A34, west of A35). Thus SLA can surond Kokavil, Iranamdu, K'chi, Nedunkerni, Oddusudan atc using TF3. But LTTP may build earth bunds.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi Malin

The world does not care MR but EU.

So it is good for SL.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi Ninja

TF3 may be sourrounded by LTTE.

Vajira said...

It has been confirmed that Killinochchi has been captured by the army this morning. The government will make an official announcement parrellel with V.P's heroes day speech. SLA has also made rapid inroads towards Pallai. But MOD is keeping a lid on things.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi Vajira

Do not lie.

Are you day dreaming?

Vajira said...

Sorry to dissapoint you but i'm not lying, and i made that announcement to all "patriots". So its not directed towards you. And i dont waste my time on Donkeys such as you. Senior members of the cabinet has been briefed by President short while ago.

perein said...

Thank you for sharing that news mate.
I hope we do not do a premature announcement?

perein said...

Vajira did do some other announcements time to time.
I do not think he's a person who would wind ppl up with out his evidence.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi Vajira monkey

How did you get it?

Katch said...

Vajira should be right. Thanks Vajira.

LBO has this article:

I think what it means is that we've taken it and withstood the counter attack.

A salute to the brave guys who took Killi.

Gvt would want to announce it for VP's birthday :)

What's inside that triangle is anybody's guess. My fear is an underground network like the Mekong delta which the Vietcong used to great effect.

Sri Lankikaya said...

i would prefer if it's not announced at all till Mullaitivu is liberated. It has political consequences which have to be considered.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi Sri Lankikaya

It is good you wake up.

Killi hasn't been. see the middle of the same article.

"However, the ministry said government soldiers in the northern mainland were set to take the town of Kilinochchi, the political capital of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

Heavy fighting was raging along three fronts on the outskirts of Kilinochchi despite monsoon rains, the ministry said.

"Soldiers are busy with strengthening the supply backbone for troops in the forward areas with loads of food, drinking water and medicine being transported there," the ministry said.

"Troops await the next move. 'Kilinochchi we are coming' is their motto," the statement added.

You all are day dreaming.

Anonymous said...

K'chi falls !! Well, then my defence thoery of going back door also falls. Ha Ha (I thought I am also defence expert hak hak ha)

Katch, I don't think they have any thing different to south of A34 where 59 operates.

Vajira, true or not, you make monkeys and donkeys (actually both are same) very disapointed. How can you ruin our b'day boy and his monkey party.

Lalith, I think Vajira was kidding. He wanted to ruin your party. Don't belive him and go ahead with your monkey dancing. Ha Ha

Malin said...

Lalith nobody is certain about kili fallen or not. If vajira is correct that means he has got some inside info.

For now we will just wait and see. For one thing MOD is suggesting it will take kili soon. this is usually mean they have the upper hand. If not they would keep quite.

Just wait and see.. WE will hope it has fallen and you lalith can hope its not. simple as that.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi Ninja

You will get more pain in the A** when you realised Killi hasn't been taken.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi Ninja

You will get more pain in the A** when you realised Killi hasn't been taken.

Real Pottu said...

Vajira said...

It has been confirmed that Killinochchi has been captured by the army this morning. The government will make an official announcement parrellel with V.P's heroes day speech. SLA has also made rapid inroads towards Pallai. But MOD is keeping a lid on things.

Vajira is right


Killinochchi captured


keep smoking Vajira's crack

more & more village boys are dead & gone mia

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi Malin

MR will drag it unti the election 2012.

Malin said...

Amir & Lalith

Take it cool, dont get excited nobody told kili has fallen oficially. (yet)

Malin said...


LKDOOD said...

At least four suspsected LTTE cadres were shot dead at Horowpathana in Anuradhaparura a short while ago, a military spokesman stated.

KillerT said...

ur getting on my nerves.if u don't post an article b4 2nyt I'll make sure ur KIA...(jst kiddn mchng)..

about the capture of kili,is it true or did u just make it up to spoil the monkey party as u guys call it?

Real Pottu said...

Vajira & Tissa Hami dumb keyboard hero pakaya's

Anonymous said...


I just don't know whay these Lalith and Amir (and other monkeys and donkeys) are worrying about fall of K'chi which is even not announced in any media. Ha Ha

Lalith and Amir (and other monkeys and donkeys)
LTTE didn't anounce the fall of even Mavil Aru. May be still SLA is fighting at Mavil Aru. Ha Ha Please don't become victims of and other GSL punnakku doses. (No need to talk about Vajira- a blogger.) Enjoy your monkey dance!

LKDOOD said...

i don't hear any info that Kili is captured

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi All

We are going to have our Monkey party on 27th.

Please see below.

You all donkeys can join.

LKDOOD said...

please keep this blog clean without profanity

Vajira said...

Rather than making accusations why dont u wait till the 27th. Its just 2 days away. That day Lalith will vanish and join the forum with another name. I just thought it was fit to share the info I got amongst Patriotic Lankans who are enthusiastic about the achievments of our troops. My sources are very reliable. AND I STAND BY MY STATEMENT!

tissahammi said...

ado Amir,
you are right. i may be a keyboard hero, but my own bro is with 57 who FcuKg (ed) you other brother in kili

perein said...


i don't hear any info that Kili is captured

You are now partly blind and fully deaf due to the new ring :)

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