Thursday, February 5, 2009

Chalai about to fall as civilians start returning

Civilians have started arriving in their thousands by today. 522 civilians came yesterday and 2000 civilians had arrived by this evening. 25-30 LTTE cadres, who abandoned the movement, were also among them. This was the largest number of civilians to have returned to date and indicates the LTTE is really crumbling.

The 30-man Tiger team, which breached the 59 defenceline few days ago was completely annihilated along with several other Tiger teams in the general area Mulaitivu by a combined Special Forces, Commando and SLAF Mi-24 mission. The Tiger team from Ratha regiment, commanded from afar by Theepan had got more than they had bargained for. Although successful initially in firing a few RPGs at an Army Bus, Tractor with trailer and 2 tanks, the Tigers were systematically surrounded and picked off by the superior SF and CR teams.

Meanwhile Brigadier Prasanna Silva's 55 Division has finally entered Chalai. The declaration of the capture will be made within 24hrs as Sea Tigers putting up stiff resistance to guard its last entry-point into the sea were finding it extremely difficult to fight on due to the unconventional tactics employed by the veteran Special Forces officer and his junior commanders.


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weli_polonga said...

SK - I'm with you all the way on what you say about invesment. Do you believe in bying Govt Bonds? That will be a mistake unless Mahinda can prove otherwose

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


We will win this war when Tamils (not LTTE) loose their will to fight. So Soosai or Praba is not a part of the equation

I think this is not 100% correct. It depends on which war and which tamil group.

If we think of current war with terror, certainly leadership is the key. Majority of "tamils" who fight are forced by the leadership. It is a structure held by each layer. One layer is always forced by its superior layer. Otherwise, at this sure defeat they;d think of them selves than fighting till eminent death.

If we think of war against separatism, well the tamils who badly want it is diaspora. Certainly they will not give up with the demise of pussycat leadership. But that leaves them with no horse to gamble. So a temporary halt.

weli_polonga said...

Dear Velu.

I think we in Sri Lanka will have to live with VP as a great son of Tamils for few generations

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


I think we have won this round, but this is a war that has been going in for centuries.

First of all, we haven't won the war yet. For war against terror, although certain of victory, it is still going on. The war against separatism is long from over. Current phase of this war began in early 1900s and was intensified around 60s and 70s. Pussycats are its climax. Defeat of pussycats is a single battle victory of that war. But it can be the waterloo.

Most tamils are convinced that there is no way for eelam in SL. Most living in SL are. But there are some elements in diaspora. Also there are some elements left in political structures. It will take some time to stamp the message in every heart. That is the ultimate victory of this close to 100 yr old war against separatism.

But of course, we live in the population lava path of ever erupting tamilnadu volcano. Unless ppl make races obsolete one day, this debate will be eternal.

weli_polonga said...


My thinking is that this is very long war that we two races (not nations) have been fighting. We got kicked out of Anuradhapura onec in 13th Century.

But then the Nation States did not exist. Now the factors are many and I beleive that we can keep the current status quo till Nation State itself disapper over the horizon for something much moe innovationg and exciting

velluprabhakaran said...

weli_polonga & cj,

i don see it that way. the words right, dirty, genocide are used by everybody to charge the opposite party. they're strictly relative.

a genuine case of genocide is ruwanda. all others were exagerated up by one or the other party.

when u have two opponents - say for example a lion & a pussy cat, ha ha ha - fighting to the death inside a ring the lion will obviously murder the pussy cat.

is it right or wrong? it's neither. it's just nature. nobody can change it.

so people who start fights should be ready to accept the consequences instead of complaining. u sow the wind & reap the whirlwind. shoudn't complain. complaining's downright ugly & nauseating.

just look at the way the germans & japs (AFTER 2 ATOM BOMBS) accepted WW 2 defeat & now export motor cars to US & britain? now, that's what u call class.

that's the honourable way. all other ways including complaining are gutless & shameless.

BTW - I admire all countries who manufacture their own weapons regardless of size or power. that includes the czechs. we must follow suit. I am completely impartial in these ratings which should go as-

1] USA/NATO 2] russia 3] china 4] others.

this is the overall rating & not a winner take all.

there maybe some exeptions where russian weapons such as AK 47 & even certain aircraft are supposed to have better qualities. but then all these change under different battle field conditions.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


Pussycats won only one war. That was the so called eelam war III, during 1998-2001. It was thanks to mismanagement and corruption of politicians and specially weak military leadership.

Instead of that, they have always been loosing to be rescued by someone. The tactical withdrawal has been their key weapon from 1980s.

They were taken down by the dogma. They damaged all their reputation all over the world and this time nobody came in rescue. If India kept on pushing us to stop war, result won't be this good.

So MR has done a great part in holding intl community. This is the Gamaya that colombo crowd were scared of not knowing even any English and hence surely to be an embarrassment for SL. He has answered them all. And they have accepted [when you talk to them you feel it].

velluprabhakaran said...


can u imagine vesapilley being put inside a roomful of tamil mothers whose children lost their lives after forceful conscription?

I am sure he'll immediately be demoted from sungod to sindog & be torn to pieces. his left testacle will become very swollen & match his right after being kicked repeatedly.

it'll be a nice but heavy balance.

ha ha ha!

weli_polonga said...

Dear Velu,

Why are you so worried about weapons? They only destroy. Any fool cn destroy a building or a stupa. Only brilieny Engineers and Arckitechs and build them.

So post war Sri Lanka has to look at how we can build Tractors, Buses and thee weelers not Tanks and other weapons of distruction

Suwaganak said...

Nadesan anna has given a tip on Susei thammbi's whereabouts?

NOLTTE=Peace said...


I like your slogan.. "We will not Quit!"


Please upload the Tamil and English versions too.. as it hurt LTTPers.

weli_polonga said...


I agree with ouy. I too had my doubts about Mahinda. Still have. But he conducted the war in a glories manner. All credit to him, Gota & SF

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


Re: SL Govt issued Bonds

Can be safer as they are generally paid with safer rates than investments. My point is NOT TO invest in SL, but not to come back as a job seeker.

Re: Millenia old war

Yes that is my point too. But I do not think that next step of countries will essentially be something better. Human civilization is not evolving to be better. It is a sporadic and random path. Just because we passed a stable 60 years it does not mean the same. Romans lasted ~1500yrs and most of it was stable. Who would have thought of a possible collapse of their system?

So on a darker time TN may attempt swallowing its neighbor. Sinhala will have no choice as they are withdrawn to the possible edge. Of course all this is valid if races mean anything in future.

velluprabhakaran said...


I am obsessed by weapons cos tamils don want sinhala to be obsessed by weapons.

we built stupas, they bomb them.

we try to live in north but they cut us up like chicken.

get the idea?


it's the perfect formula for survival.

velluprabhakaran said...


[[[Any fool cn destroy a building or a stupa. Only brilieny Engineers and Arckitechs and build them.]]]

mass murderers & dicatators always get initial support from their constituencies. question is not whether they or their followers are fools.

the question is are we wise enough to be able to fight these fools?

u remind me of lakshman kiriella's priceless statement "any fool can win a war".

leicesterhouse said...

Check "lkvebnews" on you tube for latest videos.
Aparetnly the old 'lkwebnews' account will become operational in 11 days.

weli_polonga said...

Dear Velu,

I think we can reduce the requirement for weapons by building our economy in Industrial and Agro Sectors. May be service sector too.

But building our economy is a war footing will bring us only war.


The thechnology did create the nation state set up and the new technolies will take us away for something much more gratifing. Hope I can live that long

wijayapala said...

"Contrary to popular belief, most of us don't hate Sinhalese; even Nadeson's wife is a Sinhalese.
"Sooner or later, we will have to co-exist, with each other and with the rest of the world.
"Give Tamils the freedom to choose and most-likely they would forge a close relationship with the Sinhalese, based on shared interests.

I too find Peter's change of attitude interesting. I sincerely hope this new writing style away from the old idiotic crap and outright lies is not temporary. With the destruction of the LTTE, we will regain these opportunities to interact and find shared interests.

"What is needed is a review of the constitution and aqueduct safety measures put in place."

I agree with Peter and disagree with John- the problem is political and not cultural. There have to be some kind of safeguards to ensure that the abuses and racist violence of the past does not happen again.

"The power to amend the constitution remains with you. Hence, it is your amendment that will, if ever, be of any use."

True, but what will be the use of an amendment that the Tamils don't approve of??? It seems you want to place all of the burden on the Sinhalese for finding a solution, so that you will be free to reject anything at your pleasure without having invested anything yourself. Clever!

"Just look back at the history of Douglas Davanada if you want to identify New Delhi's quislings."

It seems that you're mistaken, Peter- Douglas was never aligned with New Delhi. He opposed the Indo-Lanka Accord and struggled in penury and crime (thrown in an Indian jail) until Premadasa brought him back in 1990.

"War did not start in '83 because of the riots."

Then why did it start?

"Neither did the Diaspora all flee to the West in August '83."

Yeah, it was only 80% of the diaspora??

"The whole struggle is built on trust."

Correction- the whole struggle was built on distrust and fear, of both the Sinhalese and other Tamils.

"They all fear, as you do, that Tamils have been brainwashed into hating Sinhalese and that we will move away, given the choice."

And you have done a wonderful job here to perpetuate this fear.

With all the comments you post, you could possibly be making a positive contribution, if only you could get yourself around to articulate opinions.

We were waiting quite a long time for you to make a positive contribution and articulate opinions, which may explain why fake Peter popped up to begin with.

weli_polonga said...


I disagree with Kiriella there. Only brilient Generals can win wars.

Probeblu he should have said that any fool can start a war.

weli_polonga said...


I disagree with Kiriella there. Only brilient Generals can win wars.

Probeblu he should have said that any fool can start a war.

MathaMathica said...

weli_polonga said... I think we in Sri Lanka will have to live with VP as a great son of Tamils for few generations

Sri Lankan Tamils belong to Sri Lanka and if VP becomes a great son of these Tamils it is going to go against the interest of Sri Lanka. A man who tried to bring Singhalese to their knees by attacking Sri Maha Bodiya, Sri Dalada Maligava, BOC Building, KBA and numerous other bombings on civilians should never be a great son of our Sri Lankan Tamils.

We must have enough brains to make our Tamils accept that this coward is a cold blooded killer of their Singhalese brethren who brought misery to Sri Lanka for more than 30 years. There are culprits on all side but VP is the author of the infamous 30 years.

weli_polonga said...

Dear Mathermatica

I respect yr sentiment. But the truth is many Tamils for generations to come will treat him as a hero whatever our own openion is

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

This Sisira Jayasooriya fella, an intellect in economics, speaks of matters which he does not know, as if he is the expert of them.

Anonymous said...

LTTP is very cunning and we should not believe, their death or missing claims of senior leaders.
Reasons is, GOTA repeatedly said, no mercy for the senior leaders. So in this last moment, best way to surview for leaders, is to declare false death of them.

velluprabhakaran said...

[[[ weli_polonga said...
Dear Velu,

I think we can reduce the requirement for weapons by building our economy in Industrial and Agro Sectors. May be service sector too.

But building our economy is a war footing will bring us only war.]]]

don agree mate. u got it all in reverse. being strong will only bring automatic peace.

being strong doesn't mean producing & hoarding weapons that we'll never use.

it means that we ideally deter all possible threats before they're even thought of by having the right amount of strength at any given point of time.

500 years ago we used bows & arrows , swords & lances.

today mbrl, tanks & fighter jets.


being a nuclear power's the ideal deterrent. our leaders will have to make the decision & get the technology.

if there's a will there's a way.

it's the vision that's important.

gotta go. it's late.

weli_polonga said...

My own wish is that we should evaporate VP. No body to venarate, No burial ground o make pilgrimages and Most of all No Mytre to celebrate.

Just another figurehed of the Old Time Boys. My fear is that he may become some one larger than life after his death.

wijayapala said...


"Do you really think that the powers that be would ever allow another 1983 to happen?"

The powers that be allowed that scumbag Lasantha to be murdered (or more likely had a role to play). They also allowed the LTTE to kill Janaka Perera, the greatest SL military leader since Kobbekaduwa, because he was UNP. Then there were the killings of Maheswaran, Raviraj, Pararajasingham and others. Let's not forget how Mervyn Silva has not been punished for his numerous misdeeds.

The name of the game is impunity- when you allow anything to happen, anything can happen. The Tamils understand this but we don't (well, many Tamils didn't see how the LTTE's acts of impunity during the CFA would result in the return to war).

Our political culture has not changed much from JR's time. Changing the political culture will involve changing the incentives for politicians' behavior, not educating the public about how it is not nice to murder Tamils. The main way to change these incentives is to change the constitution- **particularly the method by how leaders/representatives are elected, and what powers they have**.

weli_polonga said...

Bye Velu. I hate yr name. It gives me wrinckels

MathaMathica said...

weli_polonga said... I respect yr sentiment. But the truth is many Tamils for generations to come will treat him as a hero whatever our own openion is

It is upto the GOSL to prevent it. With the TN across the Palk straits, we can not have the luxary of our Tamils having VP as a guiding principle. Its suicidal.

As for how to do it, GOSL must study how Jews treated the German/European psyche after the holocaust.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Agree with Weli on the possible canonizing of Fatpig. But mostly in diaspora. He will be remembered for some time. All the hurt, anger and vengeance of 1983 will be combined and made the symbol called Fatpig.

Of course, all that is if he dies [which seems likely now]. If he flees, entire current changes its direction. Soon he will be hated and become a heavy burden.

weli_polonga said...

Hi Wije,

U are halhway correct but noy fully. 83 was a gamble that both Sinhala and Tamil Ruling circles took. The Tamils were asking for it and the Rulers taught that they can control violence, But when it started it fueled on its own and nobody could control it

weli_polonga said...

Its nice to here now as there are no Moda Hena kollas ans LTTP Terorists,

MathaMathica said...


IMO, it was the fake velu who lived in the residence with Velus photo all around. Velu photos are for the fake to respect/pay allegiance to the original. The top rung must have visited the place saying that they are meeting Velu and they knew it was the fake who was there….

Or, at least that is what the LTTE wants us to believe if they let the place be captured intact.

weli_polonga said...

I still belive in the oldNavy story that VP died in the tsunami.

Others ran the show with a fake

weli_polonga said...

I still belive in the oldNavy story that VP died in the tsunami.

Others ran the show with a fake

MathaMathica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
weli_polonga said...

Its almost 1am in SL. I got to catch some sleep. Gud nite everyone. will catch ya tomorrow.

weli_polonga said...

Dear MatheMatica,

What I meant was that no one is abusing the other blogers as we had sometime back.

We called peter and his kind LTTP Terorists and they called us Moda Hena Kollas.

Personaly I don;t digrade another human being just bcos we have different ideas.

weli_polonga said...

Good Night and Good Bye. See ya all tomorrow

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


Re: Moda Hena Kollas

Many handles which appeared here took up war against personalities and ppl. But the reality is that we have a only a handle. Behind it is an individual who makes no real presence here.

For an ex, your handle appeared recently and I spoke to you today for the first time. You maybe genuine, impersonating, under-cover operative or some old blogger whom I had long discussions. Problem is that your real form is intangible.

Except for few lads here [i.e. Rana, AmmaGG and Saman] there had not been any more physical contact. Even for them, we have to believe when they said they met.

So let us accept this virtual reality and keep discussing facts instead of going after personalities. Take on facts, agree disagree, add more facts or negate. But ppl behind the handlers are very tricky and better not be touched.

We had few nut cases in the past, some very aggressive, some very personal, some egoistic, some bugging others etc etc, all these ended up in the junk box of this blog. those who bring up ideas have only been alive and contributing. I don't care what name you use, what language an decency you use or who you are as long as you bring about something that makes sense and worthy discussing. Even if it won;t make sense, it should have some room for discussion. That is my opinion.

Also many tried to control the blog and be the policemen of it. Again it turned out to be a failure.

So at the end of the day we have some bunch of handles, who write some ideas among hundred other unwanted actions. My friendly advice is that you take on ideas. Leave personalities. On different times you will be discussing with so called moda hena boys, pussycat arseholes, moderates or saints - all mythical characters in our imagination. Not only that you chat with them, the other day another one will classify you also into one such category. It is grossly a worthless exercise.

I wrote all these not to preach you blog ethics. But assuming you're new I just wanted to make you aware of what we are looking at here. And it was just an opinion and a suggestion, not even an advice.

hemantha said...

"This Sisira Jayasooriya fella, an intellect in economics, speaks of matters which he does not know, as if he is the expert of them."

Agree with you, Sujeewa. I think his timid behavior is due to his lack of knowledge about the subject.
If we consider the current phase of the war he is just repeating the inf. he gathered from ignorant western media. He does not even know that LTTE is now trapped in mostly an urban area. He does not look to posses any knowledge about expertise our Army acquired on jungle warfare. And he doesn’t look interested in discussing LTTE.
(And he definitely doesn’t know or ignore the fact that we lost hundred of soldier lives due to the actions taken to safeguard these civilian lives.)

His comments at this juncture, is both traitorous and are mare speculations.
I wonder what gave this timid man courage to come in front of TV cameras and utter these words considering his lack of knowledge about the subject. Is it money? One never knows.

click here to watch.

TropicalStorm said...

"..Information on Soosai being at home came from LTTe insider..." says SLAF sources.

More info awaited.

Does anyone know whether Pottu's defection is verified or not?

Either it was Pottu, or someone is making a deal with MI.

KSF said...

There will more sisira jayasuriya to come. All must understand these are the people who got free education thanks to our education system depends on oppressed people's tax. Most of these intellectuals became traitors or completely forgot our motherland. That is why in my posting here I said "WAR IS NEARLY OVER" Now we must be very careful of these people or so-called intellectuals.

We must start to expose real names of them to general public. If not all efforts by our heroic SLDF will go in vain. When everything over these traitors may me to high position in rulers column and start their treacherous acts again.

This Die Ass poora is a people with no brain. Supporting tigers still is a thrill for them. Because they still lve like canibals who cease to exit long ago.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


Re: Sisiran Jayasuriyam

It can be caused by many reasons. But one more important fact is that these ppl feel extremely high placed when they are allowed to talk in front of camera. And make up something big on their own, and think they're the next celebrity.

I have seen this nature very badly among expats [not all], when it comes to a topic about SL. I have met expats who had ideas about EVERY system in SL, how to change it, how to improve it, and why it is not working [sometimes they seem to know who is making messes and all the topnotch laddies around the systems]. It is surely beyond the definition of professionalism.

Following is an idea by a Computer Engineer living in SU for few decades on power crisis which SL faced in late 90s.

We build a huge reservoir up in hills. During rainy times we run all over hydro stations [and add some more] in full power, there will be excess power and using that we pump ocean water into the reservoir we made. We use that water during dry season to generate hydro power

I hope I need no more explanations on how stupid it was.

Problem is first world is run on specialization. Hence you loose some general knowledge. But the high achieving individuals in expat community refuse to accept that when they reach height. Specially when it comes to SL they think they know it all. But SL is a far away place where they sometimes never visited for past decade.

Sisira Jayasuriya is a good example for this. I'd love to know when he last visited SL. How often he call ppl here and how many highly placed informants he has in SL. I wonder whether he spends a bit of time in sites like this at least.

As you said, he is talking about SL, but all what he does is repeating what he gathered from the very media he is speaking to. In another words a Mark Smith, or a Peter Woodenworth [you can use any other name] knows the same as Sisira Jayasuriya about SL.

Of course there can be more incentives paid.We never said every pussycat is tamil, did we?

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Macho Ex Sun God;

This Sisira boy may not know what he is doing. The dingo didn't show even a dingo's knowledge about SL. He maybe stating what he genuinely thinks as facts of war in north. A pure imagination.

In any case the TV station gets a special award for inviting a economics prof for an issue on terrorism, war, conflict resolution and civil rights. In this way why don't they take ambassador of Mongolia in Cricket commenting for the next two ODIs.

And THAT is suspicious.

KSF said...

It can be caused by many reasons. But one more important fact is that these ppl feel extremely high placed when they are allowed to talk in front of camera. And make up something big on their own, and think they're the next celebrity.


These so-called intellect sri Lankan diasporra people always behave like that. Ass holes always try to show their fcking wisdom ahead of truth, real nature. We have to identify who is the real patriots and our enemies.

Now MR next duty will be to develop the country identifying who will be appoint to all projects to build our nation.

There is a rumour some big INGO's and NGO's local heads already appointed to various high post by some of corrupt ministers.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Ex Sun God;

I hv little hopes that MR will develop economy. But the strong character of his and stability of no war period may cause some boom. Like Premadasa did with Garment factories.

Right now SL is not ready for a policy based development like Singapore. As I always say, we can think of entrepreneur based development like in India. Especially with the help of our expats.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

LTTE is just like Arrogant Aussi Cricket team.

Few years ago:

LTTE was the most powerful Terrorist group in the world as per Norway, Canada, TN & few other countries.

Aussie pussies also the best cricket team in the world.

LTTE is miilitary strategies cannot be matched by any other countries as per Eric Solheim. The war against LTTE cannot be won as per RW and UNPiers.

Aussi cricket team is invisible and cannot be beaten.


LTTE is on the verge of defeat and lost 99% of territory and a large amount of ammunition and the cadre.

Aussi pussies last year lost 3 nations final to India by 2-0 margin. They lost SA 4-1 margin and Black Caps 2-0 down in their own backyard.

LTTE lost all EAST, Mannar, Killi, Mulla.

Aussie Pussies last 5 matches

ODI form guide

Australia - LLLLL
New Zealand - WWWNW

This is true. Do not mix up Australia & NZ.

hemantha said...

"Russia has shot down a proposal by Mexico which called for a briefing to the United Nations Security Council about the situation in Sri Lanka, diplomatic sources said. They said Mexico, which became a member of the Security Council this year, made the request at a closed-door meeting on Thursday, but the move was formally opposed by Russia, which argued that the Sri Lankan issue was not on the agenda of the Council."
-Sunday Times

Lalith Kuruwita said...

{{{cj said...
it seems,that PTK will fall between tuesday-friday next week. This is my personal guess


I sent Puligals report.

LTTP will recapture all towns they tactically withdrew from.

Read Pulligals report and believe it believe it believe it ( At least dream it like PULLI GUL)

kevin said...

Soosai and 12 others died in the attack

Anonymous said...

Kevin, source?

Anonymous said...

"soldiers received the inrushing armoured vehicle with rocket propeller grenades (RPG) and a shower armoured tank fire."

HAHAHA what's the easiest way to cook up some LTTPussy?
Instant pot roast.

Anonymous said...

Tigers’ Radha Regiment Headquarters seized

Anonymous said...

I hope the army would be extra careful in processing these civilians pouring in. Those who have tried to eliminate SLA up until the last possible minute do not deserve amnesty.

kevin said...

Wait till the tigers announce it.

Anonymous said...

රජය අපකීර්තියට පත් කිරීමේ කුමන්ත‍්‍රණයක් කි‍්‍රයාත්මකයි

අන්තර් ජාතික බොරු ප‍්‍රචාර හමුà·€ේ මෙà·„ෙයුම් නතර කරන්නේ නෑ

රතු කුරුà·ƒ ප‍්‍රධානි පෝල් වහා පිටුවහල් කළ යුතුයි

Moshe Dyan said...

complete bull from toiletnet.

this hospital was not destroyed. it was TAKEN by SLDFs. way to go!!

way to go SLDFs. take ALL hospitals in vanni and the harvesting rate will sky rocket. please don't put off large scale harvesting any more.

OMG how many hospitals are there in vanni!!! may be the lowest in hospitals per thousand population than the rest of the country struggling for hospitals.

when one is taken another appears! shit!

Moshe Dyan said...

sorry, "may be the lowest in hospitals per thousand population"

should be,

"may be the lowest number of ppl per hospital."

(tigers don't count anyway).

Anonymous said...

tamilnul claiming another hospital hit HAHAHA

Cried out "Tiger" one too many times perhaps?

Sore loosers, their whole game now is to get 2 seconds of international sympathy. Times up!

Antidote said...

Re. Prof Sisira Kumara Jayasuriya’s comments

Please send an email ( or a fax (02 6239 6166) to the Sri Lanka High Commission in Canberra urging them to act on this adversity. The High Commissioner’s primary fuction is to protect the good name of Sri Lanka.
The HC can request equal TV time to counter the Prof’s comments. They need to send a suitably capable person to appear on the same program.
The High Commissioner, Senaka Walgampaya, needs to develop a good network among the media and be easily accessible. Firstly, he needs to become thoroughly conversant with the history of this war and be able to provide facts, with statistical data and sources, to counter these marginalisation claims.


''Sisiran Jayasuriyam'' = meeeharaka of the month ...

I agree with all the veteran bloggers , there are more Meeharaks to come in near future and Give all sort of stratergies , ananlysist and opinion. I bet if he got kids they could not speak singhala or tamil, never dated sinhala speaking boy or girl, literally warship racist Australian D***s. Sorry for my French.. These are the sunken heroes of 60 years of freedom. Who like to think , sleep, drink in way of English, even shit in the English way. As far as I seen my own eyes In England, NY, California, France, Switzerland and Australia, you get many meeharaks like Sisiran..
There are another kind internet patriots. ( I am also get in to this category but I think I have done least I can I know I could do better for my country and I will) ( This is not applies to many hero’s in this blog but we all know we had so many big talkers last few month in this blog) I call them DW patriots…. These meharaks think when you write something on DW or LNP you are war hero or contributed to country. When HR @ Ranaviru Sewana asked some help… all MIA...

I suggest To MR to implement following…
* any Sri Lankan live abroad (Except students and Middle East working force), should pay $500 per Year as tax but should go direct to Rana weru welfare and rana veru children’s education. . Can be paid when enter to country. Any one have not been to the country for more than 2 years should pay a $100 fine. Thereafter $100 for adding year. (People who had already sponsoring Rana weeru child, welfare or other means to the country should be exempt from tax.
This is my meeharak thoughts but some brainy SL guy patriot who study law can tweaked this idea and ask MR to legitimate it. Take the parliament approval.
We sinhala fellows are good in talking but actually when its comes to do something we are the worst. ( to go clubbing, booze and to impressed women, and show off and feed sudass we are kings. I bet 90 out of 100 We are the first one to open wallet if we are having a drink with 5 deferent nationalities. ) this applies to me as well, im one of the meeharakas. I admit.
I organized my self a sri lankan night in December. This was among only my close friends that I know and all live around London. Out of 100 invitations I had only 12 turn up. So many excuses. My best buddys are among absentees. They are not ready to pay £20 towards our heroes. Bottom line is that. in my opinion all these people are “Sisirans”. GR and MR should act wisely. Eliminating bureaucracy politicians and scumbags from main stream politicks, bring young bloods who got brains and but think in sinhala or tamil. I am a strong believer of our county will not be go anywhere until we have all this so call “ high breed SL colombo7 blood hounds are out of our administration. Every administrators should be fluent in English but should not be a idiots who think when u talk in English at homes you are becoming some super version of srilankan upper middle class. This should be Sri Lankan New Age.

Anonymous said...

Reported that they hit his house for the second time when heavy earthmoving equipment were digging it up after first bombing.
Soosai now you see it now you dont

Live Scenes From Captured Chalei LTTE Stronghold

Anonymous said...

Have a good day patriots
Solute our brave boys, the mighty SLA.

Do not mess with the lion. ROARRRR!

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...


if you didn't see him, please do so...Link

Ananda-USA said...

One of My Comments:

EELAM is Dead! The NEW MISSION of the Tamil Diaspora is to Create "GREATER DRADIVIAN NATION HOMELAND MOVEMENTS": Liberation Tigers of Tamil Nadu (LTTTN); Liberation Tigers of Tamil Canada (LTTC); Liberation Tigers of Tamil Norway (LTTN); Liberation Tigers of Tamil United Kingdom (LTTUK); Liberation Tigers of Tamil South Africa (LTTSA); Liberation Tigers of Tamil Germany (LTTG); Liberation Tigers of Tamil Singapore (LTTS); Liberation Tigers of Tamil Malaysia (LTTM); Liberation Tigers of Tamil USA (LTTUSA); Liberation Tigers of Tamil Australia (LTTA), IRRESPECTIVE of how small a region the community occupies in that country as a whole. Goal is to complete the project of enslaving and exterminating their own people, as they did in Sri Lanka.

'Those who sleep with tiger will be swallowed by it'
Sunday, February 08, 2009 5:34 AM

TORONTO: The Sri Lankan envoy here has created a stir by warning Canadian MPs against sympathizing with the Tamil Tigers.

By sympathizing with the Tamil Tigers who had carried out many suicide bombings, the envoy said, Canadians were putting themselves at risk of terrorism.

``I have told police officers here, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a suicide bomber here in Canada. Those who sleep with tigers will be swallowed by the tiger,'' Sri Lankan consul general Bandula Jayasekara was quoted as saying in the local media Friday.

Reminding the lawmakers that Toronto had been turned into an important source of money for the Tamil Tigers, the envoy said: ``So those who sleep with terrorists will have to die with terrorists.''

The envoy was reacting to the use of the word ``genocide'' by some Canadian MPs during an emergency debate in parliament on the Sri Lanka crisis Wednesday night.

He said Canadian politicians were playing ``low politics'' with the internal affairs of his nation.

Since Sri Lankan Tamils form a huge chunk of votes in their constituencies, Jayasekara said some Canadian `` politicians are pandering to their constituency, and they have no right to accuse another sovereign nation.''

He said, ``These politicians just read out from the press releases issued by terrorists and terrorist sympathizers, and these politicians have no right to try to insult another sovereign nation.''

Despite the Canadian ban on the LTTE, he said Liberal Party MPs were attending Tamil Tigers functions.

Reminding the lawmakers that Toronto had been turned into an important source of money for Tamil Tigers, the envoy said: ``So those who sleep with terrorists will have to die with terrorists.''

KSF said...

Hey good news for all

I just got confirmed news from my LTTP sources

Place destroyed by SLA is residence belong to Major Poorani (Second in command to Soosai). Still it's not clear Soosai was there at the time. But there were more than 200 injured LTTP members and 29 seriously LTTP killers at the time. What tamil net say is true. At the time attack it's a LTTP hospital. All who were getting treatments were killed including some LTTP doctors. It say in the mean time there were special discussions took place with some leading members of sea tiger killers. What happened is not yet confirm. But all those in 1st floor and ground floor were killed.

I think after the first and second attack SLA could bomb bunker busters.

Dark Knight said...

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Sisira Jayasuriya is a good example for this. I'd love to know when he last visited SL. How often he call ppl here and how many highly placed informants he has in SL. I wonder whether he spends a bit of time in sites like this at least.

This happens many times with media. They call an "expert" that the people in the scene know nothing of. I think this is done out of convenince and misunderstandings more than any mala fide intention. Then these "experts", too greedy to decline but afraid to draw flak from either party, panders to a middle point to show that he is not extrimist, hoping that no one will find falut with him and he'd look more "moderate". These are the people who'd say a craw is gray in color. These kind of bourgeoise professionals probably won't check SL news even once a day, having settled cosily in their little worlds.

Ananda-USA said...

The WITCHES CHANT by THE RABBLE-ROUSERS QUARTET ( Ramadoss, Vaiko, Thirumavalavan, Karunanidhi):

Round about the couldron go:
In the poisones entrails throw.
Toad,that under cold stone
Days and nights has thirty-one
Sweated venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first in the charmed pot.
Double,double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blindworm's sting,
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing.
For charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double,double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and couldron bubble.

Scale of dragon,tooth of wolf,
Witch's mummy, maw and gulf
Of the ravin'd salt-sea shark,
Root of hemlock digg'd in the dark,
Liver of blaspheming Jew;
Gall of goat; andslips of yew
silver'd in the moon's eclipse;
Nose of Turk, and Tartar's lips;
Finger of birth-strangled babe
Ditch-deliver'd by the drab,-
Make the gruel thick and slab:
Add thereto a tiger's chaudron,
For ingrediants of our cauldron.
Double,double toil and trouble,
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

William Shakespeare, 1564-1616

Many more stirs to come: Ramadoss

CHENNAI: PMK founder leader Dr Ramadoss said the Sri Lankan Tamils Protection Movement will stage many agitations in the coming days until a ceasefire is announced and the genocide stopped in Sri Lanka.

In a statement he said despite the State government’s efforts to make the general strike a failure, people en masse participated in it and made it a success. He urged the state government to release all the people taken into custody as a preventive measure and drop the charges against them. He thanked the public for responding to the strike call.

Dr Ramadoss said the state government moved all its machinery to make the general strike a flop. “The state government has threatened the use of NSA. It forced the transport employees to ply the buses but people expressed solidarity by not travelling in the buses,’’ he said.

KSF said...

Here is the Military structure of LTTP in 2008

The LTTE Leadership

The LTTE leadership is organized along a two-tier structure: a military wing and a subordinate political wing. All information here is current as of May 2008.

Overseeing both is a central governing committee, headed by the LTTE leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran. The central governing committee is responsible several specific subdivisions.

Military Units

The basic formation known in Tamil as Padaipirivu with varying strength between 1000 to2000 each is roughly equivalent to a brigade. These are used for semi conventional operations. Total brigades: four (two more brigades of reinforcements). Additional administrative and transport support will be mustered or commandeered locally in times of war. This is facilitated by parallel LTTE political structure, which provides interface with the civilian population on a regular basis

LTTE Formations and Wings

Charles Anthony Brigade: This is the Vanni region personal guard unit of Prabhakaran. It has taken part in 14 operations so far including the defensive operation along axis Vavuniya-Elephant pass for 31 days. This is a conventional, crack formation.

Jayanthan Brigade: Deployed in the East at the time of ceasefire. It was the spearhead formation in the battle for Elephant pass.

Women's Military Wing: Headed by Col. Vithusha. Women play an important role in the armed forces. They are present as in regular fighting units of infantry, artillery, and Sea Tigers. Their fighting capabilities have been recognized by LTTE's foes. Identified LTTE women's units include Lt. Malathi Brigade (commanded by Col. Vithusha) named after the first women officer 2nd Lt Malathi killed in operations against the IPKF. This formation has lost 1121 cadres out of the total of 2200 LTTE women cadres killed in operations so far.

Major Sothiya Brigade (named after Sothiya, commander of the first women's unit formed in 1989. She died of meningitis in 1990.) Col Thurga commands it.

Kutti Sri Mortar Brigade is the other women's formation. LTTE Women are an important element of Sea Tigers Wing also. Special Commander Viduthalai heads the Women's Wing with Poorani as the Deputy Commander.

Sea Tigers: Commanded by Col. Soosai. The first Sea Tiger attack was conducted off Valvettithurai in the Jaffna peninsula on 10 July 1990 when LTTE damaged the SLN ship 'Edithara'. In another attack on May 4, 1991, Sea Tigers sank SLN ship 'Abitha.' The Sea Tigers made a major contribution to the war in 1996-97 in warding off the SLN forces operating off Mullaitivu coast in support of the SLA. The elimination of SLN patrolling in Pooneryn and Elephant Pass lagoons contributed to the success of LTTE's land operations. By 2000, Sea Tigers have become formidable. Since then the Sea Tigers have made giant strides. Its fleet is now capable of attacking the more numerous and modern fleet of SLN Fast Attack Craft (FAC) which can operate in shallow waters.

Tiger Air Force: At present this is probably a small force of two light aircraft, two helicopters and a few micro light air craft. Though Col Bhanu of LTTE has spoken of its air capabilities, as of now its performance still remains a question mark due to the requirement of passive and active ground support systems including specialized personnel, fuel and communication network, apart from pilots. However, they would probably be available for providing airlift for special operations.

This leadership structure is update as of April, 2008. The leadership structure has continued to change over since their creation in 1976. Most of the founding members of the LTTE have been killed in action. Recent in 2007 one of their founding members and theoretician Anton Balasingham died of cancer and follwed by SP Tamilselvam
(Political Leader .

Military Leader

Velupillai Prabhakaran
LTTE Sea Tigers Special Forces (Charles Anthony Regiment) Intelligence Political

Col. Theepan
(Northern Region Military Commander) Col. Soosai
(Sea Tigers Commander) Col. Balraj
(Charles Anthony Commander) Sivershankar Pottu Amman
(Head of Intelligence)

P.Nadesan(Political Leader & Head of Tamil Eelam Police)

Col. Banu
(Batticaloa-Amparai Commander)

Maj. Poorani
(Sea Tigers Deputy Commander)

Lt. Col. Nakulan (Charles Anthony Special Commander)

Adele Ann Balasingham

Lt. Col. Viduthalai
(Sea Tigers Special Commander) Lt.

Col. Amuthab
(Charles Anthony Special Commander)

Col. Vithusha
(Women's Military Wing Commander) Lt. Col. Kopinth
(Charles Anthony Special Commander)

Col. Jeyram Lt. Col. Arivu
(Charles Anthony Special Commander)

Lt. Col. Veeramani
(Sothiya Brigade Special Commander)

Col. Sornam
(Trincomalee District Military Commander)

Col. Yarlini (Vithusha),
(Special Commander of the Malathi Women)

Saman said...


This scum bag is not a professor to start with. He is an associate professor in one of the less prominent universities (an institution never known for research in the geo-social politics area he spoke). Besides, neither he is a specialist in the subject area nor he spoke on his field of specialization for which he may have obtained his Ass. Professorship. Meaning fucking title "professor" does not stand. For example, professor of gynecology can not introduce him/her as a professor when he is talking about lung cancer.

It is not only the High Commissioner, Senaka Walgampaya, to negate his work, but all patriots of Mother Lanka to write to,

a) the vice chancellor of the Latrobe university protesting putting that institution's name on line.
b) High Commissioner, Senaka Walgampaya, to contact Vice Chancellor and register his protest against falsehood and asking this scum bag to defend what he said or prove his speculative rhetoric.
c) Contact the broadcaster and analyze every speculative statement he made and request for what you suggested. I am sure there are more qualified people here in Australia on this subject than Senake. All his personal opinions none he said was factual.
d) pressurize SPUR to take firm action
e) Contact scum bag at personal level and object.

Moshe Dyan said...

LTTE tries another 1991 elephant pass style BULL-doser tactic with the same fate!! these sakkili never learn.

Saman said...


Two points to note,

1. In 1987 when LTTE was apparenly on the weak legs Indian govenment (influenced by TN) intervene. The popular argument at that time was influx of Tamil refugees to TN. (not genocide)

2. In 2008/09 the claim is Genocide. MIA convincing USA audiances of the same.

Interestingly enough, say out of 3 mil Tamils in SL today only 150-200k in so called "trapped by the war" in conflict area. There are no precedence in the world history where 2.8mil chose to live in the shade of "genocider".

Well, properganda is one thing. Truth in the media is another thing. They say GoSL is bringing down institutions of democracy (free media). Well, I wonder the way responsible world media going today, this fundamental institution of democracy is bringing down by within by it self.

One can make the same observation about so called "human rights" advocates.

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...


So the bottomline of my whole point is to convey the message to expats. What the nation wants is investments. Not your coming back and joining the day-today hazzle of other sri lankans. And we are unable to pamper you with these complains. Sri Lanka is not a perfact place [nowhere is for taht matter]. So please make do with what we have here in SL. Try to make a difference with whatever protocol we have, instead of demanding magic.

Well said bro. At this juncture Sri Lanka needs more and more passionate entrepreneurs who can lead the way like Upali Wjewardhana did in 70's and 80's. Also I admire current Indian entrepreneurs who brought above concept that you mentioned in to action through numerous failures, but they are enjoying high success today.

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...


This Sisira Jayasooriya fella, an intellect in economics, speaks of matters which he does not know, as if he is the expert of them.

This is like Mangala Samaraweera talking about war not the undies :)

Anyway here his email - Email:

His profile Assoc. Prof. Sisira Jayasuriya

Jambudipa said...
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Jambudipa said...
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Jambudipa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReallyCold..... said...

@ GutiKewa -

[ ReallyCold,
Strongly disagree. There are lot of research has been made in to this area and found out that this model doesn't work . Infact it harms the overall business structure in a negative way. Because of insecurity people loose their creativity, if that happens no sustainable business can exists, certainly not in the long run. Without having a sustainable business structure economy will collapse (Sounds like Navindran ha :))]

I talked about the reality, you talk about the wisdom.

I agree that insecurity kills the creativity.

In most corporations, only few % of people have creative minds. Most people want to be told what to do. They are treating the creative force in a different way.

The current economic situation has wiped out all the learning we have done on employees. Corporations have gone back to old days of introducing fear and insecurity to motive their workers.

Ask the question why minority in many nations are more financially successful than the rest?

Their hard work is a direct result of being insecure.

Sri Lanka doesn't have a productive work force since workers are not being threatened enough to loose their job if they don't perform. One would think since there is no insecurity, their level of creativity is higher.

Actually most Sri Lankan workers are very creative. They are perhaps the most creative in that sense.

Their creativity is to steal from their employer.

Jambudipa said...

sisira speculates 300 dead in vanni being 'highly likely' becuase of the proximity of civilians to artillery firing.

the 300 dead story first appeared when someone claiming to be from mulla GA wrote an email to media with the story. however, later the same govt official said he never sent such an email.

it was a fabricated story. only deception, lies and diabolical lies come out from tamil ezam mouths. everyone knows this now.

ReallyCold..... said...

Twin brother of Dr. Brian Senevirathne.

Prof Sisira Jayasuriya's Interview

Dark Knight said...

ReallyCold said:

Sri Lanka doesn't have a productive work force since workers are not being threatened enough to loose their job if they don't perform. One would think since there is no insecurity, their level of creativity is higher.

This works either ways. Usually when measuring someone on performance, some kind of matric is needed, and once the matric is introduced it needs to be open for the sake of transparency and fairness. In this case, people tend to work for numbers rather than real usefulness of their work. For instance, the synergy between the colleagues will break because helping the other guy in anyway that doesn't get counted for the matric means one is undermining his own position. It's VERY HARD, if not impossible, to create performance matrics that measure the TRUE value of a person. Usually what becomes important is the short-term (typically year-by-year) evaluations. I have seen how badly implemented evaluation systems suck in so-called first world countries. It's easy to say that non-performers must be kicked out. It's hard to implement it. To an extent possible, it's already happening in private sector. Good people get increments, promotions easier. If you suck at what you do, most likely you will be INDIRECTLY asked to find another job.

ReallyCold..... said...


[I suggest To MR to implement following…
* any Sri Lankan live abroad (Except students and Middle East working force), should pay $500 per Year as tax but should go direct to Rana weru welfare and rana veru children’s education. . Can be paid when enter to country. Any one have not been to the country for more than 2 years should pay a $100 fine. Thereafter $100 for adding year. (People who had already sponsoring Rana weeru child, welfare or other means to the country should be exempt from tax.]

This is the idea of the last three decade.

What about we keep the relatives of those who went abroad as collateral until the money is recovered?

It is unfair that the expats are having a ball while our leg less soldiers don't even have uma bambu to walk around.

They use our free education, go abroad and only bring cheap plastic for our ralatives while they enjoy vacations in Disney land.

$500 is much less than the monthly payment of the Volvos they drive.

We should create a database of expats and their relatives and create a whole new department consisting collective agents to grab the foreign earned money.

Again, you sound really smart dude and let me call you the Patriot of the blog.

ReallyCold..... said...

Dark Knight

Business are not for welfare and it is up to the discretion of the employer and market condition to decide what the employee get. Sure we all want secure position and rational treatments. Quite often, employers make instinctive decisions.

I was told Jack Welch (former GE chairman) who kind of pioneered performance evaluation system had those who did not have high numbers were let go.

Again, your value is determined by your demand by the market.

I personally want the none performers taken out. They are such a burden for others.

'transparency and fairness' are not in the vocabulary of most companies.

Promotions are not what you are given, it is what you ask. If you have the ability to walk out when you are told no, you will be promoted. If they also think that you can elevate your game, they will promote you, offer you 20% more to get 40% more work.

There is no heart in the business world.

[This works either ways. Usually when measuring someone on performance, some kind of matric is needed, and once the matric is introduced it needs to be open for the sake of transparency and fairness. In this case, people tend to work for numbers rather than real usefulness of their work. For instance, the synergy between the colleagues will break because helping the other guy in anyway that doesn't get counted for the matric means one is undermining his own position. It's VERY HARD, if not impossible, to create performance matrics that measure the TRUE value of a person. Usually what becomes important is the short-term (typically year-by-year) evaluations. I have seen how badly implemented evaluation systems suck in so-called first world countries. It's easy to say that non-performers must be kicked out. It's hard to implement it. To an extent possible, it's already happening in private sector. Good people get increments, promotions easier. If you suck at what you do, most likely you will be INDIRECTLY asked to find another job.]

ReallyCold..... said...


Have you heard the term 'galen patta gannawa wage". Like stripping stripes out of a rock.

Sri Lanka doesn't offer an entrepreneurial culture. Our culture is tuitioin. It is a memorizing culture. We send nerds to the universities and expect them to lead our nation.

Well, most leaders are made as well as born. If we send nerds (I consider nerds aren't leaders) to universities and don't teach leadership, then they become just plain vanilla graduates.

The entrepreneurial culture is however on the rise now and that is because the world is flat.

[Well said bro. At this juncture Sri Lanka needs more and more passionate entrepreneurs who can lead the way like Upali Wjewardhana did in 70's and 80's. Also I admire current Indian entrepreneurs who brought above concept that you mentioned in to action through numerous failures, but they are enjoying high success today.]

KB said...

A separate unit of the State Intelligence Service has been set up at the Bandaranaike International Airport to apprehend LTTE cadres and their leaders who were trying to flee the country in the face of military operations against the LTTE, sources said.

Speaking further, the police officer said that this special division was also tracking LTTE cadres entering the country from overseas and that this was being done with the collaboration of foreign intelligence agencies.


All the terrorist funding scummies better not set foot in our beloved Lanka. If they even gave a red cent to terrorists they should be on the list.


Anonymous said...

/any Sri Lankan live abroad (Except students and Middle East working force), should pay $500 per Year as tax but should go direct to Rana weru welfare and rana veru children’s education. . Can be paid when enter to country. Any one have not been to the country for more than 2 years should pay a $100 fine. Thereafter $100 for adding year. (People who had already sponsoring Rana weeru child, welfare or other means to the country should be exempt from tax./

I think you mean Sri Lankan citizens live abroad. Actually, GSL can impose such a tax for with some income level. However, 90% of Sri Lankans will hate, oppose and protest this. They will pay such a tax for army well fare for the armies in their countries of residence but argue against the same thing for SL-own country.

Nisal said...

10% of the human shield rescued.

Dark Knight said...

ReallyCold... said...

Business are not for welfare and it is up to the discretion of the employer and market condition to decide what the employee get.

I didn't say business has to be welfare. What I said is that the performance measuring has two sides to it and must be carefully implemented. This is easier said than done.

Again, your value is determined by your demand by the market.

Then obvioulsy you don't need any additional kicking out. Good people will be rewarded and bad people will have to be stagnated at the bottom. Contrary to the popular belief, SL labour law DOES have provisions to kick the suckers out (although I am not a law expert to quote the relevant passages).

I personally want the none performers taken out. They are such a burden for others.

This is a simpleminded claim. No one would tell you "oh no, we SHOULD let non performers stay and flourish". That bit is trivial.

'transparency and fairness' are not in the vocabulary of most companies.

It IS, when a fair evaluation system is in place. Otherwise what can result in is a cabal that panders to the management in ways that have nothing to do with company profits. Unless the employee has a confidence that he knows what the company expects from him (not "attending the same church as your immediate boss", not "being from the same caste as the biggest boss", not "being from the same school as your department head") he won't feel happy that he will be recognized. Any thought that private institutions would (and can) award/discourage good/bad people with 100% accuracy and bona fide is rather naive for anyone who's being around in SL industry for a few years. In the non-naive way it's nothing new to call for: it's already there in SL: if you are good, you'll be rewarded. If you suck, then you'll stay at the same place.

..... they will promote you, offer you 20% more to get 40% more work.

So are you against this?

There is no heart in the business world.

It doesn't have to be heartless for the sake of being heartless. Just having a sward hung above people's head doesn't always work. You can't always get the best out of people by threatening them. As I said above, SL already has enough laws to throw out the suckers.

NOLTTE=Peace said...

Speaking further, the police officer said that this special division was also tracking LTTE cadres entering the country from overseas and that this was being done with the collaboration of foreign intelligence agencies.

Great job! We always had that need!

AAA ABS CDO said...

DW, Others,

Any update on the Soosai situation?

Hope Soosai has joined Tamilselvam, where ever he may be.

Anonymous said...

soosai, VP are out of the equation now.

THe main task is to rescue the hostages and re settle the civil population with adequate security of the forces

ReallyCold..... said...

Trapped Civilians in Eelam

මොරටු සමන් - MoratuSaman said...

ReallyCold... said...

Trapped Civilians in Eelam

RC Bro, I laugh my assoff..hahahahahahahahh

Dumindak said...

This Prof Sisira Jayasooriya is a pathatic guy. Dont bother him too much. The way he behaved in front of camera I felt sorry for him, total lack of self confidence made him to belive that he is wrong always and others are correct. that is the level of mentality of people who lacks self confidence.

That kind of ponna behavior he showed in front of two white people I suspect he had ever fucked a women properly. He was almost shivering,stammering trying to find words. This kind of ponnayas always trying to blame themselves because they are cowards.
I have seen many people interview in TV, from pure LTTE guys to people like Palitha kohona, Boogollagama, Gota etc etc, all those people talk in TV confidently though I find they dont give direct answers and going around most of time. But this guy is a real pathatic case, simply not worth of talking about.

Next time if you see him donate some money, and ask him to improve his personality.

Ananda-USA said...

Is this Hindu Chauvinism in India, or the Restoration of Lost Hindu Rights?

Can this Really be Happening in Holier Than Thou India?

Impossible, ain't it?

BJP vows to build Ram temple if voted to power

NAGPUR: No one can stop a grand temple from being built in Ayodhya, said BJP president Rajnath Singh as he sounded the election bugle at the National Council meeting here on Saturday, describing the building of the temple as the “nishta and aastha” (determination and faith) of the party.

Apparently, with an eye on Uttar Pradesh, he chose to raise the issue, while refraining from raking up other Hindutva themes such as abrogation of Article 370 and an Uniform Civil Code, so as not to offend the party’s allies.

If the BJP comes to power, the government will set up a fast-track court to resolve the Ram temple issue and if the party gets absolute majority it will enact a law for the construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya, he said.

Singh said that the UPA government had raised doubts about the very existence of Lord Ram — something that even the foreign rulers had not dared to do.

Party insiders clarified that Hindutva, as always, would not be included in the National Agenda for Governance, given the reservation of the party’s allies.

Singh claimed that the UPA has shown disrespect towards the national song, Vande Mataram, the Ram Sethu and Amarnath.

The BJP leader even coined a slogan: “UPA sarkar ne kiya kaam tamaam. Aam aadmi ko na maya (money) mili na Ram. (UPA government has demolished everything.

The common man has neither got money nor did he get Lord Ram).”

sanercomic said...


there are some interesting contribution coming in. Your ones are also most welcome.

Pandula said...

About this Prof( dont know which ally he got that qualification) person.

Instead of bashing we need to understand/question few things about him.

o What makes him to behave like that ?

is it political
is it personal

o How/Why causes this TV station to pick him to interview as

- he is not the most qualified on that subject
- his immediate background was tsunami related thing to SL.

- he was early prepared to use some keywords as "SYSTEMATIC" like MIA (genocide) in the interview

I hope the that lazy diplomats doing something about this

Veeran said...

59 Division & TF4 totally Demoralised due to Black tiger counter offensive.

Tigers are Down but not Out.


Unknown said...

I had a look at the Google, looks like this idiot is working for
Latrobe (looks like it is an unknown small place)
Prof Sisira Jayasuriya +61 3 9479 1719
He has worked closely with Chandrika (given econmic advice and also paid by the SL Govt), He is very much against this Govt.

Veeran said...

Robbing Bankrupt Paul to Pay Peter.

where will Sinhala nation get money to repay loan & for war if Foreign Banks itself is not giving them Loans?

Rob Sinhala People to pay Foreign Banks


GOTA said...

Russia shoots down move against Lanka
Russia has shot down a proposal by Mexico which called for a briefing to the United Nations Security Council about the situation in Sri Lanka, diplomatic sources said. They said Mexico, which became a member of the Security Council this year, made the request at a closed-door meeting on Thursday, but the move was formally opposed by Russia, which argued that the Sri Lankan issue was not on the agenda of the Council.

Jambudipa said...

mexico was no doubt bribed by the ezam fantasy. otherwise there is no reason for it to submit anything at the security council.

part of the problem is we probably dont have much diplomatic ties with Mehico. its imperative to have a diplomatic presence with all permenent and temp members of the security council.

DoDo said...

Troops have entered Puthukudiyiruppu town center.

Bye Bye Peelam

GOTA said...

DW can you confirm this

Pandula said...

Blogger Veeran said...

This is how thief Brothers Swindled & Bankrupted People.

if it wasn't some pundey andies like yourselves SL banks are rescuing the whole world today

Nisal said...

[[Veeran said...

59 Division & TF4 totally Demoralised due to Black tiger counter offensive.

Tigers are Down but not Out.


February 8, 2009 11:16 AM]]

However, they managed to capture PTK short while ago.

Vambotta said...

1,000,000 round of ammo, eh? Wow!! That's enough to kill the remaining Peelamists 1000 times over...

Vambotta said...

Veeran, what kind of cheap ganja do you find where you are? Black Tigers? You mean the fuckers who have been burnt to a cinder. And what was that about the LTTE Mech attack yesterday, heard it was a wheelbarrow with 20 Tigers on it!!!

Charith said...


Charith said...

Hi Veeran

I understand your frustration

Unknown said...


Your comments and statements are really interesting, some times its fun to read your comments. keep it up pal.

Exiled Patriot said...

This is amazing. What the SL Armed Forces are doing is what I could only dream about.

Can we make this a Sinhala and Muslim and other patriotic sri lankans only blog? And leave those ungrateful tamil LTTE sympathizers out of here.

Veeran said...


I understand your frustration

who ran back 3 Kms ?


Black tigers Screwed SLA Independence day

On the morning of February 1, an estimated 30 Black Tiger cadres infiltrated the military controlled area, apparently through this unguarded stretch. They attacked a bus and a tractor transporting soldiers with Rocket Propelled Grenades. Initial reports said two Main Battle Tanks were also targeted

Artillery and mortar shells began to rain on the security forces positions. Under artillery fire, more cadres crossed the lagoon. Military officials say estimated 700-1000 guerrillas took part in the offensive, attacking the eastern and western flanks of the 59 Division. The Seven Gemunu Watch (7 GW) battalion attached to the 593 Brigade had just been deployed in the forward defence line. They were caught off guard. The initial attack was so intense that troops pulled back 3 km from their original positions

MayilRavana මයිල් රාවන said...

PukaSeethala said,

[I suggest To MR to implement following…
* any Sri Lankan live abroad (Except students and Middle East working force), should pay $500 per Year as tax but should go direct to Rana weru welfare and rana veru children’s education. . Can be paid when enter to country. Any one have not been to the country for more than 2 years should pay a $100 fine. Thereafter $100 for adding year. (People who had already sponsoring Rana weeru child, welfare or other means to the country should be exempt from tax.]

This is the idea of the last three decade.

What about we keep the relatives of those who went abroad as collateral until the money is recovered?"

From one Buffalo to another! I doubt that the SLDF is sacrificing this much so that another Eelam-like autocracy can be adopted by the Democratic Government of SL! What an insult to the idea of "Liberation".

Vambotta said...

Veeran, how si your son and daughter? are you getting them ready for Black Tiger operations? have thy been abused enough already?
Are they Tamilnaadus's assistance to the Tigers?

Colomblogs said...

A Suggetion,
Can we all make a picture Library (like Wiki) using all archive pictures published in :
- Tamilnet
- Puthuvi
- etc..

That will also help SLDF and special branch in BIA to filter the LTTE from Civilians.

Someone like Nisala or anyone in IT can set this up?

Colomblogs said...

If anyone from or reading this can you pl use;
" Civilians who are mainly Tamils" in the news articles rather than using "Tamils"..?

Anonymous said...

are there any urgent news reagarding PTK? Despite lankadeepa so far no one reports about the attack on PTK!!!

Exiled Patriot said...

ITN report from Chalai showed the 55 divisions soldiers with an vehicle-mounted, wire-guided land missile (anti-tank) that they were using againts sea tiger boats in the lagoon. It was pretty cools.i think it was something like this. Any input anybody?

Rana said...


So, I gather, you don't want to give anything extra to SLG for free education, free health care etc you received while you were in SL.

Mate, please don't forget, you are enjoying the fruits of free education received from SL in a foreign country working for a foreign economy.

If you spare $10/week, it is nothing for a person working in a developed country; you can meet that suggested $500 easily. What is wrong with that?

If you are already donating large sums to rana viru or anything; deduct it from those to meet this compulsory tax!

If you are against it as a policy matter, then say so, but calling them buffalos is out of proportion and selfish.

Karu said...

(Veeran said...


I understand your frustration

who ran back 3 Kms ?


I cannot imagine the level of your frustration when the area that your sun goat controlled reduced from 15000 km2 to less than 150 km2


Lalith Kuruwita said...

Veeran said...

I understand your frustration

who ran back 3 Kms ?


Hi Veeran

Only 3 KM but still SLA hold Mulla, & Soosari who led the counter attack could not complete the mission.

Soosari is now gone.

It is not like Tactical withdraw starting from Mavil Aru.

Lalith Kuruwita said...


Did you read PULLI GUL'S report?

It is not that easy to take over HuthuKudu (Puthukudiruppu)

It is the last battle.

It may take at least another month.

Karu said...

Sun goat ge ekama wade me dawas wala choo karana ekalu. Thibuna insulin okkoma bankare dala duwagena avith then hondatama diya wadiyawa wedi wela

Karu said...

Troops Destroyed LTTE Armor Plated-Lorry

DrJones said...

/where will Sinhala nation get money to repay loan & for war if Foreign Banks itself is not giving them Loans?/

Unfortunately for you, we get enough financial backing from our friendly foreign states.
We are hardly self-sufficient like your Tamil nation, you see. We Sinhalese, unlike you people, do not engage in credit card fraud, extortion, human-smuggling, drug-running and prostitution in the West, so as you very correctly pointed out it is a bit hard to raise all required funds ourselves. But we will get there in the end.
Thanks for the concern.

Now think about all that money you donated to LTTE out of the state benefits you received from the west. Think of all the money you conned people out of. Think of all money you raised by credit card fraud, a novel way of repaying the debt to the good people of the west who granted you asylum in their countries- your way of saying “Thank you”
And to think that all that money is now down the drain, after all the effort. I know, it is a hard feeling. Tough.

Ananda-USA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lalith Kuruwita said...

Last Chance!!

Last Chance!!!!

Last Chance!!!!!!

Lalith's opinion poll.

Who will catch the Fat Pig

1 59
2 58
3 57
4 53
5 55
6 TF2
7 TF3
8 TF4
9 Other Division
10 Escape

Please make a selection in the Lalith's Opinion Poll.

I am collecting the names.

The winner will be annouced in two wee

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Situation as at 08-02-09

VP's pressure 169 141
VP's Weight 137 KG

Aiyamperumal 01 KM
Ampakamam 01 KM
Ampalavanpokkanai 01 KM
Chalai 00 KM - 55 Captured on 25-01-09
Chilarattai 01 KM
Chu'ndikku'lam 00 KM - 55 Captured on 14-01-09
Chuthanthirapuram 01 KM
Dharmapuram 00 KM - 58 Captured on 13-01-09
Ettakokavilkulam 01 KM
IRANAMADU East 00 KM - 57 Captured on 15-01-09
Kaddaikadu 00 KM - 58 Captured on 15-01-09
KALAMADUKULAM 00 KM - 57 Captured on 17-01-09
KULAWEDDIDAL 00 KM - TF 2 Captured on 12-01-09
Ka'ndaava'lai 00 KM - 58 Captured on 18-01-09
Keridattadu 00 KM - TF 4 Captured on 12-01-09
Kevil 00 KM - 53 Captured on 11-01-09
KUPPILANKULAM 00 KM - 57 Captured on 06-02-09
Kuravilkulama 01 KM
Mamulai 01 KM
Marathampuval 01 KM
Masar 01 KM
Mullativu 00 KM - 59 Captured on 25-01-09
Mulliwavalai 01 KM
Murusamoddai 00 KM - 58 Captured on 12-01-09
Moongkilaa'ru 01 KM
Olumadu 01 KM
Palamattalan 01 KM
Periyakulam 01 KM
PIRAPPAVADDUVAN 00 KM - 59 Captured on 17-01-09
Pu'liyampokka'nai 00 KM - 58 Captured on 17-01-09
Puliyansekkaran 01 KM
Punnainiravi 01 KM
Puththukudirippu 01 KM
Ramanadhapuram 00 KM - 57 Captured on 16-01-09
Sinnaittimadu 00 KM - 57 Captured on 18-01-09
Tanniyuttu 00 KM - 59 Captured on 12-01-09
Thaddamodda 01 KM
Tharmapuram 01 KM
Theavipuram 01 KM
Theravikulam 01 KM
Thonikal 01 KM
Thumarankulam 00 KM - 57 Captured on 06-02-09
Udaiyaarkaddu 01 KM
Udayankattukulam 00 KM - TF 2 Captured on 17-01-09
Vaddakkachchi 00 KM - 58 Captured on 12-01-09
Va'l'lipunam 01 KM
Vannankulam 01 KM
Vellamullivaikal 01 KM
Vellikandal 01 KM
Vettilaikkeni 01 KM
Virakulam 01 KM
Vishwamadu 00 KM - 58 Captured on 28-01-09

VP's Asshole ?? KM

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Situation as at 08-02-09

VP's pressure 169 141
VP's Weight 137 KG

Aiyamperumal 01 KM
Ampakamam 01 KM
Ampalavanpokkanai 01 KM
Chalai 00 KM - 55 Captured on 25-01-09
Chilarattai 01 KM
Chu'ndikku'lam 00 KM - 55 Captured on 14-01-09
Chuthanthirapuram 01 KM
Dharmapuram 00 KM - 58 Captured on 13-01-09
Ettakokavilkulam 01 KM
IRANAMADU East 00 KM - 57 Captured on 15-01-09
Kaddaikadu 00 KM - 58 Captured on 15-01-09
KALAMADUKULAM 00 KM - 57 Captured on 17-01-09
KULAWEDDIDAL 00 KM - TF 2 Captured on 12-01-09
Ka'ndaava'lai 00 KM - 58 Captured on 18-01-09
Keridattadu 00 KM - TF 4 Captured on 12-01-09
Kevil 00 KM - 53 Captured on 11-01-09
KUPPILANKULAM 00 KM - 57 Captured on 06-02-09
Kuravilkulama 01 KM
Mamulai 01 KM
Marathampuval 01 KM
Masar 01 KM
Mullativu 00 KM - 59 Captured on 25-01-09
Mulliwavalai 01 KM
Murusamoddai 00 KM - 58 Captured on 12-01-09
Moongkilaa'ru 01 KM
Olumadu 01 KM
Palamattalan 01 KM
Periyakulam 01 KM
PIRAPPAVADDUVAN 00 KM - 59 Captured on 17-01-09
Pu'liyampokka'nai 00 KM - 58 Captured on 17-01-09
Puliyansekkaran 01 KM
Punnainiravi 01 KM
Puththukudirippu 01 KM
Ramanadhapuram 00 KM - 57 Captured on 16-01-09
Sinnaittimadu 00 KM - 57 Captured on 18-01-09
Tanniyuttu 00 KM - 59 Captured on 12-01-09
Thaddamodda 01 KM
Tharmapuram 01 KM
Theavipuram 01 KM
Theravikulam 01 KM
Thonikal 01 KM
Thumarankulam 00 KM - 57 Captured on 06-02-09
Udaiyaarkaddu 01 KM
Udayankattukulam 00 KM - TF 2 Captured on 17-01-09
Vaddakkachchi 00 KM - 58 Captured on 12-01-09
Va'l'lipunam 01 KM
Vannankulam 01 KM
Vellamullivaikal 01 KM
Vellikandal 01 KM
Vettilaikkeni 01 KM
Virakulam 01 KM
Vishwamadu 00 KM - 58 Captured on 28-01-09

VP's Asshole ?? KM

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Situation as at 08-02-09

VP's pressure 169 141
VP's Weight 137 KG

Aiyamperumal 01 KM
Ampakamam 01 KM
Ampalavanpokkanai 01 KM
Chalai 00 KM - 55 Captured on 25-01-09
Chilarattai 01 KM
Chu'ndikku'lam 00 KM - 55 Captured on 14-01-09
Chuthanthirapuram 01 KM
Dharmapuram 00 KM - 58 Captured on 13-01-09
Ettakokavilkulam 01 KM
IRANAMADU East 00 KM - 57 Captured on 15-01-09
Kaddaikadu 00 KM - 58 Captured on 15-01-09
KALAMADUKULAM 00 KM - 57 Captured on 17-01-09
KULAWEDDIDAL 00 KM - TF 2 Captured on 12-01-09
Ka'ndaava'lai 00 KM - 58 Captured on 18-01-09
Keridattadu 00 KM - TF 4 Captured on 12-01-09
Kevil 00 KM - 53 Captured on 11-01-09
KUPPILANKULAM 00 KM - 57 Captured on 06-02-09
Kuravilkulama 01 KM
Mamulai 01 KM
Marathampuval 01 KM
Masar 01 KM
Mullativu 00 KM - 59 Captured on 25-01-09
Mulliwavalai 01 KM
Murusamoddai 00 KM - 58 Captured on 12-01-09
Moongkilaa'ru 01 KM
Olumadu 01 KM
Palamattalan 01 KM
Periyakulam 01 KM
PIRAPPAVADDUVAN 00 KM - 59 Captured on 17-01-09
Pu'liyampokka'nai 00 KM - 58 Captured on 17-01-09
Puliyansekkaran 01 KM
Punnainiravi 01 KM
Puththukudirippu 01 KM
Ramanadhapuram 00 KM - 57 Captured on 16-01-09
Sinnaittimadu 00 KM - 57 Captured on 18-01-09
Tanniyuttu 00 KM - 59 Captured on 12-01-09
Thaddamodda 01 KM
Tharmapuram 01 KM
Theavipuram 01 KM
Theravikulam 01 KM
Thonikal 01 KM
Thumarankulam 00 KM - 57 Captured on 06-02-09
Udaiyaarkaddu 01 KM
Udayankattukulam 00 KM - TF 2 Captured on 17-01-09
Vaddakkachchi 00 KM - 58 Captured on 12-01-09
Va'l'lipunam 01 KM
Vannankulam 01 KM
Vellamullivaikal 01 KM
Vellikandal 01 KM
Vettilaikkeni 01 KM
Virakulam 01 KM
Vishwamadu 00 KM - 58 Captured on 28-01-09

VP's Asshole ?? KM

Lalith Kuruwita said...

The following program explains the current war.

WHILE ( area held by LTTP > 0 AND number_of_LTTP_carders > 0)

1 LTTP stay with Civillian
2 Fire at SLA
3 SLA responses
4 Civillian & some LTTP get killed & injured
5 Dispora supporters & TamilNut publish no of casualties in the web & news papers
6 TN jockers & other LTTP supportes in other countries start agitating by protesting, fasting & other crap and asking for Ceasefire
7 International Community & India ignore
8 SLGO ignores, MR/GR/SF ignore & continue to attack LTTP and defeat
9 LTTP withdraws with Civillians (By force)
10 SLA takes over the town/areas
11 Mahen & Peter write stories about tactical withdrawals
12 Dispora supporters believe in tactical withdrawal and keep the dream alive
13 We read Mahen & Peter blogs and laugh from the ASS

Jump_to_sea() OR self_immolation() OR swallow_cn()

Anonymous said...

despite lankadeepa so far no one reports about the capture of PTK,do you have news???

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Last Chance!!

Last Chance!!!!

Last Chance!!!!!!

Lalith's opinion poll.

Who will catch the Fat Pig

1 59
2 58
3 57
4 53
5 55
6 TF2
7 TF3
8 TF4
9 Other Division
10 Escape

Please make a selection in the Lalith's Opinion Poll.

I am collecting the names.

The winner will be annouced in two weeks

Ananda-USA said...

Saman said...

"There are no precedence in the world history where 2.8mil chose to live in the shade of "genocider"."

Agree with you. The term "genocide" is really overused outside of its true context by those who want demonize and force other communities on the defensive.

It should be reserved for systematic "community" or "state" sponsored killing and ethnic cleansing.

Examples include such events in Rwanda, in Hitler's Germany, in Japanese occupied China, and possibly those in Dafur, and in Armenia. The ethno-religious riots during 1947 partition of British India into Pakistan and India, may also fall into the category of mutual ethnic cleansing by both Hindus and Moslems.

The killing and expulsion of Sinhala and Muslim people from the North and the East of Sri Lanka by the LTTE, also fall into the categories of both genocide and ethnic cleansing by an armed communal group as a matter of policy.

In contrast, spontaneous intercommunal riots excited by some triggering event such as military attacks (1983 riots in Sri Lanka), the Ayodhya Ram Temple riots in India, and the Gujerat train killings in India are neither genocide nor ethnic cleansing. By this definition, the 1983 riots, in which as many as 300 Tamils, and a fewer number of Sinhala people, were killed are neither genocide or ethnic cleansing as LTTE-supporters of the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora are claiming and broadcasting to the whole world.

With regard to the current war situation in the Wanni, the displacement of people by war away from battle fronts is a normal occurrence in war, and is neither genocide nor ethnic cleansing as long as the killing and expulsion of civilians is not practiced as an intentional or policy of a party to the war.

The LTTE's policy of forcibly to expelling their own people from their homes in the Wanni to serve as human shields, is neither genocide, nor ethnic cleansing, but, nevertheless, is a war crime.

I am uncertain about whether the intentional carpet bombing (Coventry-Britain, Dresden-Germany, Nanking-China, Tokyo-Japan) and atomic bombing (Hiroshima & Nagasaki-Japan) of civilians by both the Allies and the Axis powers during WW II would be considered today as "genocide" by International Tribunals. Certainly the intent of both the Allies and the Axis powers was to kill as many non-combatants as possible on the opposing side to demoralize the people and destroy the will of the opponent to wage war.

I am also uncertain whether shutting off water supplies to civilians (Mavil Aru), blowing up dams (Kamalamadu tank) and destroying other resources essential to food production are war crimes.

Puran Appu said...


Machan, paththakin assata gihilla lu.

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...


In most corporations, only few % of people have creative minds.

Exactly. That is why business need to preserve these guys in order to make their business sustainable. Your proposed model will kick them out and there is no room for creativity.

Even though I agree with you regarding real world difficulties to have such business exists but my argument is that without promoting creativity you will not be able to achieve sustainable businesses.

Anonymous said...

i do not believe into the story of lankadeepa,that our troops have entered PTK. i haven´t heard anything on lankan radio or TV last hour,looks like a Fake story. If we had really entered the last LTTE-town,it would be a Breaking-news story in all lankan media. Seems like an untrue story,unfortunately

Lalith Kuruwita said...

SLA sent 34 LTTP's to hell !!!


MULLAITTIVU: 53 DIVISION troops with assistant of armor troops prevented an LTTE infiltration attempt through the Security Forces Forward Defence Line (FDL) in the south of PUTHUKUDIYIRIPPU Saturday (7) afternoon.

Thirty-four terrorists in an armor-plated lorry were approaching the FDL at high speed when the troops assisted by armor tank fire destroyed vehicle killing allthe terrorist in side.

During subsequent such, troops found thirty-four dead bodies of terrorist along with their weapons.


Lalith Kuruwita said...

Puran Appu said...

Machan, paththakin assata gihilla lu.


E Kiyanne Hutthe kellalk gihilla.

Moshe Dyan said...

thank you russia for not entertaining IDIOTS at the UN.

and thank you UK too,

Sir John Sawers, permanent representative of the United Kingdom to the UN, thank you sir!

UK, US, EU, we are fighting YOUR terrorists!!!

so support us, please.

patriots, if you haven't addressed any of your propoganda letters, etc. towards russia and china (i haven't), its time you include them as well.

perein said...

Bro, This could be the last week of LTTE.
Could be max of 7 days to end the war.

Moshe Dyan said...

again ananda sakkili has earned my disgust for his RACISM.


"Leader of the Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) and President of the Democratic Tamil National Alliance (DTNA), V. Anandasangaree, the veteran Tamil political leader who had represented the Kilinochchi electorate for 15 long years in Parliament told the Sunday Observer that the ongoing agitations, demonstrations, hartals and self-immolations in Tamil Nadu clamouring a ceasefire in the LTTE's last bastian in Mullaitivu were "counter-productive". It was his clear stand that the enthusiasm shown in Tamil Nadu by various organisations, student movements, university students, film stars and surprisingly lawyers as well would have a negative impact back here at this point of time, he said.

All those efforts would not have gone waste if the agitators in Tamil Nadu had got together to exert pressure, through their centre, on the Sri Lankan government for an early political solution instead of demanding intervention to stop the war, Sangaree said."

2 things are wrong.

1. why racism, still? can't he drop the TAMIL thing from his political parties. make it peoples. if he cannot he is unfortunate unwilling to give up racism.

2. why the fcuking hell SL should be pressurised for an EARLY political solution?? there is no need. let sri lankans decide WHEN, WHY, HOW, WHERE, TO WHAT EXTENT a political solution is needed first. this is a VERY time consuming process. tamil madu has NOTHING to do with that. pressurising SL is counter productive.

perein said...


I am collecting the names.

The winner will be annouced in two weeks

Your 2 weeks never end macho :)... But we do not want you to exit too after the poll like Mahen did...

My Vote is goes to 58.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

{{{perein said...
Bro, This could be the last week of LTTE.
Could be max of 7 days to end the war.}}}

No Paraiyan

It would take at least another 3 to 4 weeks as there are still a lot of civillians.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

Hi Perein

Thanks for the vote.

I will take it as 58. But a lot of people selected 58.

Thanks again.

I will not leave this like Mahen.

Ananda-USA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
perein said...

58th are the once who can give him the ultmate punishment. "Ammage beepu Kiri saha Anutaa deepu Gini" matthake weena.

Colomblogs said...

"...cj said...
the government should ban lankadeepa for telling lies...."

Can you ask MR to do that? "Lankan" media telling lies..):

So now they have moved your balls to PTK? Didn't they find it in Chalai.?

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...

57Div troops advance further into LTTE areas

Troops of 57 Division further stepping up into LTTE hiding areas in Ramanathapuram and Visuamadu in order to consolidating the defences while engaged in a rescue mission to open a safe passage for the innocent Tamil civilians who were trapped by the LTTE terrorists as a human shield.

Infantrymen of 9 Vijayaba Infentry Regiment (9VIR) serving under 571 Brigade have found 26 hand grenades in a search operation conducted in Ramanathapuram during morning hours yesterday, 7 February.

Meanwhile, troops of 12 Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (12SLSR) of 572 Brigade have found 7350 Litters of Diesel containing in 35 barrels and dry ration stores in a search operation conducted in general area Visuamadu morning hours on the same day.

Separately, infantrymen of 12 Sri Lanka Light Infantry (12SLLI) have also found weapons and claymore mines left away by the fleeing terrorists from general area Visuamadu. One T-56 weapon, five claymore mines, two anti air craft gun barrels and two empty thermo baric weapons were also among the items found.

Jambudipa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vigilante said...

Tiger diehards claims that a Dovra was attacked and sunked off Mullathivu..

Ananda-USA said...

A Personal Interview With The Supreme Thalaivar Vellupillai Prabakaran

In a recent interview, the Supreme Thalaivar Velupillai Prabhakaran revealed to this reporter that the EELAM war is ending about 26 years too early for him, impacting both the LTTE ENTERPRISE and his personal RETIREMENT PLAN. An anticipated BAILOUT by the Indian Government has failed to materialize.

Mr. Prabakaran, who is now 54 years old, wanted to keep the war going

1. until he achieved the ripe old age of 80 (resulting from the excellent food & healthcare gifted by the LTTE Diaspora), mainly to annoy his Buddhist(!) foes, and

2. until the first generation of LTTE Diaspora supporters also die and his tax base goes to zero. This assumes that the second generation Diasporans would not contribute to his support.

3. until his investments recovered. He had invested all his Liquid Assets in the Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme in the US that went bust last year, his Real Assets are either sunk or captured by the SLA, and his Human Assets (Cadres & Slaves) are either being TERMINATED or FREED by The Great Emancipator President Mahinda Rajapaksa he is entirely dependent on current Diaspora income, which is increasingly looking very uncertain.

Things are NOT LOOKING GOOD for the Thalaivar. However, he was quick to point out, everything valuable in this world is NOT NECESSARILY TANGIBLE; some are increasingly VIRTUAL.

He now plans to rest on his LAURELS, and has arranged to receive the necessary laurels in the form of an honorary posthumous MBA from IIT, Chennai. This is based purely on his superior performance as a global entrepreneur. He arranged the award with the assistance of his lifelong friend and mentor, Mr. Karunanidhi in Tamil Nadu.

He has convinced the IIT that he presided over a $500 million international enterprise that attracted private & state (LTTE Diaspora, GOSL, Norway, UN, TN, etc) VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDING for over 30 years, invented innovative SIMPLE methods for MOTIVATING and successfully TERMINATING his work force, led a successful MILITARY and MOTIVATIONAL R&D program within a vast gulag, oversaw major construction projects in the war cemetery industry, and in the military education of children.

In this reporter's humble opinion, this is a TREMENDOUS TRACK RECORD for a high school dropout that puts ordinary MBAs and PhDs to shame! Incidentally, I should note that ultimate success of an enterprise is not a required criterion for this award of an MBA from IIT, Chennai.

He says one of his major worries now is arranging a more dignified EXIT from this world. He is also seriously concerned about his personal LEGACY in the future, because he recognizes that his overly aggressive management style did not create long-lived friends and impacted the ultimate success of his global venture.

He pleads that at the root of his difficulties was that his TARGETED CONSUMER BASE among the Sinhalese in Sri Lanka was too JUST TOO TOUGH & RESISTENT TO HIS MARKETING, although his GLOBAL business model and advertising program were really excellent. These, he says, are only minor DETAILS that should not impact his outstanding LEGACY to enterprise management.

Lalith Kuruwita said...

{{{Single said...
"...cj said...
the government should ban lankadeepa for telling lies...."

Can you ask MR to do that? "Lankan" media telling lies..):

So now they have moved your balls to PTK? Didn't they find it in Chalai.?


Peter found at Chalai. But Peter doesn't return because Peter doesn't have any balls.

Nisal said...

[[Vigilante said...

Tiger diehards claims that a Dovra was attacked and sunked off Mullathivu..]]

Most probably, pussies are loosing PTK.

JWick said...

So now that 5th ODI is almost won, those who criticised Mahela & SL in general should note that it was the advantage of the toss that mattered most.
I suppose there should be a rule that once the toss is decided in the first match of a two-nation series, thereafter the decision to bat or field should be given to captains alternately.

20-20 will be interesting!

||::CeylonDefence::|| said...

theres a new defence blog.....

GutiKewa - ගුටි දෙනවා said...

TamilNut is furious with Russia and UK :)

While world powers look apparently condemning Colombo for its culture of impunity allowing armed forces and other elements to commit human rights violations, some among the very powers are engaged covertly in ensuring international impunity to Colombo's war crimes by dodging discussion on Sri Lanka in the apex international security system. During the closed-door meetings of the UN Security Council this week, when Mexico moved for briefing on Sri Lankan situation, Russia reportedly blocked it saying it was not in the agenda. When the British Representative to the UN was asked why Sri Lanka was not in the deliberations, while Sudan was in, the answer was that the situation was entirely different in Sri Lanka where "proscribed" Tamil Tigers were long "blighting" the government and that has to be brought to an end.

Russia, UK protect Colombo's international impunity

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
||::CeylonDefence::|| said...

theres a new defence blog.....

Peter said...

Banda, Silva, Zoysa, and others, good day to you!

Sam Perera said...

Veeran the LTTE terrorist coward,

How is LTTE resisting in Mavil Aru these days. I heard that SLA was totally repulsed by LTTE. Please let us know as soon as Eelam is achieved.

Peter said...

A funny thing happened yesterday.

Vigilante said...

sibernews reports heavy fighting in Mulathivu seas.

Peter said...

I heard that Sea Tiger commander Vinayagam was killed.

Peter said...

So I googled and stumbled across a number of websites that reported it

Peter said...

One of the sites has a lit of senior LTTE commanders killed in recent months

Anonymous said...

---Puthu situation---

there is a 800m no man's land between 59th FDL and Terra FDL. actually terras do not have a fully blown FDL they have bunkers situated here and there.

Every day SF teams are attacking these bunkers and sniper deployed forward of the FDL are taking shots at Ltters. we cannot advance to the FDl in full asault without heavy gun cover fire.(we cannot use heavy guns because of the zero civil casualty rule)

we are doing our things right. we are not looking for an easy way in. Our guys are gradually softening up the Terras and destroying their assets and manpower. (Like in Kilinochchi and Mulatuvu).

They cannot hold out for long. 58th is also breathing down their necks in a coule of days.

Vigilante said...

what is the funny thing peter.?

oh I forgot, you didn't fart...

Peter said...

And guess what, Chellaiyan was apparently killed mid last year and Vinayagam was killed this month

Peter said...

Little did they know that Chellaiyan and Vinayagam are two names for the same person

Vigilante said...


What is the situ in Mullathivu seas?

Puran Appu said...

2 Sea tiger boats destroyed by SLN.

Peter said...

Shanmugalingam Sivashankar and Pottu Amman are two names for one person as well

Vigilante said...

How did this guy died?

Anonymous said...

The LTTE command is doing a foolish thing. if they want to continue a guerrilla war. THey should keep their weapons and man power intact. Instead they are continuing a war that they will eventually lose.

with the poorly planned defensive strategy of the tigers they are losing their 2nd line of leadership that could lead a successful guerrilla war.

The more they try to resist the better for our future.

kill more achieve more.

Peter said...

Sea clash 52 nautical miles off the coast of Mulaitheevu.

One Super Dvora sunk and another damaged.

One Sea Tiger speed boat sunk -4 casualties- and one Black Sea Tiger craft used -2 casualties-.

Anonymous said...


Trying to get news about that but my guy is unreachable

Vigilante said...

thanks duzz...

Puran Appu said...

Uura (PIG) wedi kawama ohoma tama.

Peter said...

Lt Col Kanthan was not attached to any of the fighting units, despite what the photo may suggest.

I won't go into any more detail.

Vigilante said...


ape yathrawa gilunada?

Peter said...

He died in an air raid ten days ago.

wijayapala said...

"again ananda sakkili has earned my disgust for his RACISM.

Aney poor Mushey is upset that the MOD decided again to publish Anandasangaree's letters instead of Mushe's. That is why he is frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog. Please everyone send a kind note of sympathy for Mushe to get his blood pressure low again.

Sam Perera said...

Every once in a while I read Peter the Terrorists posts. It is evident from Peter's mental condition that the number of terror talks by Peter goes up as we get close to the full moon day.

Vigilante said...

By the looks, that guy must be doing a day job...

Peter said...

I wonder how many times KP will get killed.

Apparently he goes by 50 odd names.

Anonymous said...

52 nautical miles is almost 100 kilometres.

We dont have dvoras positioned at that range from the coast i think.

They could not have gone 100 kilometers to sea without sounding the alarm on the navy blockade.

wait for a credible source

Peter said...

Surely, when you killed Vinayagam in Feb. 2009 you must admit that Chellaiyan was not killed in mid 2008.

What happens when Vinayagam is killed again? Won't you look stupid?

Peter said...

About 60 miles; Dvoras were involved in a chase.

Puran Appu said...


Kalin una case eka wagema case ekkak kiyala kiyanne.

PTK wala paththakin assata gihilla kiya la kiyanawa. Sahenna Casualty lu.


Did you hear the samething?

Machan, front eke ayawa contact karanna ba dawas thunaka indan.

Peter said...

Ajithkumara Anton Willawata was taken captive last week.

Peter said...

Puttalam born 18 year-old from 7GW, 593 Brigade.

Peter said...

One of his legs might have to be amputated.

Peter said...

LTTE should just hand him over to the ICRC like they did with the other one who had head injuries.

Sam Perera said...


What is the situ in Mullathivu seas?"

This news is coming from Sibernews, the publishers of 10,000 SLA killed in the dam breach story along with shooting down 2 3-men MiG 27s. It is always good to take anything from Sibernews with a pack of salt. Probably they are preempting the fall of PTK.

Peter said...

Some people in Puttalam live in abject poverty. It'll be a sin to kill him.

Anonymous said...

kohaatawath info leak karanna epa kilyalalu tiyenne..

Treason walata charge karanna puluwan.

casualty kathaawa nam aththa wagae..

apae teams dan operate karannae without heavy gun assitance.

hungak casulaty ennae p3/p2 lu. Anti personnel mines walata.
Apae APC hinda casualty hungak adui

Anonymous said...


yes machan, eekai mama kiwwe credible report ekak enakam inna kiyala.

DW can comment in this quickly because he is navy

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